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Audio Guide Bot: UI service

UI service is a dockerized React application that is served as Telegram Mini App.

Service container comes in two versions:

  • Development image is used to mount source code as docker volume and start React dev-server to provide React fast refresh. Image is built using dev.dockerfile.
  • Production image is used to serve built React application. It runs nginx daemon inside and allows setting environment variables in runtime. Image is built using prod.dockerfile.


Required environment variables:

  • REACT_APP_BOT_API_URL - URL to Guide API service

React app structure

Components are used to build UI:

Helpers are used to decouple and isolate APIs from React:

  • auth.js - implements token storage and refresh logic
  • telegram.js - wrapper for Telegram APIs calls
  • guide.js - wrapper for Guide APIs calls
  • i18n.js - wrapper for localization package
  • utils.js - small miscellaneous functions

nginx configuration in the production image

nginx.template is used to configure nginx in the production image:

  • Allows to set port, where content is served, by PORT environment variable
  • Sets to serve build React application from the standard folder

Runtime environment variables

Using runtime environment variables from React is a known problem because it provides only build-time environment variables. UI service implements setting environment variables in runtime.

This is done by creating env-config.js in public folder and including it in the index.html file. env-config.js defines REACT_APP_ENV field in window object with all variables prefixed by REACT_APP.

Environment variables in runtime are implemented by two files:

  • setup-env-config.cjs - is used in package.json to allow executing on all OSes and creates an initial version of env-config.js file
  • - is used as an additional entrypoint script in the production version of the service container and appends additional variables to env-config.js that were specified on container creation