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Releases: speedcontrol/nodecg-speedcontrol


11 Sep 19:42
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v2.0.0-RC1 Pre-release
  • Completely rewrote back-end (in TypeScript) and front-end code (in Vue.js).
    • Front-end has been restyled using Vuetify, functionally should be very similar to the old UI but hopefully with less bugs and easier to use.
    • Back-end logic has been rewritten but should be similar from an end user's perspective.
    • Some undocumented features from v1.x may have changed or not be available yet.
  • Bumped NodeCG version required to ^1.5.0.
  • Replaced browser alerts/prompts with NodeCG dialogs.
  • Made the "duplicate run" button open the Add/Edit Run dialog where all the information can be edited before duplication.
  • Allow the timer to be undone in case it is stopped too early; this will also add on the lost time.
  • Added a search box to the Run Player/Run Editor dashboard panels to find runs easier if needed.
  • Added an API toggle to enable/disable timer changes.
  • Added simple username blacklist for the FrankerFaceZ featured channels integration.
  • Added ability to disable the setting of FrankerFaceZ featured channels, while keeping the feature turned on if the setting needs to be done by other code.
  • Added simple channel override name for Twitch integration; this will disable the FrankerFaceZ featured channels, and the logged in Twitch user must be an editor for the channel name you have specified.
  • Added some APIs for the timer so other bundles can control it.
  • Some NodeCG based APIs (messages/replicants) have changed; these will be documented soon.
  • Many bug fixes/improvements due to the rewriting of code.


24 Mar 11:32
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  • Added a logout button to the Twitch integration.
  • Minor Horaro import prediction improvements.
  • Added extra checks to the queries when importing the schedule to fix related crashes.
  • Minor updates to some READMEs.
  • Updates npm/bower dependencies.


23 Dec 21:29
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We are finally there, a version which we feel is ready for production use. As this is the first stable release, we will not go into heavy detail about changes, but there are some notes below for people who may have been using the bundle before.

  • The main README has been heavily updated.
  • If you are coming from an older version and had developed bundles that relied on this one, you may want to read Migrating from v0.9 to v1.x for information on the drastic parts that have changed.
  • We now have some API documentation to help you develop your own bundles that use the Speedcontrol functionality.
  • We now have some information on schedule formatting if you were ever confused about that.

Other Fixes/Changes Since v0.9.0-RC3.2

  • Added a configuration option to disable the lookups on schedule import.
  • Replaced the tmi.js library with twitch-js library.
  • Overhauled the Run Info Dialog, which can be now be used to fully add/edit runs, including teams with multiple players, and can also be used to edit the custom data if you have this set in your configuration.
  • Custom data dropdowns on schedule import now try to auto-select themselves.
  • Added an option on Horaro schedule import on how to split the player names.
  • Added some proper Markdown stripping/parsing to the Horaro schedule importing.
  • Removed the "create 10 random runs" button.


02 Dec 23:15
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v0.9.0-RC3.2 Pre-release
  • Fix for the Twitch access token only getting passed to the FrankerFaceZ integration on start up making it fail the Twitch chat connection when the token was renewed.
  • Fix for the "next run" button initiating some changes twice, for example Twitch API updating.
  • Fix for the FrankerFaceZ integration not working on the initial Twitch authentication and needing a server restart.

v0.9.0-RC3.1.1 Hotfix

17 Nov 21:59
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v0.9.0-RC3.1.1 Hotfix Pre-release

This hotfix is for the Twitch API integration not working if you are not also using the undocumented highlighting functionality.

v0.9.0-RC3.1 Notes

Not many changes but this fixes some breaking API changes of external services so was important to make some sort of version for.

  • Updated the permissions requested from the Twitch API so it can work with newly registered apps.
  • Updated the Tiltify support to use API v3, which now uses an access token and the campaign ID instead, see the updated README for details.


08 Nov 22:14
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v0.9.0-RC3.1 Pre-release

Not many changes but this fixes some breaking API changes of external services so was important to make some sort of version for.

  • Updated the permissions requested from the Twitch API so it can work with newly registered apps.
  • Updated the Tiltify support to use API v3, which now uses an access token and the campaign ID instead, see the updated README for details.


12 Aug 12:01
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v0.9.0-RC3 Pre-release

This is the version that was used at ESA Summer 2018.

  • Updated to use NodeCG 1.x.
  • Removed "Game Short" from the Add/Edit Run dialog (oops, left over from last version).
  • Moved the Horaro schedule importing server side; you can now close the page while it's importing and multiple imports can't accidentally be done at once.
  • More improvements/additions to the Twitch Highlighting feature; this is still undocumented and may be moved out of this bundle soon (it will still be available as an extra bundle if you want to use it).
  • Fixed custom data being lost if a run was edited.
  • Fixed scheduled start time being lost if a run was edited.
  • Added some simple retrying to the Twitch API code; still needs improvement.
  • Player names that are printed in the Twitch title are now formatted better (no longer just a long list of names).
  • Added a "clone run" button; you can now easily clone a run if needed, usually for adding in a bonus run on the fly.
  • Changed some logic when requesting Twitch ads to be played; if you use this you may want to check the source code for that (I'm bad at documenting sorry).
  • As always, other minor improvements/fixes.


04 Jun 13:06
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v0.9.0-RC2 Pre-release
  • Redid the main README ( and the configuration README ( because they were long due for an overhaul. More improvements to come later.
  • Some extra regex checking while importing members from the schedule.
  • Changed some stuff around in the config file, mainly giving some of the donation features their own grouping and some different names; see for more details.
  • Updated the configschema.json so you can create a meaningful default file now.
  • Changed Gaming4Good URLs, although this functionality is still untested.
  • Removed the marquee functionality from this bundle (I felt like it wasn't appropriate for what this bundle is for anymore; it should go into a graphics bundle instead).
  • Added ability to add custom data to the run data; see for more details.
  • Removed the gameShort option from the run data that was added in v0.9.0-RC1; you can add this back in yourself if needed with the custom data options.
  • Added a (currently for advanced users) way of highlighting runs on Twitch from the dashboard via a "recording" method, with the possibility to automate this via your graphics bundles. It's not fully finished yet and not documented.
  • Stopped the bundle from sending the forceRefreshIntermission message if you accessed/refreshed the NodeCG dashboard while the timer was in the "finished" state.
  • Fixed a bug where if you tried to edit the timer while it was stopped, the edit didn't actually apply.
  • Seconds are now imported from the runs on your schedule and can be used when you add/edit runs.
  • As always, other minor improvements/fixes.


19 Mar 02:23
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v0.9.0-RC1 Pre-release

A lot was done since the Post-ESA2017 release, this is a somewhat brief (heh) rundown of what was changed since.

  • Updated to use NodeCG 0.9.x.
  • Overhauled the way you edit/add runs, currently has no team support and looks a little ugly.
  • Rewrote the Twitch API implementation. If the Twitch integration is enabled and the correct settings are set, you will be able to login from the panel on the dashboard, which only has to be done once.
  • Changed the timer to use livesplit-core instead of rieussec; also made it so the timer can be recovered if the server has to be restarted.
  • Changed the user checking on import of the schedule which allows it to try and get their Twitch username from there; also changed it so the region that is found only returns the country code.
  • Split the panels up into appropriate workspaces.
  • Fixed the "create 10 random runs" button.
  • Added option to disable the marquee panel input ("enableMarqueePanel": false in the config).
  • Added simple options to the Horaro importing, which allows you to choose the appropriate column for the appropriate type of data, instead of having to have the schedule in a set format or having to edit the import code.
  • Added the ability to add some more information to the run data object: scheduled/scheduledS (the scheduled time for a run to start, imported from the Horaro schedule), gameShort (you can fill this in with a shortened version of a game name for use on your layouts, also can be set from a Horaro column), gameTwitch (you can fill this in with the name of the game on the Twitch directory and it will be used for the Twitch integration, also can be set from a Horaro column).
  • The button to run a 3m ad on Twitch is removed if the channel is not partnered.
  • Added some simple Tiltify support.
  • Added a "Return To Start" button, to return to before the first run.
  • The final time of a run is now stored in the runFinishTimes replicant, keyed by the run ID. This implementation will probably be changed in the future.
  • Other minor bugfixes/improvements.


08 Oct 18:10
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Post-ESA2017 Pre-release

Between the last "release" and this one, a lot of changes were made, mostly geared towards European Speedrunner Assembly 2017. Lots of the documentation is bad/out of date, but I wanted to make a release of what we had so far before I start moving the code over to NodeCG v0.9. If somehow someone tells you to use this version specifically or you want to work with speedcontrol right now, use this one for now.