- Project initialization phase
- Basic architecture and environment setup complete
- Database configuration in progress
- Implement repository pattern
- Create service layer
- Set up authentication controllers
- Design and implement views
- Add .gitignore
- Initialized ASP.NET Core MVC project (.NET 8.0)
- Setup architecture and file/folder structure based on requirements
- Enabled vim mode on vscode
- Setup PostgreSQL database for Linux environment
- Configured project dependencies and NuGet packages:
- Entity Framework
- Identity Framework
- PostgreSQL
- Implemented data models
- Setup ApplicationDbContext
- None at this time
- Authentication system implemented
- Basic UI structure in place
- Repository pattern and service layer operational
- Implement user profile completion flow
- Add role-based authorization
- Create application submission form
- Set up an admin dashboard
- Add file upload functionality for CVs/documents
- Implement email notifications and input validation
- Create an application review interface
- Redesigned UI with modern, responsive layout
- Added Bootstrap Icons for visual elements
- Fixed layout template and styles
- Created card-based home page with hover effects
- Set up basic navigation structure
- Implemented ASP.NET Core Identity
- Extended User model with required fields
- Added Application model with relationships
- Fixed PostgreSQL timestamp issues
- Enhanced database configuration
- Created custom ViewModels
- Implemented repository pattern with async operations
- Enhanced service layer
- Added new views and features
- None at this time
- Add comprehensive logging and unit tests
- Optimize database queries and add caching
- Implement proper CI/CD pipeline and API documentation
- Ensure proper SSL/TLS setup
- Add rate limiting, CSRF protection, and CORS policies
- Identity system cleanup complete
- Application submission form implemented
- Profile system updates in progress
- Role-based authorization fixes implemented
- Profile completion flow working as expected
- Complete user profile completion flow
- Add role-based authorization
- Set up admin dashboard
- Implement email notifications
- Create application review interface
- Resolved conflicts between duplicate user models
- Consolidated user identity model
- Created and integrated ApplicationForm model
- Implemented Apply view with validation
- Added file upload functionality
- Updated ApplicationRepository
- Created ProfileViewModel
- Implemented ProfileController
- Added profile completion form
- Enhanced authentication system
- Improved UI/UX for forms and validation
- Fixed profile completion form submission
- Successfully tested profile completion flow
- Implemented user dashboard with profile information
- Added ResearchPrograms to database context
- Fixed role management visibility for admin users
- Enhanced login process with proper role claim handling
- Reset and verified database state with proper role seeding
- None at this time - all previous blockers resolved
- Add comprehensive logging and unit tests
- Optimize database queries and add caching
- Implement proper CI/CD pipeline and API documentation
- Add unit tests for new application submission functionality
- Implement proper error handling for file uploads
- Add input sanitization for file uploads
- Successfully implemented user authentication and profile completion flow
- Dashboard functionality is in place with basic user information display
- Research programs are seeded and accessible in the database
- Continue testing with new user registrations
- Verify role assignment for subsequent users
- Test role management functionality
- Implement Dashboard/Home page for authenticated users
- Add user-specific content display
- Create intuitive navigation structure
- Make research program links clickable with detailed views
- Add more interactive features to the dashboard
- Consider adding application status tracking
- Implemented initial dashboard with user profile information
- Set up research program data structure and seeding
- Added proper authentication checks in navigation
- Fixed null reference warnings throughout the application
- Profile section optimized: Combined phone number input with profile information page
- Fixed View Applications button functionality on dashboard
- Added more interactive features to the dashboard
- Implemented application status tracking system
- Streamlined navigation by removing redundant application links
- Enhanced research position application process:
- Added submission confirmation page
- Implemented database storage for applications
- Added status tracking in dashboard
- Made recent research programs interactive with detailed program pages
- Added top 100 universities database and dropdown menu implementation
- Fixed Select2 initialization in application form by properly loading jQuery and Select2 libraries
- Implemented proper form submission flow with success page and dashboard redirection
- Added automatic title handling from selected research program
- Improved research program details page with:
- Truncated descriptions with "Read more" functionality
- Better visual hierarchy and layout
- Added key information section with icons
- Improved program benefits presentation
- Added breadcrumb navigation
- Enhanced mobile responsiveness
- Added prominent "Apply Now" button
- Enhanced email notification system:
- Configured SMTP settings for development environment
- Integrated MailHog for local email testing
- Added detailed logging for email operations
- Improved error handling in NotificationService
- Streamlined invitation process in AdminService
- None at this time
Email: admin@csiro.au Password: Admin123!
- Project core requirements completed
- All major features implemented and tested
- Documentation updated and finalized
- Implemented email simulation system for development
- Removed external SMTP dependencies (MailHog/SMTP4Dev)
- Created HTML-based email preview system
- Updated configuration for both development and production environments
- Cleaned up and professionalized documentation
- Finalized README with complete setup instructions
- Removed development task lists and checkboxes
- Consolidated all security features
- Ensured consistent port configuration
- Fixed all known issues and technical debt
Core Features Implemented:
- Complete user authentication system
- Profile management
- Application submission with validation
- Admin dashboard
- Email notification system
- Security measures
Technical Achievements:
- Clean architecture implementation
- Efficient database design
- Portable development environment
- Production-ready configuration
- Modern, responsive UI
- Professional README
- Complete setup instructions
- Development log
- Email testing documentation
- Complete test case documentation
- Fill QA report
- Final review and submission
Project successfully implements all required features with a focus on maintainability, security, and user experience. The codebase is ready for both development and production environments, with clear documentation for future maintenance and updates.