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TypeScript从0到1,进行中... #138
typescript深入浅出 笔记为什么要学习 typescript
typescript 优势
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5", // 指定 ECMAScript 目标版本: 'ES5'
"module": "commonjs", // 指定使用模块: 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd' or 'es2015'
"moduleResolution": "node", // 选择模块解析策略
"experimentalDecorators": true, // 启用实验性的ES装饰器
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, // 允许从没有设置默认导出的模块中默认导入。
"sourceMap": true, // 把 ts 文件编译成 js 文件的时候,同时生成对应的 map 文件
"strict": true, // 启用所有严格类型检查选项
"noImplicitAny": true, // 在表达式和声明上有隐含的 any类型时报错
"alwaysStrict": true, // 以严格模式检查模块,并在每个文件里加入 'use strict'
"declaration": true, // 生成相应的.d.ts文件
"removeComments": true, // 删除编译后的所有的注释
"noImplicitReturns": true, // 不是函数的所有返回路径都有返回值时报错
"importHelpers": true, // 从 tslib 导入辅助工具函数
"lib": ["es6", "dom"], // 指定要包含在编译中的库文件
"typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types"],
"outDir": "./dist",
"rootDir": "./src"
"include": [ // 需要编译的ts文件一个*表示文件匹配**表示忽略文件的深度问题
"exclude": [
} 章节2-Typescript 的原始类型
章节3-Typescript 中其他常见类型
let obj: unknown;
obj.a.b; // error
obj(); // error
new obj(); // error
value[0][1]; // error
function throwError(message: string): never {
throw new Error(message);
const emptyArr: never[] = [];
enum Direction {
up, // 可指定初始值 up = 10;
console.log(Direction.up); // 0
console.log(Direction.down); // 1
console.log(Direction.left); // 2
console.log(Direction.right); // 3
enum Direction {
Up = 'Up',
Down = 'Down',
Left = 'Left',
Right = 'Right'
console.log(Direction['Right'], Direction.Up); // Right Up
enum BooleanLikeHeterogeneousEnum {
No = 0,
Yes = "YES",
emum Direction {
console.log(Direction.Up === 0); // true
console.log(Direction.Down === 1); // true
console.log(Direction.Left === 2); // true
console.log(Direction.Right === 3); // true
console.log(Direction[0] === up); // true
const enum Direction {
Up = 'Up',
Down = 'Down',
Left = 'Left',
Right = 'Right'
const a = Direction.Up; // 如果要 typescript 保留对象 Direction,那么可以添加编译选项 --preserveConstEnums
var a = 'Up';
章节7-函数 // 可选参数
const add = (a:number, b?: number) => a+b
// 剩余参数
const add1 = (a:number, ...rest: number[]) => rest.reduce((a,b) => a+b, a)
// 函数重载
interface Direction {
top: number,
bottom?: number,
left?: number,
right?: number
function assigned(all: number): Direction
function assigned(topAndBottom: number, leftAndRight: number): Direction
function assigned(top: number, right: number, bottom: number, left: number): Direction
function assigned (a: number, b?: number, c?: number, d?: number) {
if (b === undefined && c === undefined && d === undefined) {
b = c = d = a
} else if (c === undefined && d === undefined) {
c = a
d = b
return {
top: a,
right: b,
bottom: c,
left: d
assigned(1,2,3,4) 章节8-泛型的妙用 // 单个类型
function returnItem<T>(para: T): T {
return para
// 多个类型
function swap<T, U>(tuple: [T, U]): [U, T] {
return [tuple[1], tuple[0]]
swap([7, 'seven'])
// 类型变量
function getArrayLength<T>(arg: Array<T>) {
console.log((arg as Array<any>).length) // ok
return arg
// 泛型接口
interface ReturnItemFn<T> {
(para: T): T
const returnItem: ReturnItemFn<number> = para => para // 泛型类
class Stack {
private arr: number[]: []
public push(item: number) {
public pop(){
class Stack<T> {
private arr: T[]: []
public push(item: T) {
public pop() {
// 泛型约束
type Params = number | string
class Stack<T extends Params> {
private arr: T[] = []
public push(item: T) {
public pop() {
} // 函数接受两个参数,一个参数为对象,另一个参数为对象上的属性,返回属性值
function getValue(obj: object, key: string) {
return obj[key] // error
// 上面报错,需要借助 keyof T 将对象的属性类型取出生成一个联合类型
function getValue<T extends object, U extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: U) {
return obj[key]
// 多重类型约束
interface ChildInterface extends FirstInterface, SecondInterface {}
class Demo<T extends ChildInterface>
// 交叉类型多重约束
class Demo<T extedns FirstInterface & SecondInterface> // 参数 type 的类型 {new(): T} 表示泛型T是可被构造的,在被实例化后的类型是泛型T
function factory<T>(type: {new(): T}): T {
return new type()
} 章节9-类型断言与类型守卫 // 类型断言
const person = {}
person.name = 'a' // Error: name 属性不存在与{}
person.age = 20 // Error: age 属性不存在于{}
interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
const person = {} as Person
person.name = 'a'
person.age = 20
// 双重断言
const user = 'b' as any as Person; // 类型守卫
instanceof 类型保护是通过构造函数来细化类型的一种方式
class Person {
name = 'a';
age = 20;
class Animal {
name = 'b';
color = 'red'
function getSometing(arg: Person | Animal) {
// 类型细化
if (arg instanceof Person) {
console.log(arg.color); // error 因为 arg 被细化为person 而person上不存在color属性
if (arg instanceof Animal) {
console.log(arg.age); // error
} // in: x in y 标识x属性存在于y中
class Person {
name = 'a';
age = 20;
class Animal {
name = 'b';
color = 'red'
function getSometing(arg: Person | Animal) {
if ('age' in arg) {
console.log(arg.color); // error
if ('color' in arg) {
console.log(arg.age); // error
} // 字面量类型守卫
type Foo = {
name: 'foo';
foo: number
type Bar = {
kind: 'bar';
bar: number;
function doStuff(arg: Foo | Bar) {
if (arg.kind === 'foo') {
console.log(arg.bar); // error
} else {
console.log(arg.foo); // error
} 章节10-类型兼容性类型兼容性用于确定一个类型是否能赋值给其他类型 结构类型class Person {
constructor(public weight: number, public name: string, public born: string) {
interface Dog {
name: string;
weight: number;
let x: Dog
x = new Person(120, 'a', '2021-01-01'); // person 包含 dog类所需的属性,所以不会报错 函数的类型兼容性// 函数参数兼容性
let x = (a: number) => 0;
let y = (b: number, s: string) => 0;
y = x; // ok
x = y; // Type '(b: number, s: string) => number' is not assignable to type '(a: number) => number'. // 当我们把 strictNullChecks 设置为 false 时代码是兼容的。
let foo = (x: number, y: number) => {}
let bar = (x?: number, y?:number) => {}
let bas = (...args: number[]) => {}
foo = bar = bas;
bas = bar = foo; let foo = (x: number, y: number) => {}
let bar = (x?: number) => {}
foo = bar // ok
bar = foo // Type '(x: number, y: number) => void' is not assignable to type '(x?: number) => void'. 枚举的类型兼容性 enum Status {
let status = Status.Ready;
let num = 0;
status = num;
num = status; 类的类型兼容性 // 仅仅只有实例成员和方法会相比较,构造函数和静态成员不会被检查
class Animal {
feet: number;
constructor(name: string, numFeet: number) {}
class Size {
feet: number;
constructor(meters: number) {}
let a: Animal;
let s: Size;
a = s;
s = a; // 私有的和受保护的成员必须来自相同的类
class Animal {
protected feet: number;
class Cat extends Animal {}
let animal: Animal;
let cat: Cat;
animal = cat;
cat = animal;
class Size {
protected feet: number;
let size: Size;
animal = size; // error
size = animal; // error 泛型的类型兼容性 // 泛型本身就是不确定的类型,它的表现根据是否被成员使用而不同
interface Person<T> {}
let x: Person<string>
let y: Person<number>
x = y // ok
y = x // ok interface Person<T>{
name: T
let x: Person<string>
let y: Person<number>
x = y;
y = x; // Type 'Person<number>' is not assignable to type 'Person<string>'.Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string' interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
weight: number;
interface Animal {
name: string;
age: number;
weight: number;
function getPersonName(p: Person) {
// 如何在传入animal的时候报错
} 章节11-高级类型:交叉类型、联合类型、类型别名交叉类型交叉类型是将多个类型合并为一个类型。折让我们可以把现有的多种类型叠加到一起成为一种类型,它包含了所需的所有类型的特性 interface IAnyObject {
[prop: string]: any
function mixin<T extends IAnyObject, U extends IAnyObject>(first: T, second: U): T & U {
const result = <T & U>{};
for(let id in first) {
(<T>result)[id] = first[id]
for(let id in second) {
if (!result.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
(<U>result)[id] = second[id];
return result;
const x = mixin({a: 'hello'}, {b: 42});
const a = x.a;
const b = x.b; 联合类型 // 联合类型:我们用竖线分隔没个类型
function formatCommandline(command: string[] | string) {
let line = '';
if (typeof command === 'string') {
line = command.trim()
} else {
line = command.join('').trim();
} 类型别名类型别名会给一个类型起个新名字,类型别名有时和接口很像,但是可以作用于原始值、联合类型、元组以及其他任何你需要手写的类型 type some = boolean | string;
const b: some = true // ok
const c: some = 'hello' // ok
const d: some = 123 // 不能将类型“123”分配给类型“some”
// 类型别名:泛型
type Container<T> = { value: T };
// 类型别名:可以再属性里引用自己
type Tree<T> = {
value: T;
left: Tree<T>;
right: Tree<T>;
} 类型别名和interface很像,区别是:
type Alias = { num: number }
interface Interface {
num: number
declare function aliased(arg: Alias): Alias
declare function interfaced(arg: Interface): interface; 章节12-可辨识联合类型前置概念:字面量类型 const a: 2333 = 2333 // ok
const ab : 0b10 = 2 // ok
const ao : 0o114 = 0b1001100 // ok
const ax : 0x514 = 0x514 // ok
const b : 0x1919n = 6425n // BigInt literals are not available when targeting lower than ES2020
const c : 'xiaomuzhu' = 'xiaomuzhu' // ok
const d : false = false // ok
const g: 'github' = 'pronhub' // Type '"pronhub"' is not assignable to type '"github"' 单个类型的字面量类型用途: type Direction = 'North' | 'East' | 'South' | 'West';
function move(distance: number, direction: Direction) {
// ...
} 类型字面量 type Foo = {
baz: [
toString(): string;
readonly [Symbol.iterator]: 'github';
0x1: 'foo';
'bar': 12n;
} 可辨识联合类型 interface Info {
username: string
interface UserAction {
id?: number
action: 'create' | 'delete'
info: Info
// 在创建的时候id是不需要传的,但是下面的结构确实合法的
const action: UserAction = {
action: 'create',
id: 111,
info: {
username: 'xiaomuzhu'
} // 这时需要 使用类型字面量 |
type UserAction = | {
id: number
action: 'delete'
info: Info
} | {
action: 'create'
info: Info
} 章节13-装饰器装饰器的主要作用:给一个已有的方法或类型扩展一些新的行为,而不是取直接修改它本身 装饰器目前扔处于 草案阶段,需要我们在 javascript中安装 babel插件:babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy 来支持 decorator,而在 Typescript中我们需要在 tsconfig.json 里面开启支持选项 experomentalDecorators
class Person {
function Person(){}
Object.defineProperty(Person.prototype, 'say', {
value: function(){ console.log('hello') },
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
writable: true
}) 类装饰器 function addAge(constructor: Function) {
constructor.prototype.age = 18;
class Person {
name: string;
age!: number;
this.name = 'xiaomuzhu'
let person = new Person();
console.log(person.age); // 18 属性、方法装饰器 function method(target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
console.log('prop' + propertyKey)
console.log('desc' + JSON.stringify(descriptor))
descriptor.writable = false;
class Person {
name: string;
this.name = 'xiaomuzhu'
return 'instance method'
static run(){
return 'static method'
const xmz = new Person()
xmz.say = function(){
return 'edit'
console.log(xmz.say()) 章节-14 高级装饰器参数装饰器报错:Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option in your 'tsconfig' or 'jsconfig' to remove this warning. vscode 死活不识别这玩意,我服了 function logParameter(target: object, propertyKey: string, index: number) {
console.log(target, propertyKey, index)
class Person {
greet(@logParameter message: string, @logParameter name: string): string {
return `${message} ${name}`
const p = new Person();
p.greet('hello', 'xiaomuzhu') 装饰器工厂@logClass
class Person {
public name: string;
constructor(name : string) {
this.name = name;
public greet(@logParameter message : string) : string {
return `${this.name} say: ${message}`;
// 打印构造函数
function logClass(target: typeof Person) {
// 打印属性名
function logProperty(target: any, propertyKey: string) {
// 打印方法名
function logMethod(target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
// 打印参数位置
function logParameter(target: Object, propertyKey: string, index: number) {
// name
// 0
// greet
// [Function: Person] function log(...args: any[]) {
switch(args.length) {
case 1:
return logClass.apply(this, args)
case 2:
return logProperty.apply(this, args)
case 3:
if (typeof args[2] === 'number') {
return logParameter.apply(this.args)
return logMethod.apply(this. args)
thorw new Error('Decorators are not valid here!')
} |
typescript 简介
// function sayHello(person: string): string (+1 overload)
// Duplicate function implementation.ts(2393)
function sayHello(person: string){
return 'Hello, ' + person;
// let user: string
// Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable 'user'.ts(2451)
let user = 'Tom';
// 上面两处告警,是说声明的变量可能在全局被覆盖,ts不建议这么写,可以在代码 顶部 添加 export {} 解决 function sayHello(person) {
return 'Hello, ' + person;
var user = 'Tom';
console.log(sayHello(user)); 基础原始数据类型原始数据类型包括:布尔值、数值、字符串、null、undefined、Symbol、BigInt let isDone: boolean = false;
let createdByNewBoolean: Boolean = new Boolean(1);
let createdByNewBoolean: boolean = Boolean(1); let decLiteral: number = 6;
let hexLiteral: number = 0xf00d;
// ES6 中的二进制表示法
let binaryLiteral: number = 0b1010;
// ES6 中的八进制表示法
let octalLiteral: number = 0o744;
let notANumber: number = NaN;
let infinityNumber: number = Infinity; let myName: string = 'Tom';
let myAge: number = 25;
// 模板字符串
let sentence: string = `Hello, my name is ${myName}.
I'll be ${myAge + 1} years old next month.`; // void 表示没有任何返回值的函数
function alertName(): void {
alert('my name is tom');
// 声明一个 void 类型的变量没有什么用,因为你只能将它赋值为 undefined 和 null
let unnasble: void = undefined; let u: undefined = undefined;
let n: null = null;
// 由于 undefined 和 null 是所有类型的子类型,所以undefined类型可以复制给number类型
let num: number = undefined;
// 而void 类型的变量不能赋值给 number 类型的变量
let v: viod;
let num: number = u; // Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'number'. 任意值如果是一个普通类型,在赋值过程中改变类型是不被允许的 let myFavoriteNumber: string = 'seven';
myFavoriteNumber = 7; // error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'. let myFavoriteNumber: any = 'seven';
myFavoriteNumber = 7; // 在任意值上访问任何属性都是被允许的
let anyThing: any = 'hello';
console.log(anyThing.myName.firstName); // 也允许调用任何方法
let anyThing: any = 'Tom';
// 变量如果在声明的时候,未指定其类型,那么他会被识别为任意类型
let something; // 等价于 let something: any;
something = 'seven';
something = 7;
something.setName('Tom') 类型推论
let myFavoriteNumber = 'seven';
myFavoriteNumber = 7;
// error TS2322: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
// 以上代码等价于
// let myFavoriteNumber: string = 'seven';
// myFavoriteNumber = 7; 联合类型联合类型:标识取值可以为多种类型中的一种 let myFavoriteNumber: string | number;
myFavoriteNumber = 'seven';
myFavoriteNumber = 7; let myFavoriteNumber: string | number;
myFavoriteNumber = true; // error TS2322: Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'string | number'. 当typescript不确定一个联合类型的变量到底是那个类型的时候,我们只能访问此联合类型的所有类型里 共有的属性或方法 // 由于 length 不是 string 和 number 的共有属性,所以会报错
function getLength(something: string | number): number {
return something.length; // error TS2339: Property 'length' does not exist on type 'string | number'.
} 联合类型的变量在被赋值的时候,会根据类型推论的规则推断出一个类型 let myFavoriteNumber: string | number;
myFavoriteNumber = 'seven';
console.log(myFavoriteNumber.length); // 5
myFavoriteNumber = 7;
console.log(myFavoriteNumber.length); // error TS2339: Property 'length' does not exist on type 'number'. 对象的类型-接口interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
let tom: Person = {
name: 'Tom',
age: 25
} interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
let tom: Person = {
name: 'Tom'
// error TS2322: Type '{ name: string; }' is not assignable to type 'Person'.
// Property 'age' is missing in type '{ name: string; }'. interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
let tom: Person = {
name: 'Tom',
age: 25,
gender: 'male'
// error TS2322: Type '{ name: string; age: number; gender: string; }' is not assignable to type 'Person'.
// Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'gender' does not exist in type 'Person'. 在赋值的时候,变量的形态必须和接口的形态保持一致 interface Person {
name: string;
age?: number;
let tom: Person = {
name: 'Tom';
age: 25;
}; interface Person {
name: string;
age?: number;
let tom: Person = {
name: 'Tom',
age: 25,
gender: 'male'
// error TS2322: Type '{ name: string; age: number; gender: string; }' is not assignable to type 'Person'.
// Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'gender' does not exist in type 'Person'. 需要注意的是:一旦定义了任意属性,name确定属性和可选属性的类型必须都是它的类型的子集 interface Person {
name: string;
age?: number;
[propName: string]: string;
let tom: Person = {
name: 'Tom',
age: 25,
gender: 'male'
// error TS2411: Property 'age' of type 'number' is not assignable to string index type 'string'.
// error TS2322: Type '{ [x: string]: string | number; name: string; age: number; gender: string; }' is not assignable to type 'Person'.
// Index signatures are incompatible.
// Type 'string | number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
// Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'. interface Person {
name: string;
age?: number;
[propName: string]: string | number;
let tom: Person = {
name: 'Tom',
age: 25,
gender: 'male'
} interface Person {
readonly id: number;
name: string;
age?: number;
[propName: string]: any;
let tom: Person = {
id: 89757,
name: 'Tom',
gender: 'male'
tom.id = 9527;
// error TS2540: Cannot assign to 'id' because it is a constant or a read-only property. 注意,只读的约束存在于第一次给对象赋值的时候,而不是第一次给只读属性赋值的时候(即 tom.id = xxxx 会触发只读约束) interface Person {
readonly id: number;
name: string;
age?: number;
[propName: string]: any;
let tom: Person = {
id: 89757,
name: 'Tom',
gender: 'male'
tom.id = 9527; 数组的类型let fibonacci: number[] = [1,1,2,3,5]; let fibonacci: number[] = [1, '1', 2];
// // Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'. let fibonacci: number[] = [1,1,2,3,5];
// Argument of type '"8"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'. let fibonacci: Array<number> = [1,1,2,3,5]; interface NumberArray {
[index: number]: number
let fibonacci: NumberArray = [1,1,2,3,5] function sum(){
let args: number[] = arguments;
// Type 'IArguments' is missing the following properties from type 'number[]': pop, push, concat, join, and 24 more.
// 类数组,实际不是数组不能用普通数组的方式来描述,而应该用接口 // 常用的类数组都有自己的接口定义,如:IArguments NodeList HTMLCollection等
function sum(){
let args: {
[index: number]: number;
length: number;
callee: Function;
} = arguments;
} // any 允许数组中出现任意类型
let list: any[] = ['a', 2, {c: 'x'}] 函数的类型在JavaScript中,有两种常见的定义函数的方式:函数声明、函数表达式 function sum(x: number, y: number): number {
return x + y;
} function sum(x: number, y: number): number {
return x + y;
sum(1, 2, 3);
// error TS2346: Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target.
// 输入多余或者少于要求的参数,是不被允许的 // typescript 中 => 用来表示函数的定义,左边是输入类型,需要用括号括起来,右边是输出类型
let mySum: (x: number, y: number) => number = function(x: number, y: number): number {
return x + y;
} // 采用函数表达式接口定义函数的方式时,对等号左侧进行类型显示,可以保证以后对函数名复制时,保证参数个数、参数类型、返回值类型不变
interface SearchFunc {
(source: string, subString: string): boolean
let mySearch: SearchFunc;
mySearch = function(source: string, subString: string): boolean{
return source.search(subString) !== -1;
} // 可选参数
// 需要注意的是,可选参数一定要在必选参数后面
function buildName(firstName: string, lastName?: string) {
if (lastName) {
return firstName + ' ' + lastName;
} else {
return firstName;
let tomcat = buildName('Tom', 'Cat');
let tom = build('Tom'); function buildName(firstName?: string, lastName: string) {
if (firstName) {
return firstName + ' ' + lastName;
} else {
return lastName;
let tomcat = buildName('Tom', 'Cat');
let tom = buildName(undefined, 'Tom');
// error TS1016: A required parameter cannot follow an optional parameter. // 参数默认值
// 在ES6中,我们允许给函数的参数添加默认值, typescript会将添加了默认值的参数识别为可选参数
function buildName(firstName: string, lastName: string = 'Cat') {
return firstName + ' ' + lastName;
let tomcat = buildName('Tom', 'Cat');
let tom = buildName('Tom'); // 此时,就不受 可选参数必须接到必需参数后面 的限制了
function buildName(firstName: string = 'Tom', lastName: string) {
return firstName + ' ' + lastName;
let tomcat = buildName('Tom', 'Cat');
let cat = buildName(undefined, 'Cat'); // 需要注意的是,剩余参数只能是最后一个参数
function push(array, ...items) {
let a: any[] = [];
push(a, 1, 2, 3); function push(array: any[], ...items: any[]) {
let a = [];
push(a, 1, 2, 3); // 重载
// 重载允许一个函数接受不同数量或类型的参数,做出不同的处理
function reverse(x: number | string): number | string | void {
if (typeof x === 'string') {
return Number(x.toString().split('').reverse().join(''))
} else if (typeof x === 'string') {
return x.split('').reverse('').join('')
// 这样有一个缺点,就是不能够精准的表达,输入数字的时候输出也应该是数字,输入字符串是,驶出也应该是字符串 // 使用多重 重载定义
function reverse(x: number): number;
function reverse(x: string): string;
function reverse(x: number | string): number | string | void {
if (typeof x === 'string') {
return Number(x.toString().split('').reverse().join(''))
} else if (typeof x === 'string') {
return x.split('').reverse('').join('')
} typescript 会优先从最前面的函数定义开始匹配,所以多个函数定义如果有包含关系,需要优先把精确的定义写在前面 类型断言// 语法
值 as 类型
<类型>值 interface Cat {
name: string;
run(): void;
interface Fish {
name: string;
swim(): void;
function isFish(animal: Cat | Fish) {
if (typeof animal.swim === 'function') {
return true;
return false;
// error TS2339: Property 'swim' does not exist on type 'Cat | Fish'. Property 'swim' does not exist on type 'Cat'. // 类型断言只能够欺骗,typescript编译器,无法避免运行时的错误
interface Cat {
name: string;
run(): void;
interface Fish {
name: string;
swim(): void;
function isFish(animal: Cat | Fish) {
if (typeof (animal as Fish).swim === 'function') {
return true;
return false;
} class ApiError extends Error {
code: number = 0;
class isApiError(error: Error){
if (error instanceof ApiError) {
return true;
return false;
} 将任何一个类型断言为 any (window as any).foo = 1; // 遇到 any 类型的变量时,我们可以选择通过类型断言 及时把 any 断言为 精确的类型
functon getCacheData(key: string): any{
return (window as any).cache[key];
interface Cat {
name: string;
run(): void;
const tom = getCacheData('tom') as Cat;
tom.run(); 类型断言的限制
interface Animal {
name: string;
interface Cat {
name: string;
run(): void;
let tom: Cat = {
name: 'Tom',
run: () => { console.log('run') }
let animal: Animal = tom; 在上面的例子中,Cat包含了 Animal 中的所有属性,除此之外,它还有一个额外的方法 run。typescript 并不关心 Cat 和 Animal 之间定义时是什么关系,而只会看他们最终的结构有什么关系 所以它 与 Cat extends Animal 是等价的 interface Animal {
name: string;
interface Cat extends Animal {
run(): void;
} interface Animal {
name: string;
interface Cat {
name: string;
run(): void;
function testAnimal(animal: Animal) {
return (animal as Cat);
function testCat(cat: Cat){
return (cat as Animal);
} 总上所述:
interface Cat {
run(): void;
interface Fish {
swim(): void;
function testCat(cat: Cat) {
return (cat as any as Fish);
// 若你使用了这种双重断言,很可能导致运行时错误 // 类型断言只会影响 typescript 编译时的类型,类型断言语句在编译结果中会被删除
function toBoolean(something: any): boolean {
return something as boolean
toBoolean(1); function toBoolean(something) {
return something;
// 在上面例子中将 something 断言为 boolean 虽然可以通过编译,但是并没有什么用,代码最后编译如上
// 所以类型断言不是类型转换,它不会影响到变量的类型 function getCacheData<T>(key: string): T {
return (window as any).cache[key];
interface Cat {
name: string;
run(): void;
const tom = getCacheData<Cat>('tom')
tom.run(); 声明文件声明语句,指定引用第三方库的引用变量类型 declare var jQuery: (selector: string) => any;
jQuery('#foo') 通常我们会把声明语句放在一个单独的文件(file.d.ts)中,且声明文件必须以 .d.ts 为后缀 第三方声明文件,推荐使用 @types 统一管理第三方库的声明文件 npm install @types/jquery --save-dev 这块有点复杂 内置对象// 内置对象
let b: Boolean = new Boolean(1);
let e: Error = new Error('Error occurred');
let d: Date = new Date();
let r: RegExp = /[a-z]/;
// dom 和 bom 的内置对象
// Document HTMLElement Event NodeList
let body: HTMLElement = document.body;
let allDiv: NodeList = document.querySelectorAll('div');
document.addEventListener('click', function(e: MouseEvent) {
// do something
}) Math.pow(10, '2');
// error TS2345: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// error TS2339: Property 'targetCurrent' does not exist on type 'MouseEvent'.
```@types/node --save-dev 进阶类型别名// 类型别名
// 类型别名常用与联合类型
type Name = string;
type NameResolver = () => string;
type NameOrResolver = Name | NameResolver;
function getName(n: NameOrResolver): Name {
if (typeof n === 'string') {
return n;
} else {
return n();
} 字符串字面量类型// 字符串字面量类型
type EventNames = 'click' | 'scroll' | 'mousemove';
function handleEvent(ele: Element, event: EventNames) {
// do something
handleEvent(document.getElementById('hello'), 'scroll');
handleEvent(document.getElementById('world'), 'dbclick'); // error TS2345: Argument of type '"dblclick"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'EventNames'. 需要注意的是:类型别名和字符串字面量类型都是使用 type 进行定义的 元组// 定义一堆值分别为 string 和 number 的元组
let tom: [string, number] = ['Tom', 25]; let tom: [string, number];
tom = ['Tom', 25];
// error TS2345: Argument of type 'boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string | number'.
// 当添加一个越界元素时,它的类型会被限制为元组中没个类型的联合类型 枚举// 枚举(Enum)类型用于取值被先定在一定范围内的场景,比如一周只能有7天,颜色限定为红绿蓝等。
enum Days {Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat};
console.log(Days["Sun"] === 0); // true
console.log(Days["Mon"] === 1); // true
console.log(Days["Tue"] === 2); // true
console.log(Days["Sat"] === 6); // true
console.log(Days[0] === "Sun"); // true
console.log(Days[1] === "Mon"); // true
console.log(Days[2] === "Tue"); // true
console.log(Days[6] === "Sat"); // true // 手动复制,未被复制的枚举项会接着上一个枚举项递增
enum Days {Sun = 7, Mon = 1, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat};
console.log(Days["Sun"] === 7); // true
console.log(Days["Mon"] === 1); // true
console.log(Days["Tue"] === 2); // true
console.log(Days["Sat"] === 6); // true enum Days {Sun = 3, Mon = 1, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat};
console.log(Days["Sun"] === 3); // true
console.log(Days["Wed"] === 3); // true
console.log(Days[3] === "Sun"); // false
console.log(Days[3] === "Wed"); // true 类类与接口泛型声明合并function reverse(x: number): number;
function reverse(x: string): string;
function reverse(x: number | string): number | string {
if (typeof x === 'number') {
return Number(x.toString().split('').reverse().join(''));
} else if (typeof x === 'string') {
return x.split('').reverse().join('');
} interface Alarm {
price: number;
interface Alarm {
weight: number;
// 相当于
interface Alarm {
price: number;
weight: number;
} interface Alarm {
price: number;
interface Alarm {
price: string;
weight: number;
// error TS2403: Subsequent variable declarations must have the same type. Variable 'price' must be of type 'number', but here has type 'string'. interface Alarm {
price: number;
alert(s: string): string
interface Alarm {
weight: number;
alert(s: string, n: number): string;
// 相当于
interface Alarm {
price: number;
weight: number;
alert(s: string): string;
alert(s: string, n: number): string;
} 类的合并与接口的合并规则一致 代码检查目前以及将来的TypeScript的代码检查方案就是 typescript-eslint |
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