A supertest extension to make life easier with test2doc.js.
npm install --save-dev supertest test2doc supertest-test2doc
Simple use const request = require('supertest-test2doc')(require('supertest'))
and request(app).with(doc)
and then you no longer need to write doc.get/post/put/delete/query/resBody...
const doc = require('test2doc')
const request = require('supertest-test2doc')(require('supertest'))
// For Koa, you should exports app.listen() or app.callback() in your app entry
const app = require('./my-express-app.js')
after(function () {
doc.emit('api-documentation.apib') // Or doc.emit('api-documentation.yaml', 'swagger') if you like Swagger
doc.group('Products').is(doc => {
describe('#Products', function () {
doc.action('Get all products').is(doc => {
it('should get all products', function () {
return request(app).with(doc)
minPrice: doc.val(10, 'Only products of which price >= this value should be returned').required()
.then(res => {
res.body.desc('List of all products')
res.body[0].should.have.properties('id', 'name', 'price')
res.body[0].price.desc('Price of this product').should.be.a.Number()
You can find more examples here.
The project is released under MIT License.