- Some interesting thoughts about JAMstack, how web apps are transforming
- "The flakiness of your integration tests is a lower bound for the flakiness of your user experience."
- "Settings are for successful products. For MVP, just get the defaults right."
- People try new things out because it connects with them emotionally rather than functionally
- "When you have PZF, the product resonates with users not because it’s better, but because it feels extremely culturally relevant at that particular moment in time for a particular group of people"
- "The death of most startups is indifference"
- "Most companies fail to launch because no one cares: not users, not employees, not investors, and certainly not the media"
- How to spot PZF:
- "Nerd heat": the best are working on it or excited by it
- "Despite test": people are using it despite (it sucks | its not as good | its frustrating)
- "T-shirt test": people with no connection are shilling it
- "Eyebrow test": idea is misunderstood or controversial
- Zeitgeist tends to be generational, reactionary, and usually towards a villian
- Note how this plays with building fame through what adults hate vs. kids like
- Be polarizing!
- How do you know if you just need more time to wait for a bigger market / more willing market or if you just don't have product/market fit?
- Don't get stuck in the "innovation-friend zone"
- Get real deals, not exploratory ones that dry up or are just leading you
- Customers want it, but can't buy
- Focus on product marketing, cultivate leads rather than focusing on lead generation
- Your biggest competitor is probably the status quo
- Educate customers on the problem, not the solution
- Why should they care or be worried about it? How do you solve it?
- Pricing
- "No matter what, matching existing prices [of comparables] automatically underprices your product from the get-go"
- Convince, then discuss pricing
- Sales partners
- "Pre-chasm companies have to create a pull-based market — not a push based one — before they can truly engage the benefits of such partners"
- Distinct cultures from bunch.ai (pick one, max 2):
- Adaptability
- Principles
- Results-oriented
- Detail-oriented
- Customer-oriented
- Collaboration