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SDR Integration Tests

A set of Capybara tests that drive a browser to do inter-system integration testing of SDR in the stage or QA environment.


The tests use Ruby 3.4.

The tests depend on having Firefox (default) or Chrome downloaded.

  1. bundle install
  2. bin/rake webdrivers:geckodriver:update

See the Other Configuration section below for

  • instructions on using Chrome
  • tweaking default selenium browser settings.


  1. Connect to Stanford VPN (full-tunnel or split-tunnel)
  2. Ensure you have a valid, non-expired Kerberos ticket (use klist to verify, or run kinit to refresh)
  3. Set up SSH per DLSS developer best practices
  4. See the Authentication Configuration section below to set up necessary credentials:
  • dor_services_app credentials
  • etd credentials

Run Tests

By default, the integration tests run in the SDR stage environment:


To test in the SDR QA environment, run tests with the SDR_ENV environment variable, like so:

SDR_ENV=qa bin/rspec

No matter which environment you run tests in, you may be prompted to type in your Stanford credentials and will then need to approve a multi-factor authentication push. If you tire of typing in your credentials, see the Other Configuration section below for help securely storing them.

When running the virtual_object_creation test, you can create more than two constituents by running as follows:


Add New Tests

Please use the integration-testing APO and collection when feasible:

  • APO: druid:qc410yz8746 (available as Settings.default_apo)
  • Collection: druid:bc778pm9866 (available as Settings.default_collection)

Authentication Configuration

Allow Credential Delegation

Configure your SSH client to allow delegation of Kerberos credentials (required for any tests that use scp), by adding the following to ~/.ssh/config or wherever your system stores SSH configuration:

# Add to appropriate place, such as:
Host *
  GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes

Stage Environment

For the stage environment, copy config/settings.yml to config/settings/stage.local.yml. You will be adding stage environment specific settings here.

NOTE: config/settings/stage.local.yml is ignored by git and should remain so. Please do not add this file to version control.

QA Environment

For the QA environment, copy config/settings.yml to config/settings/qa.local.yml. You will be adding stage environment specific settings here.

NOTE: config/settings/qa.local.yml is ignored by git and should remain so. Please do not add this file to version control.

Set Dor-Services-App Credentials

Some integration tests use the dor-services-client to interact with the dor-services-app. In order to successfully use the dor-services-client, you must first have a token. To generate dor-services-app tokens, see the dor-services-app README. You'll need to generate separate tokens for each dor-services-app environment (stage, qa), and add them to config/settings/stage.local.yml and config/settings/qa.local.yml. See config/settings.yml for the expected YAML syntax.

Set ETD Credentials

In order to run spec/features/etd_creation_spec.rb, you need the ETD application's backdoor username and password for HTTP POST requests. You can get these from Vault:

vault kv get puppet/application/hydra_etd/qa/username
vault kv get puppet/application/hydra_etd/qa/password


vault kv get puppet/application/hydra_etd/stage/username
vault kv get puppet/application/hydra_etd/stage/password

Add them to config/settings/stage.local.yml and config/settings/qa.local.yml respectively. See config/settings.yml for the expected YAML syntax.

Set Goobi Credentials

In order to run spec/features/goobi_accessioning_spec.rb, you need the Goobi application's integration username and password to login to the UI. Get these values from Vault and add them to config/settings/stage.local.yml.

vault kv get puppet/application/goobi/stage/username
vault kv get puppet/application/goobi/stage/password

This test cannot be run in QA, since there is no Goobi QA. So this configuration is only relevant for stage. See config/settings.yml for the expected YAML syntax.

Problems with Authentication?

You may want to lower the timeout value of Settings.timeouts.post_authentication_text in config/settings.local.yml.

Other Configuration

Set SUNet Credentials

If you tire of typing in your SUNet credentials over and over, you may add them to config/settings.local.yml (ignored by git). Copy the dummy values from config/settings.yml to get started. Do not add this file to version control, if you do this!

Use Chrome Browser

  1. bundle install
  2. bin/rake webdrivers:chromedriver:update
  3. Set browser.driver to chrome in config/settings.local.yml

Change Browser Window Size

If you find you need to modify the default window size for either browser---e.g., because the size is too small and causing responsive elements to disappear behind clickable menus---copy the default settings for browser.height and browser.width from config/settings.yml to config/settings.local.yml and modify them to meet your needs.

Increase Timeout Values

If you are experiencing timeout errors when running tests, you may override the default timeout values by adding timeouts.capybara, timeouts.bulk_action, and/or timeouts.workflow in config/settings.local.yml depending on where you see timeouts.