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document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML = 'Memorising equations using memory techniques is very rare but memorising derivations is almost not practiced at all.If you can memorise equations, memorising derivations should be a piece of cake. Just memorise each step at the next peg.Memorise as little as you can to ensures that you understand as much as possible. Also, doing so is very efficient. So, memorise only the most important steps and details, especially the first one.'
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document.getElementById("p2").innerHTML = '<p>The practice of memorising equations is an unforgivable sin because they are meant to be understood. However, when it comes to sport, these sins are forgiven. Unfortunately, memorising equations using memory techniques lies in unwandered territory. I have tried to create a system of memorising equations but it is very crude and inefficient so you’ll have to tweak it. If you manage to improve it, please share it with me. </p><p>Here is how I memorise things.</p><ul><li>You can denote numbers with objects. I only do this for small numbers so that things stay easy. For bigger numbers, you can create a constant and memorise it seperately on a different path.</li><li>You can also create a path filled with formulae you already know and use it’s pegs here</li><li>For a constant like speed of light (c) or the universal gravitation constant (G) you can use animals. So a giraffe for G and a camel for c.</li><li>Use an action for an operator. Example - punch for multiplication. You can memorise parentheses and subscripts as actions too.</li><li>For a variable, a person seems to be the best choice. Alan from The Hangover is a good choice for A. Don’t mix up the capital and small letters, assign different people to both.</li><li>For a chemical equation, people can denote <b>new</b> molecules. Don’t use anything for elements, you should know them all or you can just use the pegs from another path/wardrobe.</li><p>To memorise all those symbols, create a story. You can store a short equation, at a single peg but if it gets long, you probably will need to continue it on the next peg. In the latter, be sure to mark it as the continuation. Another action can be used for this task.</p><p>Some tips</p><ul><li>Try to keep all the terms and variables in order. It has its pros and cons. The main con is that it makes the stories similar and repetitive and increases the chances of forgetting the equation. This con results into a pro - encourages understanding the equations for those who do rote learning.</li></ul>';
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document.getElementById("p3").innerHTML = '<p>Source : http://memory-sports.com</p><p>It is a powerful tool which is used by the majority of mental athletes. Since it is based on a phonetic system, you will easily memorize all the images and go on to use it in action.</p><h4>The challenge of numbers</h4><p>The reason why numbers are so troublesome for many people is that they are abstract. They characterize an amount of something, but are nothing we can see, hold or feel. We can’t even describe what they mean. Sure, you can try it for a very low digit. But when it comes to more than ten you will have huge problems. The conclusion for memory athletes is, to make numbers more concrete.</p><h4>The different peg systems</h4><p>To manifest a number you have to alter it into something else. It doesn’t really matter into what, as long as you can imagine it. Since we have a decimal system, we need to translate at least ten images for each number. The lists you create out of those objects are broadly called “peg lists“. I will refer to these objects as “images” or “mnemonics”. Once you memorized such a list, you can use it over and over again and memorize any amount of digits (depending on the amount of your locations from your Method of Loci).</p><p>We will now look at a few different number systems used by memory athletes. Growing complexity is indicated by the term “Level”. A higher level contains more information within an image and is therefore more efficient for the memorizing task. At the same time the effort grows to learn the system. A 1st-Level system might be learned within five minutes. For a 3rd-Level system you should better anticipate a few weeks. It depends on your purpose which you should use. For studies you might be fine with the smaller systems. If you want to become a memory champion you should go for higher complexity.</p><p>This overview is merely an example of the most popular systems. The possibilities are far greater. Every novice is advised to keep in mind that there always might be a better solution for translating numbers into something more memorable.</p><h4>1st-Level: Number-Shape and Number-Rhyme System</h4><p>One approach is through the shape of each number. For example: The “two” looks just like a swan. Another way is using rhymes for each number. In this case the “two” could be “shoe”. Except you are dealing with only a few small numbers, don’t bother learning such a simple system. But why is that?</p><p>At first, you don’t use the power of clusters. That means, putting several information into one image. To remember a phone number with eight digits, you would need eight images with such a simple system. Although it still helps to remember it, the effort is too big for such a simple task.</p><p>Second of all, ten images are not enough to have an adequate variety for different stories. Imagine you have to make a story for a number with four “twos”. You would have to put four swans in your mental image.</p><p>If you want to memorize digits more effectively, you will need a more evolved system. So let’s skip these and go on to the 2-digit-Systems.</p><h4>2nd -Level: The Major System</h4><p>The smallest cluster for decimal digits is two digits together. 10x10 makes 100 images for each combination of two numbers. It might sound much to learn, but the mnemonic basis of these systems help you to do so in a very short time. This guide sets its focus on the Major System, one of many ways to cluster two digits together. In the end it doesn’t matter what kind of system you use if you have the same amount of information stored as images.</p><p>The Major System is a phonetic technique to translate numbers into words. It starts with converting digits into consonant sounds. After that you add vowels before, between and after those letters. The phonetic rules are mnemonics and therefore easy to remember. That helps you to reconstruct the images you have in your head, even if you didn’t learn the full set of 100 images yet. After some practice you will have strong associations with each number from 00 to 99. It seems like a big effort to make things easier for your memory. But it isn’t that difficult and in the end you will never have to think about it again. You will just know your images. If you can overcome your doubt of the efficiency of this effort, you are one huge step ahead of everyone who came this far but turned their back on these techniques.</p><p>Another great thing about the Major System is the fact, that it is expandable. By adding a third number to your cluster you will reach the 3rd level. That would mean to memorize 1.000 objects, before you can use it (or 900 if you already learned a list of 100). But that is nothing you should think about for starters. Actually you are able to come very far with a 2nd-Level system. But the amount of memory athletes using a 3rd-Level system is growing every day. I will not go into detail about the 3rd-Level system because it works excactly the same way as a 2nd-Level Major System but with three digits to encode instead of two.</p><h4>The rules: 86 is a fish</h4><p>The following rules are the basics of the system. You have to memorize them in order to create and reconstruct your images. I taught them to dozens of children. They were able to learn them in about ten minutes. Without an oral explanation, it might take a little bit longer, but you get my point: It is very simple!</p><h4>The Major Code</h4><p>Numeral Associated Constants</p><ul><li>0 s, z, soft c</li><li>1 t, d</li><li>2 n</li><li>3 m</li><li>4 r</li><li>5 l</li><li>6 j, sh, soft g, soft "ch"</li><li>7 k, hard c, hard g, hard "ch", q, qu</li><li>8 f, v</li><li>9 p, b</li><li>Unassigned-Vowel sounds, w,h,y,x</li></ul><b>The Mnemonics -</b><ul><li>z is the first letter of zero. The other letters have a similar sound</li><li>t & d have one downward stroke and sound similar (some variant systems include "th")</li><li>n has two downward strokes</li><li>last letter of four, also 4 and R are almost mirror images of each other</li><li>a script j has a lower loop / g is almost a 6 rotated</li><li>capital K "contains" two sevens (some variant systems include "ng")</li><li>script f resembles a figure-8. V sounds similar</li><li>p is a mirror-image 9. b sounds similar and resembles a 9 rolled around</li><li>These can be used anywhere without changing a words number value</li></ul><p>Each digit maps to a set of similar sounds with similar mouth and tongue positions. The mapping is phonetic, so it is the consonant sounds that matter, not the spelling. Therefore a word like “action” would encode the number 762, not 712; and “ghost” would be 701, while, because the “gh” in “enough” is pronounced like an “f”, the word “enough” encodes the number 28.</p><p>Similarly, double letters are disregarded. The word “missile” is mapped to 305, not 3005. To encode 3005 one would use something like “mossy sail”.</p><p>Often the mapping is compact. “Hindquarters”, for example, translates unambiguously to 2174140, which amounts to 7 digits encoded by 12 letters, and can be easily visualized.</p><h4>Create your own list</h4><p>If you are sticking to the rules above, there are few things you can make wrong. You can even use abstract words like “time” if you have a strong visual association for it like a clock. Stay strictly with the rules in the beginning. It will help you to memorize the words. Later you can jump around and use any words to replace your weaker images. I changed several pegs in my system over time without using the Major System anymore. But to learn the whole pack at once, the rules are a must have.</p>'
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document.getElementById("p4").innerHTML = '<p>Source : http://memory-sports.com</p><p>This is the first part of your guide to get a memory like an elephant.</p><h4>Background</h4><p>This technique is as old as ancient democracy, used by Greek and Roman senators to hold their intoxicating speeches in front of the senate. It was proscribed to use any kind of notes, so they were using this brilliant technique to jack up their memory.</p><p>To remember a speech, they broke it into peaces and created symbols for every single part. Then they put those symbols into the different loci. To recall them they visualized the path and went from one station to another, where they remembered the symbols and translated them back into the speech.</p?<p>Why is the method of loci so powerful? On one hand it is using your natural memory for locations. Even if you have the feeling to easily loose orientation, you still are able to remember your own room in its detail. On the other hand it provides a logical order. You just have to walk through your room clockwise or counterclockwise and all the objects will be in a specific order.</p><p>I will call each route we create with this method an “elephant path” (or just “path”). It is a track created by animal footfalls and represents the most easily navigated way between an origin and a destination. Each time it is used, it becomes stronger and grows wider. A memory athlete is using his paths over and over again, too. And since the elephant is also a symbol for a strong memory, it seems like a perfect name for the easiest way to a better memory.</p><h4>Step 1 – Pick your Location</h4><p>To use this technique and become a memory athlete, you have to choose your first location. It can be anywhere you like but you should pick the one you know best for your first elephant path. That could be your room, your flat, your house or your workspace. If you like, you can also create an imaginary path. But it is harder to memorize in the beginning, so I advise you to choose a real location first. A memory athlete creates several paths for championships. But for starters one should be fine.</p><h4>Step 2 – Define the Way-Points</h4><p>When you picked your first location, you have to define all the objects you want to use as way-points in your elephant path. They will be the stations you have to pass, each time you are memorizing any kind of information with it. The number of way-points will determine the length of your route – and therewith the amount of information you can store on it. You can have ten stations or a thousand. One single room can easily include twenty way-points. I suggest that your first elephant path should have about fifty stations. If you stick to some rules, your path will become more efficiently. But those rules are just a guideline – you can break them whenever you like. Since every person got a different mind and different affinities, you probably have to bend the rules to make them match your personality. By the way: This regards every single aspect in memory techniques!</p><ul> <li>Do imagine your way-points in every detail</li><li>Pick the way-points you first think of – they are in most cases the best</li><li>Keep a certain order of the way you walk your path (i.e. clockwise)</li><li>Use noticeable way-points every 10 steps to create proper segments</li><li>Don’t make your way-points too small (i.e. a pencil)</li><li>Don’t make your way-points too big (i.e. a house)</li><li>Don’t make them to close together</li><li>Don’t make them to far away from each other</li><li>Don’t use similar way-points in the same path</li><h4>Step 3 – Memorize your Path</h4><p>Since you already know the location and you’ve finished defining the way-points, it will be very easy to memorize your new elephant path. Just try to recall it in your imagination. If you miss a few points, try to imagine yourself walking through your path and count each and every single way-point on it. Do that repeatedly and you will strengthen your path each time. After a while you can increase your speed dramatically: With a well trained path you wont need longer than a split second for each way-point. This process is quick and natural.</p><h4>Step 4 – Use it!</h4><p>With your new elephant path you are able to associate information like words with every way-point. It will help you to remember the correct order and can easily be used over and over again for different purposes. This is because you are naturally forgetting your associations after a while, if you do not recapitulate them again. This happens in a short period of time and depends on your memory. Some brilliant memory athletes will remember their images for up to two weeks without repeating them. Personally I have the mindset to never recall my associations a second time after training or a championship. I don’t need the information any more so I can let my brain forget it. That sounds counterproductive but it helps a lot to use my paths again as soon as possibly (in my case about a day).</p>';
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document.getElementById("p5").innerHTML = '<p>Source : http://memory-sports.com</p><h4>History</h4><p>Starting with a 2-digit system like the 2nd-Level Major System is a relatively small effort of 100 images (10²). A system like this can be learned in a very short time, is therefore quickly available and can easily be trained. The downside of it is the small cluster of only two digits. For a forty digit number you will have to memorize 20 images on 20 locations with your Elephant Path through the Method of Loci (supposing you use one image on each location).</p><p>Improving the system to a 3-digit system is a very big step and requests already 1.000 images (10³). There are several techniques to do this, like using a 3rd-Level Major System or the Ben System. Both are great ways to create a list of 1.000 images. The effort is ten times as much and will require a lot of practice before you can use it quickly. But for a forty digit number you will only have to memorize 13.3 images on 13.3 locations which will ultimately boost your speed and precision (.3 because you cannot divide 40 by 6 with whole numbers; more about this under “PAO in Action”). Any 3-digit system will therefore be more sophisticated than a 2-digit system.</p><p>The PAO-System jumps in that huge gap between these two techniques and provides a beautiful alternative with only 300 images needed. Technically it is a 3 x 2-digit system. It is also a great upgrade for your existing 2-digit system and will be memorized in no time. But it also can work as your first system.</p><h4>How PAO works</h4><p>The idea behind the PAO-System is very simple: If we want to avoid encoding more digits into one image, we have to find another way to condense information. We can do that by creating a cluster of 2-digit images. That means we use more than one list of 100 images and combine them into one big cluster. In case of the PAO-System we create three lists of 100 items each: 100 persons (P), 100 actions (A) and 100 objects (O).</p><p>The beauty of this system besides the clustered information of six digits is the natural order of each list: It’s always the Person first, followed by the Action and the Object last. Memorize 6.6 little scenes like this on 6.6 of your locations and you have encoded a forty digit number. That sounds much better than a 3-digit system where you have to memorize twice as much and learn 700 images more in the first place, doesn’t it?</p><p>But all magic comes with a price: Even if you cluster three images together into one, they still have to be remembered all by themselves in the end. You will see that it takes a whole new focus compared to a simple 2-digit or even a 3-digit system. It is essential to clearly visualize each person, action and object. Otherwise you might forget who was jumping on your sofa with a big candle. The same thing goes for the action and the object of course. It will take some practice to figure this out.</p><p>And there is another downside to this system: You are cutting yourself of from a lot of creativity. The combination of these three elements draws a clear image that you only have to put on one of your locations. There is little room for your ideas which are a huge part of the fun in my opinion. On the other hand this will be balanced out through a more creative need for location interaction. You will find more about this under the point “PAO in action”.</p><p>Due to this and other phenomenon many consider variations of the system, for example a PO-System with only two lists of 100 persons and 100 objects. That will give you plenty of room for creativity again but will reduce the cluster to 4 digits instead of 6. Others have problems with the 100 persons. They always confuse them with each other and only use an AO-System with 100 actions and 100 objects.</p><h4>Creating the PAO System</h4><p>There are many ways to create your three lists. Personally I prefer the following method: If you are building your first number system, you should consider the Major System. It will help you to encode your first list of 100 images and learn them quickly. Then, or if you already have a 2-digit system, you can upgrade it astonishingly easy and quick: Look at all your 100 images. If they are objects try to find associations to a person and action for each one. If they are persons look for a fitting object and action. That way you will create natural associations you already have in your head. After specifying them you will remember your new lists very easily by activating your images in your first list.</p><h4>PAO in action</h4><p>To memorize a 40-digit number you will read it in steps of two digits each, translating the first two into the person, the second two into the action and the third two digits into the object. Put them together and combine this image with your location from your Elephant Path. Then go on to the next six digits and repeat this sequence until you created five image clusters. Only 6.6 clusters and you can memorize 8304827739410499306928301829439382904639 – amazing isn’t it?</p><p>If you prefer to let your images interact with your locations, instead of simply placing them in front of them, you need to get creative. For example if your location is a u-shaped door knocker and your PAO provides you with something like an elephant (P) sings (A) on a bicycle (O). In order to let the huge elephant interact with the door knocker while doing his sing-riding he could become small enough in your imagination. Maybe so tiny, that he and his bike fit easily within the u-curve of the door knocker. This will be a cute little image worth remembering for your brain.</p><p>If you are competing at a memory competition you will have to deal with the fact, that each row will be 40 digits long. After 6 PAO-images (36 digits) you will reach the end of the row with only four digits left. When you encode the next four images in this row AND the next two digits in the following row to create a full PAO-image, you could lose two complete rows with 80 digits together. If you forget this PAO-image you will have 4 mistakes in the first row and 2 mistakes in the second, setting both of them to zero (1 mistake half of the row, 2 mistakes cancels the row). To avoid this you should consider memorizing only the last four digits of the row with a PO-image for example and starting the next row with a new PAO-image.</p><h4>PAO for cards</h4><p>You can use the PAO-Sytem for cards as well. In case of cards it makes even more sense because a 2-card system requires 2.652 images (52x51 cards). It is much easier to create and works exactly the same way as with numbers. You can simply take your existing 1st-Level card system and upgrade it with the same technique I explained above. If you don’t have a card system yet, you should create a simple one and then upgrade it. It really is worth the effort and athletes like Andy Bell are able to memorize a deck of 52 cards with it in 31.16 seconds.</p>';
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document.getElementById("p6").innerHTML = '<p>Source : http://memory-sports.com</p><h4>Step 1: Imagine it, Hear it, Feel it!</h4><p>It is the most valuable lesson in memory sports: Imagine your stories before your inner eye. You have to SEE your stories become alive. It is a huge beginners mistake to create a story to remember but not visualizing it. When I started with memory techniques, I just spoke the words of the story in my mind, but I lacked figuring it out in all its details. This process doesn’t necessarily need a lot of time. But you have to be there yourself if you create any kind of tale for memory purposes in your mind.</p><p>Don’t limit yourself to visuals. Hear it, feel it, taste it, smell it.</p><h4>Step 2: Think out of the box!</h4><p>Let’s assume your first station in your path is the kitchen table. Your goal is to memorize random words. This is one of the easiest disciplines in a memory championship, because you don’t need anything else than your ready Elephant Path (or Journey, how most of the English speaking athletes call it) and your creativity. The first word you have to memorize is the word “banana“.<p>What would be your first thought for a possible association? I guess you would imagine putting the banana on the table. I can assure you, that this idea is definitely the worst you could come up with. If you are going to memorize dozens of words this way, in most of the cases you wouldn’t remember much. You would just recall, that something was lying on the table. But why is that? Why can’t we remember that story?</p><p>The answer is trivial: because it is boring! It never made its way to the long-term memory. Since our brain is getting millions of data every second, it has to filter everything by relevance. If something seems irrelevant, our mind wont keep that information (some neuroscientist believe that we keep every single data we ever experienced, but even so, we can’t remember it at will). Although we made the first step and defined the location to look for the information in the little universe in our head by using a path, we still can’t remember.</p><p>But it is easy to change that lack of relevance: we just use our creativity!</p><p>So let’s come back to the banana and the table: What can we do instead of simply putting it on the table?</p><ul><li>We eat the banana and put a forth of the peel under each leg. Now we can use the table like a Skateboard and slide through the room.</li><li>We coat the table surface with the mushed banana. It feels great now!</li><li>We turn the table and use the banana like a pistol – “We going straight – to – the Wild Wild West”.</li><li>What would King Louie do? He would build a throne out of the giant banana – right on the table. That way he can be higher than his fellow apes.</li><li>But careful: Be sure you just use ONE banana in your story. Otherwise you would remember the word “bananas” – and that would be wrong in a championship!</li></ul><h4>Step 3: Use your emotions!</h4><p>Try to think about your past life: What events do you recall first? How clearly can you remember them? You will recognize, that the best memories in your head are always full of emotions, like birthdays, Christmas, your first day in school, your first kiss, marriage, the birth of your children. If you are asking any person about what they did on the 11th of September 2001, they can tell you every detail about it – but they have no idea what they did the day before.</p><p>So what you should do is, to fill your stories with emotions. Be happy or sorry for any living creature in your invented tales. Feel empathic for everything what’s happening in your mind as long as you are memorizing data.</p><h4>Step 4: I like to move it, move it</h4><p>Do you remember, what we did with the table, after we put the banana peel under the legs? I guess you do – and not just because we thought out of the box. The fact that there was a certain movement in the story, increased its relevance dramatically. I can assure you, that all the images I create include any kind of animation. Especially my numbers are full of motion because I use a Person-Verb-Object-System. But I will come back to that in another episode of How to become a Memory Champion.</p><h4>Step 5: EXAGGERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</h4><p>One of the greatest tools when creating an image is to hyperbolse it. It will jack up your stories a lot. One thing I do with most of my images is to increase or decrease the size dramatically. Why should I remember an elephant on my sofa with its real dimensions? It would probably kind of difficult to imagine, because the elephant is far too big for the couch. But if you shrink it to the size of a puppy, it will be adorable and funny. You can’t forget it anymore.</p><h4>Step 6: Use sexual fantasies!</h4><p>I don’t think, that I have to explain it to you, but just for the integrity I do: There is no stronger impulse in a human being than sex! Even survival often comes after that biggest of instincts. So we can and will use that drive to push our memories on to a new level. If you are too conservative to take that chance of improving your memory, you will miss a huge chance. My advise: bite the bullet. You have nothing to loose, because it is your own mind and nobody can criticize you about it.</p><p>Of course this is strongly depending on the subjects age. If you are teaching these techniques to children, you should certainly leave this part out. They should be teenagers at least before this makes any sense to them.</p><h4>Step 7: Make it colourful</h4><p>Well, your brain is always cheering out loud, when it comes to beautiful colours. What do you remember more: A gray and cloudy day in fall or a sunny day on a flower field? It speaks for itself. Use it for your images. You don’t have to dye every single association you are creating – that would probably overdo it. But especially if you are creating your paths and systems (for numbers, cards, abstract images), you should use many colours to help yourself establishing a proper image in your mind. It will also help you afterwards to recall your images, because a colourful story is more interesting.</p><h4>Step 8: Repeat, repeat, repeat…</h4><p>Actually, this last step falls out of the previous advises. Repetition is less necessary for the perfect association but hugely important for any kind of memory. In memory sports, a rollback of the images you just created can stabilize your stories dramatically. But it is a twisted sword: If you are going for an enormous amount of data in a short time, you probably wont have enough time to repeat. In that case you will have to trust your associations you did only once. But most of the athletes are repeating their images at least once. Some memory athletes like MemoryXL-President Boris Konrad are iterating their images several time. That means, that he is relying more on repetition, than on the perfect association (correct me if I am wrong, Boris). His old world record of 106 words in 5 minutes (recently broken by Katie Kermode with 109 words) speaks for the effectiveness of this method.</p><p>So you see, there is a lot of improvement you can do with your associations. If you are using these advices and combine them with your own preferences and experience, soon you will become one of us – a Memory Athlete!</p>';
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document.getElementById("p7").innerHTML = '<p>Source : http://memory-sports.com</p><p>Now it is time for another very powerful method which will guide you on your path to become a Memory Master: The Wardrobe Method.</p><p>A wardrobe is a prepared sequence of memory pegs that can all be accessed both in order and directly.</p><h4>History</h4><p>This particular mnemonic system goes back to the ancient Greeks. Simonides, one of the very first mnemonic technicians, already used a simplified version of it. The actual founder of the improved method might be a Greek called Theodektis of Phaselis who influenced Aristotle. The famous philosopher wrote in his scriptures about using the alphabet as a wardrobe.</p><p>In modern times it was the german historian Ulrich Voigt who wrote in his mnemonic reference book “Esels Welt” (Donkey’s World) about this fascinating approach to memory techniques.</p><h4>Eight things to consider first</h4><p>To use this method you have to prepare one or more different wardrobes. The actual length of each wardrobe is not important to make it work. But there are a few things to consider before creating your first one:</p><ul><li>Think big. If your wardrobe is too short it won’t be powerful enough for longer lists. A number of ten sounds great for starters but will soon reach its limits.</li><li>Think small, too. If your wardrobe is too big it will become a huge effort to find enough pegs on one hand. On the other hand it will also become an even bigger effort to memorize it before you can start using it. A number of 1.000 has a huge potential in the long run. But making it worth creating would assume an excessive use of it. Only very few fit in that category, like ambitious memory athletes for example</li><li>Find your perfect size. Using a certain amount of pegs will help you stabilize your wardrobe. This could be a round number like 25, 50 or 100. It could also be a number fitting into a certain system which will help you to memorize the wardrobe. The alphabet is excellent for providing you with dozens of different wardrobes from A-Z.</li><li>Use memory systems. If you don’t do this you will have huge problems memorizing your wardrobes. There are many possible systems you could use. I will describe some of them further below.</li><li>Use familiar pegs. Every time you struggle imagining some of your pegs you should ask yourself to replace it with something better. There are literally millions of possible pegs for you out there. Only use the ones you really like.</li><li>Bend the rules. Overreliance on your systems is not necessary. Bend the rules as much as you like. The only thing that counts in the end is that you can recall your wardrobe with ease and that you don’t have any problems with your pegs.</li><li>Use a numerical order. One of the most important things of a proper wardrobe is that you can always jump to every single peg in its system. You don’t have to follow the whole order as you have to do using the String Method.</li><li>Make sure why and how you would use this method. Memorizing something to be better in memorizing something else sounds extremely weird for most people. If you are certain that this will improve your memory for ever and what things you will memorize with it you will motivate yourself to do it.</li></ul><h4>Use simple codes like the Animal Alphabet</h4><p>As you can see below the alphabet is an excellent supply for a 26-wardrobe. You just have to change the category and you can start again from the letter A. There are many thinkable wardrobes like musicians, actors, authors, politicians, cartoon characters and many more. Since the alphabet is a natural order of 26 numbers you could even create the first quarter of your new number system out of this wardrobe. Three more of those lists and you have a full 100-list of number pegs.</p><h4>Example of an Animal Alphabet</h4><ul><li>A = Alligator</li><li>B =Butterfly</li><li>C = Crab</li><li>D = Dolphin</li><li>E = Elephant</li><li>F = Frog</li><li>G = Giraffe</li><li>H = Horse</li><li>I = Iguana</li><li>J = Jellyfish</li><li>K = Kangaroo</li><li>L = Lizard</li><li>M = Mouse</li><li>N = Nautilus</li<li>O = Owl</li><li>P = Panda</li><li>Q = Quail</li><li>R = Rhinoceros</li><li>S = Snail</li><li>T = Tiger</li><li>U = Unicorn</li><li>V = Vulture</li><li>W = Walrus</li><li>X = X-Mas Reindeer</li><li>Y = Yak</li><li>Z = Zebra</li></ul><h4>Create a 2-digit system – over and over again</h4><p>Using a number system for each combination of two decimal digits (00-99) will provide you with a proper 100-wardrobe. Personally I think that this might be the best wardrobe you can get. The number 100 is a compromise between the easy but inflexible 10-wardrobe and the powerful but difficult 1.000-wardrobe.</p><p>You could create such a wardrobe with any method you like. This might be the Dominic System, the Major System or the Ben System. It could be a complex Number Shape or Number Rhyme System. Or you could come up with something new like using ten different categories with ten pegs each, ordered by the phonetic code of the Major System.</p><p>I started with the Major System and use it now as my main wardrobe. From that I created two more lists to generate a Person-Action-Object System (PAO). That is the base for all my new wardrobes. I don’t even use any codification any more but merely connect each new list of 100 with two of my old lists.</p><h4>How to memorize a Wardrobe without any codification</h4><p>I created ten wardrobes with 100 people each. To memorize them I used my list of 100 actions and my list of 100 objects and overlapped them. This looks like the following example:</p><ul><li>674 = Jean Claude van Damme</li><li>67 = hanging</li><li>74 = car</li></ul><h4>Use an ordered journey</h4><p>You can use the Method of Loci for your new wardrobe. Basically it is a wardrobe made out of several well known locations in a row. But instead of simply memorizing the journey in a sequence like you would normally do with your journeys you order it and memorize the positions of each location as a number. Since this process takes time you could start with memorizing each ten locations as hooks. Over time you will know the exact positions if you focus on learning them. Or you associate it with your already existing Number System and you will know all positions from the beginning.</p><h4>Every list you memorize is a new Wardrobe</h4><p>If you have already created a wardrobe and use it for the first time to memorize a certain list of information you will create another wardrobe by doing that. If you memorize the presidents of the United States of America in order of their presidency for example you will know them with their presidential numbers. Since they represent now a number on their own you can use them as a stand-alone wardrobe. From George Washington to Barack Obama would be your new 44-wardrobe.</p><p>Since this provides you with an odd number (not in a mathematical point of view but from the perspective of a memory master) you can add more information to make it 50 or even 100. If you want to stay flexible for upcoming presidents they can merley serve as placeholders until the next election.</p><p>Basically you do on purpose what your brain does subconsciously with all memories: You associate information after information with each other. The big difference is, that you can always recall your memory because you know where to look in your huge library called brain.</p><h4>How to use your wardrobe</h4><p>Associate your (1) with your (A). Use your creativity to let the Alligator (1) interact with George Washington (A), the Butterfly (2) with John Adams (B) and the Crab (3) with Thomas Jefferson (C). (Don’t get confused by the fact that the Alligator is (1) and NOT (A). This simply means that the Alligator is the number one in your actual wardrobe. The (A) represents the first element of your list, in that case George Washington.</p><p>If you are struggling with associating the names to the animals you should think outside of the box: Use something that reminds you of the name instead of the name itself. That could be an item, another person, a song etc.</p><ul><li>The Alligator is wearing the white wig of Washington.</li><li>The Butterfly is living in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Its name is John.</li><li>The Crab is having an excellent idea. A glowing bulb is popping up above its head but it is not glowing. Thomas Edison is repairing it with huge effort using a tool formed like a “J”.</li><li>Especially my association number three seems to be very far streched. But it still might bring you back to the necessary elements to reconstruct the name Thomas Jefferson.</li><p>For more creative inspiration you should read about the 7 Mental Elements and The Perfect Association.</p><p>Warning: I wouldn’t use the Alphabet for a task like that because it only provides you with 26 letters. This was merely a simple example. I suggest using the Major System or something similar with 100 memory pegs. On the other hand you can add four Alphabet lists together, get rid of the most annoying letter, for example “X” and you have 100. Do as you please.</p><h4>Let it grow</h4><p>When you are memorizing many wardrobes with the same basic system confusion is inevitable. To avoid using your Alligator for several occasions without being confused which story is the right one you have to use a keyword (*) as a third element for each of your associations. That will result in the following construction:</p><p>(*)-(1)-(A), (*)-(2)-(B), etc.</p><p>This is related to the Self Enhanced Memory Matrix (SEM³). Personally I don’t like this approach at all because there is too much unrelated chunking in my opinion. I rather let my wardrobes grow together forming larger systems like I wrote above with the Jean Claude van Damme example. You should try it out and find the right approach for your personal taste.</p><h4>Conclusion</h4><p>The Wardrobe Method is probably the best mnemonic system I know. It needs a prepared wardrobe before you can jump into action and memorize anything else. But then you will be able to memorize many different kinds of information. You can use it as number systems and as locations to store temporarily lists. You could even store it permanently by just using each wardrobe once and go on with your new created wardrobe from the last memorized list. But this is nothing I suggest. Combining a keyword with a proper wardrobe or alternativly overlapping your PAO like I did above are in my opinion the two most powerful approaches for longer lists. They are so powerful that you could use only one single 100-wardrobe hundreds of times over and over again.</p>';
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