diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.az.yml
index 67949a3c6a..719724fccd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.az.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': 'Belə məqalə növü yoxdur'
+'Multi-line Text': 'Çox zolaqlı Mətn'
+'Filter saved': 'Filter saxlandı'
+'Filter not saved': 'Filter saxlanmadı'
+'Not a color': Rəngsiz
+'No such field': 'Belə sahə yoxdur'
+'Color saved': 'Rəng saxlandı'
+'Color not saved': 'Rəng saxlanmadı'
+'Topic created': 'Mövzu yaradıldı'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Təklif edilən mövzu adı başqa mövzuda istifadə edilir.'
+'Complex Date': 'Əlavə Məlumatlı Tarix'
+vertices: zirvələr
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'XML RPC əməliyyatının icrasında problem yarandı.'
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'Airtime server konfiqurasiyası səhvdir.'
+'Pan Map': 'Panoramik Xəritə'
+'Open large map': 'Böyük xəritəni aç'
+'No news available.': 'Hal-hazırda xəbər yoxdur.'
+'Edit Polygon': 'Çoxbucaqlını Dəyiş'
+'Create Polygon': 'Çoxbucaqlı Yarat'
+'Communication error: ': 'Ünsiyyət xətası:'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Xəbər $1-dən(dan) endirilə bilmir'
+Loading...: Yüklənir...
+Version: Versiya
+License: Lisenziya
+Homepage: 'Baş səhifə'
+'Show original map': 'Orijinal xəritəni göstər'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'Yüklənmiş arxivdə qüvvədə olan newscoop plaqini yoxdur.'
+Map: Xəritə
+Center: Mərkəz
+Title: Başlıq
+'Invalid security token.': 'Səhv təhlükəsizlik nişanı.'
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': '$1 istiqamətində geriyə zəng mümkün deyil.'
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Məqalə $4 ($5) dilinə tərcümə edildi'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Məqalə başlığı $1 variantından $2 variantına dəyişdirildi.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Məqalə silindi.'
+'Article created.': 'Məqalə yaradıldı.'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Məqalə $4 Məqaləsinə köçürüldü (nəşr $5, maddə $6, bölmə $7).'
+'Article URL': 'Məqalə URL-i'
+'Article Number': 'Məqalə Nömrəsi'
+'Access denied.': 'Giriş qadağandır.'
+'Publish with issue': 'Maddə ilə nümayiş et'
+unknown: naməlum
+Switch: Keç
+Numeric: Rəqəmsal
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'Yüklənmiş fayl növü dəstəklənmir.'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Növbəti sahələr məcburidir:'
+'Missing value for $1': '$1 üçün dəyər çatmır'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Plaqinləri Quraşdır'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* ilə işarələnmiş sahələr məcburidir.'
+'$1 is of type $2': '$1 $2-nin növüdür'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Enin/uzunun ölçüsünün dəyişilməsində səhv.'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': '$1 şəkil növü dəstəklənmir.'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'Yüklənmiş fayl şəkil deyil.'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Yazı məlumat bazasından silinə bilmədi.'
+'template path': 'nümunənin istiqaməti'
+'short names': 'qısa adlar'
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Şəkil serverdən endirilə bilmədi.'
+Last: Son
+First: İlk
+'Single-line Text': 'Bir sətirli Mətn'
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'WYSIWYG ilə çox sətirli Mətn'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': '$1 URL-i səhvdir və ya şəkil deyil.'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': '$1 URL-i şəkil deyil.'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: 'Sifarişçi əlavə edildi'
+ notfound: 'Sifarişçi tapılmadı'
+ removed: 'Sifarişçi xaric edildi'
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: 'İctimai vəsait yeniləndi'
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: 'API - ictimai vəsaiti konfiqurasiya et'
+ title_content: 'API - ictimai vəsaiti konfiqurasiya et'
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: 'İctimai Vəsaitlər'
+ clients: Sifarişçilər
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: 'Mövcud halda bütün vəsaitlər qoruyucu divar tərəfindən qorunur, amma sən istədiyin vəsaitləri ictimailəşdirmək üçün seçə bilərsən.'
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: 'Sifarişçi Əlavə Et'
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: 'Sifarişçi adı'
+ id: 'Sifarişçi id-si'
+ secret: Sirr
+ trusted: 'İnanırsınız?'
+ redirect: 'Urisi Başqa Yerə Yönəlt'
+ publication: Nəşr
+ actions: Addımlar
- remove: Remove
+ remove: 'Xaric Et'
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
+ confirm: 'Bu sifarişçini xaric etmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
menu: API
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: 'Sifarişçin üçün ad seç:'
+ publication: 'Sifarişçin üçün nəşr seç:'
+ redirectUris: 'Sifarişçin üçün yönü dəyişilmiş urisi seç:'
+ trusted: 'İnanırsınız?'
+ save: Saxla
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: 'İctimailəşdirmək üçün vəsait seç:'
+ save: Saxla
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.be.yml
index 67949a3c6a..a42fcee71a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.be.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': 'Не зяўляецца колерам'
+'No such field': 'Няма такога поля'
+'Color saved': 'Колер захаваны'
+'Color not saved': 'Колер не захаваны'
+'Topic created': 'Тэма створаная'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Гэтае імя ўжо выкарыстоўваецца іншай тэмай.'
+'Complex Date': 'Складовая дата'
+vertices: вяршыні
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'Памылка ў спробе выканання функцыі XML RPC.'
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'Няправільныя налады сервера Airtime.'
+'Pan Map': 'Панарамаванне Карты'
+'Open large map': 'Адкрыць у вялікім акне'
+'No news available.': 'Няма даступных навін.'
+'Edit Polygon': 'Рэдагаваць ламаную'
+'Create Polygon': 'Стварыць ламаную'
+'Communication error: ': 'Памылка сувязі:'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Немагчыма атрымаць навіны з $1'
+Loading...: Пампуецца...
+Version: Версія
+License: Ліцэнзія
+Homepage: Галоўная
+'Show original map': 'Паказаць азначаную карту'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'Загружаны архіў не змяшчае правільны плагін Newscoop.'
+Map: Карта
+Center: Цэнтр
+Title: Загаловак
+'Invalid security token.': 'Няправільны маркер бяспекі.'
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Зваротнае тэлефанаванне $ 1 недаступнае'
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Артыкул перакладзены на $4 ($5)'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Статут артыкула зменены з $1 на $2.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Артыкул выдалены.'
+'Article created.': 'Артыкул створаны.'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Артыкул скапіраваны ў артыкул Article $ 4 (выданне $5, выпуск $6, рубрыка $7)'
+'Article URL': 'URL артыкула'
+'Article Number': 'Нумар артыкула'
+'Access denied.': 'Адмоўлена ў доступе.'
+'Publish with issue': 'Апублiкаваць выпуск'
+unknown: невядома
+Switch: Пераключальнік
+Numeric: Лічбавы
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'Фармат файлу для загрузкі не падтрымліваецца сыстэмай.'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Дадзеныя палі абавязковыя для запаўненьня'
+'Missing value for $1': 'Прапушчанае значэньне пераменнай $1'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Кіраваць прагінамі'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Адзначаныя палі абавязковыя для запаўненьня'
+'$1 is of type $2': '$1 мае тып $2'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Немагчыма зьмяніць даўжыню/шырыню.'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Тып графiчнага файла $1 не падтрымлiваецца.'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'Загружаны файл ня ёсьць графiчны файл.'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Не ўдалося выдаліць запiс з базы даных.'
+'template path': 'шлях да шаблёну'
+'short names': 'кароткiя iмёны '
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Немагчыма '
+Last: Апошнi
+First: Першы
+'Single-line Text': Тэкст
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Цела артыкула'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 няправільны цi не зьяўляецца графічным файлам.'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 не зьяўляецца графIчным файлам.'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: Выданьне
+ actions: Апэрацыi
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Выдалiць
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: Захаваць
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: Захаваць
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.bn.yml
index 67949a3c6a..a04ee2305a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.bn.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'Complex Date': null
+vertices: null
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': null
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': null
+'Pan Map': null
+'Open large map': null
+'No news available.': null
+'Edit Polygon': null
+'Create Polygon': null
+'Communication error: ': null
+'Cant fetch news from $1': null
+Loading...: null
+Version: null
+License: null
+Homepage: null
+'Show original map': null
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': null
+Map: null
+Center: null
+Title: null
+'Invalid security token.': null
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': null
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': null
+'Article URL': null
+'Article Number': null
+'Access denied.': null
+'Publish with issue': 'বিষয় প্রকাশ'
+unknown: null
+Switch: null
+Numeric: null
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': null
+'The following fields are mandatory:': null
+'Missing value for $1': null
+'Manage Plugins': 'প্লাগইন ব্যবস্থাপন'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': null
+'$1 is of type $2': null
+'Invalid resize width/height.': null
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': null
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': null
+'Could not delete record from the database.': null
+'template path': null
+'short names': null
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Single-line Text': null
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': null
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': null
+'URL $1 is not an image.': null
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: প্রকাশন
+ actions: null
- remove: Remove
+ remove: null
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: null
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.cs.yml
index 67949a3c6a..9d18b401e3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.cs.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': 'Tento typ článku nenalezen'
+'Multi-line Text': 'Několikařádkový text'
+'Filter saved': 'Filtr uložen'
+'Filter not saved': 'Filtr neuložen'
+'Not a color': 'To není barva'
+'No such field': 'Žádné takové pole'
+'Color saved': 'Barva uložena'
+'Color not saved': 'Barva neuložena'
+'Topic created': 'Námět vytvořen'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Název námětu je již užíván u jiného námětu.'
+'Complex Date': 'Komplexní datum'
+vertices: vrchol
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'Vyskytl se problém při pokusu o provedení XML RPC funkce.'
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'Campcaster konfigurace serveru je neplatná.'
+'Pan Map': 'Pan Mapa'
+'Open large map': 'Otevřená velká mapa'
+'No news available.': 'Žádné novinky k dispozici.'
+'Edit Polygon': 'Upravit Polygon'
+'Create Polygon': 'Vytvořit Polygon'
+'Communication error: ': 'Komunikační eror:'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Není možné získat zprávy z $1 '
+Loading...: 'Nahrává se...'
+Version: Verze
+License: Licence
+Homepage: 'Domovská stránka'
+'Show original map': 'Ukázat původní rozdělení'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'Nahraný archiv neobsahuje platný plugin Newscoopu.'
+Map: Rozdělení
+Center: Střed
+Title: Název
+'Invalid security token.': 'Neplatný bezpečnostní symbol.'
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Volání $1 není možné.'
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Článek přeložen do $4 ($5)'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Status článku změněn z $1 na $2.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Článek smazán.'
+'Article created.': 'Článek vytvořen.'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Článek kopírován do článku $4 (publikace $5, vydání $6, sekce $7).'
+'Article URL': 'Článek URL'
+'Article Number': 'Číslo Článku'
+'Access denied.': 'Přístup byl odepřen.'
+'Publish with issue': 'Publikovat s vydáním'
+unknown: neznámý
+Switch: Přepnout
+Numeric: Číselný
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'Formát nahraného souboru není podporován.'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Následující pole jsou povinné:'
+'Missing value for $1': 'Chybí hodnota pro $1'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Spravovat Pluginy'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Označená pole jsou povinná.'
+'$1 is of type $2': '$1 je typu $2'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Neplatná změna velikosti šířka/výška.'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Typ obrázku $1 není podporován.'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'Nahraný soubor není obrázek.'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Nezdařilo se odstranit záznam z databáze.'
+'template path': 'cesta šablony'
+'short names': 'krátká jména'
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Nezdařilo se načíst obrázek ze vzdáleného serveru.'
+Last: Poslední
+First: První
+'Single-line Text': 'Jednořádkový text'
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Více řádkový text WYSIWYG'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 není platné, nebo se nejedná o obrázek.'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 není obrázek'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: 'Klient byl přidán'
+ notfound: 'Klient nenalezen'
+ removed: 'Klient byl odstraněn'
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: 'Veřejné zdroje byly aktualizovány'
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: 'Konfigurace API - veřejné zdroje'
+ title_content: 'Konfigurace API - veřejné zdroje'
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: 'Veřejné zdroje'
+ clients: Klienti
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: 'Defoltně jsou všechny zdroje chráněné Firewall, ale můžete si vybrat zdroje, které zveřejníte.'
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: 'Přidat klienta'
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: 'Jméno klienta'
+ id: 'ID klienta'
+ secret: Tajný
+ trusted: 'Důvěryhodný?'
+ redirect: 'Přesměrovat Uris'
+ publication: Publikace
+ actions: Činnosti
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Odstranit
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
+ confirm: 'Určitě chcete odstranit tohoto klienta?'
menu: API
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: 'Vyber jméno pro svého klienta:'
+ publication: 'Vyber publikaci pro svého klienta:'
+ redirectUris: 'Vyber přesměrování uris pro svého klienta:'
+ trusted: 'Důvěryhodný?'
+ save: Uložit
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: 'Vyber zdroje pro zveřejnění:'
+ save: Uložit
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.da.yml
index 67949a3c6a..ee0a2afdeb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.da.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
+'No such article type': 'Artikel typen eksisterer ikke'
+'Multi-line Text': Tekstfelt
+'Filter saved': 'Filteret blev gemt'
+'Filter not saved': 'Filteret blev ikke gemt'
+'Not a color': 'Ikke en farve'
+'No such field': 'Feltet eksisterer ikke'
+'Color saved': 'Farven blev gemt'
+'Color not saved': 'Farven blev ikke gemt'
+'Topic created': 'Emne oprettet'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Navnet bruges af et andet emne.'
+'Complex Date': 'Kompleks dato'
+vertices: punkter
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'XML RPC funktionen kunne ikke køre.'
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'Campcaster serverens opsætning er ugyldig.'
+'Pan Map': 'Træk kort'
+'Open large map': 'Åben stort kort'
+'No news available.': 'Ingen nyheder.'
+'Edit Polygon': 'Ret Polygon'
+'Create Polygon': 'Opret polygon'
+'Communication error: ': 'Kommunikationsfejl:'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Kunne ikke hente nyheder fra $1'
+Loading...: Henter...
Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+License: Licens
+Homepage: Hjemmeside
+'Show original map': 'Vis originalt kort'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'Det uploadede arkiv indeholder ikke en gyldig newscoop plugin.'
+Map: Kort
+Center: Centrér
+Title: Titel
+'Invalid security token.': 'Ugyldig sikkerheds token.'
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 kan ikke kaldes.'
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Artikel oversat til $4 ($5)'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Artikel status ændret fra $1 til $2.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Artikel slettet.'
+'Article created.': 'Artikel oprettet.'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Artikel kopieret til artikel $4 (publikation $5, udgivelse $6, sektion $7).'
+'Article URL': 'Artikel URL'
+'Article Number': 'Artikel nummer'
+'Access denied.': 'Adgang nægtet'
+'Publish with issue': 'Udgiv med udgivelsen'
+unknown: ukendt
+Switch: Skift
+Numeric: Numerisk
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'Det uploadede filformat understøttes ikke.'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Disse felter er obligatoriske:'
+'Missing value for $1': 'Manglende værdi for $1'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Administrer plugins'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* markerede felter er obligatoriske.'
+'$1 is of type $2': '$1 er type $2'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Ugyldig højde/bredde'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Billeder af typen $1 understøttes ikke.'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'Den uploadede fil er ikke et billede.'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Posten kunne ikke slettes fra databasen.'
+'template path': 'skabelon sti'
+'short names': 'korte navne'
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Billedet kunne ikke hentes fra serveren.'
+Last: Sidste
+First: Første
+'Single-line Text': 'Enkelt linje tekst'
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Tekstfelt med WYSIWYG'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 er ugyldig eller er ikke et billede.'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 er ikke et billede.'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: 'Klient tilføjet'
+ notfound: 'Klienten kunne ikke findes'
+ removed: 'Klient fjernet'
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: 'Offentlige ressourcer opdateret'
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: 'Indstil API - offentlige ressourcer'
+ title_content: 'Indstil API - offentlige ressourcer'
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: 'Offentlige ressourcer'
+ clients: Klienter
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: 'Som standard er alle resourcer beskyttet af firewall, men du kan vælge resourcer der skal være offentligt tilgængelige.'
+ api_docs: 'Fuld dokumentation for APIen kan findes på din server (det er offentligt)'
+ add_button: 'Tilføj klient'
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: 'Klient navn'
+ id: 'Klient id'
+ secret: Hemmelighed
+ trusted: 'Betroet?'
+ redirect: 'URI''er til omdirigering'
+ publication: Publikation
+ actions: Handlinger
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Fjern
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
+ confirm: 'Vil du fjerne klienten?'
menu: API
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: 'Klientens navn:'
+ publication: 'Klientens publikation:'
+ redirectUris: 'Klientens uri:'
+ trusted: 'Betroet?'
+ save: Gem
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: 'Vælg ressourcer der skal gøres offentlige:'
+ save: Gem
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.de.yml
index 67949a3c6a..1f8d77a358 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.de.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
+'No such article type': 'Artikeltyp nicht vorhanden'
+'Multi-line Text': 'Mehrzeiliger Text'
+'Filter saved': 'Filter gespeichert'
+'Filter not saved': 'Filter nicht gespeichert'
+'Not a color': 'Ist keine Farbe'
+'No such field': 'Feld existiert nicht'
+'Color saved': 'Farbe gespeichert'
+'Color not saved': 'Farbe nicht gespeichert'
+'Topic created': 'Thema angelegt. '
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Der Themenname ist bereits in Verwendung. '
+'Complex Date': 'Komplexes Datum'
+vertices: Eckpunkte
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'Es gab ein Problem beim Versuch die XML RPC Funktion auszuführen. '
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'Die Campcaster Server Konfiguration is ungültig.'
+'Pan Map': 'Karte schieben'
+'Open large map': 'Öffne große Karte'
+'No news available.': 'Keine Nachrichten verfügbar. '
+'Edit Polygon': 'Polygon bearbeiten.'
+'Create Polygon': 'Polygon erstellen'
+'Communication error: ': 'Übertragungsfehler:'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Die Nachrichten von $1 konnten nicht abgerufen werden.'
+Loading...: Lade...
Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+License: Lizenz
+Homepage: Dashboard
+'Show original map': 'Ursprüngliche Karte anzeigen'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'Das hochgeladene Archiv enthält kein gültiges Newscoop Plugin.'
+Map: Karte
+Center: Zentrieren
+Title: Titel
+'Invalid security token.': 'Ungültiges Sicherheits-Token.'
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Rückfrage $1 ist nicht abrufbar.'
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Artikel übersetzt nach $4 ($5).'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Artikelstatus von $1 nach $2 geändert.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Artikel gelöscht.'
+'Article created.': 'Artikel erstellt.'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Artikel nach Artikel $4 (Publikation $5, Ausgabe $6, Rubrik $7) kopiert.'
+'Article URL': 'Artikel URL'
+'Article Number': Artikelnummer
+'Access denied.': 'Zugang verweigert'
+'Publish with issue': 'Mit Ausgabe veröffentlichen'
+unknown: unbekannt
+Switch: Schalter
+Numeric: Numerisch
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'Das hochgeladene Dateiformat wird nicht unterstützt.'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Die folgenden Felder sind Pflichtfelder:'
+'Missing value for $1': 'Fehlender Wert für $1'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Plugins verwalten'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': 'Markierte Felder sind Pflichtfelder.'
+'$1 is of type $2': '$1 ist vom Typ $2'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Ungültige Änderung der Breite/Höhe.'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Bildtyp $1 wird nicht unterstützt.'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'Die hochgeladene Datei ist keine Bilddatei.'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Der Eintrag konnte nicht aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden.'
+'template path': Templatepfad
+'short names': Kurznamen
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Das Bild konnte nicht vom Remote Server abgerufen werden.'
+Last: Letzte
+First: Erste
+'Single-line Text': Textzeile
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Fließtext mit WYSIWYG '
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 ist ungültig oder es ist kein Bild.'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'Unter URL $1 ist kein Bild verfügbar.'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: Publikation
+ actions: Aktionen
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Entferne
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: Speichern
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: Speichern
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.de_AT.yml
index 67949a3c6a..f820fe18e8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': 'Ist keine Farbe'
+'No such field': 'Feld existiert nicht'
+'Color saved': 'Farbe gespeichert'
+'Color not saved': 'Farbe nicht gespeichert'
+'Topic created': 'Thema angelegt. '
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Der Themenname ist bereits in Verwendung. '
+'Complex Date': 'Komplexes Datum'
+vertices: Eckpunkte
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'Es gab ein Problem beim Versuch die XML RPC Funktion auszuführen. '
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'Die Campcaster Server Konfiguration is ungültig.'
+'Pan Map': 'Karte schieben'
+'Open large map': 'Öffne große Karte'
+'No news available.': 'Keine Nachrichten verfügbar. '
+'Edit Polygon': 'Polygon bearbeiten.'
+'Create Polygon': 'Polygon erstellen'
+'Communication error: ': 'Übertragungsfehler:'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Die Nachrichten von $1 konnten nicht abgerufen werden.'
+Loading...: Lade...
Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+License: Lizenz
+Homepage: Dashboard
+'Show original map': 'Ursprüngliche Karte anzeigen'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'Das hochgeladene Archiv enthält kein gültiges Newscoop Plugin.'
+Map: Karte
+Center: Zentrieren
+Title: Titel
+'Invalid security token.': 'Ungültiges Sicherheits-Token.'
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Rückfrage $1 ist nicht abrufbar.'
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Artikel übersetzt nach $4 ($5).'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Artikelstatus von $1 nach $2 geändert.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Artikel gelöscht.'
+'Article created.': 'Artikel erstellt.'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Artikel nach Artikel $4 (Publikation $5, Ausgabe $6, Rubrik $7) kopiert.'
+'Article URL': 'Artikel URL'
+'Article Number': Artikelnummer
+'Access denied.': 'Zugang verweigert'
+'Publish with issue': 'Mit Ausgabe veröffentlichen'
+unknown: unbekannt
+Switch: Schalter
+Numeric: Numerisch
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'Das hochgeladene Dateiformat wird nicht unterstützt.'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Die folgenden Felder sind Pflichtfelder:'
+'Missing value for $1': 'Fehlender Wert für $1'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Plugins verwalten'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': 'Markierte Felder sind Pflichtfelder.'
+'$1 is of type $2': '$1 ist vom Typ $2'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Ungültige Änderung der Breite/Höhe.'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Bildtyp $1 wird nicht unterstützt.'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'Die hochgeladene Datei ist keine Bilddatei.'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Der Eintrag konnte nicht aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden.'
+'template path': Templatepfad
+'short names': Kurznamen
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Das Bild konnte nicht vom Remote Server abgerufen werden.'
+Last: Letzte
+First: Erste
+'Single-line Text': Textzeile
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Fließtext mit WYSIWYG '
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 ist ungültig oder es ist kein Bild.'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'Unter URL $1 ist kein Bild verfügbar.'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: Publikation
+ actions: Aktionen
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Entferne
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: Speichern
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: Speichern
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.en_GB.yml
index 67949a3c6a..029e14e6eb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.en_GB.yml
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
+'Not a color': 'Not a colour'
'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
+'Color saved': 'Colour saved'
+'Color not saved': 'Colour not saved'
'Topic created': 'Topic created'
'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ vertices: vertices
'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Can not fetch news from $1'
Loading...: Loading...
Version: Version
License: License
Homepage: Homepage
'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain a valid Newscoop plugin.'
Map: Map
Center: Center
Title: Title
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ client:
notfound: 'Client not found'
removed: 'Client was removed'
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: 'Public resources were updated'
title: 'Configure API - public resources'
@@ -75,30 +75,30 @@ api:
resources: 'Public Resources'
clients: Clients
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
+ info: 'By default all resources are protected by a firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
+ api_docs: 'Full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
add_button: 'Add Client'
name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
+ id: 'Client ID'
secret: Secret
trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
+ redirect: 'Redirect URIs'
publication: Publication
actions: Actions
remove: Remove
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
+ confirm: 'Are you sure that you want to remove this client?'
menu: API
name: 'Choose name for your client:'
publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
+ redirectUris: 'Choose redirect URIs for your client:'
trusted: 'Trusted?'
save: Save
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.es.yml
index 67949a3c6a..565db2ec46 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.es.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
+'No such article type': 'No existe ese tipo de archivo'
+'Multi-line Text': 'Texto multilínea'
+'Filter saved': 'Filtro guardado'
+'Filter not saved': 'Filtro no guardado'
+'Not a color': 'No es un color'
+'No such field': 'No existe ese campo'
+'Color saved': 'Color guardado'
+'Color not saved': 'No pudo guardarse el color'
+'Topic created': 'Tópico creado'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Este nombre de tópico ya está en uso.'
+'Complex Date': 'Fecha compleja'
vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'Surgió un problema al tratar de ejecutar la función XML RPC.'
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'La configuración del servidor Campcaster es inválida.'
+'Pan Map': 'Recorrer el mapa'
+'Open large map': 'Abrir mapa grande'
+'No news available.': 'No hay noticias disponibles.'
+'Edit Polygon': 'Editar el Polygon'
+'Create Polygon': 'Crear el Polygon'
+'Communication error: ': 'Error de comunicación.'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'No es posible extraer noticias de $1'
+Loading...: Cargando...
+Version: Versión
+License: Licencia
+Homepage: Inicio
+'Show original map': 'Mostrar el mapa original'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'El archivo cargado no contine un plugin válido en Newscoop'
+Map: Mapa
+Center: Centro
+Title: Tìtulo
+'Invalid security token.': 'Credencial de seguridad inválida.'
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'El Callback $1 no es operable.'
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'El artículo se tradujo al $4 ($5)'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'El estatus del artículo cambió de $1 a $2.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Se eliminó el artículo'
+'Article created.': 'Se creó el artículo'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'El artículo se copió al Artículo $4 (publicación $5, edición $6, sección $7).'
+'Article URL': 'URL del artículo'
+'Article Number': 'Número del artículo'
+'Access denied.': 'Acceso denegado.'
+'Publish with issue': 'Publicar con edición'
+unknown: desconocido
+Switch: Cambiar
+Numeric: Numérico
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'El formato del archivo subido no es apoyado.'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Los siguientes campos son obligatorios:'
+'Missing value for $1': 'Valor faltante para $1'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Administrar Plugins'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Los campos marcados son obligatorios.'
+'$1 is of type $2': '$1 es del tipo $2'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Redimensión de ancho/altura inválida.'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Imagen de tipo $1 no es apoyada.'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'El archivo cargado no es una imagen'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'No se pudo eliminar el archivo de la base de datos.'
+'template path': 'Trayectoria (path) de la plantilla'
+'short names': 'Nombres cortos'
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'No fue posible traer la imagen del servidor remoto.'
+Last: Último
+First: Primero
+'Single-line Text': Texto
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Cuerpo del artículo'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'El URL $1 es inválido o no es una imagen.'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'El URL $1 no es una imagen.'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: 'El cliente fue añadido'
+ notfound: 'Cliente no encontrado'
+ removed: 'El cliente fue eliminado'
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: 'El recurso público ha sido actualizado'
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: 'Configurar API - recursos públicos'
+ title_content: 'Configurar API - recursos públicos'
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: 'Recursos Públicos'
+ clients: Clientes
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: 'Por defecto todos los recursos están protegidos por un cortafuegos, pero puede elegir los recursos que desee hacer públicos para todo el mundo.'
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: 'Añadir cliente'
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: 'Nombre del Cliente'
+ id: 'ID del Cliente'
+ secret: Secreto
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: 'URIs para redirección'
+ publication: Publicación
+ actions: Acciones
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Eliminar
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
+ confirm: '¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar a este cliente?'
menu: API
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: 'Elija un nombre para su cliente:'
+ publication: 'Elija una publicación para su cliente:'
+ redirectUris: 'Elija los URI de redirección para su cliente:'
+ trusted: null
+ save: Guardar
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: 'Elija los recursos que desee hacer públicos:'
+ save: Guardar
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.es_AR.yml
index 67949a3c6a..715b88609c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': 'No existe ese tipo de archivo'
+'Multi-line Text': 'Texto multilínea'
+'Filter saved': 'Filtro guardado'
+'Filter not saved': 'Filtro no guardado'
+'Not a color': 'No es un color'
+'No such field': 'No existe ese campo'
+'Color saved': 'Color guardado'
+'Color not saved': 'No pudo guardarse el color'
+'Topic created': 'Tema creado'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Este nombre de tema ya está en uso.'
+'Complex Date': 'Fecha compleja'
+vertices: vértices
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'Surgió un problema intentando ejecutar la función XML RPC.'
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'La configuración del servidor Campcaster es inválida.'
+'Pan Map': 'Recorrer el mapa'
+'Open large map': 'Abrir mapa grande'
+'No news available.': 'No hay noticias disponibles.'
+'Edit Polygon': 'Editar el Polygon'
+'Create Polygon': 'Crear el Polygon'
+'Communication error: ': 'Error de comunicación.'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'No se puede extraer noticias de $1'
+Loading...: Cargando...
+Version: Versión
+License: Licencia
+Homepage: Inicio
+'Show original map': 'Mostrar el mapa original'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'El archivo subido no contiene un plugin válido en Newscoop'
+Map: Mapa
+Center: Centro
+Title: Título
+'Invalid security token.': 'Credencial de seguridad inválida.'
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'El Callback $1 no es operable.'
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'El artículo se tradujo al $4 ($5)'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'El estado del artículo cambió de $1 a $2.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Artículo eliminado.'
+'Article created.': 'Artículo creado.'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Artículo se copiado al Artículo $4 (publicación $5, edición $6, sección $7).'
+'Article URL': 'URL del artículo'
+'Article Number': 'Número del artículo'
+'Access denied.': 'Acceso denegado.'
+'Publish with issue': 'Publicar con edición'
+unknown: desconocido
+Switch: Cambiar
+Numeric: Numérico
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'El formato del archivo subido no está soportado.'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Los siguientes campos son obligatorios:'
+'Missing value for $1': 'Valor faltante para $1'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Administrar Plugins'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Los campos marcados son obligatorios.'
+'$1 is of type $2': '$1 es del tipo $2'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Redimensión de ancho/alto inválida.'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Imagen de tipo $1 no está soportada.'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'El archivo subido no es una imagen'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'No se pudo eliminar el registro de la base de datos.'
+'template path': 'Ruta a la plantilla'
+'short names': 'Nombres cortos'
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'No fue posible obtener la imagen del servidor remoto.'
+Last: Último
+First: Primero
+'Single-line Text': 'Texto en una línea'
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Texto multilínea con WYSIWYG'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'El URL $1 es inválido o no es una imagen.'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'El URL $1 no es una imagen.'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: 'El cliente fue añadido'
+ notfound: 'Cliente no encontrado'
+ removed: 'El cliente fue eliminado'
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: 'El recurso público ha sido actualizado'
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: 'Configurar API - recursos públicos'
+ title_content: 'Configurar API - recursos públicos'
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: 'Recursos Públicos'
+ clients: Clientes
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: 'Por defecto todos los recursos están protegidos por un cortafuegos, pero podés elegir los recursos que deseás hacer públicos para todo el mundo.'
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: 'Añadir Cliente'
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: 'Nombre del Cliente'
+ id: 'ID del Cliente'
+ secret: Secreto
+ trusted: '¿Confiable?'
+ redirect: 'Uris de Redirección'
+ publication: Publicación
+ actions: Acciones
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Eliminar
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
+ confirm: '¿Estás seguro de que querés eliminar a este cliente?'
menu: API
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: 'Elegí un nombre para tu cliente:'
+ publication: 'Elegí una publicación para tu cliente:'
+ redirectUris: 'Elegí los URI de redirección para tu cliente:'
+ trusted: '¿Confiable?'
+ save: Guardar
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: 'Elegí los recursos que deseás hacer públicos:'
+ save: Guardar
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.fa.yml
index 67949a3c6a..5ebcb90e07 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.fa.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'Complex Date': null
+vertices: null
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': null
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': null
+'Pan Map': null
+'Open large map': null
+'No news available.': null
+'Edit Polygon': null
+'Create Polygon': null
+'Communication error: ': null
+'Cant fetch news from $1': null
+Loading...: null
+Version: null
+License: null
+Homepage: null
+'Show original map': null
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': null
+Map: null
+Center: null
+Title: null
+'Invalid security token.': null
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': null
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': null
+'Article URL': null
+'Article Number': null
+'Access denied.': null
+'Publish with issue': null
+unknown: null
+Switch: null
+Numeric: null
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': null
+'The following fields are mandatory:': null
+'Missing value for $1': null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': null
+'$1 is of type $2': null
+'Invalid resize width/height.': null
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': null
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': null
+'Could not delete record from the database.': null
+'template path': null
+'short names': null
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Single-line Text': null
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': null
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': null
+'URL $1 is not an image.': null
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: null
+ actions: null
- remove: Remove
+ remove: null
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: null
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.fr.yml
index 67949a3c6a..2147041641 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.fr.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': 'Pas de type d''article'
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'Complex Date': null
+vertices: null
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': null
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': null
+'Pan Map': 'Carte panoramique'
+'Open large map': null
+'No news available.': null
+'Edit Polygon': null
+'Create Polygon': null
+'Communication error: ': null
+'Cant fetch news from $1': null
+Loading...: null
+Version: null
+License: null
+Homepage: null
+'Show original map': null
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': null
+Map: null
+Center: null
+Title: Titre
+'Invalid security token.': 'Jeton de sécurité invalide.'
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': null
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': null
+'Article URL': null
+'Article Number': null
+'Access denied.': null
+'Publish with issue': null
+unknown: null
+Switch: null
+Numeric: null
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': null
+'The following fields are mandatory:': null
+'Missing value for $1': null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': null
+'$1 is of type $2': null
+'Invalid resize width/height.': null
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': null
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': null
+'Could not delete record from the database.': null
+'template path': null
+'short names': null
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': null
+Last: Dernier
+First: Premier
+'Single-line Text': Texte
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': null
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': null
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'L''URL $1 n''est pas une image'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
publication: Publication
actions: Actions
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Enlever
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: Sauvegarder
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: Sauvegarder
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.he.yml
index 67949a3c6a..24fea67621 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.he.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'Complex Date': null
+vertices: null
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': null
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': null
+'Pan Map': null
+'Open large map': null
+'No news available.': null
+'Edit Polygon': null
+'Create Polygon': null
+'Communication error: ': null
+'Cant fetch news from $1': null
+Loading...: null
+Version: null
+License: null
+Homepage: null
+'Show original map': null
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': null
+Map: null
+Center: null
+Title: null
+'Invalid security token.': null
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': null
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': null
+'Article URL': null
+'Article Number': null
+'Access denied.': null
+'Publish with issue': 'פרסם עם מהדורה'
+unknown: null
+Switch: null
+Numeric: null
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': null
+'The following fields are mandatory:': null
+'Missing value for $1': null
+'Manage Plugins': 'ניהול הרחבות'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': null
+'$1 is of type $2': null
+'Invalid resize width/height.': null
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': null
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': null
+'Could not delete record from the database.': null
+'template path': null
+'short names': null
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Single-line Text': null
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': null
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': null
+'URL $1 is not an image.': null
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: הוצאה
+ actions: פעילויות
- remove: Remove
+ remove: הסר
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: שמור
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: שמור
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.hr.yml
index 67949a3c6a..7e15928e66 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.hr.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'Complex Date': null
+vertices: null
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': null
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': null
+'Pan Map': null
+'Open large map': null
+'No news available.': null
+'Edit Polygon': null
+'Create Polygon': null
+'Communication error: ': null
+'Cant fetch news from $1': null
+Loading...: null
+Version: null
+License: null
+Homepage: null
+'Show original map': null
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': null
+Map: null
+Center: null
+Title: null
+'Invalid security token.': null
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': null
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': null
+'Article URL': null
+'Article Number': null
+'Access denied.': null
+'Publish with issue': null
+unknown: null
+Switch: null
+Numeric: null
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': null
+'The following fields are mandatory:': null
+'Missing value for $1': null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': null
+'$1 is of type $2': null
+'Invalid resize width/height.': null
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': null
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': null
+'Could not delete record from the database.': null
+'template path': null
+'short names': null
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': null
+Last: Zadnji
+First: Prvi
+'Single-line Text': Tekst
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Tijelo članka'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 je neispravan ili nije slika.'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 nije slika.'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: Publikacija
+ actions: Radnje
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Ukloni
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: Spremi
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: Spremi
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.hu.yml
index 67949a3c6a..c0f377a3f8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.hu.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': 'Nincs ilyen cikktípus'
+'Multi-line Text': 'Többsoros szöveg'
+'Filter saved': 'A szűrő mentése megtörtént'
+'Filter not saved': 'Nem történt meg a szűrő mentése'
+'Not a color': 'Nem szín'
+'No such field': 'Nincs ilyen mező'
+'Color saved': 'A szín mentése megtörtént'
+'Color not saved': 'Nem történt meg a szín mentése'
+'Topic created': 'A téma létrehozása megtörtént'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Már használja egy másik téma a téma nevét.'
+'Complex Date': 'Összetett dátum'
+vertices: csúcsok
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'Hiba történt az XML RPC funkció végrehajtásának megkísérlésekor.'
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'A Campcaster-kiszolgáló konfigurációja érvénytelen.'
+'Pan Map': 'Térkép pásztázása'
+'Open large map': 'Nagy térkép megnyitása'
+'No news available.': 'Nincsenek hírek.'
+'Edit Polygon': 'Sokszög szerkesztése'
+'Create Polygon': 'Sokszög létrehozása'
+'Communication error: ': 'Kommunikációs hiba:'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Nem lehet híreket lehívni a következő helyről: $1'
+Loading...: Betöltés...
+Version: Verzió
+License: Licenc
+Homepage: Honlap
+'Show original map': 'Eredeti térkép megjelenítése'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'A feltöltött archívum nem tartalmaz érvényes Newscoop-bővítményt.'
+Map: Térkép
+Center: Központ
+Title: Cím
+'Invalid security token.': 'Érvénytelen biztonsági jogkivonat.'
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'A/z $1 visszahívás nem hívható.'
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'A cikk lefordítása a/z $4 ($5) nyelvre megtörtént'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'A cikk állapota megváltozott erről: $1 erre: $2.'
+'Article deleted.': 'A cikk törlése megtörtént.'
+'Article created.': 'A cikk létrehozása megtörtént.'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'A cikk másolása a/z $4 cikkbe megtörtént (kiadvány: $5, szám: $6, rovat: $7).'
+'Article URL': 'Cikk URL-címe'
+'Article Number': 'Cikk száma'
+'Access denied.': 'Hozzáférés megtagadva.'
+'Publish with issue': 'Közzététel folyóiratszámmal'
+unknown: ismeretlen
+Switch: Váltás
+Numeric: Numerikus
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'A feltöltött fájl formátuma nem támogatott.'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'A következő mezők kitöltése kötelező:'
+'Missing value for $1': 'A/z $1 értéke hiányzik'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Bővítmények kezelése'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': 'A *-gal jelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező.'
+'$1 is of type $2': 'A/z $1 $2 típusú'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Érvénytelen átméretezési szélesség/magasság.'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'A/z $1 képtípus nem támogatott.'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'A feltöltött fájl nem kép.'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Nem lehet törölni a rekordot az adatbázisból.'
+'template path': 'sablon elérési útja'
+'short names': 'rövid nevek'
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Nem lehet képet lehívni a távoli kiszolgálóról.'
+Last: Utolsó
+First: Első
+'Single-line Text': 'Egysoros szöveg'
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Többsoros szöveg alakhű szerkesztővel'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'A/z $1 URL-cím érvénytelen vagy nem kép.'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'A/z $1 URL-cím nem kép.'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: 'Az ügyfél hozzáadása megtörtént'
+ notfound: 'Az ügyfél nem található'
+ removed: 'Az ügyfél eltávolítása megtörtént'
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: 'A nyilvános erőforrások frissítésre kerültek.'
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: 'API konfigurálása - nyilvános erőforrások'
+ title_content: 'API konfigurálása - nyilvános erőforrások'
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: 'Nyilvános erőforrások'
+ clients: Ügyfelek
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: 'Alapértelmezésként az összes erőforrást tűzfal védi, viszont kiválaszthatod azokat az erőforrásokat, melyeket mindenki számára nyilvánossá akarsz tenni.'
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: 'Ügyfél hozzáadása'
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: 'Ügyfél neve'
+ id: Ügyfél-azonosító
+ secret: Titkos
+ trusted: 'Megbízható?'
+ redirect: 'URL-címek átirányítása'
+ publication: Kiadvány
+ actions: Műveletek
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Eltávolítás
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
+ confirm: 'Biztosan el akarod távolítani ezt az ügyfelet?'
menu: API
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: 'Válassz nevet az ügyfelednek:'
+ publication: 'Válassz kiadványt az ügyfeled számára:'
+ redirectUris: 'Válaszd ki az ügyfeled átirányító URL-címeit.'
+ trusted: 'Megbízható?'
+ save: Mentés
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: 'Válaszd ki a nyilvánossá teendő erőforrásokat:'
+ save: Mentés
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.hy_AM.yml
index 67949a3c6a..5210363c9e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': 'Հոդվածի այսպիսի տարատեսակ առկա չէ'
+'Multi-line Text': 'Բազմատող տեքստ'
+'Filter saved': 'Ֆիլտրը պահպանված է'
+'Filter not saved': 'Ֆիլտրը պահպանված չէ'
+'Not a color': 'Սա գույն չէ'
+'No such field': 'Այսպիսի դաշտ առկա չէ'
+'Color saved': 'Գույնը պահպանված է'
+'Color not saved': 'Գույնը պահպանված չէ'
+'Topic created': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'Complex Date': 'Բարդ գրառումով ամսաթիվ'
+vertices: Գագաթներ
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'Հայտնաբերվել է տեխնիկական խնդիր XML RPC ֆունկցիան կատարելիս'
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'Campcaster սերվերի կոնֆիգուրացիան թերի է'
+'Pan Map': null
+'Open large map': null
+'No news available.': 'Այս պահին նորություններ առկա չեն'
+'Edit Polygon': 'Խմբագրել բազմանկյունը'
+'Create Polygon': 'Ստեղծել բազմանկյուն'
+'Communication error: ': 'Հաղորդակցման սխալ'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': null
+Loading...: 'Բեռնվում է...'
+Version: null
+License: Արտոնագիր
+Homepage: 'Գլխավոր էջ'
+'Show original map': 'Ցույց տալ նախնական քարտեզը'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': null
+Map: Քարտեզ
+Center: Կենտրոն
+Title: Վերնագիր
+'Invalid security token.': null
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': null
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': null
+'Article deleted.': 'Հոդվածը ջնջված է'
+'Article created.': 'Հոդվածը ստեղծված է'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': null
+'Article URL': null
+'Article Number': null
+'Access denied.': null
+'Publish with issue': null
+unknown: null
+Switch: null
+Numeric: Թվային
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': null
+'The following fields are mandatory:': null
+'Missing value for $1': null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': null
+'$1 is of type $2': null
+'Invalid resize width/height.': null
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': null
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': null
+'Could not delete record from the database.': null
+'template path': null
+'short names': 'Կարճ անուններ'
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': null
+Last: Վերջին
+First: Առաջին
+'Single-line Text': 'Մեկ տողանի տեքստ'
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': null
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': null
+'URL $1 is not an image.': null
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: 'Բաժանորդը ավելացված է'
+ notfound: 'Բաժանորդը գտնված չէ'
+ removed: 'Բաժանորդը հեռացված է'
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: 'Հանրային ռեսուրսներ'
+ clients: Բաժանորդներ
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: 'Ավելացնել բաժանորդ'
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: 'Բաժանորդի անունը'
+ id: null
+ secret: Գաղտնի
+ trusted: 'Վստահելի՞ է'
+ redirect: null
+ publication: Հրապարակում
+ actions: Գործողություններ
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Հեռացնել
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: 'Վստահելի՞ է'
+ save: Պահպանել
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: Պահպանել
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ka.yml
index 67949a3c6a..0bd142516a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ka.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': 'ასეთი სტატიის ტიპი არ არსებობს'
+'Multi-line Text': 'მრავალხაზიანი ტექსტი'
+'Filter saved': 'ფილტრი დამახსოვრებულია'
+'Filter not saved': 'ფილტრი არ არის დამახსოვრებული'
+'Not a color': 'ეს ფერი არ არის'
+'No such field': 'ასეთი ველი არ არსებობს'
+'Color saved': 'ფერი დამახსოვრებულია'
+'Color not saved': 'ფერი არ არის დამახსოვრებული'
+'Topic created': 'თემა შექმნილია'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'თემის სათაური უკვე გამოყენებულია სხვა თემაზე.'
+'Complex Date': 'კომპლექსური თარიღი '
+vertices: მწვერვალი
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'XML RPC ფუნქციის შესრულებისას დაფიქსირდა პრობლემა.'
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'კემპკასტერის სერვერის კონფიგურაცია არასწორია'
+'Pan Map': 'ინტერაქტიული რუკა'
+'Open large map': 'გახსენით დიდი რუკა'
+'No news available.': 'ახალი ამბები არ არის.'
+'Edit Polygon': 'პოლიგონის რედაქტირება'
+'Create Polygon': 'პოლიგონის შექმნა'
+'Communication error: ': 'კომუნიკაციის ხარვეზი:'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': '$1-დან ნიუსი არ მოდის'
+Loading...: იტვირთება...
+Version: ვერსია
+License: ლიცენზია
+Homepage: მთავარი
+'Show original map': 'მაჩვენე ორიგინალი რუკა'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'ატვირთული არქივი არ შეიცავს ნიუსქუფის მუშა ფლაგინს.'
+Map: რუკა
+Center: ცენტრი
+Title: სათაური
+'Invalid security token.': 'არასწორია უსაფრთხოების სიმბოლო'
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'უკან გაწვევა $1 არ ექვემდებარება გაწვევას. '
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'სტატია ითარგმნა $4 ($5) ენაზე'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'სტატიის სტატუსი შეიცვალა $1-დან $2-სკენ'
+'Article deleted.': 'სტატია წაიშალა.'
+'Article created.': 'სტატია შეიქმნა.'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'სტატია დაკოპირდა $4 სტატიაში (პუბლიკაცია $5, გამოცემა $6, სექცია $7).'
+'Article URL': 'სტატიის URL'
+'Article Number': 'სტატიის ნომერი'
+'Access denied.': 'წვდომა აკრძალულია'
+'Publish with issue': 'გამოქვეყნება გამოცემასთან ერთად'
+unknown: უცნობი
+Switch: გადართვა
+Numeric: რიცხვითი
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'ატვირთული ფაილის ფორმატი შეუსაბამოა'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'ეს ველები არის სავალდებულო'
+'Missing value for $1': '$1-ის დანიშნულება არ არსებობს'
+'Manage Plugins': 'პლაგინების მართვა'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '*-ით მონიშნული ველები სავალდებულოა'
+'$1 is of type $2': '$1 არის $2 ტიპის'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'არასწორი სიმაღლის/სიგანის ზომა'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'სურათის ტიპი $1 შეუსაბამოა'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'ატვირთული ფაილი არ არის სურათი'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'მონაცემის ბაზიდან წაშლა უშედეგოდ დასრულდა'
+'template path': 'შაბლონის ბმული'
+'short names': 'მოკლე სახელები'
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'ამ სურათის სერვერიდან აგრეგირება შეუძლებელია'
+Last: ბოლო
+First: პირველი
+'Single-line Text': 'ერთ-ხაზიანი ტექსტი'
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'მრავალ-ხაზიანი ტექსტი WYSIWYG-ით'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': '$1 URL არასწორია, ან არ არის სურათი'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': '$1 URL არ არის სურათი'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: პუბლიკაცია
+ actions: მოქმედება
- remove: Remove
+ remove: მოხსნა
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: შენახვა
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: შენახვა
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ko.yml
index 67949a3c6a..80f0edf963 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ko.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'Complex Date': null
+vertices: null
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': null
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': null
+'Pan Map': null
+'Open large map': null
+'No news available.': null
+'Edit Polygon': null
+'Create Polygon': null
+'Communication error: ': null
+'Cant fetch news from $1': null
+Loading...: null
+Version: null
+License: null
+Homepage: null
+'Show original map': null
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': null
+Map: null
+Center: null
+Title: null
+'Invalid security token.': null
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': null
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': null
+'Article URL': null
+'Article Number': null
+'Access denied.': null
+'Publish with issue': null
+unknown: null
+Switch: null
+Numeric: null
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': null
+'The following fields are mandatory:': null
+'Missing value for $1': null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': null
+'$1 is of type $2': null
+'Invalid resize width/height.': null
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': null
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': null
+'Could not delete record from the database.': null
+'template path': null
+'short names': null
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': null
+Last: 마지막
+First: 처음
+'Single-line Text': 텍스트
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': '기사 본문'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1은 비정상이거나 이미지가 아닙니다.'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 은 이미지가 아닙니다.'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: 출판
+ actions: 기능
- remove: Remove
+ remove: 삭제
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: 저장
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: 저장
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ku.yml
index 67949a3c6a..5ebcb90e07 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ku.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'Complex Date': null
+vertices: null
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': null
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': null
+'Pan Map': null
+'Open large map': null
+'No news available.': null
+'Edit Polygon': null
+'Create Polygon': null
+'Communication error: ': null
+'Cant fetch news from $1': null
+Loading...: null
+Version: null
+License: null
+Homepage: null
+'Show original map': null
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': null
+Map: null
+Center: null
+Title: null
+'Invalid security token.': null
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': null
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': null
+'Article URL': null
+'Article Number': null
+'Access denied.': null
+'Publish with issue': null
+unknown: null
+Switch: null
+Numeric: null
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': null
+'The following fields are mandatory:': null
+'Missing value for $1': null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': null
+'$1 is of type $2': null
+'Invalid resize width/height.': null
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': null
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': null
+'Could not delete record from the database.': null
+'template path': null
+'short names': null
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Single-line Text': null
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': null
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': null
+'URL $1 is not an image.': null
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: null
+ actions: null
- remove: Remove
+ remove: null
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: null
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.lv.yml
index 67949a3c6a..5ebcb90e07 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.lv.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'Complex Date': null
+vertices: null
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': null
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': null
+'Pan Map': null
+'Open large map': null
+'No news available.': null
+'Edit Polygon': null
+'Create Polygon': null
+'Communication error: ': null
+'Cant fetch news from $1': null
+Loading...: null
+Version: null
+License: null
+Homepage: null
+'Show original map': null
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': null
+Map: null
+Center: null
+Title: null
+'Invalid security token.': null
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': null
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': null
+'Article URL': null
+'Article Number': null
+'Access denied.': null
+'Publish with issue': null
+unknown: null
+Switch: null
+Numeric: null
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': null
+'The following fields are mandatory:': null
+'Missing value for $1': null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': null
+'$1 is of type $2': null
+'Invalid resize width/height.': null
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': null
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': null
+'Could not delete record from the database.': null
+'template path': null
+'short names': null
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Single-line Text': null
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': null
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': null
+'URL $1 is not an image.': null
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: null
+ actions: null
- remove: Remove
+ remove: null
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: null
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.nb_NO.yml
index 67949a3c6a..5ebcb90e07 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'Complex Date': null
+vertices: null
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': null
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': null
+'Pan Map': null
+'Open large map': null
+'No news available.': null
+'Edit Polygon': null
+'Create Polygon': null
+'Communication error: ': null
+'Cant fetch news from $1': null
+Loading...: null
+Version: null
+License: null
+Homepage: null
+'Show original map': null
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': null
+Map: null
+Center: null
+Title: null
+'Invalid security token.': null
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': null
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': null
+'Article URL': null
+'Article Number': null
+'Access denied.': null
+'Publish with issue': null
+unknown: null
+Switch: null
+Numeric: null
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': null
+'The following fields are mandatory:': null
+'Missing value for $1': null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': null
+'$1 is of type $2': null
+'Invalid resize width/height.': null
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': null
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': null
+'Could not delete record from the database.': null
+'template path': null
+'short names': null
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Single-line Text': null
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': null
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': null
+'URL $1 is not an image.': null
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: null
+ actions: null
- remove: Remove
+ remove: null
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: null
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.pl.yml
index 67949a3c6a..d45df2c3f0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.pl.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': 'Brak takiego typu artykułu'
+'Multi-line Text': 'Tekst wieloliniowy'
+'Filter saved': 'Filtr został zapisany'
+'Filter not saved': 'Filtr nie został zapisany'
+'Not a color': 'Wartość nie jest kolorem.'
+'No such field': 'Nie ma takiego pola'
+'Color saved': 'Kolor zapisany'
+'Color not saved': 'Kolor nie został zapisany'
+'Topic created': 'Temat został utworzony'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Ta nazwa jest już wykorzystywana przez inny temat.'
+'Complex Date': 'Data złożona.'
+vertices: wierzchołki
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'Wystąpił błąd podczas uruchamiania funkcji XML RPC.'
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'Konfiguracja serwera Campcaster jest nieprawidłowa.'
+'Pan Map': 'Wyśrodkuj mapę.'
+'Open large map': 'Otwórz dużą mapę'
+'No news available.': 'Brak dostępnych wiadomości.'
+'Edit Polygon': 'Edytuj wielokąt'
+'Create Polygon': 'Utwórz wilokąt'
+'Communication error: ': 'Bład przesyłania danych.'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Nie można pobrać wiadomości z $1'
+Loading...: Ladowanie...
+Version: Wersja
+License: Licencja
+Homepage: 'Strona domowa'
+'Show original map': 'Pokaż oryginalną mapę'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'Dodane archiwum nie zawiera ważnych pluginów Newscoop'
+Map: Mapa
+Center: Centruj
+Title: Tytuł
+'Invalid security token.': 'Niepoprawny token bezpieczeństwa.'
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 nie jest w zasięgu.'
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Artykuł przetłumaczony na $4 ($5)'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Status artykułu zmieniony z $1 na $2.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Artykuł usunięty.'
+'Article created.': 'Artykuł utworzony.'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Artykuł skopiowany do Artykułu $4 (publikacja $5, wydanie $6, sekcja $7).'
+'Article URL': 'URL artykułu'
+'Article Number': 'Numer artykułu'
+'Access denied.': 'Dostęp zabroniony.'
+'Publish with issue': 'Opublikuj z wydaniem'
+unknown: nieznane
+Switch: Przełącznik
+Numeric: Liczbowy
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'Format wgranego pliku nie jest obsługiwany.'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Poniższe pola są obowiązkowe:'
+'Missing value for $1': 'Brakująca wartość dla $1'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Zarządzanie Pluginami'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Oznaczone pola są obowiązkowe.'
+'$1 is of type $2': '$1 jest typu $2'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Niewłaściwe rozmiary długości/wysokości.'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Typ zdjęcia $1 nie jest obsługiwany.'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'Dodany plik nie jest obrazem.'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Nie można usunąć rekordu z bazą danych.'
+'template path': 'ścieżka szablonu'
+'short names': 'krótkie nazwy'
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Nie można pobrać obrazu z serwera.'
+Last: Ostatni
+First: Pierwszy
+'Single-line Text': 'Tekst jednoliniowy'
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Tekst jednoliniowy z WYSIWYG'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 jest niepoprawny albo nie jest obrazkiem.'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 nie jest zdjęciem'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: 'Klient został dodany'
+ notfound: 'Nie ma takiego klienta'
+ removed: 'Klient został usunięty'
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: 'Zasoby publiczne zostały zaktualizowane'
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: 'Konfiguracja API - zasoby publiczne'
+ title_content: 'Konfiguracja API - zasoby publiczne'
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: 'Zasoby Publiczne'
+ clients: Klienci
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: 'Domyślnie wszystkie zasoby są strzeżone przez firewall, możesz jednak zdecydować które z nich będą publiczne (dostępne bez uwierzytelniania) dla wszystkich. '
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: 'Dodaj klienta'
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: 'Nazwa klienta'
+ id: 'Id klienta'
+ secret: 'sekretny kod'
+ trusted: 'Zaufany?'
+ redirect: 'Adresy przekierowań'
+ publication: Publikacja
+ actions: Akcje
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Usuń
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
+ confirm: 'Jesteś pewien że chcesz usunąć tego klienta?'
menu: API
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: 'Podaj nazwę dla klienta:'
+ publication: 'Wybierz publikację klienta:'
+ redirectUris: 'Wybierz adresy przekierowań dla klienta:'
+ trusted: 'Zaufany?'
+ save: Zapisz
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: 'Wybierz publiczne zasoby:'
+ save: Zapisz
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ps.yml
index 67949a3c6a..5ebcb90e07 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.ps.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'Complex Date': null
+vertices: null
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': null
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': null
+'Pan Map': null
+'Open large map': null
+'No news available.': null
+'Edit Polygon': null
+'Create Polygon': null
+'Communication error: ': null
+'Cant fetch news from $1': null
+Loading...: null
+Version: null
+License: null
+Homepage: null
+'Show original map': null
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': null
+Map: null
+Center: null
+Title: null
+'Invalid security token.': null
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': null
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': null
+'Article URL': null
+'Article Number': null
+'Access denied.': null
+'Publish with issue': null
+unknown: null
+Switch: null
+Numeric: null
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': null
+'The following fields are mandatory:': null
+'Missing value for $1': null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': null
+'$1 is of type $2': null
+'Invalid resize width/height.': null
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': null
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': null
+'Could not delete record from the database.': null
+'template path': null
+'short names': null
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Single-line Text': null
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': null
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': null
+'URL $1 is not an image.': null
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: null
+ actions: null
- remove: Remove
+ remove: null
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: null
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.pt_BR.yml
index 67949a3c6a..d36a60a3d3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': 'Não é uma cor'
+'No such field': 'Este campo não existe'
+'Color saved': 'Cor salva'
+'Color not saved': 'Cor não foi salva'
+'Topic created': 'Tópico criado'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'O nome do tópico já está em uso'
+'Complex Date': 'Data complexa'
+vertices: vértices
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'Ocorreu um problema na tentativa de executar a função XML RPC.'
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'A configuração do servidor do Campcaster está inválida.'
+'Pan Map': 'Girar o mapa'
+'Open large map': 'Abrir mapa grande'
+'No news available.': 'Não há notícias disponíveis'
+'Edit Polygon': 'Editar polígono'
+'Create Polygon': 'Criar polígono'
+'Communication error: ': 'Erro de comunicação:'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Não é possível obter notícias do $1'
+Loading...: Carregando...
+Version: Versão
+License: Licença
+Homepage: 'Página principal'
+'Show original map': 'Mostrar mapa original'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'O arquivo que foi enviado não contêm o plugin válido de Newscoop.'
+Map: Mapa
+Center: Centro
+Title: Título
+'Invalid security token.': 'Token de segurança inválido.'
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Artigo traduzido para $4 ($5)'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Status do artigo mudou de $1 para $2.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Artigo removido.'
+'Article created.': 'Artigo criado.'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'O artigo foi copiado para artigo no. $4 (publicação $5, edição $6, seção $7).'
+'Article URL': 'URL do artigo'
+'Article Number': 'Número do artigo'
+'Access denied.': 'Acesso proibido.'
+'Publish with issue': 'Publicar com edição'
+unknown: desconhecido
Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+Numeric: Numérico
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'O formato do arquivo enviado não é suportado.'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Os seguintes campos são obrigatórios:'
+'Missing value for $1': 'Está faltando valor para $1'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Gerenciar plugins'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': 'Campos marcados com * são obrigatórios.'
+'$1 is of type $2': '$1 é do tipo $2'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Redimensionamento de largura/altura não é válido.'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Imagem do tipo $1 não é suportada.'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'O arquivo enviado não é uma imagem.'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Não foi possível remover a informação da base de dados'
+'template path': 'caminho do template'
+'short names': 'nomes curtos'
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Não é possível obter imagens do servidor remoto'
+Last: Ultimo
+First: Primeiro
+'Single-line Text': Texto
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Corpo do artigo'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'O Endereço $1 não é uma imagem ou é inválido'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'O Endereço $1 não é uma imagem'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: Publicação
+ actions: Ações
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Remover
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: Salvar
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: Salvar
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sh.yml
index 67949a3c6a..25e5de35c8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sh.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': 'Topik kreiran'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Ime za topik je već u upotrebi'
+'Complex Date': 'Složen datum'
+vertices: čvorovi
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'Došlo je do problema pri pokušaju izvršenja XML RPC funkcije'
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'Podešavanja Kempkaster servera su neispravna'
+'Pan Map': 'Pomeraj mapu'
+'Open large map': 'Otvori veliku mapu'
+'No news available.': 'Nema dostupnih vesti'
+'Edit Polygon': 'Uredi poligon'
+'Create Polygon': 'Napravi poligon'
+'Communication error: ': 'Greška u komunikaciji'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Nije moguće preuzeti vesti sa $1'
+Loading...: Učitavanje...
+Version: Verzija
+License: Licenca
+Homepage: 'Početna strana'
+'Show original map': 'Prikaži originalnu mapu'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'Arhiva aplouda ne sadrži ispravan Newscoop plagin'
+Map: Mapa
+Center: Centar
+Title: Naslov
+'Invalid security token.': 'Pogrešan sigurnosni token'
'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Tekst je preveden u $4 ($5)'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Status teksta je promenjen iz $1 u $2.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Tekst je obrisan.'
+'Article created.': 'Tekst je napravljen.'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Tekst je kopiran u tekst $4 (publikacija $5, izdanje $6, rubrika $7).'
+'Article URL': 'URL teksta'
+'Article Number': 'Broj teksta'
+'Access denied.': 'Pristup zabranjen.'
+'Publish with issue': 'Objavi zajedno sa izdanjem'
+unknown: nepoznato
+Switch: Prekidač
+Numeric: 'Brojačna vrednost'
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'Format ulpoadovanog fajla nije podržan.'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Sledeća polja su obavezna:'
+'Missing value for $1': 'Nedostaje vrednost za $1'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Upravljanje pluginovima'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': 'Polja označena * su obavezna'
+'$1 is of type $2': '$1 je za tip $2'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Neispravne vrednosti za promenu dimenzija širina/visina'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Tip slike $1 nije podržan'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'Uploadovani fajl nije slika.'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Nije moguće obrisati zapis iz baze.'
+'template path': 'šablonska putanja'
+'short names': 'skraćeni nazivi'
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Nije moguće pokupiti sliku sa udaljenog servera.'
+Last: Poslednji
+First: Prvi
+'Single-line Text': Tekst
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Složen tekst'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 je neispravan ili nije slika'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 nije slika.'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: Klijenti
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: 'Dodaj klijenta'
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: Publikacija
+ actions: Akcije
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Ukloni
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: Snimi
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: Snimi
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sq.yml
index 67949a3c6a..5ebcb90e07 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sq.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'Complex Date': null
+vertices: null
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': null
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': null
+'Pan Map': null
+'Open large map': null
+'No news available.': null
+'Edit Polygon': null
+'Create Polygon': null
+'Communication error: ': null
+'Cant fetch news from $1': null
+Loading...: null
+Version: null
+License: null
+Homepage: null
+'Show original map': null
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': null
+Map: null
+Center: null
+Title: null
+'Invalid security token.': null
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': null
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': null
+'Article URL': null
+'Article Number': null
+'Access denied.': null
+'Publish with issue': null
+unknown: null
+Switch: null
+Numeric: null
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': null
+'The following fields are mandatory:': null
+'Missing value for $1': null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': null
+'$1 is of type $2': null
+'Invalid resize width/height.': null
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': null
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': null
+'Could not delete record from the database.': null
+'template path': null
+'short names': null
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Single-line Text': null
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': null
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': null
+'URL $1 is not an image.': null
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: null
+ actions: null
- remove: Remove
+ remove: null
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: null
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sr.yml
index 67949a3c6a..60a4a50000 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sr.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': 'Топик креиран'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Име за топик је већ у употреби'
+'Complex Date': 'Сложен датум'
+vertices: чворови
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'Дошло је до проблема при покушају извршења XML RPC функције'
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'Подешавања Кемпкастер сервера су неисправна'
+'Pan Map': 'Померај мапу'
+'Open large map': 'Отвори велику мапу'
+'No news available.': 'Нема доступних вести'
+'Edit Polygon': 'Уреди полигон'
+'Create Polygon': 'Направи полигон'
+'Communication error: ': 'Грешка у комуникацији'
+'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Није могуће преузети вести са $1'
+Loading...: Учитавање...
+Version: Верзија
+License: Лиценца
+Homepage: 'Почетна страна'
+'Show original map': 'Прикажи оригиналну мапу'
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'Архива аплоуда не садржи исправан Newscoop плагин'
+Map: Мапа
+Center: Центар
+Title: Наслов
+'Invalid security token.': 'Погрешан сигурносни токен'
'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Текст је преведен у $4 ($5)'
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Статус текста је промењен из $1 у $2'
+'Article deleted.': 'Текст је обрисан'
+'Article created.': 'Текст је направљен'
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Текст је копиран у текст $4 (публикација $5, издање $6, рубрика $7).'
+'Article URL': 'УРЛ текста'
+'Article Number': 'Број текста'
+'Access denied.': 'Приступ забрањен'
+'Publish with issue': 'Објави заједно са издањем'
+unknown: непознато
+Switch: Прекидач
+Numeric: 'Бројчана вредност'
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'Формат аплоудованог фајла није подржан.'
+'The following fields are mandatory:': 'Следећа поља су обавезна:'
+'Missing value for $1': 'Недостаје вредност за $1'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Управљање плагиновима'
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': 'Поља означена са * су обавезна'
+'$1 is of type $2': '$1 је за тип $2'
+'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Неисправне вредности за промену димензија ширина/висина'
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Тип слике $1 није подржан'
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'Аплоудовани фајл није слика.'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Није могуће обрисати запис из базе.'
+'template path': 'Шаблонска путања'
+'short names': 'скраћени називи'
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Није могуће покупити слику са удаљеног сервера.'
+Last: Последњи
+First: Први
+'Single-line Text': текст
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Сложен текст'
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'УРЛ $1је неисправан или није слика'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'УРЛ $1 није слика.'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: Публикација
+ actions: Акције
- remove: Remove
+ remove: Уклони
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: Сними
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: Сними
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sv.yml
index 67949a3c6a..60f2e35005 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/api.sv.yml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
-'No such article type': 'No such article type'
-'Multi-line Text': 'Multi-line Text'
-'Filter saved': 'Filter saved'
-'Filter not saved': 'Filter not saved'
-'Not a color': 'Not a color'
-'No such field': 'No such field'
-'Color saved': 'Color saved'
-'Color not saved': 'Color not saved'
-'Topic created': 'Topic created'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'Complex Date': 'Complex Date'
-vertices: vertices
-'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': 'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.'
-'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': 'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.'
-'Pan Map': 'Pan Map'
-'Open large map': 'Open large map'
-'No news available.': 'No news available.'
-'Edit Polygon': 'Edit Polygon'
-'Create Polygon': 'Create Polygon'
-'Communication error: ': 'Communication error: '
-'Cant fetch news from $1': 'Cant fetch news from $1'
-Loading...: Loading...
-Version: Version
-License: License
-Homepage: Homepage
-'Show original map': 'Show original map'
-'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': 'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.'
-Map: Map
-Center: Center
-Title: Title
-'Invalid security token.': 'Invalid security token.'
-'Callback $1 is not callable.': 'Callback $1 is not callable.'
-'Article translated to $4 ($5)': 'Article translated to $4 ($5)'
-'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': 'Article status changed from $1 to $2.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': 'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).'
-'Article URL': 'Article URL'
-'Article Number': 'Article Number'
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-unknown: unknown
-Switch: Switch
-Numeric: Numeric
-'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': 'The uploaded file format is unsupported.'
-'The following fields are mandatory:': 'The following fields are mandatory:'
-'Missing value for $1': 'Missing value for $1'
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-'* Marked fields are mandatory.': '* Marked fields are mandatory.'
-'$1 is of type $2': '$1 is of type $2'
-'Invalid resize width/height.': 'Invalid resize width/height.'
-'Image type $1 is not supported.': 'Image type $1 is not supported.'
-'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'The file uploaded is not an image.'
-'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Could not delete record from the database.'
-'template path': 'template path'
-'short names': 'short names'
-'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Unable to fetch image from remote server.'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Single-line Text': 'Single-line Text'
-'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': 'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG'
-'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.'
-'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 is not an image.'
+'No such article type': null
+'Multi-line Text': null
+'Filter saved': null
+'Filter not saved': null
+'Not a color': null
+'No such field': null
+'Color saved': null
+'Color not saved': null
+'Topic created': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'Complex Date': null
+vertices: null
+'There was a problem trying to execute the XML RPC function.': null
+'The Campcaster server configuration is invalid.': null
+'Pan Map': null
+'Open large map': null
+'No news available.': null
+'Edit Polygon': null
+'Create Polygon': null
+'Communication error: ': null
+'Cant fetch news from $1': null
+Loading...: null
+Version: null
+License: null
+Homepage: null
+'Show original map': null
+'The uploaded archive does not contain an valid newscoop plugin.': null
+Map: null
+Center: null
+Title: null
+'Invalid security token.': null
+'Callback $1 is not callable.': null
+'Article translated to $4 ($5)': null
+'Article status changed from $1 to $2.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'Article copied to Article $4 (publication $5, issue $6, section $7).': null
+'Article URL': null
+'Article Number': null
+'Access denied.': null
+'Publish with issue': null
+unknown: null
+Switch: null
+Numeric: null
+'The uploaded file format is unsupported.': null
+'The following fields are mandatory:': null
+'Missing value for $1': null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+'* Marked fields are mandatory.': null
+'$1 is of type $2': null
+'Invalid resize width/height.': null
+'Image type $1 is not supported.': null
+'The file uploaded is not an image.': 'Den uppladdade filen är inte en bild.'
+'Could not delete record from the database.': 'Kunde inte radera posten från databasen.'
+'template path': mallsökväg
+'short names': 'korta namn'
+'Unable to fetch image from remote server.': 'Kunde inte hämta bilden från servern.'
+Last: Sista
+First: Första
+'Single-line Text': Text
+'Multi-line Text with WYSIWYG': Artikeltext
+'URL $1 is invalid or is not an image.': 'URL $1 är ogiltig eller inte en bild.'
+'URL $1 is not an image.': 'URL $1 är inte en bild.'
- added: 'Client was added'
- notfound: 'Client not found'
- removed: 'Client was removed'
+ added: null
+ notfound: null
+ removed: null
- updated: 'Public resources was updated'
+ updated: null
- title: 'Configure API - public resources'
- title_content: 'Configure API - public resources'
+ title: null
+ title_content: null
- resources: 'Public Resources'
- clients: Clients
+ resources: null
+ clients: null
- info: 'By default all resources are protected by firewall, but you can choose resources to make them public for everyone.'
- api_docs: 'A full documentation of the API can be found on your instance (and it''s public)'
- add_button: 'Add Client'
+ info: null
+ api_docs: null
+ add_button: null
- name: 'Client name'
- id: 'Client id'
- secret: Secret
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- redirect: 'Redirect Uris'
- publication: Publication
- actions: Actions
+ name: null
+ id: null
+ secret: null
+ trusted: null
+ redirect: null
+ publication: Publikation
+ actions: Handlingar
- remove: Remove
+ remove: 'Ta bort'
- confirm: 'You sure that you want remove this client?'
- menu: API
+ confirm: null
+ menu: null
- name: 'Choose name for your client:'
- publication: 'Choose publication for your client:'
- redirectUris: 'Choose redirect uris for your client:'
- trusted: 'Trusted?'
- save: Save
+ name: null
+ publication: null
+ redirectUris: null
+ trusted: null
+ save: Spara
- routes: 'Choose resources to make public:'
- save: Save
+ routes: null
+ save: Spara
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.az.yml
index a9a76005f9..eafacffa56 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.az.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: 'Tövsiyyə Olunur'
+'There are no more comments': 'Başqa şərh yoxdur'
+'Show more comments': 'Daha çox şərh göstər'
+Unrecommend: 'Tövsiyyə Etmə'
+'Save comment': 'Şərhi saxla'
+Recommend: 'Tövsiyyə Et'
+'Comment updated.': 'Şərh yeniləndi.'
+'Comment saved.': 'Şərh saxlandı.'
+'Comments updated.': 'Şərhlər yeniləndi.'
+'Post a Comment': 'Şərh Yaz'
+From: Göndərən
+'Reply to comment': 'Şərhə cavab yaz'
+'No comments posted.': 'Şərh yazılmayıb.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.be.yml
index a9a76005f9..24926e7c84 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.be.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: Рэкамендуецца
+'There are no more comments': 'Няма больш каментароў'
+'Show more comments': 'Паказаць больш каментароў'
+Unrecommend: 'Не рэкамендаваць'
+'Save comment': 'Захаваць каментар'
+Recommend: Рэкамендаваць
+'Comment updated.': 'Каментар абноўлены.'
+'Comment saved.': 'Каментар захаваны.'
+'Comments updated.': 'Каментары абноўленыя.'
+'Post a Comment': 'Адправіць каментар'
+From: З
+'Reply to comment': 'Адказаць на камэнтар'
+'No comments posted.': 'Няма адпраўленых камэнтароў.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.bn.yml
index a9a76005f9..157aafed83 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.bn.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: null
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Save comment': null
+Recommend: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment saved.': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Post a Comment': null
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': null
+'No comments posted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.cs.yml
index a9a76005f9..5823068ab6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.cs.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: Doporučené
+'There are no more comments': 'Nejsou tam další komentáře'
+'Show more comments': 'Ukázat více komentářů'
+Unrecommend: Nedoporučeno
+'Save comment': 'Uložit komentář'
+Recommend: Doporučeno
+'Comment updated.': 'Komentář aktualizován.'
+'Comment saved.': 'Komentář uložen.'
+'Comments updated.': 'Komentáře jsou aktualizovány.'
+'Post a Comment': 'Vložte komentář'
+From: Od
+'Reply to comment': 'Odpovědět na komentář'
+'No comments posted.': 'Žádné komentáře'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.da.yml
index a9a76005f9..fea04a713b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.da.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: Anbefalet
+'There are no more comments': 'Der er ikke flere kommentarer'
+'Show more comments': 'Vis flere kommentarer'
+Unrecommend: 'Anbefal ikke'
+'Save comment': 'Gem kommentar'
+Recommend: Anbefalet
+'Comment updated.': 'Kommentaren er opdateret.'
+'Comment saved.': 'Kommentaren er gemt.'
+'Comments updated.': 'Kommentarer opdateret'
+'Post a Comment': 'Skriv en kommentar'
+From: Fra
+'Reply to comment': 'Svar på komentaren'
+'No comments posted.': 'Der er ingen kommentarer'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.de.yml
index a9a76005f9..369e45f93d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.de.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: Empfohlen
+'There are no more comments': 'Es sind keine weiteren Kommentare vorhanden. '
+'Show more comments': 'Zeige mehr Kommentare'
+Unrecommend: 'Empfehlung zurücknehmen'
+'Save comment': 'Kommentar speichern'
+Recommend: Empfehlen
+'Comment updated.': 'Kommentar aktualisiert.'
+'Comment saved.': 'Kommentar gespeichert. '
+'Comments updated.': 'Kommentare aktualisiert.'
+'Post a Comment': 'Kommentar abschicken'
+From: Von
+'Reply to comment': 'Kommentar beantworten'
+'No comments posted.': 'Keine Kommentare vorhanden.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.de_AT.yml
index a9a76005f9..369e45f93d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: Empfohlen
+'There are no more comments': 'Es sind keine weiteren Kommentare vorhanden. '
+'Show more comments': 'Zeige mehr Kommentare'
+Unrecommend: 'Empfehlung zurücknehmen'
+'Save comment': 'Kommentar speichern'
+Recommend: Empfehlen
+'Comment updated.': 'Kommentar aktualisiert.'
+'Comment saved.': 'Kommentar gespeichert. '
+'Comments updated.': 'Kommentare aktualisiert.'
+'Post a Comment': 'Kommentar abschicken'
+From: Von
+'Reply to comment': 'Kommentar beantworten'
+'No comments posted.': 'Keine Kommentare vorhanden.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.es.yml
index a9a76005f9..34fb54e268 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.es.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: Recomendado
+'There are no more comments': 'No hay más comentarios'
+'Show more comments': 'Mostrar más comentarios'
+Unrecommend: 'No recomendar'
+'Save comment': 'Guardar comentario'
+Recommend: Recomendar
+'Comment updated.': 'Comentario actualizado'
+'Comment saved.': 'Comentario guardado'
+'Comments updated.': 'Se actualizaron los comentarios.'
+'Post a Comment': 'Publicar un comentario'
+From: De
+'Reply to comment': 'Responder al comentario'
+'No comments posted.': 'No se han publicado comentarios.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.es_AR.yml
index a9a76005f9..e8e24c2099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: Recomendado
+'There are no more comments': 'No hay más comentarios'
+'Show more comments': 'Mostrar más comentarios'
+Unrecommend: 'No recomendado'
+'Save comment': 'Guardar comentario'
+Recommend: Recomendado
+'Comment updated.': 'Comentario actualizado.'
+'Comment saved.': 'Comentario guardado.'
+'Comments updated.': 'Comentarios actualizados.'
+'Post a Comment': 'Publicar un comentario'
+From: De
+'Reply to comment': 'Responder al comentario'
+'No comments posted.': 'No hay comentarios publicados.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.fa.yml
index a9a76005f9..157aafed83 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.fa.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: null
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Save comment': null
+Recommend: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment saved.': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Post a Comment': null
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': null
+'No comments posted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.fr.yml
index a9a76005f9..157aafed83 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.fr.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: null
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Save comment': null
+Recommend: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment saved.': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Post a Comment': null
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': null
+'No comments posted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.he.yml
index a9a76005f9..157aafed83 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.he.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: null
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Save comment': null
+Recommend: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment saved.': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Post a Comment': null
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': null
+'No comments posted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.hr.yml
index a9a76005f9..157aafed83 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.hr.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: null
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Save comment': null
+Recommend: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment saved.': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Post a Comment': null
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': null
+'No comments posted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.hu.yml
index a9a76005f9..2584ef1f4d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.hu.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: Ajánlott
+'There are no more comments': 'Nincs több hozzászólás'
+'Show more comments': 'További hozzászólások'
+Unrecommend: 'Ajánlat visszavonása'
+'Save comment': 'Hozzászólás mentése'
+Recommend: Ajánlás
+'Comment updated.': 'A hozzászólás javítása megtörtént.'
+'Comment saved.': 'A hozzászólás mentése megtörtént.'
+'Comments updated.': 'A hozzászólások frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Post a Comment': 'Hozzászólás küldése'
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': 'Válasz a hozzászólásra'
+'No comments posted.': 'Nem érkezett hozzászólás.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.hy_AM.yml
index a9a76005f9..6fdd4448bb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: null
+'There are no more comments': 'Ուրիշ մեկնաբանություններ չկան'
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Save comment': 'Պահպանել մեկնաբանությունը'
+Recommend: null
+'Comment updated.': 'Մեկնաբանությունը թարմացված է։'
+'Comment saved.': 'Մեկնաբանությունը պահպանված է։'
+'Comments updated.': 'Մեկնաբանությունները թարմացված են։'
+'Post a Comment': 'Թողնել մեկնաբանություն։'
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': 'Պատասխանել մեկնաբանությանը։'
+'No comments posted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ka.yml
index a9a76005f9..4568a41b7e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ka.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: რეკომენდირებული
+'There are no more comments': 'მეტი კომენტარები არ არის'
+'Show more comments': 'მეტი კომენტარების ნახვს'
+Unrecommend: 'რეკომენდაციის უკუგდება'
+'Save comment': 'კომენტარის დამახსოვრება'
+Recommend: 'რეკომენდაციის მიცემა'
+'Comment updated.': 'კომენტარი განახლებულია. '
+'Comment saved.': 'კომენტარი დამახსოვრდა.'
+'Comments updated.': 'კომენტარები განახლდა.'
+'Post a Comment': 'კომენტარის დატოვება'
+From: '-დან'
+'Reply to comment': 'კომენტარზე პასუხის გაცემა'
+'No comments posted.': 'კომენტარი ჯერ არ დაწერილა.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ko.yml
index a9a76005f9..157aafed83 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ko.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: null
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Save comment': null
+Recommend: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment saved.': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Post a Comment': null
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': null
+'No comments posted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ku.yml
index a9a76005f9..157aafed83 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ku.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: null
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Save comment': null
+Recommend: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment saved.': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Post a Comment': null
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': null
+'No comments posted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.lv.yml
index a9a76005f9..157aafed83 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.lv.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: null
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Save comment': null
+Recommend: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment saved.': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Post a Comment': null
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': null
+'No comments posted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.nb_NO.yml
index a9a76005f9..157aafed83 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: null
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Save comment': null
+Recommend: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment saved.': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Post a Comment': null
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': null
+'No comments posted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.pl.yml
index a9a76005f9..4a3da0f92c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.pl.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: Polecany
+'There are no more comments': 'Nie ma więcej komentarzy'
+'Show more comments': 'Pokaż więcej komentarzy'
+Unrecommend: 'Niepolecany '
+'Save comment': 'Zapisz komentarz'
+Recommend: Poleć
+'Comment updated.': 'Komentarz zaktualizowany.'
+'Comment saved.': 'Komentarz zapisany.'
+'Comments updated.': 'Komentarze uaktulnione.'
+'Post a Comment': 'Dodaj komentarz'
+From: Od
+'Reply to comment': 'Odpowiedz na komentarz'
+'No comments posted.': 'Brak komentarzy.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ps.yml
index a9a76005f9..157aafed83 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.ps.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: null
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Save comment': null
+Recommend: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment saved.': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Post a Comment': null
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': null
+'No comments posted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.pt_BR.yml
index a9a76005f9..e6067ed0f1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: Recomendado
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: 'Não recomendo'
+'Save comment': 'Salvar o comentário'
+Recommend: Recomendo
+'Comment updated.': 'Comentário atualizado.'
+'Comment saved.': 'Comentário guardado.'
+'Comments updated.': 'Comentários atualizados.'
+'Post a Comment': 'Postar o comentário'
+From: De
+'Reply to comment': 'Responder ao comentário'
+'No comments posted.': 'Nenhum comentário postado.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sh.yml
index a9a76005f9..5b90147706 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sh.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: Preporučeni
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: Nepreporučen
+'Save comment': 'Snimi komentar'
+Recommend: Preporučen
+'Comment updated.': 'Komentar izmenjen.'
+'Comment saved.': 'Komentar snimljen.'
+'Comments updated.': 'Komentari izmenjeni.'
+'Post a Comment': 'Pošalji komentar'
+From: Od
+'Reply to comment': 'Odgovorite na komentar'
+'No comments posted.': 'Nema poslatih komentara.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sq.yml
index a9a76005f9..157aafed83 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sq.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: null
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Save comment': null
+Recommend: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment saved.': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Post a Comment': null
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': null
+'No comments posted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sr.yml
index a9a76005f9..f1057935f8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sr.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: Препоручени
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: Непрепоручен
+'Save comment': 'Сними коментар'
+Recommend: Препоручен
+'Comment updated.': 'Коментар измењен.'
+'Comment saved.': 'Коментар снимљен.'
+'Comments updated.': 'Коментари измењени.'
+'Post a Comment': 'Пошаљи коментар'
+From: Од
+'Reply to comment': 'Одговорите на коментар'
+'No comments posted.': 'Нема послатих коментара.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sv.yml
index a9a76005f9..157aafed83 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_comments.sv.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Recommended: Recommended
-'There are no more comments': 'There are no more comments'
-'Show more comments': 'Show more comments'
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Save comment': 'Save comment'
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment saved.': 'Comment saved.'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Post a Comment': 'Post a Comment'
-From: From
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-'No comments posted.': 'No comments posted.'
+Recommended: null
+'There are no more comments': null
+'Show more comments': null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Save comment': null
+Recommend: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment saved.': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Post a Comment': null
+From: null
+'Reply to comment': null
+'No comments posted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.az.yml
index 94b7d47c15..818a5b70d5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.az.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': 'Fayllar əlavə edildi.'
+'File $1 unattached.': 'Əlavə edilmiş $1 faylı çıxarıldı.'
+'Attach new file': 'Yeni fayl əlavə et'
+'Attach existing file': 'Mövcud faylı əlavə et'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': 'Məqaləyə $1 fayl əlavə edildi'
+'File attached.': 'Fayl əlavə edildi.'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'Newscoop-da yüklənəcək faylın maksimal ölçüsü quraşdırılmayıb.'
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'Əlavə edilmiş $1 $2 faylı çıxarıldı'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': '$1 $2 faylı məqaləyə əlavə edildi'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'Əlavə fayl daxil etmək mümkün deyil.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Faylın yüklənməsi ilə bağlı problem var idi.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Fayl yarımçıq yüklənmişdir. Adətən bu hadisə yükləmək istədiyiniz faylın ölçüsü ilə onun yüklənəcəyi zaman arasında tərs mütənasiblik olduqda baş verir. Faylın maksimal yüklənmə zamanı php.ini-də təqdim edilir'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Faylın ölçüsü icazə verilən maksimal ölçünü keçir.'
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Lütfən, məlumat bazasını düzgün təkmilləşdirdiyinə əmin ol: $1 çərçivədə işə salınsın.'
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maksimal Yükləmə Ölçüsü'
+'File Size': 'Faylın Ölçüsü'
+'File Name': 'Faylın Adı'
+Download: Endir
+'File $1 updated.': '$1 faylı yeniləndi.'
+'Edit article': 'Məqaləni dəyiş'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Əlavə edilmiş faylları silmək ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Yükləmək üçün fayl seçməlisən.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Faylları silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Məqaləni dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Faylları dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Fayl əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Bu fayl məqalənin yalnız mövcud tərcüməsinə, yoxsa bütün tərcümələrinə aiddir?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Lütfən, fayl üçün izahat yazın.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Brauzerdə aç'
+'Only this translation': 'Yalnız bu tərcümə'
+'File information': 'Fayl məlumatı'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Bu faylın istifadəçi brauzerdə açılmasını, yoxsa avtomatik endirilməsini istəyirsən?'
+'Change file information': 'Fayl məlumatını dəyiş'
+'Automatically download': 'Avtomatik endirilmə'
+Attachments: 'Əlavə fayllar'
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'Əlavə fayl mövcud deyil.'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Məqaləyə Fayl Əlavə Et'
+'All translations': 'Bütün tərcümələr'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.be.yml
index 94b7d47c15..1a5e034640 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.be.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': 'Файлы далучаныя.'
+'File $1 unattached.': 'Файл $ 1 далучаны.'
+'Attach new file': 'Далучыць новы файл'
+'Attach existing file': 'Далучыць існуючы файл'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 файлаў далучана'
+'File attached.': 'Файл далучаны.'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'Максімальны памер загружанага файла быў не канфігураваны ў наладах Newscoop.'
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'Файл $1 $2 адлучаны'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'Файл $1 $2 прымацаваны да артыкулу'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'Немагчыма дадаць файл.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Праблема загрузкі файла.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Загружаны файл захаваны на сервер часткова. Гэта звязана з тым, што максімальна дапушчальны час загрузкі файла пераўзыходзіць час, неабходны для загрузкі гэтага файла. Максімальны час загрузкі вызначаны ў файле php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Памер гэтага файла пераўзыходзіць дапушчальны.'
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Калі ласка пераканайцеся, што Вы правільна абнавілі базу дадзеных: запусціце $1 у абалонцы.'
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'Максімальны памер загружанага файла'
+'File Size': 'Памер файла'
+'File Name': 'Імя файла'
+Download: Загрузіць
+'File $1 updated.': 'Файл $1 абноўлены. '
+'Edit article': 'Рэдагаваць артыкул'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Вы ня маеце права выдаляць прыкладзены файл.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Вы павiнны выбраць файл для загрузкi.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Вы ня маеце права выдаляць файлы.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Вы ня маеце права зьмяняць зьмест артыкула.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Вы ня маеце права зьмяняць файлы.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Вы ня маеце права дадаваць файлы.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Гэты файл павiнен быць даступны толькi для гэтага перакладу цi для ўсiх перакладаў?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Калi ласка, стварыце апiсаньне для файла.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Адкрыць у браўзэре'
+'Only this translation': 'Толькi гэты пераклад'
+'File information': 'Iнфармацыя аб файле.'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Цi Вы жадаеце, штоб гэты файл адкрываўся ў браўзэре карыстальнiка цi аўтаматычна загружаўся'
+'Change file information': 'Зьмянiць iнфармацыю аб файле'
+'Automatically download': 'Аўтаматычная загрузка'
+Attachments: Дадаткі
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'Дадатку не icнye.'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Прымацаваць файл да артыкула'
+'All translations': 'Усе пераклады'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.bn.yml
index 94b7d47c15..cef49c95e1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.bn.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': null
+'File $1 unattached.': null
+'Attach new file': null
+'Attach existing file': null
+'$1 file/s attached to article': null
+'File attached.': null
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': null
+'File $1 $2 unattached': null
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': null
+'Unable to add attachment.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': null
+'Maximum Upload Size': null
+'File Size': null
+'File Name': null
+Download: null
+'File $1 updated.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': null
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': null
+'You do not have the right to change files.': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'File information': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Change file information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+Attachments: null
+'Attachment does not exist.': null
+'Attach File to Article': null
+'All translations': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.cs.yml
index 94b7d47c15..1f599abe42 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.cs.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': 'Soubory jsou přiloženy.'
+'File $1 unattached.': 'Soubor $1 není přiložen.'
+'Attach new file': 'Přiložit nový soubor'
+'Attach existing file': 'Přiložit existující soubor'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 soubor(y) přiložen(y) ke článku'
+'File attached.': 'Soubor je přiložen.'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'Maximální velikost nahrávaného souboru nebyla v Newscoopu nastavena.'
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'Soubor $1 $2 nepřipojen'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'Soubor $1 $2 připojen ke článku'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'Nezdařilo se přidat přílohu.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Vyskytl se problém při nahrávání souboru.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Nahrávaný soubor není celý. K tomuto dochází, kdyžje překročen maximální povolený čas k nahrání souboru. Maximalní čas lze upravit v php.ini.'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Soubor překračuje maximální povolenou velikost.'
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Prosím ujistěte se, že jste databázi aktualizovali správně: spusťte $1 v příkazovém řádku.'
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximální velikost nahávaného souboru'
+'File Size': 'Velikost Souboru'
+'File Name': 'Název Souboru'
+Download: Stáhnout
+'File $1 updated.': 'Soubor $1 aktualizován.'
+'Edit article': 'Upravit článek'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Nemáte oprávnění mazat přílohy.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Zvolte soubor k nahrání.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Nemáte oprávnění mazat soubory.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Nemáte oprávnění měnit článek.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Nemáte oprávnění měnit soubory.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Nemáte oprávnění přidávat soubory.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Měl by tento soubor být dostupný pouze pro tento překlad článku nebo pro všechny.'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Prosím vložte popis tohoto souboru.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Otevřít v prohlížeči.'
+'Only this translation': 'Pouze tento překlad'
+'File information': 'Informace o souboru'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Chcete, aby se tento soubor otevíral v prohlížeči nebo se automaticky stáhl.'
+'Change file information': 'Změnit informace o souboru'
+'Automatically download': 'Automaticky stáhnout'
+Attachments: Přílohy
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'Příloha neexistuje.'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Přiložit Soubor k Článku'
+'All translations': 'Všechny překlady'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.da.yml
index 94b7d47c15..0f8801d7ef 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.da.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
+'Files attached.': 'Filer vedhæftet.'
+'File $1 unattached.': 'Fil $1 fjernet.'
+'Attach new file': 'Vedhæft ny fil'
+'Attach existing file': 'Vedhæft eksisterende fil'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 fil(er) vedhæftet'
+'File attached.': 'Fil vedhæftet.'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'Maksimal fil upload størrelse er ikke indstillet i Newscoop.'
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'Fil $1 $2 fjernet.'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'Fil $1 $2 vedhæftet'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'Kunne ikke tilføje vedhæftning.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Filen kunne ikke uploades.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Filen blev kun delvist uploadet. Dette er almindeligt når den tilladte tid til upload er lav i forhold til filens størrelse. Den tilladte tid indstilles i php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Filen er for stor.'
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Kontroller at du har opgraderet databasen korrekt: Kør $1 i en terminal.'
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maksimal filstørrelse'
+'File Size': 'Fil størrelse'
+'File Name': 'Fil navn'
Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'File $1 updated.': 'Fil $1 opdateret.'
+'Edit article': 'Rediger artikel'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette vedhæftede filer.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Vælg fil til upload.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette filer.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at ændre artiklen.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at filer.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje filer.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Skal filen kun bruges til denne oversættelse af artiklen eller til alle oversættelser?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Giv en beskrivelse af filen.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Åben i browseren'
+'Only this translation': 'Kun denne oversættelse'
+'File information': 'Fil information'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Skal filen åbne i brugerens browser eller downloades automatisk?'
+'Change file information': 'Rediger fil information'
+'Automatically download': 'Download automatisk'
+Attachments: Vedhæftninger
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'Vedhæftningen findes ikke.'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Vedhæft fil'
+'All translations': 'Alle oversættelser'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.de.yml
index 94b7d47c15..6754063f6b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.de.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': 'Dateien angehängt'
+'File $1 unattached.': 'Datei $1 ist nicht angehängt.'
+'Attach new file': 'Neue Datei anhängen'
+'Attach existing file': 'Existierende Datei anhängen'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 Datei/en an Artikel angehängt.'
+'File attached.': 'Datei angehängt.'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'Die maximale Dateigröße zum Hochladen wurde nicht in Newscoop konfiguriert.'
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'Datei $1 $2 nicht angehängt.'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'Datei $1 $2 an den Artikel angehängt.'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'Anhang konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Probleme beim Hochladen der Datei.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Die Datei wurde nur teilweise hochgeladen. Dies passiert wenn die Höchstdauer für das Hochladen der Datei im Vergleich zur Dateigröße zu kurz ist. Die Höchstdauer ist in php.ini festgelegt.'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Die Datei überschreitet die maximal zulässige Dateigröße.'
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Bitte sicherstellen, dass die Datenbank korrekt aktualisiert wurde. Führen Sie $1 in einer Shell aus.'
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximale Dateigröße zum Hochladen'
+'File Size': Dateigröße
+'File Name': Dateiname
+Download: Herunterladen
+'File $1 updated.': 'Datei $1 aktualisiert.'
+'Edit article': 'Artikel bearbeiten'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Keine Berechtigung Anlagen zu löschen.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Datei zum Hochladen auswählen.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Sie haben keine Zugriffsrechte zum Löschen von Dateien.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, den Artikel zu ändern.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Dateien zu ändern.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Dateien hinzuzufügen.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Soll diese Datei nur für diese Übersetzung des Artikels verfügbar sein oder für alle Übersetzungen?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Geben Sie eine Beschreibung der Datei ein.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Im Browser öffnen'
+'Only this translation': 'Nur diese Übersetzung'
+'File information': Dateiinformation
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Soll diese Datei im Browser geöffnet oder automatisch zum Herunterladen angeboten werden?'
+'Change file information': 'Dateiinformation ändern'
+'Automatically download': 'Automatisch herunterladen'
+Attachments: Anlagen
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'Die Anlage existiert nicht.'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Datei mit Artikel verknüpfen'
+'All translations': 'Alle Übersetzungen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.de_AT.yml
index 94b7d47c15..6754063f6b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': 'Dateien angehängt'
+'File $1 unattached.': 'Datei $1 ist nicht angehängt.'
+'Attach new file': 'Neue Datei anhängen'
+'Attach existing file': 'Existierende Datei anhängen'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 Datei/en an Artikel angehängt.'
+'File attached.': 'Datei angehängt.'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'Die maximale Dateigröße zum Hochladen wurde nicht in Newscoop konfiguriert.'
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'Datei $1 $2 nicht angehängt.'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'Datei $1 $2 an den Artikel angehängt.'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'Anhang konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Probleme beim Hochladen der Datei.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Die Datei wurde nur teilweise hochgeladen. Dies passiert wenn die Höchstdauer für das Hochladen der Datei im Vergleich zur Dateigröße zu kurz ist. Die Höchstdauer ist in php.ini festgelegt.'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Die Datei überschreitet die maximal zulässige Dateigröße.'
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Bitte sicherstellen, dass die Datenbank korrekt aktualisiert wurde. Führen Sie $1 in einer Shell aus.'
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximale Dateigröße zum Hochladen'
+'File Size': Dateigröße
+'File Name': Dateiname
+Download: Herunterladen
+'File $1 updated.': 'Datei $1 aktualisiert.'
+'Edit article': 'Artikel bearbeiten'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Keine Berechtigung Anlagen zu löschen.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Datei zum Hochladen auswählen.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Sie haben keine Zugriffsrechte zum Löschen von Dateien.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, den Artikel zu ändern.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Dateien zu ändern.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Dateien hinzuzufügen.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Soll diese Datei nur für diese Übersetzung des Artikels verfügbar sein oder für alle Übersetzungen?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Geben Sie eine Beschreibung der Datei ein.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Im Browser öffnen'
+'Only this translation': 'Nur diese Übersetzung'
+'File information': Dateiinformation
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Soll diese Datei im Browser geöffnet oder automatisch zum Herunterladen angeboten werden?'
+'Change file information': 'Dateiinformation ändern'
+'Automatically download': 'Automatisch herunterladen'
+Attachments: Anlagen
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'Die Anlage existiert nicht.'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Datei mit Artikel verknüpfen'
+'All translations': 'Alle Übersetzungen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.es.yml
index 94b7d47c15..0acc1952d3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.es.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': 'Archivos adjuntos'
+'File $1 unattached.': 'Se desvinculó el archivo $1 '
+'Attach new file': 'Adjuntar un nuevo archivo'
+'Attach existing file': 'Adjuntar un archivo existente'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': 'Se adjuntaron $1 al artículo'
+'File attached.': 'Archivo adjunto.'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'No se configuró en Newscoop el tamaño máximo de un archivo a cargar. '
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'Se desvinculó el archivo $1 $2'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'Se adjuntó el archivo $1 $2 al artículo'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'No es posible agregar un adjunto.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Hubo un problema al subir el archivo.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'El archivo solo subió parcialmente. Esto es común cuando el tiempo máximo para cargar un archivo es bajo en contraste con el tamaño del archivo que se está cargando. El tiempo máximo para cargar está especificado en php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'El archivo sobrepasa el tamaño máximo permitido para un archivo.'
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Por favor asegúrese de haber actualizado la base de datos correctamente: ejecute $1 en la línea de comandos.'
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'Tamaño máximo para subir'
+'File Size': 'Tamaño de archivo'
+'File Name': 'Nombre de archivo'
+Download: Descargar
+'File $1 updated.': 'Se actualizó el archivo $1 '
+'Edit article': 'Editar artículo'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'No tiene autorización para eliminar archivos adjuntos'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Debe seleccionar un archivo para cargar.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'No tiene autorización para eliminar archivos.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'No tiene autorización para cambiar el artículo.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'No tiene autorización para cambiar archivos.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'No tiene autorización para añadir archivos.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': '¿Desea tener disponible este archivo sólo para esta traducción del artículo o para todas las traducciones?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Por favor ingrese una descripción para el archivo.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Abrir en el navegador'
+'Only this translation': 'Sólo esta traducción'
+'File information': 'Información del archivo'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': '¿Desea que este archivo se despliegue en el navegador del usuario o que se descargue automáticamente?'
+'Change file information': 'Cambiar la información del archivo'
+'Automatically download': 'Descargar automáticamente'
+Attachments: Adjuntos
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'El adjunto no existe.'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Adjuntar un archivo al artículo'
+'All translations': 'Todas las traducciones'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.es_AR.yml
index 94b7d47c15..318971d582 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': 'Archivos adjuntos.'
+'File $1 unattached.': 'Se desvinculó el archivo $1'
+'Attach new file': 'Adjuntar un nuevo archivo'
+'Attach existing file': 'Adjuntar un archivo existente'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': 'Se adjuntaron $1 archivos al artículo'
+'File attached.': 'Archivo adjunto.'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'No se configuró en Newscoop el tamaño máximo de los archivos a subir.'
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'Se desvinculó el archivo $1 $2'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'Se adjuntó el archivo $1 $2 al artículo'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'No es posible agregar un adjunto.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Hubo un problema al subir el archivo.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'El archivo se subió parcialmente. Esto es común cuando el tiempo máximo para subir un archivo es bajo en contraste con el tamaño del archivo que se está cargando. El tiempo máximo para cargar está especificado en php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'El archivo sobrepasa el tamaño máximo permitido para un archivo.'
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Por favor asegurate de haber actualizado la base de datos correctamente: ejecutá $1 en la línea de comandos.'
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'Tamaño máximo para subir'
+'File Size': 'Tamaño de Archivo'
+'File Name': 'Nombre de Archivo'
+Download: Descargar
+'File $1 updated.': 'Se actualizó el archivo $1'
+'Edit article': 'Editar artículo'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'No tenés autorización para eliminar archivos adjuntos'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Tenés que seleccionar un archivo para subir.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'No tenés autorización para eliminar archivos.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'No tenés autorización para cambiar el artículo.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'No tenés autorización para cambiar archivos.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'No tenés autorización para añadir archivos.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': '¿Deseás tener disponible este archivo sólo para esta traducción del artículo o para todas las traducciones?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Por favor ingresá una descripción para el archivo.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Abrir en el navegador'
+'Only this translation': null
+'File information': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Change file information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+Attachments: null
+'Attachment does not exist.': null
+'Attach File to Article': null
+'All translations': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.fa.yml
index 94b7d47c15..cef49c95e1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.fa.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': null
+'File $1 unattached.': null
+'Attach new file': null
+'Attach existing file': null
+'$1 file/s attached to article': null
+'File attached.': null
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': null
+'File $1 $2 unattached': null
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': null
+'Unable to add attachment.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': null
+'Maximum Upload Size': null
+'File Size': null
+'File Name': null
+Download: null
+'File $1 updated.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': null
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': null
+'You do not have the right to change files.': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'File information': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Change file information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+Attachments: null
+'Attachment does not exist.': null
+'Attach File to Article': null
+'All translations': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.fr.yml
index 94b7d47c15..26844fd928 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.fr.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': null
+'File $1 unattached.': null
+'Attach new file': null
+'Attach existing file': null
+'$1 file/s attached to article': null
+'File attached.': null
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': null
+'File $1 $2 unattached': null
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': null
+'Unable to add attachment.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': null
+'Maximum Upload Size': null
+'File Size': null
+'File Name': null
+Download: null
+'File $1 updated.': null
+'Edit article': 'Éditer l''article'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des attachements de fichier. '
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Vous devez choisir un fichier à télécharger.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des fichiers'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de changer larticle. '
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de changer des fichiers. '
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des fichiers.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Ce fichier doit-il être seulement disponible pour cette traduction de larticle, ou pour toutes les traductions ? '
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Entrez Sil vous plaît une description pour le fichier.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Ouvrir dans le navigateur '
+'Only this translation': 'Seulement cette traduction'
+'File information': 'Information du fichier '
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Voulez-vous que ce fichier souvre dans le navigateur de lutilisateur, ou automatiquement téléchargé ? '
+'Change file information': 'Changer l''information du fichier'
+'Automatically download': 'Automatiquement téléchargé'
+Attachments: 'Attachements '
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'L''attachement n''existe pas. '
+'Attach File to Article': 'Attacher Fichier à Article '
+'All translations': 'Toutes les traductions '
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.he.yml
index 94b7d47c15..cef49c95e1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.he.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': null
+'File $1 unattached.': null
+'Attach new file': null
+'Attach existing file': null
+'$1 file/s attached to article': null
+'File attached.': null
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': null
+'File $1 $2 unattached': null
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': null
+'Unable to add attachment.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': null
+'Maximum Upload Size': null
+'File Size': null
+'File Name': null
+Download: null
+'File $1 updated.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': null
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': null
+'You do not have the right to change files.': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'File information': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Change file information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+Attachments: null
+'Attachment does not exist.': null
+'Attach File to Article': null
+'All translations': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.hr.yml
index 94b7d47c15..35dbe6166f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.hr.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': null
+'File $1 unattached.': null
+'Attach new file': null
+'Attach existing file': null
+'$1 file/s attached to article': null
+'File attached.': null
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': null
+'File $1 $2 unattached': null
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': null
+'Unable to add attachment.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': null
+'Maximum Upload Size': null
+'File Size': null
+'File Name': null
+Download: null
+'File $1 updated.': null
+'Edit article': 'Uredi članak'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Nemate prava brisati zakačene datoteke.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Morate označiti datoteku za postavljanje.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Nemate prava brisati datoteke.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Nemate ovlasti mijenjati članak.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Nemate ovlasti mijenjati datoteke.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati datoteke.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Da li ova Datoteka treba biti dostupna za ovaj prijevod članka, ili za sve prijevode?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Unesite opis datoteke.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Otvori u pretraživaču'
+'Only this translation': 'Samo ovaj prijevod'
+'File information': 'Podaci o datoteci'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Da li želite da se ova datoteka otvara u pretraživaču korisnika, ili da se automatski preuzme?'
+'Change file information': 'Promijeni informacije o datoteci'
+'Automatically download': 'Automatsko preuzimanje'
+Attachments: Privitci
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'Privitak ne postoji.'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Priloži datoteku uz članak'
+'All translations': 'Svi prijevodi'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.hu.yml
index 94b7d47c15..786ea8a981 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.hu.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': 'A fájlok csatolása megtörtént.'
+'File $1 unattached.': 'A/z $1 fájl leválasztása megtörtént.'
+'Attach new file': 'Új fájl csatolása'
+'Attach existing file': 'Létező fájl csatolása'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 fájl van csatolva a cikkhez'
+'File attached.': 'A fájl csatolása megtörtént.'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'Nem konfigurálták a maximális fájlfeltöltési méretet a Newscoop-ban.'
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'A/z $1 $2 fájl leválasztása megtörtént'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'A/z $1 $2 fájl csatolása a cikkhez megtörtént'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'Nem lehet csatolmányt hozzáadni.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Probléma merült fel a fájl feltöltése során.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'A feltöltött fájl csak részben került feltöltésre. Ez gyakran előfordul, ha rövid a maximális fájlfeltöltési idő a bevinni próbált fájl méretével szemben. A maximális feltöltési időt a php.ini fájlban adják meg.'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'A fájl mérete meghaladja a megengedett maximális fájlméretet.'
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Győződj meg róla, hogy megfelelően frissítetted-e az adatbázist: futtasd le parancshéjban a/z $1 parancsot.'
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximális feltölthető méret'
+'File Size': Fájlméret
+'File Name': Fájlnév
+Download: Letöltés
+'File $1 updated.': 'A/z $1 fájl frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Edit article': 'Cikk szerkesztése'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Nincs jogod a fájlmellékletek törléséhez.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Ki kell választanod egy feltöltendő fájlt.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Nincs jogod a fájlok törléséhez.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Nincs jogod a cikk módosításához.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Nincs jogod a fájlok módosításához.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Nincs jogod a fájlok hozzáadásához.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Ez a fájl a cikk csak ezen fordításához vagy az összes fordításhoz legyen elérhető?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Add meg a fájl leírását.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Megnyitás a böngészőben'
+'Only this translation': 'Csak ez a fordítás'
+'File information': Fájlinformáció
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Ezt a fájlt a felhasználó böngészőjében akarod megnyitni, vagy automatikusan letöltésre kerül?'
+'Change file information': 'Fájlinformáció módosítása'
+'Automatically download': 'Automatikus letöltés'
+Attachments: Csatolmányok
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'A csatolmány nem létezik.'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Fájl csatolása a cikkhez'
+'All translations': 'Minden fordítás'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.hy_AM.yml
index 94b7d47c15..d7e38c690b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': null
+'File $1 unattached.': null
+'Attach new file': 'Կցել նոր ֆայլ'
+'Attach existing file': 'Կցել գոյություն ունեցող ֆայլ'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': null
+'File attached.': null
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': null
+'File $1 $2 unattached': null
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': null
+'Unable to add attachment.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': null
+'Maximum Upload Size': null
+'File Size': 'Ֆայլի չափը'
+'File Name': 'Ֆայլի անունը'
+Download: Ներբեռնում
+'File $1 updated.': null
+'Edit article': 'Խմբագրել հոդված'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': null
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': null
+'You do not have the right to change files.': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'File information': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Change file information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+Attachments: null
+'Attachment does not exist.': null
+'Attach File to Article': null
+'All translations': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ka.yml
index 94b7d47c15..c2a011e7b5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ka.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': 'ფაილი მიმაგრებულია.'
+'File $1 unattached.': '$1 ფაილი მოხსნილია.'
+'Attach new file': 'ახალი ფაილის დამატება'
+'Attach existing file': 'არსებული ფაილის მიმაგრება.'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 ფაილ(ები) მიმაგრება სტატიაზე'
+'File attached.': 'ფაილი მიმაგრებულია.'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'ასატვირთი ფაილის მაქსიმალური ზომა არ განსაზღვრულა'
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'ფაილი $1 $2 მოიხსნა'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'ფაილი $1 $2 დაემატა სტატიას'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'შეუძლებელია დანართის დამატება.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'პრობლემა იყო ფაილის ატვირთვისას.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'ატვირთული ფაილი მხოლოდ ნაწილობრივ აიტვირთა. ეს მაშინ ხდება, როცა ფაილის ასატვირთი მაქსიმალური დრო არ შეესაბამება ფაილის ზომას, რომლის ატვირთვასაც ცდილობთ. შეტანის მაქსიმალური დრო განსაზღვრულიაphp.ini –ში '
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'ამ ფაილის ზომა აღემატება მაქსიმალურ დასაშვებს. '
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'გთხოვთ, დარწმუნდით რომ თქვენ გაზარდეთ მონაცემთა ბაზა სწორად: $1 გაშვება გარსში '
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'ატვირთვის მაქსიმალური ზომა'
+'File Size': 'ფაილის ზომა'
+'File Name': 'ფაილის სახელი'
+Download: ჩამოქაჩვა
+'File $1 updated.': 'ფაილი $1 განახლებულია'
+'Edit article': 'სტატიის რედაქტირება'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'თქვენ არა გაქვთ მიმაგრებული ფაილის წაშლის უფლება'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'თქვენ უნდა მონიშნოთ ფაილი ასატვითად'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'თქვენ არა გაქვთ ფაილების წაშლის უფლება'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'თქვენ არა გაქვთ სტატიის შეცვლის უფლება'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'თქვენ არა გაქვთ ფაილის შეცვლის უფლება'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'თქვენ არა გაქვთ ფაილის დამატების უფლება'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'ეს ფაილი მისაწვდომი უნდა იყოს მხოლოდ ამ თარგმანისთვის თუ ყველა თარგმანისთვის?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'გთხოვთ, შეიყვანეთდოკუმენტის აღწერა'
+'Open in the browser': 'ბრაუზერში გახსნა'
+'Only this translation': 'მხოლოდ ამ თარგმანისთვის'
+'File information': 'ფაილის ინფორმაცია'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'გსურთ ეს ფაილი გაიხსნას მომხმარებლის ბრაუზერში თუ ავტომატურად ჩამოიქაჩოს?'
+'Change file information': 'შეცვალე ფაილის ინფორმაცია'
+'Automatically download': 'ავტომატური ჩამოქაჩვა'
+Attachments: 'მიმაგრებული ფაილები'
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'მიმაგრებული ფაილი არ არსებობს '
+'Attach File to Article': 'მიამაგრე ფაილი სტატიაზე'
+'All translations': 'ყველა თარგმანი'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ko.yml
index 94b7d47c15..4afb11f6e0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ko.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': null
+'File $1 unattached.': null
+'Attach new file': null
+'Attach existing file': null
+'$1 file/s attached to article': null
+'File attached.': null
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': null
+'File $1 $2 unattached': null
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': null
+'Unable to add attachment.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': null
+'Maximum Upload Size': null
+'File Size': null
+'File Name': null
+Download: null
+'File $1 updated.': null
+'Edit article': '기사 편집'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': '파일 첨부를 삭제할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'You must select a file to upload.': '업로드할 파일을 선택하시오.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': '파일을 삭제할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': '기사를 수정할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'You do not have the right to change files.': '파일을 변경할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'You do not have the right to add files.': '파일을 추가할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': '이 파일이 기사의 이 번역에만 해당됩니까, 아니면 모든 번역에 해당됩니까?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': '파일에 대한 설명을 입력하시오'
+'Open in the browser': '브라우저에서 열기'
+'Only this translation': '이 번역만 '
+'File information': '파일 정보'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': '이 파일이 브라우저에서 열기를 원합니까? 자동으로 다운로드 할까요? '
+'Change file information': '파일 정보 수정'
+'Automatically download': '자동 다운로드'
+Attachments: 첨부
+'Attachment does not exist.': '첨부가 없습니다.'
+'Attach File to Article': '기사에 파일 첨부'
+'All translations': '모든 번역'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ku.yml
index 94b7d47c15..cef49c95e1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ku.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': null
+'File $1 unattached.': null
+'Attach new file': null
+'Attach existing file': null
+'$1 file/s attached to article': null
+'File attached.': null
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': null
+'File $1 $2 unattached': null
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': null
+'Unable to add attachment.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': null
+'Maximum Upload Size': null
+'File Size': null
+'File Name': null
+Download: null
+'File $1 updated.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': null
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': null
+'You do not have the right to change files.': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'File information': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Change file information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+Attachments: null
+'Attachment does not exist.': null
+'Attach File to Article': null
+'All translations': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.lv.yml
index 94b7d47c15..cef49c95e1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.lv.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': null
+'File $1 unattached.': null
+'Attach new file': null
+'Attach existing file': null
+'$1 file/s attached to article': null
+'File attached.': null
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': null
+'File $1 $2 unattached': null
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': null
+'Unable to add attachment.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': null
+'Maximum Upload Size': null
+'File Size': null
+'File Name': null
+Download: null
+'File $1 updated.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': null
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': null
+'You do not have the right to change files.': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'File information': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Change file information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+Attachments: null
+'Attachment does not exist.': null
+'Attach File to Article': null
+'All translations': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.nb_NO.yml
index 94b7d47c15..cef49c95e1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': null
+'File $1 unattached.': null
+'Attach new file': null
+'Attach existing file': null
+'$1 file/s attached to article': null
+'File attached.': null
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': null
+'File $1 $2 unattached': null
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': null
+'Unable to add attachment.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': null
+'Maximum Upload Size': null
+'File Size': null
+'File Name': null
+Download: null
+'File $1 updated.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': null
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': null
+'You do not have the right to change files.': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'File information': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Change file information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+Attachments: null
+'Attachment does not exist.': null
+'Attach File to Article': null
+'All translations': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.pl.yml
index 94b7d47c15..27972d823c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.pl.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': 'Plik załaczony.'
+'File $1 unattached.': 'Plik $1 odłączony.'
+'Attach new file': 'Załącz nowy plik'
+'Attach existing file': 'Załącz istniejący plik'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': 'Plików dołączonych do artykułu: $1'
+'File attached.': 'Plik załączony.'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'Maksymalny rozmiar pliku nie zostal skonfigurowany w Newscoop.'
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'Plik $1 $2 odłączony'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'Plik $1 $2 załączony do artykułu'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'Załącznik nie został dodany.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Wystąpił błąd podczas dodawania pliku.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Wgyrwany plik został dodany tylko w części. To częsty błąd gdy czas wgrywania pliku nie jest zgodny z jego rozmiarem. Maksymalny czas wgrywania ustalany jest w pliku php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Plik jest większy od maksymalnego rozmiaru.'
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Upewnij się, że aktualizacja bazy danych przebiegła pomyślnie: uruchom $1 w shellu.'
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maksymalny rozmiar pliku'
+'File Size': 'Rozmiar pliku'
+'File Name': 'Nazwa pliku'
+Download: Pobierz
+'File $1 updated.': 'Plik $1 uaktualniony'
+'Edit article': 'Edycja artykułu'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Nie masz praw aby usuwać załączniki.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Musisz wybrać pliki do dodania.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Nie masz praw aby usuwać pliki.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniać artykuł.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniać pliki.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Nie masz praw aby dodawać pliki.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Czy plik powinień być dostępny do tłumaczenia tego artykułu, czy dla wszystkich tłumaczeń?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Dodaj opis do pliku.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Otwórz w przeglądarce'
+'Only this translation': 'Tylko to tłumaczenie'
+'File information': 'Informacja o pliku'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Czy ten plik ma się otwierać w przeglądarce czy pobierać automatycznie?'
+'Change file information': 'Zmień info o pliku'
+'Automatically download': 'Pobierz automatycznie'
+Attachments: Załączniki
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'Załącznik nie istnieje'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Załącz plik do artykułu'
+'All translations': 'Wszystkie tłumaczenia'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ps.yml
index 94b7d47c15..cef49c95e1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.ps.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': null
+'File $1 unattached.': null
+'Attach new file': null
+'Attach existing file': null
+'$1 file/s attached to article': null
+'File attached.': null
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': null
+'File $1 $2 unattached': null
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': null
+'Unable to add attachment.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': null
+'Maximum Upload Size': null
+'File Size': null
+'File Name': null
+Download: null
+'File $1 updated.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': null
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': null
+'You do not have the right to change files.': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'File information': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Change file information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+Attachments: null
+'Attachment does not exist.': null
+'Attach File to Article': null
+'All translations': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.pt_BR.yml
index 94b7d47c15..ab3c5410d6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': 'Arquivos anexados.'
+'File $1 unattached.': 'Arquivo $1 não foi anexado.'
+'Attach new file': 'Anexar novo arquivo'
+'Attach existing file': 'Anexar arquivo existente'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 arquivo(s) anexados ao artigo'
+'File attached.': 'Arquivo anexado'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'O tamanho máximo do arquivo para upload não foi configurada no Newscoop.'
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'Arquivo no. $1 $2 não foi anexado'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'Arquivo no. $1 $2 anexado ao artigo'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'Não foi possível adicionar o anexo.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Ocorreu um problema durante o upload do aquivo.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'O upload do arquivo foi apenas parcial. Isso acontece quando o tempo máximo para fazer upload é curto comparado com o tamanho do arquivo que você está tentando mandar. O tempo máximo do upload é definido no php.ini.'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'O tamanho do arquivo é maior do que permitido.'
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Por favor verifique se atualizou a base de dados corretamente: executar $1 na cápsula.'
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'Tamanho máximo para upload'
+'File Size': 'Tamanho do arquivo'
+'File Name': 'Nome do arquivo'
+Download: Baixar
+'File $1 updated.': 'Arquivo $1 atualizado.'
+'Edit article': 'Editar Artigo'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Não tem permissão para eliminar anexos de artigos.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Tem de selecionar um ficheiro para transferir'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Não tem permissões para eliminar ficheiros'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Não tem permissões para alterar este artigo.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Não tem permissões para alterar ficheiros.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Não tem permissões para anexar ficheiros.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Este ficheiro deverá estar apenas dipsonivél para esta tradução, ou para todas as traduções?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Insira uma descrição para o ficheiro.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Abrir no navegador'
+'Only this translation': 'Apenas esta tradução'
+'File information': 'Informações do ficheiro'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Deseja que o ficheiro seja aberto na janela do navegador ou que deva ser feita automáticamente a transferência do ficheiro?'
+'Change file information': 'Alterar as informações do ficheiro'
+'Automatically download': 'Transferir automaticamente.'
+Attachments: Anexos
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'Não existe(m) anexo(s).'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Anexar ficheiros ao artigo'
+'All translations': 'Todas as traduções.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sh.yml
index 94b7d47c15..5549811569 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sh.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': 'Fajl je zakačen'
+'File $1 unattached.': 'fajl $1 je uklonjen'
+'Attach new file': 'Zakači novi fajl'
+'Attach existing file': 'Zakači postojeći fajl'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 fajl(ova) dodat(o) u tekst'
+'File attached.': 'Fajl zakačen.'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'Maksimalna veličina fajla nije podešena u Newscoopu.'
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'Fajl $1 $2 uklonjen'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'Fajl $1 $2 zakačen uz tekst'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'Nije moguće dodati atačment.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'došlo je do problema pri uploadovanju fajla.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Fajl je delimično uploadovan. Ovo se obično dešava kad je maks. vreme za upload kratko u odnosu na veličinu fajla. Maksimalna veličina se podešava u php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'fajl prelazi maksimalno dozvoljenu veličinu.'
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Proverite da li ste spravno upgradovali bazu: pokrenite $1 u shellu.'
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maksimalna veličina fajla za upload'
+'File Size': 'Veličina fajla'
+'File Name': 'Ime fajla'
+Download: Preuzmi
+'File $1 updated.': 'fajl $1 izmenjen.'
+'Edit article': 'Uredi tekst'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete prikačene fajlove.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Morate izabrati fajl za aploud.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete fajlove.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Nemate pravo da menjate tekst.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Nemate pravo da menjate fajlove.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete fajlove.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Da li ovaj fajl treba da bude dostupan za ovaj prevod teksta, ili za sve prevode?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Unesite opis za ovaj fajl.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Otvori u pretraživaču'
+'Only this translation': 'Samo ovaj prevod'
+'File information': 'Podaci o fajlu'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Da li želite da se ovaj fajl otvara u pretraživaču korisnika, ili da se automatski preuzme?'
+'Change file information': 'Promeni informacije o fajlu'
+'Automatically download': 'Automatsko preuzimanje'
+Attachments: 'Prikačeni fajlovi'
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'Nema prikačenih fajlova'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Prikači fajl uz tekst'
+'All translations': 'Svi prevodi'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sq.yml
index 94b7d47c15..cef49c95e1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sq.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': null
+'File $1 unattached.': null
+'Attach new file': null
+'Attach existing file': null
+'$1 file/s attached to article': null
+'File attached.': null
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': null
+'File $1 $2 unattached': null
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': null
+'Unable to add attachment.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': null
+'Maximum Upload Size': null
+'File Size': null
+'File Name': null
+Download: null
+'File $1 updated.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': null
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': null
+'You do not have the right to change files.': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'File information': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Change file information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+Attachments: null
+'Attachment does not exist.': null
+'Attach File to Article': null
+'All translations': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sr.yml
index 94b7d47c15..16ee857caf 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sr.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': 'Фајл је закачен'
+'File $1 unattached.': 'фајл $1 је уклоњен'
+'Attach new file': 'Закачи нови фајл'
+'Attach existing file': 'Закачи постојећи фајл'
+'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 фајл(ова) додат(о) у текст'
+'File attached.': 'Фајл је закачен'
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'Максимална величина фајла није подешена у Newscoopu'
+'File $1 $2 unattached': 'Фајл $1 $2 уклоњен'
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'Фајл $1 $2 закачен уз текст'
+'Unable to add attachment.': 'Није могуће закачити фајл.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Дошло је до проблема при аплоуду фајла.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Фајл је делимично аплоудован. Ово се обично дешава када је макс. време за аплоуд кратко у односу на величину фајла. Максимална величина се подешава у php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'фајл прелази максимално дозвољену величину.'
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Проверите да ли сте исправно апгрејдовали базу: покрените $1 у shell-у'
+'Maximum Upload Size': 'Максимална величина фајла за аплоуд'
+'File Size': 'Величина фајла'
+'File Name': 'Назив фајла'
+Download: Преузми
+'File $1 updated.': 'Фајл $1 је измењен.'
+'Edit article': 'Уреди текст'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Немате право да бришете прикачене фајлове.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Морате изабрати фајл за аплоуд.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Немате право да бришете фајлове.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Немате право да мењате текст'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Немате право да мењате фајлове.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Немате право да додајете фајлове.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Да ли овај фајл треба да буде доступан за овај превод текста, или за све преводе?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Унесите опис за овај фајл.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Отвори у претраживачу'
+'Only this translation': 'Само овај превод'
+'File information': 'Подаци о фајлу'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Да ли желите да се овај фајл отвара у претраживачу корисника, или да се аутоматски преузме?'
+'Change file information': 'Промени информације о фајлу'
+'Automatically download': 'Аутоматско преузимање'
+Attachments: 'Прикачени фајлови'
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'Нема прикаћених фајлова'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Прикачи фајл уз чланак'
+'All translations': 'Сви преводи'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sv.yml
index 94b7d47c15..1177365546 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_files.sv.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-'Files attached.': 'Files attached.'
-'File $1 unattached.': 'File $1 unattached.'
-'Attach new file': 'Attach new file'
-'Attach existing file': 'Attach existing file'
-'$1 file/s attached to article': '$1 file/s attached to article'
-'File attached.': 'File attached.'
-'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': 'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.'
-'File $1 $2 unattached': 'File $1 $2 unattached'
-'File $1 $2 attached to article': 'File $1 $2 attached to article'
-'Unable to add attachment.': 'Unable to add attachment.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': 'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.'
-'Maximum Upload Size': 'Maximum Upload Size'
-'File Size': 'File Size'
-'File Name': 'File Name'
-Download: Download
-'File $1 updated.': 'File $1 updated.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'You do not have the right to delete files.'
-'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'You do not have the right to change the article.'
-'You do not have the right to change files.': 'You do not have the right to change files.'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Please enter a description for the file.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'File information': 'File information'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-Attachments: Attachments
-'Attachment does not exist.': 'Attachment does not exist.'
-'Attach File to Article': 'Attach File to Article'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
+'Files attached.': null
+'File $1 unattached.': null
+'Attach new file': null
+'Attach existing file': null
+'$1 file/s attached to article': null
+'File attached.': null
+'The maximum file upload size was not configured in Newscoop.': null
+'File $1 $2 unattached': null
+'File $1 $2 attached to article': null
+'Unable to add attachment.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+'Please make sure you upgraded the database correctly: run $1 in a shell.': null
+'Maximum Upload Size': null
+'File Size': null
+'File Name': null
+Download: null
+'File $1 updated.': null
+'Edit article': 'Redigera artikel'
+'You do not have the right to delete file attachments.': 'Du har inte rättighet att radera bifogade filer.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Du måste välja en fil att ladda upp.'
+'You do not have the right to delete files.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera filer.'
+'You do not have the right to change the article.': 'Du har inte rätt att ändra artikeln.'
+'You do not have the right to change files.': 'Du har inte rätt att ändra filer.'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till filer.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Ska den här filen bara vara tillgänglig för den här översättningen av artikeln eller för alla översättningar?'
+'Please enter a description for the file.': 'Var god skriv in en beskrivning för filen.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Öppna i webbläsaren'
+'Only this translation': 'Bara i denna översättning'
+'File information': Filinformation
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Vill du att den här filen ska öppnas i användarens webbläsare eller automatiskt laddas ner?'
+'Change file information': 'Ändra filinformation'
+'Automatically download': 'Automatiskt laddas ner'
+Attachments: Bilagor
+'Attachment does not exist.': 'Bilagan finns inte.'
+'Attach File to Article': 'Bifoga fil till artikel'
+'All translations': 'Alla översättningar'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.az.yml
index f17981c46a..318a6675e7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.az.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': 'Xəbər zolağı şəkillərini nümayiş et'
+'Mark image': 'Şəkil seç'
+'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Seçilmiş şəkilləri slayd-şouya əlavə et'
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Təəssüflər olsun ki, şəkil çox kiçikdir. Şəklin ölçüsü ən az %dx%d olmalıdır.'
+'Slideshow rendition': 'Slayd-şounun ifası'
+'Renditions reloaded': 'İfalar yenidən yükləndi'
+'Reload renditions': 'İfaları yenidən yüklə'
+'Edit images': 'Şəkilləri dəyiş'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Şəkli yükləmək istəyirsənsə, onun url-ini müəyyən et.'
+'Items: ': 'Elementlər:'
+'Attach slideshows': 'Slayd-şouları əlavə et'
+'original size:': 'orijinal ölçü:'
+'no caption': başlıqsız
+'Video URL': 'Video URL-i'
+'Use for all': 'Hamısı üçün istifadə et'
+'Use default': 'Mövcud olanı istifadə et'
+'Slug must be unique': 'Başlıq unikal olmalıdır'
+Slug: Başlıq
+'Slideshow headline': 'Slayd-şou əsas başlığı'
+Slideshow: Slayd-şou
+'Set selected as default image': 'Seçilmiş şəkli ilkin variant kimi quraşdır'
+'Set as default': 'İlkin variant kimi quraşdır'
+Saving...: Saxlanır...
+Saved: Saxlandı
+'Save headline': 'Əsas başlığı saxla'
+'Place Images': 'Şəkil Yerləşdir'
+'No renditions defined.': 'Heç bir ifa müəyyən edilmədi.'
+'No images found.': 'Şəkil tapılmadı.'
+'No images attached to article.': 'Məqaləyə şəkil əlavə edilməyib.'
+'No images': 'Şəkil yoxdur'
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Növbəti: Meta-məlumatı Yüklə və Dəyiş'
+'Next: Place Images': 'Növbəti: Şəkil Yerləşdir'
+'Media Archive': 'Mətbuat Arxivi'
+Location: Məkan
+Items: Elementlər
+Item: Element
+'Image files': 'Şəkil faylları'
+'Image Files: ': 'Şəkil Faylları:'
+Headline: 'Əsas başlıq'
+Finish: Bitir
+'Edit Image Data': 'Şəkil Haqqında Məlumatı Dəyiş'
+'Edit $1': '$1-a dəyişiklik et'
+'Done editing': 'Dəyişiklik yerinə yetirildi'
+Detach: Çıxar
+Create: Yarat
+Caption: Sərlövhə
+'Attached images': 'Şəkil əlavə et'
+'Attach & Place': 'Əlavə et & Yerləşdir'
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Videonun url-ini əlavə et (nümunə: Vimeo üçün http://vimeo.com/25083275, YouTube üçün http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w)'
+'Add video': 'Video yüklə'
+'Add caption': 'Sərlövhə əlavə et'
+'Show all': Göstər
+'The image has been removed from the article.': 'Şəkil məqalədən silinib.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Yeni şəkil əlavə etmək mümkün deyil.'
+'Image number $1 already exists': '$1 adlı şəkil artıq istifadə olunub.'
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'Şəkil haqqında məlumatı dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'The image number specified is already in use.': 'Bu saylı şəkil artıq istifadədədir.'
+'Image $1 updated.': '$1 şəkil yeniləndi.'
+'Image $1 added.': '$1 şəkil yükləndi '
+'Edit article': 'Məqaləni dəyiş'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Məqaləyə şəkil əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Şəkil əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Image information': 'Şəkil məlumatı'
+'Attach New Image': 'Yeni şəkil yüklə'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Yazıya şəkil əlavə et'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Hazır şəkili əlavə et'
+'Add New Image': 'Yeni şəkil əlavə et'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Tarix
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Yükləmək üçün şəkil seçməlisiniz.'
+'Change image information': 'Şəkil məlumatını dəyiş'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Şəkil əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur'
+'Filter by uploader...': 'Yükləyən tərəfindən filtrləmə...'
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.be.yml
index f17981c46a..01fb9569dd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.be.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': 'Адзначыць выяву'
+'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Дадаць выбраныя выявы ў слайд-шоў'
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'На жаль, гэта выява занадта малая. Памер малюнкаў павінен быць па меншай меры %dx%d.'
+'Slideshow rendition': 'Камплект памераў слайд-шоў'
+'Renditions reloaded': 'Камплект памераў перазагружаны'
+'Reload renditions': 'Паўтарыць загрузку камплекта памераў'
+'Edit images': 'Рэдагаваць выявы'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Пазначце URL выявы, калі жадаеце загрузіць яе.'
+'Items: ': 'Пункты:'
+'Attach slideshows': 'Прымацаваць слайд-шоў'
+'original size:': 'першапачатковы памер'
+'no caption': 'без подпісу'
+'Video URL': 'URL відэа'
+'Use for all': 'Выкарыстоўваць для ўсіх'
+'Use default': 'Выкарыстоўваць па змаўчанні'
+'Slug must be unique': 'Кароткае імя павінна быць унікальным'
+Slug: 'Кароткае імя'
+'Slideshow headline': 'Загаловак слайд-шоў'
+Slideshow: Слайд-шоў
+'Set selected as default image': 'Прызначыць абраную выяву па змаўчанні'
+'Set as default': 'Ўсталяваць як значэнне па змаўчанні'
+Saving...: 'Захоўваецца ...'
+Saved: Захаванае
+'Save headline': 'Захаваць загаловак'
+'Place Images': 'Устанавіць выяву'
+'No renditions defined.': 'Адпаведнасці не вызначаныя.'
+'No images found.': 'Выяваў знойдзена: 0'
+'No images attached to article.': 'Да артыкула няма прымацаваных малюнкаў.'
+'No images': 'Няма выяваў'
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Далей: Запампаваць і рэдагаваць мета дадзеныя'
+'Next: Place Images': 'Далей: змясціць выявы.'
+'Media Archive': Медыя-архіў
+Location: Месца
+Items: Пункты
+Item: Пункт
+'Image files': 'Файлы выяваў'
+'Image Files: ': 'Файлы выяваў:'
+Headline: Загаловок
+Finish: Канец
+'Edit Image Data': 'Рэдагаваць дадзеныя гэтай выявы'
+'Edit $1': 'Рэдагаваць $1'
+'Done editing': 'Закончыць рэдагаванне'
+Detach: Адлучыць
+Create: Стварыць
+Caption: Подпіс
+'Attached images': 'Прымацаваныя выявы'
+'Attach & Place': 'Прымацаваць і размясціць'
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': 'Дадаць відеа'
+'Add caption': 'Дадаць подпіс'
+'Show all': 'Паказаць усе'
+'The image has been removed from the article.': 'Гэта фота было выдаленае з артыкула.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Немагчыма дадаць новы графiчны файл.'
+'Image number $1 already exists': 'Графiчны файл з нумарам $1 ужо не існуе.'
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'Вы ня маеце права зьмяняць iнфармацыю аб графiчным файле.'
+'The image number specified is already in use.': 'Уведзены нумар графiчнага файлу ўжо выкарыстаны.'
+'Image $1 updated.': 'Графiчны файл $1 абноўлены.'
+'Image $1 added.': 'Графiчны файл $1 даданы.'
+'Edit article': 'Рэдагаваць артыкул'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Вы ня маеце права дадаваць графiчны файл да артыкулу.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Вы ня маеце права дадаваць графiчныя файлы.'
+'Image information': 'Iнфармацыя аб графiчным файле'
+'Attach New Image': 'Дадаць новы графiчны файл'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Дадаць графiчны файл да артыкула'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Дадаць iснуючы графiчны файл'
+'Add New Image': 'Дадаць новы графiчны файл'
(yyyy-mm-dd): ' Дата
(гггг-мм-дд) '
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Вы павiнны выбраць графiчны файл для загрузкi.'
+'Change image information': 'Змянiць iнфармацыю аб графiчным файле'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Вы ня маеце права дадаваць графiчны файл'
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.bn.yml
index f17981c46a..b00db9c909 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.bn.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Image information': null
+'Attach New Image': null
+'Attach Image To Article': null
+'Attach Existing Image': null
+'Add New Image': null
(yyyy-mm-dd): null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Change image information': null
+'You do not have the right to add images': null
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.cs.yml
index f17981c46a..34beea70e6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.cs.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
+'Display newsfeed images': 'Zobrazit newsfeed obrázky'
+'Mark image': 'Označit obrázek'
+'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Přidej vybrané obrázky do slideshow'
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Obrázek je příliš malý, jeho velikost musí být alespoň %dx%d'
+'Slideshow rendition': 'Ukázat slideshow'
+'Renditions reloaded': 'Formáty znovu nahrány'
+'Reload renditions': 'Znovu nahrané formáty'
+'Edit images': 'Editovat obrázky'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specifikujte URL obrázku, pokud ho chcete nahrát.'
+'Items: ': 'Položky:'
+'Attach slideshows': 'Připojit slideshows'
+'original size:': 'originální velikost:'
+'no caption': 'žádný titulek'
'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
+'Use for all': 'Použít pro všechny'
+'Use default': 'Použít default'
+'Slug must be unique': 'Článek musí být unikátní'
+Slug: Článek
+'Slideshow headline': 'Název slideshow'
Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Set selected as default image': 'Nastavit vybraný obrázek defaultně'
+'Set as default': 'Nastavit defaultně'
+Saving...: Ukládání...
+Saved: Uloženo
+'Save headline': 'Uložit headline'
+'Place Images': 'Umístit obrázky'
+'No renditions defined.': 'Žádné formáty nejsou definované.'
+'No images found.': 'Obrázky nenalezeny'
+'No images attached to article.': 'Žádné obrázky nevloženy ke článku.'
+'No images': 'Žádné obrázky'
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Další: Nahrát a Editovat Metadata'
+'Next: Place Images': 'Další: Umístit obrázky'
+'Media Archive': 'Archiv Médií'
+Location: Lokace
+Items: Položky
+Item: Položka
+'Image files': 'Soubory obrázků'
+'Image Files: ': 'Soboury obrázků:'
+Headline: Titulek
+Finish: Hotovo
+'Edit Image Data': 'Editovat data obrázku'
+'Edit $1': 'Editovat $1'
+'Done editing': 'Editace dokončení'
+Detach: Odpojit
+Create: Vytvořit
+Caption: Popisek
+'Attached images': 'Připojené obrázky'
+'Attach & Place': 'Připojit & Umístit'
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Přidat URL videa (např. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
+'Add video': 'Přidat video'
+'Add caption': 'Přidat popisek'
+'Show all': 'Ukázat vše'
+'The image has been removed from the article.': 'Obrázek byl ze článku odstraněn.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Nezdařilo se přidat nový obrázek.'
+'Image number $1 already exists': 'Číslo obrázku $1 již existuje.'
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'Nemáte oprávnění měnit informace o obrázku.'
+'The image number specified is already in use.': 'Zvolené číslo obrázku se již používá.'
+'Image $1 updated.': 'Obrázek $1 aktualizován.'
+'Image $1 added.': 'Obrázek $1 přidán.'
+'Edit article': 'Upravit článek'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Nemáte oprávnění přikládat obrázky k článkům.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Nemáte oprávnění přidávat obrázky.'
+'Image information': 'Informace o obrázku'
+'Attach New Image': 'Přiložit nový obrázek'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Přiložit obrázek k článku'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Přiložit wxistující obrázek'
+'Add New Image': 'Přidat obrázek'
(yyyy-mm-dd): 'Datum
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Zvolte obrázkový soubor k nahrání.'
+'Change image information': 'Změnit informace obrázku'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Nemáte právo přidavat obrázky'
+'Filter by uploader...': 'Filtrovat dle vkladatele...'
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.da.yml
index f17981c46a..478f7409d3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.da.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
+'Display newsfeed images': 'Vis nyhedsfeed billeder'
+'Mark image': 'Vælg billede'
+'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Brug valgte billeder til galleri'
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Billedet er for lille. Det skal være mindst %dx%d.'
+'Slideshow rendition': 'Billedudgave til galleri'
+'Renditions reloaded': 'Billedudgaver opdateret'
+'Reload renditions': 'Opdater billedudgaver'
+'Edit images': 'Rediger billeder'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Angiv billede url hvis du vil hente det.'
+'Items: ': 'Elementer:'
+'Attach slideshows': 'Vedhæft gallerier'
+'original size:': 'original størrelse:'
+'no caption': 'ingen billedtekst'
'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
+'Use for all': 'Brug til alle'
+'Use default': 'Brug standard'
+'Slug must be unique': 'Slug skal være unik'
Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Slideshow headline': 'Galleriets overskrift'
+Slideshow: Galleri
+'Set selected as default image': 'Brug valgte billede som standard'
+'Set as default': 'Vælg som standard'
+Saving...: Gemmer...
+Saved: Gemt
+'Save headline': 'Gem overskrift'
+'Place Images': 'Indsæt billeder'
+'No renditions defined.': 'Der er ikke defineret nogen billedudgaver.'
+'No images found.': 'Ingen billeder fundet.'
+'No images attached to article.': 'Artiklen har ingen vedhæftede billeder.'
+'No images': 'Ingen billeder'
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Næste: Upload og rediger metadata'
+'Next: Place Images': 'Næste: Indsæt billeder'
+'Media Archive': 'Medie arkiv'
+Location: Sted
+Items: Elementer
+Item: Element
+'Image files': Billedfiler
+'Image Files: ': 'Billedfiler:'
+Headline: Overskrift
+Finish: Afslut
+'Edit Image Data': 'Rediger billed data'
+'Edit $1': 'Rediger $1'
+'Done editing': 'Afslut redigering'
+Detach: Fjern
+Create: Opret
+Caption: Billedtekst
+'Attached images': 'Vedhæftede billeder'
+'Attach & Place': 'Vedhæft & indsæt'
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Tilføj video url (f.eks. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
+'Add video': 'Tilføj video'
+'Add caption': 'Tilføj beskrivelse'
+'Show all': 'Vis alle'
+'The image has been removed from the article.': 'Billedet blev fjernet fra artiklen.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Kunne ikke tilføje nyt billede.'
+'Image number $1 already exists': 'Billede nummer $1 findes allerede'
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at ændre billedinformation.'
+'The image number specified is already in use.': 'Billednummeret er allerede i brug.'
+'Image $1 updated.': 'Billede $1 blev opdateret'
+'Image $1 added.': 'Billede $1 tilføjet'
+'Edit article': 'Rediger artikel'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at vedhæfte billeder til artikler.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje billeder.'
+'Image information': 'Billede information'
+'Attach New Image': 'Vedhæft nyt billede'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Vedhæft billede til artiklen'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Vedhæft eksisterende billede'
+'Add New Image': 'Tilføj nyt billede'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Dato
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Vælg en billedfil til upload.'
+'Change image information': 'Rediger billedinformation'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje billeder'
+'Filter by uploader...': 'Filtrer efter uploader...'
+'Slideshow images': 'Galleri billeder'
+'Add items to slideshow': 'Føj billeder til galleri'
+'Attached Slideshows': 'Vedhæftede gallerier'
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Værdien er påkrævet og kan ikke være tom'
+'Select all images': 'Vælg alle billeder'
+'Unselect all images': 'Fravælg alle billeder'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.de.yml
index f17981c46a..3c5ca3b1e7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.de.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': 'Zeige Newsfeed Bilder an.'
+'Mark image': 'Wählen Sie ein Foto'
+'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Markierte Bilder zur Bildstrecke hinzufügen. '
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Das Bild ist leider zu klein. Das Bild muss mindestens %dx%d groß sein.'
+'Slideshow rendition': 'Bildzuschnitt für Bildstrecke'
+'Renditions reloaded': 'Bildzuschnitte neu geladen'
+'Reload renditions': 'Bildzuschnitte neu laden'
+'Edit images': 'Bilder bearbeiten'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Geben Sie die URL für das Bild an, das Sie laden wollen'
+'Items: ': Objekte
+'Attach slideshows': 'Bildstrecken anhängen'
+'original size:': Originalgrösse
+'no caption': 'Bildlegende fehlt'
+'Video URL': 'Video URL (youtu.be/... oder vimeo.com/...)'
+'Use for all': 'Für alle Bilder verwenden'
+'Use default': zurücksetzen
+'Slug must be unique': 'Diese Kopfzeile wird bereits von einer anderen Bildstrecke verwendet'
+Slug: 'Kopfzeile (Slug)'
+'Slideshow headline': 'Name der Bildstrecke'
+Slideshow: Bildstrecke
+'Set selected as default image': 'Angewähltes Bild als Standard verwenden'
+'Set as default': 'Als Standardbild definiert'
+Saving...: 'Wird gespeichert...'
+Saved: Gespeichert
+'Save headline': 'Name speichern'
+'Place Images': 'Bilder zuschneiden'
+'No renditions defined.': 'Keine Zuschnitte definiert. '
+'No images found.': 'Keine Bilder gefunden'
+'No images attached to article.': 'Keine Bilder angehängt'
+'No images': 'Keine Bilder vorhanden'
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Weiter (Bildlegende erfassen)'
+'Next: Place Images': 'Weiter (Bilder zuschneiden)'
+'Media Archive': Medienarchiv
+Location: Ort
+Items: Elemente
+Item: Element
+'Image files': Bilddateien
+'Image Files: ': Bilddateien
+Headline: 'Name der Slideshow'
+Finish: Fertig
+'Edit Image Data': 'Bildinformationen bearbeiten'
+'Edit $1': Bearbeiten
+'Done editing': Schliessen
+Detach: Entfernen
+Create: Erstellen
+Caption: Bildlegende
+'Attached images': 'Bilder dieses Artikels'
+'Attach & Place': 'Anhängen und platzieren'
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Video URL (youtu.be/... oder vimeo.com/...)'
+'Add video': 'Video hinzufügen'
+'Add caption': 'Bildlegende hinzufügen'
+'Show all': 'Alle anzeigen'
+'The image has been removed from the article.': 'Das Bild wurde aus dem Artikel entfernt.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Neues Bild kann nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'Image number $1 already exists': 'Bildnummer $1 bereits vorhanden.'
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'Keine Berechtigung Bildinformation zu ändern.'
+'The image number specified is already in use.': 'Die gewählte Bildnummer ist bereits vorhanden.'
+'Image $1 updated.': 'Bild $1 aktualisiert.'
+'Image $1 added.': 'Bild $1 hinzugefügt.'
+'Edit article': 'Artikel bearbeiten'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung Bilder zu Artikeln hinzuzufügen.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Keine Berechtigung neue Bilder hinzuzufügen.'
+'Image information': Bildinformation
+'Attach New Image': 'Neues Bild hinzufügen'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Bild mit Artikel verknüpfen'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Existierendes Bild verknüpfen'
+'Add New Image': 'Neues Bild hinzufügen'
(yyyy-mm-dd): 'Datum
(yyyy-mm-dd) '
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Eine Bilddatei zum Hochladen auswählen.'
+'Change image information': 'Bildinformation ändern'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Keine Berechtigung Bilder hinzuzufügen.'
+'Filter by uploader...': 'Filtern nach uploader...'
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.de_AT.yml
index f17981c46a..7f1331105b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Das Bild ist leider zu klein. Das Bild muss mindestens %dx%d groß sein.'
+'Slideshow rendition': 'Bildzuschnitt für Bildstrecke'
+'Renditions reloaded': 'Bildzuschnitte neu geladen'
+'Reload renditions': 'Bildzuschnitte neu laden'
+'Edit images': 'Bilder bearbeiten'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Geben Sie die URL für das Bild an, das Sie laden wollen'
+'Items: ': Objekte
+'Attach slideshows': 'Bildstrecken anhängen'
+'original size:': Originalgrösse
+'no caption': 'Bildlegende fehlt'
+'Video URL': 'Video URL (youtu.be/... oder vimeo.com/...)'
+'Use for all': 'Für alle Bilder verwenden'
+'Use default': zurücksetzen
+'Slug must be unique': 'Diese Kopfzeile wird bereits von einer anderen Bildstrecke verwendet'
+Slug: 'Kopfzeile (Slug)'
+'Slideshow headline': 'Name der Bildstrecke'
+Slideshow: Bildstrecke
+'Set selected as default image': 'Angewähltes Bild als Standard verwenden'
+'Set as default': 'Als Standardbild definiert'
+Saving...: 'Wird gespeichert...'
+Saved: Gespeichert
+'Save headline': 'Name speichern'
+'Place Images': 'Bilder zuschneiden'
+'No renditions defined.': 'Keine Zuschnitte definiert. '
+'No images found.': 'Keine Bilder gefunden'
+'No images attached to article.': 'Keine Bilder angehängt'
+'No images': 'Keine Bilder vorhanden'
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Weiter (Bildlegende erfassen)'
+'Next: Place Images': 'Weiter (Bilder zuschneiden)'
+'Media Archive': Medienarchiv
+Location: Ort
+Items: Elemente
+Item: Element
+'Image files': Bilddateien
+'Image Files: ': Bilddateien
+Headline: 'Name der Slideshow'
+Finish: Fertig
+'Edit Image Data': 'Bildinformationen bearbeiten'
+'Edit $1': Bearbeiten
+'Done editing': Schliessen
+Detach: Entfernen
+Create: Erstellen
+Caption: Bildlegende
+'Attached images': 'Bilder dieses Artikels'
+'Attach & Place': 'Anhängen und platzieren'
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Video URL (youtu.be/... oder vimeo.com/...)'
+'Add video': 'Video hinzufügen'
+'Add caption': 'Bildlegende hinzufügen'
+'Show all': 'Alle anzeigen'
+'The image has been removed from the article.': 'Das Bild wurde aus dem Artikel entfernt.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Neues Bild kann nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'Image number $1 already exists': 'Bildnummer $1 bereits vorhanden.'
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'Keine Berechtigung Bildinformation zu ändern.'
+'The image number specified is already in use.': 'Die gewählte Bildnummer ist bereits vorhanden.'
+'Image $1 updated.': 'Bild $1 aktualisiert.'
+'Image $1 added.': 'Bild $1 hinzugefügt.'
+'Edit article': 'Artikel bearbeiten'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung Bilder zu Artikeln hinzuzufügen.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Keine Berechtigung neue Bilder hinzuzufügen.'
+'Image information': Bildinformation
+'Attach New Image': 'Neues Bild hinzufügen'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Bild mit Artikel verknüpfen'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Existierendes Bild verknüpfen'
+'Add New Image': 'Neues Bild hinzufügen'
(yyyy-mm-dd): 'Datum
(yyyy-mm-dd) '
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Eine Bilddatei zum Hochladen auswählen.'
+'Change image information': 'Bildinformation ändern'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Keine Berechtigung Bilder hinzuzufügen.'
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.en_GB.yml
index f17981c46a..c4d31547ab 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.en_GB.yml
@@ -73,6 +73,6 @@ Date
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can not be empty'
'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Unselect all images': 'Deselect all images'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.es.yml
index f17981c46a..ed9b1b77ec 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.es.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': 'Desplegar imágenes de los suministros de noticias'
+'Mark image': 'Marca imagen'
+'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Agregar las imágenes seleccionadas a la presentación'
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Lo siento, esa imagen es muy pequeña. Cada imagen debe ser de al menos %dx%d.'
+'Slideshow rendition': 'Rendición del slideshow'
+'Renditions reloaded': 'Rendiciones recargadas'
+'Reload renditions': 'Recargar rendiciones'
+'Edit images': 'Editar imágenes'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Especifique el url de la imagen si desea cargarla.'
+'Items: ': Objetos
+'Attach slideshows': 'Añadir diapositivas'
+'original size:': 'tamaño original'
+'no caption': 'sin leyenda'
+'Video URL': 'URL de video'
+'Use for all': 'Usar en todo'
+'Use default': 'Uso predeterminado'
+'Slug must be unique': 'Enlace amigable (slug) debe ser único.'
+Slug: 'Enlace amigable (slug)'
+'Slideshow headline': 'Encabezado de presentación'
+Slideshow: Presentación
+'Set selected as default image': 'Fijar selección como imagen predeterminada'
+'Set as default': 'Fijar como predeterminado'
+Saving...: Guardando...
+Saved: Guardado
+'Save headline': 'Guardar encabezado'
+'Place Images': 'Colocar imágenes'
+'No renditions defined.': 'No hay rendiciones definidas'
+'No images found.': 'No se hallaron imágenes'
+'No images attached to article.': 'No hay imágenes agregadas al artículo'
+'No images': 'Sin imágenes'
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Siguiente: Cargar o editar metadatos'
+'Next: Place Images': 'Siguiente: Colocar imágenes'
+'Media Archive': 'Archivo multimedia'
+Location: Locación
+Items: Objetos
+Item: Objeto
+'Image files': 'Archivos de imagen'
+'Image Files: ': 'Archivos de imagen:'
+Headline: Encabezado
+Finish: Terminar
+'Edit Image Data': 'Editar datos de imagen'
+'Edit $1': 'Editar $1'
+'Done editing': 'Finalizar edición'
+Detach: Desunir
+Create: Crear
+Caption: Leyenda
+'Attached images': 'Imágenes añadidas'
+'Attach & Place': 'Añadir y colocar'
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Agregar url de video (ej. http://vimeo.com/25083275 para Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w para YouTube)'
+'Add video': 'Añadir video'
+'Add caption': 'Añadir leyenda'
+'Show all': 'Mostrar todo'
+'The image has been removed from the article.': 'La imagen ha sido removida del artículo.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'No es posible añadir nueva imagen. '
+'Image number $1 already exists': 'Imagen número $1 ya existe.'
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'No tiene autorización para cambiar la información de la imagen.'
+'The image number specified is already in use.': 'El número de imagen especificado ya está en uso.'
+'Image $1 updated.': 'Se actualizó la imagen $1 '
+'Image $1 added.': 'Se añadió la imagen $1 '
+'Edit article': 'Editar artículo'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'No tiene autorización para adjuntar imágenes a los artículos'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'No tiene autorización para añadir imágenes.'
+'Image information': 'Información de la imagen'
+'Attach New Image': 'Adjuntar nueva imagen'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Adjuntar imagen al artículo'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Adjuntar imagen existente'
+'Add New Image': 'Agregar nueva imagen'
(yyyy-mm-dd): aaaa-mm-dd
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Debe seleccionar un archivo de imagen para cargar.'
+'Change image information': 'Cambiar información de imagen'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'No tiene autorización para agregar imágenes.'
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.es_AR.yml
index f17981c46a..2067edc0bf 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': 'Editar artículo'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Image information': null
+'Attach New Image': null
+'Attach Image To Article': null
+'Attach Existing Image': null
+'Add New Image': null
(yyyy-mm-dd): null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Change image information': null
+'You do not have the right to add images': null
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.fa.yml
index f17981c46a..b00db9c909 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.fa.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Image information': null
+'Attach New Image': null
+'Attach Image To Article': null
+'Attach Existing Image': null
+'Add New Image': null
(yyyy-mm-dd): null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Change image information': null
+'You do not have the right to add images': null
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.fr.yml
index f17981c46a..a88398381a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.fr.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: Créer
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': 'Éditer l''article'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dattacher des images aux articles. '
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des images. '
+'Image information': 'Information dimage '
+'Attach New Image': 'Attacher Nouvelle Image '
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Attacher Image à Article '
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Attacher Image Existante '
+'Add New Image': 'Ajouter Nouvelle Image '
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Vous devez choisir un fichier dimage à télécharger. '
+'Change image information': 'Changer linformation dimage'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des images '
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.he.yml
index f17981c46a..b00db9c909 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.he.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Image information': null
+'Attach New Image': null
+'Attach Image To Article': null
+'Attach Existing Image': null
+'Add New Image': null
(yyyy-mm-dd): null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Change image information': null
+'You do not have the right to add images': null
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.hr.yml
index f17981c46a..c5e1ff1fad 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.hr.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': 'Uredi članak'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Nemate prava dodavati slike u članak.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati slike.'
+'Image information': 'Podaci o slici'
+'Attach New Image': 'Priloži novu sliku'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Priloži sliku uz članak'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Priloži postojeću sliku'
+'Add New Image': 'Dodaj novu sliku'
(yyyy-mm-dd): 'Datum
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Morate označiti sliku koju želite postaviti.'
+'Change image information': 'Promijenite podatke o slici'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati slike'
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.hu.yml
index f17981c46a..7a16a43baf 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.hu.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': 'Hírcsatornaképek kijelzése'
+'Mark image': 'Kép megjelölése'
+'Add selected images to slideshow': 'A kiválasztott képek hozzáadása a diavetítéshez'
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sajnos túl kicsi a kép. A képnek legalább %dx%d méretűnek kell lennie.'
+'Slideshow rendition': 'Diavetítés megjelenítése'
+'Renditions reloaded': 'A megjelenítések újratöltése megtörtént'
+'Reload renditions': 'Megjelenítések újratöltése'
+'Edit images': 'Képek szerkesztése'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Add meg a kép URL-címét, ha be szeretnéd tölteni.'
+'Items: ': 'Elemek:'
+'Attach slideshows': 'Diavetítések csatolása'
+'original size:': 'eredeti méret:'
+'no caption': 'nincs képaláírás'
+'Video URL': 'Videó URL-címe'
+'Use for all': 'Használat mindre'
+'Use default': 'Alapértelmezett használata'
+'Slug must be unique': 'Az idehivatkozási címnek egyedinek kell lennie'
+Slug: 'Idehivatkozási lapcím'
+'Slideshow headline': 'Diavetítés főcíme'
+Slideshow: Diavetítés
+'Set selected as default image': 'A kijelölt beállítása alapértelmezett képként'
+'Set as default': 'Beállítás alapértelmezettként'
+Saving...: Mentés...
+Saved: 'A mentés megtörtént'
+'Save headline': 'Főcím mentése'
+'Place Images': 'Képek elhelyezése'
+'No renditions defined.': 'Nincsenek meghatározott megjelenítések.'
+'No images found.': 'Nem találhatók képek.'
+'No images attached to article.': 'Nincsenek a cikkhez csatolt képek.'
+'No images': 'Nincsenek képek'
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Következő: Feltöltés és a metaadatok szerkesztése'
+'Next: Place Images': 'Következő: Képek elhelyezése'
+'Media Archive': Médiaarchívum
+Location: Hely
+Items: Elemek
+Item: Elem
+'Image files': Képfájlok
+'Image Files: ': 'Képfájlok:'
+Headline: Főcím
+Finish: Befejezés
+'Edit Image Data': 'Képadatok szerkesztése'
+'Edit $1': 'A/z $1 szerkesztése'
+'Done editing': 'A szerkesztés kész'
+Detach: Leválasztás
+Create: Létrehozás
+Caption: Képaláírás
+'Attached images': 'Csatolt képek'
+'Attach & Place': 'Csatolás és elhelyezés'
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Videó URL-cím hozzáadása (pl.: Vimeo esetén http://vimeo.com/25083275, YouTube esetén http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w)'
+'Add video': 'Videó hozzáadása'
+'Add caption': 'Képaláírás hozzáadása'
+'Show all': 'Az összes megjelenítése'
+'The image has been removed from the article.': 'A kép eltávolítása a cikkből megtörtént.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Nem lehet új képet hozzáadni.'
+'Image number $1 already exists': 'Már létezik $1 számú kép'
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'Nincs jogod a képinformációk módosításaihoz.'
+'The image number specified is already in use.': 'A kép megadott száma már használatban van.'
+'Image $1 updated.': 'A/z $1 kép frissítése már megtörtént.'
+'Image $1 added.': 'A/z $1 kép hozzáadása megtörtént.'
+'Edit article': 'Cikk szerkesztése'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Nincs jogod a képek cikkekhez való csatolásához.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Nincs jogod a képek hozzáadásához.'
+'Image information': Képinformációk
+'Attach New Image': 'Új kép csatolása'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Kép csatolása a cikkhez'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Meglévő kép csatolása'
+'Add New Image': 'Új kép hozzáadása'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Dátum
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Ki kell választanod egy feltöltendő képfájlt.'
+'Change image information': 'Képinformációk módosítása'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Nincs jogod a képek hozzáadásához'
+'Filter by uploader...': 'Szűrés feltöltő szerint...'
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.hy_AM.yml
index f17981c46a..f93a5b1bfa 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': 'Խմբագրել հոդված'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Image information': null
+'Attach New Image': null
+'Attach Image To Article': null
+'Attach Existing Image': null
+'Add New Image': null
(yyyy-mm-dd): null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Change image information': null
+'You do not have the right to add images': null
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ka.yml
index f17981c46a..02804c1fd8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ka.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': 'ახალი ამბების გამოსახულებების ჩვენება'
+'Mark image': 'გამოსახულების მონიშვნა'
+'Add selected images to slideshow': 'დაუმატეთ მონიშნული გამოსახულებები სლაიდშოუს'
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'სამწუხაროდ ეს გამოსახულება ძალიან პატარაა. გამოსახულება უნდა იყოს სულ მცირე %dx%d. '
+'Slideshow rendition': 'სლაიდშოუს განმარტება'
+'Renditions reloaded': 'რეპროდუქციები გადაიტვირთა'
+'Reload renditions': 'რეპროდუქციების გადატვირთვა'
+'Edit images': 'გამოსახულების რედაქტირება'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'მიუთითეთ გამოსახულების url, თუ გსურთ მისი ჩატვირთვა. '
+'Items: ': 'ელემენტები:'
+'Attach slideshows': 'სლაიდშოუს მიმაგრება'
+'original size:': 'ორიგინალი ზომა:'
+'no caption': უსათაურო
+'Video URL': 'ვიდეოს URL'
+'Use for all': 'გამოყენება ყველა შემთხვევისთვის'
+'Use default': 'ნაგულისხმევის გამოყენება '
+'Slug must be unique': 'სტატიის ესკიზის კოდური სახელი უნდა იყოს უნიუკალური'
+Slug: 'სტატიის ესკიზის კოდური სახელი '
+'Slideshow headline': 'სლაიდშოუს სათაური'
+Slideshow: სლაიდშოუ
+'Set selected as default image': 'მოცემული გამოსახულების ნაგულისხმევ გამოსახულებად დაყენება'
+'Set as default': 'ნაგულისხმებად დაყენება'
+Saving...: დამახსოვრება...
+Saved: დამახსოვრებულია
+'Save headline': 'სათაურის დამახსოვრება'
+'Place Images': 'გამოსახულებების მოთავსება'
+'No renditions defined.': 'განმარტებები არ არის განსაზღვრული. '
+'No images found.': 'გამოსახულებები ვერ მოიძებნა.'
+'No images attached to article.': 'სტატიას არ ერთვის გამოსახულებები. '
+'No images': 'გამოსახულებები არ არის. '
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'შემდეგი: მეტამონაცემების ატვირთვა და რედაქტირება'
+'Next: Place Images': 'შემდეგ: გამოსახულებების მოთავსება'
+'Media Archive': 'მედია არქივი'
+Location: ლოკაცია
+Items: ელემენტები
+Item: ელემენტი
+'Image files': 'გამოსახულებითი ფაილები'
+'Image Files: ': 'გამოსახულებითი ფაილები:'
+Headline: სათაური
+Finish: დასასრული
+'Edit Image Data': 'გამოსახულების მონაცემის რედაქტირება'
+'Edit $1': 'რედაქტირება $1'
+'Done editing': 'რედაქტირება დასრულებულია'
+Detach: მოხსნა
+Create: შექმნა
+Caption: 'სათაური '
+'Attached images': 'გამოსახულების მიმაგრება'
+'Attach & Place': 'მიმაგრება და მოთავსება'
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'დაამატეთ ვიდეო URL (ე.ი. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
+'Add video': 'ვიდეოს დამატება'
+'Add caption': 'სათაურის დამატება'
+'Show all': 'ყველაფრის ჩვენება'
+'The image has been removed from the article.': 'გამოსახულება მოიხსნა სტატიიდან.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'გამოსახულება არ დაემატა'
+'Image number $1 already exists': 'გამოსახულებების რიცხვი $1 უკვე არსებობს'
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ გამოსახულების ინფორმაციის შეცვლის უფლება.'
+'The image number specified is already in use.': 'მითითებული გამოსახულების ნომერი უკვე გამოყენებულია'
+'Image $1 updated.': 'გამოსახულება $1 განახლდა'
+'Image $1 added.': 'გამოსახულება $1 დაემატა'
+'Edit article': 'სტატიის რედაქტირება'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიაზე გამოსახულების მიბმის უფლება.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ გამოსახულების დამატების უფლება.'
+'Image information': 'გამოსახულების ინფორმაცია'
+'Attach New Image': 'გამოსახულების მიკვრა'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'გამოსახულების სტატიაზე მიბმა'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'არსებული გამოსახულების დამატება'
+'Add New Image': 'ახალი გამოსახულების დამატება'
(yyyy-mm-dd): თარიღი
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'თქვენ უნდა აირჩიოთ გამოსახულება ასატვირთად'
+'Change image information': 'გამოსახულების ინფორმაციის შეცვლა'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ გამოსახულების დამატების უფლება'
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ko.yml
index f17981c46a..7cb3e937aa 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ko.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': '기사 편집'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': '기사에 이미지를 첨부할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'You do not have the right to add images.': '이미지를 추가할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Image information': '이미지 정보'
+'Attach New Image': '새로운 이미지 첨부'
+'Attach Image To Article': '기사에 이미지 첨부'
+'Attach Existing Image': '기존 이미지 첨부 '
+'Add New Image': '새로운 이미지 첨부'
(yyyy-mm-dd): 일자
+'You must select an image file to upload.': '업로드할 이미지 파일을 선택하시오.'
+'Change image information': '이미지 정보 수정'
+'You do not have the right to add images': '이미지를 추가할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ku.yml
index f17981c46a..b00db9c909 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ku.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Image information': null
+'Attach New Image': null
+'Attach Image To Article': null
+'Attach Existing Image': null
+'Add New Image': null
(yyyy-mm-dd): null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Change image information': null
+'You do not have the right to add images': null
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.lv.yml
index f17981c46a..b00db9c909 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.lv.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Image information': null
+'Attach New Image': null
+'Attach Image To Article': null
+'Attach Existing Image': null
+'Add New Image': null
(yyyy-mm-dd): null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Change image information': null
+'You do not have the right to add images': null
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.nb_NO.yml
index f17981c46a..b00db9c909 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Image information': null
+'Attach New Image': null
+'Attach Image To Article': null
+'Attach Existing Image': null
+'Add New Image': null
(yyyy-mm-dd): null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Change image information': null
+'You do not have the right to add images': null
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.pl.yml
index f17981c46a..7d5f2a924e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.pl.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
+'Display newsfeed images': 'Pokazuj obrazy z kanałów informacyjnych'
+'Mark image': 'Zaznacz zdjęcie'
+'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Dodaj zaznaczone obrazy do galerii '
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry, te zdjęcie jest za małe. Zdjęcie musi mieć przynajmniej %d na %d'
+'Slideshow rendition': 'Galerie obrazów'
+'Renditions reloaded': 'Obrazy przeładowane'
+'Reload renditions': 'Przeładuj obrazy'
+'Edit images': 'Edytuj zdjecia'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Podaj adres url do zdjęcia aby je załadować.'
+'Items: ': Elementy
+'Attach slideshows': 'Dodaj galerie'
+'original size:': 'rozmiar orginalny'
+'no caption': 'Brak podpisu'
+'Video URL': 'Link do wideo'
+'Use for all': 'Zastosuj dla wszystkich'
+'Use default': 'Użyj domyślny'
+'Slug must be unique': 'Slug musi być unikalny'
Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Slideshow headline': 'Nagłówek galerii'
+Slideshow: Galeria
+'Set selected as default image': 'Ustaw wybrany jako domyślny obraz'
+'Set as default': 'Ustaw jako domyślne'
+Saving...: Zapisywanie...
+Saved: Zapisano
+'Save headline': 'Zapisz nagłówek'
+'Place Images': 'Umieść zdjęcia'
+'No renditions defined.': 'Nie masz zdefiniowanych obrazów.'
+'No images found.': 'Nie znaleziono zdjęć.'
+'No images attached to article.': 'Ten artykuł nie ma żadnych zdjęć'
+'No images': 'Brak zdjęć'
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Dalej: Wgraj i edytuj informacje'
+'Next: Place Images': 'Dalej: Umieść zjdęcia'
+'Media Archive': 'Biblioteka Mediów'
+Location: Lokalizacja
+Items: Elementy
+Item: Element
+'Image files': 'Pliki zdjęć'
+'Image Files: ': 'Pliki zdjęć:'
+Headline: Nagłówek
+Finish: Zakończ
+'Edit Image Data': 'Edytuj dane zdjecia'
+'Edit $1': 'Edytuj $1'
+'Done editing': 'Zakończ edycję'
+Detach: Usuń
+Create: Utwórz
+Caption: Podpis
+'Attached images': 'Zalączone zdjęcia'
+'Attach & Place': 'Załącz i umieść'
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Dodaj link do wideo (np. http://vimeo.com/25083275 dla Vimeo albo http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w dla YouTube)'
+'Add video': 'Dodaj film'
+'Add caption': 'Dodaj podpis'
+'Show all': 'Pokaż wszystkie'
+'The image has been removed from the article.': 'Zdjęcie zostało usunięte z artykułu.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Nie można dodać nowego zdjęcia.'
+'Image number $1 already exists': 'Zdjęcie numer $1 już istnieje'
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniać informacje o zdjęciu.'
+'The image number specified is already in use.': 'Numer zdjęcia jest już w użyciu.'
+'Image $1 updated.': 'Zdjęcie $1 zaktualizowane.'
+'Image $1 added.': 'Zdjęcie $1 dodane.'
+'Edit article': 'Edycja artykułu'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Nie masz praw aby załączać zdjęcia do artykułu.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Nie masz praw aby dodawać zdjęcia'
+'Image information': 'Informacje o zdjęciu'
+'Attach New Image': 'Dodaj nowe zdjęcie'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Dodaj zdjęcie do artykułu'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Załącz istniejące zdjęcie'
+'Add New Image': 'Dodaj nowe zdjęcie'
(yyyy-mm-dd): 'Data
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Musisz wybrać zdjęcie nim je dodasz.'
+'Change image information': 'Zmień informacje o zdjęciu'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Nie masz praw aby dodawać zdjęcia'
+'Filter by uploader...': 'Filtruj po osobie przesyłającej'
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ps.yml
index f17981c46a..b00db9c909 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.ps.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Image information': null
+'Attach New Image': null
+'Attach Image To Article': null
+'Attach Existing Image': null
+'Add New Image': null
(yyyy-mm-dd): null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Change image information': null
+'You do not have the right to add images': null
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.pt_BR.yml
index f17981c46a..1db8d9fe20 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': 'Editar imagens'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Especifique o endereço url da imagem se quer fazer o load dela.'
+'Items: ': 'itens:'
+'Attach slideshows': 'Anexar slideshows'
+'original size:': 'tamanho original:'
+'no caption': 'sem legenda'
+'Video URL': 'URL do vídeo'
+'Use for all': 'Usar para tudo'
+'Use default': 'Usar padrão'
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': 'Título do slideshow'
Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
+'Set selected as default image': 'Definir a selecionada como imagem padrão'
+'Set as default': 'Definir como padrão'
+Saving...: Carregando...
+Saved: Salvo
+'Save headline': 'Salvar manchete'
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': 'Nenhum formato foi definido.'
+'No images found.': 'Nenhuma imagem encontrada'
+'No images attached to article.': 'O artigo não tem imagens anexadas.'
+'No images': 'Não há imagens'
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Próximo: Upload e edição de metadados'
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': 'Arquivo de mídia'
+Location: Localidade
+Items: Itens
Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Image files': 'Arquivos de imagem'
+'Image Files: ': 'Arquivos de imagem'
+Headline: Título
+Finish: Terminar
+'Edit Image Data': 'Editar dados da imagem'
+'Edit $1': 'Editar $1'
+'Done editing': 'Edição terminada'
+Detach: 'Remover anexo'
+Create: Criar
+Caption: Legenda
+'Attached images': 'Imagens anexadas'
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Adicionar o url do vídeo (ex: http://vimeo.com/25083275 para Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w para YouTube)'
+'Add video': 'Adicionar vídeo'
+'Add caption': 'Adicionar legenda'
+'Show all': 'Mostrar tudo'
+'The image has been removed from the article.': 'A imagem foi removida do artigo'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Não foi possível adicionar novas imagens'
+'Image number $1 already exists': 'Imagem número $1 já existe'
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'Você não tem o direito de mudar os dados da imagem'
+'The image number specified is already in use.': 'Este número de imagem já está em uso.'
+'Image $1 updated.': 'Imagem $1 foi atualizada.'
+'Image $1 added.': 'Imagem $1 adicionada.'
+'Edit article': 'Editar Artigo'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Não tem permissão para anexar imagens a artigos.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Nao tem permissões para adicionar imagens.'
+'Image information': 'Informações da Imagem'
+'Attach New Image': 'Anexar nova imagem'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Anexar imagem ao artigo'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Anexar imagem do arquivo'
+'Add New Image': 'Adicionar Imagem'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Data
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Selecione uma imagem para transferir'
+'Change image information': 'Alterar informações da imagem'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Não tem permissões para adicionar imagens'
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sh.yml
index f17981c46a..1d6801189c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sh.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': 'Uredi slike'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Odredite URL slike ako želite da je učitate.'
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': 'Koristi za sve.'
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: Sačuvano
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': 'Arhiva medijskih zapisa'
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': Slike
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': 'Uredi $1'
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: Napravi
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': 'Dodaj video'
+'Add caption': 'Dodaj opis'
+'Show all': 'Prikaži sve'
+'The image has been removed from the article.': 'Slika je uklonjena iz teksta'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Nije moguće dodati novu sliku.'
+'Image number $1 already exists': 'Slika broj $1 već postoji'
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'Nemate pravo menjanja podataka o slikama.'
+'The image number specified is already in use.': 'Broj slike koji ste uneli je već upotrebljen.'
+'Image $1 updated.': 'slika $1 je izmenjena.'
+'Image $1 added.': 'Slika $1 je dodata.'
+'Edit article': 'Uredi tekst'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Nemate pravo da kačite slike uz tekstove.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete slike.'
+'Image information': 'Podaci o slici'
+'Attach New Image': 'Zakači novu sliku'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Prikači sliku uz tekst'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Prikači postojeću sliku'
+'Add New Image': 'Dodaj novu sliku'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Datum
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Morate izabrati sliku koju želite da aploudujete.'
+'Change image information': 'Promeni podatke o slici'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete slike'
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sq.yml
index f17981c46a..b00db9c909 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sq.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': null
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Image information': null
+'Attach New Image': null
+'Attach Image To Article': null
+'Attach Existing Image': null
+'Add New Image': null
(yyyy-mm-dd): null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Change image information': null
+'You do not have the right to add images': null
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sr.yml
index f17981c46a..840ee40bb0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sr.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': 'Уреди слике'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Одредите УРЛ слике ако желите да је учитате.'
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': 'Користи за све.'
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: Сачувано
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': 'Архива медијских записа'
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': Слике
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': 'Уреди $1'
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': 'Прикажи све'
+'The image has been removed from the article.': 'Слика је уклоњена из текста'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Није могуће додати нову слику.'
+'Image number $1 already exists': 'Слика број $1 већ постоји'
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'Немате право мењања података о сликама.'
+'The image number specified is already in use.': 'Број слике који сте унели је већ у употреби.'
+'Image $1 updated.': 'Слика $1 је измењена.'
+'Image $1 added.': 'Слика $1 је додата.'
+'Edit article': 'Уреди текст'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Немате право да качите слике уз текстове.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Немате право да додајете слике.'
+'Image information': 'Подаци о слици'
+'Attach New Image': 'Прикачи нову слику'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Прикачи слику уз текст'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Прикачи постојећу слику'
+'Add New Image': 'Додај нову слику'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Датум
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Морате изабрати слику коју желите да аплоудујете.'
+'Change image information': 'Промени податке о слици'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Немате право да додајете слике'
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sv.yml
index f17981c46a..5694fd0637 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_images.sv.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-'Display newsfeed images': 'Display newsfeed images'
-'Mark image': 'Mark image'
-'Add selected images to slideshow': 'Add selected images to slideshow'
-'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': 'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.'
-'Slideshow rendition': 'Slideshow rendition'
-'Renditions reloaded': 'Renditions reloaded'
-'Reload renditions': 'Reload renditions'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-'Items: ': 'Items: '
-'Attach slideshows': 'Attach slideshows'
-'original size:': 'original size:'
-'no caption': 'no caption'
-'Video URL': 'Video URL'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Use default': 'Use default'
-'Slug must be unique': 'Slug must be unique'
-Slug: Slug
-'Slideshow headline': 'Slideshow headline'
-Slideshow: Slideshow
-'Set selected as default image': 'Set selected as default image'
-'Set as default': 'Set as default'
-Saving...: Saving...
-Saved: Saved
-'Save headline': 'Save headline'
-'Place Images': 'Place Images'
-'No renditions defined.': 'No renditions defined.'
-'No images found.': 'No images found.'
-'No images attached to article.': 'No images attached to article.'
-'No images': 'No images'
-'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': 'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata'
-'Next: Place Images': 'Next: Place Images'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Location: Location
-Items: Items
-Item: Item
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Image Files: ': 'Image Files: '
-Headline: Headline
-Finish: Finish
-'Edit Image Data': 'Edit Image Data'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done editing': 'Done editing'
-Detach: Detach
-Create: Create
-Caption: Caption
-'Attached images': 'Attached images'
-'Attach & Place': 'Attach & Place'
-'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': 'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)'
-'Add video': 'Add video'
-'Add caption': 'Add caption'
-'Show all': 'Show all'
-'The image has been removed from the article.': 'The image has been removed from the article.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image number $1 already exists': 'Image number $1 already exists'
-'You do not have the right to change image information.': 'You do not have the right to change image information.'
-'The image number specified is already in use.': 'The image number specified is already in use.'
-'Image $1 updated.': 'Image $1 updated.'
-'Image $1 added.': 'Image $1 added.'
-'Edit article': 'Edit article'
-'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Image information': 'Image information'
-'Attach New Image': 'Attach New Image'
-'Attach Image To Article': 'Attach Image To Article'
-'Attach Existing Image': 'Attach Existing Image'
-'Add New Image': 'Add New Image'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Date
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'You do not have the right to add images': 'You do not have the right to add images'
-'Filter by uploader...': 'Filter by uploader...'
-'Slideshow images': 'Slideshow images'
-'Add items to slideshow': 'Add items to slideshow'
-'Attached Slideshows': 'Attached Slideshows'
-'Value is required and can''t be empty': 'Value is required and can''t be empty'
-'Select all images': 'Select all images'
-'Unselect all images': 'Unselect all images'
+'Display newsfeed images': null
+'Mark image': null
+'Add selected images to slideshow': null
+'Sorry that image is too small. Image needs to be at least %dx%d.': null
+'Slideshow rendition': null
+'Renditions reloaded': null
+'Reload renditions': null
+'Edit images': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+'Items: ': null
+'Attach slideshows': null
+'original size:': null
+'no caption': null
+'Video URL': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Use default': null
+'Slug must be unique': null
+Slug: null
+'Slideshow headline': null
+Slideshow: null
+'Set selected as default image': null
+'Set as default': null
+Saving...: null
+Saved: null
+'Save headline': null
+'Place Images': null
+'No renditions defined.': null
+'No images found.': null
+'No images attached to article.': null
+'No images': null
+'Next: Upload and Edit Metadata': null
+'Next: Place Images': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Location: null
+Items: null
+Item: null
+'Image files': null
+'Image Files: ': null
+Headline: null
+Finish: null
+'Edit Image Data': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done editing': null
+Detach: null
+Create: null
+Caption: null
+'Attached images': null
+'Attach & Place': null
+'Add video url (e.g. http://vimeo.com/25083275 for Vimeo, http://youtu.be/1XsPVO61e9w for YouTube)': null
+'Add video': null
+'Add caption': null
+'Show all': null
+'The image has been removed from the article.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image number $1 already exists': null
+'You do not have the right to change image information.': null
+'The image number specified is already in use.': null
+'Image $1 updated.': null
+'Image $1 added.': null
+'Edit article': 'Redigera artikel'
+'You do not have the right to attach images to articles.': 'Du har inte rättighet att bifoga bilder till artiklar.'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till bilder.'
+'Image information': Bildinformation
+'Attach New Image': 'Bifoga ny bild'
+'Attach Image To Article': 'Bifoga bild till artikel'
+'Attach Existing Image': 'Bifoga existerande bild'
+'Add New Image': 'Lägg till ny bild'
(yyyy-mm-dd): Datum
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Du måste välja en bild att ladda upp.'
+'Change image information': 'Ändra bildinformation'
+'You do not have the right to add images': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till bilder'
+'Filter by uploader...': null
+'Slideshow images': null
+'Add items to slideshow': null
+'Attached Slideshows': null
+'Value is required and can''t be empty': null
+'Select all images': null
+'Unselect all images': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.az.yml
index 09e1a0736b..d0cbd3de82 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.az.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Mövzu üçün ad daxil etməlisən.'
+'Show All': 'Hamısını Göstər'
+'Select the parent of the topic': 'Mövzunun mənbəyini seç'
+None: 'Heç biri'
+'Add new topic': 'Yeni mövzu əlavə et'
+'No topics have been created yet.': 'Hələ ki heç bir mövzu yaradılmayıb.'
+'Topics updated.': 'Mövzular yeniləndi.'
+'Topic does not exist.': 'Mövzu mövcud deyil.'
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': '$1 adlı mövzu məqalədən silinib.'
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Əlavə edilmiş mövzuları məqalələrdən çəxarmağa ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Məqaləyə mövzu əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Attach Topics': 'Məvzu Əlavə Et'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Məqaləyə Mövzu Əlavə Et'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.be.yml
index 09e1a0736b..8aa6f88e16 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.be.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Вы павінны ўвесці назву тэмы.'
+'Show All': 'Паказаць усе'
+'Select the parent of the topic': 'Абраць верхні ўзровень тэмы'
+None: Ніводная
+'Add new topic': 'Дадаць новую тэму'
+'No topics have been created yet.': 'Няма тэм, створаных карыстальнікамі.'
+'Topics updated.': 'Тэмы абноўленыя.'
+'Topic does not exist.': 'Тэмы не iснуе.'
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'Тэма $1 выдалена з артыкула.'
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Вы ня маеце права выдаляць тэмы з артыкулаў.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Вы ня маеце права дадаваць тэмы да артыкулаў.'
+'Attach Topics': 'Прымацаваць тэмы'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Прымацаваць тэму да артыкула'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.bn.yml
index 09e1a0736b..11391eae28 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.bn.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': null
+'Attach Topics': null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.cs.yml
index 09e1a0736b..3e80fd96fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.cs.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Musíte vložit název námětu.'
+'Show All': 'Ukázat vše'
+'Select the parent of the topic': 'Vybrat tvůrce námětu'
+None: Žádné
+'Add new topic': 'Přidat nový námět'
+'No topics have been created yet.': 'Žádná témata ještě nebyla vytvořena.'
+'Topics updated.': 'Téma aktulizováno.'
+'Topic does not exist.': 'Téma neexistuje.'
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'Téma $1 bylo odstraněno z článku.'
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Nemáte oprávnění odpojit téma od článku.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Nemáte oprávnění připojit téma k článku.'
+'Attach Topics': 'Připojit Téma'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Připojit Téma k Článku'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.da.yml
index 09e1a0736b..8e8d320b5e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.da.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Du skal give emnet et navn.'
+'Show All': 'Vis alle'
+'Select the parent of the topic': 'Vælg emnets forælder'
+None: Ingen
+'Add new topic': 'Tilføj nyt emne'
+'No topics have been created yet.': 'Der er ikke nogen emner.'
+'Topics updated.': 'Emner opdateret.'
+'Topic does not exist.': 'Emnet findes ikke.'
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'Emnet $1 blev fjernet fra artiklen.'
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at fjerne emner fra artikler.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje emner til artikler.'
+'Attach Topics': 'Tilføj emner'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Tilføj emne til artikel'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.de.yml
index 09e1a0736b..6d9efa776a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.de.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Einen Namen für das Thema eingeben. '
+'Show All': 'Alle anzeigen'
+'Select the parent of the topic': 'Übergeordnetes Thema auswählen'
+None: Keine
+'Add new topic': 'Neues Thema hinzufügen'
+'No topics have been created yet.': 'Es wurden noch keine Themen angelegt. '
+'Topics updated.': 'Themen aktualisiert.'
+'Topic does not exist.': 'Thema existiert nicht.'
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'Das Thema $1 wurde vom Artikel entfernt.'
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung, Themen von Artikeln zu entkoppeln.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung, Themen mit Artikeln zu verknüpfen.'
+'Attach Topics': 'Thema hinzufügen'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Thema mit Artikel verknüpfen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.de_AT.yml
index 09e1a0736b..6d9efa776a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Einen Namen für das Thema eingeben. '
+'Show All': 'Alle anzeigen'
+'Select the parent of the topic': 'Übergeordnetes Thema auswählen'
+None: Keine
+'Add new topic': 'Neues Thema hinzufügen'
+'No topics have been created yet.': 'Es wurden noch keine Themen angelegt. '
+'Topics updated.': 'Themen aktualisiert.'
+'Topic does not exist.': 'Thema existiert nicht.'
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'Das Thema $1 wurde vom Artikel entfernt.'
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung, Themen von Artikeln zu entkoppeln.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung, Themen mit Artikeln zu verknüpfen.'
+'Attach Topics': 'Thema hinzufügen'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Thema mit Artikel verknüpfen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.es.yml
index 09e1a0736b..3ce46ee64f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.es.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Debe nombrar el tópico.'
+'Show All': 'Mostrar todo.'
+'Select the parent of the topic': 'Seleccione la raíz del tópico.'
+None: Ninguno.
+'Add new topic': 'Añadir nuevo tópico.'
+'No topics have been created yet.': 'Aún no se han creado tópicos.'
+'Topics updated.': 'Se actualizaron los tópicos.'
+'Topic does not exist.': 'Este tópico no existe.'
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'Se eliminó el tópico $1 del artículo.'
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'No tiene autorización para desvincular los tópicos de los artículos'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'No puede vincular tópicos a los artículos'
+'Attach Topics': 'Adjuntar tópicos'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Adjuntar tópico al artículo'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.es_AR.yml
index 09e1a0736b..11391eae28 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': null
+'Attach Topics': null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.fa.yml
index 09e1a0736b..11391eae28 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.fa.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': null
+'Attach Topics': null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.fr.yml
index 09e1a0736b..94ed47cb3b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.fr.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Vous devez entrer un nom pour le sujet. '
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de détacher des sujets darticles. '
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dattacher des sujets aux articles. '
+'Attach Topics': 'Attacher Sujets'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attacher Sujet à Article '
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.he.yml
index 09e1a0736b..11391eae28 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.he.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': null
+'Attach Topics': null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.hr.yml
index 09e1a0736b..ce2bca76c8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.hr.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Morate unijeti ime za temu.'
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Nemate prava uklanjati teme iz članaka.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Nemate prava dodavati teme člancima'
+'Attach Topics': 'Priloži temu'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Priloži temu uz članak'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.hu.yml
index 09e1a0736b..f3e9b7d505 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.hu.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Meg kell adnod a téma nevét.'
+'Show All': 'Az összes megjelenítése'
+'Select the parent of the topic': 'A téma szülőjének kiválasztása'
+None: Nincs
+'Add new topic': 'Új téma hozzáadása'
+'No topics have been created yet.': 'Még egy téma létrehozása sem történt meg.'
+'Topics updated.': 'A témák frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Topic does not exist.': 'A téma nem létezik.'
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'A/z $1 téma eltávolítása megtörtént a cikkből.'
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Nincs jogod a témák cikkekről való leválasztásához.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Nincs jogod a témák cikkekhez való csatolásához.'
+'Attach Topics': 'Témák csatolása'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Téma csatolása cikkhez'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.hy_AM.yml
index 09e1a0736b..11391eae28 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': null
+'Attach Topics': null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ka.yml
index 09e1a0736b..911b43d522 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ka.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'თქვენ უნდა აკრიფოთ თემის სახელი.'
+'Show All': 'ყველას ნახვა'
+'Select the parent of the topic': 'მონიშნეთ თემის მშობელი'
+None: არცერთი
+'Add new topic': 'ახალი თემის დამატება'
+'No topics have been created yet.': 'თემები ჯერ არ შექმნილა.'
+'Topics updated.': 'თემები განახლდა'
+'Topic does not exist.': 'თემა არ არსებობს'
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'თემა $1 მოხსნილია სტატიიდან'
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'თქვენ არა გაქვთ უფლება მოხსნათ თემები სტატიებიდან.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'თქვენ არა გაქვთ უფლება მიამაგროთ თემები სტატიას'
+'Attach Topics': 'მიამაგრე თემები'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'მიამაგრე თემა სტატიას'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ko.yml
index 09e1a0736b..514e82d024 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ko.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': '토픽에 대한 이름을 입력하시오.'
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': '기사에서 토픽을 띄어내기할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': '기사를 토픽에 첨부할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Attach Topics': '토픽 첨부'
+'Attach Topic To Article': '기사에 토픽 첨부'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ku.yml
index 09e1a0736b..11391eae28 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ku.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': null
+'Attach Topics': null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.lv.yml
index 09e1a0736b..11391eae28 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.lv.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': null
+'Attach Topics': null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.nb_NO.yml
index 09e1a0736b..11391eae28 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': null
+'Attach Topics': null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.pl.yml
index 09e1a0736b..aa31ab4ae9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.pl.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Musisz podać nazwę dla tematu.'
+'Show All': 'Pokaż wszystkie'
+'Select the parent of the topic': 'Wybierz rodzica dla tematu'
+None: Brak
+'Add new topic': 'Dodaj nowy temat'
+'No topics have been created yet.': 'Nie ma jeszcze żadnego tematu.'
+'Topics updated.': 'Tematy uaktualnione.'
+'Topic does not exist.': 'Temat nie istnieje.'
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'Temat $1 został usunięty z artykułu.'
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Nie masz praw aby odłączać tematy od artykułów.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Nie masz praw by dołączać tematy do artykułów.'
+'Attach Topics': 'Dołącz Tematy'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Dołącz Temat do Artykułu'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ps.yml
index 09e1a0736b..11391eae28 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.ps.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': null
+'Attach Topics': null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.pt_BR.yml
index 09e1a0736b..fb82f952ca 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Você tem que digitar o nome para o tema.'
+'Show All': 'Mostrar tudo'
+'Select the parent of the topic': 'Selecionar a matriz do tópico'
+None: Nenhum
+'Add new topic': 'Adicionar novo tema'
+'No topics have been created yet.': 'Nenhum tema foi criado ainda.'
+'Topics updated.': 'Temas atualizados.'
+'Topic does not exist.': 'Tema não existe.'
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'O tópico$1 foi removido do artigo.'
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Não tem permissão para eliminar anexos de artigos'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Não tem permissão para adicionar anexos a artigos'
+'Attach Topics': 'Anexar Tópicos'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Anexar tópico ao artigo'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sh.yml
index 09e1a0736b..603e2ab9c2 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sh.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Morate uneti ime topika.'
+'Show All': 'Prikaži sve'
+'Select the parent of the topic': 'Izaberite matični topik'
+None: Nijedan
+'Add new topic': 'dodaj novi topik'
+'No topics have been created yet.': 'Nema kreiranih topika'
+'Topics updated.': 'Tema izmenjena.'
+'Topic does not exist.': 'tema ne postoji.'
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'tema $1 je uklonjena iz članka.'
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Nemate pravo da uklanjate teme iz tekstova.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete teme tekstovima.'
+'Attach Topics': 'Prikači temu'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Dodaj temu tekstu'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sq.yml
index 09e1a0736b..11391eae28 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sq.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': null
+'Attach Topics': null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sr.yml
index 09e1a0736b..d5107a4625 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sr.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Морате унети име топика.'
+'Show All': 'Прикажи све'
+'Select the parent of the topic': 'Изаберите матични топик'
+None: Ниједан
+'Add new topic': 'додај нови топик'
+'No topics have been created yet.': 'Нема креираних топика'
+'Topics updated.': 'Тема измењена.'
+'Topic does not exist.': 'тема не постоји.'
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'тема $1 је уклоњена из текста.'
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Немате право да уклањате теме из текстова.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Немате право да додајете теме текстовима.'
+'Attach Topics': 'Прикачи тему'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Додај тему тексту'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sv.yml
index 09e1a0736b..2978c600e2 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_topics.sv.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'Show All': 'Show All'
-'Select the parent of the topic': 'Select the parent of the topic'
-None: None
-'Add new topic': 'Add new topic'
-'No topics have been created yet.': 'No topics have been created yet.'
-'Topics updated.': 'Topics updated.'
-'Topic does not exist.': 'Topic does not exist.'
-'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': 'The topic $1 has been removed from article.'
-'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.'
-'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.'
-'Attach Topics': 'Attach Topics'
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Du måste skriva ett namn för temat.'
+'Show All': null
+'Select the parent of the topic': null
+None: null
+'Add new topic': null
+'No topics have been created yet.': null
+'Topics updated.': null
+'Topic does not exist.': null
+'The topic $1 has been removed from article.': null
+'You do not have the right to detach topics from articles.': 'Du har inte rätt att ta bort teman från artiklar.'
+'You do not have the right to attach topics to articles.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till teman till artiklar.'
+'Attach Topics': 'Bifoga teman'
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Bifoga teman till artikel'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.az.yml
index f7a651017f..dfe4caf0d3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.az.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': 'Tədbirin Rəngi'
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'Sən $3 adlı sahəyə $1-dan çox, $2-dan az rəqəmi daxil etməlisən. '
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'Məqalə növlərini tərcümə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'Məqalə növlərini yenidən sıralamağa ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'Məqalə növü sahəsini yenidən təyin etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'Məqalə növlərini idarə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'Məqalə növlərini gizləməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Məqalə növlərini silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Kiçik ($1 piksel)'
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Orta ($1 piksel)'
+'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Böyük ($1 piksel)'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'İnsanın oxuya biləcəyi sahə adlarını gizlə'
+'Editor size': 'Redaktorun ölçüsü'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'İnsanın oxuya biləcəyi sahə adlarını dəyiş və tərcümə et'
+Custom: Xüsusi
+'Characters limit': 'İşarə limiti'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Nümunə adı yalnız hərf və alt xətt (_) işarəsindən ibarət ola bilər.'
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'Sahənin adı məqalənin əsas ünvanının adı kimi istifadə edilir. Sahənin tərkibi nümunələrdə nümayiş olunmayacaq.'
+'The property $1 is already in use.': '$1 ünvanı artıq istifadədədir.'
+Precision: Dəqiqlik
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': '$1 sahəsi $2 halından $3 halına çevrilə bilmir.'
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': '$1-i $2 sahəsi etmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': 'Məqalə Növü Siyahısına qayıt'
+show: göstər
+hide: gizlə
+'You must enter a name for the field.': 'Sahə üçün ad daxil etməlisən.'
+'You must choose a language for the field.': 'Sahə üçün dil seçməlisən.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'Məqalə növü sahəsinin adını dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'Sahə növünü yenidən təyin etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Translating field': 'Sahənin tərcüməsi'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Tərcümə əlavə edilə bilmədi.'
+'The field $1 does not exist.': '$1 sahəsi mövcud deyil.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 sahə adı yalnız hərf və alt xətt (_) işarəsindən ibarət ola bilər.'
+'Template Field Name': 'Nümunə Sahəsinin Adı'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': 'Məqalə növü sahəsinin adını dəyişilməsi'
+'Rename field': 'Sahənin adını dəyiş'
+'Reassign a field type': 'Sahə növünü yenidən təyin et'
+'Display Name': 'Adı Nümayiş Et'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': '$2 məqalə növü sahəsini $1 istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Adding new article type': 'Yeni məqalə növünün əlavə edilməsi'
+'Add translation:': 'Tərcümə Əlavə Et:'
+'$1 article type field $2': '$1 məqalə növü sahəsi $2'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 məqalə növü $2'
+'Top element': 'Əsas Element'
+'Article type fields': 'Məqalə növü sahələri'
+'Delete field $1': '$1 sahəsini sil'
+'Adding new field': 'Yeni sahənin əlavə edilməsi'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Məqalə növü sahəsi əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'The field $1 already exists.': '$1 sahəsi artıq mövcuddur.'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 boş saxlana bilməz və yalnız hərf və alt xətt (_) işarəsindən ibarət ola bilər.'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Səhv sahə növü.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Məqalə növü sahəsini silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': '$1 sahəsini silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'Sən həmçinin mövcud nəşrdəki bu növə aid olan bütün məqalələrdən adı belə olan bütün sahələri silmiş olacaqsan.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.be.yml
index f7a651017f..05a734b50e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.be.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Вы ня маеце права выдаляць тыпы артыкулаў.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Імя шаблёну можа змяшчаць толькі літары і знак падкрэслівання (_).'
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'Гэтае імя поля ўжо выкарыстоўваецца як базавая ўласцівасць артыкула. Змест гэтага поля не можа быць адлюстраваны ў шаблоне.'
+'The property $1 is already in use.': 'Уласцівасць $1 ужо выкарыстоўваецца. '
+Precision: Дакладнасць
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Немагчыма канвертаваць поле $1 з $2 у поле $3.'
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце зрабіць $1 полем $2'
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': 'Вярнуцца да спісу тыпаў артыкулаў'
+show: Паказаць
+hide: Схаваць
+'You must enter a name for the field.': 'Вы павiнны ўвесьцi назву поля.'
+'You must choose a language for the field.': 'Вы павiнны вызначыць мову для поля.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'Вы ня маеце права пераймяноўваць поле тыпу артыкулаў.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'Вы ня маеце права перапрызначаць тып поля.'
+'Translating field': 'Поле перакладу'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Пераклад ня можа быць даданы.'
+'The field $1 does not exist.': 'Поле $1 не iснуе.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Поле $1 можа зьмяшчаць толькi лiтары i сымбаль падкрэсьлiваньня (_).'
+'Template Field Name': 'Назва поля шаблёну'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': 'Перайменаваньне поля тыпа артыкулаў'
+'Rename field': 'Перайменаваць поле'
+'Reassign a field type': 'Перапрызначыць тып поля'
+'Display Name': 'Адлюстраваная назва'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўненыя, што хочаце $1 поле тыпу артыкулаў $2?'
+'Adding new article type': 'Дадаваньне новага тыпу артыкула'
+'Add translation:': 'Дадаць пераклад'
+'$1 article type field $2': '$1 поле тыпа артыкулаў $2 '
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 тып артыкулаў $2 '
+'Top element': 'Верхнi элемэнт'
+'Article type fields': 'Палi тыпаў артыкулаў'
+'Delete field $1': 'Выдалiць поле $1'
+'Adding new field': 'Дадаваньне новага поля'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Вы ня маеце права дадаваць палі тыпаў артыкулаў.'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'Поле $1 ўжо iснуе.'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 павiнна быць непустым і зьмяшчаць толькi лiтары i сымбаль падкрэсьлiваньня (_).'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Недапушчальны тып поля.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Вы ня маеце права выдаляць палі тыпаў артыкулаў.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўненыя, што хочаце выдалiць поле $1?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'Вы таксама выдалiце ўсе палi з такой жа назвай з усIх артыкулаў гэтага тыпу ўсiх выданьняў.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.bn.yml
index f7a651017f..7252e81d35 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.bn.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': null
+'Article type fields': null
+'Delete field $1': null
+'Adding new field': null
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': null
+'The field $1 already exists.': null
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Invalid field type.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': null
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.cs.yml
index f7a651017f..65c9d51f65 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.cs.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': 'Barva události'
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'Musíte vložit číslo větší než $1 a menší než $2 do políčka $3.'
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'Nemáte oprávnění k překladání těchto typů článků.'
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'Nemáte oprávnění k reorganizovat tyto typy článků.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'Nemáte oprávnění přeřazovat pole tohoto typu článku.'
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'Nemáte oprávnění spravovat tento typ článků.'
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'Nemáte oprávnění schovávat tento typ článků.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Nemáte oprávnění vymazat tento typ článků.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Malé ( $1 pixels)'
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Střední ( $1 pixels)'
+'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Velké ( $1 pixels)'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Skrýt pole se jmény lidí'
'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Uprav a přelož pole se jmény lidí'
+Custom: Zvyk
+'Characters limit': 'Limit charakterů'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Jméno šablony může obsahovat písmena a podtržítko (_).'
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'Název pole se již používá jako základní vlastnost článku. Obsah pole nebude zobrazen v šablonách.'
+'The property $1 is already in use.': 'Vlastnost $1 se již používá.'
+Precision: Přesnost
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Nelze konvertovat pole $1 z $2 do typu $3.'
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Jste si jistí, že chcete udělat z $1 $2 pole?'
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': 'Zpět na Přehled Typů Článků'
+show: zobrazit
+hide: skrýt
+'You must enter a name for the field.': 'Zadejte název pole.'
+'You must choose a language for the field.': 'Zvolte jazyk pole.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'Nemáte oprávnění přejmenovávat pole typu článku.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'Nemáte oprávnění přeřadit typ pole.'
+'Translating field': 'Pole pro překlad'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Nezdařilo se přidat překlad.'
+'The field $1 does not exist.': 'Pole $1 neexistuje.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Pole $1 smí obsahovat pouze písmena a podtržítko (_).'
+'Template Field Name': 'Název Pole Šablony'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': 'Přejmenovává se pole typu článku'
+'Rename field': 'Přejmenovat pole'
+'Reassign a field type': 'Přeřadit typ pole'
+'Display Name': Popisek
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Jste si jistí, že chcete $1 pole typu článku $2?'
+'Adding new article type': 'Přidává se nový typ článku'
+'Add translation:': 'Přidat překlad:'
+'$1 article type field $2': '$1 pole typu článku $2'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 typ článku $2'
+'Top element': 'Hlavní prvek'
+'Article type fields': 'Pole typu článku'
+'Delete field $1': 'Smazat pole $1 '
+'Adding new field': 'Přidání nového pole'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Nemáte právo přidat pole tohoto typu článku'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'Pole $1 již existuje'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 nesmí být prázdný a musí obsahovat pouze písmena'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Špatně zadaný typ pole'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Nemáte práva mazat pole typu článku'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Určitě chcete smazat pole $1?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'Tímto smažete také všechna pole se stejným názvem ze článků tohoto typu ze všech publikací'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.da.yml
index f7a651017f..0321704bf0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.da.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Skal visning af dette felt tælles som en sidelæsning i statistikken?'
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Skal dette felt vises til læseren? Ellers er det metadata.'
+'Event Color': 'Farve på begivenhed'
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'Indtast et tal større end $1 og mindre end $2 i $3 feltet.'
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at oversætte artikel typer.'
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at ændre sortering for artikel typer.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at redigere felter i artikel typer.'
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at administrere artikel typer.'
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at skjule artikel typer.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette artikel typer.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Lille ($1 pixel)'
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixel)'
+'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Stor ($1 pixel)'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Skjul læsevenlige feltnavne'
+'Editor size': 'Editor størrelse'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Rediger og oversæt læsevenlige feltnavne'
+Custom: Brugerdefineret
+'Characters limit': 'Tegn begrænsning'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Skabelonens navn må kun indeholde bogstaver og underscore tegnet (_)'
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'Feltnavnent er i brug som en grundegenskab for artiklen. Feltets indhold bliver ikke vist i skabelonerne.'
+'The property $1 is already in use.': 'Egenskaben $1 er allerede i brug.'
+Precision: Præcision
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Feltet $1 kan ikke konverteres fra type $2 til type $3.'
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Vil du lave $1 til et $2 felt?'
+'Page Read Count?': 'Besøgstæller?'
+'Editorial Content?': 'Redaktionelt indhold?'
+'Back to Article Types List': 'Tilbage til artikel type liste'
+show: vis
+hide: skjul
+'You must enter a name for the field.': 'Giv feltet et navn.'
+'You must choose a language for the field.': 'Vælg et sprog for feltet.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at omdøbe felter i artikel typer.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at ændre felt typer.'
+'Translating field': 'Oversætter felt'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Oversættelsen kunne ikke tilføjes.'
+'The field $1 does not exist.': 'Feltet $1 findes ikke.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 feltet må kun indeholde bogstaver og underscore tegnet (_).'
+'Template Field Name': 'Skabelon feltnavn'
+'Show to Authors?': 'Vis til forfattere?'
+'Renaming article type field': 'Omdøber artikel type felt'
+'Rename field': 'Omdøb felt'
+'Reassign a field type': 'Tildel en ny felttype'
+'Display Name': 'Vist navn'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Vil du $1 artikel type feltet $2?'
+'Adding new article type': 'Tilføjer ny artikel type'
+'Add translation:': 'Tilføj oversættelse:'
+'$1 article type field $2': '$1 artikel type felt $2'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 artikel type $2'
+'Top element': Topelement
+'Article type fields': 'Artikel type felter'
+'Delete field $1': 'Slet felt $1'
+'Adding new field': 'Tilføjer nyt felt'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje artikel type felter.'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'Feltet $1 findes allerede.'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 må ikke være tom og må kun indeholde bogstaver og underscore tegnet (_).'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Ugyldig felt type.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette artikel type felter.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Vil du slette feltet $1?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'Dette vil også slette alle felter med dette navn fra alle artikler af denne type fra alle publikationer.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.de.yml
index f7a651017f..0937aadc59 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.de.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': 'Farbe des Events'
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'Bitte geben Sie eine Zahl größer als $1 und kleiner als $2 in das Feld $3.'
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'Ihnen fehlt die Berechtigung Artikeltypen zu übersetzen.'
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen neu zu ordnen.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'Keine Berechtigung Felder von Artikeltypen neu zuzuweisen.'
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen zu verwalten.'
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen zu verbergen.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen zu löschen.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Klein ($1 Pixel)'
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Mittel ($1 Pixel)'
+'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Groß ($1 Pixel)'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Verberge von Menschen lesbare Feldnamen'
+'Editor size': Editorgröße
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Bearbeite und übersetze von Menschen lesbare Feldnamen'
+Custom: Benutzerdefiniert
+'Characters limit': 'Maximale Zeichenlänge'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Der Templatename darf nur Buchstaben und den Unterstrich (_) enthalten.'
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'Der Feldname war bereits als Grundeigenschaft für den Artikel in Gebrauch. Der Feldinhalt wird nicht in den Templates angezeigt.'
+'The property $1 is already in use.': 'Die Eigenschaft $1 ist bereits in Gebrauch.'
+Precision: Präzision
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Feld $1 kann nicht von $2 nach Typ $3 konvertiert werden.'
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Wirklich aus $1 ein $2 Feld machen?'
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': 'Zurück zur Artikeltypen Liste'
+show: anzeigen
+hide: verbergen
+'You must enter a name for the field.': 'Sie müssen einen Feldnamen eingeben.'
+'You must choose a language for the field.': 'Sie müssen eine Sprache für das Feld wählen.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'Keine Berechtigung um Artikeltypen Felder umzubenennen.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'Keine Berechtigung um Feldtypen neu zu vergeben.'
+'Translating field': 'Feld wird übersetzt'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Die Übersetzung konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'The field $1 does not exist.': 'das Feld $1 existiert nicht.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Das $1 Feld darf nur Buchstaben und den Unterstrich (_) enthalten.'
+'Template Field Name': 'Template Feldname'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': 'Artikel Feldtyp umbenennen'
+'Rename field': 'Feld umbennen'
+'Reassign a field type': 'Feldtyp neu vergeben'
+'Display Name': Anzeigename
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Wirklich Artikel Feldtyp $2 $1?'
+'Adding new article type': 'Neuer Artikeltyp wird hinzugefügt'
+'Add translation:': 'Übersetzung hinzufügen:'
+'$1 article type field $2': 'Artikeltyp Feld $2 $1'
+'$1 article type $2': 'Artikeltyp $2 $1'
+'Top element': 'Oberstes Element'
+'Article type fields': 'Artikeltyp Felder'
+'Delete field $1': 'Feld $1 löschen'
+'Adding new field': 'Neues Feld hinzufügen'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltyp Felder hinzuzufügen'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'Feld $1 existiert bereits.'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 darf nicht leer sein und darf nur Buchstaben und den Unterstrich (_) enthalten.'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Ungültiger Feldtyp.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltyp Felder zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Feld $1 wirklich löschen?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'Dabei werden automatisch alle Felder mit diesem Namen aus allen Artikeln dieses Typs aus allen Publikationen gelöscht.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.de_AT.yml
index f7a651017f..0937aadc59 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': 'Farbe des Events'
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'Bitte geben Sie eine Zahl größer als $1 und kleiner als $2 in das Feld $3.'
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'Ihnen fehlt die Berechtigung Artikeltypen zu übersetzen.'
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen neu zu ordnen.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'Keine Berechtigung Felder von Artikeltypen neu zuzuweisen.'
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen zu verwalten.'
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen zu verbergen.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen zu löschen.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Klein ($1 Pixel)'
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Mittel ($1 Pixel)'
+'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Groß ($1 Pixel)'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Verberge von Menschen lesbare Feldnamen'
+'Editor size': Editorgröße
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Bearbeite und übersetze von Menschen lesbare Feldnamen'
+Custom: Benutzerdefiniert
+'Characters limit': 'Maximale Zeichenlänge'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Der Templatename darf nur Buchstaben und den Unterstrich (_) enthalten.'
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'Der Feldname war bereits als Grundeigenschaft für den Artikel in Gebrauch. Der Feldinhalt wird nicht in den Templates angezeigt.'
+'The property $1 is already in use.': 'Die Eigenschaft $1 ist bereits in Gebrauch.'
+Precision: Präzision
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Feld $1 kann nicht von $2 nach Typ $3 konvertiert werden.'
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Wirklich aus $1 ein $2 Feld machen?'
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': 'Zurück zur Artikeltypen Liste'
+show: anzeigen
+hide: verbergen
+'You must enter a name for the field.': 'Sie müssen einen Feldnamen eingeben.'
+'You must choose a language for the field.': 'Sie müssen eine Sprache für das Feld wählen.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'Keine Berechtigung um Artikeltypen Felder umzubenennen.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'Keine Berechtigung um Feldtypen neu zu vergeben.'
+'Translating field': 'Feld wird übersetzt'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Die Übersetzung konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'The field $1 does not exist.': 'das Feld $1 existiert nicht.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Das $1 Feld darf nur Buchstaben und den Unterstrich (_) enthalten.'
+'Template Field Name': 'Template Feldname'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': 'Artikel Feldtyp umbenennen'
+'Rename field': 'Feld umbennen'
+'Reassign a field type': 'Feldtyp neu vergeben'
+'Display Name': Anzeigename
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Wirklich Artikel Feldtyp $2 $1?'
+'Adding new article type': 'Neuer Artikeltyp wird hinzugefügt'
+'Add translation:': 'Übersetzung hinzufügen:'
+'$1 article type field $2': 'Artikeltyp Feld $2 $1'
+'$1 article type $2': 'Artikeltyp $2 $1'
+'Top element': 'Oberstes Element'
+'Article type fields': 'Artikeltyp Felder'
+'Delete field $1': 'Feld $1 löschen'
+'Adding new field': 'Neues Feld hinzufügen'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltyp Felder hinzuzufügen'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'Feld $1 existiert bereits.'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 darf nicht leer sein und darf nur Buchstaben und den Unterstrich (_) enthalten.'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Ungültiger Feldtyp.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltyp Felder zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Feld $1 wirklich löschen?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'Dabei werden automatisch alle Felder mit diesem Namen aus allen Artikeln dieses Typs aus allen Publikationen gelöscht.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.en_GB.yml
index f7a651017f..76a33045f4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.en_GB.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
+'Event Color': 'Event Colour'
'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.es.yml
index f7a651017f..5d9408165e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.es.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': 'Color de evento'
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'Debe proveer un número mayor a $1 y menor que $2 en el campo $3.'
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'No tiene autorización para traducir tipos de artículo.'
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'No tiene autorización para reordenar tipos de artículo.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'No tiene autorización para reasignar tipos de artículo.'
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'No tiene autorización para administrar tipos de artículo.'
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'No tiene autorización paa ocultar tipos de artículo.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'No tiene autorización para eliminar tipos de artículo.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Pequeño ($1 píxeles)'
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Mediano ($1 píxeles)'
+'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Grande ($1 píxeles)'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Ocultar nombres de campo legibles.'
+'Editor size': 'Tamaño de editor'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Editar y traducir nombres de campo legibles.'
+Custom: Opcional
+'Characters limit': 'Límite de caracteres'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'El nombre de la plantilla solo puede contener letras y el caracter de guión bajo (_).'
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'El campo ya estaba en uso como una propriedad del articulo. El contenido no se mostrará en las plantillas.'
+'The property $1 is already in use.': 'La propiedad $1 ya estaba en uso.'
+Precision: Precisión.
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'No se pudo convertir el campo $1 de $2 al tipo $3.'
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': '¿Está seguro de que desea convertir el campo $1 al $2?'
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': 'Regresar a lista de tipos de artículo'
+show: mostrar
+hide: ocultar
+'You must enter a name for the field.': 'Debe ingresar un nombre para este campo.'
+'You must choose a language for the field.': 'Debe elegir un idioma para el campo.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'No tiene privilegios para renombrar los campos de tipo de artículo.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'No tiene privilegios para reasignar un tipo de campo.'
+'Translating field': 'Campo de traducción'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'No se pudo agregar la traducción.'
+'The field $1 does not exist.': 'El campo $1 no existe.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'El campo $1 solo puede contener letras y el caracter de guión mayor (_).'
+'Template Field Name': 'Nombre del campo de plantilla'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': 'Renombrando el campo de tipo de artículo '
+'Rename field': 'Renombrar campo'
+'Reassign a field type': 'Reasignar un tipo de campo'
+'Display Name': 'Nombre a mostrar'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': '¿Está seguro de que desea $1 el campo de tipo de artículo $2?'
+'Adding new article type': 'Añadir nuevo tipo de artículo'
+'Add translation:': 'Agregar traducción:'
+'$1 article type field $2': '$1 el campo de tipo de artículo $2'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 el tipo de artículo $2'
+'Top element': 'Elemento superior o encabezado'
+'Article type fields': 'Campos de tipo de archivo'
+'Delete field $1': 'Borrar campo $1'
+'Adding new field': 'Agregar nuevo campo'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'No tiene privilegios para agregar campos de tipo articulo'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'El campo $1 ya existe'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'El $1 no debe estar vacio y solo puede contener letras y el caracter de guión mayor (_).'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Tipo de campo inválido'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'No tiene privilegios para eliminar campos de tipo articulo'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': '¿Está seguro de que desea borrar el campo $1?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'También borrará todos los campos con este nombre de todos los artículos de este tipo de todas las publicaciones'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.es_AR.yml
index f7a651017f..7252e81d35 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': null
+'Article type fields': null
+'Delete field $1': null
+'Adding new field': null
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': null
+'The field $1 already exists.': null
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Invalid field type.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': null
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.fa.yml
index f7a651017f..7252e81d35 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.fa.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': null
+'Article type fields': null
+'Delete field $1': null
+'Adding new field': null
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': null
+'The field $1 already exists.': null
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Invalid field type.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': null
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.fr.yml
index f7a651017f..5f3efa0af5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.fr.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des types darticle.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Le champ $1 peut seulement contenir des lettres et le caractère souligné (_).'
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': 'Ajout nouveau type darticle'
+'Add translation:': 'Ajouter traduction:'
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': 'Top élément'
+'Article type fields': 'Champs de type darticle'
+'Delete field $1': 'Supprimer champ $ '
+'Adding new field': 'Ajout nouveau champ'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des champs de type darticle.'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'Le champ $1 existe déjà.'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Le $1 ne doit pas être vide et peut seulement contenir des lettres et le caractère souligné (_).'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Type de champ invalide.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des champs de type darticle. '
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Etes-vous sûrs que vous voulez supprimer le champ $1?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'Vous supprimerez aussi tous les champs avec ce nom de tous les articles de ce type de toutes les publications. '
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.he.yml
index f7a651017f..7252e81d35 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.he.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': null
+'Article type fields': null
+'Delete field $1': null
+'Adding new field': null
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': null
+'The field $1 already exists.': null
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Invalid field type.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': null
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.hr.yml
index f7a651017f..dd1a45b158 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.hr.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Nemate ovlasti brisati tipove članaka.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Polje $1 može imati samo slova i znak podvlake (_).'
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': 'Dodavanje novog tipa članka'
+'Add translation:': 'Dodaj prijevod:'
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': 'Vršni element'
+'Article type fields': 'Polja za tip članaka'
+'Delete field $1': 'Izbriši polje $1'
+'Adding new field': 'Dodavanje novog polja'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati polja za tip članaka.'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'Polje $1 već postoji.'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 ne može ostati nepopunjeno, a može sadržavati isključivo slova i znak podvlake (_).'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Kriva vrsta polja.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Nemate ovlasti brisati polja za tipa članka.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati polje $1?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'S tim ćete obrisati i sva polja ovog naziva iz svih članaka ovog tipa unutar cijele publikacije.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.hu.yml
index f7a651017f..e48546e9e1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.hu.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': 'Esemény színe'
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'Meg kell adnod egy számot, amely nagyobb, mint $1 és kisebb, mint $2 a/z $3 mezőben.'
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'Nincs jogod a cikktípusok lefordításához.'
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'Nincs jogod a cikktípusok átrendezéséhez.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'Nincs jogod a cikktípus-mezők ismételt hozzárendeléséhez.'
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'Nincs jogod a cikktípusok kezeléséhez.'
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'Nincs jogod a cikktípusok elrejtéséhez.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Nincs jogod a cikktípusok törléséhez.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Kicsi ($1 képpont)'
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Közepes ($1 képpont)'
+'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Nagy ($1 képpont)'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Az ember által olvasható mezőnevek elrejtése'
+'Editor size': 'Szerkesztő mérete'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Az ember által olvasható mezőnevek szerkesztése és fordítása'
+Custom: Egyéni
+'Characters limit': 'Karakterek korlátozása'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'A sablonnév csak betűket és aláhúzásjelet (_) tartalmazhat.'
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'A mezőnév a cikk alaptulajdonságaként már használatban volt. A mező tartalma nem fog megjelenni a sablonokban.'
+'The property $1 is already in use.': 'A/z $1 tulajdonság már használatban van.'
+Precision: Pontosság
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'A/z $1 mező nem alakítható át $2 típusról $3 típusra.'
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Biztosan $1 mezővé akarsz tenni egy $2 mezőt?'
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': 'Vissza a Cikktípusok listájához'
+show: megjelenítés
+hide: elrejtés
+'You must enter a name for the field.': 'Meg kell adnod a mező nevét.'
+'You must choose a language for the field.': 'Ki kell választanod a mező nyelvét.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'Nincs jogod a cikktípusmezők átnevezéséhez.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'Nincs jogod egy mezőtípus ismételt hozzárendeléséhez.'
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Nem lehetett hozzáadni a fordítást.'
+'The field $1 does not exist.': 'A/z $1 mező nem létezik.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'A/z $1 mező csak betűket és aláhúzásjelet (_) tartalmazhat.'
+'Template Field Name': 'Sablonmező neve'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': 'Cikktípusmező átnevezése'
+'Rename field': 'Mező átnevezése'
+'Reassign a field type': 'Mezőtípus ismételt hozzárendelése'
+'Display Name': 'Megjelenítendő név'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Biztosan $1 akarod a/z $2 cikktípusmezőt?'
+'Adding new article type': 'Új cikktípus hozzáadása'
+'Add translation:': 'Fordítás hozzáadása:'
+'$1 article type field $2': '$1 cikktípus $2 mező'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 cikk $2 típus'
+'Top element': 'Felső elem'
+'Article type fields': Cikktípusmezők
+'Delete field $1': 'A/z $1 mező törlése'
+'Adding new field': 'Új mező hozzáadása'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Nincs jogod a cikktípusmezők hozzáadásához.'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'A/z $1 mező már létezik.'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'A/z $1 ne legyen üres, csak betűket és aláhúzásjelet (_) tartalmazhat.'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Érvénytelen mezőtípus.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Nincs jogod a cikktípusmezők törléséhez.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod a/z $1 mezőt?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'Az összes ilyen nevű mezőt törölni is fogod az összes kiadvány összes ilyen típusú cikkeiből.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.hy_AM.yml
index f7a651017f..7252e81d35 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': null
+'Article type fields': null
+'Delete field $1': null
+'Adding new field': null
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': null
+'The field $1 already exists.': null
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Invalid field type.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': null
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ka.yml
index f7a651017f..37d3ab0dd5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ka.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': 'მოვლენის ფერი'
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': '$3 ველში შეიყვანეთ რიცხვი რომელიც $1-ზე მეტია და $2-ზე ნაკლები.'
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის ტიპის თარგმნის უფლება.'
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის ტიპების გადაადგილების უფლება.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის ტიპების ხელახლა განაწილების უფლება.'
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის ტიპების მართვის უფლება.'
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის ტიპების დამალვის უფლება.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის ტიპების წაშლის უფლება.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': 'პატარა ($1 პიქსელი)'
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'საშუალო ($1 პიქსელი)'
+'Large ($1 pixels)': 'დიდი ($1 პიქსელი)'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'ადამიანის მიერ წაკითხვადი ველების დამალვა'
+'Editor size': 'რედაქტორის ზომა'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'ადამიანის მიერ წაკითხვადი ველების რედაქტირება და თარგმნა'
+Custom: პერსონალიზებული
+'Characters limit': 'სიმბოლოების ლიმიტი'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'შაბლონის სახელი უნდა შეიცავდე მხოლოს ასოებს და _ სიმბოლოს.'
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'ველის სახელი უკვე გამოყენებული იქნა, როგორც სტატიის საბაზისო პარამეტრი. ველის შემადგენლობა არ იქნება ნაჩვენები შაბლონებში. '
+'The property $1 is already in use.': '$1 უკვე გამოყენებულია'
+Precision: სიზუსტე
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': '$1 ველის $2-დან $3 ტიპზე კონვერტირება შეუძლებელია'
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1-ის $2 ველად ქცევა?'
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': 'სტატიის ტიპების სიაზე დაბრუნება'
+show: ჩვენება
+hide: დამალვა
+'You must enter a name for the field.': 'მიუთითეთ ველის სახელი.'
+'You must choose a language for the field.': 'აირჩიეთ ველის ენა.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის ტიპის ველის სახელის შეცვლის უფლება.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ველის ტიპების ხელახლა განაწილების უფლება'
+'Translating field': 'ველის თარგმნა'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'თარგმანი ვერ დაემატა'
+'The field $1 does not exist.': '$1 ველი არ არსებობს'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 ველი უნდა შეიცავდე მხოლოდ ასოებს და _ სიმბოლოს.'
+'Template Field Name': 'შაბლონის ველის სახელი'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': 'სტატიის ტიპის ველის სახელის შეცვლა'
+'Rename field': 'ველის სახელის შეცვლა'
+'Reassign a field type': 'ველის ტიპის ხელახლა მინიჭება'
+'Display Name': 'საჩვენებელი სახელი'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1 $2 სტატიის ტიპის ველი?'
+'Adding new article type': 'ახალი სტატიის ტიპის დამატება'
+'Add translation:': 'თარგმანის დამატება:'
+'$1 article type field $2': '$1 $2 სტატიის ტიპის ველი'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 $2 სტატიის ტიპი'
+'Top element': 'ზედა ელემენტი'
+'Article type fields': 'სტატიის ტიპის ველები'
+'Delete field $1': '$1 ველის წაშლა'
+'Adding new field': 'ახალი ველის დამატება'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის ტიპის ველების დამატების უფლება'
+'The field $1 already exists.': '$1 ველი უკვე არსებობს.'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 არ უნდა იყოს ცარიელი და უნდა შეიცავდე მხოლოდ ასოებს და _ სიმბოლოს.'
+'Invalid field type.': 'არასწორი ველის ტიპი.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის ტიპის ველების წაშლის უფლება.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1 ველის წაშლა?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'ასევე წაიშლება ყველა ასეთი სახელის მქონე ველი ყველა მსგავსი ტიპის სტატიიდან, რომელიც მსგავს პუბლიკაციებში არსებობს.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ko.yml
index f7a651017f..1e2fe07b76 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ko.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': '기사 타입을 삭제할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 필드는 문자나 밑줄 (_) 문자만 포함합니다.'
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': '새로운 기사 타입 추가중'
+'Add translation:': '번역 추가'
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': '톱 구성요소'
+'Article type fields': '기사 타입 필드'
+'Delete field $1': '필드 $1 삭제'
+'Adding new field': '새로운 필드 추가'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': '기사 타입 필드를 추가할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'The field $1 already exists.': '필드 $1 이 이미 존재합니다. '
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 은 문자나 밑줄(_) 글자만을 포함합니다. '
+'Invalid field type.': '비정상 필드 타입'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': '기사 타입 필드를 삭제할 수 없습니다. '
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': '필드 $1 을 확실히 삭제합니까?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': '모든 출판의 이런 타입 기사에서 같은 이름을 가진 필드를 삭제할 수 있습니다.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ku.yml
index f7a651017f..7252e81d35 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ku.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': null
+'Article type fields': null
+'Delete field $1': null
+'Adding new field': null
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': null
+'The field $1 already exists.': null
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Invalid field type.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': null
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.lv.yml
index f7a651017f..7252e81d35 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.lv.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': null
+'Article type fields': null
+'Delete field $1': null
+'Adding new field': null
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': null
+'The field $1 already exists.': null
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Invalid field type.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': null
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.nb_NO.yml
index f7a651017f..7252e81d35 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': null
+'Article type fields': null
+'Delete field $1': null
+'Adding new field': null
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': null
+'The field $1 already exists.': null
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Invalid field type.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': null
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.pl.yml
index f7a651017f..ea95181013 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.pl.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': 'Kolor wydarzenia'
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'W pole $3 musisz wprowadzić liczbę większą od $1 i mniejszą od $2.'
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'Nie masz uprawnień do tłumaczenia typów artykułu.'
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'Nie masz uprawnień do zmiany kolejności typów artykułu.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'Nie masz uprawnień do przydzielania typów artykułu.'
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'Nie masz uprawnień do zarządzania typami artykułów.'
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'Nie masz uprawnień do ukrywania typów artykułu.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Nie masz uprawnień do usówania typów artykułu'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Mały ($1 pixeli)'
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Średni ($1 pikseli)'
+'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Duży ($1 pixeli)'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Ukryj ludzkie nazwy pól'
+'Editor size': 'Rozmiar edytora'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Przetłumacz ludzkie nazwy pól'
+Custom: Własny
+'Characters limit': 'Limit znaków'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Nazwa szablonu może zawierać wyłącznie litery oraz podkreślenie (_)'
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': "Nazwa pola była już\_w użyciu jako wartość podstawowa artykułu. Pole nie będzie wyświetlane w szablonach."
+'The property $1 is already in use.': 'Wartość $1 jest już w użyciu.'
Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Nie można przekonwertować pola $1 z $2 do typu $3.'
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Na pewno chcesz zamienić pole $1 na $2?'
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': 'Powrót do Listy Typów Artykułów'
+show: pokaż
+hide: schowaj
+'You must enter a name for the field.': 'Musisz podać nazwę dla pola.'
+'You must choose a language for the field.': 'Musisz wybrać język dla pola.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniać nazwy typów pola artykułów.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniać typu pola.'
+'Translating field': 'Tłumaczone pole'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Tłumaczenie nie zostało dodane.'
+'The field $1 does not exist.': 'Pole $1 nie istnieje.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Pole $1 może jedynie zawierać litery oraz podkreślnik (_)'
+'Template Field Name': 'Nazwa pola używana w szablonach'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': 'Zmiana nazw typów artykułów'
+'Rename field': 'Zmień nazwę pola'
+'Reassign a field type': 'Zmień typ pola'
+'Display Name': 'Wyświetl nazwę'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Na pewno chcesz $1 pole typu artykułu $2?'
+'Adding new article type': 'Dodawanie nowego typu artykułu'
+'Add translation:': 'Dodaj tłumaczenie:'
+'$1 article type field $2': '$1 typ pola artykułu $2'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 typ artykulu $2'
+'Top element': 'Główny element'
+'Article type fields': 'Typy pola artykułów'
+'Delete field $1': 'Usuń pole $1'
+'Adding new field': 'Dodawanie nowego pola'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Nie masz praw aby dodawać pola typów artykułów.'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'Pole $1 już istnieje.'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 nie może być cyfrą i musi zawierać litery i/lub podkreślnik (_).'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Niepoprawny typ pola.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Nie masz praw aby usuwać pola typów artykułów.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Na pewno chcesz usunąć pole $1?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'Przy okazji usuniesz wszystkie pola z tą nazwą ze wszystkich artykułow ze wszystkich form publikacji.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ps.yml
index f7a651017f..7252e81d35 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.ps.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': null
+'Article type fields': null
+'Delete field $1': null
+'Adding new field': null
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': null
+'The field $1 already exists.': null
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Invalid field type.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': null
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.pt_BR.yml
index f7a651017f..a5ead32d2f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': 'Cor do evento'
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'Você tem que digitar um número maior que $1 e menor que $2 no campo $3.'
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'Você não tem o direito de traduzir tipos de artigos.'
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'Você não tem o direito de mudar a ordem dos tipos de artigos.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'Você não tem direito de mudar o campo de tipo de artigo.'
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'Você não tem o direito de gerenciar tipos de artigos.'
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'Você não tem o direito de esconder tipos de artigos.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Você não tem o direito de remover tipos de artigos.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Pequeno ($1 pixels)'
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Médio ($1 pixels)'
+'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Grande ($1 pixels)'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Esconder nomes de campos que podem ser lidos pelas pessoas'
+'Editor size': 'Tamanho do editor'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Editar e traduzir campos que podem ser lidos pelas pessoas'
+Custom: Customisado
+'Characters limit': 'Limite de caracteres'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'O nome do template pode ter apenas letras e o underscore (_).'
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': 'A propriedade $1 já está em uso.'
+Precision: Precisão
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Não é possível converter o campo $1 de $2 para o tipo $3'
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Tem certeza que quer transformar $1 em campo do tipo $2?'
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': 'Voltar para a lista de tipos de artigos'
+show: mostrar
+hide: esconder
+'You must enter a name for the field.': 'Você tem que digitar o nome do campo.'
+'You must choose a language for the field.': 'Você tem que escolher a língua para o campo.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'Você não tem o direito de mudar o nome dos campos dos tipos de artigos'
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'Você não tem direito de mudar o tipo de campo.'
+'Translating field': 'Traduzindo o campo'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Não foi possível adicionar a tradução'
+'The field $1 does not exist.': 'Campo $1 não existe.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'O campo $1 pode ter apenas letras e o underscore (_).'
+'Template Field Name': 'Nome do campo de template'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': 'Renomeando o campo de tipo de artigo'
+'Rename field': 'Mude o nome do campo'
+'Reassign a field type': 'Reatribuir o tipo de campo'
+'Display Name': 'Mostrar nome'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Tem certeza que quer $1 o campo do tipo do artigo $2?'
+'Adding new article type': 'Adicionando o novo tipo de artigo'
+'Add translation:': 'Adicionar a tradução:'
+'$1 article type field $2': '$1 campo do artigo do tipo $2'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 artigo do tipo $2'
+'Top element': 'Elemento Principal'
+'Article type fields': 'Campo para este Tipo de Artigo'
+'Delete field $1': 'Eliminar campo $1'
+'Adding new field': 'Adicionando campo'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Não tem permissões para adicionar campos'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'Campo $1 já existente'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'O $1 não não pode estar vazio e só pode conter letras e o caracter underscore(_)'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Tipo de campo inválido'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Não tem permissões para eliminar campos'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Eliminar campo $1?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'Irão ser eliminados todos os campos com este nome em todas as publicações'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sh.yml
index f7a651017f..78b9673067 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sh.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'Morate uneti broj veći od $1 i manji od $2 u polje $3.'
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'Nemate pravo da prevodite tipove tekstova'
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'Nemate pravo da menjate poredak tipova tekstova.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'Nemate pravo da dodeljujete tipove polja '
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'Nemate pravo da upravljate tipovima tekstova'
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'Nemate pravo da sakrivate tipove tekstova.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete tipove tekstova.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Mali ($1 piksela)'
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Srednji ($1 piksela)'
+'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Veliki ($1 piksela)'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Sakri nazive polja prilagođene ljudima'
+'Editor size': 'Veličina editora'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Uredi i prevedi nazive polja prilagođene ljudima'
+Custom: Slobodno
+'Characters limit': 'Broj karaktera'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Naziv polja može sadržati samo slova i donju crtu (_).'
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'Ime polja je već u upotrebi kao osnovno svojstvo teksta. Sadržaj polja neće biti prikazan u šablonima.'
+'The property $1 is already in use.': 'Svojstvo $1 je već u upotrebi.'
+Precision: Preciznost
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Nije moguće konvertovati polje $1 iz $2 u tip $3.'
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da od $1 napravite $2 polje'
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': 'Nazad na listu tipova članaka'
+show: prikaži
+hide: sakri
+'You must enter a name for the field.': 'Morate umeti ime polja.'
+'You must choose a language for the field.': 'Morate izabrati jezik za polje.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'Nemate pravo da preimenujete polja tipa članka.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'Nemate pravo da dodeljujete tipove polja'
+'Translating field': 'Prevođenje polja'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Prevod ne može biti dodat.'
+'The field $1 does not exist.': 'Polje $1 ne postoji.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Polje $1 može sadržati isključivo slova i donju crtu (_).'
+'Template Field Name': 'Ime polja šablona'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': 'Preimenovanje polja tipa članka'
+'Rename field': 'Preimenuj polje'
+'Reassign a field type': 'Ponovo dodeli tip polja'
+'Display Name': 'Prikazno ime'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da $1 polje tipa članka $2?'
+'Adding new article type': 'dodavanje novog tipa članka'
+'Add translation:': 'dodaj prevod:'
+'$1 article type field $2': '$1 polje tipa članka $2'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 tip članka $2'
+'Top element': 'Osnovni element'
+'Article type fields': 'Polja za tip teksta'
+'Delete field $1': 'Obriši polje $1'
+'Adding new field': 'Dodavanje novog polja'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete polja za tip teksta.'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'Polje $1 već postoji'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 ne može ostati nepopunjeno, a može sadržati isključivo slova'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Pogrešan tip polja.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete polja za tip teksta.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete polje $1?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'Takođe ćete obrisati sva polja istog imena iz svih tekstova ovog tipa u svim publikacijama.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sq.yml
index f7a651017f..7252e81d35 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sq.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': null
+'Article type fields': null
+'Delete field $1': null
+'Adding new field': null
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': null
+'The field $1 already exists.': null
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Invalid field type.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': null
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sr.yml
index f7a651017f..06266ca7a6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sr.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'Морате унети број већи од $1 и мањи од $2 у поље $3.'
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'Немате право да преводите типове текстова'
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'Немате право да мењате поредак типова текстова.'
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'Немате право да додељујете типове поља'
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'Немате право да управљате типовима текстова'
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'Немате право да сакривате типове текстова.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Немате право да бришете типове текстова.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Мали ($1 пиксела)'
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Средњи ($1 пиксела)'
+'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Велики ($1 пиксела)'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Сакри називе поља прилагођене људима'
+'Editor size': 'Величина едитора'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Уреди и преведи називе поља прилагођене људима'
+Custom: Слободно
+'Characters limit': 'Број карактера'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Назив поља може садржати искључиво слова и доњу црту (_)'
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'Име поља је већ у употреби као основно својство текста. Садржај поља неће бити приказан у шаблонима.'
+'The property $1 is already in use.': 'Својство $1 је већ у употреби'
+Precision: Прецизност
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Није могуће конвертовати поље $1 из $2 у тип $3'
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да од $1 направите $2 поље'
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': 'Назад на листу типова текстова'
+show: прикажи
+hide: сакри
+'You must enter a name for the field.': 'Морате унети име поља'
+'You must choose a language for the field.': 'Морате изабрати језик за поље'
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'Немате право да преименујете поља типа текста'
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'Немате право да додељујете типове поља'
+'Translating field': 'Превођење поља'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Превод не може бити додат'
+'The field $1 does not exist.': 'Поље $1 не постоји'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Поље $1 може садржати искључиво слова и доњу црту (_)'
+'Template Field Name': 'Име поља шаблона'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': 'Преименовање поља типа тикста'
+'Rename field': 'Преименуј поље'
+'Reassign a field type': 'Поново додели тип поља'
+'Display Name': 'Приказно име'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да $1 поље типа текста $2?'
+'Adding new article type': 'додавање новог типа текста'
+'Add translation:': 'додај превод:'
+'$1 article type field $2': '$1 поље типа текста $2'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 тип текста $2'
+'Top element': 'Основни елемент'
+'Article type fields': 'Поља за тип текста'
+'Delete field $1': 'Обриши поље $1'
+'Adding new field': 'Додавање новог поља'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Немате право да додајете поља за тип текста'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'Поље $1 већ постоји'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 не може остати непопуњено, а може садржати искључиво слова'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Погрешан тип поља'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Немате право да бришете поља за тип чланка'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Сигурни сте да желите да обришете поље $1?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'Такође ћете обрисати сва поља истог имена из свих текстова овог типа у свим публикацијама'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sv.yml
index f7a651017f..25b2252dd7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_type_fields.sv.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': 'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?'
-'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': 'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.'
-'Event Color': 'Event Color'
-'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': 'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.'
-'You do not have the right to translate article types.': 'You do not have the right to translate article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': 'You do not have the right to reorder article types.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to manage article types.': 'You do not have the right to manage article types.'
-'You do not have the right to hide article types.': 'You do not have the right to hide article types.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'Small ($1 pixels)': 'Small ($1 pixels)'
-'Medium ($1 pixels)': 'Medium ($1 pixels)'
-'Large ($1 pixels)': 'Large ($1 pixels)'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Editor size': 'Editor size'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-Custom: Custom
-'Characters limit': 'Characters limit'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': 'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.'
-'The property $1 is already in use.': 'The property $1 is already in use.'
-Precision: Precision
-'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': 'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.'
-'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': 'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?'
-'Page Read Count?': 'Page Read Count?'
-'Editorial Content?': 'Editorial Content?'
-'Back to Article Types List': 'Back to Article Types List'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-'You must enter a name for the field.': 'You must enter a name for the field.'
-'You must choose a language for the field.': 'You must choose a language for the field.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.'
-'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': 'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.'
-'Translating field': 'Translating field'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The field $1 does not exist.': 'The field $1 does not exist.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Template Field Name': 'Template Field Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Renaming article type field': 'Renaming article type field'
-'Rename field': 'Rename field'
-'Reassign a field type': 'Reassign a field type'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 article type field $2': '$1 article type field $2'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'Top element': 'Top element'
-'Article type fields': 'Article type fields'
-'Delete field $1': 'Delete field $1'
-'Adding new field': 'Adding new field'
-'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to add article type fields.'
-'The field $1 already exists.': 'The field $1 already exists.'
-'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'Invalid field type.': 'Invalid field type.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?'
-'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.'
+'Does serving this field count as a page read for statistics?': null
+'Is this field intended for the reader to view? If not, it is metadata.': null
+'Event Color': null
+'You must input a number greater than $1 and less than $2 into the $3 field.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reorder article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to hide article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera artikeltyper.'
+'Small ($1 pixels)': null
+'Medium ($1 pixels)': null
+'Large ($1 pixels)': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Editor size': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+Custom: null
+'Characters limit': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'The field name was already in use as a base property of the article. The field content will not be displayed in the templates.': null
+'The property $1 is already in use.': null
+Precision: null
+'Can not convert the field $1 from $2 to type $3.': null
+'Are you sure you want to make $1 a $2 field?': null
+'Page Read Count?': null
+'Editorial Content?': null
+'Back to Article Types List': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+'You must enter a name for the field.': null
+'You must choose a language for the field.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article type fields.': null
+'You do not have the right to reassign a field type.': null
+'Translating field': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The field $1 does not exist.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Fältet $1 får bara innehålla bokstäver och understreck (_)'
+'Template Field Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Renaming article type field': null
+'Rename field': null
+'Reassign a field type': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type field $2?': null
+'Adding new article type': 'Lägger till ny artikeltyp'
+'Add translation:': 'Lägg till översättning:'
+'$1 article type field $2': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'Top element': Huvudtema
+'Article type fields': Artikeltypfält
+'Delete field $1': 'Radera fält $1'
+'Adding new field': 'Lägg till nytt fält'
+'You do not have the right to add article type fields.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till artikeltypfält.'
+'The field $1 already exists.': 'Fältet $1 finns redan.'
+'The $1 must not be void and may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 får inte vara tomt och får bara innehålla bokstäver och understreck (_).'
+'Invalid field type.': 'Felaktig fälttyp.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article type fields.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera artikeltypfält.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the field $1?': 'Är du säker att du vill radera fältet $1?'
+'You will also delete all fields with this name from all articles of this type from all publications.': 'Du kommer också att radera alla fält med det här namnet från alla artiklar av den här typen från alla publikationer.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.az.yml
index c64feb0226..90f38d9b62 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.az.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: siyahı
+filter: filtr
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': '$2 məqalə növünün məqalələrini $1 istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'$1 articles of article type $2': '$2 məqalə növünün $1 məqalələri'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'İnsanın oxuya biləcəyi sahə adlarını gizlə'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'İnsanın oxuya biləcəyi sahə adlarını dəyiş və tərcümə et'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Nümunə adı yalnız hərf və alt xətt (_) işarəsindən ibarət ola bilər.'
+'Rename article type $1': '$1 məqalə növünün adını dəyiş'
+'Invalid article type $1.': 'Səhv $1 məqalə növü.'
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'Eyni növü özünə birləşdirə bilməzsən.'
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': '$2 üçün mənbə ($1) versiyasına bax'
+'View of original ($1) $2': '$2 üçün orijinala ($1) bax'
+'To return to the preview click here': 'Ön baxışa qayıtmaq üçün kliklə'
+'This is the first translation of $1': 'Bu $1 üçün ilk tərcümədir'
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'Bu nümayişlə əlaqəli məqalə yoxdur.'
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': '$2 ilə əlaqəli olan və birləşdiriləcək $1 məqalə var.'
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'Mənbə məqalə növündə ($1) heç bir məqalə yoxdur.'
+'Source Article Type': 'Mənbə Məqalə Növü'
+'Preview of $1': '$1 üçün ön baxış'
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Birləşdirmə konfiqurasiyasının nümunəsinə bax.'
+'Merge failed.': 'Birləşmə alınmadı.'
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': '$1 ilə $2 üçün birləşmə konfiqurasiyası.'
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Məqalə Növlərini Birləşdir: $2 addım içindən $1'
+'Merge $1 into $2': '$1-i $2-ə birləşdir'
+'Destination Article Type': 'Hədəf Məqalə Növü'
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Bitdikdə mənbə məqalə növünü ($1) sil.'
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Birləşmə konfiqurasiyasının düzgünlüyünü yoxlamaq üçün məqalələriniz arasında dövrə vur.'
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Birləş düyməsini klikləməklə məqalə(lər)i birləşdirə ($1) bilərsən.'
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': '$1 sahəsi ($2) $3 sahəsi ($4) ilə birləşdirilə bilmir.'
+'--None--': '--Heç biri--'
+'(Null merge warning.)': '(Boş birləşmə xəbərdarlığı.)'
+'(No merge warning.)': '(Baş verməyən birləşmə xəbərdarlığı.)'
+'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Surət çıxarma xəbərdarlığı.)'
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) $1 üçün birləşmə əməliyyatı ETMƏ'
+'$1 of $2': '$2-nin $1-i'
+show: göstər
+hide: gizlə
+deactivate: 'ləğv et'
+activate: aktivləşdir
+'You must enter a name for the type.': 'Növ üçün ad daxil etməlisən.'
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'Məqalə növü üçün dil seçməlisən.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'Məqalə növlərinin adını dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'Məqalə növlərini birləşdirməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Tərcümə əlavə edilə bilmədi.'
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': '$1 məqalə növü mövcud deyil.'
+'Template Type Name': 'Nümunə Növü Adı'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'Bölmə səhifəsində məqalə göstər'
+'Show article on front page': 'Ön səhifədə məqalə göstər'
+'Publish date': 'Nümayiş tarixi'
+Merge!: Birləşdir!
+'Merge types': 'Növləri birləşdir'
+'Merge article type': 'Məqalə növlərini birləşdir'
+'Link to public page': 'İctimai səhifəyə keçid'
+'Go to Step 3': 'Addım 3-ə keç'
+'Go to Step 2': 'Addım 2-ə keç'
+'Display Name': 'Adı Nümayiş Et'
+'Delete article type $1.': '$1 məqalə növünü sil.'
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': 'Addım 2-ə qayıt'
+'Back to Step 1': 'Addım 1-ə qayıt'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': '$1 məqalə növünü silmək istədiyinə əminsən? DİQQƏT: Bu məqalə növünü silsən, onunla əlaqəli olan bütün məqalələr də silinəcək.'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': '$2 məqalə növünü $1 istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': '$2 məqalə növü üçün şərhləri $1 istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'İstifadəçilərə abunə olmadan məqaləyə baxmağa icazə ver'
+'Add translation:': 'Tərcümə Əlavə Et:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': '$2 məqalə növü üçün $1 şərh'
+'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 məqalə növü üçün $1 şərh'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 məqalə növü $2'
+'No article types.': 'Məqalə növü yoxdur.'
+'Delete article type $1': '$1 məqalə növünü sil'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Məqalə növünü əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Adding new article type': 'Yeni məqalə növünün əlavə edilməsi'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 sahə adı yalnız hərf və alt xətt (_) işarəsindən ibarət ola bilər.'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': '$1 məqalə növü artıq mövcuddur.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Məqalə növlərini silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 məqalə növü silinə bilmədi.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.be.yml
index c64feb0226..f9585d41c9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.be.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Імя шаблёну можа змяшчаць толькі літары і знак падкрэслівання (_).'
+'Rename article type $1': 'Пераіменаваць тып артыкула $1 '
+'Invalid article type $1.': 'Няправільны тып артыкула $1.'
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'Вы ня можаце абяднаць тып сам з сабой.'
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'Прагляд крынiцы ($1) вэрсii $2'
+'View of original ($1) $2': 'Прагляд арыгіналу ($1) $2'
+'To return to the preview click here': 'Для звароту да папярэдняга агляду нацiсьнiце тут.'
+'This is the first translation of $1': 'Гэта першы пераклад $1'
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'Няма артыкулаў, прызначаных для папярэдняга агляду.'
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'Артыкулаў, асацыяваных з $2, якiя будуць абяднаныя:'
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'Тып $1 артыкула крынiцы ня мае артыкулаў.'
+'Source Article Type': 'Тып артыкула крынiцы'
+'Preview of $1': 'Папярэднi агляд $1'
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Папярэднi агляд узора абяднанай канфiгурацыi.'
+'Merge failed.': 'Абяднаньне не ўдалося .'
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Канфiгурацыя абяднаньня для зьлiцьця $1 у $2.'
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Тыпы абядноўваных артыкулаў: Крок $1 з $2 '
+'Merge $1 into $2': 'Абяднаць $1 i $2 '
+'Destination Article Type': 'Тып вынiковага артыкула'
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Выдалiць тып артыкула ($1) пасьля завяршэньня.'
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Пракруціць Ваш артыкул для праверкi, цi канфiгурацыя абяднаньня сулшная. '
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Немагчыма зьлiць поле $1 ($2) у поле $3 ($4). '
+'--None--': '--Нічога--'
+'(Null merge warning.)': '(Няма папярэджаньняў аб абяднаньнi.)'
+'(No merge warning.)': '(Няма папярэджаньняў аб абяднаньнi.)'
+'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Дубляваць папярэджаньнi)'
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Не абядноўвайце $1'
+'$1 of $2': '$1 з $2 '
+show: Паказаць
+hide: Схаваць
+deactivate: дэактываваць
+activate: актывіваваць
+'You must enter a name for the type.': 'Вы павiнны ўвесьцi назву тыпу.'
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'Вы павiнны выбраць мову для тыпу артыкула.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'Вы ня маеце права пераймяноўваць тыпы артыкулаў.'
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'Вы ня маеце права абядноўваць тыпы артыкулаў.'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Пераклад ня можа быць даданы.'
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'Тып артыкула $1 не iснуе.'
+'Template Type Name': 'Назва тыпу шаблёну'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'Паказаць артыкул на старонцы рубрыкi.'
+'Show article on front page': 'Паказаць артыкул на тытульнай старонцы '
+'Publish date': 'Дата публiкацыі '
+Merge!: Абяднаць!
+'Merge types': 'Абяднаць тыпы'
+'Merge article type': 'Абяднаць тыпы артыкулаў'
+'Link to public page': 'Спасылка на агульнадаступную старонку'
+'Go to Step 3': 'Перайсьцi да кроку 3'
+'Go to Step 2': 'Перайсьцi да кроку 2'
+'Display Name': 'Адлюстраваная назва'
+'Delete article type $1.': 'Выдалiць тып артыкулаў $1.'
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': 'Назад да кроку 2'
+'Back to Step 1': 'Назад да кроку 1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што хочаце выдалiць тып артыкула $1? ПАПЯРЭДЖАНЬНЕ: выдаленьне гэтага тыпу артыкулаў пацягне за сабой выдаленьне ўсіх артыкулаў, асацыяваных з гэтым тыпам.'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што хочаце $1 тыпа артыкулаў $2? '
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што хочаце $1 камэнтары для тыпу артыкула $2?'
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Дазволiць карыстальнiкам без падпiскі чытаць артыкулы.'
+'Add translation:': 'Дадаць пераклад'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': 'Камэнтароў для артыкулаў тыпу $2: $1'
+'$1 comments for article type $1': 'Камэнтароў для артыкулаў тыпу $1: $1'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 тып артыкулаў $2 '
+'No article types.': 'Няма тыпаў артыкулаў.'
+'Delete article type $1': 'Выдалiць тып артыкула $1'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Вы ня маеце права выдаляць тыпы артыкулаў.'
+'Adding new article type': 'Дадаваньне новага тыпу артыкула'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Поле $1 можа зьмяшчаць толькi лiтары i сымбаль падкрэсьлiваньня (_).'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'Тып артыкула $1 ужо iснуе. '
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Вы ня маеце права выдаляць тыпы артыкулаў.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'Немагчыма выдалiць тып артыкулаў $1.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.bn.yml
index c64feb0226..405c2dce81 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.bn.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': null
+'Delete article type $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'The article type $1 already exists.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.cs.yml
index c64feb0226..13c6091a4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.cs.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: seznam
+filter: filtr
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Jste si jist, že chcete $1 články jako typ článku $2? '
+'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 články typu článku $2'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Skrýt pole se jmény lidí'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Uprav a přelož pole se jmény lidí'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Jméno šablony může obsahovat písmena a podtržítko (_).'
+'Rename article type $1': 'Přejmenovat typ článku $1'
+'Invalid article type $1.': 'Neplatný typ článku $1.'
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'Nelze vnořit stejný typ do sebe sama.'
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'Zobrazit zdrojovou ($1) verzi $2'
+'View of original ($1) $2': 'Náhled originálu ($1) $2'
+'To return to the preview click here': 'K návratu do náhledu klikněte zde'
+'This is the first translation of $1': 'Toto je první překlad z $1'
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'S náhledem nejsou spojené žádné články.'
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'S $2 jsou spojené $1 články, které budou vnořeny.'
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'Zdrojový typ článku ($1) neobsahuje žádné články.'
+'Source Article Type': 'Zdrojový Typ Článku'
+'Preview of $1': 'Náhled $1'
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Zobrazit příklad nastavení vnoření.'
+'Merge failed.': 'Vnoření selhalo.'
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Nastavení vnoření pro vnoření $1 do $2.'
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Vnořit Typy Článků: Krok $1 z $2'
+'Merge $1 into $2': 'Vnořit $1 do $2'
+'Destination Article Type': 'Cílový Typ Článku'
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Po dokončení odstranit typ článku ($1).'
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Projít znovu články a ověřit, že nastavení vnoření je správné.'
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Kliknutím na Vnořit se vnoří ($1) článků.'
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Nezdařilo se vnořit $1 pole ($2) do $3 pole ($4).'
+'--None--': '--Žádné--'
+'(Null merge warning.)': '(Nulové varování o vnoření.)'
+'(No merge warning.)': '(Žádné varování o vnoření.)'
+'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplikovat varování.)'
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Nevnořujte $1'
+'$1 of $2': '$1 z $2'
+show: zobrazit
+hide: skrýt
+deactivate: vypnout
+activate: zapnout
+'You must enter a name for the type.': 'Vložte název typu.'
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'Zvolte jazyk pro typ článku.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'Nemáte oprávnění přejmenovávat typy článků.'
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'Nemáte oprávnění vnořovat typy článků.'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Nezdařilo se přidat překlad.'
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'Typ článku $1 neexistuje.'
+'Template Type Name': 'Název Typu Šablony'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'Zobrazit článek na stránce rubrik'
+'Show article on front page': 'Zobrazit článek na hlavní stránce'
+'Publish date': 'Datum publikování'
+Merge!: Vnořit!
+'Merge types': 'Typy vnoření'
+'Merge article type': 'Vnořit typy článků'
+'Link to public page': 'Navázat na hlavní stánku'
+'Go to Step 3': 'Jít na Krok 3'
+'Go to Step 2': 'Jít na Krok 2'
+'Display Name': Popisek
+'Delete article type $1.': 'Odstranit typ článku $1.'
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': 'Zpět na Krok 2'
+'Back to Step 1': 'Zpět na Krok 1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Jste si jistí, že chcete odstranit typ článku $1? VAROVÁNÍ: Odstraněním tohoto typu článku zároveň odstraníte všechny články spojené s tímto typem.'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Jste si jistí, že chcete $1 typ článku $2?'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Jste si jistí, že chcete $1 komentáře typu článku $2?'
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Povolit uživatelům bez předplatného zobrazit článek'
+'Add translation:': 'Přidat překlad:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 komentáře pro typ článku $2'
+'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 komentáře pro typ článku $1'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 typ článku $2'
+'No article types.': 'Žádný typ článku'
+'Delete article type $1': 'Smazat typ článku $1'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Nemáte práva přidat typ článku'
+'Adding new article type': 'Přidává se nový typ článku'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Pole $1 smí obsahovat pouze písmena a podtržítko (_).'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'Tento typ článku už existuje'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Nemáte oprávnění vymazat tento typ článků.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'Typ článku $1 nemohl být smazán'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.da.yml
index c64feb0226..021f791c6b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.da.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
+list: liste
filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+'Show in Article Lists?': 'Vis i artikel lister?'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Vil du $1 artikler af type $2?'
+'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 artikler af type $2'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Skjul læsevenlige feltnavne'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Rediger og oversæt læsevenlige feltnavne'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Skabelonens navn må kun indeholde bogstaver og underscore tegnet (_)'
+'Rename article type $1': 'Omdøb artikel type $1'
+'Invalid article type $1.': 'Ugyldig artikel type $1.'
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'Du kan ikke flette den samme type med sig selv.'
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'Se originalversionen ($1) til $2'
+'View of original ($1) $2': 'Viser original ($1) $2'
+'To return to the preview click here': 'Klik her for at vende tilbage til forhåndsvisning'
+'This is the first translation of $1': 'Dette er oversættelsen af $1'
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'Ingen artikel til forhåndsvisning'
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': '$1 artikler forbundet med $2 vil blive flettet.'
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'Kilde artikeltypen ($1) har ingen artikler.'
+'Source Article Type': 'Kilde artikeltype'
+'Preview of $1': 'Forhåndsvisning af $1'
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Se en forhåndsvisning af fletnings indstillingerne.'
+'Merge failed.': 'Fletning lykkedes ikke.'
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Indstillinger for fletning af $1 ind i $2.'
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Flet artikeltyper: Trin $1 af $2'
+'Merge $1 into $2': 'Flet $1 ind i $2'
+'Destination Article Type': 'Til artikeltype'
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Slet kilde artikeltypen ($1) efter fletning.'
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Gennemgå dine artikler for at kontrollere at indstillingerne for fletning er korrekte.'
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Tryk flet for at flette ($1) artikler.'
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Et $1 felt ($2) kan ikke flettes ind i et $3 felt ($4).'
+'--None--': '--Ingen--'
+'(Null merge warning.)': '(Advarsel: Tom fletning).'
+'(No merge warning.)': '(Advarsel: Ingen fletning).'
+'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Advarsel: Gentagelse.)'
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Flet IKKE $1'
+'$1 of $2': '$1 af $2'
+show: vis
+hide: skjul
+deactivate: deaktiver
+activate: aktiver
+'You must enter a name for the type.': 'Du skal give typen et navn.'
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'Vælg et sprog for artikel typen.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at omdøbe artikel type felter.'
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at flette artikel typer.'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Oversættelsen kunne ikke tilføjes.'
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'Artikel typen $1 findes ikke.'
+'Template Type Name': 'Skabelon type navn'
+'Show to Authors?': 'Vis til forfattere?'
+'Show article on section page': 'Vis artiklen på sektions siden'
+'Show article on front page': 'Vis artiklen på forsiden'
+'Publish date': 'Udgivelses dato'
+Merge!: Flet!
+'Merge types': 'Flet typer'
+'Merge article type': 'Flet artikel typer'
+'Link to public page': 'Link til offentlig side'
+'Go to Step 3': 'Gå til trin 3'
+'Go to Step 2': 'Gå til trin 2'
+'Display Name': 'Vist navn'
+'Delete article type $1.': 'Slet artikel type $1.'
+'Comments Enabled?': 'Slå kommentarer til?'
+'Back to Step 2': 'Tilbage til trin 2'
+'Back to Step 1': 'Tilbage til trin 1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Vil du slette artikeltypen $1? ADVARSEL: Hvis du sletter artikeltypen bliver alle artikler af denne type slettet.'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Vil du $1 artikeltypen $2?'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Vil du $1 kommentarer for artikel type $2?'
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Tillad brugere uden abonnement at se artiklen'
+'Add translation:': 'Tilføj oversættelse:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 kommentarer til artikel type $2'
+'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 kommentarer for artikel type $1'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 artikel type $2'
+'No article types.': 'Ingen artikel typer.'
+'Delete article type $1': 'Slet artikel type $1'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje artikel typer.'
+'Adding new article type': 'Tilføjer ny artikel type'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 feltet må kun indeholde bogstaver og underscore tegnet (_).'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'Artikel typen $1 eksisterer allerede.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette artikel typer.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'Artikel typen $1 kunne ikke slettes.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.de.yml
index c64feb0226..6fdfa660ee 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.de.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Verberge von Menschen lesbare Feldnamen'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Bearbeite und übersetze von Menschen lesbare Feldnamen'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Der Templatename darf nur Buchstaben und den Unterstrich (_) enthalten.'
+'Rename article type $1': 'Artikeltyp $1 umbenennen'
+'Invalid article type $1.': 'Ungültiger Artikeltyp $1.'
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'Gleiche Typen können nicht zusammengeführt werden.'
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'Quelle ($1) Version von $2 betrachten'
+'View of original ($1) $2': 'Original ($1) $2 betrachten'
+'To return to the preview click here': 'Um zur Vorschau zurückzukehren hier klicken.'
+'This is the first translation of $1': 'Dies ist die Übersetzung von $1.'
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'Mit dieser Vorschau ist kein Artikel verknüpft.'
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': '$1 Artikel die mit $2 verknüpft sind werden zusammengeführt.'
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'Der Quellartikeltyp ($1) hat keine Artikel.'
+'Source Article Type': Quellartikeltyp
+'Preview of $1': 'Vorschau von $1'
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Vorschau auf eine beispielhafte Zusammenführungskonfiguration.'
+'Merge failed.': 'Zusammenführen fehlgeschlagen.'
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Zusammenführungskonfiguration für das Zusammenführen von $1 nach $2.'
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Artikeltypen zusammenführen: Schritt $1 von $2'
+'Merge $1 into $2': '$1 nach $2 zusammenführen'
+'Destination Article Type': Zielartikeltyp
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Quellartikeltyp ($1) nach Fertigstellung löschen.'
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Gehen Sie die Artikel durch um die korrekte Zusammenführungskonfiguration zu überprüfen.'
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Auf Zusammenführen klicken um ($1) Artikel zusammenzuführen.'
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Ein $1 Feld ($2) kann nicht mit einem $3 Feld ($4) zusammengeführt werden.'
+'--None--': '--Keine--'
+'(Null merge warning.)': '(Warnung: Null Zusammenführung)'
+'(No merge warning.)': '(Warnung: keine Zusammenführung)'
+'(Duplicate warning.)': (Duplizierungswarnung)
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) $1 NICHT zusammenführen'
+'$1 of $2': '$1 von $2'
+show: anzeigen
+hide: verbergen
+deactivate: deaktivieren
+activate: aktivieren
+'You must enter a name for the type.': 'Sie müssen einen Typnamen eingeben.'
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'Sie müssen eine Sprache für den Artikeltyp wählen.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen umzubenennen.'
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen zusammenzuführen.'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Die Übersetzung konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'Der Artikeltyp $1 existiert nicht.'
+'Template Type Name': 'Templatetyp Name'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'Artikel in der Rubrik anzeigen'
+'Show article on front page': 'Artikel auf der Startseite anzeigen'
+'Publish date': Veröffentlichungsdatum
+Merge!: Zusammenführen!
+'Merge types': 'Artikeltypen zusammenführen'
+'Merge article type': 'Artikeltypen zusammenführen'
+'Link to public page': 'Mit öffentlicher Seite verlinken'
+'Go to Step 3': 'Zu Schritt 3 gehen'
+'Go to Step 2': 'Zu Schritt 2 gehen'
+'Display Name': Anzeigename
+'Delete article type $1.': 'Artikeltyp $1 löschen.'
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': 'Zurück zu Schritt 2'
+'Back to Step 1': 'Zurück zu Schritt 1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Wirklich Artikeltyp $1 löschen? WARNUNG: Wenn dieser Artikeltyp gelöscht wird, werden alle verknüpften Artikel ebenfalls gelöscht.'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Wirklich den Artikeltyp $2 $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Wirklich Kommentare für Artikeltyp $2 $1?'
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Usern ohne Abonnement erlauben den Artikel zu sehen.'
+'Add translation:': 'Übersetzung hinzufügen:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 Kommentare für Artikeltyp $2'
+'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 Kommentare für Artikeltyp $1'
+'$1 article type $2': 'Artikeltyp $2 $1'
+'No article types.': 'Keine Artikeltypen'
+'Delete article type $1': 'Artikeltyp $1 löschen'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen hinzuzufügen.'
+'Adding new article type': 'Neuer Artikeltyp wird hinzugefügt'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Das $1 Feld darf nur Buchstaben und den Unterstrich (_) enthalten.'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'Artikeltyp $1 existiert bereits.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen zu löschen.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'Artikeltyp $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.de_AT.yml
index c64feb0226..6fdfa660ee 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Verberge von Menschen lesbare Feldnamen'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Bearbeite und übersetze von Menschen lesbare Feldnamen'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Der Templatename darf nur Buchstaben und den Unterstrich (_) enthalten.'
+'Rename article type $1': 'Artikeltyp $1 umbenennen'
+'Invalid article type $1.': 'Ungültiger Artikeltyp $1.'
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'Gleiche Typen können nicht zusammengeführt werden.'
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'Quelle ($1) Version von $2 betrachten'
+'View of original ($1) $2': 'Original ($1) $2 betrachten'
+'To return to the preview click here': 'Um zur Vorschau zurückzukehren hier klicken.'
+'This is the first translation of $1': 'Dies ist die Übersetzung von $1.'
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'Mit dieser Vorschau ist kein Artikel verknüpft.'
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': '$1 Artikel die mit $2 verknüpft sind werden zusammengeführt.'
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'Der Quellartikeltyp ($1) hat keine Artikel.'
+'Source Article Type': Quellartikeltyp
+'Preview of $1': 'Vorschau von $1'
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Vorschau auf eine beispielhafte Zusammenführungskonfiguration.'
+'Merge failed.': 'Zusammenführen fehlgeschlagen.'
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Zusammenführungskonfiguration für das Zusammenführen von $1 nach $2.'
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Artikeltypen zusammenführen: Schritt $1 von $2'
+'Merge $1 into $2': '$1 nach $2 zusammenführen'
+'Destination Article Type': Zielartikeltyp
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Quellartikeltyp ($1) nach Fertigstellung löschen.'
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Gehen Sie die Artikel durch um die korrekte Zusammenführungskonfiguration zu überprüfen.'
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Auf Zusammenführen klicken um ($1) Artikel zusammenzuführen.'
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Ein $1 Feld ($2) kann nicht mit einem $3 Feld ($4) zusammengeführt werden.'
+'--None--': '--Keine--'
+'(Null merge warning.)': '(Warnung: Null Zusammenführung)'
+'(No merge warning.)': '(Warnung: keine Zusammenführung)'
+'(Duplicate warning.)': (Duplizierungswarnung)
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) $1 NICHT zusammenführen'
+'$1 of $2': '$1 von $2'
+show: anzeigen
+hide: verbergen
+deactivate: deaktivieren
+activate: aktivieren
+'You must enter a name for the type.': 'Sie müssen einen Typnamen eingeben.'
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'Sie müssen eine Sprache für den Artikeltyp wählen.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen umzubenennen.'
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen zusammenzuführen.'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Die Übersetzung konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'Der Artikeltyp $1 existiert nicht.'
+'Template Type Name': 'Templatetyp Name'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'Artikel in der Rubrik anzeigen'
+'Show article on front page': 'Artikel auf der Startseite anzeigen'
+'Publish date': Veröffentlichungsdatum
+Merge!: Zusammenführen!
+'Merge types': 'Artikeltypen zusammenführen'
+'Merge article type': 'Artikeltypen zusammenführen'
+'Link to public page': 'Mit öffentlicher Seite verlinken'
+'Go to Step 3': 'Zu Schritt 3 gehen'
+'Go to Step 2': 'Zu Schritt 2 gehen'
+'Display Name': Anzeigename
+'Delete article type $1.': 'Artikeltyp $1 löschen.'
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': 'Zurück zu Schritt 2'
+'Back to Step 1': 'Zurück zu Schritt 1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Wirklich Artikeltyp $1 löschen? WARNUNG: Wenn dieser Artikeltyp gelöscht wird, werden alle verknüpften Artikel ebenfalls gelöscht.'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Wirklich den Artikeltyp $2 $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Wirklich Kommentare für Artikeltyp $2 $1?'
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Usern ohne Abonnement erlauben den Artikel zu sehen.'
+'Add translation:': 'Übersetzung hinzufügen:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 Kommentare für Artikeltyp $2'
+'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 Kommentare für Artikeltyp $1'
+'$1 article type $2': 'Artikeltyp $2 $1'
+'No article types.': 'Keine Artikeltypen'
+'Delete article type $1': 'Artikeltyp $1 löschen'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen hinzuzufügen.'
+'Adding new article type': 'Neuer Artikeltyp wird hinzugefügt'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Das $1 Feld darf nur Buchstaben und den Unterstrich (_) enthalten.'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'Artikeltyp $1 existiert bereits.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen zu löschen.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'Artikeltyp $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.es.yml
index c64feb0226..dc6554499a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.es.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: lista
+filter: filtro
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': '¿Está seguro de querer $1 los artículos del tipo $2?'
+'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 artículos del tipo $2'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Ocultar nombres de campo legibles.'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Editar y traducir nombres de campo legibles.'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'El nombre de la plantilla solo puede contener letras y el caracter de guión bajo (_).'
+'Rename article type $1': 'Renombrar artículo tipo $1'
+'Invalid article type $1.': 'El tipo de artículo $1 es inválido.'
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'No puede combinar el mismo tipo en sí mismo.'
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'Ver la versión de la fuente ($1) de $2'
+'View of original ($1) $2': 'Vista del original ($1) $2'
+'To return to the preview click here': 'Para regresar a la previsualización presione aquí'
+'This is the first translation of $1': 'Esta es la primera traducción de $1'
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'No existen artículos asociados con esta previsualización.'
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'Hay $1 artículos asociados con $2 que serán combinados.'
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'La fuente del tipo de artículo (1$) no tiene ningún artículo.'
+'Source Article Type': 'Fuente de tipo artículo'
+'Preview of $1': 'Previsualización de $1'
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Previsualizar una muestra de la configuración combinada.'
+'Merge failed.': 'La combinación falló.'
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Configuración para combinar $1 en $2.'
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Combinar los tipos de artículo: Paso $1 de $2'
+'Merge $1 into $2': 'Combinar $1 en $2'
+'Destination Article Type': 'Destino del tipo artículo'
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Eliminar la fuente del tipo de artículo ($1) cuando finalice.'
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Circule entre sus artículos para verificar que la configuración de la combinación es correcta.'
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Si hace click en combinar se combinará el o los artículo(s) ($1).'
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'No es posible combinar un campo $1 ($2) en un campo $3 ($4).'
+'--None--': '--Ninguno--'
+'(Null merge warning.)': '(Advertencia de combinación nula.)'
+'(No merge warning.)': '(Sin advertencia de combinación.)'
+'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicar advertencia.)'
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) NO combine el $1'
+'$1 of $2': '$1 de $2'
+show: mostrar
+hide: ocultar
+deactivate: desactivar
+activate: activar
+'You must enter a name for the type.': 'Debe ingresar un nombre para el tipo.'
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'Debe elegir un idioma para el tipo de artículo.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'No tiene privilegios para renombrar los tipos de artículo.'
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'No tiene privilegios para combinar tipos de artículo.'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'No se pudo agregar la traducción.'
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'El tipo de artículo $1 no existe.'
+'Template Type Name': 'Nombre del tipo de plantilla'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'Mostrar artículo en página de sección'
+'Show article on front page': 'Mostrar artículo en portada'
+'Publish date': 'Publicar fecha'
+Merge!: ¡Combinar!
+'Merge types': 'Combinar tipos'
+'Merge article type': 'Combinar tipo de artículo'
+'Link to public page': 'Vincular a página pública'
+'Go to Step 3': 'Ir a Paso 3'
+'Go to Step 2': 'Ir a Paso 2'
+'Display Name': 'Nombre a mostrar'
+'Delete article type $1.': 'Eliminar tipo de artículo $1'
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': 'De vuelta al paso 2'
+'Back to Step 1': 'De vuelta al paso 1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': '¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar el tipo de artículo $1? ADVERTENCIA: eliminar este tipo de artículo eliminará todos los artículos asociados con este tipo de artículo'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': '¿Está seguro de que desea $1 el tipo de artículo $2?'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': '¿Está seguro de que desea $1 los comentarios para el tipo de artículo $2?'
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Mostrar el artículo a usuarios sin suscripción'
+'Add translation:': 'Agregar traducción:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comentario(s) para el tipo de artículo $2'
+'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comentario(s) para el tipo de artículo $1'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 el tipo de artículo $2'
+'No article types.': 'Sin tipo de artículo'
+'Delete article type $1': 'Borrar tipo de artículo $1'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'No tiene derecho a agregar tipos de artículo.'
+'Adding new article type': 'Añadir nuevo tipo de artículo'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'El campo $1 solo puede contener letras y el caracter de guión mayor (_).'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'El tipo de artículo $1 ya existe'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'No tiene autorización para eliminar tipos de artículo.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'El tipo de artículo $1 no pudo ser eliminado'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.es_AR.yml
index c64feb0226..405c2dce81 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': null
+'Delete article type $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'The article type $1 already exists.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.fa.yml
index c64feb0226..405c2dce81 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.fa.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': null
+'Delete article type $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'The article type $1 already exists.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.fr.yml
index c64feb0226..c21aee0048 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.fr.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'Afficher larticle dans la page de section'
+'Show article on front page': 'Afficher larticle en première page'
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': 'Ajouter traduction:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': 'Aucun type darticles.'
+'Delete article type $1': 'Supprimer type darticle $1'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des types darticles.'
+'Adding new article type': 'Ajout nouveau type darticle'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Le champ $1 peut seulement contenir des lettres et le caractère souligné (_).'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'Le type darticle $1 existe déjà.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des types darticle.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'Le type darticle $1 ne pouvait pas être supprimé.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.he.yml
index c64feb0226..405c2dce81 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.he.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': null
+'Delete article type $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'The article type $1 already exists.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.hr.yml
index c64feb0226..021913c65e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.hr.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'Prikaži članak na stranici rubrike'
+'Show article on front page': 'Prikaži članak na naslovnici'
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': 'Dodaj prijevod:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': 'Nema tipova članaka.'
+'Delete article type $1': 'Izbriši tip članka $1'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati tipove članaka.'
+'Adding new article type': 'Dodavanje novog tipa članka'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Polje $1 može imati samo slova i znak podvlake (_).'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'Tip članka $1 već postoji.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Nemate ovlasti brisati tipove članaka.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'Tip članka $1 ne može se obrisati.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.hu.yml
index c64feb0226..3f8e7e76fb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.hu.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: lista
+filter: szűrő
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Biztosan $1 akarod a/z $2 cikktípusú cikkeket?'
+'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 cikkei a/z $2 cikktípusnak'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Az ember által olvasható mezőnevek elrejtése'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Az ember által olvasható mezőnevek szerkesztése és fordítása'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'A sablonnév csak betűket és aláhúzásjelet (_) tartalmazhat.'
+'Rename article type $1': 'A/z $1 cikktípus átnevezése'
+'Invalid article type $1.': 'Érvénytelen $1 cikktípus.'
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'Az azonos típusok nem egyesíthetők.'
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'Forrásverzió ($1) megtekintése, $2'
+'View of original ($1) $2': 'Az eredeti ($1) $2 megtekintése'
+'To return to the preview click here': 'Kattints ide az előnézethez való visszatéréshez'
+'This is the first translation of $1': 'Ez a/z $1 első fordítása'
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'Nincs az előnézethez társított cikk.'
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': '$1 cikk van a/z $2 típushoz társítva, melyek egyesítésre fognak kerülni.'
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'A forrás cikktípusnak ($1) nincs semmilyen cikke.'
+'Source Article Type': 'Forrás cikktípus'
+'Preview of $1': '$1 előnézete'
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'A konfigurációegyesítés mintájának előnézete.'
+'Merge failed.': 'Az egyesítés nem sikerült.'
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Konfigurációegyesítés a/z $1 egyesítéséhez a következővel: $2.'
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Cikktípusok egyesítése: $1. lépés / $2'
+'Merge $1 into $2': 'A/z $1 egyesítése a következővel: $2'
+'Destination Article Type': 'Cél cikktípus'
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'A forrás cikktípus ($1) törlése befejezéskor.'
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'A cikkek közti lépkedéssel ellenőrizd, hogy megfelelő-e a konfigurációegyesítés.'
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Az Egyesítés gombra kattintás cikk(ek)et ($1) fog egyesíteni.'
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Egy $1 mező ($2) nem egyesíthető egy $3 mezővel ($4).'
+'--None--': '--Nincs--'
+'(Null merge warning.)': '(Nulla egyesítési figyelmeztetés.)'
+'(No merge warning.)': '(Nincs egyesítési figyelmeztetés.)'
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) NE egyesítse a következőt: $1'
+'$1 of $2': '$1 / $2'
+show: megjelenítés
+hide: elrejtés
+deactivate: inaktiválás
+activate: aktiválás
+'You must enter a name for the type.': 'Meg kell adnod a típus nevét.'
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'Ki kell választanod a cikktípus nyelvét.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'Nincs jogod a cikktípusok átnevezéséhez..'
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'Nincs jogod a cikktípusok egyesítéséhez.'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Nem lehetett hozzáadni a fordítást.'
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'A/z $1 cikktípus nem létezik.'
+'Template Type Name': 'Sablontípus neve'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'A cikk megjelenítése a rovatlapon'
+'Show article on front page': 'A cikk megjelenítése a címlapon'
+'Publish date': 'Közzététel dátuma'
+Merge!: Egyesítsd!
+'Merge types': 'Típusok egyesítése'
+'Merge article type': 'Cikktípus egyesítése'
+'Link to public page': 'Hivatkozás a nyilvános lapra'
+'Go to Step 3': 'Ugrás a 3. lépésre'
+'Go to Step 2': 'Ugrás a 2. lépésre'
+'Display Name': 'Megjelenítendő név'
+'Delete article type $1.': 'A/z $1 cikktípus törlése.'
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': 'Vissza a 2. lépésre'
+'Back to Step 1': 'Vissza az 1. lépésre'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Biztosan törölni akarod a/z $1 cikktípust? FIGYELMEZTETÉS: A cikktípus törlése az ehhez a cikktípushoz társított összes cikket törölni fogja.'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Biztosan $1 akarod a/z $2 cikktípust?'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Biztosan $1 akarod a/z $2 cikktípus hozzászólásait?'
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Lehetővé teszi a felhasználók számára a cikk előfizetések nélküli megtekintését'
+'Add translation:': 'Fordítás hozzáadása:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 hozzászólás a/z $2 cikktípushoz'
+'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 hozzászólás a/z $1 cikktípushoz'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 cikk $2 típus'
+'No article types.': 'Nincsenek cikktípusok.'
+'Delete article type $1': 'A/z $1 cikktípus törlése'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Nincs jogod a cikktípusok hozzáadásához.'
+'Adding new article type': 'Új cikktípus hozzáadása'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'A/z $1 mező csak betűket és aláhúzásjelet (_) tartalmazhat.'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'A/z $1 cikktípus már létezik.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Nincs jogod a cikktípusok törléséhez.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'A/z $1 cikktípust nem lehet törölni.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.hy_AM.yml
index c64feb0226..405c2dce81 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': null
+'Delete article type $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'The article type $1 already exists.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ka.yml
index c64feb0226..5b1d6e094c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ka.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: სია
+filter: ფილტრი
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ $2 სტატიის ტიპის $1 სატატიები?'
+'$1 articles of article type $2': '$2 სტატიის ტიპის $1 სტატიები '
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'ადამიანის მიერ წაკითხვადი ველების დამალვა'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'ადამიანის მიერ წაკითხვადი ველების რედაქტირება და თარგმნა'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'შაბლონის სახელი უნდა შეიცავდე მხოლოს ასოებს და _ სიმბოლოს.'
+'Rename article type $1': 'შეცვალეთ $1 ტიპის სტატიის სახელი'
+'Invalid article type $1.': '$1 არასწორი სტატიის ტიპი'
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'ერთი და იგივე ტიპის მის თავთან შეერთება შეუძლებელია.'
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': '$2-ის ($2) საწყისი ვერსიის ჩვენება'
+'View of original ($1) $2': 'ორიგინალის ჩვენება ($1) $2'
+'To return to the preview click here': 'გადახედვაზე დასაბრუნებლად დააჭირეთ აქ'
+'This is the first translation of $1': 'ეს არის $1-ის პირველი თარგმანი'
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'ამ გადახედვაზე ასოცირებული სტატია არ არსებობს.'
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': '$2-თან ასოცირებული $1 სტატიები შეერთდება'
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': '($1) წყარო სტატიის ტიპი არ შეიცავს სტატიებს'
+'Source Article Type': 'წყარო სტატიის ტიპი'
+'Preview of $1': '$1-ის გადახედვა'
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'შეერთების კონფიგურაციის ნიმუშის გადახედვა'
+NOTHING: არაფერი
+'Merge failed.': 'შეერთება ვერ მოხერხდა'
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': '$1 $2-სთან შეერთების კონფიგურაცია'
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'სტატიის ტიპების შეერთება: $2-is $1 ნაბიჯი'
+'Merge $1 into $2': '$1 და $2 შეერთება'
+'Destination Article Type': 'მიმართულების სტატიის ტიპი'
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'დასრულების შემდეგ ($1) ტიპის წყარო სტატიის წაშლა .'
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'გადახედეთ სტატიებს რათა დარწმუნდეთ რომ შეერთების კონფიგურაცია სწორია.'
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'შეერთება-ზე დაჭერით ($1) სტატია(ები) შეერთდება.'
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': '$1 ველის ($2) $3 ველზე ($4) შეერთება ვერ ხერხდება'
+'--None--': '--არაფერი--'
+'(Null merge warning.)': '(გაუქმებული შეერთების გაფრთხილება.)'
+'(No merge warning.)': '(შეერთების გაფრთხილება არ არსებობს)'
+'(Duplicate warning.)': '(გაფრთხილების დუბლირება)'
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) არ შეაერთოთ $1'
+'$1 of $2': '$2-ის $1'
+show: ჩვენება
+hide: დამალვა
+deactivate: დეაქტივაცია
+activate: აქტივაცია
+'You must enter a name for the type.': 'მიუთითეთ ტიპის სახელი'
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'აირჩიეთ ტიპის ენა'
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის ტიპის სახელის შეცვლის უფლება'
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის ტიპების შეერთების უფლება'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'თარგმანი ვერ დაემატა'
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'სტატიის ტიპი $1 არ არსებობს.'
+'Template Type Name': 'შაბლონის ტიპის სახელი'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'სტატიის სექციის გვერდზე ჩვენება'
+'Show article on front page': 'სტატიის მთავარ გვერდზე ჩვენება'
+'Publish date': 'გამოცემის თარიღი'
+Merge!: შეერთება!
+'Merge types': 'შეერთების ტიპები'
+'Merge article type': 'სტატიის ტიპის შეერთება'
+'Link to public page': 'საჯარო გვერდზე დალინკვა'
+'Go to Step 3': 'გადადით მე-3 ნაბიჯზე'
+'Go to Step 2': 'გადადით მე-2 ნაბიჯზე'
+'Display Name': 'საჩვენებელი სახელი'
+'Delete article type $1.': '$1 სტატიის ტიპის წაშლა'
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': 'მე-2 ნაბიჯზე დაბრუნდება'
+'Back to Step 1': 'პირველ ნაბიჯზე დაბრუნება'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1 სტატიის ტიპის წაშლა? გაფრთხილება: ამ სტატიის ტიპის წაშლით წაიშლება ყველა სტატია რომელიც ამ ტიპთან არის ასოცირებული.'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1 $2 ტიპის სტატია?'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1 კომენტარები $2 ტიპის სტატიისთვის?'
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'სტატიის ნახვის უფლების მიცემა იმ მომხმარებლებისთვის, რომლებიც გამომწერები არ არიან'
+'Add translation:': 'თარგმანის დამატება:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 კომენტარები $2 სტატიის ტიპისთვის'
+'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 კომენტარები $1 სტატიის ტიპისთვის'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 $2 სტატიის ტიპი'
+'No article types.': 'არ არის სტატიის ტიპები.'
+'Delete article type $1': '$1 სტატიის ტიპის წაშლა'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის ტიპის დამატების უფლება'
+'Adding new article type': 'ახალი სტატიის ტიპის დამატება'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 ველი უნდა შეიცავდე მხოლოდ ასოებს და _ სიმბოლოს.'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': '$1 სტატიის ტიპი უკვე არსებობს'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის ტიპების წაშლის უფლება.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 სტატიის ტიპი ვერ წაიშალა'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ko.yml
index c64feb0226..ff8bae419f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ko.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': '섹션 페이지에 기사 보기'
+'Show article on front page': '프론트페이지에 기사 보기'
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': '번역 추가'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': '기사 타입 없슴.'
+'Delete article type $1': '기사 타입 $1 삭제'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': '기사 타입을 추가할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Adding new article type': '새로운 기사 타입 추가중'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': '$1 필드는 문자나 밑줄 (_) 문자만 포함합니다.'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': '기사 타입 $1 이 이미 존재합니다.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': '기사 타입을 삭제할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': '기사 타입 $1 을 삭제할 수 없습니다. '
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ku.yml
index c64feb0226..405c2dce81 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ku.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': null
+'Delete article type $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'The article type $1 already exists.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.lv.yml
index c64feb0226..405c2dce81 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.lv.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': null
+'Delete article type $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'The article type $1 already exists.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.nb_NO.yml
index c64feb0226..405c2dce81 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': null
+'Delete article type $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'The article type $1 already exists.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.pl.yml
index c64feb0226..9604c01aab 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.pl.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: lista
+filter: filtr
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Jesteś pewien że chcesz $1 artykułów z typu artykułu $2?'
+'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 artykułów z typu artykułu $2'
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Ukryj ludzkie nazwy pól'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Przetłumacz ludzkie nazwy pól'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Nazwa szablonu może zawierać wyłącznie litery oraz podkreślenie (_)'
+'Rename article type $1': 'Zmień nazwę typu artykułu $1'
+'Invalid article type $1.': 'Niepoprawny typ artykułu $1'
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'Nie możesz połączyć typu z tym samym typem.'
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'Zobacz źródlo ($1) wersja od $2'
+'View of original ($1) $2': 'Zobacz oryginał ($1) $2'
+'To return to the preview click here': 'Aby powrócić do podglądu kliknij tutaj'
+'This is the first translation of $1': 'Pierwsze tłumaczenie $1'
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'Nie ma artykułu powiązanego z podglądem.'
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'Istnieją $1 artykułu powiązane z $2, które zostaną połączone.'
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'Źródłowy typ artykułu ($1) nie zawiera żadnych artykułów.'
+'Source Article Type': 'Źródłowy typ artykułu'
+'Preview of $1': 'Podgląd $1'
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Zobacz podgląd konfiguracji połączenia.'
+'Merge failed.': 'Połącznie nie powiodło się'
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Konfiguracja łączenia $1 z $2'
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Połącz typy artykułó∑: Krok $1 z $2'
+'Merge $1 into $2': 'Połącz $1 z $2'
+'Destination Article Type': 'Docelowy typ artykułu'
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Usuń źródłowy typ artykułu ($1) po ukończeniu.'
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Przejrzyj artykuły by sprawdzić, że konfiguracja łączenia jest poprawna.'
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Klikając Połącz połączyc ($1) artykułów.'
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Nie można połączyć pola ($2) z $3, pole ($4)'
+'--None--': '--Brak--'
+'(Null merge warning.)': '(Ostrzeżenie o braku łączenia.)'
+'(No merge warning.)': '(Ostrzeżenie o braku łączenia.)'
+'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Ostrzeżenie o duplikacji.)'
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(1) NIE łącz $1'
+'$1 of $2': '$1 z $2'
+show: pokaż
+hide: schowaj
+deactivate: deaktywuj
+activate: aktywuj
+'You must enter a name for the type.': 'Musisz podać nazwę typu.'
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'Musisz wybrać język dla artykułu'
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniać nazwy typy artykułów.'
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'Nie masz praw aby łączyć typy artykułów.'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Tłumaczenie nie zostało dodane.'
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'Typ artykułu $1 nie istnieje.'
+'Template Type Name': 'Nazwa typu szablonu'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'Pokaż artykuł na stronie sekcji'
+'Show article on front page': 'Pokaż artykuł na stronie głównej'
+'Publish date': 'Data publikacji'
+Merge!: Połącz!
+'Merge types': 'Typy łączenia'
+'Merge article type': 'Łączenie typów artykułu'
+'Link to public page': 'Linkuj do strony publicznej'
+'Go to Step 3': 'Idź do Kroku 3'
+'Go to Step 2': 'Idź do Kroku 2'
+'Display Name': 'Wyświetl nazwę'
+'Delete article type $1.': 'Usuń typ artykułu $1'
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': 'Powrót do Krok 2'
+'Back to Step 1': 'Powrót do Krok 1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć typ artykułu $1? OSTRZEŻENIE: Usunięcie typu artykułu spowoduje usunięcie wszystkich artykułów powiązanych z tym typem.'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz $1 do typu artykułu $2?'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz $1 komentarze do typu artykułu $2?'
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Zezwól użytkownikom bez subskrypcji oglądać artykul'
+'Add translation:': 'Dodaj tłumaczenie:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 komentarzy do typu artykułu $2'
+'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 komentarzy do typu artykułu $2'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 typ artykulu $2'
+'No article types.': 'Brak typów artykułów.'
+'Delete article type $1': 'Usuń typ artykułu $1'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Nie masz praw aby dodawać typy artykułów.'
+'Adding new article type': 'Dodawanie nowego typu artykułu'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Pole $1 może jedynie zawierać litery oraz podkreślnik (_)'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'Typ artykułu $1 już istnieje.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Nie masz uprawnień do usówania typów artykułu'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'Typ artykułu $1 nie został usunięty.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ps.yml
index c64feb0226..405c2dce81 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.ps.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': null
+'Delete article type $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'The article type $1 already exists.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.pt_BR.yml
index c64feb0226..5cb6da3792 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Esconder nomes de campos que podem ser lidos pelas pessoas'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Editar e traduzir campos que podem ser lidos pelas pessoas'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'O nome do template pode ter apenas letras e o underscore (_).'
+'Rename article type $1': 'Modifique o nome do artigo tipo $1'
+'Invalid article type $1.': 'Artigo tipo $1 é inválido.'
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'Você não pode fundir um tipo com si mesmo.'
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'Ver a versão fonte ($1) do $2'
+'View of original ($1) $2': 'Vista do original ($1) $2'
+'To return to the preview click here': 'Para voltar para a visualização clique aqui'
+'This is the first translation of $1': 'Esta é a primeira tradução do $1'
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'Não há artigo associado à visualização'
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'Há $1 artigos associados com $2 que serão fundidos.'
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'O artigo fonte do tipo ($1) não contêm nenhum artigo.'
+'Source Article Type': 'Tipo de artigo fonte'
+'Preview of $1': 'Visualização do $1'
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Visualizar amostra da configuração de fusão.'
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Configuração de fusão para fundir $1 com $2.'
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Fundir tipos de artigos: Passo $1 de $2'
+'Merge $1 into $2': 'Fundir $1 com $2.'
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Apagar o tipo do artigo fonte ($1) quando terminar.'
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicando no Fundir você vai fundir ($1) artigo(s).'
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Não é possível fundir um campo do tipo $1 ($2) com um campo do tipo $3 ($4).'
+'--None--': '--Nenhum--'
+'(Null merge warning.)': '(Aviso de fusão nulo.)'
+'(No merge warning.)': '(Sem aviso de fusão.)'
+'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicar aviso.)'
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) NÃO fundir $1'
+'$1 of $2': '$1 de $2'
+show: mostrar
+hide: esconder
+deactivate: deativar
+activate: ativar
+'You must enter a name for the type.': 'Você tem que digitar o nome para o tipo.'
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'Você tem que escolher a língua para o tipo de arquivo.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'Você não tem o direito de mudar o nome de tipo de arquivo.'
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'Você não tem o direito de fundir tipos de artigos.'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Não foi possível adicionar a tradução'
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'O artigo do tipo $1 não existe.'
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'Mostrar artigo na página de seção'
+'Show article on front page': 'Mostrar artigo na página principal'
+'Publish date': 'Data de publicação'
+Merge!: Fundir!
+'Merge types': 'Tipos de fusão'
+'Merge article type': 'Fundir tipo de arquivo'
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': 'Vá para passo 3'
+'Go to Step 2': 'Vá para passo 2'
+'Display Name': 'Mostrar nome'
+'Delete article type $1.': 'Remover artigo do tipo $1'
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': 'Voltar para passo 2'
+'Back to Step 1': 'Voltar para passo 1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Você tem certeza que quer apagar o tipo de artigo $1? ATENÇÃO: Apagando este tipo de artigo você vai apagar todos os artigos associados com este tipo de artigo. '
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Tem certeza que quer $1 o artigo do tipo $2'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Tem certeza que quer $1 os comentários do artigo do tipo $2'
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Permitir usuários não-assinantes a verem o artigo'
+'Add translation:': 'Adicionar a tradução:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comentários para o artigo do tipo $2'
+'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comentários para o artigo do tipo $1'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 artigo do tipo $2'
+'No article types.': 'Não existem Tipo de Artigos definidos'
+'Delete article type $1': 'Eliminar Tipo de Artigo $1'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Não tem permissões para adicionar Tipos de Artigos'
+'Adding new article type': 'Adicionando o novo tipo de artigo'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'O campo $1 pode ter apenas letras e o underscore (_).'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'O Tipo de Artigo $1 já existe'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Você não tem o direito de remover tipos de artigos.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'Tipo de Artigo $1 não pode ser eliminado'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sh.yml
index c64feb0226..9805f7bde1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sh.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Sakri nazive polja prilagođene ljudima'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Uredi i prevedi nazive polja prilagođene ljudima'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Naziv polja može sadržati samo slova i donju crtu (_).'
+'Rename article type $1': 'Preimenuj tip teksta $1'
+'Invalid article type $1.': 'Pogrešan tip teksta $1.'
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'Ne možete spojiti tip članka sa samim sobom.'
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'Pogledajte izvornu ($1) verziju $2'
+'View of original ($1) $2': 'Pogledaj originalni ($1) $2'
+'To return to the preview click here': 'Za povratak na pregled kliknte ovde'
+'This is the first translation of $1': 'Ovo je prvi prevod $1'
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'Nema članka povezanog sa ovim pregledom'
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'Postoji $1 članka asociranih sa $2 koji će biti spojeni.'
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'Za izvorni tip članka ($1) nema članaka'
+'Source Article Type': 'Izvorni tip članka'
+'Preview of $1': 'Pregled $1'
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Pregled primera konfiguracije spajanja.'
+'Merge failed.': 'Spajanje nije uspelo.'
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Konfiguracija spajanja za $1 u $2.'
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Spajanje tipova članaka: korak $1 od $2'
+'Merge $1 into $2': 'Spoj $1 u $2'
+'Destination Article Type': 'Ciljni tip članka'
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Obriši izvorni tip članka ($1) po završetku.'
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Prođite kroz članke da proverite da je knofiguracija spajanje ispravna.'
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Klikom na Spoji spojićete ($1) članak(a).'
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Nije moguće spojiti $1 polje ($2) u $3 polje ($4). '
+'--None--': '-- Prazno --'
+'(Null merge warning.)': '(Upozorenju o spajanju bez rezultata)'
+'(No merge warning.)': '(Upozorenje o nemogućnosti spajanja)'
+'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Upozorenje o dupliranju)'
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Ne spajaj $1'
+'$1 of $2': '$1 od $2'
+show: prikaži
+hide: sakri
+deactivate: deaktiviraj
+activate: aktiviraj
+'You must enter a name for the type.': 'Morate uneti naziv za tip'
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'Morate iabrati jezik za tip članka.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'Nemate pravo da preimenujete tipove članaka.'
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'Nemate pravo da spajate tipove članka'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Prevod ne može biti dodat.'
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'Tip članka $1 ne postoji.'
+'Template Type Name': 'Naziv tipa šablona'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'Prikaži članak na strani rubrike'
+'Show article on front page': 'Prikaži članak na prvoj strani'
+'Publish date': 'Datum objavljivanja'
+Merge!: Spoji!
+'Merge types': 'Spoj tipove'
+'Merge article type': 'Spoj tip članka'
+'Link to public page': 'Link na stranu'
+'Go to Step 3': 'Idi na korak 3'
+'Go to Step 2': 'Idi na korak 2'
+'Display Name': 'Prikazno ime'
+'Delete article type $1.': 'Obriši tip članka $1.'
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': 'Nazad na korak 2'
+'Back to Step 1': 'Nazad na korak 1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete tip članka $1? UPOZORENJE: Brisanje tipa članka će obrisati i sve članke dodate korišćenjem ovog tipa članka.'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da $1 tip članka $2?'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da $1 komentara za tip članka $2?'
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Dozvoli korisnicima bez pretplate da vide ovaj članak'
+'Add translation:': 'dodaj prevod:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 komentara za tip članka $2'
+'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 komentara za tp članka $1'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 tip članka $2'
+'No article types.': 'Nije definisan nijedan tip teksta'
+'Delete article type $1': 'Obriši tip teksta $1'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete tipove tekstova.'
+'Adding new article type': 'dodavanje novog tipa članka'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Polje $1 može sadržati isključivo slova i donju crtu (_).'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'Tip teksta $1 već postoji.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete tipove tekstova.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'Tip teksta $1 ne može biti obrisan.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sq.yml
index c64feb0226..405c2dce81 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sq.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': null
+'Delete article type $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': null
+'Adding new article type': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': null
+'The article type $1 already exists.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': null
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sr.yml
index c64feb0226..c292dae6c9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sr.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': 'Сакри називе поља прилагођене људима'
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Уреди и преведи називе поља прилагођене људима'
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'Назив поља може садржати искључиво слова и доњу црту (_)'
+'Rename article type $1': 'Преименуј тип текста $1'
+'Invalid article type $1.': 'Погрешан тип текста $1'
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'Не можете спојити тип текста са самим собом'
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'Погледајте изворну ($1) верзију $2'
+'View of original ($1) $2': 'Погледај орогинални ($1) $2'
+'To return to the preview click here': 'За повраљтак на преглед кликните овде'
+'This is the first translation of $1': 'Ово је први превод $1'
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'Нема текста повезаног са овим прегледом'
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'Постоји $1 текстова асоцираних са $2 који ће бити спојени.'
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'За изворни тип текста ($1) нема текстова'
+'Source Article Type': 'Изворни тип текста'
+'Preview of $1': 'Преглед $1'
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Преглед примера конфигурације спајања.'
+'Merge failed.': 'Спајање није успело.'
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Конфигурација спајања за $1 у $2.'
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Спајање типова текстова: корак $1 од $2'
+'Merge $1 into $2': 'Спој $1 у $2'
+'Destination Article Type': 'Циљни тип текста'
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Обриши изворни тип теккста ($1) по завршетку'
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Прођите кроз текстове да проверите да ли је спајање исправно подешено.'
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Кликом на Споји спојићете ($1) текст(ова).'
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Није могуће спојити $1 поље ($2) у $3 поље ($4)'
+'--None--': '-- Празно --'
+'(Null merge warning.)': '(Упозорење о спајању без резултата)'
+'(No merge warning.)': '(Упозорење о немогућности спајања)'
+'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Упозорење о дуплирању)'
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) не спајај $1'
+'$1 of $2': '$1 од $2'
+show: прикажи
+hide: сакри
+deactivate: деактивирај
+activate: активирај
+'You must enter a name for the type.': 'Морате унети назив типа'
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'Морате изабрати језик за тип текста.'
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'Немате право да преименујете типове текстова.'
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'Немате право да спајате типове текстова'
+'The translation could not be added.': 'Превод не може бити додат'
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'Тип текста $1 не постоји'
+'Template Type Name': 'Назив типа шаблона'
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'Прикажи текст на страни рубрике'
+'Show article on front page': 'Прикажи текст на првој страни'
+'Publish date': 'Датум објављивања'
+Merge!: Споји!
+'Merge types': 'Спој типове'
+'Merge article type': 'Спој тип текста'
+'Link to public page': 'Линк на страну'
+'Go to Step 3': 'Иди на корак 3'
+'Go to Step 2': 'Иди на корак 2'
+'Display Name': 'Приказно име'
+'Delete article type $1.': 'Обриши тип текста $1.'
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': 'Назад на корак 2'
+'Back to Step 1': 'Назад на корак 1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете тип текста $1? УПОЗОРЕЊЕ: брисање типа текста ће обрисати и све текстове додате коришћењем овог типа текста.'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да $1 тип текста $2?'
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да $1 коментара за тип текста'
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Дозволи корисницима без претплате да виде овај текст.'
+'Add translation:': 'додај превод:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1коментара за тип текста $2'
+'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 коментара за тип текста $2'
+'$1 article type $2': '$1 тип текста $2'
+'No article types.': 'Није дефинисан ниједан тип текста'
+'Delete article type $1': 'Обриши тип текста $1'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Немате право да додајете типове текстова.'
+'Adding new article type': 'додавање новог типа текста'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Поље $1 може садржати искључиво слова и доњу црту (_)'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'Тип текста $1 већ постоји'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Немате право да бришете типове текстова.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'Тип текста $1 не може бити обрисан'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sv.yml
index c64feb0226..2015ed2fc8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/article_types.sv.yml
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-list: list
-filter: filter
-'Show in Article Lists?': 'Show in Article Lists?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?'
-'$1 articles of article type $2': '$1 articles of article type $2'
-'Hide human-readable field names': 'Hide human-readable field names'
-'Edit and translate human-readable field names': 'Edit and translate human-readable field names'
-'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': 'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.'
-'Rename article type $1': 'Rename article type $1'
-'Invalid article type $1.': 'Invalid article type $1.'
-'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': 'You cannot merge the same type into itself.'
-'View the source ($1) version of $2': 'View the source ($1) version of $2'
-'View of original ($1) $2': 'View of original ($1) $2'
-'To return to the preview click here': 'To return to the preview click here'
-'This is the first translation of $1': 'This is the first translation of $1'
-'There is no article associated with the preview.': 'There is no article associated with the preview.'
-'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': 'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.'
-'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': 'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.'
-'Source Article Type': 'Source Article Type'
-'Preview of $1': 'Preview of $1'
-'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': 'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.'
-'Merge failed.': 'Merge failed.'
-'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': 'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.'
-'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': 'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2'
-'Merge $1 into $2': 'Merge $1 into $2'
-'Destination Article Type': 'Destination Article Type'
-'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': 'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.'
-'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': 'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.'
-'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': 'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).'
-'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': 'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).'
-'--None--': '--None--'
-'(Null merge warning.)': '(Null merge warning.)'
-'(No merge warning.)': '(No merge warning.)'
-'(Duplicate warning.)': '(Duplicate warning.)'
-'(!) Do NOT merge $1': '(!) Do NOT merge $1'
-'$1 of $2': '$1 of $2'
-show: show
-hide: hide
-deactivate: deactivate
-activate: activate
-'You must enter a name for the type.': 'You must enter a name for the type.'
-'You must choose a language for the article type.': 'You must choose a language for the article type.'
-'You do not have the right to rename article types.': 'You do not have the right to rename article types.'
-'You do not have the right to merge article types.': 'You do not have the right to merge article types.'
-'The translation could not be added.': 'The translation could not be added.'
-'The article type $1 does not exist.': 'The article type $1 does not exist.'
-'Template Type Name': 'Template Type Name'
-'Show to Authors?': 'Show to Authors?'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-Merge!: Merge!
-'Merge types': 'Merge types'
-'Merge article type': 'Merge article type'
-'Link to public page': 'Link to public page'
-'Go to Step 3': 'Go to Step 3'
-'Go to Step 2': 'Go to Step 2'
-'Display Name': 'Display Name'
-'Delete article type $1.': 'Delete article type $1.'
-'Comments Enabled?': 'Comments Enabled?'
-'Back to Step 2': 'Back to Step 2'
-'Back to Step 1': 'Back to Step 1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': 'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?'
-'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': 'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?'
-'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': 'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'$1 comments for article type $2': '$1 comments for article type $2'
-'$1 comments for article type $1': '$1 comments for article type $1'
-'$1 article type $2': '$1 article type $2'
-'No article types.': 'No article types.'
-'Delete article type $1': 'Delete article type $1'
-'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'You do not have the right to add article types.'
-'Adding new article type': 'Adding new article type'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.'
-'The article type $1 already exists.': 'The article type $1 already exists.'
-'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'You do not have the right to delete article types.'
-'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'The article type $1 could not be deleted.'
+list: null
+filter: null
+'Show in Article Lists?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 articles of article type $2?': null
+'$1 articles of article type $2': null
+'Hide human-readable field names': null
+'Edit and translate human-readable field names': null
+'The template name may only contain letters and the underscore (_) character.': null
+'Rename article type $1': null
+'Invalid article type $1.': null
+'You cannot merge the same type into itself.': null
+'View the source ($1) version of $2': null
+'View of original ($1) $2': null
+'To return to the preview click here': null
+'This is the first translation of $1': null
+'There is no article associated with the preview.': null
+'There are $1 articles associated with $2 that will be merged.': null
+'The source article type ($1) does not have any articles.': null
+'Source Article Type': null
+'Preview of $1': null
+'Preview a sample of the merge configuration.': null
+NOTHING: null
+'Merge failed.': null
+'Merge configuration for merging $1 into $2.': null
+'Merge Article Types: Step $1 of $2': null
+'Merge $1 into $2': null
+'Destination Article Type': null
+'Delete the source article type ($1) when finished.': null
+'Cycle through your articles to verify that the merge configuration is correct.': null
+'Clicking Merge will merge ($1) article(s).': null
+'Cannot merge a $1 field ($2) into a $3 field ($4).': null
+'--None--': null
+'(Null merge warning.)': null
+'(No merge warning.)': null
+'(Duplicate warning.)': null
+'(!) Do NOT merge $1': null
+'$1 of $2': null
+show: null
+hide: null
+deactivate: null
+activate: null
+'You must enter a name for the type.': null
+'You must choose a language for the article type.': null
+'You do not have the right to rename article types.': null
+'You do not have the right to merge article types.': null
+'The translation could not be added.': null
+'The article type $1 does not exist.': null
+'Template Type Name': null
+'Show to Authors?': null
+'Show article on section page': 'Visa artikeln på sektionssidan'
+'Show article on front page': 'Visa artikeln på framsidan'
+'Publish date': null
+Merge!: null
+'Merge types': null
+'Merge article type': null
+'Link to public page': null
+'Go to Step 3': null
+'Go to Step 2': null
+'Display Name': null
+'Delete article type $1.': null
+'Comments Enabled?': null
+'Back to Step 2': null
+'Back to Step 1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1? WARNING: Deleting this article type will delete all the articles associated with this article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 the article type $2?': null
+'Are you sure you want to $1 comments for article type $2?': null
+'Allow users without subscriptions to view the article': null
+'Add translation:': 'Lägg till översättning:'
+'$1 comments for article type $2': null
+'$1 comments for article type $1': null
+'$1 article type $2': null
+'No article types.': 'Inga artikeltyper.'
+'Delete article type $1': 'Radera artikeltyp $1'
+'You do not have the right to add article types.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till artikeltyper.'
+'Adding new article type': 'Lägger till ny artikeltyp'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters and underscore (_) character.': 'Fältet $1 får bara innehålla bokstäver och understreck (_)'
+'The article type $1 already exists.': 'Artikeltypen $1 finns redan.'
+'You do not have the right to delete article types.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera artikeltyper.'
+'The article type $1 could not be deleted.': 'Artikeltypen $1 kunde inte raderas.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.az.yml
index f6c247e3f2..a9bea3d4a9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.az.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+'Edit metadata': 'Meta-məlumatı dəyiş'
+Rating: Qiymətləndirmə
+'Enable Rating': 'Qiymətləndirməyə İcazə Ver'
+'Blog management': 'Bloqun idarə edilməsi'
+'View article': 'Məqaləyə bax'
+'Select a list': 'Siyahı seç'
+'Remove list': 'Siyahını xaric et'
+'Please select a list': 'Lütfən, siyahı seç'
+Playlist: Pleylist
+'List updated.': 'Siyahı yeniləndi.'
+'List saved': 'Siyahı saxlandı'
+'List Name': 'Siyahı Adı'
+'List ID': 'Siyahı ID-si'
+'Item already exists in the list': 'Element artıq siyahıdadır'
+'Featured Articles': 'Seçilmiş Məqalələr'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Seçilmiş Məqalə Siyahıları'
+'Featured Article List': 'Seçilmiş Məqalə Siyahısı'
+'Duplicate list': 'Siyahının surətini çıxar'
+'Duplicate article entry found': 'Məqalə girişinin surəti tapıldı'
+'Drag here to add to list': 'Siyahıya əlavə etmək üçün bura sürüşdür'
+'Could not save the list': 'Siyahı saxlana bilmədi'
+'Available Articles': 'Mövcud Məqalələr'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Bu siyahını silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Add to list': 'Siyahıya əlavə et'
+'Add list': 'Siyahı əlavə et'
+'Multi date events': 'Bir neçə günlük tədbirlər'
+Slideshows: Slayd-şoular
+'Place images': 'Şəkilləri yerləşdir'
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Məqaləni dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+Webcode: Vebşifrə
+Unapproved: Təsdiqlənməmiş
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Bu məsələyə ön baxış etmək mümkün deyil. Lütfən, nəşrə təyin edilmiş mövzunun mövcudluğuna əmin ol.'
+'The article could not be submitted.': 'Məqalə daxil edilə bilmədi.'
+'Submit articles': 'Məqalə daxil et'
+'Submit article': 'Məqalə daxil et'
+'Related Articles': 'Uyğun Məqalələr'
+'Pending articles': 'Gözləmədəki məqalələr'
+'Pending Articles': 'Gözləmədəki Məqalələr'
+'Context Box updated': 'Kontekst Qutusu yeniləndi'
+On: Açıq
+Off: Qapalı
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'Şərhləri idarə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'Ziddiyyət təşkil edən tədbirləri eyni vaxta planlaşdıra bilməzsən'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Newscoop-a keçmək mümkün deyil. Lütfən, internet bağlantını yoxla.'
+Title: Başlıq
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'Eyndi adlı məqalə artıq mövcuddur. Lütfən, adı dəyiş və yenidən sına.'
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Lütfən, nəzərə al ki, bu məqaləyə Yeni dövlət quraşdırdıqda məqaləyə aid olan nümayiş edilmiş bütün tədbirlər silinəcək. Lütfən, dövlət dəyişikliyini təsdiqlə.'
+Geolocation: Xəritə
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Məqalələri uyğun adlarla yenidən yaz'
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': '$1 məqaləsi artıq mövcuddur və yenidən yazılbayıb.
+Files: Fayllar
+'Select section:': 'Bölmə seç:'
+'Add another author': 'Başqa müəllif əlavə et'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Məqalə $3 dəqiqə əvvəl $1 ($2) tərəfindən kilidlənib.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Məqalə $3 saat $4 dəqiqə əvvəl $1 ($2) tərəfindən kilidlənib.'
+'Switches saved.': 'Dəyişikliklər saxlandı.'
+'Keywords saved.': 'Açar sözlər saxlandı.'
+'Comment settings': 'Şərh parametrləri'
+Authors: Müəlliflər
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Məqaləyə Mövzu Əlavə Et'
+'Article saved.': 'Məqalə saxlandı.'
+'Article is locked': 'Məqalə kilidləndi'
+'Actions updated.': 'Fəaliyyətlər yeniləndi.'
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Gördüyün iş saxlanmadı. Davam etmək və dəyişikliklərini itirmək istəyirsən?'
+Switches: Dəyişikliklər
+'No subtopics available': 'Alt mövzu mövcud deyil'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Bölmə Başlığı'
+Media: Mətbuat
+'Last modified': 'Son redaktələr'
+'Keywords & Topics': 'Açar Sözlər & Mövzular'
+Info: Məlumat
+'Go to live article': 'Canlı məqaləyə keç'
+Created: Yaradıldı
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Xəritəni məqalədən xaric etmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Scheduled action added': 'Planlaşdırılmış fəaliyyət əlavə edildi'
+'Content edited': 'Məzmun dəyişdirildi'
+'You must select an article language.': 'Məqaləyə dil seçməlisən.'
+'You must select a publication.': 'Nəşr seçməlisən.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Yükləmək üçün fayl seçməlisən.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': 'XML giriş faylı seçməlisən.'
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'XML arxivini daxil etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Faylın yüklənməsi ilə bağlı problem var idi.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Fayl yarımçıq yüklənmişdir. Adətən bu hadisə yükləmək istədiyiniz faylın ölçüsü ilə onun yüklənəcəyi zaman arasında tərs mütənasiblik olduqda baş verir. Faylın maksimal yüklənmə zamanı php.ini-də təqdim edilir'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Faylın ölçüsü icazə verilən maksimal ölçünü keçir.'
+Optional: Könüllü
+'Input File': 'Giriş Faylı'
+'Import XML': 'XML Daxil Et'
+'File is not a valid XML file.': 'Bu düzgün XML fayl deyil.'
+'File does not exist.': 'Fayl mövcud deyil.'
+'File could not be uploaded.': 'Fayl yüklənə bilmədi.'
+'File could not be read.': 'Fayl oxuna bilmədi.'
+'Error List': 'Xəta Siyahısı'
+'Bad format in XML file.': 'XML faylda pis format.'
+'Article could not be created.': 'Məqalə yaradıla bilmədi.'
+'---Select article type---': '---Məqalə növünü seç---'
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 məqalələr uğurla daxil edildi.'
+Saved: Saxlandı
+'Save All': 'Hamısını Saxla'
+'Online Server: On': 'Onlayn Server: Açıq'
+'Online Server: Off': 'Onlayn Server: Qapalı'
+Download: Endir
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'Eyni bölmədə eyni adlı iki məqaləyə sahib ola bilməzsən. Təklif etdiyin məqalə adı artıq $1 məqaləsi tərəfindən istifadədədir.'
+'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Abunə olmayanlara görünür'
+'The article could not be published.': 'Məqalə nümayiş etdirilə bilmədi.'
+'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Planlaşdırılmış fəaliyyət silindi.'
+'Scheduled action added.': 'Planlaşdırılmış fəaliyyət əlavə edildi.'
+'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Məqalə(lər) kilidi açıldı.'
+'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Məqalə(lər)in surəti çıxarıldı.'
+'Article(s) deleted.': 'Məqalə(lər) silindi.'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Məqalə statusu $1 olaraq təyin edildi'
+'Article unlocked.': 'Məqalənin kilidi açıldı.'
+'Article translation created.': 'Məqalə tərcüməsi yaradıldı.'
+'Article order changed.': 'Məqalə sıralaması dəyişdirildi.'
+'Article moved.': 'Məqalə köçürüldü.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Məqalə silindi.'
+'Article created.': 'Məqalə yaradıldı.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 keçirildi.'
+'Total:': 'Cəmi:'
+'Show Comments': 'Şərhləri Göstər'
+Locked: Kilidləndi
+'Invalid type: $1': 'Səhv növ: $1'
+'Hide Comments': 'Şərhləri Gizlə'
+Enabled: 'İcazə Verildi'
+Disabled: 'Qadağa Edildi'
+Comments: Şərhlər
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'Məqalə artıq $1 dilinə tərcümə edilib.'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Məqalənin nəşrini planlamazdan əvvəl onun üçün nəşr, məsələ və bölmə seçməlisən. $1 menyusuna get və bunu etmək üçün $2 seç.'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'Məqalələri tərcümə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Məqalələri nümayiş etdirməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Məqalələri köçürməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'Son çatma məsələsi münasib dilə tərcümə edilməmiş qırmızı işarələnmiş məqalələri $1 bilməzsən.'
+'Publish?': 'Nümayiş edirsən?'
+'Publish articles': 'Məqalələri nümayiş et'
+'Publish article': 'Məqaləni nümayiş et'
+'Move?': 'Köçürürsən?'
+'Move articles': 'Məqalələri köçür'
+'Move article': 'Məqaləni köçür'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Seçilmiş dil üçün məsələ yaradılmalıdır, amma sənin bunu etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Seçilmiş dil üçün bölmə yaradılmalıdır, amma sənin bunu etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'to section': bölməyə
+'You must choose a language': 'Dil seçməlisən'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': '$1 tərcüməsi üçün bölmə yaratmaq mümkün deyil.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': '$1 tərcüməsi üçün məsələ yaratmaq mümkün deyil.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Növbəti məqalələr yenidir; onları avtomatik nəşr üçün planlaşdırmaq mümkün deyil'
+'Section URL Name': 'Bölmənin URL Adı'
+'Section Name': 'Bölmə Adı'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Planı Nümayiş Et'
+'No action specified': 'Heç bir fəaliyyət qeyd edilmir'
+'New section name': 'Yeni bölmə adı'
+'New section URL name': 'Yeni bölmə URL adı'
+'New issue name': 'Yeni məsələ adı'
+'New issue URL name': 'Yeni məsələ URL adı'
+'New article name': 'Yeni məqalə adı'
+'Issue URL Name': 'Məsələ URL Adı'
+'Issue Name': 'Məsələ Adı'
+'Duplicate?': 'Surəti çıxarılsın?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Məqalələrin surətini çıxar'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Məqalə adı ($1)'
+'Article List': 'Məqalə Siyahısı'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': '$1 mövzusunu məqalədən xaric etmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': '$1 faylını məqalədən xaric etmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': '$1 tarixinə planlaşdırılmış tədbiri xaric etmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Bu məqaləni silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Seçilmiş dil üçün məsələ yaradılmalıdır. Lütfən, məsələ adını və URL adını daxil et.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Seçilmiş dil üçün bölmə yaradılmalıdır. Lütfən, bölmə adı və URL adını daxil et.'
+'Article Type': 'Məqalə Növü'
+'Show article on front page': 'Ön səhifədə məqalə göstər'
+'Show article on section page': 'Bölmə səhifəsində məqalə göstər'
+'Translate article': 'Məqaləni tərcümə et'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Bu məqaləni dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur. Sən yalnız öz məqalələrinə dəyişiklik edə bilərsən və bu əməliyyat edildikdən sonra səlahiyyətli istifadəçilər bunu dəyişə bilərlər.'
+'Duplicate article': 'Məqalənin surətini çıxar'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'Son çatma ünvanı mənbə ünvünı ilə eynidir.'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'Məqalə yenidir; onu avtomatik nəşrə planlaşdırmaq mümkün deyil.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Heç bir məqalə növü müəyyən edilmədi. İlk olaraq məqalə növü yaratmalısan.'
+'Edit article types': 'Məqalə növlərini dəyiş'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Məqalə saxlana bilmədi. O $2 saat $3 dəqiqə əvvəl $1 tərəfindən kilidlənib.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Bu məqalənin statusunu dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur. Məqalə daxil edildikdən sonra yalnız səlahiyyətli istifadəçilər tərəfindən dəyişdirilə bilər.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Məqalə silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Məqalə növü seçməlisən.'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': '$1 şəklini məqalədən xaric etmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Soruğu parametrlərinin oxunmasında xəta baş verdi.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Məqaləyə ön baxış etmək mümkün deyil. Lütfən, ona məxsus seçilmiş məqalə nümunəsinin mövcudluğuna əmin ol.'
+'No such article.': 'Belə məqalə yoxdur.'
+'No such section.': 'Belə bölmə yoxdur.'
+Characters: İşarələr
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: 'Şəkilin metaməlumatıdı dəyiş'
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: İstifadə
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: 'Seçilən yazı'
+ global: null
+ other_captions: Şəkilaltılar
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.be.yml
index f6c247e3f2..8948ab34bb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.be.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+'Edit metadata': 'змяніць метададзеныя'
+Rating: Рэйтынг
+'Enable Rating': 'Актывізіраваць рэйтынг'
+'Blog management': 'Кіраванне блогамі'
+'View article': 'Прагляд артыкула'
+'Select a list': 'Вылучыць спіс'
+'Remove list': 'Выдаліць спіс'
+'Please select a list': 'Калі ласка, вылучыце спіс'
+Playlist: Плэйліст
+'List updated.': 'Абноўлены спіс.'
+'List saved': 'Захаваны спіс.'
+'List Name': 'Назва спісу'
+'List ID': 'ID спісу'
+'Item already exists in the list': 'Гэты пункт ужо ёсць у спісе'
+'Featured Articles': 'Выбраныя артыкулы'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Спісы Выбраных артыкулаў'
+'Featured Article List': 'Спіс Выбраных артыкулаў'
+'Duplicate list': 'Дубляваць спіс'
+'Duplicate article entry found': 'Дубляваць знойдзены артыкул'
+'Drag here to add to list': 'Перацягнуць у спіс'
+'Could not save the list': 'Не атрымалася захаваць спіс'
+'Available Articles': 'Даступныя артыкулы'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдаліць гэты спіс?'
+'Add to list': 'Дадаць у спіс'
+'Add list': 'Дадаць спіс'
+'Multi date events': 'Каляндар падзей'
+Slideshows: Слайдшоў
+'Place images': 'Размясціць выявы'
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'У вас няма правоў каб рэдагаваць гэты артыкул.'
+Webcode: Web-код
+Unapproved: 'Не зацверджана'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Немагчыма зрабіць папярэдні прагляд выпуску. Калі ласка, пераканайцеся, што для выдання існуе патрэбная тэма (шаблон).'
+'The article could not be submitted.': 'Немагчыма адправіць артыкул.'
+'Submit articles': 'Адправіць артыкулы'
+'Submit article': 'Адправіць артыкул'
+'Related Articles': 'Артыкулы па тэме'
+'Pending articles': 'Незакончаныя артыкулы'
+'Pending Articles': 'Незакончаныя артыкулы'
+'Context Box updated': 'Кантэкстны блок адноўлены '
+On: Укл.
+Off: Выкл.
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'У вас няма правоў для мадэрацыі каментароў.'
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'Немагчыма запланаваць супрацьлеглыя мерапрыемствы адначасова'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Немагчыма звязацца з Newscoop. Калі ласка, праверце ваша інтэрнэт-злучэнне.'
+Title: Загаловак
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'Артыкул з такой назвай ужо існуе. Калі ласка, зьмяніце назву і зрабіце яшчэ адну спробу.'
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Для звесткі: усе запланаваныя дзеянні для гэтага артыкула будуць выдаленыя, як толькі для артыкула будзе прызначаны статус Новая. Калі ласка, пацвердзіце змену статусу.'
+Geolocation: 'Вызначэньне месца на карце'
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Перапісаць артыкулы з адпаведнымі імёнамі'
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Артыкул $1 i> ужо існуе і не быў перазапісаны.
+Files: Файлы
+'Select section:': 'Выберыце раздзел'
+'Add another author': 'Дадаць аўтара'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Гэты артыкул быў заблакаваны $1 ($2) $3 хвілін таму.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Гэты артыкул быў заблакаваны $1 ($2) $3 гадзін і $4 хвілін таму.'
+'Switches saved.': 'Статут маркераў захаваны.'
+'Keywords saved.': 'Ключавыя словы захаваныя'
+'Comment settings': 'Наладкі каментаваньня'
+Authors: Аўтары
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Прымацаваць тэму да артыкула'
+'Article saved.': 'Змесціва артыкула захаванае.'
+'Article is locked': 'Артыкул заблакаваны'
+'Actions updated.': 'Дзеянне абноўленае.'
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Вашы дзеянні на сайце не былі захаваныя. Ці жадаеце Вы працягнуць і страціць зробленыя змяненні?'
+Switches: Маркеры
+'No subtopics available': 'Няма даступных падтем для выкарыстання'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Падзагаловак Newscoop'
+Media: Медыя
+'Last modified': 'Апошнія змяненні'
+'Keywords & Topics': 'Ключавыя словы & Тэмы'
+Info: Інфармацыя
+'Go to live article': 'Перайсці да актыўнага артыкула'
+Created: Створаная
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдаліць гэтую карту з артыкула?'
+'Scheduled action added': 'Запланаванае дзеянне дададзена'
+'Content edited': 'Запланаванае дзеянне дададзенае'
+'You must select an article language.': 'Вы павінны выбраць мову артыкула.'
+'You must select a publication.': 'Вы павінны выбраць выданне.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Вы павiнны выбраць файл для загрузкi.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': 'Вы павінны выбраць уваходны XML-файл'
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'У вас няма правоў доступу для імпартавання XML архіваў.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Праблема загрузкі файла.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Загружаны файл захаваны на сервер часткова. Гэта звязана з тым, што максімальна дапушчальны час загрузкі файла пераўзыходзіць час, неабходны для загрузкі гэтага файла. Максімальны час загрузкі вызначаны ў файле php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Памер гэтага файла пераўзыходзіць дапушчальны.'
+Optional: Неабавязковае
+'Input File': 'Уваходны файл'
+'Import XML': 'Імпарт XML'
+'File is not a valid XML file.': 'Гэты файл не зяўляецца XML-файлам'
+'File does not exist.': 'Такі файл не існуе'
+'File could not be uploaded.': 'Немагчыма загрузіць дадзены файл.'
+'File could not be read.': 'Немагчыма прачытаць дадзены файл'
+'Error List': 'Спіс памылак'
+'Bad format in XML file.': 'Няправільны фармат файла'
+'Article could not be created.': 'Артыкул не можа быць створаны'
+'---Select article type---': '---Выберыце тып артыкула---'
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 артыкулы паспяхова імпартаваныя.'
+Saved: Захаванае
+'Save All': 'Захаваць усё'
+'Online Server: On': 'Сервер ён-лайн: уключаны'
+'Online Server: Off': 'Сервер ён-лайн: выключаны'
+Download: Загрузіць
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'Вы ня можаце мець два артыкулы ў адной рубрыцы з аднолькавай назвай. Азначаная назва ўжо выкарыстоўваецца артыкулам $1.'
+'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Вiдаць ня толькi падпiсчыкам'
+'The article could not be published.': 'Артыкул ня можа быць апублiкаваны.'
+'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Заплянаванае дзеяньне адмененае.'
+'Scheduled action added.': 'Заплянаванае дзеяньне дадана.'
+'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Артыкул(ы) заблякаваныя.'
+'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Артыкул(ы) прадубляваныя.'
+'Article(s) deleted.': 'Артыкулы выдаленыя.'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Статус артыкула ўстаноўлены ў $1 '
+'Article unlocked.': 'Артыкул разблякаваны.'
+'Article translation created.': 'Пераклады артыкула створаныя.'
+'Article order changed.': 'Парадак артыкулаў зьменены.'
+'Article moved.': 'Артыкул перамешчаны.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Артыкул выдалены.'
+'Article created.': 'Артыкул створаны.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 зьменена.'
+'Total:': 'Усяго:'
+'Show Comments': 'Паказаць камэнтары'
+Locked: Заблякавана
+'Invalid type: $1': 'Няправiльны тып: $1'
+'Hide Comments': 'Схаваць камэнтары'
+Enabled: Дазволена
+Disabled: Забаронена
+Comments: Камэнтары
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'Артыкул ужо быў перакладены на $1.'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'Вы ня маеце правоў перакладаць рубрыкі.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Вы ня маеце правоў публiкаваць артыкулы.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Вы ня маеце правоў перамяшчаць артыкулы.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'Вы ня можаце $1 артыкулы, якiя азначаныя чырвоным колерам, таму што выпуск прызначэньня не перакладзены на адпаведную мову'
+'Publish?': 'Апублiкаваць?'
+'Publish articles': 'Апублiкаваць артыкулы'
+'Publish article': 'Апублiкаваць артыкул'
+'Move?': 'Перанесьцi?'
+'Move articles': 'Перанесьцi артыкулы'
+'Move article': 'Перанесьцi артыкул'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Выпуск павiнен быць створаны для выбранай мовы, але Вы ня маеце правоў доступу для стварэньня выпуску.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Павiнна быць створана рубрыка для абранай мовы, але Вы не маеце правоў доступу дзеля ставрэння рубрыцы.'
+'to section': 'да рубрыцы'
+'You must choose a language': 'Вы павiнны вызначыць мову'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Немагчыма стварыць рубрыку для перакладу $1.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Немагчыма стварыць выпуск для перакладу $1.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Дадзеныя артыкулы новыя; немагчыма прызначыць iх для аўтаматычнага публiкаваньня'
+'Section URL Name': 'Назва URL рубрыкі'
+'Section Name': 'Назва рубрыкі'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Расклад публікацый'
+'No action specified': 'Дзеяньнi ня вызначаныя'
+'New section name': 'Назва новай рубрыкі'
+'New section URL name': 'Назва URL новай рубрыцы'
+'New issue name': 'Назва новага выпуску'
+'New issue URL name': 'Назва URL новага выпуску'
+'New article name': 'Назва новага артыкула'
+'Issue URL Name': 'Назва URL выпуску'
+'Issue Name': 'Назва выпуску'
+'Duplicate?': 'Дубляваць?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Дубляваць артыкул'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Назва артыкула ($1)'
+'Article List': 'Сьпiс артыкулаў'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдалiць тэму $1 з артыкула?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдалiць файл $1 з артыкула?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Ці Вы ўпэўнены, што хочаце выдалiць дзеяньне, прызначанае на $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдалiць гэты артыкул?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Выпуск павiнен быць створаны для выбранай мовы. Калі ласка, увядзеце назву выпуску і назву URL. '
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Рубрыка павiнна быць створаная для выбранай мовы. Калi ласка, увядзеце назву рубрыкі і назву URL.'
+'Article Type': 'Тып артыкула'
+'Show article on front page': 'Паказаць артыкул на тытульнай старонцы '
+'Show article on section page': 'Паказаць артыкул на старонцы рубрыкi.'
+'Translate article': 'Перакласьцi артыкул'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Вы ня маеце правоў доступу для зьмяненьня гэтага артыкула. Вы можаце рэдагаваць толькi свае асабiстыя артыкулы. Калі артыкул адпраўлены, ён можа быць зьменены толькі ўпаўнаважанымі карыстальнікамі.'
+'Duplicate article': 'Дубляваць артыкул'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'Рубрыка прызначэння тая ж, што і рубрыка крыніцы.'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'Артыкул новы, яго немагчыма прызначыць для аўтаматычнай публiкацыі.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Тыпы артыкулаў ня вызначаныя. Вы павінны спачатку стварыць тыпы артыкулаў.'
+'Edit article types': 'Рэдагаваць тыпы артыкулаў'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Не ўдалося захаваць артыкул. Ён заблякаваны карыстальнікам $1 $2 гадзіны і $3 хвілін таму. '
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Вы ня маеце правоў зьмяняць стан гэтага артыкула. Калі артыкул адпраўлены, ён можа быць зьменены толькі ўпаўнаважанымі карыстальнікамі.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Вы ня маеце правоў выдаляць артыкул.'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Вы павінны выбраць тып артыкула.'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдаліць графічны файл $1 з артыкула? '
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Памылка чытаньня парамэтраў запыту.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Немагчыма зрабіць папярэдні агляд артыкула. Пераканайцеся, ці выбраны шаблён артыкула.'
+'No such article.': 'Няма такога артыкула.'
+'No such section.': 'Няма такой рубрыкі:by '
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.bn.yml
index f6c247e3f2..468d54b496 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.bn.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: null
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
+Newscoop: null
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: null
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: লেখক
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: null
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: 'এতগুলি মন্তব্য'
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': null
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': null
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': null
+'Publish?': null
+'Publish articles': null
+'Publish article': null
+'Move?': null
+'Move articles': null
+'Move article': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': null
+'to section': null
+'You must choose a language': null
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': null
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': null
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': null
+'Section URL Name': null
+'Section Name': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'No action specified': null
+'New section name': null
+'New section URL name': null
+'New issue name': null
+'New issue URL name': null
+'New article name': null
+'Issue URL Name': null
+'Issue Name': null
+'Duplicate?': null
+'Duplicate articles': null
+'Article name ($1)': null
+'Article List': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': null
+'Article Type': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Translate article': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Duplicate article': null
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': null
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': null
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': null
+'Edit article types': null
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You must select an article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': null
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': null
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': null
+'No such article.': null
+'No such section.': null
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.cs.yml
index f6c247e3f2..797555a732 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.cs.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
+'Edit metadata': 'Upravit metadata'
+Rating: Hodnocení
+'Enable Rating': 'Povolit hodnocení'
'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
+'View article': 'Ukázat článek'
+'Select a list': 'Vybrat seznam'
+'Remove list': 'Odstranit seznam..'
+'Please select a list': 'Prosím vyberte seznam'
Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
+'List updated.': 'Seznam aktualizován'
+'List saved': 'Seznam uložen'
+'List Name': 'Název seznamu'
+'List ID': 'ID seznamu'
+'Item already exists in the list': 'V seznamu již položka existuje'
+'Featured Articles': 'Výběr článků'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Výběr článku ze seznamů'
+'Featured Article List': 'Výběr článků ze seznamu'
+'Duplicate list': 'Kopírovat seznam'
+'Duplicate article entry found': 'Vstup k duplicitnímu článku nalezen'
+'Drag here to add to list': 'Chytněte zde a přetáhněte do seznamu.'
+'Could not save the list': 'Seznam se nepodařilo uložit.'
+'Available Articles': 'Dostupné články'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Jste si jisti, že chcete vymazat tento seznam?'
+'Add to list': 'Přidat do seznamu'
+'Add list': 'Přidat seznam'
+'Multi date events': 'Několikadenní údálosti'
Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
+'Place images': 'Umístit obrázky'
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Nemáte povolení k úpravě článku.'
Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+Unapproved: Neschválené
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Toto vydání nemůže být zobrazeno. Prosím ujistěte se, že publikace má přiděleno téma.'
+'The article could not be submitted.': 'Článek nemohl být zadán.'
+'Submit articles': 'Předložit články'
+'Submit article': 'Předložit článek'
+'Related Articles': 'Související články'
+'Pending articles': 'Dosud nevyřízené články'
+'Pending Articles': 'Dosud nevyřízené články'
+'Context Box updated': 'Kontext Box aktualizován'
+On: Vypnout
+Off: Zapnout
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'Nemáte právo zmírnit komentáře.'
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'Nemůžete naplánovat protichůdné události ve stejnou dobu'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Nepodařilo se spojit s Newscoop. Zkontrolujte prosím své připojení k internetu.'
+Title: Název
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'Článek se stejným názvem již existuje. Prosím změňte název a zkuste znovu.'
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Mějte prosím na paměti, že všechny plánované akce pro publikování tohoto článku budou smazány pokud nastavíte článek do Nového stavu. Prosíme o potvrzení změny stavu.'
+Geolocation: Geolokace
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Přepsat články odpovídajícími názvy'
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Článek $1 již existuje, a nebyl přepsán.
+Files: Soubory
+'Select section:': 'Vybrat rubriku:'
+'Add another author': 'Přidat dalšího autora'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Tento článek uzamkl $1 ($2) před $3 minutami.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Tento článek uzamkl $1 ($2) před $3 hodinami a $4 minutami.'
+'Switches saved.': 'Přepnutí jsou uložena.'
+'Keywords saved.': 'Klíčová slova jsou uložena.'
+'Comment settings': 'Okomentovant nastavení'
+Authors: Autoři
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Připojit Téma k Článku'
+'Article saved.': 'Článek uložen'
+'Article is locked': 'Článek je uzamčen'
+'Actions updated.': 'Akce jsou aktualizovány'
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Vaše práce nebyla uložena. Chcete pokračovat i přes to, že ztratíte všechna neuložená data?'
+Switches: Přepínání
+'No subtopics available': 'Nejsou k dispozici žádná dílčí témata'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Podnadpis Newscoopu'
+Media: Média
+'Last modified': 'Naposledy změněno'
+'Keywords & Topics': 'Klíčová slova & Témata'
Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
+'Go to live article': 'Jděte na nyní publikovaný článek'
+Created: Vytvořeno
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Jste si jisti, že chcete ze článku odstranit mapu?'
+'Scheduled action added': 'Plánovaná akce přidána'
+'Content edited': 'Obsah editován'
+'You must select an article language.': 'Zvolte jazyk článku.'
+'You must select a publication.': 'Zvolte publikaci.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Zvolte soubor k nahrání.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': 'Zvolte XML vstupní soubor.'
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'Nemáte oprávnění k importování XML archivy.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Vyskytl se problém při nahrávání souboru.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Nahrávaný soubor není celý. K tomuto dochází, kdyžje překročen maximální povolený čas k nahrání souboru. Maximalní čas lze upravit v php.ini.'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Soubor překračuje maximální povolenou velikost.'
+Optional: Volitelné
+'Input File': 'Vstupní Soubor'
+'Import XML': 'Importovat XML'
+'File is not a valid XML file.': 'Soubor není validní XML soubor.'
+'File does not exist.': 'Soubor neexistuje.'
+'File could not be uploaded.': 'Nezdařilo se nahrát soubor.'
+'File could not be read.': 'Nezdařilo se přečíst soubor.'
+'Error List': 'Seznam Chyb'
+'Bad format in XML file.': 'Špatný formát v XML souboru.'
+'Article could not be created.': 'Nezdařilo se vytvořit článek.'
+'---Select article type---': '---Zvolte typ článku---'
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 články úspěšně importovány.'
+Saved: Uloženo
+'Save All': 'Uložit Vše'
'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+Download: Stáhnout
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'Nelze mít dva články pod stejným názvem v jedné rubrice. Název článku se již používá článkem $1.'
+'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Viditelné ne-předplatitelům'
+'The article could not be published.': 'Nezdařilo se publikovat článek.'
+'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Plánovaná činnost odstraněna.'
+'Scheduled action added.': 'Plánovaná činnost přidána.'
+'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Články odemčeny.'
+'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Články duplikovány.'
+'Article(s) deleted.': 'Články odstraněny.'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Status článku nastaven na $1'
+'Article unlocked.': 'Článek odemčen.'
+'Article translation created.': 'Vytvořen překlad článku.'
+'Article order changed.': 'Pořadí článku změněno.'
+'Article moved.': 'Článek přesunut.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Článek smazán.'
+'Article created.': 'Článek vytvořen.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 vybráno.'
+'Total:': 'Celkem:'
+'Show Comments': 'Zobrazit Komentáře'
+Locked: Uzamčeno
+'Invalid type: $1': 'Neplatný typ: $1'
+'Hide Comments': 'Skrýt Komentáře'
+Enabled: Zapnuto
+Disabled: Vypnuto
+Comments: Komentáře
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'Článek již byl přeložený do $1.'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Před naplánováním publikování článku musíte nastavit publikaci, vydání a sekci, ve které má být článek umístěn. Abyste toho dosáhli, použijte menu $1 a vyberte položku $2.'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'K překladu článku nemáte dostatečná práva.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Nemáte práva publikovat článek.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Nemáte práva přesunout článek.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'Nelze $1 články označené červeně, protože cílové vydání nebylo přeloženo do patřičného jazyka.'
+'Publish?': 'Publikovat?'
+'Publish articles': 'Publikovat články'
+'Publish article': 'Publikovat článek'
+'Move?': 'Přesunout?'
+'Move articles': 'Přesunout články'
+'Move article': 'Přesunout článek'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Musí být vytvořeno vydání pro zvolený jazyk, ale k tomu nemáte oprávnění.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Musí být vytvořena rubrika pro zvolený jazyk, ale k tomu nemáte oprávnění.'
+'to section': 'do rubriky'
+'You must choose a language': 'Musíte zvolit jazyk'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Nezdařilo se vytvořit rubriku pro překlad $1.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Nezdařilo se vytvořit vydání pro překlad $1.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Následující články jsou nové; nelze je naplánovat na automatické publikování'
+'Section URL Name': 'URL Název Rubriky'
+'Section Name': 'Název Rubriky'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Publikační Plán'
+'No action specified': 'Nebyla vybrána žádná činnost'
+'New section name': 'Nový název rubriky'
+'New section URL name': 'Nový URL název rubriky'
+'New issue name': 'Nový název vydání'
+'New issue URL name': 'Nový URL název vydání'
+'New article name': 'Nový název článku'
+'Issue URL Name': 'URL Název vydání'
+'Issue Name': 'Název vydání'
+'Duplicate?': 'Duplikovat?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Duplikovat články'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Název článku ($1)'
+'Article List': 'Seznam článků'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Jste si jistí, že chcete odstranit téma $1 z článku?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Jste si jistí, že chcete odstranit soubor $1 z článku?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Jste si jistí, že chcete odstranit událost plánovanou na $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Jste si jistí, že chcete odstranit tento článek?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Musí být vytvořeno vydání pro zvolený jazyk. Prosím zadejte název a URL název vydání.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Musí být vytvořena rubrika pro zvolený jazyk. Prosím zadejte název a URL název rubriky.'
+'Article Type': 'Typ Článku'
+'Show article on front page': 'Zobrazit článek na hlavní stránce'
+'Show article on section page': 'Zobrazit článek na stránce rubrik'
+'Translate article': 'Překlad článku'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nemáte právo změnit tento článek. Můžete pouze editova své vlastní články. Podané články mohou být změněny pouze autorizovanými uživateli.'
+'Duplicate article': 'Duplikovat článek'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'Cílová a zdrojová sekce jsou totožné'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'Článek je nový; nelze jej nastavit na automatické publikování.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Nejsou definovány žádné typy článku. Nejprve musíte alespoň jeden typ článku vytvořit.'
+'Edit article types': 'Editovat typy článků'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Nezdařilo se uložit článek. Byl uzamčen $1 před $2 hodin a $3 minut.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nemáte oprávnění měnit status článku. Jakmile je článek podán, mohou jej měnit pouze autorizovaní uživatelé.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Nemáte právo mazat články'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Musíte zvolit typ článku'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Opravdu chcete obrázek $1 z článku odstranit?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Vyskytla se chyba při čtení.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Článek nelze prohlédnout. Prosím ujistěte se, že má zvolenou šablonu článku.'
+'No such article.': 'Článek neexistuje'
+'No such section.': 'Rubrika neexistuje.'
+Characters: Znaky
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.da.yml
index f6c247e3f2..087f8b06f0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.da.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
+'Edit metadata': 'Rediger metadata'
+Rating: Bedømmelse
+'Enable Rating': 'Slå bedømmelse til'
+'Blog management': 'Blog håndtering'
+'View article': 'Se artikel'
+'Select a list': 'Vælg en liste'
+'Remove list': 'Fjern liste'
+'Please select a list': 'Vælg en liste'
+Playlist: Playliste
+'List updated.': 'Liste opdateret'
+'List saved': 'Liste gemt'
+'List Name': 'Liste navn'
+'List ID': 'Liste ID'
+'Item already exists in the list': 'Emnet findes allerede i listen'
+'Featured Articles': 'Fremhævede artikler'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Fremhævede artikler'
+'Featured Article List': 'Fremhævede artikler'
+'Duplicate list': 'Kopier liste'
+'Duplicate article entry found': 'Der blev fundet en dublet artikel'
+'Drag here to add to list': 'Træk hertil for at tilføje til listen'
+'Could not save the list': 'Listen kunne ikke gemmes'
+'Available Articles': 'Tilgængelige artikler'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Vil du slette listen?'
+'Add to list': 'Tilføj til listen'
+'Add list': 'Tilføj liste'
+'Multi date events': 'Begivenhed over flere dage'
+Slideshows: Gallerier
+'Place images': 'Placer billeder'
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Du kan ikke redigere artiklen.'
+Webcode: Webkode
+Unapproved: 'Ikke godkent'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Forhåndsvisning af udgivelsen er ikke mulig. Kontroller at publikationen har et tema.'
+'The article could not be submitted.': 'Artiklen kunne ikke indsendes'
+'Submit articles': 'Indsend artikler'
+'Submit article': 'Indsend artikel'
+'Related Articles': 'Relaterede artikler'
+'Pending articles': 'Ventende artikler'
+'Pending Articles': 'Ventende artikler'
+'Context Box updated': 'Infoboks opdateret'
+On: Til
+Off: Fra
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at moderere kommentarer'
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'Du kan ikke planlægge modsatrettede begivenheder på samme tid'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Ingen kontakt til Newscoop. Tjek at du har forbindelse til internettet.'
+Title: Titel
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'Der findes allerede en artikel med det navn. Ret navnet og prøv igen.'
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Alle planlagte udgivelser af denne artikel bliver slettet hvis du sætter artiklens status til Ny.'
Geolocation: Geolocation
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overskriv artikler med identiske navne'
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Artiklen $1 eksisterer allerede og blev ikke overskrevet.
+Files: Filer
+'Select section:': 'Vælg sektion:'
+'Add another author': 'Tilføj en forfatter'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Artiklen blev låst af $1 ($2) for $3 minutter siden.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Artiklen blev låst af $1 ($2) for $3 timer og $4 minutter siden.'
+'Switches saved.': 'Indstillinger gemt.'
+'Keywords saved.': 'Nøgleord er gemt'
+'Comment settings': 'Indstillinger for kommentarer'
+Authors: Forfattere
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Tilføj emne til artikel'
+'Article saved.': 'Artiklen blev gemt'
+'Article is locked': 'Artiklen er låst'
+'Actions updated.': 'Handlinger opdateret.'
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Dit arbejde er ikke gemt. Vil du fortsætte og miste dine ændringer?'
+Switches: Indstillinger
+'No subtopics available': 'Ingen tilgængelige underemner'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop underoverskrift'
+Media: Medier
+'Last modified': 'Sidst ændret'
+'Keywords & Topics': 'Nøgleord & Emner'
Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
+'Go to live article': 'Gå til live artiklen'
+Created: Oprettet
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Vil du fjerne kortet fra artiklen?'
+'Scheduled action added': 'Planlagt handling tilføjet'
+'Content edited': 'Indhold redigeret'
+'You must select an article language.': 'Vælg et artikel sprog.'
+'You must select a publication.': 'Vælg en publikation.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Vælg fil til upload.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': 'Vælg en XML fil.'
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at importere XML arkiver.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Filen kunne ikke uploades.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Filen blev kun delvist uploadet. Dette er almindeligt når den tilladte tid til upload er lav i forhold til filens størrelse. Den tilladte tid indstilles i php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Filen er for stor.'
+Optional: Valgfri
+'Input File': Fil
+'Import XML': 'Importer XML'
+'File is not a valid XML file.': 'Filen er ikke gyldig XML.'
+'File does not exist.': 'Filen findes ikke.'
+'File could not be uploaded.': 'Filen kunne ikke uploades.'
+'File could not be read.': 'Filen kunne ikke læses.'
+'Error List': 'Fejl liste'
+'Bad format in XML file.': 'Forkert format i XML filen.'
+'Article could not be created.': 'Artiklen kunne ikke oprettes.'
+'---Select article type---': '---Vælg artikel type---'
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 artikler importeret.'
+Saved: Gemt
+'Save All': 'Gem alt'
+'Online Server: On': 'Online server: Til'
+'Online Server: Off': 'Online server: Fra'
Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'Du kan ikke have to artikler med samme navn i samme sektion. Artikelnavnet bruges allerede af artiklen $1.'
+'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Synlig for ikke-abonnenter'
+'The article could not be published.': 'Artiklen kunne ikke udgives.'
+'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Planlagt handling slettet.'
+'Scheduled action added.': 'Planlagt handling tilføjet.'
+'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Artikler låst op.'
+'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Artikler kopieret.'
+'Article(s) deleted.': 'Artikler slettet.'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Artikel status sat til $1'
+'Article unlocked.': 'Artikel låst op.'
+'Article translation created.': 'Artikel oversættelse oprettet.'
+'Article order changed.': 'Artikel sortering ændret.'
+'Article moved.': 'Artikel flyttet.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Artikel slettet.'
+'Article created.': 'Artikel oprettet.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 skiftet.'
'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Show Comments': 'Vis kommentarer'
+Locked: Låst
+'Invalid type: $1': 'Ugyldig type: $1'
+'Hide Comments': 'Skjul kommentarer'
+Enabled: 'Slået til'
+Disabled: 'Slået fra'
+Comments: Kommentarer
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'Artiklen er allerede oversat til $1.'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Du skal vælge publikation, udgivelse og sektion for artiklen før du kan planlægge udgivelse. Gå til $1 menuen og vælg $2.'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at oversætte artikler.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at udgive artikler.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at flytte artikler.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'Du kan ikke $1 artiklerne markeret med rød. Destinations udgivelsen er ikke oversat til det relevante sprog.'
+'Publish?': 'Udgiv?'
+'Publish articles': 'Udgiv artikler'
+'Publish article': 'Udgiv artikel'
+'Move?': 'Flyt?'
+'Move articles': 'Flyt artikler'
+'Move article': 'Flyt artikel'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Der skal oprettes en udgivelse for det valgte sprog, men du har ikke rettigheder til at oprette udgivelser.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Der skal oprettes en sektion for det valgte sprog, men du har ikke rettigheder til at oprette sektioner.'
+'to section': 'til sektion'
+'You must choose a language': 'Vælg et sprog'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Kunne ikke oprette sektionen til oversættelse $1.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Kunne ikke oprette udgivelsen til oversættelse $1.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'De følgende artikler er nye og kan ikke planlægges til automatisk udgivelse'
+'Section URL Name': 'Sektions URL navn'
+'Section Name': 'Sektions navn'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Planlagt udgivelse'
+'No action specified': 'Ingen handling valgt'
+'New section name': 'Navn på ny sektion'
+'New section URL name': 'URL til ny sektion'
+'New issue name': 'Navn på ny sektion'
+'New issue URL name': 'URL på ny sektion'
+'New article name': 'Navn på ny artikel'
+'Issue URL Name': 'URL på ny udgivelse'
+'Issue Name': 'Navn på udgivelse'
+'Duplicate?': 'Kopier?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Kopier artikler'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Artikel navn ($1)'
+'Article List': 'Artikel liste'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Vil du fjerne emnet $1 fra artiklen?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Vil du fjerne filen $1 fra artiklen?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Vil du fjerne begivenheden planlagt til $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Vil du slette artiklen?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Der skal oprettes en udgivelse for det valgte sprog. Indtast navn og URL navn for udgivelsen.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Der skal oprettes en sektion for det valgte sprog. Indtast navn og URL navn for sektionen.'
+'Article Type': 'Artikel type'
+'Show article on front page': 'Vis artiklen på forsiden'
+'Show article on section page': 'Vis artiklen på sektions siden'
+'Translate article': 'Oversæt artikel'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at ændre artiklen. Du må kun redigere dine egne artikler, og når en artikel er indsendt, kan den kun ændres af autoriserede brugere.'
+'Duplicate article': 'Kopier artikel'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'Kilde sektion og destinations sektion er identiske.'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'Artiklen er ny. Den kan ikke planlægges til automatisk udgivelse.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Ingen artikel typer defineret. Du skal oprette en artikel type først.'
+'Edit article types': 'Rediger artikel typer'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Artiklen kunne ikke gemmes. Den har været låst af $1 for $2 timer og $3 minutter siden.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Du har ikke tilladelse til at ændre artiklens status. Når en artikel er indsendt kan den kun ændres af autoriserede brugere.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Du har ikke tilladelse til at slette artikler'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Vælg en artikel type'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Vil du fjerne billedet $1 fra artiklen?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Efterspørgslens parametre kunne ikke læses.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Forhåndsvisning af artiklen er ikke mulig. Kontroller at artikel skabelonen er valgt.'
+'No such article.': 'Artiklen findes ikke.'
+'No such section.': 'Sektionen findes ikke.'
+Characters: Tegn
+Snippet: Uddrag
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'Listen er allerede ændret siden den blev åbnet.'
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'Listens navn må ikke være længere end 40 tegn'
+'Not valid number': 'Ikke et gyldigt tal'
+'List limit': 'Liste begrænsning'
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'Den sidste artikel på denne liste er blevet fjernet.'
+Revert: Fortryd
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Listen kunne ikke opdateres automatisk'
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'Artiklens gallerier blev opdateret. Luk vinduet.'
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: 'Er du sikker på du vil ændre lsitens navn? Navnet bruges muligvis i Newscoop skabeloner for at vise listen på hjemmesiden. Spørg hjemmesidens administrator hvis du er i tvivl.'
+ alert: "Vil du ændre det maksimale antal artikler på listen? Hvis du reducerer grænsen vil alle yderligere artikler blive fjernet fra listen.\nEksempel: Hvis du ændrer grænsen fra 50 til 30 vil de 20 artikler fra nummer 31 til 50 blive fjernet fra listen."
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: 'Se billeder i fuld størrelse på en ny fane'
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: 'Rediger billedets metadata'
+ save: Gem
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
+ use: Brug
+ number: Nummer
+ caption: Billedtekst
+ status_approved: Godkendt
+ status_unapproved: 'Ikke godkent'
status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
+ description: Beskrivelse
+ photographer: Fotograf
+ photographer_url: 'Fotograf URL'
+ place: Sted
+ date: Dato
+ article_specific: 'Artikel specifik'
global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ other_captions: 'Andre billedtekster'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.de.yml
index f6c247e3f2..e77b81ecfc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.de.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
+'Edit metadata': 'bearbeiten von Metadaten'
+Rating: Bewertung
+'Enable Rating': 'Bewertung zulassen'
+'Blog management': Blog-Managment
+'View article': 'Artikel ansehen'
+'Select a list': 'Liste auswählen'
+'Remove list': 'Liste entfernen'
+'Please select a list': 'Bitte eine Liste wählen'
Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
+'List updated.': 'Liste aktualisiert. '
+'List saved': 'Liste gespeichert'
+'List Name': Listenname
+'List ID': 'Listen ID'
+'Item already exists in the list': 'Der Artikel ist bereits in der Liste'
+'Featured Articles': 'Ausgewählte Artikel'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Listen ausgewählter Artikel'
+'Featured Article List': 'Liste ausgewählter Artikel'
+'Duplicate list': 'Liste duplizieren'
+'Duplicate article entry found': 'Artikeldublette gefunden'
+'Drag here to add to list': 'Hierher ziehen, um zur Liste hinzuzufügen'
+'Could not save the list': 'Konnte Liste nicht speichern'
+'Available Articles': 'Verfügbare Artikel'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Wollen Sie diese Liste wirklich löschen?'
+'Add to list': 'Zur Liste hinzufügen'
+'Add list': 'Liste hinzufügen'
+'Multi date events': 'Mehrtägige Ereignisse'
+Slideshows: Bildstrecken
+'Place images': 'Bilder platzieren'
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung um einen Artikel zu bearbeiten. '
Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+Unapproved: 'Nicht genehmigt'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Vom Artikel kann keine Vorschau erstellt werden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass er einem Thema zugeordnet wurde. '
+'The article could not be submitted.': 'Der Artikel konnte nicht eingepflegt werden'
+'Submit articles': 'Artikel einpflegen'
+'Submit article': 'Artikel einpflegen'
+'Related Articles': 'Verwandte Artikel'
+'Pending articles': 'Eingereichte Artikel'
+'Pending Articles': 'Eingereichte Artikel'
+'Context Box updated': 'Content Box aktualisiert'
+On: An
+Off: Aus
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Kommentare zu moderieren. '
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'Sich widersprechenden Ereignisse können nicht zeitgleich automatisiert werden. '
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Die Verbindung zu Newscoop kann nicht hergestellt werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie ihre Internetverbindung. '
+Title: Titel
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'Es gibt bereits einen gleichnamigen Artikel. Bitte ändern Sie den Namen des Artikels und versuchen Sie es erneut. '
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Bitte seien Sie sich darüber im Klaren, dass alle automatisierten Veröffentlichungsereignisse für diesen Artikel gelöscht werden, wenn Sie den Artikel auf Neu einstellen. Bitte bestätigen Sie die Statusänderung. '
+Geolocation: Geoinformation
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Überschreibe Artikel mit gleichen Namen. '
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Der Artikel $1 existiert bereits und wurde nicht überschrieben.
+Files: Dateien
+'Select section:': 'Rubrik wählen'
+'Add another author': 'Autor/in hinzufügen'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Achtung: Der Artikel ist durch $1 ($2) seit $3 Minute(n) gesperrt.
Du kannst die Sperrung aufheben, dabei gehen aber alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen verloren. Bitte stelle sicher, dass $1 ($2) den Artikel nicht mehr am Bearbeiten ist.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Achtung: Der Artikel ist durch $1 ($2) seit $3 Stunde(n) und $4 Minute(n) gesperrt.
Du kannst die Sperrung aufheben, dabei gehen aber alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen verloren. Bitte stelle sicher, dass $1 ($2) den Artikel nicht mehr am Bearbeiten ist.'
+'Switches saved.': 'Schalter gespeichert.'
+'Keywords saved.': 'Schlagwörter gespeichert.'
+'Comment settings': 'Einstellungen kommentieren'
+Authors: Autoren/innen
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Thema mit Artikel verknüpfen'
+'Article saved.': 'Artikel gespeichert.'
+'Article is locked': 'Der Artikel ist gesperrt.'
+'Actions updated.': 'Aktionen aktualisiert.'
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Sie haben nicht gespeichert. Wollen Sie fortfahren und Änderungen verlieren?'
+Switches: Schalter
+'No subtopics available': 'Keine Unterthemen verfügbar'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Zwischentitel'
+Media: Medien
+'Last modified': 'Zuletzt geändert'
+'Keywords & Topics': 'Schlagwörter & Themen'
Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
+'Go to live article': 'Gehe zu veröffentlichtem Artikel'
+Created: Angelegt
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Soll die Karte wirklich aus Artikel entfernen?'
+'Scheduled action added': 'Automatisierte Aktion hinzufügen'
+'Content edited': 'Inhalt bearbeitet'
+'You must select an article language.': 'Artikelsprache muss ausgewählt werden.'
+'You must select a publication.': 'Publikation muss ausgewählt werden.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Datei zum Hochladen auswählen.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': 'XML Input Datei auswählen.'
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'Keine Berechtigung um XML Archive zu importieren.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Probleme beim Hochladen der Datei.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Die Datei wurde nur teilweise hochgeladen. Dies passiert wenn die Höchstdauer für das Hochladen der Datei im Vergleich zur Dateigröße zu kurz ist. Die Höchstdauer ist in php.ini festgelegt.'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Die Datei überschreitet die maximal zulässige Dateigröße.'
Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Input File': 'Eingabe Datei'
+'Import XML': 'XML importieren'
+'File is not a valid XML file.': 'Keine gültige XML Datei.'
+'File does not exist.': 'Datei existiert nicht.'
+'File could not be uploaded.': 'Datei konnte nicht hochgeladen werden.'
+'File could not be read.': 'Datei konnte nicht gelesen werden.'
+'Error List': Fehlerliste
+'Bad format in XML file.': 'Schlechtes Format in XML Datei.'
+'Article could not be created.': 'Artikel konnte nicht erstellt werden.'
+'---Select article type---': '---Artikeltyp auswählen---'
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 Artikel erfolgreich importiert.'
+Saved: Gespeichert
+'Save All': 'Alle speichern'
+'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: Ein'
+'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Aus'
+Download: Herunterladen
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'Zwei Artikel in derselben Rubrik können nicht gleich benannt werden. Der gewählte Artikelname wird bereits von Artikel $1 verwendet.'
+'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Sichtbar für Nicht-Abonnenten'
+'The article could not be published.': 'Der Artikel konnte nicht veröffentlicht werden.'
+'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Automatisierte Aktion gelöscht.'
+'Scheduled action added.': 'Automatisierte Aktion hinzugefügt.'
+'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Artikel entsperrt.'
+'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Artikel dupliziert.'
+'Article(s) deleted.': 'Artikel gelöscht.'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Artikelstatus auf $1 gesetzt.'
+'Article unlocked.': 'Artikel entsperrt.'
+'Article translation created.': 'Artikelübersetzung erstellt.'
+'Article order changed.': 'Artikelreihenfolge geändert.'
+'Article moved.': 'Artikel verschoben.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Artikel gelöscht.'
+'Article created.': 'Artikel erstellt.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 ausgewählt.'
+'Total:': 'Gesamt:'
+'Show Comments': 'Kommentare anzeigen'
+Locked: Gesperrt
+'Invalid type: $1': 'Ungültiger Typ: $1'
+'Hide Comments': 'Kommentare verbergen'
+Enabled: Aktiviert
+Disabled: Deaktiviert
+Comments: Kommentare
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'Der Artikel wurde bereits nach $1 übersetzt.'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Vor dem Automatisieren müssen Publikation, Ausgabe und Rubrik für diesen Artikel bestimmt werden. Gehe dafür zum Menü $1 und wähle $2.'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikel zu übersetzen.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikel zu publizieren.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikel zu verschieben.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': null
+'Publish?': 'Veröffentlichen?'
+'Publish articles': 'Artikel veröffentlichen'
+'Publish article': 'Artikel veröffentlichen'
+'Move?': 'Verschieben?'
+'Move articles': 'Artikel verschieben'
+'Move article': 'Artikel verschieben'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Für die gewählte Sprache muss eine Ausgabe angelegt werden, wozu Sie keine Rechte haben.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Für die gewählte Sprache muss eine Rubrik angelegt werden, wozu Sie keine Rechte haben.'
+'to section': 'in Rubrik'
+'You must choose a language': 'Eine Sprache muss ausgewählt werden'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Fehler beim Erstellen der Rubrik für Übersetzung $1.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Fehler beim Erstellen der Ausgabe für Übersetzung $1.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Die folgenden Artikel sind neu und können deshalb nicht für die automatisierte Veröffentlichung genutzt werden'
+'Section URL Name': 'URL Name der Rubrik'
+'Section Name': Rubrikenname
+'Publish Schedule': 'Automatisierte Veröffentlichung'
+'No action specified': 'Es wurde keine Aktion ausgewählt'
+'New section name': 'Neuer Rubrikenname'
+'New section URL name': 'Neuer URL Name für die Rubrik'
+'New issue name': 'Neuer Ausgabenname'
+'New issue URL name': 'Neuer URL Name für die Ausgabe'
+'New article name': 'Neuer Artikelname'
+'Issue URL Name': 'URL Name der Ausgabe'
+'Issue Name': Ausgabenname
+'Duplicate?': 'Duplizieren?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Artikel duplizieren'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Artikelname ($1)'
+'Article List': Artikelliste
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Soll das Thema $1 von diesem Artikel entkoppelt werden?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Soll die Datei $1 von diesem Artikel entkoppelt werden?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Soll das automatisierte Ereignis von $1 entfernt werden?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Soll der Artikel gelöscht werden?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Eine Ausgabe muss für die ausgewählte Sprache angelegt werden. Bitte Namen für Ausgabe und URL angeben.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Eine Rubrik muss für die ausgewählte Sprache angelegt werden. Bitte Namen für Ausgabe und URL angeben.'
+'Article Type': Artikeltyp
+'Show article on front page': 'Artikel auf der Startseite anzeigen'
+'Show article on section page': 'Artikel in der Rubrik anzeigen'
+'Translate article': 'Artikel übersetzen.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Keine Berechtigung, den Artikel zu ändern. Bearbeiten nur von eigenen Artikeln möglich. Bereits eingepflegte Artikel können nur von berechtigten Usern verändert werden.'
+'Duplicate article': 'Artikel duplizieren'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'Die Zielrubrik ist identisch mit der Ausgangsrubrik.'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'Der Artikel ist neu und kann deshalb nicht für die automatisierte Veröffentlichung genutzt werden.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Zuerst müssen Artikeltypen angelegt werden.'
+'Edit article types': 'Artikeltypen bearbeiten'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Fehler beim Speichern des Artikels. Er wurde von $1 vor $2 Stunden und $3 Minuten gesperrt.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Keine Zugriffsrechte auf die Änderung des Artikelstatus. Eingepflegte Artikel können nur mit den dazugehörigen Rechten geändert werden.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Fehlende Zugriffsrechte für das Löschen von Artikeln.'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Der Artikeltyp muss ausgewählt werden.'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Soll das Bild $1 vom Artikel entkoppelt werden?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Fehler beim Lesen der Anfrageparameter.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Dieser Artikel kann nicht in der Vorschau angezeigt werden. Bitte prüfen, ob die Artikel Template ausgewählt wurde.'
+'No such article.': 'Artikel nicht vorhanden'
+'No such section.': 'Rubrik nicht vorhanden'
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.de_AT.yml
index f6c247e3f2..e77b81ecfc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
+'Edit metadata': 'bearbeiten von Metadaten'
+Rating: Bewertung
+'Enable Rating': 'Bewertung zulassen'
+'Blog management': Blog-Managment
+'View article': 'Artikel ansehen'
+'Select a list': 'Liste auswählen'
+'Remove list': 'Liste entfernen'
+'Please select a list': 'Bitte eine Liste wählen'
Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
+'List updated.': 'Liste aktualisiert. '
+'List saved': 'Liste gespeichert'
+'List Name': Listenname
+'List ID': 'Listen ID'
+'Item already exists in the list': 'Der Artikel ist bereits in der Liste'
+'Featured Articles': 'Ausgewählte Artikel'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Listen ausgewählter Artikel'
+'Featured Article List': 'Liste ausgewählter Artikel'
+'Duplicate list': 'Liste duplizieren'
+'Duplicate article entry found': 'Artikeldublette gefunden'
+'Drag here to add to list': 'Hierher ziehen, um zur Liste hinzuzufügen'
+'Could not save the list': 'Konnte Liste nicht speichern'
+'Available Articles': 'Verfügbare Artikel'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Wollen Sie diese Liste wirklich löschen?'
+'Add to list': 'Zur Liste hinzufügen'
+'Add list': 'Liste hinzufügen'
+'Multi date events': 'Mehrtägige Ereignisse'
+Slideshows: Bildstrecken
+'Place images': 'Bilder platzieren'
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung um einen Artikel zu bearbeiten. '
Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+Unapproved: 'Nicht genehmigt'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Vom Artikel kann keine Vorschau erstellt werden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass er einem Thema zugeordnet wurde. '
+'The article could not be submitted.': 'Der Artikel konnte nicht eingepflegt werden'
+'Submit articles': 'Artikel einpflegen'
+'Submit article': 'Artikel einpflegen'
+'Related Articles': 'Verwandte Artikel'
+'Pending articles': 'Eingereichte Artikel'
+'Pending Articles': 'Eingereichte Artikel'
+'Context Box updated': 'Content Box aktualisiert'
+On: An
+Off: Aus
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Kommentare zu moderieren. '
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'Sich widersprechenden Ereignisse können nicht zeitgleich automatisiert werden. '
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Die Verbindung zu Newscoop kann nicht hergestellt werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie ihre Internetverbindung. '
+Title: Titel
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'Es gibt bereits einen gleichnamigen Artikel. Bitte ändern Sie den Namen des Artikels und versuchen Sie es erneut. '
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Bitte seien Sie sich darüber im Klaren, dass alle automatisierten Veröffentlichungsereignisse für diesen Artikel gelöscht werden, wenn Sie den Artikel auf Neu einstellen. Bitte bestätigen Sie die Statusänderung. '
+Geolocation: Geoinformation
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Überschreibe Artikel mit gleichen Namen. '
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Der Artikel $1 existiert bereits und wurde nicht überschrieben.
+Files: Dateien
+'Select section:': 'Rubrik wählen'
+'Add another author': 'Autor/in hinzufügen'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Achtung: Der Artikel ist durch $1 ($2) seit $3 Minute(n) gesperrt.
Du kannst die Sperrung aufheben, dabei gehen aber alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen verloren. Bitte stelle sicher, dass $1 ($2) den Artikel nicht mehr am Bearbeiten ist.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Achtung: Der Artikel ist durch $1 ($2) seit $3 Stunde(n) und $4 Minute(n) gesperrt.
Du kannst die Sperrung aufheben, dabei gehen aber alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen verloren. Bitte stelle sicher, dass $1 ($2) den Artikel nicht mehr am Bearbeiten ist.'
+'Switches saved.': 'Schalter gespeichert.'
+'Keywords saved.': 'Schlagwörter gespeichert.'
+'Comment settings': 'Einstellungen kommentieren'
+Authors: Autoren/innen
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Thema mit Artikel verknüpfen'
+'Article saved.': 'Artikel gespeichert.'
+'Article is locked': 'Der Artikel ist gesperrt.'
+'Actions updated.': 'Aktionen aktualisiert.'
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Sie haben nicht gespeichert. Wollen Sie fortfahren und Änderungen verlieren?'
+Switches: Schalter
+'No subtopics available': 'Keine Unterthemen verfügbar'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Zwischentitel'
+Media: Medien
+'Last modified': 'Zuletzt geändert'
+'Keywords & Topics': 'Schlagwörter & Themen'
Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
+'Go to live article': 'Gehe zu veröffentlichtem Artikel'
+Created: Angelegt
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Soll die Karte wirklich aus Artikel entfernen?'
+'Scheduled action added': 'Automatisierte Aktion hinzufügen'
+'Content edited': 'Inhalt bearbeitet'
+'You must select an article language.': 'Artikelsprache muss ausgewählt werden.'
+'You must select a publication.': 'Publikation muss ausgewählt werden.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Datei zum Hochladen auswählen.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': 'XML Input Datei auswählen.'
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'Keine Berechtigung um XML Archive zu importieren.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Probleme beim Hochladen der Datei.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Die Datei wurde nur teilweise hochgeladen. Dies passiert wenn die Höchstdauer für das Hochladen der Datei im Vergleich zur Dateigröße zu kurz ist. Die Höchstdauer ist in php.ini festgelegt.'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Die Datei überschreitet die maximal zulässige Dateigröße.'
Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Input File': 'Eingabe Datei'
+'Import XML': 'XML importieren'
+'File is not a valid XML file.': 'Keine gültige XML Datei.'
+'File does not exist.': 'Datei existiert nicht.'
+'File could not be uploaded.': 'Datei konnte nicht hochgeladen werden.'
+'File could not be read.': 'Datei konnte nicht gelesen werden.'
+'Error List': Fehlerliste
+'Bad format in XML file.': 'Schlechtes Format in XML Datei.'
+'Article could not be created.': 'Artikel konnte nicht erstellt werden.'
+'---Select article type---': '---Artikeltyp auswählen---'
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 Artikel erfolgreich importiert.'
+Saved: Gespeichert
+'Save All': 'Alle speichern'
+'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: Ein'
+'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Aus'
+Download: Herunterladen
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'Zwei Artikel in derselben Rubrik können nicht gleich benannt werden. Der gewählte Artikelname wird bereits von Artikel $1 verwendet.'
+'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Sichtbar für Nicht-Abonnenten'
+'The article could not be published.': 'Der Artikel konnte nicht veröffentlicht werden.'
+'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Automatisierte Aktion gelöscht.'
+'Scheduled action added.': 'Automatisierte Aktion hinzugefügt.'
+'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Artikel entsperrt.'
+'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Artikel dupliziert.'
+'Article(s) deleted.': 'Artikel gelöscht.'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Artikelstatus auf $1 gesetzt.'
+'Article unlocked.': 'Artikel entsperrt.'
+'Article translation created.': 'Artikelübersetzung erstellt.'
+'Article order changed.': 'Artikelreihenfolge geändert.'
+'Article moved.': 'Artikel verschoben.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Artikel gelöscht.'
+'Article created.': 'Artikel erstellt.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 ausgewählt.'
+'Total:': 'Gesamt:'
+'Show Comments': 'Kommentare anzeigen'
+Locked: Gesperrt
+'Invalid type: $1': 'Ungültiger Typ: $1'
+'Hide Comments': 'Kommentare verbergen'
+Enabled: Aktiviert
+Disabled: Deaktiviert
+Comments: Kommentare
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'Der Artikel wurde bereits nach $1 übersetzt.'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Vor dem Automatisieren müssen Publikation, Ausgabe und Rubrik für diesen Artikel bestimmt werden. Gehe dafür zum Menü $1 und wähle $2.'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikel zu übersetzen.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikel zu publizieren.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung Artikel zu verschieben.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': null
+'Publish?': 'Veröffentlichen?'
+'Publish articles': 'Artikel veröffentlichen'
+'Publish article': 'Artikel veröffentlichen'
+'Move?': 'Verschieben?'
+'Move articles': 'Artikel verschieben'
+'Move article': 'Artikel verschieben'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Für die gewählte Sprache muss eine Ausgabe angelegt werden, wozu Sie keine Rechte haben.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Für die gewählte Sprache muss eine Rubrik angelegt werden, wozu Sie keine Rechte haben.'
+'to section': 'in Rubrik'
+'You must choose a language': 'Eine Sprache muss ausgewählt werden'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Fehler beim Erstellen der Rubrik für Übersetzung $1.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Fehler beim Erstellen der Ausgabe für Übersetzung $1.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Die folgenden Artikel sind neu und können deshalb nicht für die automatisierte Veröffentlichung genutzt werden'
+'Section URL Name': 'URL Name der Rubrik'
+'Section Name': Rubrikenname
+'Publish Schedule': 'Automatisierte Veröffentlichung'
+'No action specified': 'Es wurde keine Aktion ausgewählt'
+'New section name': 'Neuer Rubrikenname'
+'New section URL name': 'Neuer URL Name für die Rubrik'
+'New issue name': 'Neuer Ausgabenname'
+'New issue URL name': 'Neuer URL Name für die Ausgabe'
+'New article name': 'Neuer Artikelname'
+'Issue URL Name': 'URL Name der Ausgabe'
+'Issue Name': Ausgabenname
+'Duplicate?': 'Duplizieren?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Artikel duplizieren'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Artikelname ($1)'
+'Article List': Artikelliste
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Soll das Thema $1 von diesem Artikel entkoppelt werden?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Soll die Datei $1 von diesem Artikel entkoppelt werden?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Soll das automatisierte Ereignis von $1 entfernt werden?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Soll der Artikel gelöscht werden?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Eine Ausgabe muss für die ausgewählte Sprache angelegt werden. Bitte Namen für Ausgabe und URL angeben.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Eine Rubrik muss für die ausgewählte Sprache angelegt werden. Bitte Namen für Ausgabe und URL angeben.'
+'Article Type': Artikeltyp
+'Show article on front page': 'Artikel auf der Startseite anzeigen'
+'Show article on section page': 'Artikel in der Rubrik anzeigen'
+'Translate article': 'Artikel übersetzen.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Keine Berechtigung, den Artikel zu ändern. Bearbeiten nur von eigenen Artikeln möglich. Bereits eingepflegte Artikel können nur von berechtigten Usern verändert werden.'
+'Duplicate article': 'Artikel duplizieren'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'Die Zielrubrik ist identisch mit der Ausgangsrubrik.'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'Der Artikel ist neu und kann deshalb nicht für die automatisierte Veröffentlichung genutzt werden.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Zuerst müssen Artikeltypen angelegt werden.'
+'Edit article types': 'Artikeltypen bearbeiten'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Fehler beim Speichern des Artikels. Er wurde von $1 vor $2 Stunden und $3 Minuten gesperrt.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Keine Zugriffsrechte auf die Änderung des Artikelstatus. Eingepflegte Artikel können nur mit den dazugehörigen Rechten geändert werden.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Fehlende Zugriffsrechte für das Löschen von Artikeln.'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Der Artikeltyp muss ausgewählt werden.'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Soll das Bild $1 vom Artikel entkoppelt werden?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Fehler beim Lesen der Anfrageparameter.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Dieser Artikel kann nicht in der Vorschau angezeigt werden. Bitte prüfen, ob die Artikel Template ausgewählt wurde.'
+'No such article.': 'Artikel nicht vorhanden'
+'No such section.': 'Rubrik nicht vorhanden'
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.en_GB.yml
index f6c247e3f2..5e132ae69f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.en_GB.yml
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Switches: Switches
'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
Media: Media
'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
+'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
Info: Info
'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
Created: Created
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ Comments: Comments
Characters: Characters
Snippet: Snippet
'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 characters'
+'Not valid number': 'Not a valid number'
'List limit': 'List limit'
'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
Revert: Revert
@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ Revert: Revert
'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the front end. Please check with your site administrator if you have doubts.'
+ alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 to 50 will be deleted from the list.'
see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.es.yml
index f6c247e3f2..498bffffca 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.es.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
+'Edit metadata': 'Editar metadatos'
+Rating: Calificación
+'Enable Rating': 'Activar calificación'
+'Blog management': 'Administración del blog'
+'View article': 'Ver artículo'
+'Select a list': 'Seleccionar una lista'
+'Remove list': 'Remover lista'
+'Please select a list': 'Por favor selecciones una lista'
+Playlist: 'Lista de artículos inteligente'
+'List updated.': 'Lista actualizada'
+'List saved': 'Lista almacenada'
+'List Name': 'Nombre de la lista'
+'List ID': 'ID de la lista'
+'Item already exists in the list': 'Este artículo ya existe en la lista'
+'Featured Articles': 'Artículos seleccionados'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Listas de artículos seleccionados'
+'Featured Article List': 'Lista de artículos seleccionados'
+'Duplicate list': 'Duplicar lista'
+'Duplicate article entry found': 'Se detectó un artículo duplicado'
+'Drag here to add to list': 'Arrastra hasta aquí para agregar a la lista'
+'Could not save the list': 'No fue posible guardar la lista'
+'Available Articles': 'Artículos disponibles'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': '¿Realmente desea eliminar esta lista?'
+'Add to list': 'Añadir a lista'
+'Add list': 'Añadir lista'
+'Multi date events': 'Eventos con múltiples fechas'
+Slideshows: Diapositivas
+'Place images': 'Colocar imágenes'
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'No tiene permitido editar un artículo.'
Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+Unapproved: 'No aprobado'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'No es posible previsualizar esta edición. Por favor asegúrese de que la publicación tiene un tema asignado.'
+'The article could not be submitted.': 'No fue posible enviar el artículo.'
+'Submit articles': 'Enviar artículos'
+'Submit article': 'Enviar artículo'
+'Related Articles': 'Artículos relacionados'
+'Pending articles': 'Artículos pendientes'
+'Pending Articles': 'Artículos pendientes'
+'Context Box updated': 'Se actualizó la Casilla de Contexto'
+On: Encendido
+Off: Apagado
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'No tienes autorización para moderar comentarios.'
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'No puedes asignar eventos opuestos en el mismo horario'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'No se pudo conectar a Newscoop. Por favor, verifica tu conexión a Internet.'
+Title: Tìtulo
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'Ya existe un archivo con ese nombre. Por favor, cámbialo e intenta de nuevo.'
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Por favor, recuerde que todos los eventos de publicación calendarizados para este artículo serán eliminados cuando cambie el estado a Nuevo. Confirme el cambio de estado.'
+Geolocation: Geolocalización
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Sobreescribir artículos con nombres idénticos'
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Ya existe el artículo $1 y no fue sobreescrito.
+Files: Archivos
+'Select section:': 'Elija sección:'
+'Add another author': 'Añada otro autor'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': '$1 ($2) bloqueó el artículo hace $3 minuto(s).'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': '$1 ($2) bloqueó el artículo hace $3 hora(s) y $4 minuto(s).'
+'Switches saved.': 'Se almacenaron los switches.'
+'Keywords saved.': 'Se almacenaron las palabras clave.'
+'Comment settings': 'Configuración de comentarios'
+Authors: Autores
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Adjuntar tópico al artículo'
+'Article saved.': 'Artículo almacenado'
+'Article is locked': 'Artículo bloqueado'
+'Actions updated.': 'Se actualizaron las acciones.'
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'No ha almacenado su trabajo. ¿Desea continuar y perder los cambios?'
Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
+'No subtopics available': 'No hay subtópicos disponibles.'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Subtítulo de Newscoop'
+Media: Multimedia
+'Last modified': 'Modificado por última vez'
+'Keywords & Topics': 'Palabras clave & tópicos'
Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
+'Go to live article': 'Previsualizar artículo'
+Created: Creado
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': '¿Desea remover el mapa del artículo?'
+'Scheduled action added': 'Se añadió una acción programada'
+'Content edited': 'Se editó el contenido'
+'You must select an article language.': 'Debes seleccionar un lenguaje para el artículo.'
+'You must select a publication.': 'Debes seleccionar una publicación.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Debe seleccionar un archivo para cargar.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': 'Debes selecionar un archivor input XML '
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'No tienes el derecho de importar archivos XML.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Hubo un problema al subir el archivo.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'El archivo solo subió parcialmente. Esto es común cuando el tiempo máximo para cargar un archivo es bajo en contraste con el tamaño del archivo que se está cargando. El tiempo máximo para cargar está especificado en php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'El archivo sobrepasa el tamaño máximo permitido para un archivo.'
+Optional: Opciones
+'Input File': 'Archivo de entrada'
+'Import XML': 'Importar XML'
+'File is not a valid XML file.': 'El archivo no es un archivo XML válido'
+'File does not exist.': 'El archivo no existe.'
+'File could not be uploaded.': 'El archivo no pudo ser cargado.'
+'File could not be read.': 'El archivo no pudo ser leído.'
+'Error List': 'Lista de errores.'
+'Bad format in XML file.': 'Formato erróneo en archivo XML.'
+'Article could not be created.': 'El artículo no pudo ser creado.'
+'---Select article type---': '- - - Seleccione un tipo de archivo - - -'
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 artículos exitosamente importada.'
+Saved: Guardado
+'Save All': 'Guardar todo'
+'Online Server: On': 'Servidor en línea: encendido'
+'Online Server: Off': 'Servidor en línea: apagado'
+Download: Descargar
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'No puede tener dos artículos con el mismo nombre en la misma sección. El nombre de artículo que especificó ya se está utilizando en el artículo $1. '
+'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible a no suscriptores'
+'The article could not be published.': 'No se pudo publicar el artículo.'
+'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Se eliminó la acción programada.'
+'Scheduled action added.': 'Se añadió la acción programada.'
+'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Se desbloqueó el o los artículos.'
+'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Se duplicó el o los artículos.'
+'Article(s) deleted.': 'Se eliminó el o los artículos.'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Se estableció el estatus del artículo en $1'
+'Article unlocked.': 'Se desbloqueó el artículo.'
+'Article translation created.': 'Se creó la traducción del artículo.'
+'Article order changed.': 'Se cambió el orden del artículo'
+'Article moved.': 'Se movió el artículo.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Se eliminó el artículo'
+'Article created.': 'Se creó el artículo'
+'$1 toggled.': '$ seleccionados/deseleccionados'
'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Show Comments': 'Mostrar comentarios'
+Locked: Blquear
+'Invalid type: $1': 'Tipo inválido: $1'
+'Hide Comments': 'Ocultar comentarios'
+Enabled: Activar
+Disabled: Desactivar
+Comments: Comentarios
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'El artículo ya fue traducido a $1.'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Debe especificar la publicación, edición y sección antes de programarla para publicación. Vaya al menú $1 y seleccione $2 para hacerlo. '
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'No tiene permiso para traducir artículos'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'No tiene permiso para publicar artículos'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'No tiene permiso para mover artículos'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'No puede $1 los artículos marcados en rojo porque la edición de destino no ha sido traducida al idioma apropiado.'
+'Publish?': '¿Publicar?'
+'Publish articles': 'Publicar artículos'
+'Publish article': 'Publicar artículo'
+'Move?': '¿Mover?'
+'Move articles': 'Mover artículos'
+'Move article': 'Mover artículo'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Se debe crear una edición para el idioma seleccionado pero no tiene privilegios para hacerlo.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Se debe crear una sección para el idioma seleccionado pero no tiene los privilegios para hacerlo.'
+'to section': 'a sección'
+'You must choose a language': 'Debe elegir un idioma.'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'No fue posible crear la sección para la traducción $1.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'No fue posible crear la edición para la traducción $1.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Los siguientes artículos son nuevos; no es posible programarlos para publicación automática.'
+'Section URL Name': 'Nombre del URL de sección'
+'Section Name': 'Nombre de sección'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Publicar horario'
+'No action specified': 'No se ha especificado una acción'
+'New section name': 'Nombre de nueva sección'
+'New section URL name': 'Nuevo nombre para el URL de sección'
+'New issue name': 'Nombre de nueva edición'
+'New issue URL name': 'Nuevo nombre para URL de edición'
+'New article name': 'Nuevo nombre de artículo'
+'Issue URL Name': 'Nombre para URL de edición'
+'Issue Name': 'Nombre de edición'
+'Duplicate?': '¿Duplicar?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicar artículos'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Nombre de artículo ($1)'
+'Article List': 'Lista de artículos'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': '¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar el tópico $1 del artículo?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': '¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar el archivo $1 del artículo?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': '¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar el evento programado para el $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': '¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este artículo?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Se debe crear una edición para el idioma seleccionado. Por favor ingrese el nombre de la edición y del URL.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Se debe crear una sección para el idioma seleccionado. Por favor ingrese el nombre de la sección y del URL.'
+'Article Type': 'Tipo de artículo'
+'Show article on front page': 'Mostrar artículo en portada'
+'Show article on section page': 'Mostrar artículo en página de sección'
+'Translate article': 'Traducir artículo'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'No tiene derechos para cambiar este artículo. Solamente puede editar sus propios artículos y una vez enviado un artículo sólo puede ser cambiado por usuarios autorizados.'
+'Duplicate article': 'Duplicar articulo'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'La seccion destino es la misma que la seccion fuente.'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'El artículo es nuevo; no es posible programarlo para publicación automática.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No se definieron tipos de artículo. Primero debe crear un tipo de artículo.'
+'Edit article types': 'Editar tipos de artículo'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'No puede almacenar el artículo. Ha sido bloqueado por $1 hace $2 hora(s) y $3 minuto(s).'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'No tiene los privilegios para cambiar el estatus de este artículo. Una vez enviado el artículo solo los usuarios autorizados pueden modificarlos.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'No tiene privilegios para eliminar artículos.'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Debe seleccionar un tipo de artículo.'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': '¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar la imagen $1 del artículo?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Hubo un error en la lectura de parámetros de solicitud'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'No se puede previsualizar este artículo. Por favor asegúrese que seleccionó el template artículo.'
+'No such article.': 'No existe articulo'
+'No such section.': 'No existe sección'
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.es_AR.yml
index f6c247e3f2..3aecf5c59a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: Título
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
+Newscoop: null
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: null
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Tenés que seleccionar un archivo para subir.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Hubo un problema al subir el archivo.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'El archivo se subió parcialmente. Esto es común cuando el tiempo máximo para subir un archivo es bajo en contraste con el tamaño del archivo que se está cargando. El tiempo máximo para cargar está especificado en php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'El archivo sobrepasa el tamaño máximo permitido para un archivo.'
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: Descargar
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': 'Artículo eliminado.'
+'Article created.': 'Artículo creado.'
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: null
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': null
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': null
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': null
+'Publish?': null
+'Publish articles': null
+'Publish article': null
+'Move?': null
+'Move articles': null
+'Move article': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': null
+'to section': null
+'You must choose a language': null
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': null
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': null
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': null
+'Section URL Name': null
+'Section Name': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'No action specified': null
+'New section name': null
+'New section URL name': null
+'New issue name': null
+'New issue URL name': null
+'New article name': null
+'Issue URL Name': null
+'Issue Name': null
+'Duplicate?': null
+'Duplicate articles': null
+'Article name ($1)': null
+'Article List': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': null
+'Article Type': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Translate article': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Duplicate article': null
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': null
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': null
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': null
+'Edit article types': null
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You must select an article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': null
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': null
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': null
+'No such article.': null
+'No such section.': null
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.fa.yml
index f6c247e3f2..2f9f02b172 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.fa.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: null
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
+Newscoop: null
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: null
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: null
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: null
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': null
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': null
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': null
+'Publish?': null
+'Publish articles': null
+'Publish article': null
+'Move?': null
+'Move articles': null
+'Move article': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': null
+'to section': null
+'You must choose a language': null
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': null
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': null
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': null
+'Section URL Name': null
+'Section Name': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'No action specified': null
+'New section name': null
+'New section URL name': null
+'New issue name': null
+'New issue URL name': null
+'New article name': null
+'Issue URL Name': null
+'Issue Name': null
+'Duplicate?': null
+'Duplicate articles': null
+'Article name ($1)': null
+'Article List': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': null
+'Article Type': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Translate article': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Duplicate article': null
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': null
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': null
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': null
+'Edit article types': null
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You must select an article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': null
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': null
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': null
+'No such article.': null
+'No such section.': null
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.fr.yml
index f6c247e3f2..f763a5cd44 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.fr.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: Titre
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
+Newscoop: null
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: null
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: null
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attacher Sujet à Article '
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Vous devez choisir un fichier à télécharger.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: null
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: null
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'Larticle a déjà été traduit dans 1 $. '
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Vous devez mettre la publication, lédition et la section pour cet article avant que vous ne puissiez le prévoir pour la publication. Allez au menu $1 et choisir $2 pour faire cela. '
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de traduire des articles. '
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de publier des articles.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de déplacer des articles.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'Vous ne pouvez pas $1 les articles marqués en rouge parce que lédition de destination na pas encore été traduite dans la langue appropriée. '
+'Publish?': 'Publier?'
+'Publish articles': 'Publier articles'
+'Publish article': 'Publier article'
+'Move?': 'Déplacer?'
+'Move articles': 'Déplacer articles'
+'Move article': 'Déplacer article'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Une édition doit être créée pour la langue choisie mais vous navez pas le droit de créer une édition.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Une section doit être créée pour la langue choisie mais vous navez pas le droit de créer une section. '
+'to section': 'à section'
+'You must choose a language': 'Vous devez choisir une langue'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Incapable de créer la section pour traduction $1.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Incapable de créer lédition pour traduction $1.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Les articles suivants sont nouveaux; il nest pas possible de les prévoir pour la publication automatique'
+'Section URL Name': 'Nom URL de la Section'
+'Section Name': 'Nom de Section'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Publier un horaire'
+'No action specified': 'Aucune action spécifié.'
+'New section name': 'Nouveau nom de section'
+'New section URL name': 'Nouveau nom URL de section'
+'New issue name': 'Nouveau nom dédition'
+'New issue URL name': 'Nouveau nom URL dédition'
+'New article name': 'Nouveau nom darticle'
+'Issue URL Name': 'Nom URL déditition'
+'Issue Name': 'Nom dédition'
+'Duplicate?': 'Dupliquer?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Dupliquer articles'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Nom darticle ($1)'
+'Article List': 'Liste des articles'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Etes-vous sûr que vous voulez enlever le sujet $1 de larticle ? '
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Etes-vous sûrs que vous voulez enlever le fichier $1 de larticle ? '
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Etes-vous sûrs que vous voulez enlever lévénement prévu sur $1? '
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Ete-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet article?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Une édition doit être créée pour la langue choisie. Entrez sil vous plaît le nom de lédition et le nom URL.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Une section doit être créée pour la langue choisie. Entrez sil vous plaît le nom de section et le nom dURL.'
+'Article Type': 'Type dArticle '
+'Show article on front page': 'Afficher larticle en première page'
+'Show article on section page': 'Afficher larticle dans la page de section'
+'Translate article': 'Traduire article'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de changer cet article. Vous pouvez seulement éditer vos propres articles et une fois soumis un article peut seulement être changé par des utilisateurs autorisés. '
+'Duplicate article': 'Dupliquer article'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'La section de destination est la même comme la section source. '
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'Larticle est nouveau; il nest pas possible de le prévoir pour la publication automatique. '
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Aucun type darticle na été défini. Vous devez créer un type darticle dabord. '
+'Edit article types': 'Editer les types darticles'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Ne pouvait pas sauvegarder larticle. Il a été fermé par $1 $2 heures et $3 il y a des minutes.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de changer ce statut darticle. Une fois soumis un article peut seulement être changé par des utilisateurs autorisés. '
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des articles.'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Vous devez choisir un type darticle. '
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Etes-vous sûrs que vous voulez enlever limage $1 de larticle ? '
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Il y avait une erreur survenu lors de la lecture des paramètres requis.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Cet article ne peut être visualisé. SVP assurez-vous que son template darticle est sélectionné.'
+'No such article.': 'Pas darticle correspondant'
+'No such section.': 'Pas une telle section.'
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.he.yml
index f6c247e3f2..6125cac777 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.he.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: null
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
+Newscoop: null
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: null
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: כתבים
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: null
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: תגובות
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': null
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': null
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': null
+'Publish?': null
+'Publish articles': null
+'Publish article': null
+'Move?': null
+'Move articles': null
+'Move article': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': null
+'to section': null
+'You must choose a language': null
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': null
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': null
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': null
+'Section URL Name': null
+'Section Name': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'No action specified': null
+'New section name': null
+'New section URL name': null
+'New issue name': null
+'New issue URL name': null
+'New article name': null
+'Issue URL Name': null
+'Issue Name': null
+'Duplicate?': null
+'Duplicate articles': null
+'Article name ($1)': null
+'Article List': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': null
+'Article Type': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Translate article': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Duplicate article': null
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': null
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': null
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': null
+'Edit article types': null
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You must select an article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': null
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': null
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': null
+'No such article.': null
+'No such section.': null
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.hr.yml
index f6c247e3f2..292d9f77f7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.hr.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: null
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
+Newscoop: null
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: Datoteke
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: null
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Priloži temu uz članak'
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Morate označiti datoteku za postavljanje.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: null
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: null
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'Članak je već preveden na $1.'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Morate označiti publikaciju, izdanje i rubriku za ovaj članak prije nego što ga rasporedite za automatsko objavljivanje. Idite u izbornik $1 i označite $2'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'Nemate prava prevesti članak.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Nemate prava objaviti članak.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Nemate prava premjestiti članak.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'Ne možete $1 na člancima naglašenim crvenom bojom jer odredišno izdanje nije prevedeno na odgovarajući jezik.'
+'Publish?': 'Objaviti?'
+'Publish articles': 'Objavi članke'
+'Publish article': 'Objavi članak'
+'Move?': 'Premjestiti?'
+'Move articles': 'Premjesti članke'
+'Move article': 'Premjesti članak'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Mora biti kreirano izdanje za odabrani jezik, ali vi nemate prava za kreiranje izdanje.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Mora biti kreirana rubrika za odabrani jezik, ali vi nemate prava za kreiranje rubrike.'
+'to section': 'u rubriku'
+'You must choose a language': 'Morate izabrati jezik'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Za prijevod $1 ne može biti kreirana rubrika.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Za prijevod $1 ne može biti kreirano izdanje.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Sljedeći članci su novi; nije ih moguće rasporediti za automatsko objavljivanje'
+'Section URL Name': 'URL ime rubrike'
+'Section Name': 'Ime rubrike'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Raspored objavljivanja'
+'No action specified': 'Nije određena radnja'
+'New section name': 'Novo ime rubrike'
+'New section URL name': 'Novo URL ime rubrike'
+'New issue name': 'Novo ime izdanja'
+'New issue URL name': 'Novo URL ime izdanja'
+'New article name': 'Novo ime članka'
+'Issue URL Name': 'URL ime izdanja'
+'Issue Name': 'Ime izdanja'
+'Duplicate?': 'Udvostručiti?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Udvostruči članke'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Ime članka ($1)'
+'Article List': 'LIsta članaka'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti temu $1 iz članka?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': ' Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti datoteku $1 iz članka?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': ' Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti zakazani događaj za $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Jeste li sigurni da želite da obrišete ovaj članak?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Izdanje mora biti kreirano za odabrani jezik. Unesite ime izdanja i URL.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Rubrika mora biti kreirana za odabrani jezik. Unesite ime rubrike i URL.'
+'Article Type': 'Tip članka'
+'Show article on front page': 'Prikaži članak na naslovnici'
+'Show article on section page': 'Prikaži članak na stranici rubrike'
+'Translate article': 'Prevedi članak'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nemate ovlasti mijenjati ovaj članak. Možete uređivati samo vlastite članke, a jednom predani članci mogu biti mijenjani samo od strane ovlaštenog korisnika.'
+'Duplicate article': 'Udvostruči članak'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'Odredišna rubrika je ista kao i izvorna rubrika'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'Članak je nov: nije ga moguće rasporediti za automatsko objavljivanje.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Nije definiran tip članka. Morate prvo kreirati tip članka.'
+'Edit article types': 'Uredi tip članka'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Nemoguće je spremiti članak. Zaključan je prije $1 $2 sati i $3 minuta.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nemate prava mijenjati status članka. Predatom članku status može mijenjati samo prijavljeni korisnik.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Nemate prava brisati članke.'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Morate označiti tip članka.'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti sliku $1 iz članka'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Greška pri čitanju traženih parametra.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Članak se ne može pregledati. Provjerite da li ste označili predložak članka.'
+'No such article.': 'Nema tog članka.'
+'No such section.': 'Nema te sekcije.'
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.hu.yml
index f6c247e3f2..94ef2291e1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.hu.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+'Edit metadata': 'Metaadatok szerkesztése'
+Rating: Értékelés
+'Enable Rating': 'Értékelés engedélyezése'
+'Blog management': 'Blog kezelése'
+'View article': 'Cikk megtekintése'
+'Select a list': 'Válassz listát'
+'Remove list': 'Lista eltávolítása'
+'Please select a list': 'Válassz egy listát'
+Playlist: 'Lejátszási lista'
+'List updated.': 'A lista frissítése megtörtént.'
+'List saved': 'A lista mentése megtörtént.'
+'List Name': 'Lista neve'
+'List ID': Listaazonosító
+'Item already exists in the list': 'Az elem már szerepel a listán'
+'Featured Articles': 'Kiemelt cikkek'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Kiemelt cikklisták'
+'Featured Article List': 'Kiemelt cikkek listája'
+'Duplicate list': 'Lista megkettőzése'
+'Duplicate article entry found': 'Ismétlődő cikkbejegyzés található'
+'Drag here to add to list': 'Húzz ide fájlokat a listára vételhez'
+'Could not save the list': 'Nem sikerült menteni a listát'
+'Available Articles': 'Elérhető cikkek'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod ezt a listát?'
+'Add to list': 'Felvétel a listára'
+'Add list': 'Lista hozzáadása'
+'Multi date events': 'Többdátumos események'
+Slideshows: Diavetítések
+'Place images': 'Képek elhelyezése'
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'A cikkszerkesztés nem engedélyezett a számodra.'
+Webcode: Webkód
+Unapproved: 'Nem jóváhagyott'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Ez a szám nem tekinthető meg. Ellenőrizd, hogy hozzárendeltek-e egy témát a kiadványhoz.'
+'The article could not be submitted.': 'Nem lehet beküldeni a cikket.'
+'Submit articles': 'Cikkek beküldése'
+'Submit article': 'Cikk beküldése'
+'Related Articles': 'Kapcsolódó cikkek'
+'Pending articles': 'Függőben lévő cikkek'
+'Pending Articles': 'Függőben lévő cikkek'
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'Nincs jogod a hozzászólások moderálásához.'
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'Nem ütemezhetsz be egyidejűleg ütköző eseményeket'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Nem érhető el a Newscoop. Ellenőrizd az internetkapcsolatodat.'
+Title: Cím
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'Már van ugyanilyen nevű cikk. Változtasd meg a nevét, és próbálkozz újra.'
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Vedd figyelembe, hogy ennek a cikknek az összes beütemezett közzéteendő eseménye törlésre fog kerülni, ha ennek a cikknek az állapotát Újra állítod. Erősítsd meg az állapot módosítását.'
+Geolocation: 'Földrajzi hely'
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Az egyező nevű cikkek felülírása'
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Már létezik $1 nevű cikk, és nem került felülírásra.
+Files: Fájlok
+'Select section:': 'Válassz rovatot:'
+'Add another author': 'További szerző hozzáadása'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'A cikket $1 ($2) zárolta $3 perce.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'A cikket $1 ($2) zárolta $3 órája és $4 perce.'
+'Switches saved.': 'A kapcsolók mentése megtörtént.'
+'Keywords saved.': 'A kulcsszavak mentése megtörtént.'
+'Comment settings': 'Hozzászólás beállításai'
+Authors: Szerzők
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Téma csatolása cikkhez'
+'Article saved.': 'A cikk mentése megtörtént.'
+'Article is locked': 'A cikk zárolása megtörtént'
+'Actions updated.': 'A műveletek frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Nem történt meg a munkád mentése. Szeretnéd folytatni és elveszíteni a változtatásaidat?'
+Switches: Kapcsolók
+'No subtopics available': 'Nincs elérhető altéma'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop alcím'
+Media: Média
+'Last modified': 'Utolsó módosítás'
+'Keywords & Topics': 'Kulcsszavak és témák'
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': 'Ugrás az élő cikkre'
+Created: Létrehozva
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Biztosan el akarod távolítani a térképet a cikkből?'
+'Scheduled action added': 'A beütemezett művelet hozzáadása megtörtént'
+'Content edited': 'A tartalom szerkesztése megtörtént'
+'You must select an article language.': 'Ki kell választanod a cikk nyelvét.'
+'You must select a publication.': 'Ki kell választanod egy kiadványt.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Ki kell választanod egy feltöltendő fájlt.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': 'Ki kell választanod egy bemeneti XML-fájlt.'
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'Nincs jogod az XML-archívumok importálásához.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Probléma merült fel a fájl feltöltése során.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'A feltöltött fájl csak részben került feltöltésre. Ez gyakran előfordul, ha rövid a maximális fájlfeltöltési idő a bevinni próbált fájl méretével szemben. A maximális feltöltési időt a php.ini fájlban adják meg.'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'A fájl mérete meghaladja a megengedett maximális fájlméretet.'
+Optional: Elhagyható
+'Input File': 'Bemeneti fájl'
+'Import XML': 'XML importálása'
+'File is not a valid XML file.': 'A fájl nem érvényes XML-fájl.'
+'File does not exist.': 'A fájl nem létezik.'
+'File could not be uploaded.': 'A fájl nem tölthető fel.'
+'File could not be read.': 'A fájl nem olvasható.'
+'Error List': Hibalista
+'Bad format in XML file.': 'Rossz formátum az XML-fájlban.'
+'Article could not be created.': 'A cikk nem hozható létre.'
+'---Select article type---': '---Válassz cikktípust---'
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 cikk importálása sikerült.'
+Saved: 'A mentés megtörtént'
+'Save All': 'Az összes mentése'
+'Online Server: On': 'Online kiszolgáló: be'
+'Online Server: Off': 'Online kiszolgáló: ki'
+Download: Letöltés
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'Nem lehet két azonos nevű cikk ugyanabban a rovatban. A/z $1 cikk már az általad megadott cikknevet használja.'
+'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Látható a nem-előfizetők számára'
+'The article could not be published.': 'Nem lehet közzétenni a cikket.'
+'Scheduled action deleted.': 'A beütemezett művelet törlése megtörtént.'
+'Scheduled action added.': 'A beütemezett művelet hozzáadása megtörtént.'
+'Article(s) unlocked.': 'A cikk(ek) zárolásának feloldása megtörtént.'
+'Article(s) duplicated.': 'A cikk(ek) megkettőzése megtörtént.'
+'Article(s) deleted.': 'A cikk(ek) törlése megtörtént.'
+'Article status set to $1': 'A cikk állapotának beállítása megtörtént erre: $1'
+'Article unlocked.': 'A cikk zárolásának feloldása megtörtént.'
+'Article translation created.': 'A cikk fordítása elkészült.'
+'Article order changed.': 'A cikksorrend módosítása megtörtént.'
+'Article moved.': 'A cikk áthelyezése megtörtént.'
+'Article deleted.': 'A cikk törlése megtörtént.'
+'Article created.': 'A cikk létrehozása megtörtént.'
+'$1 toggled.': 'A/z $1 átváltása megtörtént.'
+'Total:': 'Összes:'
+'Show Comments': 'A hozzászólások megjelenítése'
+Locked: Zárolva
+'Invalid type: $1': 'Érvénytelen típus: $1'
+'Hide Comments': 'A hozzászólások elrejtése'
+Enabled: Engedélyezve
+Disabled: Letiltva
+Comments: Hozzászólások
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'A cikket lefordították már $1 nyelvre.'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Meg kell adnod ennek a cikknek a kiadványát, számát és rovatát a közzététele beütemezése előtt. Lépj a/z $1 menüre, és végrehajtásához válaszd a/z $2 elemet.'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'Nincs jogod a cikkek fordításaihoz.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Nincs jogod a cikkek közzétételeihez.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Nincs jogod a cikkek áthelyezéséhez.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'A pirossal jelölt cikkeket nem lehet $1, mert nem történt meg a célszám lefordítása a megfelelő nyelvre.'
+'Publish?': 'Közzéteszed?'
+'Publish articles': 'Cikkek közzététele'
+'Publish article': 'Cikk közzététele'
+'Move?': 'Áthelyezed?'
+'Move articles': 'Cikkek áthelyezése'
+'Move article': 'Cikk áthelyezése'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Létre kell hoznod egy számot a választott nyelvhez, viszont szám létrehozásához nincs jogod.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Létre kell hoznod egy rovatot a választott nyelvhez, viszont rovat létrehozásához nincs jogod.'
+'to section': rovathoz
+'You must choose a language': 'Ki kell választanod egy nyelvet'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Nem lehet létrehozni a rovatot a/z $1 fordításhoz.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Nem lehet létrehozni a számot a/z $1 fordításhoz.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Az alábbi cikkek újak; nem lehet őket automatikus közzétételre beütemezni'
+'Section URL Name': 'A rovat URL-neve'
+'Section Name': 'Rovat neve'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Közzététel beütemezése'
+'No action specified': 'Nincs művelet megadva'
+'New section name': 'Új rovat neve'
+'New section URL name': 'Az új rovat URL-neve'
+'New issue name': 'Új szám neve'
+'New issue URL name': 'Az új szám URL-neve'
+'New article name': 'Új cikk neve'
+'Issue URL Name': 'Szám URL-neve'
+'Issue Name': 'Szám neve'
+'Duplicate?': 'Megkettőzés?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Cikkek duplikálása'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Cikk neve ($1)'
+'Article List': Cikklista
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Biztosan el akarod távolítani a/z $1 témát a cikkből?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Biztosan el akarod távolítani a/z $1 fájlt a cikkből?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Biztosan el akarod távolítani a/z $1 időpontra beütemezett eseményt?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod ezt a cikket?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Létre kell hozni egy számot a választott nyelvhez. Add meg a szám nevét és URL-nevét.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Létre kell hozni egy rovatot a választott nyelvhez. Add meg a rovat nevét és URL-nevét.'
+'Article Type': Cikktípus
+'Show article on front page': 'A cikk megjelenítése a címlapon'
+'Show article on section page': 'A cikk megjelenítése a rovatlapon'
+'Translate article': 'Cikk fordítása'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nincs jogod ennek a cikknek a módosításához. Csak a saját cikkeidet szerkesztheted, beküldés után csak a jogosult felhasználók módosíthatják.'
+'Duplicate article': 'Cikk megkettőzése'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'A célrovat azonos a forrásrovattal.'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'A cikk új; nem lehet automatikus közzétételre beütemezni.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Nem voltak cikktípusok meghatározva. Először létre kell hoznod egy cikktípust.'
+'Edit article types': 'Cikktípusok szerkesztése'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Nem menthetői a cikk. $1 zárolta $2 órája és $3 perce.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nincs jogod ennek ennek a cikknek az állapotát módosítani. Cikk beküldése után csak a jogosult felhasználók módosíthatják.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Nincs jogod a cikkek törléséhez.'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Ki kell választania egy cikktípust.'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Biztosan el akarod távolítani a/z $1 képet a cikkből?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Hiba történt a kérésparaméterek olvasásakor.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Ez a cikk nem tekinthető meg. Győződj meg róla, hogy van-e kiválasztva cikksablonja.'
+'No such article.': 'Nincs ilyen cikk.'
+'No such section.': 'Nincs ilyen rovat.'
+Characters: Karakterek
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: 'Kép metaadatainak szerkesztése'
+ save: Mentés
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: Használat
+ number: Sorszám
+ caption: Képaláírás
+ status_approved: Jóváhagyott
+ status_unapproved: 'Nem jóváhagyott'
+ status: Állapot
+ description: Leírás
+ photographer: Fotós
+ photographer_url: 'Fotós URL-címe'
+ place: Hely
+ date: Dátum
+ article_specific: Cikkspecifikus
+ global: Globális
+ other_captions: 'Egyéb feliratok'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.hy_AM.yml
index f6c247e3f2..5d552e1772 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: Վերնագիր
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: null
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: Ներբեռնում
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': 'Հոդվածը ջնջված է'
+'Article created.': 'Հոդվածը ստեղծված է'
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: Մեկնաբանություններ
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': null
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': null
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': null
+'Publish?': null
+'Publish articles': null
+'Publish article': null
+'Move?': null
+'Move articles': null
+'Move article': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': null
+'to section': null
+'You must choose a language': null
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': null
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': null
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': null
+'Section URL Name': null
+'Section Name': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'No action specified': null
+'New section name': null
+'New section URL name': null
+'New issue name': null
+'New issue URL name': null
+'New article name': null
+'Issue URL Name': null
+'Issue Name': null
+'Duplicate?': null
+'Duplicate articles': null
+'Article name ($1)': null
+'Article List': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': null
+'Article Type': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Translate article': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Duplicate article': null
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': null
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': null
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': null
+'Edit article types': null
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You must select an article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': null
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': null
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': null
+'No such article.': null
+'No such section.': null
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ka.yml
index f6c247e3f2..7aa5b212a4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ka.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+'Edit metadata': 'მეტამონაცემების რედაქტირება'
+Rating: რეიტინგი
+'Enable Rating': 'რეიტინგის ჩართვა'
+'Blog management': 'ბლოგის მართვა'
+'View article': 'სტატიის ნახვა'
+'Select a list': 'სიის არჩევა'
+'Remove list': 'სიის ამოღება'
+'Please select a list': 'გთხოვთ მონიშნოთ სია'
+Playlist: 'დასაკრავი სია'
+'List updated.': 'სია განახლებულია.'
+'List saved': 'სია დამახსოვრებულია'
+'List Name': 'სიის სახელი'
+'List ID': 'სიის საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი'
+'Item already exists in the list': 'ელემენტი უკვე არსებობს სიაში'
+'Featured Articles': 'წარმოდგენილი სტატიები'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'წარმოდგენილი სტატიების სიები'
+'Featured Article List': 'წარმოდგენილი სტატიების სია'
+'Duplicate list': 'დუპლიკატი სია'
+'Duplicate article entry found': 'ნაპოვნია სტატიის დუპლიკატი ჩანაწერი'
+'Drag here to add to list': 'ჩააგდეთ აქ, რათა დაუმატოთ სიას. '
+'Could not save the list': 'სიის დამახსოვრება ვერ მოხერხდა'
+'Available Articles': 'არსებული სტატიებიები'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ ამ სიის წასშლა?'
+'Add to list': 'სიაში დამატება'
+'Add list': 'სიის დამატება'
+'Multi date events': 'მრავალთარიღიანი ღონისძიებები'
+Slideshows: სლაიდშოუები
+'Place images': 'გამოსახულების მოთავსება'
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ უფლება შეცვალოთ სტატია. '
+Webcode: 'ქსელური კოდი'
+Unapproved: დაუმტკიცებელი
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'ამ გამოშვების გადახედვა შეუძლებელია. გთხოვთ დარწმუნდით რომ პუბლიკაციისთვის მინიჭებულია თემა.'
+'The article could not be submitted.': 'სტატიის ატვირთვა ვერ განხორციელდა.'
+'Submit articles': 'სტატიების ატვირთვა'
+'Submit article': 'სტატიის ატვირთვა'
+'Related Articles': 'დაკავშირებული სტატიები'
+'Pending articles': 'მიმდინარე სტატიები'
+'Pending Articles': 'მიმდინარე სტატიები'
+'Context Box updated': 'კონტექსტის კოლოფი განახლებულია'
+On: ჩართვა
+Off: გამორთვა
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ კომენტარების მოდერაციის უფლება'
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'თქვენ არ შეგიძლიათ დაპირისპირებული მოვლენების ერთდროულად დაგეგმვა'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'ნიუსქუფთან დაკავშირება ვერ ხერხდება. გთხოვთ შეამოწმოთ თქვენი ინტერნეტ კავშირი.'
+Title: სათაური
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'მსგავსი სათაურის სტატია უკვე არსებობს. გთხოვთ შეცვალოთ სათაური და თავიდან სცადოთ.'
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'გაითვალისწინეთ რომ ამ სტატიისთვის დაგეგმილი გამოსაქვეყნებელი მოვლენები წაშლება, როდესაც სტატიის სტატუსი გახდება ახალი. დაადასტურეთ ეს ცვლილება'
+Geolocation: 'გეოგრაფიული მდებარეობა'
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'მსგავსი სახელწოდების სტატიების ერთმანეთზე გადაწერა'
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': '$1 სტატია უკვე არსებობს, და ის არ გადაეწერა.
+Files: ფაილები
+'Select section:': 'აირჩიეთ სექცია'
+'Add another author': 'ავტორის დამატება'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'სტატია დალუქა მოხმარებელმა $1 ($2) $3 წუთ(ებ)ის წინ.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'სტატია დალუქა მოხმარებელმა $1 ($2) $3 საათ(ებ)ის და $4 წუთ(ებ)ის წინ.'
+'Switches saved.': 'სვიჩები დამახსოვრებულია.'
+'Keywords saved.': 'საძიებო სიტყვები დამახსოვრებულია.'
+'Comment settings': 'კომენტარის პარამეტრები'
+Authors: ავტორები
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'მიამაგრე თემა სტატიას'
+'Article saved.': 'სტატია დამახსოვრებულია'
+'Article is locked': 'სტატია დალუქულია'
+'Actions updated.': 'მოქმედებები განახლებულია.'
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'თქვენი ნაშრომი არ შეინახა. გსურთ გაგრძელება და ცვილელების დაკარგვა?'
+Switches: სვიჩები
+'No subtopics available': 'ქვესათაურები არ არსებობს.'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'ნიუსქუფის ქვესათაური'
+Media: მედია
+'Last modified': 'ბოლო მოდიფიკაცია'
+'Keywords & Topics': 'საკვანძო სიტყვები &, სათაურები'
+Info: ინფო
+'Go to live article': 'მიმდინარე სტატეიბზე გადასვლა'
+Created: შექმნილია
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ სტატიიდან რუკის მოხსნა გსურთ?'
+'Scheduled action added': 'დაგეგმილი მოქმედება დაემატა'
+'Content edited': 'კონტენტი რედაქტირებულია'
+'You must select an article language.': 'თქვენ უნდა მონიშნოთ სტატიის ენა'
+'You must select a publication.': 'თქვენ უნდა მონიშნოთ გამოცემა'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'თქვენ უნდა მონიშნოთ ფაილი ასატვითად'
+'You must select a XML input file.': 'თქვენ უნდა მონიშნოთ XML ფაილის შესატანად'
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'თქვენ არა გაქვთ XML არქივის იმპორტირების უფლება'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'პრობლემა იყო ფაილის ატვირთვისას.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'ატვირთული ფაილი მხოლოდ ნაწილობრივ აიტვირთა. ეს მაშინ ხდება, როცა ფაილის ასატვირთი მაქსიმალური დრო არ შეესაბამება ფაილის ზომას, რომლის ატვირთვასაც ცდილობთ. შეტანის მაქსიმალური დრო განსაზღვრულიაphp.ini –ში '
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'ამ ფაილის ზომა აღემატება მაქსიმალურ დასაშვებს. '
+Optional: არასავალდებული
+'Input File': 'ფაილის '
+'Import XML': 'XML ს იმპორტი'
+'File is not a valid XML file.': 'ფაილი არ არის სწორი XML ფაილი'
+'File does not exist.': 'ფაილი არ არსებობს'
+'File could not be uploaded.': 'ფაილის ატვირთვა არ მოხერხდა'
+'File could not be read.': 'ფაილის წაკითხვა არ მოხერხდა'
+'Error List': 'ხარვეზების სია'
+'Bad format in XML file.': 'არასწორი ფორმატი XML ფაილში.'
+'Article could not be created.': 'სტატიის შექმნა არ მოხერხდა'
+'---Select article type---': '---აირჩიეთ სტატიის ტიპი---'
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 სტატიის იმპორტირება წარმატებით დასრულდა.'
+Saved: დამახსოვრებულია
+'Save All': 'ყველაფრის დამახსოვრება'
+'Online Server: On': 'ონლაინ სერვერი: ჩართულია'
+'Online Server: Off': 'ონლაინ სერვერი: გამორთულია'
+Download: ჩამოქაჩვა
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'ერთ სექციაში ორი მსგავსი სათაურის სტატიის ქონა შეუძლებელია. თქვენს მიერ მითითებული სათაური უკვე გამოყენებულია სტატიაში $1'
+'Visible to non-subscribers': 'ხელმისაწვდომია ყველასთვის'
+'The article could not be published.': 'სტატია არ გამოქვეყნდა.'
+'Scheduled action deleted.': 'დაგეგმილი მოქმედება წაიშალა.'
+'Scheduled action added.': 'დაგეგმილი მოქმედება დაემატა.'
+'Article(s) unlocked.': 'სტატია(ები) გაიხსნა.'
+'Article(s) duplicated.': 'სტატიის(ების) დუბლირება მოხდა.'
+'Article(s) deleted.': 'სტატია(ები) წაიშალა'
+'Article status set to $1': 'სტატიის სტატუსი შეიცვალა - $1'
+'Article unlocked.': 'სტატია გაიხსნა.'
+'Article translation created.': 'სტატიის თარგმანი შეიქმნა.'
+'Article order changed.': 'სტატიის თანმიმდევრობა შეიცვალა.'
+'Article moved.': 'სტატიამ გადაინაცვლა.'
+'Article deleted.': 'სტატია წაიშალა.'
+'Article created.': 'სტატია შეიქმნა.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 ჩაირთო'
+'Total:': 'სულ:'
+'Show Comments': 'კომენტარების ჩვენება'
+Locked: დაილუქა
+'Invalid type: $1': 'არასწორი ტიპი: $1'
+'Hide Comments': 'კომენტარების დამალვა'
+Enabled: ჩართულია
+Disabled: გამორთულია
+Comments: კომენტარები
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'სტატია უკვე ითარგმნა $1 ენაზე'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'ამ სტატიისთვის უნდა მიუთითოთ პუბლიკაცია, გამოცემა და სექცია, რათა დაგეგმოთ მისი გამოცემა. ამის გასაკეთებლად გადადით $1 მენიუში და აირჩიეთ $2.'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ამ სტატიის თარგმნის უფლება.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ამ სტატიის გამოცემის უფლება.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიების გადაადგილების უფლება.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'შეუძლებელია $1 სტატიებისთვის, რომლებიც მონიშნულია წითლად, რადგან მითითებული გამოცემა არ ითარგმნა სათანადო ენაზე.'
+'Publish?': 'გამოქვეყნება?'
+'Publish articles': 'სტატიების გამოქვეყნება'
+'Publish article': 'სტატიის გამოქვეყნება'
+'Move?': 'გადავიდეს?'
+'Move articles': 'სტატიების გადატანა'
+'Move article': 'სტატიის გადატანა'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'მითითებული ენისთვის უნდა შეიქმნას გამოცემა, თუმცა თქვენ არ გაქვთ ამის უფლება.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'მითითებული ენისთვის უნდა შეიქმნას სექცია, თუმცა თქვენ არ გაქვთ ამის უფლება.'
+'to section': სექციაში
+'You must choose a language': 'აირჩიეთ ენა'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': '$1 თარგმანისთვის სექცია ვერ შეიქმნა.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': '$1 თარგმანისთვის გამოცემა ვერ შეიქმნა.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'ეს სტატიები არის ახალი. შეუძლებელია მათთვის გამოცემის ავტომატური დაგეგმვა'
+'Section URL Name': 'სექციის URL'
+'Section Name': 'სექციის სახელი'
+'Publish Schedule': 'პუბლიკაციის განრიგი'
+'No action specified': 'მოქმედება არ არის მითითებული'
+'New section name': 'ახალი სექციის სახელი'
+'New section URL name': 'ახალი სექციის URL'
+'New issue name': 'ახალი გამოცემის სახელი'
+'New issue URL name': 'ახალი გამოცემის URL'
+'New article name': 'ახალი სტატიის სახელი'
+'Issue URL Name': 'გამოცემის URL'
+'Issue Name': 'გამოცემის სახელი'
+'Duplicate?': 'გსურთ დუბლირება?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'სტატიების დუბლირება'
+'Article name ($1)': 'სტატიის სახელი ($1)'
+'Article List': 'სტატიების სია'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ სტატიიდან $1 სათაურის წაშლა?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ სტატიიდან $1 ფაილის წაშლა?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ $1-ზე დაგეგმილი მოვლენის მოხსნა გსურთ?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ ამ სტატიის წაშლა?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'არჩეული ენისთვის უნდა შეიქმნას გამოცემა. გთხოვთ მიუთითოთ გამოცემის სახელი და URL.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'არჩეული ენისთვის უნდა შეიქმნას სექცია. გთხოვთ მიუთითოთ სექციის სახელი და URL.'
+'Article Type': 'სტატიის ტიპი'
+'Show article on front page': 'სტატიის მთავარ გვერდზე ჩვენება'
+'Show article on section page': 'სტატიის სექციის გვერდზე ჩვენება'
+'Translate article': 'სტატიის თარგმნა'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ამ სტატიის შეცვლის უფლება. თქვენ შეგიძლიათ მხოლოდ საკუთარი სტატიების რედაქტირება და წარდგენის შემდეგ მხოლოდ ავტორიზებულ მომხმარებლებს შეუძლიათ მათი შეცვლა.'
+'Duplicate article': 'სტატიის დუბლირება'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'მითითებული სექცია არის იგივე რაც საწყისი.'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'ეს სტატია არის ახალი. შეუძლებელია მისი ავტომატური გამოქვეყნების დაგეგმვა.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'სტატიის ტიპი არ არის განსაზღვრული. პირველ რიგში თქვენ უნდა შექმნათ სტატიის ტიპი.'
+'Edit article types': 'სტატიის ტიპების რედაქტირება'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'სტატია არ იქნა დამახსოვრებული. იგი დაილუქა $1 მიერ $2 საათისა და $3 წუთის წინ'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ამ სტატიის სტატუსის შეცვლის ნებართვა. სტატიის შეცვლა მხოლოდ ავტორიზებულ მომხმარებლებს შეუძლიათ.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიების წაშლის ნებართვა'
+'You must select an article type.': 'თქვენ უნდა აირჩიოთ სტატიის ტიპი'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ ამ სურათის $1 სტატიიდან წაშლა?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'მოთხოვნილი პარამეტრების წაკითხვისას დაფიქსირდა ხარვეზი.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'ამ სტატიის დათვალიერება შეუძლებელია. გთხოვთ გადაამოწმოთ, რომ ამ სტატიის შაბლონი მითითებულია.'
+'No such article.': 'ასეთი სტატია არ არსებობს.'
+'No such section.': 'ასეთი სექცია არ არსებობს'
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ko.yml
index f6c247e3f2..721bb575c5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ko.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: null
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
+Newscoop: null
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: 파일
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: null
+'Attach Topic To Article': '기사에 토픽 첨부'
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': '업로드할 파일을 선택하시오.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: null
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: null
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': '기사가 이미 $1 으로 번역되었습니다. '
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': '스케쥴하기전에 이 기사에 대해 출판사이트, 이슈, 섹션을 설정해야 합니다. $1 메뉴로 가서 $2 를 선택하시오.'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': '기사를 번역할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': '기사를 출판할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': '기사를 이동할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': '기사를 붉은 색으로 표시할 수 없습니다. 목표 이슈가 적당한 언어로 번역되지 않았습니다.'
+'Publish?': '출판?'
+'Publish articles': '기사 출판'
+'Publish article': '기사 출판'
+'Move?': '이동?'
+'Move articles': '기사 이동'
+'Move article': '기사 이동'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': '선택한 언어로 이슈를 생성해야 합니다. 이슈를 생성할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': '선택한 언어로 섹션을 생성해야 합니다. 섹션을 생성할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'to section': 섹션으로
+'You must choose a language': '언어를 선택하시오.'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': '$1 번역할 섹션을 생성할 수 없슴.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': '$1 번역할 이슈를 생성할 수 없슴.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': '다음 기사는 신규이므로, 자동 출판으로 스케쥴할 수 없습니다. '
+'Section URL Name': '섹션 URL 이름'
+'Section Name': '섹션 이름'
+'Publish Schedule': '출판 스케쥴'
+'No action specified': '기능 미지정'
+'New section name': '새로운 섹션 이름 '
+'New section URL name': '새로운 섹션 URL dlfma'
+'New issue name': '새로운 이슈 이름'
+'New issue URL name': '새로운 이슈 URL 이름'
+'New article name': '새로운 기사 이름'
+'Issue URL Name': '이슈 URL 이름'
+'Issue Name': '이슈 이름'
+'Duplicate?': '복사?'
+'Duplicate articles': '기사 복사'
+'Article name ($1)': '기사 이름 ($1)'
+'Article List': '기사 리스트'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': '기사에서 토픽 $1 을 삭제합니까?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': '기사에서 파일 $1 을 삭제합니까?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': '$1 에 예정된 이벤트를 삭제합니까?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': '기사를 삭제합니까?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': '선택한 언어로 이슈를 생성해야 합니다. 이슈 이름과 URL이름을 입력하시오.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': '선택한 언어로 섹션을 생성해야합니다. 섹션 이름과 URL 이름을 입력하시오.'
+'Article Type': '기사 타입 '
+'Show article on front page': '프론트페이지에 기사 보기'
+'Show article on section page': '섹션 페이지에 기사 보기'
+'Translate article': '기사 번역'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': '기사를 수정할 권한이 없습니다. 자기가 쓴 쓴 기사만 수정할 수 있고, 송고된 기사는 권한있는 사용자만 수정할 수 있습니다. '
+'Duplicate article': '기사 복사'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': '목표 섹션이 원래 색션과 같습니다. '
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': '이 기사는 신규입니다. 자동 출판을 스케쥴할 수 없습니다. '
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': '기사 타입이 미지정입니다. 기사 타입을 먼저 생성하시오.'
+'Edit article types': '기사 타입 수정'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': '기사를 저장할 수없습니다. $1 이 $2 시간 $3 분전에 잠금상태로 되었습니다. '
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': '기사 상태를 변경할 권한이 없습니다. 송고된 기사는 권한있는 사용자만 수정할 수 있습니다. '
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': '기사를 삭제할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'You must select an article type.': '기사 타입을 선택하시오.'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': '기사에서 이미지 $1 삭제합니까?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': '요구 파라미터를 읽는중 에러가 있습니다. '
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': '기사를 미리볼 수 없습니다. 기사 템플레이트을 선택했는지 확인하시오.'
+'No such article.': '그런 기사 없슴'
+'No such section.': '그런 섹션 없슴.'
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ku.yml
index f6c247e3f2..2f9f02b172 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ku.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: null
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
+Newscoop: null
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: null
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: null
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: null
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': null
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': null
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': null
+'Publish?': null
+'Publish articles': null
+'Publish article': null
+'Move?': null
+'Move articles': null
+'Move article': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': null
+'to section': null
+'You must choose a language': null
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': null
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': null
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': null
+'Section URL Name': null
+'Section Name': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'No action specified': null
+'New section name': null
+'New section URL name': null
+'New issue name': null
+'New issue URL name': null
+'New article name': null
+'Issue URL Name': null
+'Issue Name': null
+'Duplicate?': null
+'Duplicate articles': null
+'Article name ($1)': null
+'Article List': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': null
+'Article Type': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Translate article': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Duplicate article': null
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': null
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': null
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': null
+'Edit article types': null
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You must select an article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': null
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': null
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': null
+'No such article.': null
+'No such section.': null
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.lv.yml
index f6c247e3f2..2f9f02b172 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.lv.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: null
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
+Newscoop: null
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: null
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: null
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: null
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': null
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': null
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': null
+'Publish?': null
+'Publish articles': null
+'Publish article': null
+'Move?': null
+'Move articles': null
+'Move article': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': null
+'to section': null
+'You must choose a language': null
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': null
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': null
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': null
+'Section URL Name': null
+'Section Name': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'No action specified': null
+'New section name': null
+'New section URL name': null
+'New issue name': null
+'New issue URL name': null
+'New article name': null
+'Issue URL Name': null
+'Issue Name': null
+'Duplicate?': null
+'Duplicate articles': null
+'Article name ($1)': null
+'Article List': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': null
+'Article Type': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Translate article': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Duplicate article': null
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': null
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': null
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': null
+'Edit article types': null
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You must select an article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': null
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': null
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': null
+'No such article.': null
+'No such section.': null
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.nb_NO.yml
index f6c247e3f2..2f9f02b172 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: null
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
+Newscoop: null
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: null
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: null
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: null
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': null
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': null
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': null
+'Publish?': null
+'Publish articles': null
+'Publish article': null
+'Move?': null
+'Move articles': null
+'Move article': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': null
+'to section': null
+'You must choose a language': null
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': null
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': null
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': null
+'Section URL Name': null
+'Section Name': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'No action specified': null
+'New section name': null
+'New section URL name': null
+'New issue name': null
+'New issue URL name': null
+'New article name': null
+'Issue URL Name': null
+'Issue Name': null
+'Duplicate?': null
+'Duplicate articles': null
+'Article name ($1)': null
+'Article List': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': null
+'Article Type': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Translate article': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Duplicate article': null
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': null
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': null
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': null
+'Edit article types': null
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You must select an article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': null
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': null
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': null
+'No such article.': null
+'No such section.': null
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.pl.yml
index f6c247e3f2..6006ea7399 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.pl.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+'Edit metadata': 'Edytuj metadane'
+Rating: Ocenianie
+'Enable Rating': 'Aktywuj ocenianie.'
+'Blog management': 'Zarządzanie blogami'
+'View article': 'Zobacz artykuł'
+'Select a list': 'Wybierz listę'
+'Remove list': 'Usuń listę'
+'Please select a list': 'Wybierz listę'
+Playlist: 'Lista odtwarzania'
+'List updated.': 'Lista została zaktualizowana'
+'List saved': 'Lista została zapisana'
+'List Name': 'Nazwa listy'
+'List ID': 'Numer listy'
+'Item already exists in the list': 'Element jest już na tej liście'
+'Featured Articles': 'Promowane artykuły'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Listy artykułów'
+'Featured Article List': 'Lista artykułów'
+'Duplicate list': 'Skopiuj listę'
+'Duplicate article entry found': 'Znaleziono duplikowane artykuły.'
+'Drag here to add to list': 'Przeciągnij tutaj aby dodać do listy'
+'Could not save the list': 'Nie można zapisac listy'
+'Available Articles': 'Dostepne artykuły'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Jesteś pewien że chcesz usunąć tą listę?'
+'Add to list': 'Dodaj do listy'
+'Add list': 'Dodaj listę'
+'Multi date events': 'Wielokrotne wydarzenie'
+Slideshows: Galerie
+'Place images': 'Umieść obrazy'
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Nie masz uprawnień do edycji artykułu.'
+Webcode: 'Kod internetowy'
+Unapproved: Nieuprawniony
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Nie możesz podejrzeć tego wydania. Upewnij się że publikacja ma przydzielony szablon.'
+'The article could not be submitted.': 'Artykuł nie może zostać wysłany.'
+'Submit articles': 'Wyślij artykuly'
+'Submit article': 'Wyślij artykuł'
+'Related Articles': 'Powiązane artykuły'
+'Pending articles': 'Oczekujące artykuły'
+'Pending Articles': 'Oczekujące artykuły'
+'Context Box updated': 'Powiązane artykuły zaktualizowane'
+On: Włączony
+Off: Wyłączony
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'Nie masz uprawnień aby moderować komentarze.'
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'Nie możesz zaplanować przeciwstawnych wydarzeń w tym samym czasie'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Nie można połączyć z Newscoop. Sprawdź swoje połączenie z Internetem.'
+Title: Tytuł
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'Artykuł z taką nazwą już istnieje. Zmień nazwę i spróbuj ponownie.'
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Miej na uwadze że zaplanowana publikacja tego artykułu zostanie anulowana gdy zmienisz status na Nowy. Potwierdź zmianę statusu.'
+Geolocation: Geololalizacja
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Nadpisz artykuły o tej nazwie.'
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Artykuł $1 już istnieje, i nie może być nadpisany.
+Files: Pliki
+'Select section:': 'Wybierz sekcję:'
+'Add another author': 'Dodaj kolejnego autora'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Artykuł zostal zablokowany przez $1 ($2) $3 minut(y) temu.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Artykuł zostal zablokowany przez $1 ($2) $3 godziny i $4 minut(y) temu.'
+'Switches saved.': 'Przełączniki zapisane.'
+'Keywords saved.': 'Słowa kluczowe zapisane.'
+'Comment settings': 'Ustawienia komentarzy.'
+Authors: Autorzy
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Dołącz Temat do Artykułu'
+'Article saved.': 'Artykuł zapisany.'
+'Article is locked': 'Artykuł jest zablokowany'
+'Actions updated.': 'Akcje uaktualnione.'
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Twoja praca nie została zapisana. Chcesz kontynuować czy utracić swoje zmiany?'
+Switches: Przełączniki
+'No subtopics available': 'Brak podtematów'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Podtytuł Newscoop'
Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
+'Last modified': 'Ostatnia modyfikacja'
+'Keywords & Topics': 'Słowa kluczowe & Tematy'
Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
+'Go to live article': 'Zobacz arykuł live'
+Created: Utworzono
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Na pewnoc hcesz usunąć mapę z artykułu?'
+'Scheduled action added': 'Dodaną zaplanowaną akcję'
+'Content edited': 'Edycja kontentu zakończona'
+'You must select an article language.': 'Musisz wybrać język artykułu.'
+'You must select a publication.': 'Musisz wybrać publikację.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Musisz wybrać pliki do dodania.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': 'Musisz wybrać plik XML.'
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'Nie masz praw aby importować archiwa XML.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Wystąpił błąd podczas dodawania pliku.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Wgyrwany plik został dodany tylko w części. To częsty błąd gdy czas wgrywania pliku nie jest zgodny z jego rozmiarem. Maksymalny czas wgrywania ustalany jest w pliku php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'Plik jest większy od maksymalnego rozmiaru.'
+Optional: Opcjonalne
+'Input File': 'Plik wsadowy'
'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
+'File is not a valid XML file.': 'Plik XML nie jest poprawny.'
+'File does not exist.': 'Plik nie istnieje.'
+'File could not be uploaded.': 'Plik nie został dodany.'
+'File could not be read.': 'Plik nie mógł być odczytant.'
+'Error List': 'Lista błędów'
+'Bad format in XML file.': 'Zły format w pliku XML.'
+'Article could not be created.': 'Artykuł nie został odczytany.'
+'---Select article type---': '---Wybierz typ artykułu---'
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': 'Artykuły zaimportowane pomyślnie: $1'
+Saved: Zapisano
+'Save All': 'Zapisz wszystko'
+'Online Server: On': 'Serwer Online: ON'
+'Online Server: Off': 'Serwer Online: Off'
+Download: Pobierz
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'Dwa artykły o tej samej nazwie nie mogą znajdować się w tej samej sekcji. Wybrana nazwa artykuły jest już w użyciu przez artykuł $1'
+'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Dostępne dla nie-subskrynentów'
+'The article could not be published.': 'Artykuł nie zostal opublikowany.'
+'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Zaplanowana akcja usunięta.'
+'Scheduled action added.': 'Zaplanowana akcja dodana.'
+'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Artykuł(y) odblokowane.'
+'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Artykuł(y) zduplikowane.'
+'Article(s) deleted.': 'Artykuł(y) usunięte.'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Status artykułu zmieniony na $1'
+'Article unlocked.': 'Artykuł odblokowany.'
+'Article translation created.': 'Utworzono tłumaczenie artykułu.'
+'Article order changed.': 'Kierunek artykułów zmieniony.'
+'Article moved.': 'Artykuł przeniesiony.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Artykuł usunięty.'
+'Article created.': 'Artykuł utworzony.'
'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Total:': 'Całkowicie:'
+'Show Comments': 'Pokaż komentarze'
+Locked: Zablokowane
+'Invalid type: $1': 'Niewłaściwy typ: $1'
+'Hide Comments': 'Schowaj komentarze '
+Enabled: Właczone
+Disabled: Wyłączone
+Comments: Komentarze
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'Artykuł został już przetłumaczony na $1.'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Musisz wybrać publikację, wydanie oraz sekcję do tego artykułu zanim zaplanujesz jego publikację. Idź do menu $1 i wybierz $2 aby to uczynić.'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'Nie masz praw aby tłumaczyć artykuły.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Nie masz praw aby dodawać artykuły.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Nie masz praw aby przenosić artykuły.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'Nie możes $1 zaznaczonych artykułów na czerwono ponieważ docelowe wydanie nie zostało przetłumaczone na właściwy język.'
+'Publish?': 'Opublikowac?'
+'Publish articles': 'Opublikuj artykuły'
+'Publish article': 'Opublikuj artykuł'
+'Move?': 'Przenieść?'
+'Move articles': 'Przenieś artykuły'
+'Move article': 'Przenieś artykuł'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Wydanie musi zostać utworzone do wskazanego języka ale nie masz praw aby to uczynić.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Sekcja musi zostać utworzona do wskazanego języka ale nie masz praw aby to uczynić.'
+'to section': 'do sekcji'
+'You must choose a language': 'Musisz wybrać język'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Nie można utworzyć sekcji do tłumaczenia $1.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Nie można utworzyć wydania do tłumaczenia $1.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Następujące artykuły są nowe; nie można ich zaplanować do automatycznej publikacji'
+'Section URL Name': 'Nazwa URL sekcji'
+'Section Name': 'Nazwa sekcji'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Kalendarz wydawniczy'
+'No action specified': 'Brak wybranej akcji'
+'New section name': 'Nowa nazwa sekcji'
+'New section URL name': 'Nowa nazwa URL sekcji'
+'New issue name': 'Nowa nazwa wydania'
+'New issue URL name': 'Nowa nazwa URL wydania'
+'New article name': 'Nowa nazwa artykułu'
+'Issue URL Name': 'Nazwa URL Wydania'
+'Issue Name': 'Nazwa wydania'
+'Duplicate?': 'Duplikować?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Duplikuj artykuły'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Nazwa artykułu ($1)'
+'Article List': 'Lista artykułów'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć temat $1 z artykułu?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć plik $1 z artykułu?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wydarzenie zaplanowane na $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten artykuł?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Wydanie musi zostać utworzone do wybranego języka. Podaj nazwę wydanie i URL nazwy.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Sekcja musi zostać utworzona do wybranego języka. Podaj nazwę wydanie i URL nazwy.'
+'Article Type': 'Typ artykułu'
+'Show article on front page': 'Pokaż artykuł na stronie głównej'
+'Show article on section page': 'Pokaż artykuł na stronie sekcji'
+'Translate article': 'Przetłumacz artykul'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniać ten artykuł. Możesz tylko edytować swoje a po ich przesłaniu tylko autoryzowane osoby mogą je zmieniać.'
+'Duplicate article': 'Duplikuj artykuł '
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'Docelowa sekcja jest taka sama jak pierwotna.'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'Ten artykuł jest nowy; nie można go dodać do automatycznej publikacji.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Nie zdefiniowana typów artykułów. Musisz wpierw ustawić chociaż jeden.'
+'Edit article types': 'Edytuj typy artykułów'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Nie można zapisać artykułu. Został zablokowany przez $1 $2 godzin i $3 minut temu.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniac status artykułu. Po wysłaniu artykuł może być zmieniony tylko przez autoryzowane osoby.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Nie masz praw aby usuwać artykuły.'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Musisz wpierw wybrać typ artykułu.'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć obraz $1 z artykułu?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Wystąpił błąd podczas odczytywania parametrów zapytania.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Ten artykuł nie może być podejrzany. Upewnij się, że szablon artykułu jest wybrany.'
+'No such article.': 'Brak artykułu.'
+'No such section.': 'Brak sekcji.'
+Characters: Znaków
+Snippet: Fragment
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'Ta lista wygląda już inaczej niż w momencie jej załadowania. Ktoś inny zapisał jej inną wersję. '
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'Nazwa listy nie może być dłuższa niż 40 znaków'
+'Not valid number': 'Podana wartość nie jest liczbą'
+'List limit': 'Limit artykułów na liście'
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: Cofnij
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Nie można odświeżyć tej listy'
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: 'Jesteś pewien że chcesz zmienić nazwę tej listy? Nazwa może być używana w szablonach twojego motywu do wyświetlania zawartości tej listy. Jeśli masz wątpliwości zapytaj osobę odpowiedzialną za używany motyw.'
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: 'Edytuj metadane zdjęcia'
+ save: Zapisz
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
+ use: Użyj
+ number: Numer
+ caption: Podpis
+ status_approved: Zatwierdzony
+ status_unapproved: Odrzucony
status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ description: Opis
+ photographer: Fotograf
+ photographer_url: 'Adres URL fotografa'
+ place: Miejsce
+ date: Data
+ article_specific: 'Specyficzne dla artykułu'
+ global: Ogólne
+ other_captions: 'Inne podpisy'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ps.yml
index f6c247e3f2..2f9f02b172 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.ps.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: null
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
+Newscoop: null
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: null
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: null
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: null
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': null
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': null
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': null
+'Publish?': null
+'Publish articles': null
+'Publish article': null
+'Move?': null
+'Move articles': null
+'Move article': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': null
+'to section': null
+'You must choose a language': null
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': null
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': null
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': null
+'Section URL Name': null
+'Section Name': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'No action specified': null
+'New section name': null
+'New section URL name': null
+'New issue name': null
+'New issue URL name': null
+'New article name': null
+'Issue URL Name': null
+'Issue Name': null
+'Duplicate?': null
+'Duplicate articles': null
+'Article name ($1)': null
+'Article List': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': null
+'Article Type': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Translate article': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Duplicate article': null
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': null
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': null
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': null
+'Edit article types': null
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You must select an article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': null
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': null
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': null
+'No such article.': null
+'No such section.': null
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.pt_BR.yml
index f6c247e3f2..d67403b90c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': 'Ver artigo'
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': 'Eventos de datas múltiplas'
Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Você não tem permissão de editar o artigo.'
+Webcode: 'Código de web'
+Unapproved: 'Não foi aprovado'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Esta edição não pode ser visualizada. Por favor certifique-se de que a publicação tem um tema designado.'
+'The article could not be submitted.': 'Não foi possível entregar o artigo.'
+'Submit articles': 'Entregar artigos'
+'Submit article': 'Entregar artigo'
+'Related Articles': 'Artigos relacionados'
+'Pending articles': 'Artigos pendentes'
+'Pending Articles': 'Artigos pendentes'
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: Ligar
+Off: Desligar
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'Você não tem o direito de moderar os comentários.'
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'Não é possível marcar eventos opostos no mesmo horário'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Não foi possivel fazer conexão com Newscoop. Por favor verifique a sua conexão com internet.'
+Title: Título
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'Já existe um artigo com mesmo nome. Por favor modifique o nome e tente de novo.'
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Por favor lembre que todas as ações de publicação agendadas para este artigo vão ser apagadas quando você definir este artigo como Novo. Por favor confirme a modificação do estado.'
+Geolocation: Geolocalização
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Sobrescrever artigos com nomes correspondentes'
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Artigo $1 já existe, e não foi sobresrito.
+Files: Arquivos
+'Select section:': 'Selecionar seção:'
+'Add another author': 'Adicionar outro autor'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'O artigo foi trancado por $1 ($2) $3 minuto(s) atrás.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'O artigo foi trancado por $1 ($2) $3 hora(s) e $4 minuto(s) atrás.'
+'Switches saved.': 'Interruptores salvos.'
+'Keywords saved.': 'Palavras-chaves memorizadas'
+'Comment settings': 'Preferências de comentário'
+Authors: Autores
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Anexar tópico ao artigo'
+'Article saved.': 'Artigo foi salvado'
+'Article is locked': 'O artigo está trancado'
+'Actions updated.': 'Ações atualizadas'
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Seu trabalho não foi salvo. Quer continuar e perder as mudanças feitas?'
+Switches: Interruptores
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: Mídia
+'Last modified': 'Modificado pela última vez'
+'Keywords & Topics': 'Palavras chaves & Tópicos'
Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
+'Go to live article': 'Ir para artigo vivo'
+Created: Criado
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Tem certeza que quer remover o mapa do artigo?'
+'Scheduled action added': 'Ação agendada foi adicionada.'
+'Content edited': 'Conteúdo editado'
+'You must select an article language.': 'Você tem que selecionar a língua do artigo.'
+'You must select a publication.': 'Você tem que selecionar uma publicação.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Tem de selecionar um ficheiro para transferir'
+'You must select a XML input file.': 'Você tem que selecionar o arquivo de entrada XML.'
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'Você não tem o direito de importar arquivos XML.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Ocorreu um problema durante o upload do aquivo.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'O upload do arquivo foi apenas parcial. Isso acontece quando o tempo máximo para fazer upload é curto comparado com o tamanho do arquivo que você está tentando mandar. O tempo máximo do upload é definido no php.ini.'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'O tamanho do arquivo é maior do que permitido.'
+Optional: Opcional
+'Input File': 'Arquivo de entrada'
+'Import XML': 'Importar XML'
+'File is not a valid XML file.': 'O arquivo não é um arquivo XML válido.'
+'File does not exist.': 'O arquivo não existe.'
+'File could not be uploaded.': 'Não foi possível fazer o upload do arquivo.'
+'File could not be read.': 'O arquivo não pôde ser lido.'
+'Error List': 'Lista de erros'
+'Bad format in XML file.': 'Formato ruim no arquivo XML.'
+'Article could not be created.': 'O artigo não pôde ser criado'
+'---Select article type---': '--Seleciona o tipo de artigo--'
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 artigo(s) importados com sucesso.'
+Saved: Salvo
+'Save All': 'Salvar tudo'
+'Online Server: On': 'Servidor online: Ligado'
+'Online Server: Off': 'Servidor online: Desligado'
+Download: Baixar
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'Você não pode ter dois artigos com mesmo nome na mesma seção. O nome do artigo que digitou já está em uso por artigo $1.'
+'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visível para não-assinantes'
+'The article could not be published.': 'O artigo não pôde ser publicado.'
+'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Ação agendada foi apagada.'
+'Scheduled action added.': 'Ação agendada foi adicionada.'
+'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Artigo(s) destrancado(s)'
+'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Artigo(s) duplicados.'
+'Article(s) deleted.': 'Artigo(s) apagados.'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Status do artigo definido como $1'
+'Article unlocked.': 'Artigo destrancado.'
+'Article translation created.': 'Tradução do artigo foi criada.'
+'Article order changed.': 'Ordem de artigos foi modificada.'
+'Article moved.': 'Artigo foi movido.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Artigo removido.'
+'Article created.': 'Artigo criado.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 alternado.'
'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Show Comments': 'Mostrar comentários'
+Locked: Trancado
+'Invalid type: $1': 'Tipo inválido: $1'
+'Hide Comments': 'Esconder comentários'
+Enabled: Ativado
+Disabled: Desativado
+Comments: Comentários
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'Este artigo ja foi traduzido para $1'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Tem de escolher a publicação, numero e secção para este artigo antes de agendar a sua publicação. Vá ao menu $1 e escolha a opção $2 para fazê-lo'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'Não tem permissão para traduzir artigos.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Não tem permissão para publicar artigos'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Não tem permissão para mover artigos.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'Não pode mover os artigos assinalados a vermelho porque a edição de destino não se encontra traduzido para o idioma apropriado.'
+'Publish?': 'Publicar?'
+'Publish articles': 'Publicar artigos'
+'Publish article': 'Publicar artigo'
+'Move?': 'Mover?'
+'Move articles': 'Mover artigos'
+'Move article': 'Mover artigo'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Tem de criar uma edição para o idioma escolhido, mas não possui permissões para tal.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Tem de criar um secção para o idioma escolhido, mas não possui permissões para tal.'
+'to section': 'para secção'
+'You must choose a language': 'Tem de escolher um idioma'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Não é possivél criar a secção para traduzir $1.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Não é possivél criar a edição para traduzir $1.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Os artigos seguintes são novos; não é possivél agendar para publicação automática.'
+'Section URL Name': 'Nome URL da secção'
+'Section Name': 'Nome da secção'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Agendamento de publicação'
+'No action specified': 'Sem acção especificada'
+'New section name': 'Novo nome de seção'
+'New section URL name': 'Novo nome de URL de seção'
+'New issue name': 'Novo nome de edição'
+'New issue URL name': 'Novo nome URL de edição'
+'New article name': 'Novo nome de artigo'
+'Issue URL Name': 'Nome URL da edição'
+'Issue Name': 'Nome da edição'
+'Duplicate?': 'Duplicar?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicar artigos'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Nome do artigo ($1)'
+'Article List': 'Lista de artigos'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Tem certeza que quer remover o tópico $1 do artigo?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Tem certeza que quer remover o arquivo $1 do artigo?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Tem certeza que quer remover o evento agendado para $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Tem certeza que quer remover este artigo?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Tem que existir uma edição para o idioma selecionado. Introduza o nome da edição e respectivo nome URL.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Tem de existir uma secção para o idioma selecionado. Introduza o nome da secção e respectivo nome URL.'
+'Article Type': 'Tipo de artigo'
+'Show article on front page': 'Mostrar artigo na página principal'
+'Show article on section page': 'Mostrar artigo na página de seção'
+'Translate article': 'Traduzir artigo'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Não tem permissões para alterar o Estado do Artigo. Apenas pode alterar os seus artigos, mas após um artigo ser submetido apenas poderá ser alterado por Utilizadores autorizados pelo Sistema.'
+'Duplicate article': 'Duplicar Artigo'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'Secção destino idêntica à de origem.'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'Este artigo é novo; não é possivél agendar publicação automática.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Não existem tipos de artigos definidos. Tem de criar tipo de artigo antes.'
+'Edit article types': 'Editar tipos de artigos'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Não é possivél gravar artigo. Este foi bloqueado por $1 à $2 horas e $3 minutos.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Não tem permissões para alterar o estado do artigo. Uma vez submetido apenas os utilizadores autorizados podem alterar o seu estado.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Não tem permissões para eliminar artigos. '
+'You must select an article type.': 'Tem de escolher o tipo de artigo.'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Confirma a eliminação da imagem $1 do artigo?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Ocorreu um erro na leitura do parametro solicitado.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Este artigo não pode ser prévisualizado, verifique se existe um modelo atribuido à visualização de artigos.'
+'No such article.': 'Artigo Desconhecido.'
+'No such section.': 'Secção Desconhecida.'
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sh.yml
index f6c247e3f2..801e8308a2 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sh.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': 'Pogledaj tekst'
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': 'Lista izmenjena.'
+'List saved': 'Lista snimljena.'
+'List Name': 'Naziv liste.'
+'List ID': 'ID liste'
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Nemate pravo uređivanja teksta'
+Webcode: 'Web kod'
+Unapproved: Neodobren
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Ovo izdanje ne može biti prikazano. Proverite da li publikacija ima dodeljenu temu.'
+'The article could not be submitted.': 'Tekst ne može biti predat.'
+'Submit articles': 'Predaj tekstove'
+'Submit article': 'Predaj tekst'
+'Related Articles': 'Vezani tekstovi'
+'Pending articles': 'Tekstovi na čekanju'
+'Pending Articles': 'Tekstovi na čekanju'
+'Context Box updated': 'Kontekst boks izmenjen'
+On: Uključeno
+Off: Isključeno
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'Nemate pravo moderisanja komentara.'
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'Ne možete zakazati suprotne radnje za isto vreme'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Newscoop nije dostupan. Proverite svoju interent vezu.'
+Title: Naslov
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'Već postoji tekst sa istim naslovom. Promenite naziv teksta i pokušajte ponovo.'
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Vodite računa o tome da će sve zakazane akcije za ovaj tekst biti obrisane kada mu promenite status u novi. Molimo potvrdite izmenu statusa.'
+Geolocation: Geolokacija
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Pretabaj tekstove sa poklapajućim imenima'
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Tekst $1 već postoji i nije pretaban.
+Files: Fajlova
+'Select section:': 'Izaberi rubriku:'
+'Add another author': 'Dodaj autora'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Tekst je zaključan od strane $1 ($2) pre $3 minut(a).'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Tekst je zaključan od strane $1 ($2) pre $3 čas(ova) i $4 minut(a).'
+'Switches saved.': 'Svičevi snimljeni.'
+'Keywords saved.': 'Ključne reči snimljene'
+'Comment settings': 'Podešavanje komentara'
+Authors: Autori
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Dodaj temu tekstu'
+'Article saved.': 'Tekst snimljen'
+'Article is locked': 'Tekst je zaključan'
+'Actions updated.': 'Akcije izmenjene'
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Vaš rad nije snimljen. Da li želite da nastavite i izgubite izmene koje ste uneli?'
+Switches: Svičevi
+'No subtopics available': 'Nisu dostupne pod-teme'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop podnaslov'
Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
+'Last modified': Izmenjeno
+'Keywords & Topics': 'Ključne reči i teme'
Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
+'Go to live article': 'Idi na živi tekst '
+Created: Napravljeno
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da uklonite mapu iz teksta?'
+'Scheduled action added': 'Akcija je zakazana'
+'Content edited': 'Sadržaj je uređen'
+'You must select an article language.': 'Morate izabrati jezik teksta.'
+'You must select a publication.': 'Morate izabrati publikaciju.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Morate izabrati fajl za aploud.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': 'Morate izabrati XML ulazni fajl.'
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'Nemate pravo uvoza XML arhiva.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'došlo je do problema pri uploadovanju fajla.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Fajl je delimično uploadovan. Ovo se obično dešava kad je maks. vreme za upload kratko u odnosu na veličinu fajla. Maksimalna veličina se podešava u php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'fajl prelazi maksimalno dozvoljenu veličinu.'
+Optional: Opciono
+'Input File': 'Fajl za unos'
+'Import XML': 'Uvezi XML'
+'File is not a valid XML file.': 'Fajl nije validan XML fajl.'
+'File does not exist.': 'Fajl ne postoji.'
+'File could not be uploaded.': 'Fajl ne može biti aploudovan.'
+'File could not be read.': 'Fajl ne može da se čita.'
+'Error List': 'Lista grešaka'
+'Bad format in XML file.': 'Loš format u XML fajlu.'
+'Article could not be created.': 'Tekst ne može biti kreiran.'
+'---Select article type---': '---Izaberi tip teksta---'
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 tekstova uspešno uvezeno.'
+Saved: Sačuvano
+'Save All': 'Sačuvaj sve'
'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+Download: Preuzmi
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'Ne možete imati dva članka u istoj rubrici sa istim imenom. Naslov članka koji ste uneli se već koristi u članku $1.'
+'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Vidljivo ne-pretplatnicima'
+'The article could not be published.': 'Članak ne može biti objavljen.'
+'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Obrisana je zakazana akcija.'
+'Scheduled action added.': 'dodata je zakazana akcija.'
+'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Članak otključan.'
+'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Tekst(ovi) dupliran(i)'
+'Article(s) deleted.': 'Tekst(ovi) obrisan(i).'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Status članka je podešen u $1'
+'Article unlocked.': 'Članak je otključan.'
+'Article translation created.': 'Napravljen je prevod članka.'
+'Article order changed.': 'Raspored članaka je izmenjen.'
+'Article moved.': 'Članak je premešten.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Tekst je obrisan.'
+'Article created.': 'Tekst je napravljen.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 izmenjeno u suprotno.'
+'Total:': 'Ukupno:'
+'Show Comments': 'Prikaži komentare'
+Locked: Zaključan
+'Invalid type: $1': 'Pogrešan tip: $1'
+'Hide Comments': 'Sakri komentare'
+Enabled: Omogućeni
+Disabled: Onemogućeni
+Comments: Komentari
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'Tekst je već preveden na $1.'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Moraš odrediti publikaciju, izdanje i rubriku za ovaj tekst pre nego što mu zakažete automatsko objavljivanje. Idite u meni $1 i izaberi $2'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'Nemate pravo da prevodite tekstove.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Nemate pravo da objavljujete tekstove.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Nemate pravo da premeštate tekstove.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'Ne možete vršiti radnju $1 na tekstovima naglašenim crvenom bojom jer ciljno izdanje nije prevedeno na odgovarajući jezik.'
+'Publish?': 'Objavi?'
+'Publish articles': 'Objavi tekstove'
+'Publish article': 'Objavi tekst'
+'Move?': 'Premesti?'
+'Move articles': 'Premesti tekstove'
+'Move article': 'Premesti tekst'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Mora biti kreirano izdanje za odabrani jezik, ali vi nemate pravo da kreirate izdanje.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Mora biti kreirana rubrika za odabrani jezik, ali vi nemate pravo da kreirate rubriku.'
+'to section': 'u rubriku'
+'You must choose a language': 'Morate izabrati jezik'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Ne može biti kreirana rubrika za prevod $1.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Ne može biti kreirano izdanje za prevod $1.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Sledeći tekstovi su novi; nemoguće je predvideti ih za automatsko objavljivanje'
+'Section URL Name': 'URL ime rubrike'
+'Section Name': 'Ime rubrike'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Raspored objavljivanja'
+'No action specified': 'Nije predviđena nikakva radnja'
+'New section name': 'Novo ime rubrike'
+'New section URL name': 'Novo URL ime rubrike'
+'New issue name': 'novo ime izdanja'
+'New issue URL name': 'Novo URL ime izdanja'
+'New article name': 'Novo ime teksta'
+'Issue URL Name': 'URL ime izdanja'
+'Issue Name': 'Ime izdanja'
+'Duplicate?': 'Dupliraj?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'dupliraj tekstove'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Ime teksta ($1)'
+'Article List': 'Lista tekstova'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Da li ste sigurni da iz teksta želite da uklonite temu $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Da li ste sigurni da iz teksta želite da uklonite fajl $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da uklonite zakazanu akciju za $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete tekst?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Mora biti kreirano izdanje za odabrani jezik. Unesite ime izdanja i URL ime.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Mora biti kreirana rubrika za odabrani jezik. Unesite ime rubrike i URL ime.'
+'Article Type': 'Tip teksta'
+'Show article on front page': 'Prikaži članak na prvoj strani'
+'Show article on section page': 'Prikaži članak na strani rubrike'
+'Translate article': 'Prevedi tekst'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nemate pravo da menjate tekst. Možete pregledati jedino sopstvene tekstove, a jednom predati tekst može biti menjan samo od strane ovlašćenih korisnika'
+'Duplicate article': 'Dupliraj tekst'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'Ciljna rubrika je ista kao matična.'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'Tekst ima status novi; nemoguće je zakazati akciju automatskog objavljivanja.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Nema definisanih tipova tekstova. Morate kreirati neki.'
+'Edit article types': 'Uredi tipove tekstova'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Tekst ne može biti snimljen. Zaključan je od strane $1 pre $2časova i $3 minuta.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nemate pravo da menajte status teksta. Predatom tekstu status može promeniti samo ovlašćeni korisnik.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete tekstove.'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Morate izabrati tip teksta.'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da uklonite sliku $1 iz članka?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Greška pri čitanju traženih parametara.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Tekst ne može biti pregledan. Proverite da li je odabran šablon za za prikaz teksta.'
+'No such article.': 'Nema takvog teksta.'
+'No such section.': 'Nema te rubrike.'
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: Snimi
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
+ use: null
+ number: Broj
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: Odobren
+ status_unapproved: Neodobren
status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ description: Opis
+ photographer: Fotograf
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: Mesto
+ date: Datum
+ article_specific: null
+ global: Globalno
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sq.yml
index f6c247e3f2..2f9f02b172 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sq.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: null
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
+Newscoop: null
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: null
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: null
+'Attach Topic To Article': null
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': null
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: null
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: null
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': null
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': null
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': null
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': null
+'Publish?': null
+'Publish articles': null
+'Publish article': null
+'Move?': null
+'Move articles': null
+'Move article': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': null
+'to section': null
+'You must choose a language': null
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': null
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': null
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': null
+'Section URL Name': null
+'Section Name': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'No action specified': null
+'New section name': null
+'New section URL name': null
+'New issue name': null
+'New issue URL name': null
+'New article name': null
+'Issue URL Name': null
+'Issue Name': null
+'Duplicate?': null
+'Duplicate articles': null
+'Article name ($1)': null
+'Article List': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': null
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': null
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': null
+'Article Type': null
+'Show article on front page': null
+'Show article on section page': null
+'Translate article': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Duplicate article': null
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': null
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': null
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': null
+'Edit article types': null
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You must select an article type.': null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': null
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': null
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': null
+'No such article.': null
+'No such section.': null
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sr.yml
index f6c247e3f2..6312fe3722 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sr.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': 'Погледај текст'
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Немате право уређивања текста'
+Webcode: 'Веб код'
+Unapproved: Неодобрен
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Ово издање не може бити приказано. Проверите да ли публикација има додељену тему.'
+'The article could not be submitted.': 'Текст не може бити предат.'
+'Submit articles': 'Предај текстове.'
+'Submit article': 'Предај текст'
+'Related Articles': 'Везани текстови'
+'Pending articles': 'Текстови на чекању'
+'Pending Articles': 'Текстови на чекању'
+'Context Box updated': 'Контекст бокс измењен'
+On: Укључено
+Off: Искључено
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'Немате право модерисања коментара'
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'Не можете заказати супротне радње за исто време'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Newscoop није доступан. Проверите своју интернет везу.'
+Title: Наслов
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'Већ постоји текст са истим насловом. Промените назив текста и покушајте поново.'
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Водите рачуна о томе да ће све заказане акције за овај текст бити обрисане када му промените статус у нови. Молимо потврдите измену статуса.'
+Geolocation: Геолокација
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Претабај текстове са поклапајућим именима'
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Tekst $1 већ постоји и није претабан.
+Files: Фајлова
+'Select section:': 'Изабери рубрику:'
+'Add another author': 'Додај аутора'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Текст је закључан од стране $1 ($2) пре $3 минут(а)'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Текст је закључан од стране $1 ($2) пре $3 час(ова) и $4 минут(а)'
+'Switches saved.': 'Свичеви сниљени'
+'Keywords saved.': 'Кључне речи снимљене'
+'Comment settings': 'Подешавања коментара'
+Authors: Аутори
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Додај тему тексту'
+'Article saved.': 'Текст снимљен'
+'Article is locked': 'Текст је закључан'
+'Actions updated.': 'Акције измењене'
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Ваш рад није снимљен. Да ли желите да наставите и изгубите измене које сте унели?'
+Switches: Свичеви
+'No subtopics available': 'Нису доступне под-теме'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop поднаслов'
+Media: Медиа
+'Last modified': Измењено
+'Keywords & Topics': 'Кључне речи и теме'
+Info: Инфо
+'Go to live article': 'Иди на живи текст'
+Created: Направљено
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да уклоните мапу из текста?'
+'Scheduled action added': 'Акција је заказана'
+'Content edited': 'Садржај је уређен'
+'You must select an article language.': 'Морате изабрати језик текста.'
+'You must select a publication.': 'Морате изабрати публикацију.'
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Морате изабрати фајл за аплоуд.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': 'Морате изабрати XML улазни фајл.'
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'Немате право увоза XML архива.'
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'Дошло је до проблема при аплоуду фајла.'
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'Фајл је делимично аплоудован. Ово се обично дешава када је макс. време за аплоуд кратко у односу на величину фајла. Максимална величина се подешава у php.ini'
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'фајл прелази максимално дозвољену величину.'
+Optional: Опционо
+'Input File': 'Фајл за унос'
+'Import XML': 'Увези XML'
+'File is not a valid XML file.': 'Фајл није валидан XML фајл.'
+'File does not exist.': 'Фајл не постоји.'
+'File could not be uploaded.': 'Фајл не може бити аплоудован.'
+'File could not be read.': 'Фајл не може да се чита.'
+'Error List': 'Листа грешака'
+'Bad format in XML file.': 'Лош формат у XML фајлу.'
+'Article could not be created.': 'текст не може бити креиран.'
+'---Select article type---': '---Изабери тип текста---'
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 текстова успешно увезено'
+Saved: Сачувано
+'Save All': 'сачувај све'
+'Online Server: On': 'Онлајн сервер: укључен'
+'Online Server: Off': 'Онлајн сервер: искључен'
+Download: Преузми
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'Не можете имати два текста у истој рубрици са истим именом. НАслов текста који сте унели се већ користи у тексту $1.'
+'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Видљиво не-претплатницима'
+'The article could not be published.': 'Текст не може бити објављен.'
+'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Обрисана је заказана акција.'
+'Scheduled action added.': 'додата заказана акција.'
+'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Текст откључан.'
+'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Текст(ови) дуплиран(и)'
+'Article(s) deleted.': 'Текст(ови) обрисан(и).'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Статус текста је подешен у $1'
+'Article unlocked.': 'Текст је откључан.'
+'Article translation created.': 'Направљен је превод текста.'
+'Article order changed.': 'Распоред текстова је измењен.'
+'Article moved.': 'Текст је премештен.'
+'Article deleted.': 'Текст је обрисан'
+'Article created.': 'Текст је направљен'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 измењено у спротно.'
+'Total:': 'Укупно:'
+'Show Comments': 'Прикажи коментаре'
+Locked: Закључан
+'Invalid type: $1': 'Погрешан тип: $1'
+'Hide Comments': 'Сакриј коментаре'
+Enabled: Омогућени
+Disabled: Онемогућени
+Comments: Коментари
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'Текст је већ преведен на $1.'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Морате одредити публикацију, издање и рубрику за овај текст пре него што му закажете аутоматско објављивање, Идите у мени $1 и изаберите $2'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'Немате право да преводите текстове.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Немате право да објављујете текстове.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Немате право да премештате текстове.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'Не можете вршити радњу $1 на текстовима наглашеним црвеном бојом јер циљно издање није преведено на одговарајући језик.'
+'Publish?': 'Објави?'
+'Publish articles': 'Објави текстове'
+'Publish article': 'Објави текст'
+'Move?': 'Премести?'
+'Move articles': 'Премести текстове'
+'Move article': 'Премести текст'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'Мора бити креирано издање за одабрани језик, али ви немате право да креирате издање.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'Мора бити креирана рубрика за одабрани језик, али ви немате право да креирате рубрику.'
+'to section': 'у рубрику'
+'You must choose a language': 'Морате изабрати језик'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Не може бити креирана рубрика за превод $1.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Не може бити креирано издање за превод $1.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Следећи текстови су нови; немогуће је предвидети их за аутоматско објављивање'
+'Section URL Name': 'УРЛ име рубрике'
+'Section Name': 'Име рубрике'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Распоред објављивања'
+'No action specified': 'Није предвиђена никаква радња'
+'New section name': 'Ново име рубрике'
+'New section URL name': 'Ново УРЛ име рубрике'
+'New issue name': 'Ново име издања'
+'New issue URL name': 'Ново УРЛ име издања'
+'New article name': 'Ново име текста'
+'Issue URL Name': 'УРЛ име издања'
+'Issue Name': 'Име издања'
+'Duplicate?': 'Дуплирај?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Дуплирај текстове'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Наслов текста ($1)'
+'Article List': 'Листа текстова'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да из текста желите да уклоните тему $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да из текста желите да уклоните фајл $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да уклоните заказану акцију за $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете текст?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'Мора бити креирано издање за одабрани језик. Унесите име издања и УРЛ име.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'Мора бити креирана рубрика за одабрани језик. Унесите име рубрике и УРЛ име.'
+'Article Type': 'Тип текста'
+'Show article on front page': 'Прикажи текст на првој страни'
+'Show article on section page': 'Прикажи текст на страни рубрике'
+'Translate article': 'Преведи текст'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Немате право да мењате текст. Можете прегледати једино сопствене текстове, а једном предати текст може бити мењан само од стране овлашћених корисника'
+'Duplicate article': 'Дуплирај текст'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'Циљна рубрика је иста као матична рубрика.'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'Текст има статус нови; није могуће заказати му акцију аутоматског објављивања.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Нема дефинисаних типова тесктова. Морате креирати неки.'
+'Edit article types': 'Прикажи типове текстова'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Текст не може бити снимљен. Закључан је од стране $1 пре $2 часова и $3 минута.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Немате право да мењате статус текста. Предатом тексту статус може променити само овлашћени корисник.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Немате право да бришете текстове.'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Морате изабрати тип текста.'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да уконите слику $1 из текста?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Дошло је до грешке при читању тражених параметара.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Текст не може бити прегелдан. Проверите да ли је одређен шаблон за приказ текста.'
+'No such article.': 'Нема таквог текста.'
+'No such section.': 'Нема те рубрике.'
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sv.yml
index f6c247e3f2..2ca969b3db 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/articles.sv.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-'Edit metadata': 'Edit metadata'
-Rating: Rating
-'Enable Rating': 'Enable Rating'
-'Blog management': 'Blog management'
-'View article': 'View article'
-'Select a list': 'Select a list'
-'Remove list': 'Remove list'
-'Please select a list': 'Please select a list'
-Playlist: Playlist
-'List updated.': 'List updated.'
-'List saved': 'List saved'
-'List Name': 'List Name'
-'List ID': 'List ID'
-'Item already exists in the list': 'Item already exists in the list'
-'Featured Articles': 'Featured Articles'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'Featured Article List': 'Featured Article List'
-'Duplicate list': 'Duplicate list'
-'Duplicate article entry found': 'Duplicate article entry found'
-'Drag here to add to list': 'Drag here to add to list'
-'Could not save the list': 'Could not save the list'
-'Available Articles': 'Available Articles'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this list?'
-'Add to list': 'Add to list'
-'Add list': 'Add list'
-'Multi date events': 'Multi date events'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'Place images': 'Place images'
-'Youre not allowed to edit article.': 'Youre not allowed to edit article.'
-Webcode: Webcode
-Unapproved: Unapproved
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'The article could not be submitted.': 'The article could not be submitted.'
-'Submit articles': 'Submit articles'
-'Submit article': 'Submit article'
-'Related Articles': 'Related Articles'
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Context Box updated': 'Context Box updated'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': 'You do not have the right to moderate comments.'
-'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': 'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Title: Title
-'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': 'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.'
-'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': 'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.'
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Overwrite articles with matching names': 'Overwrite articles with matching names'
-'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': 'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
-Files: Files
-'Select section:': 'Select section:'
-'Add another author': 'Add another author'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Switches saved.': 'Switches saved.'
-'Keywords saved.': 'Keywords saved.'
-'Comment settings': 'Comment settings'
-Authors: Authors
-'Attach Topic To Article': 'Attach Topic To Article'
-'Article saved.': 'Article saved.'
-'Article is locked': 'Article is locked'
-'Actions updated.': 'Actions updated.'
-'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': 'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?'
-Switches: Switches
-'No subtopics available': 'No subtopics available'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Media: Media
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Keywords & Topics': 'Keywords & Topics'
-Info: Info
-'Go to live article': 'Go to live article'
-Created: Created
-'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?'
-'Scheduled action added': 'Scheduled action added'
-'Content edited': 'Content edited'
-'You must select an article language.': 'You must select an article language.'
-'You must select a publication.': 'You must select a publication.'
-'You must select a file to upload.': 'You must select a file to upload.'
-'You must select a XML input file.': 'You must select a XML input file.'
-'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': 'You do not have the right to import XML archives.'
-'There was a problem uploading the file.': 'There was a problem uploading the file.'
-'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini'
-'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': 'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.'
-Optional: Optional
-'Input File': 'Input File'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'File is not a valid XML file.': 'File is not a valid XML file.'
-'File does not exist.': 'File does not exist.'
-'File could not be uploaded.': 'File could not be uploaded.'
-'File could not be read.': 'File could not be read.'
-'Error List': 'Error List'
-'Bad format in XML file.': 'Bad format in XML file.'
-'Article could not be created.': 'Article could not be created.'
-'---Select article type---': '---Select article type---'
-'$1 articles successfully imported.': '$1 articles successfully imported.'
-Saved: Saved
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Online Server: On': 'Online Server: On'
-'Online Server: Off': 'Online Server: Off'
-Download: Download
-'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': 'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.'
-'Visible to non-subscribers': 'Visible to non-subscribers'
-'The article could not be published.': 'The article could not be published.'
-'Scheduled action deleted.': 'Scheduled action deleted.'
-'Scheduled action added.': 'Scheduled action added.'
-'Article(s) unlocked.': 'Article(s) unlocked.'
-'Article(s) duplicated.': 'Article(s) duplicated.'
-'Article(s) deleted.': 'Article(s) deleted.'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Article unlocked.': 'Article unlocked.'
-'Article translation created.': 'Article translation created.'
-'Article order changed.': 'Article order changed.'
-'Article moved.': 'Article moved.'
-'Article deleted.': 'Article deleted.'
-'Article created.': 'Article created.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'Total:': 'Total:'
-'Show Comments': 'Show Comments'
-Locked: Locked
-'Invalid type: $1': 'Invalid type: $1'
-'Hide Comments': 'Hide Comments'
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disabled: Disabled
-Comments: Comments
-'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'The article has already been translated into $1.'
-'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.'
-'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'You do not have the right to translate articles.'
-'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'You do not have the right to publish articles.'
-'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'You do not have the right to move articles.'
-'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.'
-'Publish?': 'Publish?'
-'Publish articles': 'Publish articles'
-'Publish article': 'Publish article'
-'Move?': 'Move?'
-'Move articles': 'Move articles'
-'Move article': 'Move article'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.'
-'to section': 'to section'
-'You must choose a language': 'You must choose a language'
-'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the section for translation $1.'
-'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.'
-'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing'
-'Section URL Name': 'Section URL Name'
-'Section Name': 'Section Name'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'No action specified': 'No action specified'
-'New section name': 'New section name'
-'New section URL name': 'New section URL name'
-'New issue name': 'New issue name'
-'New issue URL name': 'New issue URL name'
-'New article name': 'New article name'
-'Issue URL Name': 'Issue URL Name'
-'Issue Name': 'Issue Name'
-'Duplicate?': 'Duplicate?'
-'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicate articles'
-'Article name ($1)': 'Article name ($1)'
-'Article List': 'Article List'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?'
-'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.'
-'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.'
-'Article Type': 'Article Type'
-'Show article on front page': 'Show article on front page'
-'Show article on section page': 'Show article on section page'
-'Translate article': 'Translate article'
-'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Duplicate article': 'Duplicate article'
-'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'The destination section is the same as the source section.'
-'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.'
-'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.'
-'Edit article types': 'Edit article types'
-'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You must select an article type.': 'You must select an article type.'
-'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?'
-'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'There was an error reading request parameters.'
-'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.'
-'No such article.': 'No such article.'
-'No such section.': 'No such section.'
-Characters: Characters
-Snippet: Snippet
-'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': 'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.'
-'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': 'List name should not be longer than 40 chars'
-'Not valid number': 'Not valid number'
-'List limit': 'List limit'
-'The last article of this list has been removed.': 'The last article of this list has been removed.'
-Revert: Revert
-'Could not automatically refresh the list': 'Could not automatically refresh the list'
-'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': 'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.'
+'Edit metadata': null
+Rating: null
+'Enable Rating': null
+'Blog management': null
+'View article': null
+'Select a list': null
+'Remove list': null
+'Please select a list': null
+Playlist: null
+'List updated.': null
+'List saved': null
+'List Name': null
+'List ID': null
+'Item already exists in the list': null
+'Featured Articles': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'Featured Article List': null
+'Duplicate list': null
+'Duplicate article entry found': null
+'Drag here to add to list': null
+'Could not save the list': null
+'Available Articles': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this list?': null
+'Add to list': null
+'Add list': null
+'Multi date events': null
+Slideshows: null
+'Place images': null
+'Youre not allowed to edit article.': null
+Webcode: null
+Unapproved: null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'The article could not be submitted.': null
+'Submit articles': null
+'Submit article': null
+'Related Articles': null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Context Box updated': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+'You do not have the right to moderate comments.': null
+'You can not schedule opposing events at the same time': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Title: null
+'There already is an article with the same name. Please change the name and try again.': null
+'Please be aware that all scheduled publishing events for this article will be deleted when you set this article to New state. Please confirm the state change.': null
+Geolocation: null
+Newscoop: null
+'Overwrite articles with matching names': null
+'Article $1 already exists, and was not overwritten.
': null
+Files: Filer
+'Select section:': null
+'Add another author': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Switches saved.': null
+'Keywords saved.': null
+'Comment settings': null
+Authors: null
+'Attach Topic To Article': 'Bifoga teman till artikel'
+'Article saved.': null
+'Article is locked': null
+'Actions updated.': null
+'Your work has not been saved. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?': null
+Switches: null
+'No subtopics available': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Media: null
+'Last modified': null
+'Keywords & Topics': null
+Info: null
+'Go to live article': null
+Created: null
+'Are you sure you want to remove the map from the article?': null
+'Scheduled action added': null
+'Content edited': null
+'You must select an article language.': null
+'You must select a publication.': null
+'You must select a file to upload.': 'Du måste välja en fil att ladda upp.'
+'You must select a XML input file.': null
+'You do not have the right to import XML archives.': null
+'There was a problem uploading the file.': null
+'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is common when the maximum time to upload a file is low in contrast with the file size you are trying to input. The maximum input time is specified in php.ini': null
+'The file exceeds the allowed max file size.': null
+Optional: null
+'Input File': null
+'Import XML': null
+'File is not a valid XML file.': null
+'File does not exist.': null
+'File could not be uploaded.': null
+'File could not be read.': null
+'Error List': null
+'Bad format in XML file.': null
+'Article could not be created.': null
+'---Select article type---': null
+'$1 articles successfully imported.': null
+Saved: null
+'Save All': null
+'Online Server: On': null
+'Online Server: Off': null
+Download: null
+'You cannot have two articles in the same section with the same name. The article name you specified is already in use by the article $1.': null
+'Visible to non-subscribers': null
+'The article could not be published.': null
+'Scheduled action deleted.': null
+'Scheduled action added.': null
+'Article(s) unlocked.': null
+'Article(s) duplicated.': null
+'Article(s) deleted.': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Article unlocked.': null
+'Article translation created.': null
+'Article order changed.': null
+'Article moved.': null
+'Article deleted.': null
+'Article created.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'Total:': null
+'Show Comments': null
+Locked: null
+'Invalid type: $1': null
+'Hide Comments': null
+Enabled: null
+Disabled: null
+Comments: Kommentarer
+'The article has already been translated into $1.': 'Artikeln har redan översatts till $1.'
+'You must set the publication, issue, and section for this article before you can schedule it for publishing. Go to the $1 menu and select $2 to do this.': 'Du måste välja publication, utgåva och sektion för den här artikeln innan du kan schemalägga den för publicering. Gå till $1-menyn och välj $2 för att göra detta.'
+'You do not have the right to translate articles.': 'Du har inte rättighet arr översätta artiklar.'
+'You do not have the right to publish articles.': 'Du har inte rättighet arr publicera artiklar.'
+'You do not have the right to move articles.': 'Du har inte rättighet arr flytta artiklar.'
+'You cannot $1 the articles marked in red because the destination issue has not been translated into the appropriate language.': 'Du kan inte $1 artiklarna som är rödmarkerade för att destinationsutgåvan har inte översatts till det valda språket.'
+'Publish?': 'Publicera?'
+'Publish articles': 'Publicera artiklar'
+'Publish article': 'Publicera artikel'
+'Move?': 'Flytta?'
+'Move articles': 'Flytta artiklar'
+'Move article': 'Flytta artikel'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create an issue.': 'En utgåva måste skapas för det valda språket, men du har inte rätt att skapa en utgåva.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language but you do not have the right to create a section.': 'En sektion måste skapas för det valda språket, men du har inte rätt att skapa en sektion.'
+'to section': 'till sektion'
+'You must choose a language': 'Du måste välja ett språk'
+'Unable to create the section for translation $1.': 'Kunde inte skapa sektionen för översättning $1.'
+'Unable to create the issue for translation $1.': 'Kunde inte skapa utgåvan för översättning $1.'
+'The following articles are new; it is not possible to schedule them for automatic publishing': 'Följande artiklar är nya; det är inte möjligt att schemalägga dem för automatisk publicering'
+'Section URL Name': Sektions-URL-namn
+'Section Name': Sektionsnamn
+'Publish Schedule': Publiceringsschema
+'No action specified': 'Ingen händelse specificerad'
+'New section name': 'Nytt sektionsnamn'
+'New section URL name': 'Nytt sektions-URL-namn'
+'New issue name': 'Nytt utgåvenamn'
+'New issue URL name': 'Nytt utgåve-URL-namn'
+'New article name': 'Nytt artikelnamn'
+'Issue URL Name': Utgåve-URL-namn
+'Issue Name': Utgåvenamn
+'Duplicate?': 'Duplicera?'
+'Duplicate articles': 'Duplicera artiklar'
+'Article name ($1)': 'Artikelnamn ($1)'
+'Article List': Artikellista
+'Are you sure you want to remove the topic $1 from the article?': 'Är du säker att du vill ta bort temat $1 från artikeln?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the file $1 from the article?': 'Är du säker att du vill ta bort filen $1 från artikeln?'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?': 'Är du säker att du vill ta bort den schemalagda händelsen på $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this article?': 'Är du säker att du vill radera den här artikeln?'
+'An issue must be created for the selected language. Please enter the issue name and URL name.': 'En utgåva måste skapas för det valda språket. Var god skriv in utgåvenamnet och ett URL-namn.'
+'A section must be created for the selected language. Please enter the section name and URL name.': 'En sektion måste skapas för det valda språket. Var god skriv in sektionsnamnet och ett URL-namn.'
+'Article Type': Artikeltyp
+'Show article on front page': 'Visa artikeln på framsidan'
+'Show article on section page': 'Visa artikeln på sektionssidan'
+'Translate article': 'Översätt artikeln'
+'You do not have the right to change this article. You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Du har inte rätt att ändra den här artikeln. Du får bara redigera dina egna artiklar och så fort en artikel har skickats in kan den bara redigeras av behöriga användare.'
+'Duplicate article': 'Duplicera artikel'
+'The destination section is the same as the source section.': 'Destinationssektionen är samma som källsektionen.'
+'The article is new; it is not possible to schedule it for automatic publishing.': 'Artikeln är ny; det är inte möjligt att schemalägga den för automatisk publicering.'
+'No article types were defined. You must create an article type first.': 'Inga artikeltyper är definierade. Du måste skapa en artikeltyp först.'
+'Edit article types': 'Redigera artikeltyper'
+'Could not save the article. It has been locked by $1 $2 hours and $3 minutes ago.': 'Kunde inte spara artikeln. Den har låsts av $1 ($2) för $3 timme(ar) och $4 minut(er) sen.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Du har inte rätt att ändra den här artikelns status. Så fort en artikel har skickats in kan den bara ändras av behöriga användare.'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera artiklar'
+'You must select an article type.': 'Du måste välja en artikeltyp'
+'Are you sure you want to remove the image $1 from the article?': 'Är du säker att du vill ta bort bilden $1 från artikeln?'
+'There was an error reading request parameters.': 'Ett fel uppstod vid läsning av förfrågningsparametern.'
+'This article cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the article template selected.': 'Denna artikel kunde inte förhandsgranskas. Var god kontrollera att den har den valda mallen.'
+'No such article.': 'Artikeln finns inte.'
+'No such section.': 'Sektionen finns inte.'
+Characters: null
+Snippet: null
+'This list is already in a different state than the one in which it was loaded.': null
+'List name should not be longer than 40 chars': null
+'Not valid number': null
+'List limit': null
+'The last article of this list has been removed.': null
+Revert: null
+'Could not automatically refresh the list': null
+'The article slideshows have been successfully updated, please close the window.': null
- namechanged: 'Are you sure you want to change the list name? The name might be used in the Newscoop templates to render the list in the frontend. Please check with your siteadmin if you have doubts.'
- alert: 'Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of articles for this featured article list? If you change the limit, all articles beyond this limit will be deleted. Example: If you change the limit from 50 to 30 articles all 20 articles starting from position number 31 till 50 will be deleted from the list.'
+ namechanged: null
+ alert: null
- see_original: 'See full-size image in a new tab'
+ see_original: null
- edit_image_metadata: 'Edit image metadata'
- save: Save
+ edit_image_metadata: null
+ save: null
- use: Use
- number: Number
- caption: Caption
- status_approved: Approved
- status_unapproved: Unapproved
- status: Status
- description: Description
- photographer: Photographer
- photographer_url: 'Photographer URL'
- place: Place
- date: Date
- article_specific: 'Article specific'
- global: Global
- other_captions: 'Other Captions'
+ use: null
+ number: null
+ caption: null
+ status_approved: null
+ status_unapproved: null
+ status: null
+ description: null
+ photographer: null
+ photographer_url: null
+ place: null
+ date: null
+ article_specific: null
+ global: null
+ other_captions: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.az.yml
index 1833fb95ed..42fdbcb59b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.az.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
+'Translate from': 'Buradan tərcümə et'
+'Total articles': 'Cəmi məqalələr'
Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
+'Save All': 'Hamısını Saxla'
+Reset: Sıfırla
+'Please enter the last name': 'Lütfən, soyadını daxil et'
+'Please enter the first name': 'Lütfən, adını daxil et'
+'No records found': 'Yazı tapılmadı'
+'Last name': Soyad
Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
+General: Ümumi
+'First name': Ad
Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Delete author': 'Müəllifi sil'
+Contacts: Əlaqələr
+Biography: Tərcümeyi-hal
+Aliases: Ləqəblər
+'Search for authors': 'Müəllif axtar'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.be.yml
index 1833fb95ed..4968cc160d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.be.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
+'Translate from': 'Перакласці з'
+'Total articles': 'Усяго артыкулаў'
Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
+'Save All': 'Захаваць усё'
+Reset: Аднавіць
+'Please enter the last name': 'Калі ласка, увядзіце прозвішча'
+'Please enter the first name': 'Калі ласка, увядзіце імя'
+'No records found': 'Не знойдзена запісаў па гэтаму запыту'
+'Last name': Прозвішча
Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
+General: Агульная
+'First name': Імя
Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
+'Delete author': 'Выдаліць аўтара'
+Contacts: Кантакты
+Biography: Біяграфія
+Aliases: Псеўданімы
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.bn.yml
index 1833fb95ed..4061d3a1fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.bn.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
+Email: null
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.cs.yml
index 1833fb95ed..b2144a2ec9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.cs.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
+'Translate from': 'Přeložit z'
+'Total articles': 'Článků celkem'
Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
+'Save All': 'Uložit Vše'
+Reset: Resetovat
+'Please enter the last name': 'Prosíme zadejte své příjmení'
+'Please enter the first name': 'Prosíme zadejte své jméno'
+'No records found': 'Nebyly nalezeny žádné záznamy'
+'Last name': Příjmení
Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
+General: Obecné
+'First name': Jméno
Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
+'Delete author': 'Odstranit autora'
+Contacts: Kontakty
+Biography: Biografie
+Aliases: Přezdívky
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.da.yml
index 1833fb95ed..7ccca55246 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.da.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
+'Translate from': 'Oversæt fra'
+'Total articles': 'Artikler i alt'
Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
+'Save All': 'Gem alt'
+Reset: Nulstil
+'Please enter the last name': 'Indtast efternavn'
+'Please enter the first name': 'Indtast fornavn'
+'No records found': 'Ingen resultater'
+'Last name': Efternavn
Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
+General: Generelt
+'First name': Fornavn
Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
+'Delete author': 'Slet forfatter'
+Contacts: Kontakter
+Biography: Biografi
+Aliases: Aliaser
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Search for authors': 'Søg efter forfattere'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.de.yml
index 1833fb95ed..fed05e5eea 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.de.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
+'Translate from': 'Übersetzen von'
+'Total articles': 'Artikel gesamt'
Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
+'Save All': 'Alle speichern'
+Reset: Zurücksetzen
+'Please enter the last name': 'Bitte Nachnamen eingeben'
+'Please enter the first name': 'Bitte Vornamen eingeben'
+'No records found': 'Keine Daten gefunden'
+'Last name': Nachname
Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
+General: Allgemein
+'First name': Vorname
+Email: E-Mail
+'Delete author': 'Autor/in löschen'
+Contacts: Kontakte
+Biography: Biographie
+Aliases: Aliase
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.de_AT.yml
index 1833fb95ed..fed05e5eea 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
+'Translate from': 'Übersetzen von'
+'Total articles': 'Artikel gesamt'
Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
+'Save All': 'Alle speichern'
+Reset: Zurücksetzen
+'Please enter the last name': 'Bitte Nachnamen eingeben'
+'Please enter the first name': 'Bitte Vornamen eingeben'
+'No records found': 'Keine Daten gefunden'
+'Last name': Nachname
Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
+General: Allgemein
+'First name': Vorname
+Email: E-Mail
+'Delete author': 'Autor/in löschen'
+Contacts: Kontakte
+Biography: Biographie
+Aliases: Aliase
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.es.yml
index 1833fb95ed..50d4f0bd7a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.es.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
+'Translate from': 'Traducir de'
+'Total articles': 'Artículos totales'
Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
+'Save All': 'Guardar todo'
+Reset: Reiniciar
+'Please enter the last name': 'Ingrese su apellido'
+'Please enter the first name': 'Ingrese su nombre'
+'No records found': 'No se encontraron registros'
+'Last name': Apellido
Jabber: Jabber
General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
+'First name': 'Primer nombre'
+Email: 'Correo electrónico'
+'Delete author': 'Eliminar autor'
+Contacts: Contactos
+Biography: Biografía
+Aliases: Alias
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.es_AR.yml
index 1833fb95ed..4061d3a1fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
+Email: null
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.fa.yml
index 1833fb95ed..4061d3a1fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.fa.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
+Email: null
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.fr.yml
index 1833fb95ed..707febbb8b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.fr.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: Général
+'First name': null
+Email: Courriel
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.he.yml
index 1833fb95ed..4061d3a1fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.he.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
+Email: null
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.hr.yml
index 1833fb95ed..4061d3a1fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.hr.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
+Email: null
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.hu.yml
index 1833fb95ed..a21f4dd488 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.hu.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
+'Translate from': 'Fordítás erről:'
+'Total articles': 'Összes cikk'
Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
+'Save All': 'Az összes mentése'
+Reset: Törlés
+'Please enter the last name': 'Add meg a vezetéknevedet'
+'Please enter the first name': 'Add meg a keresztnevedet'
+'No records found': 'Nem találhatók rekordok.'
+'Last name': Vezetéknév
Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
+General: Általános
+'First name': Keresztnév
+Email: E-mail
+'Delete author': 'Szerző törlése'
+Contacts: Elérhetőségek
+Biography: Életrajz
+Aliases: Aliasok
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Search for authors': 'Szerzők keresése'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.hy_AM.yml
index 1833fb95ed..2a98d5883c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
+Email: null
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: Ծածկանուններ
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ka.yml
index 1833fb95ed..06f7675075 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ka.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
+'Translate from': 'თარგმანის ფორმა'
+'Total articles': 'სულ სტატიები'
Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
+'Save All': 'ყველაფრის დამახსოვრება'
+Reset: 'საწყის მდგომარეობაში დაბრუნება'
+'Please enter the last name': 'შეიყვანეთ გვარი'
+'Please enter the first name': 'შეიყვანეთ სახელი'
+'No records found': 'მონაცემები არ მოიძებნა'
+'Last name': გვარი
Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
+General: ზოგადი
+'First name': სახელი
+Email: ელფოსტა
+'Delete author': 'ავტორის წაშლა'
+Contacts: კონტაქტები
+Biography: ბიოგრაფია
+Aliases: ფსევდონიმები
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ko.yml
index 1833fb95ed..4061d3a1fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ko.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
+Email: null
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ku.yml
index 1833fb95ed..4061d3a1fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ku.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
+Email: null
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.lv.yml
index 1833fb95ed..4061d3a1fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.lv.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
+Email: null
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.nb_NO.yml
index 1833fb95ed..4061d3a1fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
+Email: null
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.pl.yml
index 1833fb95ed..c5b59a486e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.pl.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
+'Translate from': 'Tłumacz z '
+'Total articles': 'Wszystkie artykuły'
Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
+'Save All': 'Zapisz wszystko'
Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
+'Please enter the last name': Nazwisko
+'Please enter the first name': Imię
+'No records found': 'Nie znaleziono rekordów'
+'Last name': Nazwisko
Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
+General: Ogólne
+'First name': Imię
Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
+'Delete author': 'Usuń autora'
+Contacts: Kontakty
+Biography: Biografia
+Aliases: Aliasy
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Search for authors': 'Szukaj autorów'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ps.yml
index 1833fb95ed..4061d3a1fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.ps.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
+Email: null
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.pt_BR.yml
index 1833fb95ed..e5288bf55a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': 'Salvar tudo'
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sh.yml
index 1833fb95ed..abf114de91 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sh.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
+'Translate from': 'Prevedi formu'
+'Total articles': 'Ukupno tekstova'
Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
+'Save All': 'Sačuvaj sve'
+Reset: Poništi
+'Please enter the last name': 'Unesite prezime'
+'Please enter the first name': 'Unesite ime'
+'No records found': 'Nema pronađenih rezulata'
+'Last name': Prezime
Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
+General: Opšte
+'First name': Ime
+Email: email
+'Delete author': 'Obriši autora'
+Contacts: Kontakti
+Biography: Biografija
+Aliases: Alijasi
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sq.yml
index 1833fb95ed..4061d3a1fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sq.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
+Email: null
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sr.yml
index 1833fb95ed..6dd26b72f6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sr.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
+'Translate from': 'Преведи форму'
+'Total articles': 'Укупно текстова'
Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
+'Save All': 'сачувај све'
+Reset: Поништи
+'Please enter the last name': 'Унесите измене'
+'Please enter the first name': 'Унесите име'
+'No records found': 'Нема пронађених резултата'
+'Last name': Презиме
Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
+General: Опште
+'First name': Име
+Email: email
+'Delete author': 'Обриши аутора'
+Contacts: Контакти
+Biography: Биографија
+Aliases: Алијаси
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sv.yml
index 1833fb95ed..4061d3a1fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/authors.sv.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-'Translate from': 'Translate from'
-'Total articles': 'Total articles'
-Skype: Skype
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Reset: Reset
-'Please enter the last name': 'Please enter the last name'
-'Please enter the first name': 'Please enter the first name'
-'No records found': 'No records found'
-'Last name': 'Last name'
-Jabber: Jabber
-General: General
-'First name': 'First name'
-Email: Email
-'Delete author': 'Delete author'
-Contacts: Contacts
-Biography: Biography
-Aliases: Aliases
-'Search for authors': 'Search for authors'
+'Translate from': null
+'Total articles': null
+Skype: null
+'Save All': null
+Reset: null
+'Please enter the last name': null
+'Please enter the first name': null
+'No records found': null
+'Last name': null
+Jabber: null
+General: null
+'First name': null
+Email: null
+'Delete author': null
+Contacts: null
+Biography: null
+Aliases: null
+AIM: null
+'Search for authors': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.az.yml
index dab573c817..b8ab81362a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.az.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': 'Xətalı səhifəyə daxil oldun'
+'Stack trace:': 'Xəta zolağı:'
+'Request Parameters:': 'Parametrlər üçün tələb göndər:'
+'Page not found': 'Səhifə tapılmadı'
+'Exception information:': 'İstisna məlumat:'
+'Application error': 'Proqram xətası'
+'An error occurred': 'Xəta baş verdi'
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop problem ilə üzləşib.'
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'Newscoop komandasına dəstək olmaq məqsədilə baş vermiş hadisə haqqında yazmaq üçün bir neçə dəqiqəni istifadə edib izah verməlisən.'
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'Bu baş verdikdə nə etməyi düşünürsən?'
+'Description:': 'İzah:'
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'Narahatlıq üçün üzr istəyirik.'
+'Show error details': 'Xəta məlumatlarını göstər'
+'Hide error details': 'Xəta məlumatlarını gizlə'
+'Error Report': 'Xəta Hesabatı:'
+'Backtrace:': 'Xəta yoxlaması:'
+'Error ID:': 'Xəta ID-si:'
+'Error Message:': 'Xəta Mesajı:'
+'Error Number:': 'Xəta Nömrəsi:'
+'Error String:': 'Xəta Cərgəsi:'
+'Software:': 'Proqram:'
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'Üzr istəyirik, amma sənin bloq hesabatının göndərilməsi ilə bağlı problem var idi.'
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Sadəcə xəta hesabatını köçürüb aşağı yapışdır və bura göndər:'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.be.yml
index dab573c817..63e6a31b86 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.be.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Campsite сутыкнуўся з праблемай.'
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'Для таго, каб дапамагчы камандзе Newscoop даследаваць і вызначыць прычыну непаладкі, калі ласка, апішыце, што адбылося падчас працы.'
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'Якiя дзеяньнi Вы выконвалі, калi гэта адбылося?'
+'Description:': 'Апiсаньне:'
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'Прыносiм свае прабачэньні за нязручнасьці.'
+'Show error details': 'Паказаць падрабязнасьцi памылкi'
+'Hide error details': 'Схаваць падрабязнасьцi памылкi'
+'Error Report': 'Справаздача аб памылках'
+'Backtrace:': 'Зваротная трасіроўка:'
+'Error ID:': 'ID памылкi:'
+'Error Message:': 'Паведамленьне аб памылцы'
+'Error Number:': 'Нумар памылкі'
+'Error String:': 'Радок памылкі:'
+'Software:': 'Праграмнае забесьпячэньне'
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'На жаль, адбыўся збой пры адпраўцы Вашага паведамленьня аб памылцы.'
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Проста скапiюйце i ўстаўце нiжэй справаздачу аб памылках i адпраўце яе ў:'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.bn.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.bn.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.cs.yml
index dab573c817..c4e65cd130 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.cs.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
+'You have reached the error page': 'Dostali jste se na stránku chyby'
'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
+'Request Parameters:': 'Požadované parametry:'
+'Page not found': 'Stránka nenalezena'
+'Exception information:': 'Vyjímečná informace:'
+'Application error': 'Chyba aplikace'
+'An error occurred': 'Objevila se chyba'
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Campsite narazil na problém.'
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'Abyste pomohli týmu Newscoopu vyšetřit a indentifikovat problém, prosíme vyšetřete si chvliličku na to, abyste popsali, co se stalo.'
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'Co jste se pokoušel udělat, když k tomuto došlo?'
+'Description:': 'Popis:'
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'Omlouváme se za potíže.'
+'Show error details': 'Zobrazit podrobnosti chyby'
+'Hide error details': 'Skrýt podrobnosti chyby'
+'Error Report': 'Chybové hlášení'
+'Backtrace:': 'Původ:'
+'Error ID:': 'ID Chyby:'
+'Error Message:': 'Chybová zpráva'
+'Error Number:': 'Číslo chyby:'
+'Error String:': 'Chybový řetězec:'
'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'Omlouváme se, ale vyskytl se problém při odesílání hlášení o chybě.'
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Jednoduše zkopírujte a vložte chybové hlášení níže a odešlete na:'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.da.yml
index dab573c817..855c61e647 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.da.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
+'You have reached the error page': 'Du er havnet på fejl siden'
'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
+'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parametre:'
+'Page not found': 'Siden findes ikke'
'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
+'Application error': Programfejl
+'An error occurred': 'Der skete en fejl'
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop er stødt på et problem.'
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'Beskriv hvad der skete. Det hjælper Newscoop holdet med at undersøge problemet og fastslå årsagen.'
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'Hvad prøvede du at gøre da det skete?'
+'Description:': 'Beskrivelse:'
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'Vi beklager ulejligheden.'
+'Show error details': 'Vis information om fejlen'
+'Hide error details': 'Skjul information om fejlen'
+'Error Report': 'Fejl rapport'
'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
+'Error ID:': 'Fejl ID:'
+'Error Message:': 'Fejl besked:'
+'Error Number:': 'Fejl nummer:'
+'Error String:': 'Fejl streng:'
'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'Fejl rapporten kunne ikke sendes.'
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Kopier nedenstående fejl rapport og send den til:'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.de.yml
index dab573c817..074c3998d9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.de.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
+'You have reached the error page': 'Sie sind auf der Fehlerseite angekommen'
+'Stack trace:': 'Stacktrace: '
+'Request Parameters:': 'Parameter anfordern: '
+'Page not found': 'Seite nicht gefunden'
+'Exception information:': 'Ausnahme Information:'
+'Application error': Anwendungsfehler
+'An error occurred': 'Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. '
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop ist auf ein Problem gestoßen.'
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'Um dem Newscoop Team bei der Bearbeitung zu helfen, nehmen Sie sich bitte einen Moment Zeit um das Problem zu schildern.'
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'Was wollten Sie gerade machen, als das Problem auftrat?'
+'Description:': 'Beschreibung:'
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten.'
+'Show error details': 'Fehlerdetails anzeigen'
+'Hide error details': 'Fehlerdetails verbergen'
+'Error Report': Fehlermeldung
+'Backtrace:': Zurückverfolgen
+'Error ID:': 'Fehler ID:'
+'Error Message:': 'Fehlernachricht:'
+'Error Number:': 'Fehlernummer:'
+'Error String:': 'Fehlereintrag:'
'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'Leider ist ein Problem bei der Übermittlung der Fehlermeldung aufgetreten.'
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Einfach die Fehlermeldung unten kopieren und einfügen und senden an:'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.de_AT.yml
index dab573c817..074c3998d9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
+'You have reached the error page': 'Sie sind auf der Fehlerseite angekommen'
+'Stack trace:': 'Stacktrace: '
+'Request Parameters:': 'Parameter anfordern: '
+'Page not found': 'Seite nicht gefunden'
+'Exception information:': 'Ausnahme Information:'
+'Application error': Anwendungsfehler
+'An error occurred': 'Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. '
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop ist auf ein Problem gestoßen.'
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'Um dem Newscoop Team bei der Bearbeitung zu helfen, nehmen Sie sich bitte einen Moment Zeit um das Problem zu schildern.'
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'Was wollten Sie gerade machen, als das Problem auftrat?'
+'Description:': 'Beschreibung:'
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten.'
+'Show error details': 'Fehlerdetails anzeigen'
+'Hide error details': 'Fehlerdetails verbergen'
+'Error Report': Fehlermeldung
+'Backtrace:': Zurückverfolgen
+'Error ID:': 'Fehler ID:'
+'Error Message:': 'Fehlernachricht:'
+'Error Number:': 'Fehlernummer:'
+'Error String:': 'Fehlereintrag:'
'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'Leider ist ein Problem bei der Übermittlung der Fehlermeldung aufgetreten.'
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Einfach die Fehlermeldung unten kopieren und einfügen und senden an:'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.es.yml
index dab573c817..ec2d05aa56 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.es.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
+'You have reached the error page': 'Ha ingresado a la página de errores.'
+'Stack trace:': 'Ordenar rastro:'
+'Request Parameters:': 'Exigir Parámetros:'
+'Page not found': 'Página no encontrada'
+'Exception information:': 'Información de excepción:'
+'Application error': 'Error de aplicación'
+'An error occurred': 'Ocurrió un error.'
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Campsite encontró un problema.'
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'A fin de que el equipo de Newscoop pueda investigar y determinar cuál fue el problema, por favor, tómese un momento para describir lo que ocurrió'
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': '¿Qué estaba tratando de hacer cuando esto sucedió?'
+'Description:': 'Descripción:'
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'Nuestras disculpas por el inconveniente.'
+'Show error details': 'Mostrar detalles de error'
+'Hide error details': 'Oculte detalles de erro'
+'Error Report': 'Reporte de error'
'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
+'Error ID:': 'ID del error:'
+'Error Message:': 'Mensaje de error:'
+'Error Number:': 'Número de error:'
+'Error String:': 'String de error:'
'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'Lo sentimos pero hubo un problema al enviar su reporte de error.'
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Solo copie y pegue el reporte de error abajo y envíelo a:'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.es_AR.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.fa.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.fa.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.fr.yml
index dab573c817..6146233f40 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.fr.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.he.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.he.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.hr.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.hr.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.hu.yml
index dab573c817..ab4ed1cd9f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.hu.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': 'A hibaoldalra érkeztél'
+'Stack trace:': 'Veremkivonat:'
+'Request Parameters:': 'Kérelem paraméterei:'
+'Page not found': 'Az oldal nem található'
+'Exception information:': 'Kivétel adatai:'
+'Application error': Alkalmazáshiba
+'An error occurred': 'Hiba történt'
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'A Newscoop problémát észlelt.'
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'A Newscoop csapat munkájának a probléma elemzése és megtalálása elősegítése érdekében kérjük, szánjon egy percet arra, hogy leírja, mi történt.'
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'Mit akart csinálni, amikor ez történt?'
+'Description:': 'Leírás:'
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'Elnézést kérünk a kellemetlenségért.'
+'Show error details': 'A hiba részleteinek megtekintése'
+'Hide error details': 'A hiba részleteinek elrejtése'
+'Error Report': 'Hiba bejelentése'
+'Backtrace:': 'Visszakövetés:'
+'Error ID:': 'Hibaazonosító:'
+'Error Message:': 'Hibaüzenet:'
+'Error Number:': 'Hiba száma:'
+'Error String:': 'Hibakarakterlánc:'
+'Software:': 'Szoftver:'
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'Sajnáljuk, probléma merült fel a hibabejelentés küldésekor.'
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Egyszerűen csak másold a vágólapra és illeszd be alább a hibajelentést, majd küldd el erre a címre:'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.hy_AM.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ka.yml
index dab573c817..f60e47defd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ka.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': 'თქვენ გახსენით ხარვეზული გვერდი '
+'Stack trace:': 'ხარვეზის ჩვენება'
+'Request Parameters:': 'მოთხოვნის პარამეტრები:'
+'Page not found': 'გვერდი არ არის ნაპოვნი'
+'Exception information:': 'გამონაკლისი ინფორმაცია:'
+'Application error': 'აპლიკაციის შეცდომა'
+'An error occurred': 'დაფიქსირდა ხარვეზი'
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'ნიუსქუფმა დააფიქსირა პრობლემა'
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'იმისათვის რათა ნიუსქუფის გუნდმა შეძლოს პრობლემის გასწორება, გთხოვთ აღწეროთ თუ რა მოხდა.'
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'რის გაკეთებას ცდილობდით როდესაც ეს მოხდა?'
+'Description:': 'აღწერა:'
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'ბოდიშს გიხდით შეფერხებისთვის.'
+'Show error details': 'შეცდომის დეტელაბის ჩვენება'
+'Hide error details': 'შეცდომის დეტალების დამალვა'
+'Error Report': 'შეცდომის აღრიცხვა'
+'Backtrace:': 'ხარვეზის ჩვენება'
+'Error ID:': 'შეცდომის ID:'
+'Error Message:': 'ხარვეზის შეტყობინება:'
+'Error Number:': 'ხარვეზის ნომერი:'
+'Error String:': 'ხარვეზების მწკრივი:'
+'Software:': 'კომპიუტერული პროგრამა'
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'შეცდომის მოხსენების გაგზავნისას დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა.'
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'აქ ჩასვით შეცდომის აღრიცხვა და გააგზავნეთ ამ მისამართზე:'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ko.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ko.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ku.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ku.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.lv.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.lv.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.nb_NO.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.pl.yml
index dab573c817..f15f32dc31 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.pl.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
+'You have reached the error page': 'Trafiłeś na stronę błedu.'
'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
+'Page not found': 'Nie znaleziono takiej strony'
'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
+'Application error': 'Błąd aplikacji'
+'An error occurred': 'Wystąpił błąd'
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop napotkał błąd.'
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'Aby pomóc nam namierzyć błąd w Newscoop, poświęć chwilę i opisz dokładnie co się stało.'
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'Co próbowałeś zrobić gdy wystąpił błąd?'
+'Description:': 'Opis:'
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'Przepraszamy za problem:'
+'Show error details': 'Pokaż szczegóły błedu'
+'Hide error details': 'Schowaj szczegóły błędu'
+'Error Report': 'Raport błędu'
'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'Error ID:': 'ID błędu:'
+'Error Message:': 'Wiadomość błędu:'
+'Error Number:': 'Numer błędu:'
+'Error String:': 'Wartość błędu:'
+'Software:': 'Oprogramowanie:'
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'Przepraszamy, ale wystąpił błąd przy wysyłaniu twojego zgłoszenia.'
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Kopiuj i wklej raport błędu i wyślij do nas:'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ps.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.ps.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.pt_BR.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sh.yml
index dab573c817..8f7efeda73 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sh.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': 'Došli ste na stranu sa obaveštenjem o grešci'
+'Stack trace:': 'Trag (Stack trace)'
+'Request Parameters:': 'Parametri zahteva:'
+'Page not found': 'Strana nije pronađena'
+'Exception information:': 'Informacija o izuzetku:'
+'Application error': 'Greška u aplikaciji'
+'An error occurred': 'Došlo je do greške'
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Kempsajt je naišao na problem.'
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'Da biste pomogli Newscoop timu da istraži i popravi ovu grešku, molimo dovojte koji trenutak da opišete šta se desilo'
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'Šta ste pokušavali da uradite kada se ovo desilo?'
+'Description:': 'Opis:'
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'Žao nam je zbog neprijatnosti.'
+'Show error details': 'Prikaži detalje greške'
+'Hide error details': 'Sakri detalje o grešci'
+'Error Report': 'Prijava greške'
+'Backtrace:': 'Prethodne radnje:'
+'Error ID:': 'ID greške:'
+'Error Message:': 'Poruka o grešci:'
+'Error Number:': 'Broj greške:'
+'Error String:': 'Objašnjenje greške:'
+'Software:': 'Softver:'
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'Žao nam je, ali došlo je do problema pri slanju izveštaja o grešci.'
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Jednostavno kopiraj/zalepi izveštaj o grešci dole i pošalji na:'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sq.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sq.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sr.yml
index dab573c817..49bc148809 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sr.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': 'дошли сте на страну са обавештењем о грешци'
+'Stack trace:': 'Траг (Stack trace)'
+'Request Parameters:': 'Параметри захтева:'
+'Page not found': 'Страна није пронађена'
+'Exception information:': 'Информација о изузетку'
+'Application error': 'Грешка у апликацији'
+'An error occurred': 'Дошло је до грешке'
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Кемпсајт је наишао на проблем.'
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'Да бисте помогли Newscoop тиму да истражи и поправи ову грешку, молимо одвојите који тренутак да опишете шта се десило'
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'Шта сте покушавали да урадите када се ово десило?'
+'Description:': 'Опис:'
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'Жао нам је због непријатности.'
+'Show error details': 'Прикажи детаље грешке'
+'Hide error details': 'Сакриј детаље о грешци'
+'Error Report': 'Пријава грешке'
+'Backtrace:': 'Претходне радње:'
+'Error ID:': ' ID грешке:'
+'Error Message:': 'Порука о грешци:'
+'Error Number:': 'Број грешке:'
+'Error String:': 'Објашњење грешке:'
+'Software:': 'Софтвер:'
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'Жао нам је, али дошло је до проблема при слању извештаја о грешци.'
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Једноставно копирај/залепи извештај о грешци доле и пошаљи на:'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sv.yml
index dab573c817..7c0b21dff9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/bug_reporting.sv.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-'You have reached the error page': 'You have reached the error page'
-'Stack trace:': 'Stack trace:'
-'Request Parameters:': 'Request Parameters:'
-'Page not found': 'Page not found'
-'Exception information:': 'Exception information:'
-'Application error': 'Application error'
-'An error occurred': 'An error occurred'
-'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': 'Newscoop has encountered a problem.'
-'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': 'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.'
-'What were you trying to do when this happened?': 'What were you trying to do when this happened?'
-'Description:': 'Description:'
-'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': 'We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
-'Show error details': 'Show error details'
-'Hide error details': 'Hide error details'
-'Error Report': 'Error Report'
-'Backtrace:': 'Backtrace:'
-'Error ID:': 'Error ID:'
-'Error Message:': 'Error Message:'
-'Error Number:': 'Error Number:'
-'Error String:': 'Error String:'
-'Software:': 'Software:'
-'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': 'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.'
-'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': 'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:'
+'You have reached the error page': null
+'Stack trace:': null
+'Request Parameters:': null
+'Page not found': null
+'Exception information:': null
+'Application error': null
+'An error occurred': null
+'Newscoop has encountered a problem.': null
+'In order to help the Newscoop team investigate and pinpoint the issue please take a moment to describe what happened.': null
+'What were you trying to do when this happened?': null
+'Description:': null
+'We are sorry for the inconvenience.': null
+'Show error details': null
+'Hide error details': null
+'Error Report': null
+'Backtrace:': null
+'Error ID:': null
+'Error Message:': null
+'Error Number:': null
+'Error String:': null
+'Software:': null
+'We are sorry, but there was a problem sending your bug report.': null
+'Simply copy and paste the error report below and send it to:': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.az.yml
index cd84c29b5a..79662993be 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.az.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
+'No attachment': 'Əlavə edilmiş fayl yoxdur'
+at: burada
+'With no attachment': 'Əlavə faylsız'
+'With image attachment': 'Şəkil əlavəsi ilə'
+'With document attachment': 'Sənəd əlavəsi ilə'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Newscoop-a keçmək mümkün deyil. Lütfən, internet bağlantını yoxla.'
+Starred: Ulduzlu
+Star: Ulduz
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Ümumilikdə _TOTAL_ girişin _START_-dan/dən _END_-a/ə qaydasında nümayişi'
+'Reply to message': 'Mesaja cavab yaz'
+Reply: 'Cavab yaz'
+Processed: 'İcra edildi'
+'No records found.': 'Yazı tapılmadı.'
+'No entries to show': 'Nümayiş üçün giriş yoxdur'
+'Messages updated.': 'Mesajlar yeniləndi.'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Mesajların statusu $1 olaraq təyin edildi.'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Mesajlar silindi.'
+'Message updated.': 'Mesaj yeniləndi.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Mesaj statusu $1 olaraq təyin edildi.'
+'Message deleted.': 'Mesaj silindi.'
+Message: Mesaj
+Last: Son
+'Full article': 'Tam məqalə'
+First: İlk
+'Feedback Messages': 'Rəy Mesajları'
+'Display _MENU_ records': '_MENU_ yazılarını göstər'
+Deleted: Silindi
+'Change selected messages status': 'Seçilmiş mesajların statusunu dəyiş'
+Attachment: 'Əlavə fayl'
+Approved.: Təsdiqləndi.
+Approve: 'Təsdiq et'
+Anonymous: Anonim
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- _MAX_ yazılarından filtrləmə'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Çoxsaylı mesajları həmişəlik silmək ərəfəsindəsən.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Mesajı həmişəlik silmək ərəfəsindəsən.'
+User: İstifadəçi
+None: 'Heç biri'
+'Coming from': 'Göndərənin ünvanı'
+'Ban/Unban user': 'İstifadəçini Kilidlə/Kilidini Aç'
Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Kilid istifadəçi adı, email ünvan və IP ünvana tətbiq edilə bilər.'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'Çoxsaylı şərhləri həmişəlik silmək ərəfəsindəsən.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'Şərhi həmişəlik silmək ərəfəsindəsən.'
+Website: Vebsayt
+'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Dəyər $1 uzunluqda işarədən ibarət deyil'
+Username: 'İstifadəçi adı'
+'User id': 'İstifadəçi Id-si'
+'User ban settings': 'İstifadəçi kilid parametrləri'
+'Update comment': 'Şərhi yenilə'
+Unrecommended: 'Tövsiyyə Edilmədi'
+Unrecommend: 'Tövsiyyə Etmə'
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Başlıq $1 uzunluqda işarədən ibarət deyil'
+'Sort by Thread order': 'Keçid sıralaması ilə yerləşdir'
+'Show parent comment': 'Mənbə şərhi göstər'
+'Show commenter details': 'Şərh edənin məlumatlarını göstər'
+'Show commenter': 'Şərh edəni göstər'
+'Show comment user details': 'Şərhin istifadəçisinin məlumatlarını göstər'
+'Show comment user': 'Şərhin istifadəçisini göstər'
+'Show comment details': 'Şərh məlumatlarını göstər'
+'Select status': 'Status seç'
+'Search Type': 'Axtarış Növü'
+'Reply to comment': 'Şərhə cavab yaz'
+Recommended: 'Tövsiyyə Olunur'
+Recommend: 'Tövsiyyə Et'
+'Quick edit': 'Tez dəyiş'
+Parent: Mənbə
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
+'Go to edit article': 'Məqaləni dəyişməyə keç'
Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
+'For Column': 'Sütun Üçün'
Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
+'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Qəbul kriteriyasını dəyiş'
E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'Delete all comments?': 'Şərhlərin hamısını silirsən?'
+'Date Created': 'Məlumat Yaradıldı'
+'Comments updated.': 'Şərhlər yeniləndi.'
+'Comments status change to $1.': 'Şərhlərin statusunu $1 olaraq təyin et.'
+'Comments deleted.': 'Şərhlər silindi.'
+'Commenter $1 saved.': '$1 şərh sahibi saxlandı.'
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': '$1 şərh sahibi silindi.'
+Commenter: 'Şərh sahibi'
+'Comment updated.': 'Şərh yeniləndi.'
+'Comment status change to $1.': 'Şərh statusu $1 olaraq təyin edilir.'
+'Comment id': 'Şərh Id-si'
+'Comment deleted.': 'Şərh silindi.'
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Şərh $2 ($3) məqaləsindən $1 tərəfindən silindi'
+'Comment Acceptance': 'Şərhin Qəbulu'
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': '$2 ($3) məqaləsində $1 tərəfindən $4 şərhi'
+'Comment $1 saved.': '$1 şərhi saxlandı.'
+Column: Sütun
+'Change subscriber information': 'Abunə məlumatını dəyiş'
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': '$1 şərhçisi üçün kilid saxlandı.'
+Ban: Kilid
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Bunu etmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Add rating': 'Qiymət əlavə et'
+'Add new comment commenter': 'Yeni şərhçi əlavə et'
+'Add new comment': 'Yeni şəth əlavə et'
+'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Yeni qəbul kriteriyası əlavə et'
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': '$1 təhvili saxlandı.'
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': '$1 təhvili silindi.'
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.be.yml
index cd84c29b5a..e9481b96c9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.be.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
+'No attachment': null
+at: на
+'With no attachment': 'Без ўкладання'
+'With image attachment': 'З прыкладзенай выявай'
+'With document attachment': 'З прыкладзеным дакументам'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Немагчыма звязацца з Newscoop. Калі ласка, праверце ваша інтэрнэт-злучэнне.'
+Starred: 'Пазначаныя зорачкай'
+Star: Зорачка
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Паказаныя _START_ да _END_ / _TOTAL_ запісаў'
+'Reply to message': 'Адказаць на паведамленне'
+Reply: Адказ
+Processed: Апрацаванае
+'No records found.': 'Не абрана ніводная з запісаў'
+'No entries to show': 'Няма запісаў для прагляду'
+'Messages updated.': 'Паведамленні абноўленыя'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Статус паведамлення зменены на $1.'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Паведамленні выдаленыя.'
+'Message updated.': 'Паведамленне абноўленае'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Статус паведамлення зменены на $1.'
+'Message deleted.': 'Паведамленне выдаленае.'
+Message: Паведамленне
+Last: Апошнi
+'Full article': 'Увесь тэкст артыкула'
+First: Першы
+'Feedback Messages': 'Адказ на паведамленні'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Адлюстраваць _MENU_ запісы'
+Deleted: Выдаленае
+'Change selected messages status': 'Змяніць статус выдзеленых паведамленняў'
+Attachment: 'Прымацаваны файл'
+Approved.: Зацверджана
+Approve: Зацвердзіць
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': 'фільтраванне ад _MAX_ запісаў'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Вы прыйшлі на старонку, каб назаўсёды выдаліць шматлікія паведамленні.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Вы прыйшлі на старонку, каб выдаліць паведамленне.'
+User: Карыстальнік
+None: Ніводная
+'Coming from': Адпраўлена
+'Ban/Unban user': 'Забараніць/дазволіць карыстальніку камэнтаваць'
+Ip: ' Ip'
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Забараніць камэнтаваць можна па імені карыстальніка, email альбо IP адрасе.'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'Вы збіраецеся канчаткова выдаліць каментары.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'Вы збіраецеся канчаткова выдаліць каментары.'
+Website: Web-сайт.
+'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Значэнне не змяшчае $ знакаў'
+Username: 'Імя карыстальніка'
+'User id': 'id карыстальніка'
+'User ban settings': 'Налады забароны на каментары'
+'Update comment': 'Аднавіць каментары'
+Unrecommended: 'Не рэкамендуецца'
+Unrecommend: 'Не рэкамендаваць'
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Тэма не змяшчае $ 1 знакаў'
+'Sort by Thread order': 'Сартаваць па парадку паведамленняў'
+'Show parent comment': 'Паказаць пачатковы каментар'
+'Show commenter details': 'Паказаць інфармацыю аб каментатары'
+'Show commenter': 'Паказаць каментатара'
+'Show comment user details': 'Паказаць дадзеныя'
+'Show comment user': 'Паказаць карыстальніка каментара'
+'Show comment details': 'Паказаць інфармацыю аб каментары'
+'Select status': 'Абраць статус'
+'Search Type': 'Шукаць тып'
+'Reply to comment': 'Адказаць на камэнтар'
+Recommended: Рэкамендуецца
+Recommend: Рэкамендаваць
+'Quick edit': 'Хуткае рэдагаванне'
+Parent: Крыніца
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
+'Go to edit article': 'Перайсці да рэдагуемага артыкулу'
+Forum: Форум
+'For Column': 'Для калёнкі'
Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
+'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Рэдагаваць крытэрыі дапушчальнасці'
E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'Delete all comments?': 'Выдаліць усе каментары?'
+'Date Created': 'Дата створаная'
+'Comments updated.': 'Каментары абноўленыя.'
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': 'Каментар абноўлены.'
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: Забаронены
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.bn.yml
index cd84c29b5a..708ffcea12 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.bn.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: null
+'Full article': null
+First: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: null
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': null
+Recommended: null
+Recommend: null
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: null
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: null
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.cs.yml
index cd84c29b5a..41a8c0ce03 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.cs.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
+'No attachment': 'Žádná příloha'
+at: na
+'With no attachment': 'Bez přílohy'
+'With image attachment': 'S přílohou obrázku'
+'With document attachment': 'S přílohou dokumentu'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Nepodařilo se spojit s Newscoop. Zkontrolujte prosím své připojení k internetu.'
+Starred: 'S hvězdičkou'
+Star: Hvězda
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Ukázat _START_ až _END_ z _TOTAL_ záznamů'
+'Reply to message': 'Odpovědět na zprávu'
+Reply: Odpovědět
+Processed: Zpracováno
+'No records found.': 'Nebyly nalezeny žádné záznamy.'
+'No entries to show': 'Nejsou zde žádné příspěvky k zobrazení'
+'Messages updated.': 'Zprávy aktualizovány'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Statu zpráv změněn na $1'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Zprávy vymazány'
+'Message updated.': 'Zpráva aktualizována'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Status zprávy změněn na $1'
+'Message deleted.': 'Zpráva vymazána'
+Message: Zpráva;
+Last: Poslední
+'Full article': 'Celý článek'
+First: První
+'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback zpráv'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Zobrazit _MENU_ záznamy'
+Deleted: Vymazat
+'Change selected messages status': 'Změnit statu vybraným zprávám'
+Attachment: Příloha
+Approved.: Schváleno
+Approve: Schválit
+Anonymous: Anonymní
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtrováno z _MAX_ záznamů'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Chystáte se trvale vymazat hromadné zprávy'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Chystáte se permanentně vymazat zprávu'
+User: Uživatel
+None: Žádné
+'Coming from': 'Přichází od '
+'Ban/Unban user': 'Zakázat/Obnovit uživatele'
+Ip: IP
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Zákazy mohou být aplikované na uřivatelské jméno, emailovou nebo IP adresu.'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'Právě se chystáte permanentně vymazat hromadné komentáře.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'Právě se chystáte permanentně vymazat komentář.'
+Website: 'Webová stránka'
+'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Hodnota není $1 znaků dlouhá'
+Username: 'Uživatelské jméno'
+'User id': 'Uživatelské ID'
+'User ban settings': 'Nastavení zákazu pro uživatele'
+'Update comment': 'Aktualizovat komentář'
+Unrecommended: Nedoproučený
+Unrecommend: Nedoporučeno
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Předmět není $1 charakterů dlouhý'
+'Sort by Thread order': 'Seřadit podle vláken'
+'Show parent comment': 'Ukázat ústřední komentář'
+'Show commenter details': 'Ukázat detail komentátora'
+'Show commenter': 'Ukázat komentátora'
+'Show comment user details': 'Ukázat detail komentátora'
+'Show comment user': 'Ukázat komentujícího uživatel'
+'Show comment details': 'Ukázat detaily komentáře'
+'Select status': 'Vybrat status'
+'Search Type': 'Vyhledat typ'
+'Reply to comment': 'Odpovědět na komentář'
+Recommended: Doporučené
+Recommend: Doporučeno
+'Quick edit': 'Rychlá editace '
+Parent: Ústřední
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
+'Go to edit article': 'Jděte upravit článek'
+Forum: Fórum
+'For Column': 'Pro odstavec'
Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Upravit kritéria pro přijetí'
+E-mail: Email
+'Delete all comments?': 'Vymazat všechny komentáře?'
+'Date Created': 'Datum vytvořeno'
+'Comments updated.': 'Komentáře jsou aktualizovány.'
+'Comments status change to $1.': 'Status komentářů změněno na $1.'
+'Comments deleted.': 'Komentáře vymazány.'
+'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Komentátor $1 uložen.'
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Komentátor $1 vymazán.'
+Commenter: Komentátor
+'Comment updated.': 'Komentář aktualizován.'
+'Comment status change to $1.': 'Status komentáře změněn na $1.'
+'Comment id': 'ID komentáře'
+'Comment deleted.': 'Komentář vymazán.'
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Komentář vymazán $1 z článku $2 ($3)'
+'Comment Acceptance': 'Přijetí komentáře'
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Komentář $4'
+'Comment $1 saved.': 'Komentář $1 uložen.'
+Column: 'Odstavec '
+'Change subscriber information': 'Změna informací registrovaného'
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Zákaz pro komentátora $1 uloženo.'
+Ban: Zakázat
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Jste si jisti, že to chcete udělat?'
+'Add rating': 'Přidat hodnocení'
+'Add new comment commenter': 'Přidat nový komentář'
+'Add new comment': 'Přidat nový komentář'
+'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Přidat nová kritéria pro přijetí'
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Akceptace $1 uložena.'
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Akceptace $1 vymazána.'
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.da.yml
index cd84c29b5a..fef7f01cc0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.da.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
+'No attachment': 'Ingen vedhæfning'
+at: på
+'With no attachment': 'Uden vedhæftninger'
+'With image attachment': 'Med vedhæftet billede'
+'With document attachment': 'Med vedhæftet dokument'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Ingen kontakt til Newscoop. Tjek at du har forbindelse til internettet.'
+Starred: Stjernemarkeret
+Star: Stjernemarkér
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'VISER _START_ til _END_ af _TOTAL_ opslag'
+'Reply to message': 'Send svar'
+Reply: Svar
+Processed: Behandlet
+'No records found.': 'Ingen opslag.'
+'No entries to show': 'Intet at vise'
+'Messages updated.': 'Beskeder opdateret.'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Beskeders status ændret til $1.'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Beskeder slettet.'
+'Message updated.': 'Besked opdateret.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Beskeds status ændret til $1.'
+'Message deleted.': 'Besked slettet.'
+Message: Besked
+Last: Sidste
+'Full article': 'Fuld artikel'
+First: Første
+'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback beskeder'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Vis _MENU_ opslag'
+Deleted: Slettet
+'Change selected messages status': 'Skift status for valgte beskeder'
+Attachment: Vedhæftning
+Approved.: Godkendt.
+Approve: Godkend
+Anonymous: Anonym
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtreret fra _MAX_ opslag'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Du er ved at slette flere meddelelser permanent.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Du er ved at slette nen meddelelse permanent.'
+User: Bruger
+None: Ingen
+'Coming from': Fra
+'Ban/Unban user': 'Bloker/afbloker bruger'
+Ip: IP
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Du kan blokere et brugernavn, en email adresse eller en IP adresse.'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'Du er ved at slette adskillige kommentarer permanent.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'Du er ved at slette en kommentar permanent.'
Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
+'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Værdien er ikke $1 tegn lang'
+Username: Brugernavn
+'User id': 'Bruger id'
+'User ban settings': 'Indstillinger for blokering af brugere'
+'Update comment': 'Opdater kommentar'
+Unrecommended: 'Ikke anbefalet'
+Unrecommend: 'Anbefal ikke'
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Emnet er ikke $1 tegn langt'
+'Sort by Thread order': 'Sorter efter tråd'
+'Show parent comment': 'Vis ovenstående kommentar'
+'Show commenter details': 'Vis info om debattør'
+'Show commenter': 'Vis debattør'
+'Show comment user details': 'Vis bruger info for kommentar'
+'Show comment user': 'Vis bruger for kommentar'
+'Show comment details': 'Vis info om kommentar'
+'Select status': 'Vælg status'
+'Search Type': 'Søg type'
+'Reply to comment': 'Svar på komentaren'
+Recommended: Anbefalet
+Recommend: Anbefalet
+'Quick edit': 'Hurtig redigering'
+Parent: Forælder
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
+'Go to edit article': 'Rediger artikel'
Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
+'For Column': 'Til kolonne'
Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
+'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Rediger godkendelseskriterier'
E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'Delete all comments?': 'Slet alle kommentarer?'
+'Date Created': Oprettelsesdato
+'Comments updated.': 'Kommentarer opdateret'
+'Comments status change to $1.': 'Kommentar status ændret til $1'
+'Comments deleted.': 'Kommentarer slettet'
+'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Debattør $1 gemt.'
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Debattør $1 slettet.'
+Commenter: Debattør
+'Comment updated.': 'Kommentaren er opdateret.'
+'Comment status change to $1.': 'Kommentar status ændret til $1.'
+'Comment id': 'Kommentar id'
+'Comment deleted.': 'Kommentar slettet.'
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': '$1 har slettet kommentar fra artiklen $2 ($3)'
+'Comment Acceptance': Kommentargodkendelse
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Kommentar $4 af $1 i artiklen $2 ($3)'
+'Comment $1 saved.': 'Kommentar $1 gemt.'
+Column: Kolonne
+'Change subscriber information': 'Ret abonnent information'
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Blokering af debattør $1 blev gemt.'
+Ban: Bloker
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Er du sikker på det er det du vil?'
+'Add rating': 'Tilføj bedømmelse'
+'Add new comment commenter': 'Tilføj debattør'
+'Add new comment': 'Tilføj kommentar'
+'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Tilføj godkendelseskriterie'
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Godkendelse $1 gemt.'
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Godkendelse $1 slettet.'
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: 'Beskedden er for lang.'
+ added: 'Kommentaren blev tilføjet.'
+ edited: 'Kommentaren blev opdateret.'
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: 'Kommentaren blev slettet.'
send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ cancel: Annullér
+ resolve: null
+ save: Gem
+ edit: Rediger
+ delete: Slet
+ reply: Svar
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: 'Redaktionelle kommentar'
+ post: 'Skriv en ny kommentar'
+ reply: Svar...
+ nocomments: 'Ingen kommentarer endnu.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.de.yml
index cd84c29b5a..5a200294ea 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.de.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
+'No attachment': 'Kein Anhang'
+at: auf
+'With no attachment': 'Ohne Anhang'
+'With image attachment': 'Mit angehängtem Bild '
+'With document attachment': 'Mit angehängtem Dokument'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Die Verbindung zu Newscoop kann nicht hergestellt werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie ihre Internetverbindung. '
+Starred: 'Mit Stern versehen'
+Star: Stern
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Zeige _START_ bis _END_ von _TOTAL_ Einträgen'
+'Reply to message': 'Auf Nachricht antworten'
+Reply: Antworten
+Processed: Verarbeitet
+'No records found.': 'Keine Angaben gefunden.'
+'No entries to show': 'Keine Einträge zum Anzeigen gefunden.'
+'Messages updated.': 'Nachrichten aktualisiert. '
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Status der Nachrichen ändern zu $1.'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Nachrichten gelöscht. '
+'Message updated.': 'Nachricht aktualisiert. '
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Status der Nachricht ändern zu $1.'
+'Message deleted.': 'Nachrichten gelöscht. '
+Message: Nachricht
+Last: Letzte
+'Full article': 'Ganzer Artikel'
+First: Erste
+'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Nachricht'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Anzeigen _MENU_ Einträge'
+Deleted: Gelöscht
+'Change selected messages status': 'Status der ausgewählten Nachrichen ändern.'
+Attachment: Anhang
+Approved.: 'Genehmigt. '
+Approve: Genehmigen
+Anonymous: Anonym
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtert aus _MAX_ Einträgen '
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Sie sind im Begriff mehrere Nachrichten permanent zu löschen. '
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Sie sind im Begriff eine Nachricht permanent zu löschen. '
+User: Benutzer
+None: Keine
+'Coming from': 'von '
+'Ban/Unban user': 'User sperren / entsperren '
+Ip: IP
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Sperren können auf einen Benutzernamen, eine Email-Adresse oder eine IP-Adresse angewendet werden. '
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'Sie sind im Begriff mehrere Kommentare permant zu löschen. '
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'Sie sind im Begriff einen Kommentar permanent zu löschen. '
Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
+'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Wert ist nicht $1 Zeichen lang. '
+Username: Benutzername
+'User id': 'Benutzer id'
+'User ban settings': 'Benutzer Sperreinstellungen'
+'Update comment': 'Kommentar aktualisieren'
+Unrecommended: 'Empfehlung zurückgenommen. '
+Unrecommend: 'Empfehlung zurücknehmen'
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Thema ist nicht $1 Zeichen lang'
+'Sort by Thread order': 'Nach Themenreihenfolge sortieren'
+'Show parent comment': 'Zeige Elternkommentar'
+'Show commenter details': 'Zeige Kommentatordetails.'
+'Show commenter': 'Zeige Kommentator'
+'Show comment user details': 'Zeige Kommentardetails zum Benutzer'
+'Show comment user': 'Zeige Kommentar Benutzer'
+'Show comment details': 'Zeige Kommentardetails'
+'Select status': 'Status auswählen '
+'Search Type': 'Suche Typ'
+'Reply to comment': 'Kommentar beantworten'
+Recommended: Empfohlen
+Recommend: Empfehlen
+'Quick edit': Schnellbearbeitung
+Parent: Eltern
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
+'Go to edit article': 'Gehe zur Artikelbearbeitung'
Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'For Column': 'Für Spalte'
+Email: E-Mail
+'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Bearbeite Freigabekriterien'
+E-mail: E-Mail
+'Delete all comments?': 'Alle Kommentare löschen?'
+'Date Created': 'Datum erstellt'
+'Comments updated.': 'Kommentare aktualisiert.'
+'Comments status change to $1.': 'Kommentarstatus zu $1 ändern. '
+'Comments deleted.': 'Kommentare gelöscht. '
+'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Kommentator $1 gespeichert. '
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Kommentator $1 gelöscht. '
+Commenter: Kommentator
+'Comment updated.': 'Kommentar aktualisiert.'
+'Comment status change to $1.': 'Kommentarstatus geändert zu $1.'
+'Comment id': 'Kommentar id'
+'Comment deleted.': 'Kommentar gelöscht. '
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Kommentar gelöscht von $1 aus dem Artikel $2 ($3)'
+'Comment Acceptance': Kommentarfreigabe
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Kommentar $4 von $1 im Artikel $2 ($3)'
+'Comment $1 saved.': 'Kommentar $1 gespeichert. '
+Column: Spalte
+'Change subscriber information': 'Abonnenteninformation ändern. '
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Sperre für Kommentator $1 gespeichert. '
+Ban: Sperre
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das tun wollen? '
+'Add rating': 'Bewertung hinzufügen '
+'Add new comment commenter': 'Neuen Kommentar Kommentator hinzufügen'
+'Add new comment': 'Neuen Kommentar hinzufügen'
+'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Füge neue Freigabekriterien hinzu'
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Freigabe $1 gespeichert. '
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Freigabe $1 gelöscht. '
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.de_AT.yml
index cd84c29b5a..9cc6886e7d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: auf
+'With no attachment': 'Ohne Anhang'
+'With image attachment': 'Mit angehängtem Bild '
+'With document attachment': 'Mit angehängtem Dokument'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Die Verbindung zu Newscoop kann nicht hergestellt werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie ihre Internetverbindung. '
+Starred: 'Mit Stern versehen'
+Star: Stern
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Zeige _START_ bis _END_ von _TOTAL_ Einträgen'
+'Reply to message': 'Auf Nachricht antworten'
+Reply: Antworten
+Processed: Verarbeitet
+'No records found.': 'Keine Angaben gefunden.'
+'No entries to show': 'Keine Einträge zum Anzeigen gefunden.'
+'Messages updated.': 'Nachrichten aktualisiert. '
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Status der Nachrichen ändern zu $1.'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Nachrichten gelöscht. '
+'Message updated.': 'Nachricht aktualisiert. '
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Status der Nachricht ändern zu $1.'
+'Message deleted.': 'Nachrichten gelöscht. '
+Message: Nachricht
+Last: Letzte
+'Full article': 'Ganzer Artikel'
+First: Erste
+'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Nachricht'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Anzeigen _MENU_ Einträge'
+Deleted: Gelöscht
+'Change selected messages status': 'Status der ausgewählten Nachrichen ändern.'
+Attachment: Anhang
+Approved.: 'Genehmigt. '
+Approve: Genehmigen
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': 'filtert aus _MAX_ Einträgen '
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Sie sind im Begriff mehrere Nachrichten permanent zu löschen. '
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Sie sind im Begriff eine Nachricht permanent zu löschen. '
+User: Benutzer
+None: Keine
+'Coming from': 'von '
+'Ban/Unban user': 'User sperren / entsperren '
+Ip: IP
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Sperren können auf einen Benutzernamen, eine Email-Adresse oder eine IP-Adresse angewendet werden. '
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'Sie sind im Begriff mehrere Kommentare permant zu löschen. '
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'Sie sind im Begriff einen Kommentar permanent zu löschen. '
Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
+'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Wert ist nicht $1 Zeichen lang. '
+Username: Benutzername
+'User id': 'Benutzer id'
+'User ban settings': 'Benutzer Sperreinstellungen'
+'Update comment': 'Kommentar aktualisieren'
+Unrecommended: 'Empfehlung zurückgenommen. '
+Unrecommend: 'Empfehlung zurücknehmen'
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Thema ist nicht $1 Zeichen lang'
+'Sort by Thread order': 'Nach Themenreihenfolge sortieren'
+'Show parent comment': 'Zeige Elternkommentar'
+'Show commenter details': 'Zeige Kommentatordetails.'
+'Show commenter': 'Zeige Kommentator'
+'Show comment user details': 'Zeige Kommentardetails zum Benutzer'
+'Show comment user': 'Zeige Kommentar Benutzer'
+'Show comment details': 'Zeige Kommentardetails'
+'Select status': 'Status auswählen '
+'Search Type': 'Suche Typ'
+'Reply to comment': 'Kommentar beantworten'
+Recommended: Empfohlen
+Recommend: Empfehlen
+'Quick edit': Schnellbearbeitung
+Parent: Eltern
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
+'Go to edit article': 'Gehe zur Artikelbearbeitung'
Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'For Column': 'Für Spalte'
+Email: E-Mail
+'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Bearbeite Freigabekriterien'
+E-mail: E-Mail
+'Delete all comments?': 'Alle Kommentare löschen?'
+'Date Created': 'Datum erstellt'
+'Comments updated.': 'Kommentare aktualisiert.'
+'Comments status change to $1.': 'Kommentarstatus zu $1 ändern. '
+'Comments deleted.': 'Kommentare gelöscht. '
+'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Kommentator $1 gespeichert. '
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Kommentator $1 gelöscht. '
+Commenter: Kommentator
+'Comment updated.': 'Kommentar aktualisiert.'
+'Comment status change to $1.': 'Kommentarstatus geändert zu $1.'
+'Comment id': 'Kommentar id'
+'Comment deleted.': 'Kommentar gelöscht. '
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Kommentar gelöscht von $1 aus dem Artikel $2 ($3)'
+'Comment Acceptance': Kommentarfreigabe
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Kommentar $4 von $1 im Artikel $2 ($3)'
+'Comment $1 saved.': 'Kommentar $1 gespeichert. '
+Column: Spalte
+'Change subscriber information': 'Abonnenteninformation ändern. '
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Sperre für Kommentator $1 gespeichert. '
+Ban: Sperre
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das tun wollen? '
+'Add rating': 'Bewertung hinzufügen '
+'Add new comment commenter': 'Neuen Kommentar Kommentator hinzufügen'
+'Add new comment': 'Neuen Kommentar hinzufügen'
+'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Füge neue Freigabekriterien hinzu'
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Freigabe $1 gespeichert. '
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Freigabe $1 gelöscht. '
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.en_GB.yml
index cd84c29b5a..b8b7e1eb61 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.en_GB.yml
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ Processed: Processed
'No records found.': 'No records found.'
'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status changed to $1.'
'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status changed to $1.'
'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
Message: Message
Last: Last
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Attachment: Attachment
Approved.: Approved.
Approve: Approve
Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtering from _MAX_ records'
'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
User: User
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.es.yml
index cd84c29b5a..c80c7b4f68 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.es.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
+'No attachment': 'Sin adjunto'
+at: en
+'With no attachment': 'Sin adjunto'
+'With image attachment': 'Con imagen adjunta'
+'With document attachment': 'Con documento adjunto'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'No se pudo conectar a Newscoop. Por favor, verifica tu conexión a Internet.'
+Starred: Ponderado
+Star: Ponderación
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Mostrando de _START_ a _END_ el _TOTAL_ de entradas'
+'Reply to message': 'Responder a mensaje'
+Reply: Responder
+Processed: Procesado
+'No records found.': 'No se encontraron registros'
+'No entries to show': 'No se encontraron entradas'
+'Messages updated.': 'Mensajes actualizados'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'El estatus del mensaje cambió a $1.'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Mensajes eliminados.'
+'Message updated.': 'Mensaje actualizado.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Estatus del mensaje cambió a $1.'
+'Message deleted.': 'Mensaje eliminado.'
+Message: Mensaje
+Last: Último
+'Full article': 'Artículo completo'
+First: Primero
+'Feedback Messages': 'Mensajes de retroalimentación'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Desplegar registros _MENU_'
+Deleted: Eliminado
+'Change selected messages status': 'Cambiar los mensajes de estatus seleccionados'
+Attachment: Adjunto
+Approved.: Aprobado
+Approve: Aprobar
+Anonymous: Anónimo
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '-filtrando desde archivos _MAX_'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Está a punto de eliminar múltiples mensajes de forma permanente.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Está a punto de eliminar un mensaje de forma permanente.'
+User: Usuario
+None: Ninguno.
+'Coming from': Origen
+'Ban/Unban user': 'Bloquear/desbloquear usuario'
Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Las restricciones aplican a nombres de usuario, cuentas de correo y direcciones de IP.'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'Está a punto de eliminar permanentemente múltiples comentarios.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'Está a punto de eliminar permanentemente un comentario.'
+Website: 'Sitio Web'
+'Value is not $1 characters long': 'El valor no alcanza los $1 caracteres'
+Username: 'Nombre de usuario'
+'User id': 'Identificación de usuario'
+'User ban settings': 'Configuración de restricciones de usuario'
+'Update comment': 'Actualizar comentario'
+Unrecommended: 'No recomendado'
+Unrecommend: 'No recomendar'
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'El asunto no alcanza los $1 caracteres'
+'Sort by Thread order': 'Ordenar por conversación'
+'Show parent comment': 'Mostrar comentario raíz'
+'Show commenter details': 'Mostrar detalles del comentarista'
+'Show commenter': 'Mostrar al comentarista'
+'Show comment user details': 'Mostrar detalles de usuario del comentario'
+'Show comment user': 'Mostrar usuario del comentario'
+'Show comment details': 'Mostrar detalles del comentario'
+'Select status': 'Seleccionar estado'
+'Search Type': 'Buscar tipo'
+'Reply to comment': 'Responder al comentario'
+Recommended: Recomendado
+Recommend: Recomendar
+'Quick edit': 'Edición rápida'
+Parent: Raíz
+ID: Identificación
+'Go to edit article': 'Ir a edición de artículo'
+Forum: Foro
+'For Column': 'Para columna'
+Email: 'Correo electrónico'
+'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Editar criterios de aceptación'
+E-mail: 'Correo electrónico'
+'Delete all comments?': '¿Eliminar todos los comentarios?'
+'Date Created': 'Fecha de creación'
+'Comments updated.': 'Se actualizaron los comentarios.'
+'Comments status change to $1.': 'Estado de los comentarios cambió a $1'
+'Comments deleted.': 'Comentarios eliminados'
+'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Comentarista $1 guardado'
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Comentarista $1 eliminado'
+Commenter: Comentarista
+'Comment updated.': 'Comentario actualizado'
+'Comment status change to $1.': 'Estado de comentario cambión a $1.'
+'Comment id': 'Identificación de comentario'
+'Comment deleted.': 'Comentario eliminado'
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comentario eliminado por $1 desde el artículo $2 ($3)'
+'Comment Acceptance': 'Aceptación de comentarios'
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comentario $4 por $1 en el artículo $2 ($3)'
+'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comentario $1 guardado'
+Column: Columna
+'Change subscriber information': 'Cambiar información de subscriptor'
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Restricción para comentarista $1 guardada'
+Ban: Restricción
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': '¿Está seguro de que quiere hacerlo?'
+'Add rating': 'Añadir calificación'
+'Add new comment commenter': 'Añadir nuevo comentarista'
+'Add new comment': 'Añadir nuevo comentario'
+'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Añadir nuevo criterio de aceptación'
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Aceptación $1 guardada'
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Aceptación $1 eliminada'
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.es_AR.yml
index cd84c29b5a..b3af53b0a4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: Último
+'Full article': null
+First: Primero
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: null
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: 'No recomendado'
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': 'Responder al comentario'
+Recommended: Recomendado
+Recommend: Recomendado
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: null
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: null
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': 'Comentarios actualizados.'
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': 'Comentario actualizado.'
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.fa.yml
index cd84c29b5a..708ffcea12 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.fa.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: null
+'Full article': null
+First: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: null
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': null
+Recommended: null
+Recommend: null
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: null
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: null
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.fr.yml
index cd84c29b5a..97b6f39e49 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.fr.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: Dernier
+'Full article': null
+First: Premier
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: 'Pièce jointe'
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: Utilisateur
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': null
+Recommended: null
+Recommend: null
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: Courriel
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: Courriel
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.he.yml
index cd84c29b5a..708ffcea12 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.he.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: null
+'Full article': null
+First: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: null
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': null
+Recommended: null
+Recommend: null
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: null
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: null
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.hr.yml
index cd84c29b5a..fcf1afe805 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.hr.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: Zadnji
+'Full article': null
+First: Prvi
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: Korisnik
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': null
+Recommended: null
+Recommend: null
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: null
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: null
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.hu.yml
index cd84c29b5a..c5dd10e782 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.hu.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
+'No attachment': 'Nincs melléklet'
+at: null
+'With no attachment': 'Melléklet nélkül'
+'With image attachment': Képmelléklettel
+'With document attachment': Dokumentummelléklettel
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Nem érhető el a Newscoop. Ellenőrizd az internetkapcsolatodat.'
+Starred: Csillagozva
+Star: Csillagozás
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': '_START_ - _END_. bejegyzés / _TOTAL_ megjelenítése'
+'Reply to message': 'Válasz az üzenetre'
+Reply: Válasz
+Processed: Feldolgozva
+'No records found.': 'Nem találhatók rekordok.'
+'No entries to show': 'Nincsenek megjelenítendő bejegyzések'
+'Messages updated.': 'Az üzenetek frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Az üzenetek állapotának módosítása erre: $1.'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Az üzenetek törlése megtörtént.'
+'Message updated.': 'Az üzenet frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Az üzenet állapotának módosítása erre: $1.'
+'Message deleted.': 'Az üzenet törlése megtörtént.'
+Message: Üzenet
+Last: Utolsó
+'Full article': 'Teljes cikk'
+First: Első
+'Feedback Messages': 'Visszajelző üzenetek'
+'Display _MENU_ records': '_MENU_ rekord megjelenítése'
+Deleted: Törölve
+'Change selected messages status': 'A kijelölt üzenetek állapotának módosítása'
+Attachment: Csatolmány
+Approved.: Jóváhagyva.
+Approve: Jóváhagyás
+Anonymous: Névtelen
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- szűrés a _MAX_ rekordokból'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Több üzenet végleges törlésére készülsz.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Egy üzenet végleges törlésére készülsz.'
+User: Felhasználó
+None: Nincs
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': 'Felhasználó kitiltása/kitiltásának megszüntetése'
+Ip: IP-cím
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'A kitiltás egy felhasználó nevére, e-mail címére vagy IP-címére vonatkozhat.'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'Több hozzászólás végleges törlésére készülsz.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'Egy hozzászólás végleges törlésére készülsz.'
+Website: Weblap
+'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Az érték nem $1 karakter hosszú'
+Username: Felhasználónév
+'User id': 'Felhasználó azonosítója'
+'User ban settings': 'Felhasználó kitiltásának beállításai'
+'Update comment': 'Hozzászólás frissítése'
+Unrecommended: 'Nem ajánlott'
+Unrecommend: 'Ajánlat visszavonása'
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'A tárgy nem $1 karakter hosszú'
+'Sort by Thread order': 'Rendezés témakörsorrend szerint'
+'Show parent comment': 'Szülőhozzászólás megjelenítése'
+'Show commenter details': 'A hozzászóló adatainak megjelenítése'
+'Show commenter': 'A hozzászóló megjelenítése'
+'Show comment user details': 'A hozzászólás felhasználói adatainak megjelenítése'
+'Show comment user': 'A hozzászólás felhasználó megjelenítése'
+'Show comment details': 'A hozzászólás adatainak megjelenítése'
+'Select status': 'Állapot választása'
+'Search Type': 'Típus keresése'
+'Reply to comment': 'Válasz a hozzászólásra'
+Recommended: Ajánlott
+Recommend: Ajánlás
+'Quick edit': Gyorsszerkesztés
+Parent: Szülő
+ID: Azonosító
+'Go to edit article': 'Ugrás a cikk szerkesztésére'
+Forum: Fórum
+'For Column': null
+Email: E-mail
+'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Átvételi feltételek szerkesztése'
E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'Delete all comments?': 'Törlöd az összes hozzászólást?'
+'Date Created': 'Létrehozás dátuma'
+'Comments updated.': 'A hozzászólások frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Comments status change to $1.': 'Hozzászólások állapotának változása erre: $1.'
+'Comments deleted.': 'A hozzászólások törlése megtörtént.'
+'Commenter $1 saved.': 'A/z $1 nevű hozzászóló mentése megtörtént.'
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'A/z $1 nevű hozzászóló törlése megtörtént.'
+Commenter: Hozzászóló
+'Comment updated.': 'A hozzászólás javítása megtörtént.'
+'Comment status change to $1.': 'A hozzászólás állapotának módosítása erre: $1.'
+'Comment id': 'Hozzászólás azonosítója'
+'Comment deleted.': 'A hozzászólás törlése megtörtént.'
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'A hozzászólás $1 általi törlése a/z $2 ($3) cikkből'
+'Comment Acceptance': 'Hozzászólás elfogadása'
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': ' A/z $4 hozzászólás $1 által a/z $2 ($3) cikkben'
+'Comment $1 saved.': 'A/z $1 hozzászólás mentése megtörtént.'
+Column: Oszlop
+'Change subscriber information': 'Előfizetői adatok módosítása'
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'A/z $1 nevű hozzászóló kitiltásának mentése megtörtént.'
+Ban: Kitiltás
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Biztosan ezt akarod tenni?'
+'Add rating': 'Értékelés hozzáadása'
+'Add new comment commenter': 'Hozzászólás új hozzászólójának hozzáadása'
+'Add new comment': 'Új hozzászólás hozzáadása'
+'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Új átvételi feltételek hozzáadása'
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'A/z $1 átvételi feltétel mentése megtörtént.'
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'A/z $1 átvételi feltétel törlése megtörtént.'
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.hy_AM.yml
index cd84c29b5a..86843597db 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: Վերջին
+'Full article': null
+First: Առաջին
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: Անանուն
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: null
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': 'Պատասխանել մեկնաբանությանը։'
+Recommended: null
+Recommend: null
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: null
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: էլ․փոստ
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': 'Մեկնաբանությունները թարմացված են։'
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': 'Մեկնաբանությունը թարմացված է։'
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ka.yml
index cd84c29b5a..76d4978b0a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ka.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
+'No attachment': null
+at: '-ზე'
+'With no attachment': 'დანართის გარეშე'
+'With image attachment': 'თანდართულია გამოსახულება'
+'With document attachment': 'თანდართულია დოკუმენტი'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'ნიუსქუფთან დაკავშირება ვერ ხერხდება. გთხოვთ შეამოწმოთ თქვენი ინტერნეტ კავშირი.'
+Starred: 'ვარსკვლავით აღნიშნული'
+Star: ვარსკვლავი
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': '_START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ ჩანაწერების ჩვენება'
+'Reply to message': 'შეტყობინებაზე პასუხის გაცემა'
+Reply: 'პასუხის გაცემა'
+Processed: დამუშავებულია
+'No records found.': 'ჩანაწერები ნაპოვნი არ არის.'
+'No entries to show': 'საჩვენებელი ჩანაწერები არ არის.'
+'Messages updated.': 'შეტყობინებები განახლებულია. '
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'შეტყობინებების სტატუსი იცვლება $1ზე.'
+'Messages deleted.': 'შეტყობინებები წაშლილია '
+'Message updated.': 'შეტყობინება განახლებულია'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'შეტყობინების სტატუსი იცვლება $1ზე.'
+'Message deleted.': 'შეტყობინება წაშლილია. '
+Message: შეტყობინება
+Last: ბოლო
+'Full article': 'მთლიანი სტატია'
+First: პირველი
+'Feedback Messages': 'შეფასების შეტყობინებები'
+'Display _MENU_ records': '_MENU_ ჩანაწერების ჩვენება'
+Deleted: წაიშალა
+'Change selected messages status': 'არჩეული შეტყობინების სტატუსის შეცვლა'
+Attachment: დანართი
+Approved.: დადასტურებული.
+Approve: დადასტურება
+Anonymous: ანონიმური
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'თქვენ ახლა სამუდამოდ წაშლით რიგ შეტყობინებებს. '
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'თქვენ ახლა სამუდამოდ წაშლით შეტყობინებას. '
+User: მომხმარებელი
+None: არცერთი
+'Coming from': 'შეტყობინების წარმომავლობა '
+'Ban/Unban user': 'მომხმარებლისთვის ბანის დადება/მოხსნა'
Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'ბანის დადება შესაძლებელია მომხმარებლის სახელზე, ელ-ფოსტის მისამართსა და IP მისამართზე.'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'კომენტარები სამუდამოდ წაიშლება.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'კომენტარი სამუდამოდ წაიშლება.'
+Website: ვებგვერდი
+'Value is not $1 characters long': 'ველი არ შეიცავს $1 სიმბოლოს'
+Username: 'მომხმარებლის სახელი'
+'User id': 'მომხმარებლის ID'
+'User ban settings': 'მომხმარებლის ბანის პარამეტრები'
+'Update comment': 'კომენტარის განახლება'
+Unrecommended: არარეკომენდირებული
+Unrecommend: 'რეკომენდაციის უკუგდება'
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'სათაური არ შეიცავს $1 სიმბოლოს.'
+'Sort by Thread order': 'ხაზის მიხედვით დაწყობა.'
+'Show parent comment': 'მშობელი კომენტარის ჩვენება'
+'Show commenter details': 'კომენტარის ავტორის დეტალები'
+'Show commenter': 'კომენტარის ავტორის ჩვენება'
+'Show comment user details': 'კომენტარის მომხმარებლის დეტალების ჩვენება'
+'Show comment user': 'კომენტარის მომხმარებლის ჩვენება'
+'Show comment details': 'კომენტარის დეტალების ჩვენება'
+'Select status': 'აირჩიეთ სტატუსი'
+'Search Type': 'ძიების ტიპი'
+'Reply to comment': 'კომენტარზე პასუხის გაცემა'
+Recommended: რეკომენდირებული
+Recommend: 'რეკომენდაციის მიცემა'
+'Quick edit': 'სწრაფი რედაქტირება'
+Parent: საწყისი
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'Go to edit article': 'სტატიის რედაქტირებაზე გადასვლა'
+Forum: ფორუმი
+'For Column': სვეტისთვის
+Email: ელფოსტა
+'Edit acceptance criteria': 'დადასტურების კრიტერიუმების რედაქტირება'
+E-mail: ელ-ფოსტა
+'Delete all comments?': 'გსურთ წაშალოთ ყველა კომენტარი? '
+'Date Created': 'შექმნის თარიღი'
+'Comments updated.': 'კომენტარები განახლდა.'
+'Comments status change to $1.': 'კომენტარების სტატუსი შეიცვალა: $1'
+'Comments deleted.': 'კომენტარები წაიშალა'
+'Commenter $1 saved.': 'კომენტატორი $1 შეინახა.'
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'კომენტატორი $1 წაიშალა.'
+Commenter: კომენტატორი
+'Comment updated.': 'კომენტარი განახლებულია. '
+'Comment status change to $1.': 'კომენტარის სტატუსი შეიცვალა: $1'
+'Comment id': 'კომენტარის id'
+'Comment deleted.': 'კომენტარი წაიშალა.'
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': '$2 ($3) სტატიის კომენტარი წაიშალა $1-ის მიერ'
+'Comment Acceptance': 'კომენტარის დადასტურება'
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': '$2 ($3) სტატიის კომენტარი $4 $1-ის მიერ'
+'Comment $1 saved.': 'კომენტარი $1 დამახსოვრებულია.'
+Column: სვეტი
+'Change subscriber information': 'გამომწერის ინფორმაციის შეცვლა'
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': '$1 კომენტატორს ბანი დაედო.'
+Ban: ბანი
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'დაადასტურეთ, რომ გსურთ ამის გაკეთება.'
+'Add rating': 'რეიტინგის დამატება'
+'Add new comment commenter': 'ახალი კომენტარის ავტორის დამატება'
+'Add new comment': 'ახალი კომენტარის დამატება'
+'Add new acceptance criteria': 'ახალი დადასტურების კრიტერიუმის დამატება'
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': '$1 დადასტურება დამახსოვრდა.'
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': '$1 დადასტურება წაშლილია.'
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ko.yml
index cd84c29b5a..36d1c6f1b1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ko.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: 마지막
+'Full article': null
+First: 처음
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: '사용자 '
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': null
+Recommended: null
+Recommend: null
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: null
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: null
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ku.yml
index cd84c29b5a..708ffcea12 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ku.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: null
+'Full article': null
+First: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: null
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': null
+Recommended: null
+Recommend: null
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: null
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: null
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.lv.yml
index cd84c29b5a..708ffcea12 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.lv.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: null
+'Full article': null
+First: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: null
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': null
+Recommended: null
+Recommend: null
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: null
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: null
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.nb_NO.yml
index cd84c29b5a..708ffcea12 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: null
+'Full article': null
+First: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: null
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': null
+Recommended: null
+Recommend: null
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: null
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: null
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.pl.yml
index cd84c29b5a..ce9e467a64 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.pl.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
+'No attachment': 'Brak załączników'
+at: w
+'With no attachment': 'Brak załączników.'
+'With image attachment': 'Zdjęcie dostępne w załącznikach'
+'With document attachment': 'Dokument dostępny w zalącznikach'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Nie można połączyć z Newscoop. Sprawdź swoje połączenie z Internetem.'
+Starred: Odznaczony
+Star: Gwiazdka
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Pokaz _START_ do _END_ ze _TOTAL_ wpisow'
+'Reply to message': 'Odpowiedz na wiadomość'
+Reply: Odpowiedz
+Processed: Przetworzony
+'No records found.': 'Nie znaleziono rekordów.'
+'No entries to show': 'Brak wpisów do pokazania'
+'Messages updated.': 'Wiadomość została zaktualizowana'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Status wiadomości został zmieniony na $1'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Wiadomość została usunięta'
+'Message updated.': 'Wiadomość została zaktualizowana'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Status wiadomości został zmieniony na $1'
+'Message deleted.': 'Wiadomość została usunięta'
+Message: Wiadomość
+Last: Ostatni
+'Full article': 'Pełny artykuł'
+First: Pierwszy
+'Feedback Messages': 'Wiadomość zwrotna'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Pokaż _MENU_ rekordy'
+Deleted: Usunięty
+'Change selected messages status': 'Wybierz status wiadomości'
+Attachment: Zalącznik
+Approved.: Zaakceptowany
+Approve: Zaakceptuj
+Anonymous: Anonim
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtrowanie z _MAX_ rekordów'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Chcesz bezpowrotnie usunąć wiele wiadomości.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Chcesz bezpowrotnie usunąć tą wiadomość.'
+User: Użytkownik
+None: Brak
+'Coming from': 'Wysłane przez'
+'Ban/Unban user': 'Zablokuj/Odblokuj użytkownika'
+Ip: 'Adres IP'
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Blokada będzie nałożona na nazwę użytkownika, adres email oraz adres IP.'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'Chcesz bezpowrotnie usunąć wiele wiadomości.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'Chcesz bezpowrotnie usunąć wiadomość'
+Website: 'Strona internetowa'
+'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Wartość nie ma $1 znaków'
+Username: 'Nazwa użytkownika'
+'User id': 'Numer uzytkownika'
+'User ban settings': 'Opcje blokady użytkownika'
+'Update comment': 'Zaktualizuj komentarz'
+Unrecommended: Niepolecany
+Unrecommend: 'Niepolecany '
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Temat nie ma $1 znaków.'
+'Sort by Thread order': 'Sortuj według wątków.'
+'Show parent comment': 'Pokaż komentarz nadrzędny.'
+'Show commenter details': 'Pokaż szczegóły komentatora'
+'Show commenter': 'Pokaż komentatora'
+'Show comment user details': 'Pokaż szczegóły użytkownika dla tego komentarza'
+'Show comment user': 'Pokaż komentatora'
+'Show comment details': 'Pokaż szczegóły komentarza'
+'Select status': 'Wybierz status'
+'Search Type': 'Szukaj typu'
+'Reply to comment': 'Odpowiedz na komentarz'
+Recommended: Polecany
+Recommend: Poleć
+'Quick edit': 'Szybka edycja'
+Parent: Rodzic
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
+'Go to edit article': 'Przejdź do edycji artykulu'
Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
+'For Column': 'Dla kolumny'
Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edytuj kryteria akceptowalności'
+E-mail: Email
+'Delete all comments?': 'Usunąć wszystkie komentarze?'
+'Date Created': 'Data utworzenia'
+'Comments updated.': 'Komentarze uaktulnione.'
+'Comments status change to $1.': 'Status komentarza został zmieniony na $1'
+'Comments deleted.': 'Komentarz został usunięty'
+'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Komentator $1 został zapisany.'
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Komentator $1 został usunięty.'
+Commenter: Komentator
+'Comment updated.': 'Komentarz zaktualizowany.'
+'Comment status change to $1.': 'Status komentarza został zmieniony na $1.'
+'Comment id': 'Id komentarza'
+'Comment deleted.': 'Komentarz został usunięty'
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Komentarz został usunięty z artykułu $2 przez $1 ($3)'
+'Comment Acceptance': 'Akceptacja komentarza'
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Komentarz $4 przez $1 w artykule $2 ($3)'
+'Comment $1 saved.': 'Komentarz $1 został zapisany'
+Column: Kolumna
+'Change subscriber information': 'Zmień informacje subskrybenta'
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Blokada dla komentatora $1 została zapisana.'
+Ban: Blokada
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Jesteś pewien że chcesz to zrobić?'
+'Add rating': 'Dodaj ocenę'
+'Add new comment commenter': 'Dodaj nowego komentatora'
+'Add new comment': 'Dodaj nowy komentarz'
+'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Dodaj nowe kryteria akceptacji'
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Kryterium akceptacji $1 zostało zapisane.'
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Kryterium akceptacji $1 zostało usuniete.'
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: 'Wiadomość jest za długa'
+ added: 'Komentarz został dodany pomyślnie.'
+ edited: 'Komentarz został zedytowany pomyślnie.'
+ resolved: 'Komentarz został zmieniony. '
+ deleted: 'Komentarz został usunięty pomyślnie.'
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: Wyślij
+ cancel: Anuluj
+ resolve: 'Rozwiąż '
+ save: Zapisz
+ edit: Edycja
+ delete: Usuń
+ reply: Odpowiedz
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: 'Dodaj komentarz'
+ reply: Odpowiedz
+ nocomments: 'Brak komentarzy.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ps.yml
index cd84c29b5a..708ffcea12 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.ps.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: null
+'Full article': null
+First: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: null
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': null
+Recommended: null
+Recommend: null
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: null
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: null
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.pt_BR.yml
index cd84c29b5a..29e8b7ff21 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
+'No attachment': null
+at: no
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Não foi possivel fazer conexão com Newscoop. Por favor verifique a sua conexão com internet.'
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Mostrando _START_ a _END_ de _TOTAL_ inscrições'
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: Responder
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': 'Nenhum dado encontrado'
+'No entries to show': 'Não há registros para mostrar'
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: Ultimo
+'Full article': 'Artigo inteiro'
+First: Primeiro
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': Mostrar_MENU_registros
+Deleted: Removido
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtrando de _MAX_ registros'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: Utilizador
+None: Nenhum
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Proibições podem ser aplicadas no nome do usuário, endereço de email, ou endereço IP'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'Você vai apagar comentários múltiplos para sempre.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'Você vai apagar o comentário para sempre.'
Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
+'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Valor não tem $1 de caracteres'
+Username: 'Nome de usuário'
+'User id': 'ID do usuário'
+'User ban settings': 'Preferências para proibição de usuários'
+'Update comment': 'Atualizar comentário'
+Unrecommended: 'Não recomendado'
+Unrecommend: 'Não recomendo'
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Assunto não tem $1 caracteres'
+'Sort by Thread order': 'Classificar pela ordem dos tópicos'
+'Show parent comment': 'Mostrar o comentário matriz'
+'Show commenter details': 'Mostrar dados do autor do comentário'
+'Show commenter': 'Mostrar o autor do comentário'
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': 'Mostrar dados do comentário'
+'Select status': 'Selecionar status'
+'Search Type': 'Tipo de busca'
+'Reply to comment': 'Responder ao comentário'
+Recommended: Recomendado
+Recommend: Recomendo
+'Quick edit': 'Edição rápida'
+Parent: Matriz
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
+'Go to edit article': 'Ir para edição do artigo'
Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
+'For Column': 'Para a coluna'
Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
+'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Editar critérios de aceitação'
E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'Delete all comments?': 'Remover todos os comentários?'
+'Date Created': 'Data de criação'
+'Comments updated.': 'Comentários atualizados.'
+'Comments status change to $1.': 'Status dos comentários foi modificado para $1.'
+'Comments deleted.': 'Comentários removidos'
+'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Autor do comentário $1 foi salvo.'
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Autor do comentário $1 foi apagado.'
+Commenter: 'Autor do comentário'
+'Comment updated.': 'Comentário atualizado.'
+'Comment status change to $1.': 'Status do comentário modificado para $1.'
+'Comment id': 'ID do comentário'
+'Comment deleted.': 'Comentário removido.'
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': '$1 apagou o comentário do artigo $2 ($3)'
+'Comment Acceptance': 'Aceitação do comentário'
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comentário $4 feito por $1 no artigo $2 ($3)'
+'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comentário $1 foi salvo.'
+Column: Coluna
+'Change subscriber information': 'Modificar dados do assinante'
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Proibição para autor do comentário $1 foi salva.'
+Ban: Banir
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Tem certeza que quer fazer isso?'
+'Add rating': 'Dar nota'
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': 'Adicionar novo comentários'
+'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Adicionar novos critérios de aceitação'
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sh.yml
index cd84c29b5a..537f47bb63 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sh.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
+'No attachment': null
+at: u
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Newscoop nije dostupan. Proverite svoju interent vezu.'
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Prikazano _START_ do _END_ od _TOTAL_ unosa'
+'Reply to message': 'Odgovori na poruku'
+Reply: Odgovori
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': 'Nema zapisa'
+'No entries to show': 'Nema unosa za prikaz'
+'Messages updated.': 'Poruka izmenjena.'
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': 'Poruka obrisana.'
+'Message updated.': 'Poruka izmenjena.'
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: Poruka
+Last: Poslednji
+'Full article': 'Ceo tekst'
+First: Prvi
+'Feedback Messages': 'Poruke sa povratnom informacijom'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Prikaži _MENU_ zapise'
+Deleted: Obrisano
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtriranje među _MAX_ zapisa'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: Korisnik
+None: Nijedan
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Zabrane mogu biti primenjene na korisničko ime, email adresu ili IP adresu.'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'Nepovaratno ćete Izbrisati više komentara.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'Nepovaratno ćete Izbrisati komentar.'
+Website: 'Veb sajt'
+'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Vrednost nije dugačka $1 karaktera'
+Username: 'Korisničko ime'
+'User id': 'Korisnički id'
+'User ban settings': 'Podešavanje zabrane za korisnika'
+'Update comment': 'Izmeni komentar'
+Unrecommended: Nepreporučen
+Unrecommend: Nepreporučen
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Naslov nije dugačak $1 karaktera'
+'Sort by Thread order': 'Sortiraj po redosledu u diskusiji'
+'Show parent comment': 'Prikažimatični komentar'
+'Show commenter details': 'Prikaži detalje o komentatoru'
+'Show commenter': 'Prikaži komentatora'
+'Show comment user details': 'Prikaži detalje o komentatoru'
+'Show comment user': 'Prikaži komentatora'
+'Show comment details': 'Prikaži detalje komentara'
+'Select status': 'Izaberi status'
+'Search Type': 'Tip pretrage'
+'Reply to comment': 'Odgovorite na komentar'
+Recommended: Preporučeni
+Recommend: Preporučen
+'Quick edit': 'Brzo uređivanje'
+Parent: Matični
+ID: Id
+'Go to edit article': 'Idi na uređivanje teksta'
Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
+'For Column': 'Za kolonu'
+Email: email
+'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Uredi kriterijum prihvatljivosti'
E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'Delete all comments?': 'Obriši sve komentare?'
+'Date Created': 'Datum kreiranja'
+'Comments updated.': 'Komentari izmenjeni.'
+'Comments status change to $1.': 'Promena statusa komentara u $1.'
+'Comments deleted.': 'Komentari obrisani'
+'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Komentator $1 sačuvan.'
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Komentator $1 obrisan.'
+Commenter: Komentator
+'Comment updated.': 'Komentar izmenjen.'
+'Comment status change to $1.': 'Promena statusa komentara u $1.'
+'Comment id': 'Id komentara'
+'Comment deleted.': 'Komentar izbrisan'
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Komentar obrisan od strane $1 iz teksta $2 ($3)'
+'Comment Acceptance': 'Prihvatljivost komentara'
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Komentar $4 od $1 u tekstu $2 ($3)'
+'Comment $1 saved.': 'Komentar $1 snimljen.'
+Column: Kolona
+'Change subscriber information': 'Promeni informacije o pretplatniku'
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Zabrana za komentatora $1 sačuvana.'
+Ban: Zabrani
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Siguri ste da želite to da uradite?'
+'Add rating': 'dodaj rejting'
+'Add new comment commenter': 'Dodaj novog komentatora'
+'Add new comment': 'dodaj novi komentar'
+'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Dodaj novi kriterijum prihvatljivosti'
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Prihvatljivost $1 sačuvana.'
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Prihvatljivost $1 obrisana.'
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sq.yml
index cd84c29b5a..708ffcea12 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sq.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: null
+'Full article': null
+First: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: null
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': null
+Recommended: null
+Recommend: null
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: null
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: null
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sr.yml
index cd84c29b5a..e1b64d5e19 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sr.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: у
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Newscoop није доступан. Проверите своју интернет везу.'
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Приказано _START_ до _END_ од _TOTAL_ уноса'
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: Одговори
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': 'Нема записа'
+'No entries to show': 'Нема уноса за приказ'
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: Последњи
+'Full article': 'Цео текст'
+First: Први
+'Feedback Messages': 'Поруке са повратном информацијом'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Прикажи _MENU_ записе'
+Deleted: Обрисано
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- филтрирање међу _MAX_ записа'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: Корисник
+None: Ниједан
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Забране могу бити примењене на корисничко име, имејл адресу или ИП адресу'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'Неповратно ћете избрисати више коментара.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'Неповратно ћете избрисати коментар.'
+Website: 'Веб сајт'
+'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Вредност није дугачка $1 карактера'
+Username: 'Корисничко име'
+'User id': 'Кориснички ид'
+'User ban settings': 'Подешавање забране за корисника'
+'Update comment': 'Измени коментар'
+Unrecommended: Непрепоручен
+Unrecommend: Непрепоручен
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Наслов није дугачак $1 карактера'
+'Sort by Thread order': 'Сортирај по редоследу у дискусији'
+'Show parent comment': 'Прикажи матични коментар'
+'Show commenter details': 'Прикажи детаље о коментатору'
+'Show commenter': 'Прикажи коментатора'
+'Show comment user details': 'Прикажи детаље о коментатору'
+'Show comment user': 'Прикажи коментатора'
+'Show comment details': 'Прикажи детаље коментатора'
+'Select status': 'Изабери статус'
+'Search Type': 'Тип претраге'
+'Reply to comment': 'Одговорите на коментар'
+Recommended: Препоручени
+Recommend: Препоручен
+'Quick edit': 'Брзо уређивање'
+Parent: Матични
+ID: Ид
+'Go to edit article': 'Иди на уређивање текста'
+Forum: Форум
+'For Column': 'За колону'
+Email: email
+'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Уреди критеријум прихватљивости'
+E-mail: Имејл
+'Delete all comments?': 'Обриши све коментаре?'
+'Date Created': 'Датум креирања'
+'Comments updated.': 'Коментари измењени.'
+'Comments status change to $1.': 'Промена статуса коментара у $1.'
+'Comments deleted.': 'Коментари обрисани'
+'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Коментатор $1 сачуван.'
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Коментатор $1 обрисан.'
+Commenter: Коментатор
+'Comment updated.': 'Коментар измењен.'
+'Comment status change to $1.': 'Промена статуса коментара у $1.'
+'Comment id': 'Ид коментара'
+'Comment deleted.': 'Коментар избрисан'
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Коментар обрисан од стране $1 из текста $2 ($3)'
+'Comment Acceptance': 'Прихватљивост коментара'
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Коментатор $4 од $1 у тексту $2 ($3)'
+'Comment $1 saved.': 'Коментатор $1 снимљен.'
+Column: Колона
+'Change subscriber information': 'Промени информације о претплатнику'
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Забрана за коментатора $1 сачувана.'
+Ban: Забрани
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Сигурни сте да желите то да урадите?'
+'Add rating': 'додај рејтинг'
+'Add new comment commenter': 'Додај новог коментатора'
+'Add new comment': 'Додај нови коментар'
+'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Додај нови критеријум прихватљивости'
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Прихватљивост $1 сачувана.'
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Прихватљивост $1 обрисана.'
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sv.yml
index cd84c29b5a..3b3091b189 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/comments.sv.yml
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-at: at
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-Starred: Starred
-Star: Star
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Reply: Reply
-Processed: Processed
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-Message: Message
-Last: Last
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-First: First
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Attachment: Attachment
-Approved.: Approved.
-Approve: Approve
-Anonymous: Anonymous
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-User: User
-None: None
-'Coming from': 'Coming from'
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-Ip: Ip
-'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': 'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
-Website: Website
-'Value is not $1 characters long': 'Value is not $1 characters long'
-Username: Username
-'User id': 'User id'
-'User ban settings': 'User ban settings'
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-Unrecommended: Unrecommended
-Unrecommend: Unrecommend
-'Subject is not $1 characters long': 'Subject is not $1 characters long'
-'Sort by Thread order': 'Sort by Thread order'
-'Show parent comment': 'Show parent comment'
-'Show commenter details': 'Show commenter details'
-'Show commenter': 'Show commenter'
-'Show comment user details': 'Show comment user details'
-'Show comment user': 'Show comment user'
-'Show comment details': 'Show comment details'
-'Select status': 'Select status'
-'Search Type': 'Search Type'
-'Reply to comment': 'Reply to comment'
-Recommended: Recommended
-Recommend: Recommend
-'Quick edit': 'Quick edit'
-Parent: Parent
-'Go to edit article': 'Go to edit article'
-Forum: Forum
-'For Column': 'For Column'
-Email: Email
-'Edit acceptance criteria': 'Edit acceptance criteria'
-E-mail: E-mail
-'Delete all comments?': 'Delete all comments?'
-'Date Created': 'Date Created'
-'Comments updated.': 'Comments updated.'
-'Comments status change to $1.': 'Comments status change to $1.'
-'Comments deleted.': 'Comments deleted.'
-'Commenter $1 saved.': 'Commenter $1 saved.'
-'Commenter $1 deleted.': 'Commenter $1 deleted.'
-Commenter: Commenter
-'Comment updated.': 'Comment updated.'
-'Comment status change to $1.': 'Comment status change to $1.'
-'Comment id': 'Comment id'
-'Comment deleted.': 'Comment deleted.'
-'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment Acceptance': 'Comment Acceptance'
-'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
-'Comment $1 saved.': 'Comment $1 saved.'
-Column: Column
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': 'Ban for commenter $1 saved.'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-'Add rating': 'Add rating'
-'Add new comment commenter': 'Add new comment commenter'
-'Add new comment': 'Add new comment'
-'Add new acceptance criteria': 'Add new acceptance criteria'
-'Acceptance $1 saved.': 'Acceptance $1 saved.'
-'Acceptance $1 deleted.': 'Acceptance $1 deleted.'
+'No attachment': null
+at: null
+'With no attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+Starred: null
+Star: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Reply to message': null
+Reply: null
+Processed: null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Message deleted.': null
+Message: null
+Last: Sista
+'Full article': null
+First: Första
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Deleted: null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Attachment: null
+Approved.: null
+Approve: null
+Anonymous: null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+User: Användare
+None: null
+'Coming from': null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+Ip: null
+'Bans can be applied to a users name, email address or IP address.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple comments.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a comment.': null
+Website: null
+'Value is not $1 characters long': null
+Username: null
+'User id': null
+'User ban settings': null
+'Update comment': null
+Unrecommended: null
+Unrecommend: null
+'Subject is not $1 characters long': null
+'Sort by Thread order': null
+'Show parent comment': null
+'Show commenter details': null
+'Show commenter': null
+'Show comment user details': null
+'Show comment user': null
+'Show comment details': null
+'Select status': null
+'Search Type': null
+'Reply to comment': null
+Recommended: null
+Recommend: null
+'Quick edit': null
+Parent: null
+ID: null
+'Go to edit article': null
+Forum: null
+'For Column': null
+Email: null
+'Edit acceptance criteria': null
+E-mail: null
+'Delete all comments?': null
+'Date Created': null
+'Comments updated.': null
+'Comments status change to $1.': null
+'Comments deleted.': null
+'Commenter $1 saved.': null
+'Commenter $1 deleted.': null
+Commenter: null
+'Comment updated.': null
+'Comment status change to $1.': null
+'Comment id': null
+'Comment deleted.': null
+'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment Acceptance': null
+'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)': null
+'Comment $1 saved.': null
+Column: null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Ban for commenter $1 saved.': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+'Add rating': null
+'Add new comment commenter': null
+'Add new comment': null
+'Add new acceptance criteria': null
+'Acceptance $1 saved.': null
+'Acceptance $1 deleted.': null
- toolong: 'Message is too long.'
- added: 'Comment has been successfully added.'
- edited: 'Comment has been successfully edited.'
- resolved: 'Comment has been successfully resolved.'
- deleted: 'Comment has been successfully deleted.'
+ toolong: null
+ added: null
+ edited: null
+ resolved: null
+ deleted: null
- send: Send
- cancel: Cancel
- resolve: Resolve
- save: Save
- edit: Edit
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
+ send: null
+ cancel: null
+ resolve: null
+ save: null
+ edit: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
- title: 'Editorial Comments'
- post: 'Post a new comment'
- reply: Reply...
- nocomments: 'No comments yet.'
+ title: null
+ post: null
+ reply: null
+ nocomments: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.az.yml
index e05028a504..539a26e774 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.az.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': '$1 ölkəsi yaradıla bilmədi.'
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': '$1 kodlu ölkə artıq mövcuddur.'
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Ölkə əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Delete country': 'Ölkəni sil'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Ölkələri silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': '$1 adlı ölkəni silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 adlı ölkə silinə bilmədi.'
+'Edit country name': 'Ölkə adını dəyiş'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Ölkə adlarını dəıyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Changing country name': 'Ölkə adının dəyişilməsi'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': '$1 adlı ölkənin adına dəyişiklik edilə bilinməz'
+'Translate country name': 'Ölkə adını tərcümə et'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Ölkə adlarını tərcümə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': '$1 adlı ölkənin adı tərcümə edilə bilmədi'
+'Add New Country': 'Yeni Ölkə Əlavə Et'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.be.yml
index e05028a504..3f944d158a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.be.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': 'Краіна $1 не можа быць створаная.'
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Краіна з кодам $1 ужо існуе.'
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для даданьня краiн.'
+'Delete country': 'Выдалiць краiну'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для выдаленьня краiн.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Ці Вы ўпэўнены, што хочаце выдалiць краiну $1?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'Немагчыма выдалiць краiну $1.'
+'Edit country name': 'Рэдагаваць назву краiны'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для зьмяненьня назвы краiны.'
+'Changing country name': 'Зьмяненьне назвы краiны'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'Немагчыма зьмянiць назву краiны $1'
+'Translate country name': 'Перакласьці назву краiны '
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для перакладу назвы краiны.'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'Немагчыма перакласьцi назву краiны $1'
+'Add New Country': 'Дадаць новую краiну'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.bn.yml
index e05028a504..2d2f4ebc87 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.bn.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': null
+'Delete country': null
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': null
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit country name': null
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': null
+'Changing country name': null
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': null
+'Translate country name': null
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': null
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': null
+'Add New Country': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.cs.yml
index e05028a504..5f50d50d26 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.cs.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': 'Země $1 nemohla být vytvořena.'
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Země s označením $1 již existuje.'
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Nemáte právo přidat zemi'
+'Delete country': 'Smazat zemi'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Nemáte právo smazat zemi'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Určitě chcete smazat zemi $1?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'Země $1 nemohla být smazána'
+'Edit country name': 'Editovat název země'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Nemáte právo měnit název země'
+'Changing country name': 'Změnit název země'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'Název země $1 nemohl být změněn'
+'Translate country name': 'Přelož název země'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Nemáte právo přeložit název země'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'Název země $1 nemohl být přeložen'
+'Add New Country': 'Přidat Novou Zemi'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.da.yml
index e05028a504..9ffac62e0e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.da.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': 'Landet $1 kunne ikke oprettes.'
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Der findes allerede et land med koden $1.'
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Du har ikke tilladelse til at tilføje lande.'
+'Delete country': 'Slet land'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Du har ikke tilladelse til at slette lande.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Vil du slette landet $1?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'Landet $1 kunne ikke slettes.'
+'Edit country name': 'Ret landenavn'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Du har ikke tilladelse til at ændre landenavne.'
+'Changing country name': 'Retter landenavn.'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'Landenavnet $1 kunne ikke rettes'
+'Translate country name': 'Oversæt landenavn'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Du har ikke tilladelse til at oversætte landenavne.'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'Landenavnet $1 kunne ikke oversættes'
+'Add New Country': 'Tilføj nyt land'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.de.yml
index e05028a504..e8cf667760 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.de.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': 'Das Land $1 kann nicht angelegt werden. '
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Das Land mit dem Ländercode $1 existiert bereits. '
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Keine Berechtigung Länder hinzuzufügen.'
+'Delete country': 'Land Löschen'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Keine Berechtigung Länder zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Land $1 wirklich löschen?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'Land $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'Edit country name': 'Ländernamen bearbeiten'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Keine Berechtigung Ländernamen zu ändern.'
+'Changing country name': 'Ländername wird geändert'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'Der Ländername $1 konnte nicht geändert werden.'
+'Translate country name': 'Ländernamen übersetzen'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Keine Berechtigung Ländernamen zu übersetzen.'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'Ländername $1 konnte nicht übersetzt werden.'
+'Add New Country': 'Neues Land hinzufügen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.de_AT.yml
index e05028a504..e8cf667760 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': 'Das Land $1 kann nicht angelegt werden. '
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Das Land mit dem Ländercode $1 existiert bereits. '
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Keine Berechtigung Länder hinzuzufügen.'
+'Delete country': 'Land Löschen'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Keine Berechtigung Länder zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Land $1 wirklich löschen?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'Land $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'Edit country name': 'Ländernamen bearbeiten'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Keine Berechtigung Ländernamen zu ändern.'
+'Changing country name': 'Ländername wird geändert'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'Der Ländername $1 konnte nicht geändert werden.'
+'Translate country name': 'Ländernamen übersetzen'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Keine Berechtigung Ländernamen zu übersetzen.'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'Ländername $1 konnte nicht übersetzt werden.'
+'Add New Country': 'Neues Land hinzufügen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.es.yml
index e05028a504..fc0c24d4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.es.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': 'No fue posible crear el país $1.'
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Ya existe un país con el código $1.'
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'No tiene derecho para agregar países'
+'Delete country': 'Borrar país'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'No tiene derecho para borrar países'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': '¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar el país $1?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'El país $1 no pudo ser borrado'
+'Edit country name': 'Editar nombre de país'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'No tiene derecho para cambiar nombre de país'
+'Changing country name': 'Cambiando nombre de país'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'El nombre de país $1 no pudo ser cambiado'
+'Translate country name': 'Traduzca nombre de país'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'No tiene derecho a traducir nombre de país'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'El nombre de país $1 no pudo ser traducido'
+'Add New Country': 'Añadir nuevo país'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.es_AR.yml
index e05028a504..2d2f4ebc87 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': null
+'Delete country': null
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': null
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit country name': null
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': null
+'Changing country name': null
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': null
+'Translate country name': null
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': null
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': null
+'Add New Country': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.fa.yml
index e05028a504..2d2f4ebc87 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.fa.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': null
+'Delete country': null
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': null
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit country name': null
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': null
+'Changing country name': null
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': null
+'Translate country name': null
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': null
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': null
+'Add New Country': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.fr.yml
index e05028a504..6b9dfae4ab 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.fr.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des pays. '
+'Delete country': 'Supprimez pays'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des pays.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Etes-vous sûr que vous voulez supprimer le pays $1 ? '
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'Le pays $1 ne pouvait pas être supprimé. '
+'Edit country name': 'Nom de pays dédition '
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de changer des noms de pays. '
+'Changing country name': 'Changement de nom de pays '
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'Le nom de pays $1 ne pouvait pas être changé'
+'Translate country name': 'Traduire le nom de pays '
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de traduire des noms de pays. '
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'Le nom de pays $1 ne pouvait pas être traduit '
+'Add New Country': 'Ajoutez Nouveau Pays '
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.he.yml
index e05028a504..2d2f4ebc87 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.he.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': null
+'Delete country': null
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': null
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit country name': null
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': null
+'Changing country name': null
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': null
+'Translate country name': null
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': null
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': null
+'Add New Country': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.hr.yml
index e05028a504..51e18c6f22 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.hr.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati zemlje.'
+'Delete country': 'Izbriši zemlju.'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Nemate ovlasti brisati zemlje.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati zemlju $1?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'Zemlja $1 ne može se obrisati.'
+'Edit country name': 'Uredite ime zemlje'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Nemate ovlasti mijenjati imena zemalja.'
+'Changing country name': 'Mijenjanje imena zemlje'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'Ime zemlje $1 ne može se promijeniti'
+'Translate country name': 'Prevedi ime zemlje'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Nemate ovlasti prevoditi imena zemalja.'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'Ime zemlje $1 ne može se prevesti.'
+'Add New Country': 'Dodaj novu zemlju'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.hu.yml
index e05028a504..223d588cc6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.hu.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': 'Nem lehet létrehozni a/z $1 országot.'
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Már létezik $1 kódú ország.'
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Nincs jogod az országok hozzáadásához.'
+'Delete country': 'Ország törlése'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Nincs jogod az országok törléséhez.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Biztosan törölni kívánod a következő országot: $1?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'Nem lehet törölni a következő országot: $1.'
+'Edit country name': 'Az ország nevének szerkesztése'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Nincs jogod az országnevek módosításához.'
+'Changing country name': 'Az országnév módosítása'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'Nem lehet módosítani a/z $1 országnevet '
+'Translate country name': 'Az országnév fordítása'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Nincs jogod az országnevek lefordításához.'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'Nem lehet lefordítani a/z $1 országnevet'
+'Add New Country': 'Új ország hozzáadása'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.hy_AM.yml
index e05028a504..2d2f4ebc87 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': null
+'Delete country': null
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': null
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit country name': null
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': null
+'Changing country name': null
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': null
+'Translate country name': null
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': null
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': null
+'Add New Country': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ka.yml
index e05028a504..2b14c97046 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ka.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': '$1 ქვეყანა ვერ შეიქმნა.'
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'ქვეყანა $1 კოდით უკვე არსებობს.'
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ქვეყნების დამატების უფლება.'
+'Delete country': 'ქვეყნის წაშლა'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ქვეყნების წაშლის უფლება.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ ამ ქვეყნის წაშლა: $1?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 ვერ წაიშალა.'
+'Edit country name': 'ქვეყნის სახელის რედაქტირება'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ქვეყნის სახელის შეცვლის უფლკება'
+'Changing country name': 'ქვეყნის სახელის შეცვლა'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'ქვეყნის სახელი $1 ვერ შეიცვალა'
+'Translate country name': 'ქვეყნის სახელის თარგმნა'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ქვეყნის სახელის თარგმნის უფლება.'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'ქვეყნის სახელი ($1) ვერ ითარგმნა.'
+'Add New Country': 'ახალი ქვეყნის დამატება'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ko.yml
index e05028a504..6f887262d1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ko.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': '국가를 추가할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Delete country': '국가 삭제'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': '국가를 삭제할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': '국가 $1 을 확실히 삭제합니까?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': '국가 $1을 삭제할 수없습니다. '
+'Edit country name': '국가 이름 변경 '
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': '국가 이름을 변경할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Changing country name': '국가 이름 변경중'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': '국가 이름 $1 을 변경할 수 없습니다. '
+'Translate country name': '국가 이름 번역'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': '국가 이름을 번역할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': '국가 이름 41 을 번역할 수없습니다. '
+'Add New Country': '새로운 국가 추가'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ku.yml
index e05028a504..2d2f4ebc87 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ku.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': null
+'Delete country': null
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': null
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit country name': null
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': null
+'Changing country name': null
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': null
+'Translate country name': null
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': null
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': null
+'Add New Country': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.lv.yml
index e05028a504..2d2f4ebc87 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.lv.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': null
+'Delete country': null
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': null
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit country name': null
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': null
+'Changing country name': null
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': null
+'Translate country name': null
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': null
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': null
+'Add New Country': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.nb_NO.yml
index e05028a504..2d2f4ebc87 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': null
+'Delete country': null
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': null
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit country name': null
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': null
+'Changing country name': null
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': null
+'Translate country name': null
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': null
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': null
+'Add New Country': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.pl.yml
index e05028a504..afb50868d9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.pl.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': 'Kraj $1 nie może zostać utworzony.'
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Kraj z kodem $1 już istnieje.'
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Brak wystarczających praw do dodawania krajów.'
+'Delete country': 'Usuń kraj'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Nie masz praw by usuwać kraje'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Na pewno usunąć kraj $1?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'Kraj $1 nie mógł być usunięty.'
+'Edit country name': 'Edytuj nazwę kraju'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Nie masz praw by edytować nazwy krajów.'
+'Changing country name': 'Zmiana nazwy kraju.'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'Nazwa kraju $1 nie została zmieniona'
+'Translate country name': 'Przetłumacz nazwę kraju'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Brak wystarczających praw do tłumaczenia nazw krajów.'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'Nazwa kraju $1 nie została przetłumaczona'
+'Add New Country': 'Dodaj nowy kraj'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ps.yml
index e05028a504..2d2f4ebc87 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.ps.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': null
+'Delete country': null
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': null
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit country name': null
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': null
+'Changing country name': null
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': null
+'Translate country name': null
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': null
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': null
+'Add New Country': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.pt_BR.yml
index e05028a504..e0f5c95c66 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Não tem permissão para adicionar Paises'
+'Delete country': 'Eliminar Pais'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Não tem permissão para eliminar Paises'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Deseja eliminar o pais $1?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'O Pais $1 não pode ser eliminado.'
+'Edit country name': 'Alterar nome do Pais'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Não tem permissões para Alterar nome de Paises'
+'Changing country name': 'Alterando Nome de Pais'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'O Nome do Pais $1 não pode ser Alterado'
+'Translate country name': 'Traduzir Nome de Pais'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Não tem permissões para Traduzir nomes de Paises'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'O Nome do Pais $1 não pode ser Traduzido'
+'Add New Country': 'Adicionar País.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sh.yml
index e05028a504..48f31f45f8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sh.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': 'Država $1 ne može biti kreirana.'
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Država sa kodom $1 već postoji.'
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete države.'
+'Delete country': 'Obriši državu'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete države.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete državu $1?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'Država $1 ne može biti obrisana.'
+'Edit country name': 'Uredi ime države'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Nemate pravo da menjate imena država'
+'Changing country name': 'Menjanje imena države'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'Ime države $1 ne može biti promenjeno'
+'Translate country name': 'Prevedi ime države'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Nemate pravo da prevodite imena država.'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'Ime države $1 ne može biti prevedeno'
+'Add New Country': 'Dodaj novu državu'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sq.yml
index e05028a504..2d2f4ebc87 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sq.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': null
+'Delete country': null
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': null
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit country name': null
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': null
+'Changing country name': null
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': null
+'Translate country name': null
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': null
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': null
+'Add New Country': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sr.yml
index e05028a504..42d84cecd0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sr.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': 'Држава $1 не може бити креирана.'
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Држава са кодом $1 већ постоји.'
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Немате право да додајете државе'
+'Delete country': 'Обриши државу'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Немате право да бришете државе'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Сигурни сте да желите да обришете државу $1?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'Држава $1 не може бити обрисана'
+'Edit country name': 'Уреди име државе'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Немате право да мењате имена држава'
+'Changing country name': 'Мењање имена државе'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'Име државе $1 не може бити промењено'
+'Translate country name': 'Преведи име државе'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Немате право да преводите имена држава'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'Име државе $1 не може бити преведено'
+'Add New Country': 'Додај нову државу'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sv.yml
index e05028a504..ee81779087 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/country.sv.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-'The country $1 could not be created.': 'The country $1 could not be created.'
-'Country with code $1 exists already.': 'Country with code $1 exists already.'
-'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'You do not have the right to add countries.'
-'Delete country': 'Delete country'
-'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'You do not have the right to delete countries.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?'
-'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'The country $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit country name': 'Edit country name'
-'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'You do not have the right to change country names.'
-'Changing country name': 'Changing country name'
-'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'The country name $1 could not be changed'
-'Translate country name': 'Translate country name'
-'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'You do not have the right to translate country names.'
-'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'The country name $1 could not be translated'
-'Add New Country': 'Add New Country'
+'The country $1 could not be created.': null
+'Country with code $1 exists already.': null
+'You do not have the right to add countries.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till länder.'
+'Delete country': 'Radera land'
+'You do not have the right to delete countries.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera länder.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?': 'Är du säker att du vill radera landet $1?'
+'The country $1 could not be deleted.': 'Landet $1 kunde inte raderas.'
+'Edit country name': 'Redigera landsnamn'
+'You do not have the right to change country names.': 'Du har inte rätt att ändra på landsnamn.'
+'Changing country name': 'Ändrar landsnamn'
+'The country name $1 could not be changed': 'Landsnamnet $1 kunde inte ändras'
+'Translate country name': 'Översätt landsnamn'
+'You do not have the right to translate country names.': 'Du har inte rätt att översätta landsnamn'
+'The country name $1 could not be translated': 'Landsnamnet $1 kunde inte översättas'
+'Add New Country': 'Lägg till nytt land'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.az.yml
index 293d196933..2646252713 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.az.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: Yüklənir...
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Populyarlığına görə son 20 məqalə'
+'Articles diagrams': 'Məqalələrin diaqramı'
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org bloq oxucusu'
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org Xəbər oxucusu'
+'Feed reader': 'Axın oxucusu'
+Go: Get
+'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Axtarışı'
+Files: Fayllar
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org qəzetinə abunəlik'
+'Maps search': 'Xəritə axtarışı'
+'Default location': 'İlkin məkan'
+Title: Başlıq
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org axın oxucusu'
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev axın oxucusu'
+'Recently Published Articles': 'Son Məşr Edilmiş Məqalələr'
+'Recently Modified Articles': 'Son Dəyişilmiş Məqalələr'
+'Pending Articles': 'Gözləmədəki Məqalələr'
+'Paste google generated code': 'Google tərəfindən hazırlanmış şifrəni daxil et'
+'Most Popular Articles': 'Ən Populyar Məqalələr'
+'Media files': 'Mətbuat faylları'
+'Hello world!': 'Salam dünya!'
+'Hello World!': 'Salam Dünya!'
+'Google gadget': 'Google aləti'
+'Feed url': 'Axın url-i'
+'Access Denied': 'Giriş Dayandırıldı'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.be.yml
index 293d196933..31bb07bdbc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.be.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: Пампуецца...
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': 'Пошук па Wikipedia'
+Files: Файлы
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Падпіска на навіны Sourcefabric'
+'Maps search': 'Пошук па карце'
+'Default location': 'Пазіцыя па-змаўчанні'
+Title: Загаловак
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Счытвальнік каналаў Sourcefabric.org'
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Счытвальнік dev каналаў Sourcefabric.org'
+'Recently Published Articles': 'Апошнія апублікаваныя артыкулы'
+'Recently Modified Articles': 'Апошнія змененыя артыкулы'
+'Pending Articles': 'Незакончаныя артыкулы'
+'Paste google generated code': 'Уставіць згенераваны google-код'
+'Most Popular Articles': 'Найбольш папулярныя артыкулы'
+'Media files': Медыя-файлы
+'Hello world!': 'Прывітанне, свет!'
+'Hello World!': 'Прывітанне, Свет!'
+'Google gadget': 'Гаджеты Google'
+'Feed url': 'URL каналаў'
+'Access Denied': 'Доступ забаронены'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.bn.yml
index 293d196933..7cf06a8c01 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.bn.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: null
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: null
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: null
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.cs.yml
index 293d196933..70c8244bc2 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.cs.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
+Loading...: 'Nahrává se...'
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': '20 nejnovějších článku dle popularity'
+'Articles diagrams': 'Diagramy článků'
'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Go: Jít
+'Wikipedia Search': 'Hledat ve Wikipedii'
+Files: Soubory
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Předplatné informačních bulletinů na Sourcefabric.org'
+'Maps search': 'Hledat v mapách'
+'Default location': 'Výchozí lokalita'
+Title: Název
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Čtečky Sourcefabric.org'
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Dev čtečky Sourcefabric.org'
+'Recently Published Articles': 'Nedávno publikované články'
+'Recently Modified Articles': 'Nedávno změněné články'
+'Pending Articles': 'Dosud nevyřízené články'
+'Paste google generated code': 'Vložit kód vygenerovaný googlem'
+'Most Popular Articles': 'Nejoblíbenější články'
+'Media files': 'Soubory médií'
+'Hello world!': 'Ahoj světe!'
+'Hello World!': 'Ahoj Světe!'
+'Google gadget': 'Google zlepšovák'
+'Feed url': 'Vložit URL'
+'Access Denied': 'Vstup zamítnut'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.da.yml
index 293d196933..748b7bebaf 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.da.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
+Loading...: Henter...
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Seneste 20 artikler efter popularitet'
+'Articles diagrams': 'Artikel diagrammer'
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog læser'
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org nyheder'
+'Feed reader': 'Feed læser'
+Go: Gå
+'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia søgning'
+Files: Filer
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Abonnement på Sourcefabric.org nyhedsbrevet'
+'Maps search': 'Kort søgning'
+'Default location': 'Standard sted'
+Title: Titel
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed læser'
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed læser'
+'Recently Published Articles': 'Artikler udgivet for nylig'
+'Recently Modified Articles': 'Nyligt redigerede artikler'
+'Pending Articles': 'Ventende artikler'
+'Paste google generated code': 'Indsæt google genereret kode'
+'Most Popular Articles': 'Mest populære artikler'
+'Media files': 'Medie filer'
'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+'Feed url': 'Feed URL'
+'Access Denied': 'Adgang forbudt'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.de.yml
index 293d196933..03c8096f16 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.de.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: Lade...
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Neuesten 20 Arikeln nach Popularität'
+'Articles diagrams': Artikeldiagramm
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': ' Sourcefabric.org Blog lesen'
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News lesen'
+'Feed reader': Feedreader
+Go: Starten
+'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Suche'
+Files: Dateien
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org Newsletter Abonnement'
+'Maps search': Kartensuche
+'Default location': Standardort
+Title: Titel
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org Feedreader'
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org Dev Feedreader'
+'Recently Published Articles': 'Kürzlich veröffentlichte Artikel'
+'Recently Modified Articles': 'Kürzlich veränderte Artikel'
+'Pending Articles': 'Eingereichte Artikel'
+'Paste google generated code': 'Google Codesnippet einfügen'
+'Most Popular Articles': 'Beliebteste Artkel'
+'Media files': Mediendateien
+'Hello world!': 'Hallo Welt!'
+'Hello World!': 'Hallo Welt!'
+'Google gadget': 'Google Gadget'
+'Feed url': 'URL eingeben'
+'Access Denied': 'Zugang verweigert'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.de_AT.yml
index 293d196933..e302958359 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: Lade...
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': ' Sourcefabric.org Blog lesen'
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News lesen'
+'Feed reader': Feedreader
+Go: Starten
+'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Suche'
+Files: Dateien
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org Newsletter Abonnement'
+'Maps search': Kartensuche
+'Default location': Standardort
+Title: Titel
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org Feedreader'
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org Dev Feedreader'
+'Recently Published Articles': 'Kürzlich veröffentlichte Artikel'
+'Recently Modified Articles': 'Kürzlich veränderte Artikel'
+'Pending Articles': 'Eingereichte Artikel'
+'Paste google generated code': 'Google Codesnippet einfügen'
+'Most Popular Articles': 'Beliebteste Artkel'
+'Media files': Mediendateien
+'Hello world!': 'Hallo Welt!'
+'Hello World!': 'Hallo Welt!'
+'Google gadget': 'Google Gadget'
+'Feed url': 'URL eingeben'
+'Access Denied': 'Zugang verweigert'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.en_GB.yml
index 293d196933..98744f70d6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.en_GB.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Loading...: Loading...
'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
+'Articles diagrams': 'Article diagrams'
'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.es.yml
index 293d196933..39488bddaf 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.es.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: Cargando...
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Últimos 20 artículos según popularidad'
+'Articles diagrams': 'Diagramas de los artículos'
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Lector del blog de Sourcefabric.org'
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Lector de las noticias de Sourcefabric.org'
+'Feed reader': Lector
+Go: Ir
+'Wikipedia Search': 'Búsqueda en Wikipedia'
+Files: Archivos
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Suscripción al boletín de Sourcefabric.org'
+'Maps search': 'Búsqueda de mapas'
+'Default location': 'Ubicación por defecto'
+Title: Tìtulo
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Lector RSS de Sourcefabric.org'
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Lector RSS sobre temas técnicos de Sourcefabric.org'
+'Recently Published Articles': 'Artículos recién publicados'
+'Recently Modified Articles': 'Artículos recién modificados'
+'Pending Articles': 'Artículos pendientes'
+'Paste google generated code': 'Pegar código generado por Google'
+'Most Popular Articles': 'Artículos más populares'
+'Media files': 'Biblioteca multimedia'
+'Hello world!': '¡Hola mundo!'
+'Hello World!': '¡Hola mundo!'
+'Google gadget': 'Gadget de Google'
+'Feed url': 'URL del RSS'
+'Access Denied': 'Acceso denegado'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.es_AR.yml
index 293d196933..ca4fd303fc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: Cargando...
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: null
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: Título
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.fa.yml
index 293d196933..7cf06a8c01 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.fa.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: null
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: null
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: null
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.fr.yml
index 293d196933..2425df33f0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.fr.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: null
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: null
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: Titre
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.he.yml
index 293d196933..7cf06a8c01 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.he.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: null
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: null
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: null
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.hr.yml
index 293d196933..f1b354acf1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.hr.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: null
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: Datoteke
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: null
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.hu.yml
index 293d196933..6b5b1454e6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.hu.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: Betöltés...
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Az utolsó 20 cikk népszerűség szerint'
+'Articles diagrams': Cikkdiagramok
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blogolvasó'
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org hírek olvasó'
+'Feed reader': Hírolvasó
+Go: Ugrás
+'Wikipedia Search': Wikipédia-kereső
+Files: Fájlok
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Feliratkozás a Sourcefabric.org hírlevelére'
+'Maps search': 'Térképek keresése'
+'Default location': 'Alapértelmezett tartózkodási hely'
+Title: Cím
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org hírolvasó'
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org fejlesztői hírolvasó'
+'Recently Published Articles': 'Mostanában közzétett cikkek'
+'Recently Modified Articles': 'Mostanában módosított cikkek'
+'Pending Articles': 'Függőben lévő cikkek'
+'Paste google generated code': 'A Google által generált kód beillesztése'
+'Most Popular Articles': 'Legnépszerűbb cikkek'
+'Media files': Médiafájlok
+'Hello world!': 'Helló, világ!'
+'Hello World!': 'Helló, Világ!'
+'Google gadget': Google-modul
+'Feed url': 'Hírcsatorna URL-címe'
+'Access Denied': 'A hozzáférés megtagadva'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.hy_AM.yml
index 293d196933..e318ba2457 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: 'Բեռնվում է...'
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: null
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: Վերնագիր
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.ka.yml
index 293d196933..e3f1e77801 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.ka.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: იტვირთება...
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'უკანასკნელი 20 სტატია პოპულარობის მიხედვით'
+'Articles diagrams': 'სტატიების დიაგრამები'
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org ბლოგის მკითხველი '
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org ახალი ამბების მკითხველი '
+'Feed reader': 'არხის მკითხველი '
+Go: გადასვლა
+'Wikipedia Search': 'ვიკიპედიის ძიება'
+Files: ფაილები
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org-ის საინფორმაციო ბიულეტენის გამოწერა'
+'Maps search': 'რუკის ძიება'
+'Default location': 'ადგილმდებარეობა გაჩუმების პრინციპით'
+Title: სათაური
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed რიდერი'
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org დეველოპერთა feed რიდერი'
+'Recently Published Articles': 'ახალხან გამოქვეყნებული სტატიები'
+'Recently Modified Articles': 'ახლახან მოდიფიცირებული სტატიები'
+'Pending Articles': 'მიმდინარე სტატიები'
+'Paste google generated code': 'google-ის მიერ გენერირებული კოდის ჩასმა'
+'Most Popular Articles': 'ყველაზე პოპულარული სტატიები'
+'Media files': 'მედია ფაილი'
+'Hello world!': 'მოგესალმებით სამყარო!'
+'Hello World!': 'მოგესალმებით სამყარო!'
+'Google gadget': 'Google გაჯეტი'
+'Feed url': 'არხის url'
+'Access Denied': 'წვდომა აკრძალულია'
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index 293d196933..349913b5b7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.ko.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: null
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: 파일
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: null
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
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index 293d196933..7cf06a8c01 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.ku.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: null
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: null
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: null
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
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index 293d196933..7cf06a8c01 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.lv.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: null
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: null
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: null
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
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index 293d196933..7cf06a8c01 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: null
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: null
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: null
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.pl.yml
index 293d196933..4f28928773 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.pl.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: Ladowanie...
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Popularność ostatnich 20 artykułów.'
+'Articles diagrams': 'Wykresy dla artykułów'
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Nowe posty od Sourcefabric.org'
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Newsy od Sourcefabric.org'
+'Feed reader': 'Czytnik newsow'
+Go: idź
+'Wikipedia Search': 'Szukaj w Wikipedii.'
+Files: Pliki
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Zapisz się do newslettera Sourcefabric'
+'Maps search': 'Wyszukaj na mapie'
+'Default location': 'Domyślna lokalizacja'
+Title: Tytuł
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Nowości z Sourcefabric'
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Aktulności dla developerów od Sourcefabric'
+'Recently Published Articles': 'Ostanio opublikowane artykuły'
+'Recently Modified Articles': 'Ostatnio modyfikowane artykuły'
+'Pending Articles': 'Oczekujące artykuły'
+'Paste google generated code': 'Wklej wygenerowany kod google'
+'Most Popular Articles': 'Najpopularniejsze artykuły'
+'Media files': 'Pliki mediów'
+'Hello world!': 'Witaj Świecie!'
+'Hello World!': 'Witaj Świecie!'
+'Google gadget': 'Gadżet Google'
+'Feed url': 'URL źródła'
+'Access Denied': 'Dostęp zabroniony'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.ps.yml
index 293d196933..7cf06a8c01 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.ps.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: null
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: null
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: null
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.pt_BR.yml
index 293d196933..8dda5dbae5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: Carregando...
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: Arquivos
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: Título
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': 'Artigos pendentes'
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sh.yml
index 293d196933..0954b1d19b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sh.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
+Loading...: Učitavanje...
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: Idi
+'Wikipedia Search': 'Pretraga Wikipedie'
+Files: Fajlova
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Prijava na sourcefabric.org newsletter'
+'Maps search': 'Pretraga mapa'
+'Default location': 'Podrazumevana lokacija'
+Title: Naslov
'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+'Recently Published Articles': 'skoro objavljeni tekstovi'
+'Recently Modified Articles': 'Skoro menjani tekstovi'
+'Pending Articles': 'Tekstovi na čekanju'
+'Paste google generated code': 'Zalepi kod koji je generisao google'
+'Most Popular Articles': 'Najpopularniji tekstovi'
+'Media files': 'Media fajlovi'
+'Hello world!': 'Zdravo svete!'
+'Hello World!': 'Zdravo svete!'
+'Google gadget': 'Google spravica'
+'Feed url': 'Adresa feeda'
+'Access Denied': 'Pristup zabranjen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sq.yml
index 293d196933..7cf06a8c01 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sq.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: null
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: null
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: null
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sr.yml
index 293d196933..f0a9fd2d8e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sr.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
+Loading...: Учитавање...
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: Иди
+'Wikipedia Search': 'Претрага Википедије'
+Files: Фајлова
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Пријава на sourcefabric.org newsletter'
+'Maps search': 'Претрага мапа'
+'Default location': 'Подразумевана локација'
+Title: Наслов
'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+'Recently Published Articles': 'Скоро објављени текстови'
+'Recently Modified Articles': 'Скоро мењани текстови'
+'Pending Articles': 'Текстови на чекању'
+'Paste google generated code': 'Залепи код који је генерисао гугл'
+'Most Popular Articles': 'Најпопуларнији текстови'
+'Media files': 'Медиа фајлови'
+'Hello world!': 'Здраво свете!'
+'Hello World!': 'Здраво свете!'
+'Google gadget': 'Google справица'
+'Feed url': 'Адреса feeda'
+'Access Denied': 'Приступ забрањен'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sv.yml
index 293d196933..cb187f537a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/extensions.sv.yml
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-Loading...: Loading...
-'Latest 20 articles by popularity': 'Latest 20 articles by popularity'
-'Articles diagrams': 'Articles diagrams'
-'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': 'Sourcefabric.org blog reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org News reader': 'Sourcefabric.org News reader'
-'Feed reader': 'Feed reader'
-Go: Go
-'Wikipedia Search': 'Wikipedia Search'
-Files: Files
-'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': 'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription'
-'Maps search': 'Maps search'
-'Default location': 'Default location'
-Title: Title
-'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org feed reader'
-'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': 'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader'
-'Recently Published Articles': 'Recently Published Articles'
-'Recently Modified Articles': 'Recently Modified Articles'
-'Pending Articles': 'Pending Articles'
-'Paste google generated code': 'Paste google generated code'
-'Most Popular Articles': 'Most Popular Articles'
-'Media files': 'Media files'
-'Hello world!': 'Hello world!'
-'Hello World!': 'Hello World!'
-'Google gadget': 'Google gadget'
-'Feed url': 'Feed url'
-'Access Denied': 'Access Denied'
+Loading...: null
+'Latest 20 articles by popularity': null
+'Articles diagrams': null
+'Sourcefabric.org blog reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org News reader': null
+'Feed reader': null
+Go: null
+'Wikipedia Search': null
+Files: Filer
+'Sourcefabric.org newsletter subscription': null
+'Maps search': null
+'Default location': null
+Title: null
+'Sourcefabric.org feed reader': null
+'Sourcefabric.org dev feed reader': null
+'Recently Published Articles': null
+'Recently Modified Articles': null
+'Pending Articles': null
+'Paste google generated code': null
+'Most Popular Articles': null
+'Media files': null
+'Hello world!': null
+'Hello World!': null
+'Google gadget': null
+'Feed url': null
+'Access Denied': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.az.yml
index aaf6350efc..825c02f535 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.az.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': 'Əlavə edilmiş fayl yoxdur'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Çoxsaylı mesajları həmişəlik silmək ərəfəsindəsən.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Mesajı həmişəlik silmək ərəfəsindəsən.'
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Bunu etmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+Approve: 'Təsdiq et'
+Approved.: Təsdiqləndi.
+at: burada
+Attachment: 'Əlavə fayl'
+'Ban/Unban user': 'İstifadəçini Kilidlə/Kilidini Aç'
+'Change selected messages status': 'Seçilmiş mesajların statusunu dəyiş'
+Deleted: Silindi
+'Full article': 'Tam məqalə'
+Message: Mesaj
+'Message deleted.': 'Mesaj silindi.'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Mesajlar silindi.'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Mesajların statusu $1 olaraq təyin edildi.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Mesaj statusu $1 olaraq təyin edildi.'
+'Messages updated.': 'Mesajlar yeniləndi.'
+'Message updated.': 'Mesaj yeniləndi.'
+Processed: 'İcra edildi'
+Reply: 'Cavab yaz'
+'Reply to message': 'Mesaja cavab yaz'
+Star: Ulduz
+Starred: Ulduzlu
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Newscoop-a keçmək mümkün deyil. Lütfən, internet bağlantını yoxla.'
+'With document attachment': 'Sənəd əlavəsi ilə'
+'With image attachment': 'Şəkil əlavəsi ilə'
+'With no attachment': 'Əlavə faylsız'
+'Feedback Messages': 'Rəy Mesajları'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.be.yml
index aaf6350efc..3d9d5c74c8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.be.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Вы прыйшлі на старонку, каб назаўсёды выдаліць шматлікія паведамленні.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Вы прыйшлі на старонку, каб выдаліць паведамленне.'
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: Зацвердзіць
+Approved.: Зацверджана
+at: на
+Attachment: 'Прымацаваны файл'
+'Ban/Unban user': 'Забараніць/дазволіць карыстальніку камэнтаваць'
+'Change selected messages status': 'Змяніць статус выдзеленых паведамленняў'
+Deleted: Выдаленае
+'Full article': 'Увесь тэкст артыкула'
+Message: Паведамленне
+'Message deleted.': 'Паведамленне выдаленае.'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Паведамленні выдаленыя.'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Статус паведамлення зменены на $1.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Статус паведамлення зменены на $1.'
+'Messages updated.': 'Паведамленні абноўленыя'
+'Message updated.': 'Паведамленне абноўленае'
+Processed: Апрацаванае
+Reply: Адказ
+'Reply to message': 'Адказаць на паведамленне'
+Star: Зорачка
+Starred: 'Пазначаныя зорачкай'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Немагчыма звязацца з Newscoop. Калі ласка, праверце ваша інтэрнэт-злучэнне.'
+'With document attachment': 'З прыкладзеным дакументам'
+'With image attachment': 'З прыкладзенай выявай'
+'With no attachment': 'Без ўкладання'
+'Feedback Messages': 'Адказ на паведамленні'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.bn.yml
index aaf6350efc..6a086cf602 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.bn.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.cs.yml
index aaf6350efc..06a16d5eb9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.cs.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': 'Žádná příloha'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Chystáte se trvale vymazat hromadné zprávy'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Chystáte se permanentně vymazat zprávu'
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Jste si jisti, že to chcete udělat?'
+Approve: Schválit
+Approved.: Schváleno
+at: na
+Attachment: Příloha
+'Ban/Unban user': 'Zakázat/Obnovit uživatele'
+'Change selected messages status': 'Změnit statu vybraným zprávám'
+Deleted: Vymazat
+'Full article': 'Celý článek'
+Message: Zpráva;
+'Message deleted.': 'Zpráva vymazána'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Zprávy vymazány'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Statu zpráv změněn na $1'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Status zprávy změněn na $1'
+'Messages updated.': 'Zprávy aktualizovány'
+'Message updated.': 'Zpráva aktualizována'
+Processed: Zpracováno
+Reply: Odpovědět
+'Reply to message': 'Odpovědět na zprávu'
+Star: Hvězda
+Starred: 'S hvězdičkou'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Nepodařilo se spojit s Newscoop. Zkontrolujte prosím své připojení k internetu.'
+'With document attachment': 'S přílohou dokumentu'
+'With image attachment': 'S přílohou obrázku'
+'With no attachment': 'Bez přílohy'
+'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback zpráv'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.da.yml
index aaf6350efc..30c2062f9d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.da.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': 'Ingen vedhæfning'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Du er ved at slette flere meddelelser permanent.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Du er ved at slette nen meddelelse permanent.'
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Er du sikker på det er det du vil?'
+Approve: Godkend
+Approved.: Godkendt.
+at: på
+Attachment: Vedhæftning
+'Ban/Unban user': 'Bloker/afbloker bruger'
+'Change selected messages status': 'Skift status for valgte beskeder'
+Deleted: Slettet
+'Full article': 'Fuld artikel'
+Message: Besked
+'Message deleted.': 'Besked slettet.'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Beskeder slettet.'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Beskeders status ændret til $1.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Beskeds status ændret til $1.'
+'Messages updated.': 'Beskeder opdateret.'
+'Message updated.': 'Besked opdateret.'
+Processed: Behandlet
+Reply: Svar
+'Reply to message': 'Send svar'
+Star: Stjernemarkér
+Starred: Stjernemarkeret
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Ingen kontakt til Newscoop. Tjek at du har forbindelse til internettet.'
+'With document attachment': 'Med vedhæftet dokument'
+'With image attachment': 'Med vedhæftet billede'
+'With no attachment': 'Uden vedhæftninger'
+'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback beskeder'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.de.yml
index aaf6350efc..2a3f1d6856 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.de.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': 'Kein Anhang'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Sie sind im Begriff mehrere Nachrichten permanent zu löschen. '
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Sie sind im Begriff eine Nachricht permanent zu löschen. '
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das tun wollen? '
+Approve: Genehmigen
+Approved.: 'Genehmigt. '
+at: auf
+Attachment: Anhang
+'Ban/Unban user': 'User sperren / entsperren '
+'Change selected messages status': 'Status der ausgewählten Nachrichen ändern.'
+Deleted: Gelöscht
+'Full article': 'Ganzer Artikel'
+Message: Nachricht
+'Message deleted.': 'Nachrichten gelöscht. '
+'Messages deleted.': 'Nachrichten gelöscht. '
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Status der Nachrichen ändern zu $1.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Status der Nachricht ändern zu $1.'
+'Messages updated.': 'Nachrichten aktualisiert. '
+'Message updated.': 'Nachricht aktualisiert. '
+Processed: Verarbeitet
+Reply: Antworten
+'Reply to message': 'Auf Nachricht antworten'
+Star: Stern
+Starred: 'Mit Stern versehen'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Die Verbindung zu Newscoop kann nicht hergestellt werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie ihre Internetverbindung. '
+'With document attachment': 'Mit angehängtem Dokument'
+'With image attachment': 'Mit angehängtem Bild '
+'With no attachment': 'Ohne Anhang'
+'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Nachricht'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.de_AT.yml
index aaf6350efc..f526b72913 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Sie sind im Begriff mehrere Nachrichten permanent zu löschen. '
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Sie sind im Begriff eine Nachricht permanent zu löschen. '
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das tun wollen? '
+Approve: Genehmigen
+Approved.: 'Genehmigt. '
+at: auf
+Attachment: Anhang
+'Ban/Unban user': 'User sperren / entsperren '
+'Change selected messages status': 'Status der ausgewählten Nachrichen ändern.'
+Deleted: Gelöscht
+'Full article': 'Ganzer Artikel'
+Message: Nachricht
+'Message deleted.': 'Nachrichten gelöscht. '
+'Messages deleted.': 'Nachrichten gelöscht. '
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Status der Nachrichen ändern zu $1.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Status der Nachricht ändern zu $1.'
+'Messages updated.': 'Nachrichten aktualisiert. '
+'Message updated.': 'Nachricht aktualisiert. '
+Processed: Verarbeitet
+Reply: Antworten
+'Reply to message': 'Auf Nachricht antworten'
+Star: Stern
+Starred: 'Mit Stern versehen'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Die Verbindung zu Newscoop kann nicht hergestellt werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie ihre Internetverbindung. '
+'With document attachment': 'Mit angehängtem Dokument'
+'With image attachment': 'Mit angehängtem Bild '
+'With no attachment': 'Ohne Anhang'
+'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Nachricht'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.en_GB.yml
index aaf6350efc..aeee370d22 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.en_GB.yml
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ Deleted: Deleted
Message: Message
'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status changed to $1.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status changed to $1.'
'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
Processed: Processed
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.es.yml
index aaf6350efc..2656596d7b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.es.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': 'Sin adjunto'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Está a punto de eliminar múltiples mensajes de forma permanente.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Está a punto de eliminar un mensaje de forma permanente.'
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': '¿Está seguro de que quiere hacerlo?'
+Approve: Aprobar
+Approved.: Aprobado
+at: en
+Attachment: Adjunto
+'Ban/Unban user': 'Bloquear/desbloquear usuario'
+'Change selected messages status': 'Cambiar los mensajes de estatus seleccionados'
+Deleted: Eliminado
+'Full article': 'Artículo completo'
+Message: Mensaje
+'Message deleted.': 'Mensaje eliminado.'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Mensajes eliminados.'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'El estatus del mensaje cambió a $1.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Estatus del mensaje cambió a $1.'
+'Messages updated.': 'Mensajes actualizados'
+'Message updated.': 'Mensaje actualizado.'
+Processed: Procesado
+Reply: Responder
+'Reply to message': 'Responder a mensaje'
+Star: Ponderación
+Starred: Ponderado
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'No se pudo conectar a Newscoop. Por favor, verifica tu conexión a Internet.'
+'With document attachment': 'Con documento adjunto'
+'With image attachment': 'Con imagen adjunta'
+'With no attachment': 'Sin adjunto'
+'Feedback Messages': 'Mensajes de retroalimentación'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.es_AR.yml
index aaf6350efc..6a086cf602 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.fa.yml
index aaf6350efc..6a086cf602 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.fa.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.fr.yml
index aaf6350efc..19e239b19d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.fr.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: 'Pièce jointe'
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.he.yml
index aaf6350efc..6a086cf602 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.he.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.hr.yml
index aaf6350efc..6a086cf602 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.hr.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.hu.yml
index aaf6350efc..4f73942bde 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.hu.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': 'Nincs melléklet'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Több üzenet végleges törlésére készülsz.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Egy üzenet végleges törlésére készülsz.'
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Biztosan ezt akarod tenni?'
+Approve: Jóváhagyás
+Approved.: Jóváhagyva.
+at: null
+Attachment: Csatolmány
+'Ban/Unban user': 'Felhasználó kitiltása/kitiltásának megszüntetése'
+'Change selected messages status': 'A kijelölt üzenetek állapotának módosítása'
+Deleted: Törölve
+'Full article': 'Teljes cikk'
+Message: Üzenet
+'Message deleted.': 'Az üzenet törlése megtörtént.'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Az üzenetek törlése megtörtént.'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Az üzenetek állapotának módosítása erre: $1.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Az üzenet állapotának módosítása erre: $1.'
+'Messages updated.': 'Az üzenetek frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Message updated.': 'Az üzenet frissítése megtörtént.'
+Processed: Feldolgozva
+Reply: Válasz
+'Reply to message': 'Válasz az üzenetre'
+Star: Csillagozás
+Starred: Csillagozva
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Nem érhető el a Newscoop. Ellenőrizd az internetkapcsolatodat.'
+'With document attachment': Dokumentummelléklettel
+'With image attachment': Képmelléklettel
+'With no attachment': 'Melléklet nélkül'
+'Feedback Messages': 'Visszajelző üzenetek'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.hy_AM.yml
index aaf6350efc..6a086cf602 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ka.yml
index aaf6350efc..830805cd58 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ka.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'თქვენ ახლა სამუდამოდ წაშლით რიგ შეტყობინებებს. '
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'თქვენ ახლა სამუდამოდ წაშლით შეტყობინებას. '
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'დაადასტურეთ, რომ გსურთ ამის გაკეთება.'
+Approve: დადასტურება
+Approved.: დადასტურებული.
+at: '-ზე'
+Attachment: დანართი
+'Ban/Unban user': 'მომხმარებლისთვის ბანის დადება/მოხსნა'
+'Change selected messages status': 'არჩეული შეტყობინების სტატუსის შეცვლა'
+Deleted: წაიშალა
+'Full article': 'მთლიანი სტატია'
+Message: შეტყობინება
+'Message deleted.': 'შეტყობინება წაშლილია. '
+'Messages deleted.': 'შეტყობინებები წაშლილია '
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'შეტყობინებების სტატუსი იცვლება $1ზე.'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'შეტყობინების სტატუსი იცვლება $1ზე.'
+'Messages updated.': 'შეტყობინებები განახლებულია. '
+'Message updated.': 'შეტყობინება განახლებულია'
+Processed: დამუშავებულია
+Reply: 'პასუხის გაცემა'
+'Reply to message': 'შეტყობინებაზე პასუხის გაცემა'
+Star: ვარსკვლავი
+Starred: 'ვარსკვლავით აღნიშნული'
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'ნიუსქუფთან დაკავშირება ვერ ხერხდება. გთხოვთ შეამოწმოთ თქვენი ინტერნეტ კავშირი.'
+'With document attachment': 'თანდართულია დოკუმენტი'
+'With image attachment': 'თანდართულია გამოსახულება'
+'With no attachment': 'დანართის გარეშე'
+'Feedback Messages': 'შეფასების შეტყობინებები'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ko.yml
index aaf6350efc..6a086cf602 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ko.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ku.yml
index aaf6350efc..6a086cf602 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ku.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.lv.yml
index aaf6350efc..6a086cf602 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.lv.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.nb_NO.yml
index aaf6350efc..6a086cf602 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.pl.yml
index aaf6350efc..1492bc4031 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.pl.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': 'Brak załączników'
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'Chcesz bezpowrotnie usunąć wiele wiadomości.'
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'Chcesz bezpowrotnie usunąć tą wiadomość.'
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Jesteś pewien że chcesz to zrobić?'
+Approve: Zaakceptuj
+Approved.: Zaakceptowany
+at: w
+Attachment: Zalącznik
+'Ban/Unban user': 'Zablokuj/Odblokuj użytkownika'
+'Change selected messages status': 'Wybierz status wiadomości'
+Deleted: Usunięty
+'Full article': 'Pełny artykuł'
+Message: Wiadomość
+'Message deleted.': 'Wiadomość została usunięta'
+'Messages deleted.': 'Wiadomość została usunięta'
+'Messages status change to $1.': 'Status wiadomości został zmieniony na $1'
+'Message status change to $1.': 'Status wiadomości został zmieniony na $1'
+'Messages updated.': 'Wiadomość została zaktualizowana'
+'Message updated.': 'Wiadomość została zaktualizowana'
+Processed: Przetworzony
+Reply: Odpowiedz
+'Reply to message': 'Odpowiedz na wiadomość'
+Star: Gwiazdka
+Starred: Odznaczony
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Nie można połączyć z Newscoop. Sprawdź swoje połączenie z Internetem.'
+'With document attachment': 'Dokument dostępny w zalącznikach'
+'With image attachment': 'Zdjęcie dostępne w załącznikach'
+'With no attachment': 'Brak załączników.'
+'Feedback Messages': 'Wiadomość zwrotna'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ps.yml
index aaf6350efc..6a086cf602 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.ps.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.pt_BR.yml
index aaf6350efc..466fc47725 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Tem certeza que quer fazer isso?'
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: no
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: Removido
+'Full article': 'Artigo inteiro'
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: Responder
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Não foi possivel fazer conexão com Newscoop. Por favor verifique a sua conexão com internet.'
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sh.yml
index aaf6350efc..b3b21f2f3c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sh.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Siguri ste da želite to da uradite?'
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: u
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: Obrisano
+'Full article': 'Ceo tekst'
+Message: Poruka
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': 'Poruka obrisana.'
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': 'Poruka izmenjena.'
+'Message updated.': 'Poruka izmenjena.'
+Processed: null
+Reply: Odgovori
+'Reply to message': 'Odgovori na poruku'
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Newscoop nije dostupan. Proverite svoju interent vezu.'
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': 'Poruke sa povratnom informacijom'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sq.yml
index aaf6350efc..6a086cf602 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sq.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sr.yml
index aaf6350efc..a9aa8c9f3a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sr.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Сигурни сте да желите то да урадите?'
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: у
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: Обрисано
+'Full article': 'Цео текст'
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: Одговори
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Newscoop није доступан. Проверите своју интернет везу.'
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': 'Поруке са повратном информацијом'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sv.yml
index aaf6350efc..6a086cf602 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/feedback.sv.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-'No attachment': 'No attachment'
-'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': 'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.'
-'You are about to permanently delete a message.': 'You are about to permanently delete a message.'
-'Are you sure you want to do it?': 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
-Approve: Approve
-Approved.: Approved.
-at: at
-Attachment: Attachment
-'Ban/Unban user': 'Ban/Unban user'
-'Change selected messages status': 'Change selected messages status'
-Deleted: Deleted
-'Full article': 'Full article'
-Message: Message
-'Message deleted.': 'Message deleted.'
-'Messages deleted.': 'Messages deleted.'
-'Messages status change to $1.': 'Messages status change to $1.'
-'Message status change to $1.': 'Message status change to $1.'
-'Messages updated.': 'Messages updated.'
-'Message updated.': 'Message updated.'
-Processed: Processed
-Reply: Reply
-'Reply to message': 'Reply to message'
-Star: Star
-Starred: Starred
-'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
-'With document attachment': 'With document attachment'
-'With image attachment': 'With image attachment'
-'With no attachment': 'With no attachment'
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
+'No attachment': null
+'You are about to permanently delete multiple messages.': null
+'You are about to permanently delete a message.': null
+'Are you sure you want to do it?': null
+Approve: null
+Approved.: null
+at: null
+Attachment: null
+'Ban/Unban user': null
+'Change selected messages status': null
+Deleted: null
+'Full article': null
+Message: null
+'Message deleted.': null
+'Messages deleted.': null
+'Messages status change to $1.': null
+'Message status change to $1.': null
+'Messages updated.': null
+'Message updated.': null
+Processed: null
+Reply: null
+'Reply to message': null
+Star: null
+Starred: null
+'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.': null
+'With document attachment': null
+'With image attachment': null
+'With no attachment': null
+'Feedback Messages': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.az.yml
index 54deda19ca..2349eabb48 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.az.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'GeoNames.org və OpenStreetMap.org məlumatlarına əsaslanmışdır'
+'selected marker icon': 'seçilmiş marker işarəsi'
+'add location to map': 'məkanı xəritəyə əlavə et'
+'Video source': 'Videonun mənbəyi'
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'Ünvan məqalənin bütün tərcümələrindən xaric ediləcək.'
+'Specify country (optional)': 'Ölkəni bildir (könüllü)'
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Üzr istəyirik, məkan tapılmadı. Tələffüzünü yoxla və ya yenidən axtar.'
+'Show search results': 'Axtarış nəticələrini göstər'
+'Search for place or coordinate': 'Məkan və ya koordinasiya axtar'
+'Return to edit': 'Dəyişiklik səhifəsinə qayıt'
+'Really delete this point?': 'Bu ünvanı həqiqətən silirsən?'
+'Name and describe this location': 'Məkana ad və izah ver'
+'Map size': 'Xəritə ölçüsü'
+'Location label': 'Məkan pəncərəsi'
+'Location description:': 'Məkanın izahı:'
+'Label url': 'Pəncərə url-i'
+'Hide search results': 'Axtarış nəticələrini gizlə'
+Geo-filtering: Geo-filtrə
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Youtube ID və ya linkini yaz.'
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Vimeo ID və ya linkini yaz.'
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'YouTube, Vimeo və ya fləş video üçün video ID, link və ya fayl adını daxil et.'
+'Fill in location label': 'Məkanın pəncərəsini doldur'
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Yerli swf fləş fayl adını və ya linkini daxil et.'
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Yerli flv fləş fayl adını və ya linkini daxil et.'
+'Fill in image link, like': 'Şəkil linkini belə doldur'
+'Describe the location...': 'Məkanı izah et...'
+'Delete location': 'Məkanı sil'
+Coordinates: Koordinatlar
+'Change video display size': 'Videonun nümayiş ölçüsünü dəyiş'
+'Change image display size': 'Şəklin nümayiş ölçüsünü dəyiş'
+'Change icon of this location': 'Bu məkanın işarəsini dəyiş'
+'Center map on location': 'Xəritəni məkana uyğun olaraq mərkəzləşdir'
+'Advanced editing': 'Hərtərəfli dəyişiklik'
+'Add an image to this location': 'Bu məkana şəkil əlavə et'
+'Add a video to this location': 'Bu məkana video əlavə et'
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Dəyişiklikləri yadda saxlamadan bitirmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Map preview': 'Xəritəyə ön baxış'
+'Locations updated.': 'Məkanlar yeniləndi.'
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Xəritəyə ad təyin etməklə xəritə axtarışı asanlaşır'
+Longitude: Uzunluq
+Latitude: En
+Center: Mərkəz
+'Last Saved Map View': 'Son Xəritə Görüntüsü'
+'List of locations updated': 'Yenilənmiş məkan siyahısı'
+width: həcm
+'show initial map view': 'ilkin xəritə görünüşünü göstər'
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'məkan əməliyyatında problem var, lütfən, xəta hesabatı göndər'
+'plain text': 'adi yazı'
+'html content': 'html məzmun'
+height: uzunluq
+'fill in map name': 'xəritənin adını yaz'
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'Xəritələri məqalədən xaric etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Video file': 'Video faylı'
+'Video ID': 'Video ID-si'
+'The map has been removed from the article.': 'Xəritə məqalədən xaric edildi.'
+'Point no.': 'Ünvan nöm.'
+'Point markers': 'Ünvan markerləri'
+None: 'Heç biri'
+'Map Search Example': 'Xəritə Axtarış Nümunələri'
+'Map Preview': 'Xəritə görüntüsü'
+'Image URL': 'Şəkil URLi'
video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+text: yazı
+image: şəkil
+icon: ikon
+'Setting Map Locations': 'Xəritə Məkanlarını Quraşdırılması'
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.be.yml
index 54deda19ca..00534ccddd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.be.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': 'абраная піктаграма маркера'
+'add location to map': 'дадаць месцазнаходжанне на мапу'
+'Video source': 'Крыніца відэа'
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'Пункт будзе выдалены з усіх перакладаў гэтага артыкула.'
+'Specify country (optional)': 'Вызначце краіну (неабавязкова)'
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'На жаль, дадзенае месца не знойдзенае. Праверце напісаньне, альбо паўторыце пошук.'
+'Show search results': 'Паказаць вынікі пошуку'
+'Search for place or coordinate': 'Шукаць месца альбо каардынаты'
+'Return to edit': 'Вяртанне да рэдагавання'
+'Really delete this point?': 'Выдаліць гэты пункт?'
+'Name and describe this location': 'Назваць і апісаць месцазнаходжанне'
+'Map size': 'Памер карты'
+'Location label': 'Цэтлік месцазнаходжання'
+'Location description:': 'Апісанне месцазнаходжання:'
+'Label url': 'URL месцазнаходжання'
+'Hide search results': 'Схаваць вынікі пошуку'
+Geo-filtering: Геа-фільтр
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Увядзіце ID youtube альбо спасылку, напрыклад'
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Увядзіце ID vimeo альбо спасылку, напрыклад'
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Увядзіце ID відэа, спасылку або назву файла для Youtube, Vimeo альбо флэш-відэа.'
+'Fill in location label': 'Увядзіце цэтлік месцазнаходжання'
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Увядзіце назву мясцовага swf флэш-файла альбо спасылку, напрыклад'
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Увядзіце назву мясцовага flv флэш-файла, напрыклад'
+'Fill in image link, like': 'Увядзіце спасылку на выяву, як'
+'Describe the location...': 'Апішыце месцазнаходжанне ...'
+'Delete location': 'Выдаліце месцазнаходжанне'
+Coordinates: Каардынаты
+'Change video display size': 'Змяніць памер відэа на экране'
+'Change image display size': 'Змяніць памер выявы на экране'
+'Change icon of this location': 'Змяніць піктаграму месцазнаходжання'
+'Center map on location': 'Размясціць месцазнаходжанне ў цэнтры мапы'
+'Advanced editing': 'Пашыранае рэдагаванне'
+'Add an image to this location': 'Дадаць выяву да месцазнаходжання'
+'Add a video to this location': 'Дадаць відэа да дадзенага месцазнаходжання'
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выйсці без захавання змяненняў?'
+'Map preview': 'Папярэдні прагляд карты'
+'Locations updated.': 'Месцы падзей былі абноўленыя'
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Налада назвы карты спрыяе пошуку па карце'
+Longitude: Даўжыня
+Latitude: Шырыня
+Center: Цэнтр
+'Last Saved Map View': 'Папярэдні прагляд апошніх аднаўленьняў карты'
+'List of locations updated': 'Спіс месцаў падзей быў адноўлены'
+width: шырыня
+'show initial map view': 'паказаць першапачатковы выгляд карты'
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'Здарылася праблема ў працэсе апрацоўкі звестак, калі ласка, адпраўце паведамленне пра памылку'
+'plain text': 'просты тэкст'
+'html content': 'html код'
+height: вышыня
+'fill in map name': 'запоўніце імя карты'
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'У Вас няма дазволу для выдалення карт з артыкулаў.'
+'Video file': Відэафайл
+'Video ID': 'ID відэа'
+'The map has been removed from the article.': 'Гэтая карта была выдаленая з артыкула.'
+'Point no.': 'Пункт №'
+'Point markers': 'Маркеры пункта'
+None: Ніводная
+'Map Search Example': 'Прыклад пошуку карты'
+'Map Preview': 'Папярэдні прагляд карты'
+'Image URL': 'URL выяаы'
+video: відэа
+text: тэкст
+image: выява
+icon: піктаграма
+'Setting Map Locations': 'Налады карты месцаў падзей'
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.bn.yml
index 54deda19ca..6cecf9a693 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.bn.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: null
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
+image: null
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.cs.yml
index 54deda19ca..52a246b760 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.cs.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Na základě dat GeoNames.org a OpenStreetMap.org '
+'selected marker icon': 'Vyberte značící ikonu'
+'add location to map': 'přidat lokaci do mapy'
+'Video source': 'Zdroj k videu'
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'Bod bude odstraněn ze všech překladů článku.'
+'Specify country (optional)': 'Specifikuj zemi (nepovinné)'
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Omlouváme se, místo nebylo nalezeno. Zkontrolujte název zadaného místa nebo zadejte nové hledání. '
+'Show search results': 'Ukázat výsledky hledání'
+'Search for place or coordinate': 'Hledat místo nebo souřadnice'
+'Return to edit': 'Vrátit se k úpravě'
+'Really delete this point?': 'Opravdu chcete vymazat tento bod?'
+'Name and describe this location': 'Pojmenujte a popiště tuto lokaci'
+'Map size': 'Velikost mapy'
+'Location label': 'Značka lokace'
+'Location description:': 'Popis lokace:'
+'Label url': 'URL značky'
+'Hide search results': 'Skrýt vyhledané výsledky'
+Geo-filtering: Geo-filtrace
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Doplňte YouTube ID nebo odkaz, atd.'
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Doplňte vimeo ID nebo odkaz, atd.'
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Doplňte video ID, odkaz nebo jméno souboru pro YouTube, Vimeo nebo flash video.'
+'Fill in location label': 'Doplňte značku lokace '
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Doplňte lokální název swf flash souboru nebo odkaz, atd. '
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Doplňte lokalní název flv flash souboru nebo odkaz, atd.'
+'Fill in image link, like': 'Doplňte odkaz k obrázku jako'
+'Describe the location...': 'Popiště lokaci...'
+'Delete location': 'Vymažte lokaci'
+Coordinates: Souřadnice
+'Change video display size': 'Změnit velikost zobrazení videa'
+'Change image display size': 'Změnit velikost zobrazení obrázku'
+'Change icon of this location': 'Změnit značku této lokace '
+'Center map on location': 'Vycentrovat mapu k lokaci'
+'Advanced editing': 'Pokročilé upravování'
+'Add an image to this location': 'Přidat obrázek k této lokaci'
+'Add a video to this location': 'Přidat video k této lokaci'
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Jste si jisti, že chcete odejít, aniž byste změny uložili?'
+'Map preview': 'Náhled mapy'
+'Locations updated.': 'Lokality aktualizovány.'
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Zadání názvu mapy pomůže s jejím vyhledáním'
+Longitude: 'Zeměpisná délka'
+Latitude: 'Zeměpisná šířka'
+Center: Střed
+'Last Saved Map View': 'Naposledy uložený náhled mapy'
+'List of locations updated': 'Seznam lokalit aktualizován'
+width: šířka
+'show initial map view': 'ukázat výchozí náhled mapy'
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problém se zpracováním bodu, prosíme zašlete nám zprávu o chybě'
+'plain text': 'pouze text'
+'html content': 'obsah html'
+height: výška
+'fill in map name': 'vyplňte název mapy'
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'Nemáte oprávnění odstraňovat mapy z článků.'
+'Video file': Videosoubor
'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
+'The map has been removed from the article.': 'Mapa byla z článku odstraněna.'
+'Point no.': 'Bod č.'
+'Point markers': 'Značení bodu'
+None: Žádné
+'Map Search Example': 'Příklad vyhledání mapy'
+'Map Preview': 'Přehled map'
+'Image URL': 'URL obrázku'
video: video
text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+image: obrázek
+icon: ikona
+'Setting Map Locations': 'Nastavení lokací map'
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.da.yml
index 54deda19ca..953d0b7ccf 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.da.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Baseret på GeoNames.org og OpenStreetMap.org data'
+'selected marker icon': 'valgt markør ikon'
+'add location to map': 'føj sted til kort'
+'Video source': 'Video kilde'
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'Punktet fjernes fra alle artiklens oversættelser.'
+'Specify country (optional)': 'Land (valgfrit)'
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Stedet kunne ikke findes. Kontroller stavningen eller søg igen.'
+'Show search results': 'Vis søgeresultater'
+'Search for place or coordinate': 'Søg efter sted eller koordinat'
+'Return to edit': 'Tilbage til redigering'
+'Really delete this point?': 'Slet punktet?'
+'Name and describe this location': 'Giv stedet et navn og en beskrivelse'
+'Map size': 'Kort størrelse'
+'Location label': 'Sted label'
+'Location description:': 'Stedets beskrivelse:'
'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
+'Hide search results': 'Skjul søgeresultater'
+Geo-filtering: Geo-filtrering
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'YouTube ID eller link, f.eks.'
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Vimeo ID eller link, f.eks.'
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Video ID, link eller filnavn for YouTube, Vimeo eller flash video.'
+'Fill in location label': 'Udfyld stedets label'
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Udfyld filnavn på lokal swf flash fil eller link, f.eks.'
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Udfyld filnavn på lokal flv flash fil eller link, f.eks.'
+'Fill in image link, like': 'Indtast billede link, f.eks.'
+'Describe the location...': 'Beskriv stedet...'
+'Delete location': 'Slet sted'
+Coordinates: Koordinater
+'Change video display size': 'Skift visningsstørrelse på videoen'
+'Change image display size': 'Skift visningsstørrelse på billedet'
+'Change icon of this location': 'Skift ikon for stedet'
+'Center map on location': 'Centrér kortet på stedet'
+'Advanced editing': 'Avanceret redigering'
+'Add an image to this location': 'Føj et billede til dette sted'
+'Add a video to this location': 'Føj en video til dette sted'
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Vil du afslutte uden at gemme dine ændringer?'
+'Map preview': 'Forhåndsvisning af kort'
+'Locations updated.': 'Steder blev opdateret.'
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Det er en hjælp til kortsøgning at give kortet et navn'
+Longitude: Længdegrad
+Latitude: Breddegrad
+Center: Centrér
+'Last Saved Map View': 'Sidst gemte kort visning'
+'List of locations updated': 'Liste med opdaterede steder'
+width: bredde
+'show initial map view': 'vis indledende kortvisning'
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem ved behandling af punkt, send venligst en fejl rapport'
+'plain text': 'Ren tekst'
+'html content': 'html indhold'
+height: højde
+'fill in map name': 'udfyld kortets navn'
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at fjerne kort fra artikler.'
+'Video file': 'Video fil'
'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
+'The map has been removed from the article.': 'Kortet er fjernet fra artiklen.'
+'Point no.': 'Punkt nr.'
+'Point markers': 'Punkt markører'
+None: Ingen
+'Map Search Example': 'Eksempel på kortsøgning'
+'Map Preview': 'Forhåndsvisning af kort'
+'Image URL': 'Billede URL'
video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+text: tekst
+image: billede
+icon: ikon
+'Setting Map Locations': 'Indstiller steder på kortet'
+Deselect: Fravælg
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.de.yml
index 54deda19ca..646ded7336 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.de.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Basierend auf Daten von Geonames.org und OpenStreetMap.org'
+'selected marker icon': 'ausgewähltes Markierungssymbol'
+'add location to map': 'Ort der Karte hinzufügen'
+'Video source': Videoquelle
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'Der Standort wird aus allen Übersetzungen des Artikels entfernt. '
+'Specify country (optional)': 'Land festlegen (optional)'
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Der Ort wurde nicht gefunden. Überprüfen Sie die Schreibweise oder suchen Sie erneut. '
+'Show search results': 'Suchergebnisse anzeigen'
+'Search for place or coordinate': 'Nach Ort oder Koordinaten suchen'
+'Return to edit': 'Zur Bearbeitung zurückkehren'
+'Really delete this point?': 'Diesen Standort wirklich löschen?'
+'Name and describe this location': 'Benennen und beschreiben Sie diesen Ort'
+'Map size': Kartengröße
+'Location label': Ortsbezeichnung
+'Location description:': 'Ortsbeschreibung: '
+'Label url': 'Bezeichnung url'
+'Hide search results': 'Suchergebnisse verbergen'
+Geo-filtering: Geofilter
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Bitte Youtube-ID oder Link eingeben, z.B. '
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Bitte Vimeo-ID oder Link eingeben, z.B. '
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Bitte Video-ID, Link oder Dateinamen für YouTube, Vimeo oder Flash-Video eingeben. '
+'Fill in location label': 'Bitte Ortsbezeichnung eingeben'
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Bitte geben Sie den Namen der lokalen Flash-Datein oder den Link ein, z.B. '
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Bitte geben Sie den Namen oder den Link zur lokalen Flash-Datei ein, z.B. '
+'Fill in image link, like': 'Bitte Bildlink eingeben, wie '
+'Describe the location...': 'Beschreiben Sie den Ort...'
+'Delete location': 'Ort löschen'
+Coordinates: Koordinaten
+'Change video display size': 'Anzeigegröße des Videos ändern'
+'Change image display size': 'Anzeigegröße des Bildes ändern'
+'Change icon of this location': 'Symbol zum Ort ändern'
+'Center map on location': 'Karte zum Ort zentrieren'
+'Advanced editing': 'Erweiterte Bearbeitung'
+'Add an image to this location': 'Diesem Ort ein Bild hinzufügen'
+'Add a video to this location': 'Diesem Ort ein Video hinzufügen'
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Wirklich verlassen ohne Änderungen zu speichern?'
+'Map preview': 'Vorschau Karte'
+'Locations updated.': 'Standorte aktualisiert.'
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Einen Kartennamen festlegen um die Kartensuche zu vereinfachen.'
+Longitude: Längengrad
+Latitude: Breitengrad
+Center: Zentrieren
+'Last Saved Map View': 'Zuletzt gespeicherte Kartenansicht'
+'List of locations updated': 'Liste der Standorte aktualisiert'
+width: Breite
+'show initial map view': 'Erste Kartenansicht anzeigen'
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'Problem beim Bearbeiten der Standpunkte, bitte Fehlermeldung senden.'
+'plain text': 'Einfacher Text '
+'html content': 'HTML Inhalt'
+height: Höhe
+'fill in map name': 'Kartenname eintragen'
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung um Karten aus Artikeln zu entfernen'
+'Video file': Videodatei
'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'The map has been removed from the article.': 'Die Karte wurde aus dem Artikel entfernt.'
+'Point no.': Standpunktnummer
+'Point markers': Standpunktmarkierungen
+None: Keine
+'Map Search Example': 'Kartensuche Beispiel'
+'Map Preview': Kartenvorschau
+'Image URL': 'Bild URL'
+video: 'Video '
+text: Text
+image: Bild
+icon: Symbol
+'Setting Map Locations': 'Kartenstandorte festlegen'
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.de_AT.yml
index 54deda19ca..a5e1c8bb84 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': 'ausgewähltes Markierungssymbol'
+'add location to map': 'Ort der Karte hinzufügen'
+'Video source': Videoquelle
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'Der Standort wird aus allen Übersetzungen des Artikels entfernt. '
+'Specify country (optional)': 'Land festlegen (optional)'
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Der Ort wurde nicht gefunden. Überprüfen Sie die Schreibweise oder suchen Sie erneut. '
+'Show search results': 'Suchergebnisse anzeigen'
+'Search for place or coordinate': 'Nach Ort oder Koordinaten suchen'
+'Return to edit': 'Zur Bearbeitung zurückkehren'
+'Really delete this point?': 'Diesen Standort wirklich löschen?'
+'Name and describe this location': 'Benennen und beschreiben Sie diesen Ort'
+'Map size': Kartengröße
+'Location label': Ortsbezeichnung
+'Location description:': 'Ortsbeschreibung: '
+'Label url': 'Bezeichnung url'
+'Hide search results': 'Suchergebnisse verbergen'
+Geo-filtering: Geofilter
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Bitte Youtube-ID oder Link eingeben, z.B. '
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Bitte Vimeo-ID oder Link eingeben, z.B. '
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Bitte Video-ID, Link oder Dateinamen für YouTube, Vimeo oder Flash-Video eingeben. '
+'Fill in location label': 'Bitte Ortsbezeichnung eingeben'
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Bitte geben Sie den Namen der lokalen Flash-Datein oder den Link ein, z.B. '
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Bitte geben Sie den Namen oder den Link zur lokalen Flash-Datei ein, z.B. '
+'Fill in image link, like': 'Bitte Bildlink eingeben, wie '
+'Describe the location...': 'Beschreiben Sie den Ort...'
+'Delete location': 'Ort löschen'
+Coordinates: Koordinaten
+'Change video display size': 'Anzeigegröße des Videos ändern'
+'Change image display size': 'Anzeigegröße des Bildes ändern'
+'Change icon of this location': 'Symbol zum Ort ändern'
+'Center map on location': 'Karte zum Ort zentrieren'
+'Advanced editing': 'Erweiterte Bearbeitung'
+'Add an image to this location': 'Diesem Ort ein Bild hinzufügen'
+'Add a video to this location': 'Diesem Ort ein Video hinzufügen'
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Wirklich verlassen ohne Änderungen zu speichern?'
+'Map preview': 'Vorschau Karte'
+'Locations updated.': 'Standorte aktualisiert.'
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Einen Kartennamen festlegen um die Kartensuche zu vereinfachen.'
+Longitude: Längengrad
+Latitude: Breitengrad
+Center: Zentrieren
+'Last Saved Map View': 'Zuletzt gespeicherte Kartenansicht'
+'List of locations updated': 'Liste der Standorte aktualisiert'
+width: Breite
+'show initial map view': 'Erste Kartenansicht anzeigen'
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'Problem beim Bearbeiten der Standpunkte, bitte Fehlermeldung senden.'
+'plain text': 'Einfacher Text '
+'html content': 'HTML Inhalt'
+height: Höhe
+'fill in map name': 'Kartenname eintragen'
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'Keine Berechtigung um Karten aus Artikeln zu entfernen'
+'Video file': Videodatei
'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'The map has been removed from the article.': 'Die Karte wurde aus dem Artikel entfernt.'
+'Point no.': Standpunktnummer
+'Point markers': Standpunktmarkierungen
+None: Keine
+'Map Search Example': 'Kartensuche Beispiel'
+'Map Preview': Kartenvorschau
+'Image URL': 'Bild URL'
+video: 'Video '
+text: Text
+image: Bild
+icon: Symbol
+'Setting Map Locations': 'Kartenstandorte festlegen'
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.es.yml
index 54deda19ca..7a92f92f36 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.es.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Basado en los datos de GeoNames.org y OpenStreetMap.org'
+'selected marker icon': 'ícono marcador seleccionado'
+'add location to map': 'añadir locación al mapa'
+'Video source': 'Fuente de video'
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'Este punto será removido de todas las traducciones del artículo.'
+'Specify country (optional)': 'Especificar país (opcional)'
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Ese lugar no pudoencontrase. Revisa su nombre y vuelve a buscar.'
+'Show search results': 'Mostrar resultados de búsqueda'
+'Search for place or coordinate': 'Buscar un lugar o coordenada'
+'Return to edit': 'Regresar a edición'
+'Really delete this point?': '¿Eliminar este punto?'
+'Name and describe this location': 'Nombra y describe esta locación'
+'Map size': 'Tamaño del mapa'
+'Location label': 'Etiqueta de localización'
+'Location description:': 'Descripción de localización'
+'Label url': 'URL de etiqueta'
+'Hide search results': 'Ocultar resultados de búsqueda'
+Geo-filtering: Geo-filtro
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Escribir cuenta de Youtube, o hipervínculo, etc.'
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Escribir cuenta de Vimeo, o hipervínculo, etc.'
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Escribir el código del video, el hipervínculo o nombre de archivo para Youtube, Vimeo o Flash Video'
+'Fill in location label': 'Escribir etiqueta de localización'
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Escribir el nombre local del archivo swf flash o hipervínculo, etc.'
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Escribir el nombre local del archivo flv flash o hipervínculo, etc.'
+'Fill in image link, like': 'Colocar una imágen o hipervínculo.'
+'Describe the location...': 'Describe la locación...'
+'Delete location': 'Eliminar locación'
+Coordinates: Coordinadas
+'Change video display size': 'Cambiar el tamaño del visor de video'
+'Change image display size': 'Cambiar el tamaño del visor de imagen'
+'Change icon of this location': 'Cambiar el ícono de esta locación'
+'Center map on location': 'Centrar el mapa en la locación'
+'Advanced editing': 'Edición avanzada'
+'Add an image to this location': 'Añadir una imagen a esta locación'
+'Add a video to this location': 'Añadir un video a esta locación'
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': '¿Desea salir sin guardar sus cambios?'
+'Map preview': 'Previsualización del mapa'
+'Locations updated.': 'Se actualizaron las ubicaciones'
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Configurar el nombre del mapa ayuda con la búsqueda del mapa'
+Longitude: Longitud
+Latitude: Latitud
+Center: Centro
+'Last Saved Map View': 'Última vista almacenada del mapa'
+'List of locations updated': 'Se actualizó la lista de ubicaciones'
+width: ancho
+'show initial map view': 'Mostrar la vista inicial del mapa'
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'Error en el procesamiento del punto. Por favor envíe un reporte de error.'
+'plain text': 'Texto simple'
+'html content': 'Contenido HTML'
+height: alto
+'fill in map name': 'Ingrese el nombre del mapa'
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'No tiene privilegios para eliminar mapas de los artículos'
+'Video file': 'Archivo de video'
+'Video ID': 'ID del video'
+'The map has been removed from the article.': 'Se ha removido el mapa del artículo.'
+'Point no.': 'Punto no.'
+'Point markers': 'Marcadores de punto'
+None: Ninguno.
+'Map Search Example': 'Ejemplo de búsqueda en el mapa'
+'Map Preview': 'Previsualización de mapa'
+'Image URL': 'URL de la imagen'
video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+text: texto
+image: imagen
+icon: ícono
+'Setting Map Locations': 'Configurar ubicaciones en el mapa'
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.es_AR.yml
index 54deda19ca..6b5b687e53 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: Centro
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
+image: null
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.fa.yml
index 54deda19ca..6cecf9a693 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.fa.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: null
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
+image: null
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.fr.yml
index 54deda19ca..db1becf714 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.fr.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: null
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.he.yml
index 54deda19ca..6cecf9a693 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.he.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: null
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
+image: null
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.hr.yml
index 54deda19ca..6cecf9a693 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.hr.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: null
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
+image: null
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.hu.yml
index 54deda19ca..4ae4dcbd64 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.hu.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'A GeoNames.org és az OpenStreetMap.org adatai alapján'
+'selected marker icon': 'kiválasztott jelölő ikon'
+'add location to map': 'hely felvétele a térképre'
+'Video source': 'Videó forrása'
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'A pont a cikk összes fordításából eltávolításra fog kerülni.'
+'Specify country (optional)': 'Ország megadása (elhagyható)'
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sajnos nem található a hely. Ellenőrizd, hogy helyesen írtad-e be vagy keresd újból.'
+'Show search results': 'Keresési eredmények megjelenítése'
+'Search for place or coordinate': 'Keresés helyre vagy koordinátára'
+'Return to edit': 'Vissza a szerkesztéshez'
+'Really delete this point?': 'Valóban törlöd ezt a pontot?'
+'Name and describe this location': 'Nevezd el és ismertesd ezt a helyet'
+'Map size': 'Térkép mérete'
+'Location label': 'Hely címkéje'
+'Location description:': 'Hely leírása:'
+'Label url': 'Címke URL-címe'
+'Hide search results': 'Keresési eredmények elrejtése'
+Geo-filtering: 'Földrajzi szűrés'
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Töltsd ki a YouTube-azonosítót vagy hivatkozást, pl.:'
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Töltsd ki a Vimeo-azonosítót vagy hivatkozást, pl.:'
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Töltsd ki a YouTube-, a Vimeo- vagy a Flash-videó azonosítószámát, hivatkozását vagy fájlnevét.'
+'Fill in location label': 'Töltsd ki a hely címkét'
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Töltsd ki a helyi SWF Flash-fájl nevét vagy hivatkozását, pl.:'
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Töltsd ki a helyi FLV Flash-fájl nevét vagy hivatkozását, pl.:'
+'Fill in image link, like': 'Töltsd ki a kép hivatkozását, például:'
+'Describe the location...': 'Ismertesd a helyet...'
+'Delete location': 'Hely törlése'
+Coordinates: Koordináták
+'Change video display size': 'A videó képméretének módosítása'
+'Change image display size': 'A kép megjelenítési méretének módosítása'
+'Change icon of this location': 'A hely ikonjának módosítása'
+'Center map on location': 'A hely a térkép közepén'
+'Advanced editing': 'Speciális szerkesztés'
+'Add an image to this location': 'Kép hozzáadása a helyhez'
+'Add a video to this location': 'Videó hozzáadása a helyhez'
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Biztosan ki akarsz lépni a módosítások mentése nélkül?'
+'Map preview': 'Térkép előnézete'
+'Locations updated.': 'A helyek frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'A térkép nevének megadása a térképkeresésben segít'
+Longitude: Hosszúság
+Latitude: Szélesség
+Center: Központ
+'Last Saved Map View': 'Utolsó mentett térképnézet'
+'List of locations updated': 'A helyek listájának frissítése megtörtént'
+width: szélesség
+'show initial map view': 'a kezdeti térképnézet megjelenítése'
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'probléma a pont feldolgozásában, kérjük jelentsd be a hibát'
+'plain text': 'egyszerű szöveg'
+'html content': HTML-tartalom
+height: magasság
+'fill in map name': 'töltsd ki a térkép nevét'
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'Nincs jogod a térképek cikkekből való eltávolításához.'
+'Video file': Videofájl
+'Video ID': Videoazonosító
+'The map has been removed from the article.': 'A térkép eltávolítása a cikkből megtörtént.'
+'Point no.': 'Pont s.sz.'
+'Point markers': Pontjelölők
+None: Nincs
+'Map Search Example': 'Térképkeresési példa'
+'Map Preview': 'Térkép előnézete'
+'Image URL': 'Kép URL-címe'
+video: videó
+text: szöveg
+image: kép
+icon: ikon
+'Setting Map Locations': 'Térképhelyek megadása'
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.hy_AM.yml
index 54deda19ca..3abcf2c1da 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: Կենտրոն
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
+image: null
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ka.yml
index 54deda19ca..5fcf3e590f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ka.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'GeoNames.org და OpenStreetMap.org მონაცემებზე დაყრდნობით'
+'selected marker icon': 'აირჩიეთ მარკერის სიმბოლოს'
+'add location to map': 'ლოკაციის რუკაზე დამატება'
+'Video source': 'ვიდეო წყარო'
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'პუნქტი მოიხსნება ამ სტატიის ყველა თარგმნიდან'
+'Specify country (optional)': 'მიუთითეთ ქვეყანა (არასავალდებულო)'
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'ასეთი ლოკაცია ვერ მოიძებნა. გადაამოწმეთ სახელწოდება ან თავიდან მოძებნეთ.'
+'Show search results': 'ძებნის შედეგების ჩვენება'
+'Search for place or coordinate': 'ადგილის ან კოორდინატის ძებნა'
+'Return to edit': 'რედაქტირებაზე დაბრუნება'
+'Really delete this point?': 'გსურთ ამ წერტილის წაშლა?'
+'Name and describe this location': 'დაარქვით სახელი ამ ლოკაციას და აღწერეთ იგი'
+'Map size': 'რუკის ზომა'
+'Location label': 'ლოკაციის იარლიყი'
+'Location description:': 'ლოკაციის აღწერა:'
+'Label url': 'იარლიყის url'
+'Hide search results': 'ძიების შედეგების დამალვა'
+Geo-filtering: 'ლოკაციის მიხედვით გაფილტვრა'
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'მიუთითეთ YouTube ID ან ბმული'
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'მიუთითეთ Vimeo-ს ID ან ბმული'
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'YouTube-ისთვის, Vimeo-ისთვის ან ფლეშ ვიდეოსთვის მიუთითეთ ვიდეოს ID, ბმული ან სახელწოდება'
+'Fill in location label': 'მიუთითეთ ლოკაციის იარლიყი'
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'შეიყვანეთ ლოკალური swf flash ფაილის სახელი ან ლინკი'
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'შეიყვანეთ ლოკალური flv flash ფაილის სახელი ან ლინკი'
+'Fill in image link, like': 'მიუთითეთ გამოსახულების ბმული'
+'Describe the location...': 'აღწერეთ ლოკაცია...'
+'Delete location': 'ლოკაციის წაშლა'
+Coordinates: კოორდინატები
+'Change video display size': 'ვიდეოს ზომის შეცვლა'
+'Change image display size': 'გამოსახულების ზომის შეცვლა'
+'Change icon of this location': 'ამ ლოკაციის სიმბოლოს შეცვლა'
+'Center map on location': 'ლოკაციის ცენტრში დასმა'
+'Advanced editing': 'დამატებითი რედაქტირება'
+'Add an image to this location': 'ამ ლოკაციას დაუმატეთ გამოსახულება'
+'Add a video to this location': 'ამ ლოკაციას დაუმატეთ ვიდეო'
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ შენახვის გარეშე გათიშვა?'
+'Map preview': 'რუკის წინასწარ ნახვა'
+'Locations updated.': 'ლოკაციის განახლება.'
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'რუკისთვის სახელის მინიჭება აადვილებს რუკის ძიებას'
+Longitude: გრძედი
+Latitude: განედი
+Center: ცენტრი
+'Last Saved Map View': 'ბოლოს შენახული რუკა'
+'List of locations updated': 'განახლებული ლოკაციების სია'
+width: სიგანე
+'show initial map view': 'საწყისი რუკის ჩვენება'
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'პრობლემა რუკის აღნიშვნებთან. გთხოვთ განაცხადოთ ხარვეზის შესახებ'
+'plain text': 'ჩვეულებრივი ტექსტი '
+'html content': 'html კონტენტი'
+height: სიმაღლე
+'fill in map name': 'რუკის სახელის მითითება'
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიიდან რუკის მოხსნის უფლება'
+'Video file': 'ვიდეო ფაილი'
+'Video ID': 'ვიდეო ID'
+'The map has been removed from the article.': 'რუკა მოიხსნა სტატიიდან'
+'Point no.': 'წერტილის ნომერი'
+'Point markers': 'წერტილის მარკერი'
+None: არცერთი
+'Map Search Example': 'რუკის ძიების მაგალით'
+'Map Preview': 'რუკის წინასწარ ნახვა'
+'Image URL': 'გამოსახულების URL'
+video: ვიდეო
+text: ტექსტი
+image: გამოსახულება
+icon: სიმბოლო
+'Setting Map Locations': 'რუკის ლოკაციის შექმნა'
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ko.yml
index 54deda19ca..6cecf9a693 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ko.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: null
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
+image: null
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ku.yml
index 54deda19ca..6cecf9a693 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ku.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: null
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
+image: null
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.lv.yml
index 54deda19ca..6cecf9a693 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.lv.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: null
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
+image: null
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.nb_NO.yml
index 54deda19ca..6cecf9a693 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: null
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
+image: null
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.pl.yml
index 54deda19ca..d12f769e5f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.pl.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Opiera się na danych z GeoNames.org i OpenStreetMap.org'
+'selected marker icon': 'Wybierz ikonę dla markera'
+'add location to map': 'dodaj lokalizacje na mapie'
+'Video source': 'Źródło wideo'
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'Ten punkt zostanie usunięty dla wszystkich tłumaczeń tego artykułu.'
+'Specify country (optional)': 'Wybierz kraj (opcjonalne)'
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Przepraszamy, nie udało nam się znaleźć tego miejsca. Sprawdź wpisane słowo lub poszukaj czegoś innego.'
+'Show search results': 'Pokaż wyniki wyszukiwania'
+'Search for place or coordinate': 'Szukaj miejsca o tych koordynatach'
+'Return to edit': 'Wróć do edycji'
+'Really delete this point?': 'naprawdę usunąć ten punkt?'
+'Name and describe this location': 'Napisz i opiszą tą lokalizację.'
+'Map size': 'Rozmiar mapy'
+'Location label': 'Etykieta lokalizacji'
+'Location description:': 'Opis lokalizacji'
+'Label url': 'Etykieta dla adresu url'
+'Hide search results': 'Ukryj wyniki wyszukiwania'
+Geo-filtering: Geo-filtrowanie
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Podaj numer video z youtube lub link, np.'
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Podaj numer video z vimeolub link, np.'
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Podaj numer wideo, link lub nazwę pliku, link dla YouTube, link dla Vimeo, lub od odtwarzacza flash.'
+'Fill in location label': 'Wypełnij etykietę dla lokalizacji.'
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Podaj nazwę lokalnego pliku swf albo link, np.'
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Podaj nazwę lokalnego pliku flv albo link, np.'
+'Fill in image link, like': 'Podaj link do zdjęcia, np.'
+'Describe the location...': 'Opisz lokalizację'
+'Delete location': 'Usuń lokalizację'
+Coordinates: 'Współrzędne '
+'Change video display size': 'Zmień rozmiar video'
+'Change image display size': 'Zmień rozmiar zdjęcia'
+'Change icon of this location': 'Zmień ikonę dla tej lokalizacji'
+'Center map on location': 'Wyśrodkuj mapę na lokalizacji'
+'Advanced editing': 'Zaawansowana edycja'
+'Add an image to this location': 'Dodaj zdjęcie do tej lokalizacji'
+'Add a video to this location': 'Dodaj wideo do tej lokalizacji'
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Na pewno chcesz wyjść bez zapisywania swoich danych?'
+'Map preview': 'Podgląd mapy'
+'Locations updated.': 'Lokalizacje zaktualizowane.'
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Wybranie nazwy mapy pomaga w jej przeszukiwaniu'
+Longitude: 'Długośc gegraficzna'
+Latitude: 'Szerokość geograficzna'
+Center: Centruj
+'Last Saved Map View': 'Ostatni zapisany widok mapy'
+'List of locations updated': 'Lista lokalizacji zaktulizowana'
+width: szerokość
+'show initial map view': 'pokaż początkowy widok mapy'
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem przy przetwarzaniu punkty, wyślij raport o błędzie'
+'plain text': 'zwykły tekst'
+'html content': 'zawrtość HTML'
+height: wysokość
+'fill in map name': 'podaj nazwę mapy'
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'Nie masz praw usuwać mapy z arykułów.'
+'Video file': 'Plik wideo'
+'Video ID': 'ID wideo'
+'The map has been removed from the article.': 'Mapa została usunięta z artykułu.'
+'Point no.': 'Numer punktu'
+'Point markers': 'Markery punktu'
+None: Brak
+'Map Search Example': 'Przykład wyszukiwania mapy'
+'Map Preview': 'Podgląd mapy'
+'Image URL': 'URL zdjęcia'
+video: 'wideo '
+text: tekst
+image: zdjęcie
+icon: ikona
+'Setting Map Locations': 'Ustawienia Lokalizacji'
+Deselect: Odznacz
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ps.yml
index 54deda19ca..6cecf9a693 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.ps.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: null
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
+image: null
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.pt_BR.yml
index 54deda19ca..89267c1301 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': 'ícone de marcador selecionado'
+'add location to map': 'adicionar localidade no mapa'
+'Video source': 'Fonte de vídeo'
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'Este ponto vai ser removido de todas as traduções do artigo.'
+'Specify country (optional)': 'Especificar país (opcional)'
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Desculpe, esse lugar não foi encontrado. Verifique a escrita e repita a busca.'
+'Show search results': 'Mostrar resultados da busca.'
+'Search for place or coordinate': 'Procure o lugar ou coordenados'
+'Return to edit': 'Voltar para edição'
+'Really delete this point?': 'Tem certeza que quer apagar este ponto?'
+'Name and describe this location': 'Nomeie e descreva esta localidade'
+'Map size': 'Tamanho do mapa'
+'Location label': 'Rótulo de localidade'
+'Location description:': 'Descrição da localidade'
+'Label url': 'Endereço url do rótulo'
+'Hide search results': 'Esconder resultados da busca'
+Geo-filtering: Geofiltragem
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Preencher o ID ou link do YouTube, ex:'
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Preencher o ID ou link do Vimeo, ex:'
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Preencher o ID, link ou nome do arquivo para YouTube, Vimeo ou flash video'
+'Fill in location label': 'Digite o rótulo da localidade'
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Tecle o nome ou link do arquivo flash swf local, ex.'
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Tecle o nome ou link do arquivo flash flv local, ex.'
+'Fill in image link, like': 'Preencher o link da imagem, como'
+'Describe the location...': 'Descreva a localidade...'
+'Delete location': 'Remova a localidade'
+Coordinates: Coordenados
+'Change video display size': 'Modificar o tamanho do display do vídeo'
+'Change image display size': 'Modificar o tamanho do display da imagem'
+'Change icon of this location': 'Modificar a ícone desta localidade'
+'Center map on location': 'Centralizar localização no mapa'
+'Advanced editing': 'Edição avançada'
+'Add an image to this location': 'Adicionar uma foto à essa localidade'
+'Add a video to this location': 'Adicionar um vídeo à essa localidade'
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Tem certeza que quer sair sem salvar as modificações?'
+'Map preview': 'Visualização do mapa'
+'Locations updated.': 'Localidades atualizadas.'
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Definir o nome do mapa ajuda na busca'
Longitude: Longitude
Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+Center: Centro
+'Last Saved Map View': 'A última visualização do mapa que foi salva'
+'List of locations updated': 'Lista das localidades atualizadas'
+width: largura
+'show initial map view': 'mostrar a visualização inicial do mapa'
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': 'texto puro'
+'html content': 'conteúdo html'
+height: altura
+'fill in map name': 'preencher o nome do mapa'
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'Você não tem o direito de remover mapas dos artigos.'
+'Video file': 'Arquivo de vídeo'
+'Video ID': 'ID do viídeo'
+'The map has been removed from the article.': 'O mapa foi removido do artigo.'
+'Point no.': 'Ponto no.'
+'Point markers': null
+None: Nenhum
+'Map Search Example': 'Exemplo da busca no mapa'
+'Map Preview': 'Visualização do mapa'
+'Image URL': 'URL da imagem'
+video: vídeo
+text: texto
+image: imagem
+icon: ícone
+'Setting Map Locations': 'Definindo localidades do mapa'
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sh.yml
index 54deda19ca..30b8356842 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sh.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': 'izabrana marker oznaka'
+'add location to map': 'dodaj lokaciju na mapu'
+'Video source': 'Video izvor'
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'Tačka će biti uklonjena iz svih prevoda teksta.'
+'Specify country (optional)': 'Preciziraj državu (opciono)'
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Izvinite, to mesto nije pronađeno. Proverite da li ste ispravno napisali ili tražite ponovo.'
+'Show search results': 'Prikaži rezultate pretrage'
+'Search for place or coordinate': 'Traži mesto ili koordinatu'
+'Return to edit': 'Nazad na uređivanje'
+'Really delete this point?': 'Zaista brisati tačku?'
+'Name and describe this location': 'Imenuj i opiši lokaciju'
+'Map size': 'Veličina mape'
+'Location label': 'Oznaka lokacije'
+'Location description:': 'Opis lokacije:'
+'Label url': 'Url oznake'
+'Hide search results': 'Sakri rezultate pretrage'
+Geo-filtering: Geo-filterisanje
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Unesite Youtube Id ili vezu, na primer '
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Unesite Vimeo Id ili vezu, na primer '
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Unesite video Id, vezu ili naziv fajla, za Youtube, Vimeo ili fleš video.'
+'Fill in location label': 'Popunite oznaku lokacije'
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Unesite ime ili vezu lokalnog fleš fajla, npr '
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Unesite ime ili vezu lokalnog .flv fajla, npr '
+'Fill in image link, like': 'Unesite link slike, kao '
+'Describe the location...': 'Opišite lokaciju...'
+'Delete location': 'Obrišite lokaciju'
+Coordinates: Koordinate
+'Change video display size': 'Promeni veličinu u kojoj se prikazuje video'
+'Change image display size': 'Promeni veličinu u kojoj se prikazuje slika'
+'Change icon of this location': 'Promeni ikonicu za ovu lokaciju'
+'Center map on location': 'Centriraj mapu na lokaciju'
+'Advanced editing': 'Napredno uređivanje'
+'Add an image to this location': 'Dodaj sliku ovoj lokaciji'
+'Add a video to this location': 'Dodaj video ovoj lokaciji'
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da izađete bez čuvanja izmena?'
+'Map preview': 'Pregled mape'
+'Locations updated.': 'Lokacije izmenjene'
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Postavljanje imena mape pomaže u pretrazi mapa'
+Longitude: 'Geografksa dužina'
+Latitude: 'Geografksa širina'
+Center: Centar
+'Last Saved Map View': 'Poslednje snimljeni položaj'
+'List of locations updated': 'Lista lokacija izmenjena'
+width: širina
+'show initial map view': 'prikaži početni položaj'
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem sa obradom tačke, molimo pošaljite izveštaj o grešci'
+'plain text': 'običan tekst'
+'html content': 'html sadržaj'
+height: visina
+'fill in map name': 'unesite naziv mape'
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'Nemate pravo da uklanjate mape iz teksta'
+'Video file': 'video fajl'
'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
+'The map has been removed from the article.': 'Ova mapa je uklonjena iz teksta'
+'Point no.': 'Tačka broj'
+'Point markers': Markeri
+None: Nijedan
+'Map Search Example': 'Primer pretrage mapa'
+'Map Preview': 'Pregled mape'
+'Image URL': 'URL slike'
video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+text: tekst
+image: slika
+icon: ikona
+'Setting Map Locations': 'Postavljanje lokacija'
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sq.yml
index 54deda19ca..6cecf9a693 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sq.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: null
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
+image: null
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sr.yml
index 54deda19ca..002b3be3fb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sr.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': 'Изабрана маркер ознака'
+'add location to map': 'додај локације на мапу'
+'Video source': 'Видео извор'
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'Тачка ће бити уклоњена из свих превода текста.'
+'Specify country (optional)': 'Прецизирај државу (опционо)'
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Такво место није пронађено. Проверите да ли сте исправно написали, или покушајте другу претрагу.'
+'Show search results': 'Прикажи резултате претраге'
+'Search for place or coordinate': 'Тражи место или координату'
+'Return to edit': 'Назад на уређивање'
+'Really delete this point?': 'Заиста брисати тачку?'
+'Name and describe this location': 'Именуј и опиши локацију.'
+'Map size': 'Величина мапе'
+'Location label': 'Ознака локације'
+'Location description:': 'Опис локације:'
+'Label url': 'Урл ознаке'
+'Hide search results': 'Сакри резултате претраге'
+Geo-filtering: 'Гео филтрација'
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Унесите Youtube Id или везу, на пример'
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Унесите Vimeo Id или везу, на пример'
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Унесите видео Id, vвезу или назив фајла, за Youtube, Vimeo или флеш видео.'
+'Fill in location label': 'Попуните ознаку локације'
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Унесите име или везу локалног флеш фајла, нпр'
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Унесите име или везу локалног .flv фајла, нпр'
+'Fill in image link, like': 'Унесите линк слике, као'
+'Describe the location...': 'Опишите локацију...'
+'Delete location': 'Обришите локацију'
+Coordinates: Координате
+'Change video display size': 'Промени величину у којој се приказује видео'
+'Change image display size': 'Промени величину у којој се приказује слика'
+'Change icon of this location': 'Промени иконицу за ову локацију'
+'Center map on location': 'Центрирај мапу на локацију'
+'Advanced editing': 'Напредно уређивање'
+'Add an image to this location': 'Додај слику овој локацији'
+'Add a video to this location': 'додај видео овој локацији'
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да изађете без чувања измена?'
+'Map preview': 'Преглед мапе'
+'Locations updated.': 'Локације измењене'
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Постављање имена мапе помаже у претрази мапа'
+Longitude: 'Географска дужина'
+Latitude: 'Географска ширина'
+Center: Центар
+'Last Saved Map View': 'Последње снимљени положај'
+'List of locations updated': 'Листа локација измењена'
+width: ширина
+'show initial map view': 'прикажи почетни положај'
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'проблем са обрадом тачке, молимо пошаљите извештај о грешци'
+'plain text': 'обичан текст'
+'html content': 'html садржај'
+height: висина
+'fill in map name': 'унесите назив мапе'
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'Немате право да уклањате мапе из текста'
+'Video file': 'видео фајл'
+'Video ID': 'Видео ИД'
+'The map has been removed from the article.': 'Ова мапа је уклоњена из текста'
+'Point no.': 'Тачка број'
+'Point markers': Маркери
+None: Ниједан
+'Map Search Example': 'Примери претраге мапа'
+'Map Preview': 'Преглед мапе'
+'Image URL': 'УРЛ слике'
+video: видео
+text: текст
+image: слика
+icon: икона
+'Setting Map Locations': 'Постављање локација'
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sv.yml
index 54deda19ca..6cecf9a693 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/geolocation.sv.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': 'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data'
-'selected marker icon': 'selected marker icon'
-'add location to map': 'add location to map'
-'Video source': 'Video source'
-'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': 'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.'
-'Specify country (optional)': 'Specify country (optional)'
-'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': 'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.'
-'Show search results': 'Show search results'
-'Search for place or coordinate': 'Search for place or coordinate'
-'Return to edit': 'Return to edit'
-'Really delete this point?': 'Really delete this point?'
-'Name and describe this location': 'Name and describe this location'
-'Map size': 'Map size'
-'Location label': 'Location label'
-'Location description:': 'Location description:'
-'Label url': 'Label url'
-'Hide search results': 'Hide search results'
-Geo-filtering: Geo-filtering
-'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': 'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': 'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g'
-'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': 'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.'
-'Fill in location label': 'Fill in location label'
-'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': 'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.'
-'Fill in image link, like': 'Fill in image link, like'
-'Describe the location...': 'Describe the location...'
-'Delete location': 'Delete location'
-Coordinates: Coordinates
-'Change video display size': 'Change video display size'
-'Change image display size': 'Change image display size'
-'Change icon of this location': 'Change icon of this location'
-'Center map on location': 'Center map on location'
-'Advanced editing': 'Advanced editing'
-'Add an image to this location': 'Add an image to this location'
-'Add a video to this location': 'Add a video to this location'
-'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': 'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?'
-'Map preview': 'Map preview'
-'Locations updated.': 'Locations updated.'
-'Setting the map name helps with map search': 'Setting the map name helps with map search'
-Longitude: Longitude
-Latitude: Latitude
-Center: Center
-'Last Saved Map View': 'Last Saved Map View'
-'List of locations updated': 'List of locations updated'
-width: width
-'show initial map view': 'show initial map view'
-'problem at point processing, please send error report': 'problem at point processing, please send error report'
-'plain text': 'plain text'
-'html content': 'html content'
-height: height
-'fill in map name': 'fill in map name'
-'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': 'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.'
-'Video file': 'Video file'
-'Video ID': 'Video ID'
-'The map has been removed from the article.': 'The map has been removed from the article.'
-'Point no.': 'Point no.'
-'Point markers': 'Point markers'
-None: None
-'Map Search Example': 'Map Search Example'
-'Map Preview': 'Map Preview'
-'Image URL': 'Image URL'
-video: video
-text: text
-image: image
-icon: icon
-'Setting Map Locations': 'Setting Map Locations'
-Deselect: Deselect
+'Based on GeoNames.org and OpenStreetMap.org data': null
+'selected marker icon': null
+'add location to map': null
+'Video source': null
+'The point will be removed from all translations of the article.': null
+'Specify country (optional)': null
+'Sorry, that place was not found. Check your spelling or search again.': null
+'Show search results': null
+'Search for place or coordinate': null
+'Return to edit': null
+'Really delete this point?': null
+'Name and describe this location': null
+'Map size': null
+'Location label': null
+'Location description:': null
+'Label url': null
+'Hide search results': null
+Geo-filtering: null
+'Fill in youtube ID or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in vimeo ID or link, e.g': null
+'Fill in video ID, link or file name, for YouTube, Vimeo, or flash video.': null
+'Fill in location label': null
+'Fill in local swf flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in local flv flash file name or link, e.g.': null
+'Fill in image link, like': null
+'Describe the location...': null
+'Delete location': null
+Coordinates: null
+'Change video display size': null
+'Change image display size': null
+'Change icon of this location': null
+'Center map on location': null
+'Advanced editing': null
+'Add an image to this location': null
+'Add a video to this location': null
+'Are you sure you want to quit without saving your changes?': null
+'Map preview': null
+'Locations updated.': null
+'Setting the map name helps with map search': null
+Longitude: null
+Latitude: null
+Center: null
+'Last Saved Map View': null
+'List of locations updated': null
+width: null
+'show initial map view': null
+'problem at point processing, please send error report': null
+'plain text': null
+'html content': null
+height: null
+'fill in map name': null
+'You do not have the right to remove maps from articles.': null
+'Video file': null
+'Video ID': null
+'The map has been removed from the article.': null
+'Point no.': null
+'Point markers': null
+None: null
+'Map Search Example': null
+'Map Preview': null
+'Image URL': null
+video: null
+text: null
+image: null
+icon: null
+'Setting Map Locations': null
+Deselect: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.az.yml
index 53e96b310b..075664e02e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.az.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'və ya bizim xəta izləyicimizə inkişaf etdirə biləcəyimiz sahələr üçün təklif ver'
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'və bizə keyfiyyətli, azad jurnalistikanı dəstəkləməkdə yardımçı ol.'
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Newscoop dəstək səhifəsinə xoş gəldin. Burada yenisənsə, ya da hansısa xüsusi sualın varsa, ən yaxşısı Newscoop kitabçalarına bax.'
+Version: Versiya
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'Newscoop-u təkmilləşdirmək üçün bizim vebsaytımıza daxil ol'
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'Bizi digər istiqamətlərdə dəstəkləmək üçün İctimaiyyət səhifəmizə keç'
+'Talk to us today': 'Bizimlə əlaqə saxla'
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric həmçinin müxtəlif dəstəkləmə seçimləri təqdim edir ki, bunlar quraşdırma, hostinq və texniki dəstəkdən ibarətdir.'
+'Release date': 'Buraxılış tarixi'
+Help: Yardım
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatıv olaraq sən forumlarımıza sualını daxil edə bilərsən'
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.be.yml
index 53e96b310b..407f05343e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.be.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: Версія
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: Дапамога
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.bn.yml
index 53e96b310b..6dba267386 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.bn.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: null
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: null
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.cs.yml
index 53e96b310b..3800fc1272 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.cs.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'nebo navrhněte zlepšení ve vašem bug přehledu v'
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'a pomozte nám popořit kvalitu, nezávislost žurnalismu.'
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Vítejte na Help stránce Nescoopu. Zda-li začínáte nebo máte specifické otázký nejlepším místem kam se podívat jsou Newscoop manuály'
+Version: Verze
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'Pro aktualizaci Newscoop prosíme navštivte naši webovou stránku'
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'Chcete-li nás podpořit jinými způsoby, navštivte naši komunitní stránku'
+'Talk to us today': 'Mluvte s námi dnes'
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric nabízí další možnosti podpory, které zahrnují například instalaci, hosting a technickou podporu. '
+'Release date': 'Datum zveřejnění'
+Help: Nápověda
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Eventuálně můžete položit dotaz na našich fórech'
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.da.yml
index 53e96b310b..7ee077925e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.da.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'eller foreslå forbedringer på vores bug tracker'
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'og hjælp os med at støtte uafhængig kvalitets journalistik.'
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Velkommen til Newscoops hjælpeside. Det bedste sted at få svar på dine spørgsmål er i Newscoop manualerne'
Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'Besøg vores hjemmeside for at opgradere Newscoop'
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'Besøg vores brugerside for at støtte os på andre måder'
+'Talk to us today': 'Tal med os i dag'
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric tilbyder hjælp med f.eks. installation, hosting og teknisk vejledning.'
+'Release date': Udgivelsesdato
+Help: Hjælp
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternativt kan du spørge på vores forum'
+Documentation: Dokumentation
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.de.yml
index 53e96b310b..8e0de3c20f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.de.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'oder Verbesserungen in unserem Fehlermelder empfehlen bei'
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'und uns helfen, unabhängigen Qualitätsjournalismus zu unterstützen.'
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'Wenn Sie Newscoop upgraden wollen, besuchen Sie bitte unsere Webseite'
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'Wenn Sie uns anderweitig unterstützen wollen, besuchen Sie bitte unsere Community-Seite'
+'Talk to us today': 'Sprechen Sie heute mit uns'
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric bietet eine Reihe von Support-Lösungen an, u.a. bei Installation, Hosting und technischem Support.'
+'Release date': Erscheinungsdatum
+Help: Hilfe
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternativ können Sie auch Fragen in unserem Forum stellen unter'
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.de_AT.yml
index 53e96b310b..2d57c32f64 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: Hilfe
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.es.yml
index 53e96b310b..0a7d636c63 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.es.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'o sugiera mejoras en nuestro sitio de reporte de errores, en '
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'y ayúdenos a apoyar al periodismo independiente y de calidad.'
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Bienvenido a la página de ayuda de Newscoop. Tanto si está apenas empezando o si tiene una pregunta específica, el mejor lugar para buscar es en uno de los manuales de Newscoop'
+Version: Versión
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'Para actualizar Newscoop, por favor visite nuestra página web'
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'Para ayudarnos de otras maneras, visite nuestra página comunitaria'
+'Talk to us today': 'Hable con nosotros hoy mismo'
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric también ofrece una gama de opciones de soporte, que pueden incluir instalación, hosting y soporte técnico.'
+'Release date': 'Fecha de liberación'
+Help: Ayuda
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternativamente, puede hacer una pregunta en nuestros foros, en '
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.es_AR.yml
index 53e96b310b..0e525a3ad4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: Versión
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: null
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.fa.yml
index 53e96b310b..6dba267386 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.fa.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: null
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: null
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.fr.yml
index 53e96b310b..3acb132425 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.fr.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: null
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: Aide
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.he.yml
index 53e96b310b..e2252ddcc4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.he.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: null
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: עזרה
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.hr.yml
index 53e96b310b..98e92f4036 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.hr.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: null
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: Pomoć
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.hu.yml
index 53e96b310b..3e0ae1a5af 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.hu.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'vagy javításokat javasolhatsz a hibakövetőnkben:'
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'és segíts nekünk a minőség, a független újságírás támogatásában.'
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Üdvözlünk a Newscoop súgólapon. Ha épp most ismerkedsz vele, vagy konkrét kérdésed van, a legjobb hely utánanézni az egyik Newscoop kézkönyvben.'
+Version: Verzió
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'Kérjük, a Newscoop frissítéséhez látogass el a weblapunkra:'
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'Más módon való támogatásunk céljából látogass el közösségi oldalunkra'
+'Talk to us today': 'Beszélj velünk ma'
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'A Sourcefabric ugyancsak számos támogatási lehetőséget kínál, ami magában foglalhatja a telepítést, a tárhelyet és a terméktámogatást.'
+'Release date': 'Kiadás dátuma'
+Help: Súgó
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Másik lehetőségként kérdésedet felteheted a fórumunkban:'
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.hy_AM.yml
index 53e96b310b..6dba267386 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: null
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: null
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ka.yml
index 53e96b310b..daf7350e42 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ka.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'ან შემოგვთავაზეთ გაუმჯობესებები ჩვენს ბაგ ტრეკერში'
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'და დაგვეხმარეთ ხარისხის, დამოუკიდებელი ჟურნალისტიკის უზრუნველყოფაში.'
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'კეთილი იყოს თქვენი მობრძანება Newscoop-ის დახმარების გვერდზე. მიუხედავად იმისა, ხართ თქვენ დამწყები თუ გაქვთ სპეციფიური შეკითხვა, პასუხის საძიებელი საუკეთესო საშუალება Newscoop-ის ერთ-ერთი სახელმძღვანელოა.'
+Version: ვერსია
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'Newscoop-ის განახლებისთვის გთხოვთ ეწვიოთ ჩვენს ვებგვერდს'
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'ჩვენი სხვაგვარად მხარდაჭერისთვის, ეწვიეთ ჩვენს საზოგადოებრივ გვერდს'
+'Talk to us today': 'გაგვესაუბრეთ დღეს'
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric ასევე გთავაზობთ რიგ მხარდაჭერის საშუალებებს, რაც შეიძლება მოიცავდეს ინსტალაციას, ჰოსტინგს და ტექნიკურ უზრუნველყოფას.'
+'Release date': 'გამოშვების თარიღი'
+Help: დახმარება
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'ალტერნატიულად, თქვენი შეგიძლიათ დასვათ შეკითხვა ჩვენს ფორუმებში'
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ko.yml
index 53e96b310b..bc63cbc4f5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ko.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: null
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: 도움말
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ku.yml
index 53e96b310b..6dba267386 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ku.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: null
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: null
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.lv.yml
index 53e96b310b..6dba267386 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.lv.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: null
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: null
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.nb_NO.yml
index 53e96b310b..6dba267386 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: null
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: null
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.pl.yml
index 53e96b310b..e1e7fdd093 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.pl.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'lub zaproponuj ulepszenie w naszym systemie śledzenia błędów dostępnym na'
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'i pomóż nam wspierać jakość niezależnego dziennikarstwa.'
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Witaj na stronie pomocy Newscoopa. W przypadku gdy dopiero zaczynasz lub masz już jakieś szczegółowe pytania - najlepszym miejscem do sprawdzenia są nasze poradniki'
+Version: Wersja
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'Aby zaktualizować Newscoopa do najnowszej wersji, odwiedź naszą stronę www'
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'Aby wesprzeć nas w inny sposób - odwiedź nasze strony społeczności'
+'Talk to us today': 'Odezwij się do nas'
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric oferuje również szeroki zakres opcji pomocy, które obejmują instalacje, hosting lub wsparcie techniczne.'
+'Release date': 'Data wydania'
+Help: Pomoc
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Zawsze możesz też zadać pytanie na naszym forum dostępnym tutaj: '
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ps.yml
index 53e96b310b..6dba267386 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.ps.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: null
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: null
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.pt_BR.yml
index 53e96b310b..ac1f219ea4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: Versão
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: Ajuda
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sh.yml
index 53e96b310b..e44789dd8c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sh.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: Verzija
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: Pomoć
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sq.yml
index 53e96b310b..6dba267386 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sq.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: null
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: null
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sr.yml
index 53e96b310b..294ed8a639 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sr.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: Верзија
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: Помоћ
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sv.yml
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+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/help.sv.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': 'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at'
-'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': 'and help us support quality, independent journalism.'
-'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': 'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals'
-Version: Version
-'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': 'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website'
-'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': 'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page'
-'Talk to us today': 'Talk to us today'
-'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': 'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.'
-'Release date': 'Release date'
-Help: Help
-'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': 'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at'
-Documentation: Documentation
+'or suggest improvements in our bug tracker at': null
+'and help us support quality, independent journalism.': null
+'Welcome to the Newscoop help page. Whether youre just getting started or you have a specific question, the best place to look is in one of the Newscoop manuals': null
+Version: null
+'To upgrade Newscoop please visit our website': null
+'To support us in other ways, visit our Community page': null
+'Talk to us today': null
+'Sourcefabric also offers a range of support options, which can include installation, hosting and technical support.': null
+'Release date': null
+Help: Hjälp
+'Alternatively, you can ask a question in our forums at': null
+Documentation: null
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- page: Page
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- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
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+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ processingText: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ka.yml
index 89386474a2..c7095d7333 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ka.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- page: Page
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- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
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+ pageText: null
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+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ processingText: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ko.yml
index 89386474a2..c7095d7333 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ko.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
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- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
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+ pageText: null
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+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ processingText: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ku.yml
index 89386474a2..c7095d7333 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ku.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- page: Page
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- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
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+ pageText: null
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+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ processingText: null
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index 89386474a2..c7095d7333 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.lv.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- page: Page
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- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
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+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ processingText: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.nb_NO.yml
index 89386474a2..c7095d7333 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.nb_NO.yml
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@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- page: Page
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- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ processingText: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.pl.yml
index 89386474a2..3e82b790dc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.pl.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
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- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: Strona
+ perPageText: 'Pokazuje: '
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+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} z'
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (wyszukane z {recordsTotal} wszystkich wyników)'
+ recordCountText: 'Wyświetla '
+ processingText: Przetważanie...
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ps.yml
index 89386474a2..c7095d7333 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.ps.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- page: Page
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- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ processingText: null
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index 89386474a2..c7095d7333 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.pt_BR.yml
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@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- page: Page
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- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
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+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ processingText: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.sh.yml
index 89386474a2..fed252f641 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.sh.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- page: Page
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- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: Strana
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: 'Strane:'
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+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: '(izdvojeno među ukupno {recordsTotal} unosa)'
+ recordCountText: null
+ processingText: Obrađujem...
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.sq.yml
index 89386474a2..c7095d7333 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.sq.yml
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@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- page: Page
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- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
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+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ processingText: null
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index 89386474a2..c7095d7333 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.sr.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- page: Page
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- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
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diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.sv.yml
index 89386474a2..c7095d7333 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/helpers.sv.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ processingText: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.az.yml
index d98ea89026..0ac0be2f72 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.az.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
+'Rename user': 'İstifadəçi adını dəyiş'
Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
+'Image Rendering': 'Şəklin Çevrilməsi'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Seçilmiş Məqalə Siyahıları'
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'Sən səhv ehtiyat faylı yükləməyə cəhd etdin.'
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'Ehtiyatları idarə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Make a new backup': 'Yeni yedəkləmə'
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Yeni ehtiyat yaratmaq istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Təhlükəsizlik nişanının vaxtı bitib. Lütfən, formanı daxil et.'
+Templates: Üzlük
+'Create slideshow': 'Slayd-şou yarat'
+Create: Yarat
+Attach/Detach: Qoş/Ayır
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Slaydşounu silmək istədyinizdən əminsiniz?'
+Support: Yardım
+'Pending articles': 'Gözləmədəki məqalələr'
+'Manage Users': 'İstifadəçilərin İdarəetməsi'
+'Manage User Types': 'İstifadəçi növlərini dəyiş'
+'Manage User Points System': 'İstifadəçilərin Xal sistemini dəyiş'
+Last: Son
+First: İlk
+Feedback: Şərh
+'Edit your password': 'Parolunu dəyiş'
+'Edit user': 'İstifadəçini redaktə et'
+'Edit permissions': 'İcazələri dəyiş'
+Detail: Təfsilat
+'Create new user': 'Yeni istifadəçi yarat'
+'Create new account': 'Yeni hesab yarat'
+'Add feed': 'Axın əlavə et'
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': '$1 adlı faylın yüklənməsi mümkün olmadı.'
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': '$1 adlı faylın yürini9 dəyişmək mümkün olmadı. Kifayət qədər yerə sahib olduğuna əmin ol.'
MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Endirmə əməliyyatı alınmadı. Serverin disk sahəsindən kənarda olmadığına əmin ol.'
+'try again later': 'bir azdan yenidən sına'
+at: burada
+'You must at least upload one file.': 'Ən azı bir fayl yükləməlisən.'
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Diqqət: mövcud məlumat və mövzular silinəcək!'
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Dəyər vacibdir və boş saxlanıla bilməz'
+Upload: Yüklə
+'Update comment': 'Şərhi yenilə'
+'Time created': 'Vaxt yaradıldı'
+Themes: Mövzular
+'Stop current upload': 'Mövcud yükləməni saxla'
+'Start uploading queue': 'Növbədəkiləri yükləməyə başla'
+'Start upload': 'Yükləməyə başla'
+Settings: Parametrlər
+'Select files': 'Fayl seç'
+Reply: 'Cavab yaz'
+'New comment added': 'Yeni şərh var'
+'Manage Authors': 'Müəllifləri idarə et'
+Loading..: Yüklənir..
+Filename: 'Fayl adı'
+'Edit user type': 'İstifadəçini redaktə et'
+'Edit language': 'Dili dəyiş'
+'Drag files here.': 'Faylları bura köçür.'
+'Connection interrupted': 'Bağlantı qopdu'
+Ban: Kilid
+'Are you sure you want to': 'Bunu etmək istədiyinə əminsən?:'
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Faylları növbəyə daxil et və başla düyməsini kliklə.'
+'Add files': 'Fayl əlavə et'
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% %max% işarə sayını ötür'
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% %min% işarə sayına çatmır'
+'User name': 'İstifadəçi adı'
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': 'Sənin şifrən yenilənmişdir.'
+'Proceed to login.': 'Giriş üçün başla.'
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
+'Go to login': 'Girişə keç'
+'Back to login.': 'Girişə qayıt.'
+'Back to login': 'Girişə qayıt'
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'Şifrəni necə bərpa edəcəyini izah edən məktub sənin emailinə göndərilib.'
+'Session expired.': 'Seansın vaxtı keçib.'
+Processing...: İcradadır...
+Please: Lütfən
+'Go to dashboard': 'İş masasına keç'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Sənin brauzerin Javascripti dəstəkləmir, ya da (çox ehtimal ki) sən Javascripti qapatmısan. Lütfən, Newscoop-u istifadə etmək üçün bunu həll et.'
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop təhlükəsizlik ölçülərini təkmilləşdirib. Hesabının daha təhlükəsiz formada təkmilləşməsini istəyirsənsə, şifrəni yenidən daxil etməlisən.'
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop keşi təmizləndi'
+Dashboard: 'İş masası'
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Dəyişikliklərin girişdən sonra saxlanacaq.'
+'Upload backup file': 'Ehtiyat faylı yüklə'
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': '$1 faylı müvəffəqiyyətlə yüklənib.'
+'Media Archive': 'Mətbuat Arxivi'
+Widgets: Vidcetlər
+'Widget info': 'Vidcet məlumatı'
+'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Vidcet iş masasına əlavə edildi.'
+'Remove widget': 'Vidceti xaric et'
+'Please login to continue.': 'Lütfən, davam etmək üçün giriş et.'
+'Add to dashboard': 'İş masasına əlavə et'
+'Add more widgets': 'Daha çox vidcet əlavə et'
+login: giriş
+'This link is not valid.': 'Bu link səhvdir.'
+'Recover password': 'Parolu qaytar'
+'Please enter your email.': 'Emailinizi yazın.'
+'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Parol yenilənməsi mümkün deyil.'
+'Password recovery': 'Parol qaytarılması'
+'Password Recovery': 'Parol Qaytarılması'
+'No user is registered with this email.': 'Bu emaillə istifadəçi qeydiyyatdan keçməyib.'
+'Forgot your password?': 'Parolu unutmusunuz?'
+'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: səhv yazılıb.'
Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
+'Bad input parameters.': 'Səhv yazılır.'
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': '$1 adlı faylın silinməsində xəta baş verdi.'
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': '$1 adlı fayl müvəffəqiyyətlə silindi.'
+Size: Ölçü
+'Restore file': 'Faylı bərpa et'
+Restore: 'Bərpa et'
Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Free disk space': 'Boş disk sahəsi'
+'Download file': 'Faylı endir'
+Download: Endir
+'Delete file': 'Faylı sil'
+'Backup list is empty.': 'Ehtiyat siyahısı boşdur.'
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': '$1 adlı faylı ehtiyatda saxlamaq istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': '$1 adlı faylı silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Import XML': 'XML Daxil Et'
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'Bütün məqalələrə müəllif təyin etmək üçün məsələ və məqalələrə nə isə əlavə və ya dəyişiklik etməyə icazən olmalıdır.'
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Müəllifin hazırlanacağı sahəni seç.'
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Xətalı və ya boş $1 sahəsi. İşlək və dinamik sahə seçməlisən.'
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': '$4 növünün $2 ($3) məqaləsi üçün $1 müəllifi yaratma prosesini dayandır.'
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': '$2 sahəsinin $1 növ məqalələri üçün müəllif təyini prosesində xəta baş verdi.'
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': '$2 sahəsinin $1 növ məqalələri üçün müəllif təyini prosesi uğurla bitdi.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Məqalə $3 dəqiqə əvvəl $1 ($2) tərəfindən kilidlənib.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Məqalə $3 saat $4 dəqiqə əvvəl $1 ($2) tərəfindən kilidlənib.'
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': '$4 növünün $2 ($3) məqaləsi üçün $1 müəllifinin təyin edilməsində xəta.'
+'Clear system cache': 'Sistemin keş yaddaşını təmizlə'
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'Sistem $1 adlı faylı yükləyə bilmədi.'
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Lütfən, yükləməyə cəhd etdiyin faylı yoxla, o təhlükəli ola bilər.'
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'Bu fayl diskdə $1 adı ilə saxlandı.'
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'Siztem $1 kataloquna yaza bilmir.'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'Sistem $1 adlı faylı oxuya bilmədi.'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'Sistem $1 kataloqunu silə bilmədi.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': '$1 adlı istifadəçinin bu faylı oxumağa icazəsi olmasına əmin ol.'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Lütfən, kataloqun boş olub olmadığını və $2 kataloquna $1 adlı istifadəçinin yazma icazəsinin olub olmadığını yoxla.'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'Sistem $1 adlı fayla yaza bilmədi.'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'Sistem $1 adlı faylı silə bilmədi.'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'Sistem $1 adlı faylı yarada bilmədi.'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'Sistem $1 kataloqunu yarada bilmədi.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Lütfən, $1 adlı istifadəçinin bu fayla yazma icazəsinin olmasına əmin ol.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Lütfən, $1 adlı istifadəçinin $2 kataloquna yazma icazəsinin olmasını yoxla.'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'Yuxarıda göstərilən şifrəni yaz:'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'Lütfən, istifadəçi adını daxil et:'
+'Please enter your password.': 'Lütfən, şifrəni daxil et:'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Lütfən, şəkildə görünən şifrəni daxil et.'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA şifrəsi düzgün deyil. Lütfən, bir daha sına.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'Daxil oldu: $1'
+Help: Yardım
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Lütfən, istifadəçi adı və şifrəni daxil et'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Bu səhifəyə daxil olmağa ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Login failed': 'Giriş alınmadı'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Lütfən, düzgün istifadəçi adı və şifrəni daxil etdiyinə əmin ol.'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Problem hələ də davam etməkdədirsə, lütfən, $1 sayt idarəçisi ilə əlaqə saxla'
+Backup/Restore: Ehtiyat/Arxiv
+'Step 2': 'Addım 2'
+'Step 3': 'Addım 3'
+'Add new user': 'Yeni istifadəi əlavə et'
+'Bad credentials': 'Pis məlumat'
+'Active users': 'Aktiv istifadəçilər'
+'New comments': 'Yeni şərhlər'
+'Published articles': 'Nümayiş edilmiş məqalələr'
+'Last 7 days statistics': 'Son 7 günün statistikası'
+'Change password': 'Parolu dəyiş'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.be.yml
index d98ea89026..9165592cf9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.be.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+'Rename user': 'Змяніць імя карыстальніка'
+Campsite: 'Campsite '
+'Image Rendering': 'Апрацоўка выявы'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Спісы Выбраных артыкулаў'
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'Няўдалая спроба загрузіць файл рэзервовай копіі.'
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'У вас няма правоў доступу для кіравання рэзервовымі копіямі.'
+'Make a new backup': 'Стварыце новую рэзервовую копію'
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце стварыць новую рэзервовую копію?'
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Маркер доступу ня дзейнічае. Калі ласка, паўтарыце адпраўку формы.'
+Templates: Шаблёны
+'Create slideshow': 'Стварыць слайд-шоў'
+Create: Стварыць
+Attach/Detach: Прымацаваць/Выдаліць
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдаліць слайд-шоў?'
+Support: Падтрымка
+'Pending articles': 'Незакончаныя артыкулы'
+'Manage Users': 'Кіраванне карыстальнікамі'
+'Manage User Types': 'Кіраванне тыпамі карыстальнікаў'
+'Manage User Points System': 'Кіраванне сістэмай карыстальніцкіх пунктаў'
+Last: Апошнi
+First: Першы
+Feedback: 'Зваротная сувязь'
+'Edit your password': 'Рэдагаваць пароль'
+'Edit user': 'Рэдагаваць акаунт карыстальніка'
+'Edit permissions': 'Рэдагаваць правы доступу'
+Detail: 'Больш падрабязна'
+'Create new user': 'Стварыць новага карыстальніка'
+'Create new account': 'Стварыць новы ўліковы запіс'
+'Add feed': 'Дадаць ленту'
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Няўдалая спроба загрузкі файла $1.'
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'Файл $1 не можа быць перамешчаны. Праверце ці ў вас досыць месца на серверы.'
+MiB: МБ
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Няўдалая спроба запампаваць файл. Праверце ці ў вас досыць вольнай дыскавай прасторы на серверы.'
+'try again later': 'паўторыце спробу пазней'
+at: на
+'You must at least upload one file.': 'Вы павінны загрузіць ня меньш за адзін файл.'
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Увага: існуючыя дадзеныя і тэмы (шаблёны), будуць выдаленыя!'
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Значэнне зяўляецца абавязковым і не можа быць пустым'
+Upload: Загрузіць
+'Update comment': 'Аднавіць каментары'
+'Time created': 'Час створаны'
+Themes: 'Тэмы (шаблёны)'
+'Stop current upload': 'Спыніць запампоўку'
+'Start uploading queue': 'Пачаць загрузку чэргі'
+'Start upload': 'Пачаць запампоўку'
+Settings: Налады
+'Select files': 'Абярыце файлы'
+Reply: Адказ
+'New comment added': 'Каментар дабаўлены'
+'Manage Authors': 'Кіраванне аўтарамі'
+Loading..: Загрузка...
+Filename: 'Імя файла'
+'Edit user type': 'Змяніць тып карыстальніка'
+'Edit language': 'Змяніць мову'
+'Drag files here.': 'Перацягнуць файлы сюды.'
+'Connection interrupted': 'Злучэньне спыненае'
+Ban: Забаронены
+'Are you sure you want to': 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце'
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Дадайце файлы ў чаргу загрузкі і націсніце кнопку.'
+'Add files': 'Дадаць файлы'
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% змяшчае больш, чым %max% сімвалаў'
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% змяшчае меньш, чым %min% сімвалаў'
+'User name': 'Імя карыстальніка'
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': 'Ваш пароль пераусталяваны.'
+'Proceed to login.': Ўвайсці.
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
+'Go to login': 'На старонку ўваходу.'
+'Back to login.': 'Вярнуцца на старонку ўваходу.'
+'Back to login': 'Вярнуцца на старонку ўваходу'
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'Паведамленне з інструкцыямі аб тым, як аднавіць Ваш пароль быў высланы на Ваш e-mail.'
+'Session expired.': 'Сесія скончана.'
+Processing...: Апрацоўка...
+Please: 'Калі ласка'
+'Go to dashboard': 'Вярнуцца на Мой Newscoop'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Ваш браўзэр не падтрымлівае Javascript або (больш верагодна) опцыя Javascript адключаная. Выпраўце сітуацыю, каб карыстацца Newscoop.'
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop мадэрнізаваў механізмы бяспекі. Для таго, каб аднавіць уліковы запіс і выкарыстоўваць новыя наладкі бяспекі, Вы павінны зноў ўвесці пароль.'
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Кэш Newscoop быў ачышчаны.'
+Dashboard: 'Мой Newscoop'
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Змены будуць захаваны пасля ўваходу ў сістэму.'
+'Upload backup file': 'Загрузіць файл рэзервнай копіі'
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'Файл $ 1 быў паспяхова загружаны.'
+'Media Archive': Медыя-архіў
+Widgets: Віджэты
+'Widget info': 'Інфармацыя пра віджэты'
+'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Віджэт даданы да Мой Newscoop.'
+'Remove widget': 'Выдаліць віджэт'
+'Please login to continue.': 'Калі ласка, увядзіце лагін і пароль для працягу.'
+'Add to dashboard': 'Дадаць у Мой Newscoop'
+'Add more widgets': 'Дадаць іншыя віджэты'
+login: Уваход
+'This link is not valid.': 'Гэтая спасылка няправільная!'
+'Recover password': 'Аднавіць пароль'
+'Please enter your email.': 'Калі ласка, увядзіце свой email.'
+'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Немагчыма аднавіць пароль.'
+'Password recovery': 'Аднаўленне пароля'
+'Password Recovery': 'Аднаўленне Пароля'
+'No user is registered with this email.': 'Няма карыстальнікаў, зарэгістраваных пад гэтым паролем.'
+'Forgot your password?': 'Забыўся пароль?'
+'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: няправільны фармат.'
Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Bad input parameters.': 'Няправільныя ўваходныя параметры.'
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'Памылка пры выдаленні файла $1.'
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Файл $1 '
+Size: Памер
+'Restore file': 'Аднавіць файл'
+Restore: Аднавіць
+Mb: Мб
+'Free disk space': 'Даступнае прастору на дыску'
+'Download file': 'Загрузіць файл'
+Download: Загрузіць
+'Delete file': 'Выдаліць файл'
+'Backup list is empty.': 'Спіс пусты.'
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што жадаеце аднавіць $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што жадаеце выдалiць файл $1?'
+'Import XML': 'Імпарт XML'
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'У вас павінны быць правы карыстальніка для дадавання/змянення выпускаў і артыкулаў для таго, каб вызначыць аўтара для артыкулаў.'
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Выберыце поле са спісу для генерацыі поля аўтар'
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Поле $1 – няправільнае альбо пустое. Вы павінны выбраць правільнае дынамічнае поле.'
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Немагчыма стварыць аўтара $1 для артыкула №$2 ($3) тыпу $4.'
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Паўсталі памылкі падчас усталёвак аўтара артыкулаў тыпу $1 з поля $2.'
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Аўтар паспяхова ўсталяваны для артыкулаў тыпу $1 з поля $2.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Гэты артыкул быў заблакаваны $1 ($2) $3 хвілін таму.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Гэты артыкул быў заблакаваны $1 ($2) $3 гадзін і $4 хвілін таму.'
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Памылка падчас усталёвак аўтара $1 для артыкула №$2 ($3) тыпу $4.'
+'Clear system cache': 'Ачысьціць сыстэму кэшаваньня'
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'Сыстэма ня можа загрузіць файл $1.'
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Калі ласка праверце, які файл Вы спрабуеце загрузіць. Файл можа быць сапсаваны.'
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'Гэты файл захаваны на дыску як $1.'
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'Немагчыма запісаць у папку $1.'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'Немагчыма прачытаць файл $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'Немагчыма выдалiць папку $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Калi ласка, праверце, цi мае карыстальнiк $1 права доступу для чытаньня гэтага файла.'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Калi ласка, праверце, цi пустая гэтая папка i карыстальнiк $1 мае права доступу для запiсу ў папку $2.'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'Немагчыма запiсаць у файл $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'Немагчыма выдалiць файл $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'Немагчыма стварыць файл $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'Немагчыма стварыць папку $1. '
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Калi ласка, праверце, цi мае карыстальнiк $1 права доступу для запiсу ў гэты файл.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Калi ласка, праверце, цi мае карыстальнiк $1 права доступу для запiсу ў папку $2.'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'Увядзеце код, якi паказаны ніжэй:'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'Увядзеце iмя карыстальнiка.'
+'Please enter your password.': 'Увядзеце Ваш пароль.'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Калi ласка, увядзеце код, якi паказаны на малюнку.'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'Код CAPTCHA несапраўдны. Калi ласка, паспрабуйце iзноў.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'Карыстальнiк: $1'
+Help: Дапамога
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Калi ласка, увядзеце Ваша iмя i пароль'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу да гэтай старонкі.'
+'Login failed': 'Памылка ўваходу'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Калi ласка, праверце, цi правiльна Вы ўвялі лагiн і пароль.'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Калi праблема iснуе, зьвярнецеся да адмiнiстратара сайта $1'
+Backup/Restore: 'Рэзервнае капіраванне'
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.bn.yml
index d98ea89026..8cb461a90b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.bn.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: null
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: থিম
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: null
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': null
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
+Newscoop: null
+'Your password has been reset.': null
+'Proceed to login.': null
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': null
+'Back to login.': null
+'Back to login': null
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': null
+'Session expired.': null
+Processing...: null
+Please: null
+'Go to dashboard': null
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': null
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: null
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: null
+'Delete file': null
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': null
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': null
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': null
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': null
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'Type the code shown above:': null
+'Please enter your user name.': null
+'Please enter your password.': null
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': null
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': null
+'Signed in: $1': null
+Help: null
+'Please enter your user name and password': null
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': null
+'Login failed': null
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': null
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': null
+Backup/Restore: null
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.cs.yml
index d98ea89026..6aa57ee7f4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.cs.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
+'Rename user': 'Přejmenovat uživatele'
Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
+'Image Rendering': 'Vykreslování obrázku'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Výběr článku ze seznamů'
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'Pokusil jste se nahrát neplatný zálohovaný soubor.'
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'Nemáte opravnění pracovat se zálohováním dat.'
+'Make a new backup': 'Vytvořit novou zálohu dat'
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Jste si jist, že chcete provést novou zálohu dat?'
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Bezpečnostní token vypršel. Formulář prosím znovu připojte.'
+Templates: Šablony
+'Create slideshow': 'Vytvořit slideshow'
+Create: Vytvořit
+Attach/Detach: Připojit/Odpojit
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Jste si jisti, že chcete vymazat slideshow?'
+Support: Podpora
+'Pending articles': 'Dosud nevyřízené články'
+'Manage Users': 'Správa uživatelů'
+'Manage User Types': 'Správa typů uživatelů'
+'Manage User Points System': 'Správa bodového systému uživatele'
+Last: Poslední
+First: První
+Feedback: 'Zpětná vazba'
+'Edit your password': 'Upravit heslo'
+'Edit user': 'Upravit uživatele'
+'Edit permissions': 'Upravit povolení'
Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
+'Create new user': 'Vytvořit nového uživatele'
+'Create new account': 'Vytvořit nový účet'
+'Add feed': 'Přidat zdroj'
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Nahrávání souboru $1 nebylo úspěšné.'
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'Soubor $1 nemůže být posunut. Zkontrolujte zda máte dostatek místa na disku.'
MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Stažení nebylo úspěšné. Prosím zkontrolujte zda nemá server nedostatek místa na disku.'
+'try again later': 'zkuste znovu později'
+at: na
+'You must at least upload one file.': 'Musíte nahrát alespoň jeden soubor.'
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Upozornění: existující data a náměty budou smazány!'
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Hodnota je požadována a nemůže zůstat nevyplněna'
+Upload: Nahrávat
+'Update comment': 'Aktualizovat komentář'
+'Time created': 'Čas vytvořen'
+Themes: Náměty
+'Stop current upload': 'Zastavit probíhající nahrávání'
+'Start uploading queue': 'Začít nahrávat frontu'
+'Start upload': 'Začít nahrávat'
+Settings: Nastavení
+'Select files': 'Vyberte soubor'
+Reply: Odpovědět
+'New comment added': 'Přidán nový komentář'
+'Manage Authors': 'Správa Autorů'
+Loading..: Nahrávání..
+Filename: 'Název souboru'
+'Edit user type': 'Upravit typ uživatele'
+'Edit language': 'Upravit jazyk'
+'Drag files here.': 'Přesunout soubory sem.'
+'Connection interrupted': 'Spojení přerušeno'
+Ban: Zakázat
+'Are you sure you want to': 'Jste si jist, že chcete '
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Přidat soubory do fronty a stisknout tlačítko start.'
+'Add files': 'Přidat soubory'
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': ' %value% je víc než %max% znaků dlouhá'
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': ' %value% je méně než %min% znaků dlouhá'
+'User name': 'Jméno uživatele'
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': 'Vaše heslo bylo obnoveno'
+'Proceed to login.': 'Pokračujte na přihlášení se do systému.'
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
+'Go to login': 'Jděte na přihlášení se do systému.'
+'Back to login.': 'Zpět na přihlášení se do systému.'
+'Back to login': 'Zpět na přihlášení se do systému'
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'Byl zaslán e-mail s pokyny na obnovení Vašeho hesla.'
+'Session expired.': 'Relace je ukončena.'
+Processing...: Zpracovávám...
+Please: Prosíme
+'Go to dashboard': 'Jděte na hlavní panel'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Váš prohlížeč nepodporuje Javascript nebo (a to je spíše pravděpodné) jej máte zablokovaný. Napravíte-li tyto chyby, budete moci začít používat Newscoop.'
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop zvýšil bezpečnostní opatření. Aby se tato opatření mohla projevit na Vašem účtu, musíte znovu zadat heslo svého účtu.'
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Paměť Newscoopu byla vyrovnána'
+Dashboard: 'Hlavní panel'
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Změny budou uloženy po přihlášení se do systému.'
+'Upload backup file': 'Nahrát zálohovací soubor'
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'Soubor $1 byl úspěšně nahrán.'
+'Media Archive': 'Archiv Médií'
+Widgets: Widgety
'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
+'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Wiget přidán na hlavní panel.'
+'Remove widget': 'Odstranit widget'
+'Please login to continue.': 'Prosím přihlašte se aby jste mohli pokračovat.'
+'Add to dashboard': 'Přidat na hlavní panel'
+'Add more widgets': 'Přidat další widety'
+login: 'Přihlásit se '
+'This link is not valid.': 'Tento link je neplatný'
+'Recover password': 'Obnovit heslo'
+'Please enter your email.': 'Prosím zadejte váš email.'
+'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Obnova hesla je zakázána.'
+'Password recovery': 'Obnovení hesla'
+'Password Recovery': 'Obnovení Hesla'
+'No user is registered with this email.': 'Žadný uživatel s tímto emailem není registrován'
+'Forgot your password?': 'Zapoměli jste heslo?'
+'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: nesprávný formát'
Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
+'Bad input parameters.': 'Nesprávné vstupní parametry.'
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'Stala se chyba při pokusu vymazat soubor $1.'
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Soubor $1 byl úspěšně vymazán.'
+Size: 'Velikost '
+'Restore file': 'Obnovit soubor'
+Restore: Obnovit
Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Free disk space': 'Volné místo na disku'
+'Download file': 'Stáhnout soubor'
+Download: Stáhnout
+'Delete file': 'Smazat soubor'
+'Backup list is empty.': 'Záložní seznam je prázdný.'
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Jste si jisti, že chcete obnovit soubor $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Jste si jisti, že chcete vymazat soubor $1?'
+'Import XML': 'Importovat XML'
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'Musíte mít povolení přidat/změnit vydání a články, aby bylo možné určit autora pro všechny články.'
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Vyberte pole, z kterého se bude vybírat autor.'
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Neplatné nebo prázdné pole $1. Musíte vybrat platné funkční pole.'
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Vytvořit autora $1 pro článek číslo $2 ($3) typu $4 je nemožné.'
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Vyskytly se chyby v nastavení autora pro články typu $1 z pole $2. '
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Autor byl uspěšně nastaven pro články typu $1 z pole $2. '
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Tento článek uzamkl $1 ($2) před $3 minutami.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Tento článek uzamkl $1 ($2) před $3 hodinami a $4 minutami.'
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Chyba v nastavení autora $1 pro článek ($2) $3 typu $4.'
+'Clear system cache': 'Vymazat system cache'
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'Systém byl neschopen nahrát soubor $1. '
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Prosím, zkontrolujte soubor, který se snažíte nahrát zda není poškozený. '
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'Tento soubor je uložen na disku jako $1. '
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'Systém není schopen psát do adresáře $1. '
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'Systém nebyl schopen přečíst soubor $1. '
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'Systém nebyl schopen vymazat adresář $1. '
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Prosím zkontrolujte zda uživatel $1 má povolení číst tento soubor.'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Zkontrolujte zda adresář je prázdný a uživatel $1 má povolení psát do adresáře $2.'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'Systém nebyl schopen psát do souboru $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'Systém nebyl schopen vymazat soubor $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'Systém nebyl schopen vytvořit soubor $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'Systém nebyl schopnen vytvořit adresář $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Zkontrolujte zda uživatel $1 má povolení psát do tohoto souboru.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Zkontrolujte zda uživatel $1 má povolení psát do adresáře $2.'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'Napište kód zobrazený nahoře:'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'Vložte vaše uživatelské jméno.'
+'Please enter your password.': 'Vložte vaše heslo.'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Vložte zobrazený kód.'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA kód je neplatný. Zkuste to znovu.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'Přihlášený v: $1'
+Help: Nápověda
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Zadejte uživatelské jméno a heslo'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Nemáte přístupová práva k této stránce'
+'Login failed': 'Přihlášení neproběhlo'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Zkontrolujte, zda jste správně zadali uživatelské jméno a heslo'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Pokud vaše problémy přetrvávají, prosím kontaktujte administrátora'
+Backup/Restore: Zálohovat/Obnovit
+'Step 2': 'Krok 2'
+'Step 3': 'Krok 3'
+'Add new user': 'Přidat nového uživatele'
+'Bad credentials': 'Špatné přihlašovací údaje'
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.da.yml
index d98ea89026..174f1ad071 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.da.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
+'Rename user': 'Omdøb bruger'
Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
+'Image Rendering': 'Billed udgaver'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Fremhævede artikler'
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'Du prøvede at uploade en ugyldig backup fil.'
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at håndtere backups.'
+'Make a new backup': 'Lav en ny backup'
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Vil du lave en ny backup?'
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Sikkerhedstoken er udløbet. Indsend formularen igen.'
+Templates: Skabeloner
+'Create slideshow': 'Opret galleri'
+Create: Opret
+Attach/Detach: Vedhæft/Fjern
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Vil du slette galleriet?'
Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
+'Pending articles': 'Ventende artikler'
+'Manage Users': Brugere
+'Manage User Types': 'Bruger typer'
+'Manage User Points System': 'Håndter burger point systemet'
+Last: Sidste
+First: Første
Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
+'Edit your password': 'Skift din adgangskode'
+'Edit user': 'Rediger bruger'
+'Edit permissions': 'Rediger rettigheder'
+Detail: Detalje
+'Create new user': 'Opret ny bruger'
+'Create new account': 'Opret ny konto'
+'Add feed': 'Tilføj feed'
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload af filen $1 fejlede.'
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'Filen $1 kunne ikke flyttes. Kontroler at du har lagerplads nok.'
MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download mislykkedes. Kontroller at serveren har plads på disken.'
+'try again later': 'Prøv igen senere'
+at: på
+'You must at least upload one file.': 'Du skal uploade mindst 1 fil.'
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Advarsel: De eksisterende data og temaer vil blive slettet!'
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Værdien er påkrævet og kan ikke være tom'
Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
+'Update comment': 'Opdater kommentar'
+'Time created': Oprettelsestidspunkt
+Themes: Temaer
+'Stop current upload': 'Stop igangværende upload'
+'Start uploading queue': 'Start upload kø'
'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+Settings: Indstillinger
+'Select files': 'Vælg filer'
+Reply: Svar
+'New comment added': 'Ny kommentar tilføjet'
+'Manage Authors': Forfattere
+Loading..: Loader...
+Filename: Filnavn
+'Edit user type': 'Rediger bruger type'
+'Edit language': 'Rediger sprog'
+'Drag files here.': 'Træk filer hertil.'
+'Connection interrupted': 'Forbindelse afbrudt'
+Ban: Bloker
+'Are you sure you want to': 'Er du sikker på du vil'
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Tilføj filer til upload køen og klik på start.'
+'Add files': 'Tilføj filer'
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% er mere end %max% tegn lang'
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% er mindre end %min% tegn lang'
+'User name': Brugernavn
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': 'Din adgangskode er blevet nulstillet.'
+'Proceed to login.': 'Gå til login.'
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
+'Go to login': 'Gå til login'
+'Back to login.': 'Tilbage til login.'
+'Back to login': 'Tilbage til login'
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'Der er sendt en email til dig med instruktioner til at gendanne din adgangskode.'
+'Session expired.': 'Sessionen er udløbet.'
+Processing...: Arbejder...
+Please: Tak
+'Go to dashboard': 'Gå til overblik'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Din browser understøtter ikke javascript eller (mere sandsynligt) du har slået javascript fra. Du skal slå javascript til for at bruge Newscoop.'
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop har opgraderet sikkerheden. For at opgradere din konto skal du skrive din adgangskode igen.'
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cachen blev renset'
+Dashboard: Overblik
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Dine ændringer bliver gemt efter du logger ind.'
+'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup fil'
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'Filen $1 blev uploadet.'
+'Media Archive': 'Medie arkiv'
Widgets: Widgets
'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
+'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget føjet til overblikket.'
+'Remove widget': 'Fjern widget'
+'Please login to continue.': 'Log ind for at fortsætte.'
+'Add to dashboard': 'Tilføj til overblik'
+'Add more widgets': 'Tilføj flere widgets'
+login: 'Log ind'
+'This link is not valid.': 'Ugyldigt link'
+'Recover password': 'Gendan adgangskode'
+'Please enter your email.': 'Skriv din email adresse.'
+'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Gendannelse af adgangskoder er slået fra.'
+'Password recovery': 'Gendannelse af adgangskode'
+'Password Recovery': 'Gendannelse af adgangskode'
+'No user is registered with this email.': 'Ingen bruger er registreret med den email adresse.'
+'Forgot your password?': 'Glemt adgangskode?'
+'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: Forkert format.'
Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
+'Bad input parameters.': 'Ugyldige input parametre'
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'Der skete en fejl under sletning af filen $1.'
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Filen $1 blev slettet.'
+Size: Størrelse
+'Restore file': 'Gendan fil'
+Restore: Gendan
Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
+'Free disk space': 'Ledig diskplads'
+'Download file': 'Hent fil'
Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Delete file': 'Slet fil'
+'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup listen er tom.'
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Vil du gendanne filen $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Vil du slette filen $1?'
+'Import XML': 'Importer XML'
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'Du skal have rettigheder til at tilføje/ændre udgivelser og artikler for at indstille forfatter for alle artikler.'
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Vælg feltet der skal bruges til forfatter'
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Ugyldigt eller tomt felt $1. Du skal vælge et gyldigt dynamisk felt.'
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Kunne ikke oprette forfatter $1 for artikel nr. $2 ($3) af type $4.'
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Kunne ikke sætte forfatteren for artikler af type $1 fra feltet $2.'
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Forfatteren for artikler af type $1 blev sat fra feltet $2.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Artiklen blev låst af $1 ($2) for $3 minutter siden.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Artiklen blev låst af $1 ($2) for $3 timer og $4 minutter siden.'
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Forfatteren $1 kunne ikke sættes for artikel nr. $2 ($3) af type $4.'
+'Clear system cache': 'Tøm systemets cache'
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'Systemet kunne ikke uploade filen $1.'
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Kontrollér filen du prøver at sende, den kan være beskadiget.'
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'Fejl i sessionshåndteringen. Indlæs siden igen.'
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'Filen er gemt på disk som $1.'
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'Systemet kunne ikke skrive til mappen $1.'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'Systemet kunne ikke læse filen $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'Systemet kunne ikke slette mappen $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Kontroller om brugeren $1 har tilladelser til at læse filen.'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Kontroller om mappen er tom og om brugeren $1 har tilladelser til at skrive til mappen $2.'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'Systemet kunne ikke skrive til filen $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'Systemet kunne ikke slette filen $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'Systemet kunne ikke oprette filen $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'Systemet kunne ikke oprette mappen $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Kontroller om brugeren $1 har tilladelser til at skrive til denne fil.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Kontroller om brugeren $1 har tilladelser til at skrive til mappen $2.'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'Skriv den viste kode:'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'Skriv dit brugernavn.'
+'Please enter your password.': 'Skriv din adgangskode.'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Skriv koden du ser i billedet.'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA koden er ugyldig. Prøv igen.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'Logget ind: $1'
+Help: Hjælp
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Skriv brugernavn og adgangskode.'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at se denne side.'
+'Login failed': 'Login mislykkedes'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Kontroller at du har indtastet korrekt brugernavn og adgangskode.'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Kontakt hjemmesidens administrator $1 hvis problemet fortsætter'
+Backup/Restore: Backup/Gendan
+'Step 2': 'Trin 2'
+'Step 3': 'Trin 3'
+'Add new user': 'Tilføj bruger'
+'Bad credentials': 'Ugyldige brugeroplysninger'
+'Active users': 'Aktive brugere'
+'New comments': 'Nye kommentarer'
+'Published articles': 'Publicerede artikler'
+'Last 7 days statistics': 'Statistik for de seneste 7 dage'
+'Change password': 'Skift adgangskode'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.de.yml
index d98ea89026..7aea646ccb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.de.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
+'Rename user': 'Nutzer umbenennen '
+Campsite: Newscoop
+'Image Rendering': Bildwiedergabe
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Listen ausgewählter Artikel'
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'Sie haben versucht eine ungültige Backup-Datei hochzuladen. '
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, um Backups zu bearbeiten. '
+'Make a new backup': 'Backup erstellen'
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Wollen Sie wirklich ein neues Backup erstellen? '
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Sicherheitstoken abgelaufen. Bitte Formular erneut abschicken. '
Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
+'Create slideshow': 'Bildstrecke erstellen'
+Create: Erstellen
+Attach/Detach: Anhängen/Entkoppeln
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Bildstrecke löschen wollen?'
Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
+'Pending articles': 'Eingereichte Artikel'
+'Manage Users': 'Nutzer verwalten'
+'Manage User Types': 'Nutzertypen verwalten'
+'Manage User Points System': 'Nutzer-Punktesystem verwalten'
+Last: Letzte
+First: Erste
Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
+'Edit your password': 'Passwort bearbeiten'
+'Edit user': 'Nutzer bearbeiten'
+'Edit permissions': 'Berechtigung bearbeiten'
Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
+'Create new user': 'Neuen Nutzer anlegen'
+'Create new account': 'Neues Benutzerkonto anlegen'
+'Add feed': 'Feed hinzufügen'
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Die Datei $1 wurde nicht hochgeladen.'
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'Die Datei $1 konnte nicht verschoben werden. '
MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Der Download war nicht erfolgreich. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob genug Platz auf dem Server zur Verfügung steht. '
+'try again later': 'Bitte später wieder versuchen. '
+at: auf
+'You must at least upload one file.': 'Sie müssen mindestens eine Datei hochladen. '
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Achtung: Die vorhandenen Daten und Themen werden gelöscht. '
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Der Wert ist erforderlich und kann nicht leer sein. '
Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+'Update comment': 'Kommentar aktualisieren'
+'Time created': 'Zeitpunkt angelegt. '
+Themes: Themen
+'Stop current upload': 'Laufenden Upload abbrechen'
+'Start uploading queue': 'Upload Reihenfolge starten '
+'Start upload': 'Upload starten'
+Settings: 'Einstellungen '
+'Select files': 'Dateien auswählen'
+Reply: Antworten
+'New comment added': 'Neuer Kommentar hinzugefügt'
+'Manage Authors': 'Autoren verwalten'
+Loading..: Lade...
+Filename: Dateiname
+'Edit user type': 'Nutzertyp bearbeiten'
+'Edit language': 'Sprache bearbeiten'
+'Drag files here.': 'Dateien hierher ziehen. '
+'Connection interrupted': 'Verbindung unterbrochen'
+Ban: Sperre
+'Are you sure you want to': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie wollen '
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Fügen Sie Dateien zur Upload-Schlange hinzu und klicken Sie den Start Button. '
+'Add files': 'Datei hinzufügen. '
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% ist mehr als %max% Zeichen lang'
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% ist weniger als %min% Zeichen lang'
+'User name': Benutzername
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': 'Ihr Passwort wurde zurückgesetzt. '
+'Proceed to login.': 'Weiter zum Login. '
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
+'Go to login': 'Zum Login'
+'Back to login.': 'Zurück zum Login. '
+'Back to login': 'Zurück zum Login. '
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'Eine Email mit Anweisung zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passworts wurde an Ihre Email Adresse versendet. '
+'Session expired.': 'Session abgelaufen.'
+Processing...: Bearbeite...
+Please: Bitte
+'Go to dashboard': 'Zum Dashboard'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Ihr Browser unterstützt kein Javascript oder Sie haben Javascript nicht aktiviert (das ist wahrscheinlicher). Bitte überpüfen Sie Ihre Einstellungen, um Newscoop nutzen zu können. '
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop hat die Sicherheitseinstellungen aktualisiert. Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort erneut ein, um die neuen Einstellungen für Ihren Account zu übernehmen.'
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Der Newscoop Cache wurde geleert.'
Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Ihre Änderungen werden nach dem Login übernommen.'
+'Upload backup file': 'Backup-Datei hochladen'
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'Die Datei $1 wurde erfolgreich hochgeladen.'
+'Media Archive': Medienarchiv
Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Widget info': 'Widget Info'
+'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Das Widget wurde dem Dashboard hinzugefügt.'
+'Remove widget': 'Widget entfernen'
+'Please login to continue.': 'Bitte loggen Sie sich ein um fortzufahren'
+'Add to dashboard': 'Dem Dashboard hinzufügen'
+'Add more widgets': 'Weitere Widgets hinzufügen'
+login: Login
+'This link is not valid.': 'Ungültiger Link'
+'Recover password': 'Passwort wiederherstellen'
+'Please enter your email.': 'Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail Adresse ein.'
+'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Die Passwortwiederherstellung ist deaktiviert.'
+'Password recovery': Passwortwiederherstellung
+'Password Recovery': Passwortwiederherstellung
+'No user is registered with this email.': 'Unter dieser E-Mail ist kein Nutzer registriert.'
+'Forgot your password?': 'Passwort vergessen?'
+'Email: incorrect format.': 'E-Mail: falsches Format.'
+Email: E-Mail
+'Bad input parameters.': 'Schlechte Eingabeparameter.'
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'Fehler beim Löschen der Datei $1.'
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Die Datei $1 wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.'
+Size: Größe
+'Restore file': 'Datei wiederherstellen'
+Restore: Wiederherstellen
+Mb: MB
+'Free disk space': 'Freier Speicherplatz'
+'Download file': 'Datei herunterladen'
+Download: Herunterladen
+'Delete file': 'Datei löschen'
+'Backup list is empty.': 'Leere Backupliste'
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Datei $1 wiederherstellen möchten?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Datei $1 löschen möchten?'
+'Import XML': 'XML importieren'
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'Sie benötigen die Erlaubnis, Ausgaben und Artikel hinzuzufügen/zu verändern, um die Autoren/innen für alle Artikel einzugeben.'
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Wählen Sie ein Feld zur Erstellung von Autor/in.'
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Ungültiges oder leeres Feld $1. Bitte wählen Sie ein gültiges dynamisches Feld.'
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Autor/in $1 für Artikelnr. $2 ($3) vom Typ $4 kann nicht erstellt werden.'
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Fehler bei der Erstellung von Autor/in für Artikeltyp $1 vom Feld $2.'
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Autor/in für den Artikeltyp $1 vom Feld $2 wurde erfolgreich erstellt.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Achtung: Der Artikel ist durch $1 ($2) seit $3 Minute(n) gesperrt.
Du kannst die Sperrung aufheben, dabei gehen aber alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen verloren. Bitte stelle sicher, dass $1 ($2) den Artikel nicht mehr am Bearbeiten ist.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Achtung: Der Artikel ist durch $1 ($2) seit $3 Stunde(n) und $4 Minute(n) gesperrt.
Du kannst die Sperrung aufheben, dabei gehen aber alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen verloren. Bitte stelle sicher, dass $1 ($2) den Artikel nicht mehr am Bearbeiten ist.'
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Fehler bei der Erstellung von Autor/in $1 für die Artikelnr. $2 ($3) vom Typ $4.'
+'Clear system cache': 'System-Cache leeren'
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'Das System konnte die Datei $1 nicht hochladen.'
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Die Datei, die Sie hochladen möchten, könnte beschädigt sein.'
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'Diese Datei ist als $1 gespeichert.'
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'Das System konnte nicht auf das Verzeichnis $1 zugreifen.'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'Das System konnte die Datei $1 nicht lesen.'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'Das System konnte das Verzeichnis $1 nicht löschen.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Bitte überprüfen Sie die Zugangsrechte von $.1'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob das Verzeichnis leer ist und der Nutzer $1 Zugangsrechte zum Verzeichnis $2 besitzt.'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'Das System konnte nicht auf die Datei $1 zugreifen.'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'Das System konnte die Datei $1 nicht löschen.'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'Das System konnte die Datei $1 nicht erstellen.'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'Das System konnte das Verzeichnis $1 nicht erstellen.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob der Nutzer $1 Zugangsrechte zu dieser Datei besitzt.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob der Nutzer $1 Zugangsrechte zum Verzeichnis $2 besitzt.'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'Geben Sie den oben abgebildeten Sicherheitscode ein:'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'Bitte geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen ein.'
+'Please enter your password.': 'Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein.'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Bitte geben Sie den Sicherheitscode von der Abbildung ein.'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA Code ist ungültig. Bitte erneut versuchen.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'Angemeldet: $1'
+Help: Hilfe
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Bitte Benutzernamen und Passwort eingeben.'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Sie haben keine Zugangsrechte für diese Seite.'
+'Login failed': 'Login fehlgeschlagen'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Bitte prüfen, ob Benutzername und Passwort korrekt eingegeben wurden.'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Sollte dieses Problem bestehen bleiben, bitte den Administrator $1 kontaktieren.'
+Backup/Restore: Backup/Wiederherstellung
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.de_AT.yml
index d98ea89026..7aea646ccb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
+'Rename user': 'Nutzer umbenennen '
+Campsite: Newscoop
+'Image Rendering': Bildwiedergabe
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Listen ausgewählter Artikel'
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'Sie haben versucht eine ungültige Backup-Datei hochzuladen. '
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, um Backups zu bearbeiten. '
+'Make a new backup': 'Backup erstellen'
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Wollen Sie wirklich ein neues Backup erstellen? '
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Sicherheitstoken abgelaufen. Bitte Formular erneut abschicken. '
Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
+'Create slideshow': 'Bildstrecke erstellen'
+Create: Erstellen
+Attach/Detach: Anhängen/Entkoppeln
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Bildstrecke löschen wollen?'
Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
+'Pending articles': 'Eingereichte Artikel'
+'Manage Users': 'Nutzer verwalten'
+'Manage User Types': 'Nutzertypen verwalten'
+'Manage User Points System': 'Nutzer-Punktesystem verwalten'
+Last: Letzte
+First: Erste
Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
+'Edit your password': 'Passwort bearbeiten'
+'Edit user': 'Nutzer bearbeiten'
+'Edit permissions': 'Berechtigung bearbeiten'
Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
+'Create new user': 'Neuen Nutzer anlegen'
+'Create new account': 'Neues Benutzerkonto anlegen'
+'Add feed': 'Feed hinzufügen'
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Die Datei $1 wurde nicht hochgeladen.'
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'Die Datei $1 konnte nicht verschoben werden. '
MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Der Download war nicht erfolgreich. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob genug Platz auf dem Server zur Verfügung steht. '
+'try again later': 'Bitte später wieder versuchen. '
+at: auf
+'You must at least upload one file.': 'Sie müssen mindestens eine Datei hochladen. '
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Achtung: Die vorhandenen Daten und Themen werden gelöscht. '
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Der Wert ist erforderlich und kann nicht leer sein. '
Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+'Update comment': 'Kommentar aktualisieren'
+'Time created': 'Zeitpunkt angelegt. '
+Themes: Themen
+'Stop current upload': 'Laufenden Upload abbrechen'
+'Start uploading queue': 'Upload Reihenfolge starten '
+'Start upload': 'Upload starten'
+Settings: 'Einstellungen '
+'Select files': 'Dateien auswählen'
+Reply: Antworten
+'New comment added': 'Neuer Kommentar hinzugefügt'
+'Manage Authors': 'Autoren verwalten'
+Loading..: Lade...
+Filename: Dateiname
+'Edit user type': 'Nutzertyp bearbeiten'
+'Edit language': 'Sprache bearbeiten'
+'Drag files here.': 'Dateien hierher ziehen. '
+'Connection interrupted': 'Verbindung unterbrochen'
+Ban: Sperre
+'Are you sure you want to': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie wollen '
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Fügen Sie Dateien zur Upload-Schlange hinzu und klicken Sie den Start Button. '
+'Add files': 'Datei hinzufügen. '
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% ist mehr als %max% Zeichen lang'
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% ist weniger als %min% Zeichen lang'
+'User name': Benutzername
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': 'Ihr Passwort wurde zurückgesetzt. '
+'Proceed to login.': 'Weiter zum Login. '
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
+'Go to login': 'Zum Login'
+'Back to login.': 'Zurück zum Login. '
+'Back to login': 'Zurück zum Login. '
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'Eine Email mit Anweisung zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passworts wurde an Ihre Email Adresse versendet. '
+'Session expired.': 'Session abgelaufen.'
+Processing...: Bearbeite...
+Please: Bitte
+'Go to dashboard': 'Zum Dashboard'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Ihr Browser unterstützt kein Javascript oder Sie haben Javascript nicht aktiviert (das ist wahrscheinlicher). Bitte überpüfen Sie Ihre Einstellungen, um Newscoop nutzen zu können. '
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop hat die Sicherheitseinstellungen aktualisiert. Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort erneut ein, um die neuen Einstellungen für Ihren Account zu übernehmen.'
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Der Newscoop Cache wurde geleert.'
Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Ihre Änderungen werden nach dem Login übernommen.'
+'Upload backup file': 'Backup-Datei hochladen'
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'Die Datei $1 wurde erfolgreich hochgeladen.'
+'Media Archive': Medienarchiv
Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Widget info': 'Widget Info'
+'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Das Widget wurde dem Dashboard hinzugefügt.'
+'Remove widget': 'Widget entfernen'
+'Please login to continue.': 'Bitte loggen Sie sich ein um fortzufahren'
+'Add to dashboard': 'Dem Dashboard hinzufügen'
+'Add more widgets': 'Weitere Widgets hinzufügen'
+login: Login
+'This link is not valid.': 'Ungültiger Link'
+'Recover password': 'Passwort wiederherstellen'
+'Please enter your email.': 'Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail Adresse ein.'
+'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Die Passwortwiederherstellung ist deaktiviert.'
+'Password recovery': Passwortwiederherstellung
+'Password Recovery': Passwortwiederherstellung
+'No user is registered with this email.': 'Unter dieser E-Mail ist kein Nutzer registriert.'
+'Forgot your password?': 'Passwort vergessen?'
+'Email: incorrect format.': 'E-Mail: falsches Format.'
+Email: E-Mail
+'Bad input parameters.': 'Schlechte Eingabeparameter.'
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'Fehler beim Löschen der Datei $1.'
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Die Datei $1 wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.'
+Size: Größe
+'Restore file': 'Datei wiederherstellen'
+Restore: Wiederherstellen
+Mb: MB
+'Free disk space': 'Freier Speicherplatz'
+'Download file': 'Datei herunterladen'
+Download: Herunterladen
+'Delete file': 'Datei löschen'
+'Backup list is empty.': 'Leere Backupliste'
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Datei $1 wiederherstellen möchten?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Datei $1 löschen möchten?'
+'Import XML': 'XML importieren'
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'Sie benötigen die Erlaubnis, Ausgaben und Artikel hinzuzufügen/zu verändern, um die Autoren/innen für alle Artikel einzugeben.'
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Wählen Sie ein Feld zur Erstellung von Autor/in.'
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Ungültiges oder leeres Feld $1. Bitte wählen Sie ein gültiges dynamisches Feld.'
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Autor/in $1 für Artikelnr. $2 ($3) vom Typ $4 kann nicht erstellt werden.'
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Fehler bei der Erstellung von Autor/in für Artikeltyp $1 vom Feld $2.'
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Autor/in für den Artikeltyp $1 vom Feld $2 wurde erfolgreich erstellt.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Achtung: Der Artikel ist durch $1 ($2) seit $3 Minute(n) gesperrt.
Du kannst die Sperrung aufheben, dabei gehen aber alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen verloren. Bitte stelle sicher, dass $1 ($2) den Artikel nicht mehr am Bearbeiten ist.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Achtung: Der Artikel ist durch $1 ($2) seit $3 Stunde(n) und $4 Minute(n) gesperrt.
Du kannst die Sperrung aufheben, dabei gehen aber alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen verloren. Bitte stelle sicher, dass $1 ($2) den Artikel nicht mehr am Bearbeiten ist.'
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Fehler bei der Erstellung von Autor/in $1 für die Artikelnr. $2 ($3) vom Typ $4.'
+'Clear system cache': 'System-Cache leeren'
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'Das System konnte die Datei $1 nicht hochladen.'
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Die Datei, die Sie hochladen möchten, könnte beschädigt sein.'
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'Diese Datei ist als $1 gespeichert.'
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'Das System konnte nicht auf das Verzeichnis $1 zugreifen.'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'Das System konnte die Datei $1 nicht lesen.'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'Das System konnte das Verzeichnis $1 nicht löschen.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Bitte überprüfen Sie die Zugangsrechte von $.1'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob das Verzeichnis leer ist und der Nutzer $1 Zugangsrechte zum Verzeichnis $2 besitzt.'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'Das System konnte nicht auf die Datei $1 zugreifen.'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'Das System konnte die Datei $1 nicht löschen.'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'Das System konnte die Datei $1 nicht erstellen.'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'Das System konnte das Verzeichnis $1 nicht erstellen.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob der Nutzer $1 Zugangsrechte zu dieser Datei besitzt.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob der Nutzer $1 Zugangsrechte zum Verzeichnis $2 besitzt.'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'Geben Sie den oben abgebildeten Sicherheitscode ein:'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'Bitte geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen ein.'
+'Please enter your password.': 'Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein.'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Bitte geben Sie den Sicherheitscode von der Abbildung ein.'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA Code ist ungültig. Bitte erneut versuchen.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'Angemeldet: $1'
+Help: Hilfe
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Bitte Benutzernamen und Passwort eingeben.'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Sie haben keine Zugangsrechte für diese Seite.'
+'Login failed': 'Login fehlgeschlagen'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Bitte prüfen, ob Benutzername und Passwort korrekt eingegeben wurden.'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Sollte dieses Problem bestehen bleiben, bitte den Administrator $1 kontaktieren.'
+Backup/Restore: Backup/Wiederherstellung
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.en_GB.yml
index d98ea89026..326a3d6d8d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.en_GB.yml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Support: Support
Last: Last
First: First
Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
+'Edit your password': 'Change your password'
'Edit user': 'Edit user'
'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
Detail: Detail
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ MiB: MiB
at: at
'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and can not be empty'
Upload: Upload
'Update comment': 'Update comment'
'Time created': 'Time created'
@@ -159,5 +159,5 @@ Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
'Active users': 'Active users'
'New comments': 'New comments'
'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
+'Last 7 days statistics': 'Statistics for the last 7 days'
'Change password': 'Change password'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.es.yml
index d98ea89026..5775451879 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.es.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
+'Rename user': 'Renombrar al usuario'
Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
+'Image Rendering': 'Generación de imagen'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Listas de artículos seleccionados'
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'Has tratado de subir un archivo de respaldo inválido.'
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'No tienes los permisos para administrar archivos de respaldo.'
+'Make a new backup': 'Haz un nueva copia de respaldo.'
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': '¿Realmente desea realizar una nueva copia de respaldo?'
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'El código de seguridad ha expirado. Por favor, regrese al foro.'
+Templates: Plantillas
+'Create slideshow': 'Crear presentación'
+Create: Crear
+Attach/Detach: Unir/Desunir
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': '¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar la presentación?'
+Support: Soporte
+'Pending articles': 'Artículos pendientes'
+'Manage Users': 'Administrar usuarios'
+'Manage User Types': 'Administrar tipos de usuario'
+'Manage User Points System': 'Administrar sistema de puntos de los usuarios'
+Last: Último
+First: Primero
+Feedback: Retroalimentación
+'Edit your password': 'Edite su clave de acceso'
+'Edit user': 'Edite el usuario'
+'Edit permissions': 'Edite los permisos'
+Detail: Detalle
+'Create new user': 'Crear nuevo usuario'
+'Create new account': 'Crear nueva cuenta'
+'Add feed': 'Añadir feed'
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'La carga del archivo $1 no se realizó de forma exitosa.'
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'No se pudo mover el archivo $1. Verifique que exista suficiente espacio en el disco.'
MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'La descarga no se realizó con éxito. Por favor verifique que el servidor aún cuente con espacio.'
+'try again later': 'Inténtelo de nuevo'
+at: en
+'You must at least upload one file.': 'Debe subir al menos un archivo'
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Alerta: se eliminará la información y los temas existentes'
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Se requiere un valor. No puede quedarse vacío.'
+Upload: Subir
+'Update comment': 'Actualizar comentario'
+'Time created': 'Creado a las'
+Themes: Temas
+'Stop current upload': 'Detener la carga de archivos actual'
+'Start uploading queue': 'Iniciar carga de archivos en espera'
+'Start upload': 'Iniciar carga'
+Settings: Configuración
+'Select files': 'Seleccionar archivos'
+Reply: Responder
+'New comment added': 'Se agregaron nuevos comentarios'
+'Manage Authors': 'Administrar autores'
+Loading..: Cargando...
+Filename: 'Nombre del archivo'
+'Edit user type': 'Editar tipo de usuario'
+'Edit language': 'Editar idioma'
+'Drag files here.': 'Arrastrar archivos a esta área'
+'Connection interrupted': 'Se interrupió la conexión'
+Ban: Restricción
+'Are you sure you want to': '¿Está seguro de querer'
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Añade archivos a la cola de carga y da clic al botón de iniciar.'
+'Add files': 'Añadir archivos'
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% es mayor a %max% caracteres de largo'
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% es menor a %max% caracteres de largo'
+'User name': Usuario
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': 'Se ha restablecido su contraseña.'
+'Proceed to login.': 'Proceda al ingreso.'
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
+'Go to login': 'Ir al área de ingreso'
+'Back to login.': 'De vuelta al área de ingreso.'
+'Back to login': 'De vuelta al área de ingreso.'
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'Le hemos enviado un correo electrónico con indicaciones sobre cómo recuperar su contraseña.'
+'Session expired.': 'La sesión expiró.'
+Processing...: Procesando...
+Please: 'Por favor'
+'Go to dashboard': 'Ir al tablero'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Su navegador no respalda Javascript o (es muy posible) tiene desactivada la opción de Javascript. Por favor arregle esto antes de usar Newscoop.'
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop ha actualizado sus medidas de seguridad. Para actualizar su cuenta y habilitar la seguridad aumentada, debe ingresar su contraseña de nuevo.'
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Se vació el cache de Newscoop'
+Dashboard: Tablero
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Sus cambios se almacenarán después de ingresar'
+'Upload backup file': 'Suba un archivo de respaldo'
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'El archivo $1 se ha cargado con éxito.'
+'Media Archive': 'Archivo multimedia'
Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
+'Widget info': 'Información del widget'
+'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Se añadió un widget al tablero'
+'Remove widget': 'Remover widget'
+'Please login to continue.': 'Por favor ingrese para continuar'
+'Add to dashboard': 'Añadir al tablero'
+'Add more widgets': 'Añadir más widgets'
+login: Ingreso
+'This link is not valid.': 'El enlace no es válido'
+'Recover password': 'Recuperar su clave de acceso'
+'Please enter your email.': 'Por favor ingrese su correo electrónico'
+'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Se desactivó la recuperación de clave de acceso.'
+'Password recovery': 'Recuperación de clave de acceso'
+'Password Recovery': 'Recuperación de clave de acceso'
+'No user is registered with this email.': 'Ningún usuario se ha registrado con este correo electrónico.'
+'Forgot your password?': '¿Olvidó su clave de acceso?'
+'Email: incorrect format.': 'Correo electrónico: formato incorrecto'
+Email: 'Correo electrónico'
+'Bad input parameters.': 'Los parámetros de la entrada son incorrectos'
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'Se registró un error al tratar de eliminar el archivo $1.'
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'El archivo $1 se eliminó con éxito.'
+Size: Tamaño
+'Restore file': 'Restablecer archivo'
+Restore: Restablecer
Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Free disk space': 'Espacio libre en el disco'
+'Download file': 'Descargue archivo'
+Download: Descargar
+'Delete file': 'Eliminar archivo'
+'Backup list is empty.': 'La lista de respaldo está vacía'
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': '¿Realmente desea recuperar el archivo $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': '¿Realmente desea eliminar el archivo $1?'
+'Import XML': 'Importar XML'
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'Debe tener los permisos para añadir/cambiar notas y artículos para poder poner el autor de todos los artículos.'
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Seleccione el campo de donde generar el autor. '
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Campo inválido o vacío $1. Debe seleccionar una campo dinámico válido. '
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Incapaz de crear auto $1 para artículo no. $2 ($3) p tipo $4'
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Error al poner el autor para los artículos de tipo $1 del campo $2.'
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'El autor fue exitósamente colocado en los artículos de tipo $1 del campo $2.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': '$1 ($2) bloqueó el artículo hace $3 minuto(s).'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': '$1 ($2) bloqueó el artículo hace $3 hora(s) y $4 minuto(s).'
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error al fijar el autor $1 para el artículo no. $2 (3) del tipo $4.'
+'Clear system cache': 'Despejar el caché del sistema'
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'El sistema fue incapaz de subir el archivo $1.'
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Por favor revisar el archivo que está tratando de subir, puede estar corrupto.'
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'Este archivo esta guardado en el disco como $1.'
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'El sistema no pudo escribir en el directorio $1.'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'El sistema no pudo leer el archivo $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'El sistema no pudo eliminar el directorio $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Por favor verifique que el usuario $1 tiene permiso para leer este archivo.'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Por favor verifique que el directorio este vacío y que el usuario $1 tiene permiso para escribir en el directorio $2.'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'El sistema no pudo escribir el archivo $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'El sistema no pudo eliminar el archivo $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'El sistema no pudo crear el archivo $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'El sistema no pudo crear el directorio $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Por favor verifique que el usuario $1 tenga permiso para escribir en este archivo.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Por favor verifique que el usuario $1 tenga permiso para escribir en el directorio $2.'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'Escriba el código desplegado arriba:'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'Ingrese su nombre de usuario.'
+'Please enter your password.': 'Ingrese su clave de acceso.'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Ingrese el código desplegado en la imagen.'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'El código CAPTCHA no es válido. Por favor intente de nuevo.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'Ingresó como:'
+Help: Ayuda
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Por favor entre su nombre de usuario y clave'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'No tiene derecho para accesar esta pagina.'
+'Login failed': 'Acceso fallido'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Por favor asegúrese de que escribió correctamente su nombre de usuario y contraseña.'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Si su problema persiste favor contacte al administrador del sistema $1'
+Backup/Restore: Respaldar/Restablecer
+'Step 2': 'Paso 2'
+'Step 3': 'Paso 3'
+'Add new user': 'Añadir un nuevo usuario'
+'Bad credentials': 'Credenciales incorrectas'
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.es_AR.yml
index d98ea89026..893471760a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: Último
+First: Primero
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: null
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: null
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: null
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': null
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
+Newscoop: null
+'Your password has been reset.': null
+'Proceed to login.': null
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': null
+'Back to login.': null
+'Back to login': null
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': null
+'Session expired.': null
+Processing...: null
+Please: null
+'Go to dashboard': null
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': null
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: null
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: Descargar
+'Delete file': null
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': null
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': null
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': null
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': null
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'Type the code shown above:': null
+'Please enter your user name.': null
+'Please enter your password.': null
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': null
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': null
+'Signed in: $1': null
+Help: null
+'Please enter your user name and password': null
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': null
+'Login failed': null
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': null
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': null
+Backup/Restore: null
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.fa.yml
index d98ea89026..362a355306 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.fa.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: null
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: null
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: null
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': null
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
+Newscoop: null
+'Your password has been reset.': null
+'Proceed to login.': null
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': null
+'Back to login.': null
+'Back to login': null
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': null
+'Session expired.': null
+Processing...: null
+Please: null
+'Go to dashboard': null
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': null
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: null
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: null
+'Delete file': null
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': null
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': null
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': null
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': null
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'Type the code shown above:': null
+'Please enter your user name.': null
+'Please enter your password.': null
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': null
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': null
+'Signed in: $1': null
+Help: null
+'Please enter your user name and password': null
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': null
+'Login failed': null
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': null
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': null
+Backup/Restore: null
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.fr.yml
index d98ea89026..2bfe035852 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.fr.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: Créer
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: Dernier
+First: Premier
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: Téléchargement
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: Templates
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: 'Nom du fichier'
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': 'Editer langue'
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
+Newscoop: null
+'Your password has been reset.': null
+'Proceed to login.': null
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': null
+'Back to login.': null
+'Back to login': null
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': null
+'Session expired.': null
+Processing...: null
+Please: null
+'Go to dashboard': null
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': null
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: Courriel
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: null
+'Delete file': null
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': null
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': null
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': null
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': null
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'Type the code shown above:': null
+'Please enter your user name.': null
+'Please enter your password.': null
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': null
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': null
+'Signed in: $1': 'Connecté: $1'
+Help: Aide
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Entrer svp votre nom utiliseur et mot de passe'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Vous navez pas le droit daccéder à cette page.'
+'Login failed': 'Connexion échouée'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Assurez vous svp que vous avez correctement tapé le nom dutlisateur et le mot de passe.'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Si votre problème persiste contactez svp ladministrateur du site $1.'
+Backup/Restore: null
+'Step 2': 'Étape 2'
+'Step 3': 'Étape 3'
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.he.yml
index d98ea89026..d8cddd9c9e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.he.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: Newscoop
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: null
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: תבניות
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: null
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': null
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
+Newscoop: null
+'Your password has been reset.': 'סיסמתך אופסה'
+'Proceed to login.': 'התקדם לכניסה'
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': 'לך לדף לכניסה'
+'Back to login.': 'חזור לדף הכניסה'
+'Back to login': 'חזור לדף הכניסה'
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'דואל עם הוראות כיצד לשחזר את סיסמתך נשלח לתיבת הדואר שלך'
+'Session expired.': 'פג תוקף החיבור הנוכחי'
+Processing...: מעבד....
+Please: בבקשה
+'Go to dashboard': 'לך לדף הראשי'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'תקן בבקשה את ההגדרות על מנת להשתמש בתוכנהJavascript הגלשן שלך לא מאפשר להריץ. '
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: null
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: null
+'Delete file': null
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'בבקשה בדוק את הקובץ שהנך מנסה להעלות. יתכן שהוא לא תקין'
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'הקובץ נשמר בכונן בשם $11'
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'המערכת לא הצליחה לכתוב לתיקייה $11'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'המערכת לא הצליחה לקרוא את הקובץ $11'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'המערכת לא הצליחה למחוק את התיקייה $11'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'בדוק אם למשתמש $1 יש הרשאה לקרוא את הקובץ'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'בדוק אם התיקייה ריקה ואם ל$1 יש הרשאה לכתוב לסיפרייה $21'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'המערכת לא הצליחה לכתוב לקובץ $11'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'המערכת לא הצליחה למחוק את הקובץ $11'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'המערכת לא הצליחה לצור את הקובץ $11'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'המערכת לא הצליחה לצור את התיקייה $11'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'בדוק אם ל$1 יש הרשאה לכתוב לקובץ'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'בבקשה בדוק אם ל$1 יש הרשאות לכתוב לסיפרייה $21'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'הקלד את הקוד שרשום למעלה'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'הקלד שם משתמש'
+'Please enter your password.': 'הקלד סיסמא'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'הקלד את הקוד שרשום בתמונה'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'לא תקין, בבקשה נסה שוב CAPTCHA'
+'Signed in: $1': 'משתמש רשום: $1'
+Help: עזרה
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'בבקשה הקלד שם משתמש וסיסמא'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'אין לך הרשאות לגשת לעמוד'
+'Login failed': 'כניסה למערכת נכשלה'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'בדוק אם הקלדת את שם המשתמש והסיסמא הנכונים'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': null
+Backup/Restore: גיבוישחזור
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.hr.yml
index d98ea89026..8bd4f30a2c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.hr.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: Zadnji
+First: Prvi
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: null
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: Predlošci
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: null
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': 'Uredi jezik.'
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
+Newscoop: null
+'Your password has been reset.': null
+'Proceed to login.': null
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': null
+'Back to login.': null
+'Back to login': null
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': null
+'Session expired.': null
+Processing...: null
+Please: null
+'Go to dashboard': null
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': null
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: null
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: null
+'Delete file': 'Obriši datoteku'
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': null
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': null
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': null
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': null
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'Type the code shown above:': null
+'Please enter your user name.': null
+'Please enter your password.': null
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': null
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': null
+'Signed in: $1': 'Prijavljeno: $1'
+Help: Pomoć
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Unesite vaše ime i lozinku'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Nemate ovlasti pristupiti ovoj stranici.'
+'Login failed': 'Prijava nije uspjela'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Provjerite da li ste ispravno upisali korisničko ime i lozinku.'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Ukoliko vam se ovaj problem ponavlja, obratite se vašem administratoru $1'
+Backup/Restore: null
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.hu.yml
index d98ea89026..36ca12c625 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.hu.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
+'Rename user': 'Felhasználó átnevezése'
Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
+'Image Rendering': 'Kép megjelenítése'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Kiemelt cikklisták'
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'Érvénytelen biztonságimásolat-fájlt próbáltál feltölteni.'
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'Nincs jogod a biztonsági másolatok kezeléséhez.'
+'Make a new backup': 'Új biztonsági másolat készítése'
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Biztosan új biztonsági másolatot akarsz készíteni?'
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'A biztonsági jogkivonat lejárt. Küldd el ismét az űrlapot.'
+Templates: Sablonok
+'Create slideshow': 'Diavetítés létrehozása'
+Create: Létrehozás
+Attach/Detach: Csatolás/Leválasztás
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod a diavetítést?'
+Support: Támogatás
+'Pending articles': 'Függőben lévő cikkek'
+'Manage Users': 'Felhasználók kezelése'
+'Manage User Types': 'Felhasználótípusok kezelése'
+'Manage User Points System': 'Felhasználói pontrendszer kezelése'
+Last: Utolsó
+First: Első
+Feedback: Visszajelzések
+'Edit your password': 'Jelszavad módosítása'
+'Edit user': 'Felhasználó szerkesztése'
+'Edit permissions': 'Engedélyek szerkesztése'
+Detail: Adat
+'Create new user': 'Új felhasználó létrehozása'
+'Create new account': 'Új fiók létrehozása'
+'Add feed': 'Hírcsatorna hozzáadása'
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'A/z $1 fájl feltöltése sikertelen volt.'
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'Nem lehet áthelyezni a/z $1 fájlt. Ellenőrizd, hogy van-e elég hely a lemezen.'
MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'A letöltés nem sikerült. Ellenőrizd, hogy nem fogyott-e el a lemezterület a kiszolgálón.'
+'try again later': 'próbálkozz később'
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': 'Legalább egy fájlt fel kell töltened.'
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Figyelmeztetés: Törlésre fognak kerülni a meglévő adatok és témák!'
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Az érték kötelező és nem lehet üres'
+Upload: Feltöltés
+'Update comment': 'Hozzászólás frissítése'
+'Time created': 'Létrehozás időpontja'
+Themes: Témák
+'Stop current upload': 'A jelenlegi feltöltés leállítása'
+'Start uploading queue': 'A várólista feltöltésének indítása'
+'Start upload': 'Feltöltés indítása'
+Settings: Beállítások
+'Select files': 'Fájlok kiválasztása'
+Reply: Válasz
+'New comment added': 'Az új hozzászólás hozzáadása megtörtént'
+'Manage Authors': 'Szerzők kezelése'
+Loading..: Betöltés...
+Filename: Fájlnév
+'Edit user type': 'Felhasználótípus szerkesztése'
+'Edit language': 'Nyelv szerkesztése'
+'Drag files here.': 'Húzz ide fájlokat.'
+'Connection interrupted': 'A kapcsolat megszakadt'
+Ban: Kitiltás
+'Are you sure you want to': 'Biztosan akarod'
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Adj hozzá fájlokat a feltöltési várólistához, majd kattints a Feltöltés indítása gombra.'
+'Add files': 'Fájlok hozzáadása'
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': 'A/z %value% több %max% karakternél'
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': 'A/z %value% kevesebb %max% karakternél'
+'User name': Felhasználónév
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': 'A jelszó átállítása megtörtént.'
+'Proceed to login.': 'Tovább a bejelentkezéshez.'
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
+'Go to login': 'Ugrás a bejelentkezéshez'
+'Back to login.': 'Vissza a bejelentkezéshez.'
+'Back to login': 'Vissza a bejelentkezéshez'
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'A jelszó visszaállításával kapcsolatos utasításokat tartalmazó e-mail elküldése a postaládádba megtörtént.'
+'Session expired.': 'A munkamenet lejárt.'
+Processing...: Feldolgozás...
+Please: Kérjük
+'Go to dashboard': 'Ugrás az irányítópultra'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'A böngésződ nem támogatja a JavaScriptet, vagy (valószínűbb) letiltottad a beállításokban. Javítsd ezt a Newscoop további használata céljából.'
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'A Newscoop frissítette biztonsági intézkedéseit. Fiókod frissítése, a fokozott biztonság használata érdekében ismét meg kell adnod a jelszavadat.'
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'A Newscoop gyorsítótárának karbantartása megtörtént'
+Dashboard: Irányítópult
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Változtatásaid bejelentkezés után kerülnek mentésre.'
+'Upload backup file': 'Biztonságimásolat-fájl feltöltése'
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'A/z $1 fájl feltöltése sikerült.'
+'Media Archive': Médiaarchívum
+Widgets: Widgetek
+'Widget info': 'Widget adatai'
+'Widget added to dashboard.': 'A widget elhelyezése az irányítópulton megtörtént.'
+'Remove widget': 'Widget eltávolítása'
+'Please login to continue.': 'Kérjük, jelentkezz be a folytatáshoz.'
+'Add to dashboard': 'Elhelyezés az irányítópulton'
+'Add more widgets': 'További widgetek hozzáadása'
+login: bejelentkezés
+'This link is not valid.': 'Ez a hivatkozás érvénytelen.'
+'Recover password': 'Jelszó helyreállítása'
+'Please enter your email.': 'Kérjük, add meg az e-mail címedet.'
+'Password recovery is disabled.': 'A jelszó-helyreállítás letiltott.'
+'Password recovery': Jelszó-helyreállítás
+'Password Recovery': Jelszó-helyreállítás
+'No user is registered with this email.': 'Nincs ezzel az e-mail címmel regisztrált felhasználó.'
+'Forgot your password?': 'Elfelejtetted a jelszavadat?'
+'Email: incorrect format.': 'E-mail: helytelen formátum.'
+Email: E-mail
+'Bad input parameters.': 'Rossz bemeneti paraméterek.'
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'Hiba történt a/z $1 fájl törlésének megkísérlésekor.'
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'A/z $1 fájl törlése sikerült.'
+Size: Méret
+'Restore file': 'Fájl visszaállítása'
+Restore: Visszaállítás
Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Free disk space': 'Szabad lemezterület'
+'Download file': 'Fájl letöltése'
+Download: Letöltés
+'Delete file': 'Fájl törlése'
+'Backup list is empty.': 'A biztonságimásolat-lista üres.'
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Biztosan vissza akarod állítani a/z $1 fájlt?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod a/z $1 fájlt?'
+'Import XML': 'XML importálása'
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'A szerző összes cikkhez való megadása céljából a számok és cikkek hozzáadásához/módosításához szükséges engedélyekkel kell rendelkezned.'
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Válaszd ki azt a mezőt, melyből létre kell hozni a szerzőt'
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Érvénytelen vagy üres $1 mező. Egy dinamikus mezőt kell kiválasztanod.'
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Nem sikerült $4 típusú $1 szerzőt $2 ($3) cikkszámmal létrehozni.'
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Hibák léptek fel a/z $1 típusú cikkek szerzőjének beállítása során a/z $2 mezőből. '
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Sikerült megadni a szerzőt a/z $1 típusú cikkekhez a/z $2 mezőből.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'A cikket $1 ($2) zárolta $3 perce.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'A cikket $1 ($2) zárolta $3 órája és $4 perce.'
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Hiba történt a/z $1 nevű szerző megadásakor a/z $2 ($3) sz. $4 típusú cikkhez.'
+'Clear system cache': 'Rendszergyorsítótár törlése'
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'A rendszer nem tudta feltölteni a/z $1 fájlt.'
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Ellenőrizd a feltölteni kívánt fájlt, mert lehet, hogy sérült.'
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'Ez a fájl $1 néven lemezen kerül tárolásra.'
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'A rendszer nem tud írni a/z $1 könyvtárba.'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'A rendszer nem tudta olvasni a/z $1 fájlt.'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'A rendszer nem tudta törölni a/z $1 könyvtárt.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Ellenőrizd, hogy a/z $1 nevű felhasználó számára engedélyezett-e ennek a fájlnak az olvasása.'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Ellenőrizd, hogy üres-e a könyvtár, és a/z $1 nevű felhasználónak van--e írási engedélye a/z $2 könyvtárhoz'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'A rendszer nem tudott írni a/z $1 fájlba.'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'A rendszer nem tudta törölni a/z $1 fájlt.'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'A rendszer nem tudta létrehozni a/z $1 fájlt.'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'A rendszer nem tudta létrehozni a/z $1 könyvtárat.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Ellenőrizd, hogy a/z $1 nevű felhasználónak van-e írási engedélye ehhez a fájlhoz.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Ellenőrizd, hogy a/z $1 nevű felhasználónak van-e írási engedélye a/z $2 könyvtárhoz.'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'Írd be a fent látható kódot:'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'Add meg a felhasználónevedet.'
+'Please enter your password.': 'Add meg a jelszavadat.'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Írd be a képen látható kódot.'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'A CAPTCHA-kód nem érvényes. Kérjük, próbáld újra.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'Bejelentkezve: $1'
+Help: Súgó
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Add meg a felhasználónevedet és a jelszavadat'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Nincs jogod ennek az oldalnak az eléréséhez.'
+'Login failed': 'A bejelentkezés sikertelen'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Ellenőrizd, hogy helyesen adtad-e meg a felhasználónevedet és a jelszavadat.'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Ha a probléma továbbra is fennáll, kérjük, fordulj a webhely $1 rendszergazdájához'
+Backup/Restore: 'Biztonsági mentés/Visszaállítás'
+'Step 2': '2. lépés'
+'Step 3': '3. lépés'
+'Add new user': 'Új felhasználó hozzáadása'
+'Bad credentials': 'Rossz hitelesítő adatok'
+'Active users': 'Aktív felhasználók'
+'New comments': 'Új hozzászólások'
+'Published articles': 'Közzétett cikkek'
+'Last 7 days statistics': 'Utolsó 7 nap statisztikája'
+'Change password': 'Jelszó megváltoztatása'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.hy_AM.yml
index d98ea89026..69231b1077 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: Վերջին
+First: Առաջին
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: null
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: null
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: null
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': null
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': null
+'Proceed to login.': null
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': null
+'Back to login.': null
+'Back to login': null
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': null
+'Session expired.': null
+Processing...: null
+Please: null
+'Go to dashboard': null
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': null
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: null
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: Ներբեռնում
+'Delete file': null
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': null
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': null
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': null
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': null
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'Type the code shown above:': null
+'Please enter your user name.': null
+'Please enter your password.': null
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': null
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': null
+'Signed in: $1': null
+Help: null
+'Please enter your user name and password': null
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': null
+'Login failed': null
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': null
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': null
+Backup/Restore: null
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': 'Նոր մեկնաբանություններ'
+'Published articles': 'Հրապարակված հոդվածներ'
+'Last 7 days statistics': 'Վերջին 7 օրվա վիճակագրությունը'
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ka.yml
index d98ea89026..6492109ffc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ka.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
+'Rename user': 'მომხმარებლის სახელის შეცვლა'
+Campsite: კემპსაიტი
+'Image Rendering': 'გამოსახულების დარენდერება'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'წარმოდგენილი სტატიების სიები'
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'თქვენ სცადეთ აგეტვირთათ არამართებული ფაილი. '
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ უფლება მართოთ რეზერვები. '
+'Make a new backup': 'შექმენით ახალი რეზერვი'
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ შექმნათ ახალი რეზერვი?'
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'უსაფრთხოების კოდს ვადა გაუვიდა. გთხოვთ ხელახლა წარმოადგინოთ ფორმა. '
+Templates: შაბლონები
+'Create slideshow': 'სლაიდშოუს შექმნა'
+Create: შექმნა
+Attach/Detach: მიმაგრება/მოხსნა
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ წაშალოთ სლაიდშოუ?'
+Support: მხარდაჭერა
+'Pending articles': 'მიმდინარე სტატიები'
+'Manage Users': 'მომხმარებლების მართვა'
+'Manage User Types': 'მომხმარებელთა ტიპების მართვა'
+'Manage User Points System': 'მომხმარებელთა ქულების სისტემის მართვა'
+Last: ბოლო
+First: პირველი
+Feedback: შეფასება
+'Edit your password': 'თქვენი პაროლის შეცვლა'
+'Edit user': 'მომხმარებლის რედაქტირება'
+'Edit permissions': 'ნებართვების რედაქტიერბა'
+Detail: დეტალი
+'Create new user': 'ახალი მომხმარებლის შექმნა'
+'Create new account': 'ახალი ანგარიშის შექმნა'
+'Add feed': 'არხის დამატება'
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': '$1 ფაილის ატვირთვა უშედეგოდ დასრულდა'
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': '$1 ფაილის გადაადგილება ვერ ხერხდება. შეამოწმეთ გაქვთ თუ არა საკმარისი სივრცე დისკზე'
MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'ვერ ჩამოიტვირთა. შეამოწმეთ გაქვთ თუ არა საკმარისი სივრცე სერვერის დისკზე'
+'try again later': 'სცადეთ მოგვიანებით'
+at: '-ზე'
+'You must at least upload one file.': 'თქვენ უნდა ატვირთოთ მინიმუმ 1 ფაილი'
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'გაფრთხილება: არსებული მონაცამები და ტემები წაიშლება!'
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'მონაცემი აუცილებლად უნდა შეივსოს'
+Upload: ატვირთვა
+'Update comment': 'კომენტარის განახლება'
+'Time created': 'შექმნის დრო'
+Themes: თემები
+'Stop current upload': 'მიმდინარე ატვირთვის შეჩერება'
+'Start uploading queue': 'ატვირთვის რიგის დაწყება'
+'Start upload': 'ატვირთვის დაწყება'
+Settings: პარამეტრები
+'Select files': 'ფაილების არჩევა'
+Reply: 'პასუხის გაცემა'
+'New comment added': 'ახალი კომენტარი დამატებულია'
+'Manage Authors': 'ავტორების მართვა'
+Loading..: იტვირთება..
+Filename: 'ფაილის სახელი'
+'Edit user type': 'მომხმარებლის ტიპის რედაქტირება'
+'Edit language': 'ენის რედაქტირება'
+'Drag files here.': 'ჩააბით ფაილები აქ'
+'Connection interrupted': 'კავშირი შეწყვეტილია'
+Ban: ბანი
+'Are you sure you want to': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გინდათ'
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'დაამატეთ ფაილები ატვირთვის რიგში და დააჭირეთ სტარტს.'
+'Add files': 'ფაილების დამატება'
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% შეიცავს %max%-ზე მეტ სიმბოლოს'
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% შეიცავს %min%-ზე ნაკლებ სიმბოლოს'
+'User name': მომხმარებელი
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': 'თქვენი პაროლი გადაიტვირთვა'
+'Proceed to login.': 'განაგრძეთ ავტორიზაციისკენ'
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': 'გადადით ავტორიზაციაზე'
+'Back to login.': 'უკან ავტორიზაციისკენ'
+'Back to login': 'უკან ავტორიზაციისაკენ'
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'თქვენი გამოგეგზავნათ იმელი რომელიც პაროლის აღდგენის ინსტრუქციებს შეიცავს'
+'Session expired.': 'ვიზიტის დრო ამოიწურა. გთხოვთ თავიდან გაიაროთ ავტორიზაცია.'
+Processing...: დამუშავება...
+Please: გთხოვთ
+'Go to dashboard': 'დეშბორდში შესვლა'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'თქვენი ბრაუზერს პრობლემა აქვს ჯავასკრიპტთან ან თქვენ გამორთული გაქვთ ჯავასკრიპტი. გთხოვთ გამოასწოროთ ეს პრობლემა რათა შეძლოთ Newscoop-ის გამოყენება.'
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop-მა გააუმჯობესა დაცვის ზომები. იმისათვის რათა განაახლოთ თქვენი ანგარიში და შეძლოთ ამ ახალი ზომების გამოყენება, გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ პაროლი თავიდან.'
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop კაშე გაიწმინდა'
+Dashboard: დეშბორდი
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'თქვენი ცვლილებები ავტორიზაციის შემდეგ შეინახება.'
+'Upload backup file': 'ატვირთეთ სათადარიგო ფაილი'
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': '$1 ფაილი წარმატებით აიტვირთა'
+'Media Archive': 'მედია არქივი'
+Widgets: ვიჯეტი
+'Widget info': 'ვიჯეტის ინფო'
+'Widget added to dashboard.': 'ვიჯეტი დაემატა დეშბორდს'
+'Remove widget': 'ვიჯეტის მოხსნა'
+'Please login to continue.': 'გთხოვთ გაიაროთ ავტორიზაცია რათა განაგრძოთ'
+'Add to dashboard': 'დეშბორდში დამატება'
+'Add more widgets': 'მეტი ვიჯეტის დამატება'
+login: ავტორიზაცია
+'This link is not valid.': 'ბმული არ არსებობს'
+'Recover password': 'პაროლის აღდგენა'
+'Please enter your email.': 'გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ იმეილი'
+'Password recovery is disabled.': 'პაროლის აღდგენა გამორთულია'
+'Password recovery': 'პაროლის აღდგენა'
+'Password Recovery': 'პაროლის აღდგენა'
+'No user is registered with this email.': 'ამ იმეილით არავინ დარეგისტრირებულა'
+'Forgot your password?': 'პაროლი დაგავიწყდათ?'
+'Email: incorrect format.': 'იმეილი: არასწორი ფორმატი.'
+Email: ელფოსტა
+'Bad input parameters.': 'არასწორი პარამეტრები'
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'ფაილი $1 წაშლის დროს დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა'
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'ფაილი $1 წარმატებით წაიშალა'
+Size: ზომა
+'Restore file': 'ფაილის აღდგენა'
+Restore: აღდგენა
+Mb: მბ
+'Free disk space': 'თავისუფალი სივრცე დისკზე'
+'Download file': 'ფაილის გადმოტვირთვა'
+Download: ჩამოქაჩვა
+'Delete file': 'ფაილის წაშლა'
+'Backup list is empty.': 'სათადარიგო სია ცარიელია.'
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსულრთ $1 ფაილის აღდგენა?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1 ფაილის წაშლა'
+'Import XML': 'XML ს იმპორტი'
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'თქვენ უნდა გქონდეთ გამოცემების და სტატიების დამატების/შეცვლის უფლება, რათა მიუთითოთ ავტორები.'
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'აირჩიეთ ველი რომლიდანაც გსურთ ავტორის გენერირება'
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'გაუქმებული ან არ არსებული $1 ველი. თქვენ უნდა აირჩიოთ არსებული დინამიური ველი'
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'ნომერ $2 ($3), $4 ტიპის სტასიითვის $1 ავტორის შექმნა შეუძლებელია.'
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': '$2 ველის $1 ტიპის სტატიებზე ავტორის მითითებისას დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა.'
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': '$2 ველის $1 ტიპის სტატიებზე ავტორი წარმატებით მიება.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'სტატია დალუქა მოხმარებელმა $1 ($2) $3 წუთ(ებ)ის წინ.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'სტატია დალუქა მოხმარებელმა $1 ($2) $3 საათ(ებ)ის და $4 წუთ(ებ)ის წინ.'
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'ნომერ $2 ($3), $4 ტიპის სტასიითვის $1 ავტორის მიბმისას დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა'
+'Clear system cache': 'გაწმინდეთ სისტუმერი კაშე'
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'სისტემამ ვერ შეძლო $1 ფაილის ატვირთვა'
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'გთხოვთ შეამოწმოთ ფაილი რომლის ატვირთვასაც ცდილობთ, ის შეიძლება იყოს დაზიანებული.'
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'ფაილი შენახულია დისკზე როგორც $1'
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'სისტემა ვერ ახერხებს $1 დირექტორიისთვის მიწერას'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'სისტემამ ვერ კითხულობს $1 ფაილს'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'სისტემამ ვერ შეძლო $1'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'გთხოვთ შეამოწმოთ აქვს თუ არა $1 მომხმარებელს ამ ფაილის ნახვის ნებართვა'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'გთხოვთ შეამოწმოთ რომ დირექტორია ცარიელია და $1 მოხმარებელს აქვს უფლება დაწეროს $2 დირექტორიაში.'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'სისტემამ ვერ შეძლო $1 ფაილისთვის მიწერა'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'სისტემამ ვერ შეძლო $1 ფაილის წაშლა'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'სისტემამ ვერ შეძლო $1 ფაილის შექმნა'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'სისტემამ ვერ შეძლო $1 დირექტორიის შექმნა'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'შეამოწმეთ $1 მომხმარებელს თუ აქვს ამ ფაილზე მიწერის ნებართქვა'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'შეამოწმეთ $1 მომხმარებელს თუ აქვს ნებართვა $2 დირექტორიას მიწეროს'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'შეიყვანეთ აღნიშნული კოდი'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'შეიყვანეთ მომხმარებელის სახელი'
+'Please enter your password.': 'შეიყვანეთ პაროლი'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ სურათზე ნაჩვენები კოდი'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA კოდი არ ემთხვევა. კიდევ სცადეთ.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'ავტოირეზებული: $1'
+Help: დახმარება
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ თქვენი მომხმარებლის სახელი და პაროლი'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ამ გვერდზე წვდომის უფლება'
+'Login failed': 'ავტორიზაცია უშედეგოდ დასრულდა'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'გთხოვთ გადაამოწმოთ რომ სწორად შეგყავთ მომხმარებლის სახელი და პაროლი'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'თუ პრობლემა კვლავ არსებობს მიმართეთ საიტის ადმინისტრატორს $1'
+Backup/Restore: 'სარეზერვო ასლი/აღდგენა'
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ko.yml
index d98ea89026..bb3894694b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ko.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: 마지막
+First: 처음
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: null
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: '템플레이트 '
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: null
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': '언어 수정'
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
+Newscoop: null
+'Your password has been reset.': null
+'Proceed to login.': null
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': null
+'Back to login.': null
+'Back to login': null
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': null
+'Session expired.': null
+Processing...: null
+Please: null
+'Go to dashboard': null
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': null
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: null
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: null
+'Delete file': '파일 삭제'
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': null
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': null
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': null
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': null
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'Type the code shown above:': null
+'Please enter your user name.': null
+'Please enter your password.': null
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': null
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': null
+'Signed in: $1': '사용중: $1'
+Help: 도움말
+'Please enter your user name and password': '아이디와 패스워드를 입력하시오'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': '페이지를 악세스 할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'Login failed': '로그인 실패'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': '아이디와 패스워드를 정확하게 입력했는지 확인하시오'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': '문제가 해결되지 않으면, 시스템 운영자에게 연락하시오'
+Backup/Restore: null
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ku.yml
index d98ea89026..362a355306 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ku.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: null
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: null
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: null
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': null
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
+Newscoop: null
+'Your password has been reset.': null
+'Proceed to login.': null
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': null
+'Back to login.': null
+'Back to login': null
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': null
+'Session expired.': null
+Processing...: null
+Please: null
+'Go to dashboard': null
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': null
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: null
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: null
+'Delete file': null
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': null
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': null
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': null
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': null
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'Type the code shown above:': null
+'Please enter your user name.': null
+'Please enter your password.': null
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': null
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': null
+'Signed in: $1': null
+Help: null
+'Please enter your user name and password': null
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': null
+'Login failed': null
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': null
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': null
+Backup/Restore: null
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.lv.yml
index d98ea89026..362a355306 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.lv.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: null
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: null
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: null
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': null
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
+Newscoop: null
+'Your password has been reset.': null
+'Proceed to login.': null
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': null
+'Back to login.': null
+'Back to login': null
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': null
+'Session expired.': null
+Processing...: null
+Please: null
+'Go to dashboard': null
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': null
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: null
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: null
+'Delete file': null
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': null
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': null
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': null
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': null
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'Type the code shown above:': null
+'Please enter your user name.': null
+'Please enter your password.': null
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': null
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': null
+'Signed in: $1': null
+Help: null
+'Please enter your user name and password': null
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': null
+'Login failed': null
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': null
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': null
+Backup/Restore: null
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.nb_NO.yml
index d98ea89026..362a355306 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: null
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: null
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: null
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': null
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
+Newscoop: null
+'Your password has been reset.': null
+'Proceed to login.': null
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': null
+'Back to login.': null
+'Back to login': null
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': null
+'Session expired.': null
+Processing...: null
+Please: null
+'Go to dashboard': null
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': null
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: null
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: null
+'Delete file': null
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': null
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': null
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': null
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': null
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'Type the code shown above:': null
+'Please enter your user name.': null
+'Please enter your password.': null
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': null
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': null
+'Signed in: $1': null
+Help: null
+'Please enter your user name and password': null
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': null
+'Login failed': null
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': null
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': null
+Backup/Restore: null
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.pl.yml
index d98ea89026..0191fd5152 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.pl.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
+'Rename user': 'Zmień nazwę'
Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
+'Image Rendering': 'Przetwarzanie zdjęć'
+'Featured Article Lists': 'Listy artykułów'
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'Prubujesz wgrac plik który nie jest prawidłową kopią zapasową.'
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'Nie masz uprawnień do zarządzania kopiami zapasowymi.'
+'Make a new backup': 'Utwórz nową kopię bezpieczeństwa'
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Jesteś pewien czy chcesz zrobić nową kopię zapasową?'
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Klucz bezpieczeństwa wygasł. Wyślij formularz ponownie.'
+Templates: Szablony
+'Create slideshow': 'Utwórz galerię'
+Create: Utwórz
+Attach/Detach: Dodaj/Usuń
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Jesteś pewien że chcesz usunąć tą galerię?'
+Support: Pomoc
+'Pending articles': 'Oczekujące artykuły'
+'Manage Users': 'Zarządzaj użytkownikami'
+'Manage User Types': 'Zarządzaj typami użytkowników'
+'Manage User Points System': 'Zarządzaj systemem punktów dla uzytkowników'
+Last: Ostatni
+First: Pierwszy
Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
+'Edit your password': 'Zmień swoje hasło'
+'Edit user': 'Edytuj użytkownika'
+'Edit permissions': 'Zmień uprawnienia'
+Detail: Szczeguły
+'Create new user': 'Utwórz nowego użytkownika'
+'Create new account': 'Stwórz nowe konto'
+'Add feed': 'Dodaj źródło'
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Przesyłanie pliku $1 nie powiodło się.'
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'Plik $1 nie może być przeniesiony. Upewnij się że masz wystarczającą ilość wolnego miejsca na dysku.'
MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Pobieranie nie powiodło się. Upewnij się czy masz wystarczającą ilość wolnego miejsca na dysku.'
+'try again later': 'spróbuj ponownie później'
+at: w
+'You must at least upload one file.': 'Musisz przesłać przynajmniej jeden plik.'
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Uwaga: istniejące dane i szablony mogą zostać usunięte. '
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Wartość jest wymagana i nie może być pusta.'
+Upload: Wgraj
+'Update comment': 'Zaktualizuj komentarz'
+'Time created': 'Data utworzenia'
+Themes: Szablony
+'Stop current upload': 'Zatrzymaj aktualne przesyłanie.'
+'Start uploading queue': 'Uruchom kolejkę przesyłania.'
+'Start upload': 'Uruchom przesyłanie.'
+Settings: Ustawienia
+'Select files': 'Wybierz pliki'
+Reply: Odpowiedz
+'New comment added': 'Nowy komentarz został dodany'
+'Manage Authors': 'Zarządzaj autorami'
+Loading..: Ładowanie..
+Filename: 'Nazwa pliku'
+'Edit user type': 'Zmień typ użytkownika'
+'Edit language': 'Zmień jezyk'
+'Drag files here.': 'Przeciągnij pliki tutaj'
+'Connection interrupted': 'Połączenie zostało przerwane'
+Ban: Blokada
+'Are you sure you want to': 'Jesteś pewien że chcesz to zrobić?'
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Dodaj pliki do kolejki przesyłania i kliknij przycisk rozpoczęcia.'
+'Add files': 'Dodaj pliki'
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% ma więcej znaków niż %max%'
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% jest krótsze niż wymagane %min% znaków'
+'User name': Login
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': 'Twoje hasło zostało zresetowane.'
+'Proceed to login.': 'Przejdź do logowania'
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
+'Go to login': 'Przejdź do logowania'
+'Back to login.': 'Wróć do logowania'
+'Back to login': 'Wróć do logowania'
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'Wiadomość z instrukcjami odzyskiwania hasła został wysłany na twoją skrzynkę email.'
+'Session expired.': 'Sesja wygasła.'
+Processing...: Przetwarzanie...
+Please: Proszę
+'Go to dashboard': 'Idź do panelu'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Twoja przeglądarka nie obsługuje Javascript albo (bardziej prawdopodobne) obsługa Javascript jest nieaktywna. Napraw to zanim zaczniesz pracę z Newscoop.'
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop dokonał aktualizacji zabezpieczeń. Aby zaktulizować swoje konto i skorzystać z nowych zasad bezpieczeństwa, wprowadź swoje hasło.'
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Cache Newscoop został usunięty'
+Dashboard: Panel
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Twoje zmiany zostaną zapisane po zalogowaniu.'
+'Upload backup file': 'Wgraj plik kopii zapasowej'
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'Plik $1 został dodany pomyślnie.'
+'Media Archive': 'Biblioteka Mediów'
+Widgets: Widgety
+'Widget info': 'Informacje o widgecie'
+'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget został dodany do panelu.'
+'Remove widget': 'Usuń widget'
+'Please login to continue.': 'Zaloguj się aby kontynuować'
+'Add to dashboard': 'Dodaj do panelu'
+'Add more widgets': 'Dodaj więcej widgetów'
+login: logowanie
+'This link is not valid.': 'Link jest niepoprawny.'
+'Recover password': 'Odzyskaj hasło'
+'Please enter your email.': 'Podaj adres email.'
+'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Odzyskiwanie haseł jest zablokowane.'
+'Password recovery': 'Odzyskiwanie hasła'
+'Password Recovery': 'Odzyskiwanie Hasła'
+'No user is registered with this email.': 'Brak użytkownika z podanym adresem email.'
+'Forgot your password?': 'Zapomniałeś hasła?'
+'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: niepoprawny format.'
Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
+'Bad input parameters.': 'Złe parametry wejściowe.'
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'Wystąpił błąd podczas usuwania pliku $1.'
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Plik $1 został usunięty pomyślnie.'
+Size: Rozmiar
+'Restore file': 'Przywróć plik'
+Restore: Przywróć
Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
+'Free disk space': 'Wolna przestrzeń dysku'
+'Download file': 'Pobierz plik'
+Download: Pobierz
+'Delete file': 'Usuń plik'
+'Backup list is empty.': 'Lista backuou jest pusta'
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz przywrócić plik $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć plik $1?'
'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'Musisz posiadać uprawnienia do dodawania/zmieniania publikacji aby ustawić autorów dla wszystkich artykułów.'
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Wybierz pole, z którego wygenerować autora'
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Niepoprawne albo puste pole $1. Musisz wybrać porawne pole dynamiczne.'
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Nie można utworzyć autora $1 do artykułu numer $2 ($3) typu $4.'
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': "Wystąpił\_błąd podczas ustawiania autora dla artykułu typu $1 z pola $2."
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Pomyślnie ustawiono autora dla artykułu typu $1 z pola $2.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Artykuł zostal zablokowany przez $1 ($2) $3 minut(y) temu.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Artykuł zostal zablokowany przez $1 ($2) $3 godziny i $4 minut(y) temu.'
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Błąd przy tworzeniu autora $1 do artykułu numer $2 ($3) typu $4.'
+'Clear system cache': 'Oczyść cache systemowy'
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'System nie mógł dodać pliku $1.'
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Sprawdź plik, który próbujesz dodać, możliwe że jest uszkodzony.'
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'Wystąpił błąd przy zarządzaniu sesją. Załaduj stronę logowania ponownie.'
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'Plik jest zachowany na dysku jako $1.'
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'Syste nie może zapisywać do folderu $1.'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'System nie może czytać pliku $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'System nie może skasować folderu $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Sprawdź czy użytkownik $1 ma prawa aby odczytywać ten plik.'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Spradź czy folder jest pusty a użytkownik $1 ma prawa zapisywać do folderu $2.'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'System nie mógł zapisywać pliku $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'System nie mógł usunąć pliku $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'System nie mógł utworzyć pliku $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'System nie mógł utworzyć folderu $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Sprawdź czy użytkownik $1 ma prawa aby zapisywać do tego pliku.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Sprawdź czy użytkownik $1 ma prawa aby zapisywać do folderu $2.'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'Wprowadź kod podany powyżej:'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'Podaj nazwę użytkownika.'
+'Please enter your password.': 'Podaj swoje hasło.'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Podaj kod podany na obrazku.'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'Kod CAPTCHA jest nie poprawny. Spróbuj ponownie.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'Zalogowano: $1'
+Help: Pomoc
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Wprowadź nazwę użytkownika i hasło'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Nie masz praw do przeglądania tej strony'
+'Login failed': 'Logowanie nie powiodło się'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Upewnij się, że podana nazwa i hasła są poprawne'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Jeśli problem występuje ponownie skontaktuj się z administratorem $1'
+Backup/Restore: 'Backup / Przywróć'
+'Step 2': 'Krok 2'
+'Step 3': 'Krok 3'
+'Add new user': 'Dodaj nowego użytkownika'
+'Bad credentials': 'Hasło lub login jest nieprawidłowe'
+'Active users': 'Aktywni użytkownicy'
+'New comments': 'Nowe komentarze'
+'Published articles': 'Opublikowane artykuły'
+'Last 7 days statistics': 'Statystyki z ostatnich 7 dni'
+'Change password': 'Zmień hasło'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ps.yml
index d98ea89026..362a355306 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.ps.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: null
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: null
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: null
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': null
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
+Newscoop: null
+'Your password has been reset.': null
+'Proceed to login.': null
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': null
+'Back to login.': null
+'Back to login': null
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': null
+'Session expired.': null
+Processing...: null
+Please: null
+'Go to dashboard': null
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': null
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: null
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: null
+'Delete file': null
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': null
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': null
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': null
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': null
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'Type the code shown above:': null
+'Please enter your user name.': null
+'Please enter your password.': null
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': null
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': null
+'Signed in: $1': null
+Help: null
+'Please enter your user name and password': null
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': null
+'Login failed': null
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': null
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': null
+Backup/Restore: null
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.pt_BR.yml
index d98ea89026..4c66737644 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Token de segurança venceu. Por favor reinviar o formulário.'
Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
+'Create slideshow': 'Criar slideshow'
+Create: Criar
+Attach/Detach: 'Anexar/Remover anexo'
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Tem certeza que quer apagar o slideshow?'
+Support: Suporte
+'Pending articles': 'Artigos pendentes'
+'Manage Users': 'Gerenciar usuários'
+'Manage User Types': 'Gerenciar tipos de usuários'
+'Manage User Points System': 'Gerenciar sistema de pontos de usuários'
+Last: Ultimo
+First: Primeiro
Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
+'Edit your password': 'Editar sua senha'
+'Edit user': 'Editar usuário'
+'Edit permissions': 'Editar permissões'
+Detail: Detalhe
+'Create new user': 'Criar novo usuário'
+'Create new account': 'Criar nova conta'
+'Add feed': 'Adcionar feed'
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload do arquivo $1 falhou.'
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'O arquivo $1 não pode ser movido. Verifique se tem espaço em disco.'
MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Falha no download. Verifique se há espaço em disco do servidor. '
+'try again later': 'tente mais tarde'
+at: no
+'You must at least upload one file.': 'Você deve fazer upload de pelo menos um arquivo'
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Aviso: as informações e temas serão apagados!'
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'O valor é necessário e não pode estar vazio'
Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+'Update comment': 'Atualizar comentário'
+'Time created': 'Hora da criação'
+Themes: Temas
+'Stop current upload': 'Parar upload atual'
+'Start uploading queue': 'Iniciar upload da fila'
+'Start upload': 'Inicar upload'
+Settings: Preferências
+'Select files': 'Selecionar arquivos'
+Reply: Responder
+'New comment added': 'Novo comentário adicionado'
+'Manage Authors': 'Gerenciar autores'
+Loading..: Carregando...
+Filename: 'Nome de arquivo'
+'Edit user type': 'Editar tipo de usuário'
+'Edit language': 'Editar língua'
+'Drag files here.': 'Arrastar arquivos aqui'
+'Connection interrupted': 'Conexão interrompida'
+Ban: Banir
+'Are you sure you want to': 'Tem certeza que quer'
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Adicione arquivos para a fila de upload e clique no botão iniciar'
+'Add files': 'Adicionar arquivos'
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% tem mais que %max% caracteres '
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% tem menos que %max% caracteres '
+'User name': 'Nome de usuário'
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': 'Sua senha foi atualizada'
+'Proceed to login.': 'Vá para o login'
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
+'Go to login': 'Vá para login'
+'Back to login.': 'Voltar para login'
+'Back to login': 'Voltar para login'
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'Um email com instruções sobre como recuperar sua senha foi enviado para sua caixa postal.'
+'Session expired.': 'Sessão expirada'
+Processing...: Processando...
+Please: 'Por favor'
+'Go to dashboard': 'Ir para o painel'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Seu navegador não suporta Javascript ou (o que é mais provável) o Javascript está desabilitado. Por favor corrija isso para poder usar o Newscoop.'
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop atualizou medidas de segurança. Para atualizar a sua conta para uso dessa atualização, você tem que digitar de novo a sua senha,'
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'O cache do Newscoop foi limpado.'
+Dashboard: Painel
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'As modificações serão salvas após o login.'
+'Upload backup file': 'Fazer upload do arquivo de backup.'
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'Upload do arquivo $1 foi completado com sucesso.'
+'Media Archive': 'Arquivo de mídia'
Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
+'Widget info': 'Informações sobre o widget'
+'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget adicionado ao painel.'
+'Remove widget': 'Remover o widget'
+'Please login to continue.': 'Por favor faça login para continuar.'
+'Add to dashboard': 'Adicionar ao painel'
+'Add more widgets': 'Adicionar mais widgets'
login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
+'This link is not valid.': 'O link não é válido.'
+'Recover password': 'Recuperar a senha'
+'Please enter your email.': 'Por favor digite seu email.'
+'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Recuperação da senha está desabilitada.'
+'Password recovery': 'Recuperação da senha'
+'Password Recovery': 'Recuperação da senha'
+'No user is registered with this email.': 'Não há usuários registrados com esse email.'
+'Forgot your password?': 'Esqueceu a senha?'
+'Email: incorrect format.': 'Emai: formato incorreto.'
Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
+'Bad input parameters.': 'Parâmetros de entrada incorreto.'
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'Ocorreu um erro na tentativa de remover o arquivo $1.'
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'O arquivo $1 foi removido.'
+Size: Tamanho
+'Restore file': 'Restaurar arquivo'
+Restore: Restaurar
Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Free disk space': 'Espaço livre no disco'
+'Download file': 'Baixar arquivo'
+Download: Baixar
+'Delete file': 'Remover arquivo'
+'Backup list is empty.': 'A lista do backup está vazia.'
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Tem certeza que quer restaurar arquivo $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Você tem certeza que quer remover o arquivo $1?'
+'Import XML': 'Importar XML'
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'Você tem que ter permissão para adicionar/modificar temas e artigos para definir o autor para todos os artigos.'
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Selecione o campo do qual vai ser gerado o autor'
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Campo $1 não é válido ou é vazio. Selecione um campo dinâmico válido.'
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Não foi possível criar autor $1 para artigo no. $2 ($3) do tipo $4.'
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Ocorreram erros na definição do autor para artigos do tipo $1 do campo $2.'
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'O autor para artigos do tipo $1 do campo $2 foi definido.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'O artigo foi trancado por $1 ($2) $3 minuto(s) atrás.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'O artigo foi trancado por $1 ($2) $3 hora(s) e $4 minuto(s) atrás.'
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Ocorreu um erro na definição do autor $1 para o artigo no. $2 ($3) do tipo $4.'
+'Clear system cache': 'Limpar o cache do sistema'
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'O sistema não conseguiu fazer upload do arquivo $1.'
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Por favor verifique o aruquivo para upload, pode ser corrompido.'
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'Este arquivo foi guardado no disco como $1.'
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'O sistema não conseguiu escrever no diretório $1.'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'O sistema não pôde ler o arquivo $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'O sistema não pôde remover o diretório $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Por favor verifique se usuá rio $1 tem permissão para ler este artigo.'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Por favor verifique se o diretório está vazio e o usuário $1 tem permissão para escrever no diretório $2.'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'O sistema não conseguiu escrever no arquivo $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'O sistema não pôde remover o arquivo $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'O sistema não conseguiu criar arquivo $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'O sistema não conseguiu criar diretório $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Por favor verifique se o usuário $1 tem permissão para escrever nesse arquivo.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Por favor verifique se o usuário $1 tem permissão para escrever no diretório $2.'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'Tipo de código mostrado acima:'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'Por favor digite seu nome de usuário.'
+'Please enter your password.': 'Por favor digite sua senha.'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Por favor digite o código que vê na imagem.'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'O código CAPTCHA é incorreto. Por favor tente de novo.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'Autenticado como: $1'
+Help: Ajuda
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Introduza o seu Nome de Utlizador e a sua Palavra-Passe'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Não tem permissão para aceder a esta página'
+'Login failed': 'A autenticação falhou'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Certifique-se que introduziu o Nome de Utilizador e a Palavra-Passe correctas.'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Se o problema persistir, contacte o Administrador de Sistema $1.'
+Backup/Restore: Backup/restaurar
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sh.yml
index d98ea89026..95ee509b18 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sh.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: Newscoop
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': 'Napravi novi bekap.'
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: Šabloni
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: Napravi
+Attach/Detach: Prikači/Otkači
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: Podrška
+'Pending articles': 'Tekstovi na čekanju'
+'Manage Users': 'Upravljanje korisnicima'
+'Manage User Types': 'Upravljanje tipovima korisnika'
+'Manage User Points System': 'Upravljanje sistemom korisničkih poena'
+Last: Poslednji
+First: Prvi
+Feedback: 'Povratna informacija'
+'Edit your password': 'Uredi svoju lozinku'
+'Edit user': 'Uredi korisnika'
+'Edit permissions': 'Uredi korisnička prava'
+Detail: Detalji
+'Create new user': 'Napravi novog korisnika'
+'Create new account': 'Napravi novi nalog'
+'Add feed': 'Dodaj feed'
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Aploud fajla $1 nije bio uspešan.'
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'Fajl $1 ne može biti premešten. Proverite da li imate dovoljno prostora na disku.'
+MiB: MB
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Daunloud nije bio uspešan. Proverite da li na serveru ima dovoljno prostora.'
+'try again later': 'pokušajte ponovo kasnije'
+at: u
+'You must at least upload one file.': 'Morate aploudovati bar jedan fajl.'
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Upozorenje: postojeći podaci i teme će biti obrisani!'
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Vrednost je obavezna i ne može ostati prazna'
+Upload: Aplouduj
+'Update comment': 'Izmeni komentar'
+'Time created': 'Vreme kreiranja'
+Themes: Teme
+'Stop current upload': 'Prekini trenutni aploud'
+'Start uploading queue': 'Započni sa aploudom reda'
+'Start upload': 'Započni aploud'
+Settings: Podešavanja
+'Select files': 'Izaberi fajlove'
+Reply: Odgovori
+'New comment added': 'Novi komentar dodat'
+'Manage Authors': 'Upravljanje autorima'
+Loading..: Učitavanje...
+Filename: 'Naziv fajla'
+'Edit user type': 'Uredi tip korisnika'
+'Edit language': 'Uredi jezik'
+'Drag files here.': 'Prevuci fajlove ovde.'
+'Connection interrupted': 'Veza prekinuta'
+Ban: Zabrani
+'Are you sure you want to': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da'
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Dodaj fajlove u red za aploud i pritisni dugme za početak.'
+'Add files': 'Dodaj fajlove'
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% je duži od %max% karaktera'
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% je kraća od %min% karaktera'
+'User name': 'Korisničko ime'
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': 'Lozinka je resetovana.'
+'Proceed to login.': 'Nastavi sa prijavljivanjem.'
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
+'Go to login': 'Idi na prijavljivanje'
+'Back to login.': 'Nazad na prijavljivanje.'
+'Back to login': 'Nazad na prijavljivanje'
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'Email sa uputstvima za povraćaj lozinke je poslat na Vašu adresu'
+'Session expired.': 'Sesija je istekla.'
+Processing...: Obrađujem...
+Please: molim
+'Go to dashboard': 'Idi na kontrolnu tablu'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Vaš pretraživač ne podržava Javascript ili Vam je (što je verovatnije) isključena podrška za Javascript. Sredite to da biste mogli da koristite Newscoop.'
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop je unapredio svoje sigurnosne postavke. Da biste svoj nalog prilagodili ovim novim merama, morate ponovo uneti lozinku.'
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop keš je očišćen'
+Dashboard: 'Kontrolna tabla'
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Vaše izmene će biti snimljene posle prijavljivanja.'
+'Upload backup file': 'Aplouduj bekap fajl'
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'Fajl $1 je uspešno aploudovan'
+'Media Archive': 'Arhiva medijskih zapisa'
+Widgets: Vidžeti
+'Widget info': 'Informacije o vidžetu'
+'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Vidžet je dodat na kontrolnu tablu'
+'Remove widget': 'Ukloni vidžet'
+'Please login to continue.': 'Prijavite se da biste nastavili.'
+'Add to dashboard': 'Dodaj na kontrolnu tablu'
+'Add more widgets': 'Dodaj još vidžeta'
+login: prijava
+'This link is not valid.': 'Ovaj link je neispravan'
+'Recover password': 'Povrati lozinku'
+'Please enter your email.': 'Unesite vaš email.'
+'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Povraćaj lozinke je onemogućen'
+'Password recovery': 'Povraćaj lozinke'
+'Password Recovery': 'Povraćaj lozinke'
+'No user is registered with this email.': 'Ne postoji korisnik sa ovim emailom'
+'Forgot your password?': 'Zaboravili ste lozinku?'
+'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: pogrešan format.'
+Email: email
+'Bad input parameters.': 'Pogrešni parametri unosa.'
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'Došlo je do greške pri pokušaju brisanja fajla $1.'
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Fajl $1 je uspešno obrisan.'
+Size: Veličina
+'Restore file': 'Vrati fajl'
+Restore: Vrati
Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Free disk space': 'Slobodno prostora na disku'
+'Download file': 'Preuzmi fajl'
+Download: Preuzmi
+'Delete file': 'Obriši fajl'
+'Backup list is empty.': 'Lista bekapova je prazna'
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da vratite fajl $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete fajl $1?'
+'Import XML': 'Uvezi XML'
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'Morate imati odobrenja za dodavanje/menjanje izdanja i tekstova da biste bili u mogućnosti da podešavate autora svih tekstova.'
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Izaberite polje iz koga će se generisati autor'
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Pogrešno ili prazno polje $1. Morate izabrati ispravno polje.'
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Nemoguće je napraviti autora $1 za članak broj $2 ($3) of tipa $4.'
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Došlo je do greške pri podešavanju autora za članke tipa $1 korišćenjem polja $2.'
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Autor je uspešno postavljen za članke tipa $1 koršćenjem polja $2.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Tekst je zaključan od strane $1 ($2) pre $3 minut(a).'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Tekst je zaključan od strane $1 ($2) pre $3 čas(ova) i $4 minut(a).'
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Greška pri podešavanju autora $1 za članak broj $2 ($3) tipa $4.'
+'Clear system cache': 'Obriši sistemski keš'
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'Sistem nije bio u stanju da uploaduje fajl $1. '
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Proverite fajl koji pokušavate da uploadujete, moguće je da je oštećen.'
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'Fajl je spremljen na disku kao $1.'
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'Sistem nije u stanju da upisuje u direktorijum $1.'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'Sistem nije u stanju da čita fajl $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'Sistem nije u stanju da obriše direkrtorijum $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Molimo Vas proverite da li korisnik $1 ima pravo čitanja tog fajla.'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Molimo Vas proverite da li je direktorijum prazan i da li korisnik $1 ima dozvolu da upisuje u direktorijum $2.'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'Sistem nije u stanju da upisuje u fajl $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'Sistem nije u stanju da obriše fajl $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'Sistem nije u stanju da kreira fajl $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'sistem nije u stanju da kreira direktorijum $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Molimo Vas proverite da li korisnik $1 ima pravo upisa u ovaj fajl. '
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Molimo proverite da li korisnik $1 ima pravo upisa u direktorijum $2.'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'Unesite kod prikazan na slici:'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'Unesite svoje korisničko ime.'
+'Please enter your password.': 'Unesite svoju lozinku.'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Unesite kod prikazan na slici.'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA kod nije ispravan. Pokušajte ponovo.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'Prijavljeno: $1'
+Help: Pomoć
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Unesite svoje korisničko ime i lozinku'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Nemate pravo pristupa ovoj strani'
+'Login failed': 'Neuspešna prijava'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Proverite da li ste ispravno upisali korisničko ime i lozinku'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Ako se problem ponovi kontaktirajte administratora sajta $1'
+Backup/Restore: Bekap/Vraćanje
+'Step 2': 'Korak 2'
+'Step 3': 'Korak 3'
+'Add new user': 'Dodaj novog korisnika'
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': 'Aktivni korisnici'
+'New comments': 'Novi komentari'
+'Published articles': 'Objavljenih tekstova'
+'Last 7 days statistics': 'Statistika za poslednjih 7 dana'
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sq.yml
index d98ea89026..362a355306 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sq.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: null
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: null
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: null
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': null
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
+Newscoop: null
+'Your password has been reset.': null
+'Proceed to login.': null
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': null
+'Back to login.': null
+'Back to login': null
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': null
+'Session expired.': null
+Processing...: null
+Please: null
+'Go to dashboard': null
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': null
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: null
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: null
+'Delete file': null
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': null
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': null
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': null
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': null
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': null
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': null
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'Type the code shown above:': null
+'Please enter your user name.': null
+'Please enter your password.': null
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': null
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': null
+'Signed in: $1': null
+Help: null
+'Please enter your user name and password': null
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': null
+'Login failed': null
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': null
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': null
+Backup/Restore: null
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sr.yml
index d98ea89026..cabfce0c2f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sr.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': 'Текстови на чекању'
+'Manage Users': 'Управљање корисницима'
+'Manage User Types': 'Управљање типовима корисника'
+'Manage User Points System': 'Управљање системом корисничких поена'
+Last: Последњи
+First: Први
+Feedback: 'Повратна информација'
+'Edit your password': 'Уреди своју лозинку'
+'Edit user': 'Уреди корисника'
+'Edit permissions': 'Уреди корисничка права'
+Detail: Детаљи
+'Create new user': 'Направи новог корисника'
+'Create new account': 'Направи нови налог'
+'Add feed': 'Додај feed'
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Аплоуд фајла $1 није био успешан.'
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'Фајл $1 не може бити премештен. Проверите да ли имате довољно простора на диску.'
+MiB: МБ
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Преузимање није било успешно. Проверите да ли на серверу има довољно простора.'
+'try again later': 'покушајте поново касније'
+at: у
+'You must at least upload one file.': 'Морате аплоудовати бар један фајл'
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Упозорење: постојећи подаци и теме ће бити обрисани!'
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Вредност је обавезна, поље не може бити празно'
+Upload: Аплоудуј
+'Update comment': 'Измени коментар'
+'Time created': 'Време креирања'
+Themes: Теме
+'Stop current upload': 'Прекини тренутни аплоуд'
+'Start uploading queue': 'Започни са аплоудом реда'
+'Start upload': 'Започни аплоуд'
+Settings: Подешавања
+'Select files': 'Изабери фајлове'
+Reply: Одговори
+'New comment added': 'Нови коментар додат'
+'Manage Authors': 'Управљање ауторима'
+Loading..: Учитавање...
+Filename: 'Назив фајла'
+'Edit user type': 'Уреди тип корисника'
+'Edit language': 'Уреди језик'
+'Drag files here.': 'Превуци фајлове овде.'
+'Connection interrupted': 'Веза прекинута'
+Ban: Забрани
+'Are you sure you want to': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да'
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Додај фајлове у ред за аплоуд и притисни дугме за почетак.'
+'Add files': 'Додај фајлове'
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% је дужи од %max% карактера'
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% је краћа од %min% карактера'
+'User name': 'Корисничко име'
Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Your password has been reset.': 'Лозинка је ресетована.'
+'Proceed to login.': 'Настави са пријављивањем.'
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': 'Иди на пријављивање'
+'Back to login.': 'Назад на пријављивање.'
+'Back to login': 'Назад на пријављивање'
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'Имејл са упутствима за повраћај лозинке је послат на Вашу адресу'
+'Session expired.': 'Сесија је истекла.'
+Processing...: Обрађујем...
+Please: молим
+'Go to dashboard': 'Иди на контролну таблу'
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Ваш претраживач не подржава Javascript или Вам је (што је вероватније) искчена подршка за Javascript. Средите то да бисте могли да користите Newscoop.'
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop је унапредио своје сигурносне поставке. Да бисте свој налог прилагодили овим новим мерама, морате поново унети лозинку.'
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop кеш је очишћен'
+Dashboard: 'Контролна табла'
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Ваше измене ће бити снимљене после пријављивања.'
+'Upload backup file': 'Аплоудуј бекап фајл'
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'Фајл $1 је успешно аплоудован'
+'Media Archive': 'Архива медијских записа'
+Widgets: Виџети
+'Widget info': 'Информације о виџету'
+'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Виџет је додат на контролну таблу'
+'Remove widget': 'Укони виџет'
+'Please login to continue.': 'Пријавите се да бисте наставили'
+'Add to dashboard': 'Додај на контролну таблу'
+'Add more widgets': 'Додај још виџета'
+login: пријава
+'This link is not valid.': 'Овај линк је неисправан'
+'Recover password': 'Поврати лозинку'
+'Please enter your email.': 'Унесите ваш имејл'
+'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Повраћај лозинке је онемогућен'
+'Password recovery': 'Повраћај лозинке'
+'Password Recovery': 'Повраћај лозинке'
+'No user is registered with this email.': 'Не постоји корисник са овим имејлом'
+'Forgot your password?': 'Заборавили сте лозинку?'
+'Email: incorrect format.': 'Имејл: погрешан формат.'
+Email: email
+'Bad input parameters.': 'Погрешни параметри уноса.'
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'Дошло је до грешке при покушају брисања фајла $1.'
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Фајл $1 је успешно обрисан.'
+Size: Величина
+'Restore file': 'Врати фајл'
+Restore: Врати
+Mb: Мб
+'Free disk space': 'Слободно простора на диску'
+'Download file': 'Преузми фајл'
+Download: Преузми
+'Delete file': 'Обриши фајл'
+'Backup list is empty.': 'Листа бекапова је празна'
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да вратите фајл $1?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете фајл $1?'
+'Import XML': 'Увези XML'
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'Морате имати одобрења за додавање/мењање издања и текстова да бисте били у могућности да подешавате аутора свих текстова.'
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Изаберите поље из кога ће се генерисати аутор'
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Погрешно или празно поље $1. Морате изабрати исправно поље.'
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Немогуће је направити аутора $1 за текст број $2 ($3) типа $4.'
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'Дошло је до грешке при подешавању аутора за чланке типа $1коришћењем поља $2.'
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'аутор је успешно постављен за текстове типа $1коришћењем поља $2'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Текст је закључан од стране $1 ($2) пре $3 минут(а)'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Текст је закључан од стране $1 ($2) пре $3 час(ова) и $4 минут(а)'
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Грешка при подешавању аутора $1 за текст број $2 ($3) типа $4.'
+'Clear system cache': 'Обриши системски кеш'
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'Систем није био у могуности да аплоудује фајл $1.'
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Проверите фајл који покушавате да аплоудујете, могуће је да је оштећен.'
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'Фајл је спремљен на диску као $1.'
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'Систем није у могућности да уписује у директоријум $1.'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'Систем није у могућности да чита фајл $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'Систем није у могућности да обрише директоријум $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Молимо Вас проверите да ли корисник $1 има право читања тог фајла.'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Молимо Вас проверите да ли је директоријум празан и да ли корисник $1 има дозволу да уписује у директоријум $2'
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'Систем није у могућности да уписује у фајл $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'Систем није у могућности да обрише фајл $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'Систем није у могућности да креира фајл $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'Систем не може да креира директоријум $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Молимо Вас проверите да ли корисник $1 има право уписа у овај фајл.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Молимо проверите да ли корисник $1 има право уписа у директоријум $2.'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'Унесите код приказан на слици:'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'Унесите своје корисничко име'
+'Please enter your password.': 'Унесите своју лозинку.'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Унесите код приказан на слици.'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA код није исправан. Покушајте поново.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'Пријављено: $1'
+Help: Помоћ
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Унесите своје корисничко име и лозинку'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Немате право приступа овој страни'
+'Login failed': 'Неуспешна пријава'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Проверите да ли сте исправно уписали корисничко име и лозинку'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Ако се проблем понови контактирајте администратора сајта $1'
+Backup/Restore: Бекап/враћање
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sv.yml
index d98ea89026..8051378b6d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/home.sv.yml
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-'Rename user': 'Rename user'
-Campsite: Campsite
-'Image Rendering': 'Image Rendering'
-'Featured Article Lists': 'Featured Article Lists'
-'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': 'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.'
-'You do not have the right to manage backups.': 'You do not have the right to manage backups.'
-'Make a new backup': 'Make a new backup'
-'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': 'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?'
-'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': 'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.'
-Templates: Templates
-'Create slideshow': 'Create slideshow'
-Create: Create
-Attach/Detach: Attach/Detach
-'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': 'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?'
-Support: Support
-'Pending articles': 'Pending articles'
-'Manage Users': 'Manage Users'
-'Manage User Types': 'Manage User Types'
-'Manage User Points System': 'Manage User Points System'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user': 'Edit user'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-Detail: Detail
-'Create new user': 'Create new user'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Add feed': 'Add feed'
-'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': 'Upload of file $1 was not successful.'
-'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': 'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.'
-MiB: MiB
-'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'try again later': 'try again later'
-at: at
-'You must at least upload one file.': 'You must at least upload one file.'
-'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': 'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!'
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-Upload: Upload
-'Update comment': 'Update comment'
-'Time created': 'Time created'
-Themes: Themes
-'Stop current upload': 'Stop current upload'
-'Start uploading queue': 'Start uploading queue'
-'Start upload': 'Start upload'
-Settings: Settings
-'Select files': 'Select files'
-Reply: Reply
-'New comment added': 'New comment added'
-'Manage Authors': 'Manage Authors'
-Loading..: Loading..
-Filename: Filename
-'Edit user type': 'Edit user type'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'Drag files here.': 'Drag files here.'
-'Connection interrupted': 'Connection interrupted'
-Ban: Ban
-'Are you sure you want to': 'Are you sure you want to'
-'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': 'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.'
-'Add files': 'Add files'
-'%value% is more than %max% characters long': '%value% is more than %max% characters long'
-'%value% is less than %min% characters long': '%value% is less than %min% characters long'
-'User name': 'User name'
-Newscoop: Newscoop
-'Your password has been reset.': 'Your password has been reset.'
-'Proceed to login.': 'Proceed to login.'
+'Rename user': null
+Campsite: null
+'Image Rendering': null
+'Featured Article Lists': null
+'You have tried to upload an invalid backup file.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage backups.': null
+'Make a new backup': null
+'Are you sure you want to make a new backup?': null
+'Security token expired. Please resubmit the form.': null
+Templates: null
+'Create slideshow': null
+Create: null
+Attach/Detach: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete slideshow?': null
+Support: null
+'Pending articles': null
+'Manage Users': null
+'Manage User Types': null
+'Manage User Points System': null
+Last: Sista
+First: Första
+Feedback: null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+Detail: null
+'Create new user': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Add feed': null
+'Upload of file $1 was not successful.': null
+'The file $1 could not be moved. Check you have enough of disk space.': null
+MiB: null
+'Download was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'try again later': null
+at: null
+'You must at least upload one file.': null
+'Warning: the existing data and themes will be deleted!': null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+Upload: null
+'Update comment': null
+'Time created': null
+Themes: Mallar
+'Stop current upload': null
+'Start uploading queue': null
+'Start upload': null
+Settings: null
+'Select files': null
+Reply: null
+'New comment added': null
+'Manage Authors': null
+Loading..: null
+Filename: null
+'Edit user type': null
+'Edit language': 'Redigera språk'
+'Drag files here.': null
+'Connection interrupted': null
+Ban: null
+'Are you sure you want to': null
+'Add files to the upload queue and click the start button.': null
+'Add files': null
+'%value% is more than %max% characters long': null
+'%value% is less than %min% characters long': null
+'User name': null
+Newscoop: null
+'Your password has been reset.': null
+'Proceed to login.': null
'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1': 'Hi, \n\nfor password recovery, please follow this link: $1'
-'Go to login': 'Go to login'
-'Back to login.': 'Back to login.'
-'Back to login': 'Back to login'
-'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': 'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.'
-'Session expired.': 'Session expired.'
-Processing...: Processing...
-Please: Please
-'Go to dashboard': 'Go to dashboard'
-'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': 'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.'
-'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': 'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.'
-'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': 'Newscoop cache was cleaned up'
-Dashboard: Dashboard
-'Your changes will be saved after login.': 'Your changes will be saved after login.'
-'Upload backup file': 'Upload backup file'
-'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': 'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-Widgets: Widgets
-'Widget info': 'Widget info'
-'Widget added to dashboard.': 'Widget added to dashboard.'
-'Remove widget': 'Remove widget'
-'Please login to continue.': 'Please login to continue.'
-'Add to dashboard': 'Add to dashboard'
-'Add more widgets': 'Add more widgets'
-login: login
-'This link is not valid.': 'This link is not valid.'
-'Recover password': 'Recover password'
-'Please enter your email.': 'Please enter your email.'
-'Password recovery is disabled.': 'Password recovery is disabled.'
-'Password recovery': 'Password recovery'
-'Password Recovery': 'Password Recovery'
-'No user is registered with this email.': 'No user is registered with this email.'
-'Forgot your password?': 'Forgot your password?'
-'Email: incorrect format.': 'Email: incorrect format.'
-Email: Email
-'Bad input parameters.': 'Bad input parameters.'
-'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': 'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.'
-'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': 'The file $1 was deleted successfully.'
-Size: Size
-'Restore file': 'Restore file'
-Restore: Restore
-Mb: Mb
-'Free disk space': 'Free disk space'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-Download: Download
-'Delete file': 'Delete file'
-'Backup list is empty.': 'Backup list is empty.'
-'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?'
-'Import XML': 'Import XML'
-'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': 'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.'
-'Select the field from which to generate the author': 'Select the field from which to generate the author'
-'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': 'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.'
-'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': 'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': 'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.'
-'Clear system cache': 'Clear system cache'
-'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': 'The system was unable to upload the file $1. '
-'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': 'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.'
-'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': 'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.'
-'This file is stored on disk as $1.': 'This file is stored on disk as $1.'
-'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.'
-'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'The system was unable to read the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.'
-'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'The system was unable to write to the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'The system was unable to delete the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'The system was unable to create the file $1.'
-'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'The system was unable to create the directory $1.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.'
-'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.'
-'Type the code shown above:': 'Type the code shown above:'
-'Please enter your user name.': 'Please enter your user name.'
-'Please enter your password.': 'Please enter your password.'
-'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Please enter the code shown in the image.'
-'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.'
-'Signed in: $1': 'Signed in: $1'
-Help: Help
-'Please enter your user name and password': 'Please enter your user name and password'
-'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'You do not have the right to access this page.'
-'Login failed': 'Login failed'
-'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.'
-'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1'
-Backup/Restore: Backup/Restore
-'Step 2': 'Step 2'
-'Step 3': 'Step 3'
-'Add new user': 'Add new user'
-'Bad credentials': 'Bad credentials'
-'Active users': 'Active users'
-'New comments': 'New comments'
-'Published articles': 'Published articles'
-'Last 7 days statistics': 'Last 7 days statistics'
-'Change password': 'Change password'
+'Go to login': null
+'Back to login.': null
+'Back to login': null
+'An email with instructions on how to recover you password has been sent to your inbox.': null
+'Session expired.': null
+Processing...: null
+Please: null
+'Go to dashboard': null
+'Your browser does not support Javascript or (more likely) you have Javascript disabled. Please fix this to be able to use Newscoop.': null
+'Newscoop has upgraded its security measures. In order to upgrade your account to use this increased security, you must enter your password again.': null
+'Newscoop cache was cleaned up': null
+Dashboard: null
+'Your changes will be saved after login.': null
+'Upload backup file': null
+'The file $1 has been uploaded successfully.': null
+'Media Archive': null
+Widgets: null
+'Widget info': null
+'Widget added to dashboard.': null
+'Remove widget': null
+'Please login to continue.': null
+'Add to dashboard': null
+'Add more widgets': null
+login: null
+'This link is not valid.': null
+'Recover password': null
+'Please enter your email.': null
+'Password recovery is disabled.': null
+'Password recovery': null
+'Password Recovery': null
+'No user is registered with this email.': null
+'Forgot your password?': null
+'Email: incorrect format.': null
+Email: null
+'Bad input parameters.': null
+'There was an error trying to delete the file $1.': null
+'The file $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+Size: null
+'Restore file': null
+Restore: null
+Mb: null
+'Free disk space': null
+'Download file': null
+Download: null
+'Delete file': 'Radera fil'
+'Backup list is empty.': null
+'Are you sure you want to restore the file $1?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the file $1?': null
+'Import XML': null
+'You must have the permissions to add/change issues and articles in order to set the author for all articles.': null
+'Select the field from which to generate the author': null
+'Invalid or empty field $1. You must select a valid dynamic field.': null
+'Unable to create author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'There were errors setting the author for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The author was set successfuly for articles of type $1 from the field $2.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Error setting the author $1 for article no. $2 ($3) of type $4.': null
+'Clear system cache': null
+'The system was unable to upload the file $1. ': null
+'Please check the file you are trying to upload, it might be corrupted.': null
+'An error occurred in session management. Please reload the login page.': null
+'This file is stored on disk as $1.': null
+'The system is unable to write to the directory $1.': 'System kunde inte skriva till katalogen $1.'
+'The system was unable to read the file $1.': 'System kunde inte läsa filen $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the directory $1.': 'System kunde inte radera katalogen $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to read this file.': 'Var god kontrollera om användaren $1 har rättigheter att läsa denna fil.'
+'Please check if the directory is empty and the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': null
+'The system was unable to write to the file $1.': 'System kunde inte skriva till filen $1.'
+'The system was unable to delete the file $1.': 'System kunde inte radera filen $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the file $1.': 'System kunde inte skapa filen $1.'
+'The system was unable to create the directory $1.': 'System kunde inte skapa katalogen $1.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to this file.': 'Var god kontrollera om användaren $1 har rättigheter att skriva till denna fil.'
+'Please check if the user $1 has permission to write to the directory $2.': 'Var god kontrollera om användaren $1 har rättigheter att skriva till katalogen $2.'
+'Type the code shown above:': 'Skriv koden som visas ovan:'
+'Please enter your user name.': 'Var god skriv ditt användarnamn.'
+'Please enter your password.': 'Var god skriv ditt lösenord.'
+'Please enter the code shown in the image.': 'Var god skriv koden som visas i bilden.'
+'CAPTCHA code is not valid. Please try again.': 'CAPTCHA koden är ogiltig. Var god försök igen.'
+'Signed in: $1': 'Inloggad som: $1'
+Help: Hjälp
+'Please enter your user name and password': 'Var god skriv in användarnamn och lösenord'
+'You do not have the right to access this page.': 'Du har inte rätt att komma åt denna sida'
+'Login failed': 'Inloggning misslyckades'
+'Please make sure that you typed the correct user name and password.': 'Var god kontrollera att du skrev rätt användarnamn och lösenord'
+'If your problem persists please contact the site administrator $1': 'Om problemet kvarstår, var god kontakta sajtadministratören $1'
+Backup/Restore: null
+'Step 2': null
+'Step 3': null
+'Add new user': null
+'Bad credentials': null
+'Active users': null
+'New comments': null
+'Published articles': null
+'Last 7 days statistics': null
+'Change password': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.az.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..2e132bbd22 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.az.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'deməli o mövcud nümunələr məsələyə təyin edilə bilər.'
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Bu tamamlanan kimi məsələ nəşr edilə bilər'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Bu məsələyə ön baxış etmək mümkün deyil. Lütfən, nəşrə təyin edilmiş mövzunun mövcudluğuna əmin ol.'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'Məsələyə ön baxış etmək mümkün deyil. Onun ön nümunəyə sahib olduğuna əmin ol.'
+'Publish all articles:': 'Bütün məqalələri nümayiş et:'
+'Publish all articles': 'Bütün məqalələri nümayiş et'
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Bütün məqalələrin nümayişini dayandır. YOX düyməsi seçilsə, yalnız Məsələ ilə Nümayişi mümkün olan məqalələr nümayiş ediləcək.'
+default: mövcud
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'Nümayiş və nümayişin dayandırılması eyni zamanda baş verə bilməz'
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'Nümayişin planlaşdırılması keçmiş zamanda ola bilməz'
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Lütfən, nümayiş üçün ən azı bir mövzu təyin et'
+'Issue Theme': 'Məsələ Mövzusu'
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'Quraşdırmaq istədiyin dəyərlər $1$2 ilə mübahisəlidir. $3 ($4)$5.'
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'Eyni tərcümənin nəşrlərində hər məsələ üçün özünəməxsus say olmalıdır.'
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'Bu nəşrdin hər məsələsi üçün ayrıca dil və URL adı olmalıdır.'
+'Issue created.': 'Say hazırdır.'
+'Issue updated': 'Say yeniləndi'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': ' Bu məsələyə aid dəyişikliklər saxlanmadı.'
+'Unpublish on: $1': 'Bu tarixdə nümayişi dayandır: $1'
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'Bu məsələdə $1 məqalə var.'
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': '$1 məsələsi silinmişdir.'
+Schedule: Cədvəl
+'Publish on: $1': '$1 -də dərc et'
+'Publish Date $1': '$1 tarixini çap et'
+'Deleted issue': 'Silinmiş yazı'
+'Delete issue': 'Sayı sil'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'Bu məsələni nümayiş etmək üçün kliklə'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Ümumilikdə $1 məqalə silinib.'
(click to see sections)': 'Ad
(bölmələri görmək üçün kliklə)'
+'Delete issue $1': '$1 sayını sil'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Məsələləri dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': '$1 məsələsinin statusunu $2 variantından $3 variantına dəyişmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Add new translation': 'Yeni tərcümə əlavə et'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Məsələ əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': '$1 məsələsi müvəffəqiyyətlə əlavə edilmişdir.'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'Yenisi əlavə oluna bilməz.'
+'Change issue details': 'Məsələ məlumatlarını dəyiş'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Məsələ məlumatlarını dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Nümayiş tarixi
+'Front Page Template': 'Baş səhifənin üzlüyü'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Məsələləri silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': '$1 məsələsini silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Əvvəlki məsələnin strukturunu istifadə et'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Əvvəlki məsələdən tərkib xaric olmaqla bütün dillərin daxili strukturunu köçür.'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Əgər istəsən, bunu daha sonra quraşdıra bilərsən.'
+'Create a new structure': 'Yeni quruluş yarat'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Tamamilə yeni quruluş yarat.'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Sən əvvəlcə hər dil üçün məsələ müəyyən etməli, daha sonra isə onlar üçün bölmə seçməlisən.'
+'Copy previous issue': 'Əvvəlki məsələni köçür'
+'No previous issue.': 'Əvvəlki məsələ yoxdur.'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': '$1 saylı məsələnin strukturunu köçür'
+'Delete entry': 'Girişi sil'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Məsələnin Nümayiş Qrafiki'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Səhv Giriş: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'Məsələnin Nömrəsi'
+'Go To Sections': 'Bölmələrə Get'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Dil parametrlənin oxunmasında xəta baş verdi.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Nümayiş parametrlərinin oxunmasında xəta baş verdi.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Məsələ parametrlərinin oxunmasında xəta baş verdi.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': '$1 addımının $2 tarixdə planlaşdırılmasında xəta baş verdi'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 tarixinə planlaşdırılmış addım silinə bilmədi.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.be.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..92092623e8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.be.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'так, каб шаблоны па змаўчанні можна было прызначаць для выпуску.'
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'У заканчэнні дзеяння можна апублікаваць выпуск'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Немагчыма зрабіць папярэдні прагляд выпуску. Калі ласка, пераканайцеся, што для выдання існуе патрэбная тэма (шаблон).'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'Немагчыма зрабіць папярэдні прагляд выпуску. Калі ласка, пераканайцеся, што для гэтага абраны шаблон галоўнай старонкі.'
+'Publish all articles:': 'Апублікаваць усе артыкулы:'
+'Publish all articles': 'Апублікаваць усе артыкулы'
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: 'па змаўчанні'
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'Налады Апублікаваць/Адмяніць публікацыю адначасова не працуюць'
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'Немагчыма настроіць расклады публікацыі ў мінулым часе'
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Калі ласка, прызначце для выдання хоця бы адну тэму (шаблон)'
+'Issue Theme': 'Тэма (Шаблён) выпуску'
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'Велічынi, якiя Вы спрабуеце ўстанавіць, канфлiктуюць з выпускам $1$2. $3 ($4)$5. '
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'Нумар павiнен быць унікальным для кожнага выпуску гэтага выданьня на гэтай жа мове.'
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'Мова i URL павiнны быць унікальным для кожнага выпуску гэтага выданьня.'
+'Issue created.': 'Выпуск створаны.'
+'Issue updated': 'Выпуск абноўлены.'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Не ўдалося захаваць зьмены ў выпуску.'
+'Unpublish on: $1': 'Адмянiць публiкацыю на: $1'
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'Артыкулаў у выпуску: $1.'
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'Выпуск $1 быў выдалены.'
+Schedule: Расклад
+'Publish on: $1': 'Публiкаваць: $1'
+'Publish Date $1': 'Дата публiкацыi $1'
+'Deleted issue': 'Выдалены выпуск'
+'Delete issue': 'Выдалiць выпуск'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'Нацiсьнiце тут для публiкацыi выпуску'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Усяго артыкулаў было выдалена: $1'
(click to see sections)': 'Назва
(нацiсьнiце для прагляду рубрык)'
+'Delete issue $1': 'Выдаленьне выпуску $1'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для зьмяненьня выпуску.'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што жадаеце зьмянiць статут выпуску $1 з $2 на $3? '
+'Add new translation': 'Дадаць новы пераклад'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Вы ня маеце права дадаваць выпуск.'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Выпуск $1 быў пасьпяхова даданы.'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'Не ўдалося дадаць выпуск.'
+'Change issue details': 'Зьмянiць парамэтры выпуску'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу да зьмяненьня парамэтраў выпуску.'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Дата публiкацыi
(гггг-мм-дд) '
+'Front Page Template': ' Шаблён тытульнай старонкі'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Вы ня маеце права выдаляць выпускі.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што хочаце выдалiць выпуск $1?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Выкарыстаць структуру папярэдняга выпуску'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Скапіяваць усю структуру запiсу ва ўсе мовы з папярэдняга выпуску, за выключэньнем iнфармацыйнага напаўненьня.'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Вы можаце мадыфiкаваць гэта пазьней, калi пажадаеце.'
+'Create a new structure': 'Стварыць новую структуру'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Стварыць поўнасьцю новую структуру.'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Вы павiнны вызначыць тып выпуску для кожнай мовы i, потым, рубрыкi для iх. '
+'Copy previous issue': 'Скапіяваць папярэднi выпуск'
+'No previous issue.': 'Няма папярэдняга выпуску.'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Скапiяваць структуру з выпуску №$1 '
+'Delete entry': 'Выдалiць запiс'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Публiкацыя выпуску заплянанаваная'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Няправiльны ўвод: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'Нумар выпуску'
+'Go To Sections': 'Перайсьцi да рубрык'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Памылка чытаньня парамэтраў мовы.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Памылка чытаньня парамэтраў выданьня.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Памылка чытаньня парамэтраў выпуску.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Памылка плянаваньня апэрацыi $1 на $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'Прызначаная на $1апэрацыя ня можа быць адменена'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.bn.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..5cc4eab3cb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.bn.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': null
+'Issue updated': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: null
+'Publish on: $1': null
+'Publish Date $1': null
+'Deleted issue': null
+'Delete issue': null
+'Click here to publish this issue': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
(click to see sections)': null
+'Delete issue $1': null
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': null
+'Add new translation': null
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': null
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'The issue could not be added.': null
+'Change issue details': null
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': null
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': null
+'Front Page Template': null
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': null
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': null
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': null
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': null
+'Create a new structure': null
+'Create a complete new structure.': null
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': null
+'Copy previous issue': null
+'No previous issue.': null
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': null
+'Delete entry': null
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': null
+'Invalid Input: $1': null
+'Issue Number': null
+'Go To Sections': null
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': null
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': null
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.cs.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..c895cf0069 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.cs.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'tato defoltně nastavená šablona může být přiřazena k tomuto tématu.'
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Jakmile je to hotovo, může být téma zveřejněno'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Toto vydání nemůže být zobrazeno. Prosím ujistěte se, že publikace má přiděleno téma.'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'Toto vydání nemůže být zobrazeno. Prosím ujistěte se, že je vybrána přední šablona.'
+'Publish all articles:': 'Publikovat všechny články:'
+'Publish all articles': 'Publikovat všechny články'
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Nucené publikování všech článků. Pokud nastaveno Ne, pouze články se statusem Publikovat s vydáním budou uveřejněny.'
default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'Publikování/nepublikování nemůže být nastaveno najednou'
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'Publikační harmonogram nemůže být nastaven v minulosti'
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Prosím zadejte alespoň jeden námět do publikace'
+'Issue Theme': 'Téma vydání'
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'Hodnoty, které se snažíte nastavit, jsou v rozporu s vydáním $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'Číslo musí být jedinečné pro každé vydání v této publikaci stejného jazyka.'
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'Jazyk a URL musí být jedinečné pro každé vydání v této publikaci.'
+'Issue created.': 'Vydání vytvořeno.'
+'Issue updated': 'Vydání aktualizováno'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Nezdařilo se uložit změny ve vydání.'
+'Unpublish on: $1': 'Nepublikovat v: $1'
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'V tomto vydání je $1 článků.'
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'Vydání $1 bylo odstraněno.'
+Schedule: Rozvrh
+'Publish on: $1': 'Publikovat v: $1'
+'Publish Date $1': 'Datum Publikování $1'
+'Deleted issue': 'Odstraněné vydání'
+'Delete issue': 'Odstranit vydání'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'Klikněte zde pro publikaci vydání'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Celkem $1 článků odstraněno.'
(click to see sections)': 'Název publikace
(klikněte pro zobrazení rubrik) '
+'Delete issue $1': 'Odstranit vydání $1'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Nemáte právo měnit vydání'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Určitě chcete změnit stav vydání $1 z $2 na $3?'
+'Add new translation': 'Přidat překlad'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Nemáte právo přidat vydání'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Vydání $1 bylo úspěšně přidáno'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'Vydání nemohlo být přidáno'
+'Change issue details': 'Změnit detaily vydání'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Nemáte právo změnit detaily vydání'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Datum publikování
+'Front Page Template': 'Šablona Hlavní Stránky'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Nemáte právo mazat vydání'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Určitě chcete smazat vydání $1?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Použít strukturu předchozího vydání'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Kopírovat celou strukturu ve všech jazycích z předchozího vydání kromě obsahu'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Můžete to upravit později'
+'Create a new structure': 'Vytvořit novou strukturu'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Vytvořit kopletně novou strukturu'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Definovat typ vydání pro každý jazyk a rubriky'
+'Copy previous issue': 'Kopírovat předchozí vydání'
+'No previous issue.': 'Žádné předchozí vydání'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Kopírovat strukturu z vydání č. $1'
+'Delete entry': 'Odstranit vztup'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Rozvrh Publikování Vydání'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Neplatný vztup: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'Číslo Vydání'
+'Go To Sections': 'Jít na Rubriky'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Vyskytla se chyba při čtení jazkového parametru.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Vyskytla se chyba při čtení parametru publikace.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Vyskytla se chyba při čtení parametru vydání.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Nebylo možné naplánovat činnost $1 na $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'Činnost naplánovaná na $1 nemohla být zrušena'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.da.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..21da436f83 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.da.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'så standard skabeloner kan føjes til udgivelsen.'
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Udgivelsen kan udgives når dette er gjort.'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Forhåndsvisning af udgivelsen er ikke mulig. Kontroller at publikationen har et tema.'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'Udgivlesen kan ikke forhåndsvises. Kontroller at den har en aktiveret forsideskabelon.'
+'Publish all articles:': 'Udgiv alle artikler:'
+'Publish all articles': 'Udgiv alle artikler'
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Tving udgivelse af alle artikler. Hvis Nej udgives kun artikler der er indstillet til at blive udgivet med udgivelsen.'
+default: standard
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'Udgivelse og tilbagetrækning kan ikke indstilles til samme tidspunkt'
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'Udgivelse kan ikke planlægges til fortiden'
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Tildel mindst et tema til publikationen'
+'Issue Theme': 'Udgivelses tema'
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'De valgte værdier konflikter med udgivelsen $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'Nummeret skal være unikt for hver udgivelse med samme sprog i denne publikation.'
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'Sprog og URL navn skal være unikt for hver udgivelse i denne publikation.'
+'Issue created.': 'Udgivelse oprettet.'
+'Issue updated': 'Udgivelse opdateret'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Kunne ikke gemme ændringerne til udgivelsen'
+'Unpublish on: $1': 'Træk tilbage den: $1'
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'Der er $1 artikler i denne udgivelse.'
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'Udgivelsen $1 blev slettet.'
+Schedule: Planlæg
+'Publish on: $1': 'Udgiv den: $1'
+'Publish Date $1': 'Udgivelsesdato $1'
+'Deleted issue': 'Udgivelse slettet'
+'Delete issue': 'Slet udgivelse'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'Klik her for at publicere udgivelsen'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': '$1 artikler blev slettet.'
(click to see sections)': 'Navn
(klik for at se sektioner)'
+'Delete issue $1': 'Slet udgivelsen $1'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at ændre udgivelser.'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Vil du skifte status på udgivelsen $1 fra $2 til $3?'
+'Add new translation': 'Tilføj oversættelse'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje udgivelser.'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Udgivelsen $1 blev tilføjet.'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'Udgivelsen kunne ikke tilføjes.'
+'Change issue details': 'Rediger udgivelsen.'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at redigere udgivelser.'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': Udgivelsesdato
+'Front Page Template': 'Skabelon til forsiden'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette udgivelser.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Vil du slette udgivelsen $1?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Brug seneste udgivelses struktur'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Kopier hele strukturen på alle sprog fra den seneste udgivelse (kopierer ikke indholdet).'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Du kan ændre det senere.'
+'Create a new structure': 'Opret ny struktur'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Opret en helt ny struktur.'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Du skal definere en udgivelsestype og sektioner for hvert sprog.'
+'Copy previous issue': 'Kopier seneste udgivelse'
+'No previous issue.': 'Ingen seneste udgivelse.'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Kopier struktur fra udgivelse nummer $1'
+'Delete entry': 'Slet post'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Udgivelsesplanlægning for udgivelsen'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Ugyldigt input: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'Udgivelsens nummer'
+'Go To Sections': 'Gå til sektioner'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Sprogparameteret kunne ikke læses.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Publikationsparameteret kunne ikke læses.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Udgivelsesparameteret kunne ikke læses.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Handlingen $1 kunne ikke planlægges på $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'Handlingen planlagt på $1 kunne ikke slettes.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.de.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..546e20a559 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.de.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so dass die Standarddesignvorlage dieser Ausgabe zugewiesen werden kann.'
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Wenn dies erledigt ist, kann die Ausgabe veröffentlicht werden. '
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Vom Artikel kann keine Vorschau erstellt werden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass er einem Thema zugeordnet wurde. '
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'Es kann keine Vorschau der Ausgabe erstellt werden. Überprüfen Sie bitte, dass ein Front-Template ausgewählt worden ist.'
+'Publish all articles:': 'Alle Artikel veröffentlichen: '
+'Publish all articles': 'Alle Artikel veröffentlichen'
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Veröffentlichung aller Artikel erzwingen. Wenn auf Nein werden nur die Artikel mit dem Status Mit der Ausgabe veröffentlichen mit der Ausgabe veröffentlicht. '
+default: Standard
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'Der Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung / Unveröffentlichung kann nicht identisch sein. '
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'Der Veröffentlichungszeitraum kann nicht in der Vergangenheit liegen. '
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Bitte weisen Sie der Publikation mindestens eine Designvorlage zu. '
+'Issue Theme': 'Designvorlage der Ausgabe'
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'Die gewählten Werte stehen im Widerspruch zur Ausgabe $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'Nummern für jede Ausgabe in dieser Publikation und Sprache müssen unterschiedlich sein.'
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'Sprache und URL-Name für jede Ausgabe in dieser Publikation müssen unterschiedlich sein.'
+'Issue created.': 'Ausgabe erstellt.'
+'Issue updated': 'Ausgabe aktualisiert.'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Veränderungen konnten nicht in die Ausgabe übernommen werden.'
+'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unveröffentlicht an: $1'
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': '$1 Artikel in dieser Ausgabe.'
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'Die Ausgabe $1 wurde gelöscht.'
+Schedule: Automatisieren
+'Publish on: $1': 'Veröffentlicht an: $1'
+'Publish Date $1': 'Veröffentlichungsdatum $1'
+'Deleted issue': 'Gelöschte Ausgabe'
+'Delete issue': 'Ausgabe löschen'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'Hier klicken um diese Ausgabe zu veröffentlichen'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Insgesamt $1 Artikel wurden gelöscht.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections) '
+'Delete issue $1': 'Ausgabe $1 löschen'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Keine Berechtigung Ausgaben zu ändern'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Ausgabe $1 wirklich von $2 auf $3 ändern?'
+'Add new translation': 'Übersetzung hinzufügen'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Keine Berechtigung Ausgaben hinzuzufügen'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Ausgabe $1 wurde hinzugefügt'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'Die Ausgabe konnte nicht verändert werden'
+'Change issue details': 'Details der Ausgabe ändern'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Sie sind nicht berechtigt, Details der Ausgabe zu ändern.'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': Publikationsdatum
+'Front Page Template': 'Template der Startseite'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Sie sind nicht berechtigt, Ausgaben zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Ausgabe $1 wirklich löschen?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Die Struktur der vorherigen Ausgabe verwenden'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Kopieren Sie mit Ausnahme des Inhalts die gesamte Struktur der letzten Ausgabe in allen Sprachen.'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Veränderungen können später vorgenommen werden.'
+'Create a new structure': 'Neue Struktur anlegen'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Komplett neue Struktur anlegen'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Bitte einen Ausgabentyp pro Sprache definieren und Rubriken anlegen.'
+'Copy previous issue': 'Vorherige Ausgabe kopieren'
+'No previous issue.': 'Keine vorherige Ausgabe vorhanden'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Struktur der Ausgabe $1 kopieren'
+'Delete entry': 'Eintrag löschen'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Veröffentlichung der Ausgabe automatisieren'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Ungültige Eingabe: $1'
+'Issue Number': Ausgabennummer
+'Go To Sections': 'Gehe zu den Rubriken'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Fehler beim Lesen der Spracheinstellung.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Fehler beim Lesen der Publikationseinstellung.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Fehler beim Lesen der Ausgabeneinstellung.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Fehler bei der Automatisierung von $1 am $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'Die automatisierte Aktion für $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.de_AT.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..546e20a559 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so dass die Standarddesignvorlage dieser Ausgabe zugewiesen werden kann.'
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Wenn dies erledigt ist, kann die Ausgabe veröffentlicht werden. '
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Vom Artikel kann keine Vorschau erstellt werden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass er einem Thema zugeordnet wurde. '
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'Es kann keine Vorschau der Ausgabe erstellt werden. Überprüfen Sie bitte, dass ein Front-Template ausgewählt worden ist.'
+'Publish all articles:': 'Alle Artikel veröffentlichen: '
+'Publish all articles': 'Alle Artikel veröffentlichen'
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Veröffentlichung aller Artikel erzwingen. Wenn auf Nein werden nur die Artikel mit dem Status Mit der Ausgabe veröffentlichen mit der Ausgabe veröffentlicht. '
+default: Standard
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'Der Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung / Unveröffentlichung kann nicht identisch sein. '
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'Der Veröffentlichungszeitraum kann nicht in der Vergangenheit liegen. '
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Bitte weisen Sie der Publikation mindestens eine Designvorlage zu. '
+'Issue Theme': 'Designvorlage der Ausgabe'
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'Die gewählten Werte stehen im Widerspruch zur Ausgabe $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'Nummern für jede Ausgabe in dieser Publikation und Sprache müssen unterschiedlich sein.'
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'Sprache und URL-Name für jede Ausgabe in dieser Publikation müssen unterschiedlich sein.'
+'Issue created.': 'Ausgabe erstellt.'
+'Issue updated': 'Ausgabe aktualisiert.'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Veränderungen konnten nicht in die Ausgabe übernommen werden.'
+'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unveröffentlicht an: $1'
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': '$1 Artikel in dieser Ausgabe.'
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'Die Ausgabe $1 wurde gelöscht.'
+Schedule: Automatisieren
+'Publish on: $1': 'Veröffentlicht an: $1'
+'Publish Date $1': 'Veröffentlichungsdatum $1'
+'Deleted issue': 'Gelöschte Ausgabe'
+'Delete issue': 'Ausgabe löschen'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'Hier klicken um diese Ausgabe zu veröffentlichen'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Insgesamt $1 Artikel wurden gelöscht.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections) '
+'Delete issue $1': 'Ausgabe $1 löschen'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Keine Berechtigung Ausgaben zu ändern'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Ausgabe $1 wirklich von $2 auf $3 ändern?'
+'Add new translation': 'Übersetzung hinzufügen'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Keine Berechtigung Ausgaben hinzuzufügen'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Ausgabe $1 wurde hinzugefügt'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'Die Ausgabe konnte nicht verändert werden'
+'Change issue details': 'Details der Ausgabe ändern'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Sie sind nicht berechtigt, Details der Ausgabe zu ändern.'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': Publikationsdatum
+'Front Page Template': 'Template der Startseite'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Sie sind nicht berechtigt, Ausgaben zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Ausgabe $1 wirklich löschen?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Die Struktur der vorherigen Ausgabe verwenden'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Kopieren Sie mit Ausnahme des Inhalts die gesamte Struktur der letzten Ausgabe in allen Sprachen.'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Veränderungen können später vorgenommen werden.'
+'Create a new structure': 'Neue Struktur anlegen'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Komplett neue Struktur anlegen'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Bitte einen Ausgabentyp pro Sprache definieren und Rubriken anlegen.'
+'Copy previous issue': 'Vorherige Ausgabe kopieren'
+'No previous issue.': 'Keine vorherige Ausgabe vorhanden'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Struktur der Ausgabe $1 kopieren'
+'Delete entry': 'Eintrag löschen'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Veröffentlichung der Ausgabe automatisieren'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Ungültige Eingabe: $1'
+'Issue Number': Ausgabennummer
+'Go To Sections': 'Gehe zu den Rubriken'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Fehler beim Lesen der Spracheinstellung.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Fehler beim Lesen der Publikationseinstellung.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Fehler beim Lesen der Ausgabeneinstellung.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Fehler bei der Automatisierung von $1 am $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'Die automatisierte Aktion für $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.es.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..ed69439899 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.es.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'para que las plantillas por defecto puedan asignarse a la edición.'
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Será posible publicar la edición una vez completado este paso.'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'No es posible previsualizar esta edición. Por favor asegúrese de que la publicación tiene un tema asignado.'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'No es posible previsualizar esta edición. Por favor asegúrese de que ha seleccionado una plantilla para la portada.'
+'Publish all articles:': 'Publicar todos los artículos:'
+'Publish all articles': 'Publicar todos los artículos'
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Forzar la pulbicación de todos los artículos. Si se elije "No", solamente los artículos con el estatus "Publicar con el Ejemplar" serán publicados.'
+default: 'por defecto'
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'La opción de publicar/dejar de publicar no se puede determinar al mismo tiempo'
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'La programación de una publicación no se puede hacer en una fecha pasada'
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Por favor asigne al menos un tema a la publicación'
+'Issue Theme': 'Tema de la edición'
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'Los valores que intenta establecer tienen conflicto con el ejemplar $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'Cada edición de esta publicación del mismo idioma debe tener un número único.'
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'El idioma y el nombre del URL deben ser únicos para cada edición en esta publicación.'
+'Issue created.': 'Se creó una nueva edición.'
+'Issue updated': 'Se actualizó la edición.'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'No fue posible almacenar los cambios a la edición.'
+'Unpublish on: $1': 'Despublicar el: $1'
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'Hay $1 artículos en esta edición'
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'Se ha eliminado la edición $1'
+Schedule: Programar
+'Publish on: $1': 'Publicar el: $1'
+'Publish Date $1': 'Fecha de publicación $1'
+'Deleted issue': 'Edición eliminada'
+'Delete issue': 'Eliminiar edición'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'Pinche aquí para publicar esta edición'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Se eliminó un total de $1 artículos'
(click to see sections)': 'Nombre
(clic para ver secciones) '
+'Delete issue $1': 'Borrar edición $1'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'No tiene autorización para cambiar ediciones.'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': '¿Está seguro de que desea cambiar el estatus del ejemplar $1 de $2 a $3?'
+'Add new translation': 'Agregar nueva traducción'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'No tiene autorización para agregar ediciones'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'La edición $1 ha sido agregada con éxito'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'La edición no pudo ser agregada'
+'Change issue details': 'Cambiar detalles de la edición'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'No tiene autorización para cambiar detalles de la edición'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Fecha de Publicación
(yyyy-mm-dd) '
+'Front Page Template': 'Plantilla de portada'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'No tiene privilegios para borrar ediciones'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': '¿Está seguro de que desea borrar el ejemplar $1?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Usar la estructura de la edición previa'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copiar la estructura completa de la edición previa en todos los idiomas exceptuando el contenido'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Puede modificarla luego si desea'
+'Create a new structure': 'Crear una nueva estructura'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Crear una nueva estructura completa'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Debe definir un tipo edición para cada idioma y secciones para ella'
+'Copy previous issue': 'Copiar edición previa'
+'No previous issue.': 'No existen ediciones previas'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copiar la estructura de la edición número $1'
+'Delete entry': 'Eliminar registro'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Horario de publicación de ediciones'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Registro inválido: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'Edición número'
+'Go To Sections': 'Ir a secciones'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Hubo un error en la lectura del parámetro de idioma.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Hubo un error en la lectura del parámetro de publicación.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Hubo un error en la lectura del parámetro de edición.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Hubo un error en la programación de la acción $1 para el $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'No se pudo eliminar la acción programada para el $1.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.es_AR.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..5cc4eab3cb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': null
+'Issue updated': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: null
+'Publish on: $1': null
+'Publish Date $1': null
+'Deleted issue': null
+'Delete issue': null
+'Click here to publish this issue': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
(click to see sections)': null
+'Delete issue $1': null
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': null
+'Add new translation': null
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': null
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'The issue could not be added.': null
+'Change issue details': null
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': null
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': null
+'Front Page Template': null
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': null
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': null
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': null
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': null
+'Create a new structure': null
+'Create a complete new structure.': null
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': null
+'Copy previous issue': null
+'No previous issue.': null
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': null
+'Delete entry': null
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': null
+'Invalid Input: $1': null
+'Issue Number': null
+'Go To Sections': null
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': null
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': null
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.fa.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..5cc4eab3cb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.fa.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': null
+'Issue updated': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: null
+'Publish on: $1': null
+'Publish Date $1': null
+'Deleted issue': null
+'Delete issue': null
+'Click here to publish this issue': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
(click to see sections)': null
+'Delete issue $1': null
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': null
+'Add new translation': null
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': null
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'The issue could not be added.': null
+'Change issue details': null
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': null
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': null
+'Front Page Template': null
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': null
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': null
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': null
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': null
+'Create a new structure': null
+'Create a complete new structure.': null
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': null
+'Copy previous issue': null
+'No previous issue.': null
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': null
+'Delete entry': null
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': null
+'Invalid Input: $1': null
+'Issue Number': null
+'Go To Sections': null
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': null
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': null
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.fr.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..c9c9f14db2 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.fr.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': null
+'Issue updated': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: null
+'Publish on: $1': null
+'Publish Date $1': null
+'Deleted issue': null
+'Delete issue': null
+'Click here to publish this issue': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Un total de $1 articles a été supprimé. '
(click to see sections)': 'Nom
(cliquer pour voir les sections)'
+'Delete issue $1': 'Supprimer édition $1'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de changer des éditions'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir changer le statut de lédition $1 de $2 à $3?'
+'Add new translation': 'Ajouter une nouvelle traduction'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des éditions'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Lédition $1 a été ajoutée avec succès.'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'Lédition ne pouvait pas être ajoutée.'
+'Change issue details': 'Changer les détails dédition'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de changer les détails dédition.'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Date de Publication
+'Front Page Template': 'Template Page dAccueil'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des éditions.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer lédition $1?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Utiliser la structure de lédition précédente'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copier la structure entière en toutes langues de lédition précédente à part le contenu. '
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Vous pouvez le modifier plus tard si vous souhaitez. '
+'Create a new structure': 'Créer une nouvelle structure '
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Créer une nouvelle structure complète. '
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Vous devez définir un type dédition pour chaque langue et ensuite des sections pour eux. '
+'Copy previous issue': 'Copier lédition précédente '
+'No previous issue.': 'Aucune édition précédente.'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copier la structure de lédition n° $1'
+'Delete entry': 'Supprimer lentrée'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Programme de Publication de lédition'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Entrée invalide: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'Numéro dEdition'
+'Go To Sections': 'Aller aux Sections'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Il y avait une erreur survenue lors de la lecture des paramètres de langue.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Il y avait une erreur survenue lors de la lecture des paramètres de publication.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Il y avait une erreur survenue lors de la lecture des paramètres dédition.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Il y a eu une erreur en planifiant laction $1 pour $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'Laction planifiéé pour $1 ne peut être supprimée.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.he.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..5cc4eab3cb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.he.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': null
+'Issue updated': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: null
+'Publish on: $1': null
+'Publish Date $1': null
+'Deleted issue': null
+'Delete issue': null
+'Click here to publish this issue': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
(click to see sections)': null
+'Delete issue $1': null
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': null
+'Add new translation': null
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': null
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'The issue could not be added.': null
+'Change issue details': null
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': null
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': null
+'Front Page Template': null
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': null
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': null
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': null
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': null
+'Create a new structure': null
+'Create a complete new structure.': null
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': null
+'Copy previous issue': null
+'No previous issue.': null
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': null
+'Delete entry': null
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': null
+'Invalid Input: $1': null
+'Issue Number': null
+'Go To Sections': null
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': null
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': null
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.hr.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..82edcbcf38 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.hr.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': null
+'Issue updated': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: null
+'Publish on: $1': null
+'Publish Date $1': null
+'Deleted issue': null
+'Delete issue': null
+'Click here to publish this issue': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Ukupno $1 članak/a je obrisano.'
(click to see sections)': 'Ime
(kliknite da vidite rubriku)'
+'Delete issue $1': 'Izbriši izdanje $1'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Nemate ovlasti mijenjati izdanja.'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Sigurno želite promjeniti status izdanja $1 iz $2 u $3?'
+'Add new translation': 'Dodaj verziju na drugom jeziku'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati izdanja.'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Izdanje $1 je uspješno dodano.'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'Izdanje ne može biti dodano.'
+'Change issue details': 'Izmijeni podrobnosti o izdanju'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Nemate ovlasti mijenjati detalje o izdanju.'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Datum publikacije
+'Front Page Template': 'Predložak naslovnice'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Nemate ovlasti brisati izdanja.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati izdanje $1?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Upotrijebi strukturu prethodnog izdanja'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Kopiraj čitavu strukturu prethodnog izdanja, ali bez sadržaja, na svim jezicima.'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Ovo možete izmijeniti kasnije, ukoliko budete željeli.'
+'Create a new structure': 'Kreiraj novu strukturu'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Kreiraj potpuno novu strukturu.'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Morate definirati vrstu izdanja za svaki jezik, kao i rubrike za njih.'
+'Copy previous issue': 'Prekopiraj prethodno izdanje'
+'No previous issue.': 'Prethodno izdanje ne postoji.'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Iskoristi strukturu izdanja br. $1'
+'Delete entry': 'Obriši zapis'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Raspored objavljivanja izdanja'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Nevažeći unos: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'Broj izdanja'
+'Go To Sections': 'Otiđi na rubrike'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Greška pri čitanju parametra jezika.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Greška pri čitanju parametra publikacije.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Greška pri čitanju parametra izdanja.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Došlo je do greške pri zakazivanju radnje$1 za $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'Radnja zakazana za $1 ne može biti obrisana.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.hu.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..8ad6acaa24 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.hu.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'hogy alapértelmezett sablonokat hozzá lehet rendelni a számhoz.'
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Ha ez megtörtént, közzé lehet tenni a számot'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Ez a szám nem tekinthető meg. Ellenőrizd, hogy hozzárendeltek-e egy témát a kiadványhoz.'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'Ez a szám nem tekinthető meg. Ellenőrizd, hogy kiválasztották-e a felhasználói oldal sablonját.'
+'Publish all articles:': 'Minden cikk közzététele:'
+'Publish all articles': 'Minden cikk közzététele'
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Az összes cikk közzétételének kényszerítése. A Nem lehetőség választásakor csak a Közzététel a szám állapotával rendelkező cikkek kerülnek közzétételre.'
+default: alapértelmezett
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'A közzététel/visszavonás nem állítható be ugyanarra az időpontra'
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'A közzététel beütemezése nem állítható be múltbeli időpontra'
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Rendelj hozzá legalább egy témát a kiadványhoz'
+'Issue Theme': 'Szám témája'
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'Az általad beállítani próbált értékek ütköznek a/z $1$2 $3 ($4)$5 számmal.'
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'A sorszámnak egyedinek kell lennie minden számhoz ebben az azonos nyelvű kiadványban.'
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'Ezen kiadvány minden száma nyelvének és URL-nevének egyedinek kell lennie..'
+'Issue created.': 'A szám létrehozása megtörtént.'
+'Issue updated': 'A szám frissítése megtörtént'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Nem lehet menteni a szám módosításait.'
+'Unpublish on: $1': 'Visszavonás időpontja: $1'
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'Ebben a számban $1 cikk van.'
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'A/z $1 szám törlése megtörtént.'
+Schedule: Ütemezés
+'Publish on: $1': 'Közzététel időpontja: $1'
+'Publish Date $1': 'Közzététel dátuma: $1'
+'Deleted issue': 'Törölt szám'
+'Delete issue': 'Szám törlése'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'Kattints ide a szám közzétételéhez'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Összesen $1 cikk került törlésre.'
(click to see sections)': 'Név
(kattints ide a rovatok megtekintéséhez)'
+'Delete issue $1': 'A/z $1 szám törlése'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Nincs jogod a számok módosításaihoz.'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Biztosan meg akarod változtatni a/z $1 szám állapotát erről: $2 erre: $3?'
+'Add new translation': 'Új fordítás hozzáadása'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Nincs jogod az új számok hozzáadásához.'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'A/z $1 szám hozzáadása sikerült.'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'Nem lehet hozzáadni a számot.'
+'Change issue details': 'A szám részleteinek módosítása'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Nincs jogod a szám részleteinek módosításához.'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Közzététel dátuma
+'Front Page Template': Címlapsablon
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Nincs jogod a számok törléséhez.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod a/z $1 számot?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Az előző szám szerkezetének használata'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'A tartalom kivételével a teljes szerkezet másolása az összes nyelven az előző számból.'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Később is módosíthatod, ha szeretnéd.'
+'Create a new structure': 'Új szerkezet létrehozása'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Teljesen új szerkezet létrehozása.'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Meg kell határoznod minden nyelvhez egy számtípust, majd azok rovatait.'
+'Copy previous issue': 'Előző szám másolása'
+'No previous issue.': 'Nincs előző szám.'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'A/z $1. sorszámú szám szerkezetének másolása'
+'Delete entry': 'Bejegyzés törlése'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Szám közzétételi ütemterve'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Érvénytelen bevitel: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'Szám sorszáma'
+'Go To Sections': 'Ugrás a rovatokhoz'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Hiba történt a nyelvi paraméter olvasásakor.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Hiba történt a kiadvány paraméter olvasásakor.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Hiba történt a szám paraméter olvasásakor.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Hiba történt a/z $1 művelet beütemezésekor a következő időpontban: $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'Nem lehet törölni a/z $1 időpontra beütemezett műveletet.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.hy_AM.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..5cc4eab3cb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': null
+'Issue updated': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: null
+'Publish on: $1': null
+'Publish Date $1': null
+'Deleted issue': null
+'Delete issue': null
+'Click here to publish this issue': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
(click to see sections)': null
+'Delete issue $1': null
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': null
+'Add new translation': null
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': null
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'The issue could not be added.': null
+'Change issue details': null
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': null
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': null
+'Front Page Template': null
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': null
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': null
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': null
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': null
+'Create a new structure': null
+'Create a complete new structure.': null
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': null
+'Copy previous issue': null
+'No previous issue.': null
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': null
+'Delete entry': null
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': null
+'Invalid Input: $1': null
+'Issue Number': null
+'Go To Sections': null
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': null
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': null
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ka.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..a5168a32fb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ka.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'ისე რომ, ნაგულისხმევი შაბლონებები გადაეცემოდეს გამოშვებას. '
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'ამის შემდეგ, გამოცემა შეიძლება გამოქვეყნდეს'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'ამ გამოშვების გადახედვა შეუძლებელია. გთხოვთ დარწმუნდით რომ პუბლიკაციისთვის მინიჭებულია თემა.'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'ამ გამოცემის გადახედვა შეუძლებელია. გთხოვთ დარწმუნდეთ რომ, მისთვის შერჩეულია წინა შაბლონი. '
+'Publish all articles:': 'ყველა სტატიის გამოქვეყნება:'
+'Publish all articles': 'ყველა სტატიის გამოქვეყნება'
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'ყველა სტატიის იძულებით გამოქვეყნება. თუკი მონიშნულია არა, მხოლოდ გამოშვებასთან ერთად გამოქვეყნება სტატუსის მქონე სტატიები გამოქვეყნდება. '
+default: ნაგულისხმევი
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'გამოქვეყნება/არგამოქვეყნება არ შეიძლება დაწესდეს ერთსა და იმავე დროს'
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'გამოქვეყნების გრაფიკი არ შეიძლება იყოს წარსულში'
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'გთხოვთ მიუთითოთ მინიმუმ ერთი თემა'
+'Issue Theme': 'გამოცემის თემა'
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'მნიშვნელობა, რომლის მინიჭებასაც თქვენ ცდილობთ, ეწინააღმდეგება $1$2. $3 ($4)$5 გამოშვებას. '
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'ამ პუბლიკაციაში რიცხვი უნდა იყოს უნიკალური ყოველი, იგივე ენის, გამოცემისთვის'
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'ამ პუბლიკაციაში, ყველა გამოცემის ენა და URL უნდა იყოს უნიკალური'
+'Issue created.': 'გამოცემა შეიქმნა.'
+'Issue updated': 'გამოცემა განახლდა'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'გამოცემის ცვლილელების შენახვა ვერ მოხერხდა.'
+'Unpublish on: $1': 'გამოქვეყნების უკუგდება: $1'
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'ამ გამოცემაში არის $1 სტატია'
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'გამოცემა $1 წაიშალა'
+Schedule: გრაფიკი
+'Publish on: $1': 'გამოქვეყნდეს ამ დროზე: $1'
+'Publish Date $1': 'გამოქვეყნდეს თარიღი $1'
+'Deleted issue': 'გამოცემის წაშლა'
+'Delete issue': 'გამოცემის წაშლა'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'გამოცემის გამოსაქვეყნებლად დააჭირეთ აქ'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': '$1 სტატია წაიშალა'
(click to see sections)': 'სახელი
(დააჭირეთ სექციების სანახავად)'
+'Delete issue $1': '$1 გამოცემის წაშლა'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვს გამოცემების ცვლილების უფლება.'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ $1 გამოცემის სტატუსის ცვლილება გსურთ საწყისი სტატუსიდან: $2, ახალ სტატუსზე: $3'
+'Add new translation': 'ახალი თარგმნის დამატება'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვს გამოცემების დამატების უფლება'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': '$1 გამოცემა წარმატებით დაემატა.'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'გამოცემა ვერ დაემატა'
+'Change issue details': 'გამოცემის დეტალების ცვლილება'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიის დეტალების შეცვლის უფლება'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'პუბლიკაციის თარიღი
+'Front Page Template': 'მთავარი გვერდის შაბლონი'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ გამოცემის წაშლის უფლება'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1 გამოცემის წაშლა?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'გამოიყენეთ წინა გამოცემის სტრუქტურა'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'წინა გამოცემიდან მთლიანი სტრუქტურის კოპირება (გარდა კონტენტისა) ყველა ენისთვის.'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'მოდიფიცირება მოგვიანებითაც შესაძლებელია.'
+'Create a new structure': 'ახალი სტრუქტურის შექმნა'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'სრული ახალი სტრუქტურის შექმნა.'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'თქვენ უნდა განსაზღვროთ გამოცემის ტიპი და სექციები ყველა ენისთვის.'
+'Copy previous issue': 'წინა გამოცემის კოპირება'
+'No previous issue.': 'წინა გამოცემა არ არსებობს'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'სტრუქტურის კოპირება გამოცემიდან ნომერ $1'
+'Delete entry': 'ჩანაწერის წაშლა'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'გამოცემის გამოქვეყნების გრაფიკი'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'არასწორი შენატანი: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'გამოცემის ნომერი'
+'Go To Sections': 'სექციებზე გადასვლა'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'ენის პარამეტრის კითხვისას დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'პუბლიკაციის პარამეტრის კითხვისას დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'გამოცემის პარამეტრის კითხვისას დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': '$1 მოქმედების $2 დროზე დაგეგმვისას დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 დროზე დაგეგმილი მოქმედების წაშლა შეუძლებელია.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ko.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..f32a67a63f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ko.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': null
+'Issue updated': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: null
+'Publish on: $1': null
+'Publish Date $1': null
+'Deleted issue': null
+'Delete issue': null
+'Click here to publish this issue': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': '$1 기사 모두 삭제되었습니다. '
(click to see sections)': 이름
+'Delete issue $1': '이슈 $1 삭제'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': '이슈를 수정할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': '이슈 $1 상태를 $2 에서 $3 로 변경합니까?'
+'Add new translation': '새로운 번역 추가'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': '이슈를 추가할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': '이슈 $1 이 성공적으로 추가되었습니다. '
+'The issue could not be added.': '이슈가 추가될 수 없습니다. '
+'Change issue details': '이슈 내역 수정'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': '이슈 내역을 수정할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 출판일자
+'Front Page Template': '프론트페이지 템플레이트'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': '이슈를 삭제할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': '이슈 $1 을 확실히 삭제합니까?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': '이전 이슈의 구조를 사용'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': '콘테트제외하고 이전 이슈의 모든 언어의 전체적 구조 복사'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': '원하면 나중에 수정할 수 있습니다.'
+'Create a new structure': '새로운 구조 생성'
+'Create a complete new structure.': '완전히 새로운 구조 생성'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': '각기 언어에 대한 이슈 타입을 정의하고, 그다음 섹션을 정의해야 됩니다. '
+'Copy previous issue': '이전 이슈 복사'
+'No previous issue.': '이전 이슈 없슴.'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': '이슈 nr $1 에서 구조 복사'
+'Delete entry': '엔트리 삭제'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': '출판 스케쥴 이슈'
+'Invalid Input: $1': '비정상 입력: $1'
+'Issue Number': '이슈 넘버'
+'Go To Sections': '섹션으로 가기'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': '언어 파라미터를 읽는중 에러가 있습니다.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': '출판 파라미터를 읽는중 에러가 있습니다.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': '이슈 파라미터를 읽는중 에러가 있습니다. '
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': '$1 기능을 $2 에 스케듈링하는데 에러가 있습니다. '
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 에 스케듈링된 기능이 삭제될수 없습니다.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ku.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..5cc4eab3cb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ku.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': null
+'Issue updated': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: null
+'Publish on: $1': null
+'Publish Date $1': null
+'Deleted issue': null
+'Delete issue': null
+'Click here to publish this issue': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
(click to see sections)': null
+'Delete issue $1': null
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': null
+'Add new translation': null
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': null
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'The issue could not be added.': null
+'Change issue details': null
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': null
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': null
+'Front Page Template': null
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': null
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': null
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': null
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': null
+'Create a new structure': null
+'Create a complete new structure.': null
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': null
+'Copy previous issue': null
+'No previous issue.': null
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': null
+'Delete entry': null
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': null
+'Invalid Input: $1': null
+'Issue Number': null
+'Go To Sections': null
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': null
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': null
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.lv.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..5cc4eab3cb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.lv.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': null
+'Issue updated': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: null
+'Publish on: $1': null
+'Publish Date $1': null
+'Deleted issue': null
+'Delete issue': null
+'Click here to publish this issue': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
(click to see sections)': null
+'Delete issue $1': null
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': null
+'Add new translation': null
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': null
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'The issue could not be added.': null
+'Change issue details': null
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': null
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': null
+'Front Page Template': null
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': null
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': null
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': null
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': null
+'Create a new structure': null
+'Create a complete new structure.': null
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': null
+'Copy previous issue': null
+'No previous issue.': null
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': null
+'Delete entry': null
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': null
+'Invalid Input: $1': null
+'Issue Number': null
+'Go To Sections': null
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': null
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': null
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.nb_NO.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..5cc4eab3cb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': null
+'Issue updated': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: null
+'Publish on: $1': null
+'Publish Date $1': null
+'Deleted issue': null
+'Delete issue': null
+'Click here to publish this issue': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
(click to see sections)': null
+'Delete issue $1': null
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': null
+'Add new translation': null
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': null
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'The issue could not be added.': null
+'Change issue details': null
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': null
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': null
+'Front Page Template': null
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': null
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': null
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': null
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': null
+'Create a new structure': null
+'Create a complete new structure.': null
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': null
+'Copy previous issue': null
+'No previous issue.': null
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': null
+'Delete entry': null
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': null
+'Invalid Input: $1': null
+'Issue Number': null
+'Go To Sections': null
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': null
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': null
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.pl.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..8b9a925209 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.pl.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'więc ten domyślny szablon może być przydzielony do tego wydania.'
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Wydanie będzie można opublikować dopiero gdy to będzie skończone'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Nie możesz podejrzeć tego wydania. Upewnij się że publikacja ma przydzielony szablon.'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'Nie można podejrzeć tego wydania. Upewnij się że szablon dla strony głównej został wybrany.'
+'Publish all articles:': 'Opublikuj wszystkie artykuły:'
+'Publish all articles': 'Opublikuj wszystkie artykuły'
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Wymuś publikację wszystkich artykułów. Jeśli wybierzesz nie, wtedy tylko artykuły ze statusem Opublikuj wraz z wydaniem zostaną opublikowane.'
+default: domyslny
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'Publikacja/Wycofywanie publikacji nie może być ustawione na ten sam czas'
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'Plan publikacji nie może być ustawiony na datę w przeszłości'
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Przydziel przynajmniej jeden szablon do publikacji'
+'Issue Theme': 'Szablon wydania'
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'Wartości, które próbujesz są w konflikcie z wydaniem $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'Numer mui być unikalny dla każdego wydanie w tej publikacji w tym samym języku.'
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'Język i nazwa URL muszą być unikalne dla każdego wydania w tej publikacji.'
+'Issue created.': 'Wydanie utworzone'
+'Issue updated': 'Wydanie zaktualizowane'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Nie można zapisać zmian do wydania.'
+'Unpublish on: $1': 'Odpublikuj: $1'
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'Ilość artykułów w wydaniu: $1'
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'Wydanie $1 zostało usunięte.'
+Schedule: Zaplanuj
+'Publish on: $1': 'Opublikuj o: $1'
+'Publish Date $1': 'Data publikacji $1'
+'Deleted issue': 'Usunięte wydanie'
+'Delete issue': 'Usuń wydanie'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'Kliknij tutaj aby opublikować wydanie'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Liczba usuniętych artykułów: $1.'
(click to see sections)': 'Nazwa
(kliknij aby zobaczyć sekcje)'
+'Delete issue $1': 'Usuń wydanie $1'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniać wydania.'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz zmienić status wydania $1 z $2 na $3?'
+'Add new translation': 'Dodaj nowe tłumaczenie'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Nie masz praw aby dodawać wydania.'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Wydanie $1 zostało zaktualizowane.'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'Wydanie nie zostało skasowane'
+'Change issue details': 'Zmień szczegóły wydania'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniać szczegóły wydania.'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Data publikacji
+'Front Page Template': 'Szablon strony głównej'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Nie masz praw aby usuwać wydania.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz skasować wydanie $1?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Użyj struktury poprzedniego wydania'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Skopiuj całą strukturę we wszystkich językach z poprzednich wydać poza zawartością.'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Możesz modyfikować później jeśli chcesz.'
+'Create a new structure': 'Stwórz nową strukturę'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Stwórz całkowicię nową strukturę.'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Musisz zdefiniować typ wydania dla każdego języka a potem sekcje dla nich.'
+'Copy previous issue': 'Skopiuj poprzednie wydanie'
+'No previous issue.': 'Brak poprzednich wydań.'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Skopiuj strukturę z wydania numer $1'
+'Delete entry': 'Skasuj wpis'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Plan wydawniczy'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Zła wartość: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'Numer Wydania'
+'Go To Sections': 'Idź do sekcji'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Wystąpił błąd podczas odczytywania parametru języka.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Wystąpił błąd podczas odczytywania parametrów publikacji.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Wystąpił błąd podczas odczytywania parametrów wydania.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Wystąpił błąd podczas planowania akcji $1 w dniu $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'Akcja zaplanowana na $1 nie została skasowana.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ps.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..5cc4eab3cb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.ps.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': null
+'Issue updated': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: null
+'Publish on: $1': null
+'Publish Date $1': null
+'Deleted issue': null
+'Delete issue': null
+'Click here to publish this issue': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
(click to see sections)': null
+'Delete issue $1': null
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': null
+'Add new translation': null
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': null
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'The issue could not be added.': null
+'Change issue details': null
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': null
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': null
+'Front Page Template': null
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': null
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': null
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': null
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': null
+'Create a new structure': null
+'Create a complete new structure.': null
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': null
+'Copy previous issue': null
+'No previous issue.': null
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': null
+'Delete entry': null
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': null
+'Invalid Input: $1': null
+'Issue Number': null
+'Go To Sections': null
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': null
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': null
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.pt_BR.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..0011d00cad 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Esta edição não pode ser visualizada. Por favor certifique-se de que a publicação tem um tema designado.'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'Esta edição não pode ser visualisada. Por favor assegure que o template de frente está selecionado.'
+'Publish all articles:': 'Publicar todos os artigos:'
+'Publish all articles': 'Publicar todos os artigos'
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Publicação forçada de todos os artigos. Se for definida como Não, somente os artigos com status Publicar com essa edição serão publicados.'
+default: padrão
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'A hora da publicação/não publicação não pode ser a mesma'
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'Horário de publicação não pode ser no passado'
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Por favor designe pelo menos um tema a publicação'
+'Issue Theme': 'Tema da edição'
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'Valores que está tentando definir estão em conflito com edição $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'O número tem que ser único para cada edição nesta publicação em mesma língua.'
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'A língua e o nome de URL têm que ser únicos para cada edição nesta publicação'
+'Issue created.': 'Edição criada.'
+'Issue updated': 'Edição atualizada'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Não foi possível salvar modificações na edição.'
+'Unpublish on: $1': 'Remover publicação em: $1'
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'Total de $1 artigos nesta edição.'
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'Edição $1 foi apagada.'
+Schedule: Cronograma
+'Publish on: $1': 'Publicar no dia: $1'
+'Publish Date $1': 'Data de publicação $1'
+'Deleted issue': 'Edição apagada'
+'Delete issue': 'Apagar a edição'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'Clique aqui para publicar esta edição'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': '$1 artigos foram apagados.'
(click to see sections)': 'Nome
(Clique para ver Secções)'
+'Delete issue $1': 'Eliminar Número $1'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Não tem permissões para alterar Números'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Tem a certeza que deseja alterar a edição de $1 de $2 para $3?'
+'Add new translation': 'Adicionar tradução'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Não tem permissões para adicionar Números'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'A Edição $1 foi adicionada com sucesso.'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'A Edição não pode ser adicionada.'
+'Change issue details': 'Alterar detalhes da Edição'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Não tem permissões para alterar detalhes de Edições'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Data de Publicação
+'Front Page Template': 'Modelo de Página Principal'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Não tem permissões para eliminar Edições'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Tem a certeza que deseja eliminar a Edição $1?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Usar estrutura da Edição anterior'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copiar toda a estrutura em todos os Idiomas de Edição anterior, excepto o conteúdo'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Poderá modificar mais tarde se o desejar'
+'Create a new structure': 'Criar uma nova estrutura'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Criar uma Estrutura nova'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Tem de definir uma estrutura para cada Idioma.'
+'Copy previous issue': 'Copiar Edição anterior'
+'No previous issue.': 'Não existem Edição anterior'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copiar estrutura da Edição $1'
+'Delete entry': 'Eliminar entrada'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Agendar publicação de Edição'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Valor Inválido: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'Numero de Edição'
+'Go To Sections': 'Ir para Secções'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Ocorreu um erro na leitura do parametro de idioma.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Ocorreu um erro na leitura do parametro de publicação.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Ocorreu um erro na leitura do parametro de secção.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Ocorreu um erro no agendamento da tarefa de publicação $1 para $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'A tarefa de publicação agendada para $1 não pode ser eliminada'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sh.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..680ddf70d5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sh.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Ovo izdanje ne može biti prikazano. Proverite da li publikacija ima dodeljenu temu.'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'Ovo izdanje ne može biti pregledano. Proverite da li ima dodeljen šablon za prikaz prve strane.'
+'Publish all articles:': 'Objavi sve tekstove:'
+'Publish all articles': 'Objavi sve tekstove'
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Forsiraj objavljivanje svih tekkstova. Ako je postavljeno na Ne, samo tekstovi sa statusom Objavi zajedno sa izdanjem biće objavljeni.'
+default: podrqazumevano
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'Objavljivanje/povlačenje ne može biti postavljeno na isto vreme'
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'Redosled objavljivanja ne može biti podešen na datum u prošlosti'
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Molimo dodelite najmanje jednu temu publikaciji'
+'Issue Theme': 'Tema izdanja'
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'Vrednosti koje pokušavate da podesite su u konfliktu sa izdanjem $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'Broj mora biti jedinstven za svako izdanje u ovoj publikaciji za isti jezik.'
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'Jezik i URL naziv moraju biti jedinstveni za svako izdanje u publikaciji.'
+'Issue created.': 'Izdanje je kreirano.'
+'Issue updated': 'Izdanje je izmenjeno.'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Nije moguće sačuvati promene za izdanje.'
+'Unpublish on: $1': 'Povuci:'
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'Postoji $1 članak u ovom izdanju.'
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'Izdanje $1 je obrisano.'
+Schedule: Zakaži
+'Publish on: $1': 'Objavi: $1'
+'Publish Date $1': 'Datum objavljivanja $1'
+'Deleted issue': 'Obrisano izdanje'
+'Delete issue': 'Obriši izdanje'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'Klikni ovde da objaviš ovo izdanje'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Ukupno $1 članaka je obrisano.'
(click to see sections)': 'Naziv
(kliknite za pregled rubrika)'
+'Delete issue $1': 'Obriši izdanje $1'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Nemate pravo da promenenite podatke o izdanju'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da promenite status izdanja $1 iz $2 u $3?'
+'Add new translation': 'Dodaj novi prevod'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete izdanja'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Izdanje $1 je uspešno dodato'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'Izdanje ne može biti dodato'
+'Change issue details': 'Promeni detalje o izdanju'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Nemate pravo da menjate podatke o izdanju'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Datum objavljivanja
+'Front Page Template': 'Šablon za prvu stranu'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete izdanja'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete izdanje $1?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Iskoristi strukturu prethodnog izdanja'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Prekopiraj celokupnu strukturu u svim jezicima iz prethodnog izdanja, osim sadržaja'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Možete ga promeniti kasnije ako želite.'
+'Create a new structure': 'Napravi novu strukturu'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Napravi potpuno novu strukturu.'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Morate definisati tip izdanja za svaki jezik a potom i njegove rubrike.'
+'Copy previous issue': 'Prekopiraj prethodno izdanje'
+'No previous issue.': 'Nema prethodnog izdanja.'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Prekopiraj strukturu iz izdanja $1'
+'Delete entry': 'Obriši unos'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Raspored automatskog objavljivanja izdanja'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Pogrešan unos: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'Broj izdanja'
+'Go To Sections': 'Idi na rubrike'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Greška pri čitanju parametra jezika.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Greška pri čitanju parametra publikacije.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Greška pri čitanju parametra izdanja.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Došlo je do greške pri zakazivanju akcije $1 za $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'Akcija predviđena za $1 ne može biti obrisana.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sq.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..5cc4eab3cb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sq.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': null
+'Issue updated': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: null
+'Publish on: $1': null
+'Publish Date $1': null
+'Deleted issue': null
+'Delete issue': null
+'Click here to publish this issue': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
(click to see sections)': null
+'Delete issue $1': null
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': null
+'Add new translation': null
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': null
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'The issue could not be added.': null
+'Change issue details': null
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': null
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': null
+'Front Page Template': null
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': null
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': null
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': null
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': null
+'Create a new structure': null
+'Create a complete new structure.': null
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': null
+'Copy previous issue': null
+'No previous issue.': null
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': null
+'Delete entry': null
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': null
+'Invalid Input: $1': null
+'Issue Number': null
+'Go To Sections': null
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': null
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': null
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': null
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sr.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..36d7e1dccd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sr.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'Ово издање не може бити приказано. Проверите да ли публикација има додељену тему.'
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'Ово издање не може бити прегледано. Проверите да ли има додељен шаблон за приказ прве стране.'
+'Publish all articles:': 'Објави све текстове:'
+'Publish all articles': 'Објави све текстове'
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Форсирај објављивање свих текстова. Ако је постављено на Не, само текстови са статусом Објави заједно са издањембиће објављени'
+default: подразумевано
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'Објављивање/повлачење не може бити постављено на исто време'
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'Редослед објављивања не може бити подешен на датум у прошлости'
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Молимо доделите најмање једну тему публикацији'
+'Issue Theme': 'Тема издања'
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'Вредности које покушавате да подесите су у конфликту са издањем $1 $2. $3 ($4) $5.'
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'Број мора бити јединствен за свако издање у овој публикацији за исти језик.'
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'Језик и УРЛ назив морају бити јединствени за свако издање у публикацији.'
+'Issue created.': 'Издање је креирано.'
+'Issue updated': 'Издање је измењено.'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Није могуће сачувати промене за издање.'
+'Unpublish on: $1': 'Повуци:'
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'Постоји $1 текст о овом издању.'
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'Издање $1 је обрисдано.'
+Schedule: Закажи
+'Publish on: $1': 'Објави: $1'
+'Publish Date $1': 'Датум објављивања $1'
+'Deleted issue': 'Обрисано издање'
+'Delete issue': 'Обриши издање'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'Кликни овде да објавиш ово издање'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Укупно $1 текстова је обрисано.'
(click to see sections)': 'Назив
(кликните за преглед рубрика)'
+'Delete issue $1': 'Обриши издање $1'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Немате право да мењате податке о издању'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да промените статус издања $1 из $2 у $3?'
+'Add new translation': 'Додај нови превод'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Немате право да додајете издања'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Издање $1 је успешно додато'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'Издање не може бити додато'
+'Change issue details': 'Промени детаље о издању'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Немате право да мењате податке о издању'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Датум објављивања
+'Front Page Template': 'Шаблон за почетну страну'
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Немате право да бришете издања'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Сигурни сте да желите да обришете издање $1?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Искористи структуру претходног издања'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Прекопирај целокупну структуру у свим језицима из претходног издања, осим садржаја'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Можете га променити и касније ако желите'
+'Create a new structure': 'Направи нову структуру'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Направи потпуно нову структуру'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Морате дефинисати тип издања за сваки језик а потом и његове одељке'
+'Copy previous issue': 'Прекопирај претходно издање'
+'No previous issue.': 'Нема претходног издања'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Прекопирај структуру из издања $1'
+'Delete entry': 'Обриши унос'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Распоред аутоматског објављивања издања'
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Погрешан унос: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'Број издања'
+'Go To Sections': 'Иди на рубрике'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Дошло је до грешке при читању параметра језика.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Дошло је до грешке при читању параметра публикације.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Дошло је до грешке при читању параметра издања.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Дошло је до грешке у заказивању акције $1 за $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'Акција заказана за $1 не може бити обрисана.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sv.yml
index 2bcc2478fe..ce8c055b7b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/issues.sv.yml
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': 'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.'
-'Once this is done, the issue can be published': 'Once this is done, the issue can be published'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.'
-'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': 'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.'
-'Publish all articles:': 'Publish all articles:'
-'Publish all articles': 'Publish all articles'
-'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': 'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.'
-default: default
-'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': 'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time'
-'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': 'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past'
-'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': 'Please assign at least one theme to the publication'
-'Issue Theme': 'Issue Theme'
-'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': 'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.'
-'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': 'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.'
-'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': 'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.'
-'Issue created.': 'Issue created.'
-'Issue updated': 'Issue updated'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue.'
-'Unpublish on: $1': 'Unpublish on: $1'
-'There are $1 articles in this issue.': 'There are $1 articles in this issue.'
-'The issue $1 has been deleted.': 'The issue $1 has been deleted.'
-Schedule: Schedule
-'Publish on: $1': 'Publish on: $1'
-'Publish Date $1': 'Publish Date $1'
-'Deleted issue': 'Deleted issue'
-'Delete issue': 'Delete issue'
-'Click here to publish this issue': 'Click here to publish this issue'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
(click to see sections)': 'Name
(click to see sections)'
-'Delete issue $1': 'Delete issue $1'
-'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'You do not have the right to change issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?'
-'Add new translation': 'Add new translation'
-'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'You do not have the right to add issues.'
-'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'The issue could not be added.': 'The issue could not be added.'
-'Change issue details': 'Change issue details'
-'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'You do not have the right to change issue details.'
-'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': 'Publication date
-'Front Page Template': 'Front Page Template'
-'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'You do not have the right to delete issues.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?'
-'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Use the structure of the previous issue'
-'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.'
-'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'You may modify it later if you wish.'
-'Create a new structure': 'Create a new structure'
-'Create a complete new structure.': 'Create a complete new structure.'
-'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.'
-'Copy previous issue': 'Copy previous issue'
-'No previous issue.': 'No previous issue.'
-'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Copy structure from issue number $1'
-'Delete entry': 'Delete entry'
-'Issue Publishing Schedule': 'Issue Publishing Schedule'
-'Invalid Input: $1': 'Invalid Input: $1'
-'Issue Number': 'Issue Number'
-'Go To Sections': 'Go To Sections'
-'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'There was an error reading the language parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'There was an error reading the publication parameter.'
-'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'There was an error reading the issue parameter.'
-'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2'
-'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Click to open': 'Click to open'
+'so that default templates can be assigned to the issue.': null
+'Once this is done, the issue can be published': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure the publication has a theme assigned.': null
+'This issue cannot be previewed. Please make sure it has the front template selected.': null
+'Publish all articles:': null
+'Publish all articles': null
+'Force publishing of all articles. If set to No, only articles with Publish with Issue status will be published.': null
+default: null
+'The publishing/unpublishing can not be set the same time': null
+'The publishing schedule can not be set in the past': null
+'Please assign at least one theme to the publication': null
+'Issue Theme': null
+'The values you are trying to set conflict with issue $1$2. $3 ($4)$5.': null
+'The number must be unique for each issue in this publication of the same language.': null
+'The language and URL name must be unique for each issue in this publication.': null
+'Issue created.': 'Utgåvan skapad.'
+'Issue updated': 'Utgåvan uppdaterad'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue.': null
+'Unpublish on: $1': null
+'There are $1 articles in this issue.': null
+'The issue $1 has been deleted.': null
+Schedule: Schema
+'Publish on: $1': 'Publicera: $1'
+'Publish Date $1': 'Publiceringsdatum $1'
+'Deleted issue': 'Raderade utgåva'
+'Delete issue': 'Radera utgåva'
+'Click here to publish this issue': 'Tryck här för att publicera denna utgåva'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Totalt $1 artiklar raderades.'
(click to see sections)': 'Namn
(klicka för att se sektioner)'
+'Delete issue $1': 'Radera utgåva $1'
+'You do not have the right to change issues.': 'Du har inte rätt att ändra på utgåvor.'
+'Are you sure you want to change the issue $1 status from $2 to $3?': 'Är du säker att du vill ändra status på utgåvan $1 från $2 till $3'
+'Add new translation': 'Lägg till ny översättning'
+'You do not have the right to add issues.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till utgåvor.'
+'The issue $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Utgåvan $1 har lagts till framgångsrikt.'
+'The issue could not be added.': 'Utgåvan kunde inte läggas till.'
+'Change issue details': 'Ändra utgåvans detaljer'
+'You do not have the right to change issue details.': 'Du har inte rätt att ändra utgåvedetaljer.'
+'Publication date
(yyyy-mm-dd)': Publiceringsdatum
+'Front Page Template': Framsidesmall
+'You do not have the right to delete issues.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera utgåvor.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?': 'Är du säker på att du vill radera utgåvan $1?'
+'Use the structure of the previous issue': 'Använd strukturen från föregående utgåva'
+'Copy the entire structure in all languages from the previous issue except for content.': 'Kopiera hela strukturen på alla språk från den föregående utgåvan förutom innehåll.'
+'You may modify it later if you wish.': 'Du kan ändra det senare om du vill.'
+'Create a new structure': 'Skapa en ny struktur'
+'Create a complete new structure.': 'Skapa en helt ny struktur.'
+'You must define an issue type for each language and then sections for them.': 'Du måste definiera en utgåvetyp för varje språk och sedan sektioner i dem.'
+'Copy previous issue': 'Kopiera föregående utgåva'
+'No previous issue.': 'Ingen tidigare utgåva.'
+'Copy structure from issue number $1': 'Kopiera struktur från utgåva nr $1'
+'Delete entry': 'Radera post'
+'Issue Publishing Schedule': Utgåvepubliceringsschema
+'Invalid Input: $1': 'Ogiltig inmatning: $1'
+'Issue Number': 'Utgåva nummer'
+'Go To Sections': 'Gå till sektioner'
+'There was an error reading the language parameter.': 'Ett fel uppstod vid läsning av språkparametern.'
+'There was an error reading the publication parameter.': 'Ett fel uppstod vid läsning av publikationsparametern.'
+'There was an error reading the issue parameter.': 'Ett fel uppstod vid läsning av utgåveparametern.'
+'There was an error scheduling the $1 action on $2': 'Ett fel uppstod när $1 schemalades $2'
+'The action scheduled on $1 could not be deleted.': 'Händelsen schemalagd $1 kunde inte raderas.'
+'Click to open': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.az.yml
index 0e9e970785..a59538272c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.az.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
+'Language id not specified': 'Dil id-si bildirilməyib'
+'No languages.': 'Dil yoxdur.'
+'Native Name': 'Əsl adı'
+'Name taken.': 'Ad götürüldü.'
+'Language saved.': 'Dil saxlandı.'
+'Language removed.': 'Dil silindi.'
+'Language not found.': 'Dil tapılmadı.'
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Dil istifadədədir və xaric edilə bilməz.'
+'Language added.': 'Dil əlavə olundu.'
+'English language cannot be removed.': 'İngilis dili xaric edilə bilməz.'
+'Edit short month names': 'Ayların qısa adlarını redaktə et.'
+'Edit short day names': 'Günlərin qısa adlarını dəyiş'
+'Edit month names': 'Ay adlarını dəyiş'
+'Edit language: $1': '$1 dili redaktə et'
+'Edit day names': 'Gün adlarını redaktə et'
+'Code Page': 'Səhifə kodu'
+'Add new Language': 'Yeni dil əlavə et'
+'Add Language': 'Dil əlavə et'
+We: Çə
+Tu: Ç.a
+Th: C.a
+Su: Ba
+Sep: Sen
+Sa: Şə
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Zəhmət olmasa, həftə günlərini qısa adlarını yazın.'
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Ayların qısa adlarını yazın.'
+Oct: Okt
+Nov: Noy
+Mo: B.e
Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
+Jun: İyn
+Jul: İyl
+Jan: Yan
+Fr: Cü
+Feb: Fev
+Dec: Dek
+Aug: Avq
Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
+'No language.': 'Dil yoxdur.'
+'Delete language $1': '$1 dilini sil'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Dil əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Lütfən, vaxt göstəricilərinin tərcümələrini daxil et.'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Dil silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': '$1 dilini silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Deleting language': 'Dilin silinməsi'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 dil silinə bilməz.'
+'Edit language': 'Dili dəyiş'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Dilə dəyişiklik etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Zəhmət olmasa ay adlarını yazın.'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Lütfən, həftə günləri üçün adların tərcüməsini daxil et.'
+January: Yanvar
+February: Fevral
+March: Mart
+April: Aprel
May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+June: İyun
+July: İyul
+August: Avqust
+September: Sentyabr
+October: Oktyabr
+November: Noyabr
+December: Dekabr
+Monday: 'Bazar ertəsi'
+Tuesday: 'Çərşənbə axşamı'
+Wednesday: Çərşənbə
+Thursday: 'Cümə axşamı'
+Friday: Cümə
+Saturday: Şənbə
+Sunday: Bazar
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Yeni dil əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Geriyə $1 məsələ(lər) qalıb.'
+'Native name': 'Əsl adı'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.be.yml
index 0e9e970785..30ef98c56c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.be.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: Ср
+Tu: Аў
+Th: Чц
+Su: Нд
+Sep: Вер
+Sa: Сб
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Калі ласка ўвядзіце пераклад скарачэнняў для дзён тыдня.'
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Калі ласка ўвядзіце пераклад скарачэнняў для месяцаў.'
+Oct: Каст
+Nov: Сне
+Mo: Пн
+Mar: Мрт
+Jun: Чэр
+Jul: Ліп
+Jan: Студз
+Fr: Пт
+Feb: Лют
+Dec: Снеж
+Aug: Жнв
+Apr: Крас
+'No language.': 'Няма мовы.'
+'Delete language $1': 'Выдалiць мову $1'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Вы ня маеце права дадаваць мовы.'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Калі ласка, увядзеце пераклад для адзiнак часу.'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Вы ня маеце права выдаляць мовы.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Ці Вы ўпэўнены, што хочаце выдалiць мову $1?'
+'Deleting language': 'Выдаленьне мовы'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'Мову $1 нельга выдаліць'
+'Edit language': 'Змяніць мову'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Вы ня маеце права рэдагаваць мову.'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Калі ласка, увядзеце пераклад для назваў месяцаў.'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Калі ласка, увядзеце пераклад для назваў дзён тыдня.'
+January: Студзень
+February: Люты
+March: Сакавiк
+April: Красавiк
+May: Май
+June: Чэрвень
+July: Ліпень
+August: Жнiвень
+September: Верасень
+October: Кастрычнiк
+November: Лiстапад
+December: Сьнежань
+Monday: Панядзелак
+Tuesday: Аўторак
+Wednesday: Серада
+Thursday: Чацьвер
+Friday: 'Пятнiца '
+Saturday: 'Субота '
+Sunday: Нядзеля
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для дадаваньня новых моў.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Засталося выпускаў: $1'
+'Native name': 'Зыходнае iмя'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.bn.yml
index 0e9e970785..285b2c2c37 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.bn.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': null
+'Delete language $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': null
+'Deleting language': null
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit language': null
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': null
+January: null
+February: null
+March: null
+April: null
+May: null
+June: null
+July: null
+August: null
+September: null
+October: null
+November: null
+December: null
+Monday: null
+Tuesday: null
+Wednesday: null
+Thursday: null
+Friday: null
+Saturday: null
+Sunday: null
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Native name': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.cs.yml
index 0e9e970785..809894c75c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.cs.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': 'ID jazyku není specifikováno'
+'No languages.': 'Žádné jazyky.'
+'Native Name': 'Rodné jméno'
+'Name taken.': Příjmení
+'Language saved.': 'Jazyk uložen.'
+'Language removed.': 'Jazyk odstraněn.'
+'Language not found.': 'Jazyk nenalezen.'
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Jazyk se používá a nelze být odstraněn.'
+'Language added.': 'Jazyk přidán.'
+'English language cannot be removed.': 'Anglický jazyk nemůže být odstraněn.'
+'Edit short month names': 'Upravit krátké názvy měsíců'
+'Edit short day names': 'Upravit krátké názvy dnů'
+'Edit month names': 'Upravit jména měsíců'
+'Edit language: $1': 'Upravit jazyk: $1'
+'Edit day names': 'Upravit jména dnů'
+'Code Page': 'Kódovací stránka'
+'Add new Language': 'Přidat nový jazyk'
+'Add Language': 'Přidat jazyk'
+We: St
+Tu: Út
+Th: Čt
+Su: Ne
+Sep: Zář
+Sa: So
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Prosím vložte překlad pro zkratky dnů v týdnu.'
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Prosím vložte překlad pro zkratky měsíců.'
+Oct: Říj
+Nov: Lis
+Mo: Po
+Mar: Bře
+Jun: Čvn
+Jul: Čvc
+Jan: Led
+Fr: Pá
+Feb: Úno
+Dec: Pro
+Aug: Srp
+Apr: Dub
+'No language.': 'Žádný jazyk'
+'Delete language $1': 'Smazat jazyk $1'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Nemáte práva přidat jazyk'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Přeložte časové jednotky'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Nemáte práva smazat jazyk'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Určitě chcete smazat jazyk $1'
+'Deleting language': 'Smazat jazyk'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 jazyk nemohl být smazán'
+'Edit language': 'Upravit jazyk'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Nemáte práva editovat jazyk'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Napište přeložené názvy měsíců'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Napište přeložené dny v týdnu'
+January: Leden
+February: Únor
+March: Březen
+April: Duben
+May: Květen
+June: Červen
+July: Červenec
+August: Srpen
+September: Září
+October: Říjen
+November: Listopad
+December: Prosinec
+Monday: Pondělí
+Tuesday: Úterý
+Wednesday: Středa
+Thursday: Čtvrtek
+Friday: Pátek
+Saturday: Sobota
+Sunday: Neděle
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Nemáte oprávnění přidávat další jazyky.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Zbývá $1 vydání.'
+'Native name': 'Jazyk (nepřeložen)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.da.yml
index 0e9e970785..f481341adc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.da.yml
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
+'Language id not specified': 'Sprog id er ikke angivet'
+'No languages.': 'Ingen sprog.'
+'Native Name': 'Lokalt navn'
+'Name taken.': 'Navnet er i brug.'
+'Language saved.': 'Sprog gemt.'
+'Language removed.': 'Sprog fjernet.'
+'Language not found.': 'Sproget findes ikke.'
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Sproget er i brug og kan ikke slettes.'
+'Language added.': 'Sprog tilføjet.'
+'English language cannot be removed.': 'Engelsk kan ikke fjernes.'
+'Edit short month names': 'Rediger korte månedsnavne'
+'Edit short day names': 'Rediger korte ugedags navne'
+'Edit month names': 'Rediger månedsnavne'
+'Edit language: $1': 'Rediger sprog: $1'
+'Edit day names': 'Rediger ugedags navne'
+'Code Page': Tegntabel
+'Add new Language': 'Tilføj nyt sprog'
+'Add Language': 'Tilføj sprog'
+We: On
+Tu: Ti
+Th: To
+Su: Sø
Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
+Sa: Lø
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Oversæt korte navne for ugedage.'
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Oversæt korte navne for måneder.'
+Oct: Okt
Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
+Mo: Ma
Mar: Mar
Jun: Jun
Jul: Jul
@@ -36,37 +36,37 @@ Feb: Feb
Dec: Dec
Aug: Aug
Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
+'No language.': 'Intet sprog.'
+'Delete language $1': 'Slet sprog $1'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje sprog.'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Oversæt tidsenheder.'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette sprog.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Vil du slette sproget $1?'
+'Deleting language': 'Sletter sprog'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'Sproget $1 kunne ikke slettes.'
+'Edit language': 'Rediger sprog'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at redigere sprog.'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Oversæt måneder.'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Oversæt ugedage.'
+January: Januar
+February: Februar
+March: Marts
April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
+May: Maj
+June: Juni
+July: Juli
August: August
September: September
-October: October
+October: Oktober
November: November
December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+Monday: Mandag
+Tuesday: Tirsdag
+Wednesday: Onsdag
+Thursday: Torsdag
+Friday: Fredag
+Saturday: Lørdag
+Sunday: Søndag
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje nye sprog.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Der er $1 udgivelse(r) tilbage.'
+'Native name': 'Lokalt navn'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.de.yml
index 0e9e970785..e6d9f9d65f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.de.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
+'Language id not specified': 'Sprachen ID nicht spezifiziert. '
+'No languages.': 'Keine Sprachen. '
+'Native Name': 'Name Im Original'
+'Name taken.': 'Name bereits vergeben. '
+'Language saved.': 'Sprache gespeichert. '
+'Language removed.': 'Sprache entfernt. '
+'Language not found.': 'Sprache nicht gefunden. '
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Die Sprache ist in Verwendung und kann nicht entfernt werden. '
+'Language added.': 'Sprache hinzugefügt. '
+'English language cannot be removed.': 'Die Sprache Englisch kann nicht entfernt werden. '
+'Edit short month names': 'Bearbeite die Kurzformen der Monatsnamen'
+'Edit short day names': 'Bearbeite die Kurzformen der Wochentage'
+'Edit month names': 'Bearbeite Monatsnamen'
+'Edit language: $1': 'Bearbeite Sprache: $1'
+'Edit day names': 'Bearbeite Wochentage'
'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
+'Add new Language': 'Neue Sprache hinzufügen'
+'Add Language': 'Sprache hinzufügen'
+We: Mi
+Tu: Di
+Th: Do
+Su: So
Sep: Sep
Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Bitte Übersetzung für Kurzformen der Wochentage eingeben.'
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Bitte Übersetzung für Kurzformen der Monate eingeben.'
+Oct: Okt
Nov: Nov
Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
+Mar: Mär
Jun: Jun
Jul: Jul
Jan: Jan
Fr: Fr
Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
+Dec: Dez
Aug: Aug
Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
+'No language.': 'Keine Sprache. '
+'Delete language $1': 'Sprache $1 löschen'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Keine Berechtigung Sprachen hinzuzufügen.'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Bitte Übersetzung für Zeiteinheiten eingeben.'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Keine Berechtigung Sprachen zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Sprache $1 wirklich löschen?'
+'Deleting language': 'Sprache wird gelöscht.'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'Sprache $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'Edit language': 'Sprache bearbeiten'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Keine Berechtigung Sprachen zu bearbeiten.'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Bitte die Übersetzung für Monatsnamen eingeben.'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Bitte die Übersetzung für Wochentage eingeben.'
+January: Januar
+February: Februar
+March: März
April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
+May: Mai
+June: Juni
+July: Juli
August: August
September: September
-October: October
+October: Oktober
November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+December: Dezember
+Monday: Montag
+Tuesday: Dienstag
+Wednesday: Mittwoch
+Thursday: Donnertsag
+Friday: Freitag
+Saturday: Samstag
+Sunday: Sonntag
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Keine Berechtigung neue Sprachen hinzuzufügen.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Es sind $1 Ausgaben übrig.'
+'Native name': 'Name Im Original'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.de_AT.yml
index 0e9e970785..e6d9f9d65f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
+'Language id not specified': 'Sprachen ID nicht spezifiziert. '
+'No languages.': 'Keine Sprachen. '
+'Native Name': 'Name Im Original'
+'Name taken.': 'Name bereits vergeben. '
+'Language saved.': 'Sprache gespeichert. '
+'Language removed.': 'Sprache entfernt. '
+'Language not found.': 'Sprache nicht gefunden. '
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Die Sprache ist in Verwendung und kann nicht entfernt werden. '
+'Language added.': 'Sprache hinzugefügt. '
+'English language cannot be removed.': 'Die Sprache Englisch kann nicht entfernt werden. '
+'Edit short month names': 'Bearbeite die Kurzformen der Monatsnamen'
+'Edit short day names': 'Bearbeite die Kurzformen der Wochentage'
+'Edit month names': 'Bearbeite Monatsnamen'
+'Edit language: $1': 'Bearbeite Sprache: $1'
+'Edit day names': 'Bearbeite Wochentage'
'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
+'Add new Language': 'Neue Sprache hinzufügen'
+'Add Language': 'Sprache hinzufügen'
+We: Mi
+Tu: Di
+Th: Do
+Su: So
Sep: Sep
Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Bitte Übersetzung für Kurzformen der Wochentage eingeben.'
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Bitte Übersetzung für Kurzformen der Monate eingeben.'
+Oct: Okt
Nov: Nov
Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
+Mar: Mär
Jun: Jun
Jul: Jul
Jan: Jan
Fr: Fr
Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
+Dec: Dez
Aug: Aug
Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
+'No language.': 'Keine Sprache. '
+'Delete language $1': 'Sprache $1 löschen'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Keine Berechtigung Sprachen hinzuzufügen.'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Bitte Übersetzung für Zeiteinheiten eingeben.'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Keine Berechtigung Sprachen zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Sprache $1 wirklich löschen?'
+'Deleting language': 'Sprache wird gelöscht.'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'Sprache $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'Edit language': 'Sprache bearbeiten'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Keine Berechtigung Sprachen zu bearbeiten.'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Bitte die Übersetzung für Monatsnamen eingeben.'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Bitte die Übersetzung für Wochentage eingeben.'
+January: Januar
+February: Februar
+March: März
April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
+May: Mai
+June: Juni
+July: Juli
August: August
September: September
-October: October
+October: Oktober
November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+December: Dezember
+Monday: Montag
+Tuesday: Dienstag
+Wednesday: Mittwoch
+Thursday: Donnertsag
+Friday: Freitag
+Saturday: Samstag
+Sunday: Sonntag
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Keine Berechtigung neue Sprachen hinzuzufügen.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Es sind $1 Ausgaben übrig.'
+'Native name': 'Name Im Original'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.es.yml
index 0e9e970785..5a3b10b577 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.es.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': 'No se especificó el ID del idioma'
+'No languages.': 'Sin idiomas'
+'Native Name': 'Nombre original'
+'Name taken.': 'Nombre ocupado'
+'Language saved.': 'Idioma guardado'
+'Language removed.': 'Idioma eliminado'
+'Language not found.': 'Idioma no encontrado'
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'El idioma está en uso y no puede ser eliminado.'
+'Language added.': 'Idioma agregado'
+'English language cannot be removed.': 'El idioma inglés no puede eliminarse'
+'Edit short month names': 'Editar nombres cortos de mes'
+'Edit short day names': 'Editar nombres cortos de día'
+'Edit month names': 'Editar nombres de mes'
+'Edit language: $1': 'Editar idioma $1'
+'Edit day names': 'Editar nombres de día'
+'Code Page': 'Página de códigos'
+'Add new Language': 'Agregar nuevo idioma'
+'Add Language': 'Agregar idioma'
+We: mie
+Tu: mar
+Th: jue
+Su: dom
+Sep: sept
+Sa: sab
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Ingrese una traducción abreviada para los días de la semana.'
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Ingrese una traducción abreviada para los meses del año.'
+Oct: oct
+Nov: nov
+Mo: lun
+Mar: mar
+Jun: jun
+Jul: jul
+Jan: en
+Fr: vie
+Feb: feb
+Dec: dic
+Aug: ag
+Apr: abr
+'No language.': 'Sin idioma'
+'Delete language $1': 'Borrar idioma $1'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'No tiene derecho a agregar idiomas'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Favor entre la traducción por unidad de tiempo'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'No tiene derecho a borrar idiomas'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': '¿Está seguro de que desea borrar el idioma $1?'
+'Deleting language': 'Borrando idioma'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'El idioma $1 no pudo ser borrado'
+'Edit language': 'Editar idioma'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'No tiene derecho a editar idiomas'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Favor entre la traducción para los nombres de meses'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Favor entre la traducción para los nombres de semanas'
+January: Enero
+February: Febrero
+March: Marzo
+April: Abril
+May: Mayo
+June: Junio
+July: Julio
+August: Agosto
+September: Septiembre
+October: Octubre
+November: Noviembre
+December: Diciembre
+Monday: Lunes
+Tuesday: Martes
+Wednesday: Miércoles
+Thursday: Jueves
+Friday: Viernes
+Saturday: Sábado
+Sunday: Domingo
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'No puede añadir un nuevo idioma.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Queda(n) $1 ejemplar(es).'
+'Native name': 'Nombre local'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.es_AR.yml
index 0e9e970785..285b2c2c37 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': null
+'Delete language $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': null
+'Deleting language': null
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit language': null
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': null
+January: null
+February: null
+March: null
+April: null
+May: null
+June: null
+July: null
+August: null
+September: null
+October: null
+November: null
+December: null
+Monday: null
+Tuesday: null
+Wednesday: null
+Thursday: null
+Friday: null
+Saturday: null
+Sunday: null
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Native name': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.fa.yml
index 0e9e970785..285b2c2c37 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.fa.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': null
+'Delete language $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': null
+'Deleting language': null
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit language': null
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': null
+January: null
+February: null
+March: null
+April: null
+May: null
+June: null
+July: null
+August: null
+September: null
+October: null
+November: null
+December: null
+Monday: null
+Tuesday: null
+Wednesday: null
+Thursday: null
+Friday: null
+Saturday: null
+Sunday: null
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Native name': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.fr.yml
index 0e9e970785..d076a91328 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.fr.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': 'Aucune langue.'
+'Delete language $1': 'Supprimer langue $1'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des langues'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'SVP entrer la traduction pour les unités de temps.'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des langues. '
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Etes-vous sûrs que vous voulez supprimer la langue $1 ? '
+'Deleting language': 'Suppression langue'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'La langue $1 ne pouvait pas être supprimé.'
+'Edit language': 'Editer langue'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Vous navez pas le droit déditer des langues. '
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'SVP entrer la traduction pour les mois.'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'SVP entrer la traduction pour les jours de la semaine.'
+January: Janvier
+February: Fevrier
+March: Mars
+April: Avril
+May: Mai
+June: Juin
+July: Juillet
+August: Août
+September: Septembre
+October: Octobre
+November: Novembre
+December: Décembre
+Monday: Lundi
+Tuesday: Mardi
+Wednesday: Mercredi
+Thursday: Jeudi
+Friday: Vendredi
+Saturday: Samedi
+Sunday: Dimanche
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter de nouvelles langues.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Il manque $1 édition(s).'
+'Native name': 'Nom dorigine'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.he.yml
index 0e9e970785..285b2c2c37 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.he.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': null
+'Delete language $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': null
+'Deleting language': null
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit language': null
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': null
+January: null
+February: null
+March: null
+April: null
+May: null
+June: null
+July: null
+August: null
+September: null
+October: null
+November: null
+December: null
+Monday: null
+Tuesday: null
+Wednesday: null
+Thursday: null
+Friday: null
+Saturday: null
+Sunday: null
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Native name': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.hr.yml
index 0e9e970785..e7dffcb84c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.hr.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': 'Nema tog jezika'
+'Delete language $1': 'Izbriši jezik $1'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati jezike.'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Molim unesite prijevod za jedinice vremena.'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Nemate ovlasti brisati jezike.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati $1 jezik?'
+'Deleting language': 'Brisanje jezika'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 jezik se ne može obrisati.'
+'Edit language': 'Uredi jezik.'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Nemate ovlasti uređivati jezike.'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Molim prevedite imena mjeseci u godini.'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Molim prevedite imena dana u tjednu.'
+January: Siječanj
+February: Veljača
+March: Ožujak
+April: Travanj
+May: Svibanj
+June: Lipanj
+July: Srpanj
+August: Kolovoz
+September: Rujan
+October: Listopad
+November: Studeni
+December: Prosinac
+Monday: Ponedjeljak
+Tuesday: Utorak
+Wednesday: Srijeda
+Thursday: Četvrtak
+Friday: Petak
+Saturday: Subota
+Sunday: Nedjelja
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Nemate prava dodavati nove jezike.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Ostalo je $1 izdanja.'
+'Native name': 'Izvorno ime'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.hu.yml
index 0e9e970785..8f18a835e8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.hu.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
+'Language id not specified': 'A nyelvazonosító nincs megadva'
+'No languages.': 'Nincsenek nyelvek.'
+'Native Name': 'Eredeti név'
+'Name taken.': 'A név foglalt.'
+'Language saved.': 'A nyelv mentése megtörtént.'
+'Language removed.': 'A nyelv eltávolítása megtörtént.'
+'Language not found.': 'A nyelv nem található.'
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'A nyelv használatban van, és nem lehet eltávolítani.'
+'Language added.': 'A nyelv hozzáadása megtörtént.'
+'English language cannot be removed.': 'Az angol nyelvet nem lehet eltávolítani.'
+'Edit short month names': 'Rövid hónapnevek szerkesztése'
+'Edit short day names': 'Rövid napnevek szerkesztése'
+'Edit month names': 'Hónapnevek szerkesztése'
+'Edit language: $1': 'Nyelv szerkesztése: $1'
+'Edit day names': 'Napnevek szerkesztése'
+'Code Page': Kódlap
+'Add new Language': 'Új nyelv hozzáadása'
+'Add Language': 'Nyelv hozzáadása'
+We: Sze
+Tu: K
+Th: Cs
+Su: V
+Sep: Szept.
+Sa: Szo
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Add meg a hét rövid napneveinek fordításait.'
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Add meg a rövid hónapnevek fordításait.'
+Oct: Okt.
+Nov: Nov.
+Mo: H
+Mar: Márc.
+Jun: Jún.
+Jul: Júl.
+Jan: Jan.
+Fr: P
+Feb: Febr.
+Dec: Dec.
+Aug: Aug.
+Apr: Ápr.
+'No language.': 'Nincs nyelv.'
+'Delete language $1': 'A/z $1 nyelv törlése'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Nincs jogod a nyelvek hozzáadásához.'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Add meg az időegységek fordítását.'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Nincs jogod a nyelvek törléséhez.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod a/z $1 nyelvet?'
+'Deleting language': 'Nyelv törlése'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'Nem lehet törölni a/z $1 nyelvet.'
+'Edit language': 'Nyelv szerkesztése'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Nincs jogod a nyelvek szerkesztéséhez.'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Add meg a hónapnevek fordítását.'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Add meg a hét napneveinek fordítását.'
+January: Január
+February: Február
+March: Március
+April: Április
+May: Május
+June: Június
+July: Július
+August: Augusztus
+September: Szeptember
+October: Október
November: November
December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+Monday: Hétfő
+Tuesday: Kedd
+Wednesday: Szerda
+Thursday: Csütörtök
+Friday: Péntek
+Saturday: Szombat
+Sunday: Vasárnap
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Nincs jogod új nyelvek hozzáadásához.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': '$1 szám maradt.'
+'Native name': 'Eredeti név'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.hy_AM.yml
index 0e9e970785..2dde2ca812 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': 'Խմբագրել շաբաթվա օրերը'
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': 'Ավելացնել նոր լեզու'
+'Add Language': 'Ավելացնել լեզու'
+We: Չոր
+Tu: Երք
+Th: Հնգ
+Su: Կիր
+Sep: null
+Sa: Շաբ
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: Հոկ
+Nov: Նոյ
+Mo: Երկ
+Mar: Մար
+Jun: Հուն
+Jul: Հուլ
+Jan: Հնվ
+Fr: Ուրբ
+Feb: Փետ
+Dec: Դեկ
+Aug: Օգս
+Apr: Ապր
+'No language.': null
+'Delete language $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': null
+'Deleting language': null
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit language': null
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': null
+January: հունվար
+February: փետրվար
+March: մարտ
+April: ապրիլ
+May: մայիս
+June: հունիս
+July: հուլիս
+August: օգոստոս
+September: սեպտեմբեր
+October: հոկտեմբեր
+November: նոյեմբեր
+December: դեկտեմբեր
+Monday: երկուշաբթի
+Tuesday: երեքշաբթի
+Wednesday: չորեքշաբթի
+Thursday: հինգշաբթի
+Friday: ուրբաթ
+Saturday: շաբաթ
+Sunday: կիրակի
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Native name': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ka.yml
index 0e9e970785..807a93ddac 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ka.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': 'ენის საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი არ არის მითითებული'
+'No languages.': 'ენები არ არის.'
+'Native Name': 'მშობლიური ენა'
+'Name taken.': 'სახელი გამოყენებულია.'
+'Language saved.': 'ენა დამახსოვრებულია.'
+'Language removed.': 'ენა მოიხსნა.'
+'Language not found.': 'ენა ვერ მოიძებნა.'
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'ენა ამჟამად გამოყენებაშია და მისი მოხსნა შეუძლებელია.'
+'Language added.': 'ენა დაემატა.'
+'English language cannot be removed.': 'ინგლისური ენის მოხსნა შეუძლებელია.'
+'Edit short month names': 'თვეების მოკლე სახელების რედაქტირება.'
+'Edit short day names': 'დღეების მოკლე სახელების რედაქტირება.'
+'Edit month names': 'თვეების სახელების რედაქტირება.'
+'Edit language: $1': '$1 ენის რედაქტირება'
+'Edit day names': 'დღეების სახელების რედაქტირება'
+'Code Page': 'კოდის გვერდი'
+'Add new Language': 'ახალი ენის დამატება'
+'Add Language': 'ენის დამატება'
+We: ოთხ
+Tu: სამ
+Th: ხუთ
+Su: კვი
+Sep: სექ
+Sa: შაბ
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'მიუთითეთ კვირის დღეების მოკლე სახელების თარგმანი.'
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'მიუთითეთ თვეების სახელების მოკლე თარგმანი.'
+Oct: ოქტ
+Nov: ნოე
+Mo: ორშ
+Mar: მარ
+Jun: ივნ
+Jul: ივლ
+Jan: იან
+Fr: პარ
+Feb: თებ
+Dec: დეკ
+Aug: აგვ
+Apr: აპრ
+'No language.': 'ენა არ არის.'
+'Delete language $1': '$1 ენის წაშლა'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ენების დამატების უფლება.'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'მიუთითეთ დროის ერთეულების თარგმანი.'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ენების წაშლის უფლება.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1 ენის წაშლა'
+'Deleting language': 'ენის წაშლა'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 ენა ვერ წაიშალა.'
+'Edit language': 'ენის რედაქტირება'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ენების რედაქტირების უფლება.'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'მიუთითეთ თვეების სახელების თარგმანი.'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'მიუთითეთ კვირის დღეების სახელების თარგმანი'
+January: იანვარი
+February: თებერვალი
+March: მარტი
+April: აპრილი
+May: მაისი
+June: ივნისი
+July: ივლისი
+August: აგვისტო
+September: სექტემბერი
+October: ოქტომბერი
+November: ნოემბერი
+December: დეკემბერი
+Monday: ორშაბათი
+Tuesday: სამშაბათი
+Wednesday: ოთხშაბათი
+Thursday: ხუთშაბათი
+Friday: პარასკევი
+Saturday: შაბათი
+Sunday: კვირა
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ახალი ენის დამატების უფლება'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'დარჩა $1 ნომერი/ჟურნალი/გამოშვება'
+'Native name': 'მშობლიური ენა'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ko.yml
index 0e9e970785..ed613b1de3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ko.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': '언어 없슴.'
+'Delete language $1': '언어 $1 삭제중'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': '언어를 추가할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': '시간 단위의 번역을 입력하시오.'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': '언어를 삭제할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': '언어 $1을 확실히 삭제합니까?'
+'Deleting language': '언어 삭제중'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': '언어 $1 을 삭제할 수없습니다.'
+'Edit language': '언어 수정'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': '언어를 수정할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': '월 이름에 대한 번역을 입력하시오'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': '주 이름에 대한 번역을 입력하시오.'
+January: 1월
+February: 2월
+March: 3월
+April: 4월
+May: 5월
+June: 6월
+July: 7월
+August: 8월
+September: 9월
+October: 10월
+November: 11월
+December: 12월
+Monday: 월요일
+Tuesday: 화요일
+Wednesday: 수요일
+Thursday: 목요일
+Friday: 금요일
+Saturday: 토요일
+Sunday: 일요일
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': '새로운 언어를 추가할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': '$ 1 이슈가 남아 있슴.'
+'Native name': '모국 언어'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ku.yml
index 0e9e970785..285b2c2c37 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ku.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': null
+'Delete language $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': null
+'Deleting language': null
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit language': null
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': null
+January: null
+February: null
+March: null
+April: null
+May: null
+June: null
+July: null
+August: null
+September: null
+October: null
+November: null
+December: null
+Monday: null
+Tuesday: null
+Wednesday: null
+Thursday: null
+Friday: null
+Saturday: null
+Sunday: null
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Native name': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.lv.yml
index 0e9e970785..285b2c2c37 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.lv.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': null
+'Delete language $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': null
+'Deleting language': null
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit language': null
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': null
+January: null
+February: null
+March: null
+April: null
+May: null
+June: null
+July: null
+August: null
+September: null
+October: null
+November: null
+December: null
+Monday: null
+Tuesday: null
+Wednesday: null
+Thursday: null
+Friday: null
+Saturday: null
+Sunday: null
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Native name': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.nb_NO.yml
index 0e9e970785..285b2c2c37 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': null
+'Delete language $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': null
+'Deleting language': null
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit language': null
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': null
+January: null
+February: null
+March: null
+April: null
+May: null
+June: null
+July: null
+August: null
+September: null
+October: null
+November: null
+December: null
+Monday: null
+Tuesday: null
+Wednesday: null
+Thursday: null
+Friday: null
+Saturday: null
+Sunday: null
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Native name': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.pl.yml
index 0e9e970785..b699c44d5e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.pl.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
+'Language id not specified': 'Brakuje numeru języka'
+'No languages.': 'Brak języków'
+'Native Name': 'Nazwa lokalna'
+'Name taken.': 'Wybrana nazwa jest już zajęta'
+'Language saved.': 'Język został zapisany.'
+'Language removed.': 'Język został usunięty.'
+'Language not found.': 'Nie ma takiego języka.'
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Język jest używany i nie może być usunięty.'
+'Language added.': 'Język został dodany.'
+'English language cannot be removed.': 'Język angielski nie może być usunięty.'
+'Edit short month names': 'Edytuj krótkie nazwy miesięcy'
+'Edit short day names': 'Edytuj krótkie nazwy dni'
+'Edit month names': 'Edytuj nazwy miesięcy'
+'Edit language: $1': 'Edytuj jezyk: $1'
+'Edit day names': 'Edytuj nazwy dni tygodnia'
+'Code Page': 'Strona kodowa'
+'Add new Language': 'Dodaj nowy język'
+'Add Language': 'Dodaj nowy język'
+We: Śr
+Tu: Wt
+Th: Czw
+Su: Nd
+Sep: Wrz
+Sa: Sob
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Podaj tłumaczenie skrótów nazw dni tygodnia'
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Podaj tłumaczenie skrótów nazw miesięcy'
+Oct: Paź
+Nov: Lis
+Mo: Pin
Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+Jun: Cz
+Jul: Lip
+Jan: St
+Fr: Pt
+Feb: Lu
+Dec: Gr
+Aug: Sie
+Apr: Kw
+'No language.': 'Brak języka'
+'Delete language $1': 'Usuń język $1'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Brak wystarczających praw do dodawania języków'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Podaj tłumaczenie jednostek czasowych.'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Nie masz praw aby usuwać języki.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć język $1?'
+'Deleting language': 'Usuwanie języka.'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'Język $1 nie mógł być usunięty.'
+'Edit language': 'Zmień jezyk'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Nie masz praw aby edytować języki.'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Podaj tłumaczenie nazw miesięcy.'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Podaj tłumaczenie nazw dni tygodnia.'
+January: Styczeń
+February: Luty
+March: Marzec
+April: Kwiecień
+May: Maj
+June: Czerwiec
+July: Lipiec
+August: Sierpień
+September: Wrzesień
+October: Październik
+November: Listopad
+December: Grudzień
+Monday: Poniedziałek
+Tuesday: Wtorek
+Wednesday: Środa
+Thursday: Czwartek
+Friday: Piątek
+Saturday: Sobota
+Sunday: Niedziela
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Nie masz praw aby dodawać nowe języki'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Pozostało wydań: $1'
+'Native name': 'Nazwisko panieńskie'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ps.yml
index 0e9e970785..285b2c2c37 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.ps.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': null
+'Delete language $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': null
+'Deleting language': null
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit language': null
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': null
+January: null
+February: null
+March: null
+April: null
+May: null
+June: null
+July: null
+August: null
+September: null
+October: null
+November: null
+December: null
+Monday: null
+Tuesday: null
+Wednesday: null
+Thursday: null
+Friday: null
+Saturday: null
+Sunday: null
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Native name': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.pt_BR.yml
index 0e9e970785..b923d8ca4e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': 'Sem Idioma Definido'
+'Delete language $1': 'Eliminar Idioma'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Não tem permissões para adicionar Idiomas'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Introduza a tradução para Unidade de Tempo'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Não tem permissões para eliminar Idiomas'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Eliminar o Idioma $1 ?'
+'Deleting language': 'Eliminando Idioma'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'O Idioma $1 não pode ser eliminado'
+'Edit language': 'Editar língua'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Não tem permissões para alterar Idiomas'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Introduza a tradução para os nomes dos meses'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Introduza a tradução para os nomes dos dias'
+January: Janeiro
+February: Fevereiro
+March: Março
+April: Abril
+May: Maio
+June: Junho
+July: Julho
+August: Agosto
+September: Setembro
+October: Outubro
+November: Nobvembro
+December: Dezembro
+Monday: Segunda-feira
+Tuesday: Terça-feira
+Wednesday: Quarta-feira
+Thursday: Quinta-feira
+Friday: Sexta-feira
+Saturday: Sábado
+Sunday: Domingo
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Não tem permissões para adicionar idiomas.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Existe(m) ainda $1 Edição(ões).'
+'Native name': 'Nome Nativo'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sh.yml
index 0e9e970785..74f20a245b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sh.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': 'Nema jezika.'
+'Native Name': 'Izvorno ime'
+'Name taken.': 'Ime je već u upotrebi'
+'Language saved.': 'Jezik snimljen.'
+'Language removed.': 'Jezik uklonjen.'
+'Language not found.': 'Jezik nije pronađen.'
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Jezik je u uupotrebi i ne može biti uklonjen.'
+'Language added.': 'Jezik dodat.'
+'English language cannot be removed.': 'Engleski jezik ne može biti uklonjen.'
+'Edit short month names': 'Uredi skraćena imana meseci'
+'Edit short day names': 'Uredi skraćena imena dana'
+'Edit month names': 'Uredi imena meseci'
+'Edit language: $1': 'Uredi jezik: $1'
+'Edit day names': 'Uredi imena dana'
+'Code Page': 'Kodna strana'
+'Add new Language': 'Dodaj novi jezik'
+'Add Language': 'Dodaj jezik'
+We: sr
+Tu: ut
+Th: če
+Su: ne
+Sep: sep
+Sa: su
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Molimo unesite prevode za skraćenice imena dana u nedelji'
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Molimo unesite prevode za skraćenice imena meseci'
+Oct: okt
+Nov: nov
+Mo: po
+Mar: mar
+Jun: jun
+Jul: jul
+Jan: jan
+Fr: pe
+Feb: feb
+Dec: dec
+Aug: avg
+Apr: apr
+'No language.': 'Nema jezika.'
+'Delete language $1': 'Obriši jezik $1'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete jezike.'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Unesite prevod vremenskih jedinica.'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete jezike'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete jezik $1?'
+'Deleting language': 'Brisanje jezika'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'Jezik $1 ne može biti obrisan'
+'Edit language': 'Uredi jezik'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Nemate pravo da uređujete jezike'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Unesi prevode za imena meseci'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Unesi prevode za imena dana'
+January: januar
+February: februar
+March: mart
+April: april
+May: maj
+June: jun
+July: jul
+August: avgust
+September: septembar
+October: oktobar
+November: novembar
+December: decembar
+Monday: ponedeljak
+Tuesday: utorak
+Wednesday: sreda
+Thursday: četvrtak
+Friday: petak
+Saturday: subota
+Sunday: nedelja
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete nove jezike'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Preostalo je $1 izdanja.'
+'Native name': 'Izvorno ime'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sq.yml
index 0e9e970785..285b2c2c37 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sq.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': null
+'Delete language $1': null
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': null
+'Deleting language': null
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Edit language': null
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': null
+January: null
+February: null
+March: null
+April: null
+May: null
+June: null
+July: null
+August: null
+September: null
+October: null
+November: null
+December: null
+Monday: null
+Tuesday: null
+Wednesday: null
+Thursday: null
+Friday: null
+Saturday: null
+Sunday: null
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Native name': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sr.yml
index 0e9e970785..04f801882a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sr.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': 'Нема језика.'
+'Native Name': 'Изворно име'
+'Name taken.': 'Име је већ у употреби'
+'Language saved.': 'Језик снимљен.'
+'Language removed.': 'Језик уклоњен.'
+'Language not found.': 'Језик није пронађен.'
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Језик је у употреби и не може бити уклоњен.'
+'Language added.': 'Језик додат.'
+'English language cannot be removed.': 'Енглески језик не може бити уклоњен.'
+'Edit short month names': 'Уреди скраћена имена месеци'
+'Edit short day names': 'Уреди скраћена имена дана'
+'Edit month names': 'Уреди имена месеци'
+'Edit language: $1': 'Уреди језик: $1'
+'Edit day names': 'Уреди имена дана'
+'Code Page': 'Кодна страна'
+'Add new Language': 'Додај нови језик'
+'Add Language': 'Додај језик'
+We: ср
+Tu: ут
+Th: че
+Su: не
+Sep: сеп
+Sa: су
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Молимо унесите преводе за скраћенице имена дана у недељи'
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Молимо унесите преводе за скраћенице имена месеци'
+Oct: окт
+Nov: нов
+Mo: по
+Mar: мар
+Jun: јун
+Jul: јул
+Jan: јан
+Fr: пе
+Feb: феб
+Dec: дец
+Aug: авг
+Apr: апр
+'No language.': 'Нема језика'
+'Delete language $1': 'Обриши језик $1'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Немате право да додајете језике'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Унеситпревод временских јединица'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Немате право да бришете језике'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Сигурни сте да желите да обришете језик $1?'
+'Deleting language': 'Брисање језика'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'Језик $1 не може бити обрисан'
+'Edit language': 'Уреди језик'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Немате право да уређујете језике'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Унеси преводе за имена месеци'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Унеси преводе за имена дана'
+January: јануар
+February: фебруар
+March: март
+April: април
+May: мај
+June: јун
+July: јул
+August: август
+September: септембар
+October: октобар
+November: новембар
+December: децембар
+Monday: понедељак
+Tuesday: уторак
+Wednesday: среда
+Thursday: четвртак
+Friday: петак
+Saturday: субота
+Sunday: недеља
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Немате право да додајете нове језике.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Преостало је $1издања.'
+'Native name': 'Изворно име'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sv.yml
index 0e9e970785..9062975f59 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/languages.sv.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-'Language id not specified': 'Language id not specified'
-'No languages.': 'No languages.'
-'Native Name': 'Native Name'
-'Name taken.': 'Name taken.'
-'Language saved.': 'Language saved.'
-'Language removed.': 'Language removed.'
-'Language not found.': 'Language not found.'
-'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': 'Language is in use and cannot be removed.'
-'Language added.': 'Language added.'
-'English language cannot be removed.': 'English language cannot be removed.'
-'Edit short month names': 'Edit short month names'
-'Edit short day names': 'Edit short day names'
-'Edit month names': 'Edit month names'
-'Edit language: $1': 'Edit language: $1'
-'Edit day names': 'Edit day names'
-'Code Page': 'Code Page'
-'Add new Language': 'Add new Language'
-'Add Language': 'Add Language'
-We: We
-Tu: Tu
-Th: Th
-Su: Su
-Sep: Sep
-Sa: Sa
-'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day short names.'
-'Please enter the translation for month short names.': 'Please enter the translation for month short names.'
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Mo: Mo
-Mar: Mar
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Jan: Jan
-Fr: Fr
-Feb: Feb
-Dec: Dec
-Aug: Aug
-Apr: Apr
-'No language.': 'No language.'
-'Delete language $1': 'Delete language $1'
-'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'You do not have the right to add languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Please enter the translation for time units.'
-'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'You do not have the right to delete languages.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?'
-'Deleting language': 'Deleting language'
-'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'The language $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Edit language': 'Edit language'
-'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'You do not have the right to edit languages.'
-'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Please enter the translation for month names.'
-'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Please enter the translation for week day names.'
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
+'Language id not specified': null
+'No languages.': null
+'Native Name': null
+'Name taken.': null
+'Language saved.': null
+'Language removed.': null
+'Language not found.': null
+'Language is in use and cannot be removed.': null
+'Language added.': null
+'English language cannot be removed.': null
+'Edit short month names': null
+'Edit short day names': null
+'Edit month names': null
+'Edit language: $1': null
+'Edit day names': null
+'Code Page': null
+'Add new Language': null
+'Add Language': null
+We: null
+Tu: null
+Th: null
+Su: null
+Sep: null
+Sa: null
+'Please enter the translation for week day short names.': null
+'Please enter the translation for month short names.': null
+Oct: null
+Nov: null
+Mo: null
+Mar: null
+Jun: null
+Jul: null
+Jan: null
+Fr: null
+Feb: null
+Dec: null
+Aug: null
+Apr: null
+'No language.': 'Inget språk.'
+'Delete language $1': 'Radera språk $1'
+'You do not have the right to add languages.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till språk.'
+'Please enter the translation for time units.': 'Var god skriv in översättningar för tidsenheter.'
+'You do not have the right to delete languages.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera språk.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the language $1?': 'Är du säker att du vill radera språket $1?'
+'Deleting language': 'Raderar språk'
+'The language $1 could not be deleted.': 'Språket $1 kunde inte raderas.'
+'Edit language': 'Redigera språk'
+'You do not have the right to edit languages.': 'Du har inte rätt att redigera språk.'
+'Please enter the translation for month names.': 'Var god skriv in översättningar för månadsnamn.'
+'Please enter the translation for week day names.': 'Var god skriv in översättningar för dagars namn.'
+January: Januari
+February: Februari
+March: Mars
April: April
-May: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
+May: Maj
+June: Juni
+July: Juli
+August: Augusti
September: September
-October: October
+October: Oktober
November: November
December: December
-Monday: Monday
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-Sunday: Sunday
-'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'You do not have the right to add new languages.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Native name': 'Native name'
+Monday: Måndag
+Tuesday: Tisdag
+Wednesday: Onsdag
+Thursday: Torsdag
+Friday: Fredag
+Saturday: Lördag
+Sunday: Söndag
+'You do not have the right to add new languages.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till nya språk.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Det finns $1 utgåva(or) kvar.'
+'Native name': 'Inhemskt namn'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.az.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..2310692f40 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.az.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: Vebşifrə
+'View article': 'Məqaləyə bax'
+Source: Mənbə
+'Select type': 'Növü seç'
+On: Açıq
+Off: Qapalı
+Title: Başlıq
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'Videonun oxunma imkanı yoxdur, lütfən, aşağıdakı videonu endir'
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': '$2 məqalə üçün status $1 olaraq təyin edildi'
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': '$2 məqalə üçün status $1 olaraq təyin edilmədi'
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 $2 məqalə üçün köçürüldü.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 $2 məqalə üçün köçürülmədi.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 $2 məqalə üçün köçürülmədi.'
+'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 məqalə xaric edilməmişdir'
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Məqalə(lər)nin kilidi açıldı'
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Məqalə(lər)nin kilidi açılmadı'
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Məqalə(lər)nin surəti çıxarıldı'
+'Download file': 'Faylı endir'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Məqalə silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Bu məqalənin statusunu dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur. Məqalə daxil edildikdən sonra yalnız səlahiyyətli istifadəçilər tərəfindən dəyişdirilə bilər.'
+'Use Map': 'Xəritə İstifadə Et'
+'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Keçid: Seçim Səhifəsində'
+'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Keçid: Ön Səhifədə'
+'Toggle: Comments': 'Keçid: Şərhlər'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Məqalə $3 dəqiqə əvvəl $1 ($2) tərəfindən kilidlənib.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Məqalə $3 saat $4 dəqiqə əvvəl $1 ($2) tərəfindən kilidlənib.'
+'Status: Submit': 'Status: Daxil Et'
+'Status: Set New': 'Status: Yenisini Yaz'
+'Status: Publish': 'Status: Nümayiş'
+Size: Ölçü
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Ümumilikdə _TOTAL_ girişin _START_-dan/dən _END_-a/ə qaydasında nümayişi'
+'Show / hide columns': 'Sütunları göstər / gizlə'
+'Select some article first.': 'Əvvəlcə bir neçə məqalə seç.'
+'Select action': 'Addımı seç'
+'Save order': 'Sifarişi saxla'
+'Reset all filters': 'Bütün filtrləri sıfırla'
+'Published before': 'Əvvəl nümayiş olunub'
+'Published after': 'Sonra nümayiş olunub'
+'Publish date': 'Nümayiş tarixi'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Planı Nümayiş Et'
+'Publish Date': 'Nümayiş Tarixi'
+'Order updated.': 'Sifariş yeniləndi.'
+'Open in browser': 'Brauzerdə aç'
+'No sections found': 'Bölmə tapılmadı'
+'No records found.': 'Yazı tapılmadı.'
+'No publications found': 'Nümayiş tapılmadı'
+'No issues found': 'Məsələ tapılmadı'
+'No entries to show': 'Nümayiş üçün giriş yoxdur'
+Locations: Məkanlar
+'Loading data': 'Məlumatın yüklənməsi'
+'Last modified': 'Son redaktələr'
+'Last Modified': 'Son Quraşdırılan'
+Last: Son
+First: İlk
+'Filter by...': 'Filtr xüsusiyyəti...'
+Filter: 'Filtrə Et'
+Filename: 'Fayl adı'
+'Duplicate to another section': 'Başqa bölməyə surətini çıxar'
+'Display _MENU_ records': '_MENU_ yazılarını göstər'
+Creator: Yaradıcı
+'Create Date': 'Yaranma Tarixi'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Məqalə statusu $1 olaraq təyin edildi'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Seçilmiş məqalələri silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'All Sections': 'Bütün Bölmələr'
+'All Publications': 'Bütün Nümayişlər'
+'All Issues': 'Bütün Məsələlər'
+Added: 'Əlavə Edildi'
+'Access denied.': 'Giriş qadağandır.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 keçirildi.'
+'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 məqalə xaric edilib'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- _MAX_ yazılarından filtrləmə'
+'Search for creators': 'Yaradıcı axtar'
+'No matches.': 'Uyğun olan yoxdur.'
+Searching...: Axtarılır...
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimal giriş işarəsi: $1'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.be.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..19aec1f857 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.be.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: Web-код
+'View article': 'Прагляд артыкула'
+Source: Крыніца
+'Select type': 'Абраць тып'
+On: Укл.
+Off: Выкл.
+Title: Загаловак
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'Немагчыма прайграць відэа, калі ласка, запампуйце відэа ніжэй па спасылцы'
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Статут артыкула $1 устаноўлены для $2 артыкулаў'
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Статут артыкула $1 не устаноўлены для $2 артыкулаў'
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 уключаны для $2 артыкулаў.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 не ўключаны для $2 артыкулаў.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 не ўключаны для $2 артыкулаў.'
+'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 артыкулаў не былі выдаленыя'
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 артыкул(ы) разблакаваныя'
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 артыкул(ы) не разблакаваныя'
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 артыкул(ы) дубляваныя.'
+'Download file': 'Загрузіць файл'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Вы ня маеце правоў выдаляць артыкул.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Вы ня маеце правоў зьмяняць стан гэтага артыкула. Калі артыкул адпраўлены, ён можа быць зьменены толькі ўпаўнаважанымі карыстальнікамі.'
+'Use Map': 'Выкарыстоўваць карту'
+'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Маркер На старонцы рубрыкі'
+'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Маркер На галоўнай старонцы'
+'Toggle: Comments': 'Макер Каментары'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Гэты артыкул быў заблакаваны $1 ($2) $3 хвілін таму.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Гэты артыкул быў заблакаваны $1 ($2) $3 гадзін і $4 хвілін таму.'
+'Status: Submit': 'Статут: Адправіць'
+'Status: Set New': 'Статут: Новая'
+'Status: Publish': 'Статут: Зацвердзiць'
+Size: Памер
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Паказаныя _START_ да _END_ / _TOTAL_ запісаў'
+'Show / hide columns': 'Паказаць / схаваць калонкі'
+'Select some article first.': 'Выберыце спачатку некалькі артыкулаў.'
+'Select action': 'Выбраць дзеянне'
+'Save order': 'Захаваць парадак выканання.'
+'Reset all filters': 'Ачысціць усе фільтры'
+'Published before': 'Апублікаваныя да'
+'Published after': 'Апублікаваныя пасля'
+'Publish date': 'Дата публiкацыі '
+'Publish Schedule': 'Расклад публікацый'
+'Publish Date': 'Дата публікацыі'
+'Order updated.': 'Парадак абноўлены.'
+'Open in browser': 'Адкрыць у браўзэры'
+'No sections found': 'Не абрана ніводная з рубрык'
+'No records found.': 'Не абрана ніводная з запісаў'
+'No publications found': 'Не абрана ніводнае з выданняў'
+'No issues found': 'Не абраны ніводны з выпускаў'
+'No entries to show': 'Няма запісаў для прагляду'
+Locations: Месцазнаходжання
+'Loading data': 'Загрузка даных'
+'Last modified': 'Апошнія змяненні'
+'Last Modified': 'Апошнія змяненні'
+Last: Апошнi
+First: Першы
+'Filter by...': 'Фільтр па...'
+Filter: 'Фільтр '
+Filename: 'Імя файла'
+'Duplicate to another section': 'Дубляваць ў іншую рубрыку'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Адлюстраваць _MENU_ запісы'
+Creator: Стваральнік
+'Create Date': 'Дата стварэння'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Статус артыкула ўстаноўлены ў $1 '
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдаліць абраныя файлы?'
+'All Sections': 'Усе рубрыкі'
+'All Publications': 'Усе выданні'
+'All Issues': 'Усе выпускі'
+Added: Даданы
+'Access denied.': 'Адмоўлена ў доступе.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 зьменена.'
+'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 артыкулаў былі выдаленыя'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': 'фільтраванне ад _MAX_ запісаў'
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.bn.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..19c04f6db7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.bn.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: null
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 articles have not been removed': null
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: null
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: null
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.cs.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..75e394faba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.cs.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
+'View article': 'Ukázat článek'
+Source: Zdroj
+'Select type': 'Vyber typ'
+On: Vypnout
+Off: Zapnout
+Title: Název
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'Žádné možnosti přehrání videa, prosím stáhněte si video níže'
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Stav článku je nastaven $1 na $2 článků'
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Stav článku není nastaven $1 na $2 článků'
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 byl přepnut na $2 články'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 nebyl přepnut na $2 články'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 nebyl přepnut na $2 články'
+'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 článků nebylo odstraněno'
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 článků bylo zpřístupněno'
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 článků nebylo zpřístupněno'
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 článků bylo duplikováno'
+'Download file': 'Stáhnout soubor'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Nemáte právo mazat články'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nemáte oprávnění měnit status článku. Jakmile je článek podán, mohou jej měnit pouze autorizovaní uživatelé.'
+'Use Map': 'Použít mapu'
+'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Přejít do: Rubriky'
+'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Přejít na: Titulní stránku'
+'Toggle: Comments': 'Přejít na: Komentáře'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Tento článek uzamkl $1 ($2) před $3 minutami.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Tento článek uzamkl $1 ($2) před $3 hodinami a $4 minutami.'
+'Status: Submit': 'Status: Odevzdat'
+'Status: Set New': 'Status: Začít nový'
+'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publikovat'
+Size: 'Velikost '
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Ukázat _START_ až _END_ z _TOTAL_ záznamů'
+'Show / hide columns': 'Ukázat / skrýt sloupce'
+'Select some article first.': 'Nejdříve vybrat článek.'
+'Select action': 'Vybrat akci'
+'Save order': 'Uložit příkaz'
+'Reset all filters': 'Resetovat všechny filtry'
+'Published before': 'Publikováno před'
+'Published after': 'Publikováno po'
+'Publish date': 'Datum publikování'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Publikační Plán'
+'Publish Date': 'Publikovat Datum'
+'Order updated.': 'Příkaz aktualizován.'
+'Open in browser': 'Otevřít v prohlížeči'
+'No sections found': 'Rubriky nebyly nalezeny'
+'No records found.': 'Nebyly nalezeny žádné záznamy.'
+'No publications found': 'Nebyly nalezeny žádné publikace'
+'No issues found': 'Nebyla nalezena žádná vydání'
+'No entries to show': 'Nejsou zde žádné příspěvky k zobrazení'
+Locations: Lokality
+'Loading data': 'Nahrávám data'
+'Last modified': 'Naposledy změněno'
+'Last Modified': 'Naposledy Změněno'
+Last: Poslední
+First: První
+'Filter by...': 'Filtr nastaven...'
Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+Filename: 'Název souboru'
+'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplikovat do jiné rubriky'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Zobrazit _MENU_ záznamy'
+Creator: Vytvořil
+'Create Date': 'Datum Vytvoření'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Status článku nastaven na $1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Opravdu chcete vymazat vybrané články?'
+'All Sections': 'Všechny Rubriky'
+'All Publications': 'Všechny Publikace'
+'All Issues': 'Všechna Vydání'
+Added: Přidáno
+'Access denied.': 'Přístup byl odepřen.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 vybráno.'
+'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 článků bylo odstraněno'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtrováno z _MAX_ záznamů'
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.da.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..d440b803d6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.da.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Vis skjulte artikel typer?'
+Webcode: Webkode
+'View article': 'Se artikel'
+Source: Kilde
+'Select type': 'Vælg type'
+On: Til
+Off: Fra
+Title: Titel
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'Videoen kan ikke afspilles. Gem videoen nedenfor.'
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Artikelstatus blev sat til $1 for $2 artikler'
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Artikelstatus blev ikke sat til $1 for $2 artikler'
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 ændret for $2 artikler.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 er ikke ændet for $2 artikler.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 er ikke ændet for $2 artikler.'
+'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 artikler blev ikke slettet'
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 artikler låst op'
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 artikler blev ikke låst op'
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 artikler dubleret'
+'Download file': 'Hent fil'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Du har ikke tilladelse til at slette artikler'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Du har ikke tilladelse til at ændre artiklens status. Når en artikel er indsendt kan den kun ændres af autoriserede brugere.'
+'Use Map': 'Brug kort'
+'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Skift: Vis på sektions side'
+'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Skift: Vis på forside'
+'Toggle: Comments': 'Skift: Kommentarer'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Artiklen blev låst af $1 ($2) for $3 minutter siden.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Artiklen blev låst af $1 ($2) for $3 timer og $4 minutter siden.'
+'Status: Submit': 'Status: Indsend'
+'Status: Set New': 'Status: Ny'
+'Status: Publish': 'Status: Udgiv'
+Size: Størrelse
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'VISER _START_ til _END_ af _TOTAL_ opslag'
+'Show / hide columns': 'Vis/skjul kolonner'
+'Select some article first.': 'Vælg artikler først'
+'Select action': 'Vælg handling'
+'Save order': 'Gem sortering'
+'Reset all filters': 'Nulstil alle filtre'
+'Published before': 'Udgivet før'
+'Published after': 'Udgivet efter'
+'Publish date': 'Udgivelses dato'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Planlagt udgivelse'
+'Publish Date': 'Udgivelses dato'
+'Order updated.': 'Sortering opdateret.'
+'Open in browser': 'Åben i browser'
+'No sections found': 'Ingen sektioner'
+'No records found.': 'Ingen opslag.'
+'No publications found': 'Ingen publikationer'
+'No issues found': 'Ingen udgivelser'
+'No entries to show': 'Intet at vise'
+Locations: Steder
+'Loading data': 'Henter data'
+'Last modified': 'Sidst ændret'
+'Last Modified': 'Sidst ændret'
+Last: Sidste
+First: Første
+'Filter by...': 'Filtrér efter...'
+Filter: Filtrér
+Filename: Filnavn
+'Duplicate to another section': 'Kopier til en anden sektion'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Vis _MENU_ opslag'
+Creator: 'Oprettet af'
+'Create Date': Oprettelsesdato
+'Article status set to $1': 'Artikel status sat til $1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Vil du slette de valgte artikler?'
+'All Sections': 'Alle sektioner'
+'All Publications': 'Alle publikationer'
+'All Issues': 'Alle udgivelser'
+Added: Tilføjet
+'Access denied.': 'Adgang nægtet'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 skiftet.'
+'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 artikler blev slettet'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtreret fra _MAX_ opslag'
+'Search for creators': 'Søg efter hvem der har oprettet'
+'No matches.': 'Ingen resultater.'
+Searching...: Søger...
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Mindste antal tegn: $1'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.de.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..d283b6eb04 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.de.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
+'View article': 'Artikel ansehen'
+Source: Quelle
+'Select type': 'Typ auswählen'
+On: An
+Off: Aus
+Title: Titel
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'Keine Kapazitäten, um das Video abzuspielen. Bitte laden Sie das Video herunter. '
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Artikel Status gesetzt auf $1 für $2 Artikel.'
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Artikel Status nicht gesetzt auf $1 für $2 Artikel'
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 umgeschaltet für $2 Artikel. '
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 nicht umgeschaltet für $2 Artikel. '
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 nicht umgeschaltet für $2 Artikel. '
+'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 Artikel wurden nicht entfernt'
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Artikel entsperrt'
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Artikel nicht entsperrt'
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Artikel dupliziert'
+'Download file': 'Datei herunterladen'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Fehlende Zugriffsrechte für das Löschen von Artikeln.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Keine Zugriffsrechte auf die Änderung des Artikelstatus. Eingepflegte Artikel können nur mit den dazugehörigen Rechten geändert werden.'
+'Use Map': 'Karte benutzen'
+'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Auswählen: Auf der Rubrikseite'
+'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Auswählen: Auf der Startseite'
+'Toggle: Comments': 'Auswählen: Kommentare'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Achtung: Der Artikel ist durch $1 ($2) seit $3 Minute(n) gesperrt.
Du kannst die Sperrung aufheben, dabei gehen aber alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen verloren. Bitte stelle sicher, dass $1 ($2) den Artikel nicht mehr am Bearbeiten ist.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Achtung: Der Artikel ist durch $1 ($2) seit $3 Stunde(n) und $4 Minute(n) gesperrt.
Du kannst die Sperrung aufheben, dabei gehen aber alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen verloren. Bitte stelle sicher, dass $1 ($2) den Artikel nicht mehr am Bearbeiten ist.'
+'Status: Submit': 'Status: anlegen'
+'Status: Set New': 'Status: auf neu setzen'
+'Status: Publish': 'Status: veröffentlichen'
+Size: Größe
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Zeige _START_ bis _END_ von _TOTAL_ Einträgen'
+'Show / hide columns': 'Spalten anzeigen / verbergen'
+'Select some article first.': 'Zuerst bitte einige Artikel aussuchen.'
+'Select action': 'Aktion auswählen'
+'Save order': 'Reihenfolge speichern'
+'Reset all filters': 'Alle Filter zurücksetzen'
+'Published before': 'Veröffentlicht vor'
+'Published after': 'Veröffentlicht nach'
+'Publish date': Veröffentlichungsdatum
+'Publish Schedule': 'Automatisierte Veröffentlichung'
+'Publish Date': Veröffentlichungsdatum
+'Order updated.': 'Reihenfolge aktualisiert'
+'Open in browser': 'Im Browser öffnen'
+'No sections found': 'Keine Rubriken gefunden.'
+'No records found.': 'Keine Angaben gefunden.'
+'No publications found': 'Keine Publikationen gefunden.'
+'No issues found': 'Keine Ausgaben gefunden.'
+'No entries to show': 'Keine Einträge zum Anzeigen gefunden.'
+Locations: Standorte
+'Loading data': 'Daten werden geladen'
+'Last modified': 'Zuletzt geändert'
+'Last Modified': 'Zuletzt geändert'
+Last: Letzte
+First: Erste
+'Filter by...': 'Filtern nach...'
Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+Filename: Dateiname
+'Duplicate to another section': 'In eine andere Rubrik duplizieren'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Anzeigen _MENU_ Einträge'
+Creator: 'Erstellt von'
+'Create Date': 'Datum erstellen'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Artikelstatus auf $1 gesetzt.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Ausgewählte Artikel wirklich löschen?'
+'All Sections': 'Alle Rubriken'
+'All Publications': 'Alle Publikationen'
+'All Issues': 'Alle Ausgaben'
+Added: Hinzugefügt
+'Access denied.': 'Zugang verweigert'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 ausgewählt.'
+'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 Artikel wurden entfernt'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtert aus _MAX_ Einträgen '
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.de_AT.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..a108d9785b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
+'View article': 'Artikel ansehen'
+Source: Quelle
+'Select type': 'Typ auswählen'
+On: An
+Off: Aus
+Title: Titel
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'Keine Kapazitäten, um das Video abzuspielen. Bitte laden Sie das Video herunter. '
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Artikel Status gesetzt auf $1 für $2 Artikel.'
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Artikel Status nicht gesetzt auf $1 für $2 Artikel'
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 umgeschaltet für $2 Artikel. '
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 nicht umgeschaltet für $2 Artikel. '
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 nicht umgeschaltet für $2 Artikel. '
+'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 Artikel wurden nicht entfernt'
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Artikel entsperrt'
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Artikel nicht entsperrt'
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Artikel dupliziert'
+'Download file': 'Datei herunterladen'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Fehlende Zugriffsrechte für das Löschen von Artikeln.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Keine Zugriffsrechte auf die Änderung des Artikelstatus. Eingepflegte Artikel können nur mit den dazugehörigen Rechten geändert werden.'
+'Use Map': 'Karte benutzen'
+'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Auswählen: Auf der Rubrikseite'
+'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Auswählen: Auf der Startseite'
+'Toggle: Comments': 'Auswählen: Kommentare'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Achtung: Der Artikel ist durch $1 ($2) seit $3 Minute(n) gesperrt.
Du kannst die Sperrung aufheben, dabei gehen aber alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen verloren. Bitte stelle sicher, dass $1 ($2) den Artikel nicht mehr am Bearbeiten ist.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Achtung: Der Artikel ist durch $1 ($2) seit $3 Stunde(n) und $4 Minute(n) gesperrt.
Du kannst die Sperrung aufheben, dabei gehen aber alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen verloren. Bitte stelle sicher, dass $1 ($2) den Artikel nicht mehr am Bearbeiten ist.'
+'Status: Submit': 'Status: anlegen'
+'Status: Set New': 'Status: auf neu setzen'
+'Status: Publish': 'Status: veröffentlichen'
+Size: Größe
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Zeige _START_ bis _END_ von _TOTAL_ Einträgen'
+'Show / hide columns': 'Spalten anzeigen / verbergen'
+'Select some article first.': 'Zuerst bitte einige Artikel aussuchen.'
+'Select action': 'Aktion auswählen'
+'Save order': 'Reihenfolge speichern'
+'Reset all filters': 'Alle Filter zurücksetzen'
+'Published before': 'Veröffentlicht vor'
+'Published after': 'Veröffentlicht nach'
+'Publish date': Veröffentlichungsdatum
+'Publish Schedule': 'Automatisierte Veröffentlichung'
+'Publish Date': Veröffentlichungsdatum
+'Order updated.': 'Reihenfolge aktualisiert'
+'Open in browser': 'Im Browser öffnen'
+'No sections found': 'Keine Rubriken gefunden.'
+'No records found.': 'Keine Angaben gefunden.'
+'No publications found': 'Keine Publikationen gefunden.'
+'No issues found': 'Keine Ausgaben gefunden.'
+'No entries to show': 'Keine Einträge zum Anzeigen gefunden.'
+Locations: Standorte
+'Loading data': 'Daten werden geladen'
+'Last modified': 'Zuletzt geändert'
+'Last Modified': 'Zuletzt geändert'
+Last: Letzte
+First: Erste
+'Filter by...': 'Filtern nach...'
Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+Filename: Dateiname
+'Duplicate to another section': 'In eine andere Rubrik duplizieren'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Anzeigen _MENU_ Einträge'
+Creator: 'Erstellt von'
+'Create Date': 'Datum erstellen'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Artikelstatus auf $1 gesetzt.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Ausgewählte Artikel wirklich löschen?'
+'All Sections': 'Alle Rubriken'
+'All Publications': 'Alle Publikationen'
+'All Issues': 'Alle Ausgaben'
+Added: Hinzugefügt
+'Access denied.': 'Zugang verweigert'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 ausgewählt.'
+'$1 articles have been removed': '$ 1 Artikel wurden entfernt'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': 'filtert aus _MAX_ Einträgen '
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.en_GB.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..ca952abae0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.en_GB.yml
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Added: Added
'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtering from _MAX_ records'
'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
'No matches.': 'No matches.'
Searching...: Searching...
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.es.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..d076dc52a2 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.es.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'View article': 'Ver artículo'
+Source: Fuente
+'Select type': 'Seleccione el tipo'
+On: Encendido
+Off: Apagado
+Title: Tìtulo
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No es posible reproducir archivos de video, por favor descarga el video que aparece a continuación'
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'El estatus del artículo sí se configuró en $1 para los $2 artículos.'
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'El estatus del artículo no se configuró en $1 para los $2 artículos.'
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': 'La opción $1 sí se modificó para los $2 artículos.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': 'La opción $1 no se modificó para los $2 artículos.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': 'La opción $1 no se modificó para los $2 artículos.'
+'$1 articles have not been removed': 'No se eliminó/eliminaron $1 artículo(s) '
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 artículo(s) no está bloqueado'
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': 'El/los artículo(s) $1 no están desbloqueados.'
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': 'Se duplicó/duplicaron $1 artículo(s)'
+'Download file': 'Descargue archivo'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'No tiene privilegios para eliminar artículos.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'No tiene los privilegios para cambiar el estatus de este artículo. Una vez enviado el artículo solo los usuarios autorizados pueden modificarlos.'
+'Use Map': 'Mapa utilizado'
+'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Mostrar/ocultar: en sección'
+'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Mostrar/ocultar: en portada'
+'Toggle: Comments': 'Mostrar/ocultar: comentarios'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': '$1 ($2) bloqueó el artículo hace $3 minuto(s).'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': '$1 ($2) bloqueó el artículo hace $3 hora(s) y $4 minuto(s).'
+'Status: Submit': 'Estatus: enviar'
+'Status: Set New': 'Estatus: marcar como nuevo'
+'Status: Publish': 'Estatus: publicar'
+Size: Tamaño
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Mostrando de _START_ a _END_ el _TOTAL_ de entradas'
+'Show / hide columns': 'Mostrar/ocultar columnas'
+'Select some article first.': 'Primero seleccionar un artículo'
+'Select action': 'Seleccionar una acción'
+'Save order': 'Almacenar orden'
+'Reset all filters': 'Reiniciar todos los filtros'
+'Published before': 'Publicado antes'
+'Published after': 'Publicado después'
+'Publish date': 'Publicar fecha'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Publicar horario'
+'Publish Date': 'Fecha de publicación '
+'Order updated.': 'Se actualizó el orden'
+'Open in browser': 'Abrir en navegador'
+'No sections found': 'No se encontraron secciones'
+'No records found.': 'No se encontraron registros'
+'No publications found': 'No se encontraron publicaciones'
+'No issues found': 'No se encontraron ediciones'
+'No entries to show': 'No se encontraron entradas'
+Locations: Ubicaciones
+'Loading data': 'Cargando datos'
+'Last modified': 'Modificado por última vez'
+'Last Modified': 'Modificado por última vez'
+Last: Último
+First: Primero
+'Filter by...': 'Filtrado por...'
+Filter: Filtro
+Filename: 'Nombre del archivo'
+'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicar en otra sección'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Desplegar registros _MENU_'
+Creator: Creador
+'Create Date': 'Fecha de creación'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Se estableció el estatus del artículo en $1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': '¿Está seguro de querer borrar los artículos seleccionados?'
+'All Sections': 'Todas las secciones'
+'All Publications': 'Todas las publicaciones'
+'All Issues': 'Todas las ediciones'
+Added: Añadido
+'Access denied.': 'Acceso denegado.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$ seleccionados/deseleccionados'
+'$1 articles have been removed': 'Se han eliminado $1 artículo(s).'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '-filtrando desde archivos _MAX_'
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.es_AR.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..030f48d90b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: Título
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 articles have not been removed': null
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: Último
+First: Primero
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: null
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: null
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': 'Acceso denegado.'
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.fa.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..19c04f6db7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.fa.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: null
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
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+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: null
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: null
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.fr.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..42fb023d85 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.fr.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: Titre
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 articles have not been removed': null
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des articles.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de changer ce statut darticle. Une fois soumis un article peut seulement être changé par des utilisateurs autorisés. '
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': 'Publier un horaire'
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: Dernier
+First: Premier
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: 'Nom du fichier'
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: Créateur
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.he.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..19c04f6db7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.he.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: null
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 articles have not been removed': null
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: null
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: null
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.hr.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..d08fb6e364 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.hr.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: null
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 articles have not been removed': null
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Nemate prava brisati članke.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nemate prava mijenjati status članka. Predatom članku status može mijenjati samo prijavljeni korisnik.'
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': 'Raspored objavljivanja'
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: Zadnji
+First: Prvi
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: null
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: null
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.hu.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..92cc337412 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.hu.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: Webkód
+'View article': 'Cikk megtekintése'
+Source: Forrás
+'Select type': 'Válassz típust'
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: Cím
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'Nincsenek videolejátszási képességek, töltsd le az alábbi videót'
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'A cikk állapotának beállítása $1 állapotra megtörtént a/z $2 cikkhez'
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Nem történt meg a cikk állapotának beállítása $1 állapotra a/z $2 cikkhez'
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': 'A/z $1 nincs átváltva $2 cikkhez.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': 'A/z $1 nincs átváltva $2 cikkhez.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': 'A/z $1 nincs átváltva $2 cikkhez.'
+'$1 articles have not been removed': 'A/z $1 cikk eltávolítása nem történt meg'
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': 'A/z $1 cikk zárolásának feloldása megtörtént'
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': 'A(z) $1 cikk zárolása nincs feloldva'
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': 'A(z) $1 cikk megkettőzése megtörtént'
+'Download file': 'Fájl letöltése'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Nincs jogod a cikkek törléséhez.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nincs jogod ennek ennek a cikknek az állapotát módosítani. Cikk beküldése után csak a jogosult felhasználók módosíthatják.'
+'Use Map': 'Térkép használata'
+'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Váltás: A rovatlapon'
+'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Váltás: A címlapon'
+'Toggle: Comments': 'Váltás: Hozzászólások'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'A cikket $1 ($2) zárolta $3 perce.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'A cikket $1 ($2) zárolta $3 órája és $4 perce.'
+'Status: Submit': 'Állapot: Küldés'
+'Status: Set New': 'Állapot: Új beállítása'
+'Status: Publish': 'Állapot: Közzététel'
+Size: Méret
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': '_START_ - _END_. bejegyzés / _TOTAL_ megjelenítése'
+'Show / hide columns': 'Oszlopok megjelenítése / elrejtése'
+'Select some article first.': 'Előbb válassz ki néhány cikket.'
+'Select action': 'Művelet kiválasztása'
+'Save order': 'Sorrend mentése'
+'Reset all filters': 'Minden szűrő alaphelyzetbe állítása'
+'Published before': 'Közzétéve előtte'
+'Published after': 'Közzétéve utána'
+'Publish date': 'Közzététel dátuma'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Közzététel beütemezése'
+'Publish Date': 'Közzététel dátuma'
+'Order updated.': 'A sorrend frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Open in browser': 'Megnyitás a böngészőben'
+'No sections found': 'Nem találhatók rovatok'
+'No records found.': 'Nem találhatók rekordok.'
+'No publications found': 'Nem találhatók kiadványok'
+'No issues found': 'Nem találhatók számok'
+'No entries to show': 'Nincsenek megjelenítendő bejegyzések'
+Locations: Helyek
+'Loading data': 'Adatok betöltése'
+'Last modified': 'Utolsó módosítás'
+'Last Modified': 'Utolsó módosítás'
+Last: Utolsó
+First: Első
+'Filter by...': Szűrés...
+Filter: Szűrő
+Filename: Fájlnév
+'Duplicate to another section': 'Megkettőzés másik rovatba'
+'Display _MENU_ records': '_MENU_ rekord megjelenítése'
+Creator: Létrehozó
+'Create Date': 'Létrehozás dátuma'
+'Article status set to $1': 'A cikk állapotának beállítása megtörtént erre: $1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod a kiválasztott cikkeket?'
+'All Sections': 'Minden rovat'
+'All Publications': 'Minden kiadvány'
+'All Issues': 'Minden szám'
+Added: Hozzáadva
+'Access denied.': 'Hozzáférés megtagadva.'
+'$1 toggled.': 'A/z $1 átváltása megtörtént.'
+'$1 articles have been removed': 'A/z $1 cikk eltávolítása megtörtént'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- szűrés a _MAX_ rekordokból'
+'Search for creators': 'Létrehozók keresése'
+'No matches.': 'Nincs találat.'
+Searching...: Keresés...
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimális karakterszám: $1'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.hy_AM.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..b41ff52d82 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: Վերնագիր
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 articles have not been removed': null
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: Վերջին
+First: Առաջին
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: null
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: null
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ka.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..6ab9a96967 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ka.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: 'ქსელური კოდი'
+'View article': 'სტატიის ნახვა'
+Source: წყარო
+'Select type': 'შერჩეული ტიპი'
+On: ჩართვა
+Off: გამორთვა
+Title: სათაური
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'ვიდეოს დაკვრა შეუძლებელია, გთხოვთ გადმოქაჩოთ'
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'სტატიის სტატუსი არის $1 $2 სტატიებისთვის'
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'სტატიის სტატუსი არ არის მითითებული $1 $2 სტატიებისთვის'
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 ჩაირთო $2 სტატიებისთვის.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 არ ჩაირთო $2 სტატიებისთვის.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 არ ჩაირთო $2 სტატიებისთვის.'
+'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 სტატიები არ წაიშალა'
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 სტატია(ები) გაიხსნა'
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 სტატია(ები) არ გაიხსნა'
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 სტატია(ები) გაორმაგდა'
+'Download file': 'ფაილის გადმოტვირთვა'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სტატიების წაშლის ნებართვა'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ამ სტატიის სტატუსის შეცვლის ნებართვა. სტატიის შეცვლა მხოლოდ ავტორიზებულ მომხმარებლებს შეუძლიათ.'
+'Use Map': 'რუკის გამოყენება'
+'Toggle: On Section Page': 'ჩართე: სექციის გვერდზე'
+'Toggle: On Front Page': 'ჩართე: სექციის გვერდზე'
+'Toggle: Comments': 'ჩართე კომენტარები'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'სტატია დალუქა მოხმარებელმა $1 ($2) $3 წუთ(ებ)ის წინ.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'სტატია დალუქა მოხმარებელმა $1 ($2) $3 საათ(ებ)ის და $4 წუთ(ებ)ის წინ.'
+'Status: Submit': 'სტატუსი: ჩაბარებული'
+'Status: Set New': 'სტატუსი: ახალი'
+'Status: Publish': 'სტატუსი: გამოცემა'
+Size: ზომა
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': '_START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ ჩანაწერების ჩვენება'
+'Show / hide columns': 'სვეტების გამოჩენა/გაქრობა'
+'Select some article first.': 'აირჩიეთ სტატია'
+'Select action': 'აირჩიეთ მოქმდება'
+'Save order': 'თანმიმდევრობის შენახვა'
+'Reset all filters': 'ფილტრების '
+'Published before': 'გამოიცა ამ დრომდე:'
+'Published after': 'გამოიცა ამ დროის შემდეგ:'
+'Publish date': 'გამოცემის თარიღი'
+'Publish Schedule': 'პუბლიკაციის განრიგი'
+'Publish Date': 'პუბლიკაციის თარიღი'
+'Order updated.': 'თანმიმდევრობა განახლდა.'
+'Open in browser': 'გახსენით ბრაუზერში'
+'No sections found': 'სექციები ვერ მოინახა'
+'No records found.': 'ჩანაწერები ნაპოვნი არ არის.'
+'No publications found': 'პუბლიკაცია არ მოიძებნა'
+'No issues found': 'გამოცემები ვერ მოინახა'
+'No entries to show': 'საჩვენებელი ჩანაწერები არ არის.'
+Locations: ლოკაციები
+'Loading data': 'მონაცემები იტვირთება'
+'Last modified': 'ბოლო მოდიფიკაცია'
+'Last Modified': 'ბოლო მოდიფიკაცია'
+Last: ბოლო
+First: პირველი
+'Filter by...': 'გაფილტრე ამის მიხედვით:'
+Filter: ფილტრი
+Filename: 'ფაილის სახელი'
+'Duplicate to another section': 'სხვა სექციაში დუბლირება'
+'Display _MENU_ records': '_MENU_ ჩანაწერების ჩვენება'
+Creator: შემქმნელი
+'Create Date': 'შექმნის თარიღი'
+'Article status set to $1': 'სტატიის სტატუსი შეიცვალა - $1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ აღნიშნული სტატიების წაშლა?'
+'All Sections': 'ყველა სექცია'
+'All Publications': 'ყველა პუბლიკაცია'
+'All Issues': 'ყველა გამოცემა'
+Added: დაემატა
+'Access denied.': 'წვდომა აკრძალულია'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 ჩაირთო'
+'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 სტატიები მოიხსნა'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ko.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..883eca051f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ko.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: null
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 articles have not been removed': null
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': '기사를 삭제할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': '기사 상태를 변경할 권한이 없습니다. 송고된 기사는 권한있는 사용자만 수정할 수 있습니다. '
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': '출판 스케쥴'
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: 마지막
+First: 처음
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: null
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: null
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ku.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..19c04f6db7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ku.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: null
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 articles have not been removed': null
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: null
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: null
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.lv.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..19c04f6db7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.lv.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: null
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 articles have not been removed': null
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: null
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: null
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.nb_NO.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..19c04f6db7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: null
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 articles have not been removed': null
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: null
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: null
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.pl.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..1b32c1b065 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.pl.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: 'Kod internetowy'
+'View article': 'Zobacz artykuł'
+Source: Źródło
+'Select type': 'Wybierz typ'
+On: Włączony
+Off: Wyłączony
+Title: Tytuł
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'Brak możliwości odtworzenia wideo, możesz pobrać wideo poniżej.'
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Status artykułu dla artykułów $2 ustawiono na $1'
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Nie ustawiono statusu $1 artykułu dla artykułów $2'
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': 'Przełączono $1 dla $2 artykułów.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': 'Nie przełączono $1 dla $2 artykułów.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': 'Nie przełączono $1 dla $2 artykułów.'
+'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 artykułów nie zostało usunietych'
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': 'Odblokowano $1 artykuł(y)'
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': 'Nie odblokowano $1 artykuł(ów)'
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 powielonych artykuł(ów)'
+'Download file': 'Pobierz plik'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Nie masz praw aby usuwać artykuły.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniac status artykułu. Po wysłaniu artykuł może być zmieniony tylko przez autoryzowane osoby.'
+'Use Map': 'Użyj mapy'
+'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Pokaż: Na stronie sekcji'
+'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Pokaż: Na stronie głównej'
+'Toggle: Comments': 'Pokaż: Komentarze'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Artykuł zostal zablokowany przez $1 ($2) $3 minut(y) temu.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Artykuł zostal zablokowany przez $1 ($2) $3 godziny i $4 minut(y) temu.'
+'Status: Submit': 'Status: Wysłane'
+'Status: Set New': 'Status: Ustaw Nowy'
+'Status: Publish': 'Status: Opublikowany'
+Size: Rozmiar
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Pokaz _START_ do _END_ ze _TOTAL_ wpisow'
+'Show / hide columns': 'Pokaż / schowaj kolumny'
+'Select some article first.': 'Wybierz jakiś artykuł wpierw.'
+'Select action': 'Wybierz akcję'
+'Save order': 'Zapisz kolejność'
+'Reset all filters': 'Resetuj wszystkie filtry'
+'Published before': 'Opublikowany przed'
+'Published after': 'Opublikowany po'
+'Publish date': 'Data publikacji'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Kalendarz wydawniczy'
+'Publish Date': 'Data publiacji'
+'Order updated.': 'Kolejność zaktualizowana.'
+'Open in browser': 'Otwórz w przeglądarce'
+'No sections found': 'Nie znaleziono sekcji'
+'No records found.': 'Nie znaleziono rekordów.'
+'No publications found': 'Nie znaleziono publikacji'
+'No issues found': 'Nie znaleziono wydań'
+'No entries to show': 'Brak wpisów do pokazania'
+Locations: Lokalizacja
+'Loading data': 'Ładowanie danych '
+'Last modified': 'Ostatnia modyfikacja'
+'Last Modified': 'Ostatnia modyfikacja'
+Last: Ostatni
+First: Pierwszy
+'Filter by...': Filtruj...
+Filter: Filtrowanie
+Filename: 'Nazwa pliku'
+'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplikuj do innej sekcji'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Pokaż _MENU_ rekordy'
+Creator: Twórca
+'Create Date': 'Data utworzenia'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Status artykułu zmieniony na $1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Na pewno chcesz usunąć wybrane artykuły?'
+'All Sections': 'Wszystkie sekcje'
+'All Publications': 'Wszystkie publikacje'
+'All Issues': 'Wszystkie wydania'
+Added: Dodano
+'Access denied.': 'Dostęp zabroniony.'
'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'$1 articles have been removed': 'Usunięto artykułów: $1'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtrowanie z _MAX_ rekordów'
+'Search for creators': 'Szukaj po twórcach'
+'No matches.': 'Brak wyników.'
+Searching...: Szukam....
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimalna liczba znaków to: $1'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ps.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..19c04f6db7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.ps.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: null
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 articles have not been removed': null
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: null
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: null
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.pt_BR.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..a6a003d279 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: 'Código de web'
+'View article': 'Ver artigo'
+Source: Fonte
+'Select type': 'Selecionar o tipo'
+On: Ligar
+Off: Desligar
+Title: Título
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'Não há capacidade de playback de vídeo, por favor faça download do vídeo abaixo'
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Status do artigo definido como $1 para artigos do tipo $2'
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Status do artigo não foi definido como $1 para artigos do tipo $2'
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 alternado para artigos do tipo $2.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 não alternado para artigos do tipo $2.'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 não alternado para artigos do tipo $2.'
+'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 artigo(s) não foram removidos'
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 artigo(s) foram destrancados'
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 artigo(s) não foram destrancados'
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 artigo(s) duplicados'
+'Download file': 'Baixar arquivo'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Não tem permissões para eliminar artigos. '
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Não tem permissões para alterar o estado do artigo. Uma vez submetido apenas os utilizadores autorizados podem alterar o seu estado.'
+'Use Map': 'Usar o mapa'
+'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Alternar: Na página da seção'
+'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Alternar: Na primeira página'
+'Toggle: Comments': 'Alternar: Comentários'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'O artigo foi trancado por $1 ($2) $3 minuto(s) atrás.'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'O artigo foi trancado por $1 ($2) $3 hora(s) e $4 minuto(s) atrás.'
+'Status: Submit': 'Status: Entregar'
+'Status: Set New': 'Status: Definir novo'
+'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publicar'
+Size: Tamanho
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Mostrando _START_ a _END_ de _TOTAL_ inscrições'
+'Show / hide columns': 'Mostrar / esconder colunas'
+'Select some article first.': 'Selecione um artigo primeiro'
+'Select action': 'Selecione ação'
+'Save order': 'Salvar a ordem'
+'Reset all filters': 'Reinicializar todos os filtros'
+'Published before': 'Publicado antes de'
+'Published after': 'Publicado depois de'
+'Publish date': 'Data de publicação'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Agendamento de publicação'
+'Publish Date': 'Data de publicação'
+'Order updated.': 'Ordem atualizada'
+'Open in browser': 'Abrir no navegador'
+'No sections found': 'Nenhuma seção encontrada'
+'No records found.': 'Nenhum dado encontrado'
+'No publications found': 'Nenhuma publicação encontrada'
+'No issues found': 'Nenhum tema encontrado'
+'No entries to show': 'Não há registros para mostrar'
+Locations: Localidades
+'Loading data': 'Carregando dados'
+'Last modified': 'Modificado pela última vez'
+'Last Modified': 'Última vez modificado'
+Last: Ultimo
+First: Primeiro
+'Filter by...': 'Filtrar por...'
+Filter: Filtro
+Filename: 'Nome de arquivo'
+'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicar para outra seção'
+'Display _MENU_ records': Mostrar_MENU_registros
+Creator: Autor
+'Create Date': 'Data de criação'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Status do artigo definido como $1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Tem certeza que quer remover artigos selecionados?'
+'All Sections': 'Todas as seções'
+'All Publications': 'Todas as publicações'
+'All Issues': 'Todos os temas'
+Added: Adicionado
+'Access denied.': 'Acesso proibido.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 alternado.'
+'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 artigos foram removidos'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtrando de _MAX_ registros'
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sh.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..5fbb2f938a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sh.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: 'Web kod'
+'View article': 'Pogledaj tekst'
+Source: Izvor
+'Select type': 'Izaberi tip'
+On: Uključeno
+Off: Isključeno
+Title: Naslov
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'Bez mogućnosti reprodukcije videa, molim daunloudujte video'
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Status teksta postavljen na $1 za $2 tekstova'
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Status teksta nije postavljen na $1 za $2 tekstova'
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 promenjeno za $2 tekstova'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 nije promenjeno za $2 tekstova'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 nije promenjeno za $2 tekstova.'
+'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 tekstova nije uklonjeno'
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 tekst(ova) otključano'
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 tekst(ova) nije otključano'
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 tekst(ova) duplirano'
+'Download file': 'Preuzmi fajl'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete tekstove.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Nemate pravo da menajte status teksta. Predatom tekstu status može promeniti samo ovlašćeni korisnik.'
+'Use Map': 'Koristi mapu'
+'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Izmeni Na strani rubrike'
+'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Izmeni Na početnoj strani'
+'Toggle: Comments': 'Izmeni Komentari'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Tekst je zaključan od strane $1 ($2) pre $3 minut(a).'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Tekst je zaključan od strane $1 ($2) pre $3 čas(ova) i $4 minut(a).'
+'Status: Submit': 'Status: predaj'
+'Status: Set New': 'Status: Novi'
+'Status: Publish': 'Status: objavljen'
+Size: Veličina
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Prikazano _START_ do _END_ od _TOTAL_ unosa'
+'Show / hide columns': 'Prikaži/sakri kolone'
+'Select some article first.': 'Prvo izaberite neke tekstove'
+'Select action': 'Izaberite akciju'
+'Save order': 'Snimi redosled'
+'Reset all filters': 'Poništi sve filtere'
+'Published before': 'Objavljeno pre'
+'Published after': 'Objavljeno posle'
+'Publish date': 'Datum objavljivanja'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Raspored objavljivanja'
+'Publish Date': 'Datum objavljivanja'
+'Order updated.': 'Redosled izmenjen.'
+'Open in browser': 'Otvori u pretraživaču'
+'No sections found': 'Nema rubrika'
+'No records found.': 'Nema zapisa'
+'No publications found': 'Nema publikacija'
+'No issues found': 'Nema izdanja'
+'No entries to show': 'Nema unosa za prikaz'
+Locations: Lokacije
+'Loading data': Učitavanje
+'Last modified': Izmenjeno
+'Last Modified': Izmenjeno
+Last: Poslednji
+First: Prvi
+'Filter by...': 'Filtriraj po...'
Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+Filename: 'Naziv fajla'
+'Duplicate to another section': 'Dupliraj u drugu rubriku'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Prikaži _MENU_ zapise'
+Creator: Napravio
+'Create Date': 'Datum pravljenja'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Status članka je podešen u $1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete izabrane tekstove?'
+'All Sections': 'Sve rubrike'
+'All Publications': 'API publikacije'
+'All Issues': 'Sva izdanja'
+Added: Dodato
+'Access denied.': 'Pristup zabranjen.'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 izmenjeno u suprotno.'
+'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 tekstova je uklonjeno'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtriranje među _MAX_ zapisa'
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sq.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..19c04f6db7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sq.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: null
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 articles have not been removed': null
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': null
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': null
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': null
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: null
+First: null
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: null
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: null
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sr.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..64227117c0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sr.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: 'Веб код'
+'View article': 'Погледај текст'
+Source: Извор
+'Select type': 'Изабери тип'
+On: Укључено
+Off: Искључено
+Title: Наслов
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'Без могућности репродукције видеа, молим преузмите видео'
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Статус текста постављен на $1за $2 текстова'
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Статус текстс није постављен на $1за $2 текстова'
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 промењено за $2 текстова'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 није промењено за $2 текстова'
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 није промењено за $2 текстова.'
+'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 текстова није уклоњено'
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 текст(ова) откључано'
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 текст(ова) није откључано'
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 текст(ова) дуплирано'
+'Download file': 'Преузми фајл'
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Немате право да бришете текстове.'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Немате право да мењате статус текста. Предатом тексту статус може променити само овлашћени корисник.'
+'Use Map': 'Користи мапу'
+'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Измени На страни рубрике'
+'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Измени На почетној страни'
+'Toggle: Comments': 'Измени Коментари'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'Текст је закључан од стране $1 ($2) пре $3 минут(а)'
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'Текст је закључан од стране $1 ($2) пре $3 час(ова) и $4 минут(а)'
+'Status: Submit': 'Статус: предат'
+'Status: Set New': 'Статус: нови'
+'Status: Publish': 'Статус: објављен'
+Size: Величина
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Приказано _START_ до _END_ од _TOTAL_ уноса'
+'Show / hide columns': 'Прикажи/сакри колоне'
+'Select some article first.': 'Прво изаберите неке текстове'
+'Select action': 'Изаберите акцију'
+'Save order': 'Сними редослед'
+'Reset all filters': 'Поништи све филтере'
+'Published before': 'Објављено пре'
+'Published after': 'Објављено после'
+'Publish date': 'Датум објављивања'
+'Publish Schedule': 'Распоред објављивања'
+'Publish Date': 'Датум објављивања'
+'Order updated.': 'Редослед измењен'
+'Open in browser': 'Отвори у претраживачу'
+'No sections found': 'Нема рубрика'
+'No records found.': 'Нема записа'
+'No publications found': 'Нема публикација'
+'No issues found': 'Нема издања'
+'No entries to show': 'Нема уноса за приказ'
+Locations: Локације
+'Loading data': Учитавање
+'Last modified': Измењено
+'Last Modified': Измењено
+Last: Последњи
+First: Први
+'Filter by...': 'Филтрирај по...'
+Filter: Филтер
+Filename: 'Назив фајла'
+'Duplicate to another section': 'Дуплирај у другу рубрику'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Прикажи _MENU_ записе'
+Creator: Направио
+'Create Date': 'Датум прављења'
+'Article status set to $1': 'Статус текста је подешен у $1'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете изабране текстове?'
+'All Sections': 'Све рубрике'
+'All Publications': 'АПИ публикације'
+'All Issues': 'Сва издања'
+Added: Додато
+'Access denied.': 'Приступ забрањен'
+'$1 toggled.': '$1 измењено у спротно.'
+'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 текстова уклоњено'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- филтрирање међу _MAX_ записа'
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sv.yml
index 9e1a53eae7..c334dfc4d5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/library.sv.yml
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-'Show hidden Article Types?': 'Show hidden Article Types?'
-Webcode: Webcode
-'View article': 'View article'
-Source: Source
-'Select type': 'Select type'
-On: On
-Off: Off
-Title: Title
-'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': 'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below'
-'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': 'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles'
-'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': '$1 not toggled for $2 articles.'
-'$1 articles have not been removed': '$1 articles have not been removed'
-'$1 Article(s) unlocked': '$1 Article(s) unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': '$1 Article(s) not unlocked'
-'$1 Article(s) duplicated': '$1 Article(s) duplicated'
-'Download file': 'Download file'
-'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'You do not have the right to delete articles.'
-'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.'
-'Use Map': 'Use Map'
-'Toggle: On Section Page': 'Toggle: On Section Page'
-'Toggle: On Front Page': 'Toggle: On Front Page'
-'Toggle: Comments': 'Toggle: Comments'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.'
-'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': 'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.'
-'Status: Submit': 'Status: Submit'
-'Status: Set New': 'Status: Set New'
-'Status: Publish': 'Status: Publish'
-Size: Size
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Show / hide columns': 'Show / hide columns'
-'Select some article first.': 'Select some article first.'
-'Select action': 'Select action'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Reset all filters': 'Reset all filters'
-'Published before': 'Published before'
-'Published after': 'Published after'
-'Publish date': 'Publish date'
-'Publish Schedule': 'Publish Schedule'
-'Publish Date': 'Publish Date'
-'Order updated.': 'Order updated.'
-'Open in browser': 'Open in browser'
-'No sections found': 'No sections found'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No publications found': 'No publications found'
-'No issues found': 'No issues found'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-Locations: Locations
-'Loading data': 'Loading data'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Last Modified': 'Last Modified'
-Last: Last
-First: First
-'Filter by...': 'Filter by...'
-Filter: Filter
-Filename: Filename
-'Duplicate to another section': 'Duplicate to another section'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-Creator: Creator
-'Create Date': 'Create Date'
-'Article status set to $1': 'Article status set to $1'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?'
-'All Sections': 'All Sections'
-'All Publications': 'All Publications'
-'All Issues': 'All Issues'
-Added: Added
-'Access denied.': 'Access denied.'
-'$1 toggled.': '$1 toggled.'
-'$1 articles have been removed': '$1 articles have been removed'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'Search for creators': 'Search for creators'
-'No matches.': 'No matches.'
-Searching...: Searching...
-'Minimum input of characters: $1': 'Minimum input of characters: $1'
+'Show hidden Article Types?': null
+Webcode: null
+'View article': null
+Source: null
+'Select type': null
+On: null
+Off: null
+Title: null
+'No video playback capabilities, please download the video below': null
+'Article status set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'Article status not set to $1 for $2 articles': null
+'$1 toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 not toggled for $2 articles.': null
+'$1 articles have not been removed': null
+'$1 Article(s) unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) not unlocked': null
+'$1 Article(s) duplicated': null
+'Download file': null
+'You do not have the right to delete articles.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera artiklar'
+'You do not have the right to change this article status. Once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.': 'Du har inte rätt att ändra den här artikelns status. Så fort en artikel har skickats in kan den bara ändras av behöriga användare.'
+'Use Map': null
+'Toggle: On Section Page': null
+'Toggle: On Front Page': null
+'Toggle: Comments': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 minute(s) ago.': null
+'The article has been locked by $1 ($2) $3 hour(s) and $4 minute(s) ago.': null
+'Status: Submit': null
+'Status: Set New': null
+'Status: Publish': null
+Size: null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Show / hide columns': null
+'Select some article first.': null
+'Select action': null
+'Save order': null
+'Reset all filters': null
+'Published before': null
+'Published after': null
+'Publish date': null
+'Publish Schedule': Publiceringsschema
+'Publish Date': null
+'Order updated.': null
+'Open in browser': null
+'No sections found': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No publications found': null
+'No issues found': null
+'No entries to show': null
+Locations: null
+'Loading data': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Last Modified': null
+Last: Sista
+First: Första
+'Filter by...': null
+Filter: null
+Filename: null
+'Duplicate to another section': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+Creator: null
+'Create Date': null
+'Article status set to $1': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?': null
+'All Sections': null
+'All Publications': null
+'All Issues': null
+Added: null
+'Access denied.': null
+'$1 toggled.': null
+'$1 articles have been removed': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'Search for creators': null
+'No matches.': null
+Searching...: null
+'Minimum input of characters: $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.az.yml
index d0bf33eed7..3332379621 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.az.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: göstər
+hide: gizlə
+Title: Başlıq
+'Resource Type:': 'Mənbə Növü:'
+'Resource Type': 'Mənbə Növü'
+Resource: Mənbə
+Diff: Fərq
+'Broken data': 'Sındırılmış məlumat'
+'Action Type:': 'Addım Növü:'
+'No logs.': 'Giriş yoxdur.'
+User: İstifadəçi
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.be.yml
index d0bf33eed7..cd5e18ba39 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.be.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: Паказаць
+hide: Схаваць
+Title: Загаловак
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: Карыстальнік
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.bn.yml
index d0bf33eed7..ede9deab79 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.bn.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: null
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.cs.yml
index d0bf33eed7..8790d85972 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.cs.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
+show: zobrazit
+hide: skrýt
+Title: Název
+'Resource Type:': 'Typ zdroje:'
+'Resource Type': 'Typ zdroje'
+Resource: Zdroj
Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+'Broken data': 'Nesouvislá data'
+'Action Type:': 'Typ akce:'
+'No logs.': 'Žádné záznamy.'
+User: Uživatel
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.da.yml
index d0bf33eed7..e8056a72a4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.da.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
+show: vis
+hide: skjul
+Title: Titel
+'Resource Type:': 'Ressource type:'
+'Resource Type': 'Ressource type'
+Resource: Ressource
Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+'Broken data': 'Ødelagt data'
+'Action Type:': 'Handlings type:'
+'No logs.': 'Ingen logfiler.'
+User: Bruger
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.de.yml
index d0bf33eed7..f02a43919b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.de.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
+show: anzeigen
+hide: verbergen
+Title: Titel
+'Resource Type:': Ressourcentyp
+'Resource Type': Ressourcentyp
+Resource: Ressource
Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+'Broken data': 'Kaputte Daten'
+'Action Type:': 'Aktionstyp: '
+'No logs.': 'Keine Logs. '
+User: Benutzer
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.de_AT.yml
index d0bf33eed7..f02a43919b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
+show: anzeigen
+hide: verbergen
+Title: Titel
+'Resource Type:': Ressourcentyp
+'Resource Type': Ressourcentyp
+Resource: Ressource
Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+'Broken data': 'Kaputte Daten'
+'Action Type:': 'Aktionstyp: '
+'No logs.': 'Keine Logs. '
+User: Benutzer
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.es.yml
index d0bf33eed7..8a39305807 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.es.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
+show: mostrar
+hide: ocultar
+Title: Tìtulo
+'Resource Type:': 'Tipo de recurso:'
+'Resource Type': 'Tipo de recurso'
+Resource: Recurso
Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+'Broken data': 'Datos incompletos'
+'Action Type:': 'Tipo de Acción:'
+'No logs.': 'Sin logs.'
+User: Usuario
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.es_AR.yml
index d0bf33eed7..c1dcf1626f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: Título
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.fa.yml
index d0bf33eed7..ede9deab79 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.fa.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: null
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.fr.yml
index d0bf33eed7..fc84e22e69 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.fr.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: Titre
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: Utilisateur
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.he.yml
index d0bf33eed7..ede9deab79 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.he.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: null
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.hr.yml
index d0bf33eed7..f88b5238f8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.hr.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: null
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: Korisnik
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.hu.yml
index d0bf33eed7..a297331272 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.hu.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: megjelenítés
+hide: elrejtés
+Title: Cím
+'Resource Type:': 'Erőforrás típusa:'
+'Resource Type': 'Erőforrás típusa'
+Resource: Erőforrás
+Diff: Eltérés
+'Broken data': 'Hibás adat'
+'Action Type:': 'Művelettípus:'
+'No logs.': 'Nincsenek naplók.'
+User: Felhasználó
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.hy_AM.yml
index d0bf33eed7..095b91e5f7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: Վերնագիր
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ka.yml
index d0bf33eed7..d4a5a4af00 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ka.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: ჩვენება
+hide: დამალვა
+Title: სათაური
+'Resource Type:': 'რესურსის ტიპი:'
+'Resource Type': 'რესურსის ტიპი'
+Resource: 'რესურსი '
+Diff: შედარება
+'Broken data': 'ხარვეზული მონაცემი'
+'Action Type:': 'მოქმედების ტიპი: '
+'No logs.': 'აღრიცხვა არ არსებობს'
+User: მომხმარებელი
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ko.yml
index d0bf33eed7..0a1b623ba6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ko.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: null
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: '사용자 '
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ku.yml
index d0bf33eed7..ede9deab79 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ku.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: null
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.lv.yml
index d0bf33eed7..ede9deab79 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.lv.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: null
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.nb_NO.yml
index d0bf33eed7..ede9deab79 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: null
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.pl.yml
index d0bf33eed7..b7aa83c490 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.pl.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: pokaż
+hide: schowaj
+Title: Tytuł
+'Resource Type:': 'Typ zasobu:'
+'Resource Type': 'Typ zasobu'
+Resource: Zasób
+Diff: Róznica
+'Broken data': 'Dane uszkodzone'
+'Action Type:': 'Typ akcji:'
+'No logs.': 'Brak logów.'
+User: Użytkownik
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ps.yml
index d0bf33eed7..ede9deab79 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.ps.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: null
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.pt_BR.yml
index d0bf33eed7..7fb667f6fb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: mostrar
+hide: esconder
+Title: Título
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: Utilizador
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sh.yml
index d0bf33eed7..287c624ca7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sh.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: prikaži
+hide: sakri
+Title: Naslov
+'Resource Type:': 'Tip resursa:'
+'Resource Type': 'Tip resursa'
+Resource: Resurs
+Diff: Razlika
+'Broken data': 'Oštećeni podaci'
+'Action Type:': 'Tip radnje:'
+'No logs.': 'Nema logova.'
+User: Korisnik
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sq.yml
index d0bf33eed7..ede9deab79 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sq.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: null
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sr.yml
index d0bf33eed7..9fa794961d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sr.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: прикажи
+hide: сакри
+Title: Наслов
+'Resource Type:': 'Тип ресурса:'
+'Resource Type': 'Тип ресурса'
+Resource: Ресурс
+Diff: Разлика
+'Broken data': 'Оштећени подаци'
+'Action Type:': 'Тип радње:'
+'No logs.': 'Нема логова'
+User: Корисник
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sv.yml
index d0bf33eed7..554f7ec401 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/logs.sv.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-show: show
-hide: hide
-Title: Title
-'Resource Type:': 'Resource Type:'
-'Resource Type': 'Resource Type'
-Resource: Resource
-Diff: Diff
-'Broken data': 'Broken data'
-'Action Type:': 'Action Type:'
-'No logs.': 'No logs.'
-User: User
+show: null
+hide: null
+Title: null
+'Resource Type:': null
+'Resource Type': null
+Resource: null
+Diff: null
+'Broken data': null
+'Action Type:': null
+'No logs.': null
+User: Användare
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.az.yml
index 3c876a962f..b12d8a1afd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.az.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'Heç bir eskiz düzəldilməyib.'
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Yerdə qalan eskizlər düzəldi.'
+Slideshows: Slayd-şoular
+'You cant update used files.': 'İstifadə edilmiş faylları yeniləyə bilməzsən.'
+Source: Mənbə
+Local: Yerli
+'Items updated.': 'Elementlər yekləndi.'
+Feedback: Şərh
+'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Yalnış istifadə edilməmişləri yeniləmək istəyirsən?'
+'Disapprove selected': 'Təsdiqlənməmiş seçilib'
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Seçilmiş elementləri yeniləmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Approve selected': 'Təsdiqlənmiş seçilib'
+'Image files': 'Şəkil faylları'
+'Fix all thumbnails': 'Bütün eskizləri düzəlt'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Fayl əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Bu fayl məqalənin yalnız mövcud tərcüməsinə, yoxsa bütün tərcümələrinə aiddir?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Lütfən, fayl üçün izah daxil et: $1.'
+'Only this translation': 'Yalnız bu tərcümə'
+'No files for multi editing.': 'Çoxsaylı dəyişiklik üçün fayl yoxdur.'
+'Edit files': 'Faylları dəyiş'
+'Change file information': 'Fayl məlumatını dəyiş'
+'All translations': 'Bütün tərcümələr'
+'Save All': 'Hamısını Saxla'
+Files: Fayllar
+'You cant delete used files.': 'İstifadə edilmiş faylları silə bilərsən.'
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Yalnız istifadə edilməmişləri silmək istəyirsən?'
+'View attachment': 'Əlavə fayla bax'
+'Select some items first.': 'Əvvəl bəzi elementləri seç.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Brauzerdə aç'
+'Media Archive': 'Mətbuat Arxivi'
+'Last modified': 'Son redaktələr'
+'Items deleted.': 'Elementlər silindi.'
+'File uploaded.': 'Fayl yükləndi.'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Bu faylın istifadəçi brauzerdə açılmasını, yoxsa avtomatik endirilməsini istəyirsən?'
+'Delete selected': 'Seçilmişi sil'
+Created: Yaradıldı
+Charset: Şifrələmə
+'Change attachment information': 'Əlavə fayl məlumatını dəyiş'
+'Automatically download': 'Avtomatik endirilmə'
+'Attachment updated.': 'Əlavə edilmiş fayl yeniləndi.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Seçilmiş elementləri silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Add new file': 'Yeni fayl əlavə et'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Şəkil əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Use for all': 'Hamısı üçün istifadə et'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Şəkli yükləmək istəyirsənsə, onun url-ini müəyyən et.'
+Size: Ölçü
+'No images for multi editing.': 'Çoxsaylı dəyişiklik üçün şəkil yoxdur.'
+'Images updated.': 'Şəkillər yeniləndi.'
+'Edit images': 'Şəkilləri dəyiş'
+'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 faylı yükləndi.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Yeni şəkil əlavə etmək mümkün deyil.'
+'Image updated.': 'Şəkil yeniləndi.'
+'Image $1 deleted.': '$1 şəkli silindi.'
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Şəkil istifadədədir, o silinə bilməz.'
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Yükləmək üçün şəkil seçməlisiniz.'
+'Add new image': 'Yeni şəkil əlavə et'
+'Delete image $1': '$1 şəklini sil'
+'Used in articles': 'Məqalələrdə istifadə edilib'
+'View image': 'Şəkilə bax'
+'Change image information': 'Şəkil məlumatını dəyiş'
+'Photographer URL': 'Fotoqraf URL-i'
+'Add website url starting with http://': 'http:// ilə başlayan yeni vebsayt urı-i'
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.be.yml
index 3c876a962f..a4b2e5c109 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.be.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: Слайдшоў
+'You cant update used files.': 'Вы не можаце абнавіць выкарыстаныя файлы.'
+Source: Крыніца
+Local: Мясцовы
+'Items updated.': 'Пункты абноўленыя.'
+Feedback: 'Зваротная сувязь'
+'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Вы жадаеце абнавіць толькі нескарыстанае?'
+'Disapprove selected': 'Не прымаць абранае'
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце абнавіць абраныя пункты?'
+'Approve selected': 'Прыняць абранае'
+'Image files': 'Файлы выяваў'
+'Fix all thumbnails': 'Выправіць усе эскізы'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Вы ня маеце права дадаваць файлы.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Гэты файл павiнен быць даступны толькi для гэтага перакладу цi для ўсiх перакладаў?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Калі ласка, увядзіце апісанне файла: $1.'
+'Only this translation': 'Толькi гэты пераклад'
+'No files for multi editing.': 'Няма файлаў для агульнага рэдагавання.'
+'Edit files': 'Рэдагаваць файлы'
+'Change file information': 'Зьмянiць iнфармацыю аб файле'
+'All translations': 'Усе пераклады'
+'Save All': 'Захаваць усё'
+Files: Файлы
+'You cant delete used files.': 'Вы не можаце выдаліць файлы, якія выкарыстоўваюцца.'
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Вы жадаеце выдаліць толькі нявыкарыстаныя файлы?'
+'View attachment': 'Паказаць прымацаваны файл'
+'Select some items first.': 'Выберыце спачатку некалькі элементаў'
+'Open in the browser': 'Адкрыць у браўзэре'
+'Media Archive': Медыя-архіў
+'Last modified': 'Апошнія змяненні'
+'Items deleted.': 'Элементы выдаленыя.'
+'File uploaded.': 'Файл загружаны.'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Цi Вы жадаеце, штоб гэты файл адкрываўся ў браўзэре карыстальнiка цi аўтаматычна загружаўся'
+'Delete selected': 'Выдаліць абраныя'
+Created: Створаная
+Charset: Кадыроўка
+'Change attachment information': 'Змяніць інфармацыю аб далучанай файле'
+'Automatically download': 'Аўтаматычная загрузка'
+'Attachment updated.': 'Далучаны файл абноўлены.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдаліць абраныя элементы?'
+'Add new file': 'Дадаць новы файл'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Вы ня маеце права дадаваць графiчныя файлы.'
+'Use for all': 'Выкарыстоўваць для ўсіх'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Пазначце URL выявы, калі жадаеце загрузіць яе.'
+Size: Памер
+'No images for multi editing.': 'Няма малюнкаў для многофайлового рэдагавання.'
+'Images updated.': 'Абнаўленне малюнкаў.'
+'Edit images': 'Рэдагаваць выявы'
+'$1 files uploaded.': 'Файлы $ 1 загружаныя.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Немагчыма дадаць новы графiчны файл.'
+'Image updated.': 'Графiчны файл абноўлены.'
+'Image $1 deleted.': 'Графiчны файл $1 выдалены.'
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Графiчны файл выкарыстоўваецца i ня можа быць выдалены.'
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Вы павiнны выбраць графiчны файл для загрузкi.'
+'Add new image': 'Дадаць новы графiчны файл.'
+'Delete image $1': 'Выдалiць графiчны файл $1'
+'Used in articles': 'Выкарыстана ў артыкулах'
+'View image': 'Прагляд графiчнага файлу'
+'Change image information': 'Змянiць iнфармацыю аб графiчным файле'
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.bn.yml
index 3c876a962f..910300a817 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.bn.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': null
+'All translations': null
+'Save All': null
+Files: null
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Add new image': null
+'Delete image $1': null
+'Used in articles': null
+'View image': null
+'Change image information': null
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.cs.yml
index 3c876a962f..56683e71c9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.cs.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'Nebyly opraveny žádné thumbnails.'
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Chybějící thumbnaily opraveny.'
Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'You cant update used files.': 'Nemůžete aktualizovat použité soubory.'
+Source: Zdroj
+Local: Lokální
+'Items updated.': 'Položky aktualizovány.'
+Feedback: 'Zpětná vazba'
+'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Chcete aktualizovat pouze nepoužité?'
+'Disapprove selected': 'Neodsouhlasit vybrané'
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Jste si jisti, že chcete aktualizovat vybrané položky?'
+'Approve selected': 'Odsouhlasit vybrané'
+'Image files': 'Soubory obrázků'
+'Fix all thumbnails': 'Všechny thumbnails opraveny'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Nemáte oprávnění přidávat soubory.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Měl by tento soubor být dostupný pouze pro tento překlad článku nebo pro všechny.'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Prosím zadejte popis složky: $1.'
+'Only this translation': 'Pouze tento překlad'
+'No files for multi editing.': 'Nejsou zde žádné složky pro multi-editaci.'
+'Edit files': 'Editovat složky'
+'Change file information': 'Změnit informace o souboru'
+'All translations': 'Všechny překlady'
+'Save All': 'Uložit Vše'
+Files: Soubory
+'You cant delete used files.': 'Nemůžete odstranit použité soubory.'
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Chcete odstranit pouze nepoužité soubory?'
+'View attachment': 'Náhled přílohy'
+'Select some items first.': 'Nejprve vyberte nějaké položky.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Otevřít v prohlížeči.'
+'Media Archive': 'Archiv Médií'
+'Last modified': 'Naposledy změněno'
+'Items deleted.': 'Odstraněné položky'
+'File uploaded.': 'Soubor nahrán'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Chcete, aby se tento soubor otevíral v prohlížeči nebo se automaticky stáhl.'
+'Delete selected': 'Odstranit vybrané položky'
+Created: Vytvořeno
+Charset: 'Znaková sada'
+'Change attachment information': 'Změnit přiložení informací'
+'Automatically download': 'Automaticky stáhnout'
+'Attachment updated.': 'Příloha je aktualizována.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Jste si jistí, že chcete vybrané položky odstranit?'
+'Add new file': 'Přidat nový soubor'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Nemáte oprávnění přidávat obrázky.'
+'Use for all': 'Použít pro všechny'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specifikujte URL obrázku, pokud ho chcete nahrát.'
+Size: 'Velikost '
+'No images for multi editing.': 'Žádné obrázky k vícečetné editaci.'
+'Images updated.': 'Obrázky aktualizovány'
+'Edit images': 'Editovat obrázky'
+'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 soubory nahrány '
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Nezdařilo se přidat nový obrázek.'
+'Image updated.': 'Obrázek aktualizován.'
+'Image $1 deleted.': 'Obrázek $1 odstraněn.'
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Obrázek se používá, nelze jej odstranit.'
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Zvolte obrázkový soubor k nahrání.'
+'Add new image': 'Přidat obrázek'
+'Delete image $1': 'Stazat obrázek $1'
+'Used in articles': 'Užívá se v článcích'
+'View image': 'Náhled obrázku'
+'Change image information': 'Změnit informace obrázku'
+'Photographer URL': 'URL fotografa'
+'Add website url starting with http://': 'Přidat url webové stránky začínající na http://'
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.da.yml
index 3c876a962f..5d353cccb0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.da.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'Ingen thumbnails blev repareret.'
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Manglende thumbnails blev repareret.'
+Slideshows: Gallerier
+'You cant update used files.': 'Du kan ikke opdatere filer i brug.'
+Source: Kilde
+Local: Lokal
+'Items updated.': 'Elementer opdateret.'
Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Vil du kun opdatere ubrugte?'
+'Disapprove selected': 'Afvis valgte'
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Vil du opdatere de valgte elementer?'
+'Approve selected': 'Godkend valgte'
+'Image files': Billedfiler
+'Fix all thumbnails': 'Reparer alle thumbnails'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje filer.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Skal filen kun bruges til denne oversættelse af artiklen eller til alle oversættelser?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Giv en beskrivelse af filen: $1.'
+'Only this translation': 'Kun denne oversættelse'
+'No files for multi editing.': 'Ingen filer til multiredigering.'
+'Edit files': 'Rediger filer'
+'Change file information': 'Rediger fil information'
+'All translations': 'Alle oversættelser'
+'Save All': 'Gem alt'
+Files: Filer
+'You cant delete used files.': 'Du kan ikke slette filer i brug.'
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Vil du kun slette ubrugte?'
+'View attachment': 'Se vedhæftning'
+'Select some items first.': 'Vælg først elementer.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Åben i browseren'
+'Media Archive': 'Medie arkiv'
+'Last modified': 'Sidst ændret'
+'Items deleted.': 'Poster slettet.'
+'File uploaded.': 'Fil uploadet.'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Skal filen åbne i brugerens browser eller downloades automatisk?'
+'Delete selected': 'Slet valgte'
+Created: Oprettet
+Charset: Karaktersæt
+'Change attachment information': 'Rediger information om vedhæftning'
+'Automatically download': 'Download automatisk'
+'Attachment updated.': 'Vedhæftning opdateret.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Vil du slette de valgte poster?'
+'Add new file': 'Tilføj ny fil'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje billeder.'
+'Use for all': 'Brug til alle'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Angiv billede url hvis du vil hente det.'
+Size: Størrelse
+'No images for multi editing.': 'Ingen billeder til multiredigering.'
+'Images updated.': 'Billeder opdateret.'
+'Edit images': 'Rediger billeder'
+'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 filer uploaded.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Kunne ikke tilføje nyt billede.'
+'Image updated.': 'Billede opdateret.'
+'Image $1 deleted.': 'Billede $1 slettet.'
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Billedet er i brug og kan ikke slettes.'
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Vælg en billedfil til upload.'
+'Add new image': 'Tilføj nyt billede'
+'Delete image $1': 'Slet billede $1'
+'Used in articles': 'Brugt i artikler'
+'View image': 'Se billede'
+'Change image information': 'Rediger billedinformation'
+'Photographer URL': 'Fotograf URL'
+'Add website url starting with http://': 'Indtast hjemmeside URL inklusive http://'
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'Filen $1 kunne ikke uploades'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.de.yml
index 3c876a962f..7657a03478 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.de.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'Es wurden keine Thumbnails gefixt.'
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Fehlende Thumbnails gefixt.'
+Slideshows: Bildstrecken
+'You cant update used files.': 'Sie können keine Dateien im Gebrauch aktualisieren. '
+Source: Quelle
+Local: Lokal
+'Items updated.': 'Einträge aktualisiert. '
Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Möchten Sie nur ungenutzte aktualisieren? '
+'Disapprove selected': 'Ausgewählte ablehnen'
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Wollen Sie wirklich die ausgewählten Einträge aktualisieren? '
+'Approve selected': 'Ausgewählte genehmigen'
+'Image files': Bilddateien
+'Fix all thumbnails': 'Alle Thumbnails reparieren'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Dateien hinzuzufügen.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Soll diese Datei nur für diese Übersetzung des Artikels verfügbar sein oder für alle Übersetzungen?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Bitte geben Sie eine Beschreibung für Datei: $1 ein. '
+'Only this translation': 'Nur diese Übersetzung'
+'No files for multi editing.': 'Keine Dateien für mehrfaches Bearbeiten.'
+'Edit files': 'Dateien bearbeiten. '
+'Change file information': 'Dateiinformation ändern'
+'All translations': 'Alle Übersetzungen'
+'Save All': 'Alle speichern'
+Files: Dateien
+'You cant delete used files.': 'Dateien in Gebrauch können nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Nur ungenutzte löschen?'
+'View attachment': 'Anhang betrachten'
+'Select some items first.': 'Zuerst einige Einträge auswählen.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Im Browser öffnen'
+'Media Archive': Medienarchiv
+'Last modified': 'Zuletzt geändert'
+'Items deleted.': 'Einträge gelöscht'
+'File uploaded.': 'Datei hochgeladen'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Soll diese Datei im Browser geöffnet oder automatisch zum Herunterladen angeboten werden?'
+'Delete selected': 'Ausgewählte löschen'
+Created: Angelegt
+Charset: Schriftsatz
+'Change attachment information': 'Informationen zum Anhang ändern'
+'Automatically download': 'Automatisch herunterladen'
+'Attachment updated.': 'Anhang aktualisiert.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Wollen Sie wirklich ausgewählte Einträge löschen?'
+'Add new file': 'Neue Datei hinzufügen'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Keine Berechtigung neue Bilder hinzuzufügen.'
+'Use for all': 'Für alle Bilder verwenden'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Geben Sie die URL für das Bild an, das Sie laden wollen'
+Size: Größe
+'No images for multi editing.': 'Keine Bilder für mehrfaches Bearbeiten.'
+'Images updated.': 'Bilder aktualisiert.'
+'Edit images': 'Bilder bearbeiten'
+'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 Dateien hochgeladen.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Neues Bild kann nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'Image updated.': 'Bild aktualisiert.'
+'Image $1 deleted.': 'Bild $1 gelöscht.'
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Bild ist in Gebrauch und kann nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Eine Bilddatei zum Hochladen auswählen.'
+'Add new image': 'Neues Bild hinzufügen'
+'Delete image $1': 'Bild $1 löschen'
+'Used in articles': 'In Artikeln verwendet'
+'View image': 'Bild betrachten'
+'Change image information': 'Bildinformation ändern'
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.de_AT.yml
index 3c876a962f..027f38ca84 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: Bildstrecken
+'You cant update used files.': 'Sie können keine Dateien im Gebrauch aktualisieren. '
+Source: Quelle
+Local: Lokal
+'Items updated.': 'Einträge aktualisiert. '
Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Möchten Sie nur ungenutzte aktualisieren? '
+'Disapprove selected': 'Ausgewählte ablehnen'
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Wollen Sie wirklich die ausgewählten Einträge aktualisieren? '
+'Approve selected': 'Ausgewählte genehmigen'
+'Image files': Bilddateien
+'Fix all thumbnails': 'Alle Thumbnails reparieren'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Dateien hinzuzufügen.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Soll diese Datei nur für diese Übersetzung des Artikels verfügbar sein oder für alle Übersetzungen?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Bitte geben Sie eine Beschreibung für Datei: $1 ein. '
+'Only this translation': 'Nur diese Übersetzung'
+'No files for multi editing.': 'Keine Dateien für mehrfaches Bearbeiten.'
+'Edit files': 'Dateien bearbeiten. '
+'Change file information': 'Dateiinformation ändern'
+'All translations': 'Alle Übersetzungen'
+'Save All': 'Alle speichern'
+Files: Dateien
+'You cant delete used files.': 'Dateien in Gebrauch können nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Nur ungenutzte löschen?'
+'View attachment': 'Anhang betrachten'
+'Select some items first.': 'Zuerst einige Einträge auswählen.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Im Browser öffnen'
+'Media Archive': Medienarchiv
+'Last modified': 'Zuletzt geändert'
+'Items deleted.': 'Einträge gelöscht'
+'File uploaded.': 'Datei hochgeladen'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Soll diese Datei im Browser geöffnet oder automatisch zum Herunterladen angeboten werden?'
+'Delete selected': 'Ausgewählte löschen'
+Created: Angelegt
+Charset: Schriftsatz
+'Change attachment information': 'Informationen zum Anhang ändern'
+'Automatically download': 'Automatisch herunterladen'
+'Attachment updated.': 'Anhang aktualisiert.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Wollen Sie wirklich ausgewählte Einträge löschen?'
+'Add new file': 'Neue Datei hinzufügen'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Keine Berechtigung neue Bilder hinzuzufügen.'
+'Use for all': 'Für alle Bilder verwenden'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Geben Sie die URL für das Bild an, das Sie laden wollen'
+Size: Größe
+'No images for multi editing.': 'Keine Bilder für mehrfaches Bearbeiten.'
+'Images updated.': 'Bilder aktualisiert.'
+'Edit images': 'Bilder bearbeiten'
+'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 Dateien hochgeladen.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Neues Bild kann nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'Image updated.': 'Bild aktualisiert.'
+'Image $1 deleted.': 'Bild $1 gelöscht.'
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Bild ist in Gebrauch und kann nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Eine Bilddatei zum Hochladen auswählen.'
+'Add new image': 'Neues Bild hinzufügen'
+'Delete image $1': 'Bild $1 löschen'
+'Used in articles': 'In Artikeln verwendet'
+'View image': 'Bild betrachten'
+'Change image information': 'Bildinformation ändern'
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.en_GB.yml
index 3c876a962f..8429b95497 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.en_GB.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
+'You cant update used files.': 'You can not update used files.'
Source: Source
Local: Local
'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Feedback: Feedback
'All translations': 'All translations'
'Save All': 'Save All'
Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
+'You cant delete used files.': 'You can not delete used files.'
'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
'View attachment': 'View attachment'
'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.es.yml
index 3c876a962f..05bf5f4dba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.es.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No se repararon miniaturas.'
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Se han reparado las miniaturas faltantes.'
+Slideshows: Diapositivas
+'You cant update used files.': 'No puede actualizar archivos usados.'
+Source: Fuente
Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
+'Items updated.': 'Objetos actualizados'
+Feedback: Retroalimentación
+'Do you want to update unused only?': '¿Desea actualizar sólo los no usados?'
+'Disapprove selected': 'Desaprobar selección'
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': '¿Está seguro de querer actualizar los ítems seleccionados?'
+'Approve selected': 'Aprovar selección'
+'Image files': 'Archivos de imagen'
+'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fijar todas las viñetas'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'No tiene autorización para añadir archivos.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': '¿Desea tener disponible este archivo sólo para esta traducción del artículo o para todas las traducciones?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Por favor ingrese una descripción para el archivo: $1.'
+'Only this translation': 'Sólo esta traducción'
+'No files for multi editing.': 'No existen archivos para multi edición.'
+'Edit files': 'Editar archivos'
+'Change file information': 'Cambiar la información del archivo'
+'All translations': 'Todas las traducciones'
+'Save All': 'Guardar todo'
+Files: Archivos
+'You cant delete used files.': 'No puede eliminar los archivos utilizados.'
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': '¿Desea eliminar solo los no utilizados?'
+'View attachment': 'Ver adjunto'
+'Select some items first.': 'Primero seleccione algunos objetos.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Abrir en el navegador'
+'Media Archive': 'Archivo multimedia'
+'Last modified': 'Modificado por última vez'
+'Items deleted.': 'Ítems eliminados.'
+'File uploaded.': 'Se subió el archivo.'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': '¿Desea que este archivo se despliegue en el navegador del usuario o que se descargue automáticamente?'
+'Delete selected': 'Eliminar los seleccionados'
+Created: Creado
Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'Change attachment information': 'Cambiar la información del ajunto'
+'Automatically download': 'Descargar automáticamente'
+'Attachment updated.': 'Se subió el adjunto'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': '¿Está seguro de querer eliminar los ítems seleccionados?'
+'Add new file': 'Añadir archivo nuevo'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'No tiene autorización para añadir imágenes.'
+'Use for all': 'Usar en todo'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Especifique el url de la imagen si desea cargarla.'
+Size: Tamaño
+'No images for multi editing.': 'No hay imágenes para edición múltiple.'
+'Images updated.': 'Se actualizaron las imágenes'
+'Edit images': 'Editar imágenes'
+'$1 files uploaded.': 'Se cargaron $1 archivos.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'No es posible añadir nueva imagen. '
+'Image updated.': 'Se actualizó la imagen'
+'Image $1 deleted.': 'Se eliminó la imagen $1 '
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'La imagen está en uso, no se puede eliminar.'
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Debe seleccionar un archivo de imagen para cargar.'
+'Add new image': 'Agregar nueva imagen'
+'Delete image $1': 'Borrar imagen $1'
+'Used in articles': 'Utilizado en artículos'
+'View image': 'Ver imagen'
+'Change image information': 'Cambiar información de imagen'
+'Photographer URL': 'URL del Fotógrafo'
+'Add website url starting with http://': 'Añada el URL de un sitio web que comience por http://'
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.es_AR.yml
index 3c876a962f..ae91304ca9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'No tenés autorización para añadir archivos.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': '¿Deseás tener disponible este archivo sólo para esta traducción del artículo o para todas las traducciones?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': null
+'All translations': null
+'Save All': null
+Files: null
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': 'Abrir en el navegador'
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Add new image': null
+'Delete image $1': null
+'Used in articles': null
+'View image': null
+'Change image information': null
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.fa.yml
index 3c876a962f..910300a817 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.fa.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': null
+'All translations': null
+'Save All': null
+Files: null
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Add new image': null
+'Delete image $1': null
+'Used in articles': null
+'View image': null
+'Change image information': null
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.fr.yml
index 3c876a962f..d0fc8a456a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.fr.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des fichiers.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Ce fichier doit-il être seulement disponible pour cette traduction de larticle, ou pour toutes les traductions ? '
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': 'Seulement cette traduction'
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': 'Changer l''information du fichier'
+'All translations': 'Toutes les traductions '
+'Save All': null
+Files: null
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': 'Ouvrir dans le navigateur '
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Voulez-vous que ce fichier souvre dans le navigateur de lutilisateur, ou automatiquement téléchargé ? '
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': 'Automatiquement téléchargé'
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des images. '
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Vous devez choisir un fichier dimage à télécharger. '
+'Add new image': 'Ajoutez la nouvelle image '
+'Delete image $1': 'Supprimer image $1'
+'Used in articles': 'Employé dans articles '
+'View image': 'Afficher image'
+'Change image information': 'Changer linformation dimage'
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.he.yml
index 3c876a962f..910300a817 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.he.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': null
+'All translations': null
+'Save All': null
+Files: null
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Add new image': null
+'Delete image $1': null
+'Used in articles': null
+'View image': null
+'Change image information': null
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.hr.yml
index 3c876a962f..c18a611cba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.hr.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati datoteke.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Da li ova Datoteka treba biti dostupna za ovaj prijevod članka, ili za sve prijevode?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': 'Samo ovaj prijevod'
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': 'Promijeni informacije o datoteci'
+'All translations': 'Svi prijevodi'
+'Save All': null
+Files: Datoteke
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': 'Otvori u pretraživaču'
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Da li želite da se ova datoteka otvara u pretraživaču korisnika, ili da se automatski preuzme?'
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': 'Automatsko preuzimanje'
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati slike.'
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Morate označiti sliku koju želite postaviti.'
+'Add new image': 'Dodaj novu sliku'
+'Delete image $1': 'Izbriši sliku $1:'
+'Used in articles': 'Koristi se u člancima'
+'View image': 'Vidi sliku'
+'Change image information': 'Promijenite podatke o slici'
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.hu.yml
index 3c876a962f..16dd4ee48d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.hu.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'Bélyegképek nem kerültek javításra.'
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'A hiányzó bélyegképek javításra kerültek.'
+Slideshows: Diavetítések
+'You cant update used files.': 'Használatban lévő fájlokat nem frissíthetsz.'
+Source: Forrás
+Local: Helyi
+'Items updated.': 'Az elemek frissítése megtörtént.'
+Feedback: Visszajelzések
+'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Csak a nem használtakat akarod frissíteni?'
+'Disapprove selected': 'Kijelöltek elutasítása'
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Biztosan frissíteni akarod a kijelölt elemeket?'
+'Approve selected': 'Kijelöltek jóváhagyása'
+'Image files': Képfájlok
+'Fix all thumbnails': 'Az összes bélyegkép javítása'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Nincs jogod a fájlok hozzáadásához.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Ez a fájl a cikk csak ezen fordításához vagy az összes fordításhoz legyen elérhető?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Add meg a/z $1 fájl leírását.'
+'Only this translation': 'Csak ez a fordítás'
+'No files for multi editing.': 'Nincsenek fájlok a többszörös szerkesztésre.'
+'Edit files': 'Fájlok szerkesztése'
+'Change file information': 'Fájlinformáció módosítása'
+'All translations': 'Minden fordítás'
+'Save All': 'Az összes mentése'
+Files: Fájlok
+'You cant delete used files.': 'A használt fájlok nem törölhetők.'
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Csak a nem használtakat akarod törölni?'
+'View attachment': 'Csatolmány megtekintése'
+'Select some items first.': 'Előbb válassz ki néhány elemet.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Megnyitás a böngészőben'
+'Media Archive': Médiaarchívum
+'Last modified': 'Utolsó módosítás'
+'Items deleted.': 'Az elemek törlése megtörtént.'
+'File uploaded.': 'A fájl feltöltése megtörtént.'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Ezt a fájlt a felhasználó böngészőjében akarod megnyitni, vagy automatikusan letöltésre kerül?'
+'Delete selected': 'Kijelöltek törlése'
+Created: Létrehozva
+Charset: Karakterkészlet
+'Change attachment information': 'Csatolmány adatainak módosítása'
+'Automatically download': 'Automatikus letöltés'
+'Attachment updated.': 'A csatolmány frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod a kijelölt elemeket?'
+'Add new file': 'Új fájl hozzáadása'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Nincs jogod a képek hozzáadásához.'
+'Use for all': 'Használat mindre'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Add meg a kép URL-címét, ha be szeretnéd tölteni.'
+Size: Méret
+'No images for multi editing.': 'Nincsenek képek a többszörös szerkesztéshez.'
+'Images updated.': 'A képek frissítése megtörtént'
+'Edit images': 'Képek szerkesztése'
+'$1 files uploaded.': 'A/z $1 fájl feltöltése megtörtént.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Nem lehet új képet hozzáadni.'
+'Image updated.': 'A kép frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Image $1 deleted.': 'A/z $1 kép törlése megtörtént.'
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'A kép használatban van, nem lehet törölni.'
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Ki kell választanod egy feltöltendő képfájlt.'
+'Add new image': 'Új kép hozzáadása'
+'Delete image $1': 'A/z $1 kép törlése'
+'Used in articles': 'Cikkekben használva'
+'View image': 'Kép megtekintése'
+'Change image information': 'Képinformációk módosítása'
+'Photographer URL': 'Fotós URL-címe'
+'Add website url starting with http://': 'A webhely http:// előtaggal kezdődő URL-címének hozzáadása'
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.hy_AM.yml
index 3c876a962f..910300a817 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': null
+'All translations': null
+'Save All': null
+Files: null
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Add new image': null
+'Delete image $1': null
+'Used in articles': null
+'View image': null
+'Change image information': null
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ka.yml
index 3c876a962f..4cb4cfe97a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ka.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'მინიატიურები არ არის ფიქსირებული.'
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'არმყოფი მინიატიურები ფიქსირებულია.'
+Slideshows: სლაიდშოუები
+'You cant update used files.': 'გამოყენებული ფაილების განახელბა შეუძლებელია. '
+Source: წყარო
+Local: ლოკალური
+'Items updated.': 'ელემენტები განახლებულია.'
+Feedback: შეფასება
+'Do you want to update unused only?': 'გსურთ მხოლოდ გამოუყენებლის განახლება?'
+'Disapprove selected': 'არჩეულის უკუგდება'
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ არჩეული ელემენტის დადასტურება'
+'Approve selected': 'არჩეულის დადასტურება'
+'Image files': 'გამოსახულებითი ფაილები'
+'Fix all thumbnails': 'ყველა thumbnail-ის გასწორება'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'თქვენ არა გაქვთ ფაილის დამატების უფლება'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'ეს ფაილი მისაწვდომი უნდა იყოს მხოლოდ ამ თარგმანისთვის თუ ყველა თარგმანისთვის?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'გთხოვთ მიუთითოთ $1 ფაილის აღწერა'
+'Only this translation': 'მხოლოდ ამ თარგმანისთვის'
+'No files for multi editing.': 'მულტი-რედაქტირებისთვის ფაილები არ არსებობს.'
+'Edit files': 'ფაილების რედაქტირება'
+'Change file information': 'შეცვალე ფაილის ინფორმაცია'
+'All translations': 'ყველა თარგმანი'
+'Save All': 'ყველაფრის დამახსოვრება'
+Files: ფაილები
+'You cant delete used files.': 'თქვენ არ შეგიძლიათ წაშლილი ფაილების გამოყენება.'
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'გსურთ რომ წაშალოთ მხოლოდ გამოუყენებლები?'
+'View attachment': 'მიმაგრებული ფაილის ნახვა'
+'Select some items first.': 'ჯერ აირჩიეთ ფაილები'
+'Open in the browser': 'ბრაუზერში გახსნა'
+'Media Archive': 'მედია არქივი'
+'Last modified': 'ბოლო მოდიფიკაცია'
+'Items deleted.': 'ფაილები წაიშალა'
+'File uploaded.': 'ფაილი აიტვირთა'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'გსურთ ეს ფაილი გაიხსნას მომხმარებლის ბრაუზერში თუ ავტომატურად ჩამოიქაჩოს?'
+'Delete selected': 'არჩეულის წაშლა'
+Created: შექმნილია
+Charset: კოდირება
+'Change attachment information': 'მიბმული ფაილის ინფორმაციის შეცვლა'
+'Automatically download': 'ავტომატური ჩამოქაჩვა'
+'Attachment updated.': 'მიბმული ფაილი განახლდა'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ მონიშნულის წაშლა?'
+'Add new file': 'ახალი ფაილის დამატება'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ გამოსახულების დამატების უფლება.'
+'Use for all': 'გამოყენება ყველა შემთხვევისთვის'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'მიუთითეთ გამოსახულების url, თუ გსურთ მისი ჩატვირთვა. '
+Size: ზომა
+'No images for multi editing.': 'გამოსახულებები მულტი-რედაქტირებისთვის არ არსებობს'
+'Images updated.': 'გამოსახულებები განახლდა.'
+'Edit images': 'გამოსახულების რედაქტირება'
+'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 ფაილები აიტვირთა.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'გამოსახულება არ დაემატა'
+'Image updated.': 'გამოსახულება განახლდა.'
+'Image $1 deleted.': 'გამოსახულება $1 წაიშალა.'
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'გამოსახულება გამოყენებულია და მისი წაშლა შეუძლებელია.'
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'თქვენ უნდა აირჩიოთ გამოსახულება ასატვირთად'
+'Add new image': 'ახალი გამოსახულების დამატება'
+'Delete image $1': '$1 გამოსახულების წაშლა'
+'Used in articles': 'სტატიაში გამოენებული'
+'View image': 'გამოსახულების ნახვა'
+'Change image information': 'გამოსახულების ინფორმაციის შეცვლა'
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ko.yml
index 3c876a962f..7a25b2bce3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ko.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': '파일을 추가할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': '이 파일이 기사의 이 번역에만 해당됩니까, 아니면 모든 번역에 해당됩니까?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': '이 번역만 '
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': '파일 정보 수정'
+'All translations': '모든 번역'
+'Save All': null
+Files: 파일
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': '브라우저에서 열기'
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': '이 파일이 브라우저에서 열기를 원합니까? 자동으로 다운로드 할까요? '
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': '자동 다운로드'
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': '이미지를 추가할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': '업로드할 이미지 파일을 선택하시오.'
+'Add new image': '새로운 이미지 추가'
+'Delete image $1': '이미지 $1 삭제'
+'Used in articles': '기사에서 사용중'
+'View image': '이미지 보기'
+'Change image information': '이미지 정보 수정'
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ku.yml
index 3c876a962f..910300a817 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ku.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': null
+'All translations': null
+'Save All': null
+Files: null
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Add new image': null
+'Delete image $1': null
+'Used in articles': null
+'View image': null
+'Change image information': null
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.lv.yml
index 3c876a962f..910300a817 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.lv.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': null
+'All translations': null
+'Save All': null
+Files: null
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Add new image': null
+'Delete image $1': null
+'Used in articles': null
+'View image': null
+'Change image information': null
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.nb_NO.yml
index 3c876a962f..910300a817 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': null
+'All translations': null
+'Save All': null
+Files: null
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Add new image': null
+'Delete image $1': null
+'Used in articles': null
+'View image': null
+'Change image information': null
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.pl.yml
index 3c876a962f..adca79d445 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.pl.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'Nie znaleziono żadnych miniatur do poprawy.'
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Pominięte miniatury zostały naprawione.'
+Slideshows: Galerie
+'You cant update used files.': 'Nie możesz aktualizować użytych plików.'
+Source: Źródło
+Local: Lokalnie
+'Items updated.': 'Element zaktualizowany.'
Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Chcesz zaktualizować tylko nieużywane?'
+'Disapprove selected': 'Wybrano cofniecie akceptacji'
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Jesteć pewien że chcesz zaktualizować wybrane elementy?'
+'Approve selected': 'Wybrano akceptację'
+'Image files': 'Pliki zdjęć'
+'Fix all thumbnails': 'Popraw wszystkie miniatury'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Nie masz praw aby dodawać pliki.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Czy plik powinień być dostępny do tłumaczenia tego artykułu, czy dla wszystkich tłumaczeń?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Wprowadź opis dla pliku $1.'
+'Only this translation': 'Tylko to tłumaczenie'
+'No files for multi editing.': 'Brak plików do edycji.'
+'Edit files': 'Edytuj pliki'
+'Change file information': 'Zmień info o pliku'
+'All translations': 'Wszystkie tłumaczenia'
+'Save All': 'Zapisz wszystko'
+Files: Pliki
+'You cant delete used files.': 'Nie możesz usuwać używanych plików.'
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Czy chcesz usunąć tylko nieużywane pliki?'
+'View attachment': 'Zobacz załącznik'
+'Select some items first.': 'Wybierz jakieś rzeczy wpierw'
+'Open in the browser': 'Otwórz w przeglądarce'
+'Media Archive': 'Biblioteka Mediów'
+'Last modified': 'Ostatnia modyfikacja'
+'Items deleted.': 'Usunięte pozycje.'
+'File uploaded.': 'Plik dodany.'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Czy ten plik ma się otwierać w przeglądarce czy pobierać automatycznie?'
+'Delete selected': 'Usuń wybrane'
+Created: Utworzono
+Charset: 'System znaków'
+'Change attachment information': 'Zmień informacje o załączniku'
+'Automatically download': 'Pobierz automatycznie'
+'Attachment updated.': 'Załacznik zaktualizowany.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Na pewno chcesz usunąć zaznaczone pozycje?'
+'Add new file': 'Dodaj nowy plik'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Nie masz praw aby dodawać zdjęcia'
+'Use for all': 'Zastosuj dla wszystkich'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Podaj adres url do zdjęcia aby je załadować.'
+Size: Rozmiar
+'No images for multi editing.': 'Brak zdjęć do multiedycji'
+'Images updated.': 'Zdjęcia dodane.'
+'Edit images': 'Edytuj zdjecia'
+'$1 files uploaded.': 'Dodano plików: $1'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Nie można dodać nowego zdjęcia.'
+'Image updated.': 'Zdjęcie zaktualizowane.'
+'Image $1 deleted.': 'Zdjęcie $1 usunięte.'
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Zdjęcie w użyciu, nie może być usunięte.'
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Musisz wybrać zdjęcie nim je dodasz.'
+'Add new image': 'Dodaj nowe zdjęcie'
+'Delete image $1': 'Usuń zdjęcie $1'
+'Used in articles': 'Używane w artykułach'
+'View image': 'Zobacz zdjęcie'
+'Change image information': 'Zmień informacje o zdjęciu'
+'Photographer URL': 'Adres www fotografa'
+'Add website url starting with http://': 'Podaj adres www zaczynając od http://'
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'Podczas ładowania pliku $1 wystąpił błąd'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ps.yml
index 3c876a962f..910300a817 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.ps.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': null
+'All translations': null
+'Save All': null
+Files: null
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Add new image': null
+'Delete image $1': null
+'Used in articles': null
+'View image': null
+'Change image information': null
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.pt_BR.yml
index 3c876a962f..c7ab13150f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
+'You cant update used files.': 'Você não pode atualizar arquivos usados.'
+Source: Fonte
Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
+'Items updated.': 'Itens atualizados'
Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
+'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Quer atualizar apenas os que não são usados?'
+'Disapprove selected': 'Não aprovar selecionados'
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Tem certeza que quer atualizar itens selecionados?'
+'Approve selected': 'Aprovar selecionados'
+'Image files': 'Arquivos de imagem'
+'Fix all thumbnails': 'Consertar todas as miniaturas'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Não tem permissões para anexar ficheiros.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Este ficheiro deverá estar apenas dipsonivél para esta tradução, ou para todas as traduções?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Por favor digite a descrição para o arquivo: $1.'
+'Only this translation': 'Apenas esta tradução'
+'No files for multi editing.': 'Não há arquivos para edição múltipla.'
+'Edit files': 'Editar arquivos'
+'Change file information': 'Alterar as informações do ficheiro'
+'All translations': 'Todas as traduções.'
+'Save All': 'Salvar tudo'
+Files: Arquivos
+'You cant delete used files.': 'Você não pode remover arquivos usados.'
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Quer apagar apenas os não usados?'
+'View attachment': 'Ver anexo'
+'Select some items first.': 'Primeiro selecione algum item.'
+'Open in the browser': 'Abrir no navegador'
+'Media Archive': 'Arquivo de mídia'
+'Last modified': 'Modificado pela última vez'
+'Items deleted.': 'Itens apagados.'
+'File uploaded.': 'Upload completo'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Deseja que o ficheiro seja aberto na janela do navegador ou que deva ser feita automáticamente a transferência do ficheiro?'
+'Delete selected': 'Remover selecionados'
+Created: Criado
Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'Change attachment information': 'Modificar dados do anexo'
+'Automatically download': 'Transferir automaticamente.'
+'Attachment updated.': 'Anexo atualizado'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Você tem certeza que quer remover itens selecionados?'
+'Add new file': 'Adicionar arquivo novo'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Nao tem permissões para adicionar imagens.'
+'Use for all': 'Usar para tudo'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Especifique o endereço url da imagem se quer fazer o load dela.'
+Size: Tamanho
+'No images for multi editing.': 'Não há imagens para edição múltipla'
+'Images updated.': 'Imagens atualizadas'
+'Edit images': 'Editar imagens'
+'$1 files uploaded.': 'Upload de $1 arquivo(s) completado'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Não foi possível adicionar novas imagens'
+'Image updated.': 'Imagem atualizada.'
+'Image $1 deleted.': 'Imagem $1 removida.'
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Imagem está em uso, não pode ser removida.'
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Selecione uma imagem para transferir'
+'Add new image': 'Adicionar Imagem'
+'Delete image $1': 'Apagar imagem'
+'Used in articles': 'Usado no(s) artigo(s)'
+'View image': 'Ver imagem'
+'Change image information': 'Alterar informações da imagem'
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sh.yml
index 3c876a962f..fd6a4aa645 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sh.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': 'Ne možete menjati fajlove koji su u upotrebi'
+Source: Izvor
+Local: Lokalni
+'Items updated.': 'Stavke izmenjene'
+Feedback: 'Povratna informacija'
+'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Da li želite da menjate samo nekorišćene?'
+'Disapprove selected': 'Nodobri izabrano'
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da izmenite izabrane stavke?'
+'Approve selected': 'Ododbri izabrano'
+'Image files': Slike
+'Fix all thumbnails': 'Popravi sve umanjene verzije slika'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete fajlove.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Da li ovaj fajl treba da bude dostupan za ovaj prevod teksta, ili za sve prevode?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Unesite opis za fajl $1.'
+'Only this translation': 'Samo ovaj prevod'
+'No files for multi editing.': 'Nema fajlova za višestruko uređivanje'
+'Edit files': 'Uredi fajlove'
+'Change file information': 'Promeni informacije o fajlu'
+'All translations': 'Svi prevodi'
+'Save All': 'Sačuvaj sve'
+Files: Fajlova
+'You cant delete used files.': 'Ne možete brisati fajlove koji su u upotrebi'
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'da liželite da obrišete samo nekorišćene?'
+'View attachment': 'Pogledaj zakačeni fajl'
+'Select some items first.': 'Prvo izaberite neke stavke'
+'Open in the browser': 'Otvori u pretraživaču'
+'Media Archive': 'Arhiva medijskih zapisa'
+'Last modified': Izmenjeno
+'Items deleted.': 'Stavke izbirsane'
+'File uploaded.': 'Fajl aploudovan'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Da li želite da se ovaj fajl otvara u pretraživaču korisnika, ili da se automatski preuzme?'
+'Delete selected': 'Obriši izabrano'
+Created: Napravljeno
Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'Change attachment information': 'Promeni informacije o zakačenom fajlu'
+'Automatically download': 'Automatsko preuzimanje'
+'Attachment updated.': 'Fajl je izmenjen'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Da li ste sigurni d aželite da obrišete izabrane stavke?'
+'Add new file': 'Dodaj novi fajl'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete slike.'
+'Use for all': 'Koristi za sve.'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Odredite URL slike ako želite da je učitate.'
+Size: Veličina
+'No images for multi editing.': 'Nema slika za višestruko uređivanje'
+'Images updated.': 'slike izmenjene.'
+'Edit images': 'Uredi slike'
+'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 fajlova aploudovano.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Nije moguće dodati novu sliku.'
+'Image updated.': 'slika izmenjena'
+'Image $1 deleted.': 'slika 41 je obrisana.'
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'slika se koristi i ne može biti obrisana.'
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Morate izabrati sliku koju želite da aploudujete.'
+'Add new image': 'Dodaj novu sliku'
+'Delete image $1': 'Izbriši sliku $1'
+'Used in articles': 'Koristi se u sledećim tekstovima'
+'View image': 'Prikaži sliku'
+'Change image information': 'Promeni podatke o slici'
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sq.yml
index 3c876a962f..910300a817 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sq.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': null
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': null
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': null
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': null
+'All translations': null
+'Save All': null
+Files: null
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': null
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': null
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': null
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': null
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': null
+'Add new image': null
+'Delete image $1': null
+'Used in articles': null
+'View image': null
+'Change image information': null
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sr.yml
index 3c876a962f..6f14cf9bd7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sr.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': 'Не можете мењати фајлове који су у употреби'
+Source: Извор
+Local: Локални
+'Items updated.': 'Ставке измењене'
+Feedback: 'Повратна информација'
+'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Да ли желите да мењате само некоришћене?'
+'Disapprove selected': 'Неодобри изабрано'
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да измените изабране ставке?'
+'Approve selected': 'Одобри изабрано'
+'Image files': Слике
+'Fix all thumbnails': 'Поправи све уманјене верзије слика'
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Немате право да додајете фајлове.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Да ли овај фајл треба да буде доступан за овај превод текста, или за све преводе?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Унесите опис за фајл $1.'
+'Only this translation': 'Само овај превод'
+'No files for multi editing.': 'Нема фајлова за вишеструко уређивање'
+'Edit files': 'Уреди фајлове'
+'Change file information': 'Промени информације о фајлу'
+'All translations': 'Сви преводи'
+'Save All': 'сачувај све'
+Files: Фајлова
+'You cant delete used files.': 'Не можете брисати фајлове који су у употреби'
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Да ли желите да обришете само некоришћене?'
+'View attachment': 'Погледај закачени фајл'
+'Select some items first.': 'Прво изаберите неке ставке'
+'Open in the browser': 'Отвори у претраживачу'
+'Media Archive': 'Архива медијских записа'
+'Last modified': Измењено
+'Items deleted.': 'Ставке избрисане'
+'File uploaded.': 'Фајл аплоудован'
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Да ли желите да се овај фајл отвара у претраживачу корисника, или да се аутоматски преузме?'
+'Delete selected': 'Обриши изабрано'
+Created: Направљено
+Charset: 'Карактер сет'
+'Change attachment information': 'Промени информације о закаченом фајлу'
+'Automatically download': 'Аутоматско преузимање'
+'Attachment updated.': 'Фајл је измењен'
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете изабране ставке?'
+'Add new file': 'Додај нови фајл'
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Немате право да додајете слике.'
+'Use for all': 'Користи за све.'
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Одредите УРЛ слике ако желите да је учитате.'
+Size: Величина
+'No images for multi editing.': 'Нема слика за вишеструко уређивање'
+'Images updated.': 'слике измењене'
+'Edit images': 'Уреди слике'
+'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 фајлова аплоудовано.'
+'Unable to add new image.': 'Није могуће додати нову слику.'
+'Image updated.': 'слика измењена'
+'Image $1 deleted.': 'слика $1 је обрисана.'
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'слика се користи и не може бити обрисана.'
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Морате изабрати слику коју желите да аплоудујете.'
+'Add new image': 'Додајте нову слику'
+'Delete image $1': 'Избриши слику $1'
+'Used in articles': 'Користи се у следећим текстовима'
+'View image': 'Прикажи слику'
+'Change image information': 'Промени податке о слици'
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sv.yml
index 3c876a962f..37a35c044c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/media_archive.sv.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-'No thumbnails were fixed.': 'No thumbnails were fixed.'
-'Missing thumbnails fixed.': 'Missing thumbnails fixed.'
-Slideshows: Slideshows
-'You cant update used files.': 'You cant update used files.'
-Source: Source
-Local: Local
-'Items updated.': 'Items updated.'
-Feedback: Feedback
-'Do you want to update unused only?': 'Do you want to update unused only?'
-'Disapprove selected': 'Disapprove selected'
-'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to update selected items?'
-'Approve selected': 'Approve selected'
-'Image files': 'Image files'
-'Fix all thumbnails': 'Fix all thumbnails'
-'You do not have the right to add files.': 'You do not have the right to add files.'
-'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?'
-'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': 'Please enter a description for the file: $1.'
-'Only this translation': 'Only this translation'
-'No files for multi editing.': 'No files for multi editing.'
-'Edit files': 'Edit files'
-'Change file information': 'Change file information'
-'All translations': 'All translations'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-Files: Files
-'You cant delete used files.': 'You cant delete used files.'
-'Do you want to delete unused only?': 'Do you want to delete unused only?'
-'View attachment': 'View attachment'
-'Select some items first.': 'Select some items first.'
-'Open in the browser': 'Open in the browser'
-'Media Archive': 'Media Archive'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Items deleted.': 'Items deleted.'
-'File uploaded.': 'File uploaded.'
-'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?'
-'Delete selected': 'Delete selected'
-Created: Created
-Charset: Charset
-'Change attachment information': 'Change attachment information'
-'Automatically download': 'Automatically download'
-'Attachment updated.': 'Attachment updated.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?'
-'Add new file': 'Add new file'
-'You do not have the right to add images.': 'You do not have the right to add images.'
-'Use for all': 'Use for all'
-'Specify image url if you want to load it.': 'Specify image url if you want to load it.'
-Size: Size
-'No images for multi editing.': 'No images for multi editing.'
-'Images updated.': 'Images updated.'
-'Edit images': 'Edit images'
-'$1 files uploaded.': '$1 files uploaded.'
-'Unable to add new image.': 'Unable to add new image.'
-'Image updated.': 'Image updated.'
-'Image $1 deleted.': 'Image $1 deleted.'
-'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': 'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.'
-'You must select an image file to upload.': 'You must select an image file to upload.'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
-'Delete image $1': 'Delete image $1'
-'Used in articles': 'Used in articles'
-'View image': 'View image'
-'Change image information': 'Change image information'
-'Photographer URL': 'Photographer URL'
-'Add website url starting with http://': 'Add website url starting with http://'
-'An error occured while uploading the file $1': 'An error occured while uploading the file $1'
+'No thumbnails were fixed.': null
+'Missing thumbnails fixed.': null
+Slideshows: null
+'You cant update used files.': null
+Source: null
+Local: null
+'Items updated.': null
+Feedback: null
+'Do you want to update unused only?': null
+'Disapprove selected': null
+'Are you sure you want to update selected items?': null
+'Approve selected': null
+'Image files': null
+'Fix all thumbnails': null
+'You do not have the right to add files.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till filer.'
+'Should this file only be available for this translation of the article, or for all translations?': 'Ska den här filen bara vara tillgänglig för den här översättningen av artikeln eller för alla översättningar?'
+'Please enter a description for the file: $1.': null
+'Only this translation': 'Bara i denna översättning'
+'No files for multi editing.': null
+'Edit files': null
+'Change file information': 'Ändra filinformation'
+'All translations': 'Alla översättningar'
+'Save All': null
+Files: Filer
+'You cant delete used files.': null
+'Do you want to delete unused only?': null
+'View attachment': null
+'Select some items first.': null
+'Open in the browser': 'Öppna i webbläsaren'
+'Media Archive': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Items deleted.': null
+'File uploaded.': null
+'Do you want this file to open in the users browser, or to automatically download?': 'Vill du att den här filen ska öppnas i användarens webbläsare eller automatiskt laddas ner?'
+'Delete selected': null
+Created: null
+Charset: null
+'Change attachment information': null
+'Automatically download': 'Automatiskt laddas ner'
+'Attachment updated.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?': null
+'Add new file': null
+'You do not have the right to add images.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till bilder.'
+'Use for all': null
+'Specify image url if you want to load it.': null
+Size: null
+'No images for multi editing.': null
+'Images updated.': null
+'Edit images': null
+'$1 files uploaded.': null
+'Unable to add new image.': null
+'Image updated.': null
+'Image $1 deleted.': null
+'Image is in use, it cannot be deleted.': null
+'You must select an image file to upload.': 'Du måste välja en bild att ladda upp.'
+'Add new image': 'Lägg till ny bild'
+'Delete image $1': 'Radera bild $1'
+'Used in articles': 'Används i artiklarna'
+'View image': 'Visa bild'
+'Change image information': 'Ändra bildinformation'
+'Photographer URL': null
+'Add website url starting with http://': null
+'An error occured while uploading the file $1': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.az.yml
index c04c00739d..6d3226f0eb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.az.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Plugins: Plaqinlər
+'Manage Plugins': 'Plaqinləri Quraşdır'
+Account: Hesab
+'Items per page': 'Hər səhifədəki elementlər'
+'Add new': 'Yenisini əlavə et'
+Home: Ev
+Logout: Çıxış
+More...: Daha...
+Content: Tərkib
+Languages: Dillər
+Countries: Ölkələr
+Themes: Mövzular
+Topics: Mövzular
+Configure: Konfiqurasiya
+'Image Archive': 'Şəkil Arxivi'
+'Add Article': 'Məqalə Əlavə Et'
+Fields: Sahələr
+Delete: Sil
+Type: Növ
+Name: Ad
+Code: Şifrə
+Edit: 'Redaktə et'
+Login: Giriş
+Password: Şifrə
+Site: Sayt
+Path: İstiqamət
+'Go up': 'Yuxarı qalx'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
+Order: Sifariş
+Hide: Gizlə
+Duplicate: 'Surətini çıxar'
+Subscription: Abunəlik
+expires: 'vaxtı ötür'
+starts: başlayır
+before: əvvəl
+after: sonra
+on: 'bu vaxt'
status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
+active: aktiv
+inactive: passiv
+Subscribers: Abunələr
+Staff: Komanda
+'Select destination': 'Ünvanı seç'
+'No languages': 'Dil yoxdur'
+'---Select language---': '---Dil seç---'
+'No publications': 'Nümayiş yoxdur'
+'---Select publication---': '---Nümayiş seç---'
+'No issues': 'Məsələ yoxdur'
+'---Select issue---': '---Məsələ seç---'
+'No sections': 'Bölmə yoxdur'
+'---Select section---': '---Bölmə seç---'
+Language: Dil
+Country: Ölkə
+'Account name': 'Hesab adı'
+Publication: Nəşr
+'Default language': 'Mövcud dil'
+Subscriptions: Abunəliklər
+Issue: Məsələ
+Number: Say
+Section: Bölmə
+Keywords: 'Açar sözlər'
+Topic: Mövzu
+'URL Name': 'URL Adı'
+'Left to pay': 'Qalıq ödəniş'
+Active: Aktiv
+Trial: Cəhd
+Next: Növbəti
+Previous: Əvvəlki
+Translate: 'Tərcümə Et'
+View: Bax
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Planlaşdırılmış Nümayiş'
+Time: Zaman
+Action: Addım
+'Schedule a new action': 'Yeni addım planlaşdır'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Nümayiş edilmiş addımın planlaşdırılması'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Planlaşdırılmış nümayiş edilmiş addımı sil'
+Date/Time: Tarix/Zaman
+'You must select an action.': 'Addım seçməlisən.'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Avtomatik nümayiş üçün məsələ və ya məqalələri planlaşdırmağa ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Front page': 'Ön səhifə'
+'Section page': 'Bölmə səhifəsi'
+'Show on front page': 'Ön səhifədə göstər'
+'Remove from front page': 'Ön səhifədən xaric et'
+'Show on section page': 'Bölmə səhifəsində göstər'
+'Remove from section page': 'Bölmə səhifəsindən xaric et'
+Actions: Addımlar
+Publishing: Nümayiş
+Show: Göstər
+Remove: 'Xaric Et'
+'Article Types': 'Məqalə Növləri'
+'Staff User Types': 'Komanda İstifadəçi Növləri'
+Publications: Nümayişlər
+Issues: Say
+Sections: Bölmə
+Articles: Məqalələr
+Images: Şəkillər
+Change: Dəyiş
+'Add new issue': 'Yeni sayı əlavə et'
+'Section Template': 'Bölmə forması'
+'Article Template': 'Məqalə forması'
+'Default Language': 'Əsas dil'
+'Paid Period': 'Ödənilən dövr'
+Preview: 'İlkin görüntü'
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': '$1 sahəsini doldurmalısan.'
+Error: Xəta
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Səhv giriş: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'Dil mövcud deyil.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'Nümayiş mövcud deyil.'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Məsələ mövcud deyil.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Dil seçməlisən.'
+'Section does not exist.': 'Bölmə mövcud deyil.'
+'No articles.': 'Məqalə yoxdur'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Məqalə mövcud deyil.'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Şəkil mövcud deyil.'
+'Access denied': 'Giriş qadağandır'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Səhv parametrlər qəbul edildi'
+'Add new article': 'Yeni məqalə əlavə et'
Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Published: 'Nümayiş edildi'
+'Not published': 'Nümayiş edilmədi'
+Submitted: 'Daxil Edildi'
+New: Yeni
+Article: Məqalə
+Publish: 'Nümayiş Et'
+Unpublish: 'Nümayişi Dayandır'
+Unlock: 'Kilidi Aç'
+Uploaded: Yüklənib
+Submit: Göndər
+Image: Şəkil
+Description: İzah
+Photographer: Fotoqraf
+Place: Yer
+Date: Tarix
+Thumbnail: Eskiz
+'In use': İstifadədə
+'Additional searches': 'Əlavə axtarışlar'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Son Əlavə Edilən'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Son Dəyişiklik Edilən'
+'$1 images found': '$1 şəkli tapıldı'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Axtarışın növünü dəyiş'
+'Image number': 'Şəkil nömrəsi'
+Users: İstifadəçilər
+Localizer: Tərcüməçi
+'Adding new translation': 'Yeni tərcümənin əlavə edilməsi'
+'No more languages.': 'Başqa dil yoxdur.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': '$1 sahəsində yalnız hərf, rəqəm və alt xətt (_) ola bilər.'
+'Add new publication': 'Yeni nəşr əlavə et'
+'Upload new template': 'Yeni nümunə yüklə'
+'Add new staff member': 'Yeni komanda üzvü əlavə et'
+'Staff member deleted.': 'Komanda üzvü silindi.'
+'Add new subscriber': 'Yeni abunə əlavə et'
+'Add new user type': 'Yeni istifadəçi növü əlavə et'
+'Add new article type': 'Yeni məqalə növü əlavə et'
+'Add new country': 'Yeni ölkə əlavə et'
+'Add new language': 'Yeni dil əlavə et'
+'View logs': 'Girişlərə bax'
+'Change your password': 'Şifrəni dəyiş'
+'Your Articles': Məqalələrin
+'Submitted Articles': 'Daxil Edilmiş Məqalələr'
+Logs: 'Daxil olma'
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': '$1 məqalə(lər) qalıb.'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': '$1 məsələ(lər) qalıb.'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': '$1 bölmə(lər) qalıb.'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': '$1 nəşr(lər) qalıb.'
+'There are $1 countries left.': '$1 ölkə(lər) qalıb.'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'Ad (dəyişmək üçün kliklə)'
+'Add new subscription': 'Yeni abunəlik əlavə et'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Abunəlik əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Adding subscription': 'Abunəliyin əlavə edilməsi'
+'Delete subscription': 'Abunəliyi sil'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Abunəliyi silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'No such subscription.': 'Belə abunəlik yoxdur.'
+Yes: Bəli
+No: Xeyr
+Close: Bağla
+'No issues.': 'Məsələ yoxdur.'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Məqaləni Dəyişmə səhifəsinə qayıt'
+'No topics': 'Mövzu yoxdur'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Məqalə əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+Start: Başla
+Days: Gün
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Təəssüflər olsun ki, bölmə əlavə edilə bilmədi. Bəziləri artıq əlavə edilib !'
+'Add another': 'Başqasını əlavə et'
+Cancel: 'Ləğv et'
+Done: Bitdi
+Save: Saxla
+Search: Axtar
+'Make a selection': 'Seçim et'
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': '$1 sahəsinə 0-dan böyük rəqəm daxil etməlisən.'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Düzgün tarix daxil etməlisən.'
+'Add new field': 'Yeni sahə əlavə et'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Məqalənin avtomatik nümayiş planı'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Planlaşdırılmış addımı silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+Unlink: 'Linki çıxar'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': '$1 şəklini xaric etmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'No such issue.': 'Belə məsələ yoxdur.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': '$1 nümayişinə abunəliyi silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': '$1 məsələsinə dəyişiklikləri yadda saxlaya bilmədik. Lütfən, məsələnin $2 URL adının $3 nümayişində əvvəllər istifadə edilmədiyinə əmin ol.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
+bytes: Bayt
+Attach: Qoşma
+Back: Geri
+File: Fayl
+'Save and Close': 'Saxla və Bağla'
+Add: 'Əlavə et'
+'Select All': 'Hamısını seç'
+'Select None': 'Heç biri'
+'Add Event': 'Tədbir əlavə et'
+N/A: Boş
+'On Front Page': 'Ön Səhifədə'
+'On Section Page': 'Bölmə Səhifəsində'
+'Created by': Müəllif
+'Creation date': 'Yaradılma tarixi'
+'Publication List': 'Nümayiş Siyahısı'
+'Issue List': 'Saylar siyahısı'
+'Section List': 'Bölmə siyahısı'
+All: Hamısı
+duplicate: 'surətini çıxar'
+move: köçür
+Move: Köçür
+'From:': 'Burdan:'
+'Date:': 'Tarix:'
+Hidden: Gizli
+Comments: Şərhlər
+Comment: Şərh
+Approved: Təsdiqlənib
+Subject: Başlıq
+'IP address:': 'IP ünvan:'
'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Author: Müəllif
+'Article name': 'Məqalə adı'
+'Hide article': 'Məqaləni gizlə'
+'Show article': 'Məqaləni göstər'
+'Article Type Fields': 'Məqalə Növü Sahəsi'
+'Article Images': 'Məqalə şəkilləri'
+'Log Messages': 'Giriş Mesajları'
+'Article Files': 'Məqalə Faylları'
+'Article Comments': 'Məqalə Şərhləri'
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Abunəlikləri deaktivasiya etmək istədiyiə əminsən?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Abunəlikləri aktivləşdirmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+Other: Digər
+'Time:': 'Vaxt:'
+'No events.': 'Hadisə yoxdur.'
+'Default templates': 'Mövcud nümunələr'
+'System Preferences': 'Sistem Seçimləri'
+'The date must be in the future.': 'Tarix gələcəkdə olmalıdır.'
+Send: Göndər
+'Thank you.': 'Çox sağ olun.'
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Zəhmət olmasa bizə email göndərin.'
+(optional): '(vacib deyil)'
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'Qeyd etdiyiniz link işləmir: $1'
+Reads: Oxunub
+'Publish with issue': 'Maddə ilə nümayiş et'
+'Universal List': 'Universal Siyahı'
+'Invalid security token!': 'Səhv təhlükəsizlik nişanı!'
+Authors: Müəlliflər
+Title: Başlıq
+'Edit country': 'Ölkəni dəyiş'
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': '$1 girişi nümayiş üçün hazırlandı'
+'Entry deleted': 'Giriş silindi'
+'Feed saved': 'Axın yadda saxlanıldı.'
+'Item published': 'Element nümayiş edildi'
+'Settings saved': 'Parametrlər saxlandı'
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Özünü silmə üçün icazə yoxdur.'
+'Edit staff member $1': '$1 komanda üzvünü dəyiş'
+'Delete staff member $1': '$1 komanda üzvünü sil'
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': '$1 istifadəçini saxlamaq mümkün olmadı. Lütfən, bunun artıq mövcud olub olmamasını yoxla.'
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': '$1 email ünvanlı istifadəçini yadda saxlaya bilmədik. Lütfən, bu istifadəçinin əvvəlcədən olub olmadığını yoxla.'
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'İstifadəçi növlərinin dəyişilməsi istifadəçiləri idarə etmə imkanını əlindən alar. Ləğv edildi.'
+'Staff member saved.': 'Komanda üzvü saxlandı.'
+'Permissions: $1': 'İcazələr: $1'
+'Change user account information': 'İstifadəçi hesab məlumatlarını dəyiş'
+'Staff management': 'Komanda idarəçiliyi'
+Updated: Yeniləndi
+Options: Seçimlər
+Verified: Yoxlandı
+Confirm: Təsdiq
+at: burada
+published: 'nümayiş edildi'
+unpublished: 'nümayiş dayandırıldı'
+nopermissions: 'Bu ehtiyata girişinə icazən yoxdur.'
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.be.yml
index c04c00739d..e68dbca214 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.be.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Plugins: Плагіны
+'Manage Plugins': 'Кіраваць прагінамі'
+Account: 'Улiковы запiс'
+'Items per page': 'Абектаў на старонцы'
+'Add new': Дадаць
+Home: Галоўная
+Logout: Выхад
+More...: Далей...
+Content: Зьмест
+Languages: Мовы
+Countries: Краiны
+Themes: 'Тэмы (шаблёны)'
+Topics: Тэмы
+Configure: Наладкі
+'Image Archive': 'Архiў графiчных файлаў'
+'Add Article': 'Дадаць наступны артыкул '
+Fields: Палi
+Delete: Выдалiць
+Type: Тып
+Name: Загаловак
+Code: Код
+Edit: Праўка
+Login: Лагiн
+Password: Пароль
+Site: Сайт
+Path: Шлях
+'Go up': Угору
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Order: Парадак
+Hide: Схаваць
+Duplicate: Дубляваць
+Subscription: Падпіска
+expires: мiнае
+starts: пачынаецца
+before: перад
+after: пасьля
+on: на
+status: стан
+active: актыўны
+inactive: неактыўны
+Subscribers: Падпiсчыкi
+Staff: Пэрсанал
+'Select destination': 'Выбераце атрымальнiка'
+'No languages': 'Няма моў'
+'---Select language---': '---Выбераце мову---'
+'No publications': 'Няма выданьняў'
+'---Select publication---': '---Выбераце выданьне---'
+'No issues': 'Няма артыкулаў'
+'---Select issue---': '---Выбераце артыкул---'
+'No sections': 'Няма рубрык'
+'---Select section---': '---Выбераце рубрыку---'
+Language: Мова
+Country: Краiна
+'Account name': 'Улiковы запiс'
+Publication: Выданьне
+'Default language': 'Мова па змаўчаньні'
+Subscriptions: Падпiскі
+Issue: Выпуск
+Number: Нумар
+Section: Рубрыка
+Keywords: 'Ключавыя словы'
+Topic: Тэма
+'URL Name': 'Назва URL'
+'Left to pay': 'Засталося заплацiць'
+Active: Актыўна
+Trial: Пробная
+Next: Наступн.
+Previous: Папярэд.
+Translate: Перакласьцi
+View: Выгляд
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Заплянаваныя публiкацыi'
+Time: Час
+Action: Апэрацыя
+'Schedule a new action': 'Заплянаваць новае дзеяньне'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Плянаваньне новых апэрацыяў'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Выдаліць заплянаваную апэрацыю'
+Date/Time: 'Дата/Час:by'
+'You must select an action.': 'Вы павiнны выбраць апэрацыю.'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Вы ня маеце права прызначаць аўтаматычную публікацыю артыкула'
+'Front page': 'Тытульная старонка'
+'Section page': 'Старонка рубрыкi'
+'Show on front page': 'Паказаць на тытульнай старонцы'
+'Remove from front page': 'Выдаліць з тытульнай старонкі'
+'Show on section page': 'Паказаць на старонцы рубрыкi'
+'Remove from section page': 'Выдаліць са старонкi рубрыкi'
+Actions: Апэрацыi
+Publishing: Публікацыі
+Show: Паказаць
+Remove: Выдалiць
+'Article Types': 'Тып артыкула'
+'Staff User Types': 'Карыстальнiцкi тып пэрсаналу'
+Publications: Выданьнi
+Issues: Выпускi
+Sections: Рубрыкi
+Articles: Артыкулы
+Images: Выявы
+Change: Зьмянiць
+'Add new issue': 'Дадаць новы выпуск'
+'Section Template': 'Шаблён рубрыкi'
+'Article Template': 'Шаблён артыкула'
+'Default Language': 'Мова па змаўчаньні'
+'Paid Period': 'Аплачаны пэрыяд'
+Preview: 'Папярэднi агляд'
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'Вы павiнны запоўніць поле $1.'
+Error: Памылка
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Няправільны ўвод $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'Такой мовы не iснуе.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'Няма такога выданьня.'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Такога выпуску не iснуе.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Вы павiнны выбраць мову.'
+'Section does not exist.': 'Няма такой рубрыцы.'
+'No articles.': 'Артыкулы адсутнічаюць.'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Няма такога артыкула.'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Такой выявы не iснуе.'
+'Access denied': 'Доступ забаронены'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Атрыманыя няправiльныя парамэтры'
+'Add new article': 'Дадаць новы артыкул'
+Status: Стан
+Published: Апублікавана
+'Not published': 'Не апублікавана'
+Submitted: Адпраўлена
+New: Новая
+Article: артыкул
+Publish: Апублікаваць
+Unpublish: Прыняць
+Unlock: Разблякаваць
+Uploaded: Загружана
+Submit: Адправіць
+Image: Выява
+Description: Апісаньне
+Photographer: Фатограф
+Place: Месца
+Date: Дата
+Thumbnail: 'Папярэдні агляд'
+'In use': Выкарыстана
+'Additional searches': 'Дадатковы пошук'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Нядаўна даданыя '
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Нядаўна мадыфікаваныя'
+'$1 images found': 'Знойдзена выяў: $1'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Скiнуць умовы пошуку'
+'Image number': 'Нумар выявы'
+Users: Карыстальнік
+Localizer: Лякалiзатар
+'Adding new translation': 'Дадаваньне новага перакладу'
+'No more languages.': 'Няма другiх моў.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'У полi $1 павiнны знаходзiцца толькi лiтары, лiчбы цi сымбаль падкрэсьлiваньня '
+'Add new publication': 'Дадаць новае выданьне'
+'Upload new template': 'Загрузiць новы шаблён'
+'Add new staff member': 'Дадаваньне новага пэрсаналу'
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': 'Дадаваньне новага падпісчыка'
+'Add new user type': 'Дадаць новы тып карыстальнiка'
+'Add new article type': 'Дадаць новы тып артыкула'
+'Add new country': 'Дадаць новую краiну'
+'Add new language': 'Дадаць новую мову'
+'View logs': 'Прагледзець журнал'
+'Change your password': 'Зьмянiце Ваш пароль'
+'Your Articles': 'Вашы артыкулы'
+'Submitted Articles': 'Адпраўленыя артыкулы'
+Logs: Журнал
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'Засталося артыкулаў: $1'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'Засталося выпускаў: $1'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'Засталося рубрык: $1'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'Засталося выданьняў: $1'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'Засталося краiн: $1'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'Назва (нацiсьнiце для праўкi) '
+'Add new subscription': 'Дадаць новую падпіску'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Вы ня маеце правоў дадаваць падпіскі'
+'Adding subscription': 'Дадаваньне новай падпіскі '
+'Delete subscription': 'Выдалiць падпіску'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Вы ня маеце правоў доступу, каб выдаляць падпіскі'
+'No such subscription.': 'Няма такой падпіскі.'
+Yes: Так
+No: Так
+Close: Зачынiць
+'No issues.': 'Няма выпускаў.'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Назад да рэдагаваньня артыкула'
+'No topics': 'Няма тэмаў'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Вы ня маеце правоў дадаваць артыкулы'
+Start: Пачатак
+Days: Дзён
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Нельга дадаць рубрыкі. Некаторыя зь iх ужо icнуюць!'
+'Add another': 'Дадаць iншую'
+Cancel: Скасаваць
+Done: Выканана
+Save: Захаваць
+Search: Пошук
+'Make a selection': Вылучыць
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'Вы павiнны ўвесьцi дадатную ненулявую лiчбу ў поле $1'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Вы павiнны ўвесьцi правiльную дату.'
+'Add new field': 'Дадаць новы тып:by'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Расклад аўтаматычнай публікацыі артыкулаў'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдаліць гэтую заплянаваную апэрацыю?'
+Unlink: Адвязаць
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдалiць графiчны файл $1?'
+'No such issue.': 'Няма такога выпуску'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што жадаеце выдалiць падпiску на выданьне $1?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Немагчыма захаваць зьмены ў выпуску $. Пераканайцеся, што назва $2 URL выпуску не выкарыстоўвалася раней у выданьнi $3. '
+bytes: байт
+Attach: Прыкласьцi
+Back: Назад
+File: Файл
+'Save and Close': 'Захаваць и зачынiць '
+Add: Дадаць
+'Select All': 'Вылучыць усё'
+'Select None': 'Адмянiць выбар'
+'Add Event': 'Дадаць падзею'
+N/A: недаступна
+'On Front Page': 'На тытульнай старонцы'
+'On Section Page': 'На старонцы рубрыцы'
+'Created by': Аўтар
+'Creation date': 'Дата стварэньня'
+'Publication List': 'Сьпiс выданьняў'
+'Issue List': 'Сьпiс выпускаў'
+'Section List': 'Сьпiс рубрык'
+All: Усе
+duplicate: дубляваць
+move: перанесьцi
+Move: Перанесьцi
+'From:': 'Ад:'
+'Date:': 'Дата:'
+Hidden: Схаваны
+Comments: Камэнтары
+Comment: Камэтары
+Approved: Зацьверджаны
+Subject: Тэма
+'IP address:': 'IP-адрас:'
+'Email:': 'e-mail:'
+Author: Аўтар
+'Article name': 'Назва артыкула'
+'Hide article': 'Захаваць артыкул'
+'Show article': 'Паказаць артыкул'
+'Article Type Fields': 'Палi тыпаў артыкула'
+'Article Images': 'Выява з артыкула'
+'Log Messages': 'Паведамленьне журнала'
+'Article Files': 'Файлы артыкула'
+'Article Comments': 'Камэнтары да артыкула'
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што жадаеце дэактывававаць падпiсчыка?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што жадаеце актывіваваць падпiску?'
+Other: Iншае
+'Time:': 'Час:'
+'No events.': 'Няма падзеяў.'
+'Default templates': 'Шаблёны па змаўчанню'
+'System Preferences': 'Сыстэмныя наладкі'
+'The date must be in the future.': 'Дата павiнна быць у будучым часе.'
+Send: Адправiць
+'Thank you.': Дзякуй.
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Калi ласка затрымайцеся на хвілінку, каб адправiць нам e-mail.'
+(optional): (дадаткова)
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'Уведзены URL няправільны: $1 '
+Reads: 'Колькасьць праглядаў'
+'Publish with issue': 'Апублiкаваць выпуск'
+'Universal List': 'Універсальны спіс'
+'Invalid security token!': 'Няправільны маркер бяспецы!'
+Authors: Аўтары
+Title: Загаловак
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: на
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.bn.yml
index c04c00739d..bf0b7506fd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.bn.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Plugins: প্লাগইন
+'Manage Plugins': 'প্লাগইন ব্যবস্থাপন'
+Account: অ্যাকাউন্ট
+'Items per page': 'প্রতি পাতার আইটেম'
+'Add new': 'নতুন যোগ করুন'
+Home: 'প্রধান পাতা'
+Logout: 'লগ আউট'
+More...: অধিক
+Content: বিষয়বস্তু
+Languages: ভাষা
+Countries: দেশ
+Themes: থিম
+Topics: বিষয়
+Configure: কনফিগার
+'Image Archive': 'ছবি আর্কাইভ'
+'Add Article': 'প্রবন্ধ যোগ করুন'
+Fields: ক্ষেত্র
+Delete: 'মুছে ফেলা'
+Type: ধরন
+Name: নাম
+Code: কোড
+Edit: সম্পাদন
+Login: লগইন
+Password: পাসওয়ার্ড
+Site: সাইট
+Path: পথ
+'Go up': 'উপরে যান'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
+Order: বিন্যাস
+Hide: লুকান
+Duplicate: প্রতিলিপি
+Subscription: সাবস্ক্রিপশন
+expires: মেয়াদ
+starts: আরম্ভ
+before: আগে
+after: পরে
+on: চল
+status: অবস্থা
+active: সক্রিয়
+inactive: নিষ্ক্রিয়
+Subscribers: গ্রাহক
+Staff: কর্মচারিবর্গ
+'Select destination': 'গন্তব্য নির্বাচন'
+'No languages': 'কোন ভাষা নেই'
+'---Select language---': 'ভাষা নির্বাচন'
+'No publications': 'প্রকাশনা নেই'
+'---Select publication---': '--প্রকাশনা নির্বাচন করুন--'
+'No issues': 'কোন বিষয় নেই'
+'---Select issue---': '--বিষয় নির্বাচন করুন--'
+'No sections': 'কোন বিভাগ নেই'
+'---Select section---': '--বিভাগ নির্বাচন করুন--'
+Language: ভাষা
+Country: দেশ
+'Account name': 'অ্যাকাউন্টের নাম'
+Publication: প্রকাশন
+'Default language': 'ডিফল্ট ভাষা'
+Subscriptions: সাবস্ক্রিপশন
+Issue: ইস্যু
+Number: সংখ্যা
+Section: বিভাগ
+Keywords: মূলশব্দ
+Topic: বিষয়
+'URL Name': 'URL-র নাম'
+'Left to pay': null
+Active: null
+Trial: null
+Next: null
+Previous: null
+Translate: null
+View: null
+'Scheduled Publishing': null
+Time: null
+Action: null
+'Schedule a new action': null
+'Scheduling a new publish action': null
+'Delete scheduled publish action': null
+Date/Time: null
+'You must select an action.': null
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': null
+'Front page': null
+'Section page': null
+'Show on front page': null
+'Remove from front page': null
+'Show on section page': null
+'Remove from section page': null
+Actions: null
+Publishing: null
+Show: null
+Remove: null
+'Article Types': null
+'Staff User Types': null
+Publications: null
+Issues: null
+Sections: null
+Articles: null
+Images: null
+Change: null
+'Add new issue': null
+'Section Template': null
+'Article Template': null
+'Default Language': null
+'Paid Period': null
+Preview: null
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': null
+Error: null
+'Invalid input: $1': null
+'Language does not exist.': null
+'Publication does not exist.': null
+'Issue does not exist.': null
+'You must select a language.': null
+'Section does not exist.': null
+'No articles.': null
+'Article does not exist.': null
+'Image does not exist.': null
+'Access denied': null
+'Invalid parameters received': null
+'Add new article': null
+Status: null
+Published: null
+'Not published': null
+Submitted: null
+New: null
+Article: null
+Publish: null
+Unpublish: null
+Unlock: null
+Uploaded: null
+YYYY-MM-DD: null
+Submit: null
+Image: null
+Description: null
+Photographer: null
+Place: null
+Date: null
+Thumbnail: null
+'In use': null
+'Additional searches': null
+'Most Recently Added': null
+'Most Recently Modified': null
+'$1 images found': null
+'Reset search conditions': null
+'Image number': null
+Users: null
+Localizer: null
+'Adding new translation': null
+'No more languages.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Add new publication': null
+'Upload new template': null
+'Add new staff member': null
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': null
+'Add new user type': null
+'Add new article type': null
+'Add new country': null
+'Add new language': null
+'View logs': null
+'Change your password': null
+'Your Articles': null
+'Submitted Articles': null
+Logs: null
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 countries left.': null
+'Name (click to edit)': null
+'Add new subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': null
+'Adding subscription': null
+'Delete subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': null
+'No such subscription.': null
+Yes: null
+No: null
+Close: null
+'No issues.': null
+'Back to Edit Article': null
+'No topics': null
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': null
+Start: null
+Days: null
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': null
+'Add another': null
+Cancel: null
+Done: null
+OK: null
+Save: null
+Search: null
+'Make a selection': null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'আপনাকে শূন্য থেকে অধিক নিবেশ কোরতে হবে $1 ফিল্ডে'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'একটি বৈধ তারিখ ইনপুট প্রয়োজন.'
+'Add new field': 'নতুন ক্ষেত্র যোগ করুন'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'প্রবন্ধ স্বয়ংক্রিয় প্রকাশনার সময়সূচী'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি এই নির্ধারিত কর্ম মুছে ফেলতে চান?'
+Unlink: 'বিযুক্ত করা'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'আপনি কি নিশ্চিত আপনি ইমেজ মুছে ফেলতে চান $1?'
+'No such issue.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি প্রকাশন থেকে সাবস্ক্রিপশন মুছে ফেলতে চান $1?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': null
+GB: গিগাবাইট
+MB: মেগাবাইট
+KB: কিলোবাইট
+bytes: বাইট
+Attach: সংযুক্তি
+Back: পূর্বাবস্থায়
+File: ফাইল
+'Save and Close': 'সংরক্ষণ এবং বন্ধ করুন'
+Add: 'যুক্ত করুন'
+'Select All': 'সবগুলি নির্বাচন করুন'
+'Select None': 'কোনটি নির্বাচন করা হয়নি'
+'Add Event': 'ঘটনা যুক্ত করুন'
N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+'On Front Page': 'প্রথম পৃষ্ঠায়'
+'On Section Page': 'বিভাগ পৃষ্ঠায়'
+'Created by': 'তৈরি করেছেন'
+'Creation date': 'তৈরির তারিখ'
+'Publication List': 'প্রকাশনা তালিকা'
+'Issue List': 'ইস্যু তালিকা'
+'Section List': 'বিভাগ তালিকা'
+All: সকল
+duplicate: প্রতিলিপি
+move: নাড়ান
+Move: নাড়ান
+'From:': 'থেকে:'
+'Date:': 'তারিখ:'
+Hidden: লুক্কায়িত
+Comments: 'এতগুলি মন্তব্য'
+Comment: মন্তব্য
+Approved: অনুমোদিত
+Subject: প্রসঙ্গ
+'IP address:': 'IP ঠিকানা:'
+'Email:': 'ইমেল:'
+Author: লেখক
+'Article name': 'প্রবন্ধের নাম'
+'Hide article': 'প্রবন্ধ লুকান'
+'Show article': 'প্রবন্ধ দেখুন'
+'Article Type Fields': 'প্রবন্ধের ক্ষেত্রের ধরণ'
+'Article Images': 'প্রবন্ধের ছবি'
+'Log Messages': 'লগ বার্তাগুলি দেখুন'
+'Article Files': 'প্রবন্ধ ফাইল'
+'Article Comments': 'এই নিবন্ধটি এর উপর মন্তব্যসমূহ'
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'আপনি কি নিশ্চিত আপনি সাবস্ক্রিপশন নিস্ক্রিয় করতে চান?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'আপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি সাবস্ক্রিপশন সক্রিয় করতে চান?'
+Other: অন্যান্য
+'Time:': 'সময়:'
+'No events.': 'নতুন কোনো কর্মকাণ্ড নেই.'
+'Default templates': 'ডিফল্ট ফর্মা'
+'System Preferences': 'সিস্টেম পছন্দ নির্বাচন করুন'
+'The date must be in the future.': null
+Send: পাঠান
+'Thank you.': 'আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ.'
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'অনুগ্রহ করে আমাদের একটি ইমেল প্রেরণ করুন.'
+(optional): (ঐচ্ছিক)
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'আপনার লেখা URL টি অবৈধ: $1'
+Reads: পাঠ্য
+'Publish with issue': 'বিষয় প্রকাশ'
+'Universal List': 'ইউনিভার্সাল তালিকা'
+'Invalid security token!': 'অবৈধ নিরাপত্তা টোকেন!'
+Authors: লেখক
+Title: null
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.cs.yml
index c04c00739d..52de8ee3ec 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.cs.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
+Plugins: Plug-iny
+'Manage Plugins': 'Spravovat Pluginy'
+Account: Účet
+'Items per page': 'Položek na stránku'
+'Add new': 'Přidat nový'
+Home: Domů
+Logout: Odhlásit
+More...: Více...
+Content: Obsah
+Languages: Jazyk
+Countries: Země
+Themes: Náměty
+Topics: Témata
+Configure: Konfiguruj
+'Image Archive': 'Archiv Obrázků'
+'Add Article': 'Přidat článek'
+Fields: Pole
+Delete: Smazat
+Type: Typ
+Name: Název
+Code: Kód
+Edit: Upravit
+Login: 'Přihlásit se'
+Password: Heslo
Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Path: Cesta
+'Go up': Nahoru
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
+Order: Řazení
+Hide: Skrýt
+Duplicate: Duplikovat
+Subscription: Předplatné
+expires: vyprší
+starts: začíná
+before: před
+after: po
+on: v
+status: stav
+active: aktivní
+inactive: 'neaktivníNázev '
+Subscribers: Předplatitelé
+Staff: Zaměstnanci
+'Select destination': 'Vyber místo určení'
+'No languages': 'Žádný jazyk'
+'---Select language---': '---Vyber jazyk---'
+'No publications': 'Žádné publikace'
+'---Select publication---': '---Vyber publikaci---'
+'No issues': 'Žádné články'
+'---Select issue---': '---Vyber článek---'
+'No sections': 'Žádné rubriky'
+'---Select section---': '---Vyber rubliku---'
+Language: Jazyk
+Country: Země
+'Account name': 'Jméno účtu'
+Publication: Publikace
+'Default language': 'Výchozí jazyk'
+Subscriptions: Předplatné
+Issue: Vydání
+Number: Číslo
+Section: Oddíl
+Keywords: 'Klíčová slova'
+Topic: Téma
+'URL Name': 'Jméno vydání v URL'
+'Left to pay': 'Zbývá zaplatit'
+Active: Aktivní
+Trial: Zkouška
+Next: Další
+Previous: Předchozí
+Translate: Překlad
+View: Náhled
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Plánované publikování'
+Time: Čas
+Action: Činnost
+'Schedule a new action': 'Naplánovat činnost'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Název '
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Zruš naplánovanou činnost'
+Date/Time: Datum/Čas
+'You must select an action.': 'Musíte zvolit činnost'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Nemáte oprávnění plánovat automatickou publikaci článků nebo vydání'
+'Front page': 'Titulní strana'
+'Section page': 'Titulní strana rubriky'
+'Show on front page': 'Zobrazit na titulní straně'
+'Remove from front page': 'Odstranit z titulní strany'
+'Show on section page': 'Zobrazit na titulní straně rubriky'
+'Remove from section page': 'Odstranit z titulní strany rubriky'
+Actions: Činnosti
+Publishing: Publikování
+Show: Zobraz
+Remove: Odstranit
+'Article Types': 'Typ článku'
+'Staff User Types': 'Role zaměstnanců'
+Publications: Publikace
+Issues: Vydání
+Sections: Rubriky
+Articles: Články
+Images: Obrázky
+Change: Změnit
+'Add new issue': 'Přidat nové vydání'
+'Section Template': 'Šablona titulní strany rubriky'
+'Article Template': 'Šablona článku'
+'Default Language': 'Výchozí jazyk'
+'Paid Period': 'Zaplacené období'
+Preview: Náhled
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'Musíte vyplnit pole $1'
+Error: Chyba
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Neplatná hodnota: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'Jazyk neexistuje'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'Publikace neexistuje'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Vydání neexistuje'
+'You must select a language.': 'Vyberte jazyk'
+'Section does not exist.': 'Rubrika neexistuje'
+'No articles.': 'Články neexistují'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Článek neexistuje'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Obrázek neexistuje'
+'Access denied': 'Přístup zamítnut'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Přijaty neplatné parametry'
+'Add new article': 'Přidat nový článek'
Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+Published: Zveřejněno
+'Not published': Nezveřejněno
+Submitted: Podáno
+New: Nový
+Article: Článek
+Publish: Zveřejnit
+Unpublish: Nezveřejňovat
+Unlock: Odemknout
+Uploaded: Nahráno
+Submit: Podat
+Image: Obrázek
+Description: Popis
+Photographer: Fotograf
+Place: Místo
+Date: Datum
+Thumbnail: Náhled
+'In use': 'Používá se'
+'Additional searches': 'Doplňkové vyhledávání'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Naposledy přidané'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Naposledz upravované'
+'$1 images found': 'Nalezeno $1 obrázků'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Obnovení výchozích podmínek hledání'
+'Image number': 'Obrázek č.'
+Users: Uživatelé
+Localizer: Lokalizátor
+'Adding new translation': 'Přidávání nového překladu'
+'No more languages.': 'Žádné další jazyky'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'Pole $1 může obsahovat pouye písmena, čísla a podtržítko (znak _ ).'
+'Add new publication': 'Přidat novou publikaci'
+'Upload new template': 'Nahrát novou šablonu'
+'Add new staff member': 'Přidat nového zaměstnance'
+'Staff member deleted.': 'Zaměstnanec smazán. '
+'Add new subscriber': 'Přidat nového předplatitele'
+'Add new user type': 'Přidat typ uživatele'
+'Add new article type': 'Přidat nový typ článku'
+'Add new country': 'Přidat novou zemi'
+'Add new language': 'Přidat nový jazyk'
+'View logs': 'Náhled logu'
+'Change your password': 'Změnit heslo'
+'Your Articles': 'Tvé články'
+'Submitted Articles': 'Podané články'
+Logs: Logy
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'Zbývají články $1'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'Zbývá článek $1'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'Zbývá rubrika $1'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'Zbývá publikace $1'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'Zbývají země $1'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'Název (klikněte pro editaci)'
+'Add new subscription': 'Přidat nové předplatné'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Nemáte právo přidat předplatné'
+'Adding subscription': 'Přidání předplatného'
+'Delete subscription': 'Smazat předplatné'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Nemáte právo smazat předplatné'
+'No such subscription.': 'Předplatné neexistuje'
+Yes: Ano
+No: Ne
+Close: Zavřít
+'No issues.': 'Vydání neexistuje'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Zpět na detaily článku'
+'No topics': 'Žádná témata'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Nemáte právo přidat článek'
+Start: Začátek
+Days: Dny
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Rubriky nebyly úspěšně přidány. Některé již byly přidány! '
+'Add another': 'Přidat další'
+Cancel: Zrušit
+Done: Hotovo
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: Uložit
+Search: Hledej
+'Make a selection': Vyberte
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'Do pole $1 můžete vložit pouze číslo větší než 0.'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Musíte vložit platné datum'
+'Add new field': 'Přidat nové pole'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Automatické publikování rozvrhu článků'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Doopravdy chcete odstranit naplánovanou činnost?'
+Unlink: Rozpojit
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Doopravdy chcete odstranit obrázek $1?'
+'No such issue.': 'Žádný takový problém.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Doopravdy chcete odstranit předplatné k publikaci $1?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Není možné uložit změny vydání $1. Prosím ujistěte se, že URL jméno vydání $2 nebylo použito dříve v publikaci $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
+bytes: bajtů
+Attach: Přilož
+Back: Zpět
+File: Soubor
+'Save and Close': 'Uložit a Zavřít'
+Add: Přidat
+'Select All': 'Vybrat vše'
+'Select None': 'Zrušit výběr'
+'Add Event': 'Přidej událost'
N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
+'On Front Page': 'Na titulní straně'
+'On Section Page': 'Na titulní straně rubriky'
+'Created by': Vytvořil
+'Creation date': 'Datum vytvoření'
+'Publication List': 'Přehled publikace'
+'Issue List': 'Přehled vydání'
+'Section List': 'Přehled sekce'
+All: Vše
+duplicate: duplikovat
+move: přesunout
+Move: Přesunout
+'From:': Od.
+'Date:': 'Datum:'
+Hidden: Skrytý
+Comments: Komentáře
+Comment: Komentář
+Approved: Schválený
+Subject: Předmět
+'IP address:': 'IP adresa:'
'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Author: Autor
+'Article name': 'Název článku'
+'Hide article': 'Srýt článek'
+'Show article': 'Ukázat článek'
+'Article Type Fields': 'Pole Typu Článku'
+'Article Images': 'Zobrazení článku'
+'Log Messages': 'Zapsat zprávy'
+'Article Files': 'Soubory článku'
+'Article Comments': 'Komentáře k článku'
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Doopravdy chcete deaktivovat předplatné?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Doopravdy chcete aktivovat předplatné?'
+Other: Jiné
+'Time:': 'Čas:'
+'No events.': 'Žádné události.'
+'Default templates': 'Přednastavené šablony'
+'System Preferences': 'Systémové preference'
+'The date must be in the future.': 'Datum musí být budoucí.'
+Send: Odeslat
+'Thank you.': Děkuji.
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Prosíme, najděte si chvíli a pošlete nám email.'
+(optional): (volitelný)
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'URL, kterou jste zadali je neplatná: $1'
+Reads: Přečteno
+'Publish with issue': 'Publikovat s vydáním'
+'Universal List': 'Všeobecný přehled'
+'Invalid security token!': 'Neplatný bezpečnostní znak!'
+Authors: Autoři
+Title: Název
+'Edit country': 'Editovat zemi'
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Záznam $1 je připraven ke zveřejnění'
+'Entry deleted': 'Záznam smazán'
+'Feed saved': 'Feed uložen'
+'Item published': 'Položka zveřejněna'
+'Settings saved': 'Nastavení uloženo'
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Není dovoleno smazání.'
+'Edit staff member $1': 'Editovat zaměstnance $1'
+'Delete staff member $1': 'Smazat zaměstnance $1'
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Uživatel $1 nemohl být uložen. Ujistěte se, zda již neexistuje. '
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Uživatel s e-mailovou adresou $1 nemohl být uložen. Ujistěte se, zda již neexistuje.'
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Změna typu uživatele Vám zabrání spravovat uživatele. Zrušeno. '
+'Staff member saved.': 'Zaměstnanec uložen.'
+'Permissions: $1': 'Povolení: $1'
+'Change user account information': 'Změnit informace uživatelského účtu'
+'Staff management': 'Management zaměstnanců'
+Updated: Aktualizováno
+Options: Možnosti
+Verified: Ověřeno
+Confirm: Potvrdit
+at: na
+published: zveřejněno
+unpublished: nezveřejněno
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.da.yml
index c04c00739d..265a252285 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.da.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
+'Manage Plugins': 'Administrer plugins'
+Account: Konto
+'Items per page': 'Emner per side'
+'Add new': 'Tilføj ny'
+Home: Hjem
+Logout: 'Log ud'
+More...: Mere...
+Content: Indhold
+Languages: Sprog
+Countries: Lande
+Themes: Temaer
+Topics: Emner
+Configure: Indstillinger
+'Image Archive': 'Billed arkiv'
+'Add Article': 'Tilføj Artikel'
+Fields: Felter
+Delete: Slet
Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Name: Navn
+Code: Kode
+Edit: Rediger
+Login: 'Log ind'
+Password: Adgangskode
+Site: Hjemmeside
+Path: Sti
+'Go up': 'Gå op'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
+Order: Sortering
+Hide: Skjul
+Duplicate: 'Lav kopi'
+Subscription: Abonnement
+expires: udløber
+starts: starter
+before: før
+after: efter
+on: på
status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
+active: aktiv
+inactive: inaktiv
+Subscribers: Abonnenter
+Staff: Redaktion
+'Select destination': 'Vælg destination'
+'No languages': 'Ingen sprog'
+'---Select language---': '---Vælg sprog---'
+'No publications': 'Ingen publikationer'
+'---Select publication---': '---Vælg publikation---'
+'No issues': 'Ingen udgivelser'
+'---Select issue---': '---Vælg udgivelse---'
+'No sections': 'Ingen sektioner'
+'---Select section---': '---Vælg sektion---'
+Language: Sprog
+Country: Land
+'Account name': 'Konto navn'
+Publication: Publikation
+'Default language': 'Standard sprog'
+Subscriptions: Abonnementer
+Issue: Udgivelse
+Number: Nummer
+Section: Sektion
+Keywords: Nøgleord
+Topic: Emne
+'URL Name': 'URL navn'
+'Left to pay': 'Mangler at betale'
+Active: Aktive
+Trial: Prøve
+Next: Næste
+Previous: Forrige
+Translate: Oversæt
+View: Se
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Planlagt udgivelse'
+Time: Tidspunkt
+Action: Handling
+'Schedule a new action': 'Planlæg en ny handling'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Planlæg ny udgivelses handling'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Slet planlagt udgivelses handling'
+Date/Time: Dato/Tid
+'You must select an action.': 'Du skal vælge en handling'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at planlægge udgivelser eller artikler til automatisk publicering.'
+'Front page': Forside
+'Section page': 'Sektions side'
+'Show on front page': 'Vis på forsiden'
+'Remove from front page': 'Fjern fra forsiden'
+'Show on section page': 'Vis på sektions side'
+'Remove from section page': 'Fjern fra sektions side'
+Actions: Handlinger
+Publishing: Publicering
+Show: Vis
+Remove: Fjern
+'Article Types': 'Artikel typer'
+'Staff User Types': 'Redaktions bruger typer'
+Publications: Publikationer
+Issues: Udgivelser
+Sections: Sektioner
+Articles: Artikler
+Images: Billeder
+Change: Tilpas
+'Add new issue': 'Tilføj ny udgivelse'
+'Section Template': 'Sektions skabelon'
+'Article Template': 'Artikel skabelon'
+'Default Language': 'Standard sprog'
+'Paid Period': 'Betalt periode'
+Preview: Forhåndsvisning
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'Du skal udfylde $1 feltet.'
+Error: Fejl
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Ugyldigt input: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'Sprog eksisterer ikke.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'Publikation eksisterer ikke.'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Udgivelsen eksisterer ikke.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Du skal vælge et sprog.'
+'Section does not exist.': 'Sektion eksisterer ikke.'
+'No articles.': 'Ingen artikler.'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Artiklen eksisterer ikke.'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Billedet eksisterer ikke.'
+'Access denied': 'Adgang forbudt'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Modtog ugyldige parametre'
+'Add new article': 'Tilføj ny artikel'
Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
+Published: Udgivet
+'Not published': 'Ikke udgivet'
+Submitted: Indsendt
+New: Ny
+Article: Artikel
+Publish: Udgiv
+Unpublish: 'Træk tilbage'
+Unlock: 'Lås op'
+Uploaded: Uploadet
+Submit: Send
+Image: Billede
+Description: Beskrivelse
+Photographer: Fotograf
+Place: Sted
+Date: Dato
Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
+'In use': 'I brug'
+'Additional searches': 'Yderligere søgninger'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Senest tilføjet'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Senes ændret'
+'$1 images found': '$1 billeder fundet'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Nulstil søgning'
+'Image number': 'Billede nummer'
+Users: Brugere
+Localizer: Oversætter
+'Adding new translation': 'Tilføjer ny oversættelse'
+'No more languages.': 'Ikke flere sprog.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': '$1 feltet må kun indeholde bogstaver'
+'Add new publication': 'Tilføj ny publikation'
+'Upload new template': 'Upload ny skabelon'
+'Add new staff member': 'Tilføj nyt redaktionsmedlem'
+'Staff member deleted.': 'Redaktionsmedlem slettet.'
+'Add new subscriber': 'Tilføj ny abonnent'
+'Add new user type': 'Tilføj ny bruger type'
+'Add new article type': 'Tilføj ny artikel type'
+'Add new country': 'Tilføj nyt land'
+'Add new language': 'Tilføj nyt sprog'
+'View logs': 'Se logfiler'
+'Change your password': 'Skift din adgangskode'
+'Your Articles': 'Dine artikler'
+'Submitted Articles': 'Indsendte artikler'
+Logs: Logfiler
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'Der er $1 artikler tilbage.'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'Der er $1 udgivelser tilbage.'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'Der er $1 sektioner tilbage.'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'Der er $1 publikationer tilbage.'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'Der er $1 lande tilbage.'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'Navn (klik for at redigere)'
+'Add new subscription': 'Tilføj nyt abonnement'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje abonnementer.'
+'Adding subscription': 'Tilføjer abonnementer'
+'Delete subscription': 'Slet abonnement'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette abonnementer.'
+'No such subscription.': 'Abonnementet findes ikke.'
+Yes: Ja
+No: Nej
+Close: Luk
+'No issues.': 'Ingen udgivelser.'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Tilbage til artikel redigering'
+'No topics': 'Ingen emner'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje artikler.'
Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+Days: Dage
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Sektionerne kunne ikke tilføjes. Nogle var allerede tilføjet!'
+'Add another': 'Tilføj en til'
+Cancel: Annullér
+Done: Færdig
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: Gem
+Search: Søg
+'Make a selection': 'Lav en markering'
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'Du skal skrive en værdi højere end 0 i $1 feltet'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Du skal skrive en gyldig dato.'
+'Add new field': 'Tilføj nyt felt'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Automatisk publiceringsplan for artikel'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Vil du slette den planlagte handling?'
+Unlink: 'Fjern link'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Vil du slette billedet $1?'
+'No such issue.': 'Udgivelsen findes ikke.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Vil du slette abonnementet på publikationen $1?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Ændringerne kunne ikke gemmes til udgivelsen $1. Kontroller om udgivelses URL navnet $2 er i brug til udgivelsen $3.'
bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
+Attach: Vedhæft
+Back: Tilbage
+File: Fil
+'Save and Close': 'Gem og luk'
+Add: Tilføj
+'Select All': 'Vælg alt'
+'Select None': 'Vælg ingenting'
+'Add Event': 'Tilføj begivenhed'
+N/A: '- - -'
+'On Front Page': 'På forsiden'
+'On Section Page': 'På sektionssiden'
+'Created by': 'Oprettet af'
+'Creation date': Oprettelsesdato
+'Publication List': Publikationer
+'Issue List': 'Liste over udgivelser'
+'Section List': 'Liste over sektioner'
+All: Alle
+duplicate: 'lav kopi'
+move: flyt
+Move: Flyt
+'From:': 'Fra:'
+'Date:': 'Dato:'
+Hidden: Skjult
+Comments: Kommentarer
+Comment: Kommentér
+Approved: Godkendt
+Subject: Emne
+'IP address:': 'IP adresse:'
'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
+Author: Forfatter
+'Article name': 'Artikel navn'
+'Hide article': 'Skjul artikel'
+'Show article': 'Vis artikel'
+'Article Type Fields': 'Artikel type felter'
+'Article Images': 'Artikel billeder'
+'Log Messages': 'Log beskeder'
+'Article Files': 'Artikel filer'
+'Article Comments': 'Artikel kommentarer'
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Vil du deaktivere abonnementet?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Vil du aktivere abonnementet?'
+Other: Andre
+'Time:': 'Tidspunkt:'
+'No events.': 'Ingen begivenheder.'
+'Default templates': 'Standard skabeloner'
+'System Preferences': 'System indstillinger'
+'The date must be in the future.': 'Datoen skal ligge i fremtiden.'
Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+'Thank you.': Tak.
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Brug et minut på at sende os en mail.'
+(optional): (valgfri)
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'Ugyldig URL: $1'
+Reads: Læst
+'Publish with issue': 'Udgiv med udgivelsen'
+'Universal List': 'Universel liste'
+'Invalid security token!': 'Ugyldig sikkerheds token!'
+Authors: Forfattere
+Title: Titel
+'Edit country': 'Rediger land'
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Post $1 klar til udgivelse'
+'Entry deleted': 'Post slettet'
+'Feed saved': 'Feed gemt'
+'Item published': 'Post udgivet'
+'Settings saved': 'Indstillinger gemt'
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Man kan ikke slette sig selv.'
+'Edit staff member $1': 'Rediger redaktionsmedlem $1'
+'Delete staff member $1': 'Slet redaktionsmedlem $1'
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Brugeren $1 kunne ikke gemmes. Kontroller at den ikke allerede findes.'
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Kunne ikke gemme bruger med email adressen $1. Kontroller at den ikke allerede findes.'
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Ændringen i brugertyper ville forhindre dig i at administrere brugertyper. Annulleret.'
+'Staff member saved.': 'Redaktionsmedlem gemt.'
+'Permissions: $1': 'Tilladelser: $1'
+'Change user account information': 'Rediger information om brugerkonto'
+'Staff management': 'Administration af redaktion'
+Updated: Opdateret
+Options: Indstillinger
+Verified: Bekræftet
+Confirm: Bekræft
+at: på
+published: udgivet
+unpublished: 'træk tilbage'
+nopermissions: 'Du har ikke tilladelser til at tilgå denne ressource.'
+importantmessage: 'Vigtig information'
+anonymous: Anonym
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Godkendelses token blev opdateret'
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Godkendelses token kunne ikke opdateres'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.de.yml
index c04c00739d..37c3d9a12b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.de.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
+'Manage Plugins': 'Plugins verwalten'
+Account: Benutzerkonto
+'Items per page': 'Anzahl pro Seite'
+'Add new': Hinzufügen
+Home: Dashboard
+Logout: Ausloggen
+More...: Mehr...
+Content: Inhalt
+Languages: Sprachen
+Countries: Länder
+Themes: Themen
+Topics: Themen
+Configure: Konfiguration
+'Image Archive': Bildarchiv
+'Add Article': 'Artikel hinzufügen'
+Fields: Felder
+Delete: Löschen
+Type: Typ
Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
+Code: Ländercode
+Edit: Bearbeiten
Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Password: Passwort
+Site: Seite
+Path: Pfad
+'Go up': 'Nach oben'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
+Order: Reihenfolge
+Hide: Verbergen
+Duplicate: Duplizieren
+Subscription: Abonnement
+expires: 'läuft ab'
+starts: beginnt
+before: vor
+after: nach
+on: an
+status: Status
+active: aktiv
+inactive: inaktiv
+Subscribers: Abonnenten
+Staff: Team
+'Select destination': 'Ziel wählen'
+'No languages': 'Keine Sprachen'
+'---Select language---': '---Sprache auswählen---'
+'No publications': 'Keine Publikationen'
+'---Select publication---': '---Publikation auswählen---'
+'No issues': 'Keine Ausgaben'
+'---Select issue---': '---Ausgabe auswählen---'
+'No sections': 'Keine Rubriken'
+'---Select section---': '----Rubrik auswählen---'
+Language: Sprache
+Country: Land
+'Account name': Benutzername
+Publication: Publikation
+'Default language': Standardsprache
+Subscriptions: Abonnements
+Issue: Ausgabe
+Number: Nummer
+Section: Rubrik
+Keywords: Stichwörter
+Topic: Thema
'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
+'Left to pay': 'Noch zu zahlen'
+Active: Aktiv
+Trial: Probe
+Next: Weiter
+Previous: Zurück
+Translate: Übersetzen
+View: Ansicht
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Automatisierte Publizierung'
+Time: Zeit
+Action: Aktion
+'Schedule a new action': 'Neue Aktion automatisieren'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Neue Aktion wird automatisiert'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Löschen einer automatisierten Aktion'
+Date/Time: Datum/Uhrzeit
+'You must select an action.': 'Sie müssen eine Aktion wählen.'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Kein Zugriffsrecht auf die Automatisierung von Ausgaben oder Artikeln'
+'Front page': Startseite
+'Section page': Rubrikseite
+'Show on front page': 'Zeige auf der Startseite'
+'Remove from front page': 'Entferne von der Startseite'
+'Show on section page': 'Zeige auf Rubrikseite'
+'Remove from section page': 'Enferne von Rubrikseite'
+Actions: Aktionen
+Publishing: Veröffentlichen
+Show: Zeige
+Remove: Entferne
+'Article Types': Artikeltypen
+'Staff User Types': 'Team Benutzertypen'
+Publications: Publikationen
+Issues: Ausgaben
+Sections: Rubriken
+Articles: Artikel
+Images: Bilder
+Change: Ändern
+'Add new issue': 'Neue Ausgabe anlegen'
+'Section Template': 'Rubrik Template'
+'Article Template': 'Artikel Template'
+'Default Language': Standardsprache
+'Paid Period': 'Bezahlter Zeitraum'
+Preview: Vorschau
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'Bitte Feld $1 ausfüllen.'
+Error: Fehler
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Ungültige Eingabe: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'Diese Sprache ist nicht vorhanden.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'Diese Publikation ist nicht vorhanden.'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Diese Ausgabe existiert nicht.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Wählen Sie eine Sprache'
+'Section does not exist.': 'Diese Rubrik existiert nicht'
+'No articles.': 'Keine Artikel'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Dieser Artikel existiert nicht.'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Dieses Bild existiert nicht.'
+'Access denied': 'Zugang verweigert'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Ungültige Werte'
+'Add new article': 'Neuen Artikel hinzufügen'
Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
+Published: Veröffentlicht
+'Not published': 'Nicht veröffentlicht'
+Submitted: Eingepflegt
+New: Neu
+Article: Artikel
+Publish: Veröffentlichen
+Unpublish: 'Zurück stellen'
+Unlock: Freigeben
+Uploaded: Hochgeladen
+Submit: Absenden
+Image: Bild
+Description: Beschreibung
+Photographer: Fotograf/in
+Place: Ort
+Date: Datum
+Thumbnail: Miniaturansicht
+'In use': 'Wird gerade benutzt'
+'Additional searches': 'Erweiterte Suche'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Neueste Einträge'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Letzte Änderungen'
+'$1 images found': '$1 Bilder gefunden'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Suchanfrage zurücksetzen'
+'Image number': 'Bild Nr.'
+Users: Nutzer
+Localizer: Lokalisierung
+'Adding new translation': 'Neue Übersetzung hinzufügen'
+'No more languages.': 'Keine weiteren Sprachen'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'Feld $1 darf nur Buchstaben, Zahlen und Unterstriche (_) enthalten.'
+'Add new publication': 'Neue Publikation hinzufügen'
+'Upload new template': 'Neues Template hochladen'
+'Add new staff member': 'Neues Personalkonto einrichten'
+'Staff member deleted.': 'Mitarbeiterin gelöscht.'
+'Add new subscriber': 'Neuen Abonnenten einrichten'
+'Add new user type': 'Neuen Benutzertyp hinzufügen'
+'Add new article type': 'Neuen Artikeltyp hinzufügen'
+'Add new country': 'Neues Land hinzufügen'
+'Add new language': 'Neue Sprache hinzufügen'
+'View logs': 'Logfiles anzeigen'
+'Change your password': 'Ihr Passwort ändern'
+'Your Articles': 'Ihre Artikel'
+'Submitted Articles': 'eingepflegte Artikel'
+Logs: Logfiles
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'Es sind noch $1 Artikel vorhanden.'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'Es sind noch $1 Ausgaben vorhanden.'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'Es sind noch $1 Rubriken vorhanden.'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'Es sind noch $1 Publikationen vorhanden.'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'Es sind noch $1 Länder vorhanden.'
'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+'Add new subscription': 'Neues Abonnement hinzufügen'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Abonnements hinzuzufügen'
+'Adding subscription': 'Abonnement wird hinzugefügt'
+'Delete subscription': 'Abonnement löschen'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Abonnements zu löschen'
+'No such subscription.': 'Abonnement nicht vorhanden'
+Yes: Ja
+No: Nein
+Close: Schließen
+'No issues.': 'Keine Ausgabe'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Zurück zum Bearbeiten des Artikels'
+'No topics': 'Keine Themen'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Artikel hinzuzufügen'
+Start: Starten
+Days: Tage
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Die Rubriken konnten nicht hinzugefügt werden. Einige waren bereits hinzugefügt worden!'
+'Add another': 'Weitere hinzufügen'
+Cancel: Abbruch
+Done: Ausgeführt
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: Speichern
+Search: Suche
+'Make a selection': 'Auswahl vornehmen'
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'Die Zahl in Feld $1 muss größer als 0 sein.'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Es muss ein gültiges Datum eingefügt werden.'
+'Add new field': 'Neues Feld hinzufügen'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Automatisierung des Artikels (Veröffentlichung und Eigenschaften)'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Soll diese automatisierte Aktion gelöscht werden?'
+Unlink: Entkoppeln
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie um das Bild zu löschen?'
+'No such issue.': 'Ausgabe nicht vorhanden'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Soll das Abonnement für die Publikation $1 gelöscht werden?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Die Änderungen für Ausgabe $1 konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte prüfen Sie, dass Ausgaben URL $2 noch nicht in Publikation $3 benutzt wurde.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
+bytes: Bytes
+Attach: Anhängen
+Back: Zurück
+File: Datei
+'Save and Close': 'Speichern und Schließen'
+Add: Hinzu
+'Select All': 'Alle auswählen'
+'Select None': 'Keine auswählen'
+'Add Event': 'Ereignis hinzufügen'
+N/A: N.A.
+'On Front Page': 'Auf der Startseite'
+'On Section Page': 'Auf der Rubrikenseite'
+'Created by': 'Erstellt von'
+'Creation date': Erstellungsdatum
+'Publication List': 'Liste der Publikationen'
+'Issue List': 'Liste der Ausgaben'
+'Section List': 'Liste der Rubriken'
+All: Alle
+duplicate: Duplizieren
+move: Verschieben
+Move: Verschieben
+'From:': 'Von:'
+'Date:': 'Datum:'
+Hidden: Verborgen
+Comments: Kommentare
+Comment: Kommentar
+Approved: Bewilligt
+Subject: Subjekt
+'IP address:': 'IP Adresse'
+'Email:': 'E-Mail:'
+Author: AutorIn
+'Article name': Artikelname
+'Hide article': 'Verberge Artikel'
+'Show article': 'Zeige Artikel'
+'Article Type Fields': 'Artikeltyp Felder'
+'Article Images': Artikelbilder
+'Log Messages': 'Log Nachrichten'
+'Article Files': Artikeldateien
+'Article Comments': Artikelkommentare
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Soll das Abonnement wirklich deaktiviert werden?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Soll das Abonnement wirklich aktiviert werden?'
+Other: Andere
+'Time:': 'Uhrzeit:'
+'No events.': 'Keine Ereignisse.'
+'Default templates': Standard-Template
+'System Preferences': Systemeinstellungen
+'The date must be in the future.': 'Das Datum muss in der Zukunft liegen.'
+Send: Senden
+'Thank you.': 'Vielen Dank.'
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Bitte nehmen Sie sich eine Minute, um uns eine E-Mail zu senden.'
(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'Die angegebene URL ist ungültig: $1'
+Reads: Gelesen
+'Publish with issue': 'Mit Ausgabe veröffentlichen'
+'Universal List': 'Universelle Liste und Suche'
+'Invalid security token!': 'Ungültiges Sicherheits-Token! '
+Authors: Autoren/innen
+Title: Titel
+'Edit country': 'Land bearbeiten'
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Eintrag $1 vorbereitet zur Publikation'
+'Entry deleted': 'Eintrag gelöscht'
+'Feed saved': 'Feed gespeichert'
+'Item published': 'Artikel veröffentlicht'
+'Settings saved': 'Einstellungen gespeichert'
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Selbst-Löschung ist nicht erlaubt.'
+'Edit staff member $1': 'Mitarbeiter $1 bearbeiten'
+'Delete staff member $1': 'Mitarbeiter $1 löschen'
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Benutzer $1 konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass der Benutzer nicht schon existiert.'
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Benutzer mit E-Mail-Adresse $1 konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte prüfen Sie, ob diese E-Mail Adresse nicht schon existiert'
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Ändern des Benutzertyps führt dazu, dass Benutzer nicht mehr verwaltet werden dürfen. Abgebrochen.'
+'Staff member saved.': 'Mitarbeiter gespeichert.'
+'Permissions: $1': 'Berechtigungen: $1'
+'Change user account information': 'Benutzerinformation ändern'
+'Staff management': 'Mitarbeiter Management'
+Updated: Aktualisiert
+Options: Optionen
+Verified: Verifiziert
+Confirm: Bestätige
+at: auf
+published: veröffentlicht
+unpublished: unveröffentlicht
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.de_AT.yml
index c04c00739d..c9fece2733 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
+'Manage Plugins': 'Plugins verwalten'
+Account: Benutzerkonto
+'Items per page': 'Anzahl pro Seite'
+'Add new': Hinzufügen
+Home: Dashboard
+Logout: Ausloggen
+More...: Mehr...
+Content: Inhalt
+Languages: Sprachen
+Countries: Länder
+Themes: Themen
+Topics: Themen
+Configure: Konfiguration
+'Image Archive': Bildarchiv
+'Add Article': 'Artikel hinzufügen'
+Fields: Felder
+Delete: Löschen
+Type: Typ
Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
+Code: Ländercode
+Edit: Bearbeiten
Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Password: Passwort
+Site: Seite
+Path: Pfad
+'Go up': 'Nach oben'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
+Order: Reihenfolge
+Hide: Verbergen
+Duplicate: Duplizieren
+Subscription: Abonnement
+expires: 'läuft ab'
+starts: beginnt
+before: vor
+after: nach
+on: an
+status: Status
+active: aktiv
+inactive: inaktiv
+Subscribers: Abonnenten
+Staff: Team
+'Select destination': 'Ziel wählen'
+'No languages': 'Keine Sprachen'
+'---Select language---': '---Sprache auswählen---'
+'No publications': 'Keine Publikationen'
+'---Select publication---': '---Publikation auswählen---'
+'No issues': 'Keine Ausgaben'
+'---Select issue---': '---Ausgabe auswählen---'
+'No sections': 'Keine Rubriken'
+'---Select section---': '----Rubrik auswählen---'
+Language: Sprache
+Country: Land
+'Account name': Benutzername
+Publication: Publikation
+'Default language': Standardsprache
+Subscriptions: Abonnements
+Issue: Ausgabe
+Number: Nummer
+Section: Rubrik
+Keywords: Stichwörter
+Topic: Thema
'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
+'Left to pay': 'Noch zu zahlen'
+Active: Aktiv
+Trial: Probe
+Next: Weiter
+Previous: Zurück
+Translate: Übersetzen
+View: Ansicht
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Automatisierte Publizierung'
+Time: Zeit
+Action: Aktion
+'Schedule a new action': 'Neue Aktion automatisieren'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Neue Aktion wird automatisiert'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Löschen einer automatisierten Aktion'
+Date/Time: Datum/Uhrzeit
+'You must select an action.': 'Sie müssen eine Aktion wählen.'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Kein Zugriffsrecht auf die Automatisierung von Ausgaben oder Artikeln'
+'Front page': Startseite
+'Section page': Rubrikseite
+'Show on front page': 'Zeige auf der Startseite'
+'Remove from front page': 'Entferne von der Startseite'
+'Show on section page': 'Zeige auf Rubrikseite'
+'Remove from section page': 'Enferne von Rubrikseite'
+Actions: Aktionen
+Publishing: Veröffentlichen
+Show: Zeige
+Remove: Entferne
+'Article Types': Artikeltypen
+'Staff User Types': 'Team Benutzertypen'
+Publications: Publikationen
+Issues: Ausgaben
+Sections: Rubriken
+Articles: Artikel
+Images: Bilder
+Change: Ändern
+'Add new issue': 'Neue Ausgabe anlegen'
+'Section Template': 'Rubrik Template'
+'Article Template': 'Artikel Template'
+'Default Language': Standardsprache
+'Paid Period': 'Bezahlter Zeitraum'
+Preview: Vorschau
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'Bitte Feld $1 ausfüllen.'
+Error: Fehler
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Ungültige Eingabe: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'Diese Sprache ist nicht vorhanden.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'Diese Publikation ist nicht vorhanden.'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Diese Ausgabe existiert nicht.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Wählen Sie eine Sprache'
+'Section does not exist.': 'Diese Rubrik existiert nicht'
+'No articles.': 'Keine Artikel'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Dieser Artikel existiert nicht.'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Dieses Bild existiert nicht.'
+'Access denied': 'Zugang verweigert'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Ungültige Werte'
+'Add new article': 'Neuen Artikel hinzufügen'
Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
+Published: Veröffentlicht
+'Not published': 'Nicht veröffentlicht'
+Submitted: Eingepflegt
+New: Neu
+Article: Artikel
+Publish: Veröffentlichen
+Unpublish: 'Zurück stellen'
+Unlock: Freigeben
+Uploaded: Hochgeladen
+Submit: Absenden
+Image: Bild
+Description: Beschreibung
+Photographer: Fotograf/in
+Place: Ort
+Date: Datum
+Thumbnail: Miniaturansicht
+'In use': 'Wird gerade benutzt'
+'Additional searches': 'Erweiterte Suche'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Neueste Einträge'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Letzte Änderungen'
+'$1 images found': '$1 Bilder gefunden'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Suchanfrage zurücksetzen'
+'Image number': 'Bild Nr.'
+Users: Nutzer
+Localizer: Lokalisierung
+'Adding new translation': 'Neue Übersetzung hinzufügen'
+'No more languages.': 'Keine weiteren Sprachen'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'Feld $1 darf nur Buchstaben, Zahlen und Unterstriche (_) enthalten.'
+'Add new publication': 'Neue Publikation hinzufügen'
+'Upload new template': 'Neues Template hochladen'
+'Add new staff member': 'Neues Personalkonto einrichten'
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': 'Neuen Abonnenten einrichten'
+'Add new user type': 'Neuen Benutzertyp hinzufügen'
+'Add new article type': 'Neuen Artikel hinzufügen'
+'Add new country': 'Neues Land hinzufügen'
+'Add new language': 'Neue Sprache hinzufügen'
+'View logs': 'Logfiles anzeigen'
+'Change your password': 'Ihr Passwort ändern'
+'Your Articles': 'Ihre Artikel'
+'Submitted Articles': 'eingepflegte Artikel'
+Logs: Logfiles
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'Es sind noch $1 Artikel vorhanden.'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'Es sind noch $1 Ausgaben vorhanden.'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'Es sind noch $1 Rubriken vorhanden.'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'Es sind noch $1 Publikationen vorhanden.'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'Es sind noch $1 Länder vorhanden.'
'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+'Add new subscription': 'Neues Abonnement hinzufügen'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Abonnements hinzuzufügen'
+'Adding subscription': 'Abonnement wird hinzugefügt'
+'Delete subscription': 'Abonnement löschen'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Abonnements zu löschen'
+'No such subscription.': 'Abonnement nicht vorhanden'
+Yes: Ja
+No: Nein
+Close: Schließen
+'No issues.': 'Keine Ausgabe'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Zurück zum Bearbeiten des Artikels'
+'No topics': 'Keine Themen'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung, Artikel hinzuzufügen'
+Start: Starten
+Days: Tage
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Die Rubriken konnten nicht hinzugefügt werden. Einige waren bereits hinzugefügt worden!'
+'Add another': 'Weitere hinzufügen'
+Cancel: Abbruch
+Done: Ausgeführt
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: Speichern
+Search: Suche
+'Make a selection': 'Auswahl vornehmen'
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'Die Zahl in Feld $1 muss größer als 0 sein.'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Es muss ein gültiges Datum eingefügt werden.'
+'Add new field': 'Neues Feld hinzufügen'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Automatisierung des Artikels (Veröffentlichung und Eigenschaften)'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Soll diese automatisierte Aktion gelöscht werden?'
+Unlink: Entkoppeln
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Soll Bild $1 gelöscht werden?'
+'No such issue.': 'Ausgabe nicht vorhanden'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Soll das Abonnement für die Publikation $1 gelöscht werden?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Die Änderungen für Ausgabe $1 konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte prüfen Sie, dass Ausgaben URL $2 noch nicht in Publikation $3 benutzt wurde.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
+bytes: Bytes
+Attach: Anhängen
+Back: Zurück
+File: Datei
+'Save and Close': 'Speichern und Schließen'
+Add: Hinzu
+'Select All': 'Alle auswählen'
+'Select None': 'Keine auswählen'
+'Add Event': 'Ereignis hinzufügen'
+N/A: N.A.
+'On Front Page': 'Auf der Startseite'
+'On Section Page': 'Auf der Rubrikenseite'
+'Created by': 'Erstellt von'
+'Creation date': Erstellungsdatum
+'Publication List': 'Liste der Publikationen'
+'Issue List': 'Liste der Ausgaben'
+'Section List': 'Liste der Rubriken'
+All: Alle
+duplicate: Duplizieren
+move: Verschieben
+Move: Verschieben
+'From:': 'Von:'
+'Date:': 'Datum:'
+Hidden: Verborgen
+Comments: Kommentare
+Comment: Kommentar
+Approved: Bewilligt
+Subject: Subjekt
+'IP address:': 'IP Adresse'
+'Email:': 'E-Mail:'
+Author: AutorIn
+'Article name': Artikelname
+'Hide article': 'Verberge Artikel'
+'Show article': 'Zeige Artikel'
+'Article Type Fields': 'Artikeltyp Felder'
+'Article Images': Artikelbilder
+'Log Messages': 'Log Nachrichten'
+'Article Files': Artikeldateien
+'Article Comments': Artikelkommentare
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Soll das Abonnement wirklich deaktiviert werden?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Soll das Abonnement wirklich aktiviert werden?'
+Other: Andere
+'Time:': 'Uhrzeit:'
+'No events.': 'Keine Ereignisse.'
+'Default templates': Standard-Template
+'System Preferences': Systemeinstellungen
+'The date must be in the future.': 'Das Datum muss in der Zukunft liegen.'
+Send: Senden
+'Thank you.': 'Vielen Dank.'
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Bitte nehmen Sie sich eine Minute, um uns eine E-Mail zu senden.'
(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'Die angegebene URL ist ungültig: $1'
+Reads: Gelesen
+'Publish with issue': 'Mit Ausgabe veröffentlichen'
+'Universal List': 'Universelle Liste und Suche'
+'Invalid security token!': 'Ungültiges Sicherheits-Token! '
+Authors: Autoren/innen
+Title: Titel
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: auf
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.en_GB.yml
index c04c00739d..9939791648 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.en_GB.yml
@@ -265,12 +265,12 @@ Title: Title
'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
'Item published': 'Item published'
'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Deleting yourself is not permitted.'
'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure the account does not already exist.'
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist.'
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you from managing users. Aborted.'
'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
@@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ Confirm: Confirm
at: at
published: published
unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
+nopermissions: 'You don''t have permission to access this resource.'
importantmessage: 'Important Info'
anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed the authentication token.'
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh the authentication token.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.es.yml
index c04c00739d..78fe023ec3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.es.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+'Manage Plugins': 'Administrar Plugins'
+Account: Cuenta
+'Items per page': 'Items por página'
+'Add new': 'Agregar nuevo'
+Home: Inicio
+Logout: Salir
+More...: Más...
+Content: Contenido
+Languages: Idiomas
+Countries: Países
+Themes: Temas
+Topics: Tópicos
+Configure: Configurar
+'Image Archive': 'Archivo de imágenes'
+'Add Article': 'Agregar artículo'
+Fields: Campos
+Delete: Borrar
+Type: Tipo
+Name: Nombre
+Code: Código
+Edit: Editar
+Login: Entrada
+Password: Clave
+Site: Sitio
+Path: Paso
+'Go up': Subir
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
+Order: Orden
+Hide: Ocultar
+Duplicate: Duplicar
+Subscription: Suscripción
+expires: Expira
+starts: Inicia
+before: antes
+after: después
+on: encendido
+status: estatus
+active: activo
+inactive: inactivo
+Subscribers: suscriptores
+Staff: Equipo
+'Select destination': 'Seleccionar Destino'
+'No languages': 'Sin idioma'
+'---Select language---': '---Seleccione idioma---'
+'No publications': 'Sin publicaciones'
+'---Select publication---': '---Seleccione publicacion---'
+'No issues': 'Sin artículos'
+'---Select issue---': '---Seleccione artículo---'
+'No sections': 'Sin secciones'
+'---Select section---': '---Seleccione sección---'
+Language: Idioma
+Country: País
+'Account name': 'Nombre de la cuenta'
+Publication: Publicación
+'Default language': 'Idioma inicial'
+Subscriptions: Suscripciones
+Issue: Edición
+Number: Número
+Section: Sección
+Keywords: 'Palabras claves'
+Topic: Tema
+'URL Name': 'Nombre del URL'
+'Left to pay': 'Cuenta por cobrar'
+Active: activo
+Trial: 'de prueba'
+Next: Próximo
+Previous: Previo
+Translate: Traducir
+View: Ver
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Publicación programada'
+Time: Hora
+Action: Acción
+'Schedule a new action': 'Programar nueva acción'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Programar una nueva acción de publicación'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Eliminar acción de publicación programada'
+Date/Time: Fecha/Tiempo
+'You must select an action.': 'Debe seleccionar una acción.'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'No tiene privilegios para programar ediciones o artículos para publicación automática.'
+'Front page': Portada
+'Section page': 'Página de sección'
+'Show on front page': 'Mostrar en portada'
+'Remove from front page': 'Remover de portada'
+'Show on section page': 'Mostrar en página de sección'
+'Remove from section page': 'Eliminar de página de sección'
+Actions: Acciones
+Publishing: Publicar
+Show: Mostrar
+Remove: Eliminar
+'Article Types': 'Tipo Artículo'
+'Staff User Types': 'Tipos de usuario del equipo'
+Publications: Publicaciones
+Issues: Ediciones
+Sections: Secciones
+Articles: Artículos
+Images: Imágenes
+Change: Cambiar
+'Add new issue': 'Agregar nueva edición'
+'Section Template': 'Template de sección'
+'Article Template': 'Template de artículo'
+'Default Language': 'Idioma Inicial'
+'Paid Period': 'Período de Pago'
+Preview: 'Vista previa'
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'Debe completar el campo $1'
Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Entrada inválida: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'Este idioma no existe.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'No existe publicación'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Esta edición no existe.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Debe seleccionar un idioma'
+'Section does not exist.': 'Esta sección no existe.'
+'No articles.': 'Sin articulos'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Este artículo no existe.'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Esta imagen no existe.'
+'Access denied': 'Acceso denegado'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Los parametros recibidos son invalidos'
+'Add new article': 'Agregar nuevo articulo'
+Status: Estatus
+Published: Publicado
+'Not published': 'No publicado'
+Submitted: Enviado
+New: Nuevo
+Article: Artículo
+Publish: Publicar
+Unpublish: 'No publicar'
+Unlock: Desbloquear
+Uploaded: Subido
+Submit: Enviar
+Image: Imagen
+Description: Descripción
+Photographer: Fotógrafo
+Place: Lugar
+Date: Fecha
+Thumbnail: 'Vista en miniatura'
+'In use': 'En uso'
+'Additional searches': 'Búsquedas adicionales'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Recién agregados'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Recién modificados'
+'$1 images found': 'Se hallaron $1 imágenes'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Reiniciar las condiciones de búsqueda'
+'Image number': 'Número de imagen'
+Users: Usuarios
+Localizer: Traductor
+'Adding new translation': 'Agregar nueva traducción'
+'No more languages.': 'No más idiomas'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'El campo $1 sólo puede contener letras, dígitos y guión mayor (_).'
+'Add new publication': 'Agregar nueva publicación'
+'Upload new template': 'Subir nuevo template'
+'Add new staff member': 'Agregar nuevo miembro del equipo'
+'Staff member deleted.': 'Miembro del equipo eliminado.'
+'Add new subscriber': 'Agregar nuevo suscriptor'
+'Add new user type': 'Agregar nuevo tipo de usuario'
+'Add new article type': 'Agregar nuevo tipo de artículo'
+'Add new country': 'Agregar nuevo país'
+'Add new language': 'Agregar nuevo idioma'
+'View logs': 'Ver historial'
+'Change your password': 'Cambiar su clave'
+'Your Articles': 'Sus artículos'
+'Submitted Articles': 'Artículos enviados'
+Logs: Historial
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'Hay $1 artículo(s) pendiente(s)'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'Queda(n) $1 ejemplar(es).'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'Hay $1 seccion(es) pendiente(s)'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'Hay $1 publicación(es) pendiente(s)'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'Hay $1 país(es) pendiente(s)'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'Nombre (presione para editar)'
+'Add new subscription': 'Agregar nueva suscripción'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'No tiene derecho de acceso para agregar suscripciones'
+'Adding subscription': 'Agregar suscripciones'
+'Delete subscription': 'Borrar suscripción'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'No tiene derecho a borrar suscripciones'
+'No such subscription.': 'No existe suscripción'
+Yes: Si
No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+Close: Cerrar
+'No issues.': 'Sin edición'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Volver a Editar el artículo'
+'No topics': 'Sin temas'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'No tiene derechos para agregar artículos'
+Start: Inicio
+Days: Dias
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Las secciones no pudieron ser agregadas con éxito. Algunas de ellas fueron ya agregadas!'
+'Add another': 'Agregar otro'
+Cancel: Cancelar
+Done: Hecho
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: Guardar
+Search: Buscar
+'Make a selection': Seleccionar
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'Debe ingresar un número mayor que 0 dentro del campo $1'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Debe ingresar una fecha válida.'
+'Add new field': 'Agregar nuevo campo'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Programación de publicación automática del artículo'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': '¿Está seguro de querer eliminar esta acción programada?'
+Unlink: Desenlazar
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': '¿Está seguro de querer eliminar la imagen $1?'
+'No such issue.': 'No existe edición'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': '¿Está seguro de querer eliminar la suscripción a la publicación $1?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': '¿No fue posible guardar los cambios realizados a la edición $1. Por favor asegúrese que el nombre del URL de la edición $2 no fue utilizado antes en la publicación $3. '
bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Attach: Adjunto
+Back: Regresar
+File: Archivo
+'Save and Close': 'Guardar y cerrar'
+Add: Añadir
+'Select All': 'Seleccionar todo'
+'Select None': 'Nada seleccionado'
+'Add Event': 'Agregar evento'
+N/A: 'No disponible'
+'On Front Page': 'En portada'
+'On Section Page': 'En página de sección'
+'Created by': 'Creador por'
+'Creation date': 'Fecha de creación'
+'Publication List': 'Lista de publicaciones'
+'Issue List': 'Lista de ediciones'
+'Section List': 'Lista de secciones'
+All: Todo
+duplicate: duplicar
+move: mover
+Move: Mover
+'From:': 'De:'
+'Date:': 'Fecha:'
+Hidden: Oculto
+Comments: Comentarios
+Comment: Comentario
+Approved: Aprobado
+Subject: Título
+'IP address:': 'Dirección de IP:'
+'Email:': 'Dirección de correo electrónico:'
+Author: Autor
+'Article name': 'Nombre del artículo'
+'Hide article': 'Artículo oculto'
+'Show article': 'Mostrar artículo'
+'Article Type Fields': 'Campos de tipo de artículo'
+'Article Images': 'Imágenes del artículo'
+'Log Messages': 'Mensajes de log'
+'Article Files': 'Campos del artículo'
+'Article Comments': 'Comentarios del artículo'
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': '¿Está seguro de querer desactivar la suscripción?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': '¿Está seguro de querer activar la suscripción?'
+Other: Otro
+'Time:': 'Hora:'
+'No events.': 'Sin eventos.'
+'Default templates': 'Plantillas por default'
+'System Preferences': 'Preferencias de sistema'
+'The date must be in the future.': 'La fecha debe estar en el futuro.'
+Send: Enviar
+'Thank you.': Gracias
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Por favor tome un minuto para enviarnos un mensaje de correo.'
+(optional): (opcional)
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'El URL que ingresó es inválido: $1'
+Reads: Impresiones
+'Publish with issue': 'Publicar con edición'
+'Universal List': 'Lista universal'
+'Invalid security token!': 'Pase de seguridad inválido'
+Authors: Autores
+Title: Tìtulo
+'Edit country': 'Editar país'
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'La entrada $1 está preparada para publicarse'
+'Entry deleted': 'Entrada eliminada'
+'Feed saved': 'Suministro guardado'
+'Item published': 'Ítem publicado'
+'Settings saved': 'Configuración guardada'
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Auto eliminarse no está permitido'
+'Edit staff member $1': 'Editar al miembro del equipo $1'
+'Delete staff member $1': 'Eliminar al miembro del equipo $1'
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'No fue posible guardar el usuario $1. Por favor, asegúrese de que no sea uno ya existente.'
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'No pudo grabarse el usuario con la dirección de email $1. Por favor, asegúrese de que no sea uno ya existente'
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Cambiar el tipo de usuario provocaría que usted ya no pueda administrar usuarios. Abortado.'
+'Staff member saved.': 'Miembro del equipo guardado'
+'Permissions: $1': 'Permisos: $1'
+'Change user account information': 'Cambiar la información de la cuenta de usuario'
+'Staff management': 'Administración del personal'
+Updated: Actualizado
+Options: Opciones
+Verified: Verificado
+Confirm: Confirmar
+at: en
+published: publicado
+unpublished: 'No publicado'
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.es_AR.yml
index c04c00739d..1308e4e342 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Plugins: null
+'Manage Plugins': 'Administrar Plugins'
+Account: null
+'Items per page': null
+'Add new': null
+Home: null
+Logout: null
+More...: null
+Content: null
+Languages: null
+Countries: null
+Themes: null
+Topics: null
+Configure: null
+'Image Archive': null
+'Add Article': null
+Fields: null
+Delete: null
+Type: null
+Name: null
+Code: null
+Edit: null
+Login: null
+Password: null
+Site: null
+Path: null
+'Go up': null
+URL: null
+Order: null
+Hide: null
+Duplicate: null
+Subscription: null
+expires: null
+starts: null
+before: null
+after: null
+on: null
+status: null
+active: null
+inactive: null
+Subscribers: null
+Staff: null
+'Select destination': null
+'No languages': null
+'---Select language---': null
+'No publications': null
+'---Select publication---': null
+'No issues': null
+'---Select issue---': null
+'No sections': null
+'---Select section---': null
+Language: null
+Country: null
+'Account name': null
+Publication: null
+'Default language': null
+Subscriptions: null
+Issue: null
+Number: null
+Section: null
+Keywords: null
+Topic: null
+'URL Name': null
+'Left to pay': null
+Active: null
+Trial: null
+Next: null
+Previous: null
+Translate: null
+View: null
+'Scheduled Publishing': null
+Time: null
+Action: null
+'Schedule a new action': null
+'Scheduling a new publish action': null
+'Delete scheduled publish action': null
+Date/Time: null
+'You must select an action.': null
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': null
+'Front page': null
+'Section page': null
+'Show on front page': null
+'Remove from front page': null
+'Show on section page': null
+'Remove from section page': null
+Actions: null
+Publishing: null
+Show: null
+Remove: null
+'Article Types': null
+'Staff User Types': null
+Publications: null
+Issues: null
+Sections: null
+Articles: null
+Images: null
+Change: null
+'Add new issue': null
+'Section Template': null
+'Article Template': null
+'Default Language': null
+'Paid Period': null
+Preview: null
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': null
+Error: null
+'Invalid input: $1': null
+'Language does not exist.': null
+'Publication does not exist.': null
+'Issue does not exist.': null
+'You must select a language.': null
+'Section does not exist.': null
+'No articles.': null
+'Article does not exist.': null
+'Image does not exist.': null
+'Access denied': null
+'Invalid parameters received': null
+'Add new article': null
+Status: null
+Published: null
+'Not published': null
+Submitted: null
+New: null
+Article: null
+Publish: null
+Unpublish: null
+Unlock: null
+Uploaded: null
+YYYY-MM-DD: null
+Submit: null
+Image: null
+Description: null
+Photographer: null
+Place: null
+Date: null
+Thumbnail: null
+'In use': null
+'Additional searches': null
+'Most Recently Added': null
+'Most Recently Modified': null
+'$1 images found': null
+'Reset search conditions': null
+'Image number': null
+Users: null
+Localizer: null
+'Adding new translation': null
+'No more languages.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Add new publication': null
+'Upload new template': null
+'Add new staff member': null
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': null
+'Add new user type': null
+'Add new article type': null
+'Add new country': null
+'Add new language': null
+'View logs': null
+'Change your password': null
+'Your Articles': null
+'Submitted Articles': null
+Logs: null
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 countries left.': null
+'Name (click to edit)': null
+'Add new subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': null
+'Adding subscription': null
+'Delete subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': null
+'No such subscription.': null
+Yes: null
+No: null
+Close: null
+'No issues.': null
+'Back to Edit Article': null
+'No topics': null
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': null
+Start: null
+Days: null
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': null
+'Add another': null
+Cancel: null
+Done: null
+OK: null
+Save: null
+Search: null
+'Make a selection': null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': null
+'You must input a valid date.': null
+'Add new field': null
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': null
+Unlink: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': null
+'No such issue.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': null
+GB: null
+MB: null
+KB: null
+bytes: null
+Attach: null
+Back: null
+File: null
+'Save and Close': null
+Add: null
+'Select All': null
+'Select None': null
+'Add Event': null
+N/A: null
+'On Front Page': null
+'On Section Page': null
+'Created by': null
+'Creation date': null
+'Publication List': null
+'Issue List': null
+'Section List': null
+All: null
+duplicate: null
+move: null
+Move: null
+'From:': null
+'Date:': null
+Hidden: null
+Comments: null
+Comment: null
+Approved: null
+Subject: null
+'IP address:': null
+'Email:': null
+Author: null
+'Article name': null
+'Hide article': null
+'Show article': null
+'Article Type Fields': null
+'Article Images': null
+'Log Messages': null
+'Article Files': null
+'Article Comments': null
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': null
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': null
+Other: null
+'Time:': null
+'No events.': null
+'Default templates': null
+'System Preferences': null
+'The date must be in the future.': null
+Send: null
+'Thank you.': null
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': null
+(optional): null
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': null
+Reads: null
+'Publish with issue': 'Publicar con edición'
+'Universal List': null
+'Invalid security token!': null
+Authors: null
+Title: Título
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fa.yml
index c04c00739d..5ef4a826ef 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fa.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Plugins: null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+Account: null
+'Items per page': null
+'Add new': null
+Home: null
+Logout: null
+More...: null
+Content: null
+Languages: null
+Countries: null
+Themes: null
+Topics: null
+Configure: null
+'Image Archive': null
+'Add Article': null
+Fields: null
+Delete: null
+Type: null
+Name: null
+Code: null
+Edit: null
+Login: null
+Password: null
+Site: null
+Path: null
+'Go up': null
+URL: null
+Order: null
+Hide: null
+Duplicate: null
+Subscription: null
+expires: null
+starts: null
+before: null
+after: null
+on: null
+status: null
+active: null
+inactive: null
+Subscribers: null
+Staff: null
+'Select destination': null
+'No languages': null
+'---Select language---': null
+'No publications': null
+'---Select publication---': null
+'No issues': null
+'---Select issue---': null
+'No sections': null
+'---Select section---': null
+Language: null
+Country: null
+'Account name': null
+Publication: null
+'Default language': null
+Subscriptions: null
+Issue: null
+Number: null
+Section: null
+Keywords: null
+Topic: null
+'URL Name': null
+'Left to pay': null
+Active: null
+Trial: null
+Next: null
+Previous: null
+Translate: null
+View: null
+'Scheduled Publishing': null
+Time: null
+Action: null
+'Schedule a new action': null
+'Scheduling a new publish action': null
+'Delete scheduled publish action': null
+Date/Time: null
+'You must select an action.': null
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': null
+'Front page': null
+'Section page': null
+'Show on front page': null
+'Remove from front page': null
+'Show on section page': null
+'Remove from section page': null
+Actions: null
+Publishing: null
+Show: null
+Remove: null
+'Article Types': null
+'Staff User Types': null
+Publications: null
+Issues: null
+Sections: null
+Articles: null
+Images: null
+Change: null
+'Add new issue': null
+'Section Template': null
+'Article Template': null
+'Default Language': null
+'Paid Period': null
+Preview: null
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': null
+Error: null
+'Invalid input: $1': null
+'Language does not exist.': null
+'Publication does not exist.': null
+'Issue does not exist.': null
+'You must select a language.': null
+'Section does not exist.': null
+'No articles.': null
+'Article does not exist.': null
+'Image does not exist.': null
+'Access denied': null
+'Invalid parameters received': null
+'Add new article': null
+Status: null
+Published: null
+'Not published': null
+Submitted: null
+New: null
+Article: null
+Publish: null
+Unpublish: null
+Unlock: null
+Uploaded: null
+YYYY-MM-DD: null
+Submit: null
+Image: null
+Description: null
+Photographer: null
+Place: null
+Date: null
+Thumbnail: null
+'In use': null
+'Additional searches': null
+'Most Recently Added': null
+'Most Recently Modified': null
+'$1 images found': null
+'Reset search conditions': null
+'Image number': null
+Users: null
+Localizer: null
+'Adding new translation': null
+'No more languages.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Add new publication': null
+'Upload new template': null
+'Add new staff member': null
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': null
+'Add new user type': null
+'Add new article type': null
+'Add new country': null
+'Add new language': null
+'View logs': null
+'Change your password': null
+'Your Articles': null
+'Submitted Articles': null
+Logs: null
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 countries left.': null
+'Name (click to edit)': null
+'Add new subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': null
+'Adding subscription': null
+'Delete subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': null
+'No such subscription.': null
+Yes: null
+No: null
+Close: null
+'No issues.': null
+'Back to Edit Article': null
+'No topics': null
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': null
+Start: null
+Days: null
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': null
+'Add another': null
+Cancel: null
+Done: null
+OK: null
+Save: null
+Search: null
+'Make a selection': null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': null
+'You must input a valid date.': null
+'Add new field': null
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': null
+Unlink: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': null
+'No such issue.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': null
+GB: null
+MB: null
+KB: null
+bytes: null
+Attach: null
+Back: null
+File: null
+'Save and Close': null
+Add: null
+'Select All': null
+'Select None': null
+'Add Event': null
+N/A: null
+'On Front Page': null
+'On Section Page': null
+'Created by': null
+'Creation date': null
+'Publication List': null
+'Issue List': null
+'Section List': null
+All: null
+duplicate: null
+move: null
+Move: null
+'From:': null
+'Date:': null
+Hidden: null
+Comments: null
+Comment: null
+Approved: null
+Subject: null
+'IP address:': null
+'Email:': null
+Author: null
+'Article name': null
+'Hide article': null
+'Show article': null
+'Article Type Fields': null
+'Article Images': null
+'Log Messages': null
+'Article Files': null
+'Article Comments': null
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': null
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': null
+Other: null
+'Time:': null
+'No events.': null
+'Default templates': null
+'System Preferences': null
+'The date must be in the future.': null
+Send: null
+'Thank you.': null
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': null
+(optional): null
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': null
+Reads: null
+'Publish with issue': null
+'Universal List': null
+'Invalid security token!': null
+Authors: null
+Title: null
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fr.yml
index c04c00739d..c279aa54f8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fr.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
+Plugins: null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+Account: Compte
+'Items per page': 'Articles par page'
+'Add new': Nouveau
+Home: Accueil
+Logout: Deconnecter
+More...: Plus...
+Content: Contenu
+Languages: Langues
+Countries: Pays
+Themes: Templates
+Topics: Sujets
+Configure: Configurer
+'Image Archive': 'Archive dimage'
+'Add Article': 'Nouvel Article'
+Fields: Champs
+Delete: Supprimer
Type: Type
-Name: Name
+Name: Nom
Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
+Edit: Editer
+Login: Connexion
+Password: 'Mot de passe'
Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Path: Chemin
+'Go up': Monter
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
+Order: Ordre
+Hide: Cacher
+Duplicate: Dupliquer
+Subscription: Abonnement
+expires: expire
+starts: Commence
+before: avant
+after: après
+on: sur
+status: statut
+active: actif
+inactive: inactif
+Subscribers: Abonnés
Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
+'Select destination': 'choisir destination'
+'No languages': 'Aucune langue'
+'---Select language---': '---choisir langue---'
+'No publications': 'Aucune publication'
+'---Select publication---': '---Choisir publication---'
+'No issues': 'Aucun article'
+'---Select issue---': '---Choisir article---'
+'No sections': 'Aucune section'
+'---Select section---': '---Choisir section---'
+Language: Langue
+Country: Pays
+'Account name': 'Nom de Compte'
Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
+'Default language': 'Langage par défaut'
+Subscriptions: Abonnements
+Issue: Edition
+Number: Numero
Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
+Keywords: 'Mots clés'
+Topic: Sujet
+'URL Name': 'Nom URL'
+'Left to pay': 'Reste à payer'
+Active: Actif
+Trial: Essai
+Next: Suivant
+Previous: Précédent
+Translate: Traduire
+View: Afficher
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Publication planifiée'
+Time: Heure
Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
+'Schedule a new action': 'Planifier une nouvelle action'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Planifier une nouvelle action de publication'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Supprimer une action planifiée de publication'
+Date/Time: Date/Heure
+'You must select an action.': 'Vous devez choisir une action'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Vous navez pas la permission de planifier des éditions ou articles pour publication automatique.'
+'Front page': 'Page daccueil'
+'Section page': 'Page de Section'
+'Show on front page': 'Afficher sur la page daccueil'
+'Remove from front page': 'Enlever de la page daccueil'
+'Show on section page': 'Afficher sur la page de section'
+'Remove from section page': 'Enlever de la page de section'
Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
+Publishing: Publication
+Show: Afficher
+Remove: Enlever
+'Article Types': 'Types darticles'
+'Staff User Types': 'Types Utilsateur Staff'
Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
+Issues: Editions
Sections: Sections
Articles: Articles
Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
+Change: Modifier
+'Add new issue': 'Ajouter nouvelle édition'
+'Section Template': 'Template de Section'
+'Article Template': 'Template dArticle'
+'Default Language': 'Langage par Défaut'
+'Paid Period': 'Période payée'
+Preview: Visualiser
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'Vous devez remplir le champ $1.'
+Error: Erreur
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Entrée invalide: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'La langue nexiste pas.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'La publication nexiste pas.'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Lédition nexiste pas.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Vous devez choisir une langue'
+'Section does not exist.': 'La section nexiste pas'
+'No articles.': 'Aucun article.'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Larticle nexiste pas'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Limage nexiste pas'
+'Access denied': 'Accès refusé'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Paramètres reçus incorrects'
+'Add new article': 'Nouvel article'
+Status: Statut
+Published: Publié
+'Not published': 'Non publié'
+Submitted: Soumis
+New: Nouveau
Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
+Publish: Publier
+Unpublish: Dépublier
+Unlock: Ouvrir
+Uploaded: Téléchargé
+Submit: Soumettre
Image: Image
Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
+Photographer: Photographe
+Place: 'Place '
Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
+Thumbnail: Miniature
+'In use': 'En utilisation'
+'Additional searches': 'Recherches Complémentaires'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Plus Récemment Ajoutés'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Plus Récemment Modifiés'
+'$1 images found': '$1 images trouvées'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Reinitialiser les conditions de recherche'
+'Image number': 'Numero dimage'
+Users: Utilisateurs
+Localizer: Traducteur
+'Adding new translation': 'Ajout nouvelle traduction'
+'No more languages.': 'Plus de langues.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'Le champ $1 peut contenir seulement des lettres, des chiffres et caractère souligné (_). '
+'Add new publication': 'Ajouter nouvelle publication'
+'Upload new template': 'Télécharger un nouveau template'
+'Add new staff member': 'Ajouter un nouveau membre de staff'
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': 'Ajouter nouvel abonné'
+'Add new user type': 'Ajouter nouveau type utlisateur'
+'Add new article type': 'Ajouter nouveau type darticle'
+'Add new country': 'Ajouter nouveau pays'
+'Add new language': 'Ajouter Nouvelle langue'
+'View logs': 'Voir le fichier log'
+'Change your password': 'Changer votre mot de passe'
+'Your Articles': 'Vos articles'
+'Submitted Articles': 'Articles Soumis'
Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'Il manque $1 article(s).'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'Il manque $1 édition(s).'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'Il manque $1 section(s).'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'Il manque $1 publication(s).'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'Il manque $1 pays.'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'Nom (cliquer pour éditer)'
+'Add new subscription': 'Nouvel abonnement'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Vous navez pas les droit dajouter des abonnements'
+'Adding subscription': 'Ajout dabonnement'
+'Delete subscription': 'Supprimer abonnement'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des abonnements'
+'No such subscription.': 'Pas un tel abonnement.'
+Yes: Oui
+No: Non
+Close: Fermer
+'No issues.': 'Aucune édition.'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Retour pour Editer lArticle'
+'No topics': 'Aucun sujet'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des articles.'
+Start: Début
+Days: Jours
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Les sections ne pouvaient pas être ajoutées avec succès. Certaines dentre ellles ont déjà été ajoutées!'
+'Add another': 'Ajouter un autre'
+Cancel: Annuler
+Done: Fait
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: Sauvegarder
+Search: Recherche
+'Make a selection': 'Faire un choix'
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'Vous devez entrer un nombre plus grand que 0 dans le champ $1.'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Vous devez entrer une date valable.'
+'Add new field': 'Ajouter un nouveau champ'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Programme de publication automatique darticles'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette action prévue?'
+Unlink: 'Supprimer lien'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer limage $1?'
+'No such issue.': 'Pas une telle édition.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer labonnement à la publication $1?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Ne pouvait pas sauvegarder les changements de lédition $1. SVP assurez-vous que le nom de lURL dédition $2 na pas été employé auparavant dans la publication $3.'
bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
+Attach: Attacher
+Back: Retour
+File: Fichier
+'Save and Close': 'Sauvegarder et Fermer'
+Add: Ajouter
+'Select All': 'Sélectionner tout'
+'Select None': 'Ne rien Sélectionnner'
+'Add Event': 'Ajouter Evénement'
N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
+'On Front Page': 'Sur la Page dAccueil'
+'On Section Page': 'Sur la Page Section'
+'Created by': 'Créé par'
+'Creation date': 'Date de Création'
+'Publication List': 'Liste des publications'
+'Issue List': 'Liste dédition'
+'Section List': 'Liste des Sections'
+All: Tous
duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+move: Déplacer
+Move: Déplacer
+'From:': null
+'Date:': null
+Hidden: null
+Comments: null
+Comment: Commentaire
+Approved: Approuvé
+Subject: null
+'IP address:': null
+'Email:': null
+Author: null
+'Article name': null
+'Hide article': null
+'Show article': null
+'Article Type Fields': 'Champs de Type dArticle'
+'Article Images': 'Images dArticle '
+'Log Messages': 'Messages Log'
+'Article Files': 'Fichiers d Article'
+'Article Comments': null
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir désactiver labonnement?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir activer labonnement?'
+Other: null
+'Time:': null
+'No events.': null
+'Default templates': null
+'System Preferences': null
+'The date must be in the future.': null
+Send: null
+'Thank you.': null
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': null
+(optional): null
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': null
+Reads: null
+'Publish with issue': null
+'Universal List': null
+'Invalid security token!': null
+Authors: null
+Title: Titre
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.he.yml
index c04c00739d..a680a4e2ca 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.he.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Plugins: הרחבות
+'Manage Plugins': 'ניהול הרחבות'
+Account: חשבון
+'Items per page': 'פריטים לעמוד'
+'Add new': 'הוסף חדש'
+Home: בית
+Logout: יציאה
+More...: ...עוד
+Content: תוכן
+Languages: שפות
+Countries: ארצות
+Themes: תבניות
+Topics: נושאים
+Configure: הגדרות
+'Image Archive': 'ארכיון תמונות'
+'Add Article': 'הוסף כתבה'
+Fields: שדות
+Delete: מחק
+Type: סוג
+Name: שם
+Code: קוד
+Edit: עריכה
+Login: כניסה
+Password: סיסמא
+Site: אתר
+Path: נתיב
+'Go up': עלה
+URL: '(URL) כתובת אינטרנט '
+Order: מיין
+Hide: הסתר
+Duplicate: הכפל
+Subscription: מנוי
+expires: פג-תוקף
+starts: התחלת
+before: לפני
+after: אחרי
+on: פעיל
+status: מצב
+active: פעיל
+inactive: 'לא פעיל'
+Subscribers: מנויים
+Staff: צוות
+'Select destination': 'בחר יעד'
+'No languages': 'אין שפות מוגדרות'
+'---Select language---': 'בחר שפה'
+'No publications': 'אין הוצאות מוגדרות'
+'---Select publication---': 'בחר הוצאה'
+'No issues': 'אין כתבות'
+'---Select issue---': 'בחר כתבה'
+'No sections': 'אין מדורים מוגדרים'
+'---Select section---': 'בחר מדור'
+Language: שפה
+Country: ארץ
+'Account name': 'שם פרופיל'
+Publication: הוצאה
+'Default language': 'שפת ברירת-מחדל'
+Subscriptions: מנויים
+Issue: מהדורה
+Number: מספר
+Section: מדור
+Keywords: 'מילות מפתח'
+Topic: נושא
+'URL Name': 'שם קישור'
+'Left to pay': 'שארית לתשלום'
+Active: פעיל
+Trial: ניסיון
+Next: הבא
+Previous: קודם
+Translate: תרגם
+View: הצג
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'פרסומים מתוזמנים'
+Time: זמן
+Action: פעולה
+'Schedule a new action': 'תזמן פעולה חדשה'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'מתזמן פרסום '
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'מחק פרסום מתוזמן'
+Date/Time: תאריךזמן
+'You must select an action.': 'עלייך לבחור פעולה'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'אין הרשאה לתזמן מהדורה או כתבה לפרסום אוטומטי '
+'Front page': 'דף ראשי'
+'Section page': 'דף מדור'
+'Show on front page': 'הצג בעמוד הראשי'
+'Remove from front page': 'הסר מהעמוד הראשי'
+'Show on section page': 'הראה בדף המדור'
+'Remove from section page': 'הסדר מדף המדור'
+Actions: פעילויות
+Publishing: מפרסם
+Show: הראה
+Remove: הסר
+'Article Types': 'סוג כתבה'
+'Staff User Types': 'סוג איש צוות'
+Publications: הוצאות
+Issues: מהדורות
+Sections: מדורים
+Articles: כתבות
+Images: תמונות
+Change: שינוי
+'Add new issue': 'הוסף מהדורה חדשה'
+'Section Template': 'תבנית מדור'
+'Article Template': 'תבנית כתבה'
+'Default Language': 'שפת ברירת-מחדל'
+'Paid Period': 'תקופת תשלום'
+Preview: 'תצוגה מקדימה'
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'חובה למלא את שדה ה$1'
+Error: שגיאה
+'Invalid input: $1': 'נתון לא תקין: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'שפה לא קיימת'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'הוצאה לא קיימת'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'מהדורה לא קיימת'
+'You must select a language.': 'חובה לבחור שפה'
+'Section does not exist.': 'מדור לא קיים'
+'No articles.': 'אין כתבות'
+'Article does not exist.': 'כתבה לא קיימת'
+'Image does not exist.': 'תמונה לא קיימת'
+'Access denied': 'כניסה נדחתה'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'פרמטר שגוי'
+'Add new article': 'הוסף כתבה חדשה'
+Status: מצב
+Published: פורסם
+'Not published': 'לא פורסם'
+Submitted: נמסר
+New: חדש
+Article: כתבה
+Publish: פרסם
+Unpublish: 'הסר פרסום'
+Unlock: 'בטל נעילה'
+Uploaded: נטעןהתקבל
+YYYY-MM-DD: null
+Submit: נמסר
+Image: תמונה
+Description: הגדרה
+Photographer: צלם
+Place: מקום
+Date: תאריך
+Thumbnail: 'תמונה ממוזערת'
+'In use': בשימוש
+'Additional searches': 'חיפושים נוספים'
+'Most Recently Added': 'הוספו לאחרונה'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'שונו לאחרונה'
+'$1 images found': 'תמונות נמצאו $1'
+'Reset search conditions': 'אפס הגדרות חיפוש'
+'Image number': 'מספר תמונה'
+Users: משתמשים
+Localizer: 'הגדרות מיקום'
+'Adding new translation': 'הוספת תרגום'
+'No more languages.': 'אין שפות נוספות'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'שדה ה$1 יכול להכיל רק אותיות, ספרות, וקו_תחתי'
+'Add new publication': 'הוסף מהדורה חדשה'
+'Upload new template': 'טעןהוסף תבנית חדשה'
+'Add new staff member': 'צור איש צוות חדש'
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': 'צור מנוי חדש'
+'Add new user type': 'צור סוג משתמש חדש'
+'Add new article type': 'צור סוג כתבה חדש'
+'Add new country': 'הוסף מדינה'
+'Add new language': 'הוסף שפה חדשה'
+'View logs': 'צפה בקובץ הנתונים'
+'Change your password': 'שנה סיסמא'
+'Your Articles': 'הכתבות שלך'
+'Submitted Articles': 'כתבות שהוגשו'
+Logs: נתונים
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'יש $1 כתבות נותרות'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'יש $1 מהדורות נותרות'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'יש $1 מדורים נותרים'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'יש $1 הוצאות נותרות'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'יש $1 מדינות נותרות'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'שם (לחץ לעריכה)'
+'Add new subscription': 'הוסף מנוי חדש'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'אין לך הרשאות להוסיף מנויים'
+'Adding subscription': 'מוסיף מנויים'
+'Delete subscription': 'מחק מנוי'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'אין לך הרשאות למחק מנויים'
+'No such subscription.': 'אין מנויים כאלה'
+Yes: כן
+No: לא
+Close: סגור
+'No issues.': 'אין מהדורות'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'חזרה לעריכת הכתבה'
+'No topics': 'אין נושאים'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'אין לך את ההרשאה להוסיף כתבות'
+Start: התחל
+Days: ימים
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'המדורים לא הוספו בצורה תקינה. חלק מהם כבר הוספו'
+'Add another': 'הוסף עוד'
+Cancel: בטל
+Done: בוצא
+OK: null
+Save: שמור
+Search: חפש
+'Make a selection': 'בצע בחירה'
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'ערך חייב להיות גדול מ-0 בשדה ה-$1'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'הכנס תאריך עם ערך תקין'
+'Add new field': 'הוסף שדה חדש'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'תזמן פרסום אוטומטי לכתבה'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'האם ברצונך לבטל את הפעולה המתוזמנת'
+Unlink: 'בטל קישור'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'האם ברצונך לבטל את התמונה$1?1 '
+'No such issue.': 'אין מהדורה כזאת'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': '?האם ברצונך לבטל את המנוי להוצאה $1'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'לא ניתן לשמור את השינויים למהדורה $1. בבקשה בדוק שהקישור של הכתבה $2 לא היה בשימוש בעבר בהוצאה $3'
+GB: גיגה-בייט
+MB: מגה-בייט
+KB: קילו-בייט
+bytes: בייט
+Attach: מצורף
+Back: חזור
+File: קובץ
+'Save and Close': 'שמור וסגור'
+Add: הוסף
+'Select All': 'בחר הכל'
+'Select None': 'בטל בחירות'
+'Add Event': 'הוסף ארוע'
+N/A: בלתי-זמין
+'On Front Page': 'בעמוד הראשי'
+'On Section Page': 'בדף המדור'
+'Created by': 'נוצר עי'
+'Creation date': 'תאריך יצירה'
+'Publication List': 'רשימת הוצאה'
+'Issue List': 'רשימת מהדורה'
+'Section List': 'רשימת מדור'
+All: הכל
+duplicate: שכפל
+move: העבר
+Move: העבר
+'From:': 'מאת:'
+'Date:': 'תאריך:'
+Hidden: נסתר
+Comments: תגובות
+Comment: תגובה
+Approved: מאושר
+Subject: נושא
+'IP address:': ': IP כתובת'
+'Email:': 'דואל:'
+Author: כתב
+'Article name': 'שם הכתבה'
+'Hide article': 'הסתר כתבה'
+'Show article': 'הראה כתבה'
+'Article Type Fields': 'שדות סוג כתבה'
+'Article Images': 'תמונות כתבה'
+'Log Messages': 'הודעות (log)'
+'Article Files': 'קבצי כתבה'
+'Article Comments': 'תגובות הכתבה'
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'האם ברצונך להשעות את המנוי'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'האם ברצונך להפעיל את המנוי'
+Other: אחר
+'Time:': זמן
+'No events.': 'אין ארועים.'
+'Default templates': 'תבניות ברירת-המחדל'
+'System Preferences': 'העדפות מערכת'
+'The date must be in the future.': 'התאריך חייב להיות בעתיד'
+Send: שלח
+'Thank you.': תודה
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'בבקשה הקדש רגע לשלוח לנו דואל'
+(optional): '(לא מחוייב)'
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'כתובת האינטרנט לא תקינה: $11'
+Reads: קריאות
+'Publish with issue': 'פרסם עם מהדורה'
+'Universal List': 'רשימה אוניברסלית'
+'Invalid security token!': 'מפתח אבטחה שגוי'
+Authors: כתבים
+Title: null
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.hr.yml
index c04c00739d..a20ee16294 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.hr.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Plugins: null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+Account: Račun
+'Items per page': 'Stavki po strani'
+'Add new': 'Dodaj novi'
+Home: Početna
+Logout: Odjava
+More...: Više...
+Content: Sadržej
+Languages: Jezici
+Countries: Zemlje
+Themes: Predlošci
+Topics: Teme
+Configure: Podešavanje
+'Image Archive': 'Arhiva slika'
+'Add Article': 'Dodaj članak'
+Fields: Polja
+Delete: Briši
+Type: Vrsta
+Name: Ime
+Code: Kod
+Edit: Uredi
+Login: Prijava
+Password: Lozinka
+Site: 'Site'
+Path: Putanja
+'Go up': Gore
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
+Order: Redosljed
+Hide: Sakrij
+Duplicate: Udvostruči
+Subscription: Pretplata
+expires: istječe
+starts: počinje
+before: prije
+after: poslije
+on: u
status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
+active: aktivna
+inactive: neaktivna
+Subscribers: Pretplatnici
+Staff: Suradnici
+'Select destination': 'Označi odredište'
+'No languages': 'Nema jezika'
+'---Select language---': '---Označi jezik---'
+'No publications': 'Nema publikacija'
+'---Select publication---': '---Označi publikaciju---'
+'No issues': 'Nema članaka'
+'---Select issue---': '---Označi članak---'
+'No sections': 'Nema rubrika'
+'---Select section---': '---Označi rubriku'
+Language: Jezik
+Country: Zemlja
+'Account name': 'Ime računa'
+Publication: Publikacija
+'Default language': 'Uobičajeni jezik'
+Subscriptions: Pretplata
+Issue: Izdanje
+Number: Broj
+Section: Rubrika
+Keywords: 'Ključne riječi'
+Topic: Tema
+'URL Name': 'Ime URL-a'
+'Left to pay': 'Ostalo za platiti'
+Active: Aktivna
+Trial: Proba
+Next: Naprijed
+Previous: Nazad
+Translate: Prevedi
+View: Prikaz
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Automatsko objavljivanje'
+Time: Vrijeme
+Action: Akcija
+'Schedule a new action': 'Zakaži novu radnju'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Zakazivanje nove radnje objavljivanja'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Obriši zakazanu radnju objavljivanja'
+Date/Time: Datum/Vrijeme
+'You must select an action.': 'Morate označiti radnju.'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Nemate ovlasti zakazivanja izdanja i članaka za automatsko objavljivanje.'
+'Front page': Naslovnica
+'Section page': 'Stranica rubrike'
+'Show on front page': 'Prikaži na naslovnici'
+'Remove from front page': 'Ukloni sa naslovnice'
+'Show on section page': 'Prikaži na stranici rubrike'
+'Remove from section page': 'Odstrani sa stranice rubrike'
+Actions: Radnje
+Publishing: Objavljivanje
+Show: Prikaži
+Remove: Ukloni
+'Article Types': 'Vrste članaka'
+'Staff User Types': 'Vrste suradnika'
+Publications: Publikacije
+Issues: Izdanja
+Sections: Rubrike
+Articles: Članci
+Images: Slike
+Change: Izmijeni
+'Add new issue': 'Dodaj novo izdanje'
+'Section Template': 'Predložak rubrike'
+'Article Template': 'Predložak članka'
+'Default Language': 'Uobičajeni jezik'
+'Paid Period': 'Plaćeni period'
+Preview: Pregled
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'Morate popuniti $1 polje.'
+Error: Greška
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Pogrešan unos: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'Nema tog jezika.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'Nema te publikacije.'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Nema tog izdanja.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Morate izabrati jezik.'
+'Section does not exist.': 'Nema te rubrike.'
+'No articles.': 'Nema članaka.'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Nema tog članka.'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Nema te slike.'
+'Access denied': 'Zabranjen pristup'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Primljeni pogrešni parametri'
+'Add new article': 'Dodaj novi članak'
Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+Published: Objavljen
+'Not published': 'Nije objavljen'
+Submitted: Predan
+New: Novi
+Article: Članak
+Publish: Objavi
+Unpublish: Povuci
+Unlock: Otključaj
+Uploaded: Postavljen
+Submit: Predaj
+Image: Slika
+Description: Opis
+Photographer: Fotograf
+Place: Mjesto
+Date: Datum
+Thumbnail: Sličica
+'In use': 'U upotrebi'
+'Additional searches': 'Dodatne pretrage'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Zadnji dodaci'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Zadnje promijene'
+'$1 images found': 'Pronađeno je $1 slika/e'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Poništi uvjete pretraživanja'
+'Image number': 'Broj slike'
+Users: Korisnici
+Localizer: Lokalizator
+'Adding new translation': 'Dodavanje novog prijevoda'
+'No more languages.': 'Nema više jezika.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'Ime polja $1 može sadržavati samo slova, brojeve i znak podvlake (_).'
+'Add new publication': 'Dodaj novu publikaciju'
+'Upload new template': 'Postavi novi predložak'
+'Add new staff member': 'Dodaj novog suradnika'
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': 'Dodaj novog pretplatnika'
+'Add new user type': 'Dodaj novu vrstu korisnika'
+'Add new article type': 'Dodaj novi vrstu članka'
+'Add new country': 'Dodaj novu zemlju'
+'Add new language': 'Dodaj novi jezik'
+'View logs': 'Pogledaj logove'
+'Change your password': 'Promijeni lozinku'
+'Your Articles': 'Tvoji članci'
+'Submitted Articles': 'Predani članci'
+Logs: Logovi
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'Ostao(lo) je još $1 članak(a).'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'Ostalo je još $1 izdanja(e).'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'Ostala(o) je još $1 rubrika(e).'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'Ostala(o) je još $1 publikacija(e).'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'Ostala(le) je (su) još $1 zemlja(e).'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'Ime
(kliknite za uređivanje)'
+'Add new subscription': 'Dodaj novu pretplatu'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati nove pretplate.'
+'Adding subscription': 'Dodavanje pretplate'
+'Delete subscription': 'Izbriši pretplatu'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Nemate ovlasti brisati pretplate.'
+'No such subscription.': 'Nema te pretplate.'
+Yes: Da
+No: Ne
+Close: Zatvori
+'No issues.': 'Nema izdanja.'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Vratite se na uređivanje članka'
+'No topics': 'Nema tema'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati članak.'
+Start: Početak
+Days: Dani
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Rubrike se ne mogu uspješno dodati. Neke od njih su već dodane!'
+'Add another': 'Dodaj slijedeći'
+Cancel: Odustani
+Done: Gotovo
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: Spremi
+Search: Traži
+'Make a selection': Selektiraj
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'Morate unijeti broj veći od nula u polje $1.'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Morate unijeti ispravan datum.'
+'Add new field': 'Dodaj novo polje'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Raspored automatskog objavljivanja članka'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati zakazanu radnju?'
+Unlink: 'Prekini link'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati sliku$1?'
+'No such issue.': 'Nema tog izdanja.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Sigurno želite obrisati pretplatu na publikaciju $1?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Nemoguće je spremiti promjene u izdanju $1. Provjerite da li URL ime izdanja $2 nije upotrebljeno u publikaciji $3.'
bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
+Attach: Zakači
+Back: Nazad
+File: Datoteka
+'Save and Close': 'Spremi i zatvori'
+Add: Dodaj
+'Select All': 'Izaberi sve'
+'Select None': 'Izaberi nijedan'
+'Add Event': 'Dodaj događaj'
N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+'On Front Page': 'Na naslovnici'
+'On Section Page': 'Na stranici rubrike'
+'Created by': 'Kreirao:'
+'Creation date': 'Datum kreiranja'
+'Publication List': 'Lista publikacija'
+'Issue List': 'Lista izdanja'
+'Section List': 'Lista rubrika'
+All: Sve
+duplicate: udvostruči
+move: premjesti
+Move: Premjesti
+'From:': null
+'Date:': null
+Hidden: null
+Comments: null
+Comment: null
+Approved: null
+Subject: null
+'IP address:': null
+'Email:': null
+Author: null
+'Article name': null
+'Hide article': null
+'Show article': null
+'Article Type Fields': 'Polja tipova članka'
+'Article Images': 'Slike članaka'
+'Log Messages': 'Log poruka'
+'Article Files': 'Datoteke članaka'
+'Article Comments': null
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Sigurno želite prekinuti pretplatu?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Sigurno želite aktivirati pretplatu?'
+Other: null
+'Time:': null
+'No events.': null
+'Default templates': null
+'System Preferences': null
+'The date must be in the future.': null
+Send: null
+'Thank you.': null
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': null
+(optional): null
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': null
+Reads: null
+'Publish with issue': null
+'Universal List': null
+'Invalid security token!': null
+Authors: null
+Title: null
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.hu.yml
index c04c00739d..ce4a84f2c0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.hu.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+Plugins: Bővítmények
+'Manage Plugins': 'Bővítmények kezelése'
+Account: Fiók
+'Items per page': 'Elemek oldalanként'
+'Add new': 'Új hozzáadása'
+Home: Kezdőlap
+Logout: Kijelentkezés
+More...: null
+Content: Tartalom
+Languages: Nyelvek
+Countries: Országok
+Themes: Témák
+Topics: Cikktémák
+Configure: Beállítás
+'Image Archive': Képarchívum
+'Add Article': 'Cikk hozzáadása'
+Fields: Mezők
+Delete: Törlés
+Type: Típus
+Name: Név
+Code: Kód
+Edit: Szerkesztés
+Login: Bejelentkezés
+Password: Jelszó
+Site: Webhely
+Path: 'Elérési út'
+'Go up': 'Egy szinttel feljebb'
+URL: URL-cím
+Order: Rendezés
+Hide: Elrejtés
+Duplicate: Megkettőzés
+Subscription: Előfizetés
+expires: lejár
+starts: kezdődik
+before: előtte
+after: utána
+on: null
+status: állapot
+active: aktív
+inactive: inaktív
+Subscribers: Előfizetők
+Staff: Szerkesztőség
+'Select destination': 'Cél kiválasztása'
+'No languages': 'Nincsenek nyelvek'
+'---Select language---': '---Válassz nyelvet---'
+'No publications': 'Nincsenek kiadványok'
+'---Select publication---': '---Válassz kiadványt---'
+'No issues': 'Nincsenek számok'
+'---Select issue---': '---Válassz számot---'
+'No sections': 'Nincsenek rovatok '
+'---Select section---': '---Válassz rovatot---'
+Language: Nyelv
+Country: Ország
+'Account name': Fióknév
+Publication: Kiadvány
+'Default language': 'Alapértelmezett nyelv'
+Subscriptions: Előfizetések
+Issue: Szám
+Number: Sorszám
+Section: Rovat
+Keywords: Kulcsszavak
+Topic: Téma
+'URL Name': URL-név
+'Left to pay': null
+Active: Aktív
+Trial: null
+Next: Következő
+Previous: Előző
+Translate: Fordítás
+View: Megtekintés
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Beütemezett közzététel'
+Time: Idő
+Action: Művelet
+'Schedule a new action': 'Új művelet beütemezése'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Új közzétételi művelet beütemezése'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Beütemezett közzétételi művelet törlése'
+Date/Time: Dátum/Idő
+'You must select an action.': 'Ki kell választanod egy műveletet.'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Nincs jogod a számok vagy cikkek automatikus közzétételre való beütemezéséhez.'
+'Front page': Címlap
+'Section page': Rovatlap
+'Show on front page': 'Megjelenítés a címlapon'
+'Remove from front page': 'Eltávolítás a címlapról'
+'Show on section page': 'Megjelenítés a rovatlapon'
+'Remove from section page': 'Eltávolítás a rovatlapról'
+Actions: Műveletek
+Publishing: Közzététel
+Show: Megjelenítés
+Remove: Eltávolítás
+'Article Types': Cikktípusok
+'Staff User Types': 'Szerkesztőség felhasználótípusai'
+Publications: Kiadványok
+Issues: Számok
+Sections: Rovatok
+Articles: Cikkek
+Images: Képek
+Change: Módosítás
+'Add new issue': 'Új szám hozzáadása'
+'Section Template': Rovatsablon
+'Article Template': Cikksablon
+'Default Language': 'Alapértelmezett nyelv'
+'Paid Period': 'Fizetett időszak'
+Preview: Előnézet
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'Ki kell töltened a/z $1 mezőt.'
+Error: Hiba
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Érvénytelen bevitel: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'A nyelv nem létezik.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'A kiadvány nem létezik.'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'A szám nem létezik.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Ki kell választanod egy nyelvet.'
+'Section does not exist.': 'A rovat nem létezik.'
+'No articles.': 'Nincsenek cikkek.'
+'Article does not exist.': 'A cikk nem létezik.'
+'Image does not exist.': 'A kép nem létezik.'
+'Access denied': 'Hozzáférés megtagadva'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Érvénytelen fogadott paraméterek'
+'Add new article': 'Új cikk hozzáadása'
+Status: Állapot
+Published: Közzétéve
+'Not published': 'Nincs közzétéve'
+Submitted: Elküldve
+New: Új
+Article: Cikk
+Publish: Közzététel
+Unpublish: Visszavonás
+Unlock: 'Zárolás feloldása'
+Uploaded: Feltöltve
+Submit: Küldés
+Image: Kép
+Description: Leírás
+Photographer: Fotós
+Place: Hely
+Date: Dátum
+Thumbnail: Bélyegkép
+'In use': Használatban
+'Additional searches': 'További keresések'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Legutóbb hozzáadva'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Legutóbb módosítva'
+'$1 images found': '$1 kép található'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Keresési feltételek visszaállítása'
+'Image number': null
+Users: Felhasználók
+Localizer: Fordító
+'Adding new translation': 'Új fordítás hozzáadása'
+'No more languages.': 'Nincs több nyelv.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'A/z $1 mező csak betűket, számokat és aláhúzásjelet (_) tartalmazhat.'
+'Add new publication': 'Új kiadvány hozzáadása'
+'Upload new template': 'Új sablon feltöltése'
+'Add new staff member': 'Új szerkesztőségi tag hozzáadása'
+'Staff member deleted.': 'A szerkesztőségi tag törlése megtörtént.'
+'Add new subscriber': 'Új előfizető hozzáadása'
+'Add new user type': 'Új felhasználótípus hozzáadása'
+'Add new article type': 'Új cikktípus hozzáadása'
+'Add new country': 'Új ország hozzáadása'
+'Add new language': 'Új nyelv hozzáadása'
+'View logs': 'Naplók megtekintése'
+'Change your password': 'Jelszó megváltoztatása'
+'Your Articles': 'A cikkeid'
+'Submitted Articles': 'Beküldött cikkek'
+Logs: Naplók
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': '$1 cikk maradt.'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': '$1 szám maradt.'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': '$1 rovat maradt.'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': '$1 kiadvány maradt.'
+'There are $1 countries left.': '$1 ország maradt.'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'Név (kattints a szerkesztéshez)'
+'Add new subscription': 'Új előfizetés hozzáadása'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Nincs jogod az előfizetések hozzáadásához.'
+'Adding subscription': 'Előfizetés hozzáadása'
+'Delete subscription': 'Előfizetés törlése'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Nincs jogod az előfizetések törléséhez.'
+'No such subscription.': 'Nincs ilyen előfizetés.'
+Yes: Igen
+No: Nem
+Close: Bezárás
+'No issues.': 'Nincsenek számok.'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Vissza a Cikk szerkesztéséhez'
+'No topics': 'Nincsenek témák'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Nincs jogod a cikkek hozzáadásához.'
+Start: Indítás
+Days: Napok
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Nem sikerült hozzáadni a rovatokat. Némelyikük hozzáadása már megtörtént!'
+'Add another': 'További hozzáadása'
+Cancel: Mégse
+Done: Kész
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: Mentés
+Search: Keresés
+'Make a selection': 'Kijelölés készítése'
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'A/z $1 mezőben nullánál nagyobb számot kell megadnod.'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Érvényes dátumot kell megadnod.'
+'Add new field': 'Új mező hozzáadása'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'A cikk automatikus közzétételének beütemezése'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod ezt a beütemezett műveletet?'
+Unlink: 'Hivatkozás megszüntetése'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod a/z $1 képet?'
+'No such issue.': 'Nincs ilyen szám.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod az előfizetést a/z $1 kiadványra?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Nem lehet menteni a/z $1 szám módosításait. Győződj meg róla, hogy a szám $2 URL-nevét nem használták-e korábban a/z $3 kiadványban.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+bytes: bájt
+Attach: Csatolás
+Back: Vissza
+File: Fájl
+'Save and Close': 'Mentés és bezárás'
+Add: Hozzáadás
+'Select All': 'Az összes kijelölése'
+'Select None': 'Kijelölés megszüntetése'
+'Add Event': 'Esemény hozzáadása'
+N/A: N.a.
+'On Front Page': Címlapon
+'On Section Page': Rovatlapon
+'Created by': Létrehozta
+'Creation date': 'Létrehozás dátuma'
+'Publication List': Kiadványlista
+'Issue List': Számlista
+'Section List': Rovatlista
+All: Mind
+duplicate: null
+move: áthelyez
+Move: Áthelyezés
+'From:': null
+'Date:': 'Dátum:'
+Hidden: Rejtett
+Comments: Hozzászólások
+Comment: Hozzászólás
+Approved: Jóváhagyva
+Subject: Tárgy
+'IP address:': 'IP-cím:'
+'Email:': 'E-mail:'
+Author: Szerző
+'Article name': 'Cikk neve'
+'Hide article': 'Cikk elrejtése'
+'Show article': 'Cikk megjelenítése'
+'Article Type Fields': 'Cikktípus mezők'
+'Article Images': 'Cikk képei'
+'Log Messages': 'Üzenetek naplózása'
+'Article Files': 'Cikk fájljai'
+'Article Comments': 'Cikk hozzászólásai'
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Biztosan inaktiválni akarod az előfizetést?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Biztosan aktiválni akarod az előfizetést?'
+Other: Egyéb
+'Time:': 'Idő:'
+'No events.': 'Nincsenek események.'
+'Default templates': 'Alapértelmezett sablonok'
+'System Preferences': Rendszerbeállítások
+'The date must be in the future.': 'A dátumnak a jövőben kell lennie.'
+Send: Küldés
+'Thank you.': Köszönjük.
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Kérjük, szánj egy percet arra, hogy e-mailt küldesz nekünk.'
+(optional): (elhagyható)
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'Az általad megadott URL-cím érvénytelen: $1'
+Reads: Olvasások
+'Publish with issue': 'Közzététel folyóiratszámmal'
+'Universal List': 'Univerzális lista'
+'Invalid security token!': 'Érvénytelen biztonsági jogkivonat!'
+Authors: Szerzők
+Title: Cím
+'Edit country': 'Ország szerkesztése'
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'A/z $1 bejegyzés közzétételre előkészítése megtörtént.'
+'Entry deleted': 'A bejegyzés törlése megtörtént.'
+'Feed saved': 'A hírcsatorna mentése megtörtént.'
+'Item published': 'Az elem közzététele megtörtént'
+'Settings saved': 'A beállítások mentése megtörtént.'
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Saját magad törlése nem engedélyezett.'
+'Edit staff member $1': 'A/z $1 nevű szerkesztőségi tag szerkesztése'
+'Delete staff member $1': 'A/z $1 nevű szerkesztőségi tag törlése'
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'A/z $1 nevű felhasználó nem menthető. Győződj meg róla, hogy nem létezik-e már.'
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'A/z $1 e-mail címmel rendelkező felhasználó nem menthető. Győződj meg róla, hogy nem létezik-e már.'
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'A felhasználótípus módosítása megakadályozná a felhasználók kezelését. Megszakítva.'
+'Staff member saved.': 'A szerkesztőségi tag mentése megtörtént.'
+'Permissions: $1': 'Engedélyek: $1'
+'Change user account information': 'Felhasználói fiók adatainak módosítása'
+'Staff management': 'Szerkesztőség kezelése'
+Updated: Frissítve
+Options: Beállítások
+Verified: Ellenőrizve
+Confirm: Megerősítés
+at: null
+published: közzétéve
+unpublished: visszavonva
+nopermissions: 'A hozzáférés ehhez az erőforrásoz a számodra nem engedélyezett.'
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.hy_AM.yml
index c04c00739d..4dfe48668f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Plugins: null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+Account: null
+'Items per page': null
+'Add new': null
+Home: null
+Logout: null
+More...: null
+Content: null
+Languages: null
+Countries: null
+Themes: null
+Topics: null
+Configure: null
+'Image Archive': null
+'Add Article': null
+Fields: null
+Delete: null
+Type: null
+Name: null
+Code: null
+Edit: null
+Login: null
+Password: null
+Site: null
+Path: null
+'Go up': null
+URL: null
+Order: null
+Hide: null
+Duplicate: null
+Subscription: null
+expires: null
+starts: null
+before: null
+after: null
+on: null
+status: null
+active: null
+inactive: null
+Subscribers: null
+Staff: null
+'Select destination': null
+'No languages': null
+'---Select language---': null
+'No publications': null
+'---Select publication---': null
+'No issues': null
+'---Select issue---': null
+'No sections': null
+'---Select section---': null
+Language: null
+Country: null
+'Account name': null
+Publication: Հրապարակում
+'Default language': null
+Subscriptions: null
+Issue: null
+Number: null
+Section: null
+Keywords: null
+Topic: null
+'URL Name': null
+'Left to pay': null
+Active: null
+Trial: null
+Next: null
+Previous: null
+Translate: null
+View: null
+'Scheduled Publishing': null
+Time: null
+Action: null
+'Schedule a new action': null
+'Scheduling a new publish action': null
+'Delete scheduled publish action': null
+Date/Time: null
+'You must select an action.': null
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': null
+'Front page': null
+'Section page': null
+'Show on front page': null
+'Remove from front page': null
+'Show on section page': null
+'Remove from section page': null
+Actions: Գործունեություններ
+Publishing: null
+Show: null
+Remove: Հեռացնել
+'Article Types': null
+'Staff User Types': null
+Publications: null
+Issues: null
+Sections: null
+Articles: null
+Images: null
+Change: null
+'Add new issue': null
+'Section Template': null
+'Article Template': null
+'Default Language': null
+'Paid Period': null
+Preview: null
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': null
+Error: null
+'Invalid input: $1': null
+'Language does not exist.': null
+'Publication does not exist.': null
+'Issue does not exist.': null
+'You must select a language.': null
+'Section does not exist.': null
+'No articles.': null
+'Article does not exist.': null
+'Image does not exist.': null
+'Access denied': null
+'Invalid parameters received': null
+'Add new article': null
+Status: null
+Published: null
+'Not published': null
+Submitted: null
+New: Նոր
+Article: null
+Publish: null
+Unpublish: null
+Unlock: null
+Uploaded: null
+YYYY-MM-DD: null
+Submit: null
+Image: Պատկեր
+Description: Նկարագիր
+Photographer: Լուսանկարիչ
+Place: Վայր
+Date: Ամսաթիվ
+Thumbnail: null
+'In use': null
+'Additional searches': null
+'Most Recently Added': null
+'Most Recently Modified': null
+'$1 images found': null
+'Reset search conditions': null
+'Image number': null
+Users: null
+Localizer: null
+'Adding new translation': null
+'No more languages.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Add new publication': null
+'Upload new template': null
+'Add new staff member': null
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': null
+'Add new user type': null
+'Add new article type': null
+'Add new country': null
+'Add new language': null
+'View logs': null
+'Change your password': null
+'Your Articles': 'Ձեր հոդվածները'
+'Submitted Articles': null
+Logs: null
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 countries left.': null
+'Name (click to edit)': null
+'Add new subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': null
+'Adding subscription': null
+'Delete subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': null
+'No such subscription.': null
+Yes: Այո
+No: Ոչ
+Close: Փակել
+'No issues.': null
+'Back to Edit Article': null
+'No topics': null
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': null
+Start: null
+Days: null
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': null
+'Add another': null
+Cancel: null
+Done: null
+OK: null
+Save: Պահպանել
+Search: null
+'Make a selection': null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': null
+'You must input a valid date.': null
+'Add new field': null
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': null
+Unlink: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': null
+'No such issue.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': null
+GB: null
+MB: null
+KB: null
+bytes: null
+Attach: null
+Back: null
+File: null
+'Save and Close': null
+Add: null
+'Select All': null
+'Select None': null
+'Add Event': null
+N/A: null
+'On Front Page': null
+'On Section Page': null
+'Created by': null
+'Creation date': null
+'Publication List': null
+'Issue List': null
+'Section List': null
+All: null
+duplicate: null
+move: null
+Move: null
+'From:': null
+'Date:': null
+Hidden: null
+Comments: Մեկնաբանություններ
+Comment: null
+Approved: null
+Subject: null
+'IP address:': null
+'Email:': Էլ․փոստ
+Author: Հեղինակ
+'Article name': 'Հոդվածի անունը'
+'Hide article': 'Թաքցնել հոդվածը'
+'Show article': null
+'Article Type Fields': null
+'Article Images': null
+'Log Messages': null
+'Article Files': null
+'Article Comments': null
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': null
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': null
+Other: Այլ
+'Time:': null
+'No events.': 'Միջոցառումներ չկան'
+'Default templates': null
+'System Preferences': null
+'The date must be in the future.': null
+Send: Ուղարկել
+'Thank you.': Շնորհակալություն
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': null
+(optional): null
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': null
+Reads: null
+'Publish with issue': null
+'Universal List': null
+'Invalid security token!': null
+Authors: null
+Title: Վերնագիր
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ka.yml
index c04c00739d..36bdb6411b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ka.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Plugins: პლაგინები
+'Manage Plugins': 'პლაგინების მართვა'
+Account: ანგარიში
+'Items per page': 'რაოდენობა ყოველ გვერდზე'
+'Add new': დამატება
+Home: მთავარი
+Logout: გასვლა
+More...: მეტი...
+Content: კონტენტი
+Languages: ენები
+Countries: ქვეყნები
+Themes: თემები
+Topics: შაბლონები
+Configure: კონფიგურაცია
+'Image Archive': 'გამოსახულებების არქივი'
+'Add Article': 'სტატიის დამატება'
+Fields: ველები
+Delete: წაშლა
+Type: ტიპი
+Name: სახელი
+Code: კოდი
+Edit: რედაქტირება
+Login: ავტორიზაცია
+Password: პაროლი
+Site: საიტი
+Path: მიმართულება
+'Go up': ზემოთ
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+Order: გამოწერა
+Hide: დამალვა
+Duplicate: დუბლიკატი
+Subscription: გამოწერა
+expires: 'ვადის გასვლა'
+starts: დასაწყისი
+before: მდე
+after: შემდეგ
+on: ზე
+status: სტატუსი
+active: აქტიური
+inactive: არააქტიური
+Subscribers: გამომწერები
+Staff: სტაფი
+'Select destination': 'მონიშნე დანიშნულების ადგილი'
+'No languages': 'ენის გარეშე'
+'---Select language---': 'აირჩიე ენა'
+'No publications': 'პუბლიკაციები არ არის'
+'---Select publication---': 'მონიშნე პუბლიკაცია'
+'No issues': 'სტატიის გარეშე'
+'---Select issue---': 'მონიშნე სტატია'
+'No sections': 'სექციის გარეშე'
+'---Select section---': 'მონიშნე სექცია'
+Language: ენა
+Country: ქვეყანა
+'Account name': 'მომხმარებლის სახელი'
+Publication: პუბლიკაცია
+'Default language': 'ნაგულისხმევი ენა'
+Subscriptions: გამოწერები
+Issue: გამოცემა
+Number: ნომერი
+Section: სექცია
+Keywords: 'საკვანძო სიტყვები'
+Topic: საკითხი
+'URL Name': 'URL-ის სახელი'
+'Left to pay': 'დარჩა გადასახდელი'
+Active: აქტიური
+Trial: საცდელი
+Next: შემდეგი
+Previous: წინა
+Translate: თარგმნა
+View: ნახვა
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'დაგეგმილი გამოქვეყნება'
+Time: დრო
+Action: მოქმედება
+'Schedule a new action': 'ახალი მოქმედების დაგეგმვა'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'ახალი გამოსაქვეყნებელი ოპერაციის დაგეგმვა'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'დაგეგმილი ოპერაციის გაუქმება'
+Date/Time: თარიღი/დრო
+'You must select an action.': 'თქვენ უნდა მონიშნოთ მოქმედება'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'თქვენ არა გაქვთ უფლება დაგეგმოთ გამოცემის, ან სტატიის ავტომატური გამოქვეყნება'
+'Front page': 'მთავარი გვერდი'
+'Section page': 'სექციის გვერდი'
+'Show on front page': 'ჩვენება მთავარ გვერდზე'
+'Remove from front page': 'მოხსნა მთავარი გვერდიდან'
+'Show on section page': 'ჩვენება სექციის გვერდზე'
+'Remove from section page': 'მოხსნა სექციიდან'
+Actions: მოქმედება
+Publishing: გამოქვეყნება
+Show: ჩვენება
+Remove: მოხსნა
+'Article Types': 'სტატიის ტიპები'
+'Staff User Types': 'სტაფის ტიპები'
+Publications: პუბლიკაციები
+Issues: გამოცემები
+Sections: სექციები
+Articles: სტატიები
+Images: ფოტოები
+Change: ცვლილება
+'Add new issue': 'დაამატე ახალი გამოცემა'
+'Section Template': 'სექციის შაბლონი'
+'Article Template': 'სტატიის შაბლონი'
+'Default Language': 'ნაგულისხმევი ენა'
+'Paid Period': 'გადახდის პერიოდი'
+Preview: გადახედვა
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'თქვენ უნდა შეავსოთ $1 ველი'
+Error: შეცდომა
+'Invalid input: $1': 'არასწორადაა შეყვანილი: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'ენა არ არსებობს'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'პუბლიკაცია არ არსებობს'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'გამოცემა არ არსებობს'
+'You must select a language.': 'თქვენ უნდა აირჩიოთ ენა'
+'Section does not exist.': 'გამოცემა არ არსებობს'
+'No articles.': 'სტატიები არ არის.'
+'Article does not exist.': 'სტატია არ არსებობს'
+'Image does not exist.': 'ფოტო არ არსებობს'
+'Access denied': 'წვდომა აკრძალულია'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'მიღებულია არასწორი პარამეტრები'
+'Add new article': 'ახალი სტატიის დამატება'
+Status: სტატუსი
+Published: გამოქვეყნებული
+'Not published': გამოუქვეყნებელი
+Submitted: გაგზავნილი
+New: ახალი
+Article: სტატია
+Publish: გამოქვეყნება
+Unpublish: 'გამოქვეყნების გაუქმება'
+Unlock: 'ბლოკის მოხსნა'
+Uploaded: ატვირთული
+YYYY-MM-DD: წელი/თვე/დღე
+Submit: გაგზავნა
+Image: გამოსახულება
+Description: აღწერა
+Photographer: ფოტოგრაფი
+Place: ადგილი
+Date: თარიღი
+Thumbnail: მინიატურა
+'In use': გამოყენებულია
+'Additional searches': 'ძირითადი ძიება'
+'Most Recently Added': 'უკანასკნელი დამატებული'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'უკანასკნელად მოდიფიცირებული'
+'$1 images found': 'ნაპოვნია ფოტო : $1'
+'Reset search conditions': 'ძიების პირობების უგულვებელყოფა'
+'Image number': 'ფოტოს ნომერი'
+Users: მომხმარებლები
+Localizer: ლოკალიზატორი
+'Adding new translation': 'ახალი თარგმანის დამატება'
+'No more languages.': 'სხვა ენა არაა'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'ველი $1 შეიძლება შეიცავდეს მხოლოდ ასოებს, ციფრებს და ქვედა ხაზს'
+'Add new publication': 'გამოცემის დამატება'
+'Upload new template': 'ახალი შაბლონის ატვირთვა'
+'Add new staff member': 'ახალი თანამშრომლის დამატება'
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': 'ახალი ხელმომწერის დამატება'
+'Add new user type': 'ახალი მომხმარებლის ტიპის დამატება'
+'Add new article type': 'ახალი სტატიის ტიპის დამატება'
+'Add new country': 'ქვეყნის დამატება'
+'Add new language': 'ენის დამატება'
+'View logs': 'აღრიცხვის ნახვა'
+'Change your password': 'პაროლის შეცვლა'
+'Your Articles': 'თქვენი სტატიები'
+'Submitted Articles': 'წარდგენილი სტატიები'
+Logs: აღრიცხვა
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'დარჩა სტატიები: $1'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'დარჩა გამოცემაა: $1'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'დარჩენილია სექცია: $1'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'დარჩენილია პუბლიკაცია: $!'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'დარჩა ქვეყნები: $1'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'სათაური (დააწკაპუნე რედაქტირებას)'
+'Add new subscription': 'გამოწერის დამატება'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'თქვენ არა გაქვთ გამოწერის დამატების უფლება'
+'Adding subscription': 'გამოწერის დამატება'
+'Delete subscription': 'გამოწერის გაუქმება'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'თქვენ არა გაქვთ გამოწერის გაუქმების უფლება'
+'No such subscription.': 'ასეთი გამოწერა არაა'
+Yes: დიახ
+No: არა
+Close: დახურული
+'No issues.': 'გამოცემა არ არის.'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'უკან დაბრუნება სტატიის რედაქტირებისთვის'
+'No topics': 'თემა არაა'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'თქვენ არა გაქვთ სტატიის დამატების უფლება'
+Start: დაწყება
+Days: დღეები
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'სექციების დამატების პროცესი წარუმატებლად დასრულდა. ზოგიერთი მათგანი უკვე დამატებული იყო '
+'Add another': 'დაამატე სხვა'
+Cancel: გაუქმება
+Done: შესრულებულია
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: შენახვა
+Search: ძიება
+'Make a selection': მონიშნე
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'თქვენ უნდა შეიყვანოთ 0 ზე მეტი ციფრი $1 ველში '
+'You must input a valid date.': 'თქვენ უნდა მიუთითოთ რეალური თარიღი.'
+'Add new field': 'ახალი ველის დამატება'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'სტატიის ავტომატურად გამოქვეყნების გრაფიკი'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ ამ დაგეგმილი მოქმედების გაუქმება?'
+Unlink: გაუქმება
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ ფოტო $1 წაშლა?'
+'No such issue.': 'მსგავსი გამოცემა არ არის'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ პუბლიკაცია $1 გამოწერის გაუქმება?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'გამოცემა $1 ში ცვლილებების შეტანა შეუძლებელია. გთხოვთ დარწმუნდით, რომ გამოშვების URL– ის სახელი პუბლიკაცია $3 –ში მანამდე გამოყენებული არ იყო '
bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
+Attach: მიმაგრება
+Back: უკან
+File: ფაილი
+'Save and Close': 'შენახვა და დახურვა'
+Add: დამატება
+'Select All': 'მონიშნე ყველა'
+'Select None': 'არაფერია მონიშნული'
+'Add Event': 'მოვლენის დამატება'
N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+'On Front Page': 'მთავარ გვერდზე'
+'On Section Page': 'სექციის გვერდზე'
+'Created by': 'შექმნილია # მიერ'
+'Creation date': 'შექმნის თარიღი'
+'Publication List': 'პუბლიკაციების სია'
+'Issue List': 'გამოცემების სია'
+'Section List': 'სექციების სია'
+All: ყველა
+duplicate: დუბლირება
+move: გადატანა
+Move: გადატანა
+'From:': დან
+'Date:': წაშლა
+Hidden: დამალული
+Comments: კომენტარები
+Comment: კომენტარი
+Approved: დადასტურებული
+Subject: თემა
+'IP address:': 'IP მისამართი'
+'Email:': 'ელ-ფოსტა:'
+Author: ავტორი
+'Article name': 'სტატიის სათაური'
+'Hide article': 'სტატიის დამალვა'
+'Show article': 'სტატატიის ჩვენება'
+'Article Type Fields': 'სტატიის ტიპის ველები'
+'Article Images': 'სტატიის გამოსახულებები'
+'Log Messages': 'აღრიცხვის შეტყობინებები'
+'Article Files': 'სტატიის ფაილები'
+'Article Comments': 'სტატიის კომენტარები'
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ გამოწერის დეაქტივაცია?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ გამოწერის აქტივაცია?'
+Other: სხვა
+'Time:': დრო
+'No events.': 'მოვლენა არაა'
+'Default templates': 'ნაგულისხმევი შაბლონები'
+'System Preferences': 'სისტემური პარამეტრები'
+'The date must be in the future.': 'თარიღი უნდა იყოს მომავალ დროში'
+Send: გაგზავნა
+'Thank you.': გმადლობ
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'გთხოვთ გამოგვიგზავნოთ ელ-ფოსტა.'
+(optional): (სურვილისამებრ)
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'შეყვანილი URL არასწორია: $1'
+Reads: წაკითხვები
+'Publish with issue': 'გამოქვეყნება გამოცემასთან ერთად'
+'Universal List': 'უნივერსალური სია'
+'Invalid security token!': 'არასწორი უსაფრთხოების მარკერი'
+Authors: ავტორები
+Title: სათაური
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: '-ზე'
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ko.yml
index c04c00739d..64e56fcfbe 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ko.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Plugins: null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+Account: '아이디 '
+'Items per page': '페이지당 아이템'
+'Add new': '신규로 추가'
+Home: 홈
+Logout: 로그아웃
+More...: 더보기
+Content: 콘텐트
+Languages: 언어
+Countries: 국가
+Themes: '템플레이트 '
+Topics: '토픽 '
+Configure: 구성
+'Image Archive': '이미지 아카이브 '
+'Add Article': '기사 추가 '
+Fields: 필드
+Delete: 삭제
+Type: '타입 '
+Name: '이름 '
+Code: '코드 '
+Edit: 편집
+Login: '로그인 '
+Password: 패스워드
+Site: '사이트 '
+Path: 패스
+'Go up': 위로가기
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+Order: 순서
+Hide: 숨기기
+Duplicate: 복사
+Subscription: 구독
+expires: 기간만료
+starts: 시작
+before: 이전
+after: 이후
+on: 온
+status: 상태
+active: 활성
+inactive: 비활성
+Subscribers: 구독자
+Staff: '스탭 '
+'Select destination': '목적지 선택'
+'No languages': '언어 없슴'
+'---Select language---': '---언어 선택---'
+'No publications': 출판안됨
+'---Select publication---': '---출판 선택---'
+'No issues': '기사 없슴'
+'---Select issue---': '---기사 선택---'
+'No sections': '섹션 없슴'
+'---Select section---': '---섹션 선택---'
+Language: 언어
+Country: 국가
+'Account name': '아이디 '
+Publication: 출판
+'Default language': '기본 언어'
+Subscriptions: 구독
+Issue: '이슈 '
+Number: 넘버
+Section: 섹션
+Keywords: 키워드
+Topic: 토픽
+'URL Name': 'URL 이름'
+'Left to pay': 지불해야함
+Active: 활성
+Trial: 시험
+Next: 다음
+Previous: 이전
+Translate: 번역
+View: 보기
+'Scheduled Publishing': '예약 출판 '
+Time: 시간
+Action: 기능
+'Schedule a new action': '기능 예약'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': '새로운 출판 기능 스케쥴링'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': '예약 출판 기능 삭제 '
+Date/Time: 일자/시간
+'You must select an action.': '기능을 선택하시오.'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': '이슈나 기사를 자동 출판으로 스케듈할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Front page': 프론트페이지
+'Section page': 섹션페이지
+'Show on front page': '프론트페이지에서 보기'
+'Remove from front page': '프론트페이지에서 삭제하기'
+'Show on section page': '섹션페이지에서 보기'
+'Remove from section page': '섹션페이지에서 삭제하기'
+Actions: 기능
+Publishing: 출판
+Show: 보기
+Remove: 삭제
+'Article Types': '기사 타입'
+'Staff User Types': '스탭 타입'
+Publications: 출판
+Issues: 이슈
+Sections: 섹션
+Articles: 기사
+Images: 이미지
+Change: 변경
+'Add new issue': '새로운 이슈 추가'
+'Section Template': 섹션템플레이트
+'Article Template': 기사템플레이트
+'Default Language': 기본언어
+'Paid Period': '지불된 기간'
+Preview: 미리보기
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': '$1 필드를 채우시오'
+Error: 에러
+'Invalid input: $1': '비정상 입력: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': '언어가 없습니다.'
+'Publication does not exist.': '출판사이트가 없습니다.'
+'Issue does not exist.': '이슈가 없습니다.'
+'You must select a language.': '언어를 선택하시오.'
+'Section does not exist.': '섹션이 없습니다. '
+'No articles.': '기사 없슴.'
+'Article does not exist.': '기사가 없습니다. '
+'Image does not exist.': '이미지가 없습니다.'
+'Access denied': '접근 거부 '
+'Invalid parameters received': '비정상 파라미터 받음'
+'Add new article': '새로운 기사 추가 '
+Status: 상태
+Published: 출판완료
+'Not published': 출판전
+Submitted: 송고완료
+New: 신규
+Article: 기사
+Publish: '출판 '
+Unpublish: '출판전으로 돌리기'
+Unlock: 잠금풀기
+Uploaded: 업로드됨
+YYYY-MM-DD: 년-월-일
+Submit: 송고
+Image: 이미지
+Description: 설명
+Photographer: 포토그래퍼
+Place: 장소
+Date: 일자
+Thumbnail: 썸네일
+'In use': 사용중
+'Additional searches': '추가 검색'
+'Most Recently Added': '가장 최근 추가됨'
+'Most Recently Modified': '가장 최근 수정됨'
+'$1 images found': '$1 이미지 발견'
+'Reset search conditions': 검색조건리세트
+'Image number': '이미지 넘버'
+Users: 사용자
+Localizer: 로칼라이저
+'Adding new translation': '새로운 번역 추가중'
+'No more languages.': '더 이상 언어 없슴.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': '$1 필드는 글자, 숫자 및 밑줄 글자만 포함합니다. '
+'Add new publication': '새로운 출판 추가'
+'Upload new template': '새로운 템플레이트 업로드'
+'Add new staff member': '새로운 스탭 멤버 추가'
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': '새로운 구독자 추가 '
+'Add new user type': '새로운 사용자 타입 추가 '
+'Add new article type': '새로운 기사 타입 추가 '
+'Add new country': '새로운 국가 추가 '
+'Add new language': '새로운 언어 추가 '
+'View logs': '로그 보기'
+'Change your password': '패스워드 변경'
+'Your Articles': '내가 쓴 기사'
+'Submitted Articles': '송고된 기사'
+Logs: 로그
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': '$1 기사가 남아있슴.'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': '$1 이슈가 남아있슴.'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': '$1 섹션이 남아있슴.'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': '$1 출판이 남아있슴.'
+'There are $1 countries left.': '$1 국가가 남아있슴.'
+'Name (click to edit)': '이름 (편집하려면 클릭)'
+'Add new subscription': '새로운 구독자 추가'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': '구독자 추가할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'Adding subscription': '구독 추가'
+'Delete subscription': '구독 삭제'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': '구독을 삭제할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'No such subscription.': '그런 구독 없슴.'
+Yes: 예
+No: 아니오
+Close: 닫기
+'No issues.': '이슈 없슴.'
+'Back to Edit Article': '기사 편집으로 돌아가기'
+'No topics': '토픽 없습'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': '기사를 추가할 권한이 없습니다. '
+Start: 시작
+Days: 일
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': '섹션을 성공적으로 추가할 수 없습니다. 이미 추가되었습니다.'
+'Add another': '또다른 추가 '
+Cancel: 취소
+Done: 완료
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: 저장
+Search: 검색
+'Make a selection': 선택하시오
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': '$1 필드에 0 보다 큰 숫자를 입력하시오'
+'You must input a valid date.': '정상적인 날자를 입력하시오'
+'Add new field': '새로운 필드 추가'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': '기사 자동 출판 스케듈'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': '스케듈된 기능을 삭제합니까?'
+Unlink: 링크없애기
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': '이미지 $1 를 삭제합니까?'
+'No such issue.': '그런 이슈 없슴.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': '출판 $1 에 구독을 삭제합니까?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': '이슈 $1 에 변경을 저장할 수없습니다. 이슈 URL 이름 $2 가 출판 $3 에 사용되지 않는지 확인하시오.'
bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
+Attach: 첨부
+Back: 뒤로
+File: 파일
+'Save and Close': '저장하고 닫기'
+Add: 추가
+'Select All': '모두 선택'
+'Select None': 미선택
+'Add Event': '이벤트 추가'
N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+'On Front Page': 프론트페이지
+'On Section Page': 섹션페이지
+'Created by': 작성자
+'Creation date': 작성일
+'Publication List': '출판 리스트 '
+'Issue List': 이슈리스트
+'Section List': 섹션리스트
+All: 모두
+duplicate: 복사
+move: '이동 '
+Move: 이동
+'From:': null
+'Date:': null
+Hidden: null
+Comments: null
+Comment: null
+Approved: null
+Subject: null
+'IP address:': null
+'Email:': null
+Author: null
+'Article name': null
+'Hide article': null
+'Show article': null
+'Article Type Fields': '기사 타입 필드'
+'Article Images': '기사 이미지'
+'Log Messages': '로그 메시지'
+'Article Files': '기사 파일'
+'Article Comments': null
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': '구독을 비활성화합니까?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': '구독을 활성화 합니까?'
+Other: null
+'Time:': null
+'No events.': null
+'Default templates': null
+'System Preferences': null
+'The date must be in the future.': null
+Send: null
+'Thank you.': null
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': null
+(optional): null
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': null
+Reads: null
+'Publish with issue': null
+'Universal List': null
+'Invalid security token!': null
+Authors: null
+Title: null
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ku.yml
index c04c00739d..5ef4a826ef 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ku.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Plugins: null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+Account: null
+'Items per page': null
+'Add new': null
+Home: null
+Logout: null
+More...: null
+Content: null
+Languages: null
+Countries: null
+Themes: null
+Topics: null
+Configure: null
+'Image Archive': null
+'Add Article': null
+Fields: null
+Delete: null
+Type: null
+Name: null
+Code: null
+Edit: null
+Login: null
+Password: null
+Site: null
+Path: null
+'Go up': null
+URL: null
+Order: null
+Hide: null
+Duplicate: null
+Subscription: null
+expires: null
+starts: null
+before: null
+after: null
+on: null
+status: null
+active: null
+inactive: null
+Subscribers: null
+Staff: null
+'Select destination': null
+'No languages': null
+'---Select language---': null
+'No publications': null
+'---Select publication---': null
+'No issues': null
+'---Select issue---': null
+'No sections': null
+'---Select section---': null
+Language: null
+Country: null
+'Account name': null
+Publication: null
+'Default language': null
+Subscriptions: null
+Issue: null
+Number: null
+Section: null
+Keywords: null
+Topic: null
+'URL Name': null
+'Left to pay': null
+Active: null
+Trial: null
+Next: null
+Previous: null
+Translate: null
+View: null
+'Scheduled Publishing': null
+Time: null
+Action: null
+'Schedule a new action': null
+'Scheduling a new publish action': null
+'Delete scheduled publish action': null
+Date/Time: null
+'You must select an action.': null
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': null
+'Front page': null
+'Section page': null
+'Show on front page': null
+'Remove from front page': null
+'Show on section page': null
+'Remove from section page': null
+Actions: null
+Publishing: null
+Show: null
+Remove: null
+'Article Types': null
+'Staff User Types': null
+Publications: null
+Issues: null
+Sections: null
+Articles: null
+Images: null
+Change: null
+'Add new issue': null
+'Section Template': null
+'Article Template': null
+'Default Language': null
+'Paid Period': null
+Preview: null
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': null
+Error: null
+'Invalid input: $1': null
+'Language does not exist.': null
+'Publication does not exist.': null
+'Issue does not exist.': null
+'You must select a language.': null
+'Section does not exist.': null
+'No articles.': null
+'Article does not exist.': null
+'Image does not exist.': null
+'Access denied': null
+'Invalid parameters received': null
+'Add new article': null
+Status: null
+Published: null
+'Not published': null
+Submitted: null
+New: null
+Article: null
+Publish: null
+Unpublish: null
+Unlock: null
+Uploaded: null
+YYYY-MM-DD: null
+Submit: null
+Image: null
+Description: null
+Photographer: null
+Place: null
+Date: null
+Thumbnail: null
+'In use': null
+'Additional searches': null
+'Most Recently Added': null
+'Most Recently Modified': null
+'$1 images found': null
+'Reset search conditions': null
+'Image number': null
+Users: null
+Localizer: null
+'Adding new translation': null
+'No more languages.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Add new publication': null
+'Upload new template': null
+'Add new staff member': null
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': null
+'Add new user type': null
+'Add new article type': null
+'Add new country': null
+'Add new language': null
+'View logs': null
+'Change your password': null
+'Your Articles': null
+'Submitted Articles': null
+Logs: null
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 countries left.': null
+'Name (click to edit)': null
+'Add new subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': null
+'Adding subscription': null
+'Delete subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': null
+'No such subscription.': null
+Yes: null
+No: null
+Close: null
+'No issues.': null
+'Back to Edit Article': null
+'No topics': null
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': null
+Start: null
+Days: null
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': null
+'Add another': null
+Cancel: null
+Done: null
+OK: null
+Save: null
+Search: null
+'Make a selection': null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': null
+'You must input a valid date.': null
+'Add new field': null
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': null
+Unlink: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': null
+'No such issue.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': null
+GB: null
+MB: null
+KB: null
+bytes: null
+Attach: null
+Back: null
+File: null
+'Save and Close': null
+Add: null
+'Select All': null
+'Select None': null
+'Add Event': null
+N/A: null
+'On Front Page': null
+'On Section Page': null
+'Created by': null
+'Creation date': null
+'Publication List': null
+'Issue List': null
+'Section List': null
+All: null
+duplicate: null
+move: null
+Move: null
+'From:': null
+'Date:': null
+Hidden: null
+Comments: null
+Comment: null
+Approved: null
+Subject: null
+'IP address:': null
+'Email:': null
+Author: null
+'Article name': null
+'Hide article': null
+'Show article': null
+'Article Type Fields': null
+'Article Images': null
+'Log Messages': null
+'Article Files': null
+'Article Comments': null
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': null
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': null
+Other: null
+'Time:': null
+'No events.': null
+'Default templates': null
+'System Preferences': null
+'The date must be in the future.': null
+Send: null
+'Thank you.': null
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': null
+(optional): null
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': null
+Reads: null
+'Publish with issue': null
+'Universal List': null
+'Invalid security token!': null
+Authors: null
+Title: null
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.lv.yml
index c04c00739d..5ef4a826ef 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.lv.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Plugins: null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+Account: null
+'Items per page': null
+'Add new': null
+Home: null
+Logout: null
+More...: null
+Content: null
+Languages: null
+Countries: null
+Themes: null
+Topics: null
+Configure: null
+'Image Archive': null
+'Add Article': null
+Fields: null
+Delete: null
+Type: null
+Name: null
+Code: null
+Edit: null
+Login: null
+Password: null
+Site: null
+Path: null
+'Go up': null
+URL: null
+Order: null
+Hide: null
+Duplicate: null
+Subscription: null
+expires: null
+starts: null
+before: null
+after: null
+on: null
+status: null
+active: null
+inactive: null
+Subscribers: null
+Staff: null
+'Select destination': null
+'No languages': null
+'---Select language---': null
+'No publications': null
+'---Select publication---': null
+'No issues': null
+'---Select issue---': null
+'No sections': null
+'---Select section---': null
+Language: null
+Country: null
+'Account name': null
+Publication: null
+'Default language': null
+Subscriptions: null
+Issue: null
+Number: null
+Section: null
+Keywords: null
+Topic: null
+'URL Name': null
+'Left to pay': null
+Active: null
+Trial: null
+Next: null
+Previous: null
+Translate: null
+View: null
+'Scheduled Publishing': null
+Time: null
+Action: null
+'Schedule a new action': null
+'Scheduling a new publish action': null
+'Delete scheduled publish action': null
+Date/Time: null
+'You must select an action.': null
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': null
+'Front page': null
+'Section page': null
+'Show on front page': null
+'Remove from front page': null
+'Show on section page': null
+'Remove from section page': null
+Actions: null
+Publishing: null
+Show: null
+Remove: null
+'Article Types': null
+'Staff User Types': null
+Publications: null
+Issues: null
+Sections: null
+Articles: null
+Images: null
+Change: null
+'Add new issue': null
+'Section Template': null
+'Article Template': null
+'Default Language': null
+'Paid Period': null
+Preview: null
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': null
+Error: null
+'Invalid input: $1': null
+'Language does not exist.': null
+'Publication does not exist.': null
+'Issue does not exist.': null
+'You must select a language.': null
+'Section does not exist.': null
+'No articles.': null
+'Article does not exist.': null
+'Image does not exist.': null
+'Access denied': null
+'Invalid parameters received': null
+'Add new article': null
+Status: null
+Published: null
+'Not published': null
+Submitted: null
+New: null
+Article: null
+Publish: null
+Unpublish: null
+Unlock: null
+Uploaded: null
+YYYY-MM-DD: null
+Submit: null
+Image: null
+Description: null
+Photographer: null
+Place: null
+Date: null
+Thumbnail: null
+'In use': null
+'Additional searches': null
+'Most Recently Added': null
+'Most Recently Modified': null
+'$1 images found': null
+'Reset search conditions': null
+'Image number': null
+Users: null
+Localizer: null
+'Adding new translation': null
+'No more languages.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Add new publication': null
+'Upload new template': null
+'Add new staff member': null
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': null
+'Add new user type': null
+'Add new article type': null
+'Add new country': null
+'Add new language': null
+'View logs': null
+'Change your password': null
+'Your Articles': null
+'Submitted Articles': null
+Logs: null
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 countries left.': null
+'Name (click to edit)': null
+'Add new subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': null
+'Adding subscription': null
+'Delete subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': null
+'No such subscription.': null
+Yes: null
+No: null
+Close: null
+'No issues.': null
+'Back to Edit Article': null
+'No topics': null
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': null
+Start: null
+Days: null
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': null
+'Add another': null
+Cancel: null
+Done: null
+OK: null
+Save: null
+Search: null
+'Make a selection': null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': null
+'You must input a valid date.': null
+'Add new field': null
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': null
+Unlink: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': null
+'No such issue.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': null
+GB: null
+MB: null
+KB: null
+bytes: null
+Attach: null
+Back: null
+File: null
+'Save and Close': null
+Add: null
+'Select All': null
+'Select None': null
+'Add Event': null
+N/A: null
+'On Front Page': null
+'On Section Page': null
+'Created by': null
+'Creation date': null
+'Publication List': null
+'Issue List': null
+'Section List': null
+All: null
+duplicate: null
+move: null
+Move: null
+'From:': null
+'Date:': null
+Hidden: null
+Comments: null
+Comment: null
+Approved: null
+Subject: null
+'IP address:': null
+'Email:': null
+Author: null
+'Article name': null
+'Hide article': null
+'Show article': null
+'Article Type Fields': null
+'Article Images': null
+'Log Messages': null
+'Article Files': null
+'Article Comments': null
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': null
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': null
+Other: null
+'Time:': null
+'No events.': null
+'Default templates': null
+'System Preferences': null
+'The date must be in the future.': null
+Send: null
+'Thank you.': null
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': null
+(optional): null
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': null
+Reads: null
+'Publish with issue': null
+'Universal List': null
+'Invalid security token!': null
+Authors: null
+Title: null
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.nb_NO.yml
index c04c00739d..5ef4a826ef 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Plugins: null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+Account: null
+'Items per page': null
+'Add new': null
+Home: null
+Logout: null
+More...: null
+Content: null
+Languages: null
+Countries: null
+Themes: null
+Topics: null
+Configure: null
+'Image Archive': null
+'Add Article': null
+Fields: null
+Delete: null
+Type: null
+Name: null
+Code: null
+Edit: null
+Login: null
+Password: null
+Site: null
+Path: null
+'Go up': null
+URL: null
+Order: null
+Hide: null
+Duplicate: null
+Subscription: null
+expires: null
+starts: null
+before: null
+after: null
+on: null
+status: null
+active: null
+inactive: null
+Subscribers: null
+Staff: null
+'Select destination': null
+'No languages': null
+'---Select language---': null
+'No publications': null
+'---Select publication---': null
+'No issues': null
+'---Select issue---': null
+'No sections': null
+'---Select section---': null
+Language: null
+Country: null
+'Account name': null
+Publication: null
+'Default language': null
+Subscriptions: null
+Issue: null
+Number: null
+Section: null
+Keywords: null
+Topic: null
+'URL Name': null
+'Left to pay': null
+Active: null
+Trial: null
+Next: null
+Previous: null
+Translate: null
+View: null
+'Scheduled Publishing': null
+Time: null
+Action: null
+'Schedule a new action': null
+'Scheduling a new publish action': null
+'Delete scheduled publish action': null
+Date/Time: null
+'You must select an action.': null
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': null
+'Front page': null
+'Section page': null
+'Show on front page': null
+'Remove from front page': null
+'Show on section page': null
+'Remove from section page': null
+Actions: null
+Publishing: null
+Show: null
+Remove: null
+'Article Types': null
+'Staff User Types': null
+Publications: null
+Issues: null
+Sections: null
+Articles: null
+Images: null
+Change: null
+'Add new issue': null
+'Section Template': null
+'Article Template': null
+'Default Language': null
+'Paid Period': null
+Preview: null
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': null
+Error: null
+'Invalid input: $1': null
+'Language does not exist.': null
+'Publication does not exist.': null
+'Issue does not exist.': null
+'You must select a language.': null
+'Section does not exist.': null
+'No articles.': null
+'Article does not exist.': null
+'Image does not exist.': null
+'Access denied': null
+'Invalid parameters received': null
+'Add new article': null
+Status: null
+Published: null
+'Not published': null
+Submitted: null
+New: null
+Article: null
+Publish: null
+Unpublish: null
+Unlock: null
+Uploaded: null
+YYYY-MM-DD: null
+Submit: null
+Image: null
+Description: null
+Photographer: null
+Place: null
+Date: null
+Thumbnail: null
+'In use': null
+'Additional searches': null
+'Most Recently Added': null
+'Most Recently Modified': null
+'$1 images found': null
+'Reset search conditions': null
+'Image number': null
+Users: null
+Localizer: null
+'Adding new translation': null
+'No more languages.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Add new publication': null
+'Upload new template': null
+'Add new staff member': null
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': null
+'Add new user type': null
+'Add new article type': null
+'Add new country': null
+'Add new language': null
+'View logs': null
+'Change your password': null
+'Your Articles': null
+'Submitted Articles': null
+Logs: null
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 countries left.': null
+'Name (click to edit)': null
+'Add new subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': null
+'Adding subscription': null
+'Delete subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': null
+'No such subscription.': null
+Yes: null
+No: null
+Close: null
+'No issues.': null
+'Back to Edit Article': null
+'No topics': null
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': null
+Start: null
+Days: null
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': null
+'Add another': null
+Cancel: null
+Done: null
+OK: null
+Save: null
+Search: null
+'Make a selection': null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': null
+'You must input a valid date.': null
+'Add new field': null
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': null
+Unlink: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': null
+'No such issue.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': null
+GB: null
+MB: null
+KB: null
+bytes: null
+Attach: null
+Back: null
+File: null
+'Save and Close': null
+Add: null
+'Select All': null
+'Select None': null
+'Add Event': null
+N/A: null
+'On Front Page': null
+'On Section Page': null
+'Created by': null
+'Creation date': null
+'Publication List': null
+'Issue List': null
+'Section List': null
+All: null
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+move: null
+Move: null
+'From:': null
+'Date:': null
+Hidden: null
+Comments: null
+Comment: null
+Approved: null
+Subject: null
+'IP address:': null
+'Email:': null
+Author: null
+'Article name': null
+'Hide article': null
+'Show article': null
+'Article Type Fields': null
+'Article Images': null
+'Log Messages': null
+'Article Files': null
+'Article Comments': null
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': null
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': null
+Other: null
+'Time:': null
+'No events.': null
+'Default templates': null
+'System Preferences': null
+'The date must be in the future.': null
+Send: null
+'Thank you.': null
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': null
+(optional): null
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': null
+Reads: null
+'Publish with issue': null
+'Universal List': null
+'Invalid security token!': null
+Authors: null
+Title: null
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.pl.yml
index c04c00739d..b8ea0295b6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.pl.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Plugins: Wtyczki
+'Manage Plugins': 'Zarządzanie Pluginami'
+Account: Konto
+'Items per page': 'Rzeczy na stronie'
+'Add new': Dodaj
+Home: 'Strona główna'
+Logout: Wyloguj
+More...: Więcej
+Content: Kontent
+Languages: Języki
+Countries: Państwa
+Themes: Szablony
+Topics: Tematy
+Configure: Konfiguracja
+'Image Archive': 'Archiwum zdjęć'
+'Add Article': 'Dodaj artykuł'
+Fields: Pola
+Delete: Usuń
+Type: Typ
+Name: Nazwa
+Code: Kod
+Edit: Edycja
+Login: Zaloguj
+Password: Hasła
+Site: Strona
+Path: Ścieżka
+'Go up': 'W górę'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
+Order: Kierunek
+Hide: Schowaj
+Duplicate: Duplikat
+Subscription: Subskrypcja
+expires: wygasa
+starts: start
+before: przed
+after: po
+on: ' '
status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
+active: aktywne
+inactive: nieaktywne
+Subscribers: Subskrynenci
+Staff: Pracownicy
+'Select destination': 'Wybierz cel'
+'No languages': 'Brak języków'
+'---Select language---': '---Wybierz język---'
+'No publications': 'Brak publikacji'
+'---Select publication---': '---Wybierz publikację---'
+'No issues': 'Brak artykułów'
+'---Select issue---': '---Wybierz artykuł---'
+'No sections': 'Brak sekcji'
+'---Select section---': '---Wybierz sekcję---'
+Language: Język
+Country: Kraj
+'Account name': 'Nazwa konta'
+Publication: Publikacja
+'Default language': 'Domyślny język'
+Subscriptions: Subksrypcje
+Issue: Wydanie
+Number: Numer
+Section: Sekcja
+Keywords: 'Słowa kluczowe'
+Topic: Temat
+'URL Name': 'Nazwa URL'
+'Left to pay': 'Pozostało do zapłaty'
+Active: Aktywne
+Trial: Próbne
+Next: Następny
+Previous: Poprzedni
+Translate: Przetłumacz
+View: Widok
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Publikacje zaplanowane'
+Time: Czas
+Action: Akcja
+'Schedule a new action': 'Zaplanuj nową akcję'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Planowanie nowej akcji'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Usuń zaplanowaną akcję'
+Date/Time: Data/Czas
+'You must select an action.': 'Musisz wybrać akcję.'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Nie masz praw aby planować wydania albo artykuły do automatycznego publikowania'
+'Front page': 'Strona główna'
+'Section page': 'Strona sekcji'
+'Show on front page': 'Pokaż na stronie głównej'
+'Remove from front page': 'Usuń ze strony głównej'
+'Show on section page': 'Pokaż na stronie sekcji'
+'Remove from section page': 'Usuń ze strony sekcji'
+Actions: Akcje
+Publishing: Publikowanie
+Show: Pokaż
+Remove: Usuń
+'Article Types': 'Typy artykułów'
+'Staff User Types': 'Typu użytkowników redakcji'
+Publications: Publikacje
+Issues: Wydania
+Sections: Sekcje
+Articles: Artykuły
+Images: Zdjęcia
+Change: Zmień
+'Add new issue': 'Dodaj nowe wydanie'
+'Section Template': 'Szablok sekcji'
+'Article Template': 'Szablon artykułu'
+'Default Language': 'Domyślny język'
+'Paid Period': 'Okres płatny'
+Preview: Podgląd
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'Musisz wypełnić pole $1'
+Error: Błąd
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Nieprawidłowe wprowadzenie: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'Język nie istnieje.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'Publikacja nie istnieje'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Wydanie nie istnieje.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Musisz wybrać język.'
+'Section does not exist.': 'Sekcja nie istnieje.'
+'No articles.': 'Brak artykułów.'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Artykuł nie isntnieje.'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Zdjęcie nie istnieje.'
+'Access denied': 'Dostęp zabroniony'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Otrzymano niewłaściwe parametry'
+'Add new article': 'Dodaj nowy artykuł'
Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
+Published: Opublikowane
+'Not published': Nieopublikowane
+Submitted: Wysłane
+New: Nowy
+Article: Artykuł
+Publish: Publikuj
+Unpublish: 'Cofnij publikację'
+Unlock: Odblokuj
+Uploaded: Wgrane
+Submit: Wyślij
+Image: Zdjęcie
+Description: Opis
+Photographer: Fotograf
+Place: Miejsce
+Date: Data
+Thumbnail: Miniaturka
+'In use': 'W użyciu'
+'Additional searches': 'Dodatkowe wyszukiwania'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Ostatnio dodane'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Ostatnio modyfikowane'
+'$1 images found': 'Znaleziono zdjęc: $1'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Resetuj warunki wyszukiwania'
+'Image number': 'Liczba zdjęć'
+Users: Użytkownicy
+Localizer: Lokalizator
+'Adding new translation': 'Dodawanie nowego tłumaczenia'
+'No more languages.': 'Nie ma więcej języków'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'Pole $1 może jedynie zawierać litery, cyfry i podkreślnik (_).'
+'Add new publication': 'Dodaj nową publikację'
+'Upload new template': 'Dodaj nowy szablok'
+'Add new staff member': 'Dodaj członka redakcji'
+'Staff member deleted.': 'Członek zespołu został usunięty.'
+'Add new subscriber': 'Dodaj subskrynenta'
+'Add new user type': 'Dodaj nowy typ użytkownika'
+'Add new article type': 'Dodaj nowy typ artykułu'
+'Add new country': 'Dodaj nowy kraj'
+'Add new language': 'Dodaj nowy język'
+'View logs': 'Zobacz logi'
+'Change your password': 'Zmień hasło'
+'Your Articles': 'Twoje Artykuły'
+'Submitted Articles': 'Wysłane artykuły'
+Logs: Logi
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'Pozostało znaków: $1'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'Pozostało wydań: $1'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'Pozostało sekcji: $1'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'Pozostało publikacji: $1'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'Pozostało państw: $1'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'Imię (kliknij aby edytować)'
+'Add new subscription': 'Dodaj nową subskrypcję'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Nie masz praw aby dodać subskrypcję.'
+'Adding subscription': 'Dodawanie subskrypcji'
+'Delete subscription': 'Usuń subskrypcję'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Nie masz praw aby usunąć subskrypcję.'
+'No such subscription.': 'Subskrypcja nie istnieje.'
+Yes: Tak
+No: Nie
+Close: Zamknij
+'No issues.': 'Brak wydań.'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Powrót do edycji artykułu'
+'No topics': 'Brak tematów'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Nie masz wystarczających praw aby dodawać artykuły'
Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+Days: Dni
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Sekcje nie zostały dodane. Niektóre z nich już istniały'
+'Add another': 'Dodaj inne'
+Cancel: Anuluj
+Done: Zakończ
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: Zapisz
+Search: Szukaj
+'Make a selection': Wybierz
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'Musisz podać numer większy niż 0 w pole $1'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Podaj poprawną datę'
+'Add new field': 'Dodaj nowe pole'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Automatyczne publikowanie artykułu zaplanowane'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć zaplanowaną akcję?'
+Unlink: Odlinkuj
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć zdjęcie $1?'
+'No such issue.': 'Brak takiego wydania.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć subskrypcję publikacji $1?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Nie można zapisać zmian do wydania $1. Upewnij się, że nazwa URL wydania $2 nie została użyta w publikacji $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
+bytes: bajtów
+Attach: Załącz
+Back: Powrót
+File: Plik
+'Save and Close': 'Zapisz i zamknij'
+Add: Dodaj
+'Select All': 'Zaznacz wszystko'
+'Select None': 'Odznacz wszystko'
+'Add Event': 'Dodaj wydarzenie'
N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
+'On Front Page': 'Na stronie głównej'
+'On Section Page': 'Na stronie sekcji'
+'Created by': 'Utworzone przez'
+'Creation date': 'Data utworzenia'
+'Publication List': 'Lista publikacji'
+'Issue List': 'Lista wydań'
+'Section List': 'Lista sekcji'
+All: Wszystko
+duplicate: duplikat
+move: przemieść
+Move: Przemieszczanie
+'From:': 'Od:'
+'Date:': 'Data:'
+Hidden: Ukryte
+Comments: Komentarze
+Comment: Komentarz
+Approved: Zaakceptowane
+Subject: Temat
+'IP address:': 'Adres IP:'
'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Author: Autor
+'Article name': 'Nazwa artykułu'
+'Hide article': 'Schowaj artykuł'
+'Show article': 'Pokaż artykuł'
+'Article Type Fields': 'Pola typu artykułu'
+'Article Images': 'Zdjęcia artykułu'
+'Log Messages': 'Wiadomości z loga'
+'Article Files': 'Pliki artykułu'
+'Article Comments': 'Komentarze artykułu'
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz deaktywować subskrypcję?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz aktywować subskrypcję?'
+Other: Inne
+'Time:': 'Czas:'
+'No events.': 'Brak wydarzeń.'
+'Default templates': 'Domyślne szablony'
+'System Preferences': 'Preferencje systemowe'
+'The date must be in the future.': 'Data musi być w przyszłości.'
+Send: Wyślij
+'Thank you.': Dziękujemy.
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Poświęc minutę i wyślij nam email.'
+(optional): (opcjonalnie)
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'Podany adres URL jest niepoprawny: $1'
+Reads: Przeczytano
+'Publish with issue': 'Opublikuj z wydaniem'
+'Universal List': 'Uniwersalna Lista'
+'Invalid security token!': 'Niepoprawny token bezpieczeństwa!'
+Authors: Autorzy
+Title: Tytuł
+'Edit country': 'Edytuj kraj'
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Wpis $1 został przygotowany do publikacji'
+'Entry deleted': 'Wpis został usunięty'
+'Feed saved': 'Kanał został zapisany'
+'Item published': 'Element został opublikowany'
+'Settings saved': 'Ustawienia zostały zapisane'
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Nie możesz usunąć sam siebie.'
+'Edit staff member $1': 'Edytuj $1'
+'Delete staff member $1': 'Usuń $1 z załogi'
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Nie można utworzyć członka załogi, wygląda na to że $1 już istnieje'
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Nie można utworzyć użytkownika z adresem email: $1. Wygląda na to że ktoś już używa tego adresu'
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Zmiana typu użytkownika pozbawi cię możliwości zarządzania użytkownikami. Przerwano.'
+'Staff member saved.': 'Członek załogi został zapisany.'
+'Permissions: $1': 'Uprawnienia: $1'
+'Change user account information': 'Zmień informacje o użytkowniku'
+'Staff management': Załoga
+Updated: Zaktualizowany
+Options: Opcje
+Verified: Zweryfikowany
+Confirm: Potwierdź
+at: w
+published: opublikowany
+unpublished: nieopublikowany
+nopermissions: 'Nie masz wystarczających uprawnień.'
+importantmessage: 'Ważna informacja'
+anonymous: Anonim
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ps.yml
index c04c00739d..5ef4a826ef 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ps.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Plugins: null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+Account: null
+'Items per page': null
+'Add new': null
+Home: null
+Logout: null
+More...: null
+Content: null
+Languages: null
+Countries: null
+Themes: null
+Topics: null
+Configure: null
+'Image Archive': null
+'Add Article': null
+Fields: null
+Delete: null
+Type: null
+Name: null
+Code: null
+Edit: null
+Login: null
+Password: null
+Site: null
+Path: null
+'Go up': null
+URL: null
+Order: null
+Hide: null
+Duplicate: null
+Subscription: null
+expires: null
+starts: null
+before: null
+after: null
+on: null
+status: null
+active: null
+inactive: null
+Subscribers: null
+Staff: null
+'Select destination': null
+'No languages': null
+'---Select language---': null
+'No publications': null
+'---Select publication---': null
+'No issues': null
+'---Select issue---': null
+'No sections': null
+'---Select section---': null
+Language: null
+Country: null
+'Account name': null
+Publication: null
+'Default language': null
+Subscriptions: null
+Issue: null
+Number: null
+Section: null
+Keywords: null
+Topic: null
+'URL Name': null
+'Left to pay': null
+Active: null
+Trial: null
+Next: null
+Previous: null
+Translate: null
+View: null
+'Scheduled Publishing': null
+Time: null
+Action: null
+'Schedule a new action': null
+'Scheduling a new publish action': null
+'Delete scheduled publish action': null
+Date/Time: null
+'You must select an action.': null
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': null
+'Front page': null
+'Section page': null
+'Show on front page': null
+'Remove from front page': null
+'Show on section page': null
+'Remove from section page': null
+Actions: null
+Publishing: null
+Show: null
+Remove: null
+'Article Types': null
+'Staff User Types': null
+Publications: null
+Issues: null
+Sections: null
+Articles: null
+Images: null
+Change: null
+'Add new issue': null
+'Section Template': null
+'Article Template': null
+'Default Language': null
+'Paid Period': null
+Preview: null
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': null
+Error: null
+'Invalid input: $1': null
+'Language does not exist.': null
+'Publication does not exist.': null
+'Issue does not exist.': null
+'You must select a language.': null
+'Section does not exist.': null
+'No articles.': null
+'Article does not exist.': null
+'Image does not exist.': null
+'Access denied': null
+'Invalid parameters received': null
+'Add new article': null
+Status: null
+Published: null
+'Not published': null
+Submitted: null
+New: null
+Article: null
+Publish: null
+Unpublish: null
+Unlock: null
+Uploaded: null
+YYYY-MM-DD: null
+Submit: null
+Image: null
+Description: null
+Photographer: null
+Place: null
+Date: null
+Thumbnail: null
+'In use': null
+'Additional searches': null
+'Most Recently Added': null
+'Most Recently Modified': null
+'$1 images found': null
+'Reset search conditions': null
+'Image number': null
+Users: null
+Localizer: null
+'Adding new translation': null
+'No more languages.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Add new publication': null
+'Upload new template': null
+'Add new staff member': null
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': null
+'Add new user type': null
+'Add new article type': null
+'Add new country': null
+'Add new language': null
+'View logs': null
+'Change your password': null
+'Your Articles': null
+'Submitted Articles': null
+Logs: null
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 countries left.': null
+'Name (click to edit)': null
+'Add new subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': null
+'Adding subscription': null
+'Delete subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': null
+'No such subscription.': null
+Yes: null
+No: null
+Close: null
+'No issues.': null
+'Back to Edit Article': null
+'No topics': null
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': null
+Start: null
+Days: null
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': null
+'Add another': null
+Cancel: null
+Done: null
+OK: null
+Save: null
+Search: null
+'Make a selection': null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': null
+'You must input a valid date.': null
+'Add new field': null
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': null
+Unlink: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': null
+'No such issue.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': null
+GB: null
+MB: null
+KB: null
+bytes: null
+Attach: null
+Back: null
+File: null
+'Save and Close': null
+Add: null
+'Select All': null
+'Select None': null
+'Add Event': null
+N/A: null
+'On Front Page': null
+'On Section Page': null
+'Created by': null
+'Creation date': null
+'Publication List': null
+'Issue List': null
+'Section List': null
+All: null
+duplicate: null
+move: null
+Move: null
+'From:': null
+'Date:': null
+Hidden: null
+Comments: null
+Comment: null
+Approved: null
+Subject: null
+'IP address:': null
+'Email:': null
+Author: null
+'Article name': null
+'Hide article': null
+'Show article': null
+'Article Type Fields': null
+'Article Images': null
+'Log Messages': null
+'Article Files': null
+'Article Comments': null
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': null
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': null
+Other: null
+'Time:': null
+'No events.': null
+'Default templates': null
+'System Preferences': null
+'The date must be in the future.': null
+Send: null
+'Thank you.': null
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': null
+(optional): null
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': null
+Reads: null
+'Publish with issue': null
+'Universal List': null
+'Invalid security token!': null
+Authors: null
+Title: null
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.pt_BR.yml
index c04c00739d..6004adb7c9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
+'Manage Plugins': 'Gerenciar plugins'
+Account: Conta
+'Items per page': 'Items por página'
+'Add new': 'Adicionar Novo'
+Home: 'Página Principal'
Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
+More...: Mais...
+Content: Conteúdo
+Languages: Idiomas
+Countries: Países
+Themes: Temas
+Topics: Temas
+Configure: Configurar
+'Image Archive': 'Arquivo de Imagem'
+'Add Article': 'Adicionar Artigo'
+Fields: Campos
+Delete: Apagar
+Type: Tipo
+Name: Nome
+Code: Código
+Edit: Editar
Login: Login
-Password: Password
+Password: Senha
Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
+Path: Caminho
+'Go up': 'Nivel Acima'
+URL: 'Endereço URL'
+Order: Ordem
+Hide: Esconder
+Duplicate: Duplicar
+Subscription: Assinatura
+expires: expira
+starts: inicio
+before: 'antes '
+after: depois
+on: em
status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+active: ativo
+inactive: inativo
+Subscribers: Assinantes
+Staff: Equipe
+'Select destination': 'Selecionar destino'
+'No languages': 'Não Existem Idiomas Definidos'
+'---Select language---': '--- Selecione o Idioma ---'
+'No publications': 'Não Existem Publicações Definidas'
+'---Select publication---': '--- Selecione a Publicação ---'
+'No issues': 'Não Existem Artigos'
+'---Select issue---': '--- Selecione o Artigo ---'
+'No sections': 'Não Existem Seções Definidas'
+'---Select section---': '--- Selecione a Seção ---'
+Language: Idioma
+Country: País
+'Account name': 'Nome da Conta'
+Publication: Publicação
+'Default language': 'Idioma Padrão'
+Subscriptions: Assinaturas
+Issue: Edição
+Number: Número
+Section: Seção
+Keywords: Palavras-Chave
+Topic: Tema
+'URL Name': 'Nome para o URL'
+'Left to pay': 'Por pagar'
+Active: Ativo
+Trial: 'Teste (avaliação)'
+Next: Próximo
+Previous: Anterior
+Translate: Traduzir
+View: Ver
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Tarefa de publicação agendada'
+Time: Hora
+Action: Ação
+'Schedule a new action': 'Programar tarefa de publicação'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Agendar uma tarefa de publicação'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Eliminar tarefa de publicação'
+Date/Time: Data/Hora
+'You must select an action.': 'Selecione uma tarefa de publicação'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Não tem permissões para agendar tarefa de publicação de Edições ou Artigos'
+'Front page': 'Página Principal'
+'Section page': 'Página de Seção'
+'Show on front page': 'Mostrar na Página Principal'
+'Remove from front page': 'Remover da Página Principal'
+'Show on section page': 'Mostrar na Página de Seção'
+'Remove from section page': 'Removar da Página de Seção'
+Actions: Ações
+Publishing: Publicando
+Show: Mostrar
+Remove: Remover
+'Article Types': 'Tipo de Artigos'
+'Staff User Types': 'Tipos de Usuários (Pessoal Editorial)'
+Publications: Publicações
+Issues: Edições
+Sections: Seções
+Articles: Artigos
+Images: Imagens
+Change: Alterar
+'Add new issue': 'Criar Edição'
+'Section Template': 'Modelo para Página de Seção'
+'Article Template': 'Modelo para Artigo'
+'Default Language': 'Idioma padrão'
+'Paid Period': 'Pago até'
+Preview: Pré-visualizar
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'O campo $1 tem de ser preenchido.'
+Error: Erro
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Valor Inválido: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'Idioma inexistente.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'Publicação inexistente.'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Edição inexistente.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Selecione o Idioma.'
+'Section does not exist.': 'Seção inexistente.'
+'No articles.': 'Não existem Artigos'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Artigo inexistente.'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Imagem inexistente.'
+'Access denied': 'Acesso negado'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'O parametro recebido é invalido'
+'Add new article': 'Criar Artigo'
+Status: Estado
+Published: Publicado
+'Not published': 'Não Publicado'
+Submitted: Submetido
+New: Novo
+Article: Artigo
+Publish: Publicar
+Unpublish: 'Retirar Publicação'
+Unlock: Desbloquear
+Uploaded: Enviado
+Submit: 'Submeter à Apreciação'
+Image: 'Imagem '
+Description: Descrição
+Photographer: Fotógrafo
+Place: Local
+Date: Data
+Thumbnail: Miniatura
+'In use': 'Em uso'
+'Additional searches': 'Procura adicional'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Mais recentemente adicionados'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Mais recentemente modificados'
+'$1 images found': '$1 imagens encontradas'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Limpar condições de busca'
+'Image number': 'Imagem Nº'
+Users: Usuários
+Localizer: Localizador
+'Adding new translation': 'Adicionando Tradução'
+'No more languages.': 'Não existem mais Idiomas'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'No Campo $1 só é possivel usar letras, digitos e underscore (_).'
+'Add new publication': 'Criar Publicação'
+'Upload new template': 'Criar Modelo'
+'Add new staff member': 'Adicionar usuário (Pessoal Editorial)'
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': 'Adicionar Assinante'
+'Add new user type': 'Criar Tipo de Usuário'
+'Add new article type': 'Criar Tipo de Artigo'
+'Add new country': 'Adicionar novo País'
+'Add new language': 'Adicionar novo Idioma'
+'View logs': 'Ver Registos de Utilização'
+'Change your password': 'Alterar Senha'
+'Your Articles': 'Os Meus Artigos'
+'Submitted Articles': 'Artigos Submetidos à Apreciação'
+Logs: Registros
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'Existe(m) ainda $1 Artigo(s).'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'Existe(m) ainda $1 Edição(ões).'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'Existe(m) ainda $1 Seção(ões).'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'Existe(m) ainda $1 Publicação(ões).'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'Existe(m) ainda $1 País(es).'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'Nome(clique para editar)'
+'Add new subscription': 'Criar Assinatura'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Não tem permissão para Criar Assinaturas'
+'Adding subscription': 'Criando Assinatura'
+'Delete subscription': 'Apagar Assinatura'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Não tem Permissão para Apagar Assinaturas'
+'No such subscription.': 'Assinatura Desconhecida'
+Yes: Sim
+No: Não
+Close: Fechar
+'No issues.': 'Nº Edições'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Voltar à edição do artigo'
+'No topics': 'Sem Tema'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Não tem permissões para adicionar Artigos.'
+Start: Inicio
+Days: Dias
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'As Seções pretendidas não poder ser criadas porque alguma(s) existia(m) anteriormente.'
+'Add another': 'Adicionar outro'
+Cancel: Cancelar
+Done: Terminado
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: Salvar
+Search: Procurar
+'Make a selection': 'Efetuar seleção'
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'Introduza um valor superior a 0 no campo $1.'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Introduza uma data válida.'
+'Add new field': 'Adicionar novo Campo'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Publicação programada de artigos.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Tem certeza que quer apagar a programação agendada?'
+Unlink: 'Desfazer ligação'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Tem certeza que quer apagar a imagem $1?'
+'No such issue.': 'Edição Desconhecida.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Tem certeza que quer apagar a assinatura da publicação $1?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Não é possivel salvar as alterações da edição $1. Confirme se o nome para o URL $2 não foi usado na publicação $3.'
bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
+Attach: Anexar
+Back: Voltar
+File: Arquivo
+'Save and Close': 'Salvar e Fechar'
+Add: Adicionar
+'Select All': 'Selecionar todos'
+'Select None': 'Limpar seleção'
+'Add Event': 'Adicionar evento'
+N/A: N/D
+'On Front Page': 'Na página principal'
+'On Section Page': 'Na página de seção'
+'Created by': 'Criado por'
+'Creation date': 'Data da criação'
+'Publication List': 'Lista de Publicações'
+'Issue List': 'Lista de Edições'
+'Section List': 'Lista de Seções'
+All: Todos
+duplicate: duplicar
+move: mover
+Move: Mover
+'From:': 'De:'
+'Date:': 'Data:'
+Hidden: Oculto
+Comments: Comentários
+Comment: Comentário
+Approved: Aprovado
+Subject: Assunto
+'IP address:': 'Endereço IP:'
'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Author: Autor
+'Article name': 'Nome do Artigo'
+'Hide article': 'Ocultar Artigo'
+'Show article': 'Mostrar Artigo'
+'Article Type Fields': 'Campos de tipo de artigo'
+'Article Images': 'Imagens de artigos'
+'Log Messages': 'Mensagens de Registro'
+'Article Files': 'Arquivo de Artigos'
+'Article Comments': 'Comentártios do artigo'
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Tem certeza que quer desativar a assinatura?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Confirma a ativação da Assinatura?'
+Other: Outros
+'Time:': 'Hora:'
+'No events.': 'Sem Eventos.'
+'Default templates': 'Modelos Padrão'
+'System Preferences': 'Preferências do Sistema'
+'The date must be in the future.': 'A data tem de ser futura.'
+Send: Enviar
+'Thank you.': Obrigado.
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Por favor perca um minuto enviando-nos uma mensagem.'
+(optional): (opcional)
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'O Endereço introduzido é inválido: $1'
+Reads: Leituras
+'Publish with issue': 'Publicar com edição'
+'Universal List': 'Lista universal'
+'Invalid security token!': 'Token de segurança inválido!'
+Authors: Autores
+Title: Título
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: no
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sh.yml
index c04c00739d..c7b751aa74 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sh.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Plugins: Pluginovi
+'Manage Plugins': 'Upravljanje pluginovima'
+Account: Nalog
+'Items per page': 'Stavki po strani'
+'Add new': 'Dodaj novi'
+Home: Početak
+Logout: Odjava
+More...: Dalje...
+Content: Sadržaji
+Languages: Jezici
+Countries: Države
+Themes: Teme
+Topics: Teme
+Configure: Podešavanja
+'Image Archive': 'Foto arhiva'
+'Add Article': 'Dodaj tekst'
+Fields: Polja
+Delete: Obriši
+Type: Tip
+Name: Naslov
+Code: Kod
+Edit: Uredi
+Login: Prijava
+Password: Lozinka
+Site: Sajt
+Path: Putanja
+'Go up': 'Nivo iznad'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
+Order: Poredak
+Hide: Sakrij
+Duplicate: Duplikat
+Subscription: Pretplata
+expires: ističe
+starts: počinje
+before: pre
+after: posle
+on: u
status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
+active: aktivna
+inactive: neaktivna
+Subscribers: Pretplatnici
+Staff: Saradnici
+'Select destination': 'Izaberi destinaciju'
+'No languages': 'Nema jezika'
+'---Select language---': '--- Izaberi jezik ---'
+'No publications': 'Nema publikacija'
+'---Select publication---': '--- Izaberi publikaciju ---'
+'No issues': 'Nema tekstova'
+'---Select issue---': '--- Izaberi tekst ---'
+'No sections': 'Nema rubrika'
+'---Select section---': '--- Izaberi rubriku ---'
+Language: Jezik
+Country: Država
+'Account name': 'Korisničko ime'
+Publication: Publikacija
+'Default language': 'Osnovni jezik'
+Subscriptions: Pretplate
+Issue: Izdanje
+Number: Broj
+Section: Rubrika
+Keywords: 'Ključne reči'
+Topic: Tema
+'URL Name': 'URL ime'
+'Left to pay': 'Preostalo za plaćanje'
+Active: Aktivna
+Trial: Probna
+Next: Sledeći
+Previous: Prethodni
+Translate: Prevedi
+View: Prikaz
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Automatsko objavljivanje'
+Time: Vreme
+Action: Akcija
+'Schedule a new action': 'Zakaži novu akciju'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Zakazivanje nove akcije objavljivanja'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Obriši zakazanu akciju objavljivanja'
+Date/Time: Datum/čas
+'You must select an action.': 'Morate izabrati neku akciju.'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Nemate pravo zakazivanja akcija automatskog objavljivanja izdanja i tekstova.'
+'Front page': 'Prva strana'
+'Section page': 'Strana rubrike'
+'Show on front page': 'Prikaži na prvoj strani'
+'Remove from front page': 'Povuci sa prve strane'
+'Show on section page': 'Prikaži na strani rubrike'
+'Remove from section page': 'Povuci sa strane rubrike'
+Actions: Akcije
+Publishing: Objavljivanje
+Show: Prikaži
+Remove: Ukloni
+'Article Types': 'Tipovi članaka'
+'Staff User Types': 'Tipovi saradnika'
+Publications: Publikacije
+Issues: Izdanja
+Sections: Rubrike
+Articles: Tekstovi
+Images: Slike
+Change: Promeni
+'Add new issue': 'Dodaj novo izdanje'
+'Section Template': 'Šablon strane rubrike'
+'Article Template': 'Šablon teksta'
+'Default Language': 'Osnovni jezik'
+'Paid Period': 'Plaćeni period'
+Preview: Pregled
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'Morate popuniti polje $1.'
+Error: Greška
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Pogrešan unos: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'Ne postoji takav jezik.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'Publikacija ne postoji.'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Izdanje ne postoji.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Morate izabrati jezik.'
+'Section does not exist.': 'Rubrika ne postoji.'
+'No articles.': 'Nema tekstova.'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Tekst ne postoji.'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Slika ne postoji.'
+'Access denied': 'Zabranjen pristup'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Primljeni pogrešni parametri'
+'Add new article': 'Dodaj novi tekst'
Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+Published: Objavljen
+'Not published': Neobjavljen
+Submitted: Predat
+New: Novi
+Article: Tekst
+Publish: Objavi
+Unpublish: Povuci
+Unlock: Otključaj
+Uploaded: Aploudovan
+Submit: Predaj
+Image: Slika
+Description: Opis
+Photographer: Fotograf
+Place: Mesto
+Date: Datum
+Thumbnail: 'Mala slika'
+'In use': Korišćena
+'Additional searches': 'Dodatne pretrage'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Najnovije dodate '
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Poslednje menjane'
+'$1 images found': 'Pronađeno je $1 slike/a'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Poništi uslove pretrage'
+'Image number': 'Broj slike'
+Users: Korisnici
+Localizer: Lokalizator
+'Adding new translation': 'Dodavanje novog prevoda'
+'No more languages.': 'Nema više jezika.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'Ime polja $1 može sadržati isključivo slova, brojke i donju crtu (_)'
+'Add new publication': 'Dodaj novu publikaciju'
+'Upload new template': 'Aplouduj novi šablon'
+'Add new staff member': 'Dodaj novog saradnika'
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': 'Dodaj novog pretplatnika'
+'Add new user type': 'Dodaj novi tip korisnika'
+'Add new article type': 'Dodaj novi tip teksta'
+'Add new country': 'Dodaj državu'
+'Add new language': 'Dodaj jezik'
+'View logs': 'Prikaži logove'
+'Change your password': 'Promeni lozinku'
+'Your Articles': 'Tvoji tekstovi'
+'Submitted Articles': 'Predati tekstovi'
+Logs: Logovi
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'Preosta(l)o je $1 tekst(ova)'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'Preostalo je $1 izdanja'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'Preosta(l)o je $1 rubrika'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'Preostalo(a) je $1 publikacija'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'Preostalo je $1 država'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'Ime
(kliknite za uređivanje)'
+'Add new subscription': 'Dodaj novu pretplatu'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete pretplate.'
+'Adding subscription': 'Dodavanje pretplate'
+'Delete subscription': 'Obriši pretplatu'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete pretplate.'
+'No such subscription.': 'Nema takve pretplate.'
+Yes: Da
+No: Ne
+Close: Zatvori
+'No issues.': 'Nema izdanja.'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Nazad na uređivanje teksta'
+'No topics': 'Nema tema'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete tekstove.'
+Start: Početak
+Days: Dana
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Rubrike ne mogu biti dodate. Neke od njih već postoje!'
+'Add another': 'Nastavi sa dodavanjem'
+Cancel: Poništi
+Done: Gotovo
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: Snimi
+Search: Traži
+'Make a selection': Izaberite
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'Morate uneti broj veći od 0 u polje $1.'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Morate ispravno uneti datum.'
+'Add new field': 'Dodaj novo polje'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Raspored automatskog objavljivanja tekstova'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': ' '
+Unlink: 'Poništi link'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete sliku $1?'
+'No such issue.': 'Nema tog izdanja.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete pretplatu na publikaciju $1?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Promena u izdanju $1 ne može biti snimljena. Proverite da li URL ime izdanja $2 nije već korišćeno u publikaciji $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+bytes: bajtova
+Attach: Prikači
+Back: Nazad
+File: Fajl
+'Save and Close': 'Snimi i zatvori'
+Add: Dodaj
+'Select All': 'Izaberi sve'
+'Select None': 'Poništi izbor'
+'Add Event': 'Dodajte akciju'
+N/A: 'bez podataka'
+'On Front Page': 'Na prvoj strani'
+'On Section Page': 'Na strani rubrike'
+'Created by': 'Kreirao:'
+'Creation date': 'Datum kreiranja'
+'Publication List': 'Lista publikacija'
+'Issue List': 'Lista izdanja'
+'Section List': 'Lista rubrika'
+All: Sve
+duplicate: dupliraj
+move: premesti
+Move: Premesti
+'From:': 'Od:'
+'Date:': 'Datum:'
+Hidden: Sakriven
+Comments: Komentari
+Comment: Komentar
+Approved: Odobren
+Subject: Naslov
+'IP address:': 'IP adresa:'
+'Email:': 'E-mail:'
+Author: Autor
+'Article name': 'Naslov članka'
+'Hide article': 'Sakri članak'
+'Show article': 'Prikaži ćlanak'
+'Article Type Fields': 'Polja tipa teksta'
+'Article Images': 'Slike u tekstovima'
+'Log Messages': 'Log poruke'
+'Article Files': 'Fajlovi uz tekst'
+'Article Comments': 'Komentari na članak'
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da deaktivirate pretplatu?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da aktivirate pretplatu?'
+Other: Drugo
+'Time:': 'Vreme:'
+'No events.': 'Bez događaja.'
+'Default templates': 'Podrazumevani šabloni'
+'System Preferences': 'Sistemske postavke'
+'The date must be in the future.': 'Datum mora biti u budućnosti'
+Send: Pošalji
+'Thank you.': 'Hvala vam.'
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Molimo Vas odvojite jedan minut da nam pošaljete e-mail.'
+(optional): (opciono)
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'URL koji ste uneli je neispravan: $1'
+Reads: čitanja
+'Publish with issue': 'Objavi zajedno sa izdanjem'
+'Universal List': 'Univerzalna lista'
+'Invalid security token!': 'Pogrešan sigurnosni simbol'
+Authors: Autori
+Title: Naslov
+'Edit country': 'Uredi državu'
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': 'Unos obrisan'
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': 'Podešavanja snimljena'
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: Opcije
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: u
+published: objavljen
+unpublished: neobjavljen
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sq.yml
index c04c00739d..5ef4a826ef 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sq.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Plugins: null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+Account: null
+'Items per page': null
+'Add new': null
+Home: null
+Logout: null
+More...: null
+Content: null
+Languages: null
+Countries: null
+Themes: null
+Topics: null
+Configure: null
+'Image Archive': null
+'Add Article': null
+Fields: null
+Delete: null
+Type: null
+Name: null
+Code: null
+Edit: null
+Login: null
+Password: null
+Site: null
+Path: null
+'Go up': null
+URL: null
+Order: null
+Hide: null
+Duplicate: null
+Subscription: null
+expires: null
+starts: null
+before: null
+after: null
+on: null
+status: null
+active: null
+inactive: null
+Subscribers: null
+Staff: null
+'Select destination': null
+'No languages': null
+'---Select language---': null
+'No publications': null
+'---Select publication---': null
+'No issues': null
+'---Select issue---': null
+'No sections': null
+'---Select section---': null
+Language: null
+Country: null
+'Account name': null
+Publication: null
+'Default language': null
+Subscriptions: null
+Issue: null
+Number: null
+Section: null
+Keywords: null
+Topic: null
+'URL Name': null
+'Left to pay': null
+Active: null
+Trial: null
+Next: null
+Previous: null
+Translate: null
+View: null
+'Scheduled Publishing': null
+Time: null
+Action: null
+'Schedule a new action': null
+'Scheduling a new publish action': null
+'Delete scheduled publish action': null
+Date/Time: null
+'You must select an action.': null
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': null
+'Front page': null
+'Section page': null
+'Show on front page': null
+'Remove from front page': null
+'Show on section page': null
+'Remove from section page': null
+Actions: null
+Publishing: null
+Show: null
+Remove: null
+'Article Types': null
+'Staff User Types': null
+Publications: null
+Issues: null
+Sections: null
+Articles: null
+Images: null
+Change: null
+'Add new issue': null
+'Section Template': null
+'Article Template': null
+'Default Language': null
+'Paid Period': null
+Preview: null
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': null
+Error: null
+'Invalid input: $1': null
+'Language does not exist.': null
+'Publication does not exist.': null
+'Issue does not exist.': null
+'You must select a language.': null
+'Section does not exist.': null
+'No articles.': null
+'Article does not exist.': null
+'Image does not exist.': null
+'Access denied': null
+'Invalid parameters received': null
+'Add new article': null
+Status: null
+Published: null
+'Not published': null
+Submitted: null
+New: null
+Article: null
+Publish: null
+Unpublish: null
+Unlock: null
+Uploaded: null
+YYYY-MM-DD: null
+Submit: null
+Image: null
+Description: null
+Photographer: null
+Place: null
+Date: null
+Thumbnail: null
+'In use': null
+'Additional searches': null
+'Most Recently Added': null
+'Most Recently Modified': null
+'$1 images found': null
+'Reset search conditions': null
+'Image number': null
+Users: null
+Localizer: null
+'Adding new translation': null
+'No more languages.': null
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': null
+'Add new publication': null
+'Upload new template': null
+'Add new staff member': null
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': null
+'Add new user type': null
+'Add new article type': null
+'Add new country': null
+'Add new language': null
+'View logs': null
+'Change your password': null
+'Your Articles': null
+'Submitted Articles': null
+Logs: null
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': null
+'There are $1 countries left.': null
+'Name (click to edit)': null
+'Add new subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': null
+'Adding subscription': null
+'Delete subscription': null
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': null
+'No such subscription.': null
+Yes: null
+No: null
+Close: null
+'No issues.': null
+'Back to Edit Article': null
+'No topics': null
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': null
+Start: null
+Days: null
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': null
+'Add another': null
+Cancel: null
+Done: null
+OK: null
+Save: null
+Search: null
+'Make a selection': null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': null
+'You must input a valid date.': null
+'Add new field': null
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': null
+Unlink: null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': null
+'No such issue.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': null
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': null
+GB: null
+MB: null
+KB: null
+bytes: null
+Attach: null
+Back: null
+File: null
+'Save and Close': null
+Add: null
+'Select All': null
+'Select None': null
+'Add Event': null
+N/A: null
+'On Front Page': null
+'On Section Page': null
+'Created by': null
+'Creation date': null
+'Publication List': null
+'Issue List': null
+'Section List': null
+All: null
+duplicate: null
+move: null
+Move: null
+'From:': null
+'Date:': null
+Hidden: null
+Comments: null
+Comment: null
+Approved: null
+Subject: null
+'IP address:': null
+'Email:': null
+Author: null
+'Article name': null
+'Hide article': null
+'Show article': null
+'Article Type Fields': null
+'Article Images': null
+'Log Messages': null
+'Article Files': null
+'Article Comments': null
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': null
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': null
+Other: null
+'Time:': null
+'No events.': null
+'Default templates': null
+'System Preferences': null
+'The date must be in the future.': null
+Send: null
+'Thank you.': null
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': null
+(optional): null
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': null
+Reads: null
+'Publish with issue': null
+'Universal List': null
+'Invalid security token!': null
+Authors: null
+Title: null
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sr.yml
index c04c00739d..98fceeefd7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sr.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
-status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
-Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
-Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+Plugins: Плагинови
+'Manage Plugins': 'Управљање плагиновима'
+Account: Налог
+'Items per page': 'Ставки по страни'
+'Add new': 'Додај нови'
+Home: Почетак
+Logout: Одјава
+More...: Даље...
+Content: Садржаји
+Languages: Језици
+Countries: Државе
+Themes: Теме
+Topics: Топици
+Configure: Подешавања
+'Image Archive': 'Фото архива'
+'Add Article': 'Додај текст'
+Fields: Поља
+Delete: Обриши
+Type: Тип
+Name: Наслов
+Code: Код
+Edit: Уреди
+Login: Пријава
+Password: Лозинка
+Site: Сајт
+Path: Путања
+'Go up': 'Ниво изнад'
+Order: Поредак
+Hide: Сакри
+Duplicate: Дуплирај
+Subscription: Претплата
+expires: истиче
+starts: почиње
+before: пре
+after: после
+on: у
+status: статус
+active: активна
+inactive: неактивна
+Subscribers: Претплатници
+Staff: Сарадници
+'Select destination': 'Изабери дестинацију'
+'No languages': 'Нема језика'
+'---Select language---': '--- Изабери језик ---'
+'No publications': 'Нема публикација'
+'---Select publication---': '--- Изабери публикацију ---'
+'No issues': 'Нема текстова'
+'---Select issue---': '--- Изабери текст ---'
+'No sections': 'Нема рубрика'
+'---Select section---': '--- Изабери рубрику ---'
+Language: Језик
+Country: Држава
+'Account name': 'Име налога'
+Publication: Публикација
+'Default language': 'Основни језик'
+Subscriptions: Претплате
+Issue: Издање
+Number: Број
+Section: Рубрика
+Keywords: 'Кључне речи'
+Topic: Топик
+'URL Name': 'Скраћено име'
+'Left to pay': 'Преостало за плаћање'
+Active: Активна
+Trial: Пробна
+Next: Следећи
+Previous: Претходни
+Translate: Преведи
+View: 'Приказ '
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Аутоматско објављивање'
+Time: Време
+Action: Акција
+'Schedule a new action': 'Закажи нову акцију'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Закажи нову акцију објављивања'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Обриши заказану акцију објављивања'
+Date/Time: Датум/час
+'You must select an action.': 'Морате изабрати акцију.'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Немате право да заказујете аутоматско објављивање издања и текстова.'
+'Front page': 'Почетна страна'
+'Section page': 'Страна рубрике'
+'Show on front page': 'Прикажи на почетној страни'
+'Remove from front page': 'Повуци са почетне стране'
+'Show on section page': 'Прикажи на страни рубрике'
+'Remove from section page': 'Повуци са стране рубрике'
+Actions: Акције
+Publishing: Објављивање
+Show: Прикажи
+Remove: Уклони
+'Article Types': 'Типови текстова'
+'Staff User Types': 'Типови сарадника'
+Publications: Публикације
+Issues: Издања
+Sections: Рубрике
+Articles: Текстови
+Images: Слике
+Change: Промени
+'Add new issue': 'Додај ново издање'
+'Section Template': 'Шаблон рубрике'
+'Article Template': 'Шаблон текста'
+'Default Language': 'Основни језик'
+'Paid Period': 'Плаћени период'
+Preview: Преглед
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'Морате попунити поље $1'
+Error: Грешка
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Погрешан унос: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'Нема тог језика.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'Нема такве публикације.'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Нема тог издања.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Морате изабрати језик.'
+'Section does not exist.': 'Та рубрика не постоји.'
+'No articles.': 'Нема текстова.'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Текст не постоји.'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Слика не постоји.'
+'Access denied': 'Забрањен приступ'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Примљени су погрешни параметри'
+'Add new article': 'Додај нови чланак'
+Status: Статус
+Published: Објављен
+'Not published': Необјављено
+Submitted: Предат
+New: Нови
+Article: Текст
+Publish: Објави
+Unpublish: Повуци
+Unlock: Откључај
+Uploaded: Аплоудован
+Submit: Пошаљи
+Image: Слика
+Description: Опис
+Photographer: Фотограф
+Place: Место
+Date: Датум
+Thumbnail: 'Умањена слика'
+'In use': 'У употреби'
+'Additional searches': 'Додатне претраге'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Најновије додато'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Најскорије мењано'
+'$1 images found': 'Пронађено/а је $1 слика'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Поништи услове претраге'
+'Image number': 'Број слике'
+Users: Корисници
+Localizer: Локализатор
+'Adding new translation': 'Додавање новог превода'
+'No more languages.': 'Нема више језика.'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'Поље $1 може садржати искључиво слова, бројке и доњу црту (_).'
+'Add new publication': 'Додај нову публикацију'
+'Upload new template': 'Аплоудуј нови шаблон'
+'Add new staff member': 'Додај новог сарадника'
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': 'додај новог претплатника'
+'Add new user type': 'Додај нови тип корисника'
+'Add new article type': 'Додај нови тип текста'
+'Add new country': 'Додај државу'
+'Add new language': 'Додај језик'
+'View logs': 'Прикажи логове'
+'Change your password': 'Промени лозинку'
+'Your Articles': 'Твоји текстови'
+'Submitted Articles': 'Предати текстови'
+Logs: Логови
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'Преоста(л)о је $1 текст(ова)'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'Преостало је $1 издања.'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'Преостало је $1 рубрика'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'Преостало(а) је $1 публикација'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'Преостало је $1 држава'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'Име
(клик за уређивање)'
+'Add new subscription': 'Додај нову претплату'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Немате право да додајете претплате'
+'Adding subscription': 'Додавање претплате'
+'Delete subscription': 'Обриши претплату'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Немате право да бришете претплате'
+'No such subscription.': 'Нема такве претплате'
+Yes: Да
+No: Не
+Close: Затвори
+'No issues.': 'Нема издања'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Назад на детаље текста'
+'No topics': 'Нема топика'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Немате право да додајете текстове'
+Start: Почетак
+Days: Дана
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Рубрике не могу бити додате. Неке од њих већ постоје!'
+'Add another': 'Настави са додавањем'
+Cancel: Батали
+Done: Готово
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+Save: Сними
+Search: Тражи
+'Make a selection': Изаберите
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'Морате унети број већи од 0 у поље $1'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Морате исправно унети датум'
+'Add new field': 'Додај ново поље'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Распоред аутоматског објављивања текстова'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': ' '
+Unlink: 'Уклони линк'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете слику $1?'
+'No such issue.': 'Нема тог издања.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете претплату на публикацију $1? '
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Промена у издању $1 не може бити снимљена. Проверите да ли УРЛ име издања $2 није већ коришћено у публикацији $3.'
+bytes: бајтова
+Attach: Прикачи
+Back: Назад
+File: Фајл
+'Save and Close': 'Сними и затвори'
+Add: Додај
+'Select All': 'Изабери све'
+'Select None': 'Изабери ниједан'
+'Add Event': 'Додајте акцију'
+N/A: 'без података'
+'On Front Page': 'На првој страни'
+'On Section Page': 'На страни рубрике'
+'Created by': 'Креирао:'
+'Creation date': 'Датум креирања'
+'Publication List': 'Листа публикација'
+'Issue List': 'Листа издања'
+'Section List': 'Листа рубрика'
+All: Све
+duplicate: дуплирај
+move: премести
+Move: Премести
+'From:': 'Од:'
+'Date:': 'Датум:'
+Hidden: Сакривен
+Comments: Коментари
+Comment: Коментар
+Approved: Одобрен
+Subject: Наслов
+'IP address:': 'ИП адреса:'
+'Email:': 'Имејл:'
+Author: аутор
+'Article name': 'Наслов текста'
+'Hide article': 'Сакри текст'
+'Show article': 'Прикажи текст'
+'Article Type Fields': 'Поља типа текста'
+'Article Images': 'Слике у тексту'
+'Log Messages': 'Лог поруке'
+'Article Files': 'Фајлови уз текст'
+'Article Comments': 'Коментари на текст'
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да деактивирате претплату?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да активирате претплату?'
+Other: Друго
+'Time:': Време
+'No events.': 'Без догађаја.'
+'Default templates': 'Основни шаблони'
+'System Preferences': 'Системске поставке'
+'The date must be in the future.': 'Датум мора бити у будућности.'
+Send: Пошаљи
+'Thank you.': Хвала.
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Молимо Вас одвојите који минут да нам пошаљете имејл'
+(optional): (опционо)
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'УРЛ који сте унели је неисправан: $1'
+Reads: читања
+'Publish with issue': 'Објави заједно са издањем'
+'Universal List': 'Универзална листа'
+'Invalid security token!': 'Погрешан сигурносни симбол'
+Authors: Аутори
+Title: Наслов
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: у
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sv.yml
index c04c00739d..152a103394 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/messages.sv.yml
@@ -1,289 +1,289 @@
-Plugins: Plugins
-'Manage Plugins': 'Manage Plugins'
-Account: Account
-'Items per page': 'Items per page'
-'Add new': 'Add new'
-Home: Home
-Logout: Logout
-More...: More...
-Content: Content
-Languages: Languages
-Countries: Countries
-Themes: Themes
-Topics: Topics
-Configure: Configure
-'Image Archive': 'Image Archive'
-'Add Article': 'Add Article'
-Fields: Fields
-Delete: Delete
-Type: Type
-Name: Name
-Code: Code
-Edit: Edit
-Login: Login
-Password: Password
-Site: Site
-Path: Path
-'Go up': 'Go up'
+Plugins: null
+'Manage Plugins': null
+Account: Konto
+'Items per page': 'Föremål per sida'
+'Add new': 'Lägg till ny'
+Home: Hem
+Logout: 'Logga ut'
+More...: Mer...
+Content: Innehåll
+Languages: Språk
+Countries: Länder
+Themes: Mallar
+Topics: Teman
+Configure: Inställningar
+'Image Archive': Bildarkiv
+'Add Article': 'Lägg till artikel'
+Fields: Fält
+Delete: Radera
+Type: Typ
+Name: Namn
+Code: Kod
+Edit: Redigera
+Login: Inloggning
+Password: Lösenord
+Site: Sajt
+Path: Sökväg
+'Go up': 'Gå upp'
-Order: Order
-Hide: Hide
-Duplicate: Duplicate
-Subscription: Subscription
-expires: expires
-starts: starts
-before: before
-after: after
-on: on
+Order: Ordning
+Hide: Göm
+Duplicate: Dubblett
+Subscription: Prenumeration
+expires: förfaller
+starts: börjar
+before: före
+after: efter
+on: på
status: status
-active: active
-inactive: inactive
-Subscribers: Subscribers
-Staff: Staff
-'Select destination': 'Select destination'
-'No languages': 'No languages'
-'---Select language---': '---Select language---'
-'No publications': 'No publications'
-'---Select publication---': '---Select publication---'
-'No issues': 'No issues'
-'---Select issue---': '---Select issue---'
-'No sections': 'No sections'
-'---Select section---': '---Select section---'
-Language: Language
-Country: Country
-'Account name': 'Account name'
-Publication: Publication
-'Default language': 'Default language'
-Subscriptions: Subscriptions
-Issue: Issue
-Number: Number
-Section: Section
-Keywords: Keywords
-Topic: Topic
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'Left to pay': 'Left to pay'
-Active: Active
-Trial: Trial
-Next: Next
-Previous: Previous
-Translate: Translate
-View: View
-'Scheduled Publishing': 'Scheduled Publishing'
-Time: Time
-Action: Action
-'Schedule a new action': 'Schedule a new action'
-'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Scheduling a new publish action'
-'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Delete scheduled publish action'
-Date/Time: Date/Time
-'You must select an action.': 'You must select an action.'
-'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.'
-'Front page': 'Front page'
-'Section page': 'Section page'
-'Show on front page': 'Show on front page'
-'Remove from front page': 'Remove from front page'
-'Show on section page': 'Show on section page'
-'Remove from section page': 'Remove from section page'
-Actions: Actions
-Publishing: Publishing
-Show: Show
-Remove: Remove
-'Article Types': 'Article Types'
-'Staff User Types': 'Staff User Types'
-Publications: Publications
-Issues: Issues
-Sections: Sections
-Articles: Articles
-Images: Images
-Change: Change
-'Add new issue': 'Add new issue'
-'Section Template': 'Section Template'
-'Article Template': 'Article Template'
-'Default Language': 'Default Language'
-'Paid Period': 'Paid Period'
-Preview: Preview
-'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'You must fill in the $1 field.'
-Error: Error
-'Invalid input: $1': 'Invalid input: $1'
-'Language does not exist.': 'Language does not exist.'
-'Publication does not exist.': 'Publication does not exist.'
-'Issue does not exist.': 'Issue does not exist.'
-'You must select a language.': 'You must select a language.'
-'Section does not exist.': 'Section does not exist.'
-'No articles.': 'No articles.'
-'Article does not exist.': 'Article does not exist.'
-'Image does not exist.': 'Image does not exist.'
-'Access denied': 'Access denied'
-'Invalid parameters received': 'Invalid parameters received'
-'Add new article': 'Add new article'
+active: aktiv
+inactive: inaktiv
+Subscribers: Prenumeranter
+Staff: Stab
+'Select destination': 'Välj destination'
+'No languages': 'Inga språk'
+'---Select language---': '---Välj språk---'
+'No publications': 'Inga publikationer'
+'---Select publication---': '---Välj publikation---'
+'No issues': 'Inga artiklar'
+'---Select issue---': '---Välj artikel---'
+'No sections': 'Inga sektioner'
+'---Select section---': '---Välj sektion---'
+Language: Språk
+Country: Land
+'Account name': Kontonamn
+Publication: Publikation
+'Default language': 'Förvalt språk'
+Subscriptions: Prenumerationer
+Issue: Utgåva
+Number: Nummer
+Section: Sektion
+Keywords: Nyckelord
+Topic: Tema
+'URL Name': URL-namn
+'Left to pay': 'Kvar att betala'
+Active: Aktiv
+Trial: Prov
+Next: Nästa
+Previous: Föregående
+Translate: Översätt
+View: Visa
+'Scheduled Publishing': 'Schemalagd publicering'
+Time: Tid
+Action: Händelse
+'Schedule a new action': 'Schemalägg ny händelse'
+'Scheduling a new publish action': 'Schemalägg ny publiceringshändelse'
+'Delete scheduled publish action': 'Radera schemalagd publiceringshändelse'
+Date/Time: Datum/Tid
+'You must select an action.': 'Du måste välja en händelse.'
+'You do not have the right to schedule issues or articles for automatic publishing.': 'Du har inte rätt att schemalägga utgåvor eller artiklar för automatisk publicering.'
+'Front page': Framsida
+'Section page': Sektionssida
+'Show on front page': 'Visa på framsidan'
+'Remove from front page': 'Ta bort från framsidan'
+'Show on section page': 'Visa på sektionssidan'
+'Remove from section page': 'Ta bort från sektionssidan'
+Actions: Handlingar
+Publishing: Publicering
+Show: Visa
+Remove: 'Ta bort'
+'Article Types': Artikeltyper
+'Staff User Types': Stabsanvändartyper
+Publications: Publikationer
+Issues: Utgåvor
+Sections: Sektioner
+Articles: Artiklar
+Images: Bilder
+Change: Ändra
+'Add new issue': 'Lägg till ny utgåva'
+'Section Template': Sektionsmall
+'Article Template': Artikelmall
+'Default Language': 'Förvalt språk'
+'Paid Period': 'Betald period'
+Preview: Förhandsgranska
+'You must fill in the $1 field.': 'Du måste fylla i fältet $1.'
+Error: Fel
+'Invalid input: $1': 'Felaktig inmatning: $1'
+'Language does not exist.': 'Språket finns inte.'
+'Publication does not exist.': 'Publikationen finns inte.'
+'Issue does not exist.': 'Utgåvan finns inte.'
+'You must select a language.': 'Du måste välja ett språk.'
+'Section does not exist.': 'Sektionen finns inte.'
+'No articles.': 'Inga artiklar.'
+'Article does not exist.': 'Artikeln finns inte.'
+'Image does not exist.': 'Bilden finns inte.'
+'Access denied': 'Åtkomst nekad'
+'Invalid parameters received': 'Felaktiga parametrar mottagna'
+'Add new article': 'Lägg till ny artikel'
Status: Status
-Published: Published
-'Not published': 'Not published'
-Submitted: Submitted
-New: New
-Article: Article
-Publish: Publish
-Unpublish: Unpublish
-Unlock: Unlock
-Uploaded: Uploaded
-Submit: Submit
-Image: Image
-Description: Description
-Photographer: Photographer
-Place: Place
-Date: Date
-Thumbnail: Thumbnail
-'In use': 'In use'
-'Additional searches': 'Additional searches'
-'Most Recently Added': 'Most Recently Added'
-'Most Recently Modified': 'Most Recently Modified'
-'$1 images found': '$1 images found'
-'Reset search conditions': 'Reset search conditions'
-'Image number': 'Image number'
-Users: Users
-Localizer: Localizer
-'Adding new translation': 'Adding new translation'
-'No more languages.': 'No more languages.'
-'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.'
-'Add new publication': 'Add new publication'
-'Upload new template': 'Upload new template'
-'Add new staff member': 'Add new staff member'
-'Staff member deleted.': 'Staff member deleted.'
-'Add new subscriber': 'Add new subscriber'
-'Add new user type': 'Add new user type'
-'Add new article type': 'Add new article type'
-'Add new country': 'Add new country'
-'Add new language': 'Add new language'
-'View logs': 'View logs'
-'Change your password': 'Change your password'
-'Your Articles': 'Your Articles'
-'Submitted Articles': 'Submitted Articles'
-Logs: Logs
-'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'There are $1 article(s) left.'
-'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'There are $1 issues(s) left.'
-'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'There are $1 section(s) left.'
-'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'There are $1 publication(s) left.'
-'There are $1 countries left.': 'There are $1 countries left.'
-'Name (click to edit)': 'Name (click to edit)'
-'Add new subscription': 'Add new subscription'
-'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.'
-'Adding subscription': 'Adding subscription'
-'Delete subscription': 'Delete subscription'
-'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.'
-'No such subscription.': 'No such subscription.'
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-Close: Close
-'No issues.': 'No issues.'
-'Back to Edit Article': 'Back to Edit Article'
-'No topics': 'No topics'
-'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'You do not have the right to add articles.'
+Published: Publicerad
+'Not published': Opublicerad
+Submitted: Insänd
+New: Ny
+Article: Artikel
+Publish: Publicera
+Unpublish: Avpublicera
+Unlock: 'Lås upp'
+Uploaded: Uppladdad
+Submit: Skicka
+Image: Bild
+Description: Beskrivning
+Photographer: Fotograf
+Place: Plats
+Date: Datum
+Thumbnail: Förhandsvisning
+'In use': Används
+'Additional searches': 'Extra sökningar'
+'Most Recently Added': 'Senast tillagda'
+'Most Recently Modified': 'Senast ändrade'
+'$1 images found': '$1 bilder hittades'
+'Reset search conditions': 'Nollställ sökvillkoren'
+'Image number': 'Bild nummer'
+Users: Användare
+Localizer: Översättaren
+'Adding new translation': 'Lägger till ny översättning'
+'No more languages.': 'Inga fler språk'
+'The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.': 'Fältet $1 får bara innehålla bokstäver, siffror och understreck (_).'
+'Add new publication': 'Lägg till ny publikation'
+'Upload new template': 'Ladda upp ny mall'
+'Add new staff member': 'Lägg till ny stabsmedlem'
+'Staff member deleted.': null
+'Add new subscriber': 'Lägg till ny prenumerant'
+'Add new user type': 'Lägg till ny användartyp'
+'Add new article type': 'Lägg till ny artikeltyp'
+'Add new country': 'Lägg till nytt land'
+'Add new language': 'Lägg till nytt språk'
+'View logs': 'Visa Loggar'
+'Change your password': 'Ändra ditt lösenord'
+'Your Articles': 'Dina artiklar'
+'Submitted Articles': 'Insända artiklar'
+Logs: Loggar
+'There are $1 article(s) left.': 'Det finns kvar $1 artikel(ar).'
+'There are $1 issues(s) left.': 'Det finns kvar $1 utgåva(or).'
+'There are $1 section(s) left.': 'Det finns kvar $1 sektion(er).'
+'There are $1 publication(s) left.': 'Det finns kvar $1 publikation(er).'
+'There are $1 countries left.': 'Det finns kvar $1 land/länder.'
+'Name (click to edit)': 'Namn (klicka för att redigera)'
+'Add new subscription': 'Lägg till ny prenumeration'
+'You do not have the right to add subscriptions.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till prenumerationer.'
+'Adding subscription': 'Lägger till prenumeration'
+'Delete subscription': 'Radera prenumeration'
+'You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera prenumerationer.'
+'No such subscription.': 'Prenumeranten finns inte.'
+Yes: Ja
+No: Nej
+Close: Stäng
+'No issues.': 'Inga utgåvor.'
+'Back to Edit Article': 'Tillbaka till Redigera artikel'
+'No topics': 'Inga teman'
+'You do not have the right to add articles.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till artiklar.'
Start: Start
-Days: Days
-'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !'
-'Add another': 'Add another'
-Cancel: Cancel
-Done: Done
+Days: Dagar
+'The sections could not be added successfully. Some of them were already added !': 'Sektionerna kunde inte läggas till framgångsrikt. Några fanns redan!'
+'Add another': 'Lägg till en till'
+Cancel: Avbryt
+Done: Klar
-Save: Save
-Search: Search
-'Make a selection': 'Make a selection'
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.'
-'You must input a valid date.': 'You must input a valid date.'
-'Add new field': 'Add new field'
-'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Article automatic publishing schedule'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?'
-Unlink: Unlink
-'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?'
-'No such issue.': 'No such issue.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?'
-'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.'
+Save: Spara
+Search: Sök
+'Make a selection': 'Gör ett val'
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the $1 field.': 'Du måste skriva in ett nummer större än 0 i fältet $1.'
+'You must input a valid date.': 'Du måste skriva ett korrekt datum.'
+'Add new field': 'Lägg till nytt fält'
+'Article automatic publishing schedule': 'Automatiskt artikelpubliceringsschema'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?': 'Är du säker att du vill radera denna schemalagda händelse?'
+Unlink: 'Ta bort länkning'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?': 'Är du säker att du vill radera bilden $1?'
+'No such issue.': 'Utgåvan finns inte.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?': 'Är du säker att du vill radera prenumerationen till publikationen $1?'
+'Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name $2 was not used before in the publication $3.': 'Kunde inte spara ändringar till utgåvan $1. Vor god kontrollera att URL-namnet $2 inte har använts tidigare i publikationen $3.'
-bytes: bytes
-Attach: Attach
-Back: Back
-File: File
-'Save and Close': 'Save and Close'
-Add: Add
-'Select All': 'Select All'
-'Select None': 'Select None'
-'Add Event': 'Add Event'
-N/A: N/A
-'On Front Page': 'On Front Page'
-'On Section Page': 'On Section Page'
-'Created by': 'Created by'
-'Creation date': 'Creation date'
-'Publication List': 'Publication List'
-'Issue List': 'Issue List'
-'Section List': 'Section List'
-All: All
-duplicate: duplicate
-move: move
-Move: Move
-'From:': 'From:'
-'Date:': 'Date:'
-Hidden: Hidden
-Comments: Comments
-Comment: Comment
-Approved: Approved
-Subject: Subject
-'IP address:': 'IP address:'
-'Email:': 'Email:'
-Author: Author
-'Article name': 'Article name'
-'Hide article': 'Hide article'
-'Show article': 'Show article'
-'Article Type Fields': 'Article Type Fields'
-'Article Images': 'Article Images'
-'Log Messages': 'Log Messages'
-'Article Files': 'Article Files'
-'Article Comments': 'Article Comments'
-'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?'
-'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?'
-Other: Other
-'Time:': 'Time:'
-'No events.': 'No events.'
-'Default templates': 'Default templates'
-'System Preferences': 'System Preferences'
-'The date must be in the future.': 'The date must be in the future.'
-Send: Send
-'Thank you.': 'Thank you.'
-'Please take a minute to send us an email.': 'Please take a minute to send us an email.'
-(optional): (optional)
-'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'The URL you entered is invalid: $1'
-Reads: Reads
-'Publish with issue': 'Publish with issue'
-'Universal List': 'Universal List'
-'Invalid security token!': 'Invalid security token!'
-Authors: Authors
-Title: Title
-'Edit country': 'Edit country'
-'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': 'Entry $1 prepared for publishing'
-'Entry deleted': 'Entry deleted'
-'Feed saved': 'Feed saved'
-'Item published': 'Item published'
-'Settings saved': 'Settings saved'
-'Self-delete is not permitted.': 'Self-delete is not permitted.'
-'Edit staff member $1': 'Edit staff member $1'
-'Delete staff member $1': 'Delete staff member $1'
-'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': 'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist'
-'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': 'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.'
-'Staff member saved.': 'Staff member saved.'
-'Permissions: $1': 'Permissions: $1'
-'Change user account information': 'Change user account information'
-'Staff management': 'Staff management'
-Updated: Updated
-Options: Options
-Verified: Verified
-Confirm: Confirm
-at: at
-published: published
-unpublished: unpublished
-nopermissions: 'You don''t have permissions to access this resource.'
-importantmessage: 'Important Info'
-anonymous: Anonymous
-'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': 'Successfully refreshed authentication token.'
-'Failed to refresh authentication token.': 'Failed to refresh authentication token.'
+bytes: byte
+Attach: Bifoga
+Back: Bakåt
+File: Fil
+'Save and Close': 'Spara och stäng'
+Add: 'Lägg till'
+'Select All': 'Markera alla'
+'Select None': 'Avmarkera alla'
+'Add Event': 'Lägg till händelse'
+N/A: 'Ej tillgängligt'
+'On Front Page': 'På framsidan'
+'On Section Page': 'På sektionssidan'
+'Created by': 'Skapad av'
+'Creation date': 'Skapad datum'
+'Publication List': Publikationslista
+'Issue List': Utgåvslista
+'Section List': Sektionslista
+All: Alla
+duplicate: duplicera
+move: flytta
+Move: Flytta
+'From:': 'Från:'
+'Date:': 'Datum:'
+Hidden: Gömd
+Comments: Kommentarer
+Comment: Kommentar
+Approved: Godkänd
+Subject: Ämne
+'IP address:': 'IP-adress:'
+'Email:': 'E-post:'
+Author: Författare
+'Article name': Artikelnamn
+'Hide article': 'Göm artikel'
+'Show article': 'Visa artikel'
+'Article Type Fields': Artikeltypfält
+'Article Images': Artikelbilder
+'Log Messages': Logmeddellanden
+'Article Files': Artikelfiler
+'Article Comments': Artikelkommentarer
+'Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?': 'Är du säker att du vill avaktivera prenumerationen?'
+'Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?': 'Är du säker att du vill aktivera prenumerationen?'
+Other: null
+'Time:': 'Tid:'
+'No events.': 'Inga händelser.'
+'Default templates': null
+'System Preferences': Systeminställningar
+'The date must be in the future.': 'Datumet måste vara i framtiden'
+Send: Skicka
+'Thank you.': Tack.
+'Please take a minute to send us an email.': null
+(optional): (frivilligt)
+'The URL you entered is invalid: $1': 'Den URL du skrev in är ogiltig: $1'
+Reads: null
+'Publish with issue': null
+'Universal List': null
+'Invalid security token!': null
+Authors: null
+Title: null
+'Edit country': null
+'Entry $1 prepared for publishing': null
+'Entry deleted': null
+'Feed saved': null
+'Item published': null
+'Settings saved': null
+'Self-delete is not permitted.': null
+'Edit staff member $1': null
+'Delete staff member $1': null
+'Could not save user $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Could not save user with e-mail address $1. Please make sure it does not already exist': null
+'Changing user type would prevent you to manage users. Aborted.': null
+'Staff member saved.': null
+'Permissions: $1': null
+'Change user account information': null
+'Staff management': null
+Updated: null
+Options: null
+Verified: null
+Confirm: null
+at: null
+published: null
+unpublished: null
+nopermissions: null
+importantmessage: null
+anonymous: null
+'Successfully refreshed authentication token.': null
+'Failed to refresh authentication token.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.az.yml
index 606fceca17..afb2db759c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.az.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: 'Şərhlərin idarəsi'
+ menu: Şərhlər
+ banned: Kilidləndi
+ anonymous: Anonim
+ at: burada
+ noentries: 'Giriş tapılmadı.'
+ showing: Göstərilir
+ of: buradan
+ to: buraya
+ entries: girişlər
+ fullarticle: 'Tam məqalə'
+ hidden: Gizli
+ approved: Təsdiqlənib
+ new: Yeni
+ editarticle: 'Məqaləni dəyişməyə keç'
+ section: Bölmə
+ comment: Şərh
+ replyto: 'Şərhə cavab yaz'
+ subject: Başlıq
+ ban: 'İstifadəçini Kilidlə/Kilidini Aç'
+ author: Müəllif
+ date: 'Tarix / Şərh'
+ article: Məqalə
+ search: Axtar
+ show: Göstər
+ recommended: 'Tövsiyyə Olunur'
+ unrecommended: 'Tövsiyyə Edilmədi'
+ editcomment: 'Tez şərhin dəyişilməsi'
+ actions: Addımlar
+ selectstatus: 'Status seç'
+ deleted: Silindi
+ alert: Xəbərdarlıq
+ searchholder: 'Axtar... (məsələn, ad, email, başlıq, şərh, məqalə adı)'
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: 'Ləğv et'
+ submit: Göndər
+ unrecommend: 'Tövsiyyə Etmə'
+ recommend: 'Tövsiyyə Et'
+ delete: Sil
+ reply: 'Cavab yaz'
+ edit: 'Tez dəyiş'
+ close: Bağla
+ okay: Oldu
+ filter: Filt
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: 'Şərh silindi.'
+ commentinarticle: '$2 ($3) məqaləsində $1 tərəfindən $4 şərhi'
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: yeni
+ approved: təsdiqləndi
+ hidden: gizli
+ single: 'Şərh statusu belə dəyişdi'
+ all: 'Şərhlərin statusu belə dəyişdi'
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: 'Newscoop-a keçmək mümkün deyil. Lütfən, internet bağlantını yoxla.'
+ deletefromarticle: 'Şərh $2 ($3) məqaləsindən $1 tərəfindən silindi'
+ statuschange: 'Şərh statusunun dəyişilməsi xətası'
+ delete: 'Bu şərh silinə bilmədi'
+ update: 'Bölmələri boş qoymaq olmaz'
+ sure: 'Şərhi həmişəlik silmək ərəfəsindəsən.'
+ suremultiple: 'Şərhləri həmişəlik silmək ərəfəsindəsən.'
+ first: 'Lütfən, əvvəl şərhi/şərhləri seç!'
+ surequestion: 'Bunu etmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+ updated: 'Şərh yeniləndi.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.be.yml
index 606fceca17..9c31cf40f4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.be.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: Камэнтары
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: на
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: 'Увесь тэкст артыкула'
+ hidden: Схаваны
+ approved: Зацьверджаны
+ new: Новая
+ editarticle: 'Перайсці да рэдагуемага артыкулу'
+ section: Рубрыка
+ comment: Камэтары
+ replyto: 'Адказаць на камэнтар'
+ subject: Тэма
+ ban: 'Забараніць/дазволіць карыстальніку камэнтаваць'
+ author: Аўтар
+ date: null
+ article: артыкул
+ search: Пошук
+ show: Паказаць
+ recommended: Рэкамендуецца
+ unrecommended: 'Не рэкамендуецца'
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: Апэрацыi
+ selectstatus: 'Абраць статус'
+ deleted: Выдаленае
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: Скасаваць
+ submit: Адправіць
+ unrecommend: 'Не рэкамендаваць'
+ recommend: Рэкамендаваць
+ delete: Выдалiць
+ reply: Адказ
+ edit: 'Хуткае рэдагаванне'
+ close: Зачынiць
+ okay: null
+ filter: 'Фільтр '
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: 'Немагчыма звязацца з Newscoop. Калі ласка, праверце ваша інтэрнэт-злучэнне.'
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: 'Вы збіраецеся канчаткова выдаліць каментары.'
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: 'Каментар абноўлены.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.bn.yml
index 606fceca17..b2fdf9321a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.bn.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: 'এতগুলি মন্তব্য'
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: লুক্কায়িত
+ approved: অনুমোদিত
+ new: null
+ editarticle: null
+ section: বিভাগ
+ comment: মন্তব্য
+ replyto: null
+ subject: প্রসঙ্গ
+ ban: null
+ author: লেখক
+ date: null
+ article: null
+ search: null
+ show: null
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: null
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: null
+ submit: null
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: 'মুছে ফেলা'
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.cs.yml
index 606fceca17..c7f175c187 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.cs.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: 'Management komentářů'
+ menu: Komentáře
+ banned: Zakázaný
+ anonymous: Anonym
+ at: na
+ noentries: 'Nenalezeny žádné příspěvky. '
+ showing: Náhled
+ of: z
+ to: do
+ entries: příspěvky
+ fullarticle: 'Celý článek'
+ hidden: Skrytý
+ approved: Schválený
+ new: Nový
+ editarticle: 'Jděte upravit článek'
+ section: Oddíl
+ comment: Komentář
+ replyto: 'Odpovědět na komentář'
+ subject: Předmět
+ ban: 'Zakázat/Obnovit uživatele'
+ author: Autor
+ date: 'Datum / Komentář'
+ article: Článek
+ search: Hledej
+ show: Zobraz
+ recommended: Doporučené
+ unrecommended: Nedoproučený
+ editcomment: 'Rychlá úprava komentáře'
+ actions: Činnosti
+ selectstatus: 'Vybrat status'
+ deleted: Vymazat
+ alert: Varování
+ searchholder: 'Hledat... (např. jméno, e-mail, předmět, komentář, název článku)'
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
+ cancel: Zrušit
+ submit: Podat
+ unrecommend: Nedoporučeno
+ recommend: Doporučeno
+ delete: Smazat
+ reply: Odpovědět
+ edit: 'Rychlá editace '
+ close: Zavřít
+ okay: OK
filter: Filter
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: 'Komentář vymazán.'
+ commentinarticle: 'Komentář $4'
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: nový
+ approved: schváleno
+ hidden: skrytý
+ single: 'Status komentáře změnit na'
+ all: 'Status komentářů změnit na'
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: 'Nepodařilo se spojit s Newscoop. Zkontrolujte prosím své připojení k internetu.'
+ deletefromarticle: 'Komentář vymazán $1 z článku $2 ($3)'
+ statuschange: 'Chyba změny statusu komentářů'
+ delete: 'Komentář nelze smazat'
+ update: 'Pole nemůžou zůstat prázdná'
+ sure: 'Právě se chystáte permanentně vymazat komentář.'
+ suremultiple: 'Právě se chystáte permanentně vymazat komentáře. '
+ first: 'Nejdříve vyberte komentář/komentáře!'
+ surequestion: 'Jste si jisti, že to chcete udělat?'
+ updated: 'Komentář aktualizován.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.da.yml
index 606fceca17..95b62eabe0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.da.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: 'Administration af kommentarer'
+ menu: Kommentarer
+ banned: Blokeret
+ anonymous: Anonym
+ at: på
+ noentries: 'Ingen poster fundet.'
+ showing: Viser
+ of: af
+ to: til
+ entries: poster
+ fullarticle: 'Fuld artikel'
+ hidden: Skjult
+ approved: Godkendt
+ new: Ny
+ editarticle: 'Rediger artikel'
+ section: Sektion
+ comment: Kommentér
+ replyto: 'Svar på komentaren'
+ subject: Emne
+ ban: 'Bloker/afbloker bruger'
+ author: Forfatter
+ date: 'Dato / Kommentar'
+ article: Artikel
+ search: Søg
+ show: Vis
+ recommended: Anbefalet
+ unrecommended: 'Ikke anbefalet'
+ editcomment: 'Hurtig kommentar redigering'
+ actions: Handlinger
+ selectstatus: 'Vælg status'
+ deleted: Slettet
+ alert: Advarsel
+ searchholder: 'Søg... (f.eks. navn, email, emne, kommentar, artikel titel)'
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: Annullér
+ submit: Send
+ unrecommend: 'Anbefal ikke'
+ recommend: Anbefalet
+ delete: Slet
+ reply: Svar
+ edit: 'Hurtig redigering'
+ close: Luk
+ okay: OK
+ filter: Filtrér
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: 'Kommentar slettet.'
+ commentinarticle: 'Kommentar $4 af $1 i artiklen $2 ($3)'
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: ny
+ approved: godkendt
+ hidden: skjult
+ single: 'Kommentar status ændret til'
+ all: 'Kommentar status ændret til'
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: 'Ingen kontakt til Newscoop. Tjek at du har forbindelse til internettet.'
+ deletefromarticle: '$1 har slettet kommentar fra artiklen $2 ($3)'
+ statuschange: 'Kommentar status kunne ikke ændres'
+ delete: 'Kommentaren kunne ikke slettes'
+ update: 'Felter kan ikke være tomme'
+ sure: 'Du er ved at slette en kommentar permanent.'
+ suremultiple: 'Du er ved at slette kommentarer permanent.'
+ first: 'Vælg kommentar først!'
+ surequestion: 'Er du sikker på det er det du vil?'
+ updated: 'Kommentaren er opdateret.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.de.yml
index 606fceca17..0dd8be6886 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.de.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: Kommentarverwaltung
+ menu: Kommentare
+ banned: Gesperrt
+ anonymous: Anonym
+ at: an
+ noentries: 'Es wurden keine Einträge gefunden.'
+ showing: Angezeigt
+ of: von
+ to: zu
+ entries: Eingaben
+ fullarticle: 'Gesamter Artikel'
+ hidden: Verborgen
+ approved: Bewilligt
+ new: Neu
+ editarticle: 'Gehen Sie zu Artikel bearbeiten'
+ section: Rubrik
+ comment: Kommentar
+ replyto: 'Auf Kommentar antworten'
+ subject: Subjekt
+ ban: 'Nutzer blocken/freistellen'
+ author: Autor
+ date: 'Datum / Kommentar'
+ article: Artikel
+ search: Suche
+ show: Zeigen
+ recommended: Empfohlen
+ unrecommended: 'Empfehlung zurückgenommen'
+ editcomment: Kommentarbearbeitung
+ actions: Aktionen
+ selectstatus: 'Status auswählen'
+ deleted: Löschen
+ alert: Warnung
+ searchholder: 'Suche... (z.B. Name, E-Mail, Subjekt, Kommentar, Artikeltitel)'
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
+ cancel: Abbrechen
+ submit: Einpflegen
+ unrecommend: 'Empfehlung zurücknehmen'
+ recommend: Empfehlen
+ delete: Löschen
+ reply: Antworten
+ edit: 'Schnell bearbeiten'
+ close: Schliessen
okay: Ok
filter: Filter
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: 'Kommentar gelöscht.'
+ commentinarticle: 'Kommentar $4 durch $1 im Artikel $2 ($3)'
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: neu
+ approved: bewilligt
+ hidden: verborgen
+ single: 'Status des Kommentars ändern zu'
+ all: 'Status der Kommentar ändern zu'
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: 'Es kann keine Verbindung zu Newscoop aufgebaut werden. Überprüfen Sie bitte Ihre Internet-Verbindung.'
+ deletefromarticle: 'Kommentar gelöscht von $1 aus dem Artikel $2 ($3)'
+ statuschange: 'Bei Änderung des Kommentarstatus ist ein Fehler aufgetreten'
+ delete: 'Dieser Kommentar konnte nicht gelöscht werden'
+ update: 'Felder können nicht leer sein'
+ sure: 'Der Kommentar wird entgültig gelöscht werden.'
+ suremultiple: 'Die Kommentare werden entgültig gelöscht werden.'
+ first: 'Bitte erst Kommentar/Kommentare auswählen!'
+ surequestion: 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dies tun wollen?'
+ updated: 'Kommentar aktualisiert.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.de_AT.yml
index 606fceca17..8b6acc8dc6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: Kommentare
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: auf
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: 'Ganzer Artikel'
+ hidden: Verborgen
+ approved: Bewilligt
+ new: Neu
+ editarticle: 'Gehe zur Artikelbearbeitung'
+ section: Rubrik
+ comment: Kommentar
+ replyto: 'Kommentar beantworten'
+ subject: Subjekt
+ ban: 'User sperren / entsperren '
+ author: AutorIn
+ date: null
+ article: Artikel
+ search: Suche
+ show: Zeige
+ recommended: Empfohlen
+ unrecommended: 'Empfehlung zurückgenommen. '
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: Aktionen
+ selectstatus: 'Status auswählen '
+ deleted: Gelöscht
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
+ cancel: Abbruch
+ submit: Absenden
+ unrecommend: 'Empfehlung zurücknehmen'
+ recommend: Empfehlen
+ delete: Löschen
+ reply: Antworten
+ edit: Schnellbearbeitung
+ close: Schließen
+ okay: null
filter: Filter
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: 'Kommentar gelöscht. '
+ commentinarticle: 'Kommentar $4 von $1 im Artikel $2 ($3)'
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: 'Die Verbindung zu Newscoop kann nicht hergestellt werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie ihre Internetverbindung. '
+ deletefromarticle: 'Kommentar gelöscht von $1 aus dem Artikel $2 ($3)'
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: 'Sie sind im Begriff einen Kommentar permanent zu löschen. '
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das tun wollen? '
+ updated: 'Kommentar aktualisiert.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.es.yml
index 606fceca17..0c1c269394 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.es.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: 'Administración de los comentarios'
+ menu: Comentarios
+ banned: Restringido
+ anonymous: Anónimo
+ at: en
+ noentries: 'No se han encontrado entradas.'
+ showing: Mostrando
+ of: de
+ to: a
+ entries: entradas
+ fullarticle: 'Artículo completo'
+ hidden: Oculto
+ approved: Aprobado
+ new: Nuevo
+ editarticle: 'Ir a edición de artículo'
+ section: Sección
+ comment: Comentario
+ replyto: 'Responder al comentario'
+ subject: Título
+ ban: 'Bloquear/desbloquear usuario'
+ author: Autor
+ date: Fecha/Comentario
+ article: Artículo
+ search: Buscar
+ show: Mostrar
+ recommended: Recomendado
+ unrecommended: 'No recomendado'
+ editcomment: 'Edición rápida de comentario'
+ actions: Acciones
+ selectstatus: 'Seleccionar estado'
+ deleted: Eliminado
+ alert: Alerta
+ searchholder: 'Búsqueda...(ej: nombre, email, tema, comentario, título de artículo)'
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
+ cancel: Cancelar
+ submit: Enviar
+ unrecommend: 'No recomendar'
+ recommend: Recomendar
+ delete: Borrar
+ reply: Responder
+ edit: 'Edición rápida'
+ close: Cerrar
okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ filter: Filtro
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: 'Comentario eliminado'
+ commentinarticle: 'Comentario $4 por $1 en el artículo $2 ($3)'
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: nuevo
+ approved: aprobado
+ hidden: oculto
+ single: 'El estatus del comentario cambia a'
+ all: 'El estatus de los comentarios cambia a'
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: 'No se pudo conectar a Newscoop. Por favor, verifica tu conexión a Internet.'
+ deletefromarticle: 'Comentario eliminado por $1 desde el artículo $2 ($3)'
+ statuschange: 'Error cambiando el estatus del comentario'
+ delete: 'No fue posible borrar este comentario'
+ update: 'Los campos no pueden estar vacíos'
+ sure: 'Está a punto de eliminar permanentemente un comentario.'
+ suremultiple: 'Está a punto de eliminar de forma permanente los comentarios.'
+ first: '¡Por favor, seleccione primero el(los) comentario(s)!'
+ surequestion: '¿Está seguro de que quiere hacerlo?'
+ updated: 'Comentario actualizado'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.es_AR.yml
index 606fceca17..58edb37eb7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: null
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: null
+ approved: null
+ new: null
+ editarticle: null
+ section: null
+ comment: null
+ replyto: null
+ subject: null
+ ban: null
+ author: null
+ date: null
+ article: null
+ search: null
+ show: null
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: null
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: null
+ submit: null
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.fa.yml
index 606fceca17..58edb37eb7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.fa.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: null
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: null
+ approved: null
+ new: null
+ editarticle: null
+ section: null
+ comment: null
+ replyto: null
+ subject: null
+ ban: null
+ author: null
+ date: null
+ article: null
+ search: null
+ show: null
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: null
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: null
+ submit: null
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.fr.yml
index 606fceca17..8b5b6fc570 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.fr.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
+ comments: null
+ menu: null
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: null
+ approved: null
+ new: Nouveau
+ editarticle: null
section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
+ comment: null
+ replyto: null
+ subject: null
+ ban: null
+ author: null
+ date: null
article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
+ search: Recherche
+ show: Afficher
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: Annuler
+ submit: Soumettre
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: Supprimer
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: Fermer
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.he.yml
index 606fceca17..dbff4a2c44 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.he.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: תגובות
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: נסתר
+ approved: מאושר
+ new: חדש
+ editarticle: null
+ section: מדור
+ comment: תגובה
+ replyto: null
+ subject: נושא
+ ban: null
+ author: כתב
+ date: null
+ article: כתבה
+ search: חפש
+ show: הראה
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: פעילויות
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: בטל
+ submit: נמסר
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: מחק
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: סגור
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.hr.yml
index 606fceca17..eb194c87af 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.hr.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: null
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: null
+ approved: null
+ new: Novi
+ editarticle: null
+ section: Rubrika
+ comment: null
+ replyto: null
+ subject: null
+ ban: null
+ author: null
+ date: null
+ article: Članak
+ search: Traži
+ show: Prikaži
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: Radnje
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: Odustani
+ submit: Predaj
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: Briši
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: Zatvori
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.hu.yml
index 606fceca17..54bc71c802 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.hu.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: 'Hozzászólások kezelése'
+ menu: Hozzászólások
+ banned: Kitiltva
+ anonymous: Névtelen
+ at: null
+ noentries: 'Nem találhatók bejegyzések.'
+ showing: Megjelenítve
+ of: /
+ to: '-'
+ entries: bejegyzés
+ fullarticle: 'Teljes cikk'
+ hidden: Rejtett
+ approved: Jóváhagyva
+ new: Új
+ editarticle: 'Ugrás a cikk szerkesztésére'
+ section: Rovat
+ comment: Hozzászólás
+ replyto: 'Válasz a hozzászólásra'
+ subject: Tárgy
+ ban: 'Felhasználó kitiltása/kitiltásának megszüntetése'
+ author: Szerző
+ date: 'Dátum / Hozzászólás'
+ article: Cikk
+ search: Keresés
+ show: Megjelenítés
+ recommended: Ajánlott
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: 'Hozzászólás gyors szerkesztése'
+ actions: Műveletek
+ selectstatus: 'Válassz állapotot'
+ deleted: Törölve
+ alert: Figyelmeztetés
+ searchholder: 'Keresés... ( pl. név, e-mail cím, tárgy, hozzászólás, cikk címe)'
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: Mégse
+ submit: Küldés
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: Ajánlás
+ delete: Törlés
+ reply: Válasz
+ edit: Gyorsszerkesztés
+ close: Bezárás
+ okay: OK
+ filter: Szűrő
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: 'A hozzászólás törlése megtörtént.'
+ commentinarticle: '$4 hozzászólás $1 által a/z $2 ($3) cikkben'
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: új
+ approved: jóváhagyott
+ hidden: rejtett
+ single: 'Hozzászólás állapotának módosítása erre:'
+ all: 'Hozzászólások állapotának módosítása erre:'
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: 'Nem érhető el a Newscoop. Ellenőrizd az internetkapcsolatodat.'
+ deletefromarticle: 'Hozzászólás $1 általi törlése a/z $2 ($3) cikkből'
+ statuschange: 'Hiba történt a hozzászólás állapotának módosításakor'
+ delete: 'Ezt a hozzászólást nem lehet törölni.'
+ update: 'A mezők nem lehetnek üresek'
+ sure: 'Egy hozzászólás végleges törlésére készülsz.'
+ suremultiple: 'Hozzászólások végleges törlésére készülsz.'
+ first: 'Előbb válassz hozzászólást/hozzászólásokat!'
+ surequestion: 'Biztosan végre akarod ezt hajtani?'
+ updated: 'A hozzászólás frissítése megtörtént.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.hy_AM.yml
index 606fceca17..0511537099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: Մեկնաբանություններ
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: null
+ approved: null
+ new: null
+ editarticle: null
+ section: null
+ comment: null
+ replyto: 'Պատասխանել մեկնաբանությանը։'
+ subject: null
+ ban: null
+ author: Հեղինակ
+ date: null
+ article: null
+ search: null
+ show: null
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: Գործունեություններ
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: null
+ submit: null
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: Փակել
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: 'Մեկնաբանությունը թարմացված է։'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ka.yml
index 606fceca17..0995b4da3d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ka.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: კომენტარები
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: ანონიმური
+ at: '-ზე'
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: 'მთლიანი სტატია'
+ hidden: დამალული
+ approved: დადასტურებული
+ new: ახალი
+ editarticle: 'სტატიის რედაქტირებაზე გადასვლა'
+ section: სექცია
+ comment: კომენტარი
+ replyto: 'კომენტარზე პასუხის გაცემა'
+ subject: თემა
+ ban: 'მომხმარებლისთვის ბანის დადება/მოხსნა'
+ author: ავტორი
+ date: null
+ article: სტატია
+ search: ძიება
+ show: ჩვენება
+ recommended: რეკომენდირებული
+ unrecommended: არარეკომენდირებული
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: მოქმედება
+ selectstatus: 'აირჩიეთ სტატუსი'
+ deleted: წაიშალა
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: გაუქმება
+ submit: გაგზავნა
+ unrecommend: 'რეკომენდაციის უკუგდება'
+ recommend: 'რეკომენდაციის მიცემა'
+ delete: წაშლა
+ reply: 'პასუხის გაცემა'
+ edit: 'სწრაფი რედაქტირება'
+ close: დახურული
+ okay: null
+ filter: ფილტრი
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: 'კომენტარი წაიშალა.'
+ commentinarticle: '$2 ($3) სტატიის კომენტარი $4 $1-ის მიერ'
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: 'ნიუსქუფთან დაკავშირება ვერ ხერხდება. გთხოვთ შეამოწმოთ თქვენი ინტერნეტ კავშირი.'
+ deletefromarticle: '$2 ($3) სტატიის კომენტარი წაიშალა $1-ის მიერ'
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: 'კომენტარი სამუდამოდ წაიშლება.'
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: 'დაადასტურეთ, რომ გსურთ ამის გაკეთება.'
+ updated: 'კომენტარი განახლებულია. '
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ko.yml
index 606fceca17..e87907e2d3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ko.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: null
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: null
+ approved: null
+ new: 신규
+ editarticle: null
+ section: 섹션
+ comment: null
+ replyto: null
+ subject: null
+ ban: null
+ author: null
+ date: null
+ article: 기사
+ search: 검색
+ show: 보기
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: 기능
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: 취소
+ submit: 송고
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: 삭제
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: 닫기
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ku.yml
index 606fceca17..58edb37eb7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ku.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: null
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: null
+ approved: null
+ new: null
+ editarticle: null
+ section: null
+ comment: null
+ replyto: null
+ subject: null
+ ban: null
+ author: null
+ date: null
+ article: null
+ search: null
+ show: null
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: null
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: null
+ submit: null
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.lv.yml
index 606fceca17..58edb37eb7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.lv.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: null
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: null
+ approved: null
+ new: null
+ editarticle: null
+ section: null
+ comment: null
+ replyto: null
+ subject: null
+ ban: null
+ author: null
+ date: null
+ article: null
+ search: null
+ show: null
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: null
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: null
+ submit: null
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.nb_NO.yml
index 606fceca17..58edb37eb7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: null
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: null
+ approved: null
+ new: null
+ editarticle: null
+ section: null
+ comment: null
+ replyto: null
+ subject: null
+ ban: null
+ author: null
+ date: null
+ article: null
+ search: null
+ show: null
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: null
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: null
+ submit: null
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.pl.yml
index 606fceca17..5e32177c94 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.pl.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: 'Zarządzanie komentarzami'
+ menu: Komentarze
+ banned: Zablokowany
+ anonymous: Anonim
+ at: w
+ noentries: 'Nie znaleziono wyników.'
+ showing: Pokazuje
+ of: z
+ to: do
+ entries: wyników
+ fullarticle: 'Pełny artykuł'
+ hidden: Ukryte
+ approved: Zaakceptowane
+ new: Nowy
+ editarticle: 'Przejdź do edycji artykulu'
+ section: Sekcja
+ comment: Komentarz
+ replyto: 'Odpowiedz na komentarz'
+ subject: Temat
+ ban: 'Zablokuj/Odblokuj użytkownika'
+ author: Autor
+ date: 'Data / Komentarz'
+ article: Artykuł
+ search: Szukaj
+ show: Pokaż
+ recommended: Polecany
+ unrecommended: Niepolecany
+ editcomment: 'Szybka edycja'
+ actions: Akcje
+ selectstatus: 'Wybierz status'
+ deleted: Usunięty
+ alert: Uwaga
+ searchholder: 'Szukaj... (np. imię, email, temat, treść komentarza, tytuł artykułu)'
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
+ cancel: Anuluj
+ submit: Wyślij
+ unrecommend: 'Niepolecany '
+ recommend: Poleć
+ delete: Usuń
+ reply: Odpowiedz
+ edit: 'Szybka edycja'
+ close: Zamknij
okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ filter: Filtrowanie
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: 'Komentarz został usunięty'
+ commentinarticle: 'Komentarz $4 przez $1 w artykule $2 ($3)'
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: nowy
+ approved: zatwierdzony
+ hidden: ukryty
+ single: 'Status komentarza został zmieniony na'
+ all: 'Status komentarzy został zmieniony na'
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: 'Nie można połączyć z Newscoop. Sprawdź swoje połączenie z Internetem.'
+ deletefromarticle: 'Komentarz został usunięty z artykułu $2 przez $1 ($3)'
+ statuschange: 'Wystąpił błąd podczas zmieniania statusu dla kometarza'
+ delete: 'Nie można usunąć tego komentarza'
+ update: 'Pola nie mogą być puste'
+ sure: 'Chcesz bezpowrotnie usunąć wiadomość'
+ suremultiple: 'Zamierzasz bezpowrotnie usunąć wybrane komentarze.'
+ first: 'Musisz najpierw wybrać komentarz/komentarze!'
+ surequestion: 'Jesteś pewien że chcesz to zrobić?'
+ updated: 'Komentarz zaktualizowany.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ps.yml
index 606fceca17..58edb37eb7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.ps.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: null
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: null
+ approved: null
+ new: null
+ editarticle: null
+ section: null
+ comment: null
+ replyto: null
+ subject: null
+ ban: null
+ author: null
+ date: null
+ article: null
+ search: null
+ show: null
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: null
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: null
+ submit: null
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.pt_BR.yml
index 606fceca17..05dadb2157 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: Comentários
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: no
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: 'Artigo inteiro'
+ hidden: Oculto
+ approved: Aprovado
+ new: Novo
+ editarticle: 'Ir para edição do artigo'
+ section: Seção
+ comment: Comentário
+ replyto: 'Responder ao comentário'
+ subject: Assunto
+ ban: null
+ author: Autor
+ date: null
+ article: Artigo
+ search: Procurar
+ show: Mostrar
+ recommended: Recomendado
+ unrecommended: 'Não recomendado'
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: Ações
+ selectstatus: 'Selecionar status'
+ deleted: Removido
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: Cancelar
+ submit: 'Submeter à Apreciação'
+ unrecommend: 'Não recomendo'
+ recommend: Recomendo
+ delete: Apagar
+ reply: Responder
+ edit: 'Edição rápida'
+ close: Fechar
+ okay: null
+ filter: Filtro
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: 'Comentário removido.'
+ commentinarticle: 'Comentário $4 feito por $1 no artigo $2 ($3)'
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: 'Não foi possivel fazer conexão com Newscoop. Por favor verifique a sua conexão com internet.'
+ deletefromarticle: '$1 apagou o comentário do artigo $2 ($3)'
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: 'Você vai apagar o comentário para sempre.'
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: 'Tem certeza que quer fazer isso?'
+ updated: 'Comentário atualizado.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sh.yml
index 606fceca17..ace9656a36 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sh.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: Komentari
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: u
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: 'Ceo tekst'
+ hidden: Sakriven
+ approved: Odobren
+ new: Novi
+ editarticle: 'Idi na uređivanje teksta'
+ section: Rubrika
+ comment: Komentar
+ replyto: 'Odgovorite na komentar'
+ subject: Naslov
+ ban: null
+ author: Autor
+ date: null
+ article: Tekst
+ search: Traži
+ show: Prikaži
+ recommended: Preporučeni
+ unrecommended: Nepreporučen
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: Akcije
+ selectstatus: 'Izaberi status'
+ deleted: Obrisano
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
+ cancel: Poništi
+ submit: Predaj
+ unrecommend: Nepreporučen
+ recommend: Preporučen
+ delete: Obriši
+ reply: Odgovori
+ edit: 'Brzo uređivanje'
+ close: Zatvori
+ okay: OK
filter: Filter
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: 'Komentar izbrisan'
+ commentinarticle: 'Komentar $4 od $1 u tekstu $2 ($3)'
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: 'Newscoop nije dostupan. Proverite svoju interent vezu.'
+ deletefromarticle: 'Komentar obrisan od strane $1 iz teksta $2 ($3)'
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: 'Nepovaratno ćete Izbrisati komentar.'
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: 'Siguri ste da želite to da uradite?'
+ updated: 'Komentar izmenjen.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sq.yml
index 606fceca17..58edb37eb7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sq.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: null
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: null
+ approved: null
+ new: null
+ editarticle: null
+ section: null
+ comment: null
+ replyto: null
+ subject: null
+ ban: null
+ author: null
+ date: null
+ article: null
+ search: null
+ show: null
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: null
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: null
+ submit: null
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: null
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sr.yml
index 606fceca17..56b0c85020 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sr.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: Коментари
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: у
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: 'Цео текст'
+ hidden: Сакривен
+ approved: Одобрен
+ new: Нови
+ editarticle: 'Иди на уређивање текста'
+ section: Рубрика
+ comment: Коментар
+ replyto: 'Одговорите на коментар'
+ subject: Наслов
+ ban: null
+ author: аутор
+ date: null
+ article: Текст
+ search: Тражи
+ show: Прикажи
+ recommended: Препоручени
+ unrecommended: Непрепоручен
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: Акције
+ selectstatus: 'Изабери статус'
+ deleted: Обрисано
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: Батали
+ submit: Пошаљи
+ unrecommend: Непрепоручен
+ recommend: Препоручен
+ delete: Обриши
+ reply: Одговори
+ edit: 'Брзо уређивање'
+ close: Затвори
+ okay: null
+ filter: Филтер
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: 'Коментар избрисан'
+ commentinarticle: 'Коментатор $4 од $1 у тексту $2 ($3)'
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: 'Newscoop није доступан. Проверите своју интернет везу.'
+ deletefromarticle: 'Коментар обрисан од стране $1 из текста $2 ($3)'
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: 'Неповратно ћете избрисати коментар.'
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: 'Сигурни сте да желите то да урадите?'
+ updated: 'Коментар измењен.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sv.yml
index 606fceca17..deb613df53 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/new_comments.sv.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
- comments: 'Comments management'
- menu: Comments
- banned: Banned
- anonymous: Anonymous
- at: at
- noentries: 'No entries found.'
- showing: Showing
- of: of
- to: to
- entries: entries
- fullarticle: 'Full article'
- hidden: Hidden
- approved: Approved
- new: New
- editarticle: 'Go to edit article'
- section: Section
- comment: Comment
- replyto: 'Reply to comment'
- subject: Subject
- ban: 'Ban/Unban user'
- author: Author
- date: 'Date / Comment'
- article: Article
- search: Search
- show: Show
- recommended: Recommended
- unrecommended: Unrecommended
- editcomment: 'Quick comment edit'
- actions: Actions
- selectstatus: 'Select status'
- deleted: Deleted
- alert: Alert
- searchholder: 'Search... (e.g. name, email, subject, comment, article title)'
+ comments: null
+ menu: Kommentarer
+ banned: null
+ anonymous: null
+ at: null
+ noentries: null
+ showing: null
+ of: null
+ to: null
+ entries: null
+ fullarticle: null
+ hidden: Gömd
+ approved: Godkänd
+ new: Ny
+ editarticle: null
+ section: Sektion
+ comment: Kommentar
+ replyto: null
+ subject: Ämne
+ ban: null
+ author: Författare
+ date: null
+ article: Artikel
+ search: Sök
+ show: Visa
+ recommended: null
+ unrecommended: null
+ editcomment: null
+ actions: Handlingar
+ selectstatus: null
+ deleted: null
+ alert: null
+ searchholder: null
- cancel: Cancel
- submit: Submit
- unrecommend: Unrecommend
- recommend: Recommend
- delete: Delete
- reply: Reply
- edit: 'Quick edit'
- close: Close
- okay: Ok
- filter: Filter
+ cancel: Avbryt
+ submit: Skicka
+ unrecommend: null
+ recommend: null
+ delete: Radera
+ reply: null
+ edit: null
+ close: Stäng
+ okay: null
+ filter: null
- deleted: 'Comment deleted.'
- commentinarticle: 'Comment $4 by $1 in the article $2 ($3)'
+ deleted: null
+ commentinarticle: null
- new: new
- approved: approved
- hidden: hidden
- single: 'Comment status change to'
- all: 'Comments status change to'
+ new: null
+ approved: null
+ hidden: null
+ single: null
+ all: null
- reach: 'Unable to reach Newscoop. Please check your internet connection.'
- deletefromarticle: 'Comment delete by $1 from the article $2 ($3)'
- statuschange: 'Error changing comment status'
- delete: 'Could not delete this comment'
- update: 'Fields cannot be empty'
- sure: 'You are about to permanently delete a comment.'
- suremultiple: 'You are about to permanently delete comments.'
- first: 'Please, select comment/comments first!'
- surequestion: 'Are you sure you want to do it?'
- updated: 'Comment updated.'
+ reach: null
+ deletefromarticle: null
+ statuschange: null
+ delete: null
+ update: null
+ sure: null
+ suremultiple: null
+ first: null
+ surequestion: null
+ updated: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.az.yml
index d341c9c38c..0e614f460a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.az.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': 'Quraşdırılmış plaqinin yoxdur.'
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Bəzi plaqinlər yenilənməlidir. Lütfən, saxla düyməsini kliklə.'
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Lütfən, $1 plaqininin yığışdırılmasını təsdiqlə. Bütün plaqin məlumatı silinəcək!'
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'Plaqinləri idarə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+Version: Versiya
+'Upload Plugin': 'Plqain Yüklə'
+Upload: Yüklə
+Uninstall: Yığışdır
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': '$1 plaqini müvəffəqiyyətlə quraşdırıldı.'
+'No plugins found.': 'Plaqin tapılmadı.'
+Manage: 'İdarə et'
+Enabled: 'İcazə Verildi'
+'Delete plugin': 'Plaqini sil'
+'Add new image': 'Yeni şəkil əlavə et'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.be.yml
index d341c9c38c..ce16f94338 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.be.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Патрабуецца абнаўленне некаторых плагінаў. Калі ласка, націсніце гузік «Захаваць».'
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Калі ласка, пацвердзіце выдаленне ўбудовы $1. Усе дадзеныя ўбудовы будуць выдаленыя!'
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'У Вас няма права доступу для кіравання ўбудовамі.'
+Version: Версія
+'Upload Plugin': 'Запампаваць убудову'
+Upload: Загрузіць
+Uninstall: Дэўсталяваць
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'Убудова $1 была паспяхова ўсталяваная.'
+'No plugins found.': 'Не знойдзена ўбудоў.'
+Manage: Кіраваць
+Enabled: Дазволена
+'Delete plugin': 'Выдаліць убудову'
+'Add new image': 'Дадаць новы графiчны файл.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.bn.yml
index d341c9c38c..077ad86618 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.bn.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: null
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: null
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.cs.yml
index d341c9c38c..b8831d29c5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.cs.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': 'Nemáte nainstalované žádné pluginy.'
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Některé pluginy je třeba aktualizovat. Prosím klikněte na tlačítko uložit.'
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Prosím potvrďte odinstalaci pluinu $1? Všechna data pluginu budou odstraněna!'
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'Nemáte oprávnění spravovat pluginy.'
+Version: Verze
+'Upload Plugin': 'Nahrát Plugin'
+Upload: Nahrávat
+Uninstall: Odinstalovat
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'Plugin $1 byl úspěšně nainstalován.'
+'No plugins found.': 'Nebyly nalezeny žádné pluginy.'
+Manage: Spravovat
+Enabled: Zapnuto
+'Delete plugin': 'Odstranit plugin'
+'Add new image': 'Přidat obrázek'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.da.yml
index d341c9c38c..3920c45e6e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.da.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
+'You have no installed plugins.': 'Du har ingen installerede plugins'
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Plugins skal opdateres. Tryk gem.'
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Bekræft afinstallering af plugin $1. Alle plugin data vil blive slettet.'
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at administrere plugins.'
Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
+'Upload Plugin': 'Upload plugin'
Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+Uninstall: Afinstaller
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'Plugin $1 blev installeret.'
+'No plugins found.': 'Ingen plugins.'
+Manage: Administrer
+Enabled: 'Slået til'
+'Delete plugin': 'Slet plugin'
+'Add new image': 'Tilføj nyt billede'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.de.yml
index d341c9c38c..48dbb29482 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.de.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
+'You have no installed plugins.': 'Sie haben keine Plugins installiert. '
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Einige Plugins müssen aktualisiert werden. Bitte auf Speichern klicken.'
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Bitte Deinstallation von Plugin $1 bestätigen. Alle Plugin Daten werden gelöscht!'
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'Keine Berechtigung Plugins zu verwalten.'
Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
+'Upload Plugin': 'Plugin hochladen'
Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+Uninstall: Deinstallieren
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'Das Plugin $1 wurde erfolgreich installiert.'
+'No plugins found.': 'Keine Plugins gefunden'
+Manage: Verwalten
+Enabled: Aktiviert
+'Delete plugin': 'Plugin löschen'
+'Add new image': 'Neues Bild hinzufügen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.de_AT.yml
index d341c9c38c..48dbb29482 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
+'You have no installed plugins.': 'Sie haben keine Plugins installiert. '
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Einige Plugins müssen aktualisiert werden. Bitte auf Speichern klicken.'
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Bitte Deinstallation von Plugin $1 bestätigen. Alle Plugin Daten werden gelöscht!'
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'Keine Berechtigung Plugins zu verwalten.'
Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
+'Upload Plugin': 'Plugin hochladen'
Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+Uninstall: Deinstallieren
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'Das Plugin $1 wurde erfolgreich installiert.'
+'No plugins found.': 'Keine Plugins gefunden'
+Manage: Verwalten
+Enabled: Aktiviert
+'Delete plugin': 'Plugin löschen'
+'Add new image': 'Neues Bild hinzufügen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.es.yml
index d341c9c38c..1070a65758 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.es.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': 'No ha instalado plugins.'
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Algunos plugins deben ser renovados. Por favor presione guardar.'
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Por favor confirme la desinstalación del plugin $1. ¡Toda la información del plugin será borrada!'
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'No puedes administrar los plugins.'
+Version: Versión
+'Upload Plugin': 'Cargar plugin.'
+Upload: Subir
+Uninstall: Desinstalar
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'El plugin $1 fue instalado exitosamente.'
+'No plugins found.': 'No se encontró ningún plugin.'
+Manage: Administrar
+Enabled: Activar
+'Delete plugin': 'Borrar el plugin.'
+'Add new image': 'Agregar nueva imagen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.es_AR.yml
index d341c9c38c..54f8b456b7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: Versión
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: null
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.fa.yml
index d341c9c38c..077ad86618 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.fa.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: null
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: null
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.fr.yml
index d341c9c38c..c0e3913ee1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.fr.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: null
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: Téléchargement
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': 'Ajoutez la nouvelle image '
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.he.yml
index d341c9c38c..077ad86618 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.he.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: null
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: null
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.hr.yml
index d341c9c38c..4cc4fb67c1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.hr.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: null
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: null
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': 'Dodaj novu sliku'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.hu.yml
index d341c9c38c..bd3bf7fd10 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.hu.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': 'Nem telepítettél bővítményeket.'
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Néhány bővítményt frissíteni kell. Nyomd meg a Mentés gombot.'
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Erősítsd meg a/z $1 bővítmény eltávolítását. Törlésre fog kerülni a bővítmény összes adata!'
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'Nincs jogod a bővítmények kezeléséhez.'
+Version: Verzió
+'Upload Plugin': 'Bővítmény feltöltése'
+Upload: Feltöltés
+Uninstall: Eltávolítás
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'A/z $1 bővítmény telepítése sikerült.'
+'No plugins found.': 'Nem találhatók bővítmények.'
+Manage: Kezelés
+Enabled: Engedélyezve
+'Delete plugin': 'Bővítmény törlése'
+'Add new image': 'Új kép hozzáadása'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.hy_AM.yml
index d341c9c38c..077ad86618 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: null
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: null
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ka.yml
index d341c9c38c..b8094785b0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ka.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': 'თქვენ არ დაგიყენებიათ პლაგინები'
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'ზოგიერთი პლაგინი უნდა განახლდეს. დააჭირეთ დამახსოვრებას.'
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'დაადასტურეთ რომ გსურთ $1 წაშლა. პლაგინის მონაცემები წაიშლება!'
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ პლაგინების მართვის უფლება.'
+Version: ვერსია
+'Upload Plugin': 'პლაგინის ატვირთვა'
+Upload: ატვირთვა
+Uninstall: 'ინსტალიაციის გაუქმება'
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': '$1 პლაგინი დაყენდა.'
+'No plugins found.': 'პლაგინი არ მოიძებნა'
+Manage: მართვა
+Enabled: ჩართულია
+'Delete plugin': 'პლაგინის წაშლა'
+'Add new image': 'ახალი გამოსახულების დამატება'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ko.yml
index d341c9c38c..aeee4dd365 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ko.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: null
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: null
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': '새로운 이미지 추가'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ku.yml
index d341c9c38c..077ad86618 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ku.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: null
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: null
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.lv.yml
index d341c9c38c..077ad86618 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.lv.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: null
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: null
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.nb_NO.yml
index d341c9c38c..077ad86618 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: null
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: null
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.pl.yml
index d341c9c38c..1e00e3b832 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.pl.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': 'Nie masz zainstalowanych żadnych wtyczek.'
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Niektóre pluginy muszą zostać uaktualnione. Wciśnij przycisk zapisz.'
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Potwierdź usunięcie pluginu $1? Wszystkie dane powiązane zostaną usunięte!'
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'Nie masz wystarczających praw by zarządzać pluginami.'
+Version: Wersja
+'Upload Plugin': 'Wgraj plugin'
+Upload: Wgraj
+Uninstall: Odinstaluj
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'Plugin $1 został zainstalowany pomyślnie.'
+'No plugins found.': 'Nie znaleziono pluginów'
+Manage: Zarządzanie
+Enabled: Właczone
+'Delete plugin': 'Usuń plugin'
+'Add new image': 'Dodaj nowe zdjęcie'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ps.yml
index d341c9c38c..077ad86618 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.ps.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: null
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: null
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.pt_BR.yml
index d341c9c38c..18f98a83a0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: Versão
+'Upload Plugin': null
Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: Ativado
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': 'Adicionar Imagem'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sh.yml
index d341c9c38c..baafe39f4b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sh.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': 'Nemate instaliranih plaginova.'
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Neki plaginovi moraju biti apdejtovani. Pritisnite dugme snimi.'
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Potrebna je potvrda za brisanje plugina $1! Svi podaci vezani za ovaj plugin biće obrisani!'
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'Nemate pravo upravljanja pluginovima'
+Version: Verzija
+'Upload Plugin': 'Uploaduj plugin'
+Upload: Aplouduj
+Uninstall: Deinstaliranje
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'Plugin $1 je uspešno instaliran.'
+'No plugins found.': 'Nije pronađen nijedan plugin.'
+Manage: Upravljanje
+Enabled: Omogućeni
+'Delete plugin': 'Obriši plugin'
+'Add new image': 'Dodaj novu sliku'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sq.yml
index d341c9c38c..077ad86618 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sq.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: null
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: null
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sr.yml
index d341c9c38c..6ffc417d56 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sr.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': 'Немате инсталираних плагинова.'
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Неки плагинови морају бити апдејтовани. Притисни дугме сними.'
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Потребна је потврда за брисање плагина $1! Сви подаци везани за овај плагин биће обрисани!'
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'Немате право управљања плагиновима'
+Version: Верзија
+'Upload Plugin': 'Аплоудуј плагин'
+Upload: Аплоудуј
+Uninstall: Деинсталирање
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'Плагин $1 је успешно инсталиран'
+'No plugins found.': 'Није пронађен ниједан плагин.'
+Manage: Управљање
+Enabled: Омогућени
+'Delete plugin': 'Обриши плагин'
+'Add new image': 'Додајте нову слику'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sv.yml
index d341c9c38c..7f9d13ea8f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins.sv.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-'You have no installed plugins.': 'You have no installed plugins.'
-'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': 'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.'
-'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': 'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!'
-'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': 'You do not have the right to manage plugins.'
-Version: Version
-'Upload Plugin': 'Upload Plugin'
-Upload: Upload
-Uninstall: Uninstall
-'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': 'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.'
-'No plugins found.': 'No plugins found.'
-Manage: Manage
-Enabled: Enabled
-'Delete plugin': 'Delete plugin'
-'Add new image': 'Add new image'
+'You have no installed plugins.': null
+'Some plugins have to be updated. Please press the save button.': null
+'Please confirm the plugin $1 uninstall. All plugin data will be deleted!': null
+'You do not have the right to manage plugins.': null
+Version: null
+'Upload Plugin': null
+Upload: null
+Uninstall: null
+'The plugin $1 was sucessfully installed.': null
+'No plugins found.': null
+Manage: null
+Enabled: null
+'Delete plugin': null
+'Add new image': 'Lägg till ny bild'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.az.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..6ab266b882 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.az.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plaqin idarəçisi'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Varislik Plaqin İdarəçisi'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'İctimai plaqinlər'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Şəxsi plaqinlər'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Yeni plaqinləri quraşdır'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Ad
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: İzah
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Aktivləşdirildi
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Versiya
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Lisenziya
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Bu vaxt Quraşdırılıb'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Bu vaxt Yüklənib'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Addımlar
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Yenilə
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: 'Xaric Et'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Quraşdır
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Quraşdırıldı
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Şəxsi plaqin yüklə'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Plaqin axtar'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Paket zip fayl olmalıdır.'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Yüklə
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: 'Ümumilikdə _TOTAL_ girişin _START_-dan/dən _END_-a/ə qaydasında nümayişi'
+ noentries: 'Nümayiş üçün firiş yoxdur'
+ filtering: '- _MAX_ yazılarından filterləmə'
+ menu: '_MENU_ yazılarını göstər'
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: Axtar
+ filter: Filtr
+ processing: İcradadır...
+ last: Son
+ next: Növbəti
+ first: İlk
+ previous: Əvvəlki
+ norecords: 'Yazı tapılmadı.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.be.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..b90b125c10 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.be.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Загаловак
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Апісаньне
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Дазволена
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Версія
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Ліцэнзія
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Апэрацыi
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Выдалiць
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Загрузіць
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: 'Паказаныя _START_ да _END_ / _TOTAL_ запісаў'
+ noentries: 'Няма запісаў для прагляду'
+ filtering: 'фільтраванне ад _MAX_ запісаў'
+ menu: 'Адлюстраваць _MENU_ запісы'
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: Пошук
+ filter: 'Фільтр '
+ processing: Апрацоўка...
+ last: Апошнi
+ next: Наступн.
+ first: Першы
+ previous: Папярэд.
+ norecords: 'Не абрана ніводная з запісаў'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.bn.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..a6fb64cf2c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.bn.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: নাম
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: null
+ filter: null
+ processing: null
+ last: null
+ next: null
+ first: null
+ previous: null
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.cs.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..acd3463e76 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.cs.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Manager Pluginů'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Manažer Legacy Pluginů'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Veřejné pluginy'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Soukromé pluginy'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Instalovat nové pluginy'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Název
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Popis
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Zapnuto
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Verze
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Licence
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Instalováno v'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Aktualizováno v'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Činnosti
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Aktualizovat
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Odstranit
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Instalovat
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Instalováno
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Nahrát soukromý plugin'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Hledat pluginy'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Soubrou návhru musí mít v zazipovaném souboru (.zip)'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Nahrávat
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: 'Ukázat _START_ až _END_ z _TOTAL_ záznamů'
+ noentries: 'Nejsou zde žádné příspěvky k zobrazení'
+ filtering: '- filtrováno z _MAX_ záznamů'
+ menu: 'Zobrazit _MENU_ záznamy'
- search: Search
+ search: Hledej
filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ processing: Zpracovávám...
+ last: Poslední
+ next: Další
+ first: První
+ previous: Předchozí
+ norecords: 'Nebyly nalezeny žádné záznamy.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.da.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..7c9bebcf4e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.da.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugin administration'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Administration af gamle plugins'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Offentlige plugins'
newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Installer ny plugin'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Navn
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Beskrivelse
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: 'Slået til'
newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Licens
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installeret den'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Opdateret den'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Handlinger
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Opdater
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Fjern
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Installer
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installeret
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload privat plugin'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Søg efter plugins'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Pakken skal være en zip fil.'
newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Kør kommando'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Åben terminal og kør kommando'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Installer aktiver'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Færdig. Luk dette vindue og opdater siden.'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Luk
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'Hvordan opdateres denne plugin?'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'Hvordan installeres denne plugin?'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'Hvordan fjernes denne plugin?'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Færdig. Opdater denne side for at se pluginet i listen med installerede plugins.'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Kopier: Ctrl + C (Cmd + C på Mac), Enter'
newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: fans
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: 'Din webserver kan ikke skrive til %privatePluginsPath%.'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'På en Linux server kan du løse det med kommandoerne:'
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: 'Viser _START_ til _END_ af _TOTAL_'
+ noentries: 'Intet at vise'
+ filtering: '- filtreret fra _MAX_ opslag'
+ menu: 'Vis _MENU_ opslag'
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: Søg
+ filter: Filtrér
+ processing: Arbejder...
+ last: Sidste
+ next: Næste
+ first: Første
+ previous: Forrige
+ norecords: 'Ingen opslag.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.de.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..9ea1bfea2f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.de.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Beschreibung
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Aktiviert
newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Lizenz
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Aktionen
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Entferne
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: 'Zeigt _START_ bis _END_ von _TOTAL_ Eingaben'
+ noentries: 'Keine Eingabe anzuzeigen'
+ filtering: '- fltern aus_MAX_Datensätzen'
+ menu: 'Zeige _MENU_ Datensätze'
- search: Search
+ search: Suche
filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ processing: 'In Bearbeitung...'
+ last: Letzte(r)
+ next: Nächste(r)
+ first: Erste(r)
+ previous: Vorherige(r)
+ norecords: 'Keine Datensätze gefunden.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.de_AT.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..892b2e2fea 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Beschreibung
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Aktiviert
newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Lizenz
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Aktionen
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Entferne
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: 'Zeige _START_ bis _END_ von _TOTAL_ Einträgen'
+ noentries: 'Keine Einträge zum Anzeigen gefunden.'
+ filtering: 'filtert aus _MAX_ Einträgen '
+ menu: 'Anzeigen _MENU_ Einträge'
- search: Search
+ search: Suche
filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ processing: Bearbeite...
+ last: Letzte
+ next: Weiter
+ first: Erste
+ previous: Zurück
+ norecords: 'Keine Angaben gefunden.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.en_GB.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..cb12677d1a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.en_GB.yml
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. The plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favourites
newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ newscoop:
info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
+ filtering: '- filtering from _MAX_ records'
menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
search: Search
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.es.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..176113f4cc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.es.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Plugins públicos'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Plugins privados'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Instalar nuevos plugins'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Nombre
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Descripción
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Activar
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Versión
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Licencia
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Instalado En'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Actualizado En'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Acciones
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Actualización
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Eliminar
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Instalar
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Instalado
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Cargar plugin privado'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Buscar plugins'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'El paquete debe ser un archivo zip.'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Subir
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: 'Mostrando de _START_ a _END_ el _TOTAL_ de entradas'
+ noentries: 'No se encontraron entradas'
+ filtering: '-filtrando desde archivos _MAX_'
+ menu: 'Desplegar registros _MENU_'
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: Buscar
+ filter: Filtro
+ processing: Procesando...
+ last: Último
+ next: Próximo
+ first: Primero
+ previous: Previo
+ norecords: 'No se encontraron registros'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.es_AR.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..b5762178b0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Versión
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Licencia
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: null
+ filter: null
+ processing: null
+ last: null
+ next: null
+ first: null
+ previous: null
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.fa.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..e8b1e8f9cf 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.fa.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: null
+ filter: null
+ processing: null
+ last: null
+ next: null
+ first: null
+ previous: null
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.fr.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..ac58cef26c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.fr.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Nom
newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Enlever
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: Recherche
+ filter: null
+ processing: null
+ last: Dernier
+ next: Suivant
+ first: Premier
+ previous: Précédent
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.he.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..d6eda2ddab 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.he.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: שם
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: הגדרה
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: פעילויות
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: הסר
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: חפש
+ filter: null
+ processing: מעבד....
+ last: null
+ next: הבא
+ first: null
+ previous: קודם
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.hr.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..f4a00b2e7d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.hr.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Ime
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Opis
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Radnje
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Ukloni
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: Traži
+ filter: null
+ processing: null
+ last: Zadnji
+ next: Naprijed
+ first: Prvi
+ previous: Nazad
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.hu.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..38df1a1acb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.hu.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: Bővítménykezelő
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: Örököltbővítmény-kezelő
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Nyilvános bővítmények'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Saját bővítmények'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Új bővítmények telepítése'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Név
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Leírás
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Engedélyezve
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Verzió
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Licenc
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: Telepítve
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: Frissítve
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Műveletek
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Frissítés
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Eltávolítás
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Telepítés
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Telepítve
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Saját bővítmény feltöltése'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Bővítmények keresése'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'A csomagnak zip-fájlnak kell lennie.'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Feltöltés
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: '_START_ - _END_. bejegyzés / _TOTAL_ megjelenítése'
+ noentries: 'Nincs megjelenítendő bejegyzés'
+ filtering: '- szűrés a _MAX_ rekordokból'
+ menu: '_MENU_ rekord megjelenítése'
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: Keresés
+ filter: Szűrő
+ processing: Feldolgozás...
+ last: Utolsó
+ next: Következő
+ first: Első
+ previous: Előző
+ norecords: 'Nem találhatók rekordok.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.hy_AM.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..336fc99960 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Նկարագիր
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Արտոնագիր
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Գործողություններ
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Հեռացնել
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: null
+ filter: null
+ processing: null
+ last: Վերջին
+ next: null
+ first: Առաջին
+ previous: null
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ka.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..d05cfb019f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ka.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: სახელი
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: აღწერა
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: ჩართულია
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: ვერსია
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: ლიცენზია
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: მოქმედება
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: მოხსნა
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: ატვირთვა
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: 'საჩვენებელი ჩანაწერები არ არის.'
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: ძიება
+ filter: ფილტრი
+ processing: დამუშავება...
+ last: ბოლო
+ next: შემდეგი
+ first: პირველი
+ previous: წინა
+ norecords: 'ჩანაწერები ნაპოვნი არ არის.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ko.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..87dee6ecc4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ko.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: '이름 '
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: 설명
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: 기능
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: 삭제
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: 검색
+ filter: null
+ processing: null
+ last: 마지막
+ next: 다음
+ first: 처음
+ previous: 이전
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ku.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..e8b1e8f9cf 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ku.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: null
+ filter: null
+ processing: null
+ last: null
+ next: null
+ first: null
+ previous: null
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.lv.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..e8b1e8f9cf 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.lv.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: null
+ filter: null
+ processing: null
+ last: null
+ next: null
+ first: null
+ previous: null
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.nb_NO.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..e8b1e8f9cf 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: null
+ filter: null
+ processing: null
+ last: null
+ next: null
+ first: null
+ previous: null
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.pl.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..1bc0f487f0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.pl.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Zarządzanie wtyczkami'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Stare zarządzanie wtyczkami'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Pluginy publiczne'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Pluginy prywatne'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Instaluj publiczne pluginy'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Nazwa
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Opis
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Aktywny
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Wersja
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Licencja
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Data instalacji'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Data aktualizacji'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Akcje
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Aktualizuj
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Usuń
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Instaluj
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Zainstalowany
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Wgraj plik prywatnego pluginu'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Szukaj pluginów'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Plik pluginu'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Wgraj
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Uruchom polecenie'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Otwórz terminal konsoli i uruchom polecenie'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Zainstaluj wymagane pliki'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Zakończono. Zamknij to okno i odśwież stronę. '
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Zamknij
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'Jak zaktualizować wtyczkę?'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'Jak zainstalować wtyczkę?'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'Jak usunąć wtyczkę?'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Zakończono. Odśwież tą stronę. Wtyczka powinna być widoczna na liście zainstalowanych wtyczek.'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Skopiuj do schowka: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C na komputerach Mac), Enter'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: pobrania
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: Ulubione
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: 'Widoczne _START_ do _END_ z _TOTAL_ rekordów'
+ noentries: 'Nie ma żadnych rekordów'
+ filtering: ' - filtrowanie z _MAX_ rekordów'
+ menu: 'Pokazuje _MENU_ rekordów'
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: Szukaj
+ filter: Filtruj
+ processing: Przetwarzanie...
+ last: Ostatni
+ next: Następny
+ first: Pierwszy
+ previous: Poprzedni
+ norecords: 'Nie znaleziono żadnych rekordów.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ps.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..e8b1e8f9cf 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.ps.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: null
+ filter: null
+ processing: null
+ last: null
+ next: null
+ first: null
+ previous: null
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.pt_BR.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..87061e6bcc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Nome
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Descrição
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Ativado
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Versão
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Licença
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Ações
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remover
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: 'Mostrando _START_ a _END_ de _TOTAL_ inscrições'
+ noentries: 'Não há registros para mostrar'
+ filtering: '- filtrando de _MAX_ registros'
+ menu: Mostrar_MENU_registros
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: Procurar
+ filter: Filtro
+ processing: Processando...
+ last: Ultimo
+ next: Próximo
+ first: Primeiro
+ previous: Anterior
+ norecords: 'Nenhum dado encontrado'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sh.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..1377121ef4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sh.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Naslov
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Opis
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Omogućeni
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Verzija
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Licenca
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Akcije
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Ukloni
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Aplouduj
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: 'Prikazano _START_ do _END_ od _TOTAL_ unosa'
+ noentries: 'Nema unosa za prikaz'
+ filtering: '- filtriranje među _MAX_ zapisa'
+ menu: 'Prikaži _MENU_ zapise'
- search: Search
+ search: Traži
filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ processing: Obrađujem...
+ last: Poslednji
+ next: Sledeći
+ first: Prvi
+ previous: Prethodni
+ norecords: 'Nema zapisa'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sq.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..e8b1e8f9cf 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sq.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: null
+ filter: null
+ processing: null
+ last: null
+ next: null
+ first: null
+ previous: null
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sr.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..1c7c0a4838 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sr.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Наслов
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Опис
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Омогућени
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Верзија
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: Лиценца
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Акције
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Уклони
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Аплоудуј
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: 'Приказано _START_ до _END_ од _TOTAL_ уноса'
+ noentries: 'Нема уноса за приказ'
+ filtering: '- филтрирање међу _MAX_ записа'
+ menu: 'Прикажи _MENU_ записе'
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: Тражи
+ filter: Филтер
+ processing: Обрађујем...
+ last: Последњи
+ next: Следећи
+ first: Први
+ previous: Претходни
+ norecords: 'Нема записа'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sv.yml
index 96e0fb3cb8..66f34e7c0c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/plugins_manager.sv.yml
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: 'Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: 'Legacy Plugins Manager'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: 'Public plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: 'Private plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: 'Install new plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Name
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Description
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: Enabled
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: Version
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: License
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: 'Installed At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: 'Updated At'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Actions
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: Update
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: Remove
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: Install
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: Installed
-newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: 'Upload private plugin'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: 'Search for plugins'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: 'Package must be a zip file.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: Upload
-newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: 'Run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: 'Open terminal and run command'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: 'Install assets'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.done: 'Done. Close this window and refresh page.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.close: Close
-newscoop.plugins_manager.update: 'How to update this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.install: 'How to install this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: 'How to remove this plugin?'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: 'Done. Refresh this page. Plugin should be now visible in your list of installed plugins.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C (Cmd + C for Mac), Enter'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: downloads
-newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: favers
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: '%privatePluginsPath% is not writable by your web server.'
-newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: 'On a Linux server you can fix this with the commands:'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.legacy_manager: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.public_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install.public: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.name: Namn
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.description: Beskrivning
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.enabled: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.version: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.license: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.installed_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.updated_at: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.actions: Handlingar
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.update_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.remove_plugin: 'Ta bort'
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.install_plugin: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed_table.plugin_installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.upload.private: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.search_for_plugins: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.package: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.form.submit: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.runcommand: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.openterminal: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installassets: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.done: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.close: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.update: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.install: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.remove: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.installed: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.clipboard: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.downloads: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.favers: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable: null
+newscoop.plugins_manager.private_plugins_not_writable_commands: null
- info: 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
- noentries: 'No entries to show'
- filtering: ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
- menu: 'Display _MENU_ records'
+ info: null
+ noentries: null
+ filtering: null
+ menu: null
- search: Search
- filter: Filter
- processing: Processing...
- last: Last
- next: Next
- first: First
- previous: Previous
- norecords: 'No records found.'
+ search: Sök
+ filter: null
+ processing: null
+ last: Sista
+ next: Nästa
+ first: Första
+ previous: Föregående
+ norecords: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.az.yml
index 66fca72be0..a25a14914e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.az.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: sətir
+template: nümunə
'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Tanınmayan $1 teqi'
+'Unknown reference $1': 'Naməlum $1 rəyi'
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': '$2 obyektinə aid $1 üçün səhv ünvan'
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': '$3 obyektinin $2 ünvanına aid $1 üçün səhv dəyər'
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': '$2 ifadəsinin $1 səhv parametri'
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': '$3 ifadəsində $2 parametrinin $1 səhv dəyəri'
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': '$2 ifadəsində $1 çatışmayan parametri'
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': '$3 ifadəsində $2 parametrinin $1 səhv operatoru'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': '$3parametri, $2 ifadəsində $1 səhv atributu'
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': '$2 formasinda səciyyələnmiş $1 səhv nümunəsi'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.be.yml
index 66fca72be0..58d5e5bdfe 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.be.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: радок
+template: шаблон
'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Неапазнаны тэг $1'
+'Unknown reference $1': 'Невядомы зварот $1'
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Несапраўдная ўласцівасць $1 абекта $2'
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Няслушнае значэнне $1 уласцівасці $2 абекта $3'
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Няслушнае значэнне $1 у сцвярджэнні $2'
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Няслушнае значэнне $1 параметру $2 у выразе $3'
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Прапушчаны параметр $1 у выразе $2'
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Няслушны аператар $1 параметру $2 у выразе $3'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Няслушны атрыбут $1 у выразе $2, параметр $3'
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Няслушны шаблон $1 паказаны ў форме $2'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.bn.yml
index 66fca72be0..218d362c85 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.bn.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
-'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+line: null
+template: null
+'Unknown error: $1': null
+'Unrecognized tag $1': null
+'Unknown reference $1': null
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': null
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.cs.yml
index 66fca72be0..2c125863c4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.cs.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: linka
+template: šablona
'Unknown error: $1': $1
'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ template: template
'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Neplatná vlastnost $1 ve výroku $2, $3 parametr'
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Neplatná šablona $1 upřesněná ve $2 form'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.da.yml
index 66fca72be0..c89dfdb8fc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.da.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: linje
+template: skabelon
'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Ukendt tag $1'
+'Unknown reference $1': 'Ukendt reference $1'
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Ugyldig egenskab $1 for $2'
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Ugyldig værdi $1 for egenskab $2 for $3'
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Ugyldig parameter $1 i $2'
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Ugyldig værdi $1 for parameter $2 i $3'
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Manglende parameter $1 i $2'
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Ugyldig operator $1 for parameter $2 i $3'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': '$1 er ugyldig i $2, $3 parameter'
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Ugyldig skabelon $1 valgt i $2'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.de.yml
index 66fca72be0..07c5ce263d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.de.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: Linie
+template: Template
'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unbekannter Tag $1'
+'Unknown reference $1': 'Unbekannte Referenz $1'
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Ungültige Eigenschaft $1 von Objekt$2'
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Ungültiger Wert $1 von Eigenschaft $2 von Objekt $3'
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Ungültige Parameter $1 im Statement $2'
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Ungültiger Wert $1 von Parameter $2 im Statement $3'
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Fehlender Parameter $1 im Statement $2'
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Ungültiger Operator $1 von Parameter $2 im Statement $3'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Ungültiges Attribut $1 im Statement $2, $3 Parameter'
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Ungültige Template $1 spezifiziert in $2 Form'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.de_AT.yml
index 66fca72be0..07c5ce263d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: Linie
+template: Template
'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unbekannter Tag $1'
+'Unknown reference $1': 'Unbekannte Referenz $1'
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Ungültige Eigenschaft $1 von Objekt$2'
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Ungültiger Wert $1 von Eigenschaft $2 von Objekt $3'
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Ungültige Parameter $1 im Statement $2'
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Ungültiger Wert $1 von Parameter $2 im Statement $3'
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Fehlender Parameter $1 im Statement $2'
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Ungültiger Operator $1 von Parameter $2 im Statement $3'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Ungültiges Attribut $1 im Statement $2, $3 Parameter'
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Ungültige Template $1 spezifiziert in $2 Form'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.es.yml
index 66fca72be0..9838b20d5c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.es.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: Línea.
+template: Plantilla.
'Unknown error: $1': $1
'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ template: template
'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Atributo inválido $1 en la declaración $2, $3 parámetro.'
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Plantilla inválida $1 especificada en la forma $2'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.es_AR.yml
index 66fca72be0..218d362c85 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
-'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+line: null
+template: null
+'Unknown error: $1': null
+'Unrecognized tag $1': null
+'Unknown reference $1': null
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': null
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.fa.yml
index 66fca72be0..218d362c85 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.fa.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
-'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+line: null
+template: null
+'Unknown error: $1': null
+'Unrecognized tag $1': null
+'Unknown reference $1': null
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': null
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.fr.yml
index 66fca72be0..f6f2f89486 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.fr.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: null
+template: null
'Unknown error: $1': $1
'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ template: template
'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.he.yml
index 66fca72be0..218d362c85 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.he.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
-'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+line: null
+template: null
+'Unknown error: $1': null
+'Unrecognized tag $1': null
+'Unknown reference $1': null
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': null
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.hr.yml
index 66fca72be0..f6f2f89486 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.hr.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: null
+template: null
'Unknown error: $1': $1
'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ template: template
'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.hu.yml
index 66fca72be0..aae26604cd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.hu.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: null
+template: sablon
'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Felismerhetetlen $1 címke'
+'Unknown reference $1': 'Ismeretlen $1 hivatkozás'
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Érvénytelen a/z $1 tulajdonsága a/z $2 objektumnak'
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Érvénytelen a/z $1 értéke a/z $2 tulajdonságnak a/z $3 objektumnak'
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Érvénytelen a/z $1 paramétere a/z $2 utasításnak'
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Érvénytelen a/z $1 értéke a/z $2 paraméternek a/z $3 utasításban'
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Hiányzik a/z $1 paraméter a/z $2 utasításban'
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Érvénytelen a/z $1 műveleti jele a/z $2 paraméternek a/z $3 utasításban'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Érvénytelen $1 attribútum a/z $2 utasításban, $3 paraméter'
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Érvénytelen $1 sablon van megadva a/z $2 űrlapban'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.hy_AM.yml
index 66fca72be0..218d362c85 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
-'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+line: null
+template: null
+'Unknown error: $1': null
+'Unrecognized tag $1': null
+'Unknown reference $1': null
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': null
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ka.yml
index 66fca72be0..460bb34cf3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ka.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: ხაზი
+template: შაბლონი
'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Unrecognized tag $1': 'ამოუცნობი ტეგი $1'
+'Unknown reference $1': 'უცნობი მითითება $1'
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': '$2 ობიექტის არასწორი თვისება $1'
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': '$3 ობიექტის $2 პარამეტრის არასწორი მნიშვნელობა $1'
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': '$2 წინადადების არასწორი პარამეტრი $1'
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': '$3 ბრძანების $2 პარამეტრის არასწორი მნიშვნელობა $1'
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': '$2 ბრძანების ნაკლული $1 პარამეტრი '
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': '$3 ბრძანების $2 პარამეტრის არასწორი ოპერატორი $1 '
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'ბრძანება $2, $3 პარამეტრის არასწორი ატრიბუტი $1'
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'არასწორი შაბლონი $1 ნახსენები $2 ფორმაში'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ko.yml
index 66fca72be0..f6f2f89486 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ko.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: null
+template: null
'Unknown error: $1': $1
'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ template: template
'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ku.yml
index 66fca72be0..218d362c85 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ku.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
-'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+line: null
+template: null
+'Unknown error: $1': null
+'Unrecognized tag $1': null
+'Unknown reference $1': null
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': null
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.lv.yml
index 66fca72be0..218d362c85 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.lv.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
-'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+line: null
+template: null
+'Unknown error: $1': null
+'Unrecognized tag $1': null
+'Unknown reference $1': null
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': null
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.nb_NO.yml
index 66fca72be0..218d362c85 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
-'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+line: null
+template: null
+'Unknown error: $1': null
+'Unrecognized tag $1': null
+'Unknown reference $1': null
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': null
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.pl.yml
index 66fca72be0..74d3918e58 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.pl.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: linia
+template: szablon
'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Nierozpoznany tag $1'
+'Unknown reference $1': 'Nierozpoznane odwołanie $1'
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Niewłaściwa zmienna $1 obiektu $2'
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Niewłaściwa wartość $1 zmiennej $2 obiektu $3'
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Niewłaściwy parametr $1 w $2'
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Niewłaściwa wartość $1 parametru $2 w $3'
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Brakujący parametr $1 w $2'
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Niewłaściwy operator $1 parametru $2 w $3'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Niewłaściwy atrybut $1 w $2 parametru$3'
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Niewłaściwy szablon $1 określony w $2 formularzu'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ps.yml
index 66fca72be0..218d362c85 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.ps.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
-'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+line: null
+template: null
+'Unknown error: $1': null
+'Unrecognized tag $1': null
+'Unknown reference $1': null
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': null
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.pt_BR.yml
index 66fca72be0..f6f2f89486 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: null
+template: null
'Unknown error: $1': $1
'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ template: template
'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sh.yml
index 66fca72be0..64281ff649 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sh.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: linija
+template: šablon
'Unknown error: $1': $1
'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ template: template
'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Pogrešan atribut $1 u komandi $2$3 parametar'
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Pogrešan šablon $1 naveden u formi $2'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sq.yml
index 66fca72be0..218d362c85 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sq.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-line: line
-template: template
-'Unknown error: $1': $1
-'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
-'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
-'Invalid property $1 of object $2': 'Invalid property $1 of object $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': 'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3'
-'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
-'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+line: null
+template: null
+'Unknown error: $1': null
+'Unrecognized tag $1': null
+'Unknown reference $1': null
+'Invalid property $1 of object $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of property $2 of object $3': null
+'Invalid parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': null
+'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': null
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sr.yml
index 66fca72be0..6fe9e3a914 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sr.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: линија
+template: шаблон
'Unknown error: $1': $1
'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ template: template
'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Погрешан атрибут $1у команди $2$3 параметар'
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Погрешан шаблон $1 наведен у форми $2'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sv.yml
index 66fca72be0..f6f2f89486 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/preview.sv.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-line: line
-template: template
+line: null
+template: null
'Unknown error: $1': $1
'Unrecognized tag $1': 'Unrecognized tag $1'
'Unknown reference $1': 'Unknown reference $1'
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ template: template
'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid value $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2': 'Missing parameter $1 in statement $2'
'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3': 'Invalid operator $1 of parameter $2 in statement $3'
-'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': 'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter'
-'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': 'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form'
+'Invalid attribute $1 in statement $2, $3 parameter': null
+'Invalid template $1 specified in the $2 form': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.az.yml
index 0736df0c84..8971662190 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.az.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'İdarəçinin Ünvanını aşağıda qeyd etdiyinə əmin ol'
+'click to see issues': 'məsələlərə baxmaq üçün kliklə'
+'Moderator Address': 'İdarəçinin Ünvanı'
+'From Address': 'Bu Ünvandan'
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Spamın qarşısını almaq üçün CAPTCHA istifadə edilsin?'
+'Public allowed to comment?': 'Şərh yazmağa hamının icazəsi var?'
+'Enable spam blocking?': 'Spam kilidləməsini aktivləşdirirsən?'
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': '$1 üçün abunəlik parametrləri əlavə edilə bilmədi.'
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Sənin xüsusi olaraq qeyd etdiyin nəşrlə $1 nəşri arasında uyğunsuzluq var.'
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Sənin xüsusi olaraq qeyd etdiyin nəşr ləqəbi $1 nəşri arasında uyğunsuzluq var.'
+'Subscription defaults': 'Abunəliyin ilkin göstəriciləri'
+'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Ölkə tərəfindən Abunəlik Parametrləri'
+'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Ölkə üçün abunəlik parametrlərini quraşdır'
+'Set subscription settings by country': 'Ölkəyə görə abunəlik parametrlərini quraşdır'
+'Default time periods:': 'Mövcud zaman kəsiyi:'
+'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Ölkə abunəlik parametrləri yeniləndi.'
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Ölkə abunəlik parametrləri silindi.'
+'Change country subscription settings': 'Ölkə abunəlik parametrlərini dəyiş'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': '$1 üçün abunəlik parametrlərini silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Publication updated': 'Nəşr yeniləndi'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Abunə şərhləri yoxlanıb?'
+'Public comments moderated?': 'İctimai şərhləri yoxlanıb?'
+'Comments enabled?': 'Şərhə icazə var?'
+'Comments enabled': 'Şərhlər aktivləşdirildi'
+'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Məqalə şərhləri aktivləşdirilsin?'
+'trial subscription': 'sınaq abunəlik'
+'paid subscription': 'ödənişli abunəlik'
+'time units': 'zaman vahidləri'
+'one language': 'bir dil'
+'all languages': 'bütün dillər'
+'Trial subscriptions': 'Sınaq abunəlikləri'
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Hər bölmə üçün zaman vahidi dəyəri'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Ödənişli abunəliklər'
+'Default time period': 'Mövcud zaman kəsiyi'
+'Go To Issues': 'Məsələlərə Keç'
+'Delete publication $1': '$1 nəşrini sil'
+'No publications.': 'Nəşr yoxdur.'
+'Default Site Alias': 'Mövcud Sayt Ləqəbləri'
+'URL Type': 'URL Növü'
(click to edit)': 'Ölkə
(dəyişmək üçün kliklə)'
+'Delete alias $1': '$1 ləqəbini sil'
+'Configure publication': 'Nəşri konfiqurasiya et'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Nəşr məlumatını dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'General attributes': 'Ümumi atributlar'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Nəşr məlumatını dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'Nəşr məlumatı yenilənə bilmədi.'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Nəşrləri silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': '$1 nəşrini silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Nəşrin silinməsi'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': '$1 abunəlik(lər) hələ ki qalıb.'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 nəşri silinə bilmədi.'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'Nəşr əlavə edilə bilmədi.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Nəşrlərə dəyişiklik etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You must select a country.': 'Ölkə seçməlisən.'
+'Add new alias': 'Yeni ləqəb əlavə et'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Ləqəb (dəyişmək üçün kliklə)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Ləqəbləri dəyiş'
+'Publication Aliases': 'Nəşr Ləqəbləri'
+'Adding new alias': 'Yeni ləqəb əlavəsi'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': '$1 sayt ləqəbi əlavə edilə bilmədi.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Eyni adlı başqa ləqəb artıq mövcuddur.'
+'Edit alias': 'Ləqəbi dəyiş'
+'Editing alias': 'Ləqəbin dəyişilməsi'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': '$1 sayt ləqəbi dəyişdirilə bilmədi.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': '$1 ləqəbini silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Ləqəbin silinməsi'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 ləqəbi silinə bilmədi.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 ilkin nəşr ləqəbidir, bu silinə bilməz.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Nəşr əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Geriyə $1 məsələ(lər) qalıb.'
+'Time Unit': 'Zaman Vahidi'
+Currency: Valyuta
+'Edit languages': 'Dilləri dəyiş'
+'Search engine optimization': 'Axtarış sistemlərinin optimizasiyası'
+'Article title': 'Məqalə başlığı'
+'Article keywords': 'Məqalənin açar sözləri'
+'Article topics': 'Məqalə başlıqları'
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.be.yml
index 0736df0c84..372bc04733 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.be.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Пераканайцеся, што ўведзены Адрас мадэратара'
+'click to see issues': 'клікніце для прагляду выпуску'
+'Moderator Address': 'Адрас мадэратара'
+'From Address': Ад
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Ці выкарыстаць CAPTCHA для прадухіленьня спаму?'
+'Public allowed to comment?': 'Агульнадаступна для камэнтараваньня?'
+'Enable spam blocking?': 'Уключыць блякаваньне спаму?'
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'Наладкі падпiскі дзя $1 ня могуць быць даданыя.'
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Адзначаная назва выданьня канфлiктуе з выданьнем $1.'
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Азначаны сынонім выданьня канфлiктуе з выданьнем $1.'
+'Subscription defaults': 'Змаўчаньні для падпiскі'
+'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Устаноўкі падпiскі па краiне'
+'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Устанавіць наладкі падпiскі для краiны'
+'Set subscription settings by country': 'Устанавіць наладкі падпiскі па краiнах'
+'Default time periods:': 'Пэрыяды часу па змаўчаньні:'
+'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Наладкі падпiскі для краiны абноўленыя.'
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Наладкі падпiскі для краiны выдаленыя.'
+'Change country subscription settings': 'Зьмянiць наладкі падпiскі для краiны'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што хочаце выдалiць наладкм падпiскі для $1?'
+'Publication updated': 'Выданьне абноўленае'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Мадэраваць камэнтары карыстальнiка?'
+'Public comments moderated?': 'Мадэраваць камэнтары старонніх?'
+'Comments enabled?': 'Камэнтары дазволены?'
+'Comments enabled': 'Камэнтары дазволены'
+'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Дазволiць па змаўчаньні камэнтары да артыкулаў?'
+'trial subscription': 'пробная падпiска'
+'paid subscription': 'платная падпiска'
+'time units': 'адзінка часу'
+'one language': 'адна мова'
+'all languages': 'усе мовы'
+'Trial subscriptions': 'Пробныя падпiскі'
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Кошт адзінкi часу за адзiн артыкул'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Платныя падпiскі'
+'Default time period': 'Пэрыяд часу па змаўчаньні'
+'Go To Issues': 'Перайсьцi да выпускаў'
+'Delete publication $1': 'Выдалiць выданьне $1'
+'No publications.': 'Няма выданьняў.'
+'Default Site Alias': 'Сынонім сайту па змаўчаньні'
+'URL Type': 'Тып URL'
(click to edit)': 'Краiна
(нацiсьнiце для праўкi) '
+'Delete alias $1': 'Выдалiць запiс $1'
+'Configure publication': 'Канфiгураваньне выданьня'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для рэдагаваньня iнфармацыi выданьня.'
+'General attributes': 'Агульныя атрыбуты'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для зьмяненьня iнфармацыi ў выданьнi.'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'Не ўдалося абнавiць iнфармацыю выданьня.'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для выдаленьня выданьня.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што хочаце выдалiць выданьне $1?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Выдаленьне выданьня'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'Засталося падпiсанняў: $1.'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'Не ўдалося выдалiць выданьне $1.'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'Не ўдалося дадаць выданьне.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Вы ня маеце правоў доступу для кiраваньня выданьнямі'
+'You must select a country.': 'Вы павiнны выбраць краiну.'
+'Add new alias': 'Дадаць новы псэўданiм'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Псэўданiмы (нацiсьнiце для праўкi)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Праўка псэўданiмаў'
+'Publication Aliases': 'Псэўданiмы выданьняў'
+'Adding new alias': 'Дадаваньне новых псэўданiмаў'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'Псэўданiм сайту $1 ня можа быць даданы.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Псэўданiм з такiм iмем ужо iснуе.'
+'Edit alias': 'Правiць псэўданiм'
+'Editing alias': 'Рэдагаваньне псэўданiма'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'Псэўданiм сайту $1 ня можа быць зменены.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што хочаце выдалiць псэўданiм $1?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Выдаленьне псэўданiму'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'Псэўданiм $1 ня можа быць зьменены.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 - гэта псэўданiм выданьня па змаўчаньні, ён ня можа быць выдалены.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Вы ня маеце права дадаваць новае выданне.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Засталося выпускаў: $1'
+'Time Unit': 'Адзiнка часу'
+Currency: Валюта
+'Edit languages': 'Рэдагаваць мовы'
+'Search engine optimization': 'Аптымізацыя для пошукавых сістэм'
+'Article title': 'Назва артыкула'
+'Article keywords': 'Ключавыя словы артыкула'
+'Article topics': 'Тэма артыкула'
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.bn.yml
index 0736df0c84..cbadc02bd9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.bn.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': null
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': null
+'paid subscription': null
+'time units': null
+'one language': null
+'all languages': null
+'Trial subscriptions': null
+'Time unit cost per one section': null
+'Paid subscriptions': null
+'Default time period': null
+'Go To Issues': null
+'Delete publication $1': null
+'No publications.': null
+'Default Site Alias': null
+'URL Type': null
(click to edit)': null
+'Delete alias $1': null
+'Configure publication': null
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': null
+'General attributes': null
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': null
+'The publication information could not be updated.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': null
+'Deleting publication': null
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': null
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'The publication could not be added.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': null
+'You must select a country.': null
+'Add new alias': null
+'Alias (click to edit)': null
+'Edit aliases': null
+'Publication Aliases': null
+'Adding new alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': null
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': null
+'Edit alias': null
+'Editing alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': null
+'Deleting alias': null
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': null
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Time Unit': null
+Currency: null
+'Edit languages': null
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.cs.yml
index 0736df0c84..5983876e4a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.cs.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Ujistěte se, že jste zadali níže uvedenou Adresu Moderátora'
+'click to see issues': 'klikněte pro zobrazení vydání'
+'Moderator Address': 'Adresa Moderátora'
+'From Address': 'Z Adresy'
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Použít CAPTCHA pro prevenci spamu?'
+'Public allowed to comment?': 'Povolit veřejnosti komentáře?'
+'Enable spam blocking?': 'Zapnout blokování spamu?'
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'Nastavení předplatného pro $1 nebylo přidáno.'
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Zadaný název publikace je v rozporu s publikací $1.'
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Zadaný alias publikace je v rozporu s publikací $1.'
+'Subscription defaults': 'Defaultní předplatné'
+'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Nastavení předplatného podle Země.'
+'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Nastavit nastavení předplatného pro zemi.'
+'Set subscription settings by country': 'Nastavit nastavení předplatného podle země.'
+'Default time periods:': 'Defaultní časové intervaly:'
+'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Nastavení předplatného pro zemi aktualizováno.'
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Nastavení předplatného pro zemi odstraněno.'
+'Change country subscription settings': 'Změnit nastavení předplatného pro zemi.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Jste si jistí, že chcete odstranit nastavení předplatného pro $1?'
+'Publication updated': 'Publikace aktualizována'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Moderovat předplatitelské komentáře?'
+'Public comments moderated?': 'Moderovat veřejné komentáře?'
+'Comments enabled?': 'Povolit komentáře?'
+'Comments enabled': 'Povolit komentáře|'
+'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Defaultně povolit komentáře článku?'
+'trial subscription': 'zkušební předplatné'
+'paid subscription': 'placené předplatné'
+'time units': 'časové jednotky'
+'one language': 'jeden jazyk'
+'all languages': 'všechny jazyky'
+'Trial subscriptions': 'Zkušební předplatné'
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Cena časové jednotky za jednu rubriku'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Placené předplatné'
+'Default time period': 'Základní časové období'
+'Go To Issues': 'Jít na Vydání'
+'Delete publication $1': 'Smazat publikaci $1'
+'No publications.': 'Žádné publikace'
+'Default Site Alias': 'Defaultní Alias Stránky'
+'URL Type': 'URL Typ'
(click to edit)': 'Země (klikněte pro editaci)'
+'Delete alias $1': 'Odstranit alias $1'
+'Configure publication': 'Konfigurovat publikaci'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Nemáte právo měnit informace o publikaci'
+'General attributes': 'Obecné vlastnosti'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Nemáte práva změnit informace o publikaci'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'Publikace nemohla být obnovena'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Nemáte právo mazat publikace'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Určitě chcete smazat publikaci $1?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Mazání publikace'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'Zbývá předplatné $1.'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'Publikace $1 nemohla být smazána.'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'Publikace nemohla být přidána.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Nemáte právo spravovat publikace.'
+'You must select a country.': 'Vyberte zemi.'
+'Add new alias': 'Přidat nový alias'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (klikněte pro editaci)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Editovat aliasy'
+'Publication Aliases': 'Aliasy Publikace'
+'Adding new alias': 'Přidává se nový alias'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'Nezdařilo se přidat alias stránky $1.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Alias se stejným názvem již existuje.'
+'Edit alias': 'Upravit alias'
+'Editing alias': 'Upravuje se alias'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'Nezdařilo se upravit alias stránky $1.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Jste si jistí, že chcete odstranit alias $1?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Odstraňuje se alias'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'Nezdařilo se odstranit alias $1.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 je defaultní alias publikace. Nelze jej odstranit.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Nemáte oprávnění přidávat publikace.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Zbývá $1 vydání.'
+'Time Unit': 'Časová jednotka'
+Currency: Měna
+'Edit languages': 'Upravit jazyky'
+'Search engine optimization': 'Vyhledat optimalizace enginu'
+'Article title': 'Titulek článku'
+'Article keywords': 'Klíčová slova článku'
+'Article topics': 'Témata článku'
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.da.yml
index 0736df0c84..bfd3402330 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.da.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Indtast moderators adresse'
+'click to see issues': 'klik for at se udgivelser'
+'Moderator Address': 'Moderator adresse'
+'From Address': 'Fra adresse'
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Brug CAPTCHA for at undgå spam?'
+'Public allowed to comment?': 'Tillad anonyme kommentarer?'
+'Enable spam blocking?': 'Brug spam blokering?'
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'Abonnements indstillingerne for $1 kunne ikke tilføjes.'
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Publikationsnavnet bruges allerede af publikationen $1.'
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Det angivne publikations alias er i brug af publikationen $1.'
+'Subscription defaults': 'Abonnements standarder'
+'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Abonnements indstillinger efter land'
+'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Rediger abonnements indstillinger for et land'
+'Set subscription settings by country': 'Rediger abonnements indstillinger efter land'
+'Default time periods:': 'Standard perioder:'
+'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Abonnementsindstillinger for landet blev opdateret.'
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Abonnementsindstillinger for landet blev slettet.'
+'Change country subscription settings': 'Rediger abonnementsindstillinger for landet.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Vil du slette abonnementsindstillingerne for $1?'
+'Publication updated': 'Publikation opdateret'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Kræv godkendelse af abonnenters kommentarer?'
+'Public comments moderated?': 'Kræv godkendelse af anonyme kommentarer?'
+'Comments enabled?': 'Slå kommentarer til?'
+'Comments enabled': 'Kommentarer slået til'
+'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Slå artikelkommentarer til som standard?'
+'trial subscription': 'prøve abonnement'
+'paid subscription': 'betalt abonnement'
+'time units': tidsenheder
+'one language': 'et sprog'
+'all languages': 'alle sprog'
+'Trial subscriptions': 'Prøve abonnementer'
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Pris per sektion per tidsenhed'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Betalte abonnementer'
+'Default time period': 'Standard periode'
+'Go To Issues': 'Gå til udgivelser'
+'Delete publication $1': 'Slet publikationen $1'
+'No publications.': 'Ingen publikationer.'
+'Default Site Alias': 'Standard alias'
+'URL Type': 'URL type'
(click to edit)': 'Land
(klik for at redigere)'
+'Delete alias $1': 'Slet alias $1'
+'Configure publication': 'Opsæt publikation'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at redigere publikationer.'
+'General attributes': 'Grundlæggende indstillinger'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at redigere publikationer.'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'Publikationen kunne ikke opdateres.'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette publikationer.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Vil du slette publikationen $1?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Sletter publikation'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'Der er $1 abonnement(er) tilbage.'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'Publikationen $1 kunne ikke slettes.'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'Publikationen kunne ikke tilføjes.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at administrere publikationer.'
+'You must select a country.': 'Vælg et land.'
+'Add new alias': 'Tilføj nyt alias'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (klik for at redigere)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Rediger alias'
+'Publication Aliases': 'Publikations alias'
+'Adding new alias': 'Tilføjer alias'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'Hjemmeside aliaset $1 kunne ikke tilføjes.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Der eksisterer allerede et alias med samme navn.'
+'Edit alias': 'Rediger alias'
+'Editing alias': 'Redigerer alias'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'Hjemmeside aliaset $1 kunne ikke ændres.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Vil du slette aliaset $1?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Sletter alias'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'Aliaset $1 kunne ikke slettes.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 er publikationens standard alias. Det kan ikke slettes.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje publikationer.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Der er $1 udgivelse(r) tilbage.'
+'Time Unit': Tidsenhed
+Currency: Valuta
+'Edit languages': 'Rediger sprog'
+'Search engine optimization': 'Søgemaskine optimering'
+'Article title': 'Artikel titel'
+'Article keywords': 'Artikel nøgleord'
+'Article topics': 'Artikel emner'
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: 'Publikations liste'
+ edit: 'Rediger publikation'
+ add: 'Tilføj ny publikation'
+ remove: 'Fjern publikation'
+ no_publications: 'Ingen publikationer.'
+ general_settings: 'Generelle indstillinger'
+ comments_settings: 'Indstillinger for kommentarer'
+ seo_settings: 'Indstillinger for SEO'
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: 'Publikationen blev fjernet'
+ publication_saved: 'Ændringerne til publikationen blev gemt.'
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: 'Publikationen er ikke tom, så den kan ikke fjernes.'
+ can_be_removed: 'Publikationen er tom og kan fjernes.'
+ left_issues: 'Resterende udgivelser'
+ left_sections: 'Resterende sektioner'
+ left_articles: 'Resterende artikler'
+ show_issues: 'vis udgivelser'
+ before_removing: 'Publikationen skal være tom før du kan fjerne den.'
+ you_sure: 'Vil du fjerne publikationen'
+ remove: 'Fjern publikation'
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: 'Tilføj ny publikation'
+ listPublications: 'Vis publikations liste'
+ listIssues: 'Vis publikationens udgivelser'
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: Nummer
+ name: Navn
+ default_alias: 'Standard Alias'
+ default_language: 'Standard sprog'
+ comments_status: 'Kommentar status'
+ url_type: 'URL type'
+ configure: Indstillinger
+ remove: Fjern
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: 'Navn på publikation'
+ template_path: 'Skabelon sti'
+ short_names: 'Kort navn'
+ alias: 'Standard alias'
+ url_type: 'URL type'
+ seo: 'Artikel url stier'
+ seo_article_title: 'Artikel titel'
+ seo_article_keywords: 'Artikel nøgleord'
+ seo_article_topics: 'Artikel emner'
+ edit_aliases: 'Rediger alias'
+ edit_languages: 'Rediger sprog'
+ moderator_to: 'Moderator adresse'
+ moderator_from: 'Afsender adresse for moderator emails'
+ comments_enabled: 'Tillad kommentarer?'
+ public_comments_enabled: 'Tillad offentlige (anonyme) kommentarer?'
+ comments_article_default_enabled: 'Tillad kommentarer på artikler som standard?'
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Skal registrerede brugeres kommentarer godkendes?'
+ comments_public_moderated: 'Skal offentlige (anonyme) kommentarer godkendes?'
+ comments_captcha_enabled: 'Brug captcha?'
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: 'Publikationens titel'
+ meta_keywords: 'Publikationens nøgleord'
+ meta_description: 'Publikationens beskrivelse'
+ tip1: 'Indhold i Newscoop er organiseret i en hierarkisk struktur, baseret på avisers og magasiners traditionelle opbygning: Publikationer, Udgivelser, Sektioner og Artikler. Hver publikation består af udgivelser, hver udgivelse er delt op i sektioner, og hver sektion indeholder artikler.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.de.yml
index 0736df0c84..3f2f64b17e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.de.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Überprüfen Sie, dass die Moderatoren-Adresse unten eingegeben ist.'
+'click to see issues': 'Klicken um Ausgaben anzuzeigen'
+'Moderator Address': Moderatoren-Adresse
+'From Address': Absender
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'CAPTCHA nutzen um Spam zu verhindern?'
+'Public allowed to comment?': 'Öffentliche Kommentare erlaubt?'
+'Enable spam blocking?': 'Spam-Blocker aktivieren?'
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'Die Nutzungseinstellungen für $1 konnten nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Der angegebene Publikationsname steht im Widerspruch zur Publikation $1.'
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Der angegebene Publikations-Alias steht im Widerspruch zur Publikation $1.'
+'Subscription defaults': Standardabonnements
+'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen nach Ländern'
+'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen für ein Land festlegen'
+'Set subscription settings by country': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen nach Ländern festlegen'
+'Default time periods:': 'Standard-Zeitraum:'
+'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen Land aktualisiert.'
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen Land gelöscht.'
+'Change country subscription settings': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen Land ändern'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen für $1 wirklich löschen?'
+'Publication updated': 'Publikation aktualisiert'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Benutzerkommentare moderieren?'
+'Public comments moderated?': 'Öffentliche Kommentare moderieren?'
+'Comments enabled?': 'Kommentare aktiviert?'
+'Comments enabled': 'Kommentare aktiviert'
+'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Artikelkommentare standardmäßig aktivieren?'
+'trial subscription': Probe-Abonnement
+'paid subscription': 'Bezahltes Abonnement'
+'time units': Zeiteinheiten
+'one language': 'Eine Sprache'
+'all languages': 'Alle Sprachen'
+'Trial subscriptions': Probe-Abonnements
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Kosten der Zeiteinheit für eine Rubrik'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Bezahlte Abonnements'
+'Default time period': 'Voreinstellung des Zeitraumes'
+'Go To Issues': 'Gehe zu Ausgaben'
+'Delete publication $1': 'Publikation $1 löschen'
+'No publications.': 'Keine Publikationen'
+'Default Site Alias': Standard-Seitenalias
+'URL Type': 'URL Typ'
(click to edit)': 'Land
(zum Bearbeiten anklicken)'
+'Delete alias $1': 'Eintrag $1 löschen'
+'Configure publication': 'Publikation konfigurieren'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Keine Berechtigung Publikationsinformation zu bearbeiten.'
+'General attributes': 'Allgemeine Eigenschaften'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Keine Berechtigung Publikationsinformation zu ändern.'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'Die Publikationsinformation konnte nicht aktualisiert werden.'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Keine Berechtigung Publikationen zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Sicher, dass Publikation $1 gelöscht werden soll?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Publikation wird gelöscht'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': '$1 Abonnement(s) noch vorhanden'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'Publikation $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'Publikation konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Keine Berechtigung, Publikationen zu verwalten.'
+'You must select a country.': 'Es muss ein Land gewählt werden'
+'Add new alias': 'Neuen Alias hinzufügen'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (anklicken zum Bearbeiten)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Aliase bearbeiten'
+'Publication Aliases': 'Aliase der Publikationen'
+'Adding new alias': 'Neuen Alias hinzufügen'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'Alias $1 für die Seite konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Ein anderer Alias mit dem gleichen Namen existiert bereits.'
+'Edit alias': 'Alias bearbeiten'
+'Editing alias': 'Alias wird bearbeitet'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'Der Alias $1 der Seite konnte nicht modifiziert werden.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Soll Alias $1 wirklich gelöscht werden?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Alias löschen'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'Alias $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 ist der voreingestellte Alias der Publikation und kann nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Keine Zugriffsrechte, um eine neue Publikation zu erstellen.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Es sind $1 Ausgaben übrig.'
+'Time Unit': Zeiteinheit
+Currency: Währung
+'Edit languages': 'Sprachen bearbeiten'
+'Search engine optimization': Suchmaschinenoptimierung
+'Article title': Artikeltitel
+'Article keywords': Artikelschlagwörter
+'Article topics': Artikelthemen
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.de_AT.yml
index 0736df0c84..3f2f64b17e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Überprüfen Sie, dass die Moderatoren-Adresse unten eingegeben ist.'
+'click to see issues': 'Klicken um Ausgaben anzuzeigen'
+'Moderator Address': Moderatoren-Adresse
+'From Address': Absender
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'CAPTCHA nutzen um Spam zu verhindern?'
+'Public allowed to comment?': 'Öffentliche Kommentare erlaubt?'
+'Enable spam blocking?': 'Spam-Blocker aktivieren?'
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'Die Nutzungseinstellungen für $1 konnten nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Der angegebene Publikationsname steht im Widerspruch zur Publikation $1.'
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Der angegebene Publikations-Alias steht im Widerspruch zur Publikation $1.'
+'Subscription defaults': Standardabonnements
+'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen nach Ländern'
+'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen für ein Land festlegen'
+'Set subscription settings by country': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen nach Ländern festlegen'
+'Default time periods:': 'Standard-Zeitraum:'
+'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen Land aktualisiert.'
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen Land gelöscht.'
+'Change country subscription settings': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen Land ändern'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Abonnement-Einstellungen für $1 wirklich löschen?'
+'Publication updated': 'Publikation aktualisiert'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Benutzerkommentare moderieren?'
+'Public comments moderated?': 'Öffentliche Kommentare moderieren?'
+'Comments enabled?': 'Kommentare aktiviert?'
+'Comments enabled': 'Kommentare aktiviert'
+'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Artikelkommentare standardmäßig aktivieren?'
+'trial subscription': Probe-Abonnement
+'paid subscription': 'Bezahltes Abonnement'
+'time units': Zeiteinheiten
+'one language': 'Eine Sprache'
+'all languages': 'Alle Sprachen'
+'Trial subscriptions': Probe-Abonnements
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Kosten der Zeiteinheit für eine Rubrik'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Bezahlte Abonnements'
+'Default time period': 'Voreinstellung des Zeitraumes'
+'Go To Issues': 'Gehe zu Ausgaben'
+'Delete publication $1': 'Publikation $1 löschen'
+'No publications.': 'Keine Publikationen'
+'Default Site Alias': Standard-Seitenalias
+'URL Type': 'URL Typ'
(click to edit)': 'Land
(zum Bearbeiten anklicken)'
+'Delete alias $1': 'Eintrag $1 löschen'
+'Configure publication': 'Publikation konfigurieren'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Keine Berechtigung Publikationsinformation zu bearbeiten.'
+'General attributes': 'Allgemeine Eigenschaften'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Keine Berechtigung Publikationsinformation zu ändern.'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'Die Publikationsinformation konnte nicht aktualisiert werden.'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Keine Berechtigung Publikationen zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Sicher, dass Publikation $1 gelöscht werden soll?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Publikation wird gelöscht'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': '$1 Abonnement(s) noch vorhanden'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'Publikation $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'Publikation konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Keine Berechtigung, Publikationen zu verwalten.'
+'You must select a country.': 'Es muss ein Land gewählt werden'
+'Add new alias': 'Neuen Alias hinzufügen'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (anklicken zum Bearbeiten)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Aliase bearbeiten'
+'Publication Aliases': 'Aliase der Publikationen'
+'Adding new alias': 'Neuen Alias hinzufügen'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'Alias $1 für die Seite konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Ein anderer Alias mit dem gleichen Namen existiert bereits.'
+'Edit alias': 'Alias bearbeiten'
+'Editing alias': 'Alias wird bearbeitet'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'Der Alias $1 der Seite konnte nicht modifiziert werden.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Soll Alias $1 wirklich gelöscht werden?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Alias löschen'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'Alias $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 ist der voreingestellte Alias der Publikation und kann nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Keine Zugriffsrechte, um eine neue Publikation zu erstellen.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Es sind $1 Ausgaben übrig.'
+'Time Unit': Zeiteinheit
+Currency: Währung
+'Edit languages': 'Sprachen bearbeiten'
+'Search engine optimization': Suchmaschinenoptimierung
+'Article title': Artikeltitel
+'Article keywords': Artikelschlagwörter
+'Article topics': Artikelthemen
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.en_GB.yml
index 0736df0c84..940f8143e3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.en_GB.yml
@@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ publications:
cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
+ left_issues: 'Issues remaining'
+ left_sections: 'Sections remaining'
+ left_articles: 'Articles remaining'
show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
+ before_removing: 'Before removing a publication you need to remove or move all remaining elements.'
+ you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove the publication?'
remove: 'Remove publication'
addNew: 'Add new publication'
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ publications:
default_alias: 'Default Alias'
default_language: 'Default Language'
comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
+ url_type: 'URL type'
configure: Configure
remove: Remove
@@ -118,22 +118,22 @@ publications:
template_path: 'Template path'
short_names: 'Short name'
alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
+ url_type: 'URL type'
+ seo: 'Article URL parts'
seo_article_title: 'Article title'
seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
+ moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from address'
+ comments_enabled: 'Are comments enabled?'
+ public_comments_enabled: 'Are public (anonymous) comments enabled?'
+ comments_article_default_enabled: 'Are comments for the article enabled by default?'
comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
+ comments_public_moderated: 'Are public (anonymous) comments moderated?'
+ comments_captcha_enabled: 'Is CAPTCHA enabled?'
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Is comment spam (internal system) blocking enabled?'
meta_title: 'Publication title'
meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
meta_description: 'Publication description'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.es.yml
index 0736df0c84..d6aeaea08f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.es.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Asegúrese de ingresar a continuación la dirección del moderador '
+'click to see issues': 'Clic para ver ediciones'
+'Moderator Address': 'Dirección de moderador'
+'From Address': 'De la dirección'
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': '¿Desea usar CAPTCHA para prevenir el correo basura?'
+'Public allowed to comment?': '¿Desea permitir comentarios públicos?'
+'Enable spam blocking?': '¿Desea bloquear el correo basura?'
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'No se pudieron agregar las preferencias de suscripción de $1'
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'El nombre de la publicación que especificó tiene conflicto con la publicación $1.'
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'El alias de la publicación que especificó tiene conflicto con la publicación $1.'
+'Subscription defaults': 'Defaults de suscripción'
+'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Preferencias de suscripción por país'
+'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Establezca preferencias para un país'
+'Set subscription settings by country': 'Establezca preferencias de suscripción por pais'
+'Default time periods:': 'Periódos de tiempo por default:'
+'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Se actualizaron las preferencias de suscripción de país'
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Se eliminaron las preferencias de suscripción de país'
+'Change country subscription settings': 'Se modificaron las preferencias de suscripción de país'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': '¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar las preferencias de suscripción para $1?'
+'Publication updated': 'Publicación actualizada'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': '¿Desea moderar los comentarios del suscriptor?'
+'Public comments moderated?': '¿Desea moderar los comentarios públicos?'
+'Comments enabled?': '¿Permitir comentarios?'
+'Comments enabled': 'Comentarios permitidos'
+'Article comments default to enabled?': '¿Desea permitir por default los comentarios a los artículos?'
+'trial subscription': 'Suscripción de prueba'
+'paid subscription': 'Suscripción pagada'
+'time units': 'Unidades de tiempo'
+'one language': 'Un idioma'
+'all languages': 'todos los idiomas'
+'Trial subscriptions': 'Suscripciones de prueba'
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Costo de unidad de tiempo por una sección'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Suscripciones pagadas'
+'Default time period': 'Período de tiempo '
+'Go To Issues': 'Ir a ediciones'
+'Delete publication $1': 'Borrar publicación $1'
+'No publications.': 'Sin publicaciones'
+'Default Site Alias': 'Alias del sitio por default'
+'URL Type': 'Tipo de URL'
(click to edit)': País
+'Delete alias $1': 'Borrar entrada $1'
+'Configure publication': 'Configurar publicación'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'No tiene derecho para editar la información publicación'
+'General attributes': 'Atributos generales'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'No tiene derecho de cambiar la información de publicación'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'La información de publicación no pudo ser actualizada'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'No tiene derecho a borrar publicaciones'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': '¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar la publicación $1?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Borrando publicación'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'Hay $1 suscripción(es) pendiente(s)'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'La publicación $1 no pudo ser borrada'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'La publicación no pudo ser agregada'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'No tiene derecho a manejar las publicaciones'
+'You must select a country.': 'Debe seleccionar un país'
+'Add new alias': 'Agregar nuevo alias'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click para editar)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Editar aliases'
+'Publication Aliases': 'Aliases de publicación'
+'Adding new alias': 'Agregando nuevos alias'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'No se pudo agregar el alias $1 del sitio '
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Ya existe otro alias con el mismo nombre'
+'Edit alias': 'Editar alias'
+'Editing alias': 'Editando alias'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'El alias del sitio $1 no pudo ser modificado'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': '¿Está seguro de querer eliminar el alias $1?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Eliminando alias'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'No pudo elliminarse el alias $1'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 es el alias de publicación por default, no se puede eliminar.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'No tiene el permiso para agregar publicaciones'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Queda(n) $1 ejemplar(es).'
+'Time Unit': 'Unidad de tiempo'
+Currency: Moneda
+'Edit languages': 'Editar idiomas'
+'Search engine optimization': 'Optimización del motor de búsqueda'
+'Article title': 'Título del artículo'
+'Article keywords': 'Palabras clave del artículo'
+'Article topics': 'Tópicos del artículo'
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.es_AR.yml
index 0736df0c84..cbadc02bd9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': null
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': null
+'paid subscription': null
+'time units': null
+'one language': null
+'all languages': null
+'Trial subscriptions': null
+'Time unit cost per one section': null
+'Paid subscriptions': null
+'Default time period': null
+'Go To Issues': null
+'Delete publication $1': null
+'No publications.': null
+'Default Site Alias': null
+'URL Type': null
(click to edit)': null
+'Delete alias $1': null
+'Configure publication': null
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': null
+'General attributes': null
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': null
+'The publication information could not be updated.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': null
+'Deleting publication': null
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': null
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'The publication could not be added.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': null
+'You must select a country.': null
+'Add new alias': null
+'Alias (click to edit)': null
+'Edit aliases': null
+'Publication Aliases': null
+'Adding new alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': null
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': null
+'Edit alias': null
+'Editing alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': null
+'Deleting alias': null
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': null
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Time Unit': null
+Currency: null
+'Edit languages': null
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.fa.yml
index 0736df0c84..cbadc02bd9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.fa.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': null
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': null
+'paid subscription': null
+'time units': null
+'one language': null
+'all languages': null
+'Trial subscriptions': null
+'Time unit cost per one section': null
+'Paid subscriptions': null
+'Default time period': null
+'Go To Issues': null
+'Delete publication $1': null
+'No publications.': null
+'Default Site Alias': null
+'URL Type': null
(click to edit)': null
+'Delete alias $1': null
+'Configure publication': null
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': null
+'General attributes': null
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': null
+'The publication information could not be updated.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': null
+'Deleting publication': null
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': null
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'The publication could not be added.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': null
+'You must select a country.': null
+'Add new alias': null
+'Alias (click to edit)': null
+'Edit aliases': null
+'Publication Aliases': null
+'Adding new alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': null
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': null
+'Edit alias': null
+'Editing alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': null
+'Deleting alias': null
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': null
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Time Unit': null
+Currency: null
+'Edit languages': null
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.fr.yml
index 0736df0c84..7334459771 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.fr.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': null
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': 'Abonnement dessai'
+'paid subscription': 'Abonnement payé'
+'time units': 'Unités temps'
+'one language': 'Une langue'
+'all languages': 'Toutes les langues'
+'Trial subscriptions': 'Abonnements dessai'
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Coût unitaire de temps par section'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Abonnements payés'
+'Default time period': 'Periode par défaut'
+'Go To Issues': 'Aller aux éditions'
+'Delete publication $1': 'Supprimer la publication $1'
+'No publications.': 'Aucune publication.'
+'Default Site Alias': 'Alias par défaut du site'
+'URL Type': 'Type dURL'
(click to edit)': 'Pays
(cliquer pour éditer)'
+'Delete alias $1': 'Supprimer alias $1'
+'Configure publication': 'Configurer publication'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Vous navez pas le droit déditer linformation de publication. '
+'General attributes': 'Attributs Généraux'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de changer linformation de publication. '
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'linformation de publication ne pouvait pas être mise à jour. '
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des publications'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la publication $1?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Suppression publication'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'Il manque un ou des abonnement(s).'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'La publication $1 ne pouvait pas être supprimée.'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'La publication ne pouvait pas être ajoutée.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de gérer des publications'
+'You must select a country.': 'Vous devez choisir un pays'
+'Add new alias': 'Ajouter un nouvel alias'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (cliquer pour éditer)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Editer alias'
+'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Alias'
+'Adding new alias': 'Ajout nouvel alias'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'Lalias du site $1 ne pouvait pas être ajouté.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Un autre alias avec le même nom existe déjà.'
+'Edit alias': 'Editer alias'
+'Editing alias': 'Edition alias'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'Lalias du site $1 ne pouvait pas être modifié.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Etes-vous sûre de vouloir supprimer lalias $1?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Suppression alias'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'Lalias $1 ne pouvait pas être supprimé.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 est lalias de publication par défaut, il ne peut pas être supprimé.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des publications.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Il manque $1 édition(s).'
+'Time Unit': 'Unité de Temps'
+Currency: Monnaie
+'Edit languages': 'Editer langues'
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.he.yml
index 0736df0c84..cbadc02bd9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.he.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': null
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': null
+'paid subscription': null
+'time units': null
+'one language': null
+'all languages': null
+'Trial subscriptions': null
+'Time unit cost per one section': null
+'Paid subscriptions': null
+'Default time period': null
+'Go To Issues': null
+'Delete publication $1': null
+'No publications.': null
+'Default Site Alias': null
+'URL Type': null
(click to edit)': null
+'Delete alias $1': null
+'Configure publication': null
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': null
+'General attributes': null
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': null
+'The publication information could not be updated.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': null
+'Deleting publication': null
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': null
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'The publication could not be added.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': null
+'You must select a country.': null
+'Add new alias': null
+'Alias (click to edit)': null
+'Edit aliases': null
+'Publication Aliases': null
+'Adding new alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': null
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': null
+'Edit alias': null
+'Editing alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': null
+'Deleting alias': null
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': null
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Time Unit': null
+Currency: null
+'Edit languages': null
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.hr.yml
index 0736df0c84..d7ee2b6646 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.hr.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': null
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': 'probna pretplata'
+'paid subscription': 'plaćena pretplata'
+'time units': 'vremenska jedinica'
+'one language': 'jedan jezik'
+'all languages': 'svi jezici'
+'Trial subscriptions': 'Probne pretplate'
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Cijena za vremensku jedinici za rubriku'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Plaćene pretplate'
+'Default time period': 'Podrazumijevani vremenski period'
+'Go To Issues': 'Idi na izdanje'
+'Delete publication $1': 'Izbiši publikaciju $1'
+'No publications.': 'Nema publikacija.'
+'Default Site Alias': 'Podrazumijevana kratica za sajt'
+'URL Type': 'Tip URL-a'
(click to edit)': 'Zemlja
(kliknite za uređivanje)'
+'Delete alias $1': 'Izbriši alias $1'
+'Configure publication': 'Podesi publikaciju'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Nemate ovlasti uređivati podatke o publikacijama.'
+'General attributes': 'Općenita svojstva'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Nemate ovlasti mijenjati podatke o publikacijama.'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'Podaci o publikaciji ne mogu biti ažurirani.'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Nemate ovlasti brisati publikacije.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Jeste li sigurni da želite brisati publikaciju $1?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Brisanje publikacije'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'Ostala(lo) je još $1 pretplata.'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'Publikacija $1 ne može biti obrisana.'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'Publikacija ne može biti dodana.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Nemate ovlasti upravljati publikacijama.'
+'You must select a country.': 'Morate označiti zemlju.'
+'Add new alias': 'Dodaj novu kraticu'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Kratica (klikni za izmjenu)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Uredi kratice'
+'Publication Aliases': 'Kratice publikacija'
+'Adding new alias': 'Dodaj novu kraticu'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'Kratica na sajt $1 ne može se dodati.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Druga kratica s istim imenom već postoji.'
+'Edit alias': 'Uredi kraticu'
+'Editing alias': 'Uređivanje kratica'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'Kratica na sajt $1 ne može se mijenjati.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Sigurno želite obrisati kraticu $1?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Brisanje kratice'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'Kratica $1 ne može se obrisati.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 je podrazumijevana kratica na publikaciju i ne može se obrisati.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Nemate prava dodavati publikacije.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Ostalo je $1 izdanja.'
+'Time Unit': 'Vremenska jedinica'
+Currency: Valuta
+'Edit languages': 'Uredi jezike'
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.hu.yml
index 0736df0c84..cfe3070ac1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.hu.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Győződj meg róla, hogy megadtad-e alább a Moderátor címet'
+'click to see issues': 'kattins ide a számok megtekintéséhez'
+'Moderator Address': 'Moderátor címe'
+'From Address': 'Feladó címe'
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'CAPTCHA használata a szemét megakadályozásához?'
+'Public allowed to comment?': 'Mindenki számára engedélyezett a hozzászólás?'
+'Enable spam blocking?': 'A szemét letiltásának engedélyezése?'
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'Nem lehet hozzáadni az előfizetési beállításokat a/z $1 számára.'
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Az általad megadott kiadványnév ütközik a/z $1 kiadvánnyal.'
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'A kiadvány általad megadott aliasa ütközik a/z $1 kiadvánnyal.'
+'Subscription defaults': 'Előfizetés alapértelmezései'
+'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Előfizetés ország szerinti beállításai'
+'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Egy ország előfizetési beállításainak megadása'
+'Set subscription settings by country': 'Előfizetési beállítások ország szerinti megadása'
+'Default time periods:': 'Alapértelmezett időszakok:'
+'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Az ország előfizetési beállításainak frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Az ország előfizetési beállításainak törlése megtörtént.'
+'Change country subscription settings': 'Az ország előfizetési beállításainak módosítása'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod $1 előfizetési beállításait?'
+'Publication updated': 'A kiadvány frissítése megtörtént'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Az előfizetői hozzászólások moderáltak?'
+'Public comments moderated?': 'A nyilvános hozzászólások moderáltak?'
+'Comments enabled?': 'A hozzászólás engedélyezése'
+'Comments enabled': 'Hozzászólás engedélyezve'
+'Article comments default to enabled?': 'A hozzászólás alapértelmezetten engedélyezett a cikkhez?'
+'trial subscription': próbaelőfizetés
+'paid subscription': 'fizetett előfizetés'
+'time units': időegységek
+'one language': 'egy nyelv'
+'all languages': 'minden nyelv'
+'Trial subscriptions': Próbaelőfizetések
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Időegység költsége egy rovatra'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Fizetett előfizetések'
+'Default time period': 'Alapértelmezett időszak'
+'Go To Issues': 'Ugrás a számokhoz'
+'Delete publication $1': 'A/z $1 kiadvány törlése'
+'No publications.': 'Nincsenek kiadványok.'
+'Default Site Alias': 'Alapértelmezett webhely alias'
+'URL Type': 'URL-cím típusa'
(click to edit)': 'Ország
(kattints a szerkesztéshez)'
+'Delete alias $1': 'A/z $1 alias törlése'
+'Configure publication': 'Kiadvány konfigurálása'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Nincs jogod a kiadvány adatainak szerkesztéséhez.'
+'General attributes': 'Általános attribútumok'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Nincs jogod a kiadvány adatainak módosításához.'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'Nem lehet frissíteni a kiadvány adatait.'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Nincs jogod a kiadványok törléséhez.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod a/z $1 kiadványt?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Kiadvány törlése'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': '$1 előfizetés maradt.'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'Nem lehet törölni a/z $1 kiadványt.'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'Nem lehet hozzáadni a kiadványt.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Nincs jogod a kiadványok kezeléséhez.'
+'You must select a country.': 'Ki kell választanod egy országot.'
+'Add new alias': 'Új alias hozzáadása'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (kattints ide a szerkesztéshez)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Aliasok szerkesztése'
+'Publication Aliases': 'Kiadvány aliasok'
+'Adding new alias': 'Új alias hozzáadása'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'Nem lehet hozzáadni a/z $1 webhely aliast.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Már létezik ugyanilyen alias.'
+'Edit alias': 'Alias szerkesztése'
+'Editing alias': 'Alias szerkesztése'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'Nem lehet módosítani a/z $1 webhely aliast.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod a/z $1 aliast?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Alias törlése'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'Nem lehet törölni a/z $1 aliast.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': 'A/z $1 az alapértelmezett kiadvány alias, nem törölhető.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Nincs jogod a kiadványok hozzáadásához.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': '$1 szám maradt.'
+'Time Unit': Időegység
+Currency: Pénznem
+'Edit languages': 'Nyelvek szerkesztése'
+'Search engine optimization': Keresőoptimalizálás
+'Article title': 'Cikk címe'
+'Article keywords': 'Cikk kulcsszavai'
+'Article topics': Cikktémák
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: Kiadványlista
+ edit: 'Kiadvány szerkesztése'
+ add: 'Új kiadvány hozzáadása'
+ remove: 'Kiadvány eltávolítása'
+ no_publications: 'Nincsenek kiadványok.'
+ general_settings: 'Általános beállítások'
+ comments_settings: 'Hozzászólások beállításai'
+ seo_settings: 'Keresőoptimalizálási beállítások'
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: 'A kiadvány eltávolításra került.'
+ publication_saved: 'A kiadvány módosításainak mentése sikerült.'
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: 'Ez a kiadvány nem üres - és nem távolítható el.'
+ can_be_removed: 'Ez a kiadvány üres, és el lehet távolítani.'
+ left_issues: 'Maradt számok'
+ left_sections: 'Maradt rovatok'
+ left_articles: 'Maradt cikkek'
+ show_issues: 'számok megjelenítése'
+ before_removing: 'A kiadvány eltávolítása előtt el kell távolítanod/át kell helyezned az összes megmaradt elemet.'
+ you_sure: 'Biztosan el akarod távolítani a kiadványt'
+ remove: 'Kiadvány eltávolítása'
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: 'Új kiadvány hozzáadása'
+ listPublications: 'Kiadványok listázása'
+ listIssues: 'Kiadvány számainak listázása'
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: Szám
+ name: Név
+ default_alias: 'Alapértelmezett alias'
+ default_language: 'Alapértelmezett nyelv'
+ comments_status: 'Hozzászólások állapota'
+ url_type: 'URL-cím típusa'
+ configure: Konfigurálás
+ remove: Eltávolítás
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: 'Kiadvány neve'
+ template_path: 'Sablon elérési útja'
+ short_names: 'Rövid név'
+ alias: 'Alapértelmezett alias'
+ url_type: 'URL-cím típusa'
+ seo: 'Cikk URL-címének részei'
+ seo_article_title: 'Cikk címe'
+ seo_article_keywords: 'Cikk kulcsszavai'
+ seo_article_topics: Cikktémák
+ edit_aliases: 'Aliasok szerkesztése'
+ edit_languages: 'Nyelvek szerkesztése'
+ moderator_to: 'Moderátor címe'
+ moderator_from: 'A moderálási e-mailek feladójának címe'
+ comments_enabled: 'A hozzászólások engedélyezése?'
+ public_comments_enabled: 'A nyilvános (névtelen) hozzászólások engedélyezése?'
+ comments_article_default_enabled: 'A hozzászólás a cikkekhez engedélyezése alapértelmezésként?'
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: 'A nyilvános (névtelen) hozzászólások moderálása?'
+ comments_captcha_enabled: 'A CAPTCHA engedélyezése?'
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'A szemét hozzászólások (belső rendszer) tiltásának engedélyezése?'
+ meta_title: 'Kiadvány címe'
+ meta_keywords: 'Kiadvány kulcsszavai'
+ meta_description: 'Kiadvány leírása'
+ tip1: 'A Newscoop tartalma hierarchikus struktúrába szervezett, ami megfelel a hírlapok és a magazinok hagyományának: kiadványok, számok, rovatok és cikkek. A kiadványokat számok alkotják, a számok pedig cikkeket tartalmazó rovatokból épülnek fel.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.hy_AM.yml
index 0736df0c84..cbadc02bd9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': null
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': null
+'paid subscription': null
+'time units': null
+'one language': null
+'all languages': null
+'Trial subscriptions': null
+'Time unit cost per one section': null
+'Paid subscriptions': null
+'Default time period': null
+'Go To Issues': null
+'Delete publication $1': null
+'No publications.': null
+'Default Site Alias': null
+'URL Type': null
(click to edit)': null
+'Delete alias $1': null
+'Configure publication': null
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': null
+'General attributes': null
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': null
+'The publication information could not be updated.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': null
+'Deleting publication': null
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': null
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'The publication could not be added.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': null
+'You must select a country.': null
+'Add new alias': null
+'Alias (click to edit)': null
+'Edit aliases': null
+'Publication Aliases': null
+'Adding new alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': null
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': null
+'Edit alias': null
+'Editing alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': null
+'Deleting alias': null
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': null
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Time Unit': null
+Currency: null
+'Edit languages': null
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ka.yml
index 0736df0c84..0378a49d03 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ka.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ მოდერატორის მისამართი'
+'click to see issues': 'დააჭირეთ გამოცემების სანახავად'
+'Moderator Address': 'მოდერატორის მისამართი'
+'From Address': მისამართიდან
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'გსურთ გამოიყენოთ CAPTCHA სპამის თავიდან ასაცილებლად?'
+'Public allowed to comment?': 'ყველამ შეძლოს კომენტარის დატოვება'
+'Enable spam blocking?': 'ჩაირთოს სპამის ბლოკი?'
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'გამოწერის პარამეტრები $1-სთვის ვერ დაემატა.'
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'თქვენს მიერ შეყვანილი პუბლიკაციის სახელი ემთვევა $1 პუბლიკაციას.'
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'თქვენს მიერ აღნიშნული პუბლიკაციის ფსევდონიმი ემთხვევა $1 პუბლიკაციას.'
+'Subscription defaults': 'გამოწერის საწყისი პარამეტრები'
+'Subscription Settings by Country': 'გამოწერის პარამეტრები ქვეყნების მიხედვით'
+'Set subscription settings for a country': 'გამოწერის პარამეტრების დაყენება ქვეყნისათვის'
+'Set subscription settings by country': 'გამოწერის პარამეტრების დაყენება ქვეყნის მიხედვით'
+'Default time periods:': 'საწყისი დროის პერიოდები:'
+'Country subscription settings updated.': 'ქვეყნის გამოწერის პარამეტრები განახლდა.'
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'ქვეყნის გამოწერის პარამეტრები წაიშალა.'
+'Change country subscription settings': 'ქვეყნის გამოწერის პარამეტრები'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1-სთვის გამოწერის პარამეტრების წაშლა?'
+'Publication updated': 'პუბლიკაცია განახლდა'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'გამომწერის კომენტარების მოდერაცია?'
+'Public comments moderated?': 'საჯარო კომენტარების მოდერაცია?'
+'Comments enabled?': 'ჩაირთოს კომენტარები?'
+'Comments enabled': 'კომენტარები ჩაირთო'
+'Article comments default to enabled?': 'სტატიის კომენტარების საწყისი პარამეტრები ჩაირთოს?'
+'trial subscription': 'საცდელი გამოწერა'
+'paid subscription': 'ფასიანი გამოწერა'
+'time units': 'დროის ერთეულები'
+'one language': 'ერთი ენა'
+'all languages': 'ყველა ენა'
+'Trial subscriptions': 'საცდელი გამოწერები'
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'დროის ერთეულის ფასი ერთი სექციისათვის'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'ფასიანი გამოწერები'
+'Default time period': 'საწყისი დროის პერიოდი'
+'Go To Issues': 'გამოცემებზე გადასვლა'
+'Delete publication $1': '$1 პუბლიკაციის წაშლა'
+'No publications.': 'პუბლიკაციები არ არსებობს.'
+'Default Site Alias': 'ნაგულისხმევი გვერდის ფსევდონიმი'
+'URL Type': 'URL-ის ტიპი'
(click to edit)': 'ქვეყანა
(დააჭირეთ რედაქტირებისთვის)'
+'Delete alias $1': '$1 ფსევდონიმის წაშლა'
+'Configure publication': 'პუბლიკაციის კონფიგურაცია'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ პუბლიკაციის ინფორმაციის რედაქტირების უფლება'
+'General attributes': 'ზოგადი ატრიბუტები'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ პუბლიკაციის ინფორმაციის რედაქტირების უფლება'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'პუბლიკაციის ინფორმაცია არ განახლდა'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ პუბლიკაციების წაშლის უფლება.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1 პუბლიკაციის წაშლა?'
+'Deleting publication': 'პუბლიკაციის წაშლა'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'დარჩენილია $1 გამოწერა(ები)'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 პუბლიკაცია ვერ წაიშალა'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'პუბლიკაცია ვერ დაემატა.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ პუბლიკაციების მართვის უფლება.'
+'You must select a country.': 'უნდა აირჩიოთ ქვეყანა.'
+'Add new alias': 'ახალი ფსევდონიმის დამატება'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'ფსევდონიმები (რედაქტირება)'
+'Edit aliases': 'ფსევდონიმების რედაქტირება'
+'Publication Aliases': 'პუბლიკაციის ფსევდონიმები'
+'Adding new alias': 'ახალი ფსევდონიმის დამატება'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'გვერდის $1 ფსევდონიმი ვერ დაემატა.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'მსგავსი სახელწოდების ფსევდონიმი უკვე არსებობს.'
+'Edit alias': 'ფსევდონიმების რედაქტირება'
+'Editing alias': 'ფსევდონიმების რედაქტირება'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'გვერდის $1 ფსევდონიმი ვერ მოდიფიცირდა.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1 ფსევდონიმის წაშლა?'
+'Deleting alias': 'ფსევდონიმის წაშლა'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 ფსევდონიმი ვერ წაიშალა.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 არის ნაგულისხმევი პუბლიკაციის ფსევდონიმი, მისი წაშლა შეუძლებელია. '
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ პუბლიკაციის დამატების ულფება.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'დარჩა $1 ნომერი/ჟურნალი/გამოშვება'
+'Time Unit': 'დროის მონაკვეთი'
+Currency: ვალუტა
+'Edit languages': 'ქვეყნების რედაქტირება'
+'Search engine optimization': 'საძიებო სისტემის ოპტიმიზაცია'
+'Article title': 'სტატიის სათაური'
+'Article keywords': 'სტატიის მთავარი სიტყვები'
+'Article topics': 'სტატიის თემა'
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ko.yml
index 0736df0c84..39d3f47c7c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ko.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': null
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': '시험 구독'
+'paid subscription': '정기 구독'
+'time units': '시간 단위'
+'one language': '하나 언어'
+'all languages': '모든 언어'
+'Trial subscriptions': '시험 구독'
+'Time unit cost per one section': '한 섹션당 시간 단가'
+'Paid subscriptions': '정기 구독'
+'Default time period': '기본 시간 기간'
+'Go To Issues': '이슈로 가기 '
+'Delete publication $1': '출판 $1 삭제'
+'No publications.': 출판안됨
+'Default Site Alias': 기본사이트아리아스
+'URL Type': URL타입
(click to edit)': null
+'Delete alias $1': '아리아스 $1 삭제'
+'Configure publication': '출판 구성'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': '출판정보를 수정할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'General attributes': '일반적 속성'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': '출판 정보를 변경할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': '출판 정보를 업데이트 할 수 없습니다.'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': '출판사이트를 삭제할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': '출판사이트 $1 을 확실히 삭제합니까?'
+'Deleting publication': '출판사이트 삭제중'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': '출판사이트 $1 이 남아있슴.'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': '출판사이트 $1 을 삭제할 수 없습니다.'
+'The publication could not be added.': '출판사이트를 추가할 수 없습니다.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': '출판사이트를 관리할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'You must select a country.': '국가를 선택하시오.'
+'Add new alias': '새로운 아리아스 추가'
+'Alias (click to edit)': '아리아스 (수정하려면 클릭)'
+'Edit aliases': '아리아스 수정'
+'Publication Aliases': '출판 아리아스'
+'Adding new alias': '새로운 아리아스 추가'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': '사이트 아리아스 $1 을 추가할 수 없습니다. '
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': '같은 이름의 다른 아리아스가 이미 존재합니다. '
+'Edit alias': '아리아스 수정'
+'Editing alias': '아리아스 수정중'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': '사이트 아리아스 $1 은 수정할 수 없습니다. '
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': '아리아스 $1을 확실히 삭제합니까?'
+'Deleting alias': '아리아스 삭제중'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': '아리아스 $1 을 삭제할 수 없습니다. '
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 이 기본 출판 아리아스입니다. 삭제할 수 없습니다. '
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': '출판사이트를 추가할 권한이 없습니다.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': '$ 1 이슈가 남아 있슴.'
+'Time Unit': '시간 단위'
+Currency: 통화
+'Edit languages': '언어 편집'
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ku.yml
index 0736df0c84..cbadc02bd9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ku.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': null
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': null
+'paid subscription': null
+'time units': null
+'one language': null
+'all languages': null
+'Trial subscriptions': null
+'Time unit cost per one section': null
+'Paid subscriptions': null
+'Default time period': null
+'Go To Issues': null
+'Delete publication $1': null
+'No publications.': null
+'Default Site Alias': null
+'URL Type': null
(click to edit)': null
+'Delete alias $1': null
+'Configure publication': null
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': null
+'General attributes': null
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': null
+'The publication information could not be updated.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': null
+'Deleting publication': null
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': null
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'The publication could not be added.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': null
+'You must select a country.': null
+'Add new alias': null
+'Alias (click to edit)': null
+'Edit aliases': null
+'Publication Aliases': null
+'Adding new alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': null
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': null
+'Edit alias': null
+'Editing alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': null
+'Deleting alias': null
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': null
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Time Unit': null
+Currency: null
+'Edit languages': null
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.lv.yml
index 0736df0c84..cbadc02bd9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.lv.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': null
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': null
+'paid subscription': null
+'time units': null
+'one language': null
+'all languages': null
+'Trial subscriptions': null
+'Time unit cost per one section': null
+'Paid subscriptions': null
+'Default time period': null
+'Go To Issues': null
+'Delete publication $1': null
+'No publications.': null
+'Default Site Alias': null
+'URL Type': null
(click to edit)': null
+'Delete alias $1': null
+'Configure publication': null
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': null
+'General attributes': null
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': null
+'The publication information could not be updated.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': null
+'Deleting publication': null
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': null
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'The publication could not be added.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': null
+'You must select a country.': null
+'Add new alias': null
+'Alias (click to edit)': null
+'Edit aliases': null
+'Publication Aliases': null
+'Adding new alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': null
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': null
+'Edit alias': null
+'Editing alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': null
+'Deleting alias': null
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': null
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Time Unit': null
+Currency: null
+'Edit languages': null
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.nb_NO.yml
index 0736df0c84..cbadc02bd9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': null
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': null
+'paid subscription': null
+'time units': null
+'one language': null
+'all languages': null
+'Trial subscriptions': null
+'Time unit cost per one section': null
+'Paid subscriptions': null
+'Default time period': null
+'Go To Issues': null
+'Delete publication $1': null
+'No publications.': null
+'Default Site Alias': null
+'URL Type': null
(click to edit)': null
+'Delete alias $1': null
+'Configure publication': null
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': null
+'General attributes': null
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': null
+'The publication information could not be updated.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': null
+'Deleting publication': null
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': null
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'The publication could not be added.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': null
+'You must select a country.': null
+'Add new alias': null
+'Alias (click to edit)': null
+'Edit aliases': null
+'Publication Aliases': null
+'Adding new alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': null
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': null
+'Edit alias': null
+'Editing alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': null
+'Deleting alias': null
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': null
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Time Unit': null
+Currency: null
+'Edit languages': null
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.pl.yml
index 0736df0c84..b9c0221c93 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.pl.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Koniecznie podaj Adres Moderatora poniżej'
+'click to see issues': 'kliknij by zobaczyć wydania'
+'Moderator Address': 'Adres moderatora'
+'From Address': 'Od adresu'
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Użyj CAPTCHA aby zapobiec spamowi?'
+'Public allowed to comment?': 'Komentarze publiczne dozwolone?'
+'Enable spam blocking?': 'Włącz blokowanie samu?'
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'Ustawienia subskrypcji dla $1 nie zostały dodane.'
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Nazwa publikacji jest w konflikcie z publikacją $1.'
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Alias publikacji jest w konflikcie z publikacją $1.'
+'Subscription defaults': 'Domyślne subskrypcje'
+'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Ustawienia Subskrycji przez Kraj'
+'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Ustaw subskrypcję dla kraju'
+'Set subscription settings by country': 'Ustaw subskrypcję poprzez kraj'
+'Default time periods:': 'Domyślne interwały czasowe:'
+'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Ustawienia subskrypcji kraju zaktualizowane.'
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Ustawienia subskrypcji kraju usunięte.'
+'Change country subscription settings': 'Zmień preferensje subskrypcji kraju'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Czy na pewnoc chcesz usunąć ustawienia subskrypcji $1?'
+'Publication updated': 'Publikacja uaktualniona'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Moderacja komentarzy subskrynentów?'
+'Public comments moderated?': 'Moderacja publicznych komentarzy?'
+'Comments enabled?': 'Komentarze aktywne?'
+'Comments enabled': 'Komentarze włączone'
+'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Komentarze do artykuły domyślnie włączone?'
+'trial subscription': 'tymczasowe subskrypcje'
+'paid subscription': 'płatne subskrypcje'
+'time units': 'jednostki czasu'
+'one language': 'jeden język'
+'all languages': 'wszystkie języki'
+'Trial subscriptions': 'Tymczasowe subskrypcje'
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Kosz jednostki czasu na sekcję'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Płatne subskrypcje'
+'Default time period': 'Domyślny okres czasu'
+'Go To Issues': 'Idź do wydań'
+'Delete publication $1': 'Usuń publikację $1'
+'No publications.': 'Brak publikacji.'
+'Default Site Alias': 'Domyślny alias strony'
+'URL Type': 'Typ URL'
(click to edit)': 'Kraj
(kliknij aby edytować)'
+'Delete alias $1': 'Usuń alias $1'
+'Configure publication': 'Konfiguruj publikację'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Nie masz praw aby edytować informacje o publikacji'
+'General attributes': 'Generalne właściwości'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniać informacje o publikacji.'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'Informacje o publikacji nie zostały zaktualizowane.'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Nie masz praw aby usuwać publikacje.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć publikację $1?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Usuwanie publikacji'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'Pozostało subskrypcji: $1.'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'Publikacja $1 nie została skasowana.'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'Publikacja nie została dodana.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Nie masz praw aby zarządzać publikacjami.'
+'You must select a country.': 'Musisz wybrać kraj.'
+'Add new alias': 'Dodaj nowy alias'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (kliknij aby edytować)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Edytuj aliasy'
+'Publication Aliases': 'Aliasy publikacji'
+'Adding new alias': 'Dodawanie nowego aliasu'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'Alias strony $1 nie został dodany.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Inny alias o tej samej nazwie już istnieje.'
+'Edit alias': 'Edytuj alias'
+'Editing alias': 'Edytowanie aliasu'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'Aliast strony $1 nie może zostać zmodyfikowany.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć alias $1?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Kasowanie aliasu'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'Alias $1 nie może zostać skasowany.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 to domyślny alias publikacji, nie może zostać skasowany.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Nie masz praw aby dodawać publikacje.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Pozostało wydań: $1'
+'Time Unit': 'Jednostka czasu'
+Currency: Waluta
+'Edit languages': 'Edytuj języki'
+'Search engine optimization': SEO
+'Article title': 'Tytuł artykułu'
+'Article keywords': 'Słowa kluczowe artykułu'
+'Article topics': 'Tematy artykułów'
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: 'Lista publikacji'
+ edit: 'Edytuj publikację'
+ add: 'Dodaj nową publikację'
+ remove: 'Usuń publikację'
+ no_publications: 'Brak publikacji.'
+ general_settings: 'Ustawienia główne'
+ comments_settings: 'Ustawienia komentarzy'
+ seo_settings: 'Ustawienia SEO'
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: 'Publikacja została usunięta'
+ publication_saved: 'Zmiany w publikacji zostały zapisane pomyślnie.'
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: 'Ta publikacja nie jest pusta, i nie może zostać usunięta.'
+ can_be_removed: 'Ta publikacja jest pusta, i może zostać usunięta.'
+ left_issues: 'Pozostałe wydania'
+ left_sections: 'Pozostałe sekcje'
+ left_articles: 'Pozostałe artykuły'
+ show_issues: 'pokaż wydania'
+ before_removing: 'Przed usunięciem publikacji musisz najpierw usunąć wszystkie pozostałe elementy.'
+ you_sure: 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć publikację'
+ remove: 'Usuń publikację'
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: 'Dodaj nową publikację'
+ listPublications: 'Lista publikacji'
+ listIssues: 'Lista wydań w publikacji'
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: Numer
+ name: Nazwa
+ default_alias: 'Domyślny alias'
+ default_language: 'Domyślny język'
+ comments_status: 'Status komentarzy'
+ url_type: 'Typ URL'
+ configure: Konfiguracja
+ remove: Usuń
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: 'Nazwa publikacji'
+ template_path: 'ścieżka szablonu'
+ short_names: 'Krótkie nazwy'
+ alias: 'Domyślny alias strony'
+ url_type: 'Typ URL'
+ seo: 'Elementy adresu url artykułu'
+ seo_article_title: 'Tytuł artykułu'
+ seo_article_keywords: 'Słowa kluczowe artykułu'
+ seo_article_topics: 'Tematy artykułów'
+ edit_aliases: 'Edytuj aliasy'
+ edit_languages: 'Edytuj języki'
+ moderator_to: 'Adres moderatora'
+ moderator_from: 'Adres moderatora w polu "od"'
+ comments_enabled: 'Komentarze włączone?'
+ public_comments_enabled: 'Publiczne (anonimowe) komentarze są włączone?'
+ comments_article_default_enabled: 'Komentarze do artykułu są domyślnie włączone?'
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Moderacja komentarzy zarejestrowanych użytkowników?'
+ comments_public_moderated: 'Publiczne (anonimowe) komentarze są moderowane?'
+ comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha jest włączona?'
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Wewnętrzny system blokowania spamowych komentarzy jest włączony?'
+ meta_title: 'Tytuł publikacji'
+ meta_keywords: 'Słowa kluczowe dla publikacji'
+ meta_description: 'Opis publikacji'
+ tip1: 'Treści w Newscoopie zorganizowane są w hierarchicznej strukturze, która wywodzi się z tradycyjnych gazet i magazynów: Publikacje, Wydania, Sekcje i Artykuły. Każda publikacja zawiera wydania, każde wydanie jest złożone z sekcji, sekcje zawierają artykuły.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ps.yml
index 0736df0c84..cbadc02bd9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.ps.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': null
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': null
+'paid subscription': null
+'time units': null
+'one language': null
+'all languages': null
+'Trial subscriptions': null
+'Time unit cost per one section': null
+'Paid subscriptions': null
+'Default time period': null
+'Go To Issues': null
+'Delete publication $1': null
+'No publications.': null
+'Default Site Alias': null
+'URL Type': null
(click to edit)': null
+'Delete alias $1': null
+'Configure publication': null
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': null
+'General attributes': null
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': null
+'The publication information could not be updated.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': null
+'Deleting publication': null
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': null
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'The publication could not be added.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': null
+'You must select a country.': null
+'Add new alias': null
+'Alias (click to edit)': null
+'Edit aliases': null
+'Publication Aliases': null
+'Adding new alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': null
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': null
+'Edit alias': null
+'Editing alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': null
+'Deleting alias': null
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': null
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Time Unit': null
+Currency: null
+'Edit languages': null
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.pt_BR.yml
index 0736df0c84..49b1d4acb5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Não deixe de digitar o Endereço do moderador abaixo'
+'click to see issues': 'clique para ver edições'
+'Moderator Address': 'Endereço do moderador'
+'From Address': 'Do endereço'
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Usar CAPTCHA para prevenir spam?'
+'Public allowed to comment?': 'Público pode comentar?'
+'Enable spam blocking?': 'Habilitar bloqueio do spam?'
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'As preferências de assinatura para $1 não podiam ser adicionadas.'
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'O nome da publicação que você deu é conflitante com publicação $1.'
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'O apelido (alias) da publicação que você deu é conflitante com publicação $1.'
+'Subscription defaults': 'Padrão de assinatura'
+'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Preferências de assinatura por país'
+'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Definir preferências de assinatura para um país'
+'Set subscription settings by country': 'Definir preferências de assinatura por país'
+'Default time periods:': 'Periodos de tempo padrão:'
+'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Preferências de assinatura do país atualizadas.'
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Preferências de assinatura do país apagadas.'
+'Change country subscription settings': 'Modificar preferências de assinatura do país'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Tem certeza que quer apagar as preferências de assinatura para $1?'
+'Publication updated': 'Publicação atualizada'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Comentários dos assinantes moderados?'
+'Public comments moderated?': 'Comentários públicos moderados?'
+'Comments enabled?': 'Comentários ativados?'
+'Comments enabled': 'Comentários ativados'
+'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Comentários de artigos ativados como padrão?'
+'trial subscription': 'assinatura de teste'
+'paid subscription': 'assinatura paga'
+'time units': 'unidades de tempo'
+'one language': 'um idioma'
+'all languages': 'todos os idiomas'
+'Trial subscriptions': 'Assinaturas de teste'
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Custo de unidade de tempo por seção'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Assinaturas pagas'
+'Default time period': 'Periodo de tempo padrão'
+'Go To Issues': 'Ir para edições'
+'Delete publication $1': 'Apagar publicação $1'
+'No publications.': 'Não há publicações.'
+'Default Site Alias': 'Apelido (alias) padrão do site'
+'URL Type': 'Tipo de endereço URL'
(click to edit)': 'País
(clique para editar)'
+'Delete alias $1': 'Apagar apelido (alias) $1'
+'Configure publication': 'Configurar publicação'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Você não tem permissão para editar detalhes de publicação'
+'General attributes': 'Definições gerais'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Você não tem permissão para alterar detalhes de publicação'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'Os detalhes de publicação não podiam ser atualizados'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Você não tem permissão para apagar publicações'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Tem certeza que quer apagar a publicação $1?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Apagando publicação'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'Existe(m) ainda $1 assinatura(s)'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'A publicação $1 não pôde ser apagada'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'A publicação não pôde ser criada'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Você não tem permissão para gerenciar publicações.'
+'You must select a country.': 'Tem que escolher um país'
+'Add new alias': 'Adicionar novo apelido (alias)'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Apelido (alias) (clique para editar)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Editar apelidos (aliases)'
+'Publication Aliases': 'Apelidos (aliases) de Publicações'
+'Adding new alias': 'Adicionando o novo apelido (alias)'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'O apelido (alias) $1 não pôde ser adicionado.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Já existe um apelido (alias) idêntico.'
+'Edit alias': 'Editar apelido (alias)'
+'Editing alias': 'Editando apelido (alias)'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'O apelido (alias) $1 não pôde ser modificado.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Tem certeza que quer apagar o apelido (alias) $1?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Apagando apelido (alias)'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'O apelido (alias) $1 não pode ser apagado.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 é o alias padrão da publicação, não pode ser apagado.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Você não tem permissões para adicionar publicações.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Existe(m) ainda $1 Edição(ões).'
+'Time Unit': 'Unidade de tempo'
+Currency: Moeda
+'Edit languages': 'Editar idiomas'
+'Search engine optimization': 'Otimização da ferramenta de busca'
+'Article title': 'Título do artigo'
+'Article keywords': 'Palavras-chaves do artigo'
+'Article topics': 'Tópicos do artigo'
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sh.yml
index 0736df0c84..3440457388 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sh.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Obavezno unesite adresu moderatora dole'
+'click to see issues': 'kliknite da vidite izdanja'
+'Moderator Address': 'Adresa moderatora'
+'From Address': 'Adresa sa koje se šalje'
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Koristi CAPTCHA za prevenciju spama?'
+'Public allowed to comment?': 'Opšte pravo komentarisanja?'
+'Enable spam blocking?': 'Omogući blokiranje spama?'
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'Podešavanja pretplate za $1 ne mogu biti dodata'
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Ime publikacije koji ste naveli je u konfliktu sa publikacijom $1.'
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Alias publikacije koji ste naveli je u konfliktu sa publikacijom $1.'
+'Subscription defaults': 'Podrazumevane vrednosti za pretplatu'
+'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Podešavanja pretplate po državama'
+'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Postavi podešavanja pretplate za državu'
+'Set subscription settings by country': 'Podesi podatke o pretplati po državama'
+'Default time periods:': 'Podrazumevani vremenski period:'
+'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Promenjena su podešavanja pretplate za državu.'
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Obrisana su podešavanja pretplate za državu.'
+'Change country subscription settings': 'Promeni podešavanja pretplate za državu'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete podešavanja pretplate za $1?'
+'Publication updated': 'Publikacija izmenjena'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Komentari pretplatnika se moraju prvo odobriti?'
+'Public comments moderated?': 'Komentari se prvo moraju odobriti?'
+'Comments enabled?': 'Komentari dozvoljeni?'
+'Comments enabled': 'Komentari omogućeni'
+'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Podrazumevaj da su komentari na tekstove omogućeni?'
+'trial subscription': 'probna pretplata'
+'paid subscription': 'plaćena pretplata'
+'time units': 'vremenske jedinice'
+'one language': 'jedan jezik'
+'all languages': 'svi jezici'
+'Trial subscriptions': 'Probne pretplate'
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Cena po vremenskoj jedinici za rubriku'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Plaćene pretplate'
+'Default time period': 'Podrazumevani vremenski period'
+'Go To Issues': 'Idi na izdanja'
+'Delete publication $1': 'Obriši publikaciju $1'
+'No publications.': 'Nema publikacija'
+'Default Site Alias': 'Osnovni sajt alias'
+'URL Type': 'Tip URLa'
(click to edit)': 'Država
(kliknite za uređivanje)'
+'Delete alias $1': 'Obriši alias $1'
+'Configure publication': 'Podesi publikaciju'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Nemate pravo dа uređuјеtе podatkе o publikaciji.'
+'General attributes': 'Opšti atributi'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Nemate pravo izmene podataka o publikaciji.'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'Podaci o publikaciji ne mogu biti izmenjeni.'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete publikacije'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete publikaciju $1?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Brisanje publikacije'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'Preostalo je $1 pretplata.'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'Publikacija $1 ne može biti obrisana.'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'Publikacija ne može biti dodata.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Nemate pravo da administrirate publikacijama.'
+'You must select a country.': 'Morate izabrati državu.'
+'Add new alias': 'Dodaj novi alias'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (klik za uređivanje)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Uredi aliase'
+'Publication Aliases': 'Aliasi za publikaciju'
+'Adding new alias': 'Dodavanje novih aliasa'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'Sajt alias $1 ne može biti dodat.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Takav alias već postoji.'
+'Edit alias': 'Uredi alias'
+'Editing alias': 'Uređivanje aliasa'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'Sajt alias $1 ne može biti promenjen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete alias $1?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Brisanje aliasa'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'Alias $1 ne može biti obrisan.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 je osnovni alias publikacije i ne može biti obrisan!'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete publikacije.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Preostalo je $1 izdanja.'
+'Time Unit': 'Vremenska jedinica'
+Currency: Valuta
+'Edit languages': 'Uredi jezike'
+'Search engine optimization': 'Optimizacija pretraživača'
+'Article title': 'Naslov teksta'
+'Article keywords': 'Ključne reči'
+'Article topics': Teme
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: 'Dodaj novu publikaciju'
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: 'Nema publikacija'
+ general_settings: 'Opšta podešavanja'
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: 'Dodaj novu publikaciju'
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: Broj
+ name: Naslov
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: 'Osnovni jezik'
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: Podešavanja
+ remove: Ukloni
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: 'Naslov teksta'
+ seo_article_keywords: 'Ključne reči'
+ seo_article_topics: Teme
+ edit_aliases: 'Uredi aliase'
+ edit_languages: 'Uredi jezike'
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sq.yml
index 0736df0c84..cbadc02bd9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sq.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': null
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': null
+'paid subscription': null
+'time units': null
+'one language': null
+'all languages': null
+'Trial subscriptions': null
+'Time unit cost per one section': null
+'Paid subscriptions': null
+'Default time period': null
+'Go To Issues': null
+'Delete publication $1': null
+'No publications.': null
+'Default Site Alias': null
+'URL Type': null
(click to edit)': null
+'Delete alias $1': null
+'Configure publication': null
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': null
+'General attributes': null
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': null
+'The publication information could not be updated.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': null
+'Deleting publication': null
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': null
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'The publication could not be added.': null
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': null
+'You must select a country.': null
+'Add new alias': null
+'Alias (click to edit)': null
+'Edit aliases': null
+'Publication Aliases': null
+'Adding new alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': null
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': null
+'Edit alias': null
+'Editing alias': null
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': null
+'Deleting alias': null
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': null
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': null
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': null
+'Time Unit': null
+Currency: null
+'Edit languages': null
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sr.yml
index 0736df0c84..39675d4860 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sr.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Обавезно унесите адресу модератора ниже доле'
+'click to see issues': 'кликните да видите издања'
+'Moderator Address': 'Адреса модератора'
+'From Address': 'Адреса са које се шаље'
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Користи CAPTCHA за превенцију спама?'
+'Public allowed to comment?': 'Опште право коментарисања?'
+'Enable spam blocking?': 'Омогући блокирање спама?'
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'Подешавања претплате за $1 немогу бити додата'
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Име публикације које сте навели је у конфликту са публикацијомн $1.'
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'Алиас публикације који сте навели је у конфликту са публикацијом $1.'
+'Subscription defaults': 'Подразумеване вредности за претплату'
+'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Подешавање претплате по државама'
+'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Постави подешавања претплате за државу'
+'Set subscription settings by country': 'Подеси податке о претплати по државама'
+'Default time periods:': 'Подразумевани временски период:'
+'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Промењена су подешавања претплате за државу.'
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Обрисана су подешавања претплате за државу.'
+'Change country subscription settings': 'Промени подешавања претплате за државу'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете подешавања претплате за $1?'
+'Publication updated': 'Публикација измењена'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Коментари претплатника се морају прво одобрити?'
+'Public comments moderated?': 'Коментари се прво морају одобрити?'
+'Comments enabled?': 'Коментари дозвољени?'
+'Comments enabled': 'Коментари омогућени'
+'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Подразумевај да су коментари на текстове омогућени?'
+'trial subscription': 'пробна претплата'
+'paid subscription': 'плаћена претплата'
+'time units': 'временске јединице'
+'one language': 'један језик'
+'all languages': 'сви језици'
+'Trial subscriptions': 'Пробне претплате'
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Цена по временској јединици за рубрику'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Плаћене претплате'
+'Default time period': 'Подразумевани временски период'
+'Go To Issues': 'Иди на издања'
+'Delete publication $1': 'Обриши публикацију $1'
+'No publications.': 'Нема публикација'
+'Default Site Alias': 'Основни сајт алиас'
+'URL Type': 'тип УРЛа'
(click to edit)': 'Држава
(кликните за уређивање)'
+'Delete alias $1': 'Обриши податак $1'
+'Configure publication': 'Подеси публикацију'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Немате право да уређујете податке о публикацији'
+'General attributes': 'Општи атрибути'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Немате право измене података о публикацији'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'Подаци о публикацији не могу бити измењени'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Немате право да бришете публикације'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Сигурни сте да желите да обришете публикацију $1?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Брисање публикације'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'Преостало је $1 претплата'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'Публикација $1 не може бити обрисана'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'Публикација не може бити додата'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Немате право да администрирате публикацијама'
+'You must select a country.': 'Морате изабрати државу'
+'Add new alias': 'Додај нови алиас'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Алиас (клик за уређивање)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Уреди алиасе'
+'Publication Aliases': 'алиаси за публикацију'
+'Adding new alias': 'Додавање новог алиаса'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'Сајт алиас $1 не може бити додат.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Већ постоји алиас са истим именом'
+'Edit alias': 'Уреди алиас'
+'Editing alias': 'Уређивање алиаса'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'Сајт алиас $1 не може бити промењен.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете алиас $1?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Брисање алиаса'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'Алиас $1 не може бити обрисан.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 је основни алиас за публикацију, па не може бити обрисан.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Немате право да додајете публикације.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Преостало је $1издања.'
+'Time Unit': 'Временска јединица'
+Currency: Валута
+'Edit languages': 'Прикажи језике'
+'Search engine optimization': 'Оптимизација претраживача'
+'Article title': 'Наслов текста'
+'Article keywords': 'Кључне речи'
+'Article topics': Теме
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sv.yml
index 0736df0c84..11daa67da3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/pub.sv.yml
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': 'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below'
-'click to see issues': 'click to see issues'
-'Moderator Address': 'Moderator Address'
-'From Address': 'From Address'
-'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': 'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?'
-'Public allowed to comment?': 'Public allowed to comment?'
-'Enable spam blocking?': 'Enable spam blocking?'
-'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': 'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.'
-'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': 'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.'
-'Subscription defaults': 'Subscription defaults'
-'Subscription Settings by Country': 'Subscription Settings by Country'
-'Set subscription settings for a country': 'Set subscription settings for a country'
-'Set subscription settings by country': 'Set subscription settings by country'
-'Default time periods:': 'Default time periods:'
-'Country subscription settings updated.': 'Country subscription settings updated.'
-'Country subscription settings deleted.': 'Country subscription settings deleted.'
-'Change country subscription settings': 'Change country subscription settings'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?'
-'Publication updated': 'Publication updated'
-'Subscriber comments moderated?': 'Subscriber comments moderated?'
-'Public comments moderated?': 'Public comments moderated?'
-'Comments enabled?': 'Comments enabled?'
-'Comments enabled': 'Comments enabled'
-'Article comments default to enabled?': 'Article comments default to enabled?'
-'trial subscription': 'trial subscription'
-'paid subscription': 'paid subscription'
-'time units': 'time units'
-'one language': 'one language'
-'all languages': 'all languages'
-'Trial subscriptions': 'Trial subscriptions'
-'Time unit cost per one section': 'Time unit cost per one section'
-'Paid subscriptions': 'Paid subscriptions'
-'Default time period': 'Default time period'
-'Go To Issues': 'Go To Issues'
-'Delete publication $1': 'Delete publication $1'
-'No publications.': 'No publications.'
-'Default Site Alias': 'Default Site Alias'
-'URL Type': 'URL Type'
(click to edit)': 'Country
(click to edit)'
-'Delete alias $1': 'Delete alias $1'
-'Configure publication': 'Configure publication'
-'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'You do not have the right to edit publication information.'
-'General attributes': 'General attributes'
-'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'You do not have the right to change publication information.'
-'The publication information could not be updated.': 'The publication information could not be updated.'
-'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'You do not have the right to delete publications.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?'
-'Deleting publication': 'Deleting publication'
-'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'There are $1 subscription(s) left.'
-'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'The publication $1 could not be deleted.'
-'The publication could not be added.': 'The publication could not be added.'
-'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'You do not have the right to manage publications.'
-'You must select a country.': 'You must select a country.'
-'Add new alias': 'Add new alias'
-'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (click to edit)'
-'Edit aliases': 'Edit aliases'
-'Publication Aliases': 'Publication Aliases'
-'Adding new alias': 'Adding new alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'The site alias $1 could not be added.'
-'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Another alias with the same name exists already.'
-'Edit alias': 'Edit alias'
-'Editing alias': 'Editing alias'
-'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'The site alias $1 could not be modified.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?'
-'Deleting alias': 'Deleting alias'
-'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'The alias $1 could not be deleted.'
-'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.'
-'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'You do not have the right to add publications.'
-'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'There are $1 issue(s) left.'
-'Time Unit': 'Time Unit'
-Currency: Currency
-'Edit languages': 'Edit languages'
-'Search engine optimization': 'Search engine optimization'
-'Article title': 'Article title'
-'Article keywords': 'Article keywords'
-'Article topics': 'Article topics'
+'Make sure to enter the Moderator Address below': null
+'click to see issues': null
+'Moderator Address': null
+'From Address': null
+'Use CAPTCHA to prevent spam?': null
+'Public allowed to comment?': null
+'Enable spam blocking?': null
+'The subscription settings for $1 could not be added.': null
+'The publication name you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'The publication alias you specified conflicts with publication $1.': null
+'Subscription defaults': null
+'Subscription Settings by Country': null
+'Set subscription settings for a country': null
+'Set subscription settings by country': null
+'Default time periods:': null
+'Country subscription settings updated.': null
+'Country subscription settings deleted.': null
+'Change country subscription settings': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the subscription settings for $1?': null
+'Publication updated': 'Publikationen uppdaterad'
+'Subscriber comments moderated?': null
+'Public comments moderated?': null
+'Comments enabled?': null
+'Comments enabled': null
+'Article comments default to enabled?': null
+'trial subscription': provprenumeration
+'paid subscription': 'betald prenumeration'
+'time units': tidsenheter
+'one language': 'ett språk'
+'all languages': 'alla språk'
+'Trial subscriptions': Provprenumerationer
+'Time unit cost per one section': 'Tidsenhetskostnad per sektion'
+'Paid subscriptions': 'Betalda prenumerationer'
+'Default time period': Grundtidsperiod
+'Go To Issues': 'Gå till utgåvor'
+'Delete publication $1': 'Radera publikation $1'
+'No publications.': 'Inga publikationer.'
+'Default Site Alias': 'Förvalt sajtalias'
+'URL Type': URL-typ
(click to edit)': 'Land
(klicka för att ändra)'
+'Delete alias $1': 'Radera alias $1'
+'Configure publication': 'Konfigurera publikation'
+'You do not have the right to edit publication information.': 'Du har inte rätt att redigera publikationsinformation.'
+'General attributes': 'Generella attribut'
+'You do not have the right to change publication information.': 'Du har inte rätt att ändra publikationsinformation.'
+'The publication information could not be updated.': 'Publikationsinformationen kunde inte uppdateras.'
+'You do not have the right to delete publications.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera publikationer.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?': 'Är du säker att du vill radera publikationen $1?'
+'Deleting publication': 'Raderar publikation'
+'There are $1 subscription(s) left.': 'Det finns $1 prenumeration(er) kvar.'
+'The publication $1 could not be deleted.': 'Publikationen $1 kunde inte raderas.'
+'The publication could not be added.': 'Publikationen kunde inte läggas till.'
+'You do not have the right to manage publications.': 'Du har inte rätt att hantera publikationer.'
+'You must select a country.': 'Du måste välja ett land.'
+'Add new alias': 'Lägg till nytt alias'
+'Alias (click to edit)': 'Alias (klicka för att redigera)'
+'Edit aliases': 'Redigera aliasar'
+'Publication Aliases': Publikationsaliasar
+'Adding new alias': 'Lägger till nytt alias'
+'The site alias $1 could not be added.': 'Sajtaliaset $1 kunde inte läggas till.'
+'Another alias with the same name exists already.': 'Ett annat alias med samma namn finns redan.'
+'Edit alias': 'Redigera alias'
+'Editing alias': 'Redigerar alias'
+'The site alias $1 could not be modified.': 'Sajtaliaset $1 kunde inte ändras.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?': 'Är du säker att du vill radera sajtaliaset $1?'
+'Deleting alias': 'Raderar alias'
+'The alias $1 could not be deleted.': 'Aliaset $1 kunde inte raderas.'
+'$1 is the default publication alias, it can not be deleted.': '$1 är grundpublikationsaliaset, det kan inte raderas.'
+'You do not have the right to add publications.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till publikationer.'
+'There are $1 issue(s) left.': 'Det finns $1 utgåva(or) kvar.'
+'Time Unit': Tidsenhet
+Currency: Valuta
+'Edit languages': 'Redigera språk'
+'Search engine optimization': null
+'Article title': null
+'Article keywords': null
+'Article topics': null
- list: 'List of publications'
- edit: 'Edit publication'
- add: 'Add new publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
- no_publications: 'No publications.'
- general_settings: 'General Settings'
- comments_settings: 'Comments Settings'
- seo_settings: 'SEO Settings'
- front_page_theme_settings: 'Front page theme settings'
- publication_removed: 'Publication was removed.'
- publication_saved: 'Publication changes were saved successfully.'
+ list: null
+ edit: null
+ add: null
+ remove: null
+ no_publications: null
+ general_settings: null
+ comments_settings: null
+ seo_settings: null
+ front_page_theme_settings: null
+ publication_removed: null
+ publication_saved: null
- cant_be_removed: 'This publication isn''t empty - and can''t be removed.'
- can_be_removed: 'This publication is empty and can be removed.'
- left_issues: 'Left issues'
- left_sections: 'Left sections'
- left_articles: 'Left articles'
- show_issues: 'show issues'
- before_removing: 'Before removing publication you need to remove/move all remaining elements.'
- you_sure: 'Are you sure that you want to remove publication'
- remove: 'Remove publication'
+ cant_be_removed: null
+ can_be_removed: null
+ left_issues: null
+ left_sections: null
+ left_articles: null
+ show_issues: null
+ before_removing: null
+ you_sure: null
+ remove: null
- addNew: 'Add new publication'
- listPublications: 'List publications'
- listIssues: 'List publication issues'
+ addNew: null
+ listPublications: null
+ listIssues: null
- number: Number
- name: Name
- default_alias: 'Default Alias'
- default_language: 'Default Language'
- comments_status: 'Comments status'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- configure: Configure
- remove: Remove
+ number: null
+ name: null
+ default_alias: null
+ default_language: null
+ comments_status: null
+ url_type: null
+ configure: null
+ remove: null
- follow_current_issue_theme: 'Follow current issue theme'
- name: 'Publication Name'
- template_path: 'Template path'
- short_names: 'Short name'
- alias: 'Default alias'
- url_type: 'Url type'
- seo: 'Article url parts'
- seo_article_title: 'Article title'
- seo_article_keywords: 'Article keywords'
- seo_article_topics: 'Article topics'
- edit_aliases: 'Edit aliases'
- edit_languages: 'Edit languages'
- moderator_to: 'Moderator address'
- moderator_from: 'Moderation emails from addres'
- comments_enabled: 'Comments are enabled?'
- public_comments_enabled: 'Public (anonymous) comments are enabled?'
- comments_article_default_enabled: 'Comments for article are enabled by default?'
- comments_subscribers_moderated: 'Registered users'' comments are moderated?'
- comments_public_moderated: 'Public (anonymous) comments are moderated?'
- comments_captcha_enabled: 'Captcha is enabled?'
- comments_spam_blocking_enabled: 'Comments spam (internal system) blocking is enabled?'
- meta_title: 'Publication title'
- meta_keywords: 'Publication keywords'
- meta_description: 'Publication description'
- tip1: 'Newscoop content is organized in a hierarchical structure, which conforms to the tradition of newspapers and magazines: Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. Each publication is made up of issues, each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are comprised of articles.'
+ follow_current_issue_theme: null
+ name: null
+ template_path: null
+ short_names: null
+ alias: null
+ url_type: null
+ seo: null
+ seo_article_title: null
+ seo_article_keywords: null
+ seo_article_topics: null
+ edit_aliases: null
+ edit_languages: null
+ moderator_to: null
+ moderator_from: null
+ comments_enabled: null
+ public_comments_enabled: null
+ comments_article_default_enabled: null
+ comments_subscribers_moderated: null
+ comments_public_moderated: null
+ comments_captcha_enabled: null
+ comments_spam_blocking_enabled: null
+ meta_title: null
+ meta_keywords: null
+ meta_description: null
+ tip1: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.az.yml
index dc6b32c72d..0df7f34b57 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.az.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: mövcud
+'before you can configure the section templates.': 'əvvəl bölmə nümunələrini konfiqurasiya edə bilərsən.'
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'Sən mövzunu məsələyə təyin etməlisən.'
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': '$1 saylı bölmə artıq istifadədə olub.'
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Bu bölmədən $1 dilində yazılmış bütün məqalələri sil'
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Bütün məqalə və onların tərcümələrini sil'
+'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Yalnız bu bölməni sil ($1)'
+'Delete all translations of this section': 'Bu bölmənin bütün tərcümələrini sil'
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'Məqalələrin Sayı
(Nümayiş Edilmiş/Hamısı)'
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'Bu məsələdə bütün bölmələr üçün fərqli URL adları olmalıdır.
Təqdim etdiyin URL adı ($1) $2$3 bölməsi ilə uyğunsuzdur. $4$5'
+'Section updated': 'Bölmə yeniləndi'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'Təsirlənəcək $1 abunəlik var.'
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'Bu bölmədə $1 məqalə var.'
+'Go To Articles': 'Məqalələrə Keç'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Bütün abunəliklərə bölmə əlavə et.'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Bütün abunəliklərdən bölməni sil.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Ümumilikdə $1 abunəlik yeniləndi.'
(click to see articles)': 'Ad
(məqalələri görmək üçün kliklə)'
+'Delete section $1': '$1 bölməsini sil'
+'Adding new section': 'Yeni bölmənin əlavəsi'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Bölmə əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': '$1 bölməsi müvəffəqiyyətlə əlavə edildi.'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Lütfən, eyni saylı və ya URL adlı başqa bölmənin olub olmamasını yoxla.'
+'Delete section': 'Bölməni sil'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Bölmələri silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': '$1 bölməsini silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Deleting section': 'Bölmənin silinməsi'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': '$1 bölməsi silinmişdir.'
+'Configure section': 'Bölməni konfiqurasiya et'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'Bölmə dəyişdirilə bilmədi.'
+'Duplicate section': 'Bölmənin surətini çıxar'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'Son ünvan məsələsi mənbə məsələsi ilə eynidir.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Abunəliklərin yenilənməsində xəta.'
+'Duplicating section': 'Bölmənin surətinin çıxarılması'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': '$1 bölməsinin surəti çıxarıla bilmədi'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': '$1 bölməsinin $2 daxilinə surəti çıxarıldı. $4 içindən $3'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Bölmələrə dəyişiklik etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Ümumilikdə $1 məqalə silinib.'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Bölmənin Surətini Çıxar:'
+'Existing Section': 'Mövcud Bölmə'
+'Go to new section': 'Yeni bölməyə keç'
+'Go to source section': 'Mənbə bölməsinə keç'
+'New Section': 'Yeni Bölmə'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Lütfən, ya $1 ya da $2 seçimini et'
+'Select destination section:': 'Son ünvan bölməsini seç:'
+OR: 'VƏ YA'
+'URL Name': 'URL Adı'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'Qeyd edilmiş bölmə sayı artıq mövcuddur, lütfən, ya fərqli dəyər qeyd et, ya da açılan menyudan mövcud bölməni tap.'
+Warning: Diqqət
+'You must select a section.': 'Bölmə seçməlisən.'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Bölmə üçün ad seçimi etməlisən.'
+'The section could not be added.': 'Bölmə əlavə edilə bilmədi.'
+'Add new section': 'Yeni bölmə əlavə et'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.be.yml
index dc6b32c72d..0d19b3e03d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.be.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: 'па змаўчанні'
+'before you can configure the section templates.': 'перад тым, як вы зможаце наладзіць шаблоны рубрык.'
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'Вы павінны прызначыць тэму (шаблон) для выпуску'
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'Рубрыка $1 ўжо выкарыстоўваецца.'
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Выдаліць усе артыкулы, напісаныя на мове $1, з гэтай рубрыкі'
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Выдаліць усе артыкулы і ўсе пераклады для гэтага артыкула'
+'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Выдаліць толькі гэтую рубрыку'
+'Delete all translations of this section': 'Выдаліць усе пераклады з гэтай рубрыкі'
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'Колькасць артыкулаў
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'URL павiнны быць унікальны для ўсiх рубрык у гэтым выданьнi.
Азначаны URL ($1) канфлiктуе з рубрыкай $2$3. $4$5'
+'Section updated': 'Рубрыка абноўленая'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'Гэта будзе ўжыта да $1 падпiскі (ак) '
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'Артыкулаў у гэтай рубрыцы: $1.'
+'Go To Articles': 'Перайсьцi да артыкулаў'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Дадаць рубрыку да ўсiх падпiсак'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Выдалiць рубрыку з усiх падпiсак.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Было ўсяго абноўлена $1 падпiсак.'
(click to see articles)': 'Назва
(нацiсьнiце для прагляду артыкулаў) '
+'Delete section $1': 'Выдалiць рубрыку $1 '
+'Adding new section': 'Дадаваньне новай рубрыкі'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Вы ня маеце права дадаваць рубрыкі.'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Рубрыка $1 была пасьпяхова даданая.'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Калi ласка, пераканайцеся, што няма iншай рубрыкі з такім жа нумарам ці URL.'
+'Delete section': 'Выдалiць рубрыку'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для выдаленьня рубрык.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Цi Вы ўпэўнены, што хочаце выдалiць рубрыку $1?'
+'Deleting section': 'Выдаленьне рубрыкі'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'Рубрыка $1 была выдалена.'
+'Configure section': 'Наладзіць рубрыку'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'Немагчыма зьмяніць рубрыку.'
+'Duplicate section': 'Дубляваць рубрыку'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'Выпуск крыніцы той жа, што і атрымальніка.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Памылка абнаўленьня падпісак'
+'Duplicating section': 'Дубляваньне рубрык'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'Рубрыка $1 ня можа быць прадубляваная'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Рубрыка $1 была прадубляванаа ў $2. $3 з $4 '
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для мадыфікацыі рубрыкі.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Усяго артыкулаў было выдалена: $1'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Дубляваць рубрыку:'
+'Existing Section': 'Iснуючая рубрыка'
+'Go to new section': 'Перайсьцi да новай рубрыкі'
+'Go to source section': 'Перайсьцi да зыходнай рубрыкі'
+'New Section': 'Новая рубрыка'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Калi ласка, выбераце цi $1 , цi $2.'
+'Select destination section:': 'Выбераце разьмяшчэньне рубрыкі:'
+OR: цi
+'URL Name': 'Назва URL'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'Уведзены нумар рубрыкі ўжо iснуе. Калi ласка, увядзеце iншае значэньне цi выкарыстайце выпадаючы сьпiс для пошуку iснуючай рубрыкі.'
+Warning: Папярэджаньне
+'You must select a section.': 'Вы павiнны выбраць рубрыку.'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Вы павiнны вызначыць назву рубрыкі.'
+'The section could not be added.': 'Немагчыма дадаць рубрыку.'
+'Add new section': 'Дадаць новую рубрыку'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.bn.yml
index dc6b32c72d..30444bff45 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.bn.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': null
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': null
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': null
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': null
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': null
(click to see articles)': null
+'Delete section $1': null
+'Adding new section': null
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': null
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': null
+'Delete section': null
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': null
+'Deleting section': null
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': null
+'Configure section': null
+'The section could not be changed.': null
+'Duplicate section': null
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': null
+'Error updating subscriptions.': null
+'Duplicating section': null
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': null
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': null
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
+'Duplicate Section:': null
+'Existing Section': null
+'Go to new section': null
+'Go to source section': null
+'New Section': null
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': null
+'Select destination section:': null
+OR: null
+'URL Name': 'URL-র নাম'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': null
+Warning: null
+'You must select a section.': null
+'You must specify a name for the section.': null
+'The section could not be added.': null
+'Add new section': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.cs.yml
index dc6b32c72d..c4821fa8fe 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.cs.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+'before you can configure the section templates.': 'předtím než můžete konfigurovat šablony sekce.'
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'Musíte zadat téma do vydání'
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'Číslo rubriky $1 se již používá.'
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Odstranit všechny články psány v jazyku $1 z této rubriky'
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Odstranit všechny články a všechny jejich překlady'
+'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Odstranit pouze tuto rubriku ($1)'
+'Delete all translations of this section': 'Odstranit všechny překlady této rubriky'
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'Počet Článků
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'URL název musí být jedidečný pro všechny rubriky v tomto vydání.
Zadaný URL název($1) je v rozporu s rubrikou$2$3. $4$5'
+'Section updated': 'Rubrika aktualizována'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'Bude ovlivněno $1 předplatných.'
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'V této rubrice je $1 článků.'
+'Go To Articles': 'Jít na Články'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Přidat rubriku pro všechny předplatné'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Smazat rubriku všech předplatných'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Bylo obnoveno $1 předplatné '
(click to see articles)': 'Název '
+'Delete section $1': 'Smazat rubriku $1'
+'Adding new section': 'Přidání nové rubriky'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Nemáte právo přidat rubriku'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Rubrika $1 byla úspěšně přidána'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Prosím zkontrolujte, jestli již neexistuje rubrika se stejným URL názvem nebo číslem.'
+'Delete section': 'Odstranit rubriku'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Nemáte právo mazat rubriky'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Určitě chcete smazat rubriku $1?'
+'Deleting section': 'Mazání rubriky'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'Rubrika $1 byla smazána'
+'Configure section': 'Nastavit rubriku'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'Rubrika nemohla být změněna'
+'Duplicate section': 'Duplikovat rubriku'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'Cílové vydání je stejné jako zdrojové.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Chyba při aktualizaci předplatného.'
+'Duplicating section': 'Duplikuje se rubrika'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'Rubrika $1 nelze duplikovat'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Rubrika $1 byla duplikována do $2. $3 z $4'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Nemáte oprávnění upravovat rubriky.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Celkem $1 článků odstraněno.'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplikovat Rubriku:'
+'Existing Section': 'Existující Rubrika'
+'Go to new section': 'Jít na nová rubrika'
+'Go to source section': 'Jít na zdrojová rubrika'
+'New Section': 'Nová Rubrika'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Prosím vyberte $1 nebo $2.'
+'Select destination section:': 'Zvolte cílovou rubriku:'
+'URL Name': 'Jméno vydání v URL'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'Číslo rubriky již existuje. Prosím zvolte jinou hodnotu nebo použíjte výběr(níže) k nalezení existující rubriky.'
+Warning: Varování
+'You must select a section.': 'Zvolte rubriku.'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Zadejte název rubriky.'
+'The section could not be added.': 'Rubrika nemohla být přidána'
+'Add new section': 'Přidat novou rubriku'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.da.yml
index dc6b32c72d..4c8c560f08 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.da.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: standard
+'before you can configure the section templates.': 'før du kan konfigurere sektions skabelonerne'
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'Du skal tilføje et tema til udgivelsen'
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'Sektions nummeret $1 er allerede i brug'
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Slet alle artikler på $1fra sektionen'
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Slet alle artikler og deres oversættelser'
+'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Selt kun denne sektion ($1)'
+'Delete all translations of this section': 'Slet alle oversættelser af denne sektion'
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'Antal artikler
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'URL navnet skal være unikt for alle sektioner i denne udgivelse.
URL navnet du har angivet ($1) bruges af sektion $2$3. $4$5'
+'Section updated': 'Sektion opdateret'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': '$1 abonnementer bliver berørt.'
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'Der er $1 artikler i denne sektion.'
+'Go To Articles': 'Gå til artikler'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Føj sektion til alle abonnementer.'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Slet sektion fra alle abonnementer.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': '$1 abonnementer blev opdateret.'
(click to see articles)': 'Navn
(klik for at se artikler)'
+'Delete section $1': 'Slet sektion $1'
+'Adding new section': 'Tilføjer ny sektion'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje sektioner.'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Sektionen $1 blev tilføjet.'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Kontroller om en anden sektion bruger samme nummer eller URL.'
+'Delete section': 'Slet sektion'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette sektioner.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Vil du slette sektionen $1?'
+'Deleting section': 'Sletter sektion'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'Sektionen $1 blev slettet.'
+'Configure section': 'Rediger sektion'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'Sektionen kunne ikke ændres.'
+'Duplicate section': 'Kopier sektion'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'Kilde udgivelse og destinations udgivelse er identiske.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Abonnementer kunne ikke opdateres.'
+'Duplicating section': 'Kopierer sektion'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'Sektionen $1 kunne ikke kopieres'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Sektionen $1 blev kopieret til $2. $3 af $4'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at redigere sektioner.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': '$1 artikler blev slettet.'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Kopier sektion:'
+'Existing Section': 'Eksisterende sektion'
+'Go to new section': 'Gå til ny sektion'
+'Go to source section': 'Gå til kilde sektionen'
+'New Section': 'Ny sektion'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Vælg enten $1 eller $2.'
+'Select destination section:': 'Vælg destinations sektionen:'
+'URL Name': 'URL navn'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'Sektionsnummeret eksisterer allerede. Angiv en anden værdi eller find en eksisterende sektion i menuen.'
+Warning: Advarsel
+'You must select a section.': 'Vælg en sektion.'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Angiv et navn for sektionen.'
+'The section could not be added.': 'Sektionen kunne ikke tilføjes.'
+'Add new section': 'Tilføj ny sektion'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.de.yml
index dc6b32c72d..8d114323dc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.de.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
+default: Standard
+'before you can configure the section templates.': 'bevor Sie die Rubriken Templates konfigurieren können. '
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'Sie müssen dieser Ausgabe ein Thema zuweisen'
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'Die Rubriknummer $1 wird bereits verwendet.'
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Alle Artikel der Sprache $1 aus dieser Rubrik löschen'
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Alle Artikel und ihre Übersetzungen löschen'
+'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Nur diese Rubrik ($1) löschen'
+'Delete all translations of this section': 'Alle Übersetzungen dieser Rubrik löschen'
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': Artikelanzahl
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'Der URL Name muss für alle Rubriken dieser Ausgabe unterschiedlich sein. Der gewählte URL Name steht im Widerspruch zur Rubrik $2$3. $4$5'
+'Section updated': 'Rubrik aktualisiert'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': '$1 Abonnements sind betroffen.'
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'Es gibt $1 Artikel in dieser Rubrik.'
+'Go To Articles': 'Gehe zu Artikeln'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Rubrik zu allen Abonnements hinzufügen.'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Rubrik aus allen Abonnements entfernen.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Es wurden $1 Abonnements aktualisiert.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles) '
+'Delete section $1': 'Rubrik $1 löschen'
+'Adding new section': 'Rubrik wird hinzugefügt'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Keine Berechtigung Rubriken hinzuzufügen.'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Rubrik $1 wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt.'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Bitte prüfen, ob eine andere Rubrik mit der gleichen Nummer oder URL schon existiert.'
+'Delete section': 'Rubrik löschen'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Sie sind nicht berechtigt, Rubriken zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Soll Rubrik $1 wirklich gelöscht werden?'
+'Deleting section': 'Rubrik wird gelöscht'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'Rubrik $1 wurde gelöscht.'
+'Configure section': 'Rubrik konfigurieren'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'Rubrik konnte nicht geändert werden.'
+'Duplicate section': 'Rubrik duplizieren'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'Die Zielausgabe ist mit der Ausgangausgabe identisch.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Fehler bei der Aktualisierung der Abonnements.'
+'Duplicating section': 'Rubrik wird dupliziert'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'Die Rubrik $1 konnte nicht dupliziert werden.'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Rubrik $1 wurde nach $2 dupliziert. $3 von $4'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Sie sind nicht berechtigt, Rubriken zu verändern.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Insgesamt $1 Artikel wurden gelöscht.'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Rubrik duplizieren:'
+'Existing Section': 'Bestehende Rubrik'
+'Go to new section': 'Zu neuer Rubrik wechseln'
+'Go to source section': 'Zur Ausgangsrubrik wechseln'
+'New Section': 'Neue Rubrik'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Bitte entweder $1 oder $2 auswählen.'
+'Select destination section:': 'Zielrubrik auswählen:'
'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'Die gewählte Nummer der Rubrik existiert bereits, bitte einen anderen Wert angeben oder aus dem Dropdown Menü auswählen.'
+Warning: Warnung
+'You must select a section.': 'Sie müssen eine Rubrik wählen.'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Sie müssen für die Rubrik einen Namen angeben.'
+'The section could not be added.': 'Die Rubrik konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'Add new section': 'Neue Rubrik hinzufügen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.de_AT.yml
index dc6b32c72d..8d114323dc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
+default: Standard
+'before you can configure the section templates.': 'bevor Sie die Rubriken Templates konfigurieren können. '
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'Sie müssen dieser Ausgabe ein Thema zuweisen'
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'Die Rubriknummer $1 wird bereits verwendet.'
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Alle Artikel der Sprache $1 aus dieser Rubrik löschen'
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Alle Artikel und ihre Übersetzungen löschen'
+'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Nur diese Rubrik ($1) löschen'
+'Delete all translations of this section': 'Alle Übersetzungen dieser Rubrik löschen'
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': Artikelanzahl
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'Der URL Name muss für alle Rubriken dieser Ausgabe unterschiedlich sein. Der gewählte URL Name steht im Widerspruch zur Rubrik $2$3. $4$5'
+'Section updated': 'Rubrik aktualisiert'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': '$1 Abonnements sind betroffen.'
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'Es gibt $1 Artikel in dieser Rubrik.'
+'Go To Articles': 'Gehe zu Artikeln'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Rubrik zu allen Abonnements hinzufügen.'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Rubrik aus allen Abonnements entfernen.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Es wurden $1 Abonnements aktualisiert.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles) '
+'Delete section $1': 'Rubrik $1 löschen'
+'Adding new section': 'Rubrik wird hinzugefügt'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Keine Berechtigung Rubriken hinzuzufügen.'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Rubrik $1 wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt.'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Bitte prüfen, ob eine andere Rubrik mit der gleichen Nummer oder URL schon existiert.'
+'Delete section': 'Rubrik löschen'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Sie sind nicht berechtigt, Rubriken zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Soll Rubrik $1 wirklich gelöscht werden?'
+'Deleting section': 'Rubrik wird gelöscht'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'Rubrik $1 wurde gelöscht.'
+'Configure section': 'Rubrik konfigurieren'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'Rubrik konnte nicht geändert werden.'
+'Duplicate section': 'Rubrik duplizieren'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'Die Zielausgabe ist mit der Ausgangausgabe identisch.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Fehler bei der Aktualisierung der Abonnements.'
+'Duplicating section': 'Rubrik wird dupliziert'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'Die Rubrik $1 konnte nicht dupliziert werden.'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Rubrik $1 wurde nach $2 dupliziert. $3 von $4'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Sie sind nicht berechtigt, Rubriken zu verändern.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Insgesamt $1 Artikel wurden gelöscht.'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Rubrik duplizieren:'
+'Existing Section': 'Bestehende Rubrik'
+'Go to new section': 'Zu neuer Rubrik wechseln'
+'Go to source section': 'Zur Ausgangsrubrik wechseln'
+'New Section': 'Neue Rubrik'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Bitte entweder $1 oder $2 auswählen.'
+'Select destination section:': 'Zielrubrik auswählen:'
'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'Die gewählte Nummer der Rubrik existiert bereits, bitte einen anderen Wert angeben oder aus dem Dropdown Menü auswählen.'
+Warning: Warnung
+'You must select a section.': 'Sie müssen eine Rubrik wählen.'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Sie müssen für die Rubrik einen Namen angeben.'
+'The section could not be added.': 'Die Rubrik konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+'Add new section': 'Neue Rubrik hinzufügen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.es.yml
index dc6b32c72d..b4205872e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.es.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
+default: 'por defecto'
+'before you can configure the section templates.': 'antes de configurar las plantillas de sección.'
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'Debe asignar un tema para esta edición'
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'El número de sección $1 ya está en uso.'
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Borrar todos los artículos escritos en idioma $1 de esta sección. '
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Borrar todos los artículos y todas sus traducciones'
+'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Borrar solo esta sección ($1)'
+'Delete all translations of this section': 'Eliminar todas las traduciones de esta sección'
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. de artículos
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'El nombre del URL deber ser único para todas las secciones en esta edición.
El nombre del URL que especificó ($1) tiene conflicto con la sección $2$3. $4$5'
+'Section updated': 'Sección actualizada'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'Hay $1 suscripciones que se verán afectadas.'
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'Hay $1 artículos en esta sección.'
+'Go To Articles': 'Ir a artículos'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Agregar secciones a todas las suscripciones.'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Eliminar la sección de todas las suscripciones.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Se actualizó un total de $1 suscripciones.'
(click to see articles)': 'Nombre
(clic para ver los artículos) '
+'Delete section $1': 'Borrar sección $1'
+'Adding new section': 'Agregando una nueva sección'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'No tiene privilegios para agregar nuevas secciones'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'La sección $1 ha sido agregada con éxito'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Por favor verifique si existe otra sección con el mismo número o nombre de URL. '
+'Delete section': 'Borrar sección'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'No tiene privilegios para borrar secciones'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': '¿Está seguro de querer borrar la sección $1?'
+'Deleting section': 'Borrando sección'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'La sección $1 ha sido borrada'
+'Configure section': 'Configure sección'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'La sección no pudo ser modificada'
+'Duplicate section': 'Seccion duplicada'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'La edición destino es la misma que la edición fuente.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error al actualizar suscripciones.'
+'Duplicating section': 'Duplicando sección'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'La seccion $1 no pudo ser duplicada'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'La seccion $1 ha sido duplicada a $2, $3 de $4'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'No tiene privilegios para modificar secciones'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Se eliminó un total de $1 artículos'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicar sección:'
+'Existing Section': 'Sección existente'
+'Go to new section': 'Ir a nueva sección'
+'Go to source section': 'Ir a sección fuente'
+'New Section': 'Nueva sección'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Por favor elija entre $1 o $2.'
+'Select destination section:': 'Elija sección de destino:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+'URL Name': 'Nombre del URL'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'El nombre de sección que especificó ya existe, por favor especifique un valor diferente o use el menú dropdown para encontrar una sección existente.'
+Warning: Advertencia
+'You must select a section.': 'Debe seleccionar una sección'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Debe especificar un nombre para la sección'
+'The section could not be added.': 'La sección no pudo ser agregada'
+'Add new section': 'Agregar nueva sección'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.es_AR.yml
index dc6b32c72d..188ea88953 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': null
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': null
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': null
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': null
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': null
(click to see articles)': null
+'Delete section $1': null
+'Adding new section': null
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': null
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': null
+'Delete section': null
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': null
+'Deleting section': null
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': null
+'Configure section': null
+'The section could not be changed.': null
+'Duplicate section': null
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': null
+'Error updating subscriptions.': null
+'Duplicating section': null
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': null
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': null
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
+'Duplicate Section:': null
+'Existing Section': null
+'Go to new section': null
+'Go to source section': null
+'New Section': null
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': null
+'Select destination section:': null
+OR: null
+'URL Name': null
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': null
+Warning: null
+'You must select a section.': null
+'You must specify a name for the section.': null
+'The section could not be added.': null
+'Add new section': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.fa.yml
index dc6b32c72d..188ea88953 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.fa.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': null
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': null
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': null
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': null
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': null
(click to see articles)': null
+'Delete section $1': null
+'Adding new section': null
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': null
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': null
+'Delete section': null
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': null
+'Deleting section': null
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': null
+'Configure section': null
+'The section could not be changed.': null
+'Duplicate section': null
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': null
+'Error updating subscriptions.': null
+'Duplicating section': null
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': null
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': null
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
+'Duplicate Section:': null
+'Existing Section': null
+'Go to new section': null
+'Go to source section': null
+'New Section': null
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': null
+'Select destination section:': null
+OR: null
+'URL Name': null
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': null
+Warning: null
+'You must select a section.': null
+'You must specify a name for the section.': null
+'The section could not be added.': null
+'Add new section': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.fr.yml
index dc6b32c72d..a2337115d5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.fr.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': null
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': 'Aller aux Articles'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Ajoutez la section à tous les abonnements.'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Supprimez la section de tous les abonnements.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Un total de $1 abonnements a été mis à jour. '
(click to see articles)': 'Nom
(cliquer pour voir les articles)'
+'Delete section $1': 'Supprimer la section $1'
+'Adding new section': 'Ajout nouvelle section'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des sections'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'La section $1 a été ajoutée avec succès.'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'SVP verifier si une autre section avec le même numéro ou nom URL nexiste pas déjà.'
+'Delete section': 'supprimer la section'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des sections.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la section $1?'
+'Deleting section': 'Suppression section'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'La section $1 a été modifiée.'
+'Configure section': 'Configurer la section'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'La section ne peut pas être changée.'
+'Duplicate section': 'Dupliquer la section'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'La destination de lédition est la même comme lédition source.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Erreur en mettant à jour les abonnements.'
+'Duplicating section': 'Duplication de section'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'La section $1 ne peut pas être dupliquée'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 a été dupliquée à $2. $3 de $4'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de modifier des sections.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Un total de $1 articles a été supprimé. '
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Dupliquer Section:'
+'Existing Section': 'Section Existante'
+'Go to new section': 'Aller à la nouvelle section'
+'Go to source section': 'Aller à la section source'
+'New Section': 'Nouvelle Section'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Choisir Sil vous plaît ou bien $1 ou bien $2 . '
+'Select destination section:': 'Choisir la section de destination'
+'URL Name': 'Nom URL'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'Le numéro de section indiqué existe déjà , spécifier SVP une valeur différente ou employez la liste déroulante pour trouver une section existante. '
+Warning: Avertissement
+'You must select a section.': 'Vous devez choisir une section.'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Vous devez spécifier un nom pour la section. '
+'The section could not be added.': 'La section ne peut pas être ajoutée'
+'Add new section': 'Ajouter nouvelle section'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.he.yml
index dc6b32c72d..e6855c94f6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.he.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': null
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': null
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': null
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': null
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': null
(click to see articles)': null
+'Delete section $1': null
+'Adding new section': null
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': null
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': null
+'Delete section': null
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': null
+'Deleting section': null
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': null
+'Configure section': null
+'The section could not be changed.': null
+'Duplicate section': null
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': null
+'Error updating subscriptions.': null
+'Duplicating section': null
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': null
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': null
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
+'Duplicate Section:': null
+'Existing Section': null
+'Go to new section': null
+'Go to source section': null
+'New Section': null
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': null
+'Select destination section:': null
+OR: null
+'URL Name': 'שם קישור'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': null
+Warning: null
+'You must select a section.': null
+'You must specify a name for the section.': null
+'The section could not be added.': null
+'Add new section': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.hr.yml
index dc6b32c72d..15c3d65138 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.hr.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': null
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': 'Idi na članak'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Dodaj rubriku svim pretplatama.'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Obriši rubriku svim pretplatama.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Ukupno $1 pretplata je osvježeno.'
(click to see articles)': 'Ime
(kliknite da vidite pojednačne članke)'
+'Delete section $1': 'Izbriši rubriku $1'
+'Adding new section': 'Dodavanje nove rubrike'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati rubrike.'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Rubrika $1 je uspješno dodana.'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Provjerite da li druga rubrika sa istim brojem ili URL imenom već ne postoji.'
+'Delete section': 'Izbriši rubriku'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Nemate dozvolu za brisati rubrike.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati rubriku $1?'
+'Deleting section': 'Brisanje rubrike'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'Rubrika $1 je obrisana'
+'Configure section': 'Podesi rubriku'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'Rubrika ne može biti izmijenjena.'
+'Duplicate section': 'Udvostuči rubriku'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'Odredišno izdanje je isto kao izvorno.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Greška prilikom osvježavanja pretplata.'
+'Duplicating section': 'Udvostručavanje rubrike'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'Rubrika $1 ne može se udvostručiti'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Rubrika $1 je kopirana u $2, $3 od $4'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Nemate prava mijenjati rubrike.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Ukupno $1 članak/a je obrisano.'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Udvostruči rubriku:'
+'Existing Section': 'Postojeća rubrika'
+'Go to new section': 'Otiđi na novu rubriku'
+'Go to source section': 'Otiđi na izvornu rubriku'
+'New Section': 'Nova rubrika'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Izaberite $1 ili $2.'
+'Select destination section:': 'Označi odredišnu rubriku:'
+'URL Name': 'Ime URL-a'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'Navedeni broj rubrike već postoji, izaberite drugu vrijednost ili koristite padajući izbornik za odabir postojeće rubrike.'
+Warning: Upozorenje
+'You must select a section.': 'Morate označiti rubriku.'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Morate izabrati ime rubrike.'
+'The section could not be added.': 'Rubrika se ne može dodati.'
+'Add new section': 'Dodaj novu rubriku'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.hu.yml
index dc6b32c72d..8b2fb0a4d5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.hu.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: alapértelmezett
+'before you can configure the section templates.': 'mielőtt beállíthatod a rovatsablonokat.'
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'Hozzá kell rendelned egy témát a számhoz.'
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'A/z $1 számú rovat már foglalt volt.'
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'A/z $1 nyelven írott összes cikk törlése ebből a rovatból'
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Minden cikk és összes fordításuk törlése'
+'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Csak ezen rovat ($1) törlése'
+'Delete all translations of this section': 'Ezen rovat összes fordításának törlése'
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'Cikkek számai
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'Az URL-névnek ezen szám összes rovatához egyedinek kell lennie.
Az általad megadott URL-név ($1) ütközik a/z $2$3 rovattal. $4$5'
+'Section updated': 'A rovat frissítése megtörtént'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': '$1 előfizetés van, amelyek érintettek lesznek'
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'Ebben a rovatban $1 cikk van. '
+'Go To Articles': 'Ugrás a cikkekhez'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Rovat hozzáadása az összes előfizetéshez.'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'A rovat törlése az összes előfizetésből.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Összesen $1 előfizetés került frissítésre.'
(click to see articles)': 'Név
(kattints ide a cikkek megtekintéséhez)'
+'Delete section $1': 'A/z $1 rovat törlése'
+'Adding new section': 'Új rovat hozzáadása'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Nincs jogod a rovatok hozzáadásához.'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'A/z $1 rovat hozzáadása sikerült.'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Ellenőrizd, hogy létezik-e már másik, azonos számú vagy URL-nevű rovat.'
+'Delete section': 'Rovat törlése'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Nincs jogod a rovatok törléséhez.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod a/z $1 rovatot?'
+'Deleting section': 'Rovat törlése'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'A/z $1 rovat törlése megtörtént.'
+'Configure section': 'Rovat konfigurálása'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'Nem lehet módosítani a rovatot.'
+'Duplicate section': 'Rovat megkettőzése'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'A célszám azonos a forrásszámmal.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Hiba történt az előfizetések frissítésekor.'
+'Duplicating section': 'Rovat megkettőzése'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'Nem lehet megkettőzni a/z $1 rovatot'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'A/z $1 rovat megkettőzése a/z $2 rovatba megtörtént. $3 / $4'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Nincs jogod a rovatok módosításához.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Összesen $1 cikk került törlésre.'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Rovat megkettőzése'
+'Existing Section': 'Létező rovat'
+'Go to new section': 'Ugrás az új rovathoz'
+'Go to source section': 'Ugrás a forrásrovathoz'
+'New Section': 'Új rovat'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Válassz a/z $1 vagy a/z $2 közül.'
+'Select destination section:': 'Célrovat kiválasztása:'
+'URL Name': URL-név
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'A megadott rovatszám már létezik, adj meg másik értéket, vagy keress egy meglévő rovatot a legördülőben.'
+Warning: Figyelmeztetés
+'You must select a section.': 'Ki kell választanod egy rovatot.'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Meg kell adnod a rovat nevét.'
+'The section could not be added.': 'Nem lehet hozzáadni a rovatot.'
+'Add new section': 'Új rovat hozzáadása'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.hy_AM.yml
index dc6b32c72d..188ea88953 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': null
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': null
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': null
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': null
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': null
(click to see articles)': null
+'Delete section $1': null
+'Adding new section': null
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': null
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': null
+'Delete section': null
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': null
+'Deleting section': null
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': null
+'Configure section': null
+'The section could not be changed.': null
+'Duplicate section': null
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': null
+'Error updating subscriptions.': null
+'Duplicating section': null
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': null
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': null
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
+'Duplicate Section:': null
+'Existing Section': null
+'Go to new section': null
+'Go to source section': null
+'New Section': null
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': null
+'Select destination section:': null
+OR: null
+'URL Name': null
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': null
+Warning: null
+'You must select a section.': null
+'You must specify a name for the section.': null
+'The section could not be added.': null
+'Add new section': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ka.yml
index dc6b32c72d..1efebded5f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ka.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: ნაგულისხმევი
+'before you can configure the section templates.': 'სექციების შაბლონების კონფიგურაციამდე'
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'თქვენ უნდა მიუთითოთ გამოცემის თემა'
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'სექცია ნომერ $1 უკვე გამოყენებულია'
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'ამ სექციაში არსებული ყველა სტატიის წაშლა რომლებიც არიან ენაზე: '
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'ყველა სტატიის და მათი თარგმანის წაშლა'
+'Delete only this section ($1)': 'მხოლოდ ამ სექციის წაშლა ($1)'
+'Delete all translations of this section': 'ამ სექციის ყველა თარგმანის წაშლა'
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'სტატიების რიცხვი
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'ამ გამოცემის სექციების URL უნდა იყოს უნიკალური.
თქვენ მიერ მითითებული URL ($1) ემთხვევა სექციას $2$3. $4$5'
+'Section updated': 'სექცია განახლდა'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': '$1 გამოწერაზე ზეგავლენას იქონიებს.'
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'ამ სექციაში არის $1 სტატია.'
+'Go To Articles': 'სტატიებზე გადასვლა'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'სექციის დამატება ყველა გამოწერაზე.'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'სექციის წაშლა ყველა გამოწერიდან.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': '$1 გამოწერა განახლდა'
(click to see articles)': 'სათაური
(დააჭირეთ სტატიების სანახავად)'
+'Delete section $1': '$1 სექციის წაშლა'
+'Adding new section': 'ახალი სექციის დამატება'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სექციების დამატების უფლება.'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': '$1 სექცია დაემატა.'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'გთხოვთ შეამოწმოთ რომ არ არსებობს მსგავსი სახელის ან URL-ის სექცია'
+'Delete section': 'სექციის წაშლა'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სექციების წაშლის უფლება.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1 სექციის წაშლა?'
+'Deleting section': 'სექციის წაშლა'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': '$1 სექცია წაიშალა'
+'Configure section': 'სექციის კონფიგურაცია'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'სექცია არ შეიცვალა'
+'Duplicate section': 'სექციის დუბლირება'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'საბოლოო გამოცემა ემთხვევა საწყის გამოცემას.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'გამოწერების განახლებისას დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა.'
+'Duplicating section': 'სექციის დუბლირება'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': '$1 სექცია ვერ დაკოპირდა'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'სექცია $1 დაკოპირდა $2 სექციაში. $4-ის $3'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ სექციების მოდიფიკაციის უფლება'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': '$1 სტატია წაიშალა'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'სექციის დუბლირება:'
+'Existing Section': 'არსებული სექცია'
+'Go to new section': 'ახალ სექციაზე გადასვლა'
+'Go to source section': 'საწყისი სექცია'
+'New Section': 'ახალი სექცია'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'აირჩიეთ ან $1 ან $2'
+'Select destination section:': 'მონიშნე სექცია'
+OR: ან
+'URL Name': 'URL-ის სახელი'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'მითითებული სექციის ნომერი უკვე არსებობს, გთხოვთ მიუთეთ ახალი, ან შეამოწმეთ არსებულები ჩამონათვალში.'
+Warning: გაფრთხილება
+'You must select a section.': 'თქვენ უნდა მონიშნოთ სექცია'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'მიუთითეთ სექციის სახელი'
+'The section could not be added.': 'სექცია ვერ დაემატა.'
+'Add new section': 'სექციის დამატება'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ko.yml
index dc6b32c72d..00d406d4ce 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ko.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': null
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': '기사로 가기'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': '모든 구독자에게 섹션 추가 '
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': '모든 구독자에게서 섹션 삭제 '
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': '$1 구독자 모두가 업데이트되었습니다. '
(click to see articles)': '이름
(기사보려면 클릭)'
+'Delete section $1': '섹션 $1 삭제'
+'Adding new section': '새로운 섹션 추가'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': '섹션을 추가할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': '섹션 $1 이 성공적으로 추가되었습니다. '
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': '같은 넘버나 URL 이름의 다른 섹션이 이미 존재하는지 확인하시오.'
+'Delete section': '섹션 삭제'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': '섹션을 삭제할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': '섹션 $1 을 확실히 삭제합니까?'
+'Deleting section': '섹션 삭제중'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': '섹션 $1 이 삭제되었습니다. '
+'Configure section': '섹션 구성'
+'The section could not be changed.': '섹션이 수정될 수 없습니다. '
+'Duplicate section': '섹션 복사 '
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': '목표 이슈가 원래 이슈와 같습니다.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': '구독자 업데이트중 에러'
+'Duplicating section': '섹션 복사중'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': '섹션 $1 을 복사할 수 없습니다. '
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': '섹션 $1 이 $4 의 $2. $3 로 복사되었습니다.'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': '섹션을 수정할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': '$1 기사 모두 삭제되었습니다. '
+'Duplicate Section:': '섹션 복사 '
+'Existing Section': '기존 섹션 '
+'Go to new section': '새로운 섹션으로 가기'
+'Go to source section': '원래 섹션으로 가기'
+'New Section': '새로운 섹션 '
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': '$1 이나 $2 중 선택하시오.'
+'Select destination section:': '목표 섹션을 선택하시오:'
+OR: 'OR '
+'URL Name': 'URL 이름'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': '지정한 섹션 넘버가 이미 존재합니다. 다른 값을 지정하거나, 기존 섹션의 드롭다운메뉴를 사용하시오.'
+Warning: 주의
+'You must select a section.': 선택하시오
+'You must specify a name for the section.': '섹션 이름을 지정하시오'
+'The section could not be added.': '섹션을 추가할 수 업습니다. '
+'Add new section': '새로운 섹션 추가 '
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ku.yml
index dc6b32c72d..188ea88953 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ku.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': null
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': null
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': null
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': null
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': null
(click to see articles)': null
+'Delete section $1': null
+'Adding new section': null
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': null
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': null
+'Delete section': null
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': null
+'Deleting section': null
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': null
+'Configure section': null
+'The section could not be changed.': null
+'Duplicate section': null
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': null
+'Error updating subscriptions.': null
+'Duplicating section': null
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': null
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': null
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
+'Duplicate Section:': null
+'Existing Section': null
+'Go to new section': null
+'Go to source section': null
+'New Section': null
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': null
+'Select destination section:': null
+OR: null
+'URL Name': null
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': null
+Warning: null
+'You must select a section.': null
+'You must specify a name for the section.': null
+'The section could not be added.': null
+'Add new section': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.lv.yml
index dc6b32c72d..188ea88953 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.lv.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': null
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': null
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': null
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': null
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': null
(click to see articles)': null
+'Delete section $1': null
+'Adding new section': null
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': null
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': null
+'Delete section': null
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': null
+'Deleting section': null
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': null
+'Configure section': null
+'The section could not be changed.': null
+'Duplicate section': null
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': null
+'Error updating subscriptions.': null
+'Duplicating section': null
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': null
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': null
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
+'Duplicate Section:': null
+'Existing Section': null
+'Go to new section': null
+'Go to source section': null
+'New Section': null
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': null
+'Select destination section:': null
+OR: null
+'URL Name': null
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': null
+Warning: null
+'You must select a section.': null
+'You must specify a name for the section.': null
+'The section could not be added.': null
+'Add new section': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.nb_NO.yml
index dc6b32c72d..188ea88953 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': null
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': null
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': null
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': null
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': null
(click to see articles)': null
+'Delete section $1': null
+'Adding new section': null
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': null
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': null
+'Delete section': null
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': null
+'Deleting section': null
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': null
+'Configure section': null
+'The section could not be changed.': null
+'Duplicate section': null
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': null
+'Error updating subscriptions.': null
+'Duplicating section': null
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': null
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': null
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
+'Duplicate Section:': null
+'Existing Section': null
+'Go to new section': null
+'Go to source section': null
+'New Section': null
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': null
+'Select destination section:': null
+OR: null
+'URL Name': null
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': null
+Warning: null
+'You must select a section.': null
+'You must specify a name for the section.': null
+'The section could not be added.': null
+'Add new section': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.pl.yml
index dc6b32c72d..dcf0d48172 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.pl.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: domyslny
+'before you can configure the section templates.': 'wcześniej możesz skonfigurować szablony dla sekcji.'
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'Musisz wybrać szablon dla tego wydania'
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'Numer sekcji $1 jest już w użyciu.'
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Usuń wszystkie artykuły w języku $1 z tej sekcji.'
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Usuń wszystkie artykuły oraz ich tłumaczenia'
+'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Usuń tylko tę sekcję ($1)'
+'Delete all translations of this section': 'Usuń wszystkie tłumaczenia tej sekcji'
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'Liczba artykułów
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'Nazwa URL musi być unikalna dla wszystkich sekcji w tym wydaniu.
Podana nazwa URL ($1) jest w konflikcie z sekcją $2$3. $4$5 '
+'Section updated': 'Sekcja zaktualizowana'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'Subskrypcje, które zostaną zmienione: 1'
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'W tej sekcji jest $1 artykułów'
+'Go To Articles': 'Idź do artykułów'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Dodaj sekcję do wszystkich subskrypcji.'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Usuń sekcję ze wszystkich subskrypcji.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Liczba ukatulanionych sekcji: $1'
(click to see articles)': 'Nazwa
(kliknij aby zobaczyć artykuły)'
+'Delete section $1': 'Usuń sekcję $1'
+'Adding new section': 'Dodawanie nowej sekcji'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Nie masz prawy aby dodawać sekcje.'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Sekcja $1 została dodana.'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Sprawdź czy nie istnieje już sekcja albo nazwa URL z tym samym numerem'
+'Delete section': 'Usuń sekcję'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Nie masz praw aby usuwać sekcję.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć sekcję $1?'
+'Deleting section': 'Usuwanie sekcji'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'Sekcja $1 została usunięta.'
+'Configure section': 'Konfiguruj sekcję'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'Ta sekcja nie mogła zostać zmieniona.'
+'Duplicate section': 'Duplikuj sekcję'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'Cel docelowy jest taki sam jak początkowy.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Błąd przy aktualizacji subskrypcji.'
+'Duplicating section': 'Duplikowanie sekcji'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'Sekcja $1 nie została zduplikowana'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Sekcja $1 została zduplikowana do $2. $3 z $4'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Nie masz praw aby modyfikować sekcje.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Liczba usuniętych artykułów: $1.'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplikuj sekcję:'
+'Existing Section': 'Istniejące sekcje:'
+'Go to new section': 'Idź do nowej sekcji'
+'Go to source section': 'Idź do źródłowej sekcji'
+'New Section': 'Nowa sekcja'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Wybierz sekcję $1 albo $2/'
+'Select destination section:': 'Wybierz docelową sekcję:'
+'URL Name': 'Nazwa URL'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'Podany numer sekcji już istnieje, podaj inną wartość albo z poniższego menu wybierz istniejące sekcję.'
+Warning: Ostrzeżenie
+'You must select a section.': 'Musisz wybrać sekcję.'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Musisz podać nazwę sekcji.'
+'The section could not be added.': 'Sekcja nie została dodana.'
+'Add new section': 'Dodaj nową sekcję'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ps.yml
index dc6b32c72d..188ea88953 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.ps.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': null
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': null
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': null
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': null
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': null
(click to see articles)': null
+'Delete section $1': null
+'Adding new section': null
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': null
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': null
+'Delete section': null
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': null
+'Deleting section': null
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': null
+'Configure section': null
+'The section could not be changed.': null
+'Duplicate section': null
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': null
+'Error updating subscriptions.': null
+'Duplicating section': null
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': null
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': null
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
+'Duplicate Section:': null
+'Existing Section': null
+'Go to new section': null
+'Go to source section': null
+'New Section': null
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': null
+'Select destination section:': null
+OR: null
+'URL Name': null
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': null
+Warning: null
+'You must select a section.': null
+'You must specify a name for the section.': null
+'The section could not be added.': null
+'Add new section': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.pt_BR.yml
index dc6b32c72d..904098900e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: padrão
+'before you can configure the section templates.': 'antes de você poder configurar os templates da seção.'
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'Você tem que designar um tema para a edição'
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'Seção número $1 já estava em uso.'
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Remover dessa seção todos os artigos escritos em língua $1'
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Remover todos os artigos e todas as traduções'
+'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Remover apenas essa seção ($1)'
+'Delete all translations of this section': 'Remover todas as traduções dessa seção'
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. de artigos
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'O nome de URL tem que ser único para todas as seções nesta edição
O nome de URL que você definiu ($1) está em conflito com seção $2$3. $4$5'
+'Section updated': 'Seção atualizada'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'Há $1 assinatura(s) que serão afetuadas.'
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'Há $1 artigo(s) nessa seção.'
+'Go To Articles': 'Ir para Artigos'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Adicionar Secção a todas as Assinaturas'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Eliminar Secção de todas as Assinaturas'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Um total de $1 Assinaturas foram actualizadas'
(click to see articles)': 'Nome
(Carregue para ver artigos)'
+'Delete section $1': 'Eliminar Secção $1'
+'Adding new section': 'Adicionando Secção'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Não tem permissões para adicionar Secções.'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'A Secção $1 foi adicionada com sucesso.'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Verifique se não existem úma secção com o mesmo nome.'
+'Delete section': 'Eliminar Secção'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Não tem permissões para eliminar Secções.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Confirma o Apagamento da Secção $1?'
+'Deleting section': 'Eliminando Secção'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'A Secção $1 foi Eliminada'
+'Configure section': 'Configurar secção'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'Secção $1 não pode ser alterada.'
+'Duplicate section': 'Duplicar Secção'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'Destino idêntico à origem.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Erro na actualização de assinaturas'
+'Duplicating section': 'Duplicando secção'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'A Secção $1 não pode ser duplicada'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'A Secção $1 foi duplicada para $2. $3 de $4'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Não tem permissões para alterar secções.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': '$1 artigos foram apagados.'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicar Secção'
+'Existing Section': 'Secção Existente'
+'Go to new section': 'Ir para nova secção'
+'Go to source section': 'Ir para secção de origem'
+'New Section': 'Nova secção'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Escolha $1 ou $2.'
+'Select destination section:': 'Selecione a secção de destino:'
+'URL Name': 'Nome para o URL'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'O numero de secção ja existe, indique um valor diferente ou use a caixa de dialogo para encontrar uma secção existente.'
+Warning: Aviso
+'You must select a section.': 'Selecione uma secção.'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Tem de indicar um nome para a secção.'
+'The section could not be added.': 'Esta Secção não pode ser Adicionada.'
+'Add new section': 'Criar Secção'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sh.yml
index dc6b32c72d..b6397b909e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sh.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: podrqazumevano
+'before you can configure the section templates.': 'pre nego što podesite šablon za rubriku.'
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'Morate dodeliti temu izdanju'
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'Rubrika broj $1 je već u upotrebi.'
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Obriši sve tekstove iz ove rubrike napisane na jeziku: $1 '
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Obriši sve tekstove i njihove prevode'
+'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Obriši samo ovu rubriku ($1)'
+'Delete all translations of this section': 'Obriši sve prevode ove rubrike'
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'Broj članaka
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'URL naziv mora biti jedinstven za sve rubrike u okviru izdanja.
URL naziv koji ste uneli ($1) je u konfliktu sa rubrikom $2$3. $4$5 '
+'Section updated': 'Rubrika je izmenjena'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'Postoji $1 pretplata na koje će se odraziti ova izmena.'
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'Ukupno je $1 članaka u ovoj rubrici.'
+'Go To Articles': 'Idi na tekstove'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Dodaj rubriku u sve pretplate.'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Obriši rubriku iz svih pretplata.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Ukupan broj izmenjenih pretplata: $1.'
(click to see articles)': 'Naziv
(kliknite listing tekstova)'
+'Delete section $1': 'Obriši rubriku'
+'Adding new section': 'Dodavanje nove rubrike'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Nemate pravo da dodajete rubrike'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Rubrika $1 je uspešno dodata'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Proverite da li druga rubrika sa istim brojem ili URL imenom već ne postoji.'
+'Delete section': 'Obriši rubriku'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete rubrike.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete rubriku $1?'
+'Deleting section': 'Brisanje rubrika'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'Rubrika $1 je obrisana'
+'Configure section': 'Podesi rubriku'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'Rubrika ne može biti izmenjena.'
+'Duplicate section': 'Dupliraj rubriku'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'Ciljno izdanje je isto kao matično.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Greška pri promeni pretplata.'
+'Duplicating section': 'Dupliranje rubrike'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'Rubrika $1 ne može biti duplirana '
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Rubrika $1 je duplirana u $2. $3 od $4'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Nemate pravo da menjate rubrike.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Ukupno $1 članaka je obrisano.'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Dupliraj rubriku:'
+'Existing Section': 'Postojeća rubrika'
+'Go to new section': 'Idi u novu rubriku'
+'Go to source section': 'Idi u početnu rubriku'
+'New Section': 'Nova rubrika'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Izaberite $1 ili $2.'
+'Select destination section:': 'Izaberite ciljnu rubriku'
+'URL Name': 'URL ime'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'Navedeni broj rubrike već postoji, izaberite drugu vrednost ili koristite padajući meni za izbor postojeće rubrike.'
+Warning: Upozorenje
+'You must select a section.': 'Morate izabrati rubriku'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Morate uneti ime rubrike.'
+'The section could not be added.': 'Rubrika ne može biti dodata.'
+'Add new section': 'Dodaj novu rubriku'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sq.yml
index dc6b32c72d..188ea88953 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sq.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': null
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': null
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': null
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': null
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': null
(click to see articles)': null
+'Delete section $1': null
+'Adding new section': null
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': null
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': null
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': null
+'Delete section': null
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': null
+'Deleting section': null
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': null
+'Configure section': null
+'The section could not be changed.': null
+'Duplicate section': null
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': null
+'Error updating subscriptions.': null
+'Duplicating section': null
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': null
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': null
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': null
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': null
+'Duplicate Section:': null
+'Existing Section': null
+'Go to new section': null
+'Go to source section': null
+'New Section': null
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': null
+'Select destination section:': null
+OR: null
+'URL Name': null
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': null
+Warning: null
+'You must select a section.': null
+'You must specify a name for the section.': null
+'The section could not be added.': null
+'Add new section': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sr.yml
index dc6b32c72d..1b7ad42e2a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sr.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: подразумевано
+'before you can configure the section templates.': 'пре него што подесите шаблон за рубрику.'
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'Морате додлеити тему издању'
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'Рубрика број $1 је већ у употреби.'
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Обриши све текстове из ове рубрике написане на језику: $1'
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Обриши све текстове и њихове преводе'
+'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Обриши само ову рубрику ($1)'
+'Delete all translations of this section': 'Обриши преводе ове рубрике'
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'Број текстова
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'УРЛ назив мора бити јединствен за све рубрике у оквиру издања.
УРЛ назив који сте унели ($1) је у конфликту са рубриком $2 $3. $4 $5'
+'Section updated': 'Рубрика је измењена'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'Постоји $1 претплата на које ће се одразити ова измена.'
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'Укупно је $1 текстова у овој рубрици.'
+'Go To Articles': 'Иди на текстове'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Додај рубрику у све претплате.'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Обриши рубрику из свих претплата.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Укупан број измењених претплата: $1.'
(click to see articles)': Назив
+'Delete section $1': 'Обриши рубрику'
+'Adding new section': 'Додавање нове рубрике'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Немате право да додајете рубрике'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Рубрика $1 успешно је додата'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Проверите да ли друга рубрика са истим бројем или УРЛ именом већ не постоји.'
+'Delete section': 'Обриши рубрику'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Немате право брисања рубрика'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете рубрику $1? '
+'Deleting section': 'Брисање рубрика'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'Рубрика $1 је обрисана'
+'Configure section': 'Подеси рубрику'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'Рубрика не може бити измењена'
+'Duplicate section': 'Дуплирај рубрику'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'Циљно издање је исто као матично.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Грешка при мењању претплата.'
+'Duplicating section': 'Дуплирање рубрике'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'Рубрика $1 не може бити дуплирана'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Рубрика $1 је дуплирана у $2. $3 од $4'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Немате право да мењате рубрике.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Укупно $1 текстова је обрисано.'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Дуплирај рубрику:'
+'Existing Section': 'Рубрика постоји'
+'Go to new section': 'Иди у нову рубрику'
+'Go to source section': 'Иди у почетну рубрику'
+'New Section': 'Нова рубрика'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Изаберите $1 или $2.'
+'Select destination section:': 'Изаберите циљну рубрику'
+'URL Name': 'Скраћено име'
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'Наведени број рубрике већ постоји - изаберите другу вредност или користите падајући мени за избор постојеће рубрике.'
+Warning: Упозорење
+'You must select a section.': 'Морате изабрати рубрику'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Морате унети име рубрике.'
+'The section could not be added.': 'Рубрика не може бити додата'
+'Add new section': 'Додај нову рубрику'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sv.yml
index dc6b32c72d..1a27dddff3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/sections.sv.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-default: default
-'before you can configure the section templates.': 'before you can configure the section templates.'
-'You have to assign a theme to the issue': 'You have to assign a theme to the issue'
-'The section number $1 was already in use.': 'The section number $1 was already in use.'
-'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': 'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section'
-'Delete all articles and all of their translations': 'Delete all articles and all of their translations'
-'Delete only this section ($1)': 'Delete only this section ($1)'
-'Delete all translations of this section': 'Delete all translations of this section'
-'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': 'No. of Articles
-'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': 'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5'
-'Section updated': 'Section updated'
-'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': 'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.'
-'There are $1 articles in this section.': 'There are $1 articles in this section.'
-'Go To Articles': 'Go To Articles'
-'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Add section to all subscriptions.'
-'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Delete section from all subscriptions.'
-'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.'
(click to see articles)': 'Name
(click to see articles)'
-'Delete section $1': 'Delete section $1'
-'Adding new section': 'Adding new section'
-'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'You do not have the right to add sections.'
-'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'The section $1 has been successfuly added.'
-'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.'
-'Delete section': 'Delete section'
-'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'You do not have the right to delete sections.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?'
-'Deleting section': 'Deleting section'
-'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'The section $1 has been deleted.'
-'Configure section': 'Configure section'
-'The section could not be changed.': 'The section could not be changed.'
-'Duplicate section': 'Duplicate section'
-'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.'
-'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Error updating subscriptions.'
-'Duplicating section': 'Duplicating section'
-'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'The section $1 could not be duplicated'
-'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4'
-'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'You do not have the right to modify sections.'
-'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'A total of $1 articles were deleted.'
-'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicate Section:'
-'Existing Section': 'Existing Section'
-'Go to new section': 'Go to new section'
-'Go to source section': 'Go to source section'
-'New Section': 'New Section'
-'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Please select either $1 or $2.'
-'Select destination section:': 'Select destination section:'
-'URL Name': 'URL Name'
-'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.'
-Warning: Warning
-'You must select a section.': 'You must select a section.'
-'You must specify a name for the section.': 'You must specify a name for the section.'
-'The section could not be added.': 'The section could not be added.'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
+default: null
+'before you can configure the section templates.': null
+'You have to assign a theme to the issue': null
+'The section number $1 was already in use.': null
+'Delete all articles written in $1 language from this section': null
+'Delete all articles and all of their translations': null
+'Delete only this section ($1)': null
+'Delete all translations of this section': null
+'No. of Articles
(Published/Total)': null
+'The URL name must be unique for all sections in this issue.
The URL name you specified ($1) conflicts with section $2$3. $4$5': null
+'Section updated': 'Sektionen uppdaterad'
+'There are $1 subscriptions which will be affected.': null
+'There are $1 articles in this section.': null
+'Go To Articles': 'Gå till artiklar'
+'Add section to all subscriptions.': 'Lägg till sektionen till alla prenumerationer.'
+'Delete section from all subscriptions.': 'Radera sektionen från alla prenumerationer.'
+'A total of $1 subscriptions were updated.': 'Totalt $1 prenumerationer uppdaterade.'
(click to see articles)': 'Namn
(klick för att se artiklar)'
+'Delete section $1': 'Radera sektion $1'
+'Adding new section': 'Lägger till ny sektion'
+'You do not have the right to add sections.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till sektioner.'
+'The section $1 has been successfuly added.': 'Sektionen $1 har lagts till framgångsrikt.'
+'Please check if another section with the same number or URL name does not exist already.': 'Var god kontollera om det inte redan finns en annan sektion med samma nummer eller URL.'
+'Delete section': 'Radera sektion'
+'You do not have the right to delete sections.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera sektioner.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the section $1?': 'Är du säker att du vill radera sektionen $1?'
+'Deleting section': 'Raderar sektion'
+'The section $1 has been deleted.': 'Sektionen $1 raderad.'
+'Configure section': 'Konfigurera sektion'
+'The section could not be changed.': 'Sektionen kunde inte ändras'
+'Duplicate section': 'Duplicera sektion'
+'The destination issue is the same as the source issue.': 'Destinationsutgåvan är samma som källutgåvan.'
+'Error updating subscriptions.': 'Ett fel uppstod när prenumerationerna uppdaterades.'
+'Duplicating section': 'Duplicerar sektion'
+'The section $1 could not be duplicated': 'Sektionen $1 kunde inte dupliceras'
+'Section $1 has been duplicated to $2. $3 of $4': 'Sektionen $1 har duplicerats till $2. $3 av $4'
+'You do not have the right to modify sections.': 'Du har inte rätt att modifiera sektioner.'
+'A total of $1 articles were deleted.': 'Totalt $1 artiklar raderades.'
+'Duplicate Section:': 'Duplicera sektion:'
+'Existing Section': 'Existerande sektion'
+'Go to new section': 'Gå till ny sektion'
+'Go to source section': 'Gå till källsektion'
+'New Section': 'Ny sektion'
+'Please select either $1 or $2.': 'Var god välj antingen $1 eller $2.'
+'Select destination section:': 'Välj destinationssektionen:'
+'URL Name': URL-namn
+'The section number specified already exists, please specify a different value or use the dropdown to find an existing section.': 'Det inmatade sektionsnumret finns redan, var god mata in ett annat värde eller använd rullgardinsmenyn för att hitta en existerande sektion.'
+Warning: Varning
+'You must select a section.': 'Du måste välja en sektion.'
+'You must specify a name for the section.': 'Du måste skriva in ett namn för sektionen.'
+'The section could not be added.': 'Sektionen kunde inte läggas till.'
+'Add new section': 'Lägg till ny sektion'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.az.yml
index 5041a40a8c..0ea43c32b8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.az.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': 'Sən gündəlik statistika göndərirsən.'
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'Sən gündəlik statistika GÖNDƏRMİRSƏN.'
+'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Bəli, Newscoop-a dəstək ol'
+'Support settings saved.': 'Dəstək parametrləri saxlandı.'
+'Support Feedback': 'Dəstək Rəyi'
+'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Göndəriləsi rəy məlumatını göstər'
+'Remind me in 1 week': '1 həftəyə yadıma sal'
+'Hide feedback data': 'Rəy məlumatını gizlə'
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Newscoop-u istifadə etdiyini bizə bildirməklə onu inkişaf etdirməyimizə dəstək ol. Bu məlumatlaq sənin istifadəçi fikirlərini yaxşılaşdırmaq üçün toplanacaqdır.'
+'Current status: ': 'Mövcud status:'
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.be.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.be.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.bn.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.bn.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.cs.yml
index 5041a40a8c..4b8a11e1d2 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.cs.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': 'Posíláte denní satistiky'
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'Neposíláte denní statistiky'
+'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Ano, pomozte Newscoop'
+'Support settings saved.': 'Podpůrná nastavení uložena.'
+'Support Feedback': 'Podpořit zpětnou vazbu'
+'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Ukazát data zpětné vazby k odeslání'
+'Remind me in 1 week': 'Připomenout za týden'
+'Hide feedback data': 'Skrýt data zpětné vazby'
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Pomozte Newscoop se zdokonalit tím, že nám dáte vědět o jeho využívání. Tato informace bude se sbírána pravidelně, pro zlepšení vaší uživatelské zkušenosti.'
+'Current status: ': 'Současný status:'
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.da.yml
index 5041a40a8c..c53211afe1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.da.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
+'Do not remind me': 'Påmind mig ikke'
+'You are sending daily statistics.': 'Du sender daglig statistik.'
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'Du sender IKKE daglig statistik.'
+'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Ja, hjælp Newscoop'
+'Support settings saved.': 'Support indstillinger gemt.'
'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Vis feedback-data, der skal sendes'
+'Remind me in 1 week': 'Påmindelse om 1 uge'
+'Hide feedback data': 'Skjul feedback data'
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Hjælp os ved at automatisk at sende os information om hvordan du bruger Newscoop.'
+'Current status: ': 'Nuværende status:'
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'Ved at trykke på Ja, hjælp Newscoop knappen godkender du Sourcefabrics politik for personlige oplysninger'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.de.yml
index 5041a40a8c..4e716f55a6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.de.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': 'Sie senden tägliche Statistiken. '
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'Sie senden keine täglichen Statistiken '
+'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Ja, Newscoop unterstützen. '
+'Support settings saved.': 'Supporteinstellungen gespeichert. '
'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Zeige Feedbackdaten zum Senden. '
+'Remind me in 1 week': 'Erinnere mich in 1 Woche'
+'Hide feedback data': 'Feedbackdaten verstecken'
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Helfen Sie Newscoop indem Sie uns Nutzungsstatistiken senden. Diese Info soll uns helfen, Ihre User Experience zu verbessern. '
+'Current status: ': 'Aktueller Status: '
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.de_AT.yml
index 5041a40a8c..4e716f55a6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': 'Sie senden tägliche Statistiken. '
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'Sie senden keine täglichen Statistiken '
+'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Ja, Newscoop unterstützen. '
+'Support settings saved.': 'Supporteinstellungen gespeichert. '
'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Zeige Feedbackdaten zum Senden. '
+'Remind me in 1 week': 'Erinnere mich in 1 Woche'
+'Hide feedback data': 'Feedbackdaten verstecken'
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Helfen Sie Newscoop indem Sie uns Nutzungsstatistiken senden. Diese Info soll uns helfen, Ihre User Experience zu verbessern. '
+'Current status: ': 'Aktueller Status: '
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.es.yml
index 5041a40a8c..63058e6243 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.es.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': 'Está enviando las estadísticas diarias'
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'No está enviando las estadísticas diarias.'
+'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Sì, ayuda a Newscoop'
+'Support settings saved.': 'Se almacenaron las configuraciones de soporte.'
+'Support Feedback': 'Retroalimentación sobre soporte'
+'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Mostrar los datos de retroalientación por enviar'
+'Remind me in 1 week': 'Recordármelo en 1 semana'
+'Hide feedback data': 'Ocultar los datos de retroalimentación'
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Ayúdenos a mejorar Newscoop haciéndonos saber que lo está utilizando. Esta información se recolectará regularmente, con miras a mejorar la experiencia de nuestros usuarios.'
+'Current status: ': 'Estatus actual:'
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.es_AR.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.fa.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.fa.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.fr.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.fr.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.he.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.he.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.hr.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.hr.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.hu.yml
index 5041a40a8c..28ea9c7a16 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.hu.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': 'Te napi statisztikákat küldesz.'
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'Te NEM küldesz napi statisztikákat.'
+'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Igen, segítek a Newscoop fejlesztésében'
+'Support settings saved.': 'A támogatási beállítások mentése megtörtént.'
+'Support Feedback': 'Támogatási visszajelzés'
+'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Az elküldendő visszajelzési adatok megjelenítése'
+'Remind me in 1 week': 'Emlékeztessen 1 hét múlva'
+'Hide feedback data': 'Visszajelzési adatok elrejtése'
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Segítsd a Newscoop fejlesztését azzal, hogy tudatod velünk a használatát. Ezek az adatok rendszeresen kerülnek gyűjtésre, hogy javítsák a felhasználói élményedet.'
+'Current status: ': 'Jelenlegi állapot: '
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.hy_AM.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ka.yml
index 5041a40a8c..830fc04810 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ka.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': 'თქვენ აგზავნით ყოველდღიურ სტატისტიკას. '
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'თქვენ აგზავნით ყოველდღიურ სტატისტიკას. '
+'Yes, help Newscoop': 'დიახ, დავეხმაროთ Newscoop-ს'
+'Support settings saved.': 'დამახსოვრებული პარამეტრების მხარდაჭერა. '
+'Support Feedback': 'უკუკავშირის მხარდაჭერა'
+'Show feedback data to be sent': 'გასაგზავვნი შეფასების მონაცემების ჩვენება'
+'Remind me in 1 week': 'შემახსენეთ ერთ კვირაში'
+'Hide feedback data': 'შეფასების მონაცემების დაფარვა'
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'დაეხმარეთ ნიუსქუპს გაუმჯობესდეს და შეგვატყობინეთ, რომ თქვენ მისი მომხმარებელი ხართ. ინფორმაცია რეგულარულად შეგროვდება რათა გავაუმჯობესოთ თქვენი როგორც მომხმარებლის გამოცდილება'
+'Current status: ': 'ამჟამინდელი სტატუსი:'
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ko.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ko.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ku.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ku.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.lv.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.lv.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.nb_NO.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.pl.yml
index 5041a40a8c..74596e4839 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.pl.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': 'Nie przypominaj mi'
+'You are sending daily statistics.': 'Wysyłasz dzienne statystyki.'
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'NIE wysyłasz dziennych statystyk.'
+'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Tak, pomóż Newscoopowi'
+'Support settings saved.': 'Ustawienia pomocy zapisane.'
+'Support Feedback': Feedback
+'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Pokaż dane jakie zostaną wysłane'
+'Remind me in 1 week': 'Przypomnij mi za tydzień'
+'Hide feedback data': 'Ukryj dane'
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Pomóż nam ulepszać Newsoopa mówiac nam jak go używasz. Te informacje będą zbierane regularnie w celu poprawienia twoich doświadczeń użytkowania.'
+'Current status: ': 'Aktualny status'
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'Klikając "Tak, pomóż Newscoopowi" zgadzasz się na politykę prywatności Sourcefabric.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ps.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.ps.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.pt_BR.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sh.yml
index 5041a40a8c..2f53b93b1d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sh.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Da, pomozi Njuskupu'
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': 'Povratna informacija'
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': 'Podseti me za nedelju dana'
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sq.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sq.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sr.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sr.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sv.yml
index 5041a40a8c..e058800099 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/support.sv.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-'Do not remind me': 'Do not remind me'
-'You are sending daily statistics.': 'You are sending daily statistics.'
-'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': 'You are NOT sending daily statistics.'
-'Yes, help Newscoop': 'Yes, help Newscoop'
-'Support settings saved.': 'Support settings saved.'
-'Support Feedback': 'Support Feedback'
-'Show feedback data to be sent': 'Show feedback data to be sent'
-'Remind me in 1 week': 'Remind me in 1 week'
-'Hide feedback data': 'Hide feedback data'
-'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': 'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.'
-'Current status: ': 'Current status: '
-'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': 'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy'
+'Do not remind me': null
+'You are sending daily statistics.': null
+'You are NOT sending daily statistics.': null
+'Yes, help Newscoop': null
+'Support settings saved.': null
+'Support Feedback': null
+'Show feedback data to be sent': null
+'Remind me in 1 week': null
+'Hide feedback data': null
+'Help Newscoop improve by letting us know you are using it. This info will be collected regularly in order to improve your user experience.': null
+'Current status: ': null
+'By clicking on the Yes, help Newscoop button, I agree to the Sourcefabric privacy policy': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.az.yml
index b4c9bc095d..497b4d8b77 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.az.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Saxla
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: 'Səhv: Nümunə arxivləşdirmə sistemini istifadə etmək üçün PHP %cache% aktivləşdirməlisən.'
+ replication: 'Məlumat Bazası Cavabı məlumatı tam deyil'
+ maxupload: 'Səhv Maksimal Fayl Yükləmə Ölçü dəyəri daxil edilib'
+ geolocation: 'Səhv Geoməkan sahələri. Rəqəmlərdən ibarət olmalıdır. Eni 90-dan çox -90-dan az ola bilməz, Uzunluğu isə 180-dən böyük, -180-dən kiçik ola bilməz.'
+ noaccess: 'Sistem seçimlərini dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+ latitude: 'En sahə dəyəri düzgün deyil.'
+ longitude: 'Hündürlük sahə dəyəri düzgün deyil.'
+ cacheNotCleared: 'Keşin təmizlənməsində xəta var idi'
+ joberror: 'Seçilən işin statusunu dəyişdirmədi.'
+ jobnotifyerror: 'Xəbərdarlıqları yandırıb-söndürə bilmədi.'
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: 'Sistem seçimləri yeniləndi.'
+ cacheCleared: 'Keş təmizləndi'
+ jobenabled: 'İş uğurla aktivləşdirildi.'
+ jobdisabled: 'İş uğurla söndürüldü.'
+ jobnotifyswitched: 'Arxa fon xəbərdarlıqlar dəyişdirildi,'
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: 'Ümumi Parametrlər'
+ email: 'Email Parametləri'
+ editor: 'Redaktor Seçimləri'
+ geolocation: 'Geoməkan Seçimləri'
+ fb: 'Facebook Seçimləri'
+ media: 'Video Seçimlər'
+ cache: 'Keş Seçimləri'
+ other: 'Digər Seçimlər'
+ recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA seçimləri'
+ cronjob: 'Arxa fon İş Quraşdırmaları'
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: 'drayverin keş yaddaşını təmizlə'
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: 'Sistem Seçimləri'
+ header: Seçimlər
+ siteonline: 'Sayt On-Layn:'
+ sitetitle: 'Sayt başlığı:'
+ metakeywords: 'Sayt Meta Açar Sözlər:'
+ metadescription: 'Sayt Meta İzahı:'
+ timezone: 'Vaxt bölgəsi:'
+ cacheengine: 'Məlumat Baza Keş Sistemi:'
+ cacheenginehost: 'Məlumat Baza Keş Sistem Evi:'
+ cacheengineport: 'Məlumat Baza Keş Sistem Portu:'
+ cachetemplate: 'Nümunə Keş Nizamlayıcısı:'
+ cacheimage: 'Şəkilkeş HəyatMüddəti:'
+ allowrecovery: 'Şifrə bərpasını aktivləşdir:'
+ secretkey: 'Sirr Açarı:'
+ sessionlifetime: 'Sessiya Yaşama Müddəti:'
+ sessionlifetimemsg: 'php.ini parametrlərinə əsasən.'
+ separator: 'Açar söz ayırıcı'
+ captcha: 'CAPTCHA nümayişindən əvvəl giriş xətalarının sayı:'
+ maxupload: 'Maksimal fayl yükləmə ölçüsü:'
+ maxuploadmsg: '0 və %max% arasında dəyər daxil et (maksimal ölçü ''php.ini''-də qeyd edilib). Lütfən, rəqəmlə dəyər arasında boşluq saxlamamaq şərti ilə kilobaytlar üçün ''K'', müqabayt üçün ''M'' və giqabayt üçün ''G'' istifadə et. Nümunə: ''3M'''
+ stats: 'Statistikanın avtomatik yığımı:'
+ smtphost: 'SMTP Evi:'
+ smtpport: 'SMTP Portu:'
+ email: 'Bu ünvandan SMTP Email:'
+ emailfrom: 'Sistem haqqında xəbərdarlıq üçün email ünvan:'
+ imageratio: 'Şəklin Ölçüdəyişmə Əmsalı:'
+ imagewidth: 'Şəklin Ölçüdəyişmə Genişliyi:'
+ imageheight: 'Şəklin Ölçüdəyişmə Hündürlüyü:'
+ zoom: 'Məqalə tərkibindəki şəkillərin daha böyük görüntüsünə icazə verilir?'
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Şəkilaltılar üçün redaktə imkanlarını yandırsın?'
+ mediaCaptionLength: 'Şəkilaltılar üçün işarə limiti'
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: işarə(lər)
+ external: 'Oxucu abunəlikləri kənardan idarə edilib?'
+ usereplication: 'Newscoop Cavab Serverini Quraşdırırsan?'
+ serverdb: 'Onlayn Newscoop Server Məlumat Bazası'
+ replicationhost: 'Məlumat Bazası Cavab Evi:'
+ replicationuser: 'Məlumat Bazası Cavab İstifadəçisi:'
+ replicationpw: 'Məlumat Bazası Cavab Şifrəsi:'
+ replicationport: 'Məlumat Bazası Cavab Portu:'
+ filter: 'Nümunələrin kiltr maskası (vergüllə ayrılmış)'
+ cron: 'Planlaşdırılmış işlər kənardan həyata keçirilsin?'
+ mysqlpath: 'MySQL müştəri komandası istiqaməti'
+ mysqlpathmsg: 'geo-ad məlumatlarını yükləmək üçün'
+ latitude: 'Xəritə Mərkəzinin Eni:'
+ longitude: 'Xəritə Mərkəzinin Uzunluğu:'
+ zoomlevel: 'Xəritə Böyütmə Səviyyəsi:'
+ defaultwidth: 'Xəritənin Mövcud Eni:'
+ defaultheight: 'Xəritənin Mövcud Hündürlüyü:'
+ css: 'Xəritə görünüşü üçün CSS faylı əlavə et'
+ autofocus: 'Xəritənin avto fokuslanması mümkün addım kimi:'
+ zoomautofocus: 'Avto fokuslama üçün maksimal böyütmə:'
+ borderautofocus: 'Avto fokuslama üçün xəritə çərçivəsi:'
+ mapprovider: 'Google Küçə Xəritə Provayderinə İcazə Ver:'
+ mapquest: 'MapQuest Xəritə Provayderinə İcazə Ver:'
+ openstreet: 'OpenStreet Xəritə Provayderinə İcazə Ver:'
+ defaultmapprovider: 'Mövcud Xəritə Provayderi:'
+ nominatimsearch: 'MapQuest Nominatim Axtarışını İstifadə Et:'
+ preflanguage: 'Üstünlük verilən ünvan dili:'
+ markerdir: 'Xəritə Marker Kataloqu:'
+ defaultmarker: 'İlkin Xəritə Markeri:'
+ popupwidth: 'Xəritə Popup-ın Minimal Eni:'
+ popupheight: 'Xəritə Popup-un Minimal Hündürlüyü:'
+ youtubewidth: 'Youtube-un Mövcud Eni:'
+ youtubeheight: 'Youtube-un Mövcud Hündürlüyü:'
+ vimeowidth: 'Vimeo-nun Mövcud Eni:'
+ vimeoheight: 'Vimeo-nun Mövcud Hündürlüyü:'
+ flashwidth: 'Flash-in Mövcud Eni:'
+ flashheight: 'Flash-in Mövcud Hündürlüyü:'
+ flashserver: 'Yerli Flash Serveri:'
+ flashdir: 'Yerli Flash Kataloqu:'
+ apikey: 'APİ açar:'
+ appid: 'Tətbiqetmə İD:'
+ fbsecret: 'Proqram Sirri:'
+ recaptchapublickey: 'İctimai açar'
+ recaptchaprivatekey: 'Şəxsi açar'
+ recaptchasecure: 'reCAPTCHA üçün təhlükəsizlik url-i?'
+ disabled: 'deaktivasiya edildi'
+ yesoption: Bəli
+ nooption: Xeyr
+ geosearch: 'Yerli GeoAd Axtarışını İstifadə Et:'
+ usergarbage: 'Köhnəlmiş istifadəçi məlumatını xaric edirsən?'
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Gözləmədə olan istifadəçilərin neçə gündən sonra silinməsini silinəcəyini təyin edin.'
+ usergarbagedays: 'Günlərin sayı'
+ smartyUseProtocol: 'Smarty tərəfindən hazırlanmış mütləq URL-lər üçün protokol istifadə edirsən?'
+ cronjob: 'Cron iş adı'
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: 'İnfo:'
+ infodesc: 'Bu seçimlər arxa fon iş(lərini) yandırıb-söndürməyə imkan verir.'
+ prevRun: 'Əvvəlki tarix'
+ nextRun: 'Növbəti işlətmə tarixi'
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: 'Xəbərdarlıqlar üçün email ünvanları'
+ cronJobSenderEmail: 'Alanın email ünvanı'
+ cronJobSenderName: 'Alanın adı (məsələn: Newscoop Scheduler)'
+ cronJobNotify: 'Xəbərdarlıq edək?'
+ cronslist: 'Arxa fon işlərinin siyahısı.'
+ cronsadvanced: 'Əlavə Seçimlər'
+ moredetails: 'Əlavə məlumatlar.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: 'Xəta xəbərdarlıqları alacaq email ünvanları. '
+ cronJobSenderEmail: 'Xəbərdarlıqlar göndərən email ünvanı.'
+ cacheengine: 'Newscoop-un performansını inkişaf etdirə biləcək sistem keş keşini aktiv və ya deaktiv edir.'
+ cacheenginehost: 'Keş evini təqdim et (Memkeş, Memcakeş və ya Redis üçün)'
+ cacheengineport: 'Keş ev portunu təqdim et (Memkeş, Memcakeş və ya Redis üçün)'
+ cacheimage: 'Şəkillərin keşə yollanacağı vaxt 30 saniyədən sonsuza qədərdir.'
+ cachetemplate: 'Nümunələr üçün keşi aktivləşdirmək üçün DB seç.'
+ recovery: 'İstifadəçilər email vasitəsilə şifrə xatırlatması ala bilərlərmi?! Nəzərə al ki, bu funksiya aktivləşdirilsə, eyni zamanda da sənin emailin təhlükə altında olsa, Newscoop da öz növbəsində təhlükə altına keçəcək.'
+ secret: 'Veb xidmətlərin və digər geniş xüsusiyyətlərin inteqrasiyası üçün Newscoop-un istifadə edəcəyi təhlükəsizlik şifrəsi.'
+ separator: 'Məqalənin Dəyişilmə səhifəsindəki Açarsöz üçün ayırıcı təyin et (vergül və ya defis).'
+ stats: 'Bu seçim serverdəki nəşrlərə oxucu girişinin statistikasının toplanmasını aktivləşdirir. Əgər tamamilə başqa mənbədən olan statistika xidmətini istifadə edirsənsə, Yox düyməsini klikləyə bilərsən. Nəzərə al ki, statistika toplanmasının deaktivasiya edilməsi Newscoop serverində yüklənməni azaldacaqdır.'
+ zoom: 'Bəli seçimini etsən, oxucular məqalə tərkibindəki şəkilləri klikləməklə onların ölçüsünü böyüdə bilərlər. Yaxınlaşdırma xüsusiyyəti məqalə mətni daxilində yerləşdirilən istənilən şəkil üçün keçərlidir.'
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: 'Ölçülərin uyğunlaşdırılması burada qeyd olunan Dəyişdirilən Uzunluq və Dəyişdirilən En ölçülərinə uyğun aparılır. Əgər nisbət göstərilibsə və eyni zamanda Uzunluq və En də göstərilibsə Newscoop avtomatik olaraq daha kiçik ölçünü seçəcək. Standart ölçüləri yeni yaradılan nisbətlə dəyişməklə mükündür, bunu Yazını Dəyiş səhifəsində etmək olar.'
+ replication: 'Avadanlıq və şəbəkə problemləri yarandığı hallarda təhlükəsizlik göstəricisi olaraq Newscoop-un iki serverdə eyni zamanda əməliyyat həyata keçirməyə imkan yaradır.'
+ filter: 'Mövzu İdarəçiliyi səhifəsi tərəfindən əldə edilə bilən nümunələrin nümunə dəyişmə səhifəsindən gizləmək üçün açar sözləri daxil et. Məsələn, artıq istifadədə olmayan, amma serverdən silmək istəmədiyin nümunələr.'
+ cron: 'Newscoop-un zamanlaması əvəzinə serverin zaman planlaşdırıcısını istifadə etmək deməkdir'
+ video: 'Nümayiş səhifə nümunələrində videoların düzgün ölçüdə göstərilməsi üçün bu bölmədə kənardan və ya daxildən əlavə edilmiş video faylların eni və hündürlüyü quraşdırıla bilər. '
+ emailfrom: 'Email ünvan sistem xəbərdarlıqları üçün istifadə edildi.'
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: 'Bunu istifadəçilərinə təqdim edilmiş JavaScript şifrəsində istifadə et.'
+ privatekey: 'Öz serverinlə reCAPTCHA serveri arasında əlaqə yaradan zaman bunu istifadə et. Bunu sirr saxladığına əmin ol.'
+ secure: 'reCAPTCHA üçün təhlükəsiz url istifadə etmək istəsən, Bəli seçimini et.'
+ garbage: 'Aktivləşdirildikdə bu gözləmədə olan istifadəçilərin neçə gündən sonra silinəcəyini təyin edəcəkdir. İlkin olaraq 90 gün quraşdırılmışdır.'
+ lifetime: 'Sessiyanın saniyələrlə yaşama müddəti. Maksimum: 86400 (24 saat). Minimum: 0 (brauzer bağlanana qədər.'
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.be.yml
index b4c9bc095d..a456088b92 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.be.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Захаваць
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: 'Сыстэмныя наладкі'
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: Так
+ nooption: Так
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.bn.yml
index b4c9bc095d..c7d120f8fb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.bn.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: null
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: 'সিস্টেম পছন্দ নির্বাচন করুন'
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: null
+ nooption: null
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.cs.yml
index b4c9bc095d..4d9783bccb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.cs.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Uložit
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: 'Neplatné: Je třeba povolit PHP %cache% k použití caching systému šablon.'
+ replication: 'Database Replication data neúplná'
+ maxupload: 'Zadána neplatná maximální velikost nahrávaného souboru'
+ geolocation: 'Chybná poloha. Musí obsahovat čísla. Rozpětí nemůže být > 90 a <-90. Rozpětí nemůže být > 180 a < -180. '
+ noaccess: 'Nemáte oprávnění měnit systémové předvolby.'
+ latitude: 'Políčko rozpětí není platné. '
+ longitude: 'Hodnota pole zeměpisné délky není platné'
+ cacheNotCleared: 'Chyba v čištění cache'
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: 'Systémové preference aktualizovány.'
+ cacheCleared: 'Cache byla vymazána'
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: 'Obecné Nastavení'
+ email: 'Nastavení e-mailu'
+ editor: 'Nastavení Editoru'
+ geolocation: 'Nastavení geolokace'
+ fb: 'Nastavení Facebook'
+ media: 'Nastavení videa'
+ cache: 'Nastavení Cache'
+ other: 'Další nastavení'
+ recaptcha: 'Nastavení reCAPTCHA'
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: 'Smazat paměť disku'
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
+ title: 'Systémové preference'
+ header: Preference
+ siteonline: 'Stránka On-line:'
+ sitetitle: 'Název Stránky:'
+ metakeywords: 'Meta Klíčová Slova Stránky'
+ metadescription: 'Meta Popis Stránky:'
+ timezone: 'Časové pásmo:'
+ cacheengine: 'Cache Engin Databáze:'
+ cacheenginehost: 'Databáze Cache Engine Host:'
+ cacheengineport: 'Databáze Cache Engine Port:'
+ cachetemplate: 'Cache Handler templatů:'
cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
+ allowrecovery: 'Obnovení hesla povoleno:'
+ secretkey: 'Tajný Klíč:'
+ sessionlifetime: 'Trvání Relace:'
+ sessionlifetimemsg: 'podle php.ini nastavení.'
+ separator: 'Oddělovač klíčových slov:'
+ captcha: 'Počet neúspěšných loginů před zobrazením CAPTCHA:'
+ maxupload: 'Maximální velikost uploadovaného souboru:'
+ maxuploadmsg: 'Vložte hodnotu mezi 0 a %max% (maximální velikost je určena v ''php.ini''). Použijte ''K'' pro kilobyty, ''M'' pro megabyty a ''G'' pro gigabyty, bez mezer mezi hodnotou a příslušným písmenem, např. ''3M''.'
+ stats: 'Atomatický sběr statistik:'
smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
+ email: 'SMTP e-mail z adresy:'
+ emailfrom: 'E-mailová adresa pro upozornění ze systému:'
+ imageratio: 'Poměr Změny Velikosti:'
+ imagewidth: 'Změna velikosti (Šířka):'
+ imageheight: 'Změna velikosti (Výška):'
+ zoom: 'Povolit zoom pro obrázky ve článcích?'
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: 'Spravovat čtenářské předplatné externě?'
+ usereplication: 'Nastavit Newscoop Replication Server?'
+ serverdb: 'Online Server Databáze Newscoopu'
replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
+ replicationuser: 'Database Replication uživatele:'
+ replicationpw: 'Database Replication hesla:'
replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
+ filter: 'Filtrování šablon (odděleno čárkou)'
+ cron: 'Spustit naplánované úlohy zvenku?'
mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
+ mysqlpathmsg: 'Nahrát data geo-jmén'
+ latitude: 'Zeměpisná šířka středu mapy:'
+ longitude: 'Zeměpisná délka středu mapy:'
+ zoomlevel: 'Úroveň zoomu mapy:'
+ defaultwidth: 'Výchozí šířka mapy:'
+ defaultheight: 'Výchozí výška mapy:'
+ css: 'Zahrnout CSS soubor pro zobrazeni mapy'
+ autofocus: 'Automatické zaostření pro mapu jako výchozí chování:'
+ zoomautofocus: 'Maximální zoom pro automatické zaostření:'
+ borderautofocus: 'Hranice mapy pro automatické zaostření:'
+ mapprovider: 'Povolit poskytovatele map Google Streets:'
+ mapquest: 'Povolit poskytovatele map MapQuest:'
+ openstreet: 'Povolit poskytovatele map OpenStreet:'
+ defaultmapprovider: 'Výchozí poskytovatel mapy:'
+ nominatimsearch: 'Použijte vyhledávní MapQuest Nominatim:'
+ preflanguage: 'Preferovaný jazyk adresy:'
+ markerdir: 'Adresář značek na mapě:'
+ defaultmarker: 'Výchozí značky na mapě:'
+ popupwidth: 'Minimální šířka popup mapy:'
+ popupheight: 'Minimální výška popup mapy:'
+ youtubewidth: 'Youtube výchozí šířka: '
+ youtubeheight: 'Youtube výchozí výška:'
+ vimeowidth: 'Vimeo výchozí šířka.'
+ vimeoheight: 'Vimeo výchozí výška:'
+ flashwidth: 'Výchozí šířka Flash:'
+ flashheight: 'Výchozí výška Flash:'
+ flashserver: 'Místní Flash Server:'
+ flashdir: 'Místní Flash adresář:'
apikey: 'API Key:'
appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ fbsecret: 'App důvěrný:'
+ recaptchapublickey: 'Veřejný klíč'
+ recaptchaprivatekey: 'Soukromý klíč'
+ recaptchasecure: 'Bezpečné url pro reCAPTCHA?'
+ disabled: vypnuto
+ yesoption: Ano
+ nooption: Ne
+ geosearch: 'Použít lokální GeoNames vyhledávání:'
+ usergarbage: 'Odstranit zastaralá uživatelská data čekající na vyřízení?'
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Definujte přesný počet dnů po kterých úživatelé čekající na vyřízení budou smazáni.'
+ usergarbagedays: 'Počet dní'
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: 'Povoluje nebo zakazuje systém cache cache, který může zlepšit výkon Newscoop.'
+ cacheenginehost: 'Poskytněnte cache host (pro Memcache, Memcached nebo Redis)'
+ cacheengineport: 'Poskytněte cache host port (pro Memcache, Memcached nebo Redis)'
+ cacheimage: 'Čas, po který budou obrázky uloženy, od 30 sekund do nekonečna.'
+ cachetemplate: 'Vyberte DB a tím povolíte cache pro templaty.'
+ recovery: 'Zda-li uživatelé mohou dostávat připomenutí hesla e-mailem. Všimněte si, že pokud je tato funkce zapnuta a váš e-mailový účet je ohrožena, vaše Newscoop publikace může být snadno ohrožena také.'
+ secret: 'Bezpečnostní klíč, který Newscoop může použít pro integraci webových služeb a dalších pokročilých funkcí.'
+ separator: 'Specifikujte oddělovač pro klíčová slova na stránce Úprav článku (čárka nebo pomlčka).'
+ stats: 'Tato možnost umožňuje shromažďovat statistické údaje o přístupech čtenářů k publikacím na serveru. Klikněte NE pokud používáte jinou statistickou službu. Zablokováním shromažďování statistických údajů můžete snížit zatížení vašeho Newscoop serveru. '
+ zoom: 'Pokud nastavena na Ano, čtenáři mohou zvětšovat obrázky u článku na vašich stránkách publikací pomocí klikání na obrázky. Tento zoom efekt funguje pro jakýkoliv obrázek vložený v řádce s textem článku.'
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: 'Poměr velikosti má přednost před jakoukoli změnou šírky nebo změny hodnoty výšky, která je zde nastavena. Pokud není poměr nastaven, ale šířka a výška jsou nastaveny, pak Newscoop použije hodnotu, kterou zmenší velikost obrazu. Výchozí nastavení zde může být přepsáno nastavením poměru, šířky nebo výšky pro konkrétní nastavení inline obrázku v Article Edit page.'
+ replication: 'Toto Vám umožní nastavit Newscoop na dvou serverech najednou. Jedná se o bezpečnostní opatření pro případ hardwarových nebo síťových problémů. '
+ filter: 'Zadejte klíčová slova pro templaty, které chcete skrýt v template editoru přístupného prostřednictvím Theme Management page. Například, templaty, které již nejsou používány, ale nechcete je odstranit ze serveru.'
+ cron: 'Prostředky k používání vlastních cron plánovače pro automatické úkoly, spíše než plánovač zahrnutý v Newscoop.'
+ video: 'Přednastavená šířka a výška u externě i lokálně uveřejňovaných souborů videí může být nastavena v této sekci, pro ujištění, že videa se zobrazují správně ve vašich Publications page templates.'
+ emailfrom: 'E-mailová adresa pro upozornění ze systému. '
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: 'Použijte to v JavaScript kódu, který slouží vašim uživatelům.'
+ privatekey: 'Použijte při komunikaci mezi vaším servrem a reCAPTCHA servrem. Ujistěte se, že je to zachováno v tajnosti.'
+ secure: 'Pokud používáte bezpečnostní url pro reCAPTCHA vyberte možnost ANO.'
+ garbage: 'Pokud povoleno, umožňuje vydavateli definovat přesný počet dnů po kterých budou uživatelé čekající na vyřízení vymazáni. Přednastaveno 90 dnů.'
+ lifetime: 'Životnost relace v sekundách. Max: 86400 (24 hodin). Min: 0 (až do uzavření prohlížeče).'
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.da.yml
index b4c9bc095d..ca5b962326 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.da.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Gem
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: 'Ugyldigt: PHP %cache% skal slås til for at bruge skabelons caching.'
+ replication: 'Databasereplikeringsdata ufuldstændige'
+ maxupload: 'Ugyldig værdi for maksimal størrelse på uploadede filer'
+ geolocation: 'Ugyldige Geolocation felter. Felterne skal indeholde tal. Breddegrad kan ikke være > 90 eller < -90. Længdegrad kan ikke være > 180 eller < -180.'
+ noaccess: 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at ændre systemindstillinger.'
+ latitude: 'Ugyldig breddegrad'
+ longitude: 'Ugyldig længdegrad'
+ cacheNotCleared: 'Fejl ved rensning af cache'
+ joberror: 'Kunne ikke ændre status på valgte job.'
+ jobnotifyerror: 'Kunne ikke slå beskeder til/fra.'
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: 'Systemindstillinger opdateret.'
+ cacheCleared: 'Cache slettet'
+ jobenabled: 'Jobbet blev slået til.'
+ jobdisabled: 'Jobbet blev slået fra.'
+ jobnotifyswitched: 'Indstillinger for baggrundsjobs blev opdateret.'
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: 'Generelle indstillinger'
+ email: 'Email indstillinger'
+ editor: 'Editor indstillinger'
+ geolocation: 'Geolocation indstillinger'
+ fb: 'Facebook indstillinger'
+ media: 'Video indstillinger'
+ cache: 'Cache indstillinger'
+ other: 'Andre indstillinger'
+ recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA indstillinger'
+ cronjob: 'Indstillinger for baggrundsjob.'
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: 'Slet nuværende driver cache'
+ disable: 'Slå fra'
+ enable: 'Slå til'
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
+ title: 'System indstillinger'
+ header: Indstillinger
+ siteonline: 'Hjemmeside on-line:'
+ sitetitle: 'Hjemmeside titel:'
+ metakeywords: 'Hjemmeside meta nøgleord:'
+ metadescription: 'Hjemmeside meta beskrivelse:'
+ timezone: 'Tidszone:'
+ cacheengine: 'Database cache system:'
+ cacheenginehost: 'Database cache system vært:'
+ cacheengineport: 'Database cache system port:'
+ cachetemplate: 'Cache system for skabeloner:'
+ cacheimage: 'Billedcache levetid:'
+ allowrecovery: 'Tillad gendannelse af adgangskoder:'
+ secretkey: 'Hemmelig nøgle:'
+ sessionlifetime: 'Sessions levetid:'
+ sessionlifetimemsg: 'ifølge indstillinger i php.ini.'
+ separator: 'Separator for nøgleord:'
+ captcha: 'Antal mislykkede login forsøg før CAPTCHA:'
+ maxupload: 'Maksimal størrelse på uploadede filer:'
+ maxuploadmsg: 'Indtast en værdi mellem 0 og %max% (den maksimale størrelse angivet i ''php.ini''). Brug ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes og ''G'' for gigabytes, uden mellemrum mellem tallet og bogstavet. F.eks. ''3M'' for 3 megabyte.'
+ stats: 'Automatisk indsamling af statistik:'
+ smtphost: 'SMTP vært:'
+ smtpport: 'SMTP port:'
+ email: 'SMTP email ''fra'' adresse:'
+ emailfrom: 'Email adresse for beskeder fra systemet:'
+ imageratio: 'Forhold ved billedskalering:'
+ imagewidth: 'Bredde ved billedskalering:'
+ imageheight: 'Højde ved billedskalering:'
+ zoom: 'Brug zoom til billeder i artikler?'
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Brug tekstformatering til billedtekster?'
+ mediaCaptionLength: 'Maksimalt antal tegn til billedtekster:'
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: tegn
+ external: 'Håndter abonnementer eksternt?'
+ usereplication: 'Opsæt en Newscoop replikationsserver?'
+ serverdb: 'Newscoop online server database'
+ replicationhost: 'Vært til databasereplikation:'
+ replicationuser: 'Bruger til databasereplikation:'
+ replicationpw: 'Adgangskode til databasereplikation:'
+ replicationport: 'Port til databasereplikation:'
+ filter: 'Skabelon filter maske (kommasepareret)'
+ cron: 'Kør planlagte opgaver eksternt?'
+ mysqlpath: 'MySQL klient kommando sti'
+ mysqlpathmsg: 'for at hente geo-names data'
+ latitude: 'Breddegrad for midtpunkt på kort:'
+ longitude: 'Længdegrad for midtpunkt på kort:'
+ zoomlevel: 'Zoom niveau for kort:'
+ defaultwidth: 'Standard bredde for kort:'
+ defaultheight: 'Standard højde for kort:'
+ css: 'Inkluder CSS fil til kortvisning'
+ autofocus: 'Brug auto-fokus som standard for kort:'
+ zoomautofocus: 'Maksimal zoom for autofokus:'
+ borderautofocus: 'Grænse for auto-fokusering på kort:'
+ mapprovider: 'Tillad Google Streets kort udbyder:'
+ mapquest: 'Tillad MapQuest kort udbyder:'
+ openstreet: 'Tillad OpenStreet kort udbyder:'
+ defaultmapprovider: 'Standard kort udbyder:'
+ nominatimsearch: 'Brug MapQuest Nominatim søgning:'
+ preflanguage: 'Foretrukket adresse sprog:'
+ markerdir: 'Mappe til kortmarkører:'
+ defaultmarker: 'Standard kort markør:'
+ popupwidth: 'Mindste bredde for kort popup:'
+ popupheight: 'Mindste højde for kort popup:'
+ youtubewidth: 'Youtube standard bredde:'
+ youtubeheight: 'Youtube standard højde:'
+ vimeowidth: 'Vimeo standard bredde:'
+ vimeoheight: 'Vimeo standard højde:'
+ flashwidth: 'Flash standard bredde:'
+ flashheight: 'Flash standard højde:'
+ flashserver: 'Lokal Flash server:'
+ flashdir: 'Lokal Flash mappe:'
+ apikey: 'API nøgle:'
appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
+ fbsecret: 'App hemmelighed:'
+ recaptchapublickey: 'Offentlig nøgle'
+ recaptchaprivatekey: 'Privat nøgle'
+ recaptchasecure: 'Hemmelig URL for reCAPTCHA?'
+ disabled: 'slået fra'
+ yesoption: Ja
+ nooption: Nej
+ geosearch: 'Brug lokal GeoNames søgning:'
+ usergarbage: 'Fjern forældede data om afventende brugere?'
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Angiv et antal dage efter hvilke ikke-godkendte brugere slettes.'
+ usergarbagedays: 'Antal dage'
+ smartyUseProtocol: 'Brug protokol for absolutte URL''er genereret af Smarty?'
+ cronjob: 'Navn på cron job'
enabled: Status
- options: Options
+ options: Indstillinger
info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ infodesc: 'Disse indstillinger vil hjælpe dig med at administrere baggrundsjobs ved at aktivere/deaktivere valgte jobs.'
+ prevRun: 'Sidste kørselsdato'
+ nextRun: 'Næste kørselsdato'
+ norecords: 'Ingen opslag.'
+ cronJobEmail: 'Email adresse til beskeder'
+ cronJobSenderEmail: 'Email adresse for afsender'
+ cronJobSenderName: 'Navn på afsender (f.eks. Newscoop jobkørsel)'
+ cronJobNotify: 'Giv besked?'
+ cronslist: 'Liste over baggrundsjobs'
+ cronsadvanced: 'Avancerede indtillinger'
+ moredetails: 'Flere detaljer.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: 'E-mail adresser der skal modtage fejlmeddelelser (kommasepareret).'
+ cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail adresser der skal sende beskeder.'
+ cacheengine: 'Slår system cache til eller fra, hvilket kan forbedre Newscoops hastighed.'
+ cacheenginehost: 'Angiv cache vært (for Memcache, Memcached eller Redis)'
+ cacheengineport: 'Angiv cache vært port (for Memcache, Memcached eller Redis)'
+ cacheimage: 'Perioden billeder er i cachen, fra 30 sekunder til uendeligt.'
+ cachetemplate: 'Vælg DB for at bruge cache for skabeloner.'
+ recovery: 'Hvorvidt brugerne kan få en adgangskode påmindelse via e-mail. Bemærk, at hvis denne funktion er aktiveret, og andre får adgang til din e-mail-konto, kan de nemt skaffe sig adgang til din Newscoop publikation.'
+ secret: 'Sikkerhedsnøglen Newscoop kan bruge til integration med web services og andre avancerede funktioner.'
+ separator: 'Angiv separator for nøgleord ved artikelredigering (komma eller tankestreg).'
+ stats: 'Denne indstilling gør det muligt at indsamle statistik om læsernes brug af publikationer på serveren. Du ønsker måske at klikke på Nej, hvis du bruger en tredjeparts statistiktjeneste, da deaktivering af statistikindsamling kan reducere belastningen på din Newscoop serveren.'
+ zoom: 'Sæt til Ja for at lade læsere forstørre artikelbilleder ved at klikke på dem. Denne zoom funktion virker for alle billeder indsat i artikel teksten.'
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: 'Størrelses ratio har forrang for bredde eller højde værdier som indstilles her. Hvis ratio ikke er indstillet, men både bredde og højde er indstillet, så Newscoop vil bruge værdien der giver den mindste billedstørrelse. Standardindstillingerne her kan tilsidesættes af ratio, højde eller bredde indstillingerne for de enkelte billeder ved artikelredigering.'
+ replication: 'Bruges til at køre Newscoop på to servere samtidigt, en sikkerhed i tilfælde af hardware eller netværksproblemer.'
+ filter: 'Indtast nøgleord til skabeloner, som du ønsker at skjule fra skabelonsredigeringen tilgængelig via tema administrationssiden. For eksempel skabeloner der er ikke længere i brug, men som du ikke ønsker at slette fra serveren.'
+ cron: 'Brug serverens egen cron planlægning til automatiske opgaver i stedet for Newscoops indbyggede.'
+ video: 'Standard bredde og højde af både eksterne og lokale videofiler kan indstilles her, for at sikre, at videoer vises korrekt i dine publikationers sideskabeloner.'
+ emailfrom: 'Email adressen der bruges til beskeder fra systemet:'
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: 'Brug dette i JavaScript-kode til dine brugere.'
+ privatekey: 'Brug dette ved kommunikation mellem din server og reCAPTCHA serveren. Sørg for at holde det hemmeligt.'
+ secure: 'Vælg Ja hvis du bruger sikker url til reCAPTCHA.'
+ garbage: 'Hvis aktiveret kan redaktører definere et antal dage hvorefter ikke-godkendte brugere slettes. Standarden er 90 dage.'
+ lifetime: 'Sessions livstid i sekunder. Max 86400 (24 timer). Min: 0 (indtil browseren lukkes).'
+ smartyuseprotocol: 'Slå til for at Smartyfunktionen url lave URL''er med en protokol. Som standard er dette slået fra for at lave protokol-agnostiske URL''er. Denne indstilling kan tilsidesættes ved at bruge useprotocol parameteret for Smarty funktionen og angive en boolean for den ønskede håndtering.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.de.yml
index b4c9bc095d..3ec7271681 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.de.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Speichern
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: 'Ungültig: Sie müssen PHP %cache% aktivieren um den Template Cache nutzen zu könnenn.'
+ replication: 'Daten für Datenbankreplikation unvollständig'
+ maxupload: 'Ungültiger Wert für maximale Dateigröße zum Hochladen eingegeben.'
+ geolocation: 'Geolocation-Felder ungültig. Es müssen Zahlen enthalten sein. Breitengrad kann nicht >90 and < -90 sein. Längengrad kann nicht > 180 und < -180 sein.'
+ noaccess: 'Keine Berechtigung Systemeinstellungen zu verändern.'
+ latitude: 'Wert im Feld Breitengrad ist ungültig.'
+ longitude: 'Wert im Feld Längengrad ist ungültig. '
+ cacheNotCleared: 'Fehler bei der Cache-Bereinigung'
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: 'Systemeinstellungen aktualisiert.'
+ cacheCleared: 'Cache wurde gelöscht'
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: 'Allgemeine Einstellungen'
+ email: 'E-Mail Einstellungen'
+ editor: 'Einstellungen bearbeiten'
+ geolocation: 'Geostandort Einstellungen'
+ fb: 'Facebook Einstellungen'
+ media: Video-Einstellungen
+ cache: Cache-Einstelllungen
+ other: 'Andere Einstellungen'
+ recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Einstellungen'
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: 'Lösche aktuellen Treiber-Cache'
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: Systemeinstellungen
+ header: Einstellungen
+ siteonline: 'Seite Online:'
+ sitetitle: 'Seitentitel:'
+ metakeywords: 'Metaschlagwörter der Seite:'
+ metadescription: 'Metabeschreibung der Seite:'
+ timezone: 'Zeitzone:'
+ cacheengine: 'Datenbank Cache Engine:'
+ cacheenginehost: 'Datenbank Cache Engine Host:'
+ cacheengineport: 'Datenbank Cache-Engine-Port:'
+ cachetemplate: 'newscoop:preferences:label:cachetemplate'
+ cacheimage: 'Bildcache Lebensdauer:'
+ allowrecovery: 'Passwortwiederherstellung zulassen:'
+ secretkey: 'Geheimer Schlüssel:'
+ sessionlifetime: 'Dauer der Sitzung:'
+ sessionlifetimemsg: 'entsprechend der php.ini Einstellungen.'
+ separator: 'Trennzeichen für Schlagwörter:'
+ captcha: 'Anzahl fehlgeschlagener Loginversuche bevor CAPTCHA angezeigt wird:'
+ maxupload: 'Maximale Dateigröße zum Hochladen:'
+ maxuploadmsg: 'Geben Sie einen Wert zwischen 0 und %max% (die maximale Größe ist in der Datei ''php.ini'' angegeben). Benutzen sie ''K'' für Kilobytes, ''M'' für Megabytes und ''G'' für Gigabytes, ohne Leerraum zwischen den Werten und den entsprechenden Buchstaben, z.B. ''3M''. '
+ stats: 'Automatische Sammlung von Statistiken'
+ smtphost: 'newscoop:preferences:label:smtphost'
+ smtpport: 'newscoop:preferences:label:smtpport'
+ email: 'SMTP Email von Adresse:'
+ emailfrom: 'Email-Adresse für System-Benachrichtigungen '
+ imageratio: 'Bildratio verändern:'
+ imagewidth: 'Bildbreite verändern:'
+ imageheight: 'Bildhöhe verändern:'
+ zoom: 'Zoom aktiviert für Bilder im Artikelinhalt?'
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: 'Abonnements extern verwalten?'
+ usereplication: 'Newscoop Replication Server erstellen?'
+ serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Datenbank'
+ replicationhost: 'Host Datenbankreplikation:'
+ replicationuser: 'User Datenbankreplikation:'
+ replicationpw: 'Passwort Datenbankreplikation:'
+ replicationport: 'Port Datenbankreplikation:'
+ filter: 'Filtermaske Templates (durch Kommas getrennt)'
+ cron: 'Geplante Aufgaben extern ausführen?'
+ mysqlpath: 'MySQL Client Befehlspfad'
+ mysqlpathmsg: 'um Geo-Namen Daten zu laden'
+ latitude: 'Kartenmitte Breitengrad:'
+ longitude: 'Kartenmitte Längengrad:'
+ zoomlevel: 'Kartenzoom:'
+ defaultwidth: 'Karte Standardbreite:'
+ defaultheight: 'Karte Standardhöhe:'
+ css: 'CSS-Datei bei Kartenansicht einschließen. '
+ autofocus: 'Karten Auto-Focus als Standard-Verhalten. '
+ zoomautofocus: 'Maximaler Zoom für Auto-Schärfe'
+ borderautofocus: 'Kartengrenze für Auto-Focus:'
+ mapprovider: 'Google Streets Kartenprovider zulassen:'
+ mapquest: 'MapQuest Kartenprovider zulassen:'
+ openstreet: 'OpenStreet Kartenprovider zulassen:'
+ defaultmapprovider: 'Standard Kartenprovider:'
+ nominatimsearch: 'MapQuest Nominatim Suche benutzen: '
+ preflanguage: 'Sprache für Adressangaben: '
+ markerdir: 'Kartenmarkierung Verzeichnis:'
+ defaultmarker: 'Standard Kartenmarkierung:'
+ popupwidth: 'Kartenpopup Mindestbreite:'
+ popupheight: 'Kartenpopup Mindesthöhe:'
+ youtubewidth: 'Youtube Standardbreite:'
+ youtubeheight: 'Youtube Standardhöhe:'
+ vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Standardbreite:'
+ vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Standardhöhe:'
+ flashwidth: 'Flash Standardbreite:'
+ flashheight: 'Flash Standardhöhe:'
+ flashserver: 'Lokaler Flash Server:'
+ flashdir: 'Lokales Flash Verzeichnis:'
+ apikey: 'API Schlüssel:'
+ appid: 'newscoop:preferences:label:appid'
+ fbsecret: 'App Secret: '
+ recaptchapublickey: 'Öffentlicher Schlüssel'
+ recaptchaprivatekey: 'Privater Schlüssel'
+ recaptchasecure: 'Sichere URL für reCAPTCHA?'
+ disabled: deaktiviert
+ yesoption: Ja
+ nooption: Nein
+ geosearch: 'Lokale GeoNamen Suche benutzen:'
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: 'Ermöglicht oder verhindert das APC Caching, welches die Leistung von Newscoop verbessern kann.'
+ cacheenginehost: 'Cache-Host eingeben (für Memcache, Memcached oder Redis)'
+ cacheengineport: 'Cache-Host-Ports eingeben (für Memcache, Memcached oder Redis)'
+ cacheimage: 'Die Zeit, in der Bilder gecached werden, von 30 Sekunden bis unendlich.'
+ cachetemplate: 'Wählen Sie DB um Template Caching zu ermöglichen.'
+ recovery: 'Ob Nutzer via E-Mail eine Passwort-Erinnerung erhalten können. Beachten Sie, dass falls diese Funktion aktiviert ist und Ihr E-Mail-Konto gefährdet ist, kann dies auch zu einer Gefährdung für Ihre Newscoop-Publikation werden.'
+ secret: 'Der Sicherheitsschlüssel, den Newscoop für die Integration von Webdiensten und anderen modernen Funktionen nutzen kann. '
+ separator: 'Spezifizieren Sie den Trenner für Keywords im Artikel Editor (Komma oder Bindestrich).'
+ stats: 'Mit dieser Option aktivieren Sie die Sammlung von Statistiken über den Zugriff von Lesern Ihrer Publikationen. Klicken Sie Nein falls Sie ein externes Statistiktool nutzen, weil das Sammeln von Statisiken eine Belastung für Ihren Newscoop-Server darstellt.'
+ zoom: 'Wenn hier Ja eingestellt ist, können die Leser das Bild durch Klick auf das Bild vergrößern. Dieses Zooming-Element funktioniert bei jedem Inline-Bild innerhalb des Artikeltextes.'
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: 'Das Beibehalten des Größenverhältnisses hat Vorrang vor Änderungen der Breite oder Höhe. Falls kein Größenverhältnis festgelegt ist, wird Newscoop den Wert benutzen, der zu einer kleineren Bildgröße führt. Die Standardeinstellungen können überschrieben werden durch Einstellungen von Größenverhältnis, Breite oder Höhe eines spezifischen Inline-Bildes im Artikel Editor. '
+ replication: 'Ermöglicht es Ihnen, Newscoop so einzustellen, dass es aus Sicherheitsgründen oder wegen Netzwerkproblemen auf zwei Servern gleichzeitig läuft.'
+ filter: 'Wenn Sie Keywords für Templates vor dem Template Editor verbergen wollen, geben Sie diese in der Theme Management Seite ein. Zum Beispiel für Templates, die nicht mehr in Gebrauch sind, die sie aber nicht vom Server löschen wollen.'
+ cron: 'Der Cron-Zeitplaner des Servers soll für automatisierte Aufgaben gebraucht werden, nicht der Newscoop-Zeitplaner.'
+ video: 'Die Standardbreite und -höhe von extern oder lokal gehosteten Videodateien kann hier eingestellt werden, damit die Videos in den Templates ihrer Publikation korrekt abgespielt werden.'
+ emailfrom: 'Die E-Mail-Adresse, die für Benachrichtigungen aus dem System gebraucht wird.'
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: 'Benutzen Sie dies im JavaScript Code, der Ihren Nutzern bereitgestellt wird.'
+ privatekey: 'Nutzen Sie dies für die Kommunikation zwischen Ihrem Server und dem reCAPTCHA-Server. Achten Sie dabei auf Geheimhaltung.'
+ secure: 'Falls Sie eine sichere URL für reCAPTCHA benutzen, wählen Sie die Option Ja'
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.de_AT.yml
index b4c9bc095d..0da5b04cd3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Speichern
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: Systemeinstellungen
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: Ja
+ nooption: Nein
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.en_GB.yml
index b4c9bc095d..a0d75339dc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.en_GB.yml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ newscoop:
cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
+ geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can not be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can not be > 180 and < -180.'
noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ newscoop:
defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
+ youtubewidth: 'YouTube Default Width:'
+ youtubeheight: 'YouTube Default Height:'
vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ newscoop:
fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
+ recaptchasecure: 'Secure URL for reCAPTCHA?'
disabled: disabled
yesoption: Yes
nooption: No
@@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ newscoop:
norecords: 'No records found.'
cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
+ cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g: Newscoop Scheduler)'
cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
moredetails: 'More details.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
+ cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses, separated by commas, that will receive error notifications.'
cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
@@ -146,19 +146,19 @@ newscoop:
secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
+ zoom: 'If set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
+ cron: 'Use the server''s own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
+ video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publication''s page templates.'
emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
+ privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and a reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
+ secure: 'If you use secure URL for reCAPTCHA choose the Yes option.'
+ garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are deleted. By default, 90 days is set.'
lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.es.yml
index b4c9bc095d..01ad5fa069 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.es.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Guardar
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: 'Inválido: Necesita activar el PHP %cache% a fin de poder usar el sistema de cache de las plantillas'
+ replication: 'Datos de la Replicación de Bases de Datos incompletos'
+ maxupload: 'Ingresó un valor inválido para el Tamaño Máximo de Archivo'
+ geolocation: 'Error en los campos de Geolocalización. Deben contener números. La latitud no puede ser mayor que 90 ni menor que -90, y la longitud debe estar entre 180 y -180.'
+ noaccess: 'No tiene privilegios para modificar las preferencias del sistema.'
+ latitude: 'El valor para el campo de la latitud no es válido.'
+ longitude: 'El valor en el campo de Longitud no es válido.'
+ cacheNotCleared: 'Hubo un error borrando el cache'
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: 'Se actualizaron las preferencias del sistema.'
+ cacheCleared: 'El cache ha sido borrado'
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: 'Ajustes Generales'
+ email: 'Ajustes del Correo'
+ editor: 'Ajustes del Editor'
+ geolocation: 'Configuración de la geolocalización'
+ fb: 'Configuración de Facebook'
+ media: 'Ajustes de video'
+ cache: 'Ajustes del cache'
+ other: 'Otros ajustes'
+ recaptcha: 'Ajustes de reCAPTCHA'
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: 'Borra el cache actual de controladores'
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
+ title: 'Preferencias de sistema'
+ header: Preferencias
+ siteonline: 'Sitio en línea:'
+ sitetitle: 'Título del sitio:'
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: 'Zona horaria:'
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: Si
nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: 'La tasa de cambio de tamaño toma precedencia sobre cualquier valor de "Anchura para cambio de tamaño" o "Altura para cambio de tamaño" que sea fijada aquí. Si no se elije una tasa pero sí se eligen tanto la anchura como la altura, entonces Newscoop utilizará el valor que dé como resultado el tamaño de imagen más pequeño. Los ajustes por defecto definidos aquí pueden siempre ser anulados por la tasa, anchura o altura definidas en una imagen específica, en una página de edición de artículo.'
+ replication: 'Le permite configurar Newscoop para operar en dos servidores a la vez, lo cual es una característica de seguridad en caso de problemas de hardware o de red.'
+ filter: 'Ingrese las palabras clave para las plantillas que usted desee ocultar en el editor de plantillas, accesible desde la página de Administración de Plantillas. Por ejemplo, plantillas que ya no están en uso, pero que usted no desea borrar del servidor.'
+ cron: null
+ video: 'La anchura y altura por defecto de los archivos de video, tanto locales como externos, pueden ser ajustadas en esta sección; para asegurar que los videos sean desplegados correctamente en las plantillas de sus publicaciones.'
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: 'Si se activa, esto permite al publicador definir un cierto número de días después de los cuales los usuarios pendientes serán borrados. Por defecto se estipulan 90 días.'
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.es_AR.yml
index b4c9bc095d..dc73f960fc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: null
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: null
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: null
+ nooption: null
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.fa.yml
index b4c9bc095d..dc73f960fc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.fa.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: null
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: null
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: null
+ nooption: null
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.fr.yml
index b4c9bc095d..dc0267716b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.fr.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Sauvegarder
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: null
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: Oui
+ nooption: Non
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.he.yml
index b4c9bc095d..2c4bfb5b2d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.he.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: שמור
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: 'העדפות מערכת'
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: כן
+ nooption: לא
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.hr.yml
index b4c9bc095d..e84ac0c622 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.hr.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Spremi
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: null
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: Da
+ nooption: Ne
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.hu.yml
index b4c9bc095d..7c4173ab34 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.hu.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Mentés
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: 'Érvénytelen: Engedélyezned kell a PHP %cache%-t a sablon gyorsítótárazási rendszerének használatához.'
+ replication: 'Hiányosak az adatbázis-replikációs adatok'
+ maxupload: 'Érvénytelen a feltölthető fájlok maximális méretének elküldött értéke'
+ geolocation: 'Érvénytelen földrajzi hely mezők. Számokat kell tartalmaznia. A szélesség nem lehet > 90 és < -90. A hosszúság nem lehet > 180 és < -180.'
+ noaccess: 'Nincs jogod a rendszerbeállítások módosításához.'
+ latitude: 'A földrajzi szélesség mező értéke nem érvényes.'
+ longitude: 'A földrajzi hosszúság mező értéke nem érvényes.'
+ cacheNotCleared: 'Hiba volt a gyorsítótár törlésével'
+ joberror: 'Nem lehet módosítani a kijelölt feladat állapotát.'
+ jobnotifyerror: 'Nem lehet engedélyezni/letiltani az értesítéseket.'
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: 'A rendszerbeállítások frissítése megtörtént.'
+ cacheCleared: 'A gyorsítótár kiürítése megtörtént.'
+ jobenabled: 'A feladat engedélyezése sikerült.'
+ jobdisabled: 'A feladat letiltása sikerült.'
+ jobnotifyswitched: 'A háttérfeladat értesítés beállítás bekapcsolása sikerült.'
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: 'Általános beállítások'
+ email: 'E-mail beállítások'
+ editor: 'Szerkesztő beállításai'
+ geolocation: 'Földrajzi hely beállításai'
+ fb: 'Facebook beállításai'
+ media: Videobeállítások
+ cache: 'Gyorsítótárazási beállítások'
+ other: 'Egyéb beállítások'
+ recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA beállításai'
+ cronjob: 'Háttérfeladatok beállításai'
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: 'A jelenlegi illesztőprogram gyorsítótár kiürítése'
+ disable: Letiltás
+ enable: Engedélyezés
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: Rendszerbeállítások
+ header: Beállítások
+ siteonline: 'A webhely online:'
+ sitetitle: 'A webhely címe:'
+ metakeywords: 'A webhely meta kulcsszavai:'
+ metadescription: 'A webhely meta leírása:'
+ timezone: 'Időzóna:'
+ cacheengine: 'Adatbázis-gyorsítótár motor:'
+ cacheenginehost: 'Adatbázis-gyorsítótár motor állomása:'
+ cacheengineport: 'Adatbázis-gyorsítótár motor portja:'
+ cachetemplate: 'Sablongyorsítótár kezelő:'
+ cacheimage: 'Képgyorsítótári élettartama:'
+ allowrecovery: 'A jelszó-helyreállítás engedélyezése:'
+ secretkey: 'Titkos kulcs:'
+ sessionlifetime: 'Munkamenet-élettartam:'
+ sessionlifetimemsg: 'a php.ini beállításainak megfelelően.'
+ separator: 'Kulcsszó elválasztó:'
+ captcha: 'A sikertelen belépési kísérletek száma a CAPTCHA megjelenítése előtt:'
+ maxupload: 'A feltölthető fájlok maximális mérete:'
+ maxuploadmsg: '0 és %max% közti értéket adj meg (a maximális méret a ''php.ini'' fájlban van megadva). Kilobájtokhoz használd a ''K'', megabájtokhoz az ''M'' és gigabájtokhoz a ''G'' jelet, az érték és a megfelelő betű között szóköz nélkül, pl. ''3M''.'
+ stats: 'Automatikus statisztikai adatgyűjtés:'
+ smtphost: 'SMTP-állomás:'
+ smtpport: 'SMTP-port:'
+ email: 'SMTP e-mail feladó címe:'
+ emailfrom: 'A rendszerből küldött értesítések e-mail címe:'
+ imageratio: 'Képek átméretezési aránya:'
+ imagewidth: 'Képátméretezés szélessége:'
+ imageheight: 'Képátméretezés magassága:'
+ zoom: 'A cikktartalomban lévő képek nagyításának engedélyezése?'
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: 'A képaláírások rich text szerkesztésének engedélyezése?'
+ mediaCaptionLength: 'A képaláírások karakterszámának korlátozása:'
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: karakter
+ external: 'Az olvasói előfizetések kezelése kívülről?'
+ usereplication: 'Newscoop replikációs kiszolgáló beállítása?'
+ serverdb: 'Newscoop online kiszolgáló adatbázis'
+ replicationhost: 'Adatbázis-replikációs állomás:'
+ replicationuser: 'Adatbázis-replikációs felhasználó:'
+ replicationpw: 'Adatbázis-replikációs jelszó:'
+ replicationport: 'Adatbázis-replikációs port:'
+ filter: 'Sablonszűrő maszk (vesszővel elválasztva)'
+ cron: 'Beütemezett feladatok külső futtatása?'
+ mysqlpath: 'A MySQL-ügyfél parancselérési útja'
+ mysqlpathmsg: 'a földrajzi nevek adatainak betöltéséhez'
+ latitude: 'Térkép középpontjának szélességi foka:'
+ longitude: 'Térkép középpontjának hosszúsági foka:'
+ zoomlevel: 'Térkép nagyítási szintje:'
+ defaultwidth: 'Térkép alapértelmezett szélessége:'
+ defaultheight: 'Térkép alapértelmezett magassága:'
+ css: 'A CSS-fájl belefoglalása a térkép megtekintéséhez'
+ autofocus: 'A térkép automatikus fókuszálása az alapértelmezett viselkedésként:'
+ zoomautofocus: 'Az automatikus fókuszálás maximális nagyítása:'
+ borderautofocus: 'Térképszegély az automatikus fókuszáláshoz:'
+ mapprovider: 'A Google Utcakép térképszolgáltató engedélyezése:'
+ mapquest: 'A MapQuest térképszolgáltató engedélyezése:'
+ openstreet: 'Az OpenStreet térképszolgáltató engedélyezése:'
+ defaultmapprovider: 'Alapértelmezett térképszolgáltató:'
+ nominatimsearch: 'MapQuest Nominatim keresés használata:'
+ preflanguage: 'Cím előnyben részesített nyelve:'
+ markerdir: 'Térképjelölő könyvtár:'
+ defaultmarker: 'Térképjelölő alapértelmezése:'
+ popupwidth: 'Előugró térkép minimális szélessége:'
+ popupheight: 'Előugró térkép minimális magassága:'
+ youtubewidth: 'YouTube alapértelmezett szélessége:'
+ youtubeheight: 'YouTube alapértelmezett magassága:'
+ vimeowidth: 'Vimeo alapértelmezett szélessége:'
+ vimeoheight: 'Vimeo alapértelmezett magassága:'
+ flashwidth: 'Flash alapértelmezett szélessége:'
+ flashheight: 'Flash alapértelmezett magassága:'
+ flashserver: 'Helyi Flash-kiszolgáló:'
+ flashdir: 'Helyi Flash-könyvtár:'
+ apikey: 'API-kulcs:'
+ appid: 'Alkalmazásazonosító:'
+ fbsecret: 'Alkalmazáskulcs:'
+ recaptchapublickey: 'Nyilvános kulcs'
+ recaptchaprivatekey: 'Titkos kulcs'
+ recaptchasecure: 'Biztonságos URL-cím a reCAPTCHA szolgáltatáshoz?'
+ disabled: letiltva
+ yesoption: Igen
+ nooption: Nem
+ geosearch: 'Helyi földrajzi név kereső használata:'
+ usergarbage: 'Az elavult, függőben lévő felhasználói adatok eltávolítása?'
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Add meg a napok számát, melynek letelte után a függőben lévő felhasználók törlésre fognak kerülni.'
+ usergarbagedays: 'Napok száma'
+ smartyUseProtocol: 'Protokoll használata a Smarty által generált abszolút URL-címekhez?'
+ cronjob: 'Cron feladat neve'
+ enabled: Állapot
+ options: Beállítások
+ info: null
+ infodesc: 'Ezek a beállítások a kijelölt feladat(ok) engedélyezésével/letiltásával a háttérfeladatok kezelésében segítenek.'
+ prevRun: 'Előző futás dátuma'
+ nextRun: 'Következő futás dátuma'
+ norecords: 'Nem találhatók rekordok.'
+ cronJobEmail: 'Értesítési e-mail címek'
+ cronJobSenderEmail: 'A feladó e-mail címe'
+ cronJobSenderName: 'A feladó neve (pl.: Newscoop feladatütemező)'
+ cronJobNotify: 'Értesítés?'
+ cronslist: 'Háttérfeladatok listája'
+ cronsadvanced: 'Speciális beállítások'
+ moredetails: 'További részletek.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: 'Vesszővel elválasztott e-mail címek, melyekre hibaértesítések fognak érkezni.'
+ cronJobSenderEmail: 'Az e-mail cím, melyről az értesítések küldésre fognak kerülni.'
+ cacheengine: 'Engedélyezi vagy letiltja a rendszergyorsítótárat, mellyel növelhető a Newscoop teljesítménye.'
+ cacheenginehost: 'Add meg a gyorsítótár-állomást (a Memcache, a Memcached vagy a Redis számára)'
+ cacheengineport: 'Add meg a gyorsítótár-állomás portját (a Memcache, a Memcached vagy a Redis számára)'
+ cacheimage: 'A képek gyorsítótárazásának időtartama, 30 másodperctől a végtelenig.'
+ cachetemplate: 'Válassz adatbázist a sablonok gyorsítótárazásának engedélyezéséhez.'
+ recovery: 'Kaphatnak-e a felhasználók e-mailben jelszó-emlékeztetőt. Ha ez a funkció engedélyezett, és illetéktelenül hozzáfértek az e-mail fiókodhoz, akkor a Newscoop kiadványod is könnyen sérült lehet.'
+ secret: 'A Newscoop által használható biztonsági kulcs a webszolgáltatások és más speciális funkciók integrálásához.'
+ separator: 'Add meg a Kulcsszavak elválasztóját (vessző vagy kötőjel) a Cikkszerkesztés oldalon.'
+ stats: 'Ez a beállítás teszi lehetővé statisztika gyűjtését a kiszolgálón a kiadványok olvasói eléréséről. Ha külső statisztikai szolgáltatást használ, kattinthat a Nem gombra, ugyanis a statisztikagyűjtés letiltása csökkentheti a Newscoop-kiszolgáló leterheltségét.'
+ zoom: 'Igenre állításakor az olvasók rákattintással felnagyíthatják a cikkek képeit a kiadványok oldalain. Ez a nagyítás funkció a cikk szövegébe beszúrt bármilyen képhez használható.'
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: 'Az átméretezési arány elsőbbséget élvez bármely, itt megadott átméretezendő szélesség vagy átméretezendő magasság értékéhez képest. Ha az arány nincs megadva, csak a szélesség és a magasság, akkor a Newscoop azt az értéket fogja használni, mely kisebb képméretet eredményez. Az itt megadott alapértelmezett beállításokat az arány felülbírálhatja, egy konkrét sorközi kép szélessége vagy magassága a Cikkszerkesztés lapon van beállítva.'
+ replication: 'A Newscoop egyszerre két kiszolgálón való működésének beállítását teszi lehetővé, ami hardver- vagy hálózati problémák esetén biztonsági funkció.'
+ filter: 'Írd be azoknak a sablonoknak a kulcsszavait, melyeket el akarsz rejteni a Témakezelés lapról elérhető sablonszerkesztőből. Olyan sablonokét például, melyek már nincsenek használatban, viszont nem kívánod őket törölni a kiszolgálóról.'
+ cron: 'A kiszolgáló saját cron feladatütemezőjének használatát jelenti az automatizált feladatokhoz a Newscoop saját feladatütemezője helyett.'
+ video: 'Ebben a részben a távol és helyben egyaránt tárolt videofájlok alapértelmezett szélessége és magassága adható meg, a videóknak a kiadványlapok sablonjaiban megfelelő megjelenésének biztosítása végett.'
+ emailfrom: 'A rendszerből küldött értesítésekhez használt e-mail cím.'
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: 'Ezt a felhasználóknak kiszolgált JavaScript-kódban használd.'
+ privatekey: 'Ezt a saját kiszolgáló és a reCAPTCHA kiszolgáló közti kommunikációhoz használd. Ügyelj a titoktartásra.'
+ secure: 'Ha biztonságos URL-címet használsz a reCAPTCHA szolgáltatáshoz, akkor válaszd az Igen lehetőséget.'
+ garbage: 'Ha engedélyezett, akkor ez lehetővé teszi a kiadó számára a napok számának meghatározását, melynek letelte után a függőben lévő felhasználók törlésre kerülnek. Alapértelmezésként 90 nap van beállítva.'
+ lifetime: 'A munkamenet-élettartam másodpercben. Max: 86400 (24 óra). Min: 0 (a böngésző bezárásáig).'
+ smartyuseprotocol: 'Ha engedélyezett, akkor a Smarty url függvénye protokollal fog URL-címeket létrehozni. Alapértelmezésként ez a beállítás a protokoll-relatív URL-címek létrehozásához letiltott. Ez a viselkedés a useprotocol paraméterrel felülbírálható a Smarty-függvény számára, és megadható egy logikai változó a kívánt viselkedés érdekében.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.hy_AM.yml
index b4c9bc095d..b0fb58c5cd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Պահպանել
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: null
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: Այո
+ nooption: Ոչ
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ka.yml
index b4c9bc095d..737a0a7a5a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ka.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: შენახვა
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: 'სისტემური პარამეტრები'
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: დიახ
+ nooption: არა
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ko.yml
index b4c9bc095d..fc7fa6717a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ko.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: 저장
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: null
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: 예
+ nooption: 아니오
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ku.yml
index b4c9bc095d..dc73f960fc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ku.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: null
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: null
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: null
+ nooption: null
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.lv.yml
index b4c9bc095d..dc73f960fc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.lv.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: null
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: null
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: null
+ nooption: null
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.nb_NO.yml
index b4c9bc095d..dc73f960fc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: null
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: null
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: null
+ nooption: null
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.pl.yml
index b4c9bc095d..f610654653 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.pl.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Zapisz
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: 'Błąd: Potrzebujesz PHP %cache% aby korzystać z cacheowania szablonów.'
+ replication: 'Replikacja bazy danych - dane niekompletne'
+ maxupload: 'Niepoprawna wartość Maksymalnego Rozmiaru Plików'
+ geolocation: 'Niepoprawne wartości pól geolokalizacji. Pola muszą zawierać liczby. Szerokość geograficzna nie może być > 90 i <= 90. Długość geograficzna nie może być > 180 i <= 180.'
+ noaccess: 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniać preferencje systemowe.'
+ latitude: 'Pole szerokości geograficznej jest niepoprawne.'
+ longitude: 'Pole długości geograficznej jest niepoprawne.'
+ cacheNotCleared: 'Podczas czyszczenia pamięci podręcznej wystąpił błąd'
+ joberror: 'Nie można zmienić statusu dla wybranego zadania'
+ jobnotifyerror: 'Nie można włączyć/wyłączyć powiadomień.'
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: 'Preferencje systemowe zaktualizowane.'
+ cacheCleared: 'Pamięć podręczna została wyczyszczona'
+ jobenabled: 'Zadanie zostało włączone pomyślnie.'
+ jobdisabled: 'Zadanie zostało wyłączone pomyślnie.'
+ jobnotifyswitched: 'Ustawienia powiadomień dla zadania zostały zmienione.'
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: 'Ustawienia główne'
+ email: 'Ustawienia e-mail'
+ editor: 'Ustawienia edytora'
+ geolocation: 'Ustawienia geolokalizacji'
+ fb: 'Ustawienia Facebook'
+ media: 'Ustawienia wideo'
+ cache: 'Ustawienia cache'
+ other: 'Inne ustawienia'
+ recaptcha: 'Ustawienia reCAPTCHA'
+ cronjob: 'Ustawienia zadań w tle'
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: 'Wyczyść aktualnie używaną pamięć podręczną'
+ disable: Wyłącz
+ enable: Włącz
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
+ title: 'Preferencje systemowe'
+ header: Ustawienia
+ siteonline: 'Strona On-Line:'
+ sitetitle: 'Tytuł strony:'
+ metakeywords: 'Słowa kluczowe Meta strony:'
+ metadescription: 'Opis Meta Strony:'
+ timezone: 'Strefa czasowa:'
+ cacheengine: 'Silnik cache bazy danych:'
+ cacheenginehost: 'Adres silnika pamięci podręcznej '
+ cacheengineport: 'Port adresu silnika pamięci podręcznej'
cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
+ cacheimage: 'Ważność cache zdjęć:'
+ allowrecovery: 'Zezwól na odzyskiwanie hasła:'
+ secretkey: 'Sekretny klucz:'
+ sessionlifetime: 'Ważność sesji:'
+ sessionlifetimemsg: 'nawiązująć do ustawień php.ini.'
+ separator: 'Separator słów kluczowych:'
+ captcha: 'Liczba nieudanych logowań przed pokazaniem CAPTCHA :'
+ maxupload: 'Maksymalny rozmiar plików:'
+ maxuploadmsg: 'Podaj wartość pomiędzy 0 a $1 (maksymalny rozmiar znajduje się w pliku php.ini). Użyj K dla kilobajtów, M dla megabajtów i G dla gigabajtów, bez spacji pomiędzy wartością a literą, np. ''3M'''
+ stats: 'Zbieraj statystyki automatycznie:'
smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
+ email: 'SMTP Email, adres ''Od'':'
+ emailfrom: 'Adres Email dla powiadomień systemowych:'
+ imageratio: 'Ratio pomniejszanych zdjęć:'
+ imagewidth: 'Długość pomniejszanych zdjęć:'
+ imageheight: 'Wysokość pomniejszanych zdjęć:'
+ zoom: 'Włączyć zoom dla zdjęć w obrębie artykułu??'
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Włączyć rozbudowany tekst dla podpisów zdjęcia?'
+ mediaCaptionLength: 'Limit znaków dla podpisu zdjęcia:'
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: znak(ów)
+ external: 'Subskrypcje czytelników zarządzane zewnętrznie?'
+ usereplication: 'Ustawić Serwer Replikacji Newscoop?'
+ serverdb: 'Baza danych serwera Newscoop'
+ replicationhost: 'Host do replikacji bazy danych:'
+ replicationuser: 'Użytkownik do replikacji bazy danych:'
+ replicationpw: 'Hasło do replikacji bazy danych:'
+ replicationport: 'Port do replikacji bazy danych:'
+ filter: 'Maska filtra szablonów (oddzielone przecinkami)'
+ cron: 'Uruchamiaj zaprogramowane zadania zewnętrznie?'
+ mysqlpath: 'Ścieżka do klienta MySQL'
+ mysqlpathmsg: 'by załadować dane geo-nazw'
+ latitude: 'Środek szerokości geograficznej mapy:'
+ longitude: 'Środek długości geograficznej mapy:'
+ zoomlevel: 'Poziom zoomu mapy:'
+ defaultwidth: 'Domyślna szerokość mapy:'
+ defaultheight: 'Domyślna wysokość mapy:'
+ css: 'Dołącz plik CSS do widoku mapy'
+ autofocus: 'Domyślne zachowanie auto-zbliżenia:'
+ zoomautofocus: 'Największe powiększenie dla auto-zbliżenia:'
+ borderautofocus: 'Granice mapy dla auto-zbliżenia:'
+ mapprovider: 'Zezwól na dostawcę Google Streets Map:'
+ mapquest: 'Zezwól na dostawcę map MapQuest:'
+ openstreet: 'Zezwół na dostawcę OpenStreet Map:'
+ defaultmapprovider: 'Domyślny dostawca map:'
+ nominatimsearch: 'Użyj szukania MapQuest Nominatim:'
preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
+ markerdir: 'Katalor markerów mapy:'
+ defaultmarker: 'Domyślny marker mapy:'
+ popupwidth: 'Minimalna szerokość popupu z mapą:'
+ popupheight: 'Minimalna wysokość popupu z mapą:'
+ youtubewidth: 'Domyślna szerokość Youtube:'
+ youtubeheight: 'Domyślna wysokość Youtube:'
+ vimeowidth: 'Domyślna szerokość Vimeo:'
+ vimeoheight: 'Domyślna wysokość Vimeo:'
+ flashwidth: 'Domyślna szerokość Flash:'
+ flashheight: 'Domyślna wysokość Flash:'
+ flashserver: 'Lokalny Serwer Flash:'
+ flashdir: 'Lokalna ścieżka Flash:'
+ apikey: 'Klucz API:'
+ appid: 'ID aplikacji:'
+ fbsecret: 'Kod sekretny aplikacji:'
+ recaptchapublickey: 'Klucz publiczny'
+ recaptchaprivatekey: 'Klucz prywatny'
+ recaptchasecure: 'Zabezpieczone url-e dla reCAPTCHA?'
+ disabled: nieaktywne
+ yesoption: Tak
+ nooption: Nie
+ geosearch: 'Użyj wyszukiwania lokalnego GeoNames:'
+ usergarbage: 'Usuwać nieaktualne dane oczekujących na potwierdzenie użytkowników?'
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Zdefiniuj liczbę dni, po których oczekujący użytkownicy zostaną automatycznie usunięci. '
+ usergarbagedays: 'Liczba dni'
+ smartyUseProtocol: 'Używać protokołu dla linków absolutnych generowanych przez Smarty?'
+ cronjob: 'Nazwa zadania'
enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ options: Opcje
+ info: 'Informacje:'
+ infodesc: 'Dzięki tym ustawieniom możesz wyłączać i włączać wybrane zadania w tle.'
+ prevRun: 'Data ostatniego uruchomienia (według harmonogramu).'
+ nextRun: 'Data następnego uruchomienia (według harmonogramu).'
+ norecords: 'Nie znaleziono żadnych rekordów.'
+ cronJobEmail: 'Adres email do powiadomień'
+ cronJobSenderEmail: 'Adres email używany do wysyłania powiadomień.'
+ cronJobSenderName: 'Nazwa nadawcy powiadomień (np. Harmonogram zadań Newscoopa)'
+ cronJobNotify: 'Powiadamiać?'
+ cronslist: 'Lista zadań w tle'
+ cronsadvanced: 'Ustawienia zaawansowane'
+ moredetails: 'Więcej informacji.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: 'Podane adresy email (rozdzielone przecinkami) będą otrzymywać powiadomienia. '
+ cronJobSenderEmail: 'Adresy email z których będą wysyłane powiadomienia.'
+ cacheengine: 'Włącza lub wyłącza cache APC, który może poprawić wydajność Newscoop.'
+ cacheenginehost: 'Podaj adres dla silnika pamięci podręcznej (wymagane dla Memcache, Memcached lub Redis)'
+ cacheengineport: 'Podaj port adresu dla silnika pamięci podręcznej (wymagane dla Memcache, Memcached lub Redis)'
+ cacheimage: 'Czas w jakim obrazki będą cache-owane, od 30 sekund do nieskończoności.'
+ cachetemplate: 'Wybierz DB aby włączyć cache dla szablonów.'
+ recovery: 'Użytkownicy mogą poprosić o przypomnienie hasła przez e-mail. Zauważ, że jeśli ta funkcja jest włączona, a konto e-mail jest zagrożone, publikacja Newscoop może być łatwo naruszona.'
+ secret: 'Klucz bezpieczeństwa, który Newscoop może wykorzystać do integracji usług internetowych i innych zaawansowanych funkcji.'
+ separator: 'Określa separator słów kluczowych na stronie Edycji artykułu (przecinek lub myślnik).'
+ stats: 'Ta opcja pozwala na gromadzenie statystyk dostępu czytelników do publikacji na serwerze. Jeśli używasz innej usługi do statystyk, wybierz ''Nie''. Wyłaczenie zbierania statystyk może zmniejszyć obciążenie serwera Newscoop.'
+ zoom: 'Jeśli jest ustawiona na Tak, czytelnicy mogą powiększać obrazy artykułów w publikacjach stron, klikając na nie. Ta funkcja powiększania działa na wszelkie obrazy wstawiane do tekstu artykułu.'
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: 'Wskaźnik zmiany rozmiaru ma pierwszeństwo przed każdą zmianą szerokości lub wartości zmiany wysokości, który jest ustawiony tutaj. Jeśli współczynnik nie jest ustawiony, ale wysokość i szerokość są ustawione to Newscoop użyje tych ostatnich wartości, co skutkuje mniejszym rozmiarem. Domyślne ustawienia mogą być przesłonięte przez stosunek szerokości lub wysokości ustawienia dla konkretnego obrazu ustawionej na inline stronie Edycji artykułu.'
+ replication: 'Pozwala ustawić Newscoop aby działał na dwóch serwerach jednocześnie, co jest cechą bezpieczeństwa w przypadku sprzętu lub problemu z siecią.'
+ filter: 'Wprowadź słowa kluczowe dla szablonów, które chcesz ukryć przed edytorami szablonów dostępnych za pośrednictwem strony ''Szablony''. Na przykład szablony, które są już w użyciu, ale nie chcesz, aby zostały usunięte z serwera.'
+ cron: 'Oznacza korzystanie z własnych harmonogramów cron-a dla zadań automatycznych, zamiast harmonogramu zawartego w Newscoop.'
+ video: 'Domyślna szerokość i wysokość zarówno zewnętrznie, jak i lokalnie obsługiwanych plików wideo można ustawić w tej sekcji, aby upewnić się, że filmy są wyświetlane poprawnie w publikacjach szablonów stron.'
+ emailfrom: 'Adres e-mail używany do powiadomień z systemu.'
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: 'Klucz używany w kodzie JavaScript aby uruchomic reCAPTCHA.'
+ privatekey: 'Klucz używany do komunikacji twojego serwera z serwerem reCAPTCHA. Nie udostępniaj go nikomu.'
+ secure: 'Jeśli używasz zabezpieczonych url-i, wybierz opcję Tak.'
+ garbage: 'Jeśli opcja ta jest włączona, to możesz ustalić liczbę dni po których nieaktualne dane oczekujących użytkowników zostaną usunięte. Domyślnie jest to 90 dni.'
+ lifetime: 'Czas ważności sesji w sekundach. Maksymalnie 86400 (24 godziny). Minimalnie 0 (aż do zamknięcia okna przeglądarki).'
+ smartyuseprotocol: 'Jeśli opcja ta jest włączona, to Smarty będzie generował linki z dołączonym do adresu protokołem. Domyślnie jest to wyłączone tak aby generować względne adresy URL. Możliwe jest nadpisanie tej opcji z parametrem "useprotocol" w szablonach Smarty. '
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ps.yml
index b4c9bc095d..dc73f960fc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.ps.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: null
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: null
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: null
+ nooption: null
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.pt_BR.yml
index b4c9bc095d..c50b2b9178 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Salvar
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: 'Preferências do Sistema'
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: Sim
+ nooption: Não
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sh.yml
index b4c9bc095d..e84f818864 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sh.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Snimi
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: 'Keš je obrisan'
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: 'Opšta podešavanja'
+ email: 'Podešavanja e-maila'
+ editor: 'Podešavanja editora'
+ geolocation: 'Podešavanja geo-lokacija'
+ fb: 'Podešavanja Facebooka'
+ media: 'Podešavanja videa'
+ cache: 'Podešavanja keša'
+ other: 'Ostala podešavanja'
+ recaptcha: 'Podešavanja reCAPTCHA'
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
+ title: 'Sistemske postavke'
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: Da
+ nooption: Ne
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ options: Opcije
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: 'Nema zapisa'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sq.yml
index b4c9bc095d..dc73f960fc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sq.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: null
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: null
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: null
+ nooption: null
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sr.yml
index b4c9bc095d..84430d3501 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sr.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Сними
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: 'Системске поставке'
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: Да
+ nooption: Не
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sv.yml
index b4c9bc095d..e723713102 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/system_pref.sv.yml
@@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
- save: Save
+ save: Spara
- cache: 'Invalid: You need PHP %cache% enabled in order to use the template caching system.'
- replication: 'Database Replication data incomplete'
- maxupload: 'Invalid Max Upload File Size value submitted'
- geolocation: 'Invalid Geolocation fields. Must contain numbers. Latitude can''t be > 90 and < -90. Longitude can''t be > 180 and < -180.'
- noaccess: 'You do not have the right to change system preferences.'
- latitude: 'Latitude field value is not valid.'
- longitude: 'Longitude field value is not valid.'
- cacheNotCleared: 'There was error with cache clearing'
- joberror: 'Could not change status of selected job.'
- jobnotifyerror: 'Could not enable/disable notifications.'
+ cache: null
+ replication: null
+ maxupload: null
+ geolocation: null
+ noaccess: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ cacheNotCleared: null
+ joberror: null
+ jobnotifyerror: null
- saved: 'System preferences updated.'
- cacheCleared: 'Cache was cleared'
- jobenabled: 'Successfully enabled job.'
- jobdisabled: 'Successfully disabled job.'
- jobnotifyswitched: 'Background job notification setting switched successfully.'
+ saved: null
+ cacheCleared: null
+ jobenabled: null
+ jobdisabled: null
+ jobnotifyswitched: null
- general: 'General Settings'
- email: 'Email Settings'
- editor: 'Editor Settings'
- geolocation: 'Geolocation Settings'
- fb: 'Facebook Settings'
- media: 'Video Settings'
- cache: 'Cache Settings'
- other: 'Other Settings'
- recaptcha: 'reCAPTCHA Settings'
- cronjob: 'Background Jobs Settings'
+ general: null
+ email: null
+ editor: null
+ geolocation: null
+ fb: null
+ media: null
+ cache: null
+ other: null
+ recaptcha: null
+ cronjob: null
- cleardatabasecache: 'Clear current driver cache'
- disable: Disable
- enable: Enable
+ cleardatabasecache: null
+ disable: null
+ enable: null
- title: 'System Preferences'
- header: Preferences
- siteonline: 'Site On-Line:'
- sitetitle: 'Site Title:'
- metakeywords: 'Site Meta Keywords:'
- metadescription: 'Site Meta Description:'
- timezone: 'Time Zone:'
- cacheengine: 'Database Cache Engine:'
- cacheenginehost: 'Database Cache Engine Host:'
- cacheengineport: 'Database Cache Engine Port:'
- cachetemplate: 'Template Cache Handler:'
- cacheimage: 'Imagecache Lifetime:'
- allowrecovery: 'Allow password recovery:'
- secretkey: 'Secret Key:'
- sessionlifetime: 'Session Lifetime:'
- sessionlifetimemsg: 'according to php.ini settings.'
- separator: 'Keyword separator:'
- captcha: 'Number of failed login attempts before showing CAPTCHA :'
- maxupload: 'Maximum upload file size:'
- maxuploadmsg: 'Enter a value between 0 and %max% (the maximum size is specified in ''php.ini''). Please use ''K'' for kilobytes, ''M'' for megabytes and ''G'' for gigabytes, without white spaces between the value and the corresponding letter, e.g. ''3M''.'
- stats: 'Automatic collection of statistics:'
- smtphost: 'SMTP Host:'
- smtpport: 'SMTP Port:'
- email: 'SMTP Email From address:'
- emailfrom: 'Email address for notifications from the system:'
- imageratio: 'Image Resizing Ratio:'
- imagewidth: 'Image Resizing Width:'
- imageheight: 'Image Resizing Height:'
- zoom: 'Zoom enabled for images in article content?'
- mediaRichTextCaptions: 'Enable rich text for image captions?'
- mediaCaptionLength: 'Character limit for image captions: '
- mediaCaptionLength_after: character(s)
- external: 'Reader subscriptions managed externally?'
- usereplication: 'Setting up a Newscoop Replication Server?'
- serverdb: 'Newscoop Online Server Database'
- replicationhost: 'Database Replication Host:'
- replicationuser: 'Database Replication User:'
- replicationpw: 'Database Replication Password:'
- replicationport: 'Database Replication Port:'
- filter: 'Templates filter mask (separated by comma)'
- cron: 'Run scheduled tasks externally?'
- mysqlpath: 'MySQL client command path'
- mysqlpathmsg: 'to load geo-names data'
- latitude: 'Map Center Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Map Center Longitude:'
- zoomlevel: 'Map Zoom Level:'
- defaultwidth: 'Map Default Width:'
- defaultheight: 'Map Default Height:'
- css: 'Include CSS file for map view'
- autofocus: 'Map auto-focusing as the default behavior:'
- zoomautofocus: 'Maximal zoom for auto-focusing:'
- borderautofocus: 'Map border for auto-focusing:'
- mapprovider: 'Allow Google Streets Map Provider:'
- mapquest: 'Allow MapQuest Map Provider:'
- openstreet: 'Allow OpenStreet Map Provider:'
- defaultmapprovider: 'Default Map Provider:'
- nominatimsearch: 'Use MapQuest Nominatim Search:'
- preflanguage: 'Preferred address language:'
- markerdir: 'Map Marker Directory:'
- defaultmarker: 'Map Marker Default:'
- popupwidth: 'Map Popup Minimal Width:'
- popupheight: 'Map Popup Minimal Height:'
- youtubewidth: 'Youtube Default Width:'
- youtubeheight: 'Youtube Default Height:'
- vimeowidth: 'Vimeo Default Width:'
- vimeoheight: 'Vimeo Default Height:'
- flashwidth: 'Flash Default Width:'
- flashheight: 'Flash Default Height:'
- flashserver: 'Local Flash Server:'
- flashdir: 'Local Flash Directory:'
- apikey: 'API Key:'
- appid: 'App ID:'
- fbsecret: 'App Secret:'
- recaptchapublickey: 'Public key'
- recaptchaprivatekey: 'Private key'
- recaptchasecure: 'Secure url for reCAPTCHA?'
- disabled: disabled
- yesoption: Yes
- nooption: No
- geosearch: 'Use Local GeoNames Search:'
- usergarbage: 'Remove obsolete pending users data?'
- usergarbagedaysinfo: 'Define a certain number of days after which the pending users will be deleted.'
- usergarbagedays: 'Days number'
- smartyUseProtocol: 'Use protocol for absolute URLs generated by Smarty?'
- cronjob: 'Cron job name'
- enabled: Status
- options: Options
- info: 'Info:'
- infodesc: 'These settings will help you manage background jobs by enabling/disabling the selected job(s).'
- prevRun: 'Previous run date'
- nextRun: 'Next run date'
- norecords: 'No records found.'
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses for notifications'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address of sender'
- cronJobSenderName: 'Name of sender (e.g.: Newscoop Scheduler)'
- cronJobNotify: 'Notify?'
- cronslist: 'Background jobs list'
- cronsadvanced: 'Advanced Settings'
- moredetails: 'More details.'
+ title: Systeminställningar
+ header: null
+ siteonline: null
+ sitetitle: null
+ metakeywords: null
+ metadescription: null
+ timezone: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ allowrecovery: null
+ secretkey: null
+ sessionlifetime: null
+ sessionlifetimemsg: null
+ separator: null
+ captcha: null
+ maxupload: null
+ maxuploadmsg: null
+ stats: null
+ smtphost: null
+ smtpport: null
+ email: null
+ emailfrom: null
+ imageratio: null
+ imagewidth: null
+ imageheight: null
+ zoom: null
+ mediaRichTextCaptions: null
+ mediaCaptionLength: null
+ mediaCaptionLength_after: null
+ external: null
+ usereplication: null
+ serverdb: null
+ replicationhost: null
+ replicationuser: null
+ replicationpw: null
+ replicationport: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ mysqlpath: null
+ mysqlpathmsg: null
+ latitude: null
+ longitude: null
+ zoomlevel: null
+ defaultwidth: null
+ defaultheight: null
+ css: null
+ autofocus: null
+ zoomautofocus: null
+ borderautofocus: null
+ mapprovider: null
+ mapquest: null
+ openstreet: null
+ defaultmapprovider: null
+ nominatimsearch: null
+ preflanguage: null
+ markerdir: null
+ defaultmarker: null
+ popupwidth: null
+ popupheight: null
+ youtubewidth: null
+ youtubeheight: null
+ vimeowidth: null
+ vimeoheight: null
+ flashwidth: null
+ flashheight: null
+ flashserver: null
+ flashdir: null
+ apikey: null
+ appid: null
+ fbsecret: null
+ recaptchapublickey: null
+ recaptchaprivatekey: null
+ recaptchasecure: null
+ disabled: null
+ yesoption: Ja
+ nooption: Nej
+ geosearch: null
+ usergarbage: null
+ usergarbagedaysinfo: null
+ usergarbagedays: null
+ smartyUseProtocol: null
+ cronjob: null
+ enabled: null
+ options: null
+ info: null
+ infodesc: null
+ prevRun: null
+ nextRun: null
+ norecords: null
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderName: null
+ cronJobNotify: null
+ cronslist: null
+ cronsadvanced: null
+ moredetails: null
- cronJobEmail: 'E-mail addresses separated by comma that will receive error notifications.'
- cronJobSenderEmail: 'E-mail address from which notifications will be sent.'
- cacheengine: 'Enables or disables system cache cache, which can improve Newscoop performance.'
- cacheenginehost: 'Provide cache host (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheengineport: 'Provide cache host port (for Memcache, Memcached or Redis)'
- cacheimage: 'The time that images will be cached for, from 30 seconds to infinite.'
- cachetemplate: 'Select DB to enable the cache for templates.'
- recovery: 'Whether users can get a password reminder by email. Note that if this feature is enabled and your email account is compromised, your Newscoop publication can easily be compromised in turn.'
- secret: 'The security key that Newscoop can use for integration of web services and other advanced features.'
- separator: 'Specify the separator for Keywords in the Edit Article page (comma or hyphen).'
- stats: 'This option enables the collection of statistics on reader access to publications on the server. You may wish to click No if you use a third-party statistical service, as disabling the collection of statistics may reduce the load on your Newscoop server.'
- zoom: 'If is set to Yes, readers can enlarge article images in your publications pages by clicking on them. This zooming feature works for any images inserted inline with the article text.'
- richtext_status: 'Enables a HTML editor for captions. Disabling rich text will escape, but not remove, any HTML present in the caption source. If disabled, the character limit will be fixed to 255, and any longer captions will be truncated the next time they are edited.'
- richtext_length: 'The limit includes any HTML and defaults to 255 characters. Set 0 here to have unlimited caption lengths, if your theme supports them.'
- ratio: 'The resizing ratio takes precedence over any Resizing Width or Resizing Height value which is set here. If Ratio is not set but both Width and Height are set, then Newscoop will use the value which results in a smaller image size. The default settings here can be overridden by the ratio, width or height settings for a specific inline image set on the Article Edit page.'
- replication: 'Enables you to set up Newscoop to operate on two servers at once, which is a safety feature in case of hardware or network problems.'
- filter: 'Enter keywords for templates that you wish to hide from the template editor accessible via the Theme Management page. For example, templates that are no longer in use, but you do not wish to delete from the server.'
- cron: 'Means to use the servers own cron scheduler for automated tasks, rather than the scheduler included in Newscoop.'
- video: 'The default width and height of both externally and locally hosted video files can be set in this section, to make sure that the videos are displayed correctly in your publications page templates.'
- emailfrom: 'The email address used for notifications from the system.'
+ cronJobEmail: null
+ cronJobSenderEmail: null
+ cacheengine: null
+ cacheenginehost: null
+ cacheengineport: null
+ cacheimage: null
+ cachetemplate: null
+ recovery: null
+ secret: null
+ separator: null
+ stats: null
+ zoom: null
+ richtext_status: null
+ richtext_length: null
+ ratio: null
+ replication: null
+ filter: null
+ cron: null
+ video: null
+ emailfrom: null
- publickey: 'Use this in the JavaScript code that is served to your users.'
- privatekey: 'Use this when communicating between your server and reCAPTCHA server. Be sure to keep it a secret.'
- secure: 'If you use secure url for reCAPTCHA choose Yes option.'
- garbage: 'If enabled, this allows the publisher to define a certain number of days after which the pending users are being deleted. By default 90 days number is set.'
- lifetime: 'Session lifetime in seconds. Max: 86400 (24 hours). Min: 0 (until the browser is closed).'
- smartyuseprotocol: 'If enabled, the Smarty function url will create URLs with a protocol. By default this option is disabled to create protocol relative URLs. It is possible to override this behaviour with the useprotocol parameter for the Smarty function and specify a boolean for the desired behaviour.'
+ publickey: null
+ privatekey: null
+ secure: null
+ garbage: null
+ lifetime: null
+ smartyuseprotocol: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.az.yml
index 8941a58d8b..4d19ea927a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.az.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
+'Duplicate assignment': 'Təyinatın surətini çıxar'
+Templates: Üzlük
+'Import theme': 'Mövzu idxal et'
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': 'İdxal alınmadı!'
+'Edit template: $1': 'Nümunəni dəyiş: $1'
+'Set new name to': 'Buna yeni ad quraşdır'
+'Rename file': 'Faylın adını dəyiş'
+'Caching templates in:': 'Nümunələrin burada keşlənməsi:'
+'Caching templates finished': 'Nümunələrin keşlənməsi bitdi'
+'Theme name': 'Mövzu adı'
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Mövzu təyin edilib və silinə bilməz'
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Mövzu ixracı uğursuz oldu. Serverin disk yaddaşından kənarda olmadığını yoxla.'
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'Mövzu bu nəşrdəki məsələlər ($1) tərəfindən istifadədə olduğu üçün təyinatının ləğvi mümkün deyil.'
zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
+version: versiya
+uploaded: yükləndi
+updated: yeniləndi
+'or higher': 'daha üstün'
+moved: 'yeri dəyişdirildi'
+installed: quraşdırıldı
+deleted: silindi
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'Fəaliyyət həyata keçirmək üçün ən azı bir nümunə seçməlisən.'
+Upload: Yüklə
+'Unassign theme': 'Mövzunun təyinatını ləğv et'
+'Unassign successful': 'Təyinatın ləğvi uğurludur'
+Unassign: 'Təyinatı ləğv et'
+'Theme version': 'Mövzu versiyası'
+'Theme settings updated.': 'Mövzu parametrləri yeniləndi.'
+'Theme settings saved.': 'Mövzu parametrləri saxlandı.'
+'Theme name / version': 'Mövzu adı / versiyası'
+'Theme management': 'Mövzu idarəçiliyi'
+'Theme $1': 'Mövzu $1'
+'The file $1 is empty.': '$1 faylı boşdur.'
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': '$1 nümunə vasitəsinin adı dəyişdirilərək $2 oldu.'
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': '$1 nümunə vasitəsi silindi.'
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': '$1 nümunəsinin $2 daxilinə surəti çıxarıldı.'
+'Template $1 $2.': '$1 $2 Nümunəsi.'
+'Something broke': 'Nə isə qırıldı'
+'Section page template': 'Bölmə səhifə nümunəsi'
+Saving..: Saxlanır..
+'Saving settings failed.': 'Parametrlərin saxlanması alınmadı.'
+'Save All': 'Hamısını Saxla'
+'Required Newscoop version': 'Tələb edilən Newscoop versiyası'
+Replace: Əvəzlə
+'New template $1 created.': '$1 yeni nümunəsi yaradıldı.'
+'New name': 'Yeni ad'
+'Name cant be empty': 'Ad boş saxlana bilməz'
+'Last modified': 'Son redaktələr'
+'Issue page': 'Məsələ səhifəsi'
+'Go to parent': 'Mənbəyə keç'
+'Go to $1': '$1 keç'
+'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtrləmə'
+'Front page template': 'Ön səhifə nümunəsi'
+'File size': 'Faylın ölçüsü'
+'File name': 'Faylın adı'
+'File $1 was replaced.': '$1 faylı əvəz edildi.'
+'Failed unassigning theme': 'Mövzunun təyinatını geri götürmək mümkün olmadı'
+Export: İxrac
+'Error page template': 'Xəta səhifə nümunəsi'
+'Edit $1': '$1-a dəyişiklik et'
+'Done uploading': 'Yeniləmə bitdi'
+'Do you want to override $1?': '$1 faylını yenidən yazmaq istəyirsən?'
+'Directory is empty': 'Direktoriya boşdur'
+'Directory $1 created.': '$1 kataloqu yaradılmışdır.'
+Design: Dizayn
+'Delete theme': 'Üzlüyü sil'
+'Current directory:': 'Hazırkı kataloq:'
+'Create folder': 'Qovluq yarat'
+'Create file': 'Fayl yarat'
+'Copy to available themes': 'Mövcud mövzulara köçür'
+'Copied successfully': 'Müvəffəqiyyətlə köçürüldü'
+Compatibility: Uyğunluq
+'Click to enlarge': 'Genişləndirmək üçün kliklə'
+'Choose destination': 'Son ünvanı seç'
+'Cant override directory $1.': '$1 kataloqu yenidən yazıla bilmir.'
+'Cache Lifetime': 'Keşin Yaşama Müddəti'
+'Browse for the theme': 'Mövzu üçün axtar'
+'Assigned successfully': 'Müvəffəqiyyətlə təyin edildi'
+'Article page template': 'Məqalə səhifə nümunəsi'
+'Article page': 'Məqalə səhifəsi'
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Bu mövzunun təyini geri almaq istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Bu mövzunu silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Add to publication': 'Nəşrini əlavə et'
+'$1 is not writable': '$1 yazılan deyil'
'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'$1 files $2': '$1 fayl $2'
+'Available themes': 'Olan Üzlüklər'
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.be.yml
index 8941a58d8b..273453226a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.be.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: Шаблёны
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': 'Пераназваць файл'
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'Вы павінны абраць па меншай меры адзін шаблон каб вырабіць дзеянне.'
+Upload: Загрузіць
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': 'Захаваць усё'
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: 'Замянiць:'
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': 'Апошнія змяненні'
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': 'Рэдагаваць $1'
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': ' Папка $1 была створаная.'
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.bn.yml
index 8941a58d8b..c611571f4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.bn.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: null
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.cs.yml
index 8941a58d8b..f810aa2cd9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.cs.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
+'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicitní přiřazení'
+Templates: Šablony
+'Import theme': 'Importovat téma'
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': 'Neúspěšný import!'
+'Edit template: $1': 'Upravit šablonu: $1'
+'Set new name to': 'Nastavit nový název do'
+'Rename file': 'Přejmenovat soubor'
+'Caching templates in:': 'Caching šablona v:'
+'Caching templates finished': 'Caching šablona hotova'
+'Theme name': 'Jméno tématu'
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Téma je přiděleno a nemůže být vymazáno'
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Export tématu nebylo úspěšné. Zkontrolujte zda server má dostatek místa na disku.'
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'Téma nemůže být vyřazeno, protože je používán ve vydání ($ 1) této publikace.'
+zip: PSČ
+version: verze
+uploaded: nahrané
+updated: aktualizované
+'or higher': 'nebo vyšší'
+moved: posunuté
+installed: instalováné
+deleted: vymazané
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'Musíte zvolit alespoň jednu šablonu k provedení činnosti.'
+Upload: Nahrávat
+'Unassign theme': 'Zrušení přirazení tématu'
+'Unassign successful': 'Úspěšné zrušení přiřazení '
+Unassign: 'Zrušení přiřazení'
+'Theme version': 'Téma verze'
+'Theme settings updated.': 'Nastavení tématu aktualizováno.'
+'Theme settings saved.': 'Nastavení tématu uloženo.'
+'Theme name / version': 'Téma název / verze'
+'Theme management': 'Management témat'
+'Theme $1': 'Téma $1'
+'The file $1 is empty.': 'Soubor $1 je prázdný.'
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Předmět šablony $1 byl přejmenován na $2.'
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Předmět šablony $1 byl vymazán.'
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Šablona $1byla duplikovaná to $2.'
+'Template $1 $2.': 'Šablona $1 $2.'
+'Something broke': 'Něco se rozbilo'
+'Section page template': 'Stránka sekce šablon'
+Saving..: Ukládání...
+'Saving settings failed.': 'Ukládání nastavení selhalo.'
+'Save All': 'Uložit Vše'
+'Required Newscoop version': 'Požadována verze Newscoop'
+Replace: Nahradit
+'New template $1 created.': 'Nová šablona $1 vytvořena.'
+'New name': 'Nový název'
+'Name cant be empty': 'Název nemůže být prázdný'
+'Last modified': 'Naposledy změněno'
+'Issue page': 'Stránka vydání'
+'Go to parent': 'Jdi na ústředí'
+'Go to $1': 'Jdi na $1'
+'Geo Filtering': 'Geo filtrování'
+'Front page template': 'První stránka šablony'
+'File size': 'Velikost souboru'
+'File name': 'Jméno souboru'
+'File $1 was replaced.': 'Soubor $1 byl nahrazen.'
+'Failed unassigning theme': 'Neuspěšné zrušení přiřazení tématu '
Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
+'Error page template': 'Šablona stránky chyb'
+'Edit $1': 'Editovat $1'
+'Done uploading': 'Nahráváni hotovo'
+'Do you want to override $1?': 'Přejete si přepsat $1?'
+'Directory is empty': 'Adresář je prázdný'
+'Directory $1 created.': 'Složka $1 vytvořena.'
Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
+'Delete theme': 'Vymazat téma'
+'Current directory:': 'Aktuální adresář:'
+'Create folder': 'Vytvořit složku'
+'Create file': 'Vytvořit soubor'
+'Copy to available themes': 'Kopírovat do dostupných témat'
+'Copied successfully': 'Kopírování úspěšné'
+Compatibility: Kompatibilita
+'Click to enlarge': 'Kliknutím zvětšit'
+'Choose destination': 'Vybrat destinaci'
+'Cant override directory $1.': 'Nelze přepsat adresář $1.'
+'Cache Lifetime': 'Životnost Cache '
+'Browse for the theme': 'Vyhledat téma'
+'Assigned successfully': 'Přiřazení úspěšné'
+'Article page template': 'Šablona stránky článku'
+'Article page': 'Stránka článku'
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Jste si jisti, že chcete zrušit přiřazení tohoto tématu?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Jste si jisti, že chcete vymazat téma?'
+'Add to publication': 'Přidat do publikace'
+'$1 is not writable': '$1 není přepsatelné'
'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'$1 files $2': '$1 soubory $2'
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.da.yml
index 8941a58d8b..282d204021 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.da.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
+'Duplicate assignment': Dobbelttildeling
+Templates: Skabeloner
+'Import theme': 'Importer tema'
+'Import succeeded!': 'Importen lykkedes!'
+'Import failed!': 'Importen mislykkedes!'
+'Edit template: $1': 'Rediger skabelon: $1'
+'Set new name to': 'Nyt navn'
+'Rename file': 'Omdøb fil'
+'Caching templates in:': 'Skabeloner caches i:'
+'Caching templates finished': 'Skabelon caching afsluttet'
+'Theme name': 'Tema navn'
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Temaet er i brug og kan ikke slettes'
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Temaet kunne ikke eksporteres. Kontroller at der er diskplads på serveren.'
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'Temaet bruges af udgivelserne ($1) i denne publikation og kan ikke fjernes'
zip: zip
version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
+uploaded: uploadet
+updated: opdateret
+'or higher': 'eller nyere'
+moved: flyttet
+installed: installeret
+deleted: slettet
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'Du skal vælge mindst en skabelon for at udføre en handling.'
Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
+'Unassign theme': 'Fjern tema'
+'Unassign successful': 'Temaet er fjernet'
+Unassign: Fjern
+'Theme version': 'Tema version'
+'Theme settings updated.': 'Temaets indstillinger blev opdateret.'
+'Theme settings saved.': 'Temaets indstillinger blev gemt.'
+'Theme name / version': 'Tema navn / version'
+'Theme management': 'Tema håndtering'
+'Theme $1': 'Tema $1'
+'The file $1 is empty.': 'Filen $1 er tom.'
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Skabelon objektet $1 blev omdøbt til $2.'
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Skabelon objektet $1 blev slettet.'
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Skabelonen $1 blev kopieret til $2.'
+'Template $1 $2.': 'Skabelon $1 $2.'
+'Something broke': 'Noget gik i udu'
+'Section page template': 'Skabelon for sektions sider'
+Saving..: Gemmer...
+'Saving settings failed.': 'Indstillingerne kunne ikke gemmes.'
+'Save All': 'Gem alt'
+'Required Newscoop version': 'Kræver Newscoop version'
+Replace: Erstat
+'New template $1 created.': 'Ny skabelon $1 oprettet.'
+'New name': 'Nyt navn'
+'Name cant be empty': 'Navn kan ikke være tomt'
+'Last modified': 'Sidst ændret'
+'Issue page': 'Udgivelses side'
+'Go to parent': 'Gå op'
+'Go to $1': 'Gå til $1'
+'Geo Filtering': 'Geo filtrering'
+'Front page template': 'Skabelon for forsiden'
+'File size': 'Fil størrelse'
+'File name': 'Fil navn'
+'File $1 was replaced.': 'Filen $1 blev erstattet.'
+'Failed unassigning theme': 'Temaet kunne ikke tildeles'
+Export: Eksporter
+'Error page template': 'Skabelon for fejlside'
+'Edit $1': 'Rediger $1'
+'Done uploading': 'Upload færdigt'
+'Do you want to override $1?': 'Vil du tilsidesætte $1?'
+'Directory is empty': 'Mappen er tom'
+'Directory $1 created.': 'Mappen $1 oprettet.'
Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
+'Delete theme': 'Slet tema'
+'Current directory:': 'Nuværende mappe:'
+'Create folder': 'Opret mappe'
+'Create file': 'Opret fil'
+'Copy to available themes': 'Kopier til tilgængelige temaer'
+'Copied successfully': 'Kopiering lykkedes'
+Compatibility: Kompatibilitet
+'Click to enlarge': 'Klik for at forstørre'
+'Choose destination': 'Vælg destination'
+'Cant override directory $1.': 'Mappen $1 kan ikke tilsidesættes.'
+'Cache Lifetime': 'Levetid for cachen'
+'Browse for the theme': 'Vælg tema'
+'Assigned successfully': Tildelt
+'Article page template': 'Skabelon for artikel sider'
+'Article page': 'Artikel side'
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Vil du fjerne temaet?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Vil du slette temaet?'
+'Add to publication': 'Føj til publikation'
+'$1 is not writable': '$1 er ikke skrivbar'
'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'$1 files $2': '$1 filer $2'
+'Available themes': 'Tilgængelige temaer'
+'Update cached data': 'Opdater cachede data'
+'Assigned templates': 'Tildelte skabeloner'
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.de.yml
index 8941a58d8b..b18af58a6c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.de.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
+'Duplicate assignment': 'Doppelte Zuordnung'
Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
+'Import theme': 'Designvorlage importieren'
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': 'Import fehlgeschlagen. '
+'Edit template: $1': 'Designvorlage bearbeiten: $1'
+'Set new name to': 'Neuen Namen einstellen für'
+'Rename file': 'Datei umbenennen'
+'Caching templates in:': 'Templates Caching in: '
+'Caching templates finished': 'Caching des Templates abgeschlossen'
+'Theme name': 'Name der Designvorlage'
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Die Designvorlage ist zugewiesen und kann nicht gelöscht werden'
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Der Designvorlagen-Export war nicht erfolgreich. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob der Server genug Speicherplatz hat. '
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'Die Designvorlage kann nicht entkoppelt werden, weil es für die Ausgabe ($1) in dieser Publikation in Gebrauch ist. '
zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
+version: Version
+uploaded: Hochgeladen
+updated: Aktualisiert
+'or higher': 'oder höher'
+moved: verschoben
+installed: installiert
+deleted: gelöscht
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'Sie müssen mindestens eine Template auswählen um eine Aktion auszuführen.'
Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
+'Unassign theme': 'Designvorlage entkoppeln'
+'Unassign successful': 'Entkopplung erfolgreich'
+Unassign: Entkoppeln
+'Theme version': 'Designvorlage Version'
+'Theme settings updated.': 'Designvorlagen-Einstellungen aktualisiert'
+'Theme settings saved.': 'Designvorlagen-Einstellungen gespeichert. '
+'Theme name / version': 'Designvorlagen Name / Version'
+'Theme management': Designvorlagen-Verwaltung
+'Theme $1': 'Designvorlage $1'
+'The file $1 is empty.': 'Die Datei $1 ist leer. '
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template Objekt $1 wurde umbenannt in $2.'
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template Objekt $1 wurde gelöscht. '
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 wurde nach $2 dupliziert. '
'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
+'Something broke': 'Etwas ist kaputt'
+'Section page template': 'Rubrikenseiten Template'
+Saving..: Speichere...
+'Saving settings failed.': 'Speichern der Einstellungen fehlgeschlagen.'
+'Save All': 'Alle speichern'
+'Required Newscoop version': 'Erforderliche Newscoop Version'
+Replace: Ersetzen
+'New template $1 created.': 'Neues Template $1 angelegt. '
+'New name': 'Neuer Name'
+'Name cant be empty': 'Der Name darf nicht leer sein'
+'Last modified': 'Zuletzt geändert'
+'Issue page': 'Seite der Ausgabe'
+'Go to parent': 'Gehe zu Eltern'
+'Go to $1': 'Gehe zu $1'
+'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filter'
+'Front page template': 'Startseiten Template'
+'File size': Dateigröße
+'File name': Dateiname
+'File $1 was replaced.': 'Datei $1 wurde ersetzt. '
+'Failed unassigning theme': 'Entkoppeln der Designvorlage fehlgeschlagen. '
+Export: Exportiere
+'Error page template': 'Fehlerseiten Template'
+'Edit $1': Bearbeiten
+'Done uploading': 'Upload fertig'
+'Do you want to override $1?': 'Wollen Sie $1 überschreiben?'
+'Directory is empty': 'Verzeichnis ist leer. '
+'Directory $1 created.': 'Verzeichnis $1 wurde erstellt.'
Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
+'Delete theme': 'Designvorlage löschen'
+'Current directory:': 'Aktuelles Verzeichnis'
+'Create folder': 'Ordner erstellen'
+'Create file': 'Datei erstellen'
+'Copy to available themes': 'In die verfügbaren Designvorlagen kopieren'
+'Copied successfully': 'Erfolgreich kopiert'
+Compatibility: Kompatibilität
+'Click to enlarge': 'Zum Vergrößern klicken. '
+'Choose destination': 'Ziel wählen'
+'Cant override directory $1.': 'Kann das Verzeichnis $1 nicht überschreiben.'
+'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Laufzeit'
+'Browse for the theme': 'Nach Designvorlage durchsuchen'
+'Assigned successfully': 'Erfolgreich zugewiesen'
+'Article page template': 'Artikelseiten Template'
+'Article page': Artikelseite
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Designvorlage entkoppeln wollen?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Designvorlage löschen wollen?'
+'Add to publication': 'Zur Publikation hinzufügen'
+'$1 is not writable': '$1 ist nicht beschreibbar.'
'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'$1 files $2': '$1 Dateien $2'
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.de_AT.yml
index 8941a58d8b..b18af58a6c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
+'Duplicate assignment': 'Doppelte Zuordnung'
Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
+'Import theme': 'Designvorlage importieren'
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': 'Import fehlgeschlagen. '
+'Edit template: $1': 'Designvorlage bearbeiten: $1'
+'Set new name to': 'Neuen Namen einstellen für'
+'Rename file': 'Datei umbenennen'
+'Caching templates in:': 'Templates Caching in: '
+'Caching templates finished': 'Caching des Templates abgeschlossen'
+'Theme name': 'Name der Designvorlage'
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Die Designvorlage ist zugewiesen und kann nicht gelöscht werden'
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Der Designvorlagen-Export war nicht erfolgreich. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob der Server genug Speicherplatz hat. '
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'Die Designvorlage kann nicht entkoppelt werden, weil es für die Ausgabe ($1) in dieser Publikation in Gebrauch ist. '
zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
+version: Version
+uploaded: Hochgeladen
+updated: Aktualisiert
+'or higher': 'oder höher'
+moved: verschoben
+installed: installiert
+deleted: gelöscht
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'Sie müssen mindestens eine Template auswählen um eine Aktion auszuführen.'
Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
+'Unassign theme': 'Designvorlage entkoppeln'
+'Unassign successful': 'Entkopplung erfolgreich'
+Unassign: Entkoppeln
+'Theme version': 'Designvorlage Version'
+'Theme settings updated.': 'Designvorlagen-Einstellungen aktualisiert'
+'Theme settings saved.': 'Designvorlagen-Einstellungen gespeichert. '
+'Theme name / version': 'Designvorlagen Name / Version'
+'Theme management': Designvorlagen-Verwaltung
+'Theme $1': 'Designvorlage $1'
+'The file $1 is empty.': 'Die Datei $1 ist leer. '
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template Objekt $1 wurde umbenannt in $2.'
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template Objekt $1 wurde gelöscht. '
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 wurde nach $2 dupliziert. '
'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
+'Something broke': 'Etwas ist kaputt'
+'Section page template': 'Rubrikenseiten Template'
+Saving..: Speichere...
+'Saving settings failed.': 'Speichern der Einstellungen fehlgeschlagen.'
+'Save All': 'Alle speichern'
+'Required Newscoop version': 'Erforderliche Newscoop Version'
+Replace: Ersetzen
+'New template $1 created.': 'Neues Template $1 angelegt. '
+'New name': 'Neuer Name'
+'Name cant be empty': 'Der Name darf nicht leer sein'
+'Last modified': 'Zuletzt geändert'
+'Issue page': 'Seite der Ausgabe'
+'Go to parent': 'Gehe zu Eltern'
+'Go to $1': 'Gehe zu $1'
+'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filter'
+'Front page template': 'Startseiten Template'
+'File size': Dateigröße
+'File name': Dateiname
+'File $1 was replaced.': 'Datei $1 wurde ersetzt. '
+'Failed unassigning theme': 'Entkoppeln der Designvorlage fehlgeschlagen. '
+Export: Exportiere
+'Error page template': 'Fehlerseiten Template'
+'Edit $1': Bearbeiten
+'Done uploading': 'Upload fertig'
+'Do you want to override $1?': 'Wollen Sie $1 überschreiben?'
+'Directory is empty': 'Verzeichnis ist leer. '
+'Directory $1 created.': 'Verzeichnis $1 wurde erstellt.'
Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
+'Delete theme': 'Designvorlage löschen'
+'Current directory:': 'Aktuelles Verzeichnis'
+'Create folder': 'Ordner erstellen'
+'Create file': 'Datei erstellen'
+'Copy to available themes': 'In die verfügbaren Designvorlagen kopieren'
+'Copied successfully': 'Erfolgreich kopiert'
+Compatibility: Kompatibilität
+'Click to enlarge': 'Zum Vergrößern klicken. '
+'Choose destination': 'Ziel wählen'
+'Cant override directory $1.': 'Kann das Verzeichnis $1 nicht überschreiben.'
+'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Laufzeit'
+'Browse for the theme': 'Nach Designvorlage durchsuchen'
+'Assigned successfully': 'Erfolgreich zugewiesen'
+'Article page template': 'Artikelseiten Template'
+'Article page': Artikelseite
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Designvorlage entkoppeln wollen?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Designvorlage löschen wollen?'
+'Add to publication': 'Zur Publikation hinzufügen'
+'$1 is not writable': '$1 ist nicht beschreibbar.'
'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'$1 files $2': '$1 Dateien $2'
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.en_GB.yml
index 8941a58d8b..d61de74b10 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.en_GB.yml
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Saving..: Saving..
Replace: Replace
'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
+'Name cant be empty': 'Name can not be empty'
'Last modified': 'Last modified'
'Issue page': 'Issue page'
'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Design: Design
Compatibility: Compatibility
'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
+'Cant override directory $1.': 'Can not override directory $1.'
'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
@@ -88,6 +88,6 @@ Compatibility: Compatibility
'Available themes': 'Available themes'
'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached information about theme playlists is not up to date!'
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of featured articles used.'
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'The code below should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.es.yml
index 8941a58d8b..05e0cf9489 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.es.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
+'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicar tarea'
+Templates: Plantillas
+'Import theme': 'Importar Temas'
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': '¡Importe fallido!'
+'Edit template: $1': 'Editar plantilla: $1'
+'Set new name to': 'Renombrar como'
+'Rename file': 'Renombrar archivo'
+'Caching templates in:': 'Reunir plantillas en'
+'Caching templates finished': 'Reunión de plantillas finalizada'
+'Theme name': 'Nombre de tema'
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'El tema está asignado y no puede eliminarse'
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Exportación del tema fallida. Revisa que el servidor no esté saturado.'
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'El tema no puede asignarse porque está en uso por las ediciones ($1) en esta publicación'
zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
+version: versión
+uploaded: cargado
+updated: actualizado
+'or higher': 'o mayor'
+moved: movido
+installed: instalado
+deleted: eliminado
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'Para poder realizar una acción debe seleccionar por lo menos una plantilla.'
+Upload: Subir
+'Unassign theme': 'Desasignar tema'
+'Unassign successful': 'Desasignación exitosa'
+Unassign: Desasignar
+'Theme version': 'Versión de tema'
+'Theme settings updated.': 'Configuraciones de tema actualizadas'
+'Theme settings saved.': 'Configuraciones de tema guardadas'
+'Theme name / version': 'Nombre del tema / versión'
+'Theme management': 'Manejo de temas'
+'Theme $1': 'Tema $1'
+'The file $1 is empty.': 'El archivo $1 está vacío.'
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Objeto de plantilla $1 fue renombrado como $2.'
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Objeto de plantilla $1 fue eliminado.'
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'La plantilla $1 fue duplicada como $2.'
+'Template $1 $2.': 'Plantilla $1 $2'
+'Something broke': 'Algo se rompió'
+'Section page template': 'Plantilla de sección de página'
+Saving..: Guardando...
+'Saving settings failed.': 'La configuración no se guardó correctamente'
+'Save All': 'Guardar todo'
+'Required Newscoop version': 'Versión requerida de Newscoop'
+Replace: Reemplazar
+'New template $1 created.': 'Nueva plantilla $1 creada.'
+'New name': 'Nuevo nombre'
+'Name cant be empty': 'Nombre no puede estar vacío'
+'Last modified': 'Modificado por última vez'
+'Issue page': 'Página de ediciones'
+'Go to parent': 'Ir a raíz'
+'Go to $1': 'Ir a $1'
+'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtro'
+'Front page template': 'Plantilla de carátula'
+'File size': 'Tamaño de archivo'
+'File name': 'Nombre de archivo'
+'File $1 was replaced.': 'El archivo $1 fue reemplazado'
+'Failed unassigning theme': 'El tema no se desasignó correctamente'
+Export: Exportar
+'Error page template': 'Error de página de plantilla'
+'Edit $1': 'Editar $1'
+'Done uploading': 'Finalizó la carga'
+'Do you want to override $1?': '¿Desea anular $1?'
+'Directory is empty': 'Directorio vacío.'
+'Directory $1 created.': 'Se creó el directorio $1 '
+Design: Diseño
+'Delete theme': 'Eliminar tema'
+'Current directory:': 'Directorio actual'
+'Create folder': 'Crear carpeta'
+'Create file': 'Crear archivo'
+'Copy to available themes': 'Copiar a temas disponibles'
+'Copied successfully': 'Copia exitosa'
+Compatibility: Compatibilidad
+'Click to enlarge': 'Clic para agrandar'
+'Choose destination': 'Escoge un destino'
+'Cant override directory $1.': 'No puede anularse el directorio $1'
+'Cache Lifetime': 'Vida del Cahe'
+'Browse for the theme': 'Buscar tema'
+'Assigned successfully': 'Asignado exitosamente'
+'Article page template': 'Plantilla de página de artículo'
+'Article page': 'Página de artículo'
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': '¿Está seguro de que desea desasignar este tema?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': '¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este tema?'
+'Add to publication': 'Agregar a publicación'
+'$1 is not writable': '$1 no es editable'
'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'$1 files $2': '$1 archivos $2'
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.es_AR.yml
index 8941a58d8b..c611571f4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: null
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.fa.yml
index 8941a58d8b..c611571f4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.fa.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: null
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.fr.yml
index 8941a58d8b..e2a3ecd858 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.fr.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: Téléchargement
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.he.yml
index 8941a58d8b..c611571f4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.he.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: null
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.hr.yml
index 8941a58d8b..c611571f4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.hr.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: null
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.hu.yml
index 8941a58d8b..f0b6c4cfe5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.hu.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
+'Duplicate assignment': 'Kettős hozzárendelés'
+Templates: Sablonok
+'Import theme': 'Téma importálása'
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': 'Nem sikerült az importálás!'
+'Edit template: $1': 'Sablon szerkesztése: $1'
+'Set new name to': 'Új név beállítása'
+'Rename file': 'Fájl átnevezése'
+'Caching templates in:': 'Sablonok gyorsítótárazásának helye:'
+'Caching templates finished': 'A sablonok gyorsítótárazása befejeződött'
+'Theme name': 'A téma neve'
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'A téma hozzá van rendelve és nem törölhető'
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'A téma exportálása nem sikerült. Ellenőrizd, hogy nem fogyott-e el a lemezterület a kiszolgálón.'
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'Nem lehet megszüntetni a téma hozzárendelését, mert használják számok ($1) ebben a kiadványban'
zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
+version: verzió
+uploaded: feltöltve
+updated: frissítve
+'or higher': null
+moved: áthelyezve
+installed: telepítve
+deleted: törölve
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'Művelet végrehajtásához ki kell választanod legalább egy sablont.'
+Upload: Feltöltés
+'Unassign theme': 'Téma hozzárendelésének megszüntetése'
+'Unassign successful': 'A hozzárendelés megszüntetése sikerült'
+Unassign: 'Hozzárendelés megszüntetése'
+'Theme version': 'Téma verziószáma'
+'Theme settings updated.': 'A téma beállításainak frissítése megtörtént.'
+'Theme settings saved.': 'A téma beállításainak mentése megtörtént.'
+'Theme name / version': 'Téma neve / verziója'
+'Theme management': Témakezelés
+'Theme $1': '$1 téma'
+'The file $1 is empty.': 'A/z $1 fájl üres.'
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'A/z $1 sablonobjektum átnevezése $2 névre megtörtént.'
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'A/z $1 sablonobjektum törlése megtörtént.'
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'A/z $1 sablon másolásra került a/z $2 sablonba.'
+'Template $1 $2.': '$1 sablon $2.'
+'Something broke': 'Valami elromlott'
+'Section page template': 'Rovatlap sablonja'
+Saving..: Mentés...
+'Saving settings failed.': 'Nem sikerült menteni a beállításokat.'
+'Save All': 'Az összes mentése'
+'Required Newscoop version': 'Szükséges Newscoop-verzió'
+Replace: Csere
+'New template $1 created.': 'Az új $1 sablon létrehozása megtörtént.'
+'New name': 'Új név'
+'Name cant be empty': 'A név nem lehet üres'
+'Last modified': 'Utolsó módosítás'
+'Issue page': Számlap
+'Go to parent': 'Ugrás a szülőre'
+'Go to $1': 'Ugrás a következőre: $1 '
+'Geo Filtering': 'Földrajzi szűrés'
+'Front page template': Címlapsablon
+'File size': Fájlméret
+'File name': Fájlnév
+'File $1 was replaced.': 'A/z $1 fájl kicserélése megtörtént.'
+'Failed unassigning theme': 'Nem sikerült megszüntetni a téma hozzárendelését'
+Export: Exportálás
+'Error page template': Hibaoldalsablon
+'Edit $1': 'A/z $1 szerkesztése'
+'Done uploading': 'A feltöltés kész'
+'Do you want to override $1?': 'Kívánod felülbírálni a következőt: $1?'
+'Directory is empty': 'A könyvtár üres'
+'Directory $1 created.': 'A/z $1 könyvtár létrehozása megtörtént.'
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': 'Téma törlése'
+'Current directory:': 'Jelenlegi könyvtár:'
+'Create folder': 'Mappa létrehozása'
+'Create file': 'Fájl létrehozása'
+'Copy to available themes': 'Másolás létező témákba'
+'Copied successfully': 'A másolás sikerült'
+Compatibility: Kompatibilitás
+'Click to enlarge': 'Kattints a nagyításhoz'
+'Choose destination': 'Válassz célt'
+'Cant override directory $1.': 'A/z $1 könyvtár nem írható felül.'
+'Cache Lifetime': 'Gyorsítótár élettartama'
+'Browse for the theme': 'Keresd meg a témát'
+'Assigned successfully': 'A hozzárendelés sikerült.'
+'Article page template': Cikklapsablon
+'Article page': Cikklap
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Biztosan meg akarod szüntetni ennek a témának a hozzárendelését?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod ezt a témát?'
+'Add to publication': 'Hozzáadás kiadványhoz'
+'$1 is not writable': 'A/z $1 nem írható'
'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'$1 files $2': '$1 fájlok $2'
+'Available themes': 'Elérhető témák'
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.hy_AM.yml
index 8941a58d8b..c611571f4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: null
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ka.yml
index 8941a58d8b..87d6b2ed25 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ka.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
+'Duplicate assignment': 'დუპლიკატი დავალება'
+Templates: შაბლონები
+'Import theme': 'თემის იმპორტირება'
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': 'იმპორტი წარუმატებელია!'
+'Edit template: $1': 'შაბლონის რედაქტირება: $1'
+'Set new name to': 'ახალი სახელის მინიჭება'
+'Rename file': 'ფაილის სახელის შეცვლა'
+'Caching templates in:': 'შაბლონების კეშირება'
+'Caching templates finished': 'შაბლონების კეშირება დასრულდა'
+'Theme name': 'თემის სახელი'
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'თემა მიბმულია და მისი წაშლა შეუძლებელია'
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'თემის ექსპორტირება უშედეგოდ დასრულდა. შეამოწმეთ არის თუ არა სერვერზე არის საკმარისი სივრცე.'
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'თემის მოხსნა შეუძლებელია რადგანაც იგი გამოყენებულია ამ პუბლიკაციის გამოცემაში ($1)'
zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
+version: ვერსია
+uploaded: აიტვირთა
+updated: განახლდა
+'or higher': 'ან უფრო დიდი'
+moved: გადავიდა
+installed: დაინსტალირებულია
+deleted: წაიშალა
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'აირჩიეთ მინიმუმ ერთი შაბლონი'
+Upload: ატვირთვა
+'Unassign theme': 'თემის მოხსნა'
+'Unassign successful': 'წარმატებით მოიხსნა'
+Unassign: მოხსნა
+'Theme version': 'თემის ვერსია'
+'Theme settings updated.': 'თემის პარამეტრები განახლდა'
+'Theme settings saved.': 'თემის პარამეტრები დამახსოვრდა.'
+'Theme name / version': 'თემის სახელი / ვერსია'
+'Theme management': 'თემის მართვა'
+'Theme $1': '$1 თემა'
+'The file $1 is empty.': '$1 ფაილი ცარიელია'
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'შაბლონის ობიექტს $1 გადაერქვა: $2'
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'შაბლონის ობიქტი $1 წაიშალა.'
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': '$1 შაბლონი დუბლირებულია $2-ში'
+'Template $1 $2.': 'შაბლონი $1 $2'
+'Something broke': 'რაღაც არ მუშაობს'
+'Section page template': 'სექციის გვერდის შაბლონი'
+Saving..: 'მიმდინარეობს დამახსოვრება..'
+'Saving settings failed.': 'პარამეტრების დამახსოვრება ვერ მოხერხდა.'
+'Save All': 'ყველაფრის დამახსოვრება'
+'Required Newscoop version': 'მოთხოვნილი Newscoop ვერსია'
+Replace: ჩანაცვლება
+'New template $1 created.': 'ახალი შაბლონი $1 შეიქმნა.'
+'New name': 'ახალი სახელი'
+'Name cant be empty': 'სახელი არ შეიძლება იყოს ცარიელი'
+'Last modified': 'ბოლო მოდიფიკაცია'
+'Issue page': 'გამოცემის გვერდი'
+'Go to parent': 'საწყისზე გადასვლა'
+'Go to $1': '$1-ზე გადასვლა'
+'Geo Filtering': 'გეოგრაფიული ფილტრაცია'
+'Front page template': 'მთავარი გვერდის შაბლონი'
+'File size': 'ფაილის ზომა'
+'File name': 'ფაილის სახელი'
+'File $1 was replaced.': '$ ფაილი ჩანაცვლდა.'
+'Failed unassigning theme': 'თემის მოხსნა ვერ მოხერხდა'
+Export: ექსპორტი
+'Error page template': 'გვერდის შაბლონის შეცდომა'
+'Edit $1': 'რედაქტირება $1'
+'Done uploading': აიტვირთა
+'Do you want to override $1?': 'გსურთ $1-ზე გადაწერა?'
+'Directory is empty': 'დირექტორია ცარიელია'
+'Directory $1 created.': '$1 დირექტორია შეიქმნა.'
+Design: დიზაინი
+'Delete theme': 'თემის წაშლა'
+'Current directory:': 'მიმდინარე დირექტორია'
+'Create folder': 'ფოლდერის შექმნა'
+'Create file': 'ფაილის შექმნა'
+'Copy to available themes': 'არსებულ თემაში კოპირება'
+'Copied successfully': კოპირებულია
+Compatibility: შეთავსებადობა
+'Click to enlarge': 'დააჭირეთ გასადიდებლად'
+'Choose destination': 'აირჩიეთ დირექტორია'
+'Cant override directory $1.': 'შეუძლებელია $1 ინსტრუქციის უკუგდება.'
+'Cache Lifetime': 'კეში-მეხსიერების სიცოცხლის ხანგრძლივობა'
+'Browse for the theme': 'თემის ძიება'
+'Assigned successfully': მიება
+'Article page template': 'სტატიის გვერდის შაბლონი'
+'Article page': 'სტატიის გვერდი'
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ ამ თემის მოხსნა?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ ამ თემის წაშლა?'
+'Add to publication': 'პუბლიკაზე დამატება'
+'$1 is not writable': '$1 არ არის ჩაწერადი'
'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'$1 files $2': '$1 ფაილები $2'
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ko.yml
index 8941a58d8b..c611571f4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ko.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: null
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ku.yml
index 8941a58d8b..c611571f4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ku.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: null
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.lv.yml
index 8941a58d8b..c611571f4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.lv.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: null
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.nb_NO.yml
index 8941a58d8b..c611571f4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: null
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.pl.yml
index 8941a58d8b..49fc556264 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.pl.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
+'Duplicate assignment': 'Podwójnie przydzielone'
+Templates: Szablony
+'Import theme': 'Importuj motyw'
+'Import succeeded!': 'Import zakończył się sukcesem!'
+'Import failed!': 'Import nie powiódł się.'
+'Edit template: $1': 'Edytuj szablon: $1'
+'Set new name to': 'Ustaw nową nazwę na'
+'Rename file': 'Zmiana nazwy pliku'
+'Caching templates in:': 'Zapisz cache szablonów w:'
+'Caching templates finished': 'Zapisywanie cache szablonów zakończone'
+'Theme name': 'Nazwa motywu'
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Motyw jest przydzielony i nie może zostać usunięty'
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Eksport motywu nie powiódł się. Sprawdź czy masz wystarczającą ilość wolnego miejsca na dysku.'
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'Motyw nie może zostać wyłączony ponieważ jest używany przez wydanie ($1) w tej publikacji'
zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
+version: wersja
+uploaded: wgrany
+updated: zaktualizowany
+'or higher': 'lub wiekszy'
+moved: przeniesiony
+installed: zainstalowany
+deleted: usuniety
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'Musisz wybrać co najmniej jeden szablon aby rozpoczać akcję'
+Upload: Wgraj
+'Unassign theme': 'Wyłącz ten motyw'
+'Unassign successful': 'Wyłączanie zakończyło się powodzeniem'
+Unassign: Wyłącz
+'Theme version': 'Wersja motywu'
+'Theme settings updated.': 'Ustawienia motywu zostały zaktualizowane.'
+'Theme settings saved.': 'Ustawienia motywu zostały zapisane.'
+'Theme name / version': 'Nazwa / wersja motywu'
+'Theme management': 'Zarządzanie motywami'
+'Theme $1': 'Motyw $1'
+'The file $1 is empty.': 'Plik $1 jest pusty.'
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Nazwa szblonu $1 została zmieniona na $2'
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Szablon $1 został usunięty.'
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Szablon $1 został skopiowany do $2'
+'Template $1 $2.': 'Szablon $1 $2'
+'Something broke': 'Coś się zepsuło'
+'Section page template': 'Szablon strony sekcji'
+Saving..: Zapisywanie..
+'Saving settings failed.': 'Zapisywanie ustawień nie powiodło się'
+'Save All': 'Zapisz wszystko'
+'Required Newscoop version': 'Wymagana wersja Newscoopa'
+Replace: Zamień
+'New template $1 created.': 'Utworzony nowy szablon $1.'
+'New name': 'Nowa nazwa'
+'Name cant be empty': 'Nazwa nie może być pusta'
+'Last modified': 'Ostatnia modyfikacja'
+'Issue page': 'Strona wydania'
+'Go to parent': 'Idź do rodzica'
+'Go to $1': 'idź do $1'
+'Geo Filtering': Geo-filtrowanie
+'Front page template': 'Szablon strony głównej'
+'File size': 'Rozmiar pliku'
+'File name': 'Nazwa pliku'
+'File $1 was replaced.': 'Plik $1 został zamieniony.'
+'Failed unassigning theme': 'Nie udało się wyłaczyć motywu'
+Export: Eksport
+'Error page template': 'Szablon strony błędu'
+'Edit $1': 'Edytuj $1'
+'Done uploading': 'Wgrywanie zakończone'
+'Do you want to override $1?': 'Chcesz nadpisać $1?'
+'Directory is empty': 'Katalog jest pusty'
+'Directory $1 created.': 'Folder $1 utworzony'
+Design: Projekt
+'Delete theme': 'Usuń motyw'
+'Current directory:': 'Aktualny katalog'
+'Create folder': 'Utwórz folder'
+'Create file': 'Utwórz plik'
+'Copy to available themes': 'Skopiuj do dostępnych motywow'
+'Copied successfully': 'Kopiowanie zakończone sukcesem'
+Compatibility: Kompatybilność
+'Click to enlarge': 'Kliknij aby powiększyć'
+'Choose destination': 'Wybierz cel'
+'Cant override directory $1.': 'Nie można nadpisać katalogu $1'
+'Cache Lifetime': 'Długość działania cache'
+'Browse for the theme': 'Przeglądaj szablony'
+'Assigned successfully': 'Włączanie zakończone sukcesem.'
+'Article page template': 'Szablon strony artykułu'
+'Article page': 'Strona artykułu'
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Jesteś pewien e chcesz wyłączyć ten motyw?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Jesteś pewien że chcesz usunąć ten motyw?'
+'Add to publication': 'Dodaj do publikacji'
+'$1 is not writable': 'Brak praw zapisu dla $1'
'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'$1 files $2': '$1 pliki $2'
+'Available themes': 'Dostępne szablony'
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ps.yml
index 8941a58d8b..c611571f4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.ps.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: null
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.pt_BR.yml
index 8941a58d8b..280b766057 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
+'Import theme': 'Importar o tema'
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': 'Importação fracassou!'
+'Edit template: $1': 'Editar template: $1'
+'Set new name to': 'Dar novo nome para'
+'Rename file': 'Mudar o nome do arquivo'
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': 'Nome do tema'
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'O tema foi designado e não pode ser apagado'
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Exportação do tema fracassou. Por favor verifique se o servidor tem bastante espaço livre.'
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: versão
+uploaded: 'Upload completado'
+updated: atualizado
+'or higher': 'ou mais'
+moved: movido
+installed: instalado
+deleted: removido
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'Tem que selecionar pelo menos um template para realizar uma ação.'
Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': 'Versão do tema'
+'Theme settings updated.': 'Preferências do tema foram atualizadas.'
+'Theme settings saved.': 'Preferências do tema foram '
+'Theme name / version': 'Nome / versão do tema'
+'Theme management': 'Gerenciamento do tema'
+'Theme $1': 'Tema $1'
+'The file $1 is empty.': 'Arquivo $1 está vazio.'
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Objeto do template $1 foi renomeado para $2.'
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Objeto do template $1 foi apagado.'
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 foi duplicado para $2.'
+'Template $1 $2.': ' Template $1 $2.'
+'Something broke': 'Algo quebrou'
+'Section page template': 'Template da página da seção'
+Saving..: Salvando...
+'Saving settings failed.': 'Falha ao salvar configurações.'
+'Save All': 'Salvar tudo'
+'Required Newscoop version': 'Versão do Newscoop necessária'
+Replace: Substituir
+'New template $1 created.': 'Novo template $1 foi criado.'
+'New name': 'Nome novo'
+'Name cant be empty': 'Nome não pode ficar vazio'
+'Last modified': 'Modificado pela última vez'
+'Issue page': 'Página da edição'
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': 'Ir para $1'
+'Geo Filtering': Geofiltragem
+'Front page template': 'Template da página principal'
+'File size': 'Tamanho do arquivo'
+'File name': 'Nome do arquivo'
+'File $1 was replaced.': 'Arquivo $1 foi substituido.'
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: Exportar
+'Error page template': 'Erro no template da página'
+'Edit $1': 'Editar $1'
+'Done uploading': 'Upload terminado'
+'Do you want to override $1?': 'Quer substituir $1?'
+'Directory is empty': 'O diretório está vazio'
+'Directory $1 created.': 'Diretório $1 foi criado.'
Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
+'Delete theme': 'Apagar o tema'
+'Current directory:': 'Diretório atual:'
+'Create folder': 'Criar pasta'
+'Create file': 'Criar arquivo'
+'Copy to available themes': 'Copiar para temas disponíveis'
+'Copied successfully': Copiado
+Compatibility: Compatibilidade
+'Click to enlarge': 'Clicar para ampliar'
+'Choose destination': 'Escolher destino'
+'Cant override directory $1.': 'Não é possível substituir diretório $1.'
+'Cache Lifetime': 'Duração do cache'
+'Browse for the theme': 'Navegar para o tema'
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': 'Template da página do artigo'
+'Article page': 'Página do artigo'
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Tem certeza que quer apagar este tema?'
+'Add to publication': 'Adicionar a publicação'
+'$1 is not writable': null
'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'$1 files $2': '$1 arquivos $2'
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sh.yml
index 8941a58d8b..738c147207 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sh.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: Šabloni
+'Import theme': 'Uvezi temu'
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': 'Uvoz nije uspeo!'
+'Edit template: $1': 'Uredi šablon: $1'
+'Set new name to': 'Postavi novo ime za'
+'Rename file': 'Preimenuj fajl'
+'Caching templates in:': 'Keširanje šablona u:'
+'Caching templates finished': 'Keširanje šablona završeno'
+'Theme name': 'Naziv teme'
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Tema je dodeljena i ne može biti izbrisana'
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Izvoz teme nije uspeo. Proverite da li ima dovoljno prostora na serveru'
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'Teme ne može biti uklonjena jer je u upotrebi za izdanja ($1) u ovoj publikaciji'
zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
+version: verzija
+uploaded: aploudovana
+updated: izmnjena
+'or higher': 'ili veća'
+moved: premeštena
+installed: instalirana
+deleted: obrisana
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'Morate izabrati najmanje jedan šablon da bi se mogla izvesti akcija.'
+Upload: Aplouduj
+'Unassign theme': 'Ukloni temu'
+'Unassign successful': 'Uklanjanje uspelo'
+Unassign: Ukloni
+'Theme version': 'Verzija teme'
+'Theme settings updated.': 'Podešavanja teme izmenjena.'
+'Theme settings saved.': 'Podešavanja teme snimljena.'
+'Theme name / version': 'Naziv / verzija teme'
+'Theme management': 'Upravljanje temom'
+'Theme $1': 'Tema $1'
+'The file $1 is empty.': 'Fajl $1 je prazan.'
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Šablon $1 je preimenovan u $2.'
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Šablon $1 je obrisan.'
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Šablon $1 je dupliran u $2.'
+'Template $1 $2.': 'Šablon $1 $2.'
+'Something broke': 'Nešto se pokvarilo'
+'Section page template': 'Šablon za prikaz rubrike'
+Saving..: Snimam...
+'Saving settings failed.': 'Snimanje podešavanja nije uspelo.'
+'Save All': 'Sačuvaj sve'
+'Required Newscoop version': 'Zahtevana verzija Newscoopa'
+Replace: Zameni
+'New template $1 created.': 'Novi šablon $1 kreiran.'
+'New name': 'Novo ime'
+'Name cant be empty': 'Ime ne može biti prazno'
+'Last modified': Izmenjeno
+'Issue page': 'Strana izdanja'
+'Go to parent': 'Idi na matični'
+'Go to $1': 'Idi na $1'
+'Geo Filtering': 'Geo filtriranje'
+'Front page template': 'Šablon za prikaz početne strane'
+'File size': 'Veličina fajla'
+'File name': 'Naziv fajla'
+'File $1 was replaced.': 'Fajl $1 je zamenjen'
+'Failed unassigning theme': 'Neusepšno uklanjanje teme'
+Export: Izvoz
+'Error page template': 'Šablon za prikaz strane o grešci'
+'Edit $1': 'Uredi $1'
+'Done uploading': 'Aploud završen'
+'Do you want to override $1?': 'Želite li da pretabate $1?'
+'Directory is empty': 'Direktorijum je prazan'
+'Directory $1 created.': 'direktorijum $1 je napravljen.'
+Design: Dizajn
+'Delete theme': 'Obriši temu'
+'Current directory:': 'Trenutni direktorijum:'
+'Create folder': 'Kreiraj folder'
+'Create file': 'Kreiraj fajl'
+'Copy to available themes': 'Kopiraj u dostupne teme'
+'Copied successfully': 'Kopiranje uspelo'
+Compatibility: Kompatibilnost
+'Click to enlarge': 'Klik za uvećanje'
+'Choose destination': 'Izaberi odredište'
+'Cant override directory $1.': 'Nije moguće pretabati direktorijum $1.'
+'Cache Lifetime': 'Dugotrajnost keša'
+'Browse for the theme': 'Potraži temu'
+'Assigned successfully': 'Uspešno dodeljeno'
+'Article page template': 'Šablon za prikaz teksta'
+'Article page': 'Tekst strana'
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da uklonite temu?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete ovu temu?'
+'Add to publication': 'Dodaj u publikaciju'
+'$1 is not writable': '$1 nema mogućnost upisa'
'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'$1 files $2': '$1 fajlova $2'
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sq.yml
index 8941a58d8b..c611571f4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sq.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: null
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sr.yml
index 8941a58d8b..3f23410e49 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sr.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': 'Увези тему'
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': 'Увоз није успео!'
+'Edit template: $1': 'Уреди шаблон: $1'
+'Set new name to': 'Постави ново име за'
+'Rename file': 'Преименуј фајл'
+'Caching templates in:': 'Кеширање шаблона у:'
+'Caching templates finished': 'Кеширање шаблона завршено'
+'Theme name': 'НАзив теме'
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Тема је додељена и не може бити избрисана'
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Извоз теме није успео. Проверите да ли има довољно простора на серверу'
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'Тема не може бити уклоњена јер је у употреби за издања ($!) у овој публикацији'
+zip: зип
+version: верзија
+uploaded: аплоудована
+updated: измењена
+'or higher': 'или већа'
+moved: премештена
+installed: инсталирана
+deleted: обрисана
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'Морате изабрати најмање један шаблон да би се могла извести акција.'
+Upload: Аплоудуј
+'Unassign theme': 'Уклони тему'
+'Unassign successful': 'Уклањање успело'
+Unassign: Уклони
+'Theme version': 'Верзија теме'
+'Theme settings updated.': 'Подешавања теме измењена.'
+'Theme settings saved.': 'Подешавања теме снимљена.'
+'Theme name / version': 'Назив / верзија теме'
+'Theme management': 'Управљање темом'
+'Theme $1': 'Тема $1'
+'The file $1 is empty.': 'Фајл $1је празан.'
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Шаблон $1је преименован у $2.'
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Шаблон $1је обрисан.'
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Шаблон $1је дуплиран у $2.'
+'Template $1 $2.': 'Шаблон $1$2.'
+'Something broke': 'Нешто се покварило'
+'Section page template': 'Шаблон за приказ рубрике'
+Saving..: Снимам...
+'Saving settings failed.': 'Снимање подешавања није успело.'
+'Save All': 'сачувај све'
+'Required Newscoop version': 'Захтевана верзија Newscoopa'
+Replace: Замени
+'New template $1 created.': 'Нови шаблон $1креиран.'
+'New name': 'Ново име'
+'Name cant be empty': 'Име не може бити празно'
+'Last modified': Измењено
+'Issue page': 'Страна издања'
+'Go to parent': 'Иди на матични'
+'Go to $1': 'Иди на $1'
+'Geo Filtering': 'Гео филтрирање'
+'Front page template': 'Шаблон за приказ почетне стране'
+'File size': 'Величина фајла'
+'File name': 'Назив фајла'
+'File $1 was replaced.': 'Фајл $1је замењен'
+'Failed unassigning theme': 'Неуспешно уклањање теме'
+Export: Извоз
+'Error page template': 'Шаблон за приказ стране о грешци'
+'Edit $1': 'Уреди $1'
+'Done uploading': 'Аплоуд завршен'
+'Do you want to override $1?': 'Желите ли да претабате $1?'
+'Directory is empty': 'Директоријум је празан'
+'Directory $1 created.': 'директоријум $1 је направљен'
+Design: Дизајн
+'Delete theme': 'Обриши тему'
+'Current directory:': 'Тренутни директоријум:'
+'Create folder': 'Креирај фолдер'
+'Create file': 'Креирај фајл'
+'Copy to available themes': 'Копирај у доступне теме'
+'Copied successfully': 'Копирање успело'
+Compatibility: Компатибилност
+'Click to enlarge': 'Клик за увећање'
+'Choose destination': 'Изабери одредиште'
+'Cant override directory $1.': 'Није могуће претабати директоријум $1.'
+'Cache Lifetime': 'Дуготрајност кеша'
+'Browse for the theme': 'Потражи тему'
+'Assigned successfully': 'Успешно додељено'
+'Article page template': 'Шаблон за приказ текста'
+'Article page': 'Текст страна'
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да уклоните тему?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете ову тему?'
+'Add to publication': 'Додај у публикацију'
+'$1 is not writable': '$1нема могућност уписа'
'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'$1 files $2': '$1 фајлова $2'
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sv.yml
index 8941a58d8b..c611571f4f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/themes.sv.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-'Duplicate assignment': 'Duplicate assignment'
-Templates: Templates
-'Import theme': 'Import theme'
-'Import succeeded!': 'Import succeeded!'
-'Import failed!': 'Import failed!'
-'Edit template: $1': 'Edit template: $1'
-'Set new name to': 'Set new name to'
-'Rename file': 'Rename file'
-'Caching templates in:': 'Caching templates in:'
-'Caching templates finished': 'Caching templates finished'
-'Theme name': 'Theme name'
-'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': 'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted'
-'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': 'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.'
-'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': 'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication'
-zip: zip
-version: version
-uploaded: uploaded
-updated: updated
-'or higher': 'or higher'
-moved: moved
-installed: installed
-deleted: deleted
-'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': 'You must select at least one template to perform an action.'
-Upload: Upload
-'Unassign theme': 'Unassign theme'
-'Unassign successful': 'Unassign successful'
-Unassign: Unassign
-'Theme version': 'Theme version'
-'Theme settings updated.': 'Theme settings updated.'
-'Theme settings saved.': 'Theme settings saved.'
-'Theme name / version': 'Theme name / version'
-'Theme management': 'Theme management'
-'Theme $1': 'Theme $1'
-'The file $1 is empty.': 'The file $1 is empty.'
-'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': 'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.'
-'Template object $1 was deleted.': 'Template object $1 was deleted.'
-'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': 'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.'
-'Template $1 $2.': 'Template $1 $2.'
-'Something broke': 'Something broke'
-'Section page template': 'Section page template'
-Saving..: Saving..
-'Saving settings failed.': 'Saving settings failed.'
-'Save All': 'Save All'
-'Required Newscoop version': 'Required Newscoop version'
-Replace: Replace
-'New template $1 created.': 'New template $1 created.'
-'New name': 'New name'
-'Name cant be empty': 'Name cant be empty'
-'Last modified': 'Last modified'
-'Issue page': 'Issue page'
-'Go to parent': 'Go to parent'
-'Go to $1': 'Go to $1'
-'Geo Filtering': 'Geo Filtering'
-'Front page template': 'Front page template'
-'File size': 'File size'
-'File name': 'File name'
-'File $1 was replaced.': 'File $1 was replaced.'
-'Failed unassigning theme': 'Failed unassigning theme'
-Export: Export
-'Error page template': 'Error page template'
-'Edit $1': 'Edit $1'
-'Done uploading': 'Done uploading'
-'Do you want to override $1?': 'Do you want to override $1?'
-'Directory is empty': 'Directory is empty'
-'Directory $1 created.': 'Directory $1 created.'
-Design: Design
-'Delete theme': 'Delete theme'
-'Current directory:': 'Current directory:'
-'Create folder': 'Create folder'
-'Create file': 'Create file'
-'Copy to available themes': 'Copy to available themes'
-'Copied successfully': 'Copied successfully'
-Compatibility: Compatibility
-'Click to enlarge': 'Click to enlarge'
-'Choose destination': 'Choose destination'
-'Cant override directory $1.': 'Cant override directory $1.'
-'Cache Lifetime': 'Cache Lifetime'
-'Browse for the theme': 'Browse for the theme'
-'Assigned successfully': 'Assigned successfully'
-'Article page template': 'Article page template'
-'Article page': 'Article page'
-'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?'
-'Add to publication': 'Add to publication'
-'$1 is not writable': '$1 is not writable'
-'$1 $2': '$1 $2'
-'$1 files $2': '$1 files $2'
-'Available themes': 'Available themes'
-'Update cached data': 'Update cached data'
-'Assigned templates': 'Assigned templates'
-'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': 'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!'
-'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': 'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.'
-'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': 'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.'
+'Duplicate assignment': null
+Templates: null
+'Import theme': null
+'Import succeeded!': null
+'Import failed!': null
+'Edit template: $1': null
+'Set new name to': null
+'Rename file': null
+'Caching templates in:': null
+'Caching templates finished': null
+'Theme name': null
+'Theme is assigned and can not be deleted': null
+'Theme export was not successful. Check please that the server is not out of disk space.': null
+'The theme can not be unassigned because it is in use by issues ($1) in this publication': null
+zip: null
+version: null
+uploaded: null
+updated: null
+'or higher': null
+moved: null
+installed: null
+deleted: null
+'You must select at least one template to perform an action.': null
+Upload: null
+'Unassign theme': null
+'Unassign successful': null
+Unassign: null
+'Theme version': null
+'Theme settings updated.': null
+'Theme settings saved.': null
+'Theme name / version': null
+'Theme management': null
+'Theme $1': null
+'The file $1 is empty.': null
+'Template object $1 was renamed to $2.': null
+'Template object $1 was deleted.': null
+'Template $1 was duplicated into $2.': null
+'Template $1 $2.': null
+'Something broke': null
+'Section page template': null
+Saving..: null
+'Saving settings failed.': null
+'Save All': null
+'Required Newscoop version': null
+Replace: null
+'New template $1 created.': null
+'New name': null
+'Name cant be empty': null
+'Last modified': null
+'Issue page': null
+'Go to parent': null
+'Go to $1': null
+'Geo Filtering': null
+'Front page template': null
+'File size': null
+'File name': null
+'File $1 was replaced.': null
+'Failed unassigning theme': null
+Export: null
+'Error page template': null
+'Edit $1': null
+'Done uploading': null
+'Do you want to override $1?': null
+'Directory is empty': null
+'Directory $1 created.': null
+Design: null
+'Delete theme': null
+'Current directory:': null
+'Create folder': null
+'Create file': null
+'Copy to available themes': null
+'Copied successfully': null
+Compatibility: null
+'Click to enlarge': null
+'Choose destination': null
+'Cant override directory $1.': null
+'Cache Lifetime': null
+'Browse for the theme': null
+'Assigned successfully': null
+'Article page template': null
+'Article page': null
+'Are you sure you want to unassign this theme?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this theme?': null
+'Add to publication': null
+'$1 is not writable': null
+'$1 $2': null
+'$1 files $2': null
+'Available themes': null
+'Update cached data': null
+'Assigned templates': null
+'Cached informations about theme playlists are not up to date!': null
+'The theme''s configuration file does not contain information about the list of used featured articles.': null
+'Below code should be placed into theme.xml (between ''theme'' nodes) file to make it work. This file is located in every theme''s main directory.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.az.yml
index f3d53a21a4..03c3d8f52a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.az.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: Seç
+'No Media Files Found': 'Mətbuat Faylları Tapılmadı'
+'Insert media file': 'Mətbuat faylı daxil et'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.be.yml
index f3d53a21a4..027bdf8aab 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.be.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: Выберыце
+'No Media Files Found': 'Знойдзена 0 медыя-файлаў '
+'Insert media file': 'Увядзіце медыя-файл'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.bn.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.bn.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.cs.yml
index f3d53a21a4..8e2bf3f00a 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.cs.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: Vybrat
+'No Media Files Found': 'Nebyly nalezeny žádné Media Soubory'
+'Insert media file': 'Vložte media soubor'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.da.yml
index f3d53a21a4..3f7c62b887 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.da.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: Vælg
+'No Media Files Found': 'Ingen mediefiler fundet'
+'Insert media file': 'Indsæt mediefil'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.de.yml
index f3d53a21a4..615613e77c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.de.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: Auswählen
+'No Media Files Found': 'Keine Mediendateien gefunden'
+'Insert media file': 'Mediendatei einfügen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.de_AT.yml
index f3d53a21a4..615613e77c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: Auswählen
+'No Media Files Found': 'Keine Mediendateien gefunden'
+'Insert media file': 'Mediendatei einfügen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.es.yml
index f3d53a21a4..0ad766200d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.es.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: Seleccionar
+'No Media Files Found': 'No se encontró ningún archivo multimedia'
+'Insert media file': 'Insertar archivo multimedia'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.es_AR.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.fa.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.fa.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.fr.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.fr.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.he.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.he.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.hr.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.hr.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.hu.yml
index f3d53a21a4..d0340dc4af 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.hu.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': 'Nem találatók médiafájlok'
+'Insert media file': 'Médiafájl beszúrása'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.hy_AM.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ka.yml
index f3d53a21a4..23c7424119 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ka.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: არჩევა
+'No Media Files Found': 'მედია ფაილები არ მოიძებნა'
+'Insert media file': 'ჩასვით მედია ფაილი'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ko.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ko.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ku.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ku.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.lv.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.lv.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.nb_NO.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.pl.yml
index f3d53a21a4..39d78e70fb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.pl.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: Wybierz
+'No Media Files Found': 'Nie znaleziono plików mediów'
+'Insert media file': 'Dodaj plik mediów'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ps.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.ps.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.pt_BR.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sh.yml
index f3d53a21a4..2b6f4bf329 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sh.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: Izaberi
+'No Media Files Found': 'Nisu pronađeni medijski fajlovi'
+'Insert media file': 'Ubaci medijski fajl'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sq.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sq.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sr.yml
index f3d53a21a4..52d15b946f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sr.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: Изабери
+'No Media Files Found': 'Нису пронађени медијски фајлови'
+'Insert media file': 'Убаци медијски фајл'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sv.yml
index f3d53a21a4..7ee1a8e4e5 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/tiny_media_plugin.sv.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Select: Select
-'No Media Files Found': 'No Media Files Found'
-'Insert media file': 'Insert media file'
+Select: null
+'No Media Files Found': null
+'Insert media file': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.az.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..f385e08894 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.az.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'Davam etsən, mövzu və bütün altmövzular bütün məqalələrdən çıxarılacaq və silinəcək.'
+'Delete anyway': Silinsin
+'Reset order': 'Sifarişi sıfırla'
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Sifariş dəyişiklikləri itəcək. Davam etmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Topics order saved.': 'Mövzuların sıralaması saxlandı.'
+'Show languages': 'Dilləri göstər'
+'Save order': 'Sifarişi saxla'
+'Click to edit': 'Dəyişmək üçün kliklə'
+'Add root topic': 'Əsas mövzunu əlavə et'
+'Topic was deleted.': 'Mövzu silindi.'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Təklif edilən mövzu adı başqa mövzuda istifadə edilir.'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Mövzu üçün ad daxil etməlisən.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Sən mövzu üçün dil seçməlisən.'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Bu mövzunun alt mövzuları olduğu üçün silinə bilməz.'
+'Add translation:': 'Tərcümə Əlavə Et:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Alt mövzu əlavə et:'
+Top: Üst
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Mövzu əlavə etməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Mövzuları silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': '$1 adlı mövzunu silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Mövzu adını dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 adlı mövzu silinə bilmədi.'
+'Adding new topic': 'Yeni mövzu əlavə et'
+'Deleting topic': 'Mövzunun silinməsi'
+'Change topic name': 'Mövzu adını dəyiş'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'Mövzunu istifadə edən $1 məqalə mövcuddur.'
+'Search for topics': 'Mövzu axtar'
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.be.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..f7d2bf9dac 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.be.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': 'Пераўсталёўка парадку'
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Змены парадку былі згубленыя. Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце работаць далей?'
+'Topics order saved.': 'Парадак тым захаваны.'
+'Show languages': 'Паказаць мовы'
+'Save order': 'Захаваць парадак выканання.'
+'Click to edit': 'Клікніце для рэдагавання'
+'Add root topic': 'Дадаць асноўную тэму'
+'Topic was deleted.': 'Тэма выдаленая.'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Гэтае імя ўжо выкарыстоўваецца іншай тэмай.'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Вы павінны ўвесці назву тэмы.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Вы павiнны выбраць мову для тэмы.'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Гэта тэма мае падтэму, таму яе нельга выдаліць.'
+'Add translation:': 'Дадаць пераклад'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Дадаць падтэму:'
+Top: Верх
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Вы ня маеце права дадаваць новыя тэмы.'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для выдаленьня новых тэм.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Ці Вы ўпэўнены, што хочаце выдалiць тэму $1?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Вы ня маеце права пераймяноўваць тэмы.'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'Немагчыма выдалiць тэму $1'
+'Adding new topic': 'Дадаваньне новай тэмы'
+'Deleting topic': 'Выдаленьне тэмы'
+'Change topic name': 'Перайменаваньне тэмы'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': ' Тэма выкарыстоўваецца ў $1 артыкуле(-ах).'
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.bn.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..50e99c778d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.bn.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': null
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'Add subtopic:': null
+Top: null
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': null
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': null
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Adding new topic': null
+'Deleting topic': null
+'Change topic name': null
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': null
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.cs.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..d28745c061 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.cs.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'Pokud budete pokračovat, bude téma a všichni podtémata oddělena od všech článků a smazána.'
+'Delete anyway': 'Stejně odstranit'
+'Reset order': 'Přenastavit pořadí'
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Požadované změny budou ztraceny. Jste si jisti, že chcete pokračovat?'
+'Topics order saved.': 'Pořadí témat uloženo.'
+'Show languages': 'Ukázat jazyky'
+'Save order': 'Uložit příkaz'
+'Click to edit': 'Klikněte pro možnost úpravy'
+'Add root topic': 'Přidat zdrojové téma'
+'Topic was deleted.': 'Téma bylo odstraněno.'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Název námětu je již užíván u jiného námětu.'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Musíte vložit název námětu.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Zvolte jazyk tématu.'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Téma obsahuje podtémata, proto nemůže být odstraněno.'
+'Add translation:': 'Přidat překlad:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Přidat témata:'
+Top: Nahoře
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Nemáte právo přidat témata'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Nemáte právo mazat témata'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Určitě chcete smazat téma $1?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Nemáte právo měnit název tématu'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'Téma $1 nemohlo být smazáno'
+'Adding new topic': 'Přidání nového témata'
+'Deleting topic': 'Mazání tématu'
+'Change topic name': 'Změnit název témata'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': '$1 článků používá toto téma'
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.da.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..d017b90393 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.da.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'Hvis du fortsætter bliver emnet og dets underemner fjernet fra alle artikler og slettet.'
+'Delete anyway': 'Slet alligevel'
+'Reset order': 'Nulstil sortering'
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Sortering vil gå tabt. Fortsæt alligevel?'
+'Topics order saved.': 'Emne sorteringen er gemt.'
+'Show languages': 'Vis sprog'
+'Save order': 'Gem sortering'
+'Click to edit': 'Klik for at redigere'
+'Add root topic': 'Tilføj rod emne'
+'Topic was deleted.': 'Emnet blev slettet'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Navnet bruges af et andet emne.'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Du skal give emnet et navn.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Du skal vælge et sprog for emnet.'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Emnet kan ikke slettes fordi det har underemner.'
+'Add translation:': 'Tilføj oversættelse:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Tilføj underemne:'
Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at tilføje emner.'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette emner.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Vil du slette emnet $1?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at ændre navn på emner.'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'Emnet $1 kunne ikke slettes.'
+'Adding new topic': 'Tilføjer nyt emne'
+'Deleting topic': 'Sletter emne'
+'Change topic name': 'Omdøb emne'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'Emnet bruges i $1 artikler.'
+'Search for topics': 'Søg efter emner'
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: 'Emner i Newscoop tildeles af redaktører og journalister til artikler, så relaterede artikler kan identificeres og vises sammen. Et hovedemne kan have mange underemner. For eksempel kan hovedemnet sport have underemnerne fodbold, basketball og vandpolo. En artikel kan have flere hovedemner og underemner.'
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
+ all: Alle
+ filterbylang: 'Vis emner på sprog'
+ search: Søg
+ filterplaceholder: 'Skriv en del af et emnenavn...'
+ addroot: 'Tilføj rod emne'
+ topicname: 'Emnets navn'
+ expandcollapse: vis/skjul
+ changename: 'Omdøb emne'
for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ addsubtopic: 'Tilføj underemne'
+ subtopicname: 'Navn på underemne'
+ addtranslation: 'Tilføj oversættelse'
+ topictranslations: 'Emnets oversættelser'
+ choose: Vælg...
+ translationstring: 'Oversættelses streng'
+ tree: Emnetræ
+ title: Emner
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: Skjul
+ remove: 'Fjern emne'
+ edit: 'Rediger emne'
+ close: Luk
+ add: Tilføj
+ save: Gem
+ saveandclose: 'Gem og luk'
+ removetrans: 'Slet emnets oversættelse'
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: 'Sproget %locale% kunne ikke findes'
+ translationadded: 'Oversættelsen blev tilføjet'
+ translationexists: 'Der findes allerede en oversættelse for sproget %locale%!'
+ beforedelete: 'Vil du slette dette emne?'
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: 'Ordren er gemt.'
+ saved: Gemt.
+ beforedeleteinfo: 'Hvis du sletter et emne med underemner bliver alle underemnerne og deres oversættelser slettet permanent. Er du sikker?'
+ added: 'Emnet blev tilføjet'
+ failedfind: 'Kunne ikke finde emne med id: %id%'
+ failedfindTranslation: 'Kunne ikke finde emnets oversættelse med id: %id%'
+ removed: 'Emnet %title% blev slettet'
+ exists: 'Emnet findes allerede'
+ existsname: 'Emnenavnet findes allerede!'
+ removedTranslation: 'Emnets oversættelse blev slettet'
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: 'Emnet blev opdateret'
+ error: 'Der skete en fejl. Prøv igen senere.'
+ csrfinvalid: 'Ugyldig CSRF token. Prøv at sende formularen igen.'
+ tooshort: 'Emnets navn er for kort!'
+ toolong: 'Emnets navn er for langt!'
+ attachtopics: 'Vedhæft emner'
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: 'Emnet er tildelt til %occurence% artikler. Hvis du fjerner emnet vil det automatisk blive fjernet fra artiklerne. Hvis emnet har underemner bliver de også fjernet.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.de.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..564dfd0cea 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.de.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'Wenn Sie fortfahren werden alle Themen und Unterthemen von allen Artikel entfernt und gelöscht.'
+'Delete anyway': 'Trotzdem löschen'
+'Reset order': 'Reihenfolge zurücksetzen'
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Änderungen gehen verloren. Wirklich fortsetzen?'
+'Topics order saved.': 'Themen Reihenfolge gespeichert.'
+'Show languages': 'Sprachen anzeigen'
+'Save order': 'Reihenfolge speichern'
+'Click to edit': 'Zum Bearbeiten klicken'
+'Add root topic': 'Wurzelthema hinzufügen'
+'Topic was deleted.': 'Thema wurde gelöscht.'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Der Themenname ist bereits in Verwendung. '
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Einen Namen für das Thema eingeben. '
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Für das Thema muss eine Sprache gewählt werden.'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Dieses Thema hat Unterthemen und kann deshalb nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'Add translation:': 'Übersetzung hinzufügen:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Unterthema hinzufügen:'
+Top: Anfang
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Keine Berechtigung Themen hinzuzufügen.'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Keine Berechtigung Thema zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Thema $1 wirklich löschen?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Keine Berechtigung den Themennamen zu ändern.'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'Thema $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'Adding new topic': 'Neues Thema wird hinzugefügt'
+'Deleting topic': 'Thema wird gelöscht'
+'Change topic name': 'Themenname ändern'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'Thema wird von $1 Artikeln verwendet.'
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.de_AT.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..564dfd0cea 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'Wenn Sie fortfahren werden alle Themen und Unterthemen von allen Artikel entfernt und gelöscht.'
+'Delete anyway': 'Trotzdem löschen'
+'Reset order': 'Reihenfolge zurücksetzen'
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Änderungen gehen verloren. Wirklich fortsetzen?'
+'Topics order saved.': 'Themen Reihenfolge gespeichert.'
+'Show languages': 'Sprachen anzeigen'
+'Save order': 'Reihenfolge speichern'
+'Click to edit': 'Zum Bearbeiten klicken'
+'Add root topic': 'Wurzelthema hinzufügen'
+'Topic was deleted.': 'Thema wurde gelöscht.'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Der Themenname ist bereits in Verwendung. '
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Einen Namen für das Thema eingeben. '
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Für das Thema muss eine Sprache gewählt werden.'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Dieses Thema hat Unterthemen und kann deshalb nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'Add translation:': 'Übersetzung hinzufügen:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Unterthema hinzufügen:'
+Top: Anfang
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Keine Berechtigung Themen hinzuzufügen.'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Keine Berechtigung Thema zu löschen.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Thema $1 wirklich löschen?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Keine Berechtigung den Themennamen zu ändern.'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'Thema $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'Adding new topic': 'Neues Thema wird hinzugefügt'
+'Deleting topic': 'Thema wird gelöscht'
+'Change topic name': 'Themenname ändern'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'Thema wird von $1 Artikeln verwendet.'
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.en_GB.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..7673758b9d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.en_GB.yml
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ topics:
wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
+ beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting a topic with subtopics, all subtopics and their translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
added: 'Topic was added'
failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
@@ -78,4 +78,4 @@ topics:
toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has child topics, they will be also detached.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.es.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..3511381b86 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.es.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'Si continúa, los temas y subtemas serán desligados de sus artículos y eliminados.'
+'Delete anyway': 'Eliminar de todas formas'
+'Reset order': 'Restablecer el orden'
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Se perderán los cambios de orden. ¿Está seguro de continuar?'
+'Topics order saved.': 'Se guardó el órden de los tópicos'
+'Show languages': 'Mostrar idiomas'
+'Save order': 'Almacenar orden'
+'Click to edit': 'Clic para editar'
+'Add root topic': 'Añadit tópico raíz'
+'Topic was deleted.': 'Se eliminó el tópico.'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Este nombre de tópico ya está en uso.'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Debe nombrar el tópico.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Debe elegir un idioma para el tópico'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Este tópico tiene subtópicos, por lo que no puede ser eliminado'
+'Add translation:': 'Agregar traducción:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Agregar subtópico:'
+Top: Arriba
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'No tiene derecho para agregar temas'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'No tiene derecho para borrar temas'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': '¿Está seguro de que desea borrar el tema $1?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'No tiene derecho para cambiar nombre de tema'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'El tema $1 no pudo ser borrado'
+'Adding new topic': 'Agregando nuevo tema'
+'Deleting topic': 'Borrando tema'
+'Change topic name': 'Cambiar nombre de tema'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'Hay $1 articulo(s) usando el tema'
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.es_AR.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..7cf20fc7c8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Este nombre de tema ya está en uso.'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': null
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'Add subtopic:': null
+Top: null
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': null
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': null
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Adding new topic': null
+'Deleting topic': null
+'Change topic name': null
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': null
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.fa.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..50e99c778d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.fa.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': null
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'Add subtopic:': null
+Top: null
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': null
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': null
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Adding new topic': null
+'Deleting topic': null
+'Change topic name': null
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': null
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.fr.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..8319ae46d4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.fr.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Vous devez entrer un nom pour le sujet. '
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Vous devez choisir une langue pour le sujet. '
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Ce sujet a des sous-sujets, donc il ne peut pas être supprimé. '
+'Add translation:': 'Ajouter traduction:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Ajouter sous-sujet:'
+Top: Haut
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Vous navez pas le droit dajouter des sujets. '
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des sujets. '
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'êtes-vous sûrs que vous voulez supprimer le sujet $1 ? '
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de changer de nom de sujet.'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'Le sujet $1 ne pouvait pas être supprimé.'
+'Adding new topic': 'Ajout nouveau sujet'
+'Deleting topic': 'Suppression sujet'
+'Change topic name': 'changer nom de sujet'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'Il y a $1 articles employant le sujet.'
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.he.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..50e99c778d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.he.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': null
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'Add subtopic:': null
+Top: null
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': null
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': null
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Adding new topic': null
+'Deleting topic': null
+'Change topic name': null
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': null
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.hr.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..0fe864e855 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.hr.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Morate unijeti ime za temu.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Morate izabrati jezik za temu.'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Tema sadržava podtemu pa ne može biti obrisana.'
+'Add translation:': 'Dodaj prijevod:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Dodaj podtemu:'
+Top: Vrh
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Nemate ovlasti dodavati teme.'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Nemate ovlasti brisati teme.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati temu $1?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Nemate ovlasti mijenjati ime teme.'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'Tema $1 se ne može brisati.'
+'Adding new topic': 'Dodaj novu temu'
+'Deleting topic': 'Brisanje teme'
+'Change topic name': 'Izmjena imena teme'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'Ostalo je $1 članaka koji koriste temu.'
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.hu.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..ccc41844e7 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.hu.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'Ha folytatod, akkor a téma és minden altéma leválasztásra kerül az összes cikkről, és törlésre fog kerülni.'
+'Delete anyway': 'Törlés mindenképp'
+'Reset order': 'Sorrend visszaállítása'
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'El fognak veszni a sorrend módosításai. Biztosan folytatni akarod?'
+'Topics order saved.': 'A témák sorrendjének mentése megtörtént.'
+'Show languages': 'Nyelvek megjelenítése'
+'Save order': 'Sorrend mentése'
+'Click to edit': 'Kattints a szerkesztéshez'
+'Add root topic': 'Gyökértéma hozzáadása'
+'Topic was deleted.': 'A téma törlése megtörtént.'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Már használja egy másik téma a téma nevét.'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Meg kell adnod a téma nevét.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Ki kell választanod a téma nyelvét.'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Ez a téma tartalmaz altémákat, ezért nem törölhető.'
+'Add translation:': 'Fordítás hozzáadása:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Altéma hozzáadása:'
+Top: null
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Nincs jogod a témák hozzáadásához.'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Nincs jogod a témák törléséhez.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod a/z $1 témát?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Nincs jogod a téma nevének módosításához.'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'A/z $1 témát nem lehet törölni.'
+'Adding new topic': 'Új téma hozzáadása'
+'Deleting topic': 'Téma törlése'
+'Change topic name': 'Téma nevének módosítása'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'Jelenleg $1 cikk használja a témát.'
+'Search for topics': 'Témák keresése'
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: 'Írd be valanelyik téma nevének egy részét...'
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: 'Téma neve'
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: 'Altéma hozzáadása'
+ subtopicname: 'Altéma neve'
+ addtranslation: 'Fordítás hozzáadása'
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: 'Fordítási karakterlánc'
+ tree: Témák
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: 'Téma eltávolítása'
+ edit: 'Téma szerkesztése'
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: 'A téma fordításának eltávolítása'
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: 'Nem található a nyelv a következő területi beállítás szerint: %locale%'
+ translationadded: 'A fordítás hozzáadásra került'
+ translationexists: 'Már létezik %locale% nyelvű fordítás!'
+ beforedelete: 'Biztosan törölni akarod ezt a témát?'
+ wrongparams: 'A rendszerezett gyökértémák számának azonosnak kell lennie az összes gyökértéma számával.'
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: 'Altémákat tartalmazó témák törlésekor végleg eltávolításra fog kerülni az összes altéma a fordításokkal együtt. Biztos vagy benne?'
+ added: 'A téma hozzáadása megtörtént'
+ failedfind: 'Nem sikerült megtalálni a témát az azonosító alapján: %id%'
+ failedfindTranslation: 'Nem sikerült megtalálni a téma fordítását az azonosító alapján: %id%'
+ removed: 'A/z %title% téma eltávolításra került'
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: 'A téma fordítása eltávolításra került'
+ failedremoveTranslation: 'Nem távolítható el az alapértelmezett téma fordítása. Távolítsd el inkább a témát.'
+ updated: 'A téma frissítésre került'
+ error: 'Hiba történt, próbálkozz később.'
+ csrfinvalid: 'A CSRF-jogkivonat érvénytelen. Próbáld meg ismét beküldeni az űrlapot.'
+ tooshort: 'Túl rövid a téma neve!'
+ toolong: 'Túl hosszú a téma neve!'
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.hy_AM.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..50e99c778d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': null
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'Add subtopic:': null
+Top: null
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': null
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': null
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Adding new topic': null
+'Deleting topic': null
+'Change topic name': null
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': null
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ka.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..9652187fda 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ka.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'თუ განაგრძობთ, მოცემული თემა და ყველა ქვე-თემა გამოეყოფა დანარჩენ სტატიებს, და წაიშლება. '
+'Delete anyway': 'ნებისმიერ შემთხვევაში წაშლა'
+'Reset order': 'თანმიმდევრობის საწყის მდგომარეობაში დაბრუნება'
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'თანმიმდევრობის ცვლილება არ დამახსოვრდება. გსურთ გაგრძელება?'
+'Topics order saved.': 'თემების თანმიმდევრობა დამახსოვრდა.'
+'Show languages': 'ენების ჩვენება'
+'Save order': 'თანმიმდევრობის შენახვა'
+'Click to edit': რედაქტირება
+'Add root topic': 'ფუძე თემის დამატება'
+'Topic was deleted.': 'თემა წაიშალა.'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'თემის სათაური უკვე გამოყენებულია სხვა თემაზე.'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'თქვენ უნდა აკრიფოთ თემის სახელი.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'აირჩიეთ თმის ენა'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'ამ თემას აქვს ქვეთემები, შესაბამისად მისი წაშლა შეუძლებელია.'
+'Add translation:': 'თარგმანის დამატება:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'ქვეთემის დამატება'
+Top: ზედა
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ თემების დამატების უფლება.'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ თემების წაშლის უფლება.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ $1 თემის წაშლა?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ თემის სახელის შეცვლის უფლება'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': '$1 თემა ვერ წაიშალა.'
+'Adding new topic': 'ახალი თემის დაამტება'
+'Deleting topic': 'თემის წაშლა'
+'Change topic name': 'თემის სახელის შეცვლა'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': '$1 სტატია იყენებს ამ თემას.'
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ko.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..5447013dc2 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ko.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': '토픽에 대한 이름을 입력하시오.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': '토픽에 대한 언어를 선택하시오.'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': '이 토픽은 서브토픽이 있읍니다. 따라서 삭제할 수 없습니다.'
+'Add translation:': '번역 추가'
+'Add subtopic:': '토픽 추가'
+Top: 톱
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': '토픽을 추가할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': '토픽을 삭제할 권한이 없습니다.. '
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': '토픽 $1 을 확실히 삭제합니까?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': '토픽 이름을 수정할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': '토픽 $1 을 삭제할 수 없습니다. '
+'Adding new topic': '새로운 토픽 추가'
+'Deleting topic': '토픽 삭제'
+'Change topic name': '토픽 이름 수정'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': '토픽을 사용하는 $1 기사가 있습니다. '
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ku.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..50e99c778d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ku.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': null
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'Add subtopic:': null
+Top: null
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': null
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': null
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Adding new topic': null
+'Deleting topic': null
+'Change topic name': null
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': null
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.lv.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..50e99c778d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.lv.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': null
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'Add subtopic:': null
+Top: null
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': null
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': null
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Adding new topic': null
+'Deleting topic': null
+'Change topic name': null
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': null
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.nb_NO.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..50e99c778d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': null
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'Add subtopic:': null
+Top: null
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': null
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': null
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Adding new topic': null
+'Deleting topic': null
+'Change topic name': null
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': null
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.pl.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..7c2b2a3dc4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.pl.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'Jeśli będziesz kontynuował to tematy is pod-tematy zostaną odłączone ze wszystkich artykułów i usunięte.'
+'Delete anyway': 'Usuń pomimo tego.'
+'Reset order': 'Resetuj ustawienie'
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Zmiany w ustawieniu zostaną utracone. Na pewno chcesz kontynuować?'
+'Topics order saved.': 'Porządek tematów zachowany.'
+'Show languages': 'Pokaż języki'
+'Save order': 'Zapisz kolejność'
+'Click to edit': 'Kliknij aby edytować'
+'Add root topic': 'Dodaj główny temat'
+'Topic was deleted.': 'Temat został usunięty.'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Ta nazwa jest już wykorzystywana przez inny temat.'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Musisz podać nazwę dla tematu.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Musisz wybrać język dla tematu.'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Ten temat ma podtematy, dlatego nie może być usunięty.'
+'Add translation:': 'Dodaj tłumaczenie:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Dodaj podtemat:'
+Top: Góra
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Nie masz praw aby dodawać tematy.'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Nie masz praw aby usuwać tematy.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć temat $1?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmieniać nazwę tematu.'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'Temat $1 nie został usunięty.'
+'Adding new topic': 'Dodawanie nowego tematu'
+'Deleting topic': 'Usuwanie tematu'
+'Change topic name': 'Zmień nazwę tematu'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'Artykuły w temacie: $1'
+'Search for topics': 'Szukaj dla tematu'
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: 'W Newscoopie, tematy zarządzanie są przed edytorów i dziennikarzy na poziomie artykułów. Dzięki temu można grupować podobne artykuły i wyświetlać je razem. Główny temat może mieć wiele podtematów, na przykład: temat "Sport" może mieć podtematy takie jak "piłka nożna", "koszykówka", "piłka wodna". Pojedynczy artykuł może być dołączony do wielu głównych tematów jak i wielu różnych podtematów. '
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: Wszystko
+ filterbylang: 'Pokaż tematy w tym języku'
+ search: Szukaj
+ filterplaceholder: 'Wpisz część nazwy tematu'
+ addroot: 'Dodaj główny temat'
+ topicname: 'Nazwa tematu'
+ expandcollapse: rozwiń/zwiń
+ changename: 'Zmień nazwę tematu'
+ for: dla
+ addsubtopic: 'Dodaj podtemat'
+ subtopicname: 'Nazwa podtematu'
+ addtranslation: 'Dodaj tłumaczenie'
+ topictranslations: 'Tłumaczenia tematu'
+ choose: Wybierz...
+ translationstring: 'Tekst tłumaczenia'
+ tree: 'Drzewo tematów'
+ title: Tematy
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: Schowaj
+ remove: 'Usuń temat'
+ edit: 'Edytuj temat'
+ close: Zamknij
+ add: Dodaj
+ save: Zapisz
+ saveandclose: 'Zapisz i zamknij'
+ removetrans: 'Usuń tłumaczenie tematów'
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: 'Nie można znaleźć języka dla lokalizacji: %locale%'
+ translationadded: 'Tłumaczenie zostało dodane'
+ translationexists: 'Tłumaczenie dla lokalizacji %locale% już istnieje!'
+ beforedelete: 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten temat?'
+ wrongparams: 'Liczba sortowanych tematów musi być taka sama jak liczba wszystkich głównych tematów.'
+ ordersaved: 'Kolejność została zapisana.'
+ saved: 'Zapisano pomyślnie.'
+ beforedeleteinfo: 'Gdy usuwasz temat z podtematami, wszystkie podtematy razem z ich tłumaczeniami zostaną usunięte. Jesteś pewnie że chcesz to zrobić?'
+ added: 'Temat został dodany'
+ failedfind: 'Nie można znaleźć tematu z identyfikatorem: %id%'
+ failedfindTranslation: 'Nie można znaleźć tłumaczeń tematu z identyfikatorem: %id%'
+ removed: 'Temat %title% został usunięty'
+ exists: 'Taki temat już istnieje'
+ existsname: 'Taka nazwa tematu już istnieje!'
+ removedTranslation: 'Tłumaczenie tematu zostało usunięte'
+ failedremoveTranslation: 'Nie można usunąć domyślnego tłumaczenia tematu. Zamiast tego usuń temat.'
+ updated: 'Temat został zaktualizowany'
+ error: 'Wystąpił błąd, spróbuj ponownie później.'
+ csrfinvalid: 'Klucz bezpieczeństwa wygasł. Wyślij formularz ponownie.'
+ tooshort: 'Nazwa tematu jest za krótka!'
+ toolong: 'Nazwa tematu jest za długa!'
+ attachtopics: 'Dołącz tematy'
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: 'Ten temat jest dołączony do %occurence% artykułów. Po usunięciu tematu zostanie od automatycznie odłączony od wszystkich artykułów do których był dołączony. Jeśli temat ma podtematy to i one zostaną odłączone.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ps.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..50e99c778d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.ps.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': null
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'Add subtopic:': null
+Top: null
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': null
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': null
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Adding new topic': null
+'Deleting topic': null
+'Change topic name': null
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': null
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.pt_BR.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..d3a8ad5c4c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': 'Salvar a ordem'
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'O nome do tópico já está em uso'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Você tem que digitar o nome para o tema.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Tem de escolher um idioma para o tema.'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Este tema tem descendentes, assim não é possivel eliminado.'
+'Add translation:': 'Adicionar a tradução:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Adicionar sub-tema:'
+Top: Topo
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Não tem permissões para Adicionar Temas'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Não tem permissões para Eliminar Temas'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Eliminar tema $1?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Não tem permissão para Alterar Tema.'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'O Tema $1 não pode ser Apagado.'
+'Adding new topic': 'Adicionando Tema'
+'Deleting topic': 'Eliminando Tema'
+'Change topic name': 'Alterar Tema'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'Existe(m) $1 artigos usando este Tema.'
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sh.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..2b6282cb87 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sh.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'Ukoliko nastavite, topik i svi pod-topici će biti uklonjeni iz svih tekstova, i obrisani.'
+'Delete anyway': 'Svejedno, obriši'
+'Reset order': 'Poništi redosled'
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Izmene redosleda će biti poništene. Da li ste sigurni da želite da nastavite?'
+'Topics order saved.': 'Redosled tema je snimljen.'
+'Show languages': 'Prikaži jezike'
+'Save order': 'Snimi redosled'
+'Click to edit': 'Klik za uređivanje'
+'Add root topic': 'Dodaj osnovnu temu'
+'Topic was deleted.': 'Tema je obrisana.'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Ime za topik je već u upotrebi'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Morate uneti ime topika.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Morate izabrati jezik za temu.'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Ova tema ima pod-teme, pa ne može biti obrisana.'
+'Add translation:': 'dodaj prevod:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Dodaj pod-temu:'
+Top: vrh
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Nemate pravo da dodaјete teme.'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete teme.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete temu $1? '
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Nemate pravo da menjate ime teme'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'Tema $1 ne može biti obrisana.'
+'Adding new topic': 'Dodavanje nove teme'
+'Deleting topic': 'Brisanje teme'
+'Change topic name': 'Promeni naziv teme'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'Preostalo je $1 tekstova koji koriste ovu temu.'
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: Sve
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: Traži
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: 'Dodaj osnovnu temu'
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: 'Promeni naziv teme'
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: Izaberi...
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: Teme
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: Sakrij
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: Zatvori
+ add: Dodaj
+ save: Snimi
+ saveandclose: 'Snimi i zatvori'
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: 'Uspešno snimljeno.'
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sq.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..50e99c778d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sq.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': null
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': null
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': null
+'Add translation:': null
+'Add subtopic:': null
+Top: null
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': null
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': null
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': null
+'Adding new topic': null
+'Deleting topic': null
+'Change topic name': null
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': null
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sr.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..26a8495bf6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sr.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'Уколико наставите, топик и сви под-топици ће бити уклоњени из свих текстова, и обрисани.'
+'Delete anyway': 'Свеједно, обриши'
+'Reset order': 'Поништи редослед'
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Измене редоследа ће бити поништене. Да ли сте сигурни да желите да наставите?'
+'Topics order saved.': 'Редослед топика је сниmљен.'
+'Show languages': 'Прикажи језике'
+'Save order': 'Сними редослед'
+'Click to edit': 'Клик за уређивање'
+'Add root topic': 'Додај матични топик'
+'Topic was deleted.': 'Топик је обрисан'
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'Име за топик је већ у употреби'
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Морате унети име топика.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Морате изабрати језик топика'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Овај топик има под-топике, па не може бити обрисан.'
+'Add translation:': 'додај превод:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Додај под-топик:'
+Top: Врх
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Немате право да додајете топике'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Немате право да бришете топике'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете топик $1? '
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Немате право да мењате име топика'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'Топик $1 не може бити обрисан'
+'Adding new topic': 'Додавање новог топика'
+'Deleting topic': 'Брисање топика'
+'Change topic name': 'Промени име топика'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'Преостало је $1 текстова који користе овај топик'
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sv.yml
index 7e3d0a82a9..827ccbfe54 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/topics.sv.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': 'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.'
-'Delete anyway': 'Delete anyway'
-'Reset order': 'Reset order'
-'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': 'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?'
-'Topics order saved.': 'Topics order saved.'
-'Show languages': 'Show languages'
-'Save order': 'Save order'
-'Click to edit': 'Click to edit'
-'Add root topic': 'Add root topic'
-'Topic was deleted.': 'Topic was deleted.'
-'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': 'The topic name is already in use by another topic.'
-'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'You must enter a name for the topic.'
-'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'You must choose a language for the topic.'
-'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.'
-'Add translation:': 'Add translation:'
-'Add subtopic:': 'Add subtopic:'
-Top: Top
-'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'You do not have the right to add topics.'
-'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'You do not have the right to delete topics.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?'
-'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'You do not have the right to change topic name.'
-'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'The topic $1 could not be deleted.'
-'Adding new topic': 'Adding new topic'
-'Deleting topic': 'Deleting topic'
-'Change topic name': 'Change topic name'
-'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'There are $1 articles using the topic.'
-'Search for topics': 'Search for topics'
+'If you continue, topic and all subtopics will be detached from all articles, and deleted.': null
+'Delete anyway': null
+'Reset order': null
+'Order changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?': null
+'Topics order saved.': null
+'Show languages': null
+'Save order': null
+'Click to edit': null
+'Add root topic': null
+'Topic was deleted.': null
+'The topic name is already in use by another topic.': null
+'You must enter a name for the topic.': 'Du måste skriva ett namn för temat.'
+'You must choose a language for the topic.': 'Du måste välja ett språk för temat.'
+'This topic has subtopics, therefore it cannot be deleted.': 'Det här temat har underteman, det kan därför inte raderas.'
+'Add translation:': 'Lägg till översättning:'
+'Add subtopic:': 'Lägg till undertema:'
+Top: Topp
+'You do not have the right to add topics.': 'Du har inte rätt att lägga till teman.'
+'You do not have the right to delete topics.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera teman.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete the topic $1?': 'Är du säker att du vill radera temat $1?'
+'You do not have the right to change topic name.': 'Du har inte rätt att ändra temanamn.'
+'The topic $1 could not be deleted.': 'Temat $1 kunde inte raderas.'
+'Adding new topic': 'Lägger till nytt tema'
+'Deleting topic': 'Raderar tema'
+'Change topic name': 'Ändra temanamn'
+'There are $1 articles using the topic.': 'Det finns $1 artiklar som använder temat.'
+'Search for topics': null
- tip: 'In Newscoop, topics are the subject matters assigned by editors and journalists to articles, so that related articles can be identified and displayed together. A root topic can have many subtopics; for example: the sports root topic could have the subtopics football, basketball, and water polo. An individual article may have several root topics or subtopics assigned to it.'
+ tip: null
- all: All
- filterbylang: 'Show topics in language'
- search: Search
- filterplaceholder: 'Type a part of any topic name...'
- addroot: 'Add root topic'
- topicname: 'Topic name'
- expandcollapse: expand/collapse
- changename: 'Change topic name'
- for: for
- addsubtopic: 'Add subtopic'
- subtopicname: 'Subtopic name'
- addtranslation: 'Add translation'
- topictranslations: 'Topic translations'
- choose: Choose...
- translationstring: 'Translation string'
- tree: 'Tree of topics'
- title: Topics
+ all: null
+ filterbylang: null
+ search: null
+ filterplaceholder: null
+ addroot: null
+ topicname: null
+ expandcollapse: null
+ changename: null
+ for: null
+ addsubtopic: null
+ subtopicname: null
+ addtranslation: null
+ topictranslations: null
+ choose: null
+ translationstring: null
+ tree: null
+ title: null
- hide: Hide
- remove: 'Remove topic'
- edit: 'Edit topic'
- close: Close
- add: Add
- save: Save
- saveandclose: 'Save and Close'
- removetrans: 'Remove Topic''s translation'
+ hide: null
+ remove: null
+ edit: null
+ close: null
+ add: null
+ save: null
+ saveandclose: null
+ removetrans: null
- languagenotfound: 'Could not find language by locale: %locale%'
- translationadded: 'Translation was added'
- translationexists: 'Translation for locale %locale% already exists!'
- beforedelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?'
- wrongparams: 'Number of sorted root topics must be the same as number of all root topics'
- ordersaved: 'Order saved.'
- saved: 'Successfully saved.'
- beforedeleteinfo: 'When deleting topic with subtopics, all subtopics together with translations will be removed permanently. Are you sure?'
- added: 'Topic was added'
- failedfind: 'Failed to find Topic by id: %id%'
- failedfindTranslation: 'Failed to find Topic''s translation by id: %id%'
- removed: 'Topic %title% was removed'
- exists: 'Topic already exists'
- existsname: 'Topic name already exists!'
- removedTranslation: 'Topic''s translation was removed'
- failedremoveTranslation: 'Can not remove default topic''s translation. Remove topic instead.'
- updated: 'Topic was updated'
- error: 'Error occurred, please try again later.'
- csrfinvalid: 'The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.'
- tooshort: 'Topic name is too short!'
- toolong: 'Topic name is too long!'
- attachtopics: 'Attach topics'
- attachedtopics: 'Attached topics'
- attached: 'This topic is attached to %occurence% article(s). When you remove this topic, it will be automatically detached from all articles it is attached to. If the topic has children topics, they will be also detached.'
+ languagenotfound: null
+ translationadded: null
+ translationexists: null
+ beforedelete: null
+ wrongparams: null
+ ordersaved: null
+ saved: null
+ beforedeleteinfo: null
+ added: null
+ failedfind: null
+ failedfindTranslation: null
+ removed: null
+ exists: null
+ existsname: null
+ removedTranslation: null
+ failedremoveTranslation: null
+ updated: null
+ error: null
+ csrfinvalid: null
+ tooshort: null
+ toolong: null
+ attachtopics: null
+ attachedtopics: null
+ attached: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.az.yml
index 16bc2204ae..f8e67ea382 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.az.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: yaddaşda
+deleted: silindi
+'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Abunə olunmuş mölmələr: $1'
+'Start Date': 'Başlama Tarixi'
+'Select sections for subscribing': 'Abunəlik üçün bölmələri seç'
+'Sections saved': 'Bölmələr saxlandı'
+'Section $1': 'Bölmə $1'
+'No sections to edit': 'Dəyişmək üçün bölmə yoxdur'
+'Edit section': 'Bölməni dəyiş'
+'Edit all sections': 'Bütün bölmələri dəyiş'
+'Add new subscription section': 'Yeni abunəlik bölməsi əlavə et'
+'Add new section': 'Yeni bölmə əlavə et'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Dildən asılı olmayaraq'
+'Individual languages': 'Şəxsi dillər'
+'All languages': 'Bütün dillər'
+'Paid Days': 'Ödənmiş Günlər'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.be.yml
index 16bc2204ae..da41761db9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.be.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': 'Дадаць новую рубрыку'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Незалежна ад мовы'
+'Individual languages': 'Iндывiдуальныя мовы'
+'All languages': 'Усе мовы'
+'Paid Days': 'Аплачаныя дні'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.bn.yml
index 16bc2204ae..b4a91a869c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.bn.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'All languages': null
+'Paid Days': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.cs.yml
index 16bc2204ae..3f7223c51d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.cs.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: Uloženo
+deleted: vymazané
+'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Předpalcené sekce: $1'
+'Start Date': 'Počáteční datum'
+'Select sections for subscribing': 'Vybrat sekce pro přeplacení '
+'Sections saved': 'Sekce uloženy'
+'Section $1': 'Sekce $1'
+'No sections to edit': 'Žádné sekce k úpravě'
+'Edit section': 'Upravit sekci'
+'Edit all sections': 'Upravit všechny sekce'
+'Add new subscription section': 'Přidat nově přeplacenou sekci'
+'Add new section': 'Přidat novou rubriku'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Nehledě na jazyk'
+'Individual languages': 'Jednotlivé jazyky'
+'All languages': 'Všechny jazyky'
+'Paid Days': 'Zaplacené dny'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.da.yml
index 16bc2204ae..e5c0b1460e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.da.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: gemt
+deleted: slettet
+'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Abonnerede sektioner: $1'
+'Start Date': 'Start dato'
+'Select sections for subscribing': 'Vælg sektioner til abonnement'
+'Sections saved': 'Sektioner gemt'
+'Section $1': 'Sektion $1'
+'No sections to edit': 'Ingen sektioner at redigere'
+'Edit section': 'Rediger sektion'
+'Edit all sections': 'Rediger alle sektioner'
+'Add new subscription section': 'Tilføj ny abonnements sektion'
+'Add new section': 'Tilføj ny sektion'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Uanset sprog'
+'Individual languages': 'Individuelle sprog'
+'All languages': 'Alle sprog'
+'Paid Days': 'Betalte dage'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.de.yml
index 16bc2204ae..565f6d4d73 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.de.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: gespeichert
+deleted: gelöscht
+'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Abonnierte Rubriken: $1'
+'Start Date': 'Start Datum'
+'Select sections for subscribing': 'Wählen Sie die zu abonnierenden Rubriken aus'
+'Sections saved': 'Rubriken gespeichert'
+'Section $1': 'Rubrik $1'
+'No sections to edit': 'Keine Rubriken zum Bearbeiten'
+'Edit section': 'Rubrik bearbeiten'
+'Edit all sections': 'Alle Rubriken bearbeiten '
+'Add new subscription section': 'Neue Abonnement-Rubrik hinzufügen'
+'Add new section': 'Neue Rubrik hinzufügen'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Unabhängig von der Sprache'
+'Individual languages': 'Individuelle Sprachen'
+'All languages': 'Alle Sprachen'
+'Paid Days': 'Bezahlte Tage'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.de_AT.yml
index 16bc2204ae..565f6d4d73 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: gespeichert
+deleted: gelöscht
+'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Abonnierte Rubriken: $1'
+'Start Date': 'Start Datum'
+'Select sections for subscribing': 'Wählen Sie die zu abonnierenden Rubriken aus'
+'Sections saved': 'Rubriken gespeichert'
+'Section $1': 'Rubrik $1'
+'No sections to edit': 'Keine Rubriken zum Bearbeiten'
+'Edit section': 'Rubrik bearbeiten'
+'Edit all sections': 'Alle Rubriken bearbeiten '
+'Add new subscription section': 'Neue Abonnement-Rubrik hinzufügen'
+'Add new section': 'Neue Rubrik hinzufügen'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Unabhängig von der Sprache'
+'Individual languages': 'Individuelle Sprachen'
+'All languages': 'Alle Sprachen'
+'Paid Days': 'Bezahlte Tage'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.es.yml
index 16bc2204ae..3b00f046cf 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.es.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: guardado
+deleted: eliminado
+'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Secciones subscritas: $1'
+'Start Date': 'Fecha de inicio'
+'Select sections for subscribing': 'Seleccionar secciones para subscribir'
+'Sections saved': 'Secciones guardadas'
+'Section $1': 'Sección $1'
+'No sections to edit': 'No hay secciones para editar'
+'Edit section': 'Editar sección'
+'Edit all sections': 'Editar todas las secciones'
+'Add new subscription section': 'Añadir nueva sección de subscripción'
+'Add new section': 'Agregar nueva sección'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Sin importar el idioma'
+'Individual languages': 'Idiomas individuales'
+'All languages': 'Todos los idiomas'
+'Paid Days': 'Días pagados'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.es_AR.yml
index 16bc2204ae..b4a91a869c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'All languages': null
+'Paid Days': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.fa.yml
index 16bc2204ae..b4a91a869c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.fa.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'All languages': null
+'Paid Days': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.fr.yml
index 16bc2204ae..315b78d903 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.fr.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': 'Ajouter nouvelle section'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Indépendamment de la langue '
+'Individual languages': 'Langues individuelles'
+'All languages': 'Toutes les langues'
+'Paid Days': 'Jours Payés '
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.he.yml
index 16bc2204ae..b4a91a869c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.he.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'All languages': null
+'Paid Days': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.hr.yml
index 16bc2204ae..2b1885a2bb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.hr.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': 'Dodaj novu rubriku'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Bez obzira na jezik'
+'Individual languages': 'Pojedinačni jezici'
+'All languages': 'Svi jezici'
+'Paid Days': 'Plaćeni dani'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.hu.yml
index 16bc2204ae..c0ca025971 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.hu.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: mentve
+deleted: törölve
+'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Előfizetett rovatok: $1'
+'Start Date': 'Kezdő dátum'
+'Select sections for subscribing': 'Rovatok kiválasztása az előfizetéshez'
+'Sections saved': 'A rovatok mentése megtörtént'
+'Section $1': '$1 rovat'
+'No sections to edit': 'Nincsenek szerkesztendő rovatok'
+'Edit section': 'Rovat szerkesztése'
+'Edit all sections': 'Az összes rovat szerkesztése'
+'Add new subscription section': 'Új előfizetéses rovat hozzáadása'
+'Add new section': 'Új rovat hozzáadása'
+'Regardless of the language': 'A nyelvtől függetlenül'
+'Individual languages': Nyelvek
+'All languages': 'Minden nyelv'
+'Paid Days': 'Fizetett napok'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.hy_AM.yml
index 16bc2204ae..b4a91a869c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'All languages': null
+'Paid Days': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ka.yml
index 16bc2204ae..cd4c5e89c6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ka.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: დამახსოვრებულია
+deleted: წაიშალა
+'Subscribed sections: $1': 'გამოწერილი სექცია: $1'
+'Start Date': 'დაწყების თარიღი'
+'Select sections for subscribing': 'აირჩიეთ გამოსაწერი სექცია'
+'Sections saved': 'სექციები დამახსოვრდა'
+'Section $1': 'სექცია $1'
+'No sections to edit': 'სექციები რედაქტირებისთვის არ არის.'
+'Edit section': 'სექციის რედაქტირება'
+'Edit all sections': 'ყველა სექციის რედაქტირება'
+'Add new subscription section': 'ახალი გამოწერის სექციის დამატება'
+'Add new section': 'სექციის დამატება'
+'Regardless of the language': 'ენის მიუხედავად'
+'Individual languages': 'ინდივიდუალური ენა'
+'All languages': 'ყველა ენა'
+'Paid Days': 'ფასიანი დღეები'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ko.yml
index 16bc2204ae..dace6070a0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ko.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': '새로운 섹션 추가 '
+'Regardless of the language': '언어와 관련 없음'
+'Individual languages': '개별 언어'
+'All languages': '모든 언어'
+'Paid Days': '지불 기간'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ku.yml
index 16bc2204ae..b4a91a869c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ku.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'All languages': null
+'Paid Days': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.lv.yml
index 16bc2204ae..b4a91a869c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.lv.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'All languages': null
+'Paid Days': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.nb_NO.yml
index 16bc2204ae..b4a91a869c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'All languages': null
+'Paid Days': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.pl.yml
index 16bc2204ae..417665feff 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.pl.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: zapisane
+deleted: usuniety
+'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subskrybowane sekcje: $1'
+'Start Date': 'Data startu'
+'Select sections for subscribing': 'Wybierz sekcję dla subskrybcji'
+'Sections saved': 'Sekcja '
+'Section $1': 'Sekcja $1'
+'No sections to edit': 'Brak sekcji do edycji'
+'Edit section': 'Edytuj sekcję'
+'Edit all sections': 'Edytuj wszystkie sekcje'
+'Add new subscription section': 'Dodaj nowe sekcję do subsrybcji'
+'Add new section': 'Dodaj nową sekcję'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Niezależnie od języka'
+'Individual languages': 'Indywidualne języki'
+'All languages': 'Wszystkie języki'
+'Paid Days': 'Płatne Dni'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ps.yml
index 16bc2204ae..b4a91a869c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.ps.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'All languages': null
+'Paid Days': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.pt_BR.yml
index 16bc2204ae..1e6f1ccf60 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: removido
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': 'Criar Secção'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Apesar do idioma'
+'Individual languages': Idiomas
+'All languages': 'Todos os idiomas'
+'Paid Days': 'Dias Pagos'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sh.yml
index 16bc2204ae..e039ff4d8c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sh.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: snimljeno
+deleted: obrisana
+'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Pretplaćene rubrike: $1'
+'Start Date': 'Početni datum'
+'Select sections for subscribing': 'Izaberi rubrike za pretplaćivanje'
+'Sections saved': 'Rubrike snimljene'
+'Section $1': 'Rubrika $1'
+'No sections to edit': 'Nema rubrika za uređivanje'
+'Edit section': 'Uredi rubriku'
+'Edit all sections': 'Uredi sve rubrike'
+'Add new subscription section': 'Dodaj novu pretplatu na rubriku'
+'Add new section': 'Dodaj novu rubriku'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Nezavisno od jezika'
+'Individual languages': 'Pojedinačni jezici'
+'All languages': 'Svi jezici'
+'Paid Days': 'Period za uplatu'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sq.yml
index 16bc2204ae..b4a91a869c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sq.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'All languages': null
+'Paid Days': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sr.yml
index 16bc2204ae..feac6c279b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sr.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: снимљено
+deleted: обрисана
+'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Претплаћене рубрике: $1'
+'Start Date': 'Почетни датум'
+'Select sections for subscribing': 'Изабери рубрике за претплаћивање'
+'Sections saved': 'Рубрике снимљене'
+'Section $1': 'Рубрика $1'
+'No sections to edit': 'Нема рубрика за уређивање'
+'Edit section': 'Уреди рубрику'
+'Edit all sections': 'Уреди све рубрике'
+'Add new subscription section': 'Додај нову претплату на рубрику'
+'Add new section': 'Додај нову рубрику'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Независно од језика'
+'Individual languages': 'Појединачни језици'
+'All languages': 'Сви језици'
+'Paid Days': 'Период за уплату'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sv.yml
index 16bc2204ae..30a08720ad 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscription_sections.sv.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-saved: saved
-deleted: deleted
-'Subscribed sections: $1': 'Subscribed sections: $1'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Select sections for subscribing': 'Select sections for subscribing'
-'Sections saved': 'Sections saved'
-'Section $1': 'Section $1'
-'No sections to edit': 'No sections to edit'
-'Edit section': 'Edit section'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Add new subscription section': 'Add new subscription section'
-'Add new section': 'Add new section'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'All languages': 'All languages'
-'Paid Days': 'Paid Days'
+saved: null
+deleted: null
+'Subscribed sections: $1': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Select sections for subscribing': null
+'Sections saved': null
+'Section $1': null
+'No sections to edit': null
+'Edit section': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Add new subscription section': null
+'Add new section': 'Lägg till ny sektion'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Oavsett språk'
+'Individual languages': 'Enskilda språk'
+'All languages': 'Alla språk'
+'Paid Days': 'Betalda dagar'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.az.yml
index f2be35deb8..39df7e94e4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.az.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: üçüncü
+second: ikinci
+forth: dördüncü
+first: birinci
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'Ünvanların Sayı sahəsinə 0-dan böyük rəqəm daxil etməlisən.'
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'IP Başlat $1 ünvan sahəsinə 0-la 255 arasında bir rəqəm daxil etməlisən.'
+'User IP access list management': 'İstifadəçinin IP giriş siyahı idarəçiliyi'
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'IP ünvan qrupu digər mövcud qrupla uyğunsuzdur.'
+'Subscription sections': 'Abunəlik bölmələri'
+'No records.': 'Yazı yoxdur.'
+'You have subscription for all available publications': 'Bütün mövcud nəşrlər üçün abunəliyin var'
+'Subscription type:': 'Abunəlik növü:'
+'Start:': 'Başla:'
+'Start Date': 'Başlama Tarixi'
+'Sections:': 'Bölmələr:'
+'Publication:': 'Nəşr:'
+'Paid days': 'Ödənmiş günlər'
+'Paid Days:': 'Ödənmiş Günlər:'
+Paid: Ödənmiş
+'No subscriptions': 'Abunəlik yoxdur'
+'Languages:': 'Dillər:'
+'Edit all sections': 'Bütün bölmələri dəyiş'
+'Days:': 'Günlər:'
+'Days must be number': 'Günlər rəqəmlərdən ibarət olmalıdır'
+Any: 'Hər hansı'
+'Add section': 'Bölmə əlavə et'
+saved: yaddaşda
+removed: çıxarıldı
+deleted: silindi
+deactivated: 'deaktivasiya edildi'
+activated: aktivləşdirildi
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Dəyər vacibdir və boş saxlanıla bilməz'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'O istifadəçi adı artıq mövcuddur, lütfən, başqa giriş adı seç.'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'O $1 artıq mövcuddur, lütfən, başqa $1 seç.'
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Abunəlik bütün mövcud nəşrlər üçün keçərlidir.'
+'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Abunəlik IP Ünvanları'
+'Subscription $1': '$1 Abunəlik'
+'Subscriber saved.': 'Abunə saxlandı.'
+'Subscriber management': 'Abunə idarəçiliyi'
+'Subscriber deleted.': 'Abunə silindi.'
+'Start IP': 'Başlama IP-si'
+'Select country': 'Ölkə seç'
+'Number of addresses': 'Ünvanların sayı'
+'Number of Addressses': 'Ünvanların Sayı'
+'No IP Addresses': 'IP Ünvan Yoxdur'
+'IP Address added allready': 'IP Ünvan artıq əlavə edilib'
+'IP Address $1': '$1 IP Ünvan'
+'IP Access': 'IP Giriş'
+'Full Name': 'Tam Ad'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Abunəlikləri dəyiş'
+'Edit subscriber $1': '$1 abunəsini dəyiş'
+E-Mail: Email
+'Delete subscriber $1': '$1 abunəsini sil'
+'Creation Date': 'Yaradılma Tarixi'
+'Change subscriber information': 'Abunə məlumatını dəyiş'
+'Add new IP address': 'Yeni IP ünvan əlavə et'
+'Add new IP Address': 'Yeni IP Ünvan əlavə et'
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% %min%-dən böyük olmalıdır'
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% düzgün IP Ünvan deyil'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Dildən asılı olmayaraq'
+'Individual languages': 'Şəxsi dillər'
+'Add sections now': 'İndi bölmə əlavə et'
+'Add sections later': 'Bölmələri daha sonra əlavə et'
+'Subscription Type': 'Abunəlik Növü'
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Ödənişli (ödəniş bir az sonra təsdiqlənəcək)'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Ödənişli (ödənişi indi təsdiqlə)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.be.yml
index f2be35deb8..39749d43c3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.be.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Значэнне зяўляецца абавязковым і не можа быць пустым'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Гэтае iмя карыстальнiка ўжо iснуе, калi ласка выбераце iншае iмя.'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': 'Незалежна ад мовы'
+'Individual languages': 'Iндывiдуальныя мовы'
+'Add sections now': 'Дадаць рубрыку цяпер'
+'Add sections later': 'Дадаць рубрыку пазьней'
+'Subscription Type': 'Тып падпiскі'
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Платная (аплата будзе пацьверджана пазьней )'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Платная (пацвердзiць аплату цяпер)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.bn.yml
index f2be35deb8..b9c1861ebd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.bn.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'Add sections now': null
+'Add sections later': null
+'Subscription Type': null
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': null
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.cs.yml
index f2be35deb8..968a20cce6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.cs.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
+third: třeti
+second: druhý
+forth: čtvrtý
+first: první
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'Musíte vložit číslo větší než 0 do políčka Počet adres'
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'Musíte vložit číslo mezi 0 a 255 do políčka Start IP adresa $1 '
'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'Adresa IP skupiny je v rozporu s jinou existující skupinou.'
+'Subscription sections': 'Sekce předplatného'
+'No records.': 'Žádný záznam'
+'You have subscription for all available publications': 'Máte předplatné pro všechny dostupné publikace'
+'Subscription type:': 'Typ předplatného:'
+'Start:': 'Začátek:'
+'Start Date': 'Počáteční datum'
+'Sections:': 'Sekce:'
+'Publication:': 'Publikace:'
+'Paid days': 'Placené dny'
+'Paid Days:': 'Placené dny:'
+Paid: Zaplaceno
+'No subscriptions': 'Žádné předplatné'
+'Languages:': 'Jazyky:'
+'Edit all sections': 'Upravit všechny sekce'
+'Days:': 'Dny:'
+'Days must be number': 'Dny musejí být číslo'
+Any: Jakékoliv
+'Add section': 'Přidat sekci'
+saved: Uloženo
+removed: odstraněno
+deleted: vymazané
+deactivated: deaktivováno
+activated: aktivováno
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Hodnota je požadována a nemůže zůstat nevyplněna'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Toto uživatlské jméno již existuje, prosím vyberte si jiné přihlašovací jméno.'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': ' $1 již existuje, prosím vyberte si jiné $2.'
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Předplatné existuje pro všechny dostupné publikace.'
+'Subscription IP Addresses': 'IP adresy předplatného'
+'Subscription $1': 'Předplatné $1'
+'Subscriber saved.': 'Předplatitel uložen.'
+'Subscriber management': 'Management předplatitele'
+'Subscriber deleted.': 'Předplatitel vymazán.'
'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+'Select country': 'Vyberte zemi'
+'Number of addresses': 'Počet adres'
+'Number of Addressses': 'Počet adres'
+'No IP Addresses': 'Žádné IP adresy'
+'IP Address added allready': 'IP adresa již přidána'
+'IP Address $1': 'IP adresa $1'
+'IP Access': 'IP přístup'
+'Full Name': 'Celé jméno'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Editovat předplatné'
+'Edit subscriber $1': 'Upravit předplatitele $1'
+E-Mail: Email
+'Delete subscriber $1': 'Vymazat předplatitele $1'
+'Creation Date': 'Datum vytoření'
+'Change subscriber information': 'Změna informací registrovaného'
+'Add new IP address': 'Přidat novou IP adresu'
+'Add new IP Address': 'Přidat novou IP adresu'
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%hodnota% musí být větší než %min%'
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%hodnota% není platná IP adresa'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Nehledě na jazyk'
+'Individual languages': 'Jednotlivé jazyky'
+'Add sections now': 'Přidat rubriku nyní'
+'Add sections later': 'Přidat rubriku později'
+'Subscription Type': 'Typ předplatného'
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Zaplaceno (platba bude potvrzena později)'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Zaplaceno (potvrďte nyní)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.da.yml
index f2be35deb8..f7fceb6896 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.da.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
+third: tredje
+second: anden
+forth: fjerde
+first: første
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'Angiv et tal større end 0 i feltet Antal adresser.'
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'Angiv et tal fra 0 til 255 i IP adresse start feltet $1.'
+'User IP access list management': 'Administration af brugeradgang via IP adresser'
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'IP adresse gruppen er i konflikt med en eksisterende gruppe.'
+'Subscription sections': Abonnementssektioner
+'No records.': 'Ingen poster.'
+'You have subscription for all available publications': 'Du abonnerer på alle tilgængelige publikationer'
+'Subscription type:': 'Abonnementstype:'
'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
+'Start Date': 'Start dato'
+'Sections:': 'Sektioner:'
+'Publication:': 'Publikation:'
+'Paid days': 'Betalte dage'
+'Paid Days:': 'Betalte dage:'
+Paid: Betalt
+'No subscriptions': 'Ingen abonnementer'
+'Languages:': 'Sprog:'
+'Edit all sections': 'Rediger alle sektioner'
+'Days:': 'Dage:'
+'Days must be number': 'Dage skal være et tal'
+Any: Alle
+'Add section': 'Tilføj sektion'
+saved: gemt
+removed: fjernet
+deleted: slettet
+deactivated: deaktiveret
+activated: aktiveret
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Værdien er påkrævet og kan ikke være tom'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Brugernavnet eksisterer allerede. Vælg et andet login navn.'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'Den $1 eksisterer allerede, vælg en anden $2.'
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Der er abonnementer for alle tilgængelige publikationer.'
+'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Abonnements IP adresser'
+'Subscription $1': 'Abonnement $1'
+'Subscriber saved.': 'Abonnent gemt.'
+'Subscriber management': 'Administration af abonnenter'
+'Subscriber deleted.': 'Abonnent slettet.'
'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
+'Select country': 'Vælg land'
+'Number of addresses': 'Antal adresser'
+'Number of Addressses': 'Antal adresser'
+'No IP Addresses': 'Ingen IP adresser'
+'IP Address added allready': 'IP adresse allerede tilføjet'
+'IP Address $1': 'IP adresse $1'
+'IP Access': 'IP adgang'
+'Full Name': 'Fuldt navn'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Rediger abonnementer'
+'Edit subscriber $1': 'Rediger abonnent $1'
E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+'Delete subscriber $1': 'Slet abonnent $1'
+'Creation Date': Oprettelsesdato
+'Change subscriber information': 'Ret abonnent information'
+'Add new IP address': 'Tilføj ny IP adresse'
+'Add new IP Address': 'Tilføj ny IP adresse'
+'Account Name': Kontonavn
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% skal være større end %min%'
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% er ikke en gyldig IP adresse'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Uanset sprog'
+'Individual languages': 'Individuelle sprog'
+'Add sections now': 'Tilføj sektioner nu'
+'Add sections later': 'Tilføj sektioner senere'
+'Subscription Type': Abonnementstype
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Betalt (bekræft betaling senere)'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Betalt (bekræft betaling nu)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.de.yml
index f2be35deb8..af750faea4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.de.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
+third: dritte
+second: 'zweite '
+forth: vierte
+first: erste
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'Bitte eine Zahl größer als 0 eintragen'
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'Bitte eine Zahl zwischen 0 und 255 in das Start IP Adressfeld $1 eintragen'
+'User IP access list management': 'User IP Listenmanagement '
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'Die IP-Adresse konfligiert mit einer anderen Gruppe. '
+'Subscription sections': 'Abonnement Einstellungen'
+'No records.': 'Keine Daten. '
+'You have subscription for all available publications': 'Sie haben ein Abonnement für alle verfügbaren Publikationen. '
+'Subscription type:': Abonnementtyp
+'Start:': Beginn
+'Start Date': 'Start Datum'
+'Sections:': Rubriken
+'Publication:': 'Publikation: '
+'Paid days': 'Bezahlte Tage'
+'Paid Days:': 'Bezahlte Tage:'
+Paid: Bezahlt
+'No subscriptions': 'Keine Abonnements'
+'Languages:': 'Sprachen: '
+'Edit all sections': 'Alle Rubriken bearbeiten '
+'Days:': 'Tage: '
+'Days must be number': 'Tage müssen numerisch sein'
+Any: Alle
+'Add section': 'Rubrik hinzufügen'
+saved: gespeichert
+removed: entfernt
+deleted: gelöscht
+deactivated: deaktiviert
+activated: aktiviert
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Der Wert ist erforderlich und kann nicht leer sein. '
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Der Username existiert bereits, bitte wählen Sie einen neuen Login-Namen. '
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'Diese $1 existiert bereits, bitte wählen Sie eine andere $2.'
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Abonnements gibt es für alle verfügbaren Publikationen. '
+'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Abonnement IP-Adresse'
+'Subscription $1': 'Abonnement $1'
+'Subscriber saved.': 'Abonnent gespeichert.'
+'Subscriber management': Abonnentenverwaltung
+'Subscriber deleted.': 'Abonnent gelöscht. '
'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
+'Select country': 'Land auswählen'
+'Number of addresses': 'Anzahl der Adressen'
+'Number of Addressses': 'Anzahl der Adressen'
+'No IP Addresses': 'Keine IP-Adressen'
+'IP Address added allready': 'IP-Adresse schon hinzugefügt'
+'IP Address $1': 'IP-Adresse $1'
+'IP Access': 'IP Internetzugang'
+'Full Name': 'Vollständiger Name'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Abonnements bearbeiten'
+'Edit subscriber $1': 'Abonnent $1 bearbeiten'
E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+'Delete subscriber $1': 'Lösche Abonnement $1'
+'Creation Date': Erstellungsdatum
+'Change subscriber information': 'Abonnenteninformation ändern. '
+'Add new IP address': 'Neue IP-Adresse hinzufügen'
+'Add new IP Address': 'Neue IP-Adresse hinzufügen'
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% muss größer sein als %min%'
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': ' %value% ist keine gültige IP-Adresse'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Unabhängig von der Sprache'
+'Individual languages': 'Individuelle Sprachen'
+'Add sections now': 'Rubriken jetzt hinzufügen'
+'Add sections later': 'Rubriken später hinzufügen'
+'Subscription Type': Abonnementtyp
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Bezahlt (Bezahlung wird später bestätigt)'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Bezahlt (Bezahlung jetzt bestätigen)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.de_AT.yml
index f2be35deb8..af750faea4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
+third: dritte
+second: 'zweite '
+forth: vierte
+first: erste
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'Bitte eine Zahl größer als 0 eintragen'
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'Bitte eine Zahl zwischen 0 und 255 in das Start IP Adressfeld $1 eintragen'
+'User IP access list management': 'User IP Listenmanagement '
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'Die IP-Adresse konfligiert mit einer anderen Gruppe. '
+'Subscription sections': 'Abonnement Einstellungen'
+'No records.': 'Keine Daten. '
+'You have subscription for all available publications': 'Sie haben ein Abonnement für alle verfügbaren Publikationen. '
+'Subscription type:': Abonnementtyp
+'Start:': Beginn
+'Start Date': 'Start Datum'
+'Sections:': Rubriken
+'Publication:': 'Publikation: '
+'Paid days': 'Bezahlte Tage'
+'Paid Days:': 'Bezahlte Tage:'
+Paid: Bezahlt
+'No subscriptions': 'Keine Abonnements'
+'Languages:': 'Sprachen: '
+'Edit all sections': 'Alle Rubriken bearbeiten '
+'Days:': 'Tage: '
+'Days must be number': 'Tage müssen numerisch sein'
+Any: Alle
+'Add section': 'Rubrik hinzufügen'
+saved: gespeichert
+removed: entfernt
+deleted: gelöscht
+deactivated: deaktiviert
+activated: aktiviert
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Der Wert ist erforderlich und kann nicht leer sein. '
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Der Username existiert bereits, bitte wählen Sie einen neuen Login-Namen. '
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'Diese $1 existiert bereits, bitte wählen Sie eine andere $2.'
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Abonnements gibt es für alle verfügbaren Publikationen. '
+'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Abonnement IP-Adresse'
+'Subscription $1': 'Abonnement $1'
+'Subscriber saved.': 'Abonnent gespeichert.'
+'Subscriber management': Abonnentenverwaltung
+'Subscriber deleted.': 'Abonnent gelöscht. '
'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
+'Select country': 'Land auswählen'
+'Number of addresses': 'Anzahl der Adressen'
+'Number of Addressses': 'Anzahl der Adressen'
+'No IP Addresses': 'Keine IP-Adressen'
+'IP Address added allready': 'IP-Adresse schon hinzugefügt'
+'IP Address $1': 'IP-Adresse $1'
+'IP Access': 'IP Internetzugang'
+'Full Name': 'Vollständiger Name'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Abonnements bearbeiten'
+'Edit subscriber $1': 'Abonnent $1 bearbeiten'
E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+'Delete subscriber $1': 'Lösche Abonnement $1'
+'Creation Date': Erstellungsdatum
+'Change subscriber information': 'Abonnenteninformation ändern. '
+'Add new IP address': 'Neue IP-Adresse hinzufügen'
+'Add new IP Address': 'Neue IP-Adresse hinzufügen'
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% muss größer sein als %min%'
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': ' %value% ist keine gültige IP-Adresse'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Unabhängig von der Sprache'
+'Individual languages': 'Individuelle Sprachen'
+'Add sections now': 'Rubriken jetzt hinzufügen'
+'Add sections later': 'Rubriken später hinzufügen'
+'Subscription Type': Abonnementtyp
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Bezahlt (Bezahlung wird später bestätigt)'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Bezahlt (Bezahlung jetzt bestätigen)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.en_GB.yml
index f2be35deb8..006149fa31 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.en_GB.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
third: third
second: second
-forth: forth
+forth: fourth
first: first
'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ first: first
'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
+'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have a subscription for all available publications'
'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
'Start:': 'Start:'
'Start Date': 'Start Date'
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ removed: removed
deleted: deleted
deactivated: deactivated
activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and can not be empty'
'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.es.yml
index f2be35deb8..f8aa11f00d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.es.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: tercero
+second: segundo
+forth: cuarto
+first: primero
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'Debes ingresar un número mayor a 0 en el campo de número de direcciones.'
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'Debes ingresar un número entre 0 y 255 en el campo $1 de la dirección IP de inicio'
+'User IP access list management': 'administración de la lista de IP de los usuarios con acceso'
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'La dirección IP del grupo tiene conflictos con otro grupo existente.'
+'Subscription sections': 'secciones de las suscripciones'
+'No records.': 'Sin registros.'
+'You have subscription for all available publications': 'Ya tiene una subscripción para todas las publicaciones disponibles.'
+'Subscription type:': 'Tipo de subscripción:'
+'Start:': 'Inicio:'
+'Start Date': 'Fecha de inicio'
+'Sections:': 'Secciones:'
+'Publication:': 'Publicación:'
+'Paid days': 'Días pagados'
+'Paid Days:': 'Días pagados'
+Paid: Pagado
+'No subscriptions': 'Sin subscripciones'
+'Languages:': 'Idiomas:'
+'Edit all sections': 'Editar todas las secciones'
+'Days:': 'Días:'
+'Days must be number': 'Los días deben ser numerados'
+Any: Cualquiera
+'Add section': 'Añadir sección'
+saved: guardado
+removed: removido
+deleted: eliminado
+deactivated: desactivado
+activated: activado
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Se requiere un valor. No puede quedarse vacío.'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Ese nombre de usuario está en uso. Por favor escoja otro.'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'Ese $1 ya existe. Por favor escoja otro $2.'
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Existen subscripciones para todas las publicaciones.'
+'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Direcciones IP de subscripciones.'
+'Subscription $1': 'Subscripción $1'
+'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriptor guardado.'
+'Subscriber management': 'Administración de subscriptores'
+'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriptor eliminado.'
+'Start IP': 'Iniciar IP'
+'Select country': 'Seleccionar país'
+'Number of addresses': 'Número de direcciones'
+'Number of Addressses': 'Número de Direcciones'
+'No IP Addresses': 'No hay Direcciones IP'
+'IP Address added allready': 'Ya se agregaron Direcciones IP'
+'IP Address $1': 'Dirección IP $1'
+'IP Access': 'Dirección IP'
+'Full Name': 'Nombre completo'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Editar subscripciones'
+'Edit subscriber $1': 'Editar subscriptor $1'
+E-Mail: 'Correo electrónico'
+'Delete subscriber $1': 'Eliminar subscriptor $1'
+'Creation Date': 'Fecha de creación'
+'Change subscriber information': 'Cambiar información de subscriptor'
+'Add new IP address': 'Añadir nueva dirección de IP'
+'Add new IP Address': 'Añadir nueva Dirección de IP'
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% debe ser mayor que %min%'
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% no es una Dirección de IP válida'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Sin importar el idioma'
+'Individual languages': 'Idiomas individuales'
+'Add sections now': 'Agregar secciones ahora'
+'Add sections later': 'Agregar secciones despues'
+'Subscription Type': 'Tipo de suscripción'
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Pagado ( pago sera confirmado luego )'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Pagado ( confirmar pago ahora )'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.es_AR.yml
index f2be35deb8..b9c1861ebd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'Add sections now': null
+'Add sections later': null
+'Subscription Type': null
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': null
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.fa.yml
index f2be35deb8..b9c1861ebd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.fa.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'Add sections now': null
+'Add sections later': null
+'Subscription Type': null
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': null
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.fr.yml
index f2be35deb8..d5e5395db6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.fr.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Ce nom dutilisateur existe déjà , choisissez sil vous plaît un nom dutilisateur différent. '
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': 'Indépendamment de la langue '
+'Individual languages': 'Langues individuelles'
+'Add sections now': 'Ajouter des sections maintenant '
+'Add sections later': 'Ajouter des sections plus tard'
+'Subscription Type': 'Type dabonnement'
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Payé (le paiement sera confirmé plus tard) '
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Payé ( confirmer le paiement maintenant)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.he.yml
index f2be35deb8..b9c1861ebd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.he.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'Add sections now': null
+'Add sections later': null
+'Subscription Type': null
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': null
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.hr.yml
index f2be35deb8..95e7769f04 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.hr.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Korisničko ime već postoji, izaberite drugo ime za prijavu.'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': 'IP pristup'
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': 'Bez obzira na jezik'
+'Individual languages': 'Pojedinačni jezici'
+'Add sections now': 'Dodaj rubrike odmah'
+'Add sections later': 'Dodaj rubrike kasnije'
+'Subscription Type': 'Vrsta pretplate'
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Plaćeno (plaćanje će biti potvrđeno naknadno)'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Plaćeno (potvrdi plaćanje odmah)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.hu.yml
index f2be35deb8..16a5fafbeb 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.hu.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: harmadik
+second: második
+forth: tovább
+first: első
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'A Címek száma mezőben nullánál nagyobb számot kell megadnod.'
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'A Kezdő IP-cím $1 mezőben meg kell adnod egy 0 és 255 közti számot.'
+'User IP access list management': 'Felhasználó IP hozzáférési lista kezelése'
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'Az IP-címcsoport ütközik egy másik meglévő csoporttal.'
+'Subscription sections': 'Előfizetéses rovatok'
+'No records.': 'Nincsenek rekordok.'
+'You have subscription for all available publications': 'Neked az összes létező kiadványra van előfizetésed'
+'Subscription type:': 'Előfizetés típusa:'
+'Start:': 'Kezdet:'
+'Start Date': 'Kezdő dátum'
+'Sections:': 'Rovatok:'
+'Publication:': 'Kiadvány:'
+'Paid days': 'Fizetett napok'
+'Paid Days:': 'Fizetett napok:'
+Paid: Fizetett
+'No subscriptions': 'Nincsenek előfizetések'
+'Languages:': 'Nyelvek:'
+'Edit all sections': 'Az összes rovat szerkesztése'
+'Days:': 'Napok:'
+'Days must be number': 'A napoknak számnak kell lennie'
+Any: Bármi
+'Add section': 'Rovat hozzáadása'
+saved: mentve
+removed: eltávolítva
+deleted: törölve
+deactivated: inaktiválva
+activated: aktiválva
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Az érték kötelező és nem lehet üres'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Ez a felhasználónév már létezik, válassz másik bejelentkezési nevet.'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'Ez a/z $1 már létezik, válassz másik $2 -t.'
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Léteznek előfizetések az összes elérhető kiadványra.'
+'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Előfizetés IP-címei'
+'Subscription $1': '$1 előfizetés'
+'Subscriber saved.': 'Az előfizető mentése megtörtént.'
+'Subscriber management': Előfizetőkezelés
+'Subscriber deleted.': 'Az előfizető törlése megtörtént.'
+'Start IP': 'Kezdő IP'
+'Select country': 'Ország kiválasztása'
+'Number of addresses': 'Címek száma'
+'Number of Addressses': 'Címek száma'
+'No IP Addresses': 'Nincsenek IP-címek'
+'IP Address added allready': 'Az IP-cím már hozzáadásra került'
+'IP Address $1': '$1 IP-cím'
+'IP Access': IP-hozzáférés
+'Full Name': 'Teljes név'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Előfizetések szerkesztése'
+'Edit subscriber $1': 'A/z $1 nevű előfizető szerkesztése'
+E-Mail: E-mail
+'Delete subscriber $1': 'A/z $1 nevű előfizető törlése'
+'Creation Date': 'Létrehozás dátuma'
+'Change subscriber information': 'Előfizetői adatok módosítása'
+'Add new IP address': 'Új IP-cím hozzáadása'
+'Add new IP Address': 'Új IP-cím hozzáadása'
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': 'A/z %value% értéknek nagyobbnak kell lennie, mint %min%'
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': 'A/z %value% nem érvényes IP-cím'
+'Regardless of the language': 'A nyelvtől függetlenül'
+'Individual languages': Nyelvek
+'Add sections now': 'Rovatok hozzáadása most'
+'Add sections later': 'Rovatok hozzáadása később'
+'Subscription Type': 'Előfizetés típusa'
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Fizetett (a fizetés később kerül megerősítésre)'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Fizetett (a fizetés megerősítése most)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.hy_AM.yml
index f2be35deb8..b9c1861ebd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'Add sections now': null
+'Add sections later': null
+'Subscription Type': null
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': null
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ka.yml
index f2be35deb8..9de2ec97e4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ka.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: მესამე
+second: მეორე
+forth: მეოთხე
+first: პირველი
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'თქვენ უნდა მიუთითოთ 0-ზე მაღალი მნიშვნეეობა მისამართის ნომრის ველშ. '
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'თქვენ უნდა მიუთითოთ მნიშვნელობა 0-სა და 255-ს შორის სტარტის IP მისამართის $1 ველში. '
+'User IP access list management': 'მომხმარებლის IP წვდომის სიის მართვა '
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'IP მისამართების ჯგუფი ეწინააღმდეგება სხვა არსებულ ჯგუფს. '
+'Subscription sections': 'გამოწერების განყოფილებები'
+'No records.': 'ჩანაწერები არ არსებობს. '
+'You have subscription for all available publications': 'თქვენ გაქვთ გამოწერა ყველა არსებულ პუბლიკაციაზე'
+'Subscription type:': 'გამოწერის ტიპი:'
+'Start:': 'დასაწყისი:'
+'Start Date': 'დაწყების თარიღი'
+'Sections:': 'განყოფილებები:'
+'Publication:': 'პუბლიკაციები: '
+'Paid days': 'ფასიანი დღეები'
+'Paid Days:': 'ფასიანი დღეები:'
+Paid: ფასიანი
+'No subscriptions': 'გამოწერები არ არის'
+'Languages:': 'ენები:'
+'Edit all sections': 'ყველა სექციის რედაქტირება'
+'Days:': 'დღეები: '
+'Days must be number': 'დღეები უნდა დაინომროს'
+Any: 'ნებისმიერი '
+'Add section': 'განყოფილების დამატება'
+saved: დამახსოვრებულია
+removed: მოიხსნა
+deleted: წაიშალა
+deactivated: დეაქტივირებულია
+activated: აქტივირებულია
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'მონაცემი აუცილებლად უნდა შეივსოს'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'ასეთი მომხმარებელი უკვე არსებობს, შეიყვანეთ სხვა სახელი'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'ეგ $1 უკვე არსებობს, გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ სხვა $2'
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'გამოწერა არსებობს ყველა არსებული პუბლიკაციისთვის.'
+'Subscription IP Addresses': 'გამოწერის IP მისამართები'
+'Subscription $1': 'გამოწერა $1'
+'Subscriber saved.': 'გამომწერი დამახსოვრებულია'
+'Subscriber management': 'გამომწერის მართვა'
+'Subscriber deleted.': 'გამომწერი წაიშალა'
+'Start IP': 'სასტარტო IP'
+'Select country': 'აირჩიეთ ქვეყანა'
+'Number of addresses': 'მისამართების რაოდენობა'
+'Number of Addressses': 'მისამართების რაოდენობა'
+'No IP Addresses': 'IP მისამართები არ არის'
+'IP Address added allready': 'IP მისამართი უკვე დამატებულია.'
+'IP Address $1': 'IP მისამართი $1'
+'IP Access': 'IP წვდომა'
+'Full Name': სახელი
+'Edit subscriptions': 'გამოწერების რედაქტირება'
+'Edit subscriber $1': '$1 - ამ გამომწერის რედაქტირება'
+E-Mail: იმეილი
+'Delete subscriber $1': '$1 - ამ გამომწერის წაშლა'
+'Creation Date': 'შექმნის თარიღი'
+'Change subscriber information': 'გამომწერის ინფორმაციის შეცვლა'
+'Add new IP address': 'ახალი IP მისამართის დამატება'
+'Add new IP Address': 'ახალი IP მისამართის დამატება'
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': ' %value% უნდა იყოს მეტი ვიდრე %min%'
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% არ არის სწორი IP მისამართი'
+'Regardless of the language': 'ენის მიუხედავად'
+'Individual languages': 'ინდივიდუალური ენა'
+'Add sections now': 'სექციის ახლა დამატება'
+'Add sections later': 'სექციის მოგვიანებით დამატება'
+'Subscription Type': 'გამოწერის ტიპი'
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'ფასიანი (ანგარიშსწორება მოგვიანებით დადასტურდება)'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'ფასიანი (ანგარიშსწორება ახლა დადასტურება)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ko.yml
index f2be35deb8..329fdb1a3d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ko.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': '사용자 이름이 이미 존재합니다. 다른 아이디를 선택하시오.'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': '언어와 관련 없음'
+'Individual languages': '개별 언어'
+'Add sections now': '지금 섹션 추가'
+'Add sections later': '나중에 섹션 추가'
+'Subscription Type': '구독 타입 '
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': '지불(나중에 지불 확인)'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': '지불(지금 지불 확인)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ku.yml
index f2be35deb8..b9c1861ebd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ku.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'Add sections now': null
+'Add sections later': null
+'Subscription Type': null
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': null
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.lv.yml
index f2be35deb8..b9c1861ebd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.lv.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'Add sections now': null
+'Add sections later': null
+'Subscription Type': null
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': null
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.nb_NO.yml
index f2be35deb8..b9c1861ebd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'Add sections now': null
+'Add sections later': null
+'Subscription Type': null
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': null
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.pl.yml
index f2be35deb8..797ae1f5e8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.pl.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: trzeci
+second: drugi
+forth: czwarty
+first: pierwszy
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'W pole liczba adresów musisz wpisać liczbę większa niż 0.'
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'Dla pola początkowe adresy IP $1 musisz podać liczbę z zakresu pomiędzy 0 a 255.'
+'User IP access list management': 'Zarządzanie listą adresów IP użytkownika'
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'Ta grupa adresów IP koliduje z inną istniejącą grupą.'
+'Subscription sections': 'Sekcje subskrybcji'
+'No records.': 'Brak wyników'
+'You have subscription for all available publications': 'Masz subskrybcje dla wszystkich dostępnych publikacji'
+'Subscription type:': 'Typ subskrybcji:'
+'Start:': Start
+'Start Date': 'Data startu'
+'Sections:': Sekcja
+'Publication:': Publickacja
+'Paid days': 'Opłacone dni'
+'Paid Days:': 'Opłacone dni'
+Paid: Oplacone
+'No subscriptions': 'Brak subskrypcji'
+'Languages:': Języki
+'Edit all sections': 'Edytuj wszystkie sekcje'
+'Days:': Dni
+'Days must be number': 'Dni muszą być liczbą'
+Any: Każdy
+'Add section': 'Dodaj sekcję'
+saved: zapisane
+removed: usunięte
+deleted: usuniety
+deactivated: wyłączone
+activated: aktywowane
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Wartość jest wymagana i nie może być pusta.'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Ta nazwa użytkownika już istnieje, wybierz inną nazwę.'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'Ten $1 już istnieje, wybierz inny $2'
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subskrybcje istnieją dla wszystkich dostępnych publikacji.'
+'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Adresy IP subskrypcji'
+'Subscription $1': 'Subskrypcja $1'
+'Subscriber saved.': 'Subskrypcja zapisana.'
+'Subscriber management': 'Zarządzanie subskrypcjami'
+'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subskrypcja usunięta.'
+'Start IP': 'Początkowy adres IP'
+'Select country': 'Wybierz kraj'
+'Number of addresses': 'Liczba adresów'
+'Number of Addressses': 'Liczba adresów'
+'No IP Addresses': 'Brak adresu IP'
+'IP Address added allready': 'Ten adres IP już jest dodany'
+'IP Address $1': 'Adres IP $1'
+'IP Access': 'Dostęp IP'
+'Full Name': 'Pełna nazwa'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Edytuj subskrybcje'
+'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edytuj subskrybera'
+E-Mail: 'Adres email'
+'Delete subscriber $1': 'Usuń subskrybera'
+'Creation Date': 'Data utworzenia'
+'Change subscriber information': 'Zmień informacje subskrybenta'
+'Add new IP address': 'Dodaj nowy adres IP'
+'Add new IP Address': 'Dodaj nowy adres IP'
+'Account Name': 'Nazwa konta'
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% musi mieć więcej znaków niż %max%'
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% nie jest prawidłowym adresem IP'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Niezależnie od języka'
+'Individual languages': 'Indywidualne języki'
+'Add sections now': 'Dodaj sekcję'
+'Add sections later': 'Dodaj sekcję później'
+'Subscription Type': 'Typ subskrypcji'
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Zapłacone (płatność zostanie potwierdzona później)'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Zapłacone (potwierdź płatność teraz)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ps.yml
index f2be35deb8..b9c1861ebd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.ps.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'Add sections now': null
+'Add sections later': null
+'Subscription Type': null
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': null
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.pt_BR.yml
index f2be35deb8..8a27d638d8 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: removido
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'O valor é necessário e não pode estar vazio'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Nome já existente, por favor escoha um diferente.'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': 'Acesso por IP'
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': 'Modificar dados do assinante'
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': 'Apesar do idioma'
+'Individual languages': Idiomas
+'Add sections now': 'Adicionar agora Secções'
+'Add sections later': 'Adicionar Secções posteriormente'
+'Subscription Type': 'Tipo de Assinatura'
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paga (pagamento será confirmado mais tarde)'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paga (confirme pagamente neste momento)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sh.yml
index f2be35deb8..231a63262f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sh.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': Početak
+'Start Date': 'Početni datum'
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': 'Nema pretplata'
+'Languages:': Jezici
+'Edit all sections': 'Uredi sve rubrike'
+'Days:': Dani
+'Days must be number': 'Dani moraju biti broj'
+Any: 'Bilo koji'
+'Add section': 'Dodaj rubriku'
+saved: snimljeno
+removed: uklonjeno
+deleted: obrisana
+deactivated: deaktivirano
+activated: aktivirano
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Vrednost je obavezna i ne može ostati prazna'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'To korisničko ime već postoji, izaberite neko drugo ime.'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'Taj $1 već postoji, izaberite drugi $2.'
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Pretplate postoje za sve dostupne publikacije.'
+'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Pretplatničke IP adrese'
+'Subscription $1': 'Pretplata $1'
+'Subscriber saved.': 'Pretplatnik snimljen.'
+'Subscriber management': 'Upravljanje pretplatnicima.'
+'Subscriber deleted.': 'Pretplatnik obrisan.'
+'Start IP': 'Početni IP'
+'Select country': 'Izaberi državu'
+'Number of addresses': 'Broj adresa'
+'Number of Addressses': 'Broj adresa'
+'No IP Addresses': 'Nema IP adresa'
+'IP Address added allready': 'IP adresa je već dodata'
+'IP Address $1': 'IP adresa $1'
+'IP Access': 'IP pristup'
+'Full Name': 'Puno ime'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Uredi pretplate'
+'Edit subscriber $1': 'Uredi pretplatnika $1'
+E-Mail: E-mail
+'Delete subscriber $1': 'Obriši pretplatnika $1'
+'Creation Date': 'Datum kreiranja'
+'Change subscriber information': 'Promeni informacije o pretplatniku'
+'Add new IP address': 'Dodaj novu IP adresu'
+'Add new IP Address': 'Dodaj novu IP adresu'
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value%ć mora biti veće od %min%'
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% nije validna IP adresa'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Nezavisno od jezika'
+'Individual languages': 'Pojedinačni jezici'
+'Add sections now': 'Dodaj rubriku sad'
+'Add sections later': 'Dodaj rubriku kasnije'
+'Subscription Type': 'Tip pretplate'
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Plaćeno (uplata će biti potvrđena kasnije) '
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Plaćeno (potvrdi uplatu sad)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sq.yml
index f2be35deb8..b9c1861ebd 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sq.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': null
+'Individual languages': null
+'Add sections now': null
+'Add sections later': null
+'Subscription Type': null
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': null
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sr.yml
index f2be35deb8..74e2ee8430 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sr.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': 'Почетни датум'
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': 'Уреди све рубрике'
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: снимљено
+removed: уклоњено
+deleted: обрисана
+deactivated: деактивирано
+activated: активирано
+'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Вредност је обавезна, поље не може бити празно'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'То корисничко име већ постоји, изаберите неко друго име.'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'Тај $1 већ постоји, изаберите други $2.'
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Претплате постоје за све доступне публикације.'
+'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Претплатничке ИП адресе'
+'Subscription $1': 'Претплата $1'
+'Subscriber saved.': 'Претплатник снимљен.'
+'Subscriber management': 'Управљање претплатницима.'
+'Subscriber deleted.': 'Претплатник обрисан.'
+'Start IP': 'Почетни ИП'
+'Select country': 'Изабери државу'
+'Number of addresses': 'Број адреса'
+'Number of Addressses': 'Број адреса'
+'No IP Addresses': 'Нема ИП адреса'
+'IP Address added allready': 'ИП адреса је већ додата'
+'IP Address $1': 'ИП адреса $1'
+'IP Access': 'ИП приступ'
+'Full Name': 'Пуно име'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Уреди претплате'
+'Edit subscriber $1': 'Уреди претплатника $1'
+E-Mail: Имејл
+'Delete subscriber $1': 'Обриши претплатника $1'
+'Creation Date': 'Датум креирања'
+'Change subscriber information': 'Промени информације о претплатнику'
+'Add new IP address': 'додај нову ИП адресу'
+'Add new IP Address': 'Додај нову ИП адресу'
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% мора бити веће од %min%'
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% није валидна ИП адреса'
+'Regardless of the language': 'Независно од језика'
+'Individual languages': 'Појединачни језици'
+'Add sections now': 'Додај рубрику сад'
+'Add sections later': 'Додај рубрику касније'
+'Subscription Type': 'Тип претплате'
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Плаћено (уплата ће бити потврђена касније) '
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Плаћено (потврди уплату сад)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sv.yml
index f2be35deb8..010040b38c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_subscriptions.sv.yml
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-third: third
-second: second
-forth: forth
-first: first
-'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': 'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.'
-'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': 'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.'
-'User IP access list management': 'User IP access list management'
-'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.'
-'Subscription sections': 'Subscription sections'
-'No records.': 'No records.'
-'You have subscription for all available publications': 'You have subscription for all available publications'
-'Subscription type:': 'Subscription type:'
-'Start:': 'Start:'
-'Start Date': 'Start Date'
-'Sections:': 'Sections:'
-'Publication:': 'Publication:'
-'Paid days': 'Paid days'
-'Paid Days:': 'Paid Days:'
-Paid: Paid
-'No subscriptions': 'No subscriptions'
-'Languages:': 'Languages:'
-'Edit all sections': 'Edit all sections'
-'Days:': 'Days:'
-'Days must be number': 'Days must be number'
-Any: Any
-'Add section': 'Add section'
-saved: saved
-removed: removed
-deleted: deleted
-deactivated: deactivated
-activated: activated
-'Value is required and cant be empty': 'Value is required and cant be empty'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': 'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.'
-'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': 'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.'
-'Subscription IP Addresses': 'Subscription IP Addresses'
-'Subscription $1': 'Subscription $1'
-'Subscriber saved.': 'Subscriber saved.'
-'Subscriber management': 'Subscriber management'
-'Subscriber deleted.': 'Subscriber deleted.'
-'Start IP': 'Start IP'
-'Select country': 'Select country'
-'Number of addresses': 'Number of addresses'
-'Number of Addressses': 'Number of Addressses'
-'No IP Addresses': 'No IP Addresses'
-'IP Address added allready': 'IP Address added allready'
-'IP Address $1': 'IP Address $1'
-'IP Access': 'IP Access'
-'Full Name': 'Full Name'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit subscriber $1': 'Edit subscriber $1'
-E-Mail: E-Mail
-'Delete subscriber $1': 'Delete subscriber $1'
-'Creation Date': 'Creation Date'
-'Change subscriber information': 'Change subscriber information'
-'Add new IP address': 'Add new IP address'
-'Add new IP Address': 'Add new IP Address'
-'Account Name': 'Account Name'
-'%value% must be greater than %min%': '%value% must be greater than %min%'
-'%value% is not a valid IP Address': '%value% is not a valid IP Address'
-'Regardless of the language': 'Regardless of the language'
-'Individual languages': 'Individual languages'
-'Add sections now': 'Add sections now'
-'Add sections later': 'Add sections later'
-'Subscription Type': 'Subscription Type'
-'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)'
-'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Paid (confirm payment now)'
+third: null
+second: null
+forth: null
+first: null
+'You must input a number greater than 0 into the Number of addresses field.': null
+'You must input a number between 0 and 255 into the Start IP address $1 field.': null
+'User IP access list management': null
+'The IP address group conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'Subscription sections': null
+'No records.': null
+'You have subscription for all available publications': null
+'Subscription type:': null
+'Start:': null
+'Start Date': null
+'Sections:': null
+'Publication:': null
+'Paid days': null
+'Paid Days:': null
+Paid: null
+'No subscriptions': null
+'Languages:': null
+'Edit all sections': null
+'Days:': null
+'Days must be number': null
+Any: null
+'Add section': null
+saved: null
+removed: null
+deleted: null
+deactivated: null
+activated: null
+'Value is required and cant be empty': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Användarnamnet finns redan, var god välj ett annat användarnamn.'
+'That $1 already exists, please choose a different $2.': null
+'Subscriptions exist for all available publications.': null
+'Subscription IP Addresses': null
+'Subscription $1': null
+'Subscriber saved.': null
+'Subscriber management': null
+'Subscriber deleted.': null
+'Start IP': null
+'Select country': null
+'Number of addresses': null
+'Number of Addressses': null
+'No IP Addresses': null
+'IP Address added allready': null
+'IP Address $1': null
+'IP Access': null
+'Full Name': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit subscriber $1': null
+E-Mail: null
+'Delete subscriber $1': null
+'Creation Date': null
+'Change subscriber information': null
+'Add new IP address': null
+'Add new IP Address': null
+'Account Name': null
+'%value% must be greater than %min%': null
+'%value% is not a valid IP Address': null
+'Regardless of the language': 'Oavsett språk'
+'Individual languages': 'Enskilda språk'
+'Add sections now': 'Lägg till sektioner nu'
+'Add sections later': 'Lägg till sektioner senare'
+'Subscription Type': Prenumerationstyp
+'Paid (payment will be confirmed later)': 'Betald (betalning kommer bekräftas senare)'
+'Paid (confirm payment now)': 'Betald (bekräfta betalning nu)'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.az.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..568fa233f0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.az.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: 'əldə et'
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
+Templates: Üzlük
+'Feedback Messages': 'Rəy Mesajları'
+'Article Playlists': 'Məqalə Pleylistləri'
+'Check all': 'Hamısını yoxla'
+view: bax
+undo/redo: geri/irəli
+underline: altxətt
+translate: tərcümə
+'text direction': 'mətnin istiqaməti'
+'text alignment': 'mətnin yerləşməsi'
+table: masa
+superscript: superskript
+subscript: abunəlik
+subhead: altbaşlıq
+strikethrough: kəsişmə
+statusbar: 'status yeri'
+'spell checker enabled': 'söz yoxlaması aktivdir'
+'source view': 'mənbəyə baxış'
+publish: nümayiş
+notify: 'xəbərdar et'
+moderate: 'idarə et'
+manage: 'nəzarət et'
+'list number': 'siyahı sayı'
+'list bullet': 'siyahı bülleteni'
link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
+italic: 'əl yazısı'
+indent: boşluq
+image: şəkil
+'horizontal rule': 'şaquli xətt'
+handle: qulp
+guest: qonaq
+'font size': 'hərif ölçüsü'
+'font face': 'hərif forması'
+'font color': 'hərif rəngi'
+find/replace: tap/əvəzlə
+enlarge: genişləndir
+enable: aktivləşdir
+edit: dəyiş
+delete: sil
+copy/cut/paste: köçür/kəs/yapışdır
+clear: təmizlə
+'character map': 'işarə xəritəsi'
+bold: qalın
+attach: 'əlavə et'
+'any resource': 'hər hansı ehtiyat'
admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
+add: 'əlavə et'
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': '$1 nəzarətdə saxlamaqdan boyun qaçıra bilməzsən'
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'Sənin $2 $1 ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'User type saved.': 'İstifadəçi növü saxlandı.'
+'User type deleted.': 'İstifadəçi növü silindi.'
+'User type added.': 'İstifadəçi növü əlavə edildi.'
+'User Groups': 'İstifadəçi Qrupları'
+Themes: Mövzular
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'O növ ad artıq mövcuddur, lütfən, başqasını seç.'
+System: Sistem
+Structure: Struktur
+'Search Indexer': 'Axtarış Əlaməti'
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Zəngin-Mətn Dəyişiklik Göstəriciləri'
ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Polls: Səslər
+'Permissions:': 'İcazələr:'
+'Permissions updated': 'İcazələr yeniləndi'
+Notification: Xəbərdarlıq
+Log: Giriş
+Layout: Görünüş
+Global: Qlobal
+Files: Fayllar
+'Error: ': 'Xəta:'
+'Edit user type $1': '$1 istifadəçi növünü dəyiş'
+Deny: 'Rədd et'
+'Delete user type $1': '$1 istifadəçi növünü sil'
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Təyin edilmiş istifadəçilərlə istifadəçi növünü silmək mümkün deyil.'
+Cache: Keş
+Backup: Arxiv
+Authoring: Müəlliflik
+Allow: 'İcazə ver'
+'User types': 'İstifadəçi növləri'
+'No user types.': 'İstifadəçi növü yoxdur.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.be.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..b290bbcdf4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.be.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: null
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Templates: Шаблёны
+'Feedback Messages': 'Адказ на паведамленні'
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: выява
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: 'Тэмы (шаблёны)'
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: Файлы
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': 'Тыпы карыстальнiкаў'
+'No user types.': 'Няма тыпаў карыстальнiкаў.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.bn.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..a43a2d4048 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.bn.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: null
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: null
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: থিম
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: null
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': null
+'No user types.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.cs.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..ae2ae1500e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.cs.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: dostat
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
+Templates: Šablony
+'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback zpráv'
+'Article Playlists': 'Seznamy článků'
+'Check all': 'Zkontrolovat vše'
+view: ukázat
+undo/redo: odstranit/předělat
+underline: podtrhnout
+translate: přeložit
+'text direction': 'směr textu'
+'text alignment': 'zarovnání textu'
+table: 'tabulka '
+superscript: 'horní index'
+subscript: 'dolní index'
+subhead: podkapitola
+strikethrough: přeškrtnout
statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
+'spell checker enabled': 'kontrola pravopisu povolena'
+'source view': 'zdrojový pohled'
+publish: vydat
+notify: potvrdit
+moderate: upravit
+manage: spravovat
+'list number': 'zobrazit číslo'
+'list bullet': odrážky
+link: odkaz
+italic: kurzíva
+indent: odsadit
+image: obrázek
'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
+guest: host
+'font size': 'velikost písma'
+'font face': 'styl písma'
+'font color': 'barva písma'
+find/replace: najít/nahradit
+enlarge: zvětšit
+enable: umožnit
+edit: upravit
+delete: smazat
+copy/cut/paste: kopírovat/vyjmout/vložit
+clear: vymazat
'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
+bold: tučně
+attach: připojit
+'any resource': 'jakýkoliv zdroj'
admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
+add: přidat
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'Nemůžete sebe odmítnout ze spravování $1'
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'Nemáte povoleno $1 $2.'
+'User type saved.': 'Typ uživatele uložen.'
+'User type deleted.': 'Typ uživatele vymazán.'
+'User type added.': 'Typ uživatel přidán.'
+'User Groups': 'Uživatelské skupiny'
+Themes: Náměty
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'Tento název typu již existuje, prosím vyberte jiný název.'
+System: Systém
+Structure: Struktura
+'Search Indexer': 'Vyhledat '
'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
+Polls: Ankety
+'Permissions:': 'Povolení:'
+'Permissions updated': 'Povolení aktualizovány'
+Notification: Oznámení
Log: Log
Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
+Global: Globální
+Files: Soubory
+'Error: ': 'Chyba:'
+'Edit user type $1': 'Upravit typ uživatele $1'
+Deny: Zamítnout
+'Delete user type $1': 'Vymazat typ uživatele $1'
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Nelze vymazat uživatelský typ s přidělenými uživateli.'
Cache: Cache
Backup: Backup
Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Allow: Povolit
+'User types': 'Typy uživatelů'
+'No user types.': 'Žádné typy uživatelů'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.da.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..2ee803fc94 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.da.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: hent
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
+Templates: Skabeloner
+'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback beskeder'
+'Article Playlists': 'Artikle playlister'
+'Check all': 'Vælg alle'
+view: se
+undo/redo: fortryd/gentag
+underline: understreget
+translate: oversæt
+'text direction': 'tekst retning'
+'text alignment': 'tekst justering'
+table: tabel
+superscript: hævet
+subscript: sænket
+subhead: underoverskrift
+strikethrough: gennemstreget
statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
+'spell checker enabled': 'stavekontrol slået til'
+'source view': 'se kilde'
+publish: udgiv
+notify: underret
+moderate: moderer
+manage: administrer
+'list number': 'liste med tal'
+'list bullet': 'liste med punkter'
link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
+italic: kursiv
+indent: indryk
+image: billede
+'horizontal rule': 'vandret linje'
+handle: håndtag
+guest: gæst
+'font size': skriftstørrelse
+'font face': skrifttype
+'font color': skriftfarve
+find/replace: søg/erstat
+enlarge: forstør
+enable: 'slå til'
+edit: rediger
+delete: slet
+copy/cut/paste: 'kopier/klip/sæt ind'
+clear: ryd
+'character map': tegnoversigt
+bold: fed
+attach: vedhæft
+'any resource': 'valgfri ressource'
admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
+add: tilføj
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'Du kan ikke forbyde dig selv at administrere $1'
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'Du har ikke tilladelse til at $1 $2.'
+'User type saved.': 'Brugertype gemt.'
+'User type deleted.': 'Brugertype slettet.'
+'User type added.': 'Brugertype tilføjet.'
+'User Groups': 'Bruger grupper'
+Themes: Temaer
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'Det valgte typenavn eksisterer allerede, vælg venligst et andet navn.'
System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
+Structure: Struktur
+'Search Indexer': 'Søge indexer'
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Indstillinger for tekstredigering'
ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
+Polls: Afstemninger
+'Permissions:': 'Tilladelser:'
+'Permissions updated': 'Tilladelser opdateret'
+Notification: Besked
Log: Log
Layout: Layout
Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
+Files: Filer
+'Error: ': 'Fejl:'
+'Edit user type $1': 'Rediger brugertype $1'
+Deny: Afvis
+'Delete user type $1': 'Slet brugertype $1'
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'En brugertype med brugere kan ikke slettes.'
Cache: Cache
Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Authoring: Redigerer
+Allow: Tillad
+'User types': Brugertyper
+'No user types.': 'Ingen brugertyper.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.de.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..097709f831 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.de.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: bekommen
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
+'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Nachricht'
+'Article Playlists': 'Liste ausgewählter Artikel'
+'Check all': 'Alle prüfen'
+view: ansehen
+undo/redo: 'rückgängig machen/wiederholen'
+underline: unterstreichen
+translate: übersetzen
+'text direction': Textrichtung
+'text alignment': Textausrichtung
+table: Tabelle
+superscript: hochgestellt
+subscript: tiefgestellt
+subhead: Zwischentitel
+strikethrough: durchgestrichen
+statusbar: Statuszeile
+'spell checker enabled': 'Rechtschreibprüfung aktiviert'
+'source view': Quelltext
+publish: veröffentlichen
+notify: benachrichtigen
+moderate: moderieren
+manage: verwalten
+'list number': 'Aufzählung numerisch'
+'list bullet': Aufzählungspunkt
+link: Link
+italic: kursiv
+indent: einrücken
+image: Bild
+'horizontal rule': Linie
+handle: anfassen
+guest: Gast
+'font size': Schriftgröße
+'font face': Schrifttyp
+'font color': Schriftfarbe
+find/replace: suchen/ersetzen
+enlarge: vergrößern
+enable: aktivieren
+edit: bearbeiten
+delete: löschen
+copy/cut/paste: kopieren/ausschneiden/einfügen
+clear: löschen
+'character map': Zeichentabelle
+bold: fett
+attach: anhängen
+'any resource': 'jede Ressource'
+admin: Admin
+add: hinzufügen
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'Sie können sich nicht selbst die Verwaltung von $1 verweigern'
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum $1 $2.'
+'User type saved.': 'Benutzertyp gespeichert. '
+'User type deleted.': 'Benutzertyp gelöscht.'
+'User type added.': 'Benutzertyp hinzugefügt.'
+'User Groups': Benutzergruppen
+Themes: Themen
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'Der Typenname existiert bereits, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen. '
System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
+Structure: Struktur
+'Search Indexer': Suchindizierung
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Präferenzen'
ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
+Polls: Umfragen
+'Permissions:': Berechtigungen
+'Permissions updated': 'Berechtigungen aktualisiert'
+Notification: Benachrichtigung
Log: Log
Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
+Global: Globale
+Files: Dateien
+'Error: ': 'Fehler: '
+'Edit user type $1': 'Benutzertyp $1 bearbeiten'
+Deny: Verweigere
+'Delete user type $1': 'Lösche Benutzertyp $1'
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Ein Benutzertyp mit zugewiesenen Benutzern kann nicht gelöscht werden.'
Cache: Cache
Backup: Backup
Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Allow: Erlauben
+'User types': Benutzertypen
+'No user types.': 'Keine Benutzertypen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.de_AT.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..097709f831 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: bekommen
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
+'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Nachricht'
+'Article Playlists': 'Liste ausgewählter Artikel'
+'Check all': 'Alle prüfen'
+view: ansehen
+undo/redo: 'rückgängig machen/wiederholen'
+underline: unterstreichen
+translate: übersetzen
+'text direction': Textrichtung
+'text alignment': Textausrichtung
+table: Tabelle
+superscript: hochgestellt
+subscript: tiefgestellt
+subhead: Zwischentitel
+strikethrough: durchgestrichen
+statusbar: Statuszeile
+'spell checker enabled': 'Rechtschreibprüfung aktiviert'
+'source view': Quelltext
+publish: veröffentlichen
+notify: benachrichtigen
+moderate: moderieren
+manage: verwalten
+'list number': 'Aufzählung numerisch'
+'list bullet': Aufzählungspunkt
+link: Link
+italic: kursiv
+indent: einrücken
+image: Bild
+'horizontal rule': Linie
+handle: anfassen
+guest: Gast
+'font size': Schriftgröße
+'font face': Schrifttyp
+'font color': Schriftfarbe
+find/replace: suchen/ersetzen
+enlarge: vergrößern
+enable: aktivieren
+edit: bearbeiten
+delete: löschen
+copy/cut/paste: kopieren/ausschneiden/einfügen
+clear: löschen
+'character map': Zeichentabelle
+bold: fett
+attach: anhängen
+'any resource': 'jede Ressource'
+admin: Admin
+add: hinzufügen
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'Sie können sich nicht selbst die Verwaltung von $1 verweigern'
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum $1 $2.'
+'User type saved.': 'Benutzertyp gespeichert. '
+'User type deleted.': 'Benutzertyp gelöscht.'
+'User type added.': 'Benutzertyp hinzugefügt.'
+'User Groups': Benutzergruppen
+Themes: Themen
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'Der Typenname existiert bereits, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen. '
System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
+Structure: Struktur
+'Search Indexer': Suchindizierung
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Präferenzen'
ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
+Polls: Umfragen
+'Permissions:': Berechtigungen
+'Permissions updated': 'Berechtigungen aktualisiert'
+Notification: Benachrichtigung
Log: Log
Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
+Global: Globale
+Files: Dateien
+'Error: ': 'Fehler: '
+'Edit user type $1': 'Benutzertyp $1 bearbeiten'
+Deny: Verweigere
+'Delete user type $1': 'Lösche Benutzertyp $1'
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Ein Benutzertyp mit zugewiesenen Benutzern kann nicht gelöscht werden.'
Cache: Cache
Backup: Backup
Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Allow: Erlauben
+'User types': Benutzertypen
+'No user types.': 'Keine Benutzertypen'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.en_GB.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..4f899e4ee2 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.en_GB.yml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ handle: handle
guest: guest
'font size': 'font size'
'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
+'font color': 'font colour'
find/replace: find/replace
enlarge: enlarge
enable: enable
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ attach: attach
'any resource': 'any resource'
admin: admin
add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You can not deny yourself permission to manage $1'
'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.es.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..868a853990 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.es.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: Obtener
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
+Templates: Plantillas
+'Feedback Messages': 'Mensajes de retroalimentación'
+'Article Playlists': 'Lista de reproducción de artículos'
+'Check all': 'Seleccionar todos'
+view: ver
+undo/redo: deshacer/rehacer
+underline: subrayar
+translate: traducir
+'text direction': 'dirección de texto'
+'text alignment': 'alineación de texto'
+table: tabla
+superscript: superíndice
+subscript: subíndice
+subhead: subencabezado
+strikethrough: tachar
+statusbar: 'barra de estado'
+'spell checker enabled': 'revisión ortográfica habilitada'
+'source view': 'vista de fuentes'
+publish: publicar
+notify: notificar
+moderate: moderar
+manage: administrar
+'list number': 'número de lista'
+'list bullet': 'lista de viñetas'
+link: vínculo
+italic: cursiva
+indent: sangría
+image: imagen
+'horizontal rule': 'regla horizontal'
+handle: mover
+guest: invitado
+'font size': 'tamaño de fuente'
+'font face': 'tipo de fuente'
+'font color': 'color de fuente'
+find/replace: encontrar/reemplazar
+enlarge: agrandar
+enable: habilitar
+edit: editar
+delete: eliminar
+copy/cut/paste: copiar/cortar/pegar
+clear: limpiar
+'character map': 'mapa de caracteres'
+bold: negrilla
+attach: añadir
+'any resource': 'cualquier recurso'
+admin: administrador
+add: agregar
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'No puede negarse a administrar $1'
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'Usted no tiene permiso para $1 $2.'
+'User type saved.': 'Tipo de usuario guardado.'
+'User type deleted.': 'Tipo de usuario eliminado.'
+'User type added.': 'Tipo de usuario agregado.'
+'User Groups': 'Grupos de usuario'
+Themes: Temas
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'Ese tipo ya existe. Por favor escoja otro.'
+System: Sistema
+Structure: Estructura
+'Search Indexer': 'Buscar índice'
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Preferencias de editor de texto'
ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
+Polls: 'Encuesta '
+'Permissions:': Permisos
+'Permissions updated': 'Permisos actualizados'
+Notification: Notificación
+Log: Bitácora
+Layout: Formato
Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
+Files: Archivos
+'Error: ': 'Error:'
+'Edit user type $1': 'Editar tipo de usuario $1'
+Deny: Negar
+'Delete user type $1': 'Eliminar tipo de usuario $1'
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'No puede eliminarse un tipo de usuairo con usuarios asignado'
Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Backup: Copia
+Authoring: Autoría
+Allow: Permitir
+'User types': 'Tipo de usuario'
+'No user types.': 'Sin tipo de usuario'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.es_AR.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..37d457d1f3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
-Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+get: null
+Soundcloud: null
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: null
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: null
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: null
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': null
+'No user types.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.fa.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..37d457d1f3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.fa.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
-Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+get: null
+Soundcloud: null
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: null
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: null
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: null
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': null
+'No user types.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.fr.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..61b6ce126d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.fr.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: null
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: Templates
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: null
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': 'Types d utilisateur'
+'No user types.': 'Pas de type dutilisateur'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.he.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..09190ff6ed 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.he.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: null
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: null
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: תבניות
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: null
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': null
+'No user types.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.hr.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..7323573624 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.hr.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: null
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: null
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: Predlošci
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: Datoteke
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': 'Vrste korisnika'
+'No user types.': 'Nema te vrste korisnika.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.hu.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..e8eaea618d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.hu.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: kap
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Templates: Sablonok
+'Feedback Messages': 'Visszajelző üzenetek'
+'Article Playlists': 'Cikk lejátszási listák'
+'Check all': 'Az összes bejelölése'
+view: megtekintés
+undo/redo: visszavonás/ismét
+underline: aláhúzás
+translate: fordítás
+'text direction': szövegirány
+'text alignment': 'szöveg igazítása'
+table: táblázat
+superscript: 'felső index'
+subscript: 'alsó index'
+subhead: alcím
+strikethrough: áthúzás
+statusbar: állapotsor
+'spell checker enabled': 'helyesírás-ellenőrző engedélyezve'
+'source view': 'forrás megtekintése'
+publish: közzétesz
+notify: értesít
+moderate: moderál
+manage: kezel
+'list number': listaszám
+'list bullet': 'lista felsorolásjel'
+link: hivatkozás
+italic: dőlt
+indent: behúzás
+image: kép
+'horizontal rule': 'vízszintes vonal'
+handle: kezel
+guest: vendég
+'font size': betűméret
+'font face': betűtípus
+'font color': betűszín
+find/replace: keresés/csere
+enlarge: nagyít
+enable: engedélyez
+edit: szerkeszt
+delete: töröl
+copy/cut/paste: másolás/kivágás/beillesztés
+clear: tisztít
+'character map': karaktertábla
+bold: félkövér
+attach: csatol
+'any resource': 'bármely erőforrás'
+admin: adminisztrátor
+add: hozzáad
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'Nem tagadhatod meg magadtól a/z $1 kezelését'
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'A/z $1 $2 nem engedélyezett a számodra.'
+'User type saved.': 'A felhasználótípus mentése megtörtént.'
+'User type deleted.': 'A felhasználótípus törlése megtörtént.'
+'User type added.': 'A felhasználótípus hozzáadása megtörtént.'
+'User Groups': Felhasználócsoportok
+Themes: Témák
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'Ez a típusnév már létezik, válassz másik nevet.'
+System: Rendszer
+Structure: Szerkezet
+'Search Indexer': 'Keresési indexelő szolgáltatás'
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich Text szerkesztő beállításai'
+ReCaptcha: reCAPTCHA
+Polls: Szavazások
+'Permissions:': 'Engedélyek:'
+'Permissions updated': 'Az engedélyek frissítése megtörtént'
+Notification: Értesítés
+Log: Napló
+Layout: Elrendezés
+Global: Globális
+Files: Fájlok
+'Error: ': 'Hiba:'
+'Edit user type $1': 'A/z $1 felhasználótípus szerkesztése'
+Deny: Megtagadás
+'Delete user type $1': 'A/z $1 felhasználótípus törlése'
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Nem lehet törölni hozzárendelt felhasználókat tartalmazó felhasználótípust.'
+Cache: Gyorsítótár
+Backup: 'Biztonsági mentés'
+Authoring: Szerkesztés
+Allow: Engedélyezés
+'User types': Felhasználótípusok
+'No user types.': 'Nincsenek felhasználótípusok.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.hy_AM.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..71a80c903c 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
-Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+get: null
+Soundcloud: null
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: ընդգծել
+translate: թարգմանել
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: null
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: խմբագրել
+delete: ջնջել
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: null
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: null
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': null
+'No user types.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ka.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..794d6d6db3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ka.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: მიღება
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
+Templates: შაბლონები
+'Feedback Messages': 'შეფასების შეტყობინებები'
+'Article Playlists': 'სტატიების სია'
+'Check all': 'ყველას მონიშვნა'
+view: ჩვენება
+undo/redo: უკუგდება/გამეორება
+underline: ხაზგასმა
+translate: თარგმნა
+'text direction': 'ტექსტის მიმართულება'
+'text alignment': 'ტექსტის გამწკრივება'
+table: ცხრილი
+superscript: 'ზედა ინდექსი '
+subscript: 'ქვედა ინდექსი'
+subhead: ქვეთავი
+strikethrough: ხაზგადასმა
+statusbar: სტატუს-პანელი
+'spell checker enabled': 'ორთოგრაფი ჩართულია'
+'source view': 'წყაროს ნახვა'
+publish: გამოქვეყნება
+notify: შეტყობინება
+moderate: მოდერაცია
+manage: მართვა
+'list number': 'რიცხვებიანი სია'
+'list bullet': 'წერტილებიანი სია'
+link: ბმული
+italic: 'დახრილი (italic)'
+indent: აბზაცი
+image: გამოსახულება
+'horizontal rule': 'ჰორიზონტალური სახაზავი'
+handle: 'სახელური '
+guest: სტუმარი
+'font size': 'შრიფტის ზომა'
+'font face': შრიფტი
+'font color': 'შრიფტის ფერი'
+find/replace: ნახვა/შეცვლა
+enlarge: გადიდება
+enable: ჩართვა
+edit: რედაქტირება
+delete: წაშლა
+copy/cut/paste: კოპირება/ამოჭრა/ჩასმა
+clear: გაწმენდა
+'character map': 'სიმბოლოთა ცხრილი'
+bold: 'მუქი (bold)'
+attach: მიბმა
+'any resource': 'ნებისმიერი რესურსი'
+admin: ადმინი
+add: დამატება
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'თქვენ არ შეგიძლია საკუთარი თავისთვის $1-ის მართვის გამორთვა'
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ამის უფლება: $1 $2'
+'User type saved.': 'მომხმარებლის ტიპი დამახსოვრდა'
+'User type deleted.': 'მომხმარებლის ტიპი წაიშალა.'
+'User type added.': 'მომხმარებლის ტიპი დაემატა'
+'User Groups': 'მომხმარებელთა ჯგუფი'
+Themes: თემები
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'ასეთი ტიპის სახელი უკვე არსებობს, გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ სხვა.'
+System: სისტემა
+Structure: სტრუქტურა
+'Search Indexer': 'ტერმინოლოგიური საძიებელი'
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'ტექსტის დაფორმატების ველის პარამეტრები'
ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Polls: გამოკითხვები
+'Permissions:': 'უფლებები:'
+'Permissions updated': 'უფლებები განახლდა'
+Notification: შეტყობინება
+Log: აღრიცხვა
+Layout: გეგმა
+Global: გლობალური
+Files: ფაილები
+'Error: ': 'შეცდომა:'
+'Edit user type $1': '$1 მომხმარებლის ტიპის რედაქტირება'
+Deny: უარყოფა
+'Delete user type $1': '$1 მომხმარებლის ტიპის წაშლა'
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'შეუძლებელია მომხმარებლის ტიპის წაშლა, რომელსაც მომხმარებლები აქვს მიბმული.'
+Cache: ქეში
+Backup: 'სარეზერვო ასლი'
+Authoring: 'საავტორო სისტება'
+Allow: 'ნების დართვა'
+'User types': 'მომხმარებლის ტიპი'
+'No user types.': 'მომხმარებლის ტიპები არ არსებობს.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ko.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..07bfce853b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ko.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: null
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: null
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: '템플레이트 '
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: 파일
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': '사용자 타입'
+'No user types.': '사용자 타입 없슴'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ku.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..37d457d1f3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ku.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
-Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+get: null
+Soundcloud: null
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: null
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: null
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: null
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': null
+'No user types.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.lv.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..37d457d1f3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.lv.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
-Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+get: null
+Soundcloud: null
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: null
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: null
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: null
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': null
+'No user types.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.nb_NO.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..37d457d1f3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
-Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+get: null
+Soundcloud: null
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: null
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: null
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: null
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': null
+'No user types.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.pl.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..0a693e1fec 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.pl.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: pobierz
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
+Templates: Szablony
+'Feedback Messages': 'Wiadomość zwrotna'
+'Article Playlists': 'Listy artykułów'
+'Check all': 'Zaznacz wszystkie'
+view: zobacz
+undo/redo: cofnij/dalej
+underline: podkreślenie
+translate: tłumaczenia
+'text direction': 'kierunek tekstu'
+'text alignment': 'pozycjonowanie tekstu'
+table: tabela
superscript: superscript
subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
+subhead: podrubryka
+strikethrough: przekreślenie
+statusbar: 'pasek statusu'
+'spell checker enabled': 'sprawdzanie pisowni'
+'source view': 'widok źródla'
+publish: publikacja
+notify: powiadomienia
+moderate: moderacja
+manage: zarządzanie
+'list number': 'lista numerowana'
+'list bullet': 'lista nieuporządkowana'
link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
+italic: pochylenie
+indent: wcięcie
+image: zdjęcie
+'horizontal rule': 'lista pozioma'
+handle: uchwyt
+guest: gość
+'font size': 'rozmiar czcionki'
+'font face': 'rodzaj czcionki'
+'font color': 'kolor czcionki'
+find/replace: znajdź/zamień
+enlarge: powiększ
+enable: odblokuj
+edit: edytuj
+delete: usuń
+copy/cut/paste: kopiuj/wytnij/wklej
+clear: wyczyść
+'character map': 'lista znaków'
+bold: pogrubienie
+attach: dołacz
+'any resource': 'każdy zasób'
+admin: administrator
+add: dodaj
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'Nie możesz zabronić sobie zarządzania $1'
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'Nie masz uprawnień do $1 $2.'
+'User type saved.': 'Rodzaj użytkownika zapisany.'
+'User type deleted.': 'Rodzaj użytkownika usunięty.'
+'User type added.': 'Rodzaj użytkownika dodany.'
+'User Groups': 'Grupy użytkowników'
+Themes: Szablony
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'Ta nazwa typu już istnieje, wybierz inną nazwę.'
System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Structure: Struktura
+'Search Indexer': 'Indeksowanie wyszukiwania'
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Ustawienia edytora tekstu'
+ReCaptcha: ReCaptacha
+Polls: Ankiety
+'Permissions:': Uprawnienia
+'Permissions updated': 'Uprawnienia zaktualizowane'
+Notification: Powiadomienia
+Log: Logi
+Layout: Układ
+Global: Globalnie
+Files: Pliki
+'Error: ': Błąd
+'Edit user type $1': 'Edytuj typ użytkownika $1'
+Deny: Zabroń
+'Delete user type $1': 'Usuń typ użytkownika $1'
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Nie można usunąć typu użytkownika z przydzielonymi użytkownikami.'
+Cache: 'Pamięć podręczna'
+Backup: 'Kopia zapasowa'
+Authoring: Tworzenie
+Allow: Zezwól
+'User types': 'Typy użytkowników'
+'No user types.': 'Brak typów użytkowników'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ps.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..37d457d1f3 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.ps.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
-Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+get: null
+Soundcloud: null
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: null
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: null
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: null
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': null
+'No user types.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.pt_BR.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..26b946c649 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: null
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: imagem
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: Temas
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: Arquivos
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': 'Tipos de Utilizador'
+'No user types.': 'Não existem'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sh.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..042fc3abe9 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sh.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: null
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
+Templates: Šabloni
+'Feedback Messages': 'Poruke sa povratnom informacijom'
+'Article Playlists': 'Plejliste tekstova'
+'Check all': 'Označi sve'
+view: pogledaj
undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
+underline: podvučeno
+translate: prevedi
+'text direction': 'pravac teksta'
+'text alignment': 'poravnavanje teksta'
+table: tabela
+superscript: 'tekst u eksponentu'
+subscript: 'tekst u indeksu'
+subhead: podnaslov
+strikethrough: precrtano
+statusbar: 'statusna linija'
+'spell checker enabled': 'provera pravopisa omogućena'
+'source view': 'pregled izvora'
+publish: objavi
+notify: obavesti
+moderate: uređuj
+manage: upravljaj
+'list number': 'brojevna lista'
+'list bullet': 'lista stavki'
link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
+italic: italik
+indent: uvlačenje
+image: slika
+'horizontal rule': 'vodoravni lenjir'
+handle: rukovanje
+guest: gost
+'font size': 'veličina pisma'
+'font face': 'vrsta pisma'
+'font color': 'boja pisma'
+find/replace: pronađi/zameni
+enlarge: uvećaj
+enable: omogući
+edit: uredi
+delete: obriši
+copy/cut/paste: kopiraj/iseci/zalepi
+clear: očisti
+'character map': 'mapa karaktera'
+bold: crno
+attach: prikači
+'any resource': 'bilo koji resurs'
admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
+add: dodaj
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'Ne možete osporiti sebi upravljanje $1'
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'Nemate pravo da $1 $2.'
+'User type saved.': 'Tip korisnika snimljen.'
+'User type deleted.': 'Tip korisnika obrisan.'
+'User type added.': 'Tip korisnika dodat.'
+'User Groups': 'Grupe korisnika'
+Themes: Teme
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'Takvo ime tipa već postoji, izaberite neko drugo'
+System: sistem
+Structure: Struktura
+'Search Indexer': 'Indekser pretrage'
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Podešavanja editora teksta'
ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
+Polls: Ankete
+'Permissions:': 'Prava:'
+'Permissions updated': 'Prava izmenjena'
+Notification: Obaveštenja
Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Layout: Izgled
+Global: Globalno
+Files: Fajlova
+'Error: ': 'Greška:'
+'Edit user type $1': 'Uredi tip korisnika $1'
+Deny: Ospori
+'Delete user type $1': 'Obriši tip korisnika $1'
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Nije moguće obrisati tip korisnika sa dodeljenim korisnicima.'
+Cache: Keš
+Backup: Bekap
+Authoring: Autorizovanje
+Allow: Dozvoli
+'User types': 'Tipovi korisnika'
+'No user types.': 'Nema tipova korisnika'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sq.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..cf9f226c8e 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sq.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: null
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: null
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: null
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: null
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': null
+'No user types.': null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sr.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..aa2c8eb709 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sr.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: null
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': 'Поруке са повратном информацијом'
+'Article Playlists': 'Плејлисте текстова'
+'Check all': 'Означи све'
+view: погледај
undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+underline: подвучено
+translate: преведи
+'text direction': 'орјентација текста'
+'text alignment': 'поравнавање текста'
+table: табела
+superscript: 'текст у експоненту'
+subscript: 'текст у индексу'
+subhead: поднаслов
+strikethrough: прецртано
+statusbar: 'статусна линија'
+'spell checker enabled': 'провера правописа омогућена'
+'source view': 'преглед извора'
+publish: објави
+notify: обавести
+moderate: уређуј
+manage: управљај
+'list number': 'бројевна листа'
+'list bullet': 'листа ставки'
+link: линк
+italic: италик
+indent: увлачење
+image: слика
+'horizontal rule': 'водоравни лењир'
+handle: руковање
+guest: гост
+'font size': 'величина писма'
+'font face': 'врста писма'
+'font color': 'боја писма'
+find/replace: пронађи/замени
+enlarge: увећај
+enable: омогући
+edit: уреди
+delete: обриши
+copy/cut/paste: копирај/исеци/залепи
+clear: очисти
+'character map': 'мапа карактера'
+bold: црно
+attach: прикачи
+'any resource': 'било који ресурс'
+admin: админ
+add: додај
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'Не можете оспорити себи управљање $1'
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'Немате право да $1 $2.'
+'User type saved.': 'Тип корисника сачуван.'
+'User type deleted.': 'Тип корисника обрисан'
+'User type added.': 'Тип корисника додат.'
+'User Groups': 'Групе корисника'
+Themes: Теме
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'Такво име типа већ постоји, изаберите неко друго'
+System: систем
+Structure: Структура
+'Search Indexer': 'Индексер претраге'
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Подешавање едитора текста'
+ReCaptcha: РиКепчаReCaptcha
+Polls: Анкете
+'Permissions:': 'Права:'
+'Permissions updated': 'Права измењена'
+Notification: Обавештења
+Log: Лог
+Layout: Изглед
+Global: Глобално
+Files: Фајлова
+'Error: ': 'Грешка:'
+'Edit user type $1': 'Уреди тип корисника $1'
+Deny: Оспори
+'Delete user type $1': 'Обриши тип корисника $1'
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Није могуће обрисати тип корисника са додељеним корисницима.'
+Cache: Кеш
+Backup: Бекап
+Authoring: Ауторизовање
+Allow: Дозволи
+'User types': 'Типови корисника'
+'No user types.': 'Нема типова корисника'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sv.yml
index 3212b6cbf8..499c628d27 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/user_types.sv.yml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-get: get
+get: null
Soundcloud: SoundCloud
-Templates: Templates
-'Feedback Messages': 'Feedback Messages'
-'Article Playlists': 'Article Playlists'
-'Check all': 'Check all'
-view: view
-undo/redo: undo/redo
-underline: underline
-translate: translate
-'text direction': 'text direction'
-'text alignment': 'text alignment'
-table: table
-superscript: superscript
-subscript: subscript
-subhead: subhead
-strikethrough: strikethrough
-statusbar: statusbar
-'spell checker enabled': 'spell checker enabled'
-'source view': 'source view'
-publish: publish
-notify: notify
-moderate: moderate
-manage: manage
-'list number': 'list number'
-'list bullet': 'list bullet'
-link: link
-italic: italic
-indent: indent
-image: image
-'horizontal rule': 'horizontal rule'
-handle: handle
-guest: guest
-'font size': 'font size'
-'font face': 'font face'
-'font color': 'font color'
-find/replace: find/replace
-enlarge: enlarge
-enable: enable
-edit: edit
-delete: delete
-copy/cut/paste: copy/cut/paste
-clear: clear
-'character map': 'character map'
-bold: bold
-attach: attach
-'any resource': 'any resource'
-admin: admin
-add: add
-'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': 'You cant deny yourself to manage $1'
-'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': 'You are not allowed to $1 $2.'
-'User type saved.': 'User type saved.'
-'User type deleted.': 'User type deleted.'
-'User type added.': 'User type added.'
-'User Groups': 'User Groups'
-Themes: Themes
-'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': 'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.'
-System: System
-Structure: Structure
-'Search Indexer': 'Search Indexer'
-'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': 'Rich-Text Editor Preferences'
-ReCaptcha: ReCaptcha
-Polls: Polls
-'Permissions:': 'Permissions:'
-'Permissions updated': 'Permissions updated'
-Notification: Notification
-Log: Log
-Layout: Layout
-Global: Global
-Files: Files
-'Error: ': 'Error: '
-'Edit user type $1': 'Edit user type $1'
-Deny: Deny
-'Delete user type $1': 'Delete user type $1'
-'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': 'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.'
-Cache: Cache
-Backup: Backup
-Authoring: Authoring
-Allow: Allow
-'User types': 'User types'
-'No user types.': 'No user types.'
+Templates: null
+'Feedback Messages': null
+'Article Playlists': null
+'Check all': null
+view: null
+undo/redo: null
+underline: null
+translate: null
+'text direction': null
+'text alignment': null
+table: null
+superscript: null
+subscript: null
+subhead: null
+strikethrough: null
+statusbar: null
+'spell checker enabled': null
+'source view': null
+publish: null
+notify: null
+moderate: null
+manage: null
+'list number': null
+'list bullet': null
+link: null
+italic: null
+indent: null
+image: null
+'horizontal rule': null
+handle: null
+guest: null
+'font size': null
+'font face': null
+'font color': null
+find/replace: null
+enlarge: null
+enable: null
+edit: null
+delete: null
+copy/cut/paste: null
+clear: null
+'character map': null
+bold: null
+attach: null
+'any resource': null
+admin: null
+add: null
+'You cant deny yourself to manage $1': null
+'You are not allowed to $1 $2.': null
+'User type saved.': null
+'User type deleted.': null
+'User type added.': null
+'User Groups': null
+Themes: Mallar
+'That type name already exists, please choose a different name.': null
+System: null
+Structure: null
+'Search Indexer': null
+'Rich-Text Editor Preferences': null
+ReCaptcha: null
+Polls: null
+'Permissions:': null
+'Permissions updated': null
+Notification: null
+Log: null
+Layout: null
+Global: null
+Files: Filer
+'Error: ': null
+'Edit user type $1': null
+Deny: null
+'Delete user type $1': null
+'Can not delete a user type with assigned users.': null
+Cache: null
+Backup: null
+Authoring: null
+Allow: null
+'User types': Användartyper
+'No user types.': 'Inga användartyper.'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.az.yml
index bff59e3f88..17f1e0551b 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.az.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Təsdiqləmək istədiyiniz şifrə ilə təqdim etdiyiniz uyğun deyil.'
+'Password Confirmation': 'Şifrənin Təsdiqi'
+Website: Vebsayt
Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
+'Save profile': 'Profili saxla'
+'Profile image': 'Profil şəkli'
+Organisation: Təşkilat
+'Last Name Public': 'İctimai Soyad'
Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
+Geolocation: Xəritə
Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
+'First Name Public': 'İctimai Ad'
Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
+'Date of birth': 'Doğum tarixi'
+'Allow sending emails': 'Email göndərməni aktiv et'
+'About me': Haqqında
+'User with email %s is registered already.': '%s emailli istifadəçi artıq qeydiyyatdan keçib.'
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Bu istifadəçi adı istifadədədir. Lütfən, başqasını seç.'
+Continue: 'Davam et'
+'Accepting terms of use': 'Qaydaların qəbulu'
+'send confirmation email': 'təsdiq emaili göndər'
+'edit user': 'istifadəçini dəyiş'
+'delete user': 'istifadəçini sil'
+'Verified profile': 'Yoxlanmış profil'
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Ümumilikdə _TOTAL_ girişin _START_-dan/dən _END_-a/ə qaydasında nümayişi'
+'Send email to user:': 'Bu istifadəçiyə email göndər:'
+'No users found.': 'İstifadəçi tapılmadı.'
+'No records found.': 'Yazı tapılmadı.'
+'No entries to show': 'Nümayiş üçün giriş yoxdur'
+'Display _MENU_ records': '_MENU_ yazılarını göstər'
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': '{action} istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Active Logins': 'Aktiv Girişlər'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- _MAX_ yazılarından filtrləmə'
+'User renamed.': 'İstifadəçi adını dəyişib.'
+'User attributes': 'İstifadəçi atributları'
+'Rename user $1': '$1 adlı istifadəçinin adını dəyiş'
+'Username is used already': 'Bu istifadəçi adı artıq istifadədədir'
+'User with id $1 not found': '$1 id-li istifadəçi tapılmadı'
+'User was deleted.': 'İstifadəçi silinmişdir.'
+'User saved': 'İstifadəçi saxlandı'
+'User id not specified': 'İstifadəçi id-si qeyd edilməyib'
+'User $1 created': '$1 adlı istifadəçi yaradılıb'
+'Send confirm email': 'Təsdiq emaili göndər'
+'Profile saved.': 'Profil saxlandı.'
+Picture: Şəkil
+'Password updated': 'Şifrə yeniləndi'
+None: 'Heç biri'
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'Yeni təsdiq emaili istifadəçiyə göndərildi.'
+'Email is used already': 'Email artıq istifadədədir'
+'Edit your password': 'Parolunu dəyiş'
+'Edit user $1': '$1 adlı istifadəçini dəyiş'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Abunəlikləri dəyiş'
+'Edit profile': 'Profili dəyiş'
+'Edit permissions': 'İcazələri dəyiş'
+'Create new account': 'Yeni hesab yarat'
+'Comment ban settings': 'Şərh kilid parametrləri'
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': '$1 adlı istifadəçi üçün kilid saxlandı.'
+'User account is active': 'İstifadəçi hesabı aktivdir'
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'İstifadəçi profilinin ictimai nümayişinə icazə ver'
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'İstifadəçinin sayt panelinin girişinə icazə ver.'
+Templates: Üzlük
+Username: 'İstifadəçi adı'
+'Last Name': Soyad
+'First Name': Ad
Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'You were logged out.': 'Sən sistemdən çıxmısan.'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Bölmə Başlığı'
+Filters: Filtrlər
+'Add new Author': 'Yeni Müəllif əlavə et'
+'Loading Data': 'Yüklənən Məlumat'
+'Delete author type': 'Müəllif növünü sil'
+'Cannot remove author type.': 'Müəllif növünün xaric edilməsi alınmır.'
+'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Müəllif ləqəbinin xaric edilməsi alınmır.'
+'Author alias removed.': 'Müəllif ləqəbi xaric edildi.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Bu müəllifi silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Bu müəllif ləqəbini silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'All Author Types': 'Bütün Müəllif Növləri'
+'Add author type': 'Müəllif növü əlavə et'
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'Müəllifləri dəyişməyə icazən yoxdur.'
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Lütfən, ən azı ad və soyadı daxil et.'
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Müəllif növünü əlavə edə bilmirik, bu növ artıq mövcuddur.'
+'Author type removed.': 'Müəllif növü xaric edildi.'
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Müəllif növü ən azı üç işarədən ibarət olmalıdır.'
+'Author type added.': 'Müəllif növü əlavə edildi.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Bu müəllif növünü silmək istədiyinə əminsən?'
+'User may change authors': 'İstifadəçi müəllifləri dəyişə bilər'
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Yeni şəkil əlavə etmək alınmır, kataloqa əlavələr mümkün deyil.'
+'Author saved.': 'Müəllif saxlandı.'
+'Author deleted.': 'Müəllif silindi.'
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Firefox söz yoxlamasını ilkin olaraq meəyyənləşdir'
+'User may use the editor status bar': 'İstifadəçi dəyişiklik status zolağını istifadə edə bilər'
+'User may clear up the system cache': 'İstifadəçi sistem keşini təmizləyə bilər'
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Bu email ünvanla başqa istifadəçi qeydiyyatdan keçib, letfən, başqasını seç.'
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'İstifadəçi məlumatlının yenilənməsində xəta baş verdi.'
+'User may moderate comments': 'İstifadəçi şərhləri idarə edə bilər'
+'User may enable comments': 'İstifadəçi şərhləri aktivləşdirə bilər'
+'User may translate articles': 'İstifadəçi məqalələri tərcümə edə bilər'
+'User may move articles': 'İstifadəçi məqalələrin yerini dəyişə bilər'
+'User may find and replace': 'İstifadəçi tapa və yerdəyişmə edə bilər'
+'User may change system preferences': 'İstifadəçi sistem göstəricilərini dəyişə bilər'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'İstifadəçi məqaləyə mövzu əlavə edə bilər'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'İstifadəçi məqalələrə şəkil əlavə edə bilər'
+'User may add special characters': 'İstifadəçi xüsusi işarələr əlavə edə bilər'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'O istifadəçi adı artıq mövcuddur, lütfən, başqa giriş adı seç.'
+'User may delete article attachments': 'İstifadəçi məqalələrin əlavə edilmiş fayllarını silə bilər'
+'User may change article attachments': 'İstifadəçi məqalənin əlavə edilmiş fayllarını dəyişə bilər'
+'User may add article attachments': 'İstifadəçi məqaləyə əlavə fayl daxil edə bilər'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Sənin istifadəçi hesabı yaratmağa ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You must select a $1': 'İstifadəçi $1 seçməlidir'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'Şifrə azı 6 işarədən ibarət olmalı və hər ikisi uyğun olmalıdır.'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'İstifadəçi hesabı yaradıla bilmədi.'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': '$1 istifadəçi hesabı müvəffəqiyyətlə yaradıldı.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'İstifadəçi hesabı icazələrini dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'İstifadəçi hesab məlumatlarını dəyişməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'Yazdığın şifrə səhvdir.'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'İstifadəçi hesablarını silməyə ixtiyarın yoxdur.'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': '$1 istifadəçi hesabı müvəffəqiyyətlə silindi.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': '$1 IP Qrupu yaradıldı.'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'IP ünvan qrupunun yaradılmasında xəta baş verdi.'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': '$1 IP ünvan qrupu silinmişdir.'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': '$1 istifadəçi məlumatı müvəffəqiyyətlə dəyilmişdir.'
+'User Type': 'İstifadəçi Növü'
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': '$1:$2 IP ünvan qrupu başqa mövcud qrupla uyğunsuzdur.'
+'User may add/change publications': 'İstifadəçi nəşrləri əlavə edə/dəyişə bilər.'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'İstifadəçi növü parametrinin səhv dəyəri'
+'User may delete publications': 'İstifadəçi nəşrləri silə bilər'
+'User may add/change issues': 'İstifadəçi məsələləri əlavə edə/dəyişə bilər'
+'User may delete issues': 'İstifadəçi məsələləri silə bilər'
+'User may add/change sections': 'İstifadəçi bölmələri əlavə edə/dəyişə bilər'
+'User may delete sections': 'İstifadəçi bölmələri silə bilər'
+'User may add articles': 'İstifadəçi məqalə əlavə edə bilər'
+'User may change articles': 'İstifadəçi məqalələri dəyişə bilər'
+'User may delete articles': 'İstifadəçi məqalələri silə bilər'
+'User may add images': 'İstifadəçi şəkil əlavə edə bilər'
+'User may change images': 'İstifadəçi şəkilləri dəyişə bilər'
+'User may delete images': 'İstifadəçi şəkilləri silə bilər'
+'User may delete templates': 'İstifadəçi nümunələri silə bilər'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'İstifadəçi heyətin hesab və şifrələrini əlavə edə/dəyişə bilər'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'İstifadəçi abunələrin hesab və şifrələrini əlavə edə/dəyişə bilər'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'İstifadəçi heyət hesablarını silə bilər'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'İstifadəçi digər istifadəçilərin abunəliklərinə nəzarət edə bilər'
+'User may manage account types': 'İstifadəçi hesab növlərinə nəzarət edə bilər'
+'User may add/change article types': 'İstifadəçi məqalə növlərini əlavə edə/dəyişə bilər'
+'User may delete article types': 'İstifadəçi məqalə növlərini silə bilər'
+'User may manage templates': 'İstifadəçi nümunələrə nəzarət edə bilər'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'İstifadəçi ölkə girişlərini əlavə edə/dəyişə bilər'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'İstifadəçi dil əlavə edə və dil məlumatlarına nəzarət edə bilər'
+'User may delete languages': 'İstifadəçi dil silə bilər'
+'User may view audit logs': 'İstifadəçi audit girişinə baxa bilər'
+'User may delete country entries': 'İstifadəçi ölkə girişlərini silə bilər'
+'User may manage localizer': 'İstifadəçi tərcüməçiyə nəzarət edə bilər'
+'User may publish articles': 'İstifadəçi məqalə nümayiş edə bilər'
+'User may manage topics': 'İstifadəçi mövzulara nəzarət edə bilər'
+'User may use bold': 'İstifadəçi qalın hərif istifadə edə bilər'
+'User may use italic': 'İstifadəçi əl yazısı istifadə edə bilər'
+'User may use underline': 'İstifadəçi altxətt istifadə edilə bilər'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'İstifadəçi kəsişmə istifadə edə bilər'
+'User may change text alignment': 'İstifadəçi mətnin yerləşməsini dəyişə bilər'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'İstifadəçi köçürə, kəsə və yapışdıra bilər'
+'User may undo/redo': 'İstifadəçi geri/irəli gedə bilər'
+'User may change text direction': 'İstifadəçi mətnin istiqamətini dəyişə bilər'
+'User may set indents': 'İStifadəçi boşluq təyin edə bilər'
+'User may add links': 'İstifadəçi link əlavə edə bilər'
+'User may add subheads': 'İstifadəçi altbaşlıq əlavə edə bilər'
+'User may insert images': 'İstifadəçi şəkil əlavə edə bilər'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'İstifadəçi HTML mənbəyə baxa bilər'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'İstifadəçi dəyişmə funksiyasını genişləndirə bilər'
+'User may change the font face': 'İstifadəçi işarə formasını dəyişə bilər'
+'User may change the font size': 'İstifadəçi işarə ölçüsünü dəyişə bilər'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'İstifadəçi işarələnmiş siyahı yarada bilər'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'İstifadəçi rəqəmlənmiş siyahı yarada bilər'
+'User may insert tables': 'İstifadəçi masa daxil edə bilər'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'İstifadəçi şaquli xətlər əlavə edə bilər'
+'User may change the font color': 'İstifadəçi işarə rəngini dəyişə bilər'
+'User may use superscripts': 'İstifadəçi superskript istifadə edə bilər'
+'User may use subscripts': 'İstifadəçi altskript istifadə edə bilər'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': 'İstifadəçi sayt məlumatını arxivləşdirə bilər'
+Miscellaneous: Digər
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Heyət/Abunə İdarəçiliyi'
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Dəyişmə Panelinin İlkin Parametrləri'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Dəyişmə Panelinin Əsas Parametrləri'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Dəyişmə Paneli Masa Parametrləri'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Administrativ işlər'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'İstifadəçi bir çox tədbirlər haqqında məlumatlandırılacaq'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Dəyişmə Panelinin Qarışıq Parametrləri'
+'No such user account.': 'Belə istifadəçi hesabı yoxdur.'
+'User image (full-size)': 'İstifadəçi şəkli (tam ölçü)'
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: 'İstifadəçi axtarışı'
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: 'İstifadəçilərin İdarəetməsi'
+ created: Yaradıldı
+ updated: Yeniləndi
status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ registered: Qeydiyyatlı
+ pending: Gözləyən
+ deleted: Silindi
+ active: Aktiv
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Addımlar
+ edit: 'Redaktə et'
+ resend_email: 'Aktivləşdirmə emailini yenidən göndər'
+ rename: 'Adını dəyiş'
+ remove: 'Xaric Et'
+ confirm_remove: 'Bu istifadəçini pozmaq istəyirsiniz?'
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
+ page: Səhifə
+ perPageText: 'Göstər:'
+ pageText: 'Səhifə:'
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} bu istiqamətdə {pageUpperBound} tərəfindən'
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: 'tərəfindən {recordsShown}'
recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: '(buradan filtrlənmişdir; {recordsTotal} ümumi yazı)'
+ recordCountText: 'Nümayiş edilir'
+ recordCountTextTemplate: 'text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
+ recordCountTemplate: '{mətnNümunəsi}'
+ processingText: İcradadır...
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: 'Aktiv Girişlər'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.be.yml
index bff59e3f88..46c42c1ec0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.be.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: Web-сайт.
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: 'Вызначэньне месца на карце'
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Паказаныя _START_ да _END_ / _TOTAL_ запісаў'
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': 'Не абрана ніводная з запісаў'
+'No entries to show': 'Няма запісаў для прагляду'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Адлюстраваць _MENU_ запісы'
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': 'фільтраванне ад _MAX_ запісаў'
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: Ніводная
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': 'Рэдагаваць пароль'
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': 'Рэдагаваць правы доступу'
+'Create new account': 'Стварыць новы ўліковы запіс'
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: Шаблёны
+Username: 'Імя карыстальніка'
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Падзагаловак Newscoop'
+Filters: Фільтры
+'Add new Author': 'Дадаць новага аўтара'
+'Loading Data': 'Загрузка звестак'
+'Delete author type': 'Выдаліць тып аўтара'
+'Cannot remove author type.': 'Гэты тып аўтара не можа быць выдалены.'
+'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Гэты псэўданім аўтара не можа быць выдалены.'
+'Author alias removed.': 'Аліяс аўтара быў выдалены.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдаліць гэтага аўтара?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдаліць псэўданім гэтага аўтара?'
+'All Author Types': 'Усе тыпы аўтараў'
+'Add author type': 'Дадаць тып аўтара'
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'У Вас няма правоў доступу для змены інфармацыі аб аўтарах.'
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Калі ласка, увядзіце імя і прозвішча.'
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Немагчыма дадаць такі тып аўтара, ён ужо існуе.'
+'Author type removed.': 'Гэты тып аўтара выдалены.'
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Тып аўтара павінен быць як мінімум на 3 сімвала больш.'
+'Author type added.': 'Дададзены новы тып аўтара.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Вы ўпэўненыя, што жадаеце выдаліць гэты тып аўтара?'
+'User may change authors': 'Карыстальнік можа змяняць інфармацыю пра аўтараў'
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Немагчыма дадаць малюнак, мэтавы каталог недаступны для запісу.'
+'Author saved.': 'Інфармацыя пра аўтара захаваная.'
+'Author deleted.': 'Аўтар выдалены.'
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Уключыць праверку правапісу ў Firefox па-змоўчванні'
+'User may use the editor status bar': 'Карыстач можа карыстацца радком стану рэдактара'
+'User may clear up the system cache': 'Карыстач можа чысціць сістэму кэшавання'
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Іншы карыстач зарэгістраваўся пад гэтым электронным адрасам, калі ласка, увядзіце іншы.'
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'Адбылася памылка пры спробе абнаўлення інфармацыі аб карыстачу.'
+'User may moderate comments': 'Карыстальнiк можа мадэраваць камэнтары'
+'User may enable comments': 'Карыстальнiк можа дазваляць камэнтары'
+'User may translate articles': 'Карыстальнiк можа перакладаць артыкулы'
+'User may move articles': 'Карыстальнiк можа перамяшчаць артыкулы'
+'User may find and replace': 'Карыстальнiк можа выконваць пошук i замену'
+'User may change system preferences': 'Карыстальнiк можа зьмяняць наладкі сыстэмы'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'Карыстальнiк можа прымацоўваць тэмы да артыкулаў'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'Карыстальнiк можа прымацоўваць графiчныя файлы да артыкулаў'
+'User may add special characters': 'Карыстальнiк можа дадаваць спэцыяльныя сымбалі'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Гэтае iмя карыстальнiка ўжо iснуе, калi ласка выбераце iншае iмя.'
+'User may delete article attachments': 'Карыстальнiк можа выдаляць дадаткі да артыкулаў.'
+'User may change article attachments': 'Карыстальнiк можа зьмяняць дадаткі да артыкулаў.'
+'User may add article attachments': 'Карыстальнiк можа дадаваць дадаткі да артыкулаў.'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для стварэньня ўліковых запiсаў карыстальнiкаў.'
+'You must select a $1': 'Вы павiнны вызначыць $1'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'Пароль павiнен складацца ня меней, чым з 6 сiмвалаў.'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'Немагчамы стварыць улiковы запic карыстальнiка.'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'Улiковы запic карыстальнiка $1 быў пасьпяхова створаны.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для зьмяненьня правоў улiковага запicу карыстальнiка.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для зьмяненьня iнфармацыi аб улiковым запicе карыстальнiка.'
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'Вы ўвялі няправільны пароль.'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'Вы ня маеце права доступу для выдаленьня ўлiковых запicаў карыстальнiкаў.'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Улiковы запic карыстальнiка $1 пасьпяхова выдалены.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'IP-група $1 была створаная'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'Памылка стварэньня групы IP адрасоў.'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'Група IP адрасоў $1 была выдаленая.'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'Iнфармацыя карыстальнiка $1 была пасьпяхова зьмененая.'
+'User Type': 'Тып карыстальнiка'
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'Група IP-адрасоў канфлiктуе'
+'User may add/change publications': 'Карыстальнiк можа дадаваць/зьмяняць выданьнi'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Няправiльнае значэньне тыпу карыстальнiка'
+'User may delete publications': 'Карыстальнiк можа выдаляць выданьнi'
+'User may add/change issues': 'Карыстальнiк можа дадаваць/зьмяняць выпускi'
+'User may delete issues': 'Карыстальнiк можа выдаляць выпускi'
+'User may add/change sections': 'Карыстальнiк можа дадаваць/зьмяняць рубрыкi'
+'User may delete sections': 'Карыстальнiк можа выдаляць рубрыкi'
+'User may add articles': 'Карыстальнiк можа дадаваць артыкулы'
+'User may change articles': 'Карыстальнiк можа зьмяняць артыкулы'
+'User may delete articles': 'Карыстальнiк можа выдаляць артыкулы'
+'User may add images': 'Карыстальнiк можа дадаваць графiчныя файлы'
+'User may change images': 'Карыстальнiк можа зьмяняць графiчныя файлы'
+'User may delete images': 'Карыстальнiк можа выдаляць графiчныя файлы'
+'User may delete templates': 'Карыстальнiк можа выдаляць шаблёны'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'Карыстальнiк можа дадаваць/выдаляць улiковыя запicы i паролi пэрсаналу.'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'Карыстальнiк можа дадаваць/выдаляць улiковыя запicы i паролi падпiсчыкаў'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'Карыстальнiк можа выдаляць улiковыя запicы пэрсаналу.'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'Карыстальнiк можа кiраваць карыстальнiцкiмi падпiскамі'
+'User may manage account types': 'Карыстальнiк можа кiраваць тыпамi ўлiковых запicаў'
+'User may add/change article types': 'Карыстальнiк можа дадаваць/зьмяняць тыпы артыкулаў'
+'User may delete article types': 'Карыстальнiк можа выдаляць тыпы артыкулаў'
+'User may manage templates': 'Карыстальнiк можа кiраваць шаблёнамi'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'Карыстальнiкi могуць выдаляць/зьмяняць запicы аб краiнах'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'Карыстальнiк можа дадаваць мовы i кiраваць iнформацыяй аб мовах'
+'User may delete languages': 'Карыстальнiк можа выдаляць мовы'
+'User may view audit logs': 'Карыстальнiк можа праглядаць журнал справаздачнасьцi'
+'User may delete country entries': 'Карыстальнiк можа выдаляць запiсы аб краiнах'
+'User may manage localizer': 'Карыстальнiк можа кiраваць лякалізатарам'
+'User may publish articles': 'Карыстальнiк можа публікаваць артыкулы'
+'User may manage topics': 'Карыстальнiк можа кiраваць тэмамi'
+'User may use bold': 'Карыстальнiк можа выкарыстоўваць тып шрыфту Bold'
+'User may use italic': 'Карыстальнiк можа выкарыстоўваць тып шрыфту Italic'
+'User may use underline': 'Карыстальнiк можа вылучаць тэкст падкрэсьлiваньнем'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'Карыстальнiк можа вылучаць тэкст перакрэсьлiваньнем '
+'User may change text alignment': 'Карыстальнiк можа зьмяняць выроўніваньне тэксту'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'Карыстальнiк можа капіяваць, вырэзваць i ўстаўляць'
+'User may undo/redo': 'Карыстальнiк можа адмяняць дзеяньнi'
+'User may change text direction': 'Карыстальнiк можа зьмяняць напрамак тэксту'
+'User may set indents': 'Карыстальнiк можа ўсталёўваць водступы'
+'User may add links': 'Карыстальнiк можа дадаваць спасылкi'
+'User may add subheads': 'Карыстальнiк можа дадаваць падзагалоўкі'
+'User may insert images': 'Карыстальнiк можа ўстаўляць графiчыя файлы'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'Карыстальнiк можа глядзець HTML-код'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'Карыстальнiк можа расшыраць рэдактар'
+'User may change the font face': 'Карыстальнiк можа зьмяняць шрыфт'
+'User may change the font size': 'Карыстальнiк можа змяняць памер шрыфту'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'Карыстальнiк можа ствараць ненумараваны сьпiс'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'Карыстальнiк можа ствараць нумараваны сьпiс'
+'User may insert tables': 'Карыстальнiк можа ўстаўляць таблицы'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'Карыстальнiк можа ўстаўляць гарызантальныя лініі'
+'User may change the font color': 'Карыстальнiк можа зьмяняць колер шрыфту'
+'User may use superscripts': 'Карыстальнiк можа выкарыстоўваць верхнi шрыфт'
+'User may use subscripts': 'Карыстальнiк можа выкарыстовываць ніжні шрыфт'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': 'Карыстальнік можа кіраваць рэзервным капіраваннем'
+Miscellaneous: Рознае
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Кiраваньне пэрсаналам/падпiсчыкамі'
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Асноўныя наладкі рэдактара'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Расшыраныя наладкі шрыфтоў рэдактару'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Наладкі таблiц'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Адміністрацыйныя заданьнi'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'Карыстальнiк будзе апавяшчацца аб некаторых падзеях'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Iншыя наладкі рэдактара'
+'No such user account.': 'Няма такога ўлiковага запicу карыстальнiка.'
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: 'Кіраванне карыстальнікамі'
+ created: Створаная
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: Стан
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: Выдаленае
+ active: Актыўна
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Апэрацыi
+ edit: Праўка
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: Пераназваць
+ remove: Выдалiць
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: Апрацоўка...
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.bn.yml
index bff59e3f88..835e20d9f0 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.bn.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: null
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': null
+'User may move articles': null
+'User may find and replace': null
+'User may change system preferences': null
+'User may attach topics to articles': null
+'User may attach images to articles': null
+'User may add special characters': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'User may delete article attachments': null
+'User may change article attachments': null
+'User may add article attachments': null
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': null
+'You must select a $1': null
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': null
+'The user account could not be created.': null
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': null
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': null
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': null
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': null
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': null
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': null
+'User Type': null
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'User may add/change publications': null
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': null
+'User may delete publications': null
+'User may add/change issues': null
+'User may delete issues': null
+'User may add/change sections': null
+'User may delete sections': null
+'User may add articles': null
+'User may change articles': null
+'User may delete articles': null
+'User may add images': null
+'User may change images': null
+'User may delete images': null
+'User may delete templates': null
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': null
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': null
+'User may delete staff accounts': null
+'User may manage user subscriptions': null
+'User may manage account types': null
+'User may add/change article types': null
+'User may delete article types': null
+'User may manage templates': null
+'User may add/change country entries': null
+'User may add languages and manage language information': null
+'User may delete languages': null
+'User may view audit logs': null
+'User may delete country entries': null
+'User may manage localizer': null
+'User may publish articles': null
+'User may manage topics': null
+'User may use bold': null
+'User may use italic': null
+'User may use underline': null
+'User may use strikethrough': null
+'User may change text alignment': null
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': null
+'User may undo/redo': null
+'User may change text direction': null
+'User may set indents': null
+'User may add links': null
+'User may add subheads': null
+'User may insert images': null
+'User may view the HTML source': null
+'User may enlarge the editor': null
+'User may change the font face': null
+'User may change the font size': null
+'User may create bulleted lists': null
+'User may create numbered lists': null
+'User may insert tables': null
+'User may insert horizontal rules': null
+'User may change the font color': null
+'User may use superscripts': null
+'User may use subscripts': null
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: null
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': null
+'Editor Basic Settings': null
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': null
+'Editor Table Settings': null
+'Administrative tasks': null
+'User will be notified on several events': null
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': null
+'No such user account.': null
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: null
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: null
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: null
+ edit: সম্পাদন
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: null
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: null
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.cs.yml
index bff59e3f88..810ddf9e73 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.cs.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Potvrzení hesla se neshoduje s Vaším heslem. '
+'Password Confirmation': 'Potvrzení hesla'
+Website: 'Webová stránka'
Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
+'Save profile': 'Uložit profil'
+'Profile image': 'Profilová fotka'
+Organisation: Organizace
+'Last Name Public': Příjmení
Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
+Geolocation: Geolokace
+Gender: Pohlaví
+'First Name Public': 'Křestní jméno '
Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
+'Date of birth': 'Datum narození'
+'Allow sending emails': 'Povolit posílání e-mailů'
+'About me': 'O mně'
+'User with email %s is registered already.': 'Uživatel s e-mailovou adresou %s je již registrován.'
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Uživatelské jméno je již používáno. Prosím použijte jiné. '
+Continue: Pokračovat
+'Accepting terms of use': 'Souhlasím s podmínkami použití'
+'send confirmation email': 'poslat potvrzovací e-mail'
+'edit user': 'upravit uživatele'
+'delete user': 'smazat uživatele'
+'Verified profile': 'Ověřený profil'
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Ukázat _START_ až _END_ z _TOTAL_ záznamů'
+'Send email to user:': 'Poslat e-mail uživateli: '
+'No users found.': 'Uživatelé nenalezeni. '
+'No records found.': 'Nebyly nalezeny žádné záznamy.'
+'No entries to show': 'Nejsou zde žádné příspěvky k zobrazení'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Zobrazit _MENU_ záznamy'
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Jste si jisti, že chcete {akci}?'
+'Active Logins': 'Aktivní přihlášení'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtrováno z _MAX_ záznamů'
+'User renamed.': 'Uživatel přejmenován.'
+'User attributes': 'Atributy uživatele'
+'Rename user $1': 'Přejmenovat uživatele $1'
+'Username is used already': 'Uživatelské jméno je již používáno'
+'User with id $1 not found': 'Uživatel soznačením $1 nenalezen'
+'User was deleted.': 'Uživatel byl vymazán'
+'User saved': 'Uživatel byl uložen'
+'User id not specified': 'Označení uživatele nespecifikované'
+'User $1 created': 'Uživatel $1 vytvořen'
+'Send confirm email': 'Poslat potvrzovací email'
+'Profile saved.': 'Profil uložen'
+Picture: Obrázek
+'Password updated': 'Heslo aktualizováno'
+None: Žádné
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'Nový email s potvrzením byl uživateli zaslán'
+'Email is used already': 'Email je již používán'
+'Edit your password': 'Upravit heslo'
+'Edit user $1': 'Upravit uživatele $1'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Editovat předplatné'
+'Edit profile': 'Upravit profil'
+'Edit permissions': 'Upravit povolení'
+'Create new account': 'Vytvořit nový účet'
+'Comment ban settings': 'Komentovat zakázané nastavení'
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Zákaz pro uživatele $1 uložen'
+'User account is active': 'Uživatelský účet je aktivní'
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Povolit, aby uživatelův profil byl zobrazen veřejně'
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Povolit uživateli přístup se zalogovat do backendu stránky'
+Templates: Šablony
+Username: 'Uživatelské jméno'
+'Last Name': Přijmení
+'First Name': 'Křestní jméno'
Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'You were logged out.': 'Byl jste odhlášen.'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Podnadpis Newscoopu'
+Filters: Filtry
+'Add new Author': 'Přidat nového autora'
+'Loading Data': 'Nahrávat Data'
+'Delete author type': 'Vymazat typ autora'
+'Cannot remove author type.': 'Není možné odstranit typ autora.'
+'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Není možné odstranit pseudonym autora.'
+'Author alias removed.': 'Přezdívka autora odstraněna.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Jste si jist, že chcete vymazat tohoto autora?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Jste si jist, že chcete vymazat pseudonym autora?'
+'All Author Types': 'Všechny Typy Autorů'
+'Add author type': 'Přidán typ autora'
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'Nemáte oprávnění měnit autory.'
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Prosíme vyplňte alespoň jméno a příjmení.'
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Není možné přidat typ autora, tento typ již existuje.'
+'Author type removed.': 'Typ autora odstraněn.'
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Typ autora musí obsahovat alespoň tři znaky.'
+'Author type added.': 'Typ autora přidán.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Jste si jist, že chcete vymazat tento typ autora?'
+'User may change authors': 'Uživatel smí měnit autory.'
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Nezdařilo se přidat nový obrázek. Do cílové složky nelze zapisovat.'
+'Author saved.': 'Autor uložen.'
+'Author deleted.': 'Autor odstraněn.'
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Defaultně povolit Firefoxu kontrolu pravopisu'
+'User may use the editor status bar': 'Uživatel smí použít status bar editoru'
+'User may clear up the system cache': 'Uživatel smí vyčistit system cache'
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Tento e-mail se již používá, prosím zvolte jiný.'
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'Vyskytla se chyba při pokusu o aktualizování uživatelských informací.'
+'User may moderate comments': 'Uživatel smí moderovat komentáře'
+'User may enable comments': 'Uživatel smí povolit komentáře'
+'User may translate articles': 'Uživatel smí překládat články'
+'User may move articles': 'Uživatel smí přemisťovat články'
+'User may find and replace': 'Uživatel smí vyhledávat a nahrazovat'
+'User may change system preferences': 'Uživatel smí měnit systémové předvolby'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'Uživatel smí přikládat témata k článkům'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'Uživatel smí přikládat obrázky k článkům'
+'User may add special characters': 'Uživatel smí přidávat speciální znaky'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Toto uživatlské jméno již existuje, prosím vyberte si jiné přihlašovací jméno.'
+'User may delete article attachments': 'Uživatel smí mazat přílohy článků'
+'User may change article attachments': 'Uživatel smí měnit přílohy článků'
+'User may add article attachments': 'Uživatel smí přidávat přílohy člákům'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Nemáte právo vytvářet uživatelské účty'
+'You must select a $1': 'Musíte vybrat $1'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'Heslo musí obsahovat nejméně 6 znaků a obě hesla musí být shodná'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'Uživatelský účet $1 nemohl být vytvořen'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'Uživatelský účet $1 byl úspěšně vytvořen.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'Nemáte právo měnit práva uživatelského účtu'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'Nemáte právo měnit informace uživatelského účtu'
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'Heslo, které jste zadali je špatné'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'Nemáte právo smazat uživatelské účty'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Uživatelský účet $1 byl úspěšně odstraněn.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'IP skupina $1 byla vytvořena'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'Vyskytla se chyba při vytváření skupiny IP adres.'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'IP skupina $1 byla smazána'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'Uživatelské $1 informace byly úspěšně změněny.'
+'User Type': 'Typ Uživatele'
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'IP skupina $1:$2 je v rozporu s jinou existující skupinou.'
+'User may add/change publications': 'Uživatel může přidat/změnit publikace'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Neplatná hodnota nebo parametr typu uživatele'
+'User may delete publications': 'Uživatel může smazat publikace'
+'User may add/change issues': 'Uživatel může přidat/změnit vydání'
+'User may delete issues': 'Uživatel může smazat vydání'
+'User may add/change sections': 'Uživatel může přidat/změnit rubriky'
+'User may delete sections': 'Uživatel může smazat rubriky'
+'User may add articles': 'Uživatel může přidat články'
+'User may change articles': 'Uživatel může změnit články'
+'User may delete articles': 'Uživatel může smazat články'
+'User may add images': 'Uživatel může přidat obrázky'
+'User may change images': 'Uživatel může změnit obrázky'
+'User may delete images': 'Uživatel může smazat obrázky'
+'User may delete templates': 'Uživatel může smazat šablony'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'Uživatel může přidat/upravit uživatelské účty a hesla zaměstnanců'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'Uživatel může přidat/upravit uživatelské účty a hesla předplatitelů'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'Uživatel může odstranit uživatelské účty zaměstnanců'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'Uživatel může spravovat předplatné'
+'User may manage account types': 'Uživatel může změnit typy účtu'
+'User may add/change article types': 'Uživatel může přidat/změnit typy článku'
+'User may delete article types': 'Uživatel může smazat typy článků'
+'User may manage templates': 'Uživate může spravovat šablony'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'Uživatel může přidávat a modifikovat záznamy o jednotlivých zemích.'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'Uživatel může přidat a spravovat jazyky'
+'User may delete languages': 'Uživatel může mazat jazyky'
+'User may view audit logs': 'Uživatel může nahlížet do logu'
+'User may delete country entries': 'Uživatel může mazat názvy zemí'
+'User may manage localizer': 'Uživatel může spravovat lokalizátor'
+'User may publish articles': 'Uživatel může zveřejňovat články'
+'User may manage topics': 'Uživatel může spravovat témata'
+'User may use bold': 'Uživatel může v článku používat tučný text'
+'User may use italic': 'Uživatel může v článku používat kurzívu'
+'User may use underline': 'Uživatel může v článku používat podtržený text'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'Uživatel může v článku používat přeškrtnutý text'
+'User may change text alignment': 'Uživatel může v článku měnit zarovnání textu'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'Uživatel může v článku používat funkce kopírovat, vyjmout a vložit'
+'User may undo/redo': 'Uživatel může v článku používat funkce zpět a znovu'
+'User may change text direction': 'Uživatel může v článku měnit směr toku textu'
+'User may set indents': 'Uživatel smí nastavit odsazení'
+'User may add links': 'Uživatel může vkládat odkazy'
+'User may add subheads': 'Uživatel může vkládat záhlaví'
+'User may insert images': 'Uživatel může vkládat obrázky'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'Uživatel může zobrazit HTML kód'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'Uživatel může zvětšit okno editace'
+'User may change the font face': 'Uživatel může měnit typ písma'
+'User may change the font size': 'Uživatel může měnit velikost písma'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'Uživatel může vytvářet seznamy'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'Uživatel může vytvářet číslované seznamy'
+'User may insert tables': 'Uživatel může vkládat tabulky'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'Uživatel může vkládat dělící čáry'
+'User may change the font color': 'Uživatel může měnit barvu písma'
+'User may use superscripts': 'Uživatel může použít horní indexy'
+'User may use subscripts': 'Uživatel může použít dolní indexy'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': 'Uživatel smí zalohovat a obnovovat data stránky'
+Miscellaneous: Různé
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Spraáva Personálu/Předplatitelů'
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Základní Nastavení Editoru'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Pokročilé Nastavení Fontů Editoru'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Nastavení Tabulek Editoru'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Administrativní úkoly'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'Uživatel bude několikrát informován'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Různé Nastavení Editoru'
+'No such user account.': 'Uživatelský účet neexistuje'
+'User image (full-size)': 'Obrázek uživatele (plná velikost)'
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: 'Hledání uživatele'
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: 'Správa uživatelů'
+ created: Vytvořeno
+ updated: Aktualizováno
status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ registered: Registrováno
+ pending: 'Čekající na vyřízení'
+ deleted: Vymazat
+ active: Aktivní
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Činnosti
+ edit: Upravit
+ resend_email: 'Přeposlat aktivační e-mail'
+ rename: Přejmenovat
+ remove: Odstranit
+ confirm_remove: 'Určitě chcete smazat tohoto uživatele? '
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
+ page: Stránka
+ perPageText: 'Show:'
+ pageText: 'Stránky:'
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} do {pageUpperBound} z'
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} z'
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {Název kolekce}'
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: '(filtrovaný z {recordsTotal} total records)'
+ recordCountText: Showing
+ recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {stránkaTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filtrovaný Template}'
recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ processingText: Zpracovávám...
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: 'Aktivní přihlášení'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.da.yml
index bff59e3f88..3653015d7d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.da.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Bekræftelseskodeordet er ikke det samme som dit kodeord.'
+'Password Confirmation': 'Bekræftelse af adgangskode'
Website: Website
Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
+'Save profile': 'Gem profil'
+'Profile image': Profilbillede
Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
+'Last Name Public': 'Offentligt efternavn'
Google+: Google+
Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
+Gender: Køn
+'First Name Public': 'Offentligt fornavn'
Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
+'Date of birth': Fødselsdato
+'Allow sending emails': 'Tillad at sende emails'
+'About me': 'Om mig'
+'User with email %s is registered already.': 'Der er allerede registreret en bruger med emailen %s.'
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Brugernavnet er i brug. Vælg et andet.'
+Continue: Fortsæt
+'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepterer betingelserne'
+'send confirmation email': 'send bekræftelses email'
+'edit user': 'rediger bruger'
+'delete user': 'Slet bruger'
+'Verified profile': 'Bekræftet profil'
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'VISER _START_ til _END_ af _TOTAL_ opslag'
+'Send email to user:': 'Send email til bruger:'
+'No users found.': 'Ingen brugere fundet. '
+'No records found.': 'Ingen opslag.'
+'No entries to show': 'Intet at vise'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Vis _MENU_ opslag'
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Vil du {action}?'
+'Active Logins': 'Aktive logins'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtreret fra _MAX_ opslag'
+'User renamed.': 'Bruger omdøbt.'
+'User attributes': 'Bruger egenskaber'
+'Rename user $1': 'Omdøb bruger $1'
+'Username is used already': 'Brugernavnet er i brug'
+'User with id $1 not found': 'Bruger med id $1 findes ikke'
+'User was deleted.': 'Bruger slettet.'
+'User saved': 'Bruger gemt'
+'User id not specified': 'Bruger id er ikke angivet'
+'User $1 created': 'Bruger $1 oprettet'
+'Send confirm email': 'Send bekræftelses email'
+'Profile saved.': 'Profil gemt.'
+Picture: Billede
+'Password updated': 'Adgangskode opdateret'
+None: Ingen
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'Ny bekræftelses email sendt til brugeren.'
+'Email is used already': 'Email er i brug'
+'Edit your password': 'Skift din adgangskode'
+'Edit user $1': 'Rediger bruger $1'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Rediger abonnementer'
+'Edit profile': 'Rediger profil'
+'Edit permissions': 'Rediger rettigheder'
+'Create new account': 'Opret ny konto'
+'Comment ban settings': 'Indstillinger for kommentar blokering'
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Blokering for bruger $1 blev gemt.'
+'User account is active': 'Brugerkonto er aktiv'
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Tillad offentlige bruger profiler'
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Tillad brugere at logge ind på redaktørsiderne'
+Templates: Skabeloner
+Username: Brugernavn
+'Last Name': Efternavn
+'First Name': Fornavn
Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'You were logged out.': 'Du blev logget ud.'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop underoverskrift'
+Filters: Filtre
+'Add new Author': 'Tilføj ny forfatter'
+'Loading Data': 'Loader data'
+'Delete author type': 'Slet forfattertype'
+'Cannot remove author type.': 'Forfatter typen kunne ikke fjernes.'
+'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Forfatter alias kunne ikke fjernes.'
+'Author alias removed.': 'Forfatter alias fjernet.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Vil du slette denne forfatter?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Vil du slette dette forfatter alias?'
+'All Author Types': 'Alle forfatter typer'
+'Add author type': 'Tilføj forfatter type'
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'Du har ikke tilladelser til at ændre forfattere.'
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Udfyld mindst fornavn og efternavn.'
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Forfatter type kunne ikke oprettes, typen eksisterer allerede.'
+'Author type removed.': 'Forfatter type fjernet.'
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Forfatter type skal være mindst tre tegn.'
+'Author type added.': 'Forfatter type tilføjet.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Vil du slette denne forfatter type?'
+'User may change authors': 'Bruger må ændre forffatere'
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Kunne ikke tilføje nyt billede, den valgte mappe er skrivebeskyttet.'
+'Author saved.': 'Forfatter gemt.'
+'Author deleted.': 'Forfatter slettet.'
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Slå Firefox stavekontrol til som standard'
+'User may use the editor status bar': 'Bruger må bruge editor statusbaren'
+'User may clear up the system cache': 'Bruger må rydde system cachen'
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Der er allerede registreret en bruger med den email adresse, vælg en anden.'
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'Brugerinfo kunne ikke opdateres.'
+'User may moderate comments': 'Bruger må moderere kommentarer'
+'User may enable comments': 'Bruger må slå kommentarer til'
+'User may translate articles': 'Bruger må oversætte artikler'
+'User may move articles': 'Bruger må flytte artikler'
+'User may find and replace': 'Bruger må søge og erstatte'
+'User may change system preferences': 'Bruger må ændre systemindstillinger'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'Bruger må tilføje emner til artikler'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'Bruger må vedhæfte billeder til artikler'
+'User may add special characters': 'Bruger må tilføje specialtegn'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Brugernavnet eksisterer allerede. Vælg et andet login navn.'
+'User may delete article attachments': 'Bruger må slette vedhæftninger fra artikler'
+'User may change article attachments': 'Bruger må redigere vedhæftninger til artikler'
+'User may add article attachments': 'Bruger må tilføje vedhæftninger til artikler'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at oprette brugerkonti.'
+'You must select a $1': 'Du skal vælge en $1'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'Adgangskoden skal være mindst 6 tegn lang og adgangskoderne skal være ens.'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'Brugerkontoen kunne ikke oprettes.'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'Brugerkontoen $1 blev oprettet.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at redigere tilladelser for brugerkonti.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at redigere brugerkonti.'
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'Forkert adgangskode.'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette brugerkonti.'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Brugerkontoen $1 blev slettet.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'IP gruppen $1 blev oprettet.'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'IP-adresse gruppen kunne ikke oprettes.'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'IP-adresse gruppen $1 blev slettet.'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'Brugerinfo for $1 blev opdateret.'
+'User Type': Brugertype
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'IP adresse gruppen $1:$2 er i konflikt med en eksisterende gruppe.'
+'User may add/change publications': 'Bruger må tilføje/redigere publikationer'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Ugyldig værdi for brugertype parameter'
+'User may delete publications': 'Bruger må slette publikationer'
+'User may add/change issues': 'Bruger må tilføje/redigere udgivelser'
+'User may delete issues': 'Bruger må slette udgivelser'
+'User may add/change sections': 'Bruger må tilføje/redigere sektioner'
+'User may delete sections': 'Bruger må slette sektioner'
+'User may add articles': 'Bruger må tilføje artikler'
+'User may change articles': 'Bruger må redigere artikler'
+'User may delete articles': 'Bruger må slette artikler'
+'User may add images': 'Bruger må tilføje billeder'
+'User may change images': 'Bruger må redigere billeder'
+'User may delete images': 'Bruger må slette billeder'
+'User may delete templates': 'Bruger må slette skabeloner'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'Bruger må tilføje/ændre redaktør konti og adgangskoder'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'Bruger må tilføje/ændre abonnent konti og adgangskoder'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'Bruger må slette redaktions konti'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'Bruger må administrere bruger abonnementer'
+'User may manage account types': 'Bruger må administrere kontotyper'
+'User may add/change article types': 'Bruger må tilføje og administrere artikeltyper'
+'User may delete article types': 'Bruger må slette artikeltyper'
+'User may manage templates': 'Bruger må administrere skabeloner'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'Bruger må tilføje og administrere lande'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'Bruger må tilføje og administrere sprog'
+'User may delete languages': 'Bruger må slette sprog'
+'User may view audit logs': 'Bruger må se overvågningslogfiler'
+'User may delete country entries': 'Bruger må slette lande'
+'User may manage localizer': 'Bruger må administrere oversætteren'
+'User may publish articles': 'Bruger må udgive artikler'
+'User may manage topics': 'Bruger må administrere emner'
+'User may use bold': 'Bruger må bruge fed'
+'User may use italic': 'Bruger må bruge kursiv'
+'User may use underline': 'Bruger må bruge understreg'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'Bruger må bruge gennemstreg'
+'User may change text alignment': 'Bruger må ændre tekstjustering'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'Bruger må anvende kopier, klip og indsæt'
+'User may undo/redo': 'Bruger må fortryde/gentage'
+'User may change text direction': 'Bruger må ændre skriftretning'
+'User may set indents': 'Bruger målave indrykninger'
+'User may add links': 'Bruger må indsætte links'
+'User may add subheads': 'Bruger må indsætte underoverskrifter'
+'User may insert images': 'Bruger må indsætte billeder'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'Bruger må se HTML kilden'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'Bruger må forstørre editoren'
+'User may change the font face': 'Bruger må ændre skrifttypen'
+'User may change the font size': 'Bruger må ændre skriftstørrelsen'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'Bruger må lave lister'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'Bruger må lave nummererede lister'
+'User may insert tables': 'Bruger må indsætte tabeller'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'Bruger må indsætte horisontale linjer'
+'User may change the font color': 'Bruger må ændre skriftfarven'
+'User may use superscripts': 'Bruger må bruge hævet skrift'
+'User may use subscripts': 'Bruger må bruge sænket skrift'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': 'Bruger må lave og gendanne backup af hjemmesiden'
+Miscellaneous: Diverse
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Redaktør/Abonnent administration'
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Grundlæggende editor indstillinger'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Avancerede skrifttype indstillinger'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Tabel indstillinger'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative opgaver'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'Bruger vil få besked ved flere begivenheder'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Diverse editor indstillinger'
+'No such user account.': 'Bruger konto findes ikke.'
+'User image (full-size)': 'Brugerfoto (fuld størrelse)'
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'Brugerkontoen er en "fremhævet konto"'
+'Custom attribute...': 'Brugerdefinerede egenskaber'
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: 'Bruger søgning'
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: Brugere
+ created: Oprettet
+ updated: Opdateret
status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ registered: Registreret
+ pending: Afventer
+ deleted: Slettet
+ active: Aktive
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Handlinger
+ edit: Rediger
+ resend_email: 'Gensend aktiverings email'
+ rename: Omdøb
+ remove: Fjern
+ confirm_remove: 'Vil du slette brugeren?'
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
+ page: Side
+ perPageText: 'Vis:'
+ pageText: 'Sider:'
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} til {pageUpperBound} af'
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} af'
recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' ({recordsTotal} i alt)'
+ recordCountText: Viser
recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ processingText: Arbejder...
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: 'Aktive logins'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.de.yml
index bff59e3f88..51ad91d2ac 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.de.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': 'Passwort Bestätigung'
Website: Website
Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
+'Save profile': 'Profil speichern'
+'Profile image': Profil-Bild
Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
+'Last Name Public': 'Nachname öffentlich'
Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
+Geolocation: Geoinformation
+Gender: Geschlecht
+'First Name Public': 'Vorname öffentlich'
Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
+'Date of birth': Geburtsdatum
+'Allow sending emails': 'Senden von E-Mails erlauben'
+'About me': 'Über mich'
+'User with email %s is registered already.': 'Ein Benutzer mit der E-Mail- Adresse %s ist schon registriert.'
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Benutzername wird bereits verwendet. Bitte benutzen Sie einen anderen Benutzernamen.'
+Continue: Fortsetzen
+'Accepting terms of use': 'Nutzungsbedingungen akzeptieren '
+'send confirmation email': 'Bestätigungs-E-Mail senden'
+'edit user': 'Benutzer bearbeiten'
+'delete user': 'Benutzer löschen '
+'Verified profile': 'Verifiziertes Profil'
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Zeige _START_ bis _END_ von _TOTAL_ Einträgen'
+'Send email to user:': 'Sende E-Mail an Benutzer:'
+'No users found.': 'Keine Nutzer gefunden.'
+'No records found.': 'Keine Angaben gefunden.'
+'No entries to show': 'Keine Einträge zum Anzeigen gefunden.'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Anzeigen _MENU_ Einträge'
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie {action} wollen?'
+'Active Logins': 'Aktive Logins'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtert aus _MAX_ Einträgen '
+'User renamed.': 'Nutzer umbenannt.'
+'User attributes': Benutzereigenschaften
+'Rename user $1': 'Benutzer $1 umbennen'
+'Username is used already': 'Benutzername wird bereits verwendet'
+'User with id $1 not found': 'Benutzer mit ID $1 nicht gefunden'
+'User was deleted.': 'Benutzer gelöscht.'
+'User saved': 'Benutzer gespeichert'
+'User id not specified': 'Benutzer-ID nicht spezifiziert'
+'User $1 created': 'Benutzer $1 erstellt'
+'Send confirm email': 'Sende E-Mail-Bestätigung'
+'Profile saved.': 'Profil gespeichert.'
+Picture: Bild
+'Password updated': 'Kennwort aktualisiert'
+None: Keine
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'Neue Bestätigungsmail an Nutzer versendet.'
+'Email is used already': 'E-Mail Adresse wird bereits verwendet'
+'Edit your password': 'Passwort bearbeiten'
+'Edit user $1': 'Benutzer $1 bearbeiten'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Abonnements bearbeiten'
+'Edit profile': 'Profil bearbeiten'
+'Edit permissions': 'Berechtigung bearbeiten'
+'Create new account': 'Neues Benutzerkonto anlegen'
+'Comment ban settings': 'Kommentarverbot Einstellungen'
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': 'Benutzerkonto ist aktiv'
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Benutzerprofil darf öffentlich angezeigt werden'
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Benutzer erlauben, sich im Backend anmelden'
Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+Username: Benutzername
+'Last Name': Nachname
+'First Name': Vorname
+Email: E-Mail
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Zwischentitel'
+Filters: Filter
+'Add new Author': 'Neuen Autor hinzufügen'
+'Loading Data': 'Lade Daten'
+'Delete author type': 'Autorentyp löschen '
+'Cannot remove author type.': 'Autorentyp konnte nicht entfernt werden.'
+'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Autorenalias konnte nicht entfernt werden.'
+'Author alias removed.': 'Autorenalias entfernt.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Autor löschen möchten?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Autor Alias löschen möchten?'
+'All Author Types': 'Alle Urheber-Typen'
+'Add author type': 'Autorentyp hinzufügen'
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'Du hast keine Berechtigung, Autoren zu ändern.'
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Bitte trage einen Vor- und Nachnamen ein.'
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Konnte keinen Autorentyp hinzufügen, weil dieser Typ bereits existiert.'
+'Author type removed.': 'Autorentyp entfernt.'
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Der Autorentyp muss mindestens drei Zeichen lang sein.'
+'Author type added.': 'Autorentyp hinzugefügt.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Autorentyp löschen möchten?'
+'User may change authors': 'Benutzer darf Autoren ändern'
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Neues Bild konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden, das Zielverzeichnis kann nicht beschrieben werden.'
+'Author saved.': 'Autor gespeichert.'
+'Author deleted.': 'Autor gelöscht.'
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Aktiviere Firefox Rechtschreibprüfung standardmäßig'
+'User may use the editor status bar': 'Benutzer darf Editor Statusleiste verwenden'
+'User may clear up the system cache': 'Benutzer darf System-Cache bereinigen'
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Diese E-Mail-Adresse wird von einem anderen Benutzer verwendet, bitte wähle eine andere Adresse.'
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': 'Benutzer darf Kommentare moderieren'
+'User may enable comments': 'Benutzer darf Kommentare aktivieren'
+'User may translate articles': 'Benutzer darf Artikel übersetzen'
+'User may move articles': 'Benutzer darf Artikel verschieben'
+'User may find and replace': 'Benutzer darf suchen und ersetzen'
+'User may change system preferences': 'Benutzer darf Systemeinstellungen ändern'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'Benutzer darf Themen zum Artikel hinzufügen'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'Benutzer darf Bilder zu den Artikeln hinzufügen'
+'User may add special characters': 'Benutzer darf Sonderzeichen hinzufügen'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Der Username existiert bereits, bitte wählen Sie einen neuen Login-Namen. '
+'User may delete article attachments': 'Benutzer darf Artikel-Anhänge löschen'
+'User may change article attachments': 'Benutzer darf Artikel-Anhänge ändern'
+'User may add article attachments': 'Benutzer darf Artikel-Anhänge hinzufügen'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Du hast nicht die Berechtigung, Benutzerkonten zu erstellen.'
+'You must select a $1': 'Sie müssen einen $1 zu wählen'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'Das Passwort muss mindestens 6 Zeichen lang sein und die Passwörter müssen übereinstimmen.'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'Das Benutzerkonto konnte nicht erstellt werden.'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'Benutzerkonto $1 wurde erfolgreich erstellt.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'Du bist nicht berechtigt, die Benutzerrechte zu bearbeiten.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'Du bist nicht berechtig, die Benutzerinformationen zu bearbeiten.'
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'Du bist nicht berechtigt, Benutzerkonten zu löschen.'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Benutzerkonto $1 erfolreich gelöscht.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': null
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': null
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': null
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': null
+'User Type': Benutzertyp
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'User may add/change publications': 'Benutzer darf Publikationen hinzufügen / ändern'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Unzulässiger Wert von Nutzertyp Parameter'
+'User may delete publications': 'Benutzer darf Publikationen löschen'
+'User may add/change issues': 'Benutzer darf Ausgaben hinzufügen / verändern'
+'User may delete issues': 'Benutzer darf Ausgaben löschen'
+'User may add/change sections': 'Benutzer darf Rubriken hinzufügen / ändern'
+'User may delete sections': 'Benutzer darf Rubriken löschen'
+'User may add articles': 'Benutzer darf Artikel hinzufügen'
+'User may change articles': 'Benutzer darf Artikel ändern'
+'User may delete articles': 'Benutzer darf Artikel löschen'
+'User may add images': 'Benutzer darf Bilder hinzufügen'
+'User may change images': 'Benutzer darf Bilder ändern'
+'User may delete images': 'Benutzer darf Bilder löschen'
+'User may delete templates': 'Benutzer darf Templates löschen'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'Benutzer darf Mitarbeiteraccounts und Passwörter hinzufügen / ändern'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'Benutzer darf Abonnementkonten und Kennwörter hinzufügen / ändern'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'Benutzer darf Mitarbeiteraccounts löschen'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'Benutzer darf Benutzerabos verwalten'
+'User may manage account types': 'Benutzer darf Kontotypen verwalten'
+'User may add/change article types': 'Benutzer darf Artikeltypen hinzufügen / ändern'
+'User may delete article types': 'Benutzer darf Artikeltypen löschen'
+'User may manage templates': 'Benutzer darf Templates verwalten'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'Benutzer darf Ländereinträge hinzufügen/ändern'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'Nutzer kann Sprachen hinzufügen und verwalten Sprachinformationen'
+'User may delete languages': 'Benutzer darf Sprachen löschen'
+'User may view audit logs': 'Benutzer darf Audit-Protokolle anzeigen'
+'User may delete country entries': 'Benutzer darf Ländereinträge löschen'
+'User may manage localizer': 'Benutzer darf Localizer verwalten'
+'User may publish articles': 'Benutzer darf Artikel veröffentlichen'
+'User may manage topics': 'Benutzer darf Themen verwalten'
+'User may use bold': 'Benutzer darf fett verwenden'
+'User may use italic': 'Benutzer darf kursiv verwenden'
+'User may use underline': 'Benutzer darf Unterstrich verwenden'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'Benutzer darf Durchstrich verwenden'
+'User may change text alignment': 'Benutzer darf Textausrichtung ändern'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'Benutzer darf kopieren, ausschneiden und einfügen'
+'User may undo/redo': 'Benutzer darf rückgängig machen / Aktion wiederholen'
+'User may change text direction': 'Benutzer darf Textrichtung ändern'
+'User may set indents': 'Benutzer darf Zeileneinzug verwenden'
+'User may add links': 'Benutzer darf Links hinzufügen'
+'User may add subheads': 'Benutzer darf Zwischentitel hinzufügen'
+'User may insert images': 'Benutzer darf Bilder einfügen'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'Benutzer darf den HTML-Quelltext sehen'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'Benutzer darf den Editor vergrößern'
+'User may change the font face': 'Benutzer darf die Schriftart ändern'
+'User may change the font size': 'Benutzer darf die Schriftgröße ändern'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'Benutzer darf Aufzählungslisten erstellen'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'Benutzer darf nummerierte Listen erstellen'
+'User may insert tables': 'Benutzer darf Tabellen einfügen'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'Benutzer darf horizontale Linien einfügen'
+'User may change the font color': 'Benutzer darf die Schriftfarbe ändern'
+'User may use superscripts': 'Benutzer darf hochgestellte Zeichen verwenden'
+'User may use subscripts': 'Benutzer darf tiefgestellte Zeichen verwenden'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': 'Benutzer darf Backup erstellen und die Daten wiederherstellen'
+Miscellaneous: Sonstiges
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Mitarbeiter / Abonnenten-Management'
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor: Grundeinstellungen'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor: Erweiterte Schrifteneinstellungen'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor: Tabellen-Einstellungen'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative Aufgaben'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'Der Benutzer wird bei mehreren Events benachrichtigt'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor: Sonstige Einstellungen'
+'No such user account.': null
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: Benutzersuche
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: 'Benutzer verwalten'
+ created: Erstellt
+ updated: Aktualisiert
status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ registered: Registriert
+ pending: 'Noch ausstehend (Pending)'
+ deleted: Gelöscht
+ active: Aktiv
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Aktionen
+ edit: Bearbeiten
+ resend_email: 'Aktivierungsmail erneut senden'
+ rename: Umbenennen
+ remove: Entfernen
+ confirm_remove: 'Diesen Benutzer wirklich entfernen?'
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
+ page: Seite
+ perPageText: 'Zeige:'
+ pageText: 'Seiten:'
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} zu {pageUpperBound} von'
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} von'
recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: '(aus insgesamt {recordsTotal} Einträgen gefiltert)'
+ recordCountText: 'Zeige '
recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ processingText: 'In Arbeit ...'
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: 'Aktive Logins'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.de_AT.yml
index bff59e3f88..4ea0d315bc 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: Geoinformation
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Zeige _START_ bis _END_ von _TOTAL_ Einträgen'
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': 'Keine Angaben gefunden.'
+'No entries to show': 'Keine Einträge zum Anzeigen gefunden.'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Anzeigen _MENU_ Einträge'
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': 'filtert aus _MAX_ Einträgen '
+'User renamed.': 'Benutzer umbenannt. '
+'User attributes': Benutzereigenschaften
+'Rename user $1': 'Benutzer $1 umbenennen'
+'Username is used already': 'Benutzername wird bereits verwendet'
+'User with id $1 not found': 'Benutzer mit ID $1 nicht gefunden'
+'User was deleted.': 'Benutzer wurde gelöscht. '
+'User saved': 'Benutzer gespeichert'
+'User id not specified': 'Benutzer ID nicht spezifiziert '
+'User $1 created': 'Benutzer $1 angelegt'
+'Send confirm email': 'Sende Bestätigungsemail '
+'Profile saved.': 'Profil gespeichert'
+Picture: Bild
+'Password updated': 'Passwort aktualisiert'
+None: Keine
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'Neue Bestätigungsemail wurde an Benutzer verschickt. '
+'Email is used already': 'Email-Adresse wird bereits verwendet'
+'Edit your password': 'Passwort bearbeiten'
+'Edit user $1': 'Benutzer $1 bearbeiten'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Abonnements bearbeiten'
+'Edit profile': 'Profil bearbeiten'
+'Edit permissions': 'Berechtigung bearbeiten'
+'Create new account': 'Neues Benutzerkonto anlegen'
+'Comment ban settings': 'Kommentar Sperr-Einstellungen'
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Sperre für Benutzer $1 gespeichert. '
+'User account is active': 'Der Benutzeraccount ist aktiviert. '
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Benutzerprofil darf öffentlich angezeigt werden'
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Dem Benutzer erlauben sich ins Backend einzuloggen'
Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+Username: Benutzername
+'Last Name': Nachname
+'First Name': Vorname
+Email: E-Mail
+'You were logged out.': 'Sie wurden ausgeloggt. '
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Zwischentitel'
+Filters: Filter
+'Add new Author': 'Neue(n) Autor/in hinzufügen'
+'Loading Data': 'Daten laden'
+'Delete author type': 'Autortyp löschen'
+'Cannot remove author type.': 'Autortyp kann nicht gelöscht werden.'
+'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Autor/in Alias kann nicht entfernt werden.'
+'Author alias removed.': 'Autor/in Alias entfernt.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Wirklich Autor/in löschen?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Wirklich Autor/in Alias löschen?'
+'All Author Types': 'Alle Autorentypen'
+'Add author type': 'Autorentyp hinzufügen'
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'Keine Berechtigung Autoren/innen zu ändern.'
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Bitte mindestens Vornamen und Nachnamen eintragen.'
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Autorentyp kann nicht hinzugefügt werden, Typ existiert bereits.'
+'Author type removed.': 'Autorentyp entfernt'
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Autorentyp muss mindestens drei Zeichen lang sein.'
+'Author type added.': 'Autorentyp hinzugefügt.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Wirklich Autorentyp löschen?'
+'User may change authors': 'User darf Autoren/innen ändern'
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Neues Bild kann nicht hinzugefügt werden, Zielverzeichnis kann nicht verwendet werden.'
+'Author saved.': 'Autor/in gespeichert.'
+'Author deleted.': 'Autor/in gelöscht.'
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Firefox Rechtschreibprüfung standardmäßig einstellen'
+'User may use the editor status bar': 'Benutzer darf Editor Statusanzeige nutzen'
+'User may clear up the system cache': 'Benutzer darf den Systemcache leeren'
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Ein anderer Benutzer ist unter dieser E-Mail Adresse registriert, bitte eine andere wählen.'
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Benutzerinformationen'
+'User may moderate comments': 'Benutzer darf Kommentare moderieren'
+'User may enable comments': 'Benutzer darf Kommentare aktivieren'
+'User may translate articles': 'Benutzer darf Artikel übersetzen'
+'User may move articles': 'Benutzer darf Artikel verschieben'
+'User may find and replace': 'Benutzer darf suchen und ersetzen'
+'User may change system preferences': 'Benutzer darf Systemeinstellungen ändern'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'Benutzer darf Themen mit Artikeln verknüpfen'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'Benutzer darf Bilder zu Artikeln hinzufügen'
+'User may add special characters': 'Benutzer darf Sonderzeichen einfügen'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Der Username existiert bereits, bitte wählen Sie einen neuen Login-Namen. '
+'User may delete article attachments': 'Benutzer darf Artikelanhänge löschen'
+'User may change article attachments': 'Benutzerr darf Artikelanhänge verändern'
+'User may add article attachments': 'Benutzer darf Artikelanhänge hinzufügen'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Keine Berechtigung Benutzerkonten zu erstellen'
+'You must select a $1': 'Bitte ein $1 auswählen'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'Das Passwort muss mindestens 6 Stellen lang sein und beide Passwörter müssen übereinstimmen'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'Benutzerkonto konnte nicht erstellt werden.'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'Benutzerkonto $1 wurde erfolgreich erstellt.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'Keine Berechtigung Benutzerkontogenehmigungen zu ändern.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'Keine Berechtigung Benutzerkontoinformation zu ändern.'
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'Das eingegebene Passwort ist falsch'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'Keine Berechtigung Benutzerkonten zu löschen'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Benutzerkonto $1 wurde erfolgreich erstellt.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'IP-Gruppe $1 wurde erstellt.'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'Fehler beim Erstellen der IP Adressengruppe.'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'IP-Gruppe $1 wurde gelöscht.'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'Benutzerinformation für $1 erfolgreich verändert.'
+'User Type': Benutzertyp
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'Konflikt zwischen der IP Adressengruppe $1:$2 und einer anderen Gruppe.'
+'User may add/change publications': 'Benutzer darf Publikationen hinzufügen / ändern'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Ungültiger Wert für Benutzertyp'
+'User may delete publications': 'Benutzer darf Publikationen löschen'
+'User may add/change issues': 'Benutzer darf Ausgaben hinzufügen / ändern'
+'User may delete issues': 'Benutzer darf Ausgaben löschen'
+'User may add/change sections': 'Benutzer darf Rubriken hinzufügen / ändern'
+'User may delete sections': 'Benutzer darf Rubriken löschen'
+'User may add articles': 'Benutzer darf Artikel hinzufügen'
+'User may change articles': 'Benutzer darf Artikel ändern'
+'User may delete articles': 'Benutzer darf Artikel löschen'
+'User may add images': 'Benutzer darf Bilder hinzufügen'
+'User may change images': 'Benutzer darf Bilder ändern'
+'User may delete images': 'Benutzer darf Bilder löschen'
+'User may delete templates': 'Benutzer darf Templates löschen'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'Benutzer darf Personalkonten und Passwörter hinzufügen und ändern'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'Benutzer darf Abonnentenkonten und Passwörter hinzufügen und ändern'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'Benutzer darf Personalkonten löschen'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'Benutzer darf Abonnement verwalten'
+'User may manage account types': 'Benutzer darf Profiltypen verwalten'
+'User may add/change article types': 'Benutzer darf Artikeltypen hinzufügen / ändern'
+'User may delete article types': 'Benutzer darf Artikeltypen löschen'
+'User may manage templates': 'Benutzer darf Templates verwalten'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'Benutzer darf Ländereinstellungen hinzufügen und ändern'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'Benutzer darf Sprachen hinzufügen und Sprachinformationen verwalten'
+'User may delete languages': 'Benutzer darf Sprachen löschen'
+'User may view audit logs': 'Benutzer darf Log-Files betrachten'
+'User may delete country entries': 'Benutzer darf Ländereintragungen löschen'
+'User may manage localizer': 'Benutzer darf Interface lokalisieren'
+'User may publish articles': 'Benutzer darf Artikel veröffentlichen'
+'User may manage topics': 'Benutzer darf Themen verwalten'
+'User may use bold': 'Benutzer darf Text fett stellen'
+'User may use italic': 'Benutzer darf Text kursiv stellen'
+'User may use underline': 'Benutzer darf Text unterstreichen'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'Benutzer darf Text durchstreichen'
+'User may change text alignment': 'Benutzer darf Textausrichtung ändern'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'Benutzer darf Text kopieren, ausschneiden und einfügen'
+'User may undo/redo': 'Benutzer darf Aktionen rückgängig machen und wieder herstellen'
+'User may change text direction': 'Benutzer kann Textrichtung ändern'
+'User may set indents': 'Benutzer darf Einschübe vornehmen'
+'User may add links': 'Benutzer darf Links einfügen'
+'User may add subheads': 'Benutzer darf Zwischenüberschriften einfügen'
+'User may insert images': 'Benutzer darf Bilder einfügen'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'Benutzer darf HTML Quellcode einsehen'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'Benutzer darf den Editor vergrößern'
+'User may change the font face': 'Benutzer darf den Zeichensatz verändern'
+'User may change the font size': 'Benutzer darf die Zeichengröße verändern'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'Benutzer darf unnummerierte Aufzählungen einrichten'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'Benutzer darf nummerierte Aufzählungen einrichten'
+'User may insert tables': 'Benutzer darf Tabellen einfügen'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'Benutzer darf horizontale Linien einfügen'
+'User may change the font color': 'Benutzer darf die Zeichenfarbe verändern'
+'User may use superscripts': 'Benutzer darf Zeichen hochstellen'
+'User may use subscripts': 'Benutzer darf Zeichen in Kleinschrift umwandeln'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': 'Benutzer darf Seitendaten sichern und wiederherstellen'
+Miscellaneous: Verschiedenes
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Personal / Abonnenten verwalten'
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Voreinstellungen'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Einstellungen für Zeichensätze'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Einstellungen für Tabellen'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Administrator Aufgaben'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'Benutzer wird zu mehreren Anlässen benachrichtigt'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Verschiedene Editor Einstellungen'
+'No such user account.': 'Benutzerkonto nicht vorhanden'
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: 'Nutzer verwalten'
+ created: Angelegt
+ updated: null
status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: Gelöscht
+ active: Aktiv
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Aktionen
+ edit: Bearbeiten
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: Umbenennen
+ remove: Entferne
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: Bearbeite...
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.en_GB.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.en_GB.yml
index bff59e3f88..99ecdc0daa 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.en_GB.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.en_GB.yml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Facebook: Facebook
'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
'About me': 'About me'
'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is already used. Please use another one.'
Continue: Continue
'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Continue: Continue
'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtering from _MAX_ records'
'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
'User attributes': 'User attributes'
'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Picture: Picture
None: None
'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
+'Edit your password': 'Change your password'
'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Filters: Filters
'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
+'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font colour'
'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ users:
resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
rename: Rename
remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ confirm_remove: 'Do you really want to remove this user?'
page: Page
perPageText: 'Show: '
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.es.yml
index bff59e3f88..fbdeb0f743 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.es.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: 'Sitio Web'
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: Geolocalización
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Mostrando de _START_ a _END_ el _TOTAL_ de entradas'
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': 'No se encontraron usuarios.'
+'No records found.': 'No se encontraron registros'
+'No entries to show': 'No se encontraron entradas'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Desplegar registros _MENU_'
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': '¿Está seguro de querer {action}?'
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '-filtrando desde archivos _MAX_'
+'User renamed.': 'Se renombró el usuario.'
+'User attributes': 'Atributos del usuario'
+'Rename user $1': 'Renombrar al usuario $1'
+'Username is used already': 'Este usuario ya es utilizado.'
+'User with id $1 not found': 'No es posible ubicar al usuario identificado como $1'
+'User was deleted.': 'Se eliminó al usuario.'
+'User saved': 'Se almacenó el usuario'
+'User id not specified': 'No se específicó el identificador del usuario'
+'User $1 created': 'Se creó el usuario $1'
+'Send confirm email': 'Enviar mensaje de confirmación'
+'Profile saved.': 'Se almacenó el perfil.'
+Picture: Fotografía
+'Password updated': 'Se actualizó la contraseña'
+None: Ninguno.
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'Se envió al usuario un nuevo correo de confirmación.'
+'Email is used already': 'Ese correo electrónico ya está en uso'
+'Edit your password': 'Edite su clave de acceso'
+'Edit user $1': 'Editar el usuario $1'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Editar subscripciones'
+'Edit profile': 'Editar perfil'
+'Edit permissions': 'Edite los permisos'
+'Create new account': 'Crear nueva cuenta'
+'Comment ban settings': 'Configuración para el bloqueo de comentarios'
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Se registró al usuario $1 como bloqueado'
+'User account is active': 'La cuenta del usuario está activa'
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Permitir que el perfil del usuario sea público'
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Permitir el acceso de los usuarios al backend del sitio'
+Templates: Plantillas
+Username: 'Nombre de usuario'
+'Last Name': Apellido
+'First Name': 'Primer nombre'
+Email: 'Correo electrónico'
+'You were logged out.': 'Se ha cerrado sesión.'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Subtítulo de Newscoop'
+Filters: Filtros
+'Add new Author': 'Añadir nuevo autor'
+'Loading Data': 'Cargando los datos'
+'Delete author type': 'Eliminar tipo de autor'
+'Cannot remove author type.': 'No se puede eliminar este tipo de autor'
+'Cannot remove author alias.': 'No se puede eliminar el alias de este autor'
+'Author alias removed.': 'Se ha eliminado el alias del autor'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': '¿Está seguro de eliminar este autor?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': '¿Está seguro de eliminar el alias de este autor?'
+'All Author Types': 'Todos los tipos de autor'
+'Add author type': 'Añadir tipo de autor'
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'No tiene los privilegios para cambiar autores'
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Por favor ingrese al menos nombre y apellido.'
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'No se puede añadir este tipo de autor porque ya existe.'
+'Author type removed.': 'Se ha removido este tipo de autor.'
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'El tipo de autor debe tener al menos tres caractéres'
+'Author type added.': 'Se añadió tipo de autor'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': '¿Está seguro de eliminar este tipo de autor?'
+'User may change authors': 'El usuario puede cambiar autores'
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'No es posible añadir una nueva imagen ya que el directorio no es modificable'
+'Author saved.': 'Se guardó el autor'
+'Author deleted.': 'Se eliminó el autor.'
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Activar la corrección ortográfica de Firefox por default'
+'User may use the editor status bar': 'El usuario puede utilizar la barra de estado de editor.'
+'User may clear up the system cache': 'El usuario puede limpiar el caché del sistema.'
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Otro usuario ya está registrado con ese e-mail, por favor escoga otro.'
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'Occurró un error al actualizar la información del usuario.'
+'User may moderate comments': 'El usuario puede moderar comentarios'
+'User may enable comments': 'El usuario puede activar comentarios'
+'User may translate articles': 'El usuario puede traducir los artículos'
+'User may move articles': 'El usuario puede mover los artículos'
+'User may find and replace': 'El usuario puede buscar y reemplazar'
+'User may change system preferences': 'El usuario puede modificar las preferencias de sistema'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'El usuario puede crear tópicos para los artículos'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'El usuario puede agregar imágenes a los artículos'
+'User may add special characters': 'El usuario puede añadir caracteres especiales'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Ese nombre de usuario está en uso. Por favor escoja otro.'
+'User may delete article attachments': 'El usuario puede eliminar adjuntos del artículo'
+'User may change article attachments': 'El usuario puede cambiar adjuntos del artículo'
+'User may add article attachments': 'El usuario puede añadir adjuntos al artículo'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'No tiene derecho a crear cuentas de usuario'
+'You must select a $1': 'Debe seleccionar a $1'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'La clave debe ser de al menos 6 caracteres y ambas claves deben combinar'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'La cuenta de usuario no pudo ser creada'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'La cuenta del usuario $1 fue creada con éxito.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'No tiene derechos para cambiar permisos de cuenta de usuario'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'No tiene derechos a cambiar información de cuenta de usuario'
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'La clave que escribio es incorrecta'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'No tiene derechos para borrar cuentas de usuarios'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'La cuenta de usuario $1 fue eliminada con éxito.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'El Grupo de IP $1 ha sido creado'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'Hubo un error al crear el grupo de dirección IP.'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'El Grupo de IP $1 ha sido borrado'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'La información del usuario $1 se modificó con éxito.'
+'User Type': 'Tipo de usuario'
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'El grupo de direcciones IP $1:$2 tiene conflicto con otro grupo existente.'
+'User may add/change publications': 'Usuario puede agregar/cambiar publicaciones'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Valor inválido del parámetro de tipo de usuario'
+'User may delete publications': 'Usuario puede borrar publicaciones'
+'User may add/change issues': 'Usuario puede agregar/cambiar ediciones'
+'User may delete issues': 'Usuario puede borrar ediciones'
+'User may add/change sections': 'Usuario puede agregar/cambiar secciones'
+'User may delete sections': 'Usuario puede borrar secciones'
+'User may add articles': 'Usuario puede agregar articulos'
+'User may change articles': 'Usuario puede cambiar articulos'
+'User may delete articles': 'Usuario puede borrar articulos'
+'User may add images': 'Usuario puede agregar imagenes'
+'User may change images': 'Usuario puede cambiar imagenes'
+'User may delete images': 'Usuario puede borrar imagenes'
+'User may delete templates': 'Usuario puede borrar plantillas'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'El usuario puede agregar/cambiar las cuentas y contraseñas de otros miembros del equipo'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'El usuario puede agregar/cambiar las cuentas y contraseñas de los suscriptores'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'El usuario puede eliminar cuentas de otros miembros del equipo'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'Usuario puede manejar suscripciones de usuarios'
+'User may manage account types': 'Usuario puede manejar tipo de cuentas'
+'User may add/change article types': 'Usuario puede agregar/cambiar tipo de articulos'
+'User may delete article types': 'Usuario puede borrar tipo de articulos'
+'User may manage templates': 'El usuario puede administrar plantillas'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'El usuario puede agregar/cambiar los registros de país'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'Usuario puede agregar idiomas y manejar información de idiomas'
+'User may delete languages': 'Usuario puede borrar idiomas'
+'User may view audit logs': 'Usuario puede ver historial de auditoria'
+'User may delete country entries': 'Usuario puede borrar entrada de países'
+'User may manage localizer': 'Usuario puede manejar el localizador'
+'User may publish articles': 'Usuario puede publicar artículos'
+'User may manage topics': 'Usuario puede manejar temas'
+'User may use bold': 'El usuario puede utilizar negrita'
+'User may use italic': 'El usuario puede utilizar itálica'
+'User may use underline': 'El usuario puede subrayar'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'El usuario puede usar el efecto atravesado (strikethrough)'
+'User may change text alignment': 'El usuario puede cambiar la alineación del texto'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'El usuario puede copiar, cortar y pegar'
+'User may undo/redo': 'El usuario puede deshacer/rehacer'
+'User may change text direction': 'El usuario puede cambiar la posición del texto'
+'User may set indents': 'El usuario puede establecer sangrías'
+'User may add links': 'El usuario puede añadir enlaces'
+'User may add subheads': 'El usuario puede añadir subtítulos'
+'User may insert images': 'El usuario puede insertar imágenes'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'El usuario puede ver el código HTML'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'El usuario puede agrandar el tamaño del editor'
+'User may change the font face': 'El usuario puede cambiar el tipo de fuente'
+'User may change the font size': 'El usuario puede cambiar el tamaño de la fuente'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'El usuario puede cr'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'El usuario puede crear listas numeradas'
+'User may insert tables': 'El usuario puede insertar tablas'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'El usuario puede insertar una línea horizontal'
+'User may change the font color': 'El usuario puede cambiar el color de la fuente'
+'User may use superscripts': 'El usuario puede usar superscripts'
+'User may use subscripts': 'El usuario puede usar subscripts'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': 'El usuario puede respaldar y recuperar la información del sitio'
+Miscellaneous: Misceláneo
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Manejo de cuentas de miembros del equipo/suscriptores'
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Preferencias básicas del editor'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Preferencias de fuentes avanzadas del editor'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Preferencias del editor de tablas'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Tareas administrativas'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'Usuario sera notificado en varios eventos'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Preferencias misceláneas del editor'
+'No such user account.': 'No existe cuenta de usuario'
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: 'Búsqueda de usuarios'
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: 'Administrar usuarios'
+ created: Creado
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: Estatus
+ registered: Registrado
+ pending: Pendiente
+ deleted: Eliminado
+ active: activo
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Acciones
+ edit: Editar
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: Renombrar
+ remove: Eliminar
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: Página
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: Procesando...
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.es_AR.yml
index bff59e3f88..78f6ddc0ae 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: null
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': null
+'User may move articles': null
+'User may find and replace': null
+'User may change system preferences': null
+'User may attach topics to articles': null
+'User may attach images to articles': null
+'User may add special characters': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'User may delete article attachments': null
+'User may change article attachments': null
+'User may add article attachments': null
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': null
+'You must select a $1': null
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': null
+'The user account could not be created.': null
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': null
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': null
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': null
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': null
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': null
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': null
+'User Type': null
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'User may add/change publications': null
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': null
+'User may delete publications': null
+'User may add/change issues': null
+'User may delete issues': null
+'User may add/change sections': null
+'User may delete sections': null
+'User may add articles': null
+'User may change articles': null
+'User may delete articles': null
+'User may add images': null
+'User may change images': null
+'User may delete images': null
+'User may delete templates': null
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': null
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': null
+'User may delete staff accounts': null
+'User may manage user subscriptions': null
+'User may manage account types': null
+'User may add/change article types': null
+'User may delete article types': null
+'User may manage templates': null
+'User may add/change country entries': null
+'User may add languages and manage language information': null
+'User may delete languages': null
+'User may view audit logs': null
+'User may delete country entries': null
+'User may manage localizer': null
+'User may publish articles': null
+'User may manage topics': null
+'User may use bold': null
+'User may use italic': null
+'User may use underline': null
+'User may use strikethrough': null
+'User may change text alignment': null
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': null
+'User may undo/redo': null
+'User may change text direction': null
+'User may set indents': null
+'User may add links': null
+'User may add subheads': null
+'User may insert images': null
+'User may view the HTML source': null
+'User may enlarge the editor': null
+'User may change the font face': null
+'User may change the font size': null
+'User may create bulleted lists': null
+'User may create numbered lists': null
+'User may insert tables': null
+'User may insert horizontal rules': null
+'User may change the font color': null
+'User may use superscripts': null
+'User may use subscripts': null
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: null
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': null
+'Editor Basic Settings': null
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': null
+'Editor Table Settings': null
+'Administrative tasks': null
+'User will be notified on several events': null
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': null
+'No such user account.': null
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: null
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: null
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: null
+ edit: null
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: null
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: null
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.fa.yml
index bff59e3f88..78f6ddc0ae 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.fa.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: null
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': null
+'User may move articles': null
+'User may find and replace': null
+'User may change system preferences': null
+'User may attach topics to articles': null
+'User may attach images to articles': null
+'User may add special characters': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'User may delete article attachments': null
+'User may change article attachments': null
+'User may add article attachments': null
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': null
+'You must select a $1': null
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': null
+'The user account could not be created.': null
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': null
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': null
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': null
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': null
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': null
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': null
+'User Type': null
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'User may add/change publications': null
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': null
+'User may delete publications': null
+'User may add/change issues': null
+'User may delete issues': null
+'User may add/change sections': null
+'User may delete sections': null
+'User may add articles': null
+'User may change articles': null
+'User may delete articles': null
+'User may add images': null
+'User may change images': null
+'User may delete images': null
+'User may delete templates': null
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': null
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': null
+'User may delete staff accounts': null
+'User may manage user subscriptions': null
+'User may manage account types': null
+'User may add/change article types': null
+'User may delete article types': null
+'User may manage templates': null
+'User may add/change country entries': null
+'User may add languages and manage language information': null
+'User may delete languages': null
+'User may view audit logs': null
+'User may delete country entries': null
+'User may manage localizer': null
+'User may publish articles': null
+'User may manage topics': null
+'User may use bold': null
+'User may use italic': null
+'User may use underline': null
+'User may use strikethrough': null
+'User may change text alignment': null
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': null
+'User may undo/redo': null
+'User may change text direction': null
+'User may set indents': null
+'User may add links': null
+'User may add subheads': null
+'User may insert images': null
+'User may view the HTML source': null
+'User may enlarge the editor': null
+'User may change the font face': null
+'User may change the font size': null
+'User may create bulleted lists': null
+'User may create numbered lists': null
+'User may insert tables': null
+'User may insert horizontal rules': null
+'User may change the font color': null
+'User may use superscripts': null
+'User may use subscripts': null
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: null
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': null
+'Editor Basic Settings': null
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': null
+'Editor Table Settings': null
+'Administrative tasks': null
+'User will be notified on several events': null
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': null
+'No such user account.': null
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: null
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: null
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: null
+ edit: null
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: null
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: null
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.fr.yml
index bff59e3f88..af038385fe 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.fr.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: Courriel
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': 'lutilisateur peut traduire des articles '
+'User may move articles': 'Lutilisateur peut déplacer des articles'
+'User may find and replace': 'Ltilisateur peut trouver et remplacer '
+'User may change system preferences': 'Lutilisateur peut changer des préférences de système '
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'Lutilisateur peut attacher des sujets aux articles '
+'User may attach images to articles': 'lutilisateur peut attacher des images aux articles '
+'User may add special characters': 'Lutilisateur peut ajouter des caractères spéciaux '
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Ce nom dutilisateur existe déjà , choisissez sil vous plaît un nom dutilisateur différent. '
+'User may delete article attachments': 'Lutilisateur peut supprimer des attachements darticle '
+'User may change article attachments': 'Lutilisateur peut changer des attachements darticle '
+'User may add article attachments': 'Lutilisateur peut ajouter des attachements darticle '
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de créer des comptes dutilisateur. '
+'You must select a $1': 'Vous devez choisir un $1'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'Le mot de passe doit être au moins 6 caractères de longueur et tous les deux mots de passe doivent correspondre. '
+'The user account could not be created.': 'Le compte dutilisateur ne pouvait pas être créé. '
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'Le compte dutilisateur $1 a été créé avec succès. '
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de changer des permissions de compte dutilisateur. '
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de changer linformation du compte utilisateur. '
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'Le mot de passe que vous avez tapé est incorrect.'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'Vous navez pas le droit de supprimer des comptes dutilisateur. '
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Le compte dutilisateur $1 a été supprimé avec succès. '
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'Le Groupe IP $1 a été créé'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'Il y avait une erreur créant le groupe dadresse IP. '
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'Le groupe dadresse IP 1$ a été supprimé. '
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'linformation de lUtilisateur $1 a été changé avec succès. '
+'User Type': 'Type dutilisateur'
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'Le groupe dadresse IP $1:$2 est en conflit avec un autre groupe existant. '
+'User may add/change publications': 'Lutilisateur peut ajouter/changer des publications'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Valeur incorrecte pour le paramètre du type utilisateur'
+'User may delete publications': 'Lutilisateur peut supprimer des publications'
+'User may add/change issues': 'Lutilisateur peut ajouter/changer des éditions'
+'User may delete issues': 'Lutilisateur peut supprimer des éditions'
+'User may add/change sections': 'Lutilisateur peut ajouter/changer des sections'
+'User may delete sections': 'Lutilisateur peut supprimer des sections'
+'User may add articles': 'Lutilisateur peut ajouter des articles'
+'User may change articles': 'Lutilisateur peut changer des articles'
+'User may delete articles': 'Lutilisateur peut supprimer des articles'
+'User may add images': 'Lutilisateur peut ajouter des images'
+'User may change images': 'Lutilisateur peut changer des images'
+'User may delete images': 'Lutilisateur peut supprimer des images'
+'User may delete templates': 'Lutilisateur peut supprimer des templates'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'Lutilisateur peut ajouter/changer les comptes et mots de passe du personnel'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'Lutilisateur peut ajouter/changer les comptes et mots de passe des abonnés'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'Lutilisateur peut peut supprimer les comptes du personnel'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'Lutilisateur peut gérer les abonnements'
+'User may manage account types': 'Lutilisateur peut gérer des types de comptes'
+'User may add/change article types': 'Lutilisateur pout ajouter/changer des types darticles'
+'User may delete article types': 'Lutilisateur peut supprimer des types darticles'
+'User may manage templates': 'Lutilisateur peut gérer des templates'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'Lutilisateur peut ajouter/changer les données de pays'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'Lutilisteur peut ajouter des langues et gérer linformation de langue'
+'User may delete languages': 'Lutilisateur peut supprimer des langues'
+'User may view audit logs': 'Lutilisateur peut voir le fichier log'
+'User may delete country entries': 'Lutilisateur peut supprimer les entrées de pays'
+'User may manage localizer': 'Lutilisateur peut gérer localizer'
+'User may publish articles': 'Lutilisateur peut publier des articles'
+'User may manage topics': 'Lutilisateur peut gérer des sujets'
+'User may use bold': 'lutilisateur peut employer gras'
+'User may use italic': 'lutilisateur peut employer italique'
+'User may use underline': 'lutilisateur peut employer souligné'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'lutilisateur peut employer barré'
+'User may change text alignment': 'lutilisateur peut changer alignement de texte'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'Lutilisateur peut copier, couper et coller'
+'User may undo/redo': 'Lutilisteur peut annuler/refaire'
+'User may change text direction': 'Lutilisateur peut changer la direction du texte'
+'User may set indents': 'Lutilisateur peut mettre des indentations'
+'User may add links': 'Lutilisateur peut ajouter des liens'
+'User may add subheads': 'Lutiliseteur peut ajouter des sous-titres'
+'User may insert images': 'Lutilisateur peut insérer des images'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'Lutilisteur peut voir le code source HTML'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'Lutilisateur peut aggrandir la fenêtre dédidion'
+'User may change the font face': 'Lutlisateur peut changer la police'
+'User may change the font size': 'Lutilisateur peut changer la taille de la police'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'Lutilisateur peut créer des listes à puces'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'Lutilisteur peut créer des listes numérotées'
+'User may insert tables': 'Lutilisateur peut insérer des tableaux'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'Lutilisteur peut insérer des traits horizontaux'
+'User may change the font color': 'Lutilisateur peut changer la couleur de la police'
+'User may use superscripts': 'Lutilisateur peut employer des indices supérieurs'
+'User may use subscripts': 'Lutilisateur peut employer des indices inférieurs'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: Divers
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Gestion Staffl/Abonnés '
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editeur des Paramètres de Base'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editeur Avancé des Paramètres de Police'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Editeur des Paramètres de Tableau'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Tâches administratives'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'Lutilisateur sera notifié sur plusieurs événements'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editeur des Paramètres Divers'
+'No such user account.': 'Pas un tel compte utilisateur.'
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: Statut
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: Actif
actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ edit: Editer
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: Enlever
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: null
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.he.yml
index bff59e3f88..685875e44d 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.he.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: null
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': null
+'User may move articles': null
+'User may find and replace': null
+'User may change system preferences': null
+'User may attach topics to articles': null
+'User may attach images to articles': null
+'User may add special characters': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'User may delete article attachments': null
+'User may change article attachments': null
+'User may add article attachments': null
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': null
+'You must select a $1': null
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': null
+'The user account could not be created.': null
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': null
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': null
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': null
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': null
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': null
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': null
+'User Type': null
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'User may add/change publications': null
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': null
+'User may delete publications': null
+'User may add/change issues': null
+'User may delete issues': null
+'User may add/change sections': null
+'User may delete sections': null
+'User may add articles': null
+'User may change articles': null
+'User may delete articles': null
+'User may add images': null
+'User may change images': null
+'User may delete images': null
+'User may delete templates': null
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': null
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': null
+'User may delete staff accounts': null
+'User may manage user subscriptions': null
+'User may manage account types': null
+'User may add/change article types': null
+'User may delete article types': null
+'User may manage templates': null
+'User may add/change country entries': null
+'User may add languages and manage language information': null
+'User may delete languages': null
+'User may view audit logs': null
+'User may delete country entries': null
+'User may manage localizer': null
+'User may publish articles': null
+'User may manage topics': null
+'User may use bold': null
+'User may use italic': null
+'User may use underline': null
+'User may use strikethrough': null
+'User may change text alignment': null
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': null
+'User may undo/redo': null
+'User may change text direction': null
+'User may set indents': null
+'User may add links': null
+'User may add subheads': null
+'User may insert images': null
+'User may view the HTML source': null
+'User may enlarge the editor': null
+'User may change the font face': null
+'User may change the font size': null
+'User may create bulleted lists': null
+'User may create numbered lists': null
+'User may insert tables': null
+'User may insert horizontal rules': null
+'User may change the font color': null
+'User may use superscripts': null
+'User may use subscripts': null
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: null
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': null
+'Editor Basic Settings': null
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': null
+'Editor Table Settings': null
+'Administrative tasks': null
+'User will be notified on several events': null
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': null
+'No such user account.': null
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: מצב
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: פעיל
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: פעילויות
+ edit: עריכה
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: הסר
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: מעבד....
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.hr.yml
index bff59e3f88..5816335a2f 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.hr.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: null
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': 'Korisnik može prevoditi članke'
+'User may move articles': 'Korisnik može premještati članke'
+'User may find and replace': 'Korisnik može pretraživati i mijenjati'
+'User may change system preferences': 'Korisnik može mijenjati postavke sustava'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'Korisnik može dodjeljivati teme člancima'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'Korisnik može dodjeljivati slike člancima'
+'User may add special characters': 'Korisnik može dodavati specijalne karaktere'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Korisničko ime već postoji, izaberite drugo ime za prijavu.'
+'User may delete article attachments': 'Korisnik može obrisati privitke članka'
+'User may change article attachments': 'Korisnik može promijeniti privitke članka'
+'User may add article attachments': 'Korisnik može dodati privitke članka'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Nemate ovlasti kreirati korisničke račune.'
+'You must select a $1': 'Trebate izabrati neki $1'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'Lozinka mora imati barem 6 znakova i obje lozinke moraju biti identične.'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'Korisnički račun ne može se kreirati.'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'Korisnički račun $1 uspješno je kreiran.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'Nemate ovlasti mijenjati dozvole za korisnički račun.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'Nemate ovlasti mijenjati podatke korisnićkog računa.'
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'Lozinka koju ste unijeli je neispravna.'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'Nemate ovlasti brisati korisničke račune.'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Korisnički račun $1 je obrisan.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'IP grupa $1 je kreirana.'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'Greška prilikom kreiranja grupe IP adresa.'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'Grupa IP adresa $1 je obrisana.'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'Informacije o korisniku $1 uspješno su promijenjene.'
+'User Type': 'Vrsta korisnika'
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'Grupa IP adresa $1:$2 poklapa se s postojećom grupom.'
+'User may add/change publications': 'Korisnik smije dodavati/mijenjati publikacije'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Pogrešna vrijednost parametra za vrstu korisnika'
+'User may delete publications': 'Korisnik smije brisati publikacije'
+'User may add/change issues': 'Korisnik smije dodavati/uređivati izdanja'
+'User may delete issues': 'Korisnik smije brisati izdanja'
+'User may add/change sections': 'Korisnik smije dodavati/uređivati rubrike'
+'User may delete sections': 'Korisnik smije brisati rubrike'
+'User may add articles': 'Korisnik smije dodavati članke'
+'User may change articles': 'Korisnik smije uređivati članke'
+'User may delete articles': 'Korisnik smije brisati članke'
+'User may add images': 'Korisnik smije dodavati slike'
+'User may change images': 'Korisnik smije mijenjati slike'
+'User may delete images': 'Korisnik smije brisati slike'
+'User may delete templates': 'Korisnik smije brisati predloške'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'Korisnik smije dodati/promijeniti lozinke i račune suradnika'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'Korisnik smije dodati/promijeniti račune i lozinke pretplatnika '
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'Korisnik smije brisati račune suradnika'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'Korisnik smije administrirati pretplatu'
+'User may manage account types': 'Korisnik smije uređivati vrste korisničkih računa'
+'User may add/change article types': 'Korisnik smije dodavati/mijenjati vrste članaka'
+'User may delete article types': 'Korisnik smije brisati vrste članaka'
+'User may manage templates': 'Korisnik smije uređivati predloške'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'Korisnik može dodati/promijeniti podatke o zemljama'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'Korisnik smije dodavati jezike i mijenjati relevantne informacije'
+'User may delete languages': 'Korisnik smije brisati jezike'
+'User may view audit logs': 'Korisnik ima pristup logovima'
+'User may delete country entries': 'Korisnik smije brisati unesene zemlje'
+'User may manage localizer': 'Korisnik smije koristiti lokalizator'
+'User may publish articles': 'Korisnik smije objavljivati članke'
+'User may manage topics': 'Korisnik smije upravljati temama'
+'User may use bold': 'Korisnik može koristiti masna slova (bold)'
+'User may use italic': 'Korisnik može koristiti kurziv (italic)'
+'User may use underline': 'Korisnik može koristiti podcrtavanje (underline)'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'Korisnik može koristiti precrtavanje (strikethrough)'
+'User may change text alignment': 'Korisnik može promijeniti poravnanje teksta'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'Korisnik može kopirati, odrezati i zalijepiti (copy, cut i paste)'
+'User may undo/redo': 'Korisnik može koristiti undo/redo'
+'User may change text direction': 'Korisnik može promijeniti smjer teksta'
+'User may set indents': 'Korisnik može postaviti uvlake (indents)'
+'User may add links': 'Korisnik može dodati linkove'
+'User may add subheads': 'Korisnik može dodati podnaslove'
+'User may insert images': 'Korisnik može umetnuti sliku'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'Korisnik može vidjeti HTML izvor'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'Korisnik može povećavati editor'
+'User may change the font face': 'Korisnik može mijenjati izgled pisma'
+'User may change the font size': 'Korisnik može mijenjati veličinu pisma'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'Korisnik može kreirati liste bez rednih brojeva'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'Korisnik može kreirati liste s rednim brojevima'
+'User may insert tables': 'Korisnik može umetnuti tablice'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'Korisnik može umetnuti horizontalno ravnalo'
+'User may change the font color': 'Korisnik može promijeniti boju pisma'
+'User may use superscripts': 'Korisnik može koristiti gornji index (superscripts)'
+'User may use subscripts': 'Korisnik može koristiti donji index (subscripts)'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: Razno
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Upravljanje suradničkim/pretplatničkim nalozima'
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Osnovno podešavanje editora'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Napredno podešavanje pisma u editoru'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Podešavanje tablica u editoru'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Administrativni poslovi'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'Korisnik će biti informiran o raznim sistemskim aktivnostima'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Razna podešavanja u editoru'
+'No such user account.': 'Nema tog korisničkog računa.'
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: Aktivna
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Radnje
+ edit: Uredi
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: Ukloni
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: null
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.hu.yml
index bff59e3f88..e81eab3ec1 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.hu.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'A jelszó megerősítése nem egyezik a jelszavaddal.'
+'Password Confirmation': 'Jelszó megerősítése'
+Website: Weblap
Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
+'Save profile': 'Profil mentése'
+'Profile image': Profilkép
+Organisation: Szervezet
+'Last Name Public': 'Vezetéknév nyilvános'
Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
+Geolocation: 'Földrajzi hely'
+Gender: Nem
+'First Name Public': 'Keresztnév nyilvános'
Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Date of birth': 'Születési dátum'
+'Allow sending emails': 'E-mailek küldésének engedélyezése'
+'About me': Rólam
+'User with email %s is registered already.': 'A/z %s e-mail címmel rendelkező felhasználó regisztrált már.'
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'A felhasználónév használatban van. Válassz másikat.'
+Continue: Folytatás
+'Accepting terms of use': 'A használati feltételek elfogadása'
+'send confirmation email': 'megerősítő e-mail küldése'
+'edit user': 'felhasználó szerkesztése'
+'delete user': 'felhasználó törlése'
+'Verified profile': 'Ellenőrzött profil'
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': '_START_ - _END_. bejegyzés / _TOTAL_ megjelenítése'
+'Send email to user:': 'E-mail küldése a felhasználónak:'
+'No users found.': 'Nem találhatók felhasználók.'
+'No records found.': 'Nem találhatók rekordok.'
+'No entries to show': 'Nincsenek megjelenítendő bejegyzések'
+'Display _MENU_ records': '_MENU_ rekord megjelenítése'
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Biztosan {action} akarod?'
+'Active Logins': 'Aktív bejelentkezések'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- szűrés a _MAX_ rekordokból'
+'User renamed.': 'A felhasználó átnevezése megtörtént.'
+'User attributes': 'Felhasználói attribútumok'
+'Rename user $1': 'A/z $1 nevű felhasználó átnevezése'
+'Username is used already': 'A felhasználónév már használatban van'
+'User with id $1 not found': 'A/z $1 azonosítójú felhasználó nem található.'
+'User was deleted.': 'A felhasználó törlése megtörtént.'
+'User saved': 'A felhasználó mentése megtörtént.'
+'User id not specified': 'A felhasználóazonosító nincs meghatározva'
+'User $1 created': 'A/z $1 nevű felhasználó létrehozása megtörtént'
+'Send confirm email': 'Megerősítő e-mail küldése'
+'Profile saved.': 'A profil mentése megtörtént.'
+Picture: Kép
+'Password updated': 'A jelszó frissítése megtörtént'
+None: Nincs
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'Az új megerősítő e-mail elküldésre került a felhasználónak.'
+'Email is used already': 'Az e-mail cím már használatban van'
+'Edit your password': 'Jelszavad módosítása'
+'Edit user $1': 'A/z $1 nevű felhasználó szerkesztése'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Előfizetések szerkesztése'
+'Edit profile': 'Profil szerkesztése'
+'Edit permissions': 'Engedélyek szerkesztése'
+'Create new account': 'Új fiók létrehozása'
+'Comment ban settings': 'Hozzászólás kitiltási beállításai'
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'A/z $1 nevű felhasználó kitiltásának mentése megtörtént.'
+'User account is active': 'A felhasználói fiók aktív'
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'A felhasználói profil nyilvános megjelenésének engedélyezése'
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'A hely kiszolgáló oldalára való bejelentkezés hozzáférésének engedélyezése a felhasználó számára'
+Templates: Sablonok
+Username: Felhasználónév
+'Last Name': Vezetéknév
+'First Name': Keresztnév
+Email: E-mail
+'You were logged out.': 'Ki voltál jelentkezve.'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop alcím'
+Filters: Szűrők
+'Add new Author': 'Új szerző hozzáadása'
+'Loading Data': 'Adatok betöltése'
+'Delete author type': 'Szerzőtípus törlése'
+'Cannot remove author type.': 'A szerzőtípus nem távolítható el.'
+'Cannot remove author alias.': 'A szerző aliasa nem távolítható el.'
+'Author alias removed.': 'A szerző aliasának eltávolítása megtörtént.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod ezt a szerzőt?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod ezt a szerző aliast?'
+'All Author Types': 'Minden szerzőtípus'
+'Add author type': 'Szerzőtípus hozzáadása'
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'Nincs engedélyed a szerzők módosításához.'
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Töltsd ki legalább a keresztnevet és a vezetéknevet.'
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Nem adható hozzá a szerzőtípus, ez a típus már létezik.'
+'Author type removed.': 'A szerzőtípus eltávolítása megtörtént.'
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'A szerzőtípusnak legalább három karakter hosszúnak kell lennie.'
+'Author type added.': 'A szerzőtípus hozzáadása megtörtént.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Biztosan törölni akarod ezt a szerzőtípust?'
+'User may change authors': 'A felhasználó módosíthatja a szerzőket'
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Nem lehet új képet hozzáadni, a célkönyvtár nem írható.'
+'Author saved.': 'A szerző mentése megtörtént.'
+'Author deleted.': 'A szerző törlése megtörtént.'
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'A Firefox helyesírás-ellenőrző alapértelmezettként való engedélyezése'
+'User may use the editor status bar': 'A felhasználó használhatja a szerkesztő állapotsorát.'
+'User may clear up the system cache': 'A felhasználó kiürítheti a rendszergyorsítótárat'
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Egy másik felhasználó regisztrált már ezzel az e-mail címmel, válassz másikat.'
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'Hiba történt a felhasználói adatok frissítésének megkísérlésekor.'
+'User may moderate comments': 'A felhasználó moderálhatja a hozzászólásokat'
+'User may enable comments': 'A felhasználó engedélyezheti a hozzászólásokat'
+'User may translate articles': 'A felhasználó lefordíthatja a cikkeket'
+'User may move articles': 'A felhasználó áthelyezheti a cikkeket'
+'User may find and replace': 'A felhasználó kereshet és cserélhet'
+'User may change system preferences': 'A felhasználó módosíthatja a rendszerbeállításokat'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'A felhasználó témákat csatolhat a cikkekhez'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'A felhasználó képeket csatolhat a cikkekhez'
+'User may add special characters': 'A felhasználó speciális karaktereket adhat hozzá'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Ez a felhasználónév már létezik, válassz másik bejelentkezési nevet.'
+'User may delete article attachments': 'A felhasználó törölheti a cikk csatolmányokat'
+'User may change article attachments': 'A felhasználó módosíthatja a cikk csatolmányokat'
+'User may add article attachments': 'A felhasználó cikk csatolmányokat adhat hozzá'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Nincs jogod a felhasználói fiókok létrehozásához.'
+'You must select a $1': 'Ki kell választanod egy $1 -t'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'A jelszónak legalább 6 karakter hosszúnak kell lennie, és mindkét jelszónak egyeznie kell.'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'Nem lehet létrehozni a felhasználói fiókot.'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'A/z $1 felhasználói fiók létrehozása sikerült.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'Nincs jogod a felhasználói fiók engedélyeinek módosításához.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'Nincs jogod a felhasználói fiók adatainak módosításához.'
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'Az általad megadott jelszó téves.'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'Nincs jogod a felhasználói fiókok törléséhez.'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'A/z $1 felhasználói fiók törlése sikerült.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'A/z $1 IP-csoport létrehozása megtörtént.'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'Hiba történt az IP-címcsoport létrehozásakor.'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'A/z $1 IP-címcsoport törlése megtörtént.'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'A/z $1 nevű felhasználó adatainak módosítása sikerült. '
+'User Type': Felhasználótípus
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'A/z $1:$2 IP-címcsoport ütközik egy másik létező csoporttal.'
+'User may add/change publications': 'A felhasználó hozzáadhat/módosíthat kiadványokat'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'A felhasználótípus paraméter értéke érvénytelen'
+'User may delete publications': 'A felhasználó törölhet kiadványokat'
+'User may add/change issues': 'A felhasználó hozzáadhat/módosíthat számokat'
+'User may delete issues': 'A felhasználó törölhet számokat'
+'User may add/change sections': 'A felhasználó hozzáadhat/módosíthat rovatokat'
+'User may delete sections': 'A felhasználó törölhet rovatokat'
+'User may add articles': 'A felhasználó hozzáadhat cikkeket'
+'User may change articles': 'A felhasználó módosíthat cikkeket'
+'User may delete articles': 'A felhasználó törölhet cikkeket'
+'User may add images': 'A felhasználó hozzáadhat képeket'
+'User may change images': 'A felhasználó módosíthat képeket'
+'User may delete images': 'A felhasználó törölhet képeket'
+'User may delete templates': 'A felhasználó törölhet sablonokat'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'A felhasználó hozzáadhat/módosíthat szerkesztőségi fiókokat és jelszavakat'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'A felhasználó hozzáadhat/módosíthat előfizetői fiókokat és jelszavakat'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'A felhasználó törölhet szerkesztőségi fiókokat'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'A felhasználó kezelheti a felhasználói előfizetéseket'
+'User may manage account types': 'A felhasználó kezelhet fióktípusokat'
+'User may add/change article types': 'A felhasználó hozzáadhat/módosíthat cikktípusokat'
+'User may delete article types': 'A felhasználó törölhet cikktípusokat'
+'User may manage templates': 'A felhasználó kezelhet sablonokat'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'A felhasználó hozzáadhat/módosíthat ország bejegyzéseket'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'A felhasználó hozzáadhat nyelveket és kezelheti a nyelvi adatokat'
+'User may delete languages': 'A felhasználó törölhet nyelveket'
+'User may view audit logs': 'A felhasználó megtekintheti a naplófájlokat'
+'User may delete country entries': 'A felhasználó törölhet országbejegyzéseket'
+'User may manage localizer': 'A felhasználó kezelheti a lokalizálót'
+'User may publish articles': 'A felhasználó közzétehet cikkeket'
+'User may manage topics': 'A felhasználó kezelhet témákat'
+'User may use bold': 'A felhasználó használhat félkövér betűket'
+'User may use italic': 'A felhasználó használhat dőlt betűket'
+'User may use underline': 'A felhasználó használhat aláhúzást'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'A felhasználó használhat áthúzást'
+'User may change text alignment': 'A felhasználó módosíthatja a szövegigazítást'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'A felhasználó másolhat, kivághat és beilleszthet'
+'User may undo/redo': 'A felhasználó visszavonhat/ismételhet'
+'User may change text direction': 'A felhasználó módosíthatja a szövegírányt'
+'User may set indents': 'A felhasználó behúzásokat adhat meg'
+'User may add links': 'A felhasználó hivatkozásokat adhat hozzá'
+'User may add subheads': 'A felhasználó alcímeket adhat hozzá'
+'User may insert images': 'A felhasználó képeket szúrhat be'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'A felhasználó megtekintheti a HTML-forrást'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'A felhasználó felnagyíthatja a szerkesztőt'
+'User may change the font face': 'A felhasználó módosíthatja a betűtípust'
+'User may change the font size': 'A felhasználó módosíthatja a betűméretet'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'A felhasználó listajeles felsorolásokat hozhat létre'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'A felhasználó számozott listákat hozhat létre'
+'User may insert tables': 'A felhasználó táblázatokat szúrhat be'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'A felhasználó vízszintes vonalakat szúrhat be'
+'User may change the font color': 'A felhasználó módosíthatja a betűszínt'
+'User may use superscripts': 'A felhasználó felső indexeket használhat'
+'User may use subscripts': 'A fehasználó alsó indexeket használhat'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': 'A felhasználó biztonsági másolatot készíthet a hely adatairól, és visszaállíthatja azokat'
+Miscellaneous: Egyebek
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Szerkesztőség/előfizetők kezelése'
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Szerkesztő alapbeállításai'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Szerkesztő speciális betűtípus beállításai'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Szerkesztő táblázat beállításai'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Felügyeleti feladatok'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'A felhasználó értesítést kap több eseményről'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Szerkesztő egyéb beállításai'
+'No such user account.': 'Nincs ilyen felhasználói fiók.'
+'User image (full-size)': 'Felhasználó képe (teljes méretű)'
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: 'Felhasználók keresése'
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: 'Felhasználók kezelése'
+ created: Létrehozva
+ updated: Frissítve
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: Állapot
+ registered: Regisztrált
+ pending: Függőben
+ deleted: Törölve
+ active: Aktív
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Műveletek
+ edit: Szerkesztés
+ resend_email: 'Aktiválási e-mail újraküldése'
+ rename: Átnevezés
+ remove: Eltávolítás
+ confirm_remove: 'Valóban törölni akarod ezt a felhasználót?'
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
+ page: Oldal
+ perPageText: 'Megjelenítés:'
+ pageText: 'Oldalak:'
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} - {pageUpperBound} /'
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} /'
recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: '(szűrve a {recordsTotal} összes rekordbóé)'
+ recordCountText: 'Megjelenítve '
recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ processingText: Feldolgozás...
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: 'Aktív bejelentkezések'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.hy_AM.yml
index bff59e3f88..4e04bf46a4 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: null
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': null
+'User may move articles': null
+'User may find and replace': null
+'User may change system preferences': null
+'User may attach topics to articles': null
+'User may attach images to articles': null
+'User may add special characters': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'User may delete article attachments': null
+'User may change article attachments': null
+'User may add article attachments': null
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': null
+'You must select a $1': null
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': null
+'The user account could not be created.': null
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': null
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': null
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': null
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': null
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': null
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': null
+'User Type': null
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'User may add/change publications': null
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': null
+'User may delete publications': null
+'User may add/change issues': null
+'User may delete issues': null
+'User may add/change sections': null
+'User may delete sections': null
+'User may add articles': null
+'User may change articles': null
+'User may delete articles': null
+'User may add images': null
+'User may change images': null
+'User may delete images': null
+'User may delete templates': null
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': null
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': null
+'User may delete staff accounts': null
+'User may manage user subscriptions': null
+'User may manage account types': null
+'User may add/change article types': null
+'User may delete article types': null
+'User may manage templates': null
+'User may add/change country entries': null
+'User may add languages and manage language information': null
+'User may delete languages': null
+'User may view audit logs': null
+'User may delete country entries': null
+'User may manage localizer': null
+'User may publish articles': null
+'User may manage topics': null
+'User may use bold': null
+'User may use italic': null
+'User may use underline': null
+'User may use strikethrough': null
+'User may change text alignment': null
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': null
+'User may undo/redo': null
+'User may change text direction': null
+'User may set indents': null
+'User may add links': null
+'User may add subheads': null
+'User may insert images': null
+'User may view the HTML source': null
+'User may enlarge the editor': null
+'User may change the font face': null
+'User may change the font size': null
+'User may create bulleted lists': null
+'User may create numbered lists': null
+'User may insert tables': null
+'User may insert horizontal rules': null
+'User may change the font color': null
+'User may use superscripts': null
+'User may use subscripts': null
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: null
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': null
+'Editor Basic Settings': null
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': null
+'Editor Table Settings': null
+'Administrative tasks': null
+'User will be notified on several events': null
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': null
+'No such user account.': null
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: null
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: null
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Գործողություններ
+ edit: null
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: Հեռացնել
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: null
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ka.yml
index bff59e3f88..25ed64d1fa 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ka.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: ვებგვერდი
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: 'გეოგრაფიული მდებარეობა'
+Gender: სქესი
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': 'დადასტურების ელფოსტის გაგზავნა'
+'edit user': 'მომხმარებლის რედაქტირება'
+'delete user': 'მომხმარებლის წაშლა'
+'Verified profile': 'გადამოწმებული პროფილი'
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': '_START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ ჩანაწერების ჩვენება'
+'Send email to user:': 'მომხმარებლისთვის ელფოსტის გაგზავნა:'
+'No users found.': 'მომხმარებელი ნაპოვნი არ არის.'
+'No records found.': 'ჩანაწერები ნაპოვნი არ არის.'
+'No entries to show': 'საჩვენებელი ჩანაწერები არ არის.'
+'Display _MENU_ records': '_MENU_ ჩანაწერების ჩვენება'
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ (მოქმედება)?'
+'Active Logins': 'აქტიური ავტორიზაციები'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': 'მომხმარებელის სახელი შეცვლილია. '
+'User attributes': 'მომხმარებლის ატრიბუტები'
+'Rename user $1': '$1 მომხმარებლის სახელის შეცვლა'
+'Username is used already': 'მომხმარებლის სახელი გამოყენებულია'
+'User with id $1 not found': ' მომხმარებელი საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომრით $1 არ მოიძებნა'
+'User was deleted.': 'მომხმარებელი წაიშალა. '
+'User saved': 'მომხმარებელი დამახსოვრებულია'
+'User id not specified': 'მომხმარებლის საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი არ არის მითითებული'
+'User $1 created': 'შეიქმნა მომხმარებელი $1'
+'Send confirm email': 'დადასტურების ელფოსტის გაგზავნა'
+'Profile saved.': 'პროფილი დამახსოვრებულია. '
+Picture: 'სურათი '
+'Password updated': 'პაროლი განახლებულია'
+None: არცერთი
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'ახალი დადასტურების ელფოსტა გაეგზავნა მომხმარებელს. '
+'Email is used already': 'ელფოსტა უკვე გამოყენებულია'
+'Edit your password': 'თქვენი პაროლის შეცვლა'
+'Edit user $1': ' $1 მომხმარებლის რედაქტირება'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'გამოწერების რედაქტირება'
+'Edit profile': 'პროფილის რედაქტირება'
+'Edit permissions': 'ნებართვების რედაქტიერბა'
+'Create new account': 'ახალი ანგარიშის შექმნა'
+'Comment ban settings': 'კომენტარის ბანის პარამეტრები'
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'ბანი $1 მომხმარებელზე დამახსოვრებულია.'
+'User account is active': 'მომხმარებლის ანგარიში აქტიურია'
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'მომხმარებლის პროფილის საჯაროდ ჩვენება'
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'ნება დართეთ მომხმარებელს როგორც ადმინისტრატორი შევიდეს გვერდზე'
+Templates: შაბლონები
+Username: 'მომხმარებლის სახელი'
+'Last Name': 'გვარი '
+'First Name': სახელი
+Email: ელფოსტა
+'You were logged out.': 'თქვენ გამოხვედით სისტემიდან.'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'ნიუსქუფის ქვესათაური'
+Filters: ფილტრები
+'Add new Author': 'ახალი ავტორის დამატება'
+'Loading Data': 'მონაცემები იტვირთება'
+'Delete author type': 'ავტორის ტიპის წაშლა'
+'Cannot remove author type.': 'ავტორის ტიპის მოხსნა შეუძლებელია'
+'Cannot remove author alias.': 'ავტორის ფსევდონიმის მოხსნა შეუძლებელია.'
+'Author alias removed.': 'ავტორის ფსევდონიმი მოიხსნა'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ ამ ავტორის წაშლა?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ ამ ავტორის ფსევდონიმის მოხსნა?'
+'All Author Types': 'ყველა ავტორის ტიპი'
+'Add author type': 'ავტორის ტიპის დამატება'
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ ავტორების შეცვლის უფლება.'
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'გთხოვთ მინიმუმ შეიყვანოთ სახელი და გვარი.'
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'ავტორის ტიპი დამატება შეუძლებელია, ის უკვე არსებობს.'
+'Author type removed.': 'ავტორის ტიპი მოიხსნა.'
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'ავტორის ტიპი უნდა შეიცავდეს მინიმუმ 3 სიმბოლოს'
+'Author type added.': 'ავტორის ტიპი დაემატა'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'დარწმუნებული ხართ რომ გსურთ ამ ავტორის ტიპის წაშლა?'
+'User may change authors': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია ავტორების შეცვლა'
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'შეუძლებელია ახალი გამოსახულების დამატება, სამიზნე დირექტორია არ არის გადაწერადი. '
+'Author saved.': 'ავტორი დამახსოვრდა'
+'Author deleted.': 'ავტორი წაიშალა'
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Firefox-ის ორთოგრაფის ჩართვა'
+'User may use the editor status bar': 'მომხმარებელმა შეიძლება გამოიყენოს რედაქტორის სტატუს-პანელი.'
+'User may clear up the system cache': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სისტემური ქეშის გაწმენდა.'
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'ეს იმეილი უკვე გამოყენებულია არსებული მომხმარებლის მიერ. გთხოვთ მიუთითოთ სხვა იმეილი.'
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'მომხმარებლის ინფორმაციის განახლებისას დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა.'
+'User may moderate comments': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია კომენტარების მართვა'
+'User may enable comments': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია კომენტარების ჩართვა'
+'User may translate articles': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სტატიების თარგმნა'
+'User may move articles': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სტატიების გადაადგილება'
+'User may find and replace': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია პოვნა და შეცვლა'
+'User may change system preferences': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სისტემის პარამეტრების შეცვლა'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სტატიებზე თემების მიბმა'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სტატიაზე სურათების მიბმა'
+'User may add special characters': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია გარდა ასოებისა სხვა სიმბოლოების დამატებაც'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'ასეთი მომხმარებელი უკვე არსებობს, შეიყვანეთ სხვა სახელი'
+'User may delete article attachments': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სტატიაზე მიბმული მასალის წაშლა'
+'User may change article attachments': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სტატიაზე მიბმული მასალის შეცვლა'
+'User may add article attachments': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სტატიაზე მასალის მიბმა'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ მომხმარებლების შექმნის უფლება'
+'You must select a $1': 'აირჩიეთ $1'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'პაროლი უნდა შეიცავდეს მინიმუმ 6 სიმბოლოს და ის უნდა ემთხვეოდეს ორივე ველში.'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'მომხმარებელი ვერ შეიქმნა.'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': '$1 მომხმარებელი შეიქმნა.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ მომხმარებლის ნებართვების ცვლილების უფლება.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ მომხმარებლის ინფორმაციის ცვლილების უფლება.'
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'შეყვანილი პაროლი არასწორია.'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ მომხმარებლის წაშლის უფლება'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'მომხმარებელი $1 წაიშალა.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'IP ჯგუფი $1 შეიქმნა'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'IP ჯგუფის შექმნისას დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა.'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': '$1 IP მისამართების ჯგუფი წაიშალა'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': '$1 მომხმარებელის ინფორმაცია შეიცვალა'
+'User Type': 'მომხმარებლის ტიპი'
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'IP მისამართის ჯგუფი $1:$2 ემთხვევა უკვე არსებულ ჯგუფს.'
+'User may add/change publications': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია დაამატოს/შეცვალოს პუბლიკაციები'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'მომხმარებლის ტიპის პარამეტრის არასწორი მნიშვნელობა'
+'User may delete publications': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია პუბლიკაციების წაშლა'
+'User may add/change issues': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია გამოცემების დამატება/შეცვლა'
+'User may delete issues': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია გამოცემების წაშლა'
+'User may add/change sections': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სექციების დამატება/შეცვლა'
+'User may delete sections': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სექციების წაშლა'
+'User may add articles': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სტატიების დამატება'
+'User may change articles': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სტატიების შეცვლა'
+'User may delete articles': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სტატიების წაშლა'
+'User may add images': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სურათების დამატება'
+'User may change images': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სურათების შეცვლა'
+'User may delete images': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სურათების წაშლა'
+'User may delete templates': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია შაბლონების წაშლა'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია შტატის მომხმარებლების და პაროლების დამატება/შეცვლა'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია გამომწერი მომხმარებლების და პაროლების დამატება/შეცვლა'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია შტატის მომხმარებლების წაშლა'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია გამოწერების მართვა'
+'User may manage account types': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია მომხმარებლის ტიპების მართვა'
+'User may add/change article types': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სტატიის ტიპების დამატება/შეცვლა'
+'User may delete article types': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სტატიის ტიპების წაშლა'
+'User may manage templates': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია შაბლონების მართვა'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია ქვეყნების დამატება/შეცვლა'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია ენების დამატება და ენის ინფორმაციის მართვა'
+'User may delete languages': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია ენების წაშლა'
+'User may view audit logs': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია აუდიტის აღრიცხვის ნახვა'
+'User may delete country entries': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია ქვეყნების წაშლა'
+'User may manage localizer': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია ლოკალიზატორის მართვა'
+'User may publish articles': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სტატიების გამოქვეყნება'
+'User may manage topics': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია თემების მართვა'
+'User may use bold': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სიმბოლოების გამუქება (bold)'
+'User may use italic': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია დახრილი სიმბოლოების გამოყენება (italic)'
+'User may use underline': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია ქვედახაზის გამოყენება (underline)'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სიმბოლოებზე ხაზის გადასმა'
+'User may change text alignment': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია ტექსტის გამწკრივება'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია კოპირება, ამოჭრა, ჩასმა.'
+'User may undo/redo': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია უკან დაბრუნება და წინ გადასვლა'
+'User may change text direction': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძია ტექსტის მიმართულების შეცვლა'
+'User may set indents': 'მომხმარებლეს შეუძლია დაშორებების მითითება'
+'User may add links': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძია ბმულების დამატება'
+'User may add subheads': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძია ქვეთავების დამატება'
+'User may insert images': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია სურათების ჩასმა'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძია HTML წყაროს ნახვა'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძია რედაქტორის გადიდება'
+'User may change the font face': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძია შრიფტის შეცვლა'
+'User may change the font size': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძია შრიფტის ზომის შეცვლა'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძია წერტილებიანი ჩამონათვალის გაკეთება'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძია რიცხვებიანი ჩამონათვალის გაკეთება'
+'User may insert tables': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია ცხრილების ჩასმა'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია ჰორიზონტალური სახაზავის ჩასმა'
+'User may change the font color': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძია ფონტის შრიფტის შეცვლა'
+'User may use superscripts': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია ზედა ინდექსის გამოყენება'
+'User may use subscripts': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია ქვედა ინდექსის გამოყენება'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': 'მომხმარებელს შეუძლია საიტის მასალის დარეზერვება და აღდგენა'
+Miscellaneous: სხვადასხვა
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'შტატის/გამომწერების მართვა'
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'რედაქტორის პარამეტრები'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'რედაქტორის შრიფტის პარამეტრები'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'რედაქტორის ცხრილების პარამეტრები'
+'Administrative tasks': 'ადმინისტრაციული დავალებები'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'მომხმარებელი რამდენიმე მოვლენების დროს მიიღებს შეტყობინება'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'რედაქტორის სხვადასხვა პარამეტრები'
+'No such user account.': 'ასეთი მომხმარებელი არ არსებობს.'
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: 'მომხმარებლების მართვა'
+ created: შექმნილია
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: სტატუსი
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: წაიშალა
+ active: აქტიური
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: მოქმედება
+ edit: რედაქტირება
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: მოხსნა
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: დამუშავება...
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: 'აქტიური ავტორიზაციები'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ko.yml
index bff59e3f88..15e24c3739 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ko.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: null
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': '사용자가 기사를 번역할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may move articles': '사용자가 기사를 이동할 수있습니다.'
+'User may find and replace': '사용자가 대치할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may change system preferences': '사용자가 시스템 구성를 변경할 수있습니다.'
+'User may attach topics to articles': '사용자가 기사에 토픽을 첨부할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may attach images to articles': '사용자가 기사에 이미지를 첨부할 수있습니다.'
+'User may add special characters': '사용자가 특수문자를 추가할 수 있습니다. '
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': '사용자 이름이 이미 존재합니다. 다른 아이디를 선택하시오.'
+'User may delete article attachments': '사용자가 기사 첨부를 삭제할 수있습니다. '
+'User may change article attachments': '사용자가 기사 첨부를 변경할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may add article attachments': '사용자가 기사 첨브를 추가할 수 있습니다. '
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': '사용자계정을 만들 권한이 없습니다. '
+'You must select a $1': '$1 을 선택하시오'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': '패스워드는 6글자 이상이어야 합니다. '
+'The user account could not be created.': '사용자 아이디를 생성할 수 없습니다.'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': '사용자 아이디 $1 이 성공적으로 생성되었습니다.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': '사용자 아이디 권한을 변경할 수 없습니다. '
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': '사용자 아이디 정보를 변경할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': '입력한 패스워드가 틀립니다.'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': '사용자 아이디를 삭제할 권한이 없습니다. '
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': '사용자 아이디 $1 이 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'IP 그룹 $1 이 생성되었습니다.'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': ' IP 어드레스 그룹을 생성하는데 에러가 있습니다. '
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'IP 어드레스 그룹 $1 이 삭제되었습니다. '
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': '사용자 $1 정보가 성공적으로 변경되었습니다. '
+'User Type': '사용자 타입'
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'IP 어드레스 그룹 $1:$2 가 다른 기존 그룹과 중복됩니다. '
+'User may add/change publications': '사용자가 출판을 추가/수정할 수 있습니다.'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': '사용자 타입 파라미터 값 비정상'
+'User may delete publications': '사용자가 출판을 삭제할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may add/change issues': '사용자가 이슈를 추가/수정할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may delete issues': '사용자가 이슈를 삭제할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may add/change sections': '사용자가 섹션을 추가/수정할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may delete sections': '사용자가 섹션을 삭제할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may add articles': '사용자가 기사를 추가할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may change articles': '사용자가 기사를 수정할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may delete articles': '사용자가 기사를 삭제 할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may add images': '사용자가 이미지를 추가할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may change images': '사용자가 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may delete images': '사용자가 이미지를 삭제할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may delete templates': '사용자가 템플레이트를 삭제할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': '사용자가 스탭 아이디와 패스워드를 추가/수정할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': '사용자가 구독자 아이디와 패스워드를 추가/수정할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may delete staff accounts': '사용자가 스탭 아이디를 삭제할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': '사용자가 사용자 구독을 관리할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may manage account types': '사용자가 아이디 타입을 관리할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may add/change article types': '사용자가 기사 타입을 추가/수정할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may delete article types': '사용자가 기사 타입을 삭제할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may manage templates': '사용자가 템플레이트를 관리할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may add/change country entries': '사용자가 국가 엔트리를 추가/수정할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': '사용자가 언어를 추가하고 언어정보를 관리할 수 있습니다.'
+'User may delete languages': '사용자가 언어를 삭제할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may view audit logs': '사용자가 오디트 로그를 볼 수 있습니다. '
+'User may delete country entries': '사용자가 국가 엔트리를 삭제할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may manage localizer': '사용자가 로컬라이저를 관리할 수있습니다. '
+'User may publish articles': '사용자가 기사를 출판할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may manage topics': '사용자가 토릭을 관리할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may use bold': '사용자가 볼드체를 사용할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may use italic': '사용자가 이태릭체를 사용할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may use underline': '사용자가 밑줄을 사용할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may use strikethrough': '사용자가 스트라이크스루를 사용할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may change text alignment': '사용자가 텍스트 정렬을 수정합니다. '
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': '사용자가 복사, 오려두기, 붙이기를 사용합니다. '
+'User may undo/redo': '사용자가 되돌리기/계속하기를 사용합니다. '
+'User may change text direction': '사용자가 텍스트 방향을 수정할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may set indents': '사용자가 들어가기를 사용할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may add links': '사용자가 링크를 추가할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may add subheads': '사용자가 서브헤드를 추가할 수 있습니다. '
+'User may insert images': '사용자가 이미지를 삽입합니다. '
+'User may view the HTML source': '사용자가 HTML 소스 보기를 합니다. '
+'User may enlarge the editor': '사용자가 에디터를 크게 합니다. '
+'User may change the font face': '사용자가 글자체를 수정합니다.'
+'User may change the font size': '사용자가 글자 크기를 수정합니다. '
+'User may create bulleted lists': '사용자가 뷸렛 리스트를 생성합니다. '
+'User may create numbered lists': '사용자가 넘버리스트를 생성합니다. '
+'User may insert tables': '사용자가 테이블을 삽입합니다. '
+'User may insert horizontal rules': '사용자가 수평줄자를 삽입합니다. '
+'User may change the font color': '사용자가 글자 색을 수정합니다. '
+'User may use superscripts': '사용자가 윗첨자를 사용합니다.'
+'User may use subscripts': '사용자가 아랫첨자를 사용합니다.'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: 기타
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': '스탬/구독자 관리'
+'Editor Basic Settings': '에디터 기본 설정'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': '에디터 최신 글자 설정'
+'Editor Table Settings': '에디터 테이블 설정'
+'Administrative tasks': 관리기능
+'User will be notified on several events': '사용자가 여러 이벤트를 통보 받을 예정입니다. '
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': '에디터 기타 설정 '
+'No such user account.': '그런 아이디 없슴.'
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: 상태
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: 활성
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: 기능
+ edit: 편집
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: 삭제
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: null
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ku.yml
index bff59e3f88..78f6ddc0ae 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ku.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: null
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': null
+'User may move articles': null
+'User may find and replace': null
+'User may change system preferences': null
+'User may attach topics to articles': null
+'User may attach images to articles': null
+'User may add special characters': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'User may delete article attachments': null
+'User may change article attachments': null
+'User may add article attachments': null
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': null
+'You must select a $1': null
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': null
+'The user account could not be created.': null
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': null
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': null
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': null
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': null
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': null
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': null
+'User Type': null
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'User may add/change publications': null
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': null
+'User may delete publications': null
+'User may add/change issues': null
+'User may delete issues': null
+'User may add/change sections': null
+'User may delete sections': null
+'User may add articles': null
+'User may change articles': null
+'User may delete articles': null
+'User may add images': null
+'User may change images': null
+'User may delete images': null
+'User may delete templates': null
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': null
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': null
+'User may delete staff accounts': null
+'User may manage user subscriptions': null
+'User may manage account types': null
+'User may add/change article types': null
+'User may delete article types': null
+'User may manage templates': null
+'User may add/change country entries': null
+'User may add languages and manage language information': null
+'User may delete languages': null
+'User may view audit logs': null
+'User may delete country entries': null
+'User may manage localizer': null
+'User may publish articles': null
+'User may manage topics': null
+'User may use bold': null
+'User may use italic': null
+'User may use underline': null
+'User may use strikethrough': null
+'User may change text alignment': null
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': null
+'User may undo/redo': null
+'User may change text direction': null
+'User may set indents': null
+'User may add links': null
+'User may add subheads': null
+'User may insert images': null
+'User may view the HTML source': null
+'User may enlarge the editor': null
+'User may change the font face': null
+'User may change the font size': null
+'User may create bulleted lists': null
+'User may create numbered lists': null
+'User may insert tables': null
+'User may insert horizontal rules': null
+'User may change the font color': null
+'User may use superscripts': null
+'User may use subscripts': null
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: null
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': null
+'Editor Basic Settings': null
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': null
+'Editor Table Settings': null
+'Administrative tasks': null
+'User will be notified on several events': null
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': null
+'No such user account.': null
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: null
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: null
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: null
+ edit: null
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: null
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: null
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.lv.yml
index bff59e3f88..78f6ddc0ae 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.lv.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: null
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': null
+'User may move articles': null
+'User may find and replace': null
+'User may change system preferences': null
+'User may attach topics to articles': null
+'User may attach images to articles': null
+'User may add special characters': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'User may delete article attachments': null
+'User may change article attachments': null
+'User may add article attachments': null
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': null
+'You must select a $1': null
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': null
+'The user account could not be created.': null
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': null
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': null
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': null
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': null
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': null
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': null
+'User Type': null
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'User may add/change publications': null
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': null
+'User may delete publications': null
+'User may add/change issues': null
+'User may delete issues': null
+'User may add/change sections': null
+'User may delete sections': null
+'User may add articles': null
+'User may change articles': null
+'User may delete articles': null
+'User may add images': null
+'User may change images': null
+'User may delete images': null
+'User may delete templates': null
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': null
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': null
+'User may delete staff accounts': null
+'User may manage user subscriptions': null
+'User may manage account types': null
+'User may add/change article types': null
+'User may delete article types': null
+'User may manage templates': null
+'User may add/change country entries': null
+'User may add languages and manage language information': null
+'User may delete languages': null
+'User may view audit logs': null
+'User may delete country entries': null
+'User may manage localizer': null
+'User may publish articles': null
+'User may manage topics': null
+'User may use bold': null
+'User may use italic': null
+'User may use underline': null
+'User may use strikethrough': null
+'User may change text alignment': null
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': null
+'User may undo/redo': null
+'User may change text direction': null
+'User may set indents': null
+'User may add links': null
+'User may add subheads': null
+'User may insert images': null
+'User may view the HTML source': null
+'User may enlarge the editor': null
+'User may change the font face': null
+'User may change the font size': null
+'User may create bulleted lists': null
+'User may create numbered lists': null
+'User may insert tables': null
+'User may insert horizontal rules': null
+'User may change the font color': null
+'User may use superscripts': null
+'User may use subscripts': null
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: null
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': null
+'Editor Basic Settings': null
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': null
+'Editor Table Settings': null
+'Administrative tasks': null
+'User will be notified on several events': null
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': null
+'No such user account.': null
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: null
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: null
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: null
+ edit: null
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: null
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: null
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.nb_NO.yml
index bff59e3f88..78f6ddc0ae 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: null
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': null
+'User may move articles': null
+'User may find and replace': null
+'User may change system preferences': null
+'User may attach topics to articles': null
+'User may attach images to articles': null
+'User may add special characters': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'User may delete article attachments': null
+'User may change article attachments': null
+'User may add article attachments': null
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': null
+'You must select a $1': null
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': null
+'The user account could not be created.': null
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': null
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': null
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': null
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': null
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': null
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': null
+'User Type': null
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'User may add/change publications': null
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': null
+'User may delete publications': null
+'User may add/change issues': null
+'User may delete issues': null
+'User may add/change sections': null
+'User may delete sections': null
+'User may add articles': null
+'User may change articles': null
+'User may delete articles': null
+'User may add images': null
+'User may change images': null
+'User may delete images': null
+'User may delete templates': null
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': null
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': null
+'User may delete staff accounts': null
+'User may manage user subscriptions': null
+'User may manage account types': null
+'User may add/change article types': null
+'User may delete article types': null
+'User may manage templates': null
+'User may add/change country entries': null
+'User may add languages and manage language information': null
+'User may delete languages': null
+'User may view audit logs': null
+'User may delete country entries': null
+'User may manage localizer': null
+'User may publish articles': null
+'User may manage topics': null
+'User may use bold': null
+'User may use italic': null
+'User may use underline': null
+'User may use strikethrough': null
+'User may change text alignment': null
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': null
+'User may undo/redo': null
+'User may change text direction': null
+'User may set indents': null
+'User may add links': null
+'User may add subheads': null
+'User may insert images': null
+'User may view the HTML source': null
+'User may enlarge the editor': null
+'User may change the font face': null
+'User may change the font size': null
+'User may create bulleted lists': null
+'User may create numbered lists': null
+'User may insert tables': null
+'User may insert horizontal rules': null
+'User may change the font color': null
+'User may use superscripts': null
+'User may use subscripts': null
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: null
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': null
+'Editor Basic Settings': null
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': null
+'Editor Table Settings': null
+'Administrative tasks': null
+'User will be notified on several events': null
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': null
+'No such user account.': null
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: null
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: null
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: null
+ edit: null
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: null
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: null
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.pl.yml
index bff59e3f88..53fed43f92 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.pl.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Powtórzone hasło jest inne niż podane wcześniej'
+'Password Confirmation': 'Powtórz hasło'
+Website: 'Strona internetowa'
Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
+'Save profile': 'Zapisz profil'
+'Profile image': 'Zdjęcie profilowe'
+Organisation: Organizacja
+'Last Name Public': 'Pokazuj nazwisko'
Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
+Geolocation: Geololalizacja
+Gender: Płeć
+'First Name Public': 'Pokazuj imię'
Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
+'Date of birth': 'Data urodzenia'
+'Allow sending emails': 'Zezwala na wysyłanie wiadomości'
+'About me': 'O sobie'
+'User with email %s is registered already.': 'Użytkownik z adresem email %s już istnieje.'
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Ta nazwa użytkownika jest już zajęta, wybierz inną.'
+Continue: Dalej
+'Accepting terms of use': 'Akceptuję regulamin'
+'send confirmation email': 'Wyślij email potwierdzający'
+'edit user': 'Edytuj użytkownika'
+'delete user': 'Usuń użytkownika'
+'Verified profile': 'Profil zweryfikowany'
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Pokaz _START_ do _END_ ze _TOTAL_ wpisow'
+'Send email to user:': 'Wyślij email do użytkownika: '
+'No users found.': 'Nie znaleziono użytkowników.'
+'No records found.': 'Nie znaleziono rekordów.'
+'No entries to show': 'Brak wpisów do pokazania'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Pokaż _MENU_ rekordy'
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Jesteś pewien że chcesz {action}?'
+'Active Logins': 'Źródła logowania'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtrowanie z _MAX_ rekordów'
+'User renamed.': 'Nazwa użytkownika zmieniona.'
+'User attributes': 'Właściwości użytkownika'
+'Rename user $1': 'Zmień nazwę dla $1'
+'Username is used already': 'Ta nazwa użytkownika jest już zajęta'
+'User with id $1 not found': 'Użytkownik z id $1 nie istnieje.'
+'User was deleted.': 'Użytkownik został usuniety.'
+'User saved': 'Użytkownik został zapisany.'
+'User id not specified': 'Numer użytkownika nie został podany'
+'User $1 created': 'Stworzono użytkownika $1'
+'Send confirm email': 'Wyślij wiadomość email z potwierdzeniem'
+'Profile saved.': 'Zapisano profil.'
+Picture: Zdjęcie
+'Password updated': 'Hasło zostało zaktualizowane.'
+None: Brak
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'Nowa wiadomość email z potwierdzeniem została wysłana do użytkownika.'
+'Email is used already': 'Ten adres email jest już używany.'
+'Edit your password': 'Zmień swoje hasło'
+'Edit user $1': 'Edytuj użytkownika $1'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Edytuj subskrybcje'
+'Edit profile': 'Edytuj profil'
+'Edit permissions': 'Zmień uprawnienia'
+'Create new account': 'Stwórz nowe konto'
+'Comment ban settings': 'Ustawienia blokowania komentarzy'
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Blokada dla użytkownika $1 została zapisana.'
+'User account is active': 'Konto użytkownika jest aktywne.'
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Zezwól na publiczne wyświetlanie profilu użytkownika.'
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Zezwól użytkownikowi na logowanie się do panelu administracyjnego.'
+Templates: Szablony
+Username: 'Nazwa użytkownika'
+'Last Name': Nazwisko
+'First Name': Imię
Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'You were logged out.': 'Zostałeś wylogowany'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Podtytuł Newscoop'
+Filters: Filtry
+'Add new Author': 'Dodaj nowego Autora'
+'Loading Data': 'Ładowanie danych'
+'Delete author type': 'Usuń typ autora'
+'Cannot remove author type.': 'Nie można usunąć typu autora'
+'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Nie można usunąć aliasu autora.'
+'Author alias removed.': 'Alias autora zmieniony.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Na pewno usunąć tego autora?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Na pewno usunąć alias tego autora?'
+'All Author Types': 'Wszystkie typy autorów'
+'Add author type': 'Dodaj typ autora'
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'Nie masz prawy aby zmienić autorów.'
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Proszę podaj imię i nazwisko.'
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Nie można dodać typu autora - podany typ już istnieje.'
+'Author type removed.': 'Typ autora usunięty.'
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Typ autora musi mieć co najmniej trzy znaki.'
+'Author type added.': 'Typ autora dodany.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten typ autora?'
+'User may change authors': 'Użytkownik może zmienić autorów'
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Nie można dodać nowego zdjęcia, docelowy folder nie jest zapisywalny.'
+'Author saved.': 'Autor dodany.'
+'Author deleted.': 'Autor usunięty.'
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Aktywuj sprawdzanie pisowni przez Firefox domyślnie'
+'User may use the editor status bar': 'Użytkownik może używać pasku narzędzi edytora'
+'User may clear up the system cache': 'Użytkownik może czyścis cache systemowy'
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Inny użytkownik korzysta z tego adresu email - podaj inny.'
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'Wystąpił błąd podczas aktualizacji informacji o użytkowniku.'
+'User may moderate comments': 'Użytkownik może moderować komentarze.'
+'User may enable comments': 'Użytkownik może aktywować komentarze'
+'User may translate articles': 'Użytkownik może tłumaczyć artykuły'
+'User may move articles': 'Użytkownik może przenosić artykuły'
+'User may find and replace': 'Użytkownik może szukać i zamieniać'
+'User may change system preferences': 'Użytkownik może zmieniać preferencje systemu'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'Użytkownik może załączać tematy do artykułów'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'Użytkownik może załączać zdjęcia do artykułów'
+'User may add special characters': 'Użytkownik może dodawać znaki specjalne'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Ta nazwa użytkownika już istnieje, wybierz inną nazwę.'
+'User may delete article attachments': 'Użytkownik może usuwać załączniki artykułów'
+'User may change article attachments': 'Użytkownik może zmieniać załączniki artykułu'
+'User may add article attachments': 'Użytkownik może załączać do artykułu'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Nie masz praw aby dodawać konta użytkowników'
+'You must select a $1': 'Muszi wybrać $1'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'Hasło musi składać się z conajmniej 6 znaków'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'Konto użytkownika nie mogło zostac utworzone.'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'Konto użytkownika zostało utworzone.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmienić prawa tego użytkownika.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'Nie masz praw aby zmienić '
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'Wprowadzone hasło jest niepoprawne.'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'Nie masz praw aby usuwać konta użytkownika'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Konto użytkownika $1 zostało usunięte.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'Grupa IP $1 została utworzona.'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'Wystąpił błąd podczas tworzenia grupy adresów IP.'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'Grupa adresów IP $1 została skasowana.'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'Informacje o użytkowniku $1 zostały zmienione.'
+'User Type': 'Typ użytkownika'
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'Grupa adresów IP $1:$2 jest w konflikcie z istniejącą grupą.'
+'User may add/change publications': 'Użytkownik może zmieniać/dodawać publikacje'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Nieprawidłowa zmienna typu użytkownika'
+'User may delete publications': 'Użytkownik może usuwać publikacje'
+'User may add/change issues': 'Użytkownik może zmieniać/dodawać wydania'
+'User may delete issues': 'Użytkownik może usuwać wydania'
+'User may add/change sections': 'Użytkownik może zmieniać/dodawać sekcje'
+'User may delete sections': 'Użytkownik może usuwać sekcje'
+'User may add articles': 'Użytkownik może dodawać artykuły'
+'User may change articles': 'Użytkownik może zmieniać artykuły'
+'User may delete articles': 'Użytkownik może usuwać artykuły'
+'User may add images': 'Użytkownik może dodawać zdjęcia'
+'User may change images': 'Użytkownik może zmieniać zdjęcia'
+'User may delete images': 'Użytkownik może usuwać zdjęcia'
+'User may delete templates': 'Użytkownik może usuwać szablony'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'Użytkownik może dodawać/zmieniać konta i hasła redakcyjne'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'Użytkownik może dodawać/zmieniać konta i hasła subskrynentów'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'Użytkownik może usuwać konta redakcyjne'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'Użytkownik może zarządzać kontami subskrynentów'
+'User may manage account types': 'Użytkownik może zarządząć typami kont'
+'User may add/change article types': 'Użytkownik może dodawać/zmieniać typy artykułów'
+'User may delete article types': 'Użytkownik może usuwać typy artykułów'
+'User may manage templates': 'Użytkownik może zarządzać szablonami'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'Użytkownik może dodawać/zmieniać krajami'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'Użytkownik może dodawać języki i zarządzać informacjami o nich'
+'User may delete languages': 'Użytkownik może usuwać języki'
+'User may view audit logs': 'Użytkownik może widzieć logi'
+'User may delete country entries': 'Użytkownik może usuwać kraje'
+'User may manage localizer': 'Użytkownik może zarządzać lokalizatorrem'
+'User may publish articles': 'Użytkownik może publikować artykuły'
+'User may manage topics': 'Użytkownik może zarządzać tematami'
+'User may use bold': 'Użytkownik może używać pogrubionej czcionki'
+'User may use italic': 'Użytkownik może używać pochylonej czcionki'
+'User may use underline': 'Użytkownik może używać podkreślonej czcionki'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'Użytkownik może używać przekreślonej czcionki'
+'User may change text alignment': 'Użytkownik może zmieniać formatowanie tekstu'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'Użytkownik może kopiować, wklejać i wycinać'
+'User may undo/redo': 'Użytkownik może cofać zmiany'
+'User may change text direction': 'Użytkownik może kierunek tekstu'
+'User may set indents': 'Użytkownik może dodawać paragrafy'
+'User may add links': 'Użytkownik może dodawać linki'
+'User may add subheads': 'Użytkownik może subnagłówki'
+'User may insert images': 'Użytkownik może dodawać zdjęcia'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'Użytkownik może widzieć kod HTML'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'Użytkownik może powiększać edytor'
+'User may change the font face': 'Użytkownik może zmianiać czcionkę'
+'User may change the font size': 'Użytkownik może zmieniać rozmiar czcionki'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'Użytkownik może tworzyć listy punktowane'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'Użytkownik może tworzyć listy numerowane'
+'User may insert tables': 'Użytkownik może dodawać tabele'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'Użytkownik może dodawać linie horyzontalne'
+'User may change the font color': 'Użytkownik może zmieniać kolor czcionki'
+'User may use superscripts': 'Użytkownik może używać superskryptów'
+'User may use subscripts': 'Użytkownik może używać podskryptów'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': 'Użytkownik może tworzyć i odzyskiwać kopie serwisu'
+Miscellaneous: Różne
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Zarządzanie Redakcją/Subskrynentami'
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Podstawowe ustawienia edytora'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Zaawansowane ustawienia czcionek edytora'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Ustawienia tabeli edytora'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Zadania administracyjne'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'Używkotnik będzie informowany przy kilku zdarzeniach.'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Dodatkowe ustawienia edytora'
+'No such user account.': 'Brak użytkownika.'
+'User image (full-size)': 'Obraz użytkownika (pełen rozmiar)'
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'Konto użytkownika jest oznaczone jako "promowane konto"'
+'Custom attribute...': 'Własna właściwość '
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: 'Wyszukiwarka uzytkowników'
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: 'Zarządzaj użytkownikami'
+ created: Utworzony
+ updated: Zaktualizowany
status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ registered: Zarejestrowany
+ pending: Oczekujący
+ deleted: Usuniety
+ active: Aktywny
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Akcje
+ edit: Edytuj
+ resend_email: 'Wyślij mail aktywacyjny'
+ rename: 'Zmień nazwę'
+ remove: Usuń
+ confirm_remove: 'Na pewno chcesz usunąć tego użytkownika?'
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
+ page: Strona
+ perPageText: 'Pokazuje: '
+ pageText: 'Strony: '
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} do {pageUpperBound} z'
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} z'
recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (wyszukane z {recordsTotal} wszystkich wyników)'
+ recordCountText: 'Wyświetla '
recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ processingText: Przetważanie...
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: 'Źródła logowania'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ps.yml
index bff59e3f88..78f6ddc0ae 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.ps.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: null
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': null
+'User may move articles': null
+'User may find and replace': null
+'User may change system preferences': null
+'User may attach topics to articles': null
+'User may attach images to articles': null
+'User may add special characters': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'User may delete article attachments': null
+'User may change article attachments': null
+'User may add article attachments': null
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': null
+'You must select a $1': null
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': null
+'The user account could not be created.': null
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': null
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': null
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': null
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': null
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': null
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': null
+'User Type': null
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'User may add/change publications': null
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': null
+'User may delete publications': null
+'User may add/change issues': null
+'User may delete issues': null
+'User may add/change sections': null
+'User may delete sections': null
+'User may add articles': null
+'User may change articles': null
+'User may delete articles': null
+'User may add images': null
+'User may change images': null
+'User may delete images': null
+'User may delete templates': null
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': null
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': null
+'User may delete staff accounts': null
+'User may manage user subscriptions': null
+'User may manage account types': null
+'User may add/change article types': null
+'User may delete article types': null
+'User may manage templates': null
+'User may add/change country entries': null
+'User may add languages and manage language information': null
+'User may delete languages': null
+'User may view audit logs': null
+'User may delete country entries': null
+'User may manage localizer': null
+'User may publish articles': null
+'User may manage topics': null
+'User may use bold': null
+'User may use italic': null
+'User may use underline': null
+'User may use strikethrough': null
+'User may change text alignment': null
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': null
+'User may undo/redo': null
+'User may change text direction': null
+'User may set indents': null
+'User may add links': null
+'User may add subheads': null
+'User may insert images': null
+'User may view the HTML source': null
+'User may enlarge the editor': null
+'User may change the font face': null
+'User may change the font size': null
+'User may create bulleted lists': null
+'User may create numbered lists': null
+'User may insert tables': null
+'User may insert horizontal rules': null
+'User may change the font color': null
+'User may use superscripts': null
+'User may use subscripts': null
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: null
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': null
+'Editor Basic Settings': null
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': null
+'Editor Table Settings': null
+'Administrative tasks': null
+'User will be notified on several events': null
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': null
+'No such user account.': null
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: null
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: null
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: null
+ edit: null
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: null
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: null
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.pt_BR.yml
index bff59e3f88..62fd1936c6 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: Geolocalização
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Mostrando _START_ a _END_ de _TOTAL_ inscrições'
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': 'Nenhum dado encontrado'
+'No entries to show': 'Não há registros para mostrar'
+'Display _MENU_ records': Mostrar_MENU_registros
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtrando de _MAX_ registros'
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: Nenhum
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': 'Editar sua senha'
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': 'Editar permissões'
+'Create new account': 'Criar nova conta'
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
+Username: 'Nome de usuário'
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': 'Permissão para traduzir artigos'
+'User may move articles': 'Permissão para mover artigos'
+'User may find and replace': 'Permissão para Procurar e Substituir'
+'User may change system preferences': 'Permissão para alterar definições do sistema'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'Permissão para adicionar temas a artigos'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'Permissão para adicionar imagens a artigos'
+'User may add special characters': 'Permissão para usar caracteres especiais'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Nome já existente, por favor escoha um diferente.'
+'User may delete article attachments': 'Permissão para eliminar anexos de artigos'
+'User may change article attachments': 'Permissão para alterar anexos de artigos'
+'User may add article attachments': 'Permissão para adicionar anexos a artigos'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Não tem permissões para criar utilizadores'
+'You must select a $1': 'Tem de escolher um(a) $1'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'A Palavra-passe tem de ter pelos menos 6 caracteres e ambas as palavras-passe devem coincidir'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'O Utilizador não pode ser criado'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'Utilizador $1 criado com sucesso.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'Não tem autorização para alterar permissões'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'Não tem permissão para alterar informações de Utilizador'
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'Palavra-passe incorrecta'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'Não tem persmissões para eliminar Utilizadores'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Utilizador $1 foi eliminado'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'O Grupo de IPs $1 foi criado'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'Ocorreu um erro na criação do Grupo de IPs'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'Grupo de IPs $1 foi eliminado'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'Informações do Utilizador $1 alteradas.'
+'User Type': 'Tipo de Utilizador'
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'Existe um conflito entre o Grupo de IPs $1:$2 com um já existente.'
+'User may add/change publications': 'Permissão para Criar/Alterar Publicações'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Valor inválido no parametro solicitado.'
+'User may delete publications': 'Permissão para Apagar Publicações'
+'User may add/change issues': 'Permissão para Criar/Alterar Edições'
+'User may delete issues': 'Permissão para Apagar Edições'
+'User may add/change sections': 'Permissão para Criar/Alterar Secções'
+'User may delete sections': 'Permissão para Apagar Secções'
+'User may add articles': 'Permissão para Criar Artigos'
+'User may change articles': 'Permissão para Alterar Artigos'
+'User may delete articles': 'Permissão para Apagar Artigos'
+'User may add images': 'Permissão para Adicionar Imagens'
+'User may change images': 'Permissão para Alterar Imagens'
+'User may delete images': 'Permissão para Apagar Imagens'
+'User may delete templates': 'Permissão para Apagar Modelos'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'Permissão para adicionar/alterar Utilizadores Pessoal Editorial (Contas e Palavras-Passe)'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'Permissão para adicionar/alterar Assinantes (Contas e Palavras-Passe)'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'Permissão para eliminar Utilizadores Pessoal Editorial'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'Permissão para Gerir Assinaturas'
+'User may manage account types': 'Permissão para Gerir tipos de Utilizadores'
+'User may add/change article types': 'Permissão para Criar/Alterar tipos de Artigos'
+'User may delete article types': 'Permissão para Eliminar tipos de Artigos'
+'User may manage templates': 'Permissão para Gerir Modelos'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'Permissão para Adicionar/Alterar Paises'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'Permissão para Criar e Gerir Idiomas'
+'User may delete languages': 'Permissão para Apagar Idiomas'
+'User may view audit logs': 'Permissão para ver Registos de Utilização'
+'User may delete country entries': 'Permissão para Apagar Países'
+'User may manage localizer': 'Permissão para Gerir o Localizador'
+'User may publish articles': 'Permissão para Publicar Artigos'
+'User may manage topics': 'Permissão para Gerir Temas'
+'User may use bold': 'Permissão para usar Negrito'
+'User may use italic': 'Permissão para usar itálico'
+'User may use underline': 'Permissão para usar sublinhado'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'Permissão para usar rasurado'
+'User may change text alignment': 'Permissão para alterar alinhamento do texto'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'Permissão para copiar, cortar e colar'
+'User may undo/redo': 'Permissão para desfazer/refazer'
+'User may change text direction': 'Permissão para alterar direcção do texto'
+'User may set indents': 'Permissão para usar identações'
+'User may add links': 'Permissão para adicionar ligações'
+'User may add subheads': 'Permissão para usar sub-titulos'
+'User may insert images': 'Permissão para adicionar imagens'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'Permissão para ver código HTML'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'Permissão para alargar a janela do editor'
+'User may change the font face': 'Permissão para alterar a fonte'
+'User may change the font size': 'Permissão para alterar o tamanho da fonte'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'Permissão para criar listas'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'Permissão para criar listas numeradas'
+'User may insert tables': 'Permissão para inserir tabelas'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'Permissão para inserir regras horizontais'
+'User may change the font color': 'Permissão para alterar cor da fonte'
+'User may use superscripts': 'Permissão para usar superior à linha'
+'User may use subscripts': 'Permissão para usar inferior à linha'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: Vários
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Manutenção de Pessoal/Assinantes '
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Definições básicas do Editor'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Definições avançadas do Editor'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Definições de tabelas do Editor'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Tarefas Administrativas'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'Este Utilizador será notificado automáticamente dos acontecimento ocorridos'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Definições várias do Editor'
+'No such user account.': 'Utilizador Desconhecido'
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: 'Gerenciar usuários'
+ created: Criado
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: Estado
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: Removido
+ active: Ativo
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Ações
+ edit: Editar
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: Remover
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: Processando...
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sh.yml
index bff59e3f88..e186431215 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sh.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Potvrda lozinke se ne poklapa sa lozinkom.'
+'Password Confirmation': 'Potvrda lozinke'
+Website: 'Veb sajt'
+Twitter: Tviter
+'Save profile': 'Sačuvaj profil'
+'Profile image': 'Profilna slika'
+Organisation: Organizacija
+'Last Name Public': 'Prezime vidljivo'
Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+Geolocation: Geolokacija
+Gender: Pol
+'First Name Public': 'Ime vidljivo'
+Facebook: Fejsbuk
+'Date of birth': 'Datum rođenja'
+'Allow sending emails': 'Dozvoli slanje e-maila'
+'About me': 'O meni'
+'User with email %s is registered already.': 'Korisnik sa emailom %s je već registrovan'
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Korisničko ime je u upotrebi. Izaberite drugo.'
+Continue: Nastavi
+'Accepting terms of use': 'Prihvatam uslove korišćenja'
+'send confirmation email': 'Pošalji e-mail za potvrdu'
+'edit user': 'uredi korisnika'
+'delete user': 'obriši korisnika'
+'Verified profile': 'Proveren profil'
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Prikazano _START_ do _END_ od _TOTAL_ unosa'
+'Send email to user:': 'Pošalji e-mail korisniku:'
+'No users found.': 'Nije pronađen ni jedan korisnik.'
+'No records found.': 'Nema zapisa'
+'No entries to show': 'Nema unosa za prikaz'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Prikaži _MENU_ zapise'
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Sigurni ste da želite da {action}?'
+'Active Logins': 'Aktivne prijave'
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- filtriranje među _MAX_ zapisa'
+'User renamed.': 'Korisnik preimenovan'
+'User attributes': 'Korisnički atributi'
+'Rename user $1': 'Preimenuj korisnika $1'
+'Username is used already': 'Korisničko ime je već u upotrebi'
+'User with id $1 not found': 'Korisnik sa id-jem $1 nije pronađen'
+'User was deleted.': 'Korisnik je obrisan.'
+'User saved': 'Korisnik snimljen'
+'User id not specified': 'Korisnički id nije preciziran'
+'User $1 created': 'Korisnik $1 napravljen'
+'Send confirm email': 'Pošalji e-mail za potvrdu'
+'Profile saved.': 'Profil snimljen.'
+Picture: Slika
+'Password updated': 'Lozinka izmenjena'
+None: Nijedan
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'Novi e-mail za potvrdu je poslat korisniku.'
+'Email is used already': 'E-mail je već u upotrebi'
+'Edit your password': 'Uredi svoju lozinku'
+'Edit user $1': 'Uredi korisnika $1'
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Uredi pretplate'
+'Edit profile': 'Uredi profil'
+'Edit permissions': 'Uredi korisnička prava'
+'Create new account': 'Napravi novi nalog'
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': 'Korisnički nalog je aktivan'
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: Šabloni
+Username: 'Korisničko ime'
+'Last Name': Prezime
+'First Name': Ime
+Email: email
+'You were logged out.': 'Sada ste odjavljeni'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop podnaslov'
+Filters: Filteri
+'Add new Author': 'Dodaj novog autora'
+'Loading Data': 'Učitavanje podataka'
+'Delete author type': 'Obriši tip autora'
+'Cannot remove author type.': 'Nije moguće ukloniti tip autora'
+'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Nije moguće ukloniti autorov alias '
+'Author alias removed.': 'Autorov alias je uklonjen'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišeteovog autora?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete alias ovog autora?'
+'All Author Types': 'Svi tipovi autora'
+'Add author type': 'Dodaj tip autora'
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'Nemate pravo da menjate autore.'
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Molimo unesite barem ime i prezime.'
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Nije moguće dodati tip autora, pošto već postoji.'
+'Author type removed.': 'tip autora uklonjen,'
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Naziv tip autora mora biti bar tri karaktera dug.'
+'Author type added.': 'Tip autora dodat.'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete ovaj tip autora?'
+'User may change authors': 'Korisnik može da menja autore'
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Nije moguće dodati novu sliku, ciljani direktorijum nema pravo upisa.'
+'Author saved.': 'Autor snimljen.'
+'Author deleted.': 'Autor obrisan.'
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Omogući Firefox proveru ispravnosti unosa teksta'
+'User may use the editor status bar': 'Korisnik može da koristi status bar editora'
+'User may clear up the system cache': 'Korisnik može da briše sistemski keš'
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Drugi korisnik je već registrovan sa tom e-mail adresom, molimo izaberite drugu.'
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'Došlo je do greške pri pokušaju izmene podataka o informacijama.'
+'User may moderate comments': 'Korisnik može da moderiše komentare'
+'User may enable comments': 'Korsnik može da odobrava komentare'
+'User may translate articles': 'Korisnik može da prevodi tekstove'
+'User may move articles': 'Korisnik može da premešta tekstove'
+'User may find and replace': 'Korisnik može da koristi opciju traži/zameni'
+'User may change system preferences': 'Korisnik može da menja sistemske postavke'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'Korisnik može da dodaje teme tekstovima'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'Korisnik može da kači slike uz tekstove'
+'User may add special characters': 'Korisnik može da dodaje specijalne znakove'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'To korisničko ime već postoji, izaberite neko drugo ime.'
+'User may delete article attachments': 'Korisnik može da briše fajlove zakačene uz tekstove'
+'User may change article attachments': 'Korsnik može da menja fajlove prikačene uz tekstove'
+'User may add article attachments': 'Korsinik može da kači fajlove uz tekstove'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Nemate pravo da kreirate korisničke naloge.'
+'You must select a $1': 'Morate izabrati $1'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'Lozinka mora biti dugačka najmanje 6 karaktera i obe lozinke se moraju poklapati'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'Korisnički nalog ne može biti kreiran'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'Korisnički nalog $1 je uspešno napravljen.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'Nemate pravo da menjate dodeljena prava za korisničke naloge'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'Nemate pravo da promenite podatke za korisnički nalog'
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'Lozinka koju ste uneli je neispravna'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'Nemate pravo da brišete korisničke naloge'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Korisnički nalog $1 je uspešno obrisan.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'Grupa zasnovana na IP adresi je kreirana'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'Došlo je do greške pri kreiranju grupe zasnovane na IP adresi.'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'Grupa zasnovana na IP adresi $1 je obrisana'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'Podaci o korisniku $1 su uspešno promenjeni.'
+'User Type': 'Tip korisnika'
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'IP adresna grupa $1:$2 se sukobljava sa drugom, već postojećom grupom.'
+'User may add/change publications': 'Korisnik može da dodaje/menja publikacije'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Pogrešna vrednost parametra za tip korisnika'
+'User may delete publications': 'Korisnik može da briše publikacije'
+'User may add/change issues': 'Korisnik može da dodaje/menja izdanja'
+'User may delete issues': 'Korisnik može da briše izdanja'
+'User may add/change sections': 'Korisnik može da dodaje/menja rubrike'
+'User may delete sections': 'Korisnik može da briše rubrike'
+'User may add articles': 'Korisnik može da dodaje tekstove'
+'User may change articles': 'Korisnik može da menja tekstove'
+'User may delete articles': 'Korisnik može da briše tekstove'
+'User may add images': 'Korisnik može da dodaje slike'
+'User may change images': 'Korisnik može da menja slike'
+'User may delete images': 'Korisnik može da briše slike'
+'User may delete templates': 'Korisnik može da briše šablone'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'Korisnik može da dodaje/menja saradničke naloge i lozinke'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'Korisnik može da dodaje/menja pretplatničke naloge i lozinke'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'Korisnik može da briše saradničke naloge'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'Korisnik može da administrira pretplate'
+'User may manage account types': 'Korisnik može da administrira tipove naloga'
+'User may add/change article types': 'Korisnik može da dodaje/menja tipove tekstova'
+'User may delete article types': 'Korisnik može da briše tipove tekstova'
+'User may manage templates': 'Korisnik može da upravlja šablonima'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'Korisnik može da dodaje/menja podatke o državama'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'Korisnik može da dodaje jezike i upravlja informacijama o jeziku'
+'User may delete languages': 'Korisnik može da briše jezike'
+'User may view audit logs': 'Korisnik ima pristup logovima'
+'User may delete country entries': 'Korisnik može da briše podatke o državama'
+'User may manage localizer': 'Korisnik ima pristup lokalizatoru'
+'User may publish articles': 'Korisnik može da objavljuje članke'
+'User may manage topics': 'Korisnik može da upravlja temama'
+'User may use bold': 'Korisnik može da koristi masna slova (bold)'
+'User may use italic': 'Korisnik može da koristi kurziv (italic)'
+'User may use underline': 'Korisnik može da koristi podvučena slova (underline)'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'Korisnik može da koristi precrtana slova (strikethrough)'
+'User may change text alignment': 'Korisnik može da koristi poravnavanje teksta'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'Korisnik može da koristi kopiraj/zalepi/iseci (copy/paste/cut)'
+'User may undo/redo': 'Korisnik može da koristi undo/redo'
+'User may change text direction': 'Korisnik može da menja pravac teksta'
+'User may set indents': 'Korisnik može da podešava uvlačenje'
+'User may add links': 'Korisnik može da dodaje linkove'
+'User may add subheads': 'Korisnik može da pravi međunaslove'
+'User may insert images': 'Korisnik može da ubacuje slike'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'Korisnik ima pristup HTML kodu'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'Korisnik može da uvećava editor'
+'User may change the font face': 'Korisnik može da menja fontove'
+'User may change the font size': 'Korisnik može da menja veličinu slova'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'Korisnik može da pravi liste bez rednih brojeva'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'Korisnik može da pravi liste sa rednim brojevima'
+'User may insert tables': 'Korisnik može da dodaje tabele'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'Korisnik može da ubacuje horizontalne linije'
+'User may change the font color': 'Korisnik može da menja boju slova'
+'User may use superscripts': 'Korisink može da koristi tekst u eksponentu'
+'User may use subscripts': 'Korisink može da koristi tekst u imeniocu'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': 'Korisnik može bekapovati i vraćati podatke o sajtu'
+Miscellaneous: Razno
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Upravljanje saradničkim/pretplatničkim nalozima'
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Osnovno podešavanje editora'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Napredno podešavanje osobina fonta u editoru'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Podešavanje osobina tabela u editoru'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Administratorski poslovi'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'Korisnik će biti obavešten o određenim sistemskim aktivnostima'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Podešavanje raznih osobina u editoru'
+'No such user account.': 'Nema takvog korisničkog naloga.'
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: 'Upravljanje korisnicima'
+ created: Napravljeno
+ updated: null
status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ registered: Registrovan
+ pending: null
+ deleted: Obrisano
+ active: Aktivna
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Akcije
+ edit: Uredi
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: Preimenuj
+ remove: Ukloni
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
+ page: Strana
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: 'Strane:'
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: '(izdvojeno među ukupno {recordsTotal} unosa)'
+ recordCountText: null
recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: Obrađujem...
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: 'Aktivne prijave'
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sq.yml
index bff59e3f88..78f6ddc0ae 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sq.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: null
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': null
+'User may move articles': null
+'User may find and replace': null
+'User may change system preferences': null
+'User may attach topics to articles': null
+'User may attach images to articles': null
+'User may add special characters': null
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': null
+'User may delete article attachments': null
+'User may change article attachments': null
+'User may add article attachments': null
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': null
+'You must select a $1': null
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': null
+'The user account could not be created.': null
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': null
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': null
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': null
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': null
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': null
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': null
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': null
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': null
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': null
+'User Type': null
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': null
+'User may add/change publications': null
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': null
+'User may delete publications': null
+'User may add/change issues': null
+'User may delete issues': null
+'User may add/change sections': null
+'User may delete sections': null
+'User may add articles': null
+'User may change articles': null
+'User may delete articles': null
+'User may add images': null
+'User may change images': null
+'User may delete images': null
+'User may delete templates': null
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': null
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': null
+'User may delete staff accounts': null
+'User may manage user subscriptions': null
+'User may manage account types': null
+'User may add/change article types': null
+'User may delete article types': null
+'User may manage templates': null
+'User may add/change country entries': null
+'User may add languages and manage language information': null
+'User may delete languages': null
+'User may view audit logs': null
+'User may delete country entries': null
+'User may manage localizer': null
+'User may publish articles': null
+'User may manage topics': null
+'User may use bold': null
+'User may use italic': null
+'User may use underline': null
+'User may use strikethrough': null
+'User may change text alignment': null
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': null
+'User may undo/redo': null
+'User may change text direction': null
+'User may set indents': null
+'User may add links': null
+'User may add subheads': null
+'User may insert images': null
+'User may view the HTML source': null
+'User may enlarge the editor': null
+'User may change the font face': null
+'User may change the font size': null
+'User may create bulleted lists': null
+'User may create numbered lists': null
+'User may insert tables': null
+'User may insert horizontal rules': null
+'User may change the font color': null
+'User may use superscripts': null
+'User may use subscripts': null
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: null
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': null
+'Editor Basic Settings': null
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': null
+'Editor Table Settings': null
+'Administrative tasks': null
+'User will be notified on several events': null
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': null
+'No such user account.': null
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: null
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: null
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: null
+ edit: null
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: null
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: null
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sr.yml
index bff59e3f88..ad41f33958 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sr.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: 'Веб сајт'
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: Геолокација
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Приказано _START_ до _END_ од _TOTAL_ уноса'
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': 'Нема записа'
+'No entries to show': 'Нема уноса за приказ'
+'Display _MENU_ records': 'Прикажи _MENU_ записе'
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': '- филтрирање међу _MAX_ записа'
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: Ниједан
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': 'Уреди своју лозинку'
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': 'Уреди претплате'
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': 'Уреди корисничка права'
+'Create new account': 'Направи нови налог'
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: 'Корисничко име'
+'Last Name': Презиме
+'First Name': Име
+Email: email
+'You were logged out.': 'Сада сте одјављени'
+'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop поднаслов'
+Filters: Филтери
+'Add new Author': 'Додај новог аутора'
+'Loading Data': 'Учитавање података'
+'Delete author type': 'Обриши тип аутора'
+'Cannot remove author type.': 'Није могуће уклонити тип аутора'
+'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Није могуће уконити ауторов алиас'
+'Author alias removed.': 'Ауторов алиас је уклоњен'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете овог аутора?'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете алиас овог аутора?'
+'All Author Types': 'Сви типови аутора'
+'Add author type': 'Додај тип аутора'
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'Немате право да мењате ауторе'
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Молимо унесите барем име и презиме'
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Није могуће додати тип аутора, пошто већ постоји'
+'Author type removed.': 'тип аутора уклоњен'
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Назив типа аутора мора биити бар три карактера дуг'
+'Author type added.': 'Тип аутора додат'
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете овај тип аутора?'
+'User may change authors': 'Корисник може да мења ауторе'
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Није могуће додати нову слику, циљани директоријум нема право уписа'
+'Author saved.': 'Аутор снимљен'
+'Author deleted.': 'Аутор обрисан'
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Омогући Фајерфокс проверу исправности уноса текста'
+'User may use the editor status bar': 'Корисник може да користи статус бар едитора'
+'User may clear up the system cache': 'Корисник може да брише системски кеш'
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Други корисник је већ регистрован са том имејл адресом, молимо изаберите другу'
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'Дошло је до грешке при покушају измене података о информацијама'
+'User may moderate comments': 'Корисник може да модерише коментаре'
+'User may enable comments': 'Корисник може да одобрава коментаре'
+'User may translate articles': 'Корисник може да преводи текстове'
+'User may move articles': 'Корисник може да премешта текстове'
+'User may find and replace': 'Корисник може да користи опцију тражи/замени'
+'User may change system preferences': 'Корисник може да мења системске поставке'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'Корисник може да додаје теме текстовима'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'Корисник може да качи слике уз текстове'
+'User may add special characters': 'Корисник може да додаје специјалне знакове'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'То корисничко име већ постоји, изаберите неко друго име.'
+'User may delete article attachments': 'Корисник може да брише атачменте уз чланке.'
+'User may change article attachments': 'Корисник може да мења атачменте уз чланке'
+'User may add article attachments': 'Корисник може да додаје атачменте уз чланке'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Немате право да креирате корисничке налоге'
+'You must select a $1': 'Морате изабрати $1'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'Лозинка мора бити дугачка најмање 6 карактера и обе лозинке се морају поклапати'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'Кориснички налог не може бити креиран'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'Кориснички налог $1 је успешно направљен.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'Немате право да мењате додељена права за корисничке налоге'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'Немате право да мењате податке за кориснички налог '
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'Лозинка коју сте унели је неисправна'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'Немате право да бришете корисничке налоге'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Кориснички налог $1 је успешно обрисан.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'Група заснована на IP адреси је креирана'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'Дошло је до грешке при креирању групе засноване на ИП адреси.'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'Група заснована на IP адреси $1 је обрисана'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'Подаци о кориснику $1 су успешно промењени.'
+'User Type': 'Тип корисника'
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'ИП адресна група $1:$2 се сукобљава са другом, већ постојећом групом.'
+'User may add/change publications': 'Корисник може да додаје/мења публикације'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Погрешна вредност параметра за тип корисника'
+'User may delete publications': 'Корисник може да брише публикације'
+'User may add/change issues': 'Корисник може да додаје/мења издања'
+'User may delete issues': 'Корисник може да брише издања'
+'User may add/change sections': 'Корисник може да додаје/мења рубрике'
+'User may delete sections': 'Корисник може да брише рубрике'
+'User may add articles': 'Корисник може да додаје текстове'
+'User may change articles': 'Корисник може да мења текстове'
+'User may delete articles': 'Корисник може да брише текстове'
+'User may add images': 'Корисник може да додаје слике'
+'User may change images': 'Корисник може да мења слике'
+'User may delete images': 'Корисник може да брише слике'
+'User may delete templates': 'Корисник може да брише шаблоне'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'Корисник може да додаје/мења сарадничке налоге и лозинке'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'Корисник може да додаје/мења претплатничке налоге и лозинке'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'Корисник може да брише сарадничке налоге'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'Корисник може да администрира претплатама'
+'User may manage account types': 'Корисник може да администрира типовима налога'
+'User may add/change article types': 'Корисник може да додаје/мења типове текстова'
+'User may delete article types': 'Корисник може да брише типове текстова'
+'User may manage templates': 'Корисник може да управља шаблонима'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'Корисник може да додаје/мења податке о државама'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'Корисник може да додаје језике и управља информацијама о језику'
+'User may delete languages': 'Корисник може да брише језике'
+'User may view audit logs': 'Корисник има приступ логовима'
+'User may delete country entries': 'Корисник може да брише податке о државама'
+'User may manage localizer': 'Корисник има приступ лакализатору'
+'User may publish articles': 'Корисник може да објављује текстове'
+'User may manage topics': 'Корисник може да управља темама'
+'User may use bold': 'Корисник може да користи масна слова (болд)'
+'User may use italic': 'Корисник може да користи курзив (италик)'
+'User may use underline': 'Корисник може да користи подвучена слова'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'Корисник може да користи прецртана слова'
+'User may change text alignment': 'Корисник може да мења равнање текста'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'Корисник може да корсити копирање, лепљење и сечење'
+'User may undo/redo': 'Корисник може да користи undo/redo'
+'User may change text direction': 'Корисник може да мења правац текста'
+'User may set indents': 'Корисник може да подешава увлачења'
+'User may add links': 'Корисник може да додаје линкове'
+'User may add subheads': 'Корисник може да додаје међунаслове'
+'User may insert images': 'Корисник може да убацује слике'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'Корисник има право прегледа ХТМЛ кода'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'Корисник може да повећава едитор'
+'User may change the font face': 'Корисник може да мења фонтове'
+'User may change the font size': 'Корисник може да мења величину текста'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'Корисник може да прави листе без редних бројева (bullet)'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'Корисник може да прави листе са редним бројевима'
+'User may insert tables': 'Корисник може да додаје табеле'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'Корисник може да додаје хоризонталне линије'
+'User may change the font color': 'Корисник може да мења боју слова'
+'User may use superscripts': 'Корисник може да користи текст у експоненту'
+'User may use subscripts': 'Корисник може да корсити имениоцу'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': 'Корисник може бекаповати и враћати податке о сајту'
+Miscellaneous: Разно
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Управљање сарадничким/претплатничким налозима'
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Основна подешавања едитора'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Напредно подешавање особина фонта у едитору'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Подешавање особина табела у едитору'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Администраторски послови'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'Корисник ће бити обавештен о одређеним системским активностима'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Подешавање разних особина у едитору'
+'No such user account.': 'Нема таквог корисничког налога'
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: 'Управљање корисницима'
+ created: Направљено
+ updated: null
- status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ status: Статус
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: Обрисано
+ active: Активна
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Акције
+ edit: Уреди
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: Преименуј
+ remove: Уклони
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: Обрађујем...
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sv.yml
index bff59e3f88..0303758102 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/users.sv.yml
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-'Password confirmation does not match your password.': 'Password confirmation does not match your password.'
-'Password Confirmation': 'Password Confirmation'
-Website: Website
-Twitter: Twitter
-'Save profile': 'Save profile'
-'Profile image': 'Profile image'
-Organisation: Organisation
-'Last Name Public': 'Last Name Public'
-Google+: Google+
-Geolocation: Geolocation
-Gender: Gender
-'First Name Public': 'First Name Public'
-Facebook: Facebook
-'Date of birth': 'Date of birth'
-'Allow sending emails': 'Allow sending emails'
-'About me': 'About me'
-'User with email %s is registered already.': 'User with email %s is registered already.'
-'Username is used. Please use another one.': 'Username is used. Please use another one.'
-Continue: Continue
-'Accepting terms of use': 'Accepting terms of use'
-'send confirmation email': 'send confirmation email'
-'edit user': 'edit user'
-'delete user': 'delete user'
-'Verified profile': 'Verified profile'
-'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries'
-'Send email to user:': 'Send email to user:'
-'No users found.': 'No users found.'
-'No records found.': 'No records found.'
-'No entries to show': 'No entries to show'
-'Display _MENU_ records': 'Display _MENU_ records'
-'Are you sure you want to {action}?': 'Are you sure you want to {action}?'
-'Active Logins': 'Active Logins'
-' - filtering from _MAX_ records': ' - filtering from _MAX_ records'
-'User renamed.': 'User renamed.'
-'User attributes': 'User attributes'
-'Rename user $1': 'Rename user $1'
-'Username is used already': 'Username is used already'
-'User with id $1 not found': 'User with id $1 not found'
-'User was deleted.': 'User was deleted.'
-'User saved': 'User saved'
-'User id not specified': 'User id not specified'
-'User $1 created': 'User $1 created'
-'Send confirm email': 'Send confirm email'
-'Profile saved.': 'Profile saved.'
-Picture: Picture
-'Password updated': 'Password updated'
-None: None
-'New confirmation email was sent to user.': 'New confirmation email was sent to user.'
-'Email is used already': 'Email is used already'
-'Edit your password': 'Edit your password'
-'Edit user $1': 'Edit user $1'
-'Edit subscriptions': 'Edit subscriptions'
-'Edit profile': 'Edit profile'
-'Edit permissions': 'Edit permissions'
-'Create new account': 'Create new account'
-'Comment ban settings': 'Comment ban settings'
-'Ban for user $1 saved.': 'Ban for user $1 saved.'
-'User account is active': 'User account is active'
-'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': 'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed'
-'Allow user access to login to site backend': 'Allow user access to login to site backend'
-Templates: Templates
-Username: Username
-'Last Name': 'Last Name'
-'First Name': 'First Name'
-Email: Email
-'You were logged out.': 'You were logged out.'
-'Newscoop Subhead': 'Newscoop Subhead'
-Filters: Filters
-'Add new Author': 'Add new Author'
-'Loading Data': 'Loading Data'
-'Delete author type': 'Delete author type'
-'Cannot remove author type.': 'Cannot remove author type.'
-'Cannot remove author alias.': 'Cannot remove author alias.'
-'Author alias removed.': 'Author alias removed.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?'
-'All Author Types': 'All Author Types'
-'Add author type': 'Add author type'
-'You do not have the permission to change authors.': 'You do not have the permission to change authors.'
-'Please fill at least first name and last name.': 'Please fill at least first name and last name.'
-'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': 'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.'
-'Author type removed.': 'Author type removed.'
-'Author type must be at least three characters long.': 'Author type must be at least three characters long.'
-'Author type added.': 'Author type added.'
-'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?'
-'User may change authors': 'User may change authors'
-'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': 'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.'
-'Author saved.': 'Author saved.'
-'Author deleted.': 'Author deleted.'
-'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': 'Enable Firefox spell checking by default'
-'User may use the editor status bar': 'User may use the editor status bar'
-'User may clear up the system cache': 'User may clear up the system cache'
-'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': 'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.'
-'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': 'There was an error when trying to update the user info.'
-'User may moderate comments': 'User may moderate comments'
-'User may enable comments': 'User may enable comments'
-'User may translate articles': 'User may translate articles'
-'User may move articles': 'User may move articles'
-'User may find and replace': 'User may find and replace'
-'User may change system preferences': 'User may change system preferences'
-'User may attach topics to articles': 'User may attach topics to articles'
-'User may attach images to articles': 'User may attach images to articles'
-'User may add special characters': 'User may add special characters'
-'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.'
-'User may delete article attachments': 'User may delete article attachments'
-'User may change article attachments': 'User may change article attachments'
-'User may add article attachments': 'User may add article attachments'
-'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to create user accounts.'
-'You must select a $1': 'You must select a $1'
-'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.'
-'The user account could not be created.': 'The user account could not be created.'
-'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'User account $1 was created successfully.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.'
-'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'You do not have the right to change user account information.'
-'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'The password you typed is incorrect.'
-'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.'
-'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'User account $1 was deleted successfully.'
-'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'The IP Group $1 has been created.'
-'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'There was an error creating the IP address group.'
-'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.'
-'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'User $1 information was changed successfully.'
-'User Type': 'User Type'
-'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.'
-'User may add/change publications': 'User may add/change publications'
-'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Invalid value of user type parameter'
-'User may delete publications': 'User may delete publications'
-'User may add/change issues': 'User may add/change issues'
-'User may delete issues': 'User may delete issues'
-'User may add/change sections': 'User may add/change sections'
-'User may delete sections': 'User may delete sections'
-'User may add articles': 'User may add articles'
-'User may change articles': 'User may change articles'
-'User may delete articles': 'User may delete articles'
-'User may add images': 'User may add images'
-'User may change images': 'User may change images'
-'User may delete images': 'User may delete images'
-'User may delete templates': 'User may delete templates'
-'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords'
-'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords'
-'User may delete staff accounts': 'User may delete staff accounts'
-'User may manage user subscriptions': 'User may manage user subscriptions'
-'User may manage account types': 'User may manage account types'
-'User may add/change article types': 'User may add/change article types'
-'User may delete article types': 'User may delete article types'
-'User may manage templates': 'User may manage templates'
-'User may add/change country entries': 'User may add/change country entries'
-'User may add languages and manage language information': 'User may add languages and manage language information'
-'User may delete languages': 'User may delete languages'
-'User may view audit logs': 'User may view audit logs'
-'User may delete country entries': 'User may delete country entries'
-'User may manage localizer': 'User may manage localizer'
-'User may publish articles': 'User may publish articles'
-'User may manage topics': 'User may manage topics'
-'User may use bold': 'User may use bold'
-'User may use italic': 'User may use italic'
-'User may use underline': 'User may use underline'
-'User may use strikethrough': 'User may use strikethrough'
-'User may change text alignment': 'User may change text alignment'
-'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'User may copy, cut, and paste'
-'User may undo/redo': 'User may undo/redo'
-'User may change text direction': 'User may change text direction'
-'User may set indents': 'User may set indents'
-'User may add links': 'User may add links'
-'User may add subheads': 'User may add subheads'
-'User may insert images': 'User may insert images'
-'User may view the HTML source': 'User may view the HTML source'
-'User may enlarge the editor': 'User may enlarge the editor'
-'User may change the font face': 'User may change the font face'
-'User may change the font size': 'User may change the font size'
-'User may create bulleted lists': 'User may create bulleted lists'
-'User may create numbered lists': 'User may create numbered lists'
-'User may insert tables': 'User may insert tables'
-'User may insert horizontal rules': 'User may insert horizontal rules'
-'User may change the font color': 'User may change the font color'
-'User may use superscripts': 'User may use superscripts'
-'User may use subscripts': 'User may use subscripts'
-'User may backup and restore the site data': 'User may backup and restore the site data'
-Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
-'Staff/Subscribers Management': 'Staff/Subscribers Management'
-'Editor Basic Settings': 'Editor Basic Settings'
-'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'
-'Editor Table Settings': 'Editor Table Settings'
-'Administrative tasks': 'Administrative tasks'
-'User will be notified on several events': 'User will be notified on several events'
-'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'
-'No such user account.': 'No such user account.'
-'User image (full-size)': 'User image (full-size)'
-'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': 'User account is highlighted as "featured account"'
-'Custom attribute...': 'Custom attribute...'
-'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': 'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.'
+'Password confirmation does not match your password.': null
+'Password Confirmation': null
+Website: null
+Twitter: null
+'Save profile': null
+'Profile image': null
+Organisation: null
+'Last Name Public': null
+Google+: null
+Geolocation: null
+Gender: null
+'First Name Public': null
+Facebook: null
+'Date of birth': null
+'Allow sending emails': null
+'About me': null
+'User with email %s is registered already.': null
+'Username is used. Please use another one.': null
+Continue: null
+'Accepting terms of use': null
+'send confirmation email': null
+'edit user': null
+'delete user': null
+'Verified profile': null
+'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries': null
+'Send email to user:': null
+'No users found.': null
+'No records found.': null
+'No entries to show': null
+'Display _MENU_ records': null
+'Are you sure you want to {action}?': null
+'Active Logins': null
+' - filtering from _MAX_ records': null
+'User renamed.': null
+'User attributes': null
+'Rename user $1': null
+'Username is used already': null
+'User with id $1 not found': null
+'User was deleted.': null
+'User saved': null
+'User id not specified': null
+'User $1 created': null
+'Send confirm email': null
+'Profile saved.': null
+Picture: null
+'Password updated': null
+None: null
+'New confirmation email was sent to user.': null
+'Email is used already': null
+'Edit your password': null
+'Edit user $1': null
+'Edit subscriptions': null
+'Edit profile': null
+'Edit permissions': null
+'Create new account': null
+'Comment ban settings': null
+'Ban for user $1 saved.': null
+'User account is active': null
+'Allow users profile to be publicly displayed': null
+'Allow user access to login to site backend': null
+Templates: null
+Username: null
+'Last Name': null
+'First Name': null
+Email: null
+'You were logged out.': null
+'Newscoop Subhead': null
+Filters: null
+'Add new Author': null
+'Loading Data': null
+'Delete author type': null
+'Cannot remove author type.': null
+'Cannot remove author alias.': null
+'Author alias removed.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author?': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author alias?': null
+'All Author Types': null
+'Add author type': null
+'You do not have the permission to change authors.': null
+'Please fill at least first name and last name.': null
+'Cannot add author type, this type already exists.': null
+'Author type removed.': null
+'Author type must be at least three characters long.': null
+'Author type added.': null
+'Are you sure you want to delete this author type?': null
+'User may change authors': null
+'Unable to add new image, target directory is not writable.': null
+'Author saved.': null
+'Author deleted.': null
+'Enable Firefox spell checking by default': null
+'User may use the editor status bar': null
+'User may clear up the system cache': null
+'Another user is registered with that e-mail address, please choose a different one.': null
+'There was an error when trying to update the user info.': null
+'User may moderate comments': null
+'User may enable comments': null
+'User may translate articles': 'Användaren får översätta artiklar'
+'User may move articles': 'Användaren får flytta artiklar'
+'User may find and replace': 'Användaren får söka och ersätta'
+'User may change system preferences': 'Användaren får ändra systeminställningar'
+'User may attach topics to articles': 'Användaren får lägga till teman till artiklar'
+'User may attach images to articles': 'Användaren får bifoga bilder till artiklar'
+'User may add special characters': 'Användaren får lägga till specialtecken'
+'That user name already exists, please choose a different login name.': 'Användarnamnet finns redan, var god välj ett annat användarnamn.'
+'User may delete article attachments': 'Användaren får radera artikelbilagor'
+'User may change article attachments': 'Användaren får ändra på artikelbilagor'
+'User may add article attachments': 'Användaren får lägga till artikelbilagor'
+'You do not have the right to create user accounts.': 'Du har itne rätt att skapa användarkonton.'
+'You must select a $1': 'Du måste välja en $1'
+'The password must be at least 6 characters long and both passwords should match.': 'Lösenordet måste vara minst 6 tecken långt och båda lösenorden måste stämma överens.'
+'The user account could not be created.': 'Användarkontot kunde inte skapas.'
+'User account $1 was created successfully.': 'Användarkontot $1 skapades framgångsrikt.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account permissions.': 'du har inte rätt att ändra användarkontorättigheter.'
+'You do not have the right to change user account information.': 'Du har inte rätt att ändra användarkontoinformation.'
+'The password you typed is incorrect.': 'Lösenordet du skrev är felaktigt.'
+'You do not have the right to delete user accounts.': 'Du har inte rätt att radera användarkonton.'
+'User account $1 was deleted successfully.': 'Användarkontot $1 raderades framgångsrikt.'
+'The IP Group $1 has been created.': 'IP-gruppen $1 har skapats.'
+'There was an error creating the IP address group.': 'Ett fel uppstod när IP-adressgruppen skapades.'
+'The IP address group $1 has been deleted.': 'IP-adressgruppen $1 har raderats.'
+'User $1 information was changed successfully.': 'Användaren $1s information ändrades framgångsrikt.'
+'User Type': Användartyp
+'The IP address group $1:$2 conflicts with another existing group.': 'IP-adressgruppen $1:$2 krockar med en annan existerande grupp.'
+'User may add/change publications': 'Användaren får lägga till/ändra publikationer'
+'Invalid value of user type parameter': 'Felaktigt värde på användartypparametern.'
+'User may delete publications': 'Användaren får radera publikationer'
+'User may add/change issues': 'Användaren får lägga till/ändra utgåvor'
+'User may delete issues': 'Användaren får radera utgåvor'
+'User may add/change sections': 'Användaren får lägga till/ändra sektioner'
+'User may delete sections': 'Användaren får radera sektioner'
+'User may add articles': 'Användaren får lägga till artiklar'
+'User may change articles': 'Användaren får ändra artiklar'
+'User may delete articles': 'Användaren får radera artiklar'
+'User may add images': 'Användaren får lägga till bilder'
+'User may change images': 'Användaren får ändra bilder'
+'User may delete images': 'Användaren får radera bilder'
+'User may delete templates': 'Användaren får radera mallar'
+'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords': 'Användaren får lägga till/ändra stabskonton och lösenord'
+'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords': 'Användaren får lägga till/ändra prenumerantkonton och lösenord'
+'User may delete staff accounts': 'Användaren får radera stabskonton'
+'User may manage user subscriptions': 'Användaren får hantera prenumerantanvändare'
+'User may manage account types': 'Användaren får hantera kontotyper'
+'User may add/change article types': 'Användaren får lägga till/ändra artikeltyper'
+'User may delete article types': 'Användaren får radera artikeltyper'
+'User may manage templates': 'Användaren får hantera mallar'
+'User may add/change country entries': 'Användaren får lägga till/ändra landsposter'
+'User may add languages and manage language information': 'Användaren får lägga till språk och hantera språkinformation'
+'User may delete languages': 'Användaren får radera språk'
+'User may view audit logs': 'Användaren får visa loggar'
+'User may delete country entries': 'Användaren får radera landsposter'
+'User may manage localizer': 'Användaren får hantera översättaren'
+'User may publish articles': 'Användaren får publicera artiklar'
+'User may manage topics': 'Användaren får hantera teman'
+'User may use bold': 'Användaren får använda fet stil'
+'User may use italic': 'Användaren får använda kursiv stil'
+'User may use underline': 'Användaren får göra understrykningar'
+'User may use strikethrough': 'Användaren får göra överstrykningar'
+'User may change text alignment': 'Användaren får ändra textflöde'
+'User may copy, cut, and paste': 'Användaren får kopiera och klistra in'
+'User may undo/redo': 'Användaren får ångra/göra om'
+'User may change text direction': 'Användaren får ändra textriktning'
+'User may set indents': 'Användaren får sätta inskjutning'
+'User may add links': 'Användaren får lägga till länkar'
+'User may add subheads': 'Användaren får lägga in mellanrubriker'
+'User may insert images': 'Användaren får lägga in bilder'
+'User may view the HTML source': 'Användaren får visa HTML-källkoden'
+'User may enlarge the editor': 'Användaren får förstora redigeraren'
+'User may change the font face': 'Användaren får ändra typsnitt'
+'User may change the font size': 'Användaren får ändra textstorlek'
+'User may create bulleted lists': 'Användaren får skapa punktlistor'
+'User may create numbered lists': 'Användaren får skapa numrerade listor'
+'User may insert tables': 'Användaren får lägga in tabeller'
+'User may insert horizontal rules': 'Användaren får lägga in horisontala streck'
+'User may change the font color': 'Användaren får ändra textfärg'
+'User may use superscripts': 'Användaren får använda övertexter'
+'User may use subscripts': 'Användaren får använda undertexter'
+'User may backup and restore the site data': null
+Miscellaneous: Blandat
+'Staff/Subscribers Management': Stab/Prenumeranthantering
+'Editor Basic Settings': 'Textredigerare grundläggande inställningar'
+'Editor Advanced Font Settings': 'Textredigerare avancerade typsnittsinställningar inställningar'
+'Editor Table Settings': 'Textredigerare tabellinställningar'
+'Administrative tasks': 'Administrativa sysslor'
+'User will be notified on several events': 'Användaren meddelas vid flera händelser'
+'Editor Miscellaneous Settings': 'Textredigerare blandade inställningar'
+'No such user account.': 'Användarkontot finns inte.'
+'User image (full-size)': null
+'User account is highlighted as "featured account"': null
+'Custom attribute...': null
+'An author with the same full name (combination of first and last name) already exists.': null
- title: 'Users search'
+ title: null
- manage: 'Manage Users'
- created: Created
- updated: Updated
+ manage: null
+ created: null
+ updated: null
status: Status
- registered: Registered
- pending: Pending
- deleted: Deleted
- active: Active
+ registered: null
+ pending: null
+ deleted: null
+ active: Aktiv
- actions: Actions
- edit: Edit
- resend_email: 'Resend activation email'
- rename: Rename
- remove: Remove
- confirm_remove: 'You realy want to remove this user?'
+ actions: Handlingar
+ edit: Redigera
+ resend_email: null
+ rename: null
+ remove: 'Ta bort'
+ confirm_remove: null
- page: Page
- perPageText: 'Show: '
- pageText: 'Pages: '
- recordCountPageBoundTemplate: '{pageLowerBound} to {pageUpperBound} of'
- recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: '{recordsShown} of'
- recordCountTotalTemplate: '{recordsQueryCount} {collectionName}'
- recordCountFilteredTemplate: ' (filtered from {recordsTotal} total records)'
- recordCountText: 'Showing '
- recordCountTextTemplate: '{text} {pageTemplate} {totalTemplate} {filteredTemplate}'
- recordCountTemplate: '{textTemplate}'
- processingText: Processing...
+ page: null
+ perPageText: null
+ pageText: null
+ recordCountPageBoundTemplate: null
+ recordCountPageUnboundedTemplate: null
+ recordCountTotalTemplate: null
+ recordCountFilteredTemplate: null
+ recordCountText: null
+ recordCountTextTemplate: null
+ recordCountTemplate: null
+ processingText: null
- title: 'Active Logins'
+ title: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.az.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.az.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.az.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.az.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.be.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.be.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.be.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.be.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.bn.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.bn.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.bn.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.bn.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.cs.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.cs.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.cs.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.cs.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.da.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.da.yml
index 650ae76833..7c8526e224 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.da.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.da.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: 'Publikationens navn skal være længere end {{ limit }} tegn.'
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.de.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.de.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.de.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.de.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.de_AT.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.de_AT.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.de_AT.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.de_AT.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.es.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.es.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.es.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.es.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.es_AR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.es_AR.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.es_AR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.es_AR.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.fa.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.fa.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.fa.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.fa.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.fr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.fr.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.fr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.fr.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.he.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.he.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.he.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.he.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.hr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.hr.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.hr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.hr.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.hu.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.hu.yml
index 650ae76833..52f7b1f090 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.hu.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.hu.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: 'A kiadvány címének hosszabbnak kell lennie {{ limit }} karakternél.'
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.hy_AM.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.hy_AM.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.hy_AM.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.hy_AM.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ka.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ka.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ka.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ka.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ko.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ko.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ko.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ko.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ku.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ku.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ku.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ku.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.lv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.lv.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.lv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.lv.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.nb_NO.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.nb_NO.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.nb_NO.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.nb_NO.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.pl.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.pl.yml
index 650ae76833..79b0bd0145 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.pl.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.pl.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: 'Nazwa publikacji musi być dłuższa nie {{ limit }} znak(ów).'
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ps.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ps.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ps.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.ps.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.pt_BR.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.pt_BR.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.pt_BR.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.pt_BR.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sh.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sh.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sh.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sh.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sq.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sq.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sq.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sq.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sr.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sr.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sr.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sr.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
diff --git a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sv.yml b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sv.yml
index 650ae76833..0209137fba 100644
--- a/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sv.yml
+++ b/newscoop/src/Newscoop/NewscoopBundle/Resources/translations/validators.sv.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- min: 'Publication name must be longer than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ min: null
- max: 'Publication description must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication title must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null
- max: 'Publication keyword total must be shorter than {{ limit }} characters.'
+ max: null