Each of the queries up to now has just returned data from a single table in the database. This final query combines our "students" and "programs" tables using the INNER JOIN
and ON
# Show all the records for students with information
# about their respective programs
FROM students INNER JOIN programs
ON students.id_program = programs.id;
This query should return what you see below:
id student id_program id program_name program_level
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ -------------
1 Josefina 3 3 Linguistics Ph.D.
2 Cecilia 2 2 Biology Master's
3 Nico 2 2 Biology Master's
4 Sarah 1 1 Anthropology Master's
This query demonstrates the power of relational databases by using the foreign key in the "students" table to coordinate data with the "programs" table.
Write a query that returns only the name of each student and their respective program level. You can find a solution here.
Write a query that returns the name of each student, their program name, and their GPA with results sorted by GPA from low to high. You can find a solution here.
_How can you make sure that the data from 'gpas', 'students', and 'programs' is aligning correctly?