- AstroPhysics
- Computational Physics
- Electromagnetism
- Nuclear Physics
- Plasma Physics
- Quantum Mechanics
- Resources-Physics
- Python-for-Signal-Processing :: Notebooks for "Python for Signal Processing" book.
- Astrophysics :: A python library for astronomy/astrophysics calculations and data analysis, available as a python package.
- NUFFT :: A pure-python implementation of the NUFFT (Non-Uniform Fast Fourier Transform) and related algorithms.
- ToPy :: High performance topology optimization framework. Based on modified SIMP algorithm.
- Dipole :: Compute E and B of an Hertz Dipole (3 functions: full fields, far fields only, near fields only).
- RandomEUT :: Computes the radiation pattern of a random equipment under test made of Hertzian dipoles on a sphere.
- PyNE : The Nuclear Engineering Toolkit from the PyNE project, which aims to provide a common set of tools for nuclear science and engineering needs and depends on many scientific python packages like, NumPy, SciPy, and PyTables. Join the mailing list by emailing pyne-dev@googlegroups.com ) or file bugs on github.
- Sandbox :: for ERGS (Energy Research Group: Scopatz) projects.
- xsgen :: Cross section generation.
- 2015-12-15-msu :: Modeling and Simulation Approaches to Challenges in Nuclear Engineering.
- PIConGPU :: A fully relativistic, many GPGPU, 3D3V particle-in-cell (PIC) code. Source code
- Carlfg :: Python package to calculate Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. Get the source code.