The preview pane is inherited from https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/docs/api/browser-window.md, thus we can only load URLs, i.e. local files (via the
protocol) or remote locations; rendering HTML code using thedata://
protocol runs into problems (apparently remote stylesheets can't be resolved then) -
WebPPL-viz assumes some objects, that are initialized by WebPPL-editor. Workaround is provided in the
file -
When "Toogle Preview on Save" is checked, we read directly from file (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16387192/read-file-to-string-with-coffeescript-and-node-js) and only render WebPPL preview when save event is detected, otherwise we copy webppl script directly from the editor
Uncaught TypeError: k is not a function
with execution usingwebppl.run()
: FIXEDprint()
doesn't work as expected (opens print dialog instead of showing the values); you can usedisplay()
instead- Infer statements don't show anything (they should be wrapped either with
- Activate plugin only when WebPPL file is opened (to be able to do so, WebPPL specific language grammar should be provided first)
- Add npm dependencies to WebPPL to support completely offline workflow
- Investigate on how to make most of the HTML static (look at the showError implementation for this) and only reload portion with the script and not the entire page ** or maybe use string replacement on index.html template
- Only rerender html preview when the actual script is changed (currently this is bound to the editor generally, so no mather which file you change, the preview gets updated) ** Alternatively: close the preview when leaving the script (might be unuseful when we import scripts in the main script)