This document contains a list of maintainers in this repo. See opensearch-project/.github/ that explains what the role of maintainer means, what maintainers do in this and other repos, and how they should be doing it. If you're interested in contributing, and becoming a maintainer, see CONTRIBUTING.
Maintainer | GitHub ID | Affiliation |
Steven Bayer | sbayer55 | Amazon |
Qi Chen | chenqi0805 | Amazon |
Chase Engelbrecht | engechas | Amazon |
Taylor Gray | graytaylor0 | Amazon |
Dinu John | dinujoh | Amazon |
Christopher Manning | cmanning09 | Amazon |
Asif Sohail Mohammed | asifsmohammed | Amazon |
David Powers | dapowers87 | Amazon |
Shivani Shukla | sshivanii | Amazon |
Phill Treddenick | treddeni-amazon | Amazon |
David Venable | dlvenable | Amazon |
Hai Yan | oeyh | Amazon |