This is the website of the Workshop around emerging trends on Web Velocity and the Web of Things (WVoT), to be held in May 2019 in San Francisco during TheWebConf 2019.
Nowadays, more and more applications on the Web involve data streams and/or interactions with the physical world. As such, they need to deal with various types of tasks and related problems, among which ensuring interoperability, security and trust with physical appliances, discovering device capabilities, handling data flow velocity, and analysing and processing sensor streams. Several attempts to solve these problems have emerged from different points of view, such as machine learning, complex event processing, and semantic modeling and reasoning. Along with results from the scientific community, ongoing standardisation processes have started to foster good practices in these domains, about for instance RDF Stream Processing or the Web of Things (WoT).
This workshop aims to coalesce contributions on these topics. We seek research as well as industrial productions related to one or several of these three global areas: Data Streams on the Web, Web Velocity and W3C WoT Standards, as explained below.
Data on the Web are produced faster than we can consume. In the Social Media domain, highly informative and complex information flows are published. In the IoT domain, data velocity is orders of magnitude faster and vast contextual information must be taken into account. In this contexts users struggle in the attempt of satisfying their information needs, and there is a clear need of new theoretical, analytical and empirical solutions on:
- How to derive semantics from streams/events on the Web, in particular considering their non-stationary nature.
- How to formalize the semantics of such streams/events on the Web, in particular considering the decentralization, unboundedness, and inconsistency of the Web.
- How to use such semantics for describing publishing, discovering, selecting, interpreting, abstracting, composing and tracing such streams/events on the Web.
Data streams on the Web originate from social networks, sensor networks, the Internet of Things (IoT) and many other technologies that use the Web as a platform for sharing data. This has resulted in new Web-centric efforts such as the Web of Things (WoT), which focuses on exposing and describing the IoT resources on the Web; or the Social Web which provides protocols, vocabularies, and APIs to facilitate access to social communications and interactions on the Web. While the vision of IoT aims to leverage internet standards in order to interconnect all types of embedded devices, the vision of Web of Things is to leverage Web standards and protocols to interconnect all devices with the Web. This provides a great opportunity to build intelligent Web applications capable of handling streaming data on the Web produced by an enormous amount of IoT devices deployed as physical objects.
The reference peer-reviewed paper on WoT was published ten years ago, at a WWW workshop. The W3C WoT community, supported by official standards, significantly extended the original vision of a set of Web APIs for physical mashups on three dimensions: by building up on Linked Data principles to define a model for WoT Things, by allowing Web agents to communicate using arbitrary IoT protocols (like CoAP or MQTT) and by defining a programmatic interface to classical Web API interactions. The W3C will release WoT standards shortly after TheWebConf 2019. The result of combining all these aspects opens new perspectives in domains of research that had not been directly related to WoT so far. We aim to survey scientific and industrial contributions that relate to WoT standards from the last ten years, as well as to identify questions unsolved by current standards and initiate discussions about these questions with the relevant communities.
In this workshop, we seek existing papers, research advances and motivated opinions linked to the above areas, among which:
- Time-series data analysis and change/pattern detection for the Web
- Integration of WoT with social Web streams
- Machine learning and adaptive algorithms for analysing cyber-physical data on the Web
- Real-time communication and interaction with IoT devices using Web technologies
- Connecting physical objects & things to the Web
- Building Web applications and mashups of physical objects
- Semantic interoperability and novel solutions for data integration, publication and subscription
- Crawling, search and discovery for Web of Things
- Publishing and analysing spatio-temporal data on the Web
- Applications and Proof of concepts in healthcare, smart cities, industry
- Tracking provenance in the Web of Things
- Data compression algorithms for data stream exchange over the Web
- Real world data/event discovery from data streams
- Distributed processing solutions for the Web of Things
- Modelling and knowledge representation for WoT
- Approximation approaches to process WoT data
- Handling incomplete and noisy WoT data
- Security, privacy and trust issues and solutions in the Web of Things
- Implementation and evaluation experiences
- Reference datasets and proposals for benchmarks
- High-performance Cyber-Physical Systems
- Monetization and marketplaces for WoT applications
- Review, comparison and semantic alignment of IoT standards
| February 10th | Submission deadline | | February 14th | Acceptance notification | | March 3rd | Camera-ready version due | | May 13th or May 14th | Workshop date |
Contributions should be submitted on EasyChair:
We accept contributions as either short papers (3-5 pages) or long papers (6-10 pages). Both are intended references included.
The proceedings of the workshop will be published jointly with the conference
proceedings. Papers must be submitted in PDF according to the ACM format
published in the ACM guidelines,
selecting the generic sigconf
sample. The PDF files must have all
non-standard fonts embedded. Workshop papers must be self-contained and in
As conference proceedings are now in both HTML and PDF, authors are informed that they may be required to submit their sources for the camera-ready deadline.
To be announced on February 14th.
- Muhammad Intizar Ali, National University of Ireland, Galway
- Payam Barnaghi, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
- Albert Bifet, Télécom ParisTech, France
- Victor Charpenay, Siemens AG, Germany
- Daniele Dell’Aglio, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Emanuele Della Valle, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Lionel Medini, Université de Lyon, France
- Riccardo Tommasini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Further details will be given shortly before the date of the workshop.