Since the end of February 2020 we introduced a simplified version of AD user's properties configuration schema.
Formerly you had to setup 4 properties for a single user, a tedious task if you has many users, the properties were these (just for the record):
- E-mail: The user's email address
- Office: The general mail storage folder
- Telephone: The user's mailbox quota
- Web Page: The name for the particular user's mailbox within the general mail storage folder followed by an explicit forward slash "/")
After the Feb'2020 update you only have one mandatory and one optional field, those are:
- E-mail: The user's email address
- Web Page: [Optional] The user's specific mailbox quota
Why the quota is optional?
Simple, the general per user's quota is set now in the /etc/mailad/mailad.conf
file as a variable named DEFAULT_MAILBOX_SIZE
and it's set by default at 200 MB, see the section named General and individual quota system in the file for more details.
To migrate you need to read the related explanation in the util's README file, and follow the steps there.
- Simplicity: practice has revealed that the sysadmins or the tech people are prone to make typos or miss a field and then spend a few hours chasing their tail to find the fix.
- Productivity: think in 300 users, how many time will take to set 4 fields vs fill 1 field on those 300 users?
- User's advice: Some users was using the fields in the old schema for things on their setups, and that will rule out MailAD as a viable option.