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84 lines (59 loc) · 5.17 KB

Open in Dev Containers Open in GitHub Codespaces

🍿 My Package

An example of a Python package and app that was scaffolded with Poetry Cookiecutter.


Python package: to add and install this package as a dependency of your project, run poetry add my-package.

Python CLI: to view this app's CLI commands once it's installed, run my-package --help.

Python application: to serve this REST API, run docker compose up app and open localhost:8000 in your browser. Within the Dev Container, this is equivalent to running poe api.


1. Set up Git to use SSH
  1. Generate an SSH key and add the SSH key to your GitHub account.
  2. Configure SSH to automatically load your SSH keys:
    cat << EOF >> ~/.ssh/config
    Host *
      AddKeysToAgent yes
      IgnoreUnknown UseKeychain
      UseKeychain yes
2. Install Docker
  1. Install Docker Desktop.
3. Install VS Code or PyCharm
  1. Install VS Code and VS Code's Dev Containers extension. Alternatively, install PyCharm.
  2. Optional: install a Nerd Font such as FiraCode Nerd Font and configure VS Code or configure PyCharm to use it.
Development environments

The following development environments are supported:

  1. ⭐️ GitHub Codespaces: click on Open in GitHub Codespaces to start a Dev Container with GitHub Codespaces.
  2. ⭐️ Dev Container (with container volume): click on Open in Dev Containers to clone this repository in a container volume and create a Dev Container with VS Code.
  3. Dev Container: clone this repository, open it with VS Code, and run Ctrl/⌘ + + PDev Containers: Reopen in Container.
  4. PyCharm: clone this repository, open it with PyCharm, and configure Docker Compose as a remote interpreter with the dev service.
  5. Terminal: clone this repository, open it with your terminal, and run docker compose up --detach dev to start a Dev Container in the background, and then run docker compose exec dev zsh to open a shell prompt in the Dev Container.
  • This project follows the Conventional Commits standard to automate Semantic Versioning and Keep A Changelog with Commitizen.
  • Run poe from within the development environment to print a list of Poe the Poet tasks available to run on this project.
  • Run poetry add {package} from within the development environment to install a run time dependency and add it to pyproject.toml and poetry.lock. Add --group test or --group dev to install a CI or development dependency, respectively.
  • Run poetry update from within the development environment to upgrade all dependencies to the latest versions allowed by pyproject.toml.
  • Run cz bump to bump the package's version, update the, and create a git tag.