// integers
# => [0,1,-1,3,-2,0,3,3,-8,9]
// ascii strings
# => ["","O","@","&5h","QSuC","","c[,","[Q"," ){#o{Z","\"!F=n"]
// arrays
# => [[],[],[-2],[0,0],[2],[4,-4,-1,2],[],[-5,-7,3,-2,2,0,-2], ...]
// randomly choose between multiple generators
Gen::oneOf(Gen::booleans(), Gen::ints())->takeSamples();
# => [false,true,false,false,2,true,true,3,3,2]
// randomly choose element from array
Gen::elements('foo', 'bar', 'baz')->takeSamples();
# => ["foo","foo","bar","bar","foo","foo","bar","baz","foo","baz"]
// tuples of generators
Gen::tuples(Gen::posInts(), Gen::alphaNumStrings())->takeSamples();
# => [[0,""],[1,""],[0,"86"],[3,"NPG"],[4,"1q"],[4,"6"],[1,"Eu60MN"],[1,"6q9D8wm"], ...]
// notEmpty - generated value must not be empty
# => [[0],[1],[1,1],[4,-1],[1],[0,0,1,1,-2],[-6,5,4,-2,-1],[3,7,-2],[-6,5],[-1,1,-4]]
// suchThat - generated value must pass given predicate function
// Note: Only do this if you can't generate the value deterministically. SuchThat may fail
// if the generator doesn't return an acceptable value after 10 times.
// (you can pass $maxTries as second argument if necessary).
$oddInts = Gen::ints()->suchThat(function($i) {
return $i % 2 != 0;
# => [1,1,-1,-3,5,5,-3,-7,1,7]
// frequency - 1/3 of the time generate posInts, 2/3 of the time booleans
Gen::frequency(1, Gen::posInts(), 2, Gen::booleans())->takeSamples();
# => [0,1,false,true,true,false,false,true,5,false]
// map - transform the value generated
Gen::posInts()->map(function($i) { return $i * 2; })->takeSamples();
# => [0,2,4,2,4,8,10,8,0,6]
// use map to generate day times
$daytimes = Gen::tuples(Gen::choose(0, 23), Gen::choose(0, 59))
->map(function($daytime) {
list($h, $m) = $daytime;
return sprintf('%02d:%02d', $h, $m);
# => ["03:35","17:03","23:31","17:50","08:41","23:07","17:59","05:10","03:47","09:36"]
// chain - create new generator based on generated value
$chainSample = Gen::ints()->intoArrays()->notEmpty()
->chain(function($ints) {
// choose one random element from the int array
return Gen::elements($ints)
// and return a tuple of the whole array and the chosen value
->map(function($i) use ($ints) {
return [$ints, $i];
# => [..., [[4,-2,5,3,5],4],[[-3,5,5,6,2],5],[[1,-3,1,5,2],-3], ...]
// maps from string keys to daytimes
# => [{"v":"08:36"},{"i":"03:43","E":"14:38"},{"gUU":"03:08","UIc":"19:24"}, ...]
// maps from strings to booleans
# => [{"J":true},{"pt":true,"TgQ":false},{"M":true,"jL":false},{"rm":true}, ...]
// maps with fixed keys
'age' => Gen::choose(18, 99),
'name' => Gen::tuples(
Gen::elements('Ada', 'Grace', 'Hedy'),
Gen::elements('Lovelace', 'Hopper', 'Lamarr')
)->map(function($name) {
return "$name[0] $name[1]";
# => [{"age":50,"name":"Ada Lamarr"},{"age":97,"name":"Ada Hopper"},
# {"age":81,"name":"Ada Lovelace"},{"age":55,"name":"Hedy Lamarr"}, ...]
// recursive nested structures
function (Gen $innerTypes) {
return Gen::arraysOf($innerTypes);
# => "[[],[],[[[]]],[[[[2,3,1],[],[2,0,1]]],[[[3,1],[2,3,1],[]],
# [[],[3,1],[]]],[]],[0,1,1,3],[1],[[[[],[[5,6,3,0,2],[2,4],[3,4,0,2,4,0]],..."