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191 lines (134 loc) · 4.97 KB

File metadata and controls

191 lines (134 loc) · 4.97 KB

Prepare Build

At the repo's root:

mkdir -p app/assets

You only need to that the first time you build the project. If GenAssets.hs or need to be executed again, it'll be specified in commits messages (read them when you fetch).


Build release with rm .ghc.environment.* -Rf; nix-build (from the app directory). This puts the result in result-2/bin/app.jsexe/.


# To avoid building ghcjs, enable caching (from miso's README) (do it only once)
nix-env -iA cachix -f
cachix use miso-haskell # can fail because not root, follow given instructions
# Then enter the nix shell:
nix-shell -A release.env default.nix
cabal --project-file=cabal.config build all


Haskell code in miso-darkcraw must be formatted with Ormolu The pre-commit hook automatically amends commits to honor formatting.


Online version

The haddock is automatically updated by the pre-commit hook and is visible online here.

Local version

To generate the documentation of Haskell files:

cabal --project-file=cabal-haddock.config haddock app
# Documentation gets created in dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.6.5/app-
hoogle generate --local

neovim integration

To have GHC feedback within neovim:

# This installs hls locally in the "hls/" directory
./scripts/ 1.3.0  # 1.3.0 is the version of HLS at the time of writing
export PATH="$(pwd)/hls:$PATH"

cd app
# lot of output, should work... kill it
nix-shell  # Enter environment defined by shell.nix
nvim shared/Card.hs

It seems coc.nvim works with my usual configuration, nice! Make sure it has:

  "languageserver": {
    "haskell": {
      "command": "haskell-language-server-wrapper",

so that it matches the filenames above in hls/.

cabal install ghcid
ghcid  # See the .ghcid for the --command used
ghcid | source-highlight -s haskell -f esc  # To have syntax highlighting in error messages

hlint $(git ls-files "*.hs")


To launch a repl for the application's context, do:

cabal repl app.cabal:app

For a repl for the test context, do:

cabal repl test-darkcraw

Then to execute a single test:

> import Test.Hspec
> import Main
> hspec testPlaceCommutation -- for example

To profile (for example to debug when it doesn't terminate):

cabal install profiteur  # Creates ~/.cabal/bin/profiteur
cabal run --enable-profiling test-darkcraw -- +RTS -p

To profile when it doesn't terminate or when a backtrace is missing, add that to app.cabal in the the test-darkcraw section:


Run a test as follows:

./dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.6.5/app- +RTS -xc

If debugging doesn't terminate, because the code loops, beware that the backtrace may only happen when Ctrl-cing test-darkcraw

Fast feedback

  • To launch a jsaddle webserver that updates automatically:

    ./ (nix-shell --run reload under the hood)

  • To update the released version automatically (is closer to what players will observe because webserver has interaction issues):

    ./ release

    It is faster than doing nix-build because it uses incremental compilation.

  • To reexecute tests upon modifying them, execute:

    ./ test

    It is faster than doing nix-build because it uses incremental compilation.

Incremental ghcjs compilation with cabal

nix-build will recompile all modules at each invocation. To only recompile what has changed since the last build, run:

nix-shell -A release.env default.nix --run "cabal --project-file=cabal.config build all"

Seeing the module's dependency graph

  • Install graphmod
  • touch shared/Main.hs (I didn't dig why graphmod wants to load this file)
  • graphmod $(git ls-files '*.hs') | tred | dot -Tpdf > modules.pdf


If nix-build fails with ghc: can't find a package database at /home/churlin/.cabal/store/ghc-8.6.5/package.db then delete app/.ghc.environment.*. See:

Remove derivations when disk is full:

  • rm -Rf /nix
  • curl -L | sh
  • nix-build