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Circuits for Proof Of Solvency.

The circuit, written in circom, enforces the rules that the Exchange must abide by when generating a Proof Of Solvency for a specific user.

The circuit checks that:

- A user-balance entry has been included in the Merkle Sum Tree
- The computation of the sum going from the user's entry to the root has been performed correctly
- No sum overflow happened during the computation
- The computed sum (namely the total liabilities of an exchange) is less or equal to the total sum of the assets of the exchange

The prover system guarantees credible and self-auditable proof while preserving the secrecy of the Exchange's business information such as:

  • Number of users of the exchanges
  • Users balances
  • Siblings partial sum balances
  • Total liabilities of the exchange

The prover relies on pyt-merkle-sum-tree for the Merkle Sum tree operations.

Circuit Design

Input Description Public or Private
rootHash Root Hash of the Merkle Sum Tree publicly committed by the exchange Public
username The username (in BigInt format) of user to which the proof is being generated for Private
balance The balance of the user to which the proof is being generated for Private
pathIndices[nLevels] A bit array that contains the path to the user leaf inside the Merkle Sum Tree Private
siblingHashes[nLevels] Array of hashes of the siblings of the user leaf Private
siblingsSums[nLevels] Array of sum-balances of the siblings of the user leaf Private
assetsSum The total assets that the Exchange claims to have Public
Output Description Public or Private
leafHash Poseidon Hash H(username,balance) Public (by default)

circuit illustration

The ToLeafHash component performs the poseidon hash of the username and the balance and outputs the leafHash. The leafHash is then used as the first hash in the NextMerkleSumTreeLevel component.

The NextMerkleSumTreeLevel component recursively computes the current hash (for the first level it is the leafHash), the current sum (for the first level it is the balance), the current siblingHash and the current siblingSum. The output of the nextLevel component are the nextHash and the nextSum. These are calculated as follows:

  • nextHash = H(hash, sum, siblingHash, siblingSum) if the pathIndex is 0, where H is the poseidon hash function
  • nextHash = H(siblingHash, siblingSum, hash, sum) if the pathIndex is 1, where H is the poseidon hash function
  • nextSum = sum + siblingSum

After the last level is computed, the circuit checks that the nextHash is equal to the rootHash and that the nextSum is LessEqThan the assetsSum.

Further circuit components not shown in the circuit diagram are:

  • SafeSum, ensures that no overflow happens during the computation of the sum
  • SafeLessEqThan, safely compare two n-bit numbers avoiding overflows

Checks to be executed outside the circuit

A proof generated using the circuit, even if verified, doesn't ensure that the prover is solvent. Further checks must be on the public signals of the circuit to ensure that the prover is solvent. These checks are:

  • The rootHash (input of the circuit) must be the root hash of the Merkle Sum Tree committed by the exchange on a Public Bulletin Board
  • The assetsSum (input of the circuit) must be the total assets of the exchange. The way in which the exchange generates its proof of assets is out of the scope of this project.
  • The leafHash (output of the circuit) must equal to H(username, balance) that contains the data of the user to which the proof is being generated for

Required Dependency

  • [circom](


In order to compile the circuit, execute the trusted setup, generate the proof (and verify it) using groth16 as proving system run from the root directory:

npm run build

The script will:

  • Download the trusted Powers Of Tau setup generated from the Hermez Community

  • Do the trusted setup required for the groth16 proving system

  • Compile the circuit

  • Generate a witness based on a pre generated sample input. In order to generate other inputs you can use this program:

     const { IncrementalMerkleSumTree } = require("ts-merkle-sum-tree")
     proof = tree.createProofWithTargetSum(5, BigInt(125))
     inputToCircuit = JSON.strigify(proof)
  • Generate the proof based on the witness

  • Verify the proof


To run the tests, run the following command:

npm test


All benchmarks are run on a Macbook Air M1, 2020 AWS, 8GB memory. The benchmark was run on a Merkle Sum Tree with 16 levels (2^16 leaves).

Constraints 13892
Circuit compilation 2s
Witness generation 0s
Setup key generation 40s
Trusted setup phase 2 contribution 6s
Proving key size 12.3MB
Proving key verification 41s
Proving time 2s
Proof verification time 0s

Trusted Setup Artifcats

A trusted setup run by me is publicly available to test the prove/verify process. The available artifacts is based on a Merkle Sum Tree with 16 levels (2^16 leaves).

The artifacts generated during the Trusted Setup are publicly available :

  • proving key zkey wget
  • circuit wasm wget
  • verification key vkey wget

Arficats for further merkle tree levels will be available soon.