diff --git a/about/pricing.html.markerb b/about/pricing.html.markerb
index eb0f130fb6..4295fc7841 100644
--- a/about/pricing.html.markerb
+++ b/about/pricing.html.markerb
@@ -259,6 +259,11 @@ Fly.io pricing is per region group for outbound data transfer. You'll see a more
To opt-in to granular bandwidth pricing, go to the [**Organizations** page](https://fly.io/organizations) in the dashboard, click the organization name to change, then click **Switch to granular bandwidth pricing**. You won't be able to return back not using the granular data transfer rates once you opt-in.
+### Static Machine IP pricing
+Static IPs for machines are $0.005 per hour.
+Machines do not have a static IP by default.
## Fly Kubernetes
[Fly Kubernetes](/docs/kubernetes/) (FKS) is a managed Kubernetes service that runs on Fly.io.
diff --git a/machines/overview.html.markerb b/machines/overview.html.markerb
index 1e6d39ab85..60aa7d784d 100644
--- a/machines/overview.html.markerb
+++ b/machines/overview.html.markerb
@@ -117,6 +117,27 @@ Updating a Machine takes it down (like with `fly machine stop`), applies configu
not changing the image, so we don't have to go fetch it from the global registry, this is fast, for the same reason `stop` and `start`
are; we've already done the heavy lifting.
+### Static Machine IPs
+Static egress IPs can be attached to a machine. These IPs survive a [machine migration](https://fly.io/docs/reference/machine-migration/) and are not shared between machines.
+Static egress IPs are useful when your machine needs to connect to a service that requires allowlisting a specific set of IPs.
+If supported, it is recommended to use [Wireguard](https://fly.io/docs/networking/private-networking/#private-network-vpn) to connect to external services.
+You can attach a static egress IP to your machine with `fly machine egress-ip allocate `
+fly machine egress-ip allocate e784e7d9a65208
+? Looks like you're allocating a static egress (outgoing) IP. This is an advanced feature, and is not needed by most apps.
+Are you sure this is what you want? Yes
+Allocated egress IPs for machine e784e7d9a65208:
+IPv6: 2a09:8280:e600::2e:951:0
### Placement
When you `create`, `run`, or `clone` a Machine, you can pick a Fly.io region to place it in. Our API will contact the Machines API