Screen is a C++ and Objective C library that exposes mac hardware attributes to omnis code, so that you can access attributes like screen height, width, and dock position from within Omnis code.
You must compile Screen using Xcode on a Mac
Go to If the link doesn't work, find the downloads page on and go to Component SDK Find the section called External Components and Java Objects. Click the link to download the Mac OSX source. When the .dmg file downloads, open it with Disk Image Mounter. Inside is a folder called something like OSX-SDK-10.1. Copy this folder and paste it somewhere in your files, wherever you want your working directory to be.
Open a command line tool and cd into the new directory you just pasted, something like
cd ~/Documents/OSX-SDK-10.1
Now copy the package tools/ to xcode's tools folder, like this:
sudo cp -rf tools/ /Applications/
Still in OSX-SDK-10.1, clone the git repo
git clone
In Finder, open the new cloned directory, called screen-xcomp. Open the package Screen.xcodeproj using Xcode (Clicking on this file should open it with Xcode automatically)
In Xcode, the build target should say UnicodeCore > My Mac. Click the triangle play button (or go to Product > Build) to build the project
In the directory OSX-SDK-10.1, open _OSXUnicodeDbg. The build output should be there, a package called Screen.u_xcomp
the build output will NOT automatically appear in Build. If there is a file there, it was there already before you ran the xcode build. If you make a change to the xcode build and want your new build to appear in the git repository, make sure to delete Screen.u_xcomp from Build and replace it with the version in _OSXUnicodeDbg
To use Screen in Omnis, copy the build output Screen.u_xcomp to the contents folder in the Omnis app by running the following command, substituting OMNIS_APP_FILE_NAME
for the omnis app file name (Omnis Studio 10.1 in my case)
cp -rf _OSXUnicodeDbg/Screen.u_xcomp /Applications/OMNIS_APP_FILE_NAME/Contents/MacOS/xcomp/
open Omnis, or restart it if it is already open
open the library you want to include Screen in
In the studio browser, under libraries, click on your library and click External Components
In the Component Libraries box, Click the External Components dropdown and find the xcomp called Screen
Select the radio button to load the xcomp
The code Screen.$screens()
and Screen.$dock()
will retrieve the screens and dock information, respectively
returns an omnis list with a row for each screen in use by the mac. It has the following columns:
-- the horizontal distance from the left side of the screen to the left side of the main monitor
-- the vertical distance from the top of the screen to the top of the main monitor
-- the height of the screen
-- the width of the screen
-- the horizontal distance from the left side of the usable screen area to the left side of the main monitor
--the vertical distance from the top of the usable screen area to the top of the main monitor
-- the height of the usable screen area
-- the width of the usable screen area
-- whether the screen is the main monitor or not
-- currently this is either 1 or 2. If it is a 2, that means the monitor is a retina high density display, meaning that the x and y pixel density is double that of the pixel height and width. Future mac versions might allow for higher density scales than 2
returns an omnis list with a single row, and two columns
is an integer, either -1, 0, or 1. This tells you whether the dock is on the left, bottom, or right side of the screen, respectively
is the height of the dock, measured from its anchoring wall. So if the dock is anchored to the right or left side, then "height" will technically be the width, since the dock is sideways
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