<PackageReference Include="Spare.NET.Sdk" Version="1.3.2" />
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var eccKeyPair = SpCrypto.GenerateKeyPair();
Console.WriteLine($"Private key \n{eccKeyPair.PrivateKey}");
Console.WriteLine($"Public key \n{eccKeyPair.PublicKey}");
public class TestController : Controller
private readonly ISpPaymentClient _client_;
// Business ECC private key
private readonly PrivateKey = "Your ecc private key";
// Spare ECC public key
private readonly ServerPublicKey = "Server ecc public key";
public TestController()
var options = new SpPaymentClientOptions
ApiKey = "Your API key",
AppId = "Your app id",
BaseUrl = new Uri("https://payment.tryspare.com");
_client = new SpPaymentClient(options);
// GET
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
// Initialize payment
var payment = new SpDomesticPaymentRequest
Amount = 10m,
Description = "Payment description"
// Sign the payment
var signature = SpEccSignatureManager.Sign(payment, PrivateKey);
// Create payment
var createPayment = await _paymentClient.CreateDomesticPayment(payment,signature);
// To verify signature of the created payment
if(SpEccSignatureManager.Verify(createPayment.PaymentResponse, createPayment.Signature, ServerPublicKey)){
// signature verified