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242 lines (159 loc) · 7.23 KB

File metadata and controls

242 lines (159 loc) · 7.23 KB

To do

1. Stateid + userid

The current common storage is a bad architecture choice (possible bugs in time-delayed transactions, in a multiuser scenario). It must be replaced asap, storing/retrieving data in/from sessions db.

2. Synchronous/asynchronous state handlers

A special warning concerns the synchronous/asynchronous behaviors of nodejs. Currently input and output state handlers are usual synchronous javascript functions. That's debatable.

⚠️ WARNING when NaifJs run as a server in a multi user channel, in case of delayed/promised/timeout functions (anything that will run out-of-time in a future (~promise), please remember to pass the session id to functions that will be activated with a time delay.

3. Sessions data DB

Currently the sessions are managed as in-memory key-value hash table (a javascript object), read from disk (a JSON file) at up time and saved to as JSON file at down time.

A better choice is to manage sessions with a real database (e.g. using REDIS, or LMDB, or any other key-value DB). Decoupling DB also allows to access sessions from multiple instances of a Naif (to do) web server.

4. Add a default timeout handler policy

NaifJs could supply a ready-made default response timeout handler, by example, asking every M seconds the last prompt P.

5. Prompts timeout data management

So far, timeout handlers are managed in a dedicated in-memory object. It's a debatable decision. Maybe would be part of the session object.

7. Debugging features (in naif shell)

naif shell command line program could be enabled by inline commands for debug purposes, maybe

  • using a special prefix e.g. /command :command,
  • On return keystroke (possible on CLI, not possible on Telegram)

to show, by example, these info:

  • stateid
  • the dialog flow stateids stack [state1 -> state2-> state3 -> etc.]
  • dialog unit variables
  • all session data

Similar improvements could be available for naif telegram

8. dialog unit / nodes introspection

The idea is that each input and output nodes could be queried (for debugging / reporting purposes).

In terms of javascript, it means just adding attributes to a state function handler:

// someDialogUnit.js
function someInputState() { ... }
function someOutputState() { ... }

someInputState.type = 'input'
someInputState.description = 'bla bla bla...'

someOutputState.type = 'output'
someOutputState.description = 'blablabla blabla bla...'

Introspection "metadata" could be generated by a naif generate JSON input configuration.

9. Graphic representation of a state-machine, in OUTPUT

Think about how generate (in real-time) a graphic representation of the state machine path flow.

10. Graphic representation of a state-machine, in INPUT

It could be useful to generate state machine code, starting from a graphical representation of a state machine.

11. Scripting language transpilation

How to create a dialogue javascript source code from a JSON file or better, a text script with a special indentation and meta-tags (like the .script). And viceversa.

12. Add more meaningful/complete application examples

By example: task completion, see promemoria, slot-filling, see conosciamoci, etc.

13. Multi-language / Internationalization

NaifJs is independent by any natural or artificial language. The dialog manager basically processes input texts and generate output texts or other media contents.

User sentences understanding (input text) is demanded to the pattern matching component (by default a regexp match). On the other hand any output text is hard-coded in the states logic.

A common case is to manage just a single language at a time. To have the same dialog in multiple languages, currently you have to duplicate code.

To give you an example of this duplication, in the examples directory, the original story_it demo application, in Italian language, has been duplicated and "localized" in English language, generating story_en equivalent.

To maintain the same unique code base, avoiding any duplication, one idea is to have a configuration file (a JSON file for each dialog-unit), containing patterns and literals:

  // pseudocode
  const PATTERNS = {
    'HELLO': {
      'it': /ciao|buongiorno|buonasera|buon pomeriggio|olà|salve/i
      'en': /hi|hello|good morning|good afternoon|greetings|hey|hallo|hallo|ciao/i  
      // ...
    'MY_NAME': {
      'it': /^(mi chiamo |chiamami |sono |il mio nome è )?(?<firstName>[A-Z][a-z]{1,}(\\s[A-Z][a-z]{1,})*)/i
      'en': /^(my name is |you can name me |I\'m )?(?<firstName>[A-Z][a-z]{1,}(\\s[A-Z][a-z]{1,})*)/i
      // ...
    // ...

  const LITERALS = {
   'HELLO': {
     'it': 'Ciao!',
     'en': 'Hello!',
     'fr': 'Salut!', 
     'de': 'Hallo!',
     // ...
   'HOW_ARE_YOU': {
     'it': 'Come và?',
     'en': 'How are you?',
     'fr': 'Comment ca va?', 
     // ...
    // ...

  const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = 'it'

  function say(ref, language=DEFALT_LANGUAGE) {

  function pattern(ref, language=DEFALT_LANGUAGE) {

  // ... at run-time:
  say('HELLO') // -> 'Ciao!'
  pattern('HELLO') // -> /ciao|buongiorno|buonasera|buon pomeriggio|olà|salve/i

14. Pattern/action automation (of regexp pattern matching)

Implementation must be rethought. It could be supplied a JSON configuration reader, where rules (regexp patterns) and actions (functions to be activate in case of a pattern match) could be in a configuration file.

See: matching high number of different sentences (using regexp patterns parsing)

15. Logs

dialog-logs formatted by lib/log.js must be configurable.

16. naif server

New feature: the idea is to wrap NaifJs engine behind a HTTP/TCP server.

18. Enable NaifJs run-time to run on a browser

Session file must be substituted with a in-memory storage?

19. Universal state commands

Universals are commands that are always available in any state of the application. Common universals (James Giangola, from book "Voice user interface design", pag. 72):

  1. For end-user:
  • help
  • repeat
  • main-menu / start-over
  • go back
  • operator
  • goodbye
  1. For developer/tester
  • status
  • vars

Currently dialog unit developer could implement some of these commands, programming them on each input state, explicitly.

command: go back

The go back, for example, could be implemented explicitly with a inserting a next API

case ( match(/go back|.../) )

To automatize the command, avoiding explicit programming, it need a stack of call flow states

command: repeat

It requires to store each response to the sessions DB. This is tricky because the repeat request refers to ALL the last response, maybe composed by multiple responses...

User session thread management

  • global timeout for the user session
  • firstTime()
  • lastTime()

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