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SONiC-OTN Buildimage Guide

How to build the sonic-otn VM

  git clone
  cd sonic-buildimage
  git checkout otn_pre_202411
  make init
  make configure PLATFORM=ot-vs
  make SONIC_BUILD_JOBS=8 target/sonic-ot-vs.img.gz

Run SONiC-OTN OT-VS image on Virtual machine


  • Install qemu
sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm


brew install qemu
  • download sonic-otn virtual images
  1. download ONIE image onie-recovery-x86_64-ot_kvm_x86_64_4_asic-r0.iso from

  2. download installer images sonic-installer.img and sonic-4asic-ot-vs.img.gz
    download these images from the github actions artifacts, for example this workflow build#13

  • (optional) build sonic-otn virtual images Build the whole project, then you can find the sonic-installer.img and sonic-4asic-ot-vs.img.gz in the root and target folder

How to Start a Virtual Machine

  1. Start VM via qemu
gunzip -k sonic-4asic-ot-vs.img.gz

sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -m 3072 -name onie -accel hvf -boot order=cd,once=d -cdrom ./onie-recovery-x86_64-ot_kvm_x86_64_4_asic-r0.iso  -device e1000,netdev=onienet -netdev user,id=onienet,hostfwd=: -vga std -drive file=./sonic-4asic-ot-vs.img,media=disk,if=virtio,index=0 -drive file=./sonic-installer.img,if=virtio,index=1 -serial telnet:,server

Note: you may need to change the -accel hvf to others hardware accelerator options, for example -accel KVM

  1. Open a new terminal, use console to login ONIE.
telnet 7000
  1. Choose entry: ONIE: Embed ONIE

  2. Choose entry: ONIE: Install OS

  3. Wait until SONiC-OTN image installed.

  4. The system will reboot automatically once sonic-otn is installed.

  5. The system is ready to login with default username/password (admin/YourPaSsWoRd)

  6. (Recommended) You can run the SONiC-OTN VM with bellow command directly.

sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -name sonic-vs -m 3072 -smp cpus=2 -accel hvf -machine smm=off -drive file=sonic-4asic-ot-vs.img,if=virtio,index=0,media=disk,id=drive0 -cpu qemu64 -nic user,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22,hostfwd=tcp::18080-:8080

Note: you may need to change the -accel hvf to others hardware accelerator options, for example -accel KVM

How to Login Virtual Machine

  1. Connect SONiC-OTN VM via console
telnet 7000
  1. Connect SONiC-OTN VM via SSH

    a. Connect via console

    b. Request a new DHCP address

    sudo dhclient -v

    c. Connect via SSH

    ssh admin@localhost -p 10022
  2. check the running dockers

admin@sonic:~$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS              PORTS     NAMES
7e1c62bc23e2   docker-platform-monitor:latest       "/usr/bin/docker_ini…"   2 minutes ago    Up About a minute             pmon
3fa53fd0fa0d   docker-sonic-mgmt-framework:latest   "/usr/local/bin/supe…"   2 minutes ago    Up 2 minutes                  mgmt-framework
035c2e080506   docker-lldp:latest                   "/usr/bin/docker-lld…"   2 minutes ago    Up 2 minutes                  lldp
621329efaac1   docker-sonic-gnmi:latest             "/usr/local/bin/supe…"   2 minutes ago    Up 2 minutes                  gnmi
83d06659a2ed   docker-syncd-ot-vs:latest            "/usr/local/bin/supe…"   5 minutes ago    Up 4 minutes                  syncd-ot3
281482c1a03b   docker-syncd-ot-vs:latest            "/usr/local/bin/supe…"   5 minutes ago    Up 4 minutes                  syncd-ot0
a0be913d53f3   docker-syncd-ot-vs:latest            "/usr/local/bin/supe…"   5 minutes ago    Up 4 minutes                  syncd-ot1
3ce2c63b401d   docker-syncd-ot-vs:latest            "/usr/local/bin/supe…"   5 minutes ago    Up 4 minutes                  syncd-ot2
efd864faac16   docker-orchagent-ot:latest           "/usr/bin/docker-ini…"   6 minutes ago    Up 5 minutes                  otss0
b9e7634a3e8b   docker-orchagent-ot:latest           "/usr/bin/docker-ini…"   6 minutes ago    Up 5 minutes                  otss1
db2d61583a66   docker-orchagent-ot:latest           "/usr/bin/docker-ini…"   6 minutes ago    Up 5 minutes                  otss3
22ce20e66188   docker-orchagent-ot:latest           "/usr/bin/docker-ini…"   6 minutes ago    Up 5 minutes                  otss2
2a4a3d1cdd04   docker-fpm-frr:latest                "/usr/bin/docker_ini…"   19 minutes ago   Up 5 minutes                  bgp
aa06aec6b3e2   docker-eventd:latest                 "/usr/local/bin/supe…"   21 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes                  eventd
9de7acae7b67   docker-database:latest               "/usr/local/bin/dock…"   22 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes                  database1
e453e15d1fe6   docker-database:latest               "/usr/local/bin/dock…"   22 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes                  database3
4ac2bc1b2a0d   docker-database:latest               "/usr/local/bin/dock…"   22 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes                  database2
b6b7e30bc8d8   docker-database:latest               "/usr/local/bin/dock…"   22 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes                  database0
68c79c6e02f5   docker-database:latest               "/usr/local/bin/dock…"   22 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes                  database

Test provision a linecard

We provide a test script to provision virtual linecards in the sonic-otn VM systems.

  1. copy the test script to the sonic-otn system
scp -P 10022 admin@localhost:/home/admin
  1. provision slot 1 with e110c, which is a line system with VOA, OSC, EDFA, MUX/DEMUX and OLP.
admin@sonic:~$ ./ 1 e110c
1 e110c E110C 0
linecard type is e110c
plugin the linecard 1 ...
  1. provision slot 2 with p230c, which is a transponder with four 100G Ethernet client port and one 400G line port.
admin@sonic:~$ ./ 2 p230c
2 p230c P230C 1
linecard type is p230c
plugin the linecard 2 ...
  1. check the data in the database0 and database1
admin@sonic:~$ docker exec -ti database0 bash
root@sonic:/# redis-cli -n 6
root@sonic:/# redis-cli -n 2

admin@sonic:~$ docker exec -ti database1 bash
root@sonic:/# redis-cli -n 6
root@sonic:/# redis-cli -n 2
  1. deprovision the linecard with test script
    It will plug out the virtual linecard and flush all data in the database
./ 1 none
./ 2 none

Customize the dummy data in ot-vs platform

  1. Option 1, update the dummy json data User can customize the dummy data for each OTAI objects by editing the json files /usr/include/vslib/otai_sim_data in the syncd-ot container, then restart the syncd process.
docker exec -ti syncd-ot0 bash
vi /usr/include/vslib/otai_sim_data/otai_oa_sim.json
supervisorctl restart syncd

Note: if the OTAI attribute is an enum type, the value should be an integer representation of the enum value. For example. OTAI_ADMIN_STATE_ENABLED is the first enumerator, and the value is 0.

You can verify the data is updated by retrieving the tables in state_db and counter_db.

admin@sonic:~$ docker exec -ti database0 bash
root@sonic:/# redis-cli -n 6
root@sonic:/# redis-cli -n 2
  1. Option 2, configure the OTAI object in config_db User can set an OTAI object attributes in config_db, then the state of this OTAI object will be updated in state_db.

For example, disable the transceiver of line port 1 on slot 2 optical linecard.

admin@sonic:~$ docker exec -ti database1 bash
root@sonic:/# redis-cli -n 4 hset "TRANSCEIVER|TRANSCEIVER-1-2-L1" "enabled" "false"
root@sonic:/# redis-cli -n 6 hget "TRANSCEIVER|TRANSCEIVER-1-2-L1" "enabled"