| 1 | +; LDT 05/06/2024 |
| 2 | +; modified in several significant ways |
| 3 | +; 1) Literal strings are replaced with numbers and ranges (%d32 & %d32-126, etc.) when possible. |
| 4 | +; TRB and especially TRG operators are much more efficient than TLS operators. |
| 5 | +; 2) Two rules, authority and URI, are used multiple times in different contexts. These rules will be reproduced and renamed |
| 6 | +; in order to a) recognize the context and b) remove unneccary callback functions for certain contexts. |
| 7 | +; This will simiplify recognizing contexts AND remove unneccesary callbacks |
| 8 | +; 2.a) domain is defined as authority-d which is identical to authority except that there will be no |
| 9 | +; callback functions defined on authority-d or any of its *-d components. |
| 10 | +; 2.b) The resource URI is defined as URI-r and its components defined as *-r. |
| 11 | +; In this way, callback functions can be defined on URI and is components while |
| 12 | +; leaving URI-r to be parsed identically with no unnecessary callback functions to slow it down. |
| 13 | +; 3) IPv6address does not work because of APG's "first-success disambiguation" and "greedy" repetitions. |
| 14 | +; IPv6address redefined and validations moved to callback functions (semantic vs syntactic validation) |
| 15 | +; Redefinition requires negative look-ahead operators, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syntactic_predicate |
| 16 | +; That is SABNF instead of simple ABNF. |
| 17 | +; 4) IPv4address fails because of "first-success disambiguation". |
| 18 | +; This could be fixed with rearrangement of the alternative terms. However, it would still not |
| 19 | +; accept zero-padded (leading zeros) decimal octets. |
| 20 | +; Therefore, IPv4address is also done with callback functions and semantic validation. |
| 21 | +; 5) The negative look-ahead operator is also needed in the definition of host to |
| 22 | +; prevent failure with a reg-name that begins with an IPv4 address. |
| 23 | +; 6) NOTE: host = is a valid host name even though it is an invalid IPv4address. |
| 24 | +; The IPv4address alternative fails but the reg-name alternative succeeds. |
| 25 | +; 7) The Ethereum spec (https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4361) message format ABNF |
| 26 | +; allows for empty statements. Because of the "first success disambiguation" of APG |
| 27 | +; the an explicit "empty-statement" rule is required to match the spec's intent. |
| 28 | + |
| 29 | + |
| 30 | +sign-in-with-ethereum = |
| 31 | + oscheme domain %s" wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account:" LF |
| 32 | + address LF |
| 33 | + ((LF statement LF LF) / empty-statement / (LF LF)) |
| 34 | + %s"URI: " URI LF |
| 35 | + %s"Version: " version LF |
| 36 | + %s"Chain ID: " chain-id LF |
| 37 | + %s"Nonce: " nonce LF |
| 38 | + %s"Issued At: " issued-at |
| 39 | + [ LF ex-title expiration-time ] |
| 40 | + [ LF nb-title not-before ] |
| 41 | + [ LF ri-title request-id ] |
| 42 | + [ LF re-title resources ] |
| 43 | +ex-title = %s"Expiration Time: " |
| 44 | +nb-title = %s"Not Before: " |
| 45 | +ri-title = %s"Request ID: " |
| 46 | +re-title = %s"Resources:" |
| 47 | +oscheme = [ ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / %d43 / %d45-46 ) "://" ] |
| 48 | +domain = authority-d |
| 49 | +address = "0x" 40*40HEXDIG |
| 50 | + ; Must also conform to captilization |
| 51 | + ; checksum encoding specified in EIP-55 |
| 52 | + ; where applicable (EOAs). |
| 53 | + |
| 54 | +statement = 1*( %d97-122 / %d65-90 / %d48-57 / %d32-33 / %d35-36 / %d38-59 / %d61 / %d63-64 / %d91 / %d93 / %d95 / %d126) |
| 55 | + ; The purpose is to exclude LF (line breaks). |
| 56 | + ; LDT 10/04/2023: Do you mean %d32-126? All printing characters |
| 57 | +empty-statement = LF LF LF |
| 58 | +version = "1" |
| 59 | +nonce = 8*( ALPHA / DIGIT ) |
| 60 | +issued-at = date-time |
| 61 | +expiration-time = date-time |
| 62 | +not-before = date-time |
| 63 | +request-id = *pchar |
| 64 | +chain-id = 1*DIGIT |
| 65 | + ; See EIP-155 for valid CHAIN_IDs. |
| 66 | +resources = *( LF resource ) |
| 67 | +resource = "- " URI-r |
| 68 | + |
| 69 | +; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 70 | +; RFC 3986 |
| 71 | + |
| 72 | +URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] |
| 73 | +hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty |
| 74 | + / path-absolute |
| 75 | + / path-rootless |
| 76 | + / path-empty |
| 77 | +scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / %d43 / %d45-46 ) |
| 78 | +authority = [ userinfo-at ] host [ ":" port ] |
| 79 | +path-abempty = *( "/" segment ) |
| 80 | +path-absolute = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ] |
| 81 | +path-rootless = segment-nz *( "/" segment ) |
| 82 | +path-empty = "" |
| 83 | +userinfo-at = userinfo %d64 |
| 84 | + ; userinfo redefined to include the "@" so that it will fail without it |
| 85 | + ; otherwise userinfo can match host and then the parser will backtrack |
| 86 | + ; incorrectly keeping the captured userinfo phrase |
| 87 | +userinfo = *(%d97-122 / %d65-90 / %d48-57 / pct-encoded / %d33 / %d36 / %d38-46 / %d58-59 / %d61 / %d95 / %d126) |
| 88 | +host = IP-literal / (IPv4address !reg-name-char) / reg-name |
| 89 | + ; negative look-ahead required to prevent IPv4address from being recognized as first part of reg-name |
| 90 | + ; same fix as https://github.com/garycourt/uri-js/issues/4 |
| 91 | +IP-literal = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture ) "]" |
| 92 | +IPvFuture = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( %d97-122 / %d65-90 / %d48-57 / %d33 / %d36 /%d38-46 / %d58-59 /%d61 /%d95 / %d126 ) |
| 93 | +IPv6address = nodcolon / dcolon |
| 94 | +nodcolon = (h16n *h16cn) [%d58 IPv4address] |
| 95 | +dcolon = [h16 *h16c] %d58.58 (((h16n *h16cn) [%d58 IPv4address]) / [IPv4address]) |
| 96 | +h16 = 1*4HEXDIG |
| 97 | +h16c = %d58 1*4HEXDIG |
| 98 | +h16n = 1*4HEXDIG !%d46 |
| 99 | +h16cn = %d58 1*4HEXDIG !%d46 |
| 100 | +IPv4address = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet |
| 101 | +; Here we will will use callback functions to evaluate and validate the (possibly zero-padded) dec-octet. |
| 102 | +dec-octet = *3dec-digit |
| 103 | +dec-digit = %d48-57 |
| 104 | +reg-name = *reg-name-char |
| 105 | +reg-name-char = %d97-122 / %d65-90 / %d48-57 / pct-encoded / %d33 / %d36 / %d38-46 / %d59 / %d61 /%d95 / %d126 |
| 106 | +port = *DIGIT |
| 107 | +query = *(pchar / %d47 / %d63) |
| 108 | +fragment = *(pchar / %d47 / %d63) |
| 109 | + |
| 110 | +; URI-r is a redefiniton of URI but without the callback functions attached to it |
| 111 | +; it reuses athority-d from domain |
| 112 | +URI-r = scheme-r ":" hier-part-r [ "?" query-r ] [ "#" fragment-r ] |
| 113 | +hier-part-r = "//" authority-d path-abempty-r |
| 114 | + / path-absolute-r |
| 115 | + / path-rootless-r |
| 116 | + / path-empty-r |
| 117 | +scheme-r = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / %d43 / %d45-46 ) |
| 118 | +query-r = *(pchar / %d47 / %d63) |
| 119 | +fragment-r = *(pchar / %d47 / %d63) |
| 120 | + |
| 121 | +; authority-d is a redefinition of authority for capturing the domian phrase |
| 122 | +; but without callback functions |
| 123 | +; it is reused for URI- for the same reason |
| 124 | +authority-d = [ userinfo-d %d64 ] host-d [ ":" port-d ] |
| 125 | +userinfo-d = *(%d97-122 / %d65-90 / %d48-57 / pct-encoded / %d33 / %d36 / %d38-46 / %d58-59 / %d61 / %d95 / %d126) |
| 126 | +host-d = IP-literal / (IPv4address !reg-name-char) / reg-name |
| 127 | +port-d = *DIGIT |
| 128 | + |
| 129 | +; for use with URI-r |
| 130 | +path-abempty-r = *( "/" segment ) |
| 131 | +path-absolute-r = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ] |
| 132 | +path-rootless-r = segment-nz *( "/" segment ) |
| 133 | +path-empty-r = "" |
| 134 | +segment = *pchar |
| 135 | +segment-nz = 1*pchar |
| 136 | +pchar = (%d97-122 / %d65-90 / %d48-57 / pct-encoded / %d33 / %d36 / %d38-46 /%d58-59 / %d61 / %d64 / %d95 / %d126) |
| 137 | +pct-encoded = %d37 HEXDIG HEXDIG |
| 138 | + |
| 139 | +; no longer needed - expanded for all usage for fewer branches in the parse there |
| 140 | +; and more efficient use of the TBS & TRG operators in place of TLS and rule names |
| 141 | +; does not work with APG probably because of "first-success disambiguation" and greedy repetitions. |
| 142 | +; will replace with semantic checking of valid number of h16s |
| 143 | +;IPv6address = 6( h16 ":" ) ls32 |
| 144 | +; / "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32 |
| 145 | +; / [ h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32 |
| 146 | +; / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32 |
| 147 | +; / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32 |
| 148 | +; / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 ":" ls32 |
| 149 | +; / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" ls32 |
| 150 | +; / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 |
| 151 | +; / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" |
| 152 | +;ls32 = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address |
| 153 | +; dec-octet does not work because of "first-success disambiguation". |
| 154 | +; Must have the longest (3-digit) numbers first. |
| 155 | +; Even so, this form does not accept leading zeros. |
| 156 | +; There does not seem to be a clear standard for this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot-decimal_notation) |
| 157 | +; however and early RFC 790 did show leading-zero padding of the three digits. |
| 158 | +;dec-octet = DIGIT ; 0-9 |
| 159 | +; / %x31-39 DIGIT ; 10-99 |
| 160 | +; / "1" 2DIGIT ; 100-199 |
| 161 | +; / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT ; 200-249 |
| 162 | +; / "25" %x30-35 ; 250-255 |
| 163 | +;statement = 1*( reserved / unreserved / " " ) |
| 164 | +;scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." ) |
| 165 | +;authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] |
| 166 | +;userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" ) |
| 167 | +;query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) |
| 168 | +;fragment = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) |
| 169 | +;IPvFuture = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / ":" ) |
| 170 | +;reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims ) |
| 171 | +;pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG |
| 172 | +;pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" |
| 173 | +;path-empty = 0pchar; deprecated - empty literal string, "", is more efficient |
| 174 | +;unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" |
| 175 | +;reserved = gen-delims / sub-delims |
| 176 | +;gen-delims = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@" |
| 177 | +;sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" |
| 178 | +; / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" |
| 179 | +;HEXDIG = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F" |
| 180 | + |
| 181 | +; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 182 | +; RFC 3339 |
| 183 | + |
| 184 | +date-fullyear = 4DIGIT |
| 185 | +date-month = 2DIGIT ; 01-12 |
| 186 | +date-mday = 2DIGIT ; 01-28, 01-29, 01-30, 01-31 based on |
| 187 | + ; month/year |
| 188 | +time-hour = 2DIGIT ; 00-23 |
| 189 | +time-minute = 2DIGIT ; 00-59 |
| 190 | +time-second = 2DIGIT ; 00-58, 00-59, 00-60 based on leap second |
| 191 | + ; rules |
| 192 | +time-secfrac = "." 1*DIGIT |
| 193 | +time-numoffset = ("+" / "-") time-hour ":" time-minute |
| 194 | +time-offset = "Z" / time-numoffset |
| 195 | + |
| 196 | +partial-time = time-hour ":" time-minute ":" time-second |
| 197 | + [time-secfrac] |
| 198 | +full-date = date-fullyear "-" date-month "-" date-mday |
| 199 | +full-time = partial-time time-offset |
| 200 | + |
| 201 | +date-time = full-date "T" full-time |
| 202 | + |
| 203 | +; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 204 | +; RFC 5234 |
| 205 | + |
| 206 | +ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z |
| 207 | +LF = %x0A |
| 208 | + ; linefeed |
| 209 | +DIGIT = %x30-39 |
| 210 | + ; 0-9 |
| 211 | +HEXDIG = %d48-57 / %d65-70 / %d97-102 |
| 212 | + |
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