Solve minor bug in the uniform field for extracelular stimulation (sign). Deposited the xtra.mod in support module.
Added extracellular stimulation with a supporting xtra.mod (which includes a global variable defining the temporal modulation and a pointer to link the extracellular mechanism in NEURON). Useful for large networks
Solved small bug when plotting colorbar in the raster plot colored by the LFP phase
Solved conflict between diversity and segment coordinates (per population), used in LFP setups
Added extracellular stimulation (option: without compiling an additional .mod file - large memory requirements-)
Update of documentation (stimSourceParams and stimTargetParams) incorporating how to define extracellular stimulations
New features
subpackage for parameters exploration and optimization -
Added progress-bar indicating network creation progress. Toggle the progress bar with cfg.progressBar
cfg.connRandomSecFromList and cfg.distributeSynsUniformly can now be overriden in individual conn rule
Added ability to use
from list in connList-type connParams -
Updated tests.examples.utils to allow for dynamic pathing
Dropped python2 support
Bug fixes
Better handling of exceptions in
- issue 782) -
Pandas deprecated parameter fix
Fixed pointer id overflow on MPI (e.g. for gap junctions)
preSec and preLoc are no longer lost for inverse pointer connection
Fixed crash due to use of matplotlib.TextArea deprecated param (credit: Christian O'Reilly)
syncLines in rasterPlot restored
Fixed a bug in
where cellGids for node 0 were lost -
Fixed generating rhythmic spiking pattern with 'uniform' option
Fixed misleading console output when cfg.recordStims is On
The colors in CSD plots are now properly aligned vertically with the CSD time-series overlays (credit: Sam Neymotin)
Update mkdir to makedirs (credit: Jacob Sprouse)
New features
Raster plot colored by phase
Examples based on the CA3 model using the 'colorbyPhase' option in the plotRaster
API for loading .mod files selectively
Ability to specify custom executor to run batch with (defaults to
Bug fixes
Fixed loading point cell params from legacy models (issue 607)
Fix voltage movie tutorial
Fix to automatically include netstims in the sim.allSimData object when plotRaster 'include' selects 'all'
Fixed loading netParams in some scenarios (bug caused by srting functions pre-processing)
Fix of
pops coloring if ordered not by gid -
Made cells diversity work with popParams based on
Fixed handling of output of
- was wrong order (credit: Kate Doxey) -
Fixed undeclared var
Fixes in batch utils
Added some missing math functions to use with 'Functions as string' functionality
Switch file copying method to shutil to be compatible over all operating systems (credit: Henrik Podeus)
New features
Time series and PSD plots for current source density (CSD)
Added colorbar to CSD plot
Support for Sun Grid Engine HPC
Extended sim.gatherData() with more optional arguments for flexibility
Specify linear/log scale in
Print more info about exceptions in plotting functions
Check RxD specification for potential syntax issues
Prevent zero population size in scaled-down models
Better messages for validation errors
Bug fixes
Fixed errors in plotting with sim.cfg.gatherOnlySimData=True
Support saving and loading data in .mat and .hdf5 formats
Multiple fixes in
- popColors, fft, minFreq -
Fixed sync lines in
Fixed performance issue in
(default) -
to not require more presicion than segment size (for stim and synMech)
Bug fixes
- Unpin matplotlib version (params copying issue fixed)
New features
- Added env variable to define head model placement
New features
Added 'linewidth' as argument of plotting.plotSpikeHist()
More detailed validation of netParams
Save and load model in native NetPyNE format
Converted most of examples to new NetPyNE model structure
Complex stimulation ('rhythmic', 'evoked', 'poisson' and 'gauss') for VecStim created as pointCell (as a population rule)
Codebase brought into compliance with PEP8 conventions
Updates in NeuroML examples and tests
Bug fixes
fixed handling filenames with multiple dots in
Fixed readCmdLimeArgs() default arguments for backward-compatibility
Cleaned up example models to drop some legacy/irrelevant params
RxD module: Parameters defined before reactions + names given by default when missing (by the key)
Analysis: try ... except call in plotDipole
Save hObj of gap junction to connParams
Removed duplicated or unused code from gridSearch()
Fixes in batch utilities to make OS-agnostic
Hotfix to support new GUI functionality (fixes in grid parameter optimization)
Removed redundant warnings
New features
- Added ability to load PointCell from saved network
Bug fixes
Fixed bug with loading CompartCell with custom mechanisms from saved network
Fixed bug with accessing proper sim data file during batch parameters optimization
Fixed bug where most batch optimization methods used to misname simulation output file
Fixed bug in pop.py: "gridSpacing" is in the list of excludeTags
Fixed bug in network.py: in the list "stimStringFuncParams" --> 'del' instead of 'delay', and removed 'i'
Fixed bug in conn.py: included "params['preSec'] = connParam.get('preSec')" in gapJunctions
Fixed bug in stim.py: 'Loc' with capital letter, for making 'synMechLocFactor'
Fixed some misinformation in reference.rst about the subconn
Fixed bug in dipole calculation units - changed from mA to uA
Fixed bug in conditional logic when gathering LFP / dipoles
Allow tuples to specify population's cells in 'include' for plotSpike
Cleaned up optuna optim tutorial
New features
Added axis sharing and twinning capability
Updated metadata with dipole specs
Updated some LFP examples
Added clearAll argument to sim.create()
Changed ordering of documentation to “by source”
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in plotting when overlaying axis
Fixed bug with syncLines option in plotter
Fixed bugs in MultiFigs (2D subplots, bug in LFP with multi axis)
Fixed bug in checkAvailablePlots()
Fixed gathering dipoleSum and LFPPops data from nodes
New features
Added back the syncLines argument to plotRaster()
Updated conversion to/from NeuroML 2
Added RxD-based spreading depression example model
Bug fixes
- Avoid exception in plotSpikeHist() and plotSpikeFreq() when pop has no spikes
New features
Added new plotting module with custom plotters
Separated analysis.plotSpikeRaster into analysis.prepareRaster and plotting.plotRaster
Separated analysis.plotSpikeHist into analysis.prepareSpikeData, analysis.prepareSpikeHist, plotting.plotSpikeHist and plotting.plotSpikeFreq
Separated analysis.plotLFP into analysis.prepareLFP, analysis.preparePSD, analysis.prepareSpectrogram, plotting.plotLFPTimeSeries, plotting.plotLFPPSD, plotting.plotLFPSpectrogram, and plotting.plotLFPLocations
Mapped old analysis.plots onto new ones
Interfaced with LFPkit to enable recording/plotting of dipole current moments and EEG signals
Added Current Source Density (CSD) analysis and plots
Enabled selecting a subset of cells to save individual LFP signal from via cfg.saveLFPCells = [...]
Added cfg.saveLFPPops to store LFP generated individually by each population
Function to return batch parameter combinations (used for GUI)
Added jupyter nb tutorials
Added hippocampus CA3 model example
Updated SONATA importing
Improved distributed saving and interval saving (more robust)
Added mapping of netParams values within cfg (used for batch sims in GUI)
Extended Action tests to pull requests (not just push)
Bug fixes
Fixed setting cfgMapping nested params when not string
Fixed defineCellShapes when sec['hObj'] is not a h.Section()
Fixed bug when using lognormal in string functions
Added rxdmath to avoid RxD error
Fixed bug in Tutorial 8 (batch)
When saving to JSON wait until file exists before returning (to avoid exiting before saving finished)
New features
Added function to get list of batch grid search parameter combinations
Save output of mpi_bulletin batches to .run and .err files
Fixed bug in loading exotic stim param values
Fixed bug in loading where sim was required to have rank attribute
Added quotes in batch.py to avoid path white spaces issue
- Release for use with GUI
New features
Added guiBlack and guiWhite themes, streamlined theming
Updated iplots to avoid Bokeh deprecation
New features
Added wrapper for distributed saving; can now simply replace 'sim.gatherData()' with 'sim.gatherDataFromNodes()'
Added distributed saving/loading ability (save/load data by MPI node)
Allowed to specify 'cellModel' and point neuron params in netParams.cellParams (not only in netParams.popParams)
Added cellsVisualizationSpacingMultiplier property to netParams
Improved Granger plot, renamed it plotGranger
Added interactive Granger plot (iplotGranger)
Implemented testing in GitHub Actions with pytest (thanks Daniel!)
Improved sim.clearAll such that it works even before a sim is run
Properly formatted all module docstrings
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in TupleToStr function
Fixed broken links in tutorials
Bokeh update required changing options from None to 'auto'
Bug fixes
- Fixed gathering of dipoles when running on multiple cores (uncommented lines that had been commented for debugging)
New features
Plot current source density (CSD) from local field potential (LFP) simulated data
Additional customization of 3D shape plot: show voltage as color, change proportions, include axis labels
Enable modifyConns based on properties of presynaptic neurons
Replaced -np with -n so compatible for all commands: mpiexec/mpirun/srun
Updated netrxd.py and network.py to include RxD's Parameter class, naming of States and Regions, and specification of Region geometries that do not require arguments like 'membrane' and 'inside'
Improved recordTraces such that the cond 'gid' can accept a list of numbers as well as a single number
Added a new tutorial going through use of NetPyNE with virtual environments and Jupyter notebooks
Added cfg.use_fast_imem to enable recording membrane voltage via seg.i_membrane_
Added swc import ability to importCell (and thus importCellParams)
Batch now polls processes, prints their output and terminates them once completed
Updated web documentation to explain importing SWC files and add Recording Configuration section
Added link to Jupyter notebook tutorial and video to website front page
Bug fixes
Made rate_b be positional instead of keyword argument in rxd multiCompartmentReaction
Check if _morphSegCoords exists in population before using
Fixed bug to avoid recursive creating of synMechs when loading with cfg.oneSynPerNetcon=True
Fixed an issue with running rxd code twice
Wait until all subprocesses have ended before completing mpi_bulletin batches
Fixed repeated rxd simulation issue for rates and reactions
Fixed pointNeuron spikePattern 'sync' option
New features
analysis.plotLFP can now be applied to external data
Evolutionary and Optuna optimization can now read results from .pkl files
Enabled recording of stimulus variables (e.g. SEClamp i)
Added options in load func to avoid instantiating cells, conns, stims and/or rxd
Analysis and plotting of rate vs current (f-I) curve for single cell tuning
Recording and plotting of current dipoles in arbitrary subset of populations
Added option to plot LFP spectrogram with log y-axis
Added option to plot the log of connectivity in plotConn
Enabled random distribution of multiple synapses with synsPerConn>1 and connRandomSecFromList=True
Added lineWidth option to plot2Dnet (thanks Eric!)
Updated Travis Continuous Integration to use NEURON 7.8.1 (from 7.6.2)
Removed trailing white space from all Python files in the repository
Bug fixes
Fixed bug when using index with recordTraces
Fixed axes values in plotRxDConcentration and iplotRxDConcentration
Added links to necessary mod files in the importing cell models tutorial
Added aux_fun.inc to doc/source/code/mod as it's needed for some examples
Blocked terminal output from Git when no repository is found (i.e. with pip install netpyne)
Avoid adding section-based weightNorm values to point neurons (was affecting tut_import.py)
Prevent error when loading pointCell params from json by converting Dict to dict
Fixed bug in plotShape (thanks Eric!)
Updated setup.py so PyPI website renders the README as markdown
Fixed expected numSpikes in test of M1detailed example
Merged GUI branch into development branch
Fixed bug in iplotConn
Fixed bug and coloring in iplotSpikeStats with different themes
New features
Added optimization using Optuna (optuna.org)
Simplified cellParams to use dict key as 'cellType' and make 'conds' optional
Added netParams method addCellParamsTemplate() to create predefined cell templates
Calculation of population avg rates now accepts multiple time intervals
Optional index argument to record from synMech
Added scale bar location option to plotTraces scalebar
Added evolutionary optimization for cell
Added support for reading pkl files in evol batches
Added plotfI func to netpyne
Added calculation of fI to gather.py
Added module imports to netpyne import
Added adaptive stochastic descent (ASD)
Added ability to set theme and palette for iplots
Added netParams method addCellParamsTemplate() to create predefined cell templates
Added sizing-mode to iplots
Added Bokeh to NetPyNE requirements
Added theme for gui to analysis/utils, iplots can now use custom theme
Added t variable to plotLFP output data
Cleaned up plotRxD, added saving, added plot options, scalebar
Added interactive plot: iplotRxDConcentration
Added interactive plot: iplot2Dnet
Added interactive plot: iplotRatePSD
Added interactive plot: iplotSpikeStats
Cleaned up iplotLFP and improved color-handling with themes
Documentation improvements
Updated and tested online tutorials
Changed all triple single-quoted docstrings to triple double-quoted
Improved many docstrings
Created a complete package index (http://netpyne.org/package_index.html) which is automatically generated from the human-readable docstrings in the codebase
Documented the process to release a new version and automated the html building process
Removed old unused Makefile for docs
Bug fixes
Fixed bug importing cells (avoid reading docstring)
Fixed bug when recording LFP with recordStep <1.0ms
Fixed net_lfp.py example
Fixed bug in plotSpikeStats
Fixed bug in plotSpikeHist
Fixed bugs in plotTraces scalebar
Fixed travis test issues
Fixed tut3 travis issue
Fixed bug in spikes.py
Fixed bug in plotRaster
Fix minor bug in iplotRaster()
Fixed problems with NeuroML
Added useful hover information to iplots
Improvements to iplotTraces
Added interactive plot for connectivity (iplotConn)
Added 'dynamicRates' option for NetStim populations
Added option to have a uniform distribution of rates for Vecstim pulses
Added function for distributed saving at intervals
Added issue templates for GitHub
Overhaul of contribution guide (CONTRIBUTING.md)
Improved documentation
Fixed bugs and improved exception handling in plotConn
Fixed loadSave V1 example model
Fixed bug calculating popRates when no spikes
Fixed bug in _distributeSynsUniformly()
Fixed bug in saveCellParamsRule()
Fixed bug in batch.py: initCfg params were not being updated for evol optim
Fixed bug in subconn.py: missing initialization of newWeightNorm
Fixed bug in run.py: print run time with 2 significant figures
Fixed output stat filenames of evolutionary optim: .cvs to .csv
Fixed bug in interval saving
Fixed bug in spikes.py in plotSpikeStats
Print start and end date/time
Avoid removing batch folder so can rerun and complete batch simulations
Added loadBalance option to print individual node computer times
Initialize hoc events recursivley to reduce event queue overhead
Added plotRateSpectrogram analysis function
Added option to save at intervals
Fixed bug: wrong indentation for initializing fixedInterval in batch.py
Fixed bug in _distributeSynsUniformly function
Fixed bug in subConnParams grouped synapses
Fixed bug in analysis.granger figure save name
Fixed bug in printRunTime function
Added option to avoid creating connections with weight=0
Made recording of dipoles optional with attribute cfg.recordDipoles
Rotated conn matrix x-axis labels so can fit large matrices
Added 'removeWeightNorm' argument to plotConn() function
Added cfg option 'oneSynPerNetcon' to conn rules to create one synapse object per Netcon
Added first version of Contributors Guide
Fixed file write permissions for evol optim batches
Fixed bug calculating normally distributed rhythmic inputs - was using variance instead of std
Fixed bug in iplotDipole when smoothing window size = 0
Fixed bug in plotSpikeStats pop order
Fixed bug is plots with scalebars
Fixed bug in grid lines of plotConn
Fixed bug in subConnParams by sorting conns to ensure reproducibility on different number of cores
Fixed bug so uses 'Agg' backend if no display env variable e.g. in clusters
Replaced deprecated imp module with importlib
Fix to cellsGrid cell locations with normRange
Improved conversion from SONATA format, including 300 biophys cell example
Added saveCellConns, pt3dRelativeToCellLocation and invertedYCoord cfg options
Added lineWidth as argument of plotRatePSD() and plotLFP()
Modified plotLFP and plotRatePSD to use Morlet wavelet for PSD calculation
Added lineWidth argument to some raster and LFP plots
Added shuffling test to granger causality functions
Fixed bug plotting traces with one fig per trace
Fixed bug in granger functions - required conversion to int
Fixed bug in plotShape when cells sections not available
Return meaningful cell info via 'repr' and 'str' for pointCell, compartCell
Fixed spelling typos in documentation
Support for saving simulation at intervals
Improved Python cell template import so can read section names from a Python list or dict of sections
Fixed replicability issue across different number of cores when using 'connList' connectivity rules
Improved speed performance of 'connList' connectivity rules
Added option cfg.distributeSynsUniformly to locate synapses at uniformly across section list; if false, place one syn per section in section list
Updated RxD calcium buffering example
Added netClamp example to re-simulate activity of single cell from network data
Added support for recording and plotting variable time step
Replaced spectrogram FFT method with Morlet wavelet method
Updated installation instructions
Added 'fontSize' argument to several plots
Fixed issue completing batches in Python 3
Fixed bug saving evolutionary optimization batch output file
Fixed bug in plotShape()
Fixed bug in plotSpikeStats()
Fixed bug loading files with colons
Fixed issue sorting raster by population and y coord
- Removed deprecated hold function from plotConn
- Set 'pandas==0.23.4' to avoid error
- Fixed minor bug - axis font size changed from 12 to 2 by accident (change required for NetPyNE-UI)
Updates to NeuroML converter
Add scalebar to rxd concentration plot
Fixed bug so comparisons to basestring work in Python 2 and 3
Fixed bug in string-based functions representation in GUI
Added support for reaction-diffusion (RxD) and usage examples
Improved performanced (speed) of connectivity algorithms
Major code refactor to split functions across modules and subpackages
Switched to Python 3 as the default development environment
Optimized implementation of raster and spikeHist plotting using Pandas
Added support for recording spikes from only a subset of cells using e.g. cfg.recordCellsSpikes = ['E2']
Support for exporting to SONATA standardized network format (Beta)
Support for Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN) dipole mechanisms
Added option for filename to saveData()
Removed pop cellModelClass when saving
Removed cell h object keys when saving
Added support for evolutionary algorithm optimization (via Inspyred) and usage example
cfg.popAvgRates now accepts a time range to calculate rates (e.g. to discard initial period)
All NEURON objects now accessible via ['hObj'] key within Python network structure
Fixed bug in batch to allow having only grouped params
Fixed bug initalizing batch 'mpi_bulletin' and batch tutorial example
Fixed bug: removed '_labelid' from netParams when saving
Fixed bug: made self.scaleConnWeightModels False when not used (avoids saving weird dict in json)
Fixed bug in Pickle file encoding so works in Python3
Fixed bug in convergence and divergence conn when repicking a value if postGid=preGid is randomly selected
Fixed bug in rand initialization for string-based func with div conn
Fixed issue in probabilistic connectivity random number generation to ensure replicability in Python 2 and 3.
NOTE on backward replicability: Due to several performance improvements and bug fixes to ensure future replicability in both Python 2 and 3, it won't be possible to replicate results of previous versions.
Extended metadata structure to interact with NetPyNE-UI
Added preliminary data structures to support NEURON RxD
Added plot RxD concentration to analysis
Added netParams.correctBorder to compensate distance-dependent connectivity border effect
Added option to run jobs directly on multiple mpi cores via Batch class
Added option for custom text in PBS or SLURM scripts to submit batch jobs
Added option to filter LFP signal before ploting PSD
Convert 'gid' to actual cell gid when used in point process params (useful for random seeds)
Relaxed pyneuroml requirement so just shows a warning message
Preliminary function to save conns distributedly using HDF5
Added function to validate string-based expressions
Fixed bug: removed cell._segCoords and pop._morphSegCoords before saving to file
Fixed rasterPlot pop label automated spacing
Fixed bug: removed pandas requirement from LFP electrode module
Fixed bug: updated rcParams text.fontsize to font.size
Fixed bug: missing update of list-based loc in connList connections
Fixed bug: delete sections after import cell only if section exists
Added netParams.rotateCellsRandomly option to rotate cells randomly around y-axis
Added netParams.defineCellShapes option to convert stylized cell geometries to 3d points
Added 'histogram' option to plotSpikeStats
Improved shapePlot so generates 3d pts for stylized morphs and plots all cells by default
Added showElectrodes and bkgColor options to shapePlot
Adapted so can set cfg.createPyStruct=0 before creating conns to save memory on large nets
Added option cfg.connRandomSecFromList=True to set if sec and loc are randomly chosen from list when synsPerConn=1
Added cfg.printSynsAfterRule to print total connections after each conn rule is applied
Fixed bug to ensure VecStim random streams are independent of simulation duration
Fixed bug calculating avg pop rate in plotRaster when using subsets of pops
Fixed bug LFP recording only applied to compartmental cells
Fixed bug when using conn 'threshold' in verbose -- removed all since has no effect
Fixed bug when deleting sections -- needed sec.push() before
Fixed bug in shapePlot figSize option
Fixed format of git changeset stored -- removed 'g' prefix
Fixed bug in Windows trying to get git changeset
Fixed bug gathering LFP data
Fixed bug importing global v_init from multiple cell files
Fixed bug so gitChangeset() returns to orig folder even when git not installed
Fixed bugs in plotConn -- missing rounding func and grouping by y interval
Added LFP recording at arbitrary 3D locations
Added plotting of LFP time series, PSD, freq vs time and electrode locations
Updates to NeuroML conversion code.
ShapePlot now shows segment diameters as linewidths (Python version)
Added function to add 3D points (in NEURON+Python) from stylized geometry
Connection sec and loc randomly chosen from list when synsPerConn=1
Set default NetStim noise to 0.0
Fix synMech overwrite when importing multiple hoc/py cell templates
Fixed bug importing multiple synMechs from hoc/py cell template
Fixed bug using 'variable' NetStim (NSLOC)
Fixed save method in NetParams to use ['net']['params']
Fixed bug using gap junctions with mpi (multiple cores)
Fixed bug when creating conns afger loading json -- needed basestring instead of str
Fixed bug when loading json with include format ('pop', 1) -- converted to list so added exception
Fixed bug saving to .mat during batch sims
Fixed bug in order of unique cell gids in analysis funcs 'include' param
Fixed bug gathering data using the cfg.gatherSimOnlyData option
Fixed bug where empty sections where created when recording from non-existing sections
Added option to order raster spike trains by multipe tags (eg. ['pop', 'y'])
Enable providing a 2D list of spike times to VecStim populations
Added exception handling to analysis functions
Updated saveLoadV1 examples to use compactConnFormat=True and saveCellSecs=False
Added cfg.rand123GlobalIndex to set global index used by all instances of the Random123 instances of Random
plotTraces now plots any recorded cells if 'include' is None
Made CVode object part of sim and simplified cvode calls
Added sim.rename() wrapper function
Added rename() method to dict class
Fixed bug loading from compactConnFormat
Fixed bug in IClamp: 'delay' -> 'del'
Fixed bug calculating min convergece and divergence
Fixed bug in plotRatePSD colors
Improved NeuroML conversion support
Make cfg.checkErrors = True by default, but set to False if using multiple cores or batch
Added methods to rename netParams dict keys in a nested format (needed for GUI)
Added analysis.plotSpikeStats() func to plot stats of cell rates, ISI CVs and synchronies
Added analysis.calculateRate() func to calculate avg and peak rate of pop subset at time range
Added analysis.plotRates() func to plot avg and peak rate of different pop subsets at time range
Added option to include list of pops or cells in 'include' arguments e.g. include=[['E4','E2'], [1,3]]
Added cfg.compactConnFormat option to replace conns dict format with compact list format
Added option to plotConn() and plot2Dnet() to load data from compact format json files
Adapted python2 code so conversion to python3 via 2to3 command works straight away
Added 'instantiate' argument to sim.load function
Added 'dpi' argument to analysis.plotSpikeHist()
Replaced init()/h.stdinit() with finitialize() so h.v_init and h.dt get set properly
Removed call to h.stdrun() but made v_init a global in cfg.hParams and initialized h.tstop to cfg.duration
Fixed bug setting globals that don't exist
Fixed issue setting global variables when loading from json
Fixed issue to make convergence+divergence connections randomization more robust and efficient (issue #254)
Fixed bug in colors of plotSpikeHist
Fixed bug in replaceDictODict() that lead to wrong results when importing cells
Fixed bug when using sim.gatherOnlySimData
Fixed bugs in saveLoadV1 example
Fixed bug when generating subConn with createNEURONObj=False
Added polarity param to analysis.plotEPSPAmp()
Added sim.gitChangeset() function and store netpyne_changeset in every output file
Added function ijsonLoad() to load faster and save tags conns to json
Fixed bug in convergence and divergence connectivity -- now fixed number and no self conns
Fixed bug by converting tuples to strings when saving Matlab; now converts to lists
Fixed bug use int as argument to np.full in fixedInterval variable
Fixed bug that removed previously existing element from path during importCellParams()
Option to create section lists based on y displacement from soma (addCellParamsSecList)
Converted popParams, cellParams etc to object of their own class and added method to set param
Added 'disynapticBias' option to increase probability of B->C conns if A->B and A->C exist
Added function analysis.calculateDisynaptic() to count number of disynaptic conns (A->B, B->C and A->C)
Added 1 second between batch job submission to avoid saturating scheduler
Fixed bug: init randomizer so params with string-based random func are independent of cores
Fixed bug for newer pyplot versions: replace 'linewidths' with 'lw'
Improved NeuroML importing/exporting
Added error checking for simConfig
Added popColors option to plotSpikeHist and plotRatePSD
Added support to load params, cfg, net and simData from .mat files
Made root section (with no parents) the source of spikes by default (issue #246)
Added option to set initial cfg in batch sims
Added option to set grouped params in Batch constructor
Added option to not record time (to reduce output file size)
Fixed bug: synMechFraction had no effect; replaced with synMechWeightFactor
Fixed bug in modifyStims for NetStim 'interval' and 'rate'
Fixed bug importing cell -- use h.pop_section() to avoid stack overflow
Fixed bug when adding stim NetStim where sec is a list
Fixed bug when adding stim NetStim with multiple synMechs and synsPerConn>1
Updates and bug fixes of NeuroML importer/exporter
Added missing error checks and made error messages clearer
Added warning when point process mechanism (eg. VecStim) required for pop is not found
Added 'ylim' option to plotTraces
Changed 'postGid' to 'gid' in conditions of recordTraces
Fixed bug: threshold in conns has no effect, have to use presyn cell threshold (issue #235)
Fixed bug: avoid saving 't' multiple times when using multiple nodes
Fixed bug: removed 'propList' param in list - was replaced by 'label'
Fixed bug distributing cells of population with cellList (issue #235)
Fixed bug saving to .mat: removed h.Random object from each pop
Fixed bug: check if checkErrors exists in cfg before checking value
Fixed bug importing multiple hoc cells consecutively (removed from memory properly)
IMPORTANT NOTE: NO BACKWARD REPRODUCIBILITY -- due to improvements in the random number generators it won't be possible to reproduce results of previous versions that required random values, e.g. random spike streams, connections or cell locations.
Replaced python random package methods with more robust h.Random() methods (no backward reproducibility)
Added netParams error checking (BETA version: set cfg.checkErrors = True to test)
Enabled use of VecStim spkTimes pops with individual list of cells
Replaced 'pop' with 'popLabel' (added fix for backward compatibility) (issue #213)
Can now add arbitrary set of spike times to VecStim pop
Dict with popColors can be passed to plotRaster() and plot2Dnet()
Added analysis.plotEPSPAmp()
readCmdLineArgs() now accepts default paths for cfg and netParams
Added option to customize command in batch hpc runs (e.g. 'mpirun' vs 'ibrun')
Added dpi param to plotRaster()
Added recording of h.t to simData
Replaced ions 'init_ext_conc' and 'init_int_conc' with 'o' and 'i' (issue #151)
Replaced 'globs' with 'globals'
Fixed bug in import of ion concentrations
Fixed bug in title of plotTraces()
Fixed bug when setting wrong num of weights or locs for synsPerConn>1
Fixed bug: subConn rules now update weight if different weightNorm
Fixed bug: missing call to noiseFromRandom() for NetStims
Fixed bug setting pop density with absoulute location ranges
Fixed missing NeuroML message so only appears in master node
Fixed bug in plotConn
Fixed bug - stimTargetParams now accepts a list of secs for 'sec' param
Improved support for NeuroML export
Added option to skip batch job based on custom existing job filename (eg. 'skipCustom': '.run')
Added option to specify netParams .py file for batch
Modified hpc_torque batch to accept nodes and ppn
New option to import cell with sections not inside an object
plotShape now shows real diameters in interviews by default
Added option to set threshold when loading weightNorm
Added support for conditions on recordTraces
Fixed bug plotting NetStims (created as stims) in raster, spikeHist and ratePSD
Fixed bug in plotConn bar graphs
Fixed bug: missing hRandom for NetStim populations
Fixed bug: use Random123() instead of netstim.noiseFromRandom for NetStim stims
Fixed bug: VectStim spike generation now reproducible for different durations
Fixed bug in batch grouped params
Fixed bug: getCellsList() only checked for tuples but when load from json converted to list
Fixed bug so cell treshold is set by default to sim.net.defaultThreshold
Fixed bug plotting overlayed spikeHist over raster plot
Fixed bug in plotShape when includeAxon=False
Keep track of last host after distributing cells of each pop (improves load balance) (issues #41 #196)
Added option to run batch on HPC SLURM system (eg. SDSC Comet)
Added cvode_atol option to cfg
Improved plotShape() to use matplotlib and use colormap to show num syns
Batch params can now have an arbitrary number of levels in structure (eg. dict of list of dicts etc)
Batch params can now be grouped ('group':True) so values vary together not combinatorally
Removed pc.done() at the end of Batch.run() method so can run multiple batches from same script
Added skipCfg option to batch
Added cfg.saveCellSecs option to reduce save time and file size (secs available via netParams)
Added cfg.saveCellConns option to reduce save time and file size
Modified code so 'cellModel' tag is optional
Added renameCellParamsSec() method to netParams class
When importing cell global 'v_init' is stored as param for each section
Fixed small bugs when loading saved model
Fixed bug when calling internal method _findPrePostCellsCondition()
Fixed bug in subcellConn groupedSynMechs
Fixed bug in subcellConn trying to add stims+conns to NetStims/VecStims
Fixed bug in subcellConn so syns are not placed at loc 0.0 or 1.0 (error if syn uses ion)
Added gridSpacing option to create populations with cells placed in grid with fixed spacing
Added netParams functions: addCellParamsWeightNorm(), saveCellParamsRule() and loadCellParamsRule()
Added option to importCell based on instantiated cell (not just template or class)
Modified importCellParams to store mod mechanism global variables in cellRule['globals']
Added support to export gap junctions to NeuroML
Fixed bug during import that set section name to 'soma' if only 1 section
Batch parameters can now include list or dict items
Added 'weightNorm' param to sections so can normalize weight based on dendritic location
Import cell function now has somaAtOrigin option to place the cell soma at coords 0,0,0
Go back to using NetStim.noiseFromRandom, since noiseFromRandom123() only available in very recent versions
Fixed bug in saveData option of figure plots
Fixed bug passing figSize param to figures
Fixed bug where gid only updated if cellParam rules were applied to the cell
Fixed bug in importCell by deleting imported modules from sys.modules
Fixed bug that prevented NetStim random noise generator from being initialized
Added support for artificial cells (without sections) (issue #44)
A single NetStim (within a population) can now be connected to multiple cells (issue #113)
VecStim populations use same params as NetStims and allows for pulses at arbitrary times with different rates
NetStim and VecStim population allow for a uniformly distributed rates in the form [min,max]
Added option to run batch sims via mpi and bulletin board (master/slave) (issue #108)
netParams.shape paramter to select either 'cuboid', 'cylinder' or 'ellipsoid' network shape (issue #26)
analysis.plot2Dnet() 'view' param to select frontal ('xy') or top-down ('xz') view
analysis.plotConn() option to plot stacked bar graph, select different pre and post pops, synMech and syns vs conns
Made distinction between number of connections and synaptic contacts (eg. can have 5 synsPerConn)
New function netParams.addCellParamsSecList to create list of sections based on distance from soma
Removed 'plast' and 'shape' from conns when not used (issue #177)
Added option to center soma at origin when importing cell
Now using noiseFromRandom123() for NetStims() (issue #89)
Fixed bug in readCmdLineArgs()
Fixed bug in saveData option of figure plots
Added analysis.nTE() function to calculate normalized transfer entropy (issue #42)
Added analysis.granger() function to calculate and plot Spectral Granger Causality (issue #42)
Added analysis.plotRatePSD() to plot firing rate power spectral density
Added analysis.plotShape() to plot 3D morphology of cell and synapse locations
Added option to fix soma depth for subcellular distributions based on 1d and 2d maps
Added support for gap junction (electrical synapse) connections
Improved import of multicompartmental cells from NeuroML2
Added option to turn off graphics by adding -nogui from command line
Added option to skip batch sims if output file already exists
Added option to overlay pop labels and show avg rates to plotRaster() (issue #111)
All section now include argument cell=self to differentiate them
Fixed travis script so checks all tuts and examples after each commit (issue #37)
Fixed bug positioning cells with 3d geom
Fixed bug in sim.clearAll by closing all figures instead of current (issue #168)
Fixed bug: cache_efficient was not being turned on
Fixed bug setting simConfig loaded from file
Fixed bug in plotRaster inverseOrder option
Fixed str vs basestring in analysis.py and simFuncs.py
Fixed bug due to not inserting ions in section
Added cvode_active simConfig option to set variable time step (issue #116)
Added saving of avg pop rates
Added save method to SimConfig and NetParams class
Fixed bug importing 3d cell geometries
Fixed bug in readCmdLine func
Fixed bug reading from json (str vs unicode)
Fixed bug setting mech param values for nseg>1
Added importing of cell ion parameters (eg. 'ena' or 'ek')
Added backupCfgFile (eg. ['cfg.py', 'backupcfg/']) to simConfig to copy cfg file after run
Added gatherOnlySimData to simConfig to gather only simulation data and not cells or pops
Added simLabel and saveFolder to simConfig (can be used instead of filename)
Added printRunTime to simConfig to print run time (in sec) during execution
Added printPopAvgRates to simConfig to print population avg firing rates after run
Automatic saving of netpyne and netParams version to file
Moved creation of fih functions to set cell vinit from setupRecording() to preRun()
Can now load netParams and simConfig from file without setting in sim
Added sim.readCmdLineArgs to read simConfig and netParams filepaths from command line
Can now access NEURON's h module via sim.h
Fixed bug so can load netParams and simConfig without initializing sim
Fixed bug that prevented mechanism properties with value 0.0 from being set
Fixed bug in code to distribute cells (converted numCells from float to int)
Fixe bug in plotTraces
Added global boolean variable netpyne.gui to enable/disable graphics (issue #150)
Spike histogram fixes: axis labels only in 1st subplot, limit time range, tight_layout only if <5 subplots
Fixed bug so multiple traces figures are saved to separate files (issue #166)
Fixed bug when using point process-based cells that include synapses (eg. Izhi2007a)
Fixed bug where spike hist subplot didn't match raster axis
Fixed bug when loading data from file with multiple cores
Fixed bug so modify functions work with multiple cores
Added option to shape conn weights dynamically to create temporal patterns (issue #33)
Store all params of synMechs exhaustively instead of by reference (issue #139)
Added netParams.importCellParamsFromNet() to import parameters of multiple cells from existing network (issue #154)
Added modifySynMechs function
Added option to record from all synMechs of a type (eg. 'AMPA')
Fixed bugs and improved efficiency of modify, modifyConns and modifyStims function
Fixed bug plotting traces
Improved NeuroML2 import functions (issue #12)
Added support for homeostatic scaling synapse (requires self NetCon) (issue #141)
Added method to convert NetParams and SimConfig objects to dicts (issue #141)
Fixed NetParams and SimConfig constructors so arguments are converted to Dict/ODict (issue #141)
Added sim.loadBalance() func to calculate and print load balance information (issue #77)
- Fixed bug (introduced during debugging) that prevented random seeds from working properly
Improved NeuroML import/export functions
Added option for cache_efficient (optimized load balance when many cores) (issue #77)
Added sim.clearAll() function to clear all objects in memory and avoid leaks
Cleared variables after gathering from multiple nodes to avoid memory leak
Separated common runSim() commands into preRun() (issue #83)
Fixed bugs in net.modifyStims() method
Only load neuroml libraries and functions if installed to avoid error when importing sim
Disable subcellular connectivity since wasn't modifying the synMechs correctly.
New example using Allen Institute cells showing how to save large net and reload for simulation
Improved export/import from/to NeuroML2 (issue #12)
All structures (including Dict and ODict) can now be saved and loaded via json
Added option to use separate simConfig when loading data from file
saveData() calls gatherData() if required
saveData() returns string with full path of saved file (issue #127)
Fixed bugs so its possible to create and save Python structure independently of NEURON objects
Fixed bug that created 2 instead of 1 NetStims per cell
Fixed bug regarding mutable default args in Python funcs
Fixed bug so NetStim stim params are set to default if missing
Access to nested dictionaries via dot notation (secs.soma.geom) using new inherited classes Dict() and ODict() (issue #123)
'hSection' replaced with 'hSec'
Added sim.popAvgRates() to calculate and optionally print population avg rates
Functions to modify cells, conns or stims also update sim.allCells (issue #59)
Fixed bug so can modify funcs now accept lists of strings (issue #59)
Fixed bug when recording traces of relative cell indices of populations across multiple nodes
Functions to modify parameters of cells, conns and stims in an instantiated network (issue #59)
Added label of param rule used to create cells, conns and stims, so can modify later (issue #59)
Ordered sim.net.allCells by gid
Option to save figures with same name as data
Added support for VClamp list params (issue #32)
Fixed bug when creating pops consisiting of lists of cells
- Fixed bug that gave error since trying to import removed module default.py
Easier and more consistent format for high-level specifications (issue #103):
replaced default.py with specs.py which defines classes NetParams and SimConfig
netParams and simConfig are now objects of class NetParams and SimConfig, respectively
Can use object methods to add params, eg. netParams.addPopParams(label, params)
All structures within netParams and simConfig are now OrderedDicts so can be referenced by label/key
If no label is assigned, then an increasing number is automatically used as label
Split netParams.stimParams into netParams.stimSourceParams and netParams.stimTargetParams (both OrderedDicts)
Simplified/clarified keys: 'conditions' -> 'conds', 'sections' -> 'secs', 'preTags' -> 'preConds', 'postTags' -> 'postConds'
Added netParams.importCellParams() to simplify
Added sim wrappers and modified names of existing ones to make consistent
Selectively save data to file: netParams, net, simConfig and/or simData (issue #30)
Added functions to load netParams, net, simConfig and/or simData from file (issue #30)
Added 'rerun' option to plotTraces()
Added function to get cell object by gid, sim.cellByGid(gid)
Fixed bug that was slowing down STDP by creating new h.Section() -- now uses existing.
Fixed bug so vinit gets set for all segments in a section.
Fixed bug related to readArgs() when running from IPYnotebook.
Fixed bug related to plasticity in cells with V not in section (eg. Izhi2007a)
Added option 'dataSaveInclude' to select what data to save to file (issue #30)
Added sim.net.allPops which contains all cellGids of each when running on >1 nodes (issue #30)
Connectivity matrix can now be grouped by numeric tags in intervals (eg. cortical depth y in 50 um intervals) (issue #92)
Added support for all stims (VClamp, SEClamp, AlphaSynapse, etc) and can specify any of the stim params (amp, dur, delay,etc) as a function (eg. 'uniform(a,b)' or '2*post_ynorm') (issue #32)
Fixed bugs so plotRaster() is identical when running on >1 nodes, and is ordered by gid correctly
Fixed bug so can have multiple plot function calls even when one of them is False
Modified format of simConfig analysis options to make it equivalent to calling analysis functions (issue #69)
Improved plotRaster() function to add customizable options (select cells, time range, order, overlay histogram, and others) (issue #39)
Improved plotTraces() function to add customizable options (select cells, time range, arrage by cell or trace, and others) (issue #39)
Improved plot2Dnet() function to add customizable options (select cells, show connections, and others) (issue #39)
Added spikeHist() function to plot spike histogram with customizable options (select cells, time range, bin size, and others) (issue #63)
Added plotConn() function to plot spike histogram with multiple customizable options (select cells, feature, order, and others) (issue #39)
Added option to save figure, save figure data, specify figure size, and show figure to all analysis/plotting functions (issue #39)
Fixed bug when generating function-based random probability values -- made random stream independent
Fixed bug when generating density-based random cell locations -- made random stream independent (issue #93)
Removed framework and init modules, and consolidated in sim module (so just need: 'from netpyne import sim')
Added option to specify weight scale factor separately for each cell model, and for NetStims (issue #69)
Conn rules can now have list of synMechs (eg. [AMPA, NMDA]) and synMechWeightFactor (eg. [1.0, 0.1]) (issue #69)
Conn rules allow list of weights, delays and/or locs for each synMech in list (issue #69)
Conn rules allow synsPerConn and loc to be described functionally (at the cell connection level) (eg. 'uniform(5,2)') (issue #69)
Conn rules allow list of weights, delays, and/or locs when synsPerConn > 1 (issue #69)
Conn rules allow 2D list of weights, delays, and/or locs when have list of synMechs and synsPerConn > 1 (issue #69)
Conn rules allow list of sections or sectionList when synsPerConn > 1; synMechs distributed uniformly (loc list not allowed) (issue #69)
Extended fromList connectivity function so can also provide synapse locs (issue #69)
Added separate wrapper sim functions to create and simulate the network
Sim functions use simConfig and netParams from main as default (if not specified)
Connections between NetStims and cells are included in conn list (issue #69)
Fixed bug so can create Python and NEURON objects for connections independently (issue #69)
Added option for random seeds for connectivity, stimulation, and cell locations (issue #49)
Added return pointers when create cells, pops, conns, stims, and recording (issue #48)
Renamed point process param labels: '_type' -> 'mod', '_loc' -> 'loc' (issue #24)
Added option to set h global variables (eg. celsius) (issue #31)
Fixed importCell() so h global variables reset after importing (issue #31)
Fixed importCell() so synapses stored in synMechParams (issue #25)
Fixed bug when pop names contained same subset of characters (issue #40)
Preliminary version of exporter to NeuroML2
Added fromList connectivity function
Added new dict 'stimParams' with support for IClamps
Added 'start' param to NetStim populations
Modified izhi2007 'u' starting value to be 0 instead of 0.2
Modified izhi2007 'C' value and the section properties so that synaptic weights match HH
Renamed NMDA synapses to AMPA
Fixed bugs in tuts
Fixed bug saving to JSON on single node
Fixed plotting traces from using 'all' cells option
Fixed bug when plottinc synMech traces
Renamed 'pos' with 'loc' in recordTraces list
Fixed bug in runSimWithIntervalFunc
Variable Netstims (NSLOCs) can now have noise > 0
Placed show(block=False) in try except block since not supported by some graphic backends
Create parallel context before re-creating net to avoid seg fault
Removed unnecessary modules in analysis.py
Only call show() in analysis if some figure to show
Fixed bug when distributing cells spatially based on xRange,yRange,zRange pop parameters
Added axis labels to 2D visualization, and now works when running on multiple nodes too
Reset Netstim random generators within runSim() so have reproducible results if working interactively
Fixed bug when distributing cells spatially based on normRange pop parameter
Fixed bug in functional connectivity variables post_xnorm, post_ynorm, post_znorm
Reversed ynorm based raster so higher y values are shown at the bottom (cortical-like)
Added option to plot sync lines in raster and show sync measure
Added 2D visualization of network cells and conns
Fixed randomization of cell positions by adding lastGid
Made synMech params independent of cell and referenced by labels (similar to NeuroML)
Keep Neuron objects after sim so can explore, modify and/or rerun sim.
Only gather data via py_alltoall if running on more than 1 node
Fix recording of single cell of population when using MPI
Fixed raster plotting based on NCD when using MPI
Replaced save as .txt format with save as .csv
Fixed bug when importing distributed mechanisms of cells
importCell can use either *args or **kwargs
Fixed bug in secLists implementation
Removed mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import (unused and produced error in some Mac OS versions)
Made conn functions more efficient using gid2lid and lid2gid
Replaced 'syn' (synapse) with 'synMech' (synaptic mechanism) to avoid confusion with synaptic connections
Fixed bug: STDP objects need to be stored so it works.
Added support for SectionLists (modified format of importCell so also works)
Fixed bugs: function-based connectivity
Fixed bugs: not checking connectivity rule conditions properly
Fixed bug: number of connections depended on number of nodes
Added option to add STDP plasticity and RL to connections
Added option to run function at intervals during simulation, e.g. to interface with external program (such as virtual arm)
Moved plot legend outside of plot area
Changed order of raster population colors to make separation clearer
Added option to select what cells to record/plot from separately; using new format with cells/pops in single list.
- Fixed bug: convergence connectivity produced error if used numeric value
Added option to show and/or save to file the timing of initialization, cell creation, connection creation, setup recording, simulation run, data gathering, plotting, and saving.
Fixed bug: h.dt now set to value of simConfig.dt
First version that was uploaded to pypi. Includes following features:
Clear separation (modularization) of parameter specifications, network instantiation and NEURON simulation code.
Easy-to-use, standardized, flexible, extensible and NEURON-independent format to specify parameters:
- Populations
- Cell property rules
- Connectivity rules
- Simulation configuration
Support for cell location (eg. cortical depth) dependence of cell density and connectivity.
Easy specification, importing and swapping of cell models (eg. point neuron vs multicompartment)
Support for hybrid networks eg. combining point and multicompartment neurons.
Multiple connectivity functions (eg. full, convergent, probabilistic) with optional parameters (eg. delay range)
Support for user-defined connectivity functions.
Populations, cell properties and connectivity rules can include reference to annotations (eg. for provenance).
NEURON-independent instantiation of network (all cells, connections, ...) using Python objects and containers.
NEURON-specific instantiation of network ready for simulation.
Enables sharing of Python-based network objects, which can then be instantiated and simulated in NEURON.
Easy MPI parallel simulation of network, including cell distribution across nodes an gathering of data from all nodes.
Analysis and visualization of network (eg. connecitivity matrix) and simulation output (eg. voltage traces, raster plot)
Data exporting/sharing to several formats (pickle, Matlab, JSON, HDF5) of the following:
- Parameters/specifications
- Instantiated networks
- Simulation results
Distance-based redistribution of synapses (subConn)