- Revised skycells rmap for roman (#1119)
- Added sirskernel reftypes for NIRISS and NIRSPEC, updated nirspec_pars-darkcurrentstep, and created pictureframe reftype (#1113)
- Adds new rmap template for roman skycells reftype (#1108)
- Declare conflicting optional dependencies for uv builds (#1110)
- Added miri_psf.rmap, nircam_convkernel.rmap, and nirspec_pars-badpixselfcalstep.rmap. (#1099)
- Updated EXPTYPE parkey in miri psf and description in Nircam convkernel (#1100)
- Added reftype for pars-cleanflickernoisestep. (#1102)
- added new epsf rmap for roman (#1104)
- Added miri_psf.rmap, nircam_convkernel.rmap, and nirspec_pars-badpixselfcalstep.rmap. (#1100)
- Added SUB8FP6A to nircam_all.tpn. (#1098)
- Adds new reference mapping templates for Aperture Correction (apcorr) and AB-Vega Offset (aboffset) (#1097)
- replaces deprecated string literals with raw strings in regex pattern matching (#1077)
- dev cal versions default to edit context (#1089)
- tests for sync using symbolic context names (#1091)
- latest is a valid file state, context spec includes build and latest (#1088)
- Fixed changelog version [#1083]
- Updated image names [#1084]
- Doc updates for user guide to switch from Operational to Latest (#1080)
- client.api.get_default_context falls back to observatory as only argument to maintain compatibility with crds_server < 13.0.0 (#1078)
- use
to handle change log entries (#1068)
- Default context changed from "operational" to "latest". For JWST, the default context is the "build" context as determined by locally installed calibration software version. This can be overridden if CRDS_CONTEXT environment variable is explicitly set by user. [#1076]
- Setting environment variable CRDS_CONTEXT=latest automatically sets the effective context to the latest operational context found on the CRDS Server. [#1062]
- client.api.get_default_context by default returns build context for jwst, else latest. This can still be overridden by explicitly passing a value into optional arg state. [#1069]
- Replaced deprecated SafeConfigParser with ConfigParser in crds.core.config [#1065]
- moved DMS requirement correlations with tests from
test decorators totest/dms_requirement_tests.json
- Added TPN for niriss_pastasoss.rmap. [#1063]
- Resolves CCD-1501 by adding a new reference file niriss_pastasoss.rmap. [#1061]
- Added info on using "--after-context" flag in the crds.sync command line help output. The web user guide (command line tools page) has been updated as well to include this information. [#1060]
- Added reference_to_dataset keypairs for all roman parameter rmaps. Translate useafter to include 'ROMAN' prefix for all reference types (parameter refs included). Added jumpstep test file and new certify test (commented out until crds-cache-test is updated to include this). [#1055]
- Resolves CCD-1482, github issue 1053. Running certify on a Roman reference file now checks the correct set of header keywords depending on whether the file is a parameter reference type (prefix "META") or regular reference type (prefix "ROMAN.META"). [#1054]
- Removed all redundant tpn files for roman datamodel-represented references. Certify parameter reference files [#1050]
- Fixed some issues with rmap file parkey selections for NIRISS, NIRCAM and NIRSPEC. [#1046]
- Added RMAPS for miri_pars-spectralleakstep and nirspec_pars-nsleanstep
- Added GRATING as selection for nirspec_dark.spec and nirspec_pars-nscleanstep.rmap [#1043]
- Added RMAP and TPN files for new COS HVDSTAB reference file [#1042]
- Fix for acs imphttab ref file submission failures [#1044]
- Added several RMAPS for pars-resamplestep/specstep [#1038]
- Added support for pars- reference files [#1036]
- Use try/except for np.float128 import [#1037]
- Added metrics_logger decorator to Roman tests delivered with older builds [#1034]
- Pytest configuration changes to address ongoing test suite failures, marked individual tests with their respective observatory [#1034]
-Added MODEL to be a PEDIGREE option for JWST. [#1032]
- Formalize the stale-by-context report tool [#1039]
-Added new rmap for MIRI pars-emicorrstep. [#1030]
-Added new rmap for NIRISS nrm. [#1027] -Added new rmap for NIRSPEC drizpars. [#1028] -Added new rmap for NIRISS pars-whitelightstep. [#1029]
- Added new rmap for miri_pars-pixelreplacestep [#1025]
- Fixed issue with releases and CHANGES.rst [#1026]
- Added new rmap for miri_mask [#1020]
- for the test caching CI workflow (
), explicitly checkout CRDS to enable reuse in other repositories' CI [#1022]
- Remove jwst pub and add roman tvac to submission list. [#1018]
- Replaced deprecated
- Add n/a to components of the cos badttab reftype [#1019]
-Removed constraints in nirspec_pathloss.tpn. [#1017]
-Fixed value of suffix in rmap for miri_emicorr. [#1016]
-Fixed value of filetype in rmap for miri_emicorr. [#1015]
- Added PIXAR_SR and PIXAR_A2 to miri photom tpn. [#1013]
- Added new rmap for miri.emicorr. [#1014]
- bugfix: get observatory metadata inside asdf file handler [#1012]
- Update tests for expected output with asdf 3.0+ [#1004]
- Downgrade unhandled name in crds.io.naming.newer from an error to a warning [#1008]
- Add setval() and getval() methods to crds.io.asdf.AsdfFile class [#1009]
- Added documentation on how to search for and download bestrefs by dataset ID programatically [#1001]
- Added Filter and Subarray to miri_pars-jumpstep.rmap [#1010]
- Added BAND to miri_gain and DETECTOR to miri_pars-detector1pipeline spec files. [#1011]
- Replaced deprecated np.product with np.prod in crds.certify.validators.core [#975]
- Remove "lxml" from submission optional dependencies [#999]
- Migrated test suite from nose to pytest, running CI tests for python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 [#998]
- Added a substitution to miri_ipc [#958]
- Added new rmap nirspec outlier detection [#950]
- Added new rmap miri Interpixel Capacitance [#954]
- Added CHANNEL to parkeys for miri_apcorr.rmap [#955]
- Added new rmap niriss charge_migration step [#956]
- Added new rmap miri gain [#945]
- Added metrics-logger decorators with DMS tags to appropriate Roman tests [#943]
- Added WFC3 SATUFILE new reference file [#941]
- Removed python 3.8 check from ci.yml [#934]
- Removed references to ICD-47 in users guide [#936]
- translate 'ANY' as equal to '*' when selecting match rules in rmap changes. Prevents equal weight special case errors from occurring unnecessarily [#939]
- Refactor setup_test_cache to allow for simply updating local cache [#966]
- Switch jwst DATAMODEL to jwst.datamodels.JwstDataModel [#938]
- Replace W146 with F146 [#932]
- Replace
dependency withBeautifulSoup
for submission/login html error parsing [#926]
- Added stale archive report core code [#928]
- Update miri pars-jumpstep parkeys [#931]
- Added new rmap WFI Reference Pixels [#924]
- Replace deprecated import
. [#923]
- Added new rmap WFI Inverse Linearity [#920]
- Added new reference file type: IPC Kernel [#918]
- add SUB400X256ALWB to the NIRCam subarray list [#915]
- bugfix: getreferences uses get_locator_module to call dataset_to_ref_header [#916]
- bestrefs calls
outside of the "fast" condition. Header translation for Roman will occur regardless of the "fast" arg (which can sometimes be determined by the logging verbosity level). [#917]
- Dataset to Ref header key matching where "roman" prefix is missing [#910]
- exclude build/ and install.log from source control [#907]
- update versions in github actions workflows [#914]
- Add subarray to the miri filteroffset spec [#908]
- Initial spec implementations for pars-jumpstep for miri, nircam, and nirspec [#909]
- Add new reftypes pars-residualfringestep and pars-undersamplecorrectionstep [#911]
- Add (260, 2048) as a valid size for nirspec saturation [#912]
- Affected datasets script sets BIASFILE bestref to N/A when specific conditions are met for ACS WFC datasets (CCDGAIN=0.5 or 1.4) [#906]
- Don't issue warning in
crds sync
for files with status "delivered" [#903] - Documentation minor updates: command_line_tools, programmatic_interface [#905]
- Automatic confirmation for roman pipeline reference file submissions [#904]
- Equal Weight Special Case log messages include filenames and useafter dates [#901]
- Updated README to reference
- Reversion: "equal weight special case" generates a warning instead of error for HST [#898]
- File submission object includes 'file_map' dictionary attribute of uploaded and renamed filenames [#897]
- Add LAMP_MODE and LAMP_STATE to NIRSpec SFLAT spec [#896]
- Update nirspec fflat specs [#895]
- User Guide updates: mission-based tabs for code examples, Roman content added [#894]
- Allow variation in reftype naming convention for ASDF validation checks in crds.certify [#893]
- Changed "equal weight special case" warning to an error [#892]
- Revised core.utils to allow I/O to work under Windows [#891]
- update niriss pars-jumpstep parkeys [#890]
- Updated GH action release token [#889]
- Useafter string reformats with space instead of "T" between date and time [#888]
- Update the timeout for RPC calls [#887]
- Allow forward slash and equals signs in Reason for Delivery [#886]
- added ref-rmap header translation for p_optical_element, updated tests [#885]
- Hotfix for API character validation with more thorough testing added [#884]
- Minor bugfix checks for invalid (special) chars in "reason for delivery" text submitted via programmatic api [#882]
- Update and add specs for all instruments for reftype pars-rampfitstep. [#883]
- Manually added release date for previous release [#881]
- Added new rmap for NIRISS filteroffset [#881]
- Add substitutions for HST ACS to support biasfile selection [#880]
- Added top-level tag validation for roman asdf [#878]
- Add back pars-masterbackgroundnrsslitsstep in the jwst specs [#879]
- move MA_TABLE_NUMBER WFI dark rmap parkey from observation to exposure [#877]
- Create new reftype mrsptcorr [#875]
- add new reftype mrsxartcorr [#874]
- Update miri pars-spec2pipeline for exp_type addition to parkeys [#873]
- Add spec for new pars-wfsscontamstep [#872]
- Update parkeys for NIRSpec/NIRISS pars-spec2pipeline [#871]
- Rename MasterBackgroundNrsSlitsStep pars files to MasterBackgroundMosStep [#870]
- update parkeys for WFI dark references [#868]
- useafter based on exposure.start_time instead of observation.date, observation.time [#876]
- Implement timeout on CRDS Server network requests [#869]
- added: distortion rmap + tpn [#867]
- update parkeys for NIRSpec apcorr and extract1d references [#866]
- Fix bug in script where bash syntax was used with /bin/sh. [#865]
- Add V3 of ACS precondition header hook. [#864]
- corrected area rmap to match updates to schema [#863]
- Add LITREF check to tpns for synphot component files. [#862]
- New PixelArea RefType + PyTests. [#861]
- New Photom RefType + PyTests. [#860]
- Add pub to the possible submission groups. [#859]
- Update submission urls to include jwst-crds-pub [#856]
- Fix syntax in all_tpn affecting readpatt verification [#857]
- Update minimum python to 3.8 [#858]
- Trim translations to be specific to roman [#854]
- Update miri pathloss spec [#855]
- Update documentation for the Submission API [#853]
- Add new reftype fringefreq [#846]
- Added new reftype saturation [#847]
- Changed dark reftype definition [#852]
- Changed readnoise reftype definition [#851]
- Change JWST validation errors into warnings. [#845]
- Update STIS and ACS IMPHTTAB validations to permit additional values in the DATACOL column. [#844]
- Update JWST certifier to show all datamodels validation failures instead of stopping at the first. [#842]
- Switch to setuptools_scm for package version management and
variable. [#843]