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Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Notebooks are documents that contain live code, visualizations, and narrative text.
StarredNov 20, 2020 -
Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine is used to create awesome games, and experiences for PC, mobile, console, VR, and AR.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
React is an open source JavaScript library used for designing user interfaces.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
Pixel Art
Pixel art is a form of digital art where images are created and edited at the pixel level.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
NativeScript is a JavaScript-native mobile framework.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
Monitor the impact of your code changes. Measure performance, track errors, and analyze your application.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
Machine learning
Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
Linux is an open source kernel.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
The PHP Framework for Web Artisans.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
Kotlin is a statically typed programming language for multiplatform applications.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
The Julia Language
Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for numerical computing.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
Git is the most widely used version control system.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
Front end
Front end is the programming and layout that people see and interact with.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
Express is a minimal Node.js framework for web and mobile applications.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
Electron is a framework for building cross-platform desktop applications with web technology.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
Streamline your code deployment so you can focus on your product.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
A database is a structured set of data held in a computer, usually a server.
StarredMay 15, 2020 -
iOS is the operating system for Apple's mobile products.
StarredMar 7, 2020 -
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services provides on-demand cloud computing platforms on a subscription basis.
StarredMar 7, 2020 -
Arduino is an open source platform for building electronic devices.
StarredMar 7, 2020 -
HTML is the fundamental markup language for webpages.
StarredMar 7, 2020 -
Awesome Lists
An awesome list is a list of awesome things curated by the community.
StarredJan 1, 2020 -
C is a general purpose programming language that first appeared in 1972.
StarredJan 1, 2020 -
Command-line interface
A CLI, or command-line interface, is a console that helps users issue commands to a program.
StarredJan 1, 2020 -
Compilers are software that translate higher-level programming languages to lower-level languages (e.g. machine code).
StarredJan 1, 2020 -
Docker is a platform built for developers to build and run applications.
StarredJan 1, 2020 -
An emulator is any hardware or software that allows one computer to behave like another.
StarredJan 1, 2020 -
Game engine
A game engine is a software framework used to develop and create video games.
StarredJan 1, 2020 -
Monero is a private, fungible, open source, decentralized cryptocurrency.
StarredJan 1, 2020