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File metadata and controls

82 lines (67 loc) · 6.07 KB

SAV 2.0 Specification

Version 2 of the SAV file format extends the BCF file format at (starting at page 27). The differences between BCF2 and SAV2 are as follows:

  • The magic string starts with SAV instead of BCF.
  • A type byte of zero indicates a sparse vector.
  • A type byte with the fourth bit set indicates that PBWT is enabled for the vector.
  • The sample size is not redundantly stored in each record. The most significant bit of the space used to store sample size in BCF records in used to indicate a PBWT reset. The rest of the bits are reserved.
  • Files are compressed with blocked zstd instead of blocked gzip.
  • Files use S1R indices instead of CSI, which are appended to the end of the SAV file instead of stored as a separate file.

The following reference is adapted from The differences from the BCF quick reference are bolded.

SAV2 Quick Reference

In BCF2 and SAV2, each key in the FILTER, INFO and FORMAT fields is required to be defined in the VCF header. For each record, a key is stored as an integer which is the index of its first appearance in the header. ‘PASS’ is always indexed at 0, which is special cased as VCF does not require the presence of this word. In BCF2 and SAV2, a typed value consists of a typing byte and the actual value with type mandated by the typing byte. In the typing byte, the lowest three bits give the atomic type. The fourth bit specifies PBWT status. If the number represented by the higher four bits is smaller than 15, it is the size of the following vector; if the number equals 15, the following typed integer is the array size. The highest 4 bits of a Flag type equals 0 and in this case, no assumptions can be made about the lower 4 bits. The table below gives the atomic types and their missing values:

Bit 0–2 C type Missing value Description
1 int8_t 0x80 signed 8-bit integer
2 int16_t 0x8000 signed 16-bit integer
3 int32_t 0x80000000 signed 32-bit integer
4 int64_t 0x8000000000000000 signed 64-bit integer
5 float 0x7F800001 IEEE 32-bit floating pointer number
7 char ‘\0’ character

A SAV2 file is zstd compressed and all multi-byte value are little endian.

Sparse Vector Type

A type set to zero indicates a sparse vector. Sparse vectors store only non-zero values and the offsets of those non-zero values. The offsets are relative to the preceding offset (0-based). For example, if the first 3 values of a vector are non-zero, then the corresponding offsets for those 3 values would be zero, zero, and zero. Similarly, if only the second and third values are non-zero, then the corresponding offsets for those 2 values would be one and zero.

Sparse vectors encode the vector size in the same way as any other type, but it is followed by an additional byte OOOOVVVV where the four 'O' bits specify the offset type (possible type: 1-4) and the 'V' bits specify the value type (possible types: 1-5). It is then followed by a typed integer that specifies the sparse (non-zero) size of the vector. The data payload is then organized as an array of relative offsets followed by an array of non-zero values.

For example, A sparse float vector with a size of 10 that contains two non-zero values would be: 0xA0 0x00 0x01 0x05 0x01 0x02

  • 0xA0 is the size of the vector (10)
  • 0x00 is the sparse type code
  • 0x01 is the offset type (int8_t)
  • 0x05 is the float type (float)
  • 0x01 0x02 is a typed intger specifying the sparse size (2)

GT Encoding TODO!!!!

A genotype (GT) is encoded as an integer vector with each integer describing an allele and its phase w.r.t. the previous allele. The first allele does not carry the phase information. In the vector, each integer is organized as ‘(allele+1)<<1|phased’ where allele is set to -1 if the allele in GT is a dot ‘.’ (thus the higher bits are all 0). The vector is padded with missing values if the GT having fewer ploidy.

Field Description Type Value
magic SAV2 magic string char[5] SAV\2\1
l_text Length of the header text, including any NULL padding uint32_t
text NULL-terminated plain VCF header text char[l_text]
List of VCF records (until the end of the BGZF section)
l_shared Data length from CHROM to the end of INFO uint32_t
l_indiv Data length of FORMAT and individual genotype fields uint32_t
CHROM Reference sequence ID int32_t
POS 0-based leftmost coordinate int32_t
rlen Length of reference sequence int32_t
QUAL Variant quality; 0x7F800001 for a missing value float
n_allele_info n_allele<<16|n_info uint32_t
n_fmt_flags n_fmt<<24|flags uint32_t
ID Variant identifier typed str
List of alleles in the REF and ALT fields (n=n allele)
allele A reference or alternate allele typed str
FILTER List of filters; filters are defined in the dictionary typed vec
List of key-value pairs in the INFO field (n=n info)
info_key Info key, defined in the dictionary typed int
info_value Value typed val
List of FORMATs and sample information (n=n fmt)
fmt_key Format key, defined in the dictionary typed int
fmt_type Typing byte of each individual value, possibly followed by a typed int for the vector length uint8_t+
fmt_value Array of values. The information of each individual is concatenated in the vector. Every value is of the same fmt type. Variable-length vectors are padded with missing values; a string is stored as a vector of char. (by fmt_type)