The boilerplate code for getting started with the usage of Chainlink services on Starknet. Here you can visit the official Chainlink documentation for using Data Feeds on Starknet.
This repository represents an example of using a Chainlink product or service. It is provided to to help you understand how to interact with Chainlink’s systems so that you can integrate them into your own. This template is provided "AS IS" without warranties of any kind, has not been audited, and may be missing key checks or error handling to make the usage of the product more clear. Take everything in this repository as an example and not something to be copy pasted into a production ready service.
Be sure to have installed the following
To clone the repository, run the following commands:
git clone
cd cairo-starter-kit
To set up your Starknet development environment, follow the official quickstart guide.
Here you can see listed all of the commands from the mentioned quickstart guide.
python3.9 -m venv ~/cairo_venv
source ~/cairo_venv/bin/activate
pip3 install ecdsa fastecdsa sympy
brew install gmp
pip3 install cairo-lang
Verify that all of the required tools are configured correctly:
- Starknet CLI
- Run:
starknet -v
- Expected output:
starknet 0.10.3
- Run:
- Cairo CLI
- Run:
cairo-compile -v
- Expected output:
cairo-compile 0.10.3
- Run:
- NodeJS
- Run:
node -v
- Expected output:
- Run:
- Yarn
- Run:
yarn --version
- Expected output:
- Run:
Not all Cairo programs are valid Starknet smart contracts. To compile your first Cairo program run the following command:
cairo-compile contracts/MyFirstCairoProgram.cairo --output MyFirstCairoProgram_compiled.json
To debug the execution of your first Cairo program, execute the next command, and then open the http://localhost:8100/
cairo-run --program=MyFirstCairoProgram_compiled.json --print_output --print_info --relocate_prints --tracer
This repo comes with the Hardhat project which was set up for working with Starknet using the @shardlabs/starknet-hardhat-plugin
To get started run:
npm install
# or
yarn install
To compile contracts run the next command:
yarn build
To deploy the Starknet Data Feeds Consumer contract on the Starknet Goerli Alpha Testnet, run:
yarn deploy
Now you can get the latest price of LINK/USD on Starknet Goerli Alpha Testnet by running:
yarn readLatestRound
Optionally, you can query LINK/USD data feed without deploying the Proxy Consumer contract, completely off-chain. To do that, run the following command:
yarn readLatestRoundOffChain
Or directly from the CLI, without the usage of Hardhat tasks:
starknet call --address 0x2579940ca3c41e7119283ceb82cd851c906cbb1510908a913d434861fdcb245 --function latest_round_data --abi ./contracts/abis/aggregator_proxy_abi.json
To see addresses of other available data feeds on Starknet, besides LINK/USD, visit the official Chainlink documentation.
All accounts on Starknet are represented as smart contracts. To set up your Starknet account, follow the official guide.
To see the details of your default Starknet account on the Starknet Goerli Alpha Testnet, run the following command:
open ~/.starknet_accounts/starknet_open_zeppelin_accounts.json
The Starknet Goerli Alpha Testnet block explorer is available at
Contributions are always welcome! Open a PR or an issue! Thank you!