Developed code from scratch to compute an input probability query on a given Bayes net on discrete random variables using Prior sampling, Rejection Sampling, Likelihood weighting and Gibbs sampling.
I had also written helper function to generate samples from any input univariate discrete distribution and then use it in your Bayes Net sampling code.
I implemented a BayesNets Class to do all the required task and computations.
Basically I created a single class to do all the calculation, extractions of details from the file as well as implement all the sampling methods and sample generation.
pip install bayes-nets-sample
from bayes import bayesNets
from bayes.sample_input_txt import SampleInputTXT
bayesNet = BayesNets(filepath = "example_bayesnet.txt")
With verbose = True
bayesNet.doPriorSampling(TOTAL_SAMPLE = 10000, verbose = True)
With verbose = False
- Just to see the final result.
bayesNet.doPriorSampling(TOTAL_SAMPLE = 10000, verbose = False)
With verbose = True
bayesNet.doRejectionSampling(TOTAL_SAMPLE_REQUIRED = 10000, verbose = True)
With verbose = False
- Just to see the final result.
bayesNet.doRejectionSampling(TOTAL_SAMPLE_REQUIRED = 10000, verbose = False)
bayesNet.generateWeightedSample(verbose = True)
With verbose = True
bayesNet.doLikelihoodWeighting(TOTAL_SAMPLE = 10000, verbose = True)
With verbose = False
- Just to see the final result.
bayesNet.doLikelihoodWeighting(TOTAL_SAMPLE = 10000, verbose = False)
5, B, E, A, J, M
B, +b, -b
E, +e, -e
A, +a, -a
J, +j, -j
M, +m, -m
B |
+b, 0.001
-b, 0.999
E |
+e, 0.002
-e, 0.998
A | B,E
+b, +e, +a, 0.95
+b, +e, -a, 0.05
+b, -e, +a, 0.94
+b, -e, -a, 0.06
-b, +e, +a, 0.29
-b, +e, -a, 0.71
-b, -e, +a, 0.001
-b, -e, -a, 0.999
J | A
+a, +j, 0.9
+a, -j, 0.1
-a, +j, 0.05
-a, -j, 0.95
M | A
+a, +m, 0.7
+a, -m, 0.3
-a, +m, 0.01
-a, -m, 0.99
Query: P( B=+b| J=+j)