Follow the README.md to setup a x86_64 based demo environment on AKS.
To prevent our changes to be rolled back, disable the built-in AKS azurefile driver:
az aks update -g ${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${CLUSTER_NAME} --disable-file-driver
- Assign the
Storage Account Contributor
role to the AKS agent pool application so it can create storage accounts:
OBJECT_ID="$(az ad sp list --display-name "${CLUSTER_NAME}-agentpool" --query '[].id' --output tsv)"
az role assignment create \
--role "Storage Account Contributor" \
--assignee-object-id ${OBJECT_ID} \
--assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal \
--scope "/subscriptions/${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}-aks"
Note: All the steps can be performed anywhere with cluster access
- Clone the azurefile-csi-driver source:
git clone --depth 1 --branch v1.28.0 https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/azurefile-csi-driver
cd azurefile-csi-driver
- Enable
in the CSI Driver:
sed -i 's/attachRequired: false/attachRequired: true/g' deploy/csi-azurefile-driver.yaml
- Run the script:
bash ./deploy/install-driver.sh master local
Follow this if you have made changes to the CSI wrapper code and want to deploy those changes.
- Go back to the cloud-api-adaptor directory:
cd ~/cloud-api-adaptor
- Build csi-wrapper images:
cd volumes/csi-wrapper/
make csi-controller-wrapper-docker
make csi-node-wrapper-docker
make csi-podvm-wrapper-docker
cd -
- Export custom registry
export REGISTRY="my-registry" # e.g. "quay.io/my-registry"
- Tag and push images
docker tag docker.io/library/csi-controller-wrapper:local ${REGISTRY}/csi-controller-wrapper:latest
docker tag docker.io/library/csi-node-wrapper:local ${REGISTRY}/csi-node-wrapper:latest
docker tag docker.io/library/csi-podvm-wrapper:local ${REGISTRY}/csi-podvm-wrapper:latest
docker push ${REGISTRY}/csi-controller-wrapper:latest
docker push ${REGISTRY}/csi-node-wrapper:latest
docker push ${REGISTRY}/csi-podvm-wrapper:latest
- Change image in CSI wrapper k8s resources
sed -i "s#quay.io/confidential-containers#${REGISTRY}#g" volumes/csi-wrapper/examples/azure/*.yaml
- Go back to the cloud-api-adaptor directory
cd ~/cloud-api-adaptor
- Create the PeerpodVolume CRD object
kubectl apply -f src/csi-wrapper/crd/peerpodvolume.yaml
The output looks like:
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/peerpodvolumes.confidentialcontainers.org created
- Configure RBAC so that the wrapper has access to the required operations
kubectl apply -f src/csi-wrapper/examples/azure/azure-files-csi-wrapper-runner.yaml
kubectl apply -f src/csi-wrapper/examples/azure/azure-files-csi-wrapper-podvm.yaml
- patch csi-azurefile-driver:
kubectl patch deploy csi-azurefile-controller -n kube-system --patch-file src/csi-wrapper/examples/azure/patch-controller.yaml
kubectl -n kube-system delete replicaset -l app=csi-azurefile-controller
kubectl patch ds csi-azurefile-node -n kube-system --patch-file src/csi-wrapper/examples/azure/patch-node.yaml
- Create storage class:
kubectl apply -f src/csi-wrapper/examples/azure/azure-file-StorageClass-for-peerpod.yaml
- Create one pvc that use
kubectl apply -f src/csi-wrapper/examples/azure/my-pvc.yaml
- Wait for the pvc status to become
$ k get pvc
pvc-azurefile Bound pvc-3edc7a93-4531-4034-8818-1b1608907494 1Gi RWO azure-file-storage 3m11s
- Create the nginx peer-pod demo with with
kubectl apply -f src/csi-wrapper/examples/azure/nginx-kata-with-my-pvc-and-csi-wrapper.yaml
- Exec into the container and check the mount
kubectl exec nginx-pv -c nginx -i -t -- sh
# mount | grep mount-path
//fffffffffffffffffffffff.file.core.windows.net/pvc-ff587660-73ed-4bd0-8850-285be480f490 on /mount-path type cifs (rw,relatime,vers=3.1.1,cache=strict,username=fffffffffffffffffffffff,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=x.x.x.x,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,soft,persistenthandles,nounix,serverino,mapposix,mfsymlinks,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,bsize=1048576,echo_interval=60,actimeo=30,closetimeo=1)
Note: We can see there's a CIFS mount to /mount-path
as expected