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A Guide to bread

A guide to the bread programming language A guide through the syntax, features, and semantics of the bread programming languages.


bread is a dynamically typed language, with a small number of distinct types.


All numbers in bread are floating point numbers. Internally the long double C type is used for numbers, so integer arithmetic is still (reasonably) accurate. Numerical literals are defined by whatever the strtold function in the C standard library accepts, with the caveat that numbers cannot begin with a decimal point (i.e .5 is not a valid expression, but 0.5, 5e-1 and 5E-1 are).

When coerced to a string, numbers become the string representation of the number (using the %Lg formatter). All non-zero numbers are truthy.


Strings in bread are immutable ASCII strings. Theoretically a string can contain any UTF-8 sequence, but indexing operations will behave in undesirable ways if this is the case. String literals are enclosed in double quotes, with the standard escape characters for newlines, tabs, and double quotes.

When coerced to a number, strtold is used to parse the string as a number. All non-empty strings are truthy.


Boolean values are either true or false.

When coerced to a number, true becomes 1 and false becomes 0. When coerced to a string, true and false become "true" and "false", respectively.


A unit contains no information other than it's own existence.

When coerced to a number, a unit becomes 0. When coerced to a string, a unit becomes the string "unit". Unit values are not truthy.


bread provides several builtin functions for basic IO and other operations. The identifiers of all builtin functions begin with the @ symbol. Bread provides the following builtin functions:

  • @write(args...) prints the arguments to stdout.
  • @writeln(args...) prints the arguments to stdout with an additional newline.
  • @readln() takes no arguments and reads a line from stdin (if stdin is closed, unit is returned)
  • @length(arg) reports the length of a string, list, or dict
  • @typeof(arg) reports the type of its argument
  • @system(args...) runs a shell command, and returns the exit code of the command
  • @push(list, arg) pushes a value onto the end of a list
  • @insert(list, arg, idx) inserts a value into a list at a given index
  • @issubclassof(A, B) checks whether A is a subclass of B (both arguments must be classes)

Builtins cannot be coerced into a number. When coerced into a string, a builtin becomes the name of the builtin (including the "@"). All builtins are truthy.


A list is in fact an array of non-homogeneous elements. List literals are comma separated expressions surrounded by a pair of square brackets.

Lists cannot be coerced into a number. When coerced into a string, a list becomes the comma separated string representation of it's values surrounded by a pair of square brackets.


bread has first class functions in the form of closures which capture their environment when initialized. Closures are immutable, and are initialized with the function definition syntax discussed below. If foo is a closure, then foo can be called with the syntax foo(args...).

Closures cannot be coerced into a number. When coerced into a string, a closure becomes the string "closure". All closures are truthy.


Classes are first class values in bread. The only class which bread initially provides is the @Object class, and all other classes must be defined as a subclass of @Object, using subclass definition syntax discussed below.

Classes cannot be coerced into a number. When coerced into a string, a class becomes the string "class". All classes are truthy.


Objects are instances of a class and have fields and methods. All fields of an object are mutable, while the methods are immutable (since classes are immutable). if Foo is a class, then an object of the class Foo can be instantiated with Foo(args...), and these arguments are given to the constructor of Foo. While all objects are of the same type, it is possible to check what class an object is an instance of (the syntax for this will be shown later).

Objects cannot be coerced into a number. When coerced into a string, an object becomes the string "object". All objects are truthy.


Dictionaries map strings to values. Dictionary literals are comma separated key-value pairs surrounded by a pair of curly braces, where the key is a string literal and the key and value are separated by a colon (not dissimilar to JSON). An empty dictionary may also be initialized with the @dict builtin. Note that keys whose value is unit in the dictionary do not count towards the length of the dict.

Dictionaries cannot be coerced into a number. When coerced into a string, a dictionary becomes the string representation of the key-value pairs (separated by a colon), each pair is separated by commas, and surrounded by a pair of curly braces. All dictionaries are truthy.


Methods are closures which also carry a reference to some object. They behave the same way as closures aside from their type.

Methods cannot be coerced into a number. When coerced into a string, a method becomes the string "method". All methods are truthy.

Write something about how variables work.


Here we discuss the syntax and semantics of some expressions not defined above. As bread is an expression based language, more things are expressions in bread than in many other imperative programming languages. All expressions are evaluated from left to right. Single line comments in bread begin with the # symbol, and there are no multi line comments.

Arithmetic Operators

When using an arithmetic operator, all operands are coerced into numbers before performing the arithmetic. bread has the regular arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, % with the (hopefully) expected semantics, associativity, and precedence. Additionally, bread has the integer division operator // and the exponentiation operator ^. The syntax of // is the same as /. Exponentiation is right associative and binds tighter than every other binary operator.

Boolean Operators

The three boolean operations in bread are and, or, and not. If the first operand of and is truthy, then the second operand is evaluated and returned. Otherwise the first operand is returned. Is the first operand of or is truthy, then the first operand is returned. Otherwise the second operand is evaluated and returned. If the operand of not is truthy, false is returned, otherwise true is returned.

Comparison Operators

The comparison operators in bread are <, <=, =, !=, >, >=. Equality for strings, numbers, booleans, lists, and units works as expected (there is no epsilon threshold or comparing numbers, so floating point errors are possible here). Closures, objects, and classes are checked for equality by reference. Two methods are equal if they contain a reference to the same object and the same closure. As for checking values of different type for equality, the following rule set is used:

  1. If one of the operands is a number, then try and coerce the other operands to a number. If it can, check for equality, If it cannot, return false.
  2. If one of the operands is a string and the other is a boolean, string, or unit, coerce it to a string and check for equality.
  3. If neither of the above hold, return false.

As for comparison, for strings and numbers comparison works as expected. For other types, comparison operators will return false. For operands of different types, the same rule set as above is used.

Concatenation Operator

The .. operator is used to concatenate strings and lists. If both operands are lists, the concatenation of the lists is returned (neither of the operands are mutated). If the left operand is a list and the right operand is not a list, then the result of appending the right onto the left is returned (again, neither operand is mutated). Otherwise, both operands are coerced into strings and the concatenation is returned. Concatenation is left associative, and every other binary operator binds tighter than concatenation.


Lists and strings can be indexed with square brackets. The value inside the brackets will be coerced into a number. If the number has a decimal part, it will be truncated before indexing. If the index is greater than the length of the string/list, indexing is performed modulo the length. If the index is less than 0, then indexing is performed off of the end of the string/list. In this way, "Hello"[4], "Hello"[9], "Hello"[-1], and "Hello"[-6] all return the string "o". If the string/list has length 0, then any indexing will return unit.

Dictionaries can also be indexed with square brackets. The value inside the brackets must be a string. This string will be looked up in the dictionary. If it is indeed a key of the dictionary, then the corresponding value is returned. Otherwise, unit is returned.

Object Syntax

Objects have two important operations---accessing fields and accessing methods. Fields can be accessed and set with the dot operator.

set obj = @Object()
set obj.num = 17

If the accessed field does not exist, unit is returned. Methods of an object can be accessed with the :: operator. These are immutable, since classes are immutable. Moreover, there are two special words that can be placed on the right hand side of ::. If x is an object, then x::class is the class of which x is an instance, and x::super is x as an instance of the superclass.

Set Expressions

Set expressions are used to set some value. Set expressions take the form set LVALUE = EXPRESSION, where LVALUE is the name of a variable, an index into an lvalue, or accessing the field of an lvalue. Indexing is valid on lists and dictionaries, and accessing fields is only valid on objects. The value of a set expression is the value of the expression on the right hand side of the equals sign.

Begin/End expressions

Begin/End expressions allow you to group several statements into a single expression. The value of a Begin/End expression is the value of the last statement. For example the following expression:

  @writeln("Hello, World!")
end + 10

will print Hello, World! and evaluate to 15. If there is only a single statement, then the expression can be written in a single line: begin 10 end has value 10. This isn't particularly useful for begin/end expressions, but the 3 following expressions work in a similar way.

If Expressions

Conditionals in bread take the form of if expressions. Here is an example of an if expression:

if true then
elif false then
  @writeln("neither true nor false??")

The value of an if expression is the value of the last statement in whatever branch is taken. The previous example would have value 17. If there is no else clause and no branch is taken, then the value of the expression is unit. If expressions can be written in a single; the expression if 3 < 2 then "a" else "b" end evaluates to the string "b".

For/While Expressions

bread has two types of loops: for expressions and while expressions. The value of a loop is a list where each entry is the value of the body on the loop on each iteration. For example, the following loop:

for i = 0,5 do
  i < 3

would evaluate to the list [true, true, true, false, false], and print numbers 0 through 4. Loops can also be written inline:

set i = 0
set list = while i < 5 do set i = i + 1 end

In that example, the variable list would have value [1,2,3,4,5]. If the list is not needed, the for or while can be appended with an asterisk, in which case the value of the loop is unit.

Closure Definitions

Closures are defined with the func keyword. The value returned by a closure is the value of the last statement in the function body (there is no return keyword). Closures capture the environment in which they are defined. The following program:

set add = func(a)
    a + b


will print the number 20. Use the identifier self to define a recursive closure.

Subclass Definitions

When defining a subclass, one provides a superclass, a constructor, and any number (possibly zero) of method definitions. In the constructor and the bodies of methods, the variable this will refer to either the object being constructed or the object which called the method. bread provides the initial class @Object, and every class will be a subclass of this class.

set Greeter = subclass(@Object)
    set this.message = message

  set greet = func()
    @writeln("Hello, ", this.message)

set greeter = Greeter("Dave")
greeter::greet() # prints: "Hello, Dave"

Note how the constructor returns the this object --- this is necessary, and I haven't decided whether this was a good design decision or not (it does have the benefit of allowing for non-constructable classes by way of returning unit). Unlike functions, conditionals, and loops, subclass definitions cannot be written in a single line.

Design Limitations/Questionable Decisions

Here I list some decisions I made which are either objectively bad, or just subjectively bad.

Undefined Symbols

If you attempt to access a variable, field of an object, method of a class, or entry of a dict which doesn't exist, unit is returned. In all cases, there is no way to tell as a user whether the value has been set to unit or whether it doesn't exist. For dictionaries, keys with the value set to unit aren't even included in the string representation or count towards the length. One could argue that this diminishes the usefulness of unit.


With the way scoping works for closures, as far as I can tell mutual recursion isn't possible (and if it is, it would be non-obvious to implement). Worse, I don't think it's possible for two classes to refer to each other in their methods. I have a few ideas about how I could change the scoping semantics to make this possible, but I'm not sure what would be the best fit here.

Classes Don't Know Their Name

As a consequence of bread's expression based syntax, and in contrast to object-oriented languages like Python or Java, classes in bread don't know their name. This has a handful of consequences. If you want to refer to the name of a class within one of its methods, you have to use the workaround this::class. In Python, knowing the name of the class can be useful for debugging purposes. Similar features in bread would have to be implemented by the user.

Control Flow

bread is quite noticeably missing several common control flow operators for imperative languages, namely break, continue, and return. If I'm being honest, part of the reason I didn't implement them is that they'd be kind of annoying to implement (compiling control flow operations down to bytecode is surprisingly tedious). There are reasons besides that, though. For break and continue, I'm not sure how I would want them to interact with the list-building properties of loops. For return, for me it doesn't fit aesthetically with the language design, and I find that it's omission from the language encourages short functions, which I like.

That was written before I had read module 7; now I can just say I was inspired by Pascal.