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Learn Dockerfile EXPOSE and RUN Instructions Practically
Create a Dockerfile with EXPOSE and RUN instructions to understand their usage in Docker image building.

Learn Dockerfile EXPOSE and RUN Instructions Practically


In this guide, you will:

  • Create an Nginx Dockerfile with EXPOSE and RUN instructions.
  • Create three Nginx configuration files listening on ports 8081, 8082, and 8083.
  • Create three Nginx HTML files, each served on its respective port.
  • Install the curl binary in the container using the RUN instruction.
  • Build the Docker image and verify both RUN and EXPOSE instructions.

Step 1: Application Files

Nginx Configuration Files

  • Directory: DockerFiles/nginx-conf


server {
    listen 8081;
    server_name localhost;

    location / {
        root /usr/share/nginx/html;
        index index-8081.html;


server {
    listen 8082;
    server_name localhost;

    location / {
        root /usr/share/nginx/html;
        index index-8082.html;


server {
    listen 8083;
    server_name localhost;

    location / {
        root /usr/share/nginx/html;
        index index-8083.html;

Nginx HTML Files

  • Directory: DockerFiles/nginx-html


<!DOCTYPE html> 
  <body style='background-color:rgb(135, 215, 159);'> 
    <h1>Welcome to StackSimplify - RUN, EXPOSE Dockerfile Instructions</h1>
    <h2>Response from Nginx on port 8081</h2> 
    <p>Learn technology through practical, real-world demos.</p> 
    <p>Application Version: V1</p>      
    <p>EXPOSE: Describe which ports your application is listening on.</p>     
    <p>RUN: Execute build commands.</p>     


<!DOCTYPE html> 
  <body style='background-color:rgb(210, 153, 152);'> 
    <h1>Welcome to StackSimplify - RUN, EXPOSE Dockerfile Instructions</h1>
    <h2>Response from Nginx on port 8082</h2> 
    <p>Learn technology through practical, real-world demos.</p> 
    <p>Application Version: V1</p>      
    <p>EXPOSE: Describe which ports your application is listening on.</p>     
    <p>RUN: Execute build commands.</p>     


<!DOCTYPE html> 
  <body style='background-color:rgb(227, 213, 180);'> 
    <h1>Welcome to StackSimplify - RUN, EXPOSE Dockerfile Instructions</h1>
    <h2>Response from Nginx on port 8083</h2> 
    <p>Learn technology through practical, real-world demos.</p> 
    <p>Application Version: V1</p>      
    <p>EXPOSE: Describe which ports your application is listening on.</p>     
    <p>RUN: Execute build commands.</p>     


<!DOCTYPE html> 
  <body style='background-color:rgb(157, 182, 216);'> 
    <h1>Welcome to StackSimplify - RUN, EXPOSE Dockerfile Instructions</h1>
    <h2>Response from Nginx on port 80</h2> 
    <p>Learn technology through practical, real-world demos.</p> 
    <p>Application Version: V1</p>      
    <p>EXPOSE: Describe which ports your application is listening on.</p>     
    <p>RUN: Execute build commands.</p>     

Step 2: Create Dockerfile

  • Directory: DockerFiles

Create a Dockerfile with the following content:

# Use nginx:alpine-slim as base Docker Image
FROM nginx:alpine-slim

# OCI Labels
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="Kalyan Reddy Daida"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.title="Demo: Using RUN and EXPOSE Instructions in Dockerfile"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description="A Dockerfile demo illustrating the usage of RUN and EXPOSE instructions"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.version="1.0"

# Copy all Nginx configuration files from nginx-conf directory
COPY nginx-conf/*.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/

# Copy all HTML files from nginx-html directory
COPY nginx-html/*.html /usr/share/nginx/html/

# Install curl using RUN
RUN apk --no-cache add curl

# Expose the ports 8081, 8082, 8083 (default port 80 already exposed from base nginx image)
EXPOSE 8081 8082 8083

Step 3: Build Docker Image and Run It

# Change Directory
cd DockerFiles

# Build Docker Image 
docker build -t [IMAGE-NAME]:[IMAGE-TAG] .

# Example:
docker build -t demo8-dockerfile-expose-run:v1 .

# Inspect Labels
docker image inspect demo8-dockerfile-expose-run:v1

# Run Docker Container and Map Ports
docker run --name my-expose-run-demo -p 8080:80 -p 8081:8081 -p 8082:8082 -p 8083:8083 -d demo8-dockerfile-expose-run:v1

# Access Application in Browser

# List Configuration Files from Docker Container
docker exec -it my-expose-run-demo ls /etc/nginx/conf.d

# List HTML Files from Docker Container
docker exec -it my-expose-run-demo ls /usr/share/nginx/html

# Connect to Container Shell
docker exec -it my-expose-run-demo /bin/sh

# Commands to Run inside the Container
curl http://localhost
curl http://localhost:8081
curl http://localhost:8082
curl http://localhost:8083

# Exit the Container Shell


  1. The curl commands inside the Docker container work, which means the RUN instruction to install curl was successful.
  2. All Nginx listening ports are accessible inside the Docker container.

Step 4: Stop and Remove Container and Images

# Stop and Remove the Container
docker rm -f my-expose-run-demo

# Remove the Docker Images
docker rmi [IMAGE-NAME]:[IMAGE-TAG]

# Examples:
docker rmi demo8-dockerfile-expose-run:v1

# List Docker Images to Confirm Removal
docker images


You have successfully:

  • Created an Nginx Dockerfile using the EXPOSE and RUN instructions.
  • Configured Nginx to listen on multiple ports by adding custom configuration files.
  • Served different HTML pages on different ports.
  • Installed additional packages (curl) inside the Docker image using the RUN instruction.
  • Built and ran the Docker image, verifying the functionality of the RUN and EXPOSE instructions.
  • Tagged and pushed the Docker image to Docker Hub.

Additional Notes

  • EXPOSE Instruction:

    • The EXPOSE instruction informs Docker that the container listens on the specified network ports at runtime.
    • It does not actually publish the ports; you still need to use the -p or -P flag with docker run to map the ports.
  • RUN Instruction:

    • The RUN instruction executes commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commits the results.
    • It's used for installing software packages or any command that needs to be run during the image build process.
  • Best Practices:

    • Use explicit tags for your Docker images to manage versions effectively.
    • Clean up unused images and containers to free up disk space.
    • Keep your Docker images small by minimizing the number of layers and using lightweight base images.

Additional Resources

Happy Dockerizing!