add a recast previous spell button
display map (just hardcode one for now)
put bad guys on the map (asleep)
wizard casting spell also triggers a turn
randomly place enemies on the map
health bar on summons like crab
BUG stop enemy movement during firing of projectile
damage numbers foating over when hit
enemy movement toward wizard or nearest summon (to attack it)
put places of interest on the map (power boost spots!)
enemies drop goods (but how do you get them)
immediate power gift, spread between research and manage
spell node that can be enchanted for long term power (if you know enchant)
spells to learn (randomized list of more powerful spells)
end goal, defeat some powerful thing or cast mastery
power allocation per turn, mana vs spell research
an AOE spell (lightning?)
magic sheild to take some hits
attack animation or nudge thing
on certain turn number, monsters, boss, fow all awake/active
prevent enemies moving through enemies
summons should update mana per turn UI upon death
animated text about what item was obtained / event system
animate item pickup (send it to wizard)
share move and attack code on summons
find_unique_spell seems to be non random
adding the same spells to the map everytime
enchant cant be doubled up on the same tile
teleport item sparkles should disappear
bug when killing small enemy with firebolt (on android)
bug killing end boss (on macos and android)
make dev builds targeting android and linux etc, recreate some bugs
clear fog spell to avoid use of magic spirit
another direct damage spell between fire bolt and void ray, something to two shot most normal enemies, void ray is ~5 shot on boss
give void ray a drawn black line from wizard to target
bump down item spawns a hair
bump down gains from enchant tile
scale up font on picker and researcher
itd be nice to have another way to get power scaling going
scale fire bolt and void ray projectile speed similar to teleport item
desummon when mana is about to go negative!