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Become a sponsor to Steven Levithan


Steven Levithan

Belgrade, Serbia

Thanks for checking out and supporting my open source work! 💖

I've been a JavaScript and regular expressions superfan for more than 15 years. My open source work has been especially focused on projects that use or improve regular expressions and help others get the most from them, especially in JavaScript where the regex community is relatively small today.

Since 2007 I've been promoting and educating about the power of regular expressions — changing perceptions of regexes as mysterious, unreadable, and brittle. I've created and continue to contribute to numerous open source regex tools (primarily in JavaScript) including:

  • Coauthored O'Reilly Media's Regular Expressions Cookbook (translated into 7 languages) and High Performance JavaScript.
  • Created regex, which advances the state of the art for high-performance, readable, maintainable, and resilient native JavaScript regexes.
  • Created XRegExp, which was indispensable for heavy regex users back in its time (especially during the ES3 to ES2017 era). XRegExp was influential on improvements to regexes in later ECMAScript standards, and many of its best features have been incorporated directly into modern JavaScript.
  • Created RegexPal, the first web-based regex tester with regex syntax highlighting and real-time matching, which helped inspire later tools like RegExr and regex101.
  • Created numerous other projects like Awesome Regex, regex-colorizer, parseuri, and emoji-regex-xs.

With your support, I'd love to spend more time contributing to open source and JavaScript improvements.

1 sponsor has funded slevithan’s work.


It would mean the world to me if I reached 10 sponsors ✨


10% towards 10 monthly sponsors goal


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$5 a month


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$15 a month


🎯 Help me focus on my work.

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$25 a month


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$100 a month


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