Well dealing the date formats used by the HTTP protocol (and then some more).
is tremendous function which can detect various date formats from string and returns time.Time
Is is golang porting of perl's HTTP::Date (ported only str2time
# try to parse string and returns `time.Time` or error
t1, err := httpdate.Str2Time("Thu, 03 Feb 1994 12:33:44 GMT", time.UTC)
t2, err := httpdate.Str2Time("2017-11-11", time.UTC)
t3, err := httpdate.Str2Time("Thu Nov 9 18:20:31 GMT 2017", time.UTC)
t4, err := httpdate.Str2Time("08-Feb-94 14:15:29 GMT", time.UTC)
- "Wed, 09 Feb 1994 22:23:32 GMT" -- HTTP format
- "Thu Feb 3 17:03:55 GMT 1994" -- ctime(3) format
- "Thu Feb 3 00:00:00 1994", -- ANSI C asctime() format
- "Tuesday, 08-Feb-94 14:15:29 GMT" -- old rfc850 HTTP format
- "Tuesday, 08-Feb-1994 14:15:29 GMT" -- broken rfc850 HTTP format
- "03/Feb/1994:17:03:55 -0700" -- common logfile format
- "09 Feb 1994 22:23:32 GMT" -- HTTP format (no weekday)
- "08-Feb-94 14:15:29 GMT" -- rfc850 format (no weekday)
- "08-Feb-1994 14:15:29 GMT" -- broken rfc850 format (no weekday)
- "1994-02-03 14:15:29 -0100" -- ISO 8601 format
- "1994-02-03 14:15:29" -- zone is optional
- "1994-02-03" -- only date
- "1994-02-03T14:15:29" -- Use T as separator
- "19940203T141529Z" -- ISO 8601 compact format
- "19940203" -- only date
- "08-Feb-94" -- old rfc850 HTTP format (no weekday, no time)
- "08-Feb-1994" -- broken rfc850 HTTP format (no weekday, no time)
- "09 Feb 1994" -- proposed new HTTP format (no weekday, no time)
- "03/Feb/1994" -- common logfile format (no time, no offset)
- "Feb 3 1994" -- Unix 'ls -l' format
- "Feb 3 17:03" -- Unix 'ls -l' format
- "11-15-96 03:52PM" -- Windows 'dir' format