In order to successfully complete the remaining labs, you need a Google Cloud account and a GitHub account. Both are available at no cost.
Sign up for a GitHub Account:
Additional GitHub Information:
Configuring Two-Factor Authentication:
Managing Your User Account:
To use Google Cloud you need access to a Google Account.
You can create a Google Account and sign up for your free trial here.
In Chrome, right click the link and select "Open link in incognito window".
Additional Google Cloud Information:
Recommend using Google Cloud in "Incognito mode" in Chrome.
Recommend creating a new Gmail account for this bootcamp.
Why do I need to provide a credit card and phone number for a Free Google Cloud Account?
[From Google Cloud FAQ]: You're always required to provide a credit card or a bank account in order to verify that you're not a bot. You won't be charged until you upgrade to a paid account. Google has limits on all of their free tiers to prevent users from going over thresholds.
Do I need to use the same email address for my GitHub and Google Cloud Accounts?
No, your GitHub and Google Cloud accounts can use different email addresses.
Can I use my work email address to sign up for a Free Google Cloud Account?
We recommend using a personal email address when signing up for a Free Google Cloud Account.
Can I use an exising Google Cloud account I have access to?
Yes, however you must have Owner rights in the Google Cloud project you are working on. If you are not sure if you have the required permissions we recommend creating a Free Google Cloud Account where you will have these permissions.