- Pro
GelecekVarlık FullStack Bootcamp
Secon assignment of the Gelecek Varlık Fullstack Bootcamp. Created extensions. Also learned about reflection and attributes.
Fourth assignment of the Gelecek Varlık Fullstack Bootcamp. Added pagination-sorting-filter to listing products. Added Login check.
Third assignment of the Gelecek Varlık Fullstack Bootcamp. Created an e-commerce project. Learned about enterprise architecture.
Gelecek Varlık Fullstack Bootcamp Week 3 project.
Frontend UI for Dotnet Emerce project.
First assignment of the Gelecek Varlık Fullstack Bootcamp. I created an API project that has GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods.
patika & gelecek varlık fullstack bootcamp graduation project