The tools will create import/export log files with unique timestamps. Use the log-level property in the configuration file to set an appropriate level. We recommend starting with Info and move to Debug when you need to troubleshoot.
The log file contains data on the following format:
Info header
[severity][timestamp] message
Jira Export Log
Tool version : 2.2.13
Start time : 2019-05-01 21:36:43
Telemetry : Enabled
Session id : b01a7fb6-e2ad-45cc-b912-0dc888f54421
Tool user : DOMAIN\user
Config : samples\config-scrum.json
Force : yes
Log level : Info
Machine : user-pc
System : Microsoft Windows 10.0.17763
Jira url :
Jira user :
Jira version : 1001.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Jira type : Cloud
[I][21:03:01] Connecting to Jira...
[I][21:03:01] Retrieving Jira fields...
[I][21:03:02] Retrieving Jira link types...
[I][21:03:03] Export started. Exporting 39 items.
[I][21:03:04] Initializing Jira field mapping...
[I][21:03:06] Processing 1/39 - 'SCRUM-8'.
[I][21:03:08] Processing 2/39 - 'SCRUM-26'.
[I][21:03:10] Processing sub-item 'SCRUM-32'.
[I][21:03:12] Processing sub-item 'SCRUM-28'.
[W][21:03:14] Missing mapping value 'Analysis Complete' for field 'status'.
[I][21:03:14] Processing sub-item 'SCRUM-29'.
[I][21:03:16] Processing sub-item 'SCRUM-30'.