- Malaysia
(UTC +08:00) - @LaoliangPoig
Scripts for the 'Breaking Rainbow takes a Weekend on a Laptop' paper
Simulator of QUantum Network Communication (SeQUeNCe) is an open-source tool that allows modeling of quantum networks including photonic network components, control protocols, and applications.
Application Development Kit for Quantum Network Explorer. Command Line Interface to interact with the Quantum Network Explorer
A Jupyter notebook that demonstrates the use of Qiskit and the IBM Q Experience using the BBPSSW protocol for entanglement purification as an example.
Quantum Network Simulator for Application Programming
Repository for links towards tools written during hackathons, and a collection of contributions by the community of the RIPE Atlas visualizations, tools for analysing measurements data and other sc…
Open source implementation of quantum internet simulation package
Code written during and in preparation for the First Pan-European Quantum Hackathon November 5-6 2019, organized by RIPE
⚛️ 💥 ⚙️ A project based in Quantum Physics/Mechanics and Quantum Computing. This projects contains Tutorials, Examples, Exercises, Papers, Posters and Illustrations covering several concepts of Qua…
Qiskit implementation for Quantum Network modelling. Archived repository
demonstration of quantum cryptography 🐈 🔐 , one-time pad communication via BB84. repo for our IT Security Master project