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Are steroids not doing it for you anymore?
Need that 'kick' in the mornings to get you through the day?

Look no further because we have the solution for you!

Meet Cocaine!

A multi-platform C library that can be used to accelerate large workloads/big data/anything really with the power of a GPU with ease.
And you know what's the best part of it? You can even let grandma do a line.

That's right!

The library uses ONLY the default OpenGL 4.3 or Open GL ES 3.1 features with no extensions.
Meaning this thing works on toasters/solitaire/potato/trashcan machines that were made from 2010* and up.
*Some SOCs and GPUs like ATI/AMD/Intel didn't bother to update their API levels, tho a very small portion of them.

For what methods are available, their documentation and signatures are available at the wiki.
There are also comments on mostly everything**.

So, how does one use it?

For a simple multi-platform solution, there is a Cocaine .NET wrapper in the works.
Cocaine uses GLFW under the hood since it can be compiled for many platforms.
If compiling for windows, link against libCocaine.a and use the 'api_methods.h', 'gpu_methods.h' and 'os_methods.h' header files, OR use the Cocaine.dll at your convenience, just don't forget to put glfw3.dll next to your executable.
If compiling for other platforms, you just need the libCocaine.(.so/.dynlib/etc.) and the 'api_methods.h', 'gpu_methods.h' and 'os_methods.h' header files.

That's it!
Example Usage:

#include "../include/api_methods.h"
#include "../include/gpu_methods.h"
#include "../include/os_methods.h"

char* ShaderCode = //Sample compute shader code for work..
"#version 430\n"   //GLSL(version 430) compatible code
"layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;\n"
"layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer TestName1 { float BufferA[]; };\n" //Here we define our GPU Buffer A that we created using MemoryA memory buffer.
"layout(std430, binding = 1) buffer TestName2 { float BufferB[]; };\n" //Here we define our GPU Buffer B that we created using MemoryB memory buffer.
"layout(std430, binding = 2) buffer TestName3 { float BufferC[]; };\n" //Here we define our GPU Buffer C that we left NULL so it creates and empty buffer.

"unsigned int JobIndex = (gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * (gl_NumWorkGroups.y * gl_NumWorkGroups.z)) + (gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * gl_NumWorkGroups.z) + gl_GlobalInvocationID.z;\n" //A small piece of code that calculates where/which shader unit is at in the job/work count. (Array index essentially.)

"void main()\n"
"	BufferC[JobIndex] = BufferA[JobIndex] + BufferB[JobIndex];\n" //Math.

long long TestSize = 100; //The amount of variables to create. (Make sure you have 3x(4 bytes x TestSize) amount of RAM and GPU VRAM.)
long long TestSizeBufferByteCount; //Calculated the amount of bytes these variable will consume.

void SetBufferValues(float* Buffer, int Length, float Value) { int n = 0; while(n < Length) { Buffer[n] = Value; n++; } } //A function that helps us set our values.

int main()
	Initialize(); //Create a line(Initialize library) of Cocaine;

	GPUDevice* ComputeDevices = NULL;
	int DeviceCount = GetRawGPUDevices(&ComputeDevices); //Get the GPUs and their count that Cocaine has detected.

	if(CreateGPUContext(&ComputeDevices[0])) //Take the first GPU and create a context for it.
		SetActiveGPUContext(&ComputeDevices[0]); //Make the current GPU context is active on the calling thread.

		int i = 0;
		while(i < GPUCount)
			printf("GPU[%d]: %s\n", i, ComputeDevices[i].DisplayName); //Print out our GPU names because why not?

		TestSizeBufferByteCount = TestSize * sizeof(float); //Calculate the byte count each of our variables are going to consume. (Both on RAM and GPU VRAM)

		void* MemoryA = malloc(TestSizeBufferByteCount); //Create the A empty memory buffer of where we write values to be calculated.
		void* MemoryB = malloc(TestSizeBufferByteCount); //Create the B empty memory buffer of where we write values to be calculated.
		void* MemoryC = malloc(TestSizeBufferByteCount); //Create the C empty memory buffer of where we save values that are calculated.

		SetBufferValues((float*)MemoryA, TestSize, 34.5f); //Generate numbers to calculate for the A memory buffer to calculate.
		SetBufferValues((float*)MemoryB, TestSize, 34.5f); //Generate numbers to calculate for the B memory buffer to calculate.

		GPUBuffer BufferA = AllocateGPUBuffer(NoReadWrite, 0, MemoryA, TestSizeBufferByteCount); //Create a GPU buffer and write our memory buffer A contents to it.
		GPUBuffer BufferB = AllocateGPUBuffer(NoReadWrite, 1, MemoryB, TestSizeBufferByteCount); //Create a GPU buffer and write our memory buffer B contents to it.
		GPUBuffer BufferC = AllocateGPUBuffer(Read, 2, NULL, TestSizeBufferByteCount); //Create a GPU buffer and and leave the buffer input NULL, this signals the GPU that you just want to create an empty GPU buffer on it. (Saves time)

		bool IsPepsi = false; GLuint Program;
		if (!CompileProgram(ShaderCode, &Program)) //Compiles shader code that is atop our code.
			IsPepsi = true; //If compilation failed. 
			CheckLogError(true, NULL, "main"); //Error Check why compilation failed.

		if(!IsPepsi) //In-case the compilation didn't fail.
			if(RunComputeProgram(Program, GPUDevices[0].GPUDeviceLimits, TestSize, false)) //We run our compiled program on the CURRENTLY ACTIVE GPU on the CURRENTLY ACTIVE THREAD.
				ReadFromGPUBuffer(&BufferC, MemoryC, 0, TestSizeBufferByteCount); //When done, we'd like to read the results from GPU buffer back to our memory buffer. (BufferC => MemoryC)

				int n = TestSize - 10;
				while(n < TestSize)
					printf("Output[%d]: %f\n", n, ((float*)MemoryC)[n]); //For kicks we print out the result of the last 10 jobs completed.
			else { CheckLogError(true, NULL, "main"); } //Error Check why program run failed.
	else { CheckLogError(true, NULL, "main"); }  //Error Check why creating GPU context failed.

	return 0;

So, how does one compile it?

You can use any C/C++ compiler you wish. I use mingw64 for development.

To create an Visual Studio / Custom solution, simply create an empty c++ project, and add everything but the tests, examples and outputs folders.
Don't forget to link against libglfw3dll.a in the project settings and keep the glfw3.dll next to the compiled exe if on windows, also don't forget to define Cocaine_Win_64 or switch it to a platform of your choice.

WARNING: There's an gles2.c file in there, IF you intend to compile to a platform that uses opengl es, then DON'T compile gl.c and instead replace it with gles2.c, if your platform doesn't use opengl es then just compile the gl.c alone.

Cocaine uses GLFW under the hood, and the basic libglfw3dll.a and glfw3.dll for windows x64 are already included in the source.
*If you need static libraries for other platfroms, compile/get them from GLFW repo yourself, or pray for a release build.

You can check the latest compile arguments I use here, or look at these basic arguments(swap Cocaine_Win_64 for anything you're targeting and don't forget to change the static lglfw3dll library to match the platform you're compiling for.) here:

gcc -DCocaine_Win_64 -DCocaineCompile "src/glad/gl.c" "src/os_methods.c" "src/gpu_methods.c" "src/api_methods.c" -L "lib/Win/x64" -lglfw3dll -fPIC -shared -O3 -o "outputs/Cocaine.dll"

Want to help me pay off my therapist? Might make updates more frequent!