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File metadata and controls

39 lines (38 loc) · 9.08 KB


Name Type Help Labels
bgExecuteDurationSeconds Gauge A histogram bucket of the distribution of background execute durations - adapter_endpoint
- transport
bgExecuteErrors Counter The number of background execute errors per endpoint x transport - adapter_endpoint
- transport
bgExecuteSubscriptionSetCount Gauge The number of active subscriptions in background execute - adapter_endpoint
- transport_type
- transport
bgExecuteTotal Counter The number of background executes performed per endpoint - adapter_endpoint
- transport
cacheDataGetCount Counter A counter that increments every time a value is fetched from the cache - feed_id
- participant_id
- cache_type
cacheDataGetValues Gauge A gauge keeping track of values being fetched from cache - feed_id
- participant_id
- cache_type
cacheDataMaxAge Gauge A gauge tracking the max age of stored values in the cache - feed_id
- participant_id
- cache_type
cacheDataSetCount Counter A counter that increments every time a value is set to the cache - feed_id
- participant_id
- cache_type
- status_code
cacheDataStalenessSeconds Gauge Observes the cache staleness of the data returned (i.e., time since the data was written to the cache) - feed_id
- participant_id
- cache_type
cacheOverflowCount Counter A counter that increments every time an item overflows in local cache
cacheWarmerCount Gauge The number of cache warmers running - isBatched
dataProviderRequestDurationSeconds Histogram A histogram bucket of the distribution of data provider request durations
dataProviderRequests Counter The number of http requests that are made to a data provider - method
- provider_status_code
httpRequestDurationSeconds Histogram A histogram bucket of the distribution of http request durations
httpRequestsPerBgExecute Gauge The number of HTTP requests made in a single background execute cycle - adapter_endpoint
httpRequestsTotal Counter The number of http requests this external adapter has serviced for its entire uptime - method
- status_code
- retry
- type
- feed_id
- provider_status_code
porBalanceAddressLength Gauge The number of addresses in PoR request input parameters - feed_id
providerTimeDelta Gauge Measures the difference between the time indicated by a DP for a value vs the time it was written to cache - feed_id
rateLimitCreditsSpentTotal Counter The number of data provider credits the adapter is consuming - participant_id
- feed_id
redisCommandsSentCount Counter The number of redis commands sent - status
- function_name
redisConnectionsOpen Counter The number of redis connections that are open
redisRetriesCount Counter The number of retries that have been made to establish a redis connection
requesterQueueOverflow Counter Total times the requester queue replaced the oldest item to avoid an overflow
requesterQueueSize Gauge The number of provider http requests currently queued to be executed
requestPayloadSize Histogram A histogram bucket of the distribution of incoming request payload size
streamHandlerErrors Counter The number of stream handler errors per endpoint x transport - adapter_endpoint
- transport
totalDataStalenessSeconds Gauge Observes the total staleness of the data returned (i.e., time since the provider indicated the data was sent) - feed_id
- participant_id
- cache_type
transportPollingDurationSeconds Gauge A histogram bucket of the distribution of transport polling idle time durations - adapter_endpoint
- succeeded
transportPollingFailureCount Counter The number of times the polling mechanism ran out of attempts and failed to return a response - adapter_endpoint
wsConnectionActive Gauge The number of active connections
wsConnectionClosures Counter The number of connection closures - url
- code
wsConnectionErrors Counter The number of connection errors - message
wsMessageTotal Counter The number of messages sent in total - feed_id
- subscription_key
- direction
wsSubscriptionActive Gauge The number of currently active subscriptions - feed_id
- subscription_key
wsSubscriptionTotal Counter The number of subscriptions opened in total - feed_id
- subscription_key