diff --git a/dockers/docker-snmp-sv2/snmpd-config-updater b/dockers/docker-snmp-sv2/snmpd-config-updater
index 10c2a2b57ef3..ea837e5a787f 100755
--- a/dockers/docker-snmp-sv2/snmpd-config-updater
+++ b/dockers/docker-snmp-sv2/snmpd-config-updater
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ class ConfigUpdater(object):
if table_data["type"] != self.ACL_TABLE_TYPE_CTRLPLANE:
- # Ignore non-SSH service ACLs
- if table_data["service"] != self.ACL_SERVICE_SNMP:
+ # Ignore non-SNMP service ACLs
+ if self.ACL_SERVICE_SNMP not in table_data["services"]:
acl_rules = {}
diff --git a/files/image_config/caclmgrd/caclmgrd b/files/image_config/caclmgrd/caclmgrd
index a61c2437a5b7..dee85d2e26ed 100755
--- a/files/image_config/caclmgrd/caclmgrd
+++ b/files/image_config/caclmgrd/caclmgrd
@@ -123,80 +123,76 @@ class ControlPlaneAclManager(object):
if table_data["type"] != self.ACL_TABLE_TYPE_CTRLPLANE:
- acl_service = table_data["service"]
+ acl_services = table_data["services"]
- if acl_service not in self.ACL_SERVICES:
- log_warning("Ignoring control plane ACL '{}' with unrecognized service '{}'"
- .format(table_name, acl_service))
- continue
- log_info("Translating ACL rules for control plane ACL '{}' (service: '{}')"
- .format(table_name, acl_service))
- # Obtain default IP protocol(s) and destination port(s) for this service
- ip_protocols = self.ACL_SERVICES[acl_service]["ip_protocols"]
- dst_ports = self.ACL_SERVICES[acl_service]["dst_ports"]
- acl_rules = {}
- for ((rule_table_name, rule_id), rule_props) in self._rules_db_info.iteritems():
- if rule_table_name == table_name:
- acl_rules[rule_props["PRIORITY"]] = rule_props
- # For each ACL rule in this table (in descending order of priority)
- for priority in sorted(acl_rules.iterkeys(), reverse=True):
- rule_props = acl_rules[priority]
- if "PACKET_ACTION" not in rule_props:
- log_error("ACL rule does not contain PACKET_ACTION property")
+ for acl_service in acl_services:
+ if acl_service not in self.ACL_SERVICES:
+ log_warning("Ignoring control plane ACL '{}' with unrecognized service '{}'"
+ .format(table_name, acl_service))
- # If the rule contains an IP protocol, we will use it.
- # Otherwise, we will apply the rule to the default
- # protocol(s) for this ACL service
- if "IP_PROTOCOL" in rule_props:
- ip_protocols = [rule_props["IP_PROTOCOL"]]
- for ip_protocol in ip_protocols:
- for dst_port in dst_ports:
- rule_cmd = "iptables -A INPUT -p {}".format(ip_protocol)
- if "SRC_IP" in rule_props and rule_props["SRC_IP"]:
- rule_cmd += " -s {}".format(rule_props["SRC_IP"])
- rule_cmd += " --dport {}".format(dst_port)
- # If there are TCP flags present, append them
- if "TCP_FLAGS" in rule_props and rule_props["TCP_FLAGS"]:
- tcp_flags = int(rule_props["TCP_FLAGS"], 16)
- if tcp_flags > 0:
- rule_cmd += " --tcp-flags "
- if tcp_flags & 0x01:
- rule_cmd += "FIN,"
- if tcp_flags & 0x02:
- rule_cmd += "SYN,"
- if tcp_flags & 0x04:
- rule_cmd += "RST,"
- if tcp_flags & 0x08:
- rule_cmd += "PSH,"
- if tcp_flags & 0x10:
- rule_cmd += "ACK,"
- if tcp_flags & 0x20:
- rule_cmd += "URG,"
- if tcp_flags & 0x40:
- rule_cmd += "ECE,"
- if tcp_flags & 0x80:
- rule_cmd += "CWR,"
- # Delete the trailing comma
- rule_cmd = rule_cmd[:-1]
- # Append the packet action as the jump target
- rule_cmd += " -j {}".format(rule_props["PACKET_ACTION"])
- iptables_cmds.append(rule_cmd)
+ log_info("Translating ACL rules for control plane ACL '{}' (service: '{}')"
+ .format(table_name, acl_service))
+ # Obtain default IP protocol(s) and destination port(s) for this service
+ ip_protocols = self.ACL_SERVICES[acl_service]["ip_protocols"]
+ dst_ports = self.ACL_SERVICES[acl_service]["dst_ports"]
+ acl_rules = {}
+ for ((rule_table_name, rule_id), rule_props) in self._rules_db_info.iteritems():
+ if rule_table_name == table_name:
+ acl_rules[rule_props["PRIORITY"]] = rule_props
+ # For each ACL rule in this table (in descending order of priority)
+ for priority in sorted(acl_rules.iterkeys(), reverse=True):
+ rule_props = acl_rules[priority]
+ if "PACKET_ACTION" not in rule_props:
+ log_error("ACL rule does not contain PACKET_ACTION property")
+ continue
+ # Apply the rule to the default protocol(s) for this ACL service
+ for ip_protocol in ip_protocols:
+ for dst_port in dst_ports:
+ rule_cmd = "iptables -A INPUT -p {}".format(ip_protocol)
+ if "SRC_IP" in rule_props and rule_props["SRC_IP"]:
+ rule_cmd += " -s {}".format(rule_props["SRC_IP"])
+ rule_cmd += " --dport {}".format(dst_port)
+ # If there are TCP flags present, append them
+ if "TCP_FLAGS" in rule_props and rule_props["TCP_FLAGS"]:
+ tcp_flags = int(rule_props["TCP_FLAGS"], 16)
+ if tcp_flags > 0:
+ rule_cmd += " --tcp-flags "
+ if tcp_flags & 0x01:
+ rule_cmd += "FIN,"
+ if tcp_flags & 0x02:
+ rule_cmd += "SYN,"
+ if tcp_flags & 0x04:
+ rule_cmd += "RST,"
+ if tcp_flags & 0x08:
+ rule_cmd += "PSH,"
+ if tcp_flags & 0x10:
+ rule_cmd += "ACK,"
+ if tcp_flags & 0x20:
+ rule_cmd += "URG,"
+ if tcp_flags & 0x40:
+ rule_cmd += "ECE,"
+ if tcp_flags & 0x80:
+ rule_cmd += "CWR,"
+ # Delete the trailing comma
+ rule_cmd = rule_cmd[:-1]
+ # Append the packet action as the jump target
+ rule_cmd += " -j {}".format(rule_props["PACKET_ACTION"])
+ iptables_cmds.append(rule_cmd)
return iptables_cmds
diff --git a/files/image_config/ssh/sshd-config-updater b/files/image_config/ssh/sshd-config-updater
index ad1ee000febe..5f7a4ce17f98 100755
--- a/files/image_config/ssh/sshd-config-updater
+++ b/files/image_config/ssh/sshd-config-updater
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class ConfigUpdater(object):
# Ignore non-SSH service ACLs
- if table_data["service"] != self.ACL_SERVICE_SSH:
+ if self.ACL_SERVICE_SSH not in table_data["services"]:
acl_rules = {}
diff --git a/src/sonic-config-engine/minigraph.py b/src/sonic-config-engine/minigraph.py
index fb098cee3268..731f449ab028 100644
--- a/src/sonic-config-engine/minigraph.py
+++ b/src/sonic-config-engine/minigraph.py
@@ -188,6 +188,10 @@ def parse_dpg(dpg, hname):
aclattach = aclintf.find(str(QName(ns, "AttachTo"))).text.split(';')
acl_intfs = []
is_mirror = False
+ # TODO: Ensure that acl_intfs will only ever contain front-panel interfaces (e.g.,
+ # maybe we should explicity ignore management and loopback interfaces?) because we
+ # decide an ACL is a Control Plane ACL if acl_intfs is empty below.
for member in aclattach:
member = member.strip()
if pcs.has_key(member):
@@ -209,12 +213,22 @@ def parse_dpg(dpg, hname):
# This ACL has no interfaces to attach to -- consider this a control plane ACL
aclservice = aclintf.find(str(QName(ns, "Type"))).text
- acls[aclname] = {'policy_desc': aclname,
- 'ports': acl_intfs,
- 'type': 'CTRLPLANE',
- 'service': aclservice if aclservice is not None else 'UNKNOWN'}
+ # If we already have an ACL with this name and this ACL is bound to a different service,
+ # append the service to our list of services
+ if aclname in acls:
+ if acls[aclname]['type'] != 'CTRLPLANE':
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: ACL '%s' type mismatch. Not updating ACL." % aclname
+ elif acls[aclname]['services'] == aclservice:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: ACL '%s' already contains service '%s'. Not updating ACL." % (aclname, aclservice)
+ else:
+ acls[aclname]['services'].append(aclservice)
+ else:
+ acls[aclname] = {'policy_desc': aclname,
+ 'type': 'CTRLPLANE',
+ 'services': [aclservice]}
- print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Ingore Control Plane ACL %s without type" % aclname
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Ignoring Control Plane ACL %s without type" % aclname
return intfs, lo_intfs, mgmt_intf, vlans, vlan_members, pcs, acls
return None, None, None, None, None, None, None
diff --git a/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/t0-sample-graph.xml b/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/t0-sample-graph.xml
index a12605c8c3e1..bda5517771e5 100644
--- a/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/t0-sample-graph.xml
+++ b/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/t0-sample-graph.xml
@@ -281,6 +281,16 @@
diff --git a/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/test_cfggen.py b/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/test_cfggen.py
index 64162e49417e..6059798cbd6e 100644
--- a/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/test_cfggen.py
+++ b/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/test_cfggen.py
@@ -78,11 +78,13 @@ def test_render_template(self):
def test_minigraph_acl(self):
argument = '-m "' + self.sample_graph_t0 + '" -p "' + self.port_config + '" -v ACL_TABLE'
output = self.run_script(argument, True)
- self.assertEqual(output.strip(), "Warning: Ingore Control Plane ACL NTP_ACL without type\n"
- "{'SSH_ACL': {'type': 'CTRLPLANE', 'policy_desc': 'SSH_ACL', 'service': 'SSH', 'ports': []},"
- " 'SNMP_ACL': {'type': 'CTRLPLANE', 'policy_desc': 'SNMP_ACL', 'service': 'SNMP', 'ports': []},"
+ self.assertEqual(output.strip(), "Warning: Ignoring Control Plane ACL NTP_ACL without type\n"
+ "{'SSH_ACL': {'services': ['SSH'], 'type': 'CTRLPLANE', 'policy_desc': 'SSH_ACL'},"
+ " 'SNMP_ACL': {'services': ['SNMP'], 'type': 'CTRLPLANE', 'policy_desc': 'SNMP_ACL'},"
" 'DATAACL': {'type': 'L3', 'policy_desc': 'DATAACL', 'ports': ['Ethernet112', 'Ethernet116', 'Ethernet120', 'Ethernet124']},"
- " 'NTP_ACL': {'type': 'CTRLPLANE', 'policy_desc': 'NTP_ACL', 'service': 'NTP', 'ports': []}}")
+ " 'NTP_ACL': {'services': ['NTP'], 'type': 'CTRLPLANE', 'policy_desc': 'NTP_ACL'},"
+ " 'ROUTER_PROTECT': {'services': ['SSH', 'SNMP'], 'type': 'CTRLPLANE', 'policy_desc': 'ROUTER_PROTECT'}}")
def test_minigraph_everflow(self):
argument = '-m "' + self.sample_graph_t0 + '" -p "' + self.port_config + '" -v MIRROR_SESSION'
output = self.run_script(argument)
diff --git a/src/sonic-utilities b/src/sonic-utilities
index 3f2d7bb4beaf..5e476d6d549c 160000
--- a/src/sonic-utilities
+++ b/src/sonic-utilities
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 3f2d7bb4beaf3987db0c3e6fb57ae7ba51390a16
+Subproject commit 5e476d6d549cf40b68e86ae01dcb703b567b85e3