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Test Automation Execution Guide

Table of Contents


This guide provides the necessary information and instructions on setting up an environment to allow for running:

  • CDR Authorisation Server integration tests
  • CDR Authorisation E2E tests (End-to-end tests that cover user interface testing)
  • Get Data Recipient Azure Function integration tests

This guide also provides different options for setting up your environment and running tests by using either Microsoft Visual Studio's Test Explorer or Docker to cater for different use cases.


Docker Desktop is installed and running.

Microsoft Visual Studio is installed.

Getting Started

Before being able to execute any CDR Authorisation Server automated tests, a Mock Register docker image is required.

This guide explains how a Mock Register docker images can be either built from scratch using the Mock Register GitHub repository, or pulled directly from Docker Hub.

Build or Pull a Mock Register Image

The Mock Register image can be either built from the GitHub Mock Register repository, or pulled directly from Docker Hub. This guide describes both options and their respective use cases.

Build a Mock Register image

Building your own Mock Register image may be useful if you want to make changes to any source code in the Mock Register solution. Follow the steps below to build a Mock Register image from scratch:

  1. Clone the Mock Register repository using the following command.
git clone
  1. Run the following command to build the Mock Register docker image from the mock-register\Source folder:
docker build -f Dockerfile -t mock-register .

The Mock Register docker image should now be available for use in Docker. For further and more detailed documentation regarding the Mock Register, refer to the Mock Register GitHub repository.

Pull and Tag the Latest Image from Docker Hub

Pulling the latest Mock Register image from Docker Hub is a quicker and easier alternative to building your own Mock Register image from scratch. It is recommended for most cases where customisation of the Mock Register code base is not required.

This can be done by simply executing the following docker commands:

docker pull consumerdataright/mock-register

docker image tag consumerdataright/mock-register mock-register

The Mock Register image should now be available for use in Docker.

Test Execution

Automated tests can be executed by either using a docker container or by running them directly from Microsoft Visual Studio's Test Explorer. This guide describes both options and their respective use case.

Running Tests Using Docker Containers

Running tests using a docker container is useful when debugging or stepping through the test's code is not required.

Running CDR Authorisation Server Integration Tests Using Docker Containers

The CDR Authorisation Server Integration Tests Compose File can be executed using the docker compose command to run the tests within a docker container:

docker compose -f "docker-compose.IntegrationTests.Standalone.yml" up -d --build 

This docker compose command will start the necessary docker containers and automatically run the CDR Authorisation Server Integration Tests. The following screenshot shows an example of these tests being run:

CDR Authorisation Server integration tests running

Running CDR Authorisation Server E2E Tests Using Docker Containers

The CDR Authorisation Server E2E Tests Compose File can be executed using the docker compose command to run the tests within a docker container::

docker compose -f "docker-compose.E2ETests.Standalone.yml" up -d --build 

This docker compose command will start the necessary docker containers and automatically run the CDR Authorisation Server E2E Tests. The following screenshot shows an example of these tests being run:

CDR Authorisation Server E2E tests running

Running Get Data Recipients Integration Tests Using Docker Containers

The Get Data Recipients Integration Tests Compose File can be executed using the docker compose command to run the tests within a docker container::

docker compose -f "docker-compose.GetDataRecipients.IntegrationTests.yml" up -d --build 

This docker compose command will start the necessary docker containers and automatically run the Get Data Recipients integration tests. The following screenshot shows an example of these tests being run:

Get Data Recipients integration tests running

Note: The above composed multi-containers must be run independently and cannot co-exist. For example, in order to switch from running E2E tests to running Get Data Recipients integration tests, the E2E Tests multi-container must be deleted before running the compose command for Get Data Recipients integration tests.

Viewing Test Results

Following the execution of tests using Docker, a folder named '_temp' will be generated in the 'cdr-auth-server/Source' folder. This will contain test results in TRX format and any other artifacts created by the test automation execution. The TRX test results file can be opened and viewed in Microsoft Visual Studio as per example screenshot below:

Viewing results in Microsoft Visual Studio

Running Tests Using Microsoft Visual Studio

Running tests using Microsoft Visual Studio is required when wanting to debug or step through the test's source code.

Setup Local Machine Environment

The following host names must be registered in the local machine's hosts file (located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc).   mock-register   cdr-auth-server   cdr-auth-server-integration-tests   cdr-auth-server-e2e-tests   cdr-auth-server-standalone   getdatarecipients   mssql

A Windows Environment variable for ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT is required to be added and set to Release.

The Mock CDR CA Certificate is required to be installed in the local machine's Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. Consult the Certificate Management documentation for more information about how certificates are used in CDR Mock Solutions.

Setup Multi-Container Docker Environment

Before being able to run tests using Microsoft Visual Studio, the required docker containers need to be running in a multi-container docker environment. The following docker compose commands will run the necessary containers:

To setup a multi-container docker environment for CDR Authorisation Server Integration Tests, execute the following docker compose command from the cdr-auth-server\Source folder:

docker compose  -f "docker-compose.IntegrationTests.Standalone.yml" up -d --build mssql mock-register cdr-auth-server 

To setup a multi-container docker environment for CDR Authorisation Server E2E Tests, execute the following docker compose command from the cdr-auth-server\Source folder:

docker compose  -f "docker-compose.E2ETests.Standalone.yml" up -d --build mssql mock-register cdr-auth-server 

To setup a multi-container docker environment for Get Data Recipients Integration Tests, execute the following docker compose command from the cdr-auth-server\Source folder:

docker compose  -f "docker-compose.GetDataRecipients.IntegrationTests.yml" up -d --build azurite mssql mock-register cdr-auth-server getdatarecipients

The following screenshot shows an example of the Get Data Recipients multi-container environment running in Docker:

Get Data Recipients Multi-Container Docker Environment

Tests can now be run using Microsoft Visual Studio.

Running Tests using Microsoft Visual Studio Test Explorer

The following steps detail the process of running tests using Microsoft Visual Studio's Test Explorer:

  1. Open the CdrAuthServer.sln solution file in Microsoft Visual Studio.

  2. Build the solution.

  3. Open the Test Explorer. If Test Explorer is not visible, choose 'Test' on the Visual Studio menu and then choose 'Test Explorer'.

    Microsoft Visual Studio Test Explorer

  4. Right click the test, or group of tests to execute and select 'Run' as per screenshot below:

    Run tests in Microsoft Visual Studio

    The screenshot below is an example of successfully completed Get Data Recipient integration tests:

    Microsoft Visual Studio Test Explorer Completed Tests

Debugging Tests

The Test Automation projects use the ConsumerDataRight.ParticipantTooling.MockSolution.TestAutomation NuGet package. The source code for this repository is available in the Mock Solution Test Automation repository. Cloning this repository to your local machine will allow you to easily debug, step through or even modify any code that was used to build the NuGet package.

This repository can be cloned using following command:

git clone

The CdrAuthServer_Shared.sln solution has been created to allow for debugging and stepping through the source code used in Mock Solution Test Automation project.

Authorisation Server Shared Solution in Microsoft Visual Studio

Select the Shared solution configuration in Visual Studio to switch from using the Mock Solution Test Automation NuGet package to the using the ConsumerDataRight.ParticipantTooling.MockSolution.TestAutomation project instead:

Shared Configuration

This will allow for debugging, stepping through and modifying the source code that is used to create the NuGet package. Right click the test, or group of tests you'd like to debug and select 'Debug' to begin debugging tests.

Debug test in Microsoft Visual Studio

For more information on using Microsoft Test Explorer, search for 'Test Explorer' at Microsoft Learn.