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80 lines (61 loc) · 1.83 KB


Check Types


* Optional


Description: Check elements type in array

Method Parameter Return Throws Description
constructor type:string array*:mixed[] void ClassNotFoundException IncompatibleTypeException Determine type of array and initial it.
checkType expected:string void ClassNotFoundException IncompatibleTypeException Check types in array is or not expected type for use.
interface C{}
class B{}
class A extends B implements C{}
$arrC = new TypeArray(C::class);
$arrB = new TypeArray(B::class);
$arrA = new TypeArray(A::class);
$arrN = new TypeArray("string"); //string|integer|double|boolean here
//$arrE = new TypeArray("SomeThingNotExists"); //error!!! class not found.

//init array like this
$arrIA = new TypeArray(A::class,[new A(),new A()]; //ok
//$arrIAE = mew TypeArray(A::class,[new B(),123,"abc"]) //error!!! incompatible type.

$arrC[] = new A; //can assign like this case.

$arrB[] = new A; //ok
$arrA[] = new A; //ok

//$arrA[] = 123; //error!!! incompatible type.

//$arrA[] = new B; //error!!! incompatible type.
$arrB[] = new A; //ok

//$arrN[] = .12; //error!!! incompatible type.

$arrA->checkType(B::class); //ok
//$arrB->checkType(A::class); //error!!! incompatible type.

print 'ok';
Suggestion in IDE (here is phpstorm)
class A implements JsonSerializable
    public function get():int
        return 1;

    public function jsonSerialize()
            return 1;

//if you write comment like this

/** @var A[]|TypeArray $arr */
$arrA = new TypeArray(A::class);
$arrA[] = new A();
$arrA[] = new A();

//method get will hint in IDE. (A)

//method checkType too. (TypeArray)

//json support
json_encode($arrA);  // [1, 1]