If you want to submit a Pull Request, please read this document carefully, as it contains information guiding you through our PR process.
For guidance with submitting a PR or have any other question regarding the Agentic Scanner, join our Discord or Slack and get in touch with us through the dev channels.
When you want to add some code to the Agentic Scanner repository, first make sure that an issue or a bug exists in our issue tracker and the issue is marked as help needed
and no-one has claimed it. This ensures that we don't duplicate work and invest our efforts in meaningful (and doable) tasks.
You will need the following things for developing the Agentic Scanner:
. (v2.0.0+)
- Fork the Agentic Radar repository to your personal Github account
- Clone the forked repository:
git clone git@github.com:YOUR-USERNAME/agentic-radar.git
- Add the upstream remote for rebasing:
cd agentic-radar
git remote add upstream git@github.com:splx-ai/agentic-radar.git
Install all dependencies with:
poetry install
# Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate # We recommend to configure poetry so it stores the virtual environment in the project repository
You can run the current development version with:
python agentic_radar/cli.py --help
When writing the code, please use conventional commits. This enables automated versioning and utilizes a common practice for writing commit messages.
Before submitting a PR make sure that your branch is rebased against the upstream main:
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/main
Additionaly, run the pre-commit checks with:
pre-commit run --all-files