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Example Solution for Shelley Stakepool Exercise Sheet 1

Installing and Running a Node: A quick guide


Set up your platform:

You will need:

  • An x86 host (AMD or Intel), Virtual Machine or AWS instance with at least 2 cores, 4GB of RAM and at least 10GB of free disk space;
  • A recent version of Linux, not Windows or MacOS – this will help us isolate any issues that arise;
  • Make sure you are on a network that is not firewalled. In particular, we will be using TCP/IP port 3000 and 3001 by default to establish connections with other nodes, so this will need to be open.

If you are not sure on how to configure your server, please read the Getting access to Linux at AWS tutorial.

Install dependencies

We need the following packages and tools on our Linux system to download the source code and build it: - the version control system git, - the gcc C-compiler, - C++ support for gcc, - developer libraries for the the arbitrary precision library gmp, - developer libraries for the compression library zlib, - developer libraries for systemd, - developer libraries for ncurses, - ncurses compatibility libraries, - the Haskell build tool cabal, - the GHC Haskell compiler.

If we are using an AWS instance running Amazon Linux AMI 2 (see the AWS walk-through for how to get such an instance up and running)or another CentOS/RHEL based system, we can install these dependencies as follows:

sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install git gcc gcc-c++ tmux gmp-devel make tar wget zlib-devel -y
sudo yum install systemd-devel ncurses-devel ncurses-compat-libs -y

For Debian/Ubuntu use the following instead:

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential pkg-config libffi-dev libgmp-dev libssl-dev libtinfo-dev libsystemd-dev zlib1g-dev make g++ tmux git jq wget libncursesw5 -y

If you are using a different flavor of Linux, you will need to use the package manager suitable for your platform instead of yum or apt-get, and the names of the packages you need to install might differ.

Download, unpack, install and update Cabal:

tar -xf cabal-install-
rm cabal-install- cabal.sig
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
mv cabal ~/.local/bin/
cabal update

This will work on a fresh AWS instance and assumes that folder ~/.local/bin is in your PATH. On other systems, you must either move the executable to a folder that is in your PATH or modify your PATH by adding the line

export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH"

to your .bashrc-file.

Above instructions install Cabal version You can check the version by typing

cabal --version

Finally, we download and install GHC:

tar -xf ghc-8.6.5-x86_64-deb9-linux.tar.xz
rm ghc-8.6.5-x86_64-deb9-linux.tar.xz
cd ghc-8.6.5
sudo make install
cd ..

Download the source code for cardano-node

To download the source code, we use git:

git clone

This should create a folder cardano-node, then download the latest source code from git into it. After the download has finished, we can check its content by

ls cardano-node

Note that the content of your cardano-node-folder can slightly differ from this!

We change our working directory to the downloaded source code folder:

cd cardano-node

For reproducible builds, we should check out a specific release, a specific "tag". For the FF-testnet, we will use tag 1.13.0, which we can check out as follows:

git fetch --all --tags
git checkout tags/1.13.0

Build and install the node

Now we build and install the node with cabal, which will take a couple of minutes the first time you do a build. Later builds will be much faster, because everything that does not change will be cached.

Note: When using cabal install, make sure you have overwrite-policy: alwaysin your .cabal/config or delete old version of cardano-node and cardano-cli from ~/.cabal/bin

cabal install cardano-node cardano-cli

The remark about your PATH from above applies here as well: Make sure folder ~/.local/bin is in your path or copy the executables to a folder that is.

If you ever want to update the code to a newer version, go to the cardano-node directory, pull the latest code with git and rebuild. This will be much faster than the initial build:

cd cardano-node
git fetch --all --tags
git tag
git checkout tags/<the-tag-you-want>
cabal install cardano-node cardano-cli

Note that it might be necessary to delete the db-folder (the database-folder) before running an updated version of the node.

Get genesis, configuration, topology files, and start the node

To start your node and connect it to F&F testnet you will need three important files: ff-config.json ff-genesis.json and ff-topology.json. We will download them from


Now you can start the node, double check that port 3001 is open. In the cardano-node directory run:

cardano-node run \
   --topology ff-topology.json \
   --database-path db \
   --socket-path db/node.socket \
   --port 3001 \
   --config ff-config.json

Cool, you have just connected your node to the F&F Testnet.

Configure block-producing and relay nodes

Let's stop that single node now and do something more interesting.

As stake pool operator, you will have two types of nodes, block producing nodes and relay nodes. Each block producing node must be accompanied by several relay nodes.

To be clear: Both types of nodes run exactly the same program, cardano-node. The difference between the two types lies in how they are configured and how they are connected to each other:

  • A block producing node will be configured with various key-pairs needed for block generation (cold keys, KES hot keys and VRF hot keys). It will only be connected to its relay nodes.

  • A relay node will not be in possession of any keys and will therefore be unable to produce blocks. It will be connected to its block producing node, other relays and external nodes.

Each node should run on a dedicated server, and the block producing node's server's firewall should be configured to only allow incoming connections from its relays.

In this tutorial, we will simplify matters by having a block producing node (It won't produce blocks yet), and by using a single relay. For now, we will run both nodes on the same server.

We have explained how to run a single node, and now you have suitable configuration files ff-config.json,ff-topology.json and ff-genesis.json available.

Both our nodes must use the same ff-genesis.json, they can use the same ff-config.json (but don't have to), and they need different ff-topology.json files.

Let us create separate folders for the two nodes and copy the configuration files to both directories.

cd cardano-node
mkdir block-producing
mkdir relay
cp ff-config.json ff-genesis.json ff-topology.json block-producing/
cp ff-config.json ff-genesis.json ff-topology.json relay/

We will run our block-producing node on port 3000 (make sure it is opened) and our relay on port 3001 (you can of course use different ports if you like)

We must modify the block-producer's ff-topology.json to only "talk" to the relay:

Navigate to /block-producing and open ff-topology.json with your favorite text editor:

  "Producers": [
      "addr": "x.x.x.x", # Replace with your public IP
      "port": 3001,
      "valency": 1

In the relay/ff-topology.json we instruct the node to "talk" to the block-producer and an external node as before:

   "Producers": [
       "addr": x.x.x.x", # Replace with your public IP
       "port": 3000,
       "valency": 1
       "addr": "",
       "port": 3001,
       "valency": 1

To start your nodes on our AWS instance, a terminal multiplexer like tmux is useful, because it allows us to open different panes in a single terminal window.

We have already installed tmux when we installed dependencies.

You can find a short overview of available commands here.

You start tmux with

tmux new

Then you can split the screen with Ctrl-b-% and navigate between the two panes with Ctrl-b- and Ctrl-b-.

tmux with two panels

From one tmux-panel we start the block-producing node with the following command. Under host-addr replace the x.x.x.x with your public ip

cardano-node run \
--topology block-producing/ff-topology.json \
--database-path block-producing/db \
--socket-path block-producing/db/node.socket \
--host-addr x.x.x.x --port 3000 \
--config block-producing/ff-config.json

The node will start, but it won't receive any data, because we have configured it to only "talk" to the relay node, and we haven't yet started the relay.

We switch to the other tmux-panel with Ctrl-b- and start the relay node with a similar command. Under host-addr replace the x.x.x.x with your public ip

cardano-node run \
 --topology relay/ff-topology.json \
 --database-path relay/db \
 --socket-path relay/db/node.socket \
 --host-addr x.x.x.x \
 --port 3001 \
 --config relay/ff-config.json

After a few seconds, both nodes should receive data.

tmux with two nodes

Cool, we have put a couple of nodes to work! But this nodes can't do anything more than read from the blockchain. To setup a stake pool and being able to produce blocks we will need a set of keys, addresses, and other things. Let's create some keys first.

Create key pair and an address

Create a new SSH connection with your server. Go to cardano-node directory with

cd cardano-node

We will be using the command line interfacecardano-clinow. To learn about the usage of this tool type:

cardano-cli --help

We need to generate a payment key pair:

cardano-cli shelley address key-gen \
  --verification-key-file payment.vkey \
  --signing-key-file payment.skey

This will create two files (here named payment.vkey and payment.skey), one containing the public verification key, one the private signing key.

The files are in plain-text format and human readable:

    cat payment.vkey

    > type: VerificationKeyShelley
    > title: Free form text
    > cbor-hex:
    >  18af58...
  • The first line describes the file type and should not be changed.
  • The second line is a free form text that we could change if we so wished.
  • The key itself is the cbor-encoded byte-string in the fourth line.

Now we can use the verification key we just created to make an address. For now, we will use an address type that can receive and send transactions, but cannot do staking: enterprise type.

cardano-cli shelley address build \
    --payment-verification-key-file payment.vkey
--stake-verification-key stake.vkey
--out-file payment.addr

    > 01ed8ae0843a3...

To query your address (see the utxo's at that address),you first need to set environment variable CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH to the socket-path specified in your node configuration, we will use our relay node for that.

export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=relay/db/node.socket

Then use

cardano-cli shelley query utxo \
    --address 01ed8ae0843a3..... \
    --testnet-magic 42

The output should look like this, note that we do not have any funds yet.

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Lovelace

Congratulations, You just need to request some funds and you have finished excercise 1 !!

Node monitoring

Please read Monitoring a node with EKG and Monitoring a node with Prometheus tutorials.