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Deployment repo

Deployment of the container using Kustomize.

DOCS: Read all the steps from the Deployments in K8S

We are supposed to have the following environmnets:

Env Branch When updated
dev develop When pushed to the repository
qal feature/** When creating branch for testing, bugfixes
stg PR(develop->master) When a new PR is built against master
prd master When pushed to the repository (or merged from PR)

Steps to setup


  • Create a Base
  • Create an Env
  • Deploy the ArgoCD ssh secret
  • Create the env ArgoCD App


Implementation of all the shared properties of a deployment that is shared among all environments.


Kustomize - Base

  • Secrets to pull docker images
  • Secrets of environmnet variables (shared)
  • Base Deployment, Service

Testing Kustonize Base

Always run the command to verify the k8s objects generated.

  • Use kubectl kustomize base

Testing Kustomize Env

  • Use kubectl kustomize env/xyz


  • Use kubectl apply -k env/xyz


  • Use kubectl delete -k env/xyz

HPA Setup


  • Only included in the prd segument:
    • stg: NOT ADDED YET
    • prd: so far installed

Load Generator

NOTE: You need to run 3 terminals: k9s logs, load generator, hpa status.

  • Just run the following in one terminal:

Generator pod

  • Retrieve the env var that points to the service on port 80.
$ kubectl -n supercash-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd run -i --tty load-generator --rm --image=busybox:1.28 --restart=Never -- /bin/sh -c "env"
  1. Choose an API endpoint, say /v2/parkinglots/14791/tickets/247803991853, along with the set of headers to trigger the handlers in the service.
  2. Execute with the wget command:
$ kubectl -n supercash-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd run -i --tty load-generator --rm --image=busybox:1.28 --restart=Never -- /bin/sh -c "while sleep 0.01; do wget -O- http://\${SUPERCASH_PARKINGLOT_SERVICE_AWS_SAE1_PRDT_PRD_PRD_PORT_80_TCP_ADDR}/v2/parkinglots/14791/tickets/247803991853\?scanning\=true --header=\"X-Supercash-App-Version: 1.0\" --header=\"X-Supercash-Marketplace-Id: 14824\" --header=\"User-Agent: IOS 15.0, iPhone 13 mini Apple\" --header=\"X-Supercash-Uid: 15241\" --header=\"X-Supercash-Store-Id: 14791\" --header=\"X-Supercash-Uid: 15241\" --header=\"X-Supercash-Tid: d5f465f2-a6c3-471f-b21c-1c21577e8e5a\"; done"
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 500
Connecting to (

K9s Terminal

 Context: arn:aws:eks:sa-east-1:806101772216:cluster/eks-ppd-prdt-super-cash      <0> tail   <6> 1h   <shift-c> Clear               <t> Toggle Timesta… ____  __.________
 Cluster: arn:aws:eks:sa-east-1:806101772216:cluster/eks-ppd-prdt-super-cash      <1> head            <c>       Copy                <w> Toggle Wrap    |    |/ _/   __   \______
 User:    arn:aws:eks:sa-east-1:806101772216:cluster/eks-ppd-prdt-super-cash      <2> 1m              <m>       Mark                                   |      < \____    /  ___/
 K9s Rev: v0.25.18                                                                <3> 5m              <ctrl-s>  Save                                   |    |  \   /    /\___ \
 K8s Rev: v1.21.5-eks-bc4871b                                                     <4> 15m             <s>       Toggle AutoScroll                      |____|__ \ /____//____  >
 CPU:     2%                                                                      <5> 30m             <f>       Toggle FullScreen                              \/            \/
 MEM:     53%
┌──────────────────────── Logs(supercash-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd/supercash-parkinglot-service-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd-7d9d68fw5pdv:parkinglot-service)[1m] ─────────────────────────┐
│                                                       Autoscroll:On     FullScreen:Off     Timestamps:Off     Wrap:Off                                                        │
│ 2022-04-21T00:36:47 DEBUG [app=parkinglots-service,prof=observed,prd,db][tid=48773527a5439fb7,sid=48773527a5439fb7,sxp=false][uid=] 17 --- [nio-8082-exec-4] o.s.w.s.m.m.a.Ht │
│ 2022-04-21T00:36:47 DEBUG [app=parkinglots-service,prof=observed,prd,db][tid=48773527a5439fb7,sid=48773527a5439fb7,sxp=false][uid=] 17 --- [nio-8082-exec-4] o.s.web.servlet. │
│ [ACCESS] [21/Apr/2022:00:36:47 +0000] http_method=GET http_path=/parkinglots/actuator/health http_query= http_protocol=HTTP/1.1 http_status=200 latency │
│ 2022-04-21T00:36:47 DEBUG [app=parkinglots-service,prof=observed,prd,db][tid=,sid=,sxp=][uid=] 17 --- [gistrationTask1] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate              : HTTP POST  │
│ 2022-04-21T00:36:47 DEBUG [app=parkinglots-service,prof=observed,prd,db][tid=,sid=,sxp=][uid=] 17 --- [gistrationTask1] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate              : Accept=[ap │
│ 2022-04-21T00:36:47 DEBUG [app=parkinglot

HPA Get status

  1. NO traffic has no memory usage:
$ kubectl get hpa -n supercash-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd
NAME                                                 REFERENCE                                                       TARGETS   MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
supercash-parkinglot-service-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd   Deployment/supercash-parkinglot-service-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd   0%/75%    1         4         1          35m
  1. Once the traffic starts running, the metrics start channing... The status of the TARGETS show the values.
$ kubectl get hpa -n supercash-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd
NAME                                                 REFERENCE                                                       TARGETS   MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
supercash-parkinglot-service-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd   Deployment/supercash-parkinglot-service-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd   32%/75%   1         4         1          28m
  1. As it stays constant, you can now stop the service
  • The TARGETS will gradually go back to the cold state at 0%.
$ kubectl get hpa -n supercash-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd
NAME                                                 REFERENCE                                                       TARGETS   MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
supercash-parkinglot-service-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd   Deployment/supercash-parkinglot-service-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd   14%/75%   1         4         1          32m

$ kubectl get hpa -n supercash-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd
NAME                                                 REFERENCE                                                       TARGETS   MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
supercash-parkinglot-service-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd   Deployment/supercash-parkinglot-service-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd   14%/75%   1         4         1          32m

$ kubectl get hpa -n supercash-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd
NAME                                                 REFERENCE                                                       TARGETS   MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
supercash-parkinglot-service-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd   Deployment/supercash-parkinglot-service-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd   0%/75%    1         4         1          35m

Adjusting HPA

  • We need to know all models to understand the behavior of the service in order to scale it properly.
  • The smaller the pod the higher the density as it can scale higher, with more pods, squeezed for more traffic.

Too Low Memory

  • With too low memory, the container is killed with OOMKilled.
    • Problem: That indicates the memory allocation is too low and the service can't even bootstrap to have its healthcheck passed!
    • Solution: Increase the resources values and make sure the container starts at minimum
│ supercash-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd  supercash-parkinglot-service-aws-sae1-prdt-prd-prd-9754859rkt7g  ●  0/1          1 OOMKilled    0   5      0      0      5      2 │