All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Filter out Github Draft Pull Requests
- Replaced dependency manager glide with go modules for go 1.12
- Use gitlab API v4 instead of v3
- Configuration format for whitelisting users has been changed to make it easier to add further global filters
- enable and disable filters via the config
- output the number of filtered pull requests
- deduplicate github and gitlab repositories
- Configuration to get private and public repositories for Organisations
- Configuration to get users public repositories
- Configuration for getting repositories with wildcard syntax
- use of glide as a dependency manager to lock down the gitlab client to v3 of the gitlab API
- escape &, > and < characters for slack
- better Work-In-Progress (WIP) detection from the pull request titles
- Exclude Github PR that are currently under review
- debug flag
- github wildcard support
- a short summary at the bottom of the message
- pagination for github repos
- log output is formatted differently
- asynchronous fetching of pull requests
- sort gitlab pull requests on updated date
- JSON file for configuration
- User Whitelist
- Find pull requests from Gitlab
- Skip pull requests that contains
in the title - Show "time since updated" format
- Errors will be printed to the STDOUT instead of full panic
Initial release
- Find pull request from Github
- Send pull requests to a slack channel